#hashtag right to repair
mylittleredgirl · 1 month
my 2014 macbook is at the shop trying to resurrect the T key and i feel like i have left a pet at the vet overnight. what are they doing to her. will she be mad at me when i pick her up.
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graveyardmouth · 11 months
ccan my fucking nerves function as normal pleade
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sonicasura · 4 months
Transformers Earthspark: Personal Changes
I figured I should write this as I plan to write stuff on it. Transformers Earthspark, an show with interesting concepts despite the mixed execution. I honestly like some of the ideas proposed by it in Season 1 as they aren't actually bad. We rarely get a post war setting for the series since most writers prefer the standard formula and the Terrans hold potential when you remember that Cybertronian are an endangered species whose numbers have only decreased due to war.
This is mainly a simplified list on what changes you'll see in my work involving Earthspark. Points with an asterisk * are new.
Dot doesn't allow her kids to become child soldiers. She wouldn't have a problem if it was self defense lessons as there are people who don't like Cybertronians or will harm her family for the Terrans' nature. Otherwise, the Maltobots are allowed to learn about Cybertron's history and culture.
Megatron is a rogue with the personality of an asshole cat. (Murderous nature partly fizzled out for causing problems to people he dislikes.) The Decepticons had fallen apart after a nasty dispute and gone their own ways. Megatron vanished once GHOST began to hunt any bot not aligned with them. He hides out at the Maltos upon discovering a massive plot that would put all Cybertronian life in danger.
Bumblebee remains rogue as his trust in Optimus is in tatters. He gets involved with the Maltos under the same reason Megatron does and is responsible for the Terrans' self defense training. (Megs handles their history/culture.) Tendency to have war flashbacks.
No Emberstone saves or Prime reverence. Mo is traumatized by Quintus' false reality dream and doesn't like the Cyber Sleeves anymore. Jawbreaker alongside Thrash help with her trauma. Scars are prone to occur alongside the chance of life changing injuries for everyone.
GHOST Autobots have a tense relationship revolving Optimus. This only grows once Bumblebee's current location becomes known. Optimus often questions if he made the right choice as he looks at the unanswered orders involving his rogue Autobots.
Decepticons begin to reform under a new cause. The preservation and protection of the Cybertronian race as GHOST attacks intensify. Starscream leads them under an anti-hero alignment since they will do things the Autobots won't to keep themselves alive. (Think Venom or A-Team.)
Fighting between siblings specifically Robby vs Mo, Twitch vs Thrash, and Jawbreaker finally snaps. I seen potential conflict involving these five that no way in hell is gonna be ignored under my watch. Nightshade and Hashtag act like mediators at times but some fights can't be dissolved so easily.
More enemies for each respective group alongside painful clashes such as Bumblebee vs Optimus. Flora/fauna mutated by Energon, bad Autobots like Pharma/Sunder, and more volatile Decepticons like Astrotrain. No one is having fun when shit hits the fan.
Disabilities like Dot's prosthetic leg are on display. Mandroid slowly gone insane due to Energon poisoning through his experiments as once neutral views regarding Cybertronians were corrupted. First exposure is creation of the Arachnamechs. His students' death amidst the friendly fire tips him over the edge. *
Experiments involving humans and Cybertronians herald by Mandroid. Most of his Energon induced is a result from trying to hybridize both in some way. He eventually forgets about Alex after the second confrontation. Examples: Synthetic blood that boosts healing, skin which repairs through Cybertronian nanites, etc. *
Karen and Agent Schloder are distant with each other. The former isolating herself despite the latter's attempts to reach out. He works at GHOST to keep an eye on her but soon realizes Croft is a lost cause. *
Alex begin to tone down his obsession involving Bumblebee after awhile. He realizes it makes the bot uncomfortable and bring back awful memories. Bumblebee is still Alex's favorite but it is on a healthy level. *
Dad #2 is addressed properly to the Terrans. They learn that not everyone would be okay with the term or might not be someone they can trust. Parental figures is a concept the kids want to understand better so any further issues and discomfort are avoided. *
Terrans are taught Escrima alongside various aspects of Filipino culture. Everyone has their own different style towards the martial art and interests in other cultures were broaden. Dot often picks up books for them. *
The Emberstone is a chaotic manifestation of evolution without proper containment. It often causes trouble for the Maltos by spawning monsters, mutate nearby wildlife or producing twisted visuals for them to adapt against. The last disturbance results in Wheeljack showing up to contain the artifact. *
After the season finale, Twitch remains half blind as her body rejects any replacements offered by both former factions. She learns to live with her disability and alters her Drone alt mode to add a visual guide to further help. It takes quite a while for Twitch to thrive after multiple mishaps. *
That's all I could think of at the moment but will expand the list should more be added or changes are needed.
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coridallasmultipass · 3 months
nervous to talk to you outside of anon because of brains disorders but. love your blog. youre really cool. being influenced to think hard about brocal. which is my fuckin bread and butter. better at words than visuals. do you have any brocal fic ideas you want to see brought to life. ?.
Yaaaas BroCal!! ((You're too nice!))
I have so many friggen ideas in the works right now. Like why Bro gave Lil Cal mittens. (He has articulated claws under the mittens. I've already got a comic outline for part 1.) Or, Bro comes up with a new smuppet design and goes through a whole ordeal of "making" it with Lil Cal in the bedroom. Or more long limb adventures bc I'm really big on that - Cal getting tied around Bro.
I really like when Bro's like immune to Lil Cal's dark vibes. Like, Cal is just a cool lil dude to Bro, flirty and cheeky; but to everyone else he's a nightmare murder puppet. And super possessive over Bro, too. I like Bro to not be able to sleep without Cal, or else he gets nightmares and his insomnia goes unchecked. I love them being able to just chill and enjoy watching horror movies together as a soothing activity. (Hashtag Mood lol...) Just generally being inseparable. Bro can talk to Cal about anything and everything, but Bro doesn't say much around other people. I love Bro repairing Cal. Love it so much. Such an intimate activity, repairing or replacing parts, giving Cal new outfits, taking really gentle care of Cal.
I want them to get gay married and do sloppy things together.
This is a weird one, but I want Bro to store something (like, money for example, but something more significant/plot relevant) deep inside Cal's mouth in a hidden uh... stomach? Idk. Just storage space.
I really like floppy Lil Cal. I cannot stress that enough. Noodle arms are like the best thing ever. ((I had my fun back in the day drawing Mettaton with those kind of noodly arms, too, they make me so happy.))
But yeah. I love Lil Cal soooo much. BroCal is the best.
There was some line in a non-BroCal fic that went something like, "When you're the guy who carries a puppet everywhere in grade and high school, life is miserable, but when you're in college, you're just the cool puppet guy and no one cares," and I really fucking loved that and took it out of original context and put it into a BroCal context, of course. (I think it was a Bro/Dirk fic, actually.) Like, Bro grows up with this one lil dude that's like his stable rock in an otherwise rough life, he can always count on Cal to be there for him, and show him the love he doesn't get anywhere else.
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hypogryffin · 11 months
genuinely curious by what you mean by "jewish (factual)" in your tier list. i can assume for a couple what you mean (sophia as an example) but i dont see how the others could be like jewish-coded! interested in hearing your thoughts
link to the first post for claritys sake, but this is the tier in question:
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ok so for clarification: i made the tier list a little while ago and then scheduled it for later to keep uploads consistent, something i usually do all the time but am not for this discussion for now. this means that by the day the tier list posted, i was already a few weeks or so divorced from the actual creation of it, so some of my opinions have changed (as i said in the og post, i was unsure on a good portion of the characters even when i first queued the list), and some of my reasonings behind placements have been lost to time and my silly little goldfish memory.
bc of this, as of now as im trying to find a distinct line between "jewish (factual)" and "jewish (based on vibes)", the criteria for "factual" is sort of murky. some placements in the category were serious, but a lot of them were also entirely for joking reasons, and i had moved on as soon as i was done laughing to myself without coming back to it.
all this is to say, i have no idea how to summarise it, so im going to explain everything i can remember about my thought process at the time so you can see where i was coming from.
yup 👍.
ok so for the uninformed, sophia is the name of a gnostic figure and the specifics change depending on the context of which ur referring to her in, but in judaism specifically sophia was given as a translated name for chokmah which is like a being thats like really important in kabbalah and considered like. this sort of i guess personification of divine wisdom?
anyways this is a concept that i doubt im anywhere near the first person to bring up, so im not gonna spend a lot of time on it like i will the things i havent heard other people talk about. like the whole "good friend of humanity" thing! judaism puts a lot of emphasis on kindness and care for other people and i think its important that thats so big for her character and for how jewish she can be read as. she is also jewish because i like her :^).
suffers endlessly because g-d hates *him*, specifically, and he hates g-d right back. jewish.
that was a joke. ok so right out the gate i think the whole "fighting hitler" aspect of IS should count for something during the discussion of which characters are jewish. like just putting that out there. anyways tatsuya is jewish because of eternal punishment. specifically, you know how hes like super into "atonement" and repentance? bro would really have benefited from going to a high holidays service lemme tell you. and he does it in a specific way thats like. his atonement is actively trying to repair what hes fixed right like hes not doing what hes doing to be redeemed, hes doing it because its his responsibility to fix whats been broken. i just idk how to explain it properly but thats a thought process your rabbi talks you through in jew school yknow?
also theres this thing called tikkun olam, which literally translates as "repairing the world". so it means more like. doing ur best as a citizen to improve community and country, or general social work. but just considering it as taking the literal translation, then its just like... yep. that sure is what hes doing isnt it
also, killed hitler. hashtag work
placed here mostly because being tatsuyas brother, theyd probably be at a similar "level" of religiosity. however there are some unique things i want to point out here;
katsuya like embodies the idea of "tzedek tzedek tirdof" like. its unfortunate hes a cop but for a cop hes a pretty good person? hes pretty uncompromising on right and wrong, and in a way that totally lines up w tzedek tzedek tirdof as its described in the torah.
extra emphasis on his compassion, as in theres like that core facet of judaism, the tikkun olam, where people have a moral obligation to help others; not just do good as oneself, but also stop other people from doing bad. that last bit doesnt really matter, cuz im bringing it up so i can talk about katsuya as a police officer to clear his dads name and try and ensure a better future for his brother. he gave up his dreams for them.
i mean, when i say "giving up his dreams", im kinda laughing to myself bc theres no way he ran it past his parents bc if he looked his jewish mother in the eye and said "i want to be a pastry chef" he would not make it out of the room alive. hed go "my dream is to become a pâtissier" and his mom would immediately be like "no its not its to be an accountant" and that would be the end of the discussion
also, i think he would make some of the best fucking challah in the world. hed make matzo ball soup that could make you jizz your pants just looking at it. look me in the eyes and tell me that he doesnt actually go nuts at rosh hashana when he gets to make the round challah with the raisins in it and stuff or whatever else. there is such a crystal clear vision in my mind of him rocking this apron my dad used to have that says "real men make latkes". it was pink and ugly as sin and i think it would be katsuyas most prized possession.
her name is fucking labrys obviously shes a jewish lesbian. next.
/j i will actually talk about this. like not mentioning the only survivor of her upbringing, which isnt a one to one considering the death match portion of her backstory but still close enough to feel um. relavant to jewish culture. she acts very...stereotypically jewish?
its not entirely the accent, but it is...part of it. so like i know its like a new jersey accent and that the stereotype is new york, i guess? but im not american and i dont rlly know the difference. they look close enough to each other on a map tho so i think it counts
but also shes like kinda confrontational in a way i specifically associate with jewish people or jewish characters? like not really bitchy but argumentative right, shes got this really sarcastic or mocking sense of humour. and girl kvetches with the best of them.
(also, side note: since i made the original list, i found out that the voice actress for aegis in p3 reload, dawn m bennett, is actually jewish! if i were to remake the tier list, aegis would be moved up from "vibes" to "factual" because of this. mentioning that here because of the sister thing :).)
kills g-d which is the jewish dream. this is a another joke.
someone in the replies of the tier list said something abt a possible reason being that he has an "abrahamic figure" as his ult. persona, which could be a good point if satanael was actually an abrahamic figure! but it is not. like ok im not a history guy but satanael is a name used in the 2nd book of enoch, which arguably could be part of jewish "canon" (i know this is actually the term for it but fandom has rotted my brain and it sounds terminally online to use it in terms of real life religiosity) but most rabbis agree it like is not, and theyre kind of who im listening to on this, and quick google search says even in christianity, enoch is debatable? idk
so like satanael isnt in the torah. and if anyone says "oh its just like another name for satan so technically--" shut up i know. satan isnt real in the torah either. ok like "satan" is used as a term, but not as like the specific dude that like rules hell. hes just like at most a specific dude who is not a devil/cast from heaven or whatever, but instead is a lawyer. more often its a concept, something representative of like the urge to go against g-ds will or a kosher life, this "evil inclination" which everyone is born possessing and grapples with when trying to be a good person. NOT THE SAME AS THE CHRISTIAN SATAN. WHICH IS WHAT P5 WAS GOING FOR. SATAN IN JUDAISM IS NOT A "super demon lord" or whatever they call it in the text of the game
satanael isnt an abrahamic figure and i dont think satan is either cuz its so different between religions and honestly i think calling things abrahamic religions, at least w the context i hear of it, is like kind of a misnomer or just kind of generally misleading cuz judaism christianity and islam are all so different and if were talking about this i think whoever invented the term judeochristian should eat a sheet of glass for it because whenever i hear those terms its very clear the person saying it means just christianity but theyre trying to be inclusive without actually putting the work in and thats not the point of this.
ok if im honest, as i think abt it joker isnt like. really... super jewish, in a way that you can point out? its just like... this overall vibe im having trouble explaining which is probably also like super influenced by how much i like him. i want to say that this strict sense of right and wrong that remains uninfluenced by the rest of society is something that clearly creates or maybe just intensifies this like. empathy for other people that reminds me of this concept in judaism which i cant remember the hebrew name of rn but i think its most commonly translated to english as "lovingkindness", one word? or that the whole idea of the phantom thieves can be contributed to tikkun olam. but, on the other hand, even if lovingkindness is what i personally consider one of jokers core character traits, the other one is pure, blinding rage.
im not going to go super into it, because im a few years rusty of torah study bc its only really consistently done in my community for kids preparing for bnai mitzvah cuz of how few people we have in our congregation. but from what i remember, my interpretation of the exact limit between righteous and sinful anger is a bit more... lax than the average jew's, or at least the average rabbi's, meaning mine, lol. either way anger is almost always seen as sinful because its an emotion that can like. turn you from g-d, its the same thing that invokes that "evil inclination" we just talked abt. so, joker textually feels this rage that arsene, his other self, literally refers to as "sacrilegious", something that very clearly states that he is willing to *knowingly* commit sins for this rage and is perfectly capable of causing undue harm to others for it, which is exactly the reason why judaism warns of anger. this means jokers anger is distinctly against jewish teachings.
again, im really lax, my familys reform (/lh) and i think there are some parts of this characterisation that make me feel this rage is overall constructive, especially considering that is what feeds his constant practice of lovingkindness and tikkun olam, but it being such a huge facet of his personality (made worse bc as a silent protagonist, you really have to search to get away from this trait) brings him down on the Jew Scale(tm).
in short, now that im really discussing this id probably move him to incredibly jewish based on vibes or even to just "jewish" no further classification. but even w the undying sinful anger thing i cant not think of him as jewish and i dont think its just bc hes one of my favourite characters of all time.
also that hair texture looking really familiar is all🤔🤔. all im saying that is in the tutorial, instead of "frizzy hair", morgana deffo should have been calling them blondie and jewfro /j /j /j
i know i put morgana before joker in the tier but i think in order to rlly discuss morgana we needed joker first bc part of my reason for putting them in the same tier is because they really are a pair, do not separate.
anyways, morgana does have a lot of the same problems as joker when it comes to being difficult to pin down. his inclination to tikkun olam is similar, sort of even greater than jokers depending on personal characterisation of joker, but instead of this discrepancy of his jewishness being anger, the ethical conundrum with morgana is sort of. arrogance? like, i have trouble figuring out how to really put into words how i feel abt morganas "lovingkindness", because it is so hard to understand where hes at in terms of empathy?? like. fucking. idk hes definitely a very caring person but its not exactly like
ok i cant figure out how to say it moving on. i used the word arrogance even though i dont really think thats right, because morgana has never seemed haughty. his "arrogance" is really just him making up for an inferiority complex caused by the amnesia thing, its not as if he genuinely totally believes himself to be above the others. but like no matter what it stems from, the way he behaves and his personal pride hurts people. ie the okumura arc, or his entire relationship w ryuuji. he speaks ill of others, belittles them to bring himself up, etc. arrogance and excess pride is as condemned as anger in judaism if not moreso, since its even less useful/constructive to be "arrogant" than it is to be angry. OH ok so what i meant with the hard to figure out his empathy thing is this actually!! hes very caring and has a really notable respect for human life but its always at war with his need to prove himself, so even if when you think about it its like Oh Morgana Is A Really Caring Person, which makes sense because he was created from human desire and as such is really in touch with what people need, the desperation he has to be seen as "worthy" comes off as wanting to be seen as "above", even if it means trying to get the people around him as being considered "below" him.
tldr so if it was just those two traits i think id have to move morgana lower on the list, alongside joker.
HOWEVER. speaking directly to the other jews in the crowd, but morgana is totally textually a golem, right? like not exactly, obviously, but think about it. morganas a being of the velvet room because he was created from "the dregs of human hope" (canonical line from yaldaboath that i think about more than what can be considered healthy tbh), whose job is was and always will be to protect and guide the trickster and his community, the phantom thieves. hes a golem right? am i insane? am i seeing things? i dont care, im not giving up on this interpretation, so morgana is factually and canonically jewish cuz of it.
i do not remember.
as of today id probably move him to either jewish no other classification or not jewish. my b guys. anyways
life is indescribable torment, and then hes also got additional, mostly unrelated, mommy issues. judaism 101.
also his suspenders when he was a kid are the most young jewish lad shit in the history of ever like i have seen that exact outfit on a young boy every time i go to temple, and each time it is a different kid
ok more seriously, i really do think juns story-- specifically his relationship with memory-- can easily be extracted into a jewish narrative. like nyarlathotep messed with his memories and convinced him that the other members of the masked circle killed maya right. and so the way he fanatically reminded himself of the past was a mix of trauma and active manipulation. but if i think abt it a certain way i also can see it as like. ok so in judaism memory is really important and like a lot of the time during for example passover, youre meant to refer to yourself as being a jew in egypt, saying "we" instead of "them" and such. but im specifically meaning how important memory/remembrance is in grieving. jun in his grief for mayas perceived death "kept her alive" in a way. she was never forgotten, and so she never died. even though the entire masked circle forgot, from trauma or fear or guilt or whatever, jun held on, remembering her, and so she survived. joker took peoples dreams but his actions also caused them to be completely be forgotten. they were alive, but they were robbed of their ability to be remembered at all, and so they were as good as dead even still breathing and talking.
retroactively, this idea enforces tatsuyas jewishness, considering the entire story of eternal punishment. he refused to forget the masked circle, even though it hurts.
anyways back to jun, i also think the whole repentance thing is important too. he hurt people in his anger and sorrow and spends the rest of his life (until the world is reset at least lol) atoning for his wrongdoings.
also, i know i said kid him is super jewish looking, but he has not gotten better as hes grown up. 17y.o him is exactly the guy your bubbe will pull up on facebook and be like "this is the grandson of my friend or whoever! you should go on a date with him, hes your age! he looks a bit gay but hes a very successful doctor! ...and hes JEWISH YAKNOW...." and ur like "ok bubbe"
i actually do not recall exactly why she is in this tier specifically. the only thing i for sure remember was that i at least partially placed her here bc of her fascination with the occult.
ok this one was kinda me goofing. its the whole extended family thing like whats more jewish than being actively discouraged from a creative career for something "safe" and "normal?" bro the aunt might as well have dropped the "being a doctor is very respectable" line in the song.
but like even without that, wanting to be a director or associated with film? hitting her with the jew beam. mazel tov babygirl.
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diabolikpersonals · 9 months
why is there ayato salt back on the hashtag smh
I dont knowwwww, ayato's been getting a lot of attention in the eng-speaking fandom lately bc it's popular to either be like "he's the Main Character he's the Greatest" or to say some shit like "he's so boring n stupid and other diaboys should get more time in the spotlight." I personally have no interest in treating this visual novel like a popularity contest so I dont see the point x_x like, these are characters in a story and not, like, celebrities who need to fight to have more screentime or w/e. it is a visual novel. everyone gets one route per game. I just don't see how this is a useful conversation to have
but u know me. ayato's my favorite character. and he's undeniably the posterboy of diabolik lovers. so what do I think abt ayato's position in this story
The reason I think Ayato is the posterboy is because he best represents the themes dialovers is trying to get across. All of the characters start off with strained, uncomfortable, most of the time actively vitriolic relationships with their families, and their problems are exacerbated by a power struggle in the demon world that forces them to view their family members as competitors. They want love, but they cannot get it from the people near them because vulnerability is not an option. Yui comes along and suddenly they have access to love and comfort that they've never had before, and as the series progresses, they start to heal and repair their familial relationships as well.
The relationships in dialovers are all very well-balanced so everyone's problems play off each other and make this struggle for familial love as tragic as possible. Dialovers is a very good story in that regard. I believe that Ayato's role in the story is to be the guy who represents these themes in the clearest way. Ayato wants love A LOT. He was abused for the specific purpose of beating vulnerability out of him, so he would never be weak or too goodhearted during the competition for the throne, but instilling that false sense of superiority and self-importance only made Ayato more starved for love and attention. So when dialovers starts making that turn from "the diaboys want Yui's love only" to "the diaboys want love from their families too," Ayato is READY for that shit. He struggles with it same as everyone else, but he ABSOLUTELY wants to fix his relationship with his brothers. He's made lots of mistakes and he really doesn't want his brothers to hate him. He wants to be loved. He loves them too.
A lot of diaboys will be really stubborn about their desire to be loved, and continue insisting that they hate or don't care about their families right up till the most recent dialovers game! And in a lot of cases, Ayato is an example for them. Think about Ayato's role in Laito's Lost Eden route, where he reveals that he regrets how he couldn't help Laito in the past and he's been working hard to help Laito now. Or Kanato's Chaos Lineage route, where Ayato sacrifices himself so Kanato and Yui can get to safety. Both times, Ayato puts his neck out to heal a family that claims not to love him (or "loves him so much they want him to die" as Laito put it one time lol) and that's the catalyst that causes those characters to realize that they want to heal this family, too. They want to love each other, even if that seems hard right now.
In those routes, Ayato isn't the main character; he's a supporting character. And as a character in an otome game, he was never meant to be a one-size-fits-all love interest that is Clearly the Correct Choice out of all the dateable options in dialovers. That's just silly, and that's not how otome games work. But Ayato is a thematically important and compelling character to the point where his character arc influences the direction that the entire series will take, and that's true regardless of whether he's your type or not, and it's for that reason that I believe he's the clear choice for the posterboy of dialovers.
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parmaviolets · 10 months
shut up im literally obsessed with ur fnaf au. can you explain everything about it?? (characters added, their roles, etc?) i love it so mych im gobbling it up nom nom nom
hii thank you. infodump time teehee
The AU is kind of set during the events of FNAF 2, but I've shuffled things around so it's a sequel and also it takes place in Massachusetts circa 2004.
more under the cut because augh. Many thoughts
Mike has recently gotten married to his coworker, Eugene, who is for all intents and purposes a regular accountant type guy except for being a weird freak (compliment) and ALSO more relevantly, been promoted to day guard. This means they're going to need a new nightguard, and that ends up being Jeremy, who recently moved back to his hometown (Fazbear Capital of the World) from where he was living in Vermont.
Jeremy has a girlfriend, which he talks about all the time but Mike does not fucking believe she's real until she threatens him with a knife for bullying Her Guy. Her name is Nadia Knox! She's a scene girl who works at a hardware store, loves blasting MCR in her car, carries a ridiculous amount of things in her bag, likes making copies of people's house keys without them knowing, tracing cell phones, shoplifting, etc. normal girl hobbies basically
She and Jeremy have kind of a beard relationship going on because like. Jeremy is very aromantic and she's bi but really looking for serious relationships right now. But they pass really easily as a couple because they genuinely do really like each other as friends and have a lot of affection for each other.
Charlotte "Chucky" Emily is another gal that works at the pizzeria, mostly in repair and maintenance of the animatronics and equipment. She grew up with Michael mostly so they've got a silly kind of sibling relationship going on, but besides that she doesn't really.. have friends. She was homeschooled by her father, Henry, and finds herself a little socially inept so she kinda keeps to herself.
Chucky was partially raised by William Afton too, but when she was younger he had a bad falling out with Henry and she didn't really see him for like. 10 years after that. but Will always somehow got little gifts to her- toolboxes, books, taxidermied mice. Normal things that the estranged business partner of your father would send you, as far as she knew. Because she doesn't go outside enough to know that's fucking Weird.
Henry is kind of silly. He gives off the vibes like he was a looney tunes character that escaped Disneyland and now he's stuck in a slasher and doesn't know it. He and William were good friends back in the day! Also had some subtextual homoeroticism. When Will left to manage Afton Robotics, Henry took over full ownership of Freddy's.
Into the plot deets, Jeremy was actually intended to be one of the victims of the original Missing Children's Incident, but he got a tummy ache and went home before he could get Murdered. Following that, his mother thought "this city sucks, I'm going to Vermont" and took him with her. Now that he's 21 and definitely needs to move out of his mother's house, he decided to go back to Brockton (mistake #1) and work at Freddy's (mistake #2) because it was the only place that was gonna hire him hashtag job market in shambles.
ogh okay I need to get ready for work now see u
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violation72089 · 11 months
i made this literally to soften the blow of this season’s last episode. it’s literally a “thank u” to the entire Lokius fandom for making this season so good for me. y’all are both FUNNY and hashtag RELATABLE here on tumblr, and many of you are super talented as well!!
if you like this story, please re-blog OvO if not, PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING and don’t be mean >:c i’m not here for the “tHaT’s iMpOsSiBle iN tHe TVA” WHO CARES. JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY.
A Bond at the Center of Time
Loki finally had his throne. For his entire life, he had coveted this power that he now held so delicately in his hands.
All at once, Loki felt differently than he’d expected. He knew by now that this wasn’t the power he thought he wanted. Now, sitting at this throne of time, he began to consider how much he had changed.
In the past, Loki was a destroyer. He was easy to blame and easy to hate. Even arriving at the TVA, he had his walls built high and was ready to stand tall to defend himself.
But with one conversation, Loki had quickly realized that his past aggression was all an act.
As he considered that fateful encounter, Loki’s heart sank.
His right-hand man. The person he trusted.
Loki looked down, taking in the sight of Yggdrasil. He had certainly aligned the multiverse as it needed to be, but he knew in his heart there was some things still left unsaid.
He stood up, still conscious of his magic to stabilize Yggdrasil. Simultaneously, his slender hand reached for a particular branch in the timeline.
It glowed, and moments passed while Loki seemed to be looking for something.
His eyes closed, and his head dipped down once he finally felt the energy he needed.
Slowly, he sent a rush of his own energy through the timeline. It was definitely the right one. The link clicked.
If he wanted to, Mobius could respond.
“W-what?” Mobius was saying. “What’s going on?”
Loki could only chuckle, small tears forming in his eyes at the sound of his voice.
He was still alive.
“Mobius.” Loki choked back tears.
“Loki? I— hang on! Just hang on.”
Mobius seemed to be getting away from something, and now quickly headed to somewhere with less noise.
“Loki?” Mobius said breathlessly, “Is that really you?”
“Mobius!” Loki exclaimed. “It’s me.”
“It really is you.” His voice was full of wonder. “How are you even talking to me right now?”
Loki wiped his tears away. “I-uh… I’m a God. I guess I have my ways.”
Mobius laughed. “Still the man of mischief! Wow! How are things going up there in the treehouse?”
Loki laughed now, glad to hear his bad jokes again. “I was hoping you’d come here and see it.”
“Now, look,” Mobius protested, “I personally think risking to get my skin peeled off once was enough. As much as I’d love to, I think I’ll pass.”
“I’m sure there’s a way,” Loki assured him. “Let’s ask O.B.”
As time passed, Mobius worked alongside O.B. to create a way to safely visit Loki. After many long hours spent in Repairs & Advancement, they finally invented a type of time box that could travel through multiverse branches. Even with only one coat of paint, the mechanism would surely get the job done.
Mobius was all suited up, moving around impatiently in his bulky attire. He waited for O.B.’s signal, running the plan through his head one last time.
“Alright,” O.B. chirped, “it’s ready to go. All you have to do is think about where it really is that you want to be.”
After a few clicked computer buttons, Mobius braced himself and thought of Loki. The interrogations, the outings, the pies, the talks…
Before he knew it, he was gone.
Mobius woke almost instantly, seeing that he was standing inside in a glowing green box. It was much like the orange time boxes in the TVA— but, this time, this box was meant to protect.
Mobius looked up, seeing Loki from outside the square. He had a fixed smile on his face from his spot on the throne.
“I guess it worked,” Mobius said awkwardly, chuckling.
Loki stood up. His cape trailed behind him as he entered the green box with ease.
They held eye contact, slowly walking toward each other.
“It’s safe in here, you know.” Loki gestures to the radiation suit. “You won’t be needing this.”
“Ah, I guess not.”
They were silent as Mobius stepped out of the giant protective suit. To his pleasant surprise, this green space was just as safe as Loki had said.
When Mobius finished, he stood in his brown suit with his hands folded in front of him. He looked at Loki expectantly, watching him come closer.
“Um…” Loki started, finding his words. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Mobius answered, obviously confused. “What made you want to bring me all the way here?”
Loki lifted his hands carefully, slowly placing them on Mobius’ arms.
The God looked down. As much as he had done to save the multiverse, this somehow seemed like the hardest thing he’d ever had to do.
“Mobius,” Loki said finally. “I’ve had a lot of time to think. I’ve sorted through our memories, reliving all our old experiences. To me, I feel a lot was left unsaid.”
“You think?” Mobius quipped, smiling.
Loki exhaled a small laugh, meeting his eyes.
“When I met you, I wouldn’t shake your hand,” Loki began. “You prodded my brain like any other criminal. You even went so far to throw me into a time cell.”
Mobius knitted his eyebrows. “Hey, I thought we made it past all that.”
“It is in the past,” Loki agreed. “But I’m not finished just yet.”
Mobius opened his mouth to reply, but shut it again.
“I came back to the TVA and you didn’t know who I am,” he continued. “But… I never forgot who you were. You helped me fix my time slipping, and since that day I felt things start to change.”
Loki paused. The two of them kept looking at each other.
“There was something I wanted to say then,” he continued, “do you remember?”
“If you didn’t make it back?” Mobius laughed nervously. “We see how that ended though, didn’t we?”
“For sure,” Loki nodded, looking away once more.
This was it.
“What is it?” Mobius’ voice was a whisper now.
Loki cautiously glanced back up at him. The tug came again at Loki’s chest, and this time he knew what it was.
“I love you.” Loki paused. “That’s what I wanted to say.”
Mobius’ eyes grew wide. Then, he smiled.
The two of them naturally closed the distance between them. Mobius started to grab Loki’s cape, but the God took his hands gently instead.
“I love you, too,” Mobius answered, looking down at their hands intertwined between them. “Wow, I… who would’ve guessed? You almost wish this had better timing, though, don’t you?”
Loki laughed softly, small tears of joy forming again in his eyes. His hands grabbed Mobius’ face, and he pulled him in for a kiss.
This surprised Mobius, but his eyes fluttered closed. He kissed Loki back, moving delicately against his lips. His hands found their way to Loki’s sides that he always loved to touch.
When the kiss ended, they both caught their breaths. The kiss had been tender and slow, but all the emotion they’d built up for an immeasurable amount of time had finally sparked and started to burn.
Now, they couldn’t let each other go. They held each other, feeling like everything finally made sense.
“What now?” Mobius asked, leaning against Loki.
“The same thing, I’m afraid,” Loki answered sadly. “I have to focus constantly on preserving this tree.”
Mobius frowned.
“It’s harder to do when you’re here, but… I still can.” Loki kissed Mobius’ forehead. “What do you say you come up here to see me sometimes?”
“An occasional trip out to the cosmos? I’m in,” Mobius said. “I admit, with this now I’m sure you won’t be able to keep me away.”
“Not a chance I’d ever try.”
Mobius and Loki backed away, looking each other now with a sense of knowing.
“Let some time pass, and come back to me soon. I’ll miss you,” Loki said softly, just before exiting the time cell.
Mobius looked down, holding back his tears. “I’ll miss you too.”
In an instant, Mobius was safely returned to the correct moment on his timeline. His life looked the same— his same suburban house and unkept lawn. Even so, he knew nothing would feel the same to him ever again. Not after today.
Loki felt the same way, now sitting on his throne with a smile on his face. He realized now there was nothing wrong with wanting something.
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disabilityhorizons · 1 year
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#RightsOnFlights : New Campaign for Airlines to take better care of Disabled Passengers and their Mobility Equipment
Disability Rights UK, a disabled TV presenter named Sophie Morgan, disabled entrepreneur Josh Wintersgill and MP Marion Fellows have started a new campaign for better care of disabled people and their essential equipment taken onboard by aircraft staff. They want the UK government to give the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) the power to fine airlines and other groups if they don’t take good care of disabled passengers and their mobility equipment during flights.
Sophie, who uses a wheelchair and travels internationally for her work on TV, began the campaign after her wheelchair and special front-wheel BATEC system were destroyed on a flight from Los Angeles to London. The campaign is called “Rights on Flights” and it wants airlines and others to be responsible for any damage to wheelchairs or essential mobility devices. It also asks them to help disabled passengers without delay and provide the support they need.
Watch Sophie Morgan on Loose Women Launch the Rights On Flights Campaign
In the video, Sophie discusses a new campaign called the “Rights on Flights” campaign that aims to address the issues faced by disabled travelers when flying. The long-term goal is to redesign aircraft so that wheelchair users can travel in their chair, similar to how train travel is made accessible. However, the short-term goal is to ask the government to give the civil aviation authority the power to impose fines when any of the parties involved in air travel, such as airlines or handlers, fail disabled people. This is to ensure that there are consequences for any damage to equipment or failure to provide appropriate assistance, which will hopefully discourage this behavior in the future. Disabled travelers share their horror stories in the video, such as being left on board for too long or having their equipment damaged, and the campaign aims to put a stop to these abuses.
Key Goals Of #RightsOnFlights
The campaign’s goals:
Hold airlines and other actors accountable for damage to wheelchairs or essential mobility devices.
Ensure that disabled passengers are not left on flights for a prolonged period once the flight has landed.
Ensure that disabled passengers receive adequate assistance despite prior knowledge of their needs.
The campaign will highlight the challenges that disabled travelers face when flying and the need for change in the aviation industry.
The CAA’s rules for accessible air travel are not enough to make sure that airlines and others take responsibility when things go wrong. Sophie thinks that this campaign is a short-term solution to a long-standing problem. She wants a big change in the airline industry, so disabled people can feel as confident as non-disabled people when they travel by air.
MP Marion Fellows has asked the Prime Minister and other lawmakers to support the campaign. Everyone can join in by going to the Disability Rights UK Rights On Flights campaign page and writing to their MP. The campaign is using the hashtag #RightsOnFlights on social media.
My Experience of Airplane Wheelchair Damage
We were very lucky that the damage happened on our RETURN journey or it could have ruined our holiday
During our recent holiday trip to Port De Soller, Majorca, my wife Clare’s Electric Invacare wheelchair got damaged on our return flight with Jet 2. The motherboard to the controller was hit and misaligned. We had to wait for almost an hour to get an “insurance number” from a Jet 2 representative. We were already exhausted and wanted to get home and this caused problems for the wheelchair taxi we booked to pick us up. We had a huge amount of anxiety that the chair would not work or suddenly malfunction. I’ve seen a friend’s wheelchair controller fail and start to drive her into a wall before!
The next day, I took the wheelchair to our local dealer, Bromakin, to be repaired. Luckily there was no electrical damage and they only charged £40 to repair it. Given the circumstances, we chose not to file an insurance claim, since there are only so many battles you can tackle at once and like most people, we have a lot going on in our lives!
We were also fortunate that the damage happened on our way back home, if it had happened on the way there it would have ruined our holiday. We were upset and couldn’t understand why people could be so careless with someone’s wheelchair. It shows a lack of knowledge and respect by the baggage handling staff who clearly need more training about how vital disability equipment is to people’s lives.
How to take part in the Rights on Flights Campaign
People are being urged to write a letter to their MP to help the campaign. I have created a template here:
[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Postcode] [Date] [Member of Parliament’s Name] [House of Commons] [London, SW1A 0AA]
Dear [MP’s Name],
I am writing to you to express my concern about the challenges faced by disabled passengers when traveling by air. As you may be aware, the Rights on Flights campaign has been launched to ensure that disabled passengers have equal access to air travel.
I believe that it is important that the UK government takes action to address the challenges faced by disabled passengers when traveling by air. Some of the challenges include the lack of adequate facilities at airports, poor treatment of disabled passengers by some airline staff, lack of clear policies by some airlines on the treatment of disabled passengers and their equipment, and extra charges for the assistance required by disabled passengers when traveling by air.
I urge you to take action to address these challenges and support the Rights on Flights campaign. Specifically, I ask that you consider:
Encouraging the UK government to introduce regulations that require airlines to have clear policies on the treatment of disabled passengers and their equipment.
Encouraging the UK government to provide funding for airports to improve their facilities for disabled passengers.
Encouraging the UK government to introduce regulations that prevent airlines from charging extra for the assistance required by disabled passengers when traveling by air.
Supporting the monitoring of the treatment of disabled passengers by airlines and airports by the UK Civil Aviation Authority.
I believe that by taking action on these issues, the UK government can help to create a more inclusive environment for all passengers, including those with disabilities.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing from you on this important issue.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
Add a paragraph about your own experiences if you are able.
Longer post here
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hey Cherry today i have decided to show yuu our appreciation for all the bullshit they deal with at NRC by writing some of my personal headcanons about them
(sorry if the formatting and gramnar is bad i am writing this on my phone.)
Mc is a really good teacher because of how often they have to tutor Grim, Adeuce, floyd or anybody really when they need to write an upcoming test or exam and they need or didnt pay attention in class.
Mc is a DIY pro. Ramshackle dorm is akways falling apart due to how old it is so Mc has to repair it everytime something is not working or gets broken.
Mc and Grim arent apart of any clubs cuz Crowley is running them ragged with his personal tasks but they will occasionally pop by a random club and take pictures during their session
Following the previous point. When they went to the pop music club it damn near turned inti a photoshoot wuth Kalim, Lilia and Cater busy posing in different ways and in different outfits(Cater one hundred percent posted all those photos on his magicam account with hashtags like #popmusiclubphotoshoot and # pictures with the boys). When mc went to The film study club they became Vils impromptu cameraman because he decided to hold a theater practice that day (Vils was so impressed with Mc's camera skills he low-key thought of hiring them as his personal cameraman)
Mc is actually really beautiful but because of all the mishaps and their horrible sleep schedule they tend not to look all that amazing that was until Vil decided to hold a live QnA and have Mc work their Camera but because Mc didnt want to embarass Vil they put an actual effort into look nice by putting on their nicest casual clothing and some light make up. Eventually at one point Vil off handedly mentioned that they have somebody working the camera right now which soarked all of his followers pestering him into showing Mc face. After relenting and showing his followers their face they all blew uo his chat witg compliments about hiw pretty and breathtakibg they look and how only Vil could get another model to be his camera man etc. (definetly made mc a regular on his QnA after that)
Mc, Jamil and Ruggie all go to the Mostro lounge every friday night and drink a fae drink that has simikar effects to alochol without all the negative side effects and vent all their frustrations for that week to one another so yeah Mc has drinking buddies.
Mc is actually a lot fitter than they look because of how often they hace to run around nught raven college doing tasks or manual labor it helps keeps them fit.
Mc eats a lot of healthy foods meant for athletes because its cheaper than the other foods and mc is broke.
Speaking of that Mc is constantly broke because they have to a pay for all of the things Grim inadvertently breaks and materials to fix the dorm
Mc spoils grim, like a lot. This is because they know how tough it is bejng a magicless student in a school meant for mages but they know Grim has it just as rough due to him being a mknster so they often spoil him by bejng him premium tuna if their is enough money or buying him the food he wants at the cafeteria etc.
Mc at one pount wanted to renovate the entirety of Ramshackle dorm but didnt go through with it when they realised how much Malleus liked the look and feel of the dorm
Last one for today Grim is the sole reason Mc gets out of bed. Sometimes Mc gets tired. Tired of dealing wuth everyone's problems, tired of alk the scorn and hate they receive from student body and most kf tired kf never knowing when they can go home but when they hear in the early hours of the morning Grim shouting at the ghosts about how he will become the greatest mage of all time and how he will leave his legend in the annals of history. It makes mc realise that Grim has all the same problems as Mc but they don't bicth and whine about it and that gives them the energy they need to get through the day
Anyway cherry I really hoped you like it and if you want i dont mind making a part two of this later down the line.
Anyway goodbye
It was a surprise for me to receive such a good share of hcs for our lovely and hardworking MC/Yuu! Thanks so much, dear. I loved a lot of them actually lol
MC on their teaching skills, how they're getting better at the ghost camera and sometimes they just have fun with it. The bit about how MC, Jamil and Ruggie bond over their work struggles and just go on a relaxing night to talk <3
GIVING GRIM SOME LOVE BC HOW CAN WE NOT??? as much as I don't comment a lot about Grim either in posts or stories, I actually see much of my own cat on him so I would ended up spoiling him a little... but have some fights with him too lmao (that's just me being more of a cat-person)
Grim being a accidental inspiration is something that he probably wouldn't expect much himself lol but makes us think about how after mourning something, we should get up and face the world then again. I mean, it's a natural response to get sad and tired of lot of things but if you don't get over it or do something about it, what will all mean after all? You'll just get tired and nothing will change anyway
Grim going to the mirror and shouting that one meme "DO IT MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE" and MC, after some good moment of sleeping, is like "well, you heard the monster cat"
oh, dear, I love it! Feel free to drop by again with a part two if you want to. Thank you so much <3
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bookwermthings · 4 months
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UNOFFICIAL STEAM POWERED GIRAFFE PROMPTS Enough for a whole month (if said month only has 28 days :P), or enough for the rest of June, if you start now!
Feel free to use these whenever
you can use either the main prompt for the day, one of the smaller prompts underneath, a combination of the smaller prompts, or a combination of smaller prompt and main prompt, doesn't matter.
If you make a piece of art/fanfic/other fan content using my prompts, I would love it if you would tag me, and/or use the hashtag #unofficialspgprompts in your post about it!
If you have an issue with my prompt list, or even just a question about one of the prompts, I'd love to know! You can send me an ask or a message about it.
If you can't read the image, no need to fear, I have a description of it under the readmore!
Image Description: an orange page with prompts on it. In the top right corner is a doodle of the character GG the Giraffe. In the top left corner is the acronym SPG in large bright red letters, at a 45 degree angle. There is a stream of small blue flowers across the bottom of the page, from right to left. The title of the page is Unofficial Steam Powered Giraffe Prompts.
The first main prompt is Hijinks Ensue. The sub-prompts are Prank Call, Food Fight, and Secret.
The second main prompt is Creatures. The sub-prompts are Butterflies, Elephants, and Giraffe or Giraffes.
The third main prompt is Romance. The sub-prompts are First Kiss, the phrase “Sing your heart out” in quotes, and Wedding.
The fourth main prompt is Fans. The sub-prompts are Fanmail, First Concert, and the phrase “Made my day” in quotes.
The fifth main prompt is Baby Bots. The sub-prompts are First Word, Gentle, and Learning To Sing.
The sixth main prompt is Fanfiction Tropes. The sub-prompts are Crossover, Body Swap, and Songfic.
The seventh main prompt is Bedtime. The sub-prompts are Nightmares, Daydreams, and Exhausted.
The eighth main prompt is Walter Manor. The sub-prompts are Getting Lost, Walter Workers, and Invention
The ninth main prompt is Repairs. The sub-prompts are Malfunction, Injury, and Self-repair.
The tenth main prompt is Going To War. The sub-prompts are Parachutes, Upgrades, and Medic.
The eleventh main prompt is Sound Of Tomorrow. The sub-prompts are The Far Future, the phrase “Who am I?” in quotes, and the moon.
The twelfth main prompt is Holidays. The sub-prompts are the phrase “Missing you” in quotes, Gift, and Dress-up
The thirteenth main prompt is Brain Itch. The sub-prompts are Rex Marksley, Dinosaurs, and Songwriting.
The fourteenth main prompt is Concert. The sub-prompts are Sheet music, Rehearsal, and Standing Ovation.
The fifteenth main prompt is the question "What Is Humanity?". The sub-prompts are Mortality, Human Disguise, and Difficult Choice.
The sixteenth main prompt is Magic. The sub-prompts are Transformation, Time Travel, and Flying.
The seventeenth main prompt is the phrase Unique As A Unicorn. The sub-prompts are Animatronics, Toasters, and AI.
The eighteenth main prompt is Field Trip. The sub-prompts are McDonald’s, the word Island, and Cavalcadium.
The nineteenth main prompt is Independence. The sub-prompts are Crutch, Civil Rights, and July 4th.
The twentieth main prompt is Bad Day. The sub-prompts are Hatemail, Losing Something, and Virus.
The twenty-first main prompt is Alternate Universe. The sub-prompts are Portals, the phrase "What if…?", and Role Swap.
The twenty-second main prompt is Nostalgia. The sub-prompts are Lost And Found, Newspaper, and Memento.
The twenty-third main prompt is Keyboard Shenanigans. The sub-prompts are Amazon order, QWERTY Tells A Joke, and Facedesk.
The twenty-fourth main prompt is Argument. The sub-prompts are Oldest Bot, Whose Fire Truck, and Spelling of Toast.
The twenty-fifth main prompt is Another Perspective. The sub-prompts are World Fair-goer, Fellow Soldier, and Neighbor.
The twenty-sixth main prompt is Kazooland. The sub-prompts are Mayor The Jon, Opposite Day, and Princess Upgrade.
The twenty-seventh main prompt is After The Concert. The sub-prompts are Cosplay, Winding Down, and Congratulations.
The twenty-eighth main prompt is Family. The sub-prompts are Kid Six, Wanda Becile, and Pets.
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movieholicaarav · 1 month
From Hammers to Hashtags: Leveraging Social Media for Hardware Store Promotions
In an era where digital presence is as crucial as the physical one, hardware stores find themselves at a crossroads. How can businesses known for hammers, nails, and lumber effectively use hashtags, tweets, and stories? The answer lies in strategic social media marketing, turning everyday tools into conversation starters and your hardware store into a community hub online. Here's how to leverage social media for your hardware store advertising, moving from the aisles of nuts and bolts to the virtual world of likes and shares.
Define Your Target Audience
Before embarking on any social media promotional campaign, it's crucial to understand whom you're speaking to. What are the demographics of your ideal customers? Are they DIY enthusiasts, professional contractors, or homeowners looking for repair tips? Each group has different needs and interests, which should guide your content creation and marketing efforts.
Choose the Right Platforms
Not all social media platforms are created equal, especially when it comes to promoting a hardware store. Instagram and Pinterest are highly visual, making them ideal for showcasing before-and-after project photos, DIY ideas, and product highlights. Facebook allows for longer posts, community engagement through comments, and the creation of event pages for in-store workshops or sales. YouTube can be the perfect platform for longer how-to videos and product demonstrations.
Create Engaging Content
Showcase Your Expertise
Use social media to demonstrate your expertise and establish your store as a go-to resource for home improvement and repair projects. Post how-to videos, tool tips, and project ideas that encourage followers to undertake their home projects. This type of content not only provides value but also subtly promotes the tools and materials needed, available at your store.
User-Generated Content
Encourage your customers to share their own projects by using a specific hashtag related to your store. Not only does this create a community of like-minded individuals, but it also serves as real-world testimonials and experiences that can attract new customers.
Promotions and Exclusive Offers
Leverage social media to promote sales, special discounts, or exclusive offers. Flash sales or coupon codes exclusive to your social media followers can increase engagement and conversion rates. Remember, the exclusivity can make your followers feel like part of a special club, increasing loyalty and repeat business.
Engage Your Audience
Be Responsive
Social media is a two-way street. Respond to comments, messages, and questions promptly. This level of engagement increases loyalty and helps build a community around your brand.
Polls and Surveys
Use polls and surveys to engage your followers and get insights into their preferences. This can inform your product stocking decisions or what kind of workshops to host next.
Measure Your Success
Utilize the analytics tools provided by social media platforms to track the performance of your promotional activities. Look at engagement rates, click-through rates, and direct messages to understand what types of content perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Collaborate and Partner Up
Collaborating with local influencers, DIY bloggers, or even other local businesses can extend the reach of your promotions. These partnerships can introduce your hardware store to new audiences and deepen your roots in the local community.
Stay Consistent
Finally, consistency is key. Keep your posting schedule regular, your content quality high, and your engagement constant. Over time, your hardware store can develop a strong online presence that complements your physical store, driving both foot traffic and digital sales.
In Conclusion
Transitioning from hammers to hashtags might seem daunting at first, but by strategically leveraging social media, your hardware store can reach new heights of customer engagement and sales promotion. Remember, social media is about building relationships. By providing value, engaging with your audience, and staying consistent, your hardware store can transform followers into loyal customers and advocates.
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therealgutdoctor · 2 months
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Aging is something we all go through, but how we age can be influenced by the choices we make. Things like what we eat, how much we exercise, how well we sleep, and how we handle stress all play a big part in how we feel as we grow older. Recently, scientists have learned a lot about a special coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), which helps keep our cells healthy. NAD+ is found in every cell of our bodies and helps with important jobs like fixing our DNA, making energy, and keeping our cells working properly. As we get older, the amount of NAD+ in our bodies can drop by as much as 50%, which makes it harder for our bodies to repair themselves and stay strong. At The Real Gut Doctor, we know your time is valuable and that your health is important. That’s why we offer NAD+ Injection Therapy, which is a faster and more effective way to boost your NAD+ levels compared to older methods like infusions or oral therapy. NAD+ gets straight into your bloodstream, where it can start helping your body right away. Meet Robert: A Story of Renewal Let me tell you about Robert, a 56-year-old who came to us when he started feeling tired, forgetful, and less excited about life. After trying our NAD+ Injection Therapy, Robert noticed big changes. He felt more energetic, his mind was sharper, and he regained his enthusiasm for life. Robert’s story shows how NAD+ therapy can help you live with more energy, vitality, independence, and a sharper mind. When you take supplements by mouth, your body has to digest them, which can make them less effective. NAD+ Injection Therapy, on the other hand, goes straight into your cells, where it’s needed most. This means you can enjoy: Boost energy and stamina Enhance cognitive function and memory Improve mood and reduce anxiety Promote healthier sleep patterns Improve vision and hearing health Protect liver and mitochondrial function Combat inflammation and oxidative stress Combat chronic fatigue and insulin resistance Boost immunity Boost basal metabolism Enhance muscle function and recovery NAD+ also helps your brain stay healthy by encouraging the growth of new brain cells. With brain health becoming more important than ever, taking steps to protect your mind is key. Don’t let aging slow you down. Remember, a little prevention can go a long way. With NAD+ Injection Therapy, you can protect your health, stay independent, and enjoy life to the fullest. Take the First Step Towards Feeling Great Again Now is the perfect time to try NAD+ Injection Therapy at The Real Gut Doctor. Our team is ready to help you create a plan that’s just right for you. Don’t wait—contact us today or visit our website to book your appointment. Let’s start your journey to better health with NAD+ Injection Therapy. hashtag#NADTherapy hashtag#HealthyAging hashtag#BrainHealth hashtag#BoostEnergy hashtag#AntiAging hashtag#StayYoung hashtag#FeelGreat hashtag#LiveHealthy hashtag#WellnessJourney hashtag#CognitiveDecline hashtag#BrainFog hashtag#BetterMentalHealth hashtag#SleepBetter hashtag#StaySharpMentally hashtag#TheRealGutDoctor
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gadgetrevive · 2 months
Smooth Scheduling: Your Technology, Your Route Key Words Phrases: Set Up Fixing Appointment, Gizmo Repair Knowledge Your opportunity graphes thge instruction program of our service. Plan your fixing session completely at www.gadgetkingsprs.com.au and also witness the progression of your specialist while getting through the weave of your energetic routine. Guide Begin an outstanding specialist journey along with Device Kings, tactically located in Acacia Ridge and also Bray Park, AUstralia. Much more thna a repair answer, our company are actually the sats nav of your electronic experience, switching every specialist barrier right into an opportunity for expedition and also triumph. Closure When your technician journey demands a depended on sat nav, Gizmo Kings is your compass. Along with locations in Acacia Ridge and also Bray Park, our team carry certainly not merely fixings nevertheless a thrilling modern technology expedition. Prepare your assessment right now and also come from the smooth blend of relied upon company and also bold technical ability at Device Kings. Hashtags: #TechOdysseyBegins #GadgetNavigators #AcaciaRidgeTechExplorers #BrayParkTechAdventures Full Technology Solutions for Your Digital Expedition Intended Key key phrases: remedy apple iphone near me Repair job, Samsung Repair Service, MacBook Repair solution, ipad tablet Repair job, Gizmo Repair Work Device Kings developers in depth solutions, changing the ins and out of malfunctioning resources in to landmarks in your specialist expedition. Our efficient solution specialists quickly recognize and also handle issues, guaranteeing your apple iphone, SAmsung, MacBook, ipad tablet, or even any sort of sort of various other gizmo ends up being a respected partner on your digital adventure. Product Kings: Navigators of Technology Excellence Location-Specific Keywords: Acacia Ridge, Bray Park, Australia Discover our sanctuary at Store 4/28 Elizabeth Street in the vibrant Acacia Ridge or even at Shop 20A/8 Sovereign AVe in the kicked back Bray Park. Gadget Kings isn't just a correcting retail store; it is actually the compass directing your innovation journey, whether you're submersed in the powerful emotions of Acacia Ridge or even searching for peacefulness in Bray Park. Device Kings courageous along with an unwavering dedication to outstanding service as well as crafted trip. Register with the expedition of those that have raelly experienced the Device Kings variation. Exceptional Solution, Crafted Exploration: The Gadget Kings Voyage Hashtags: #TrustedService, #GadgetKings, #ExpertRepairs Gizmo Kings stands up higher along with a steady dedication to unrivaled answer and also crafted trip. Our completely satisfied customers are actually the reviews of an effective technician journey. Register with tjhe exploration of those that've experienced the Gizmo Kings difference. Unique Screen Fixing Exploration: Raise Your Device's Perspective Keyword: Display Repair Work Price Cut, Limited-Time Offer For a minimal opportunity, Gadget Kings invites you to an one-of-a-kind cost decrease on display repairing companies at both the Acacia Ridge as well as Bray Park areas. Expenses might differ, thus select among the absolute most beautiful selection adn also enable your tool find out tje future along with an impressive, rejuvenated display screen. When your technology journey calls for a competent sat nav, Gizmo Kings is your compass. Along with sites in Acacia Ridge and also Bray Park, our company carry certainly not merely repair however a thrilling technician exploration. Plan your go to presently as well as become part of the soft mix of relied upon answer and also daring specialized skill at Gizmo Kings.
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vivcapital · 4 months
Sell My Home Online: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your Sale
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Selling your home online has become the norm in today's real estate market. With the vast majority of buyers starting their home search on the internet, leveraging online platforms effectively is crucial to attract potential buyers and sell your home quickly. This guide provides you with a step-by-step approach to selling your home online, from preparing your home for sale to closing the deal.
1. Prepare Your Home for Sale
Before listing your home online, it's essential to ensure it is in the best possible condition to attract buyers.
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Clean and Declutter
Deep Cleaning: Start with a thorough cleaning of your home, including floors, carpets, windows, and bathrooms.
Declutter: Remove personal items, excess furniture, and unnecessary decorations to make your home look more spacious and appealing. For more details visit https://vivcapital.com/
Make Repairs and Improvements
Minor Repairs: Fix any small issues like leaky faucets, cracked tiles, or squeaky doors.
Curb Appeal: Enhance the exterior of your home by mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and planting flowers. First impressions matter!
Stage Your Home
Professional Staging: Consider hiring a professional stager to arrange furniture and decor to highlight your home's best features.
Virtual Staging: For online listings, virtual staging can digitally enhance photos to show potential buyers what the home could look like.
2. Determine Your Selling Price
Setting the right price is crucial to attracting buyers and selling your home quickly.
Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
Research Comparable Properties: Conduct a comparative market analysis to see what similar homes in your area have sold for recently.
Price Competitively: Price your home competitively based on the CMA to attract more potential buyers.
Professional Appraisal
Appraisal Value: Consider getting a professional appraisal to get an accurate estimate of your home's value.
Pricing Strategy: Use the appraisal value and CMA results to set a pricing strategy that will help you sell your home quickly.
3. Create High-Quality Listings
Your online listing is your home's first impression on potential buyers. Make it count!
Professional Photography
Hire a Photographer: Professional photos are essential to making your home stand out online. High-quality images will attract more buyers.
Daytime and Evening Photos: Show your home in different lighting conditions to highlight its best features.
Virtual Tours and Videos
Virtual Tour: Provide a virtual tour of your home to give potential buyers a detailed view of the property.
Video Walkthrough: Create a video walkthrough of your home, highlighting key rooms and features.
Detailed Property Description
Highlight Features: Describe your home's key features, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, special amenities, and recent upgrades.
Neighborhood Information: Include information about the neighborhood, local schools, parks, and nearby amenities.
4. Choose the Right Online Platforms
Selecting the right online platforms to list your home is crucial to reaching a wide audience of potential buyers.
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Real Estate Websites
Popular Platforms: List your home on popular real estate websites such as Zillow, Realtor.com, Redfin, and Trulia.
Local Listings: Consider listing your home on local real estate websites and social media platforms to reach buyers in your area.
Social Media
Facebook Marketplace: Use Facebook Marketplace to reach local buyers. Share your listing on your personal page and local community groups.
Instagram and Twitter: Use hashtags and share high-quality photos and videos of your home on Instagram and Twitter to attract potential buyers.
5. Market Your Home Effectively
Once your home is listed online, you'll need to actively market it to attract potential buyers.
Open Houses and Showings
Virtual Open Houses: Host virtual open houses using Facebook Live or Zoom to show your home to potential buyers.
In-Person Showings: Schedule in-person showings for serious buyers, accommodating their schedules as much as possible.
Email Marketing
Targeted Emails: Send targeted emails to your network, friends, family, and colleagues, informing them that your home is for sale.
Email Newsletters: Include your home listing in email newsletters sent to potential buyers and real estate agents.
Paid Advertising
Google Ads: Consider using Google Ads to target potential buyers searching for homes in your area.
Social Media Ads: Run targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram to reach local buyers.
6. Respond Promptly to Inquiries
When potential buyers inquire about your home, respond promptly to keep their interest.
Answer Questions
Provide Information: Be prepared to answer questions about your home, neighborhood, and the selling process.
Offer Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours or video walkthroughs to buyers who cannot visit your home in person.
7. Negotiate Offers and Close the Sale
When you receive an offer, negotiate and close the sale promptly to sell your home quickly.
Review Offers
Evaluate Offers: Review offers carefully, considering the offer price, contingencies, and closing timeline.
Counteroffers: Be prepared to make counteroffers to negotiate the best deal for you.
Closing Process
Provide Documents: Provide necessary documents, such as the property deed, inspection reports, and disclosures, to the buyer's agent.
Coordinate with Professionals: Work with a real estate attorney or title company to ensure a smooth closing process.
8. Prepare for Moving
Once your home is sold, prepare for the moving process.
Packing and Moving
Pack Belongings: Start packing your belongings and prepare for moving day.
Change of Address: Notify utilities, services, and the post office of your change of address.
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Final Walkthrough
Final Inspection: Schedule a final walkthrough with the buyer to ensure the home is in the agreed-upon condition.
Hand Over Keys: Hand over keys and any necessary access codes to the buyer on closing day.
Selling your home online can be a streamlined and effective process when you follow these steps. By preparing your home, pricing it competitively, creating high-quality listings, choosing the right online platforms, marketing effectively, and responding promptly to inquiries, you can attract potential buyers and sell your home quickly.
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snrguelph-blog · 5 months
🛠️ Get Your Devices Back in Action! 🎮📱💻
At SNR Guelph PC/Macbook and Cellphone Repair, we understand the frustration of dealing with a broken device. That's why we're here to offer quick, reliable, and efficient repair services to get your gadgets working like new again! Whether you've dropped your iPhone, have a gaming console that won't turn on, or a MacBook with a shattered screen, we've got you covered.
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📍 Visit Us: 177 Woolwich St, Guelph, ON N1H 3V4
📞 Contact Us: (519) 993-4912 | [email protected]
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Connect With Us:
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