#harry x harley
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marshalllir · 29 days ago
Four ideas that I'm giving to the fandom to "tear apart". You can use them if you indicate my authorship, thank you~
"You're one of mine"
What if the protagonist, listening to the Doctor's speeches, still decides to go over to his side, because he overhears the conversation of the surviving toys that he is just expendable, that he is a human being, and therefore not one of them.
What if Harley Sawyer remembers the years when he and the protagonist worked together on the Big Bodies initiative? What if the protagonist was the Doctor's favorite, but disappeared in 1995, and Sawyer had long since mentally buried him? And ten years later, he doesn't recognize him. And this only happens when the protagonist calls his name for Doctor.
"So you're one of mine," the Doctor says in an admiring whisper, without specifying whether he's one of his experiments or one of a group of scientists.
I'd like to see how the protagonist goes from being a good guy to a man with a gray morality or even a villain.
The romantic line between the protagonist and the Doctor can be either one-sided or two-sided.
Gerad Lockehart as Gilderoy Lockhart
Let's add a pinch of magic to the fandom. What if Gilderoy Lockhart was the detective at the factory? At first glance, the Muggle factory hides experiments on chimeras and very dark magic behind the facade.
If Gilderoy survives, he will definitely write a book about it.
Specifically for this AU, let's imagine that Gilderoy isn't a cowardly liar, as in the Harry Potter canon, but a really famous hero in the magical world, who, unfortunately, writes mediocre novels for housewives.
Lockhart enters the factory following rumors (to dispel or confirm them in a new book), under a different name and possibly under a polyjuice potion.
Jekyll and Hyde or Gerad and Harley
What if Gerad Lockehart and Harley Sawyer are the same person, but with a split personality? The doctor-psychopath and a detective investigating horrific crimes at a toy factory.
Harley Sawyer/Gerad Lockehart
What if Gerad Lockehart hadn't just disappeared without a trace, but had fallen into the clutches of Dr. Sawyer?
Whether he became one of his experiments or was able to come to an agreement, whether he remained in captivity as a human, whether he became a monster or a partner, having understood and accepted the Doctor's ideology - it's up to you to decide.
Unhealthy (romantic) interest in the studio.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
I could be looking too deep into things but the fact so many popular superhero fanworks rely on making characters biological children of x-over heroes as the only reason they're a part of it is giving eugenics
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thunderlingcloudie0fficial · 5 months ago
What your favorite Spider-Man(Peter’s) ship says about you
Mary Jane x Peter/Spidey: As basic as this ship is you’re not basic you’re just a logical realistic non-risk-talking probably will name their child Brad person and I am okay with you
Gwen Stacey x Peter/Spidey: You’re really like turning fluff into angst or a bit delusional and probably you’re favorite cinematic Spider-Man is Andrew Garfield,you’re also probably really sweet and kind
MJ(Michelle Jones)/ x Peter/Spidey :You 100% like the Tom Holland movies and don’t care about what anyone says(same) you’re favorite dynamic is ‘She was a punk x He did ballet’ and ‘Tall queen x Short king’ a lot don’t ya? You also like how awkward they were at the start and find it really realistic and relatable which is kinda refreshing for a fictional Hollywood couple in your opinion also if Tom and Zendaya broke up you’ll stop believing in love(MCU Spider-Man or general Mcu fans interact)
Felicia/Black Cat x Pete/Spidey: I know little to no knowledge about this ship but you probably like ‘Are we fighting? Are we flirting’ dynamic(and probably smut)
Wade/Deadpool x Petey/Spidey: You ether like Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man or a comic fan,you are in love with making everything gay and see no problem with that which is cool,you also like hurt/comfort a lot by that I mean you’re obsessed with it, also insecure Wade and ‘I only care about the inside’ Peter is your Roman Empire(I don’t ship it but the fan base is huge so might as well make the writing huge as well)
Bobby/Ice man x Peter/Spidey: I have little to no knowledge to this ship or Ice man in general to the point I had to search his real name. I know Ice man appeared in a few Spider-Man shows and comics. Came after reading a one Reddit post about their relationship . They might not be as close in the comic but NOTHING will stop you from shipping them
St@rker or Miles x Peter: dni and please stay away from me
Johnny Storm/Human torch x Peter/Webs:oh you’re cool,I like you. You’re a big fan of ‘Rivals to lovers’. You jump up and down when you see a blonde x brunette couple and is ether a ride or die fan since 200 B.C or just came after watching Deadpool and Wolverine. Your also ether a Tom holland movies fan(I love you) or a comic fan ALSo do you prefer them as young adults or teenagers?
Parksborn: You are delusional. VERY delusional. A thing I noticed is this ship is shipped in every version of Spider-Man,heck! Even in the MCU even though there is no evidence of Harry but you still ship it therefore you and your friends delusional mind have yearned my respect bravo. You also live for the ‘Rich boy x Their street rat’ dynamic
Honorable mentions:
Comic: SpideyDevil(Matt x Pete),Flash x Peter(I forgot the name-),Chad x Peter(from Marvel Aventures)
MCU: Parley/Parkner(Harley x Peter)
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year ago
James: Thanks for always giving me great advice, Reggie. Even if I don’t always use it
Regulus: You actually never use it, James
James: But I love never using your advice more than anyone elses’s advice I never use
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omniluci-estumbra · 1 year ago
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The Clown Prince of Slytherin and Hermione Quinn 🃏
More Halloween Couples Costume Ideas!
Draco refused to dye his hair green ❎🙅🏼‍♂️❎
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sijssjsbssjsnsnnskbskwns · 8 months ago
Harley Quinn Y/n Profile
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Name’s: y/n quinzel, Harley Quinn, Etc
Powers/Skills: Gifted Intelligence, Pathological Indomitable Will, Charisma, Deception, Expert Psychologist, Skilled Tactician, Acrobatics, Weaponry, Gunmanship, Marksmanship, Expert Combatant, Peak Human Condition, Etc
Hobby: Stealing, Making People Mad, Rollerblading, Spending Time With Bruce And Cassandra Cain, Etc
Type Of Villain: Psychotic Trickster
Height: 5’6
Personality: Sweet, Giddy, Girlish, Etc
Age: (Your Age)
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Very Pale
Gender: Female
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 9 months ago
Evan = the joker and Barty = Harley Quinn
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optimus-rhyme · 10 months ago
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th3sungod · 1 month ago
Parkner 'enemies' Au ( draft ish cause i'm probably not gonna write this but i love the idea sm )
Parkner au where it's that one scene from sailor moon crystal ( episode, like 6/7 ) with harley in love with the supposed enemy, who isn't actually the enemy but everyone thinks they are because of their unknown endgoal/motives ( peter btw )
Harley is an avenger, working as Tony Stark's future successor and had been the one brought in for civil war. ( endgame didn't happen and moving it up a few years so he's like 17/18 when it happened ). Less than a year later, the rogues are back but weary. They question everyone, especially since it was so easy last time for HYDRA infiltration multiple times before.
Amended accords state all heroes and vigilanties who wish to operate legally must sign, give up their identities, and submit counter measures for their disobedience with contingencies for their ill actions. The Avengers sign it, but are allowed then to operate as they were. They're still working on making it perfect, but it's fine for now. Multiple hero groups sign it, but local New York vigilantes don't make the same call.
As busy work, the Avengers are given the job of bringing them in for breaking the current standing law -- while giving them an opportunity to sign beforehand. Harley doesn't find a problem with this, he was on Tony's original side after all, but and genuinely doesn't understand why the vigilantes won't sign.
Spider-man, Daredevil, Deadpool, Ghost-Spider, Shadow-Spider, and other vigilantes are clearly working together but they don't seem particularly bad, but it's Harley's job to at least try and convince them. Overall, he's pretty neutral.
They all, Avengers and Vigilates, find themselves in a battle similar to the chitauri invasion, with aliens and too many enemies. Spider-man seems to have his back, but he ends up making the wrong move and gets greatly injured, passing out while Spider-man bolts towards him.
When he wakes up... it's in a nice bedroom that's been obviously converted to be more medical. He's wrapped in bandages, there's a IV drip on a metal wheeler connected to him, sitting just before him is a teen with soft looking brown curls and nose pressed into a book. He in comfortable clothes, and when Harley's memory slowly comes to, he jolts upright. The teen notices him awake in turn, and tries to comfort him.
Harley asks where he is, the man replies with 'safe'. He asks what happens, the reply is 'i got you help'. They're not really answers, but with one last try Harley asks for his name. He says Peter.
After that, it doesn't take long for him to realize it's Spider-man. He makes the same stupid jokes and looks about the same height and build. And, it's pretty obvious when Wade Winston Wilson, the Deadpool, walks in and calls him 'Webs'.
Harley is warily calm about the whole thing, but he's heard of Spider-man from civilians and he has a huge following in the media. He does the right thing, he follows a moral code, he made Deadpool reform and makes it a point to help people who aren't even really in danger who are just scared or need help walking home. Subconsciously he knows that Spided-man -- Peter -- isn't going to hurt him. In his mind, it's more than confirmed when Peter says the only reason he wasn't brought back to the compound was because any of them would've gotten caught if they tried going near it, and medical would've definitely been delayed.
Within a day, two more people enter the room he's in while Peter stays the whole time. One only enters for a moment, covering his face with a single hand while keeping his back to Harley, asking Peter about something he can't decipher. While the other was a kind looking woman who brings him something to eat, and acts as his nurse.
"You know, if you're going to be this nice, why don't you just sign the accords?" Harley asks eventually, slightly annoyed. It's clear they enjoy helping people, and even Steve signed the new accords, so they must be up to 'standard'.
Peter's face grows into something sombre, and he looks away from Harley. At first, he doesn't even think Peter will reply, but he speaks up eventually. "We can't."
"Can't? Why not?" Harley pries.
"Can't." A hand comes up to rub the bridge of his nose, "Our enemies are on a different scale, and if they found out who we are, they'll gi after our families. It's our responsibility, with the life we've been given."
He speaks diplomatically, something proper as if it's been told to him time and time again. But Harley finds a problem with the answer. "And Deadpool? His identity is already public."
"Deadpool doesn't like injustice, but he says he's an Antihero at best. As long as Daredevil and I don't sign, neither will the rest of them." He says confidently. "We can't let anyone know who we are."
"But.. You have your mask off now..?" Now, Harley's a little more than confused.
"It'd be pretty hard to find me." Peter sounds amused like it's some sort of inside joke, Harley doesn't get it. "Plus, I trust you."
When evening rolls around, and Harley feels weirdly a lot better than before, and Peter tells him it's because of medication he formulated himself. Harley is too impressed to think anything bad of it, though he probably should. Peter even says so, amused all the same at his flippantness.
But he asks then after the battle, then finally noticing how Tony must be worried about him ( despite being newly an adult ) and Peter tells him Deadpool can have someone bring him back to the Avengers Tower.
He does ( though he has to get blindfolded for it ) and halfway through the drive he's swapped cars and a cabby gets him the rest of the way there. no more blindfold.
Tony, of course, is worried sick. F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerts him the second Harley steps into the building -- with his armor having been given back with the ride swap -- and it's a flurry of people trying to figure out his condition after being missing since the battle. The battle, which he learned then happened the day before, so it's been over 24h. He feels a little sheepish at that, cause he knows he probably could've been released the moment he woke up, but Peter had been really kind and good company while the dull ache in his bones started to go null.
He gets ushered into the medical wing, gets a full checkup to make sure he's okay, and while it all goes on he's to give an account of what happened.
"A whole day, where have you been? Did they hurt you?" Tony looks pained, worried, and panicked all at the same time. The only other people in the room, beside himself and Tony, is Pepper, Steve, and the nurse checking him over.
He can't look Tony in the eye, despite not having done anything wrong. It wasn't his fault. "I got hurt.. in the fight, and Spider-man helped me."
Harley doesn't particularly want to give out any more information than that. He knows they're internationally wanted, in technicality, but hearing Peter tell him he trusts Harley makes him feel guilty if he said anything.
"Helped you?" Tony sounds incredulous, and one glance up tells him Steve isn't far behind. "They're criminals."
"Yes! they helped me," Harley insists, and then a little quieter, "And they're not criminals."
He doesn't know why he says it, but mentally he can see the face of Spider-man, Peter, talking with him all day so he wasn't bored or alone. Peter talking about his own interests, biochemistry and technology.
Tony scoffs. "Actually, that's exactly what they are." He turns to the nurse, "Order a complete tox-screen, I want to make they didn't put anything in his system that'd make him like this."
Harley stiffens. What if they did put something in his system? He hadn't even thought of the original possibility, nor did he try to remove the IV. At that point, with the new bout of clarity, he does tell the nurse that Spidey did give him something, but it was like pain meds and he doesn't know what they are. He wants to trust Peter, he really does, but the way Tony and Steve look at him is as if he's spewing nonsense.
The tox-screen comes back normal, besides having pain medication. Something Oscorp just released, called Osarane.
"It's already best on the market," The nurse tells Tony, declaring Harley to have a full bill of health besides topical scrapes and bruises. Nothing too bad. Harley notes the information; Spidey probably modified it or something and it wore off already. Like he said. Or, he simply lied.
The Avengers hover, though Pepper is mostly quiet and treats him as usual. With his identity known to the public, one of them insists on going everywhere with him to make sure the Vigilantes don't try again. It's kind but unnecessary, and he doesn't get a second away until two weeks later. All the other avengers seem to be busy. So, he just wants to walk around, alone and with his thoughts for once.
He does put on a hat and sunglasses, but besides that he's just in the open. It only takes thirty minutes for him to see a familiar mop of brown curls, ordering a coffee in very casual clothes. Like the man can sense him, Peter turns around and waves.
When he passes Harley, leaving the shop, he apologizes and says he has work, otherwise he would stay and chat. It's so unusually kind that it throws Harley off a little. At least before, it seemed like there was a small semblance of Spider-man in Peter, but now he's all jovial and a tad timid.
Harley says it's fine, but Peter insists they meet the next day. To talk.
And so they do. They meet, and they talk. Peter tells him how he started being a vigilante, how he got his powers and such. Harley asks about the medication, and Peter simply laughs saying, "You're smart, you'll figure it out."
They don't meet often. Peter has work and Harley can't always leave the tower, but they end up exchanging numbers. They become real friends, they talk and text, and even Tony notices how he looks at his phone more often.
"You meet someone?" He asks knowingly, save for the fact he doesn't actually know.
But the question hits all the same because it's been a month since the coffee shop, nearly a month and a half after the battle, and he's texting Peter daily. He has a crush on Peter.
It spirals from there.
There's another fight, not as big as the Aliens but someone decided to make rudimentary robots out of adimantium, which means they're heavy and have bad reaction time. But, they're still nearly solid and pose a threat with how they're trying to annihilate half of midtown manhattan. Cap can't transport them, they're too heavy given they're the size of the Iron Man armor. Scott's on his way in a, as an 'on call' avenger, but until he arrives they're stuck trying to keep them away from civilians. There's only about twenty, but that outnumbers the avengers and it feels like a loosing battle.
And then Peter arrives.
Peter, and his group of merry men, some of the most wanted individuals as of late.
Peter, Ghost, and Shadow -- the three spider vigilantes -- make quick work of the bots. Deadpool is ushering civilians out of the way, Harley can spot him from the corner of his HUD. While the three spider vigilantes smash the bots like soda cans, enhanced strength on full display, and they're in a pile in seconds.
The danger is neutralized, everything's okay.
Harley walks up to Peter, the vigilante's bloodied hands not going unnoticed, and asks if he's alright. He asks the other two spider vigilantes then, as if an afterthought. Daredevil isn't around, he's the only one missing, but Deadpool walks up and claps Peter on the shoulder, telling him it's time to go.
They almost do, until Cap calls for them to stop. "Turn yourself in and sign the accords."
Harley doesn't move from beside Peter, but turns and tells him to go, under his breath. He doesn't stop them when they leave. It's not long before he finds himself in a debriefing room, being chewed out for it.
"It's your job to capture them!" Tony's voice is raised.
"They're not doing anything wrong!" Harley bites back. "We're doing the same work!"
Rhodey speaks up, "They didn't sign the accords, their actions are illegal."
"But they're not hurting anyone!" Harley yeager's on a plea.
"You don't know that." Steve asserts.
"I trust him!"
He yells it loud enough for the room to stop. Tony looks pained again, Rhodey looks as if he just won't see reason. Natasha is contemplative while Steve's face is impassive. Everyone else looks simply shocked at his outburst. 
Steve speaks first, but Harley wishes he didn't. "You're been speaking to Spider-man, haven't you?"
Harley locks up, doesn't say anything. Tony's head falls into his hands. "Harley, they're dangerous. You saw what they did today." Steve tries.
"Yeah. I saw. They helped us, and saved countless civilians." Harley's eyes ar panicked and determined, and he speaks more. "Theyre always trying to help people. He isn't our enemy. He's always there to save our asses, I know him, they're not trying to harm anything!"
"It almost sounds like you're in love with him." Natasha says, passive as ever. He doesn't know if it's a joke or not, but he freezes all the same. Tony goes still, too.
Rhodey sighs. "Think carefully, Harley, are you sure about him? He could just be using you."
Any trepidation is gone in mere moments, as red hit anger and frustration pools in his chest. "You're wrong he would never! He would never!"
He's backing up towards the door before he can even realize it, and once his back hits, he opens it and runs.
Harley runs out of the building and texts peter, asking to meet him if he's available. They do, at the original coffee shop, and Harley tells him what's going on. He leaves out the part where he's in love, until finally at the end of their conversation admitting "I care about you."
Peter gives him a soft yet sad smile, "I care about you too, why do you think a saved you."
[[ insert the rest of the plot that i definitely don't have the time or energy to put into this. ]]
I definitely think this prob ends with the accords being amended with a vigilante clause, able to keep identities with a hero to vouch for them. ( like if they step out of like it's up to the hero to find and bring them in, on top of the hero being somehow penalized ) but i have just been thinking about this idea for a really long time and don't have time to write another long fic ( or fic in general )
this i didn't edit and wrote on the spot so like sorry for any typos and mistakes!
it's pretty figured out, but if you would like to use this or amend this and use it, feel free! just tag me cause i genuinely want to read this and its been on my mind for months
hope you enjoyed!!
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strangethings-everywhere · 1 year ago
Here’s the cast of characters for my Parkner fic
Tom Holland as Peter Parker (duh)
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Ty Simpkins as Harley Keener (obviously)
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Zendaya and Jacob Batalon as MJ and Ned
Benjamin Wadsworth as Harry Osborn
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Jack Mulhern (MY LOVE) as Danny Rantz (OC)
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AND THERE IS MORE TO COME 👍🏻 Proof That Harley Keener Has A Heart by booknerds_unite on AO3
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freakykira · 1 year ago
Freakquests Page
Hi, i’m Kira and I’m freaky. You can literally ask me ANYTHINGGGG, you want it, I’ll write it. But, that’s not what this page is all about. Just like every writer, I have my limits.
I’ll write for…
TWD/The Walking Dead (TV Show & Game), Harry Potter, Blue Lock, Seven Deadly Sins, Mid90s , Riverdale, The Boys The Breakfast Club, TMR/The Maze Runner, Divergent, Detroit Become Human, Heathers (Movie), Good Girls, Marvel, DC, Youtubers, Rappers, Actors, OC/OC (of requests choice), Reader/OC, Reader/Unidentifed, Girl/Girl, Boy/Boy, Girl/Boy/Boy, and etc. !I know of more fandoms, but my memory is failing me, i’ll update this as I go! (Feel free to request a something about a fandom unlisted) !!ILL RESPOND TO EVERY REQUEST!!!
Main Classification: [🍄] Fluff, [🚬] Angst, and [🎋] Smut.
Sub Classifications: [🪰] Horror, [🎳] Headcannon, [🚘] OC/OC, [👤] Unidentified, [🪀] Random/Practice Fic.
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I just realized that I have no idea how to actually write stuff here and like
What are masterlists?? And like, uhh, basically how do you become a writer on this platform??
Anyone able to help me out? Because I genuinely want to start writing here but have no further clue on how to other than just go with it and write but like, how do I establish myself as a writer in this oh so great platform??
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official-wayward-keener · 2 years ago
Peter: I am going to buy you a present
Peter: too late
Harley: I must retaliate
Harley: must buy out wishlist
Ned: do we do anything
Harry: nah, let them waste money on the other
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davekat-sucks · 10 months ago
As an old-time HS fan who is saddened with the current state of the franchise, here is my ramble. Even so Roxygen is an innocent ship, I personally can't enjoy them due to how they are depicted in HS:BC. A part of me has decided to adopt some of the characters and give them the life they deserve that the team of HS:BC is too coward to give them.
And unfortunately that doesn't include the omega kids since I find Vrissy is Vriska 2.0 but kinder, Tavvy is a literal punching bag of the story that I kinda pitied his existence, and for Yiffy, I felt that her existence was forced to exist for the sake of 'drama'. As for Harry, thought, he's just there. Idk but I find the fan offsprings from the fanadventures are executed much better than the ones in HS:BC.
And lest but not least, HS:BC has some cool character designs which are unfortunately wasted by its atrocious storytelling that I hope more of the communities will adopt them or make a derivative of those designs.
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miakwat · 1 year ago
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I opened an etsy!!
!!If you're interested in checking out my catalogue you can click here!!
(Uncensored Stranger Things print under the cut!)
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mossker · 29 days ago
i’ve fallen down the peter x harley x harry rabbit hole and i’m not sure if i ever want to leave tbh
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