#hasan piker palestine
swanasource · 2 months
"Dissolve the apartheid regime."
Hasan Piker on Piers Morgan: Unsensored via hasanabi on TikTok.
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tyleroakley · 29 days
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bunnyhugs22 · 8 months
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motziedapul · 5 months
I enjoy quite a few YouTubers and Twitch streamers, and these are the ones I've followed that have spoken up about Palestine:
Hasan Piker is a Twitch streamer and political pundit who has been covering Gaza and raising money for medical aid for Palestine since Day 1. He raised a million US dollars divided among these orgs all the way back in October and has not stopped centering Palestinian voices since then. Of all Western influencers, he's the biggest voice in raising awareness and support for the people in Gaza and Palestine as a whole.
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Thomas "Tomska" Ridgewell (of ASDFmovie fame) called his MP in the UK to call for a ceasefire months ago. Though it may seem like a comparatively small act, I highlight it because he did it very early on, and publicly called for a ceasefire in a video in November.
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"I'm not neutral because my country is standing in support of one side of it [...] For all I know my taxes, my money is being spent on the bombs that are being dropped on the people in Gaza. So I'm not neutral. For all I know I'm entirely complicit [...] It just feels like we're being told to look away, [...] close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and when you turn back the situation won't be complicated anymore because Gaza will be gone."
His full statement is at the end of his video "Last Month I Said Goodbye" if you're interested.
More recently:
Now I don't follow Dan & Phil, but I strongly believe that them raising money for the PCRF was a tipping point for certain other creators finally going public with their own pushes for relief in Gaza. And maybe it's just a coincidence, but nonetheless it's a big deal.
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Jacksepticeye quietly donated $10000 to a fan-run relief effort that would divide proceeds between the PCRF and E-Sims for Gaza. When the fan announced it, he then went on to publicly post about the horrors of Gaza and retweeted how to provide aid and resources.
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During his yearly Thankmas event, he also raised millions for the World Central Kitchen, which is currently providing food in Gaza (depending on what relief can get through the crossing being blocked by Israeli protestors).
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Of the "big" YouTubers, he's always been the most candid about his beliefs, so I always liked him regardless, and his actions have been heartening but thankfully not surprising.
And tomorrow, Drawfee is doing a charity stream for PCRF! Support them if you can. Their previous charity stream for Pride and Trans rights raised over $108000 for the Stonewall Community Foundation in 2023.
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I love Drawfee in particular. This was heartening to see today.
Anyway, I genuinely hope this pushes more creators to finally speak out. Even if it's late, it's always better late than never, and their influence is massive.
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unoreversecowgirl · 9 months
i recognize and acknowledge not everyone likes hasanabi. i understand why people disagree with and even dislike him-
however, as war pushes on against Palestine hasan piker’s coverage remains consistent and intelligent. he knows what he’s talking about, does an incredible job of weeding through propaganda and bogus stories and is actively supporting the people of Palestine.
if you struggle to find sources to trust or don’t know where to start when researching/understanding Israel’s apartheid against Palestine i would suggest watching his clips on youtube.
**if you can’t stomach watching him, i have links to the vid he reacts to that are good for understanding what is happening to Palestine.
***please learn so you can support🇵🇸
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hasanpits · 30 days
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the creators for palestine stream is happening today if anybody wants to check it out! it will be on the try guys channel on youtube and on hasan's channel on twitch.
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xclowniex · 4 months
have you seen this video talking about why Hasan is bad?
Thank you so much for sharing anon. I have just watched the video and holy shit it worded every critique i have with hasan amazingly.
I recommend everyone to watch the video even if you don't care about Hasan as a lot of the criticisms made about him is very indicative of the extreme anti zionists crowd as a whole and not just Hasan even though the creator was focusing on Hasan solely.
There is also a longer video referenced in the video sent by the anon (here) which I recommend people watch as well.
The video from anon linked here, is by Tom Dark and goes into why Hasan's debating, journalism and overall political streams are dogshit and how he is problematic.
To summarize both videos, they go into how he can't debate for shit, automatically jumps to insults, is transphobic and a rape apologist and how he can't report for shit.
Again, I highly encourage everyone to watch both videos. They are amazing and very well done.
Something which wasn't super touched on in either video which I want to talk about it how he interjects himself into intra-community discussions as an authority and throws a tanty when called out.
This was mentioned in both videos about a trans person calling him out and he then is transphobic, but recently (after both videos were made so obviously weren't touched on in either video) is that he makes himself an authority on jew being white.
Which is like crazy to me since he's Turkish and used to live in Turkey. Some Turkish folk consider themselves to be arab and some consider themselves to be white. I'm not Turkish so I'm not going to make a decision for every Turkish person on if they're arab or European. I'm gonna recognize how there are multiple opinions and leave it up to individual Turkish folk to make that decision for themselves. Same with Egypt! Some Egyptians consider themselves arab and some African. I'm not gonna weigh in on that. I'm gonna leave it to the individual Egyptian person to make that decision for themselves as it's not my place.
I guess the main point of that is Hasan never knows his place! Despite telling people who disagree with him that "they need to know their place"
Hasan also refuses to acknowledge Jewish history when pointed out to him and considering that and his attempt at claiming jews are white, he is properly antisemitic.
I 100% think that his antisemitism influences his opinion on Israel and the war. There is no way that it's not.
Hasan is not a good person and needs to address all of his bad behavior.
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"Something, something, Wunderwaffe..."
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notyourramona · 9 months
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The original goal was 250k and in the first 40 mins 180k was raised.
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camijhk · 2 months
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Got this from Chad Chad’s community post! Donate if you can and share to boost!!
(Apologies for not fitting everyone in the tags there’s a 30 tag limit!!)
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hasanabiyoutube · 20 days
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pinktwingirl · 9 months
i’m sorry i don’t want to sound stupid (tbh i’ve always struggle to fully understand cause my country is mostly pro-israel so they spread a lot of misinformation) can someone be pro-free palestine but being against hamas and what they are doing at the same time? cause in my country they automatically call you antisemitist when you are free palestine cause they say you supporting palestine means you support hamas too. and also there is this thing that whenever i tell someone that palestines have the right to live in peace and that it was their territory/land first, jews tell me that soil is “holy ground” and that a thousand years ago jews used to live there. im sorry, probably im damn stupid asking this but i can’t ask anyone around me cause everyone starts calling me antisemitist and i don’t consider myself that just cause i support palestine
Don’t apologize! It’s not a stupid question at all. Many people are pro-Palestine and recognize that Hamas is a violent extremist group. And while it’s hard to say for sure what exactly they’ve done because the IDF is notorious for making false claims in order to justify the violence they commit, it’s clear that they are not a group that should be in any kind of position of power. The important thing to recognize is that Hamas only exists because of the ongoing occupation of Palestinians. They are not the cause of the problem, merely a symptom of it. They also certainly don’t represent the majority of the Palestinian people’s beliefs, but right now many Palestinians see them as their only option of having any hope of freedom. So, yes, I fully support Palestinian liberation, but I also believe that the people deserve better than Hamas.
As for the “holy ground” argument, I firmly believe that no religion gives anyone the right to steal land from someone else. Colonization is NEVER justified. It is not anti-Semitic to say that; it is basic human decency. If the Israelis truly wish to live on that land, then they need to do so WITH the Palestinian people, not at their expense. There is no justification for Israel’s cruel and dehumanizing treatment of Palestinians. I’m really sorry that people have called you anti-Semitic for supporting Palestine but please don’t take it to heart. Those accusations have absolutely no basis in reality; they are nothing more than deliberate intimidation tactics meant to stop people from speaking out. Zionism is most certainly not the same thing as Judaism, and there are many, MANY Jewish people, including Holocaust survivors, who support Palestine because they recognize that Jewish values teach them to oppose apartheid. It definitely sucks that it’s so hard to find accurate information about Palestine since the mainstream media is so heavily biased towards pro-Israel propaganda, but fortunately, there are some really great videos on YouTube. I highly recommend checking out Hasanabi; I think he’s doing an excellent job covering this issue. You’re not stupid for trying to learn more, so don’t apologize!
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silliestflowergirl · 2 months
police hypocrisy
it’s crime when people do it, it’s law and order when cops do it
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bunnyhugs22 · 8 months
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voidami · 9 months
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nelsonakis · 30 days
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I need him your honor
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