#have a thran in erebor
antleredthrone · 4 years
“ what happened to you? “ (either boi)
Thranduil turned at hearing the voice, eying the prince before his attention returned to his shoulder. He hadn’t been expecting anyone, but he also had left the door open. The elvenking was still dressed in his boots and leggings, though his elegant robe and tunic were set aside on the bed as he examined a still healing gash on his shoulder.
“A spider,” Thranduil said in annoyance- more at the word and not at the blond dwarf. What was his name again? Kili. No, that was the other one. Fee? Fili. Yes- it rhymed, he would remember.”
“Shortly before I was due to come to your halls, and so I must redress it.”
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You Are Welcome
Thranduil x OC x Baby!Legolas
Summary: In celebration of the Enderi season, Queen Älva and King Thranduil host a feast for all of their friends, hobbits and dwarves alike. Come along and figure out how their paths collided, what preconceived notions are still lingering, and why they continue to love one another so unconditionally. 
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“Darling, I am so delighted that we get to host the dwarves in celebration of the Enderi season,” Älva, the Queen of Mirkwood, said. “I have a strong inkling that they are going to revel in its incomparable history and exquisite food. What’s more, they will get to see how Legolas has grown. Oh, what a wonderful day this will be.” 
King Thranduil, sitting atop their bed with their son sleeping in his arms, smiled in response to his wife’s unfiltered, unabashed joy. “I, too, am delighted, sweetheart. The dwarves and I have truly become the best of friends. I regret those years where we were nothing but cool towards one another. Without a doubt, I have enjoyed their company tremendously.” 
It was no secret that the king and the dwarves–King Thorin Oakenshield in particular–didn’t get along for centuries. While the King of Mirkwood believed his adversaries to be nothing but corrupt and blind with a golden greed, the Dwarves of Erebor believed King Thranduil to be wicked, vile, haughty, and severely entitled to assets and properties that weren’t his to begin with. Exhibit A, The Lonely Mountain. With those stereotypes perpetuated over the years, they could do nothing more but fight, argue, and continue to allow the distrust to fester. That is, until she came into the picture. 
Älva, a simple she-elf of Rivendell, ended up connecting with the dwarves first. On a mission to reclaim their long-lost kingdom, she decided to accompany them after they witnessed her archery skills against Bolg in Lake Town. Practically begging her to tag along on their journey, she found it very difficult to say no. In all honesty, how could she say no to those sweet faces?
She hadn’t met Thran until they ended up cornered in the Mirkwood Forest a few weeks later. Unfortunately, they had gotten lost but still believed that they could withstand an army of thousands of trained, angry, and lethal elven soldiers. Let’s just say that that was Kili’s idea, not anyone else’s. Maybe Thorin’s too, if we’re going to be honest here. Yet, that ended pretty quickly when they realized how unmatched they were in the grand scheme of things. 
As luck would have it, Älva managed to convince the king to let them go free. She was quite persuasive, he would say years down the line. Not only that, but she was just gorgeous–long, curly, honey blonde hair with big, round, teal eyes. And a dimpled smile that just took his breath away. He couldn’t bare to see that woman shed a single tear or pout in dissatisfaction. At that point, he knew he was a goner. 
A few years later, they married with a lavish ceremony in Mirkwood. It took a long time for Älva to convince her husband-to-be to invite some of her longtime comrades. Even after the Battle of the Five Armies had ceased, tensions remained high. King Thranduil wasn’t quite ready to forgive nor forget what happened at the mountain just yet. However, Älva usually got what she wanted, and this time remained no different. One kiss and he was saying yes to everything under the sun. Consequently, they were invited. But it all seemed to work out. 
“Your Majesties, King Thorin is here with Master Baggins and his comrades. They await your presence in the throne room,” Tauriel said, smiling widely upon receiving entry into the chambers of her king and queen. 
Cradling her son in her arms and snuggling him into her chest, the queen responded. “Thank you very much, Tauriel. We will be down shortly.” 
Bowing in turn, the Captain of the Guard exited. 
“Do we have everything, my love?” Thran asked, his upper lip curving at his two most favorite people in all of Middle Earth. 
“I believe so. If you could just grab this little leaf’s blanket, then we should be ready for the celebration to commence.” 
Quickly grabbing his son’s blanket from the ivory rocking chair near the window, he placed a hand on his wife’s back and guided her towards the throne room where their guests awaited. 
As Thran and Älva walked into the regal, authoritative space that perpetually demanded most of their attention as governors of this fine kingdom, they were splendidly surprised to find that it no longer felt that way. Probably because several grinning baffoons were joking amongst themselves, laughing, and hugging each other in spite of all the soldiers keeping prudent, acute eyes on them all. In their minds, a possible shot to the leg would do nothing to inhibit this reunion. 
It was Bilbo who noticed them approaching first. 
“Everyone,” he started, “calm down. They’re here. Oh, and they’ve brought the elfling, so you must stop the nonsense.” 
“Hello to you as well, Bilbo,” Älva said. “I can assure you that this little guy won’t make a fuss. He sleeps through quite a bit. When he’s ready to wake up, he will.” 
At that, Legolas, wrapped up against his mother’s chest, peeked one eye open only to close it again. Obviously, he was still tired and determined to get some much needed rest. Not even this boisterous group was going to stop him. 
While their little leaf was resting, Thorin and Thran shook hands, Älva stepping in after to give him a quick hug. While she was wrapped around his chest, Erebor’s king was able to take a long look at the little elf that had everyone wrapped around his finger, including him. 
“Älva, Thranduil, he’s gotten so much bigger,” Thorin interjected, slowly moving his thumb across Legolas’ head, making him smile softly in his sleep. “What a handsome young prince. He definitely takes after his father.”
“Thank you, Thorin. What a kind thing to say.” 
Dinner was quite a lively experience. On the menu was a delicious turtle soup, paired with superb elven bread and feywine. And it definitely didn’t disappoint. Even Bilbo, who preferred mini quiches and hobbit hash, was raving about the dish and all of the sides. 
“This is exceptional. May I please have the recipe?” he asked through a spoonful of soup. 
Thranduil smiled. “Of course, Master Baggins. I will let the kitchen know to send you home with a card that has all the soup’s ingredients written on it.” 
Quickly, though, the hobbit’s response was interrupted with a giggle from the king and queen’s son. 
“It appears someone’s awake,” the king said, grinning and moving out of his chair to go kneel next to his wife’s. 
Legolas, bundled against his mother in a wrap and his blanket, was playing with her long braid and was continuously amused by her attempts to swing it back and forth like a pendulum. It was so hysterical to him, this vacillation of sorts. 
“We just have been playing, haven’t we little one?” his wife queried, subsequently kissing her son’s forehead.
Suddenly, her forehead pinched in thought. 
“Would you like to have some time with him, Thran? I’m sorry, I should have asked earlier.” 
Frowning, he responded. “Don’t apologize. Never apologize. You may have as much time as you wish. He’s our child, not just mine.” 
“Ada! Ada! A-A-Ada!” Legolas shouted, his little body trying to wiggle around to see one of his favorite people. 
“It’s okay, buddy. I’ll get you to Ada.” 
Pulling him out of his wrap and passing him over to her husband, Älva watched as Legolas snuggled his head into Thran’s neck, getting himself comfortable for the foreseeable future. She also noticed, not for the first time and certainly not for the last, how attentive that man was to their child. He rubbed his back, adjusted his positioning to make him feel safe and loved, and repeatedly kissed his teeny-tiny cheeks, making the elfling giggle and try his hardest to emulate him. 
But she wasn’t the only one that noticed this display. 
He was the one to bring it up while they sat side-by-side on the conference room’s balcony. It was just the two of them. Thranduil had gone to put Legolas to bed. He loved bathing him and singing him to sleep. He hadn’t missed out on that special part of the day yet–even when political matters came calling–and didn’t plan on ever starting. 
“He’s such a fantastic father, Äl. There’s no doubt.” Thorin said. “He’s gentle, kind, and supportive. Intelligent, helpful, and compassionate. I really misjudged him. I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time back then. I didn’t believe that you were making the right decision, but I see it now. I do. I see the real him that you’ve always spoken so highly of. All of the genuinely wonderful qualities that make him a good husband and a good father. He wouldn’t be someone Legolas adores if he didn’t adore you first.” 
All Älva could do was squeeze his hand in gratitude. 
“Thank you, Thorin. You have no idea what that means to me and will mean to him.” 
The queen quickly turned her head, surprised to find her son and husband standing in the doorway to the conference room, both of their gazes never leaving hers. Legolas’ back was against his father’s chest, his legs dangling from the perch that was Thran’s forearm. Intermittently, his Ada would kiss the top of his head, causing his arms to shoot out, making him look like a little starfish. He looked tired and even had the big, bad yawns to prove it.
“What are you two still doing up?” Älva said, preparing to stand. 
“We were wondering if you would be willing to join us for a bedtime read before this little leaf heads to bed. The singing isn’t doing much tonight. I think I need some help,” her husband timidly admitted. 
Nodding with enthusiasm, she placed her hand on Thorin’s wrist in an effort to gain his attention. 
“We will talk tomorrow, yes? Duty calls as I’m sure you understand.” 
“Of course, Your Majesty. Until tomorrow then.” 
As Thorin settled back into his seat, he couldn’t help but listen to the soft coos that came from Thran and Äl as they quietly asked their son what he would like to read before he headed off into dreamland once again.
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thranduilland · 4 years
Alright, but I’m still in Barduil hell.
Just consider... Bard spends too long in Thran’s tent one night after the BOFA, and sneaks away early in the morning (hungover as fuck). Thran’s guards see him going and are like ‘Weehee we have a new King Consort!’ and word spreads quietly (but like rapid fire) amongst the elves that their king has married once again. The Bardlings are there calling Thran ‘ada’ and the elves are like ‘aww, look at our Prince and Princesses ^-^’ and teach them elven customs and shower them in gifts and stuff.
But Thran and Bard NEVER mention anything, not ever and all the elves are just like ‘huh, it’s their private life. They wanna keep their public and private lives separate, that’s their prerogative.’
Then, a few years later, Thran’s sounding out his people to see how happy or unhappy they’d be if he married Bard and they’re just like ‘Wait?! We thought you were already married!?!?!’ and Thran is like ‘WHAT?!?’ and the elves are like ‘WHAT?! Anyone with eyes could see you love each other! What do you mean you aren’t married?!?! Go and marry the man right now!!!!’
Bard learning about it is just ‘so, you’re telling me that you’ve been cockblocking me for years now out of concern for how your people will react, and turns out your people been under the impression we’ve been married since the BOFA?!’ Tilda is like ‘Wait, you guys aren’t married?!?!?!’ turns out all of Dale assumed the Kings had quietly gotten themselves married when no one was looking and just decided not to mention it. Bard’s aware of the whispers, but he’s been ignoring them like ‘I fucking wish’, because Thran is so stubborn and worried.
Thranduil is like ‘am I the only one who didn’t realize Bard and I were essentially already married?!’
Dain (yelling from Erebor) ‘Even I knew, you twinkling fucking fairy!!’
Thranduil is just...
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Having a Baby with Thorin Oakenshield Would Involve
Of course completely disregarding the ending of BotFA 
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Thorin is so proud!!!!
Finally he has an heir. Bc yes it is a boy (female dwarves are rare y’all)
Fili and Kili are over the moon!
There will of course be a big feast in Erebor, inviting a lot of important people from all over Middle Earth
Godfather Bilbo
Thorin allows no one near the babe beside you and Dis
Even Fili and Kili can get bent
Okay, maybe he will let Bilbo, Balin and Dwalin have a peak
No way in heck Bard and Thranduil are allowed near, tho. They will get a  very moody Thorin on their hands.
Thorin spends so much time with his little boy
Of course the wee lad is called Frerin!
But Thorin mostly calls him wee lad
Thorin loves cuddle time
Just curling around you and the baby
The baby is given so many gifts!
By all Thorin’s people and from Thran and Bard and Bilbo
He is the apple of Thorin’s eyes
Thorin wants to be there to see his wee lad grow
Always making sure his wee lad has the best of the best
And of course, his gratitude towards you is endless
You are the goddess of his world
And he will let you know
He’ll give you his tokens
And fashion a crown for you
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bombadil-archive4 · 6 years
edhelaran replied to your post: Waaaaiiiit a minute I had to have seen this second...
yeah they tried to make thran look like tauriel’s Evil StepdadTM, but he locked the dwarves in bc 1. they intereupted when there was a feast planned and 2) thorin insulted him when they talked abt erebor. fanon says thran hates dwarves but he really… doesn’t. he’s pissed abt what thror did & that he’s now alone painted as the dick Kkdgk
Oh I didn’t call him a dick for arresting intruders in his lands. My issue is that he turned away refugees, personally. Also I don’t trust him particularly. I’m also very torn about his isolationist policies because while I know he has limited resources and nurses old wounds, I feel like one must be particularly callous to ignore the suffering of other peoples and kingdoms. This is, ofc, an uninformed opinion that definitively lacks a lot of Thranduil’s history and cultural context, so I hope I haven’t offended anyone by it. 
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🔥 The Battle of the Five Armies (the movie)
I don’t know that my opinion is particularly unpopular, but I was disappointed in the movie (and the extended edition). Too much battle, not enough of anything else like wrapping up Thran and Bard’s storylines or developing the relationship between Thran and Legolas. Or, you know, explaining where/how Bilbo got all that shit he suddenly had when he went back to the Shire, but didn’t have when he actually took his leave of Erebor at the end. 
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 years
Modern AU Thorinduil HC’s
@erebor-kingdom, here, have some terrible Thorinduil content, bc I will never let this ship die!
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Here we have to high ranking members of society
Rich Ass businessmen
Thranduil’s company work in Architecture
Thorin is the CEO of a very large Engineering company
On asignment they are forced to work together
They already know each other
And gods do they make it hard on each other
100% of their employe’s are so done with their asses
They bitch at each other 24/7
Then Thorin gets drunk of his ass and ends up calling Thranduil in the death of night
Dwalin does nothing to stop him!
He makes an absolute and utter fool of himself
When they meet again, Thran is so smug Thorin almost decks him
Instead he grabs him by the colar and snogs him
It satisfies him so much to see Thranduil all flustered and disheveled
Queue Thran deliberately pushing Thorin’s buttons to get that D again
Thorin is sooooooo smug about it
He’s in his sister’s pub, boasting about it to everyone who’d want to hear
Bard takes the news back to Thranduil, who is of course all shades of angry as well as aroused
MORE ANGRY HATE SEX, this time at Thorin’s place
Bc of course Thran is going to confront Thorin
They just keep coming back to each other for more
Thranduil is very uptight about it
Even to his own son
Legolas is so fed up with this!
Thorin is worse tho
He denies all his feelings for Thran
Kili and Legolas set them up on a date
It is awkward as all hell
But they end up in Thranduil’s four postern bed either way
Very slowly they open up to the idea of being in an actual relationship
By then everyone around then ships them hard core
Dis is always asking Thorin when Thranduil will come around the pub
‘How’s Thorin, dad?’
‘Shouldn’t you phone your boyfriend, uncle?’
Dwalin just thinks everything is funny, especially how awkward they are with PDA
Because holy shit they are akward with PDA
Thorin won’t even hold Thran’s hand
Zero petnames
They always split the bill
Thran does braid Thorin’s hair
Sometimes at the pub
Thorin wants to die
But he does it too
Thorin is very fucking good at braiding those lush blond locks
Thranduil always praises his braidwork
Le shy Thorin
They do move in with each other at some point
Lots of fights about decorating
Thran loves flowers, Thorin has hayfever
They do have great make up sex
Especially the pieces Thorin picked out
Thran obvi picked the bed tho
Their sex life tho
Top notch
Very kink!
Thran revels in body worship and you know it
He praises everything Thorin does
And he collars his man
A total power bottom as we say
He loves it rough
Thorin gladly gives it rough
Thorin does tie Thran up too
Thran loves that
He revels in it, in fact
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