#harry's quest
bjfinn · 5 months
Disclaimer: I don't have a Shuar dictionary or grammar, so I had to make up the language spoken by the tribespeople, but I have tried to make it similar to the small sample that I've seen on YouTube. Also, fair warning: since the story is set in Ecuador, there's quite a bit of Spanish dialogue, untranslated -- Harold doesn't know what's being said, so why should you? Lol
Tw: death, murder by execution
Beej did a double take when he got to the office and saw the new arrival. The guy was a good eight or ten inches taller than the demon, and he was wearing a safari jacket and pants with the cuffs tucked into a pair of black hiking boots -- and he was carrying a hunting rifle.
But it wasn't the guy's height, or clothing, or even the firearm that took Beej by surprise -- it was the guy's head. It was tiny -- about a quarter the size it should've been. The black hair had been pulled up into a severe topknot and tied with a red cord, and the guy's lips had been sewn shut.
"Holy crap! " Beej exclaimed. "What the fuck happened to you, pal?"
The guy looked at Beej with bulging eyes -- they were normal sized and therefore too large for their sockets -- and tried to speak, but all that came out was, "Mmm! M-mmm-mmmmmm-mm-mmmmmmmmm! "
"Sorry, buddy," Beej said, clapping him on the back. "I didn't quite get that. Anyway, whatever happened it looks like a pretty shitty way to die. Tough luck, pal. Well, I can't stick around -- I gotta get up to Florida for my next job. They just executed the guy who tried to assassinate Roosevelt -- name of Zangara. I'll see you around!"
Harold J. Wilson III had been in Guayaquil a week before he managed to find someone who was willing to take him into the jungle.
He'd come to South America in search of a creature that would guarantee his name would live forever -- the mapinguari. Supposedly extinct for thousands of years, but there were rumours -- based on accounts by the local Indians -- that it was still alive in the deepest part of the Amazon. And he was determined to bag one and bring it back to the Smithsonian.
"Sí, señor," the guide, a short, stocky man in his fifties named Pedro Morales, said. "I know the jungle -- but it is not a safe place for un americano, especially a rich americano like yourself."
"I've been in plenty of dangerous places," Harold told him. "Congo, in search of the mokele-mbembe, for instance."
"Did you find it, this ... mokele-mbembe?"
Harold shook his head. "Unfortunately, no," he said. "But I'm sure I'll find the mapinguari. Now, will you guide me or not?"
Pedro looked at the American. He took a deep drag on his cigar, blew out the smoke and nodded. "One hundred American dollars."
Harold pretended to consider the amount for a moment, and then he smiled and held out his hand. "You have a deal."
Pedro grinned. "Muy bien," he said. "We should leave tomorrow, at dawn. Before the heat becomes unbearable, sí?"
Beej, startled, whirled around at the sound of Juno's voice. "Hi, Mom!" he said, panicked. He hurriedly tried to hide the files he was holding behind his back. "You, uh ... you got another pickup for me?"
"What are you doing with those files?" she asked, cigarette smoke billowing from the hole in her neck. She took another drag.
"Huh? Oh, you mean these files? I, uh ... I was just curious about the new guy ... how he died, that's all."
"Oh, but sweetie," Juno said, smiling, her voice gentle, "you don't know how to read very well." Then she looked at him contemptuously. "Hand them over!"
"Sorry, Mom," he replied, chastened, and gave her the files.
"Now get back to work, and no more screwing around! "
"Yes, Mom," Beej said in a voice that was barely above a whisper.
"I can't hear you! "
"Yes, Mom," he said again, louder this time.
Juno nodded. "That's better." She stuffed the files back in the drawer and limped away, the thump-slide, thump-slide of her footsteps loud in the sudden silence of the office.
Beej looked around. The others, who had no doubt been watching the exchange, quickly put their heads down to focus on their work.
Beej blinked back the tears and shuffled out of the Processing Department to his next assignment.
The sun was just beginning to stretch its first rays over the rooftops when Harold was awakened by a knock on the door of his hotel room.
"Buenos dias, Señor Harold," Pedro said when the American opened the door. "Are you ready to leave?"
"Let's go," Harold replied with a nod. He grabbed his gear and followed the guide out to the waiting Jeep. He tossed his bags in the back and climbed into the passenger's seat as Pedro turned the ignition, and then they started off, down the dirt road towards the jungle.
"We will have to stop at San Ignacio and continue on foot from there," Pedro said. "No hay caminos en la selva."
Harold nodded -- he knew enough Spanish to understand what the other man had said. No roads in the jungle.
"This village -- San Ignacio -- how far is it?"
"Two hours, más o menos," came the reply. "We will stop for lunch, and then hike in."
"How will we know where to go?"
"A village elder, Tío Chako, says that he has seen the mapinguari when he was a young man," Pedro told him. "We will follow his directions." He looked at his passenger. "But that was many years ago, señor -- who can say if it will still be there?"
"I understand," Harold replied.
In fact, the drive to the Otavalo village of San Ignacio took nearly three and a half hours, and by the time they reached the village the sun was already fiercely hot.
The guide stopped the Jeep in front of a small, single-storey house with whitewashed mud walls and a thatched roof. They got out of the vehicle, and Pedro knocked on the wooden door.
A moment later, it opened, and a wizened old man in a dingy tank top and baggy trousers looked out. "Hola," he said -- Harold saw that he was missing his lower front teeth. "¿Quién están ustedes?"
"Soy yo, Pedro. Y eso es Señor Harold, de los Estados Unidos."
"¿Un americano?" Tío Chako was incredulous. "¿Aquí?"
"Él quiere trover el mapinguari," Pedro explained.
Tío Chako shook his head. "¿El mapinguari? No, es demasiado peligroso -- los Jívaros ..."
"Lo sé, pero es un americano rico ... y tonto."
"Pedro, no es bueno -- irás al infierno por esto."
"¿Y él? Él quiere matar el espíritu de la selva por un trofeo." Pedro smiled. "El Santo Padre me perdonará, creo."
"What's going on?" Harold asked -- his Spanish wasn't good enough to follow the exchange between Pedro and Chako.
"We are just discussing the preliminaries, señor."
"Por favor, entran ustedes," the old man said.
"Gracias, tío," Pedro replied. To Harold he said, "Unfortunately, Tío Chako does not speak English -- I will interpret for you."
Harold looked around the abode. It appeared to have only two rooms -- the kitchen in which they were standing and another that was probably the bedroom. At the table, a woman who was almost as old as Chako sat peelig potatoes.
"Mi esposa, María," Chako said.
"¿Visitantes? ¿Por qué no me dijiste que teníamos compañía?" María asked.
"María, ¿te acuerdas de Pedro?" Chako said. "Y este es el señor Harold, un americano que está buscando al mapinguari."
María's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but she caught herself and said, "Bienvenido, Pedro. Y bienvenido, Señor Harold. ¿Se quedarán a almorzar?"
"Gracias, tía," Pedro replied. "Tenemos un largo viaje por delante."
After a lunch of seco -- goat stew served with rice and plantain -- Pedro and Chako looked over a map of the region, discussing the most likely places to find the elusive mapinguari.
"Yo lo ve aquí," Chako said, pointing to a spot where the Rio Negro looped around like a noose. "Pero no sé si eras allá esos días."
"Lo entiendo," Pedro replied. "¿Y los Jívaros? ¿Donde es su territorio?"
"Casi todo el este es el territorio de ellos." He looked at Pedro. "Rezaré a San Cristóbal para que todos regresen sanos y salvos."
"You know," Beej said, "I don't think I've ever seen anyone else who had their head shrunk before -- how'd it happen?"
The guy looked at the demon with his bulging eyes and drew a thumb across his throat.
"Yeah," Beej said with a nod. "That makes sense -- I mean, it'd be kinda difficult to shrink just your head if it was still attached, right?" He elbowed the guy in the ribs. "But how come it's attached now? I've seen others who've lost their heads, and they're always carrying them, you know?"
"M-mmmm-mmmm," came the response.
"Yeah, of course you don't know. Anyway, I'm wondering how they did it -- shrunk your head, I mean. But I guess you don't know that, either -- you were already dead."
The guy nodded.
Just then the door to Juno's office opened. Beej leapt to his feet. "Well, nice talkin' to you, pal -- see you!" And he scurried away before his mother could see him.
It was an thirteen day trek through the jungle to get to the area where Tío Chako said that he had seen the creature. Harold had long since run out of citronella oil, and he was covered in mosquito bites, but that wasn't the worst of it -- every night was spent pulling leeches, ticks and other bloodsuckers off his exposed skin. He would've liked to bathe more often in one of the rivers, but he didn't dare -- the waters were home to flesh-eating piranhas, as well as anacondas and caimans. And other, more fearsome things.
"Candiru," Pedro told him. "It is a tiny, tiny fish that smells the piss and swims up your ..." He motioned to his crotch. "¿Entiende?"
Harold nodded grimly.
At long last, Pedro set down his pack and said, "Es el lugar."
Harold looked around. It seemed exactly the same as the rest of the jungle -- trees and plants growing in riotous profusion in the eternal twilight, the silence occasionally punctured by the squawk of a bird or the screech of a monkey, or the sound of something larger making its way through the undergrowth. It felt like he and Pedro were the only two people in the entire world -- Harold would have been unsettled if he weren't so drenched and weary.
They set up camp as they had every night for the past two weeks, and Pedro built a fire with sticks that he gathered, smearing them with pitch from a rubber tree -- the smell of broiling latex was terrible, but it allowed the damp wood to burn.
Sunset comes quickly in the depths of the jungle. They had just finished their supper -- boiled mote corn and ch'arqui made from llama meat -- when it arrived and they were plunged into darkness. As always, the jungle came alive then with the sounds of nocturnal wildlife.
"You should sleep, señor" Pedro said. "I will take first watch."
Harold nodded and gladly slipped into the tent. He lifted the mosquito netting strung over his hammock and settled in.
He'd just drifted off when Pedro shook him roughly. "Señor," the guide whispered urgently. "Señor, wake up! I think I hear the mapinguari!"
Harold sat up, instantly awake, and rolled out of the hammock. "Where?" he asked. "Are you sure?"
"I can smell it -- can you not?"
Harold sniffed the air -- a rancid odour, like that of soured compost, filled his nostrils. "Let's go," he said, grabbing his rifle.
The two men exited the tent and headed in the direction of the odour, training their flashlights on the ground in front of them.
A few minutes later they heard a deep snuffling sound. They raised their flashlight beams ...
The mapinguari was scratching itself against an acacia. Harold gasped as it turned its head to look at them -- the beast had to be eight feet tall, with long, shaggy, reddish-brown fur. The three claws on each of its front paws were massive, easily capable of shredding a tree. The beast had tiny eyes and ears, and a flexible muzzle that reminded Harold of a tapir's. He caught a glimpse of the massive tail trailing on the ground behind it -- thickly muscled, like that of a kangaroo.
"I knew it!" Harold crowed. "It's a giant ground sloth!"
The creature made a low, rumbling noise that sounded for all the world like it was saying huuuhhhh?
"I've got you now!" Harold crowed as he raised his rifle and took aim. He pulled the trigger, and the sound of the weapon instantly caused a pandemonium of noise in the jungle as bird, bats, monkeys panicked and took flight. The mapinguari bellowed in pain as the bullet ripped into its flesh, and it turned toward the two men, its powerful forearms raised threateningly.
It lunged at them, roaring in confused fury. Pedro screamed and fled. Harold readied himself to take another shot, but the huge beast was too close. He dropped the rifle and ran, stumbling over tree roots, desperate to avoid those massive claws.
The beast was gaining on him -- he could practically feel its hot breath on the back of his neck. "Shit shit shit shit shit! " he wheezed.
He took a tumble then, rolling down a short embankment into the river. "SHIT! " he yelled, and scrambled back onto the bank before something in the water got him.
He trained the beam of his flashlight upwards, grateful that he'd managed to hold onto it.
The mapinguari was looming over him, looking down at Harold. Its tiny eyes looked ... almost sad. Harold felt a twinge of regret for having caused it pain.
"I-I'm sorry," he said softly. And bowed his head, ready to accept whatever punishment the beast -- this jungle god -- saw fit to mete out.
But then he heard voices -- human voices shouting in a language he didn't recognise. The mapinguari heard them, too, and it calmly settled back down on all fours, turned and ambled off into the jungle.
"Hey!" Harold called. "Hey! Over here!"
Within seconds he was surrounded by a dozen or so spear-carrying warriors, wearing feather headbands, beaded bandoliers and red face paint.
"Wiñámishi jṵna kimiijusiai!" one of the warriors shouted. "Jikanyi ústa kanimuistaiyi! Uukanta!"
"I'm .. I'm sorry," Harold said. "I don't understand --"
"Uukanta!" the warrior shouted again. "Uukanta!"
Three of their number hauled Harold to his feet, and they bound him, tying his hands together behind his back and fixing a noose around his neck.
"Iijintaiyi nan chanwaarka ujaantaiyi na! "
And they led him through the jungle.
Beej couldn't get the shrunken-head guy out of his mind. Or more accurately, he couldn't get the question of how breathers could shrink somebody's head out of his mind. He could do it easily, of course -- but he was a demon.
He decided to go back in time to see for himself -- after all, the information could prove useful someday.
He looked around to make sure that no one was watching, and then he snapped his fingers.
Instantly he found himself in a village in the middle of the Amazon jungle. Fortunately, since he was invisible, his arrival went unnoticed by the inhabitants. But he didn't think they would've noticed him anyway -- there seemed to be some kind of celebration going on.
A crowd of people were circling a large bonfire, singing and shuffling to the beat of drums as the thin, high notes of a couple of flutes threaded through the air. He could smell roasting meat and vegetables, and his stomach grumbled.
"Looks like fun," he said to himself, and moved closer.
Off to the side he saw someone tied to a post -- he recognised him as his new buddy, the shrunken-head guy. Same clothes.
He continued to watch, glad that he'd arrived at the right place and time.
Beej didn't even think of intervening on the guy's behalf -- what the fuck did he care about saving a breather? Eventually every one of them died anyway.
At last the drumming and dancing ended -- just as the first rays of the sun began to paint the treetops with golden light.
The prisoner was cut down, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
He was lifted up by several warriors and laid out spread eagle on a stone slab, his wrists and ankles tied to wooden posts. Then one of the warriors, strode up, a machete in his right hand. He raised the weapon high, and bellowed, "UKAIYIII!!!"
"AAAIYIIII!!!" the others shouted in response.
The warrior brought the wicked-looking blade down and severed the prisoner's head with one blow, and the women of the tribe began ululating in applause.
The executioner reached down and picked up the head by the hair, holding it aloft for all to see.
Beej was impressed -- it took some skill to sever a head with a single blow, even with a machete. Clearly this wasn't the warrior's first time.
The warrior gently handed the head to another man -- this guy was older, with grey hair. They exchanged a few words -- Beej heard them say muisak several times, and tsantsa. Two words he'd heard before. They meant "soul" and "shrunken head" in the Shuar language.
He nodded to himself.
Beej had heard of the Shuar, or Jívaro. Fearsome headhunters, they were famous for shrinking the heads of their enemies -- he didn't know if there were any other tribes that did that, though. Always wondered how they shrink the heads -- looks like today's the day I get to find out!
He followed the shaman into one of the thatched huts -- a large pot of water simmered over a fire in the middle of the room. The shaman picked up a knife with a blade of chipped flint, sat cross-legged on the floor beside the fire, and set to work, chanting as he did.
Beej squatted down beside him, still invisible, as he sliced into the back of the head, cutting the flesh from neck to crown, and carefully removed the flesh from the skull in a single piece. When he was done, he sewed the eyelids shut and forced three sharpened pegs through both lips.
The old man then took a baseball-sized sphere carved from wood and placed it inside the skin, and dropped it into the boiling water. He continued chanting, shaking a rattle made of shiny black seeds, as the de-boned head cooked.
This was going to take a while, Beej knew, so he headed outside to see what the tribe was going to do with the body. He was disappointed to see that they were burying it, rather than cooking and eating it. What a waste, he sighed. Ah, well -- can't have everything.
A few hours later the shaman removed the head from the pot -- Beej was surprised to see that it had shrunk to about a third of its original size, and the skin was dark and rubbery.
The old man carefully turned the head inside out and began scraping the flesh and fat from the skin. Once it was completely clean he turned it rightside out again and sewed up the slit in the rear.
"Okaaay," Beej muttered.
With wooden tongs, the old man took several small rocks out of the fire and dropped them into the neck opening, followed by a few ladles of hot sand from the smaller pot.
"Why are you doing that?" Beej asked, knowing that the shaman couldn't hear him.
He watched, amazed, as the head shrank further, the skin contracting from the heat.
The shaman emptied the head and refilled it with more sand and rocks, holding more hot rocks against the outside to shape the features. This process was repeated several times, until at last the head was the size of a fist.
"Wow!" Beej exclaimed. "That's so fuckin' cool! "
Now that the head was fully shrunk, the shaman rubbed the skin all over with charcoal ash, and then he hung it over the fire to dry.
Finally, the shaman removed the pegs from the lips and sewed them shut with cotton string, making long, decorative tassels, and presented it to the warrior who'd made the kill.
Beej, grinning, took that as his cue to head back to the Netherworld.
"I gotta tell you," he said to the shrunken-head guy, "it was fuckin' amazing! You shoulda been there! Uh, well ... I guess you kinda were, weren't you? Anyway, I'll tell you all about it sometime -- maybe we can grab lunch. Oh -- uh, right. Never mind."
"Lawrence! " Juno bellowed from her office. "Get in here right NOW! "
"Be right there, Mom!" he called back. "Anyway, I gotta go. See you soon, buddy!"
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saragrosie · 26 days
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I may have started the woke communist rpg...
Bonus feelings about Kim's design (Kim my beloved) and some close-ups under here:
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valoale · 1 month
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Trying to get out of the trenches so now we have Reg, again
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poyameows · 11 days
I want to play different routes on Disco Elysium but the idea of purposely being mean to characters and not trying to help everyone in the game makes me want to cry.
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myjealouseyes · 26 days
Twitter AU part one
Okay actual plot chapter😁😁😁 Harry chapter coming soon.
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zionmantis · 8 months
Finished Kim Kitsuragi’s garage in Sims 4
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I would especially like for y’all to note the gay cop pinup calendar and the stick bug on the counter
I thought about going in and modding Speed Freak posters and whatnot in but this was already quite the endeavor
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bemp0 · 3 months
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(Updated) Color wheel challenge
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marscellaneous · 5 months
god i hate that jk rowling used the term veela (vila) for her harpy-like seductress creatures bc like, in their original context (slavic mythos, particularly south slavic, and, in some contexts, west slavic) theyre like woodland fairies/nymphs.
and given that she refers to bulgaria as far north and cold its no wonder that she made them all blond haired blue eyed (🙄) (she doesnt know anything abt the balkans)
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 11 months
Ok so I finally watched Prodigy ! And it was surprisingly good. This is obviously a kids' show but I ended up being pretty invested in the story. The main character started as Ezra Bridger-ass annoying but he's grown on me. Genuinely I think this might be the best new trek show with Lower Decks lmao. It even got me caring about what happens to CHAKOTAY of all things !
Also it had GREAT alien rep omfg there were so few humans I LOVE THIS SHIT !!! especially UFP founding members rep ahhhhh !!!!!!!!!! I've been wanting this for YEARS they did it for me
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darkdarknights · 10 days
You ain't slick, Jace. 👀
Tell your mom about your boyfriend ffs.
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plxnetn1ne · 7 months
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take me on a date in the forbidden forest <3
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zetadraconis11 · 8 months
HL Incorrect Quote #50
MC: When have we ever been in danger?
Natty: When we went after Harlow?
Poppy: Or when we fought poachers?
Ominis: How about when we went into the Scriptorium?
Amit: Need I mention the disaster at the goblin mine?
Sebastian: Do you want the short list or the long list?
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roseunspindle · 1 year
Alan Rickman: What I've Seen Him in
Die Hard - Hans Gruber
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Quigley Down Under - Elliot Marston
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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - Sheriff of Nottingham
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Sense and Sensibility - Colonel Brandon
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Galaxy Quest - Alexander Dane
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Severus Snape
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Sverus Snape
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Severus Snape/Boggart
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Severus Snape
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Marvin the Paranoid Android
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Severus Snape
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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: Judge Turpin
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Severus Snape
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2
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Alice in Wonderland - Absolem the Caterpillar
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psychopomperanian · 1 year
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this is a comic about twins
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jajatoc · 1 year
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Evening Comes (Advesperascit)
(Acrylics on cheap canvas!)
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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double date except not really. not at all, actually
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