#harry is hedwig's baby
bythepen98 · 1 year
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Harry and Hedwig 🦉❤️️
kofi ⭐ https://rb.gy/z8rjs
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lunarlivs · 2 months
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harry and friends ◡̈
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carolina-star · 2 years
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Funny story, I made this drawing back in April 22, 2022 and I forgot about it totally. And I found it again today and I decide to share it.
So, basically, this is a Harry Potter AU where Barty and Regulus survived and Barty believe that Regulus is in Voldemort's side, which isn't true, but he doesn't know.
Anyway, Regulus has discovered about the Horcrux, has the locket (save with Kreacher in the Black's Mansion) and, because reasons (and because Barty is completely sure that one Voldemort is alive and two he will return), Regulus has discovered that Harry is a Horcrux.
Then Regulus talked with Barty and convinced him to move to Privet Drive and keep and eye in little Harry. Because, and this is the funny part, Regulus has convinced Barty that Voldemort has been reincarnated as Harry or something shit like that, and because Harry can talk with snakes Barty believe it.
And now Little Harry has two strange funny and kind neighbors and one of them is his new nanny (*cough* Good Omens *cough*).
Plus: Barty want to teach dark magic to Harry
Plus 2: Barty and Regulus are like a old married couple
Plus 3: Harry is practically their kid
Plus 4: Regulus don't like when Barty teaches Harry dark magic so usually he tries to made the lessons very soft.
Plus 5: Barty and Regulus are nice with Harry
Plus 6: the white snake is Hedwig
Plus 7: in this AU Harry is slytherin
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wonkanerds · 2 years
HOUSE OF SPELLS (Charing Cross Road, London) 🤩🫶🏽.
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It is funny to me how Harry Potter is literally the main character, yet people tend to go like he didn't suffer that much or he wasn't "abused"; Like, how can one misunderstand the literal main character of the damn franchise?
He wasn't abused; yes okay. He absolutely did not grow up inside a cupboard; the tiny place that is mostly reserved for brooms or cleaning supply. He absolutely was not treated inferior to the other child who lived in the same house. He was totally was not treated like a "freak" or a "stain" that his family was ashamed off. He grew up inside a cupboard while there was a literal unused bed in the same house. And you want to know what that screamed to a child, a baby — who slept inside a cupboard while there being a perfectly usable room right there? You are worth nothing and we don't love you and we are ashamed of what you are.
He wasn't starved, or at least he was fed; Yeah, no. We see it from the first book. How Vernon was no food for you and in the cupboard you go — and by the looks of it, that was like his most common punishment. And then, in the second book — you practically see it happen. He was locked, inside a room with only a can of soup that he shared with Hedwig. Now, tell me what it would do to a child — to be given food through a cat flap, and fun fact? Harry got to eat less than people on war rations; in short? He was starved, yes.
He wasn't abused physically so it's not abuse; As for people's thinks abuse isn't abuse until it's physical (which is inherently wrong because abuse isn't only physically, fyi); Harry has learned to dodge Vernon and he states that, very proudly when his uncle tries to grab him. He dodges a flying pan and states that fact, again very proudly as if it is the norm; do you know how heavy pans are? And do you know what would happen when one hits you? If you want an even clearer proof; Vernon Dursley strangles Harry in Ootp. There you go. Also, in the first book, we clearly see Vernon encouraging Dudley to hit Harry. Read between the lines and actually try to understand what that signifies.
And favourite part; When he wasn't treated like a prisoner, or a freak— he was their servant. And that is very much canonical. Tending Petunia's garden during summers and drinking from the water hose in the garden because of how hot it was? Having to wake up early so he can tend the kitchen and when he wasn't doing all that he is locked away. And it is all canon.
In conclusion, Harry— not only grew up to think that he was inhumane, undeserving of love, a freak that didn't even get to have his own bed because someone like him didn't deserve it, physically harmed enough times that he dodges them out of reflex and also the Dursleys' glorified servant; that is not even taking into account what Harry went through in Hogwarts. And after all that if someone tells me; this child, right here — didn't go through much then well, maybe read the books again?
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Harry wandered back from Dumbledore’s office in a daze. He continued to question what he could possibly learn about how to defeat Voldemort by taking a trip down memory lane, as he had since these meetings had started, but now he felt added stirrings of discomfort. Like his skin was a size too small or he’d walked through an invisible spiderweb.
Voldemort, back when he’d been Tom Riddle, was… very much like Harry. Dumbledore could say that their choices defined them and made them different or whatever, and maybe he was right. But seeing how Riddle was talked about by the matron, how Dumbledore treated him in that first meeting – it made Harry realise how very easily he could have been the evil outcast, if anyone had listened to the Dursleys’ lies, or found out about his parseltongue abilities, or if he hadn’t already been lauded as some hero since he’d been a baby. As much as he didn’t like the fame and the wild mood swings of the magical population’s attitude towards him, Harry knew those expectations had guided his path and moulded who he was becoming.
Dumbledore’s actions were… well, unkind was possibly the nicest way to put it. He had instantly judged an eleven-year old as irredeemable, pretended to light all his worldly possessions on fire, and didn’t seem to find anything wrong with how he’d acted even sixty years later. Yes, Riddle hadn’t exactly helped his case with that talk of hurting things, but Harry had seen that desperation for connection, for belonging, that he’d once felt.
And then there was the added fact that he was being shown private moments from Riddle’s history. Harry knew how he’d feel if someone was shown his memories of life at the Dursleys. He still hadn’t told anyone about the cupboard under the stairs, and the rest his friends only guessed at.
Maybe he was reading too far into things, or projecting his own situation. Maybe Ron and Hermione were right and his saving-people-thing was showing. After all, hadn’t Riddle grown up to be a megalomaniac who led a hate group that murdered and tortured muggles and muggleborns? Maybe there should be limits to Harry’s empathy.
But Harry’s secret power was love, according to Dumbledore. If caring was what differentiated him from Voldemort – and especially since he couldn’t seem to stop it even when it left him gutted, cold and alone – then dammit, Harry was going to care.
So, Harry did what he did best (?) and leapt headfirst without looking.
Ducking into a dusty, moonlit classroom, he leaned against a desk, pulled out a bit of parchment and quill, and started to write.
So, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed would you be
Hope you haven’t murdered anyone lately oh wait it’s you
Hey. I wanted you to know that Dumbledore showed me the memory of you receiving your Hogwarts letter. At the orphanage. With the whole fire wardrobe thing. 
I feel like I should apologise. It definitely seems like an invasion of privacy and I didn’t want to know, but now I do, and I’m sorry?
Is this weird? This is weird.
Anyway, I also saw the matron talking about you, but I know that sometimes people lie for stupid reasons, so here’s a one-time opportunity of me asking for your side of the story. If you want.
You probably don’t care.
– Harry (Potter)
Before Ron or Hermione found out or he could think better of it, Harry snuck up to the owlery and tied the letter to a nondescript school owl. (Hedwig was incensed that he would use another bird and pecked at his head a few times before flying off to the rafters to give him the cold shoulder, but there was no way he’d send his beloved owl off to Voldemort. Sorry, school bird.)
He returned to the Gryffindor common room as soon as the owl flew off, putting the letter as far from his mind as possible. After all, it wasn’t like he’d receive a response.
(thus, friends absent speak)
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vivithefolle · 6 months
You seem to be really against Hermione for the bird incident, but don’t seem to care much about Harry sending Hedwig to claw at Ron and Hermione during the summer preceding fifth year, why is that?(/gen) You also seem to ship Ronarry. Is it just because she’s the canon love interest that you’re so upset? I know Harry regretted telling Hedwig to do what she did afterwards, but I don’t remember him ever apologizing to Ron and Hermione. How can we know that Hermione didn’t apologize to Ron after he came back in Deathly Hallows but before the battle of hogwarts?(I agree with your opinions on Hermione in general, I’m just curious.)
If you don't know, I've made some jokes about how Harmony shippers are right about Harry and Hermione having something in common, which is that they both sent birds to attack Ron.
Harry doesn't interest me nearly as much as Hermione because to be frank he's pretty much just... the most boring character in the series to me. I like him for his Ron-loving potential which is pretty off the charts when Rowling isn't actively using Ron as a stepping stone for Harry and Hermione to look better.
I'm actually a pretty big Romione shipper even if I myself get confused about what I'm mad about sometimes. Honestly, it's just that I've kinda had it with people constantly writing Ron fucking up and having to make it up to Hermione, I want her to be fucking up and making it up to him and it not being considered a Crime Against Women Everywhere because yeah, women fuck up and hurt men too, men also get abused or shat on by women, it happens. Hermione as she is has a pretty toxic mentality, what with her often using violence completely casually (her first "big heroic moment" in the series is to set a man on fire) coupled with that shitty tendency of Rowling to use "Hermione on the verge of tears" as a kind of sedative to make the average reader go "who cares what Hermione did before, she's crying NOW and that's UNFORGIVABLE, PROTECT HER".
But, Harry himself also has a system like that, by virtue of being Our Poor Orphan Protagonist. Honestly, I hate to say it but Potterheads read another book because yes, Harry is nothing new, when an author wants you to root for their protagonist they give them a backstory that makes you want good things for them, yes Harry's suffering is just all destined to make you attached to him and meant to make you think everything that ever happens to HIM personally is automatically The Most Horrible Thing Ever To Happen To Anyone Ever and I'm kinda done with that as a whole because of fandom experience. I can only tell people to pay attention to what Ron goes through only to be rebuked by a "but look how hard Harry had it, in comparison Ron is a baby" so many times before I get completely soured and decide that the character they feel so sad for doesn't need any more people to feel sorry for.
... I don't know if I'm being clear. But yeah I function mostly through pure spite nowadays.
I know Harry regretted telling Hedwig to do what she did afterwards, but I don’t remember him ever apologizing to Ron and Hermione.
He did say a token sorry to Ron specifically:
He showed Harry the index finger of his right hand, which sported a half-healed but clearly deep cut. ‘Oh, yeah,’ Harry said. ‘Sorry about that, but I wanted answers, you know –’
(I say "token" because yeah it's not really an apology given how it's immediately followed by a justification.)
Hermione however?
‘He seemed to think it was best,’ said Hermione rather breathlessly. ‘Dumbledore, I mean.’ ‘Right,’ said Harry. He noticed that her hands, too, bore the marks of Hedwig’s beak and found that he was not at all sorry.
How can we know that Hermione didn’t apologize to Ron after he came back in Deathly Hallows but before the battle of hogwarts?
Honestly she can have apologized anytime, I'd just like it to be shown to me, and I'd like it to mean something.
While for example @divagonzo believes that after Malfoy Manor Hermione realizes her own mortality and blunts her sharper edges, I still remember the scene where Ron isn't sure they can trust Griphook and Hermione immediately insult him for being racist. Yeah, if that's blunting her sharp edges then I sure hope she's got other ways to do it otherwise she's gonna need a lot more Malfoy Manors.
As it stands, Harry and Hermione are really underdeveloped and bare-bones. If Harry has a character arc then I've missed it entirely because while he does realize that Snape has reasons and shit he's still kinda hating on him all through OOTP, HBP and DH until the Epilogue pulls the rug from beneath our feet. Hermione has moments indicating there's some things happening - her arc with Luna in OOTP is neat, in DH she finally learned to thank Ron for complimenting her - but aside from that she never is confronted to actual failure, to actual dilemnas, to actual problems without a true "I'm right you're wrong" solution - we only see her "being right" without anything exploring what she COULD be beyond "being right".
Which leaves Ron to shoulder the burden of having to do character development for two static characters that amount to "male role model" and "female role model". Ron IS confronted with failure, with actual dilemnas to which there's no easy answer or solution, Ron IS confronted with his personal character flaws... in pretty much every book, he's kept in a loop of "complete character arc" -> "oh no JKR needs drama to happen and she can't have Role Model 1 & 2 do it because they're supposed to be Above Mere Mortals" -> "backtrack on Ron's character arc so he can cause the drama so she doesn't have to strain her brain too hard", which is pretty obviously a disservice to Ron's character. And sadly, the fandom picks up on it but takes the wrong message from it: instead of realizing "wait, Rowling is violating the rules of good storytelling by constantly backtracking on her one good and complex character's development all so she doesn't have to risk Harry and Hermione's popularity by using their character flaws to create conflict", the fandom instead goes "ugh Ron is always causing messes while Harry and Hermione always have their hearts in the right place and always want what's best and anyway if they ever did something bad it's because they were forced by the situation".
It's... upsetting.
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deardoiloveyou · 11 months
Your Fluttering Heart୨♡୧ 。゚
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Notes: Lots of fluff, romance, Gryffindor!reader, y/n not used, setting can be anywhere your heart desires
Characters: Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco
prompt: you confess your feelings ...
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𓂃𓏲࣪ Hermione Granger
She would most likely respond with a small gasp as her face turned red and both of your heart's skipped a beat
"I love you," "too, I don't know how to explain my feelings but the way you make me feel - is almost indescribable"
She would give you a warm embrace as you hid your face in her neck, she would gently ruffle your hair as you let out a small sob of relief after finally being able to confess your feelings
Hermione would give you cute pet names like "darling" or "honey" and of course shower you with compliments almost all the time
Both you and Hermione enjoyed reading books together as her cat, Crookshanks curled up on your lap
You both would be a very cute couple and sort of balance each other out, not too loud or obnoxious but a bit petty if one of you got jealous<3
Study dates were an obvious yes, picnics were lovely because you both could enjoy your own hobbies (although you both liked reading and would end up reading books together in almost every date), going to a cozy hogsmeade cafe was 100% a yes, the leaky cauldron was also a good place to discuss matters between everyone (everyone being: you, hermione, ron, and harry - made a wonderful quartet)
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𓂃𓏲࣪ Ron Weasley
Ron would start stuttering out of how flustered he was, and you also being very goofy would tease him but in an affectionate way
"I love y-you too, ve-y-very dearly" "I-I hope you didn't mind my ignorance to your hints...I might be blind in that sense"
Ron would slip up his words while accepting your confession, but after getting used to you calling him "love" or "baby" he would give you sweet pet names as well
Ron would give you little gifts (not often but they were always genuine and kindhearted) like your favorite flower, or he would get you cute little hairclips<3
Ron wasn't the best at coordinating dates with you but he spent as much time as he could with you, even when hanging out with the rest of the quartet he would gently squeeze your hand or give you a kiss on the cheek
When you two did hang out it would either be in the garden, he would enjoy the dewy scent of the morning air with you over a cup of tea, or during breakfast he would give you a bunch of pancakes (slightly to Hermione's dislike because of S.P.E.W but she also wanted you to enjoy breakfast)
You both wouldn't go to Hogsmeade often but when you did Ron would spend almost every last galleon he saved getting what you wanted<3
You were a pretty good influence on Ron- trying to keep him out of detention (sometimes to no avail but you didn't mind getting in a bit of trouble yourself), and Mrs. Weasley definitely liked you (she sent you yummy treats and loving letters when she could)
You both had a goofy sense of humor which created a fun atmosphere and people loved hanging out with you two
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𓂃𓏲࣪ Harry Potter
Harry would start feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his chest, he wasn't embarrassed but more so flustered and his thoughts were "How could you, of all beautiful people ever like.. me?" once Harry regained his consciousness (he thought he was dreaming for a moment) he replied in a very meek and soft voice
you would end up having to ask him what he said- which only made him even more flustered but once he replied loud enough and you could comprehend his words, you would give him a soft and loving embrace (one that this touch-starved boy NEEDED)
It would take Harry a long time until he could be used to you calling him "honey" or "my love" without turning redder than his tie (the tie which you would teasingly pull and make him almost faint)
Hedwig almost immediately loved you, giving you affectionate pecks here and there (which was a clear sign to Harry that he was gonna marry you /hj)
Both you and Harry bonded over adventures and getting into a bit of trouble, might I add you both weren't very keen for Snape
Sometimes Harry and you planned to meet up at the library, both huddled under his invisibility cloak studying for a test you both forgot about<3
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๋࣭ ⭑Draco malfoy
Malfoy obviously had to scoff when you confessed your feelings for him, yet you felt like he wasn't going to reject you - well, based off of his reddening face and the way his hands shifted shyly trying to hide his feelings as well (mostly for his everlasting pride yet he couldn't help but admit his feelings for you as well)
"Tsk, of course you, a Gryffindor would fall for me" "Well, I accept your proposal, doll"
The pet name already threw you off guard and made you flustered (your plan 100% backfired and now you were fidgeting uncontrollably from being so flustered)
Draco was struggling to keep his composure and not immediately hug and kiss you, but his pride was too strong for that
You gave him a soft hug - a hug that Draco most definitely needed (this boy was also incredibly touch-starved but hated to admit it), he hugged you back but a bit apprehensively
As his cold hands wrapped around you it send shivers down your spine, yet it also made butterflies erupt in your stomach making you quiver a bit in his cold but loving embrace
He gave you lots of kisses, on your neck, your cheek, truly didn't matter where or when - if he wanted to kiss his partner he would
Draco constantly got jealous if a boy laid a single hair on you- even if it was for a justifiable reason
He would immediately walk over to your side or inch closer and wrap his arm around you, squeeze your hand, or even openly kiss you until the boy left and you were left embarrassed (but proud of your boyfriend)
Being in different houses wasn't too much of an issue to Draco, but it definitely made his friends act coldly around you (seeing that you were in the house that had Harry Potter- Draco's enemy)
But thankfully no matter what snide remarks Draco's friends' made he would always defend you and give you even more kisses
Draco loves giving you kisses (if you couldn't tell) and showering you with gifts (this boys' love language is 100% gifts and physical touch), many of the gifts included your favorite brands, expensive jewelry, or anything you said was cute or caught your eye even for a second
Draco was always a little shy when arranging the dates, mostly because he didn't want to hurt his pride but in the end he never regretted it (a lot of the dates would consist of going shopping, going to the leaky cauldron, or just cuddling with you in the library after hours (you're lucky he's a prefect)
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Notes: I hope you enjoyed reading this and it brought you some comfort! Have a lovely day<3 ALSO PLEASEE I NEED HERMIONE TO MARRY ME I LOVE HER SM, if you have any suggestions or critiques please do tell me!!
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Dagger Baby 🧸 | Top Gun Maverick Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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Being the youngest of the Dagger squad and having a baby would look like:
Don’t expect to have your baby in your arms when y’all go out. The second you walk into the Hard Deck (penny doesn’t mind you brining your baby in) or wherever y’all are meeting up, Rooster is taking them from your arms to bring over to the group. “There’s our little buddy/darling. How’ve you been, my sweet.” You can’t help but awe at the sight of your friends and child. They treated the baby like they were their own and would drop everything to help you care for them.
You were the youngest of the group and automatically was seen as the baby. Everyone had a protective nature over year, which sometimes got annoying, but it never involved them doubting your ability to fly—it was more of when y’all would go out and someone was giving you trouble. They saw you as a younger sibling and would take a bullet for you. It only progressed when you announced you were having a baby. Mickey and Javy were literally screaming at the top of their lungs, “our baby is having a baby!!”
You were completely bombarded with gifts by the team. Toys, clothes, furniture, anything you needed it was given. Maverick even got you a custom baby flight suit with a patch reading, “Dagger Baby,” and you best believe your camera roll has an entire album dedicated to just pictures of your baby in it with the squad.
The guys came out to your home to help you with the nursery while Nat assisted with planning for a baby shower. They painted the walls, built the furniture, and got everything how you wanted it. When the day came to have the baby, they all met up and basically celebrated the arrival of your child with Nat holding her phone up the second she got the text, “DAGGER BABY HAS ARRIVED!”
The team weren’t able to visit you in the hospital, and honestly they wanted to meet the your baby as a team. After being discharged and settled at home, the team all came over with gifts and bright smiles. They all congratulated you first, asking how you were before the celebrity of the house was brought over. “Oh my gosh, it’s mini (your call sign),” Payback got everyone’s attention when your partner entered with a little bundle in their arms. Nat was the first to hold the child, followed by the guys taking turns and finally Maverick before handing you baby back to you. “They’re gorgeous, (your call sign). Congratulations.”
You never had to worry about not finding a sitter because you had 8 contacts to chose from. If one wasn’t available, another was so you never had to stress about having to cancel plans or move things around. “You need someone to watch Dagger Baby? Say less, I’m on my way.”
At the office Halloween party every year, they involve your baby in group costumes. You and your partner do your own theme costumes on the actual day, but for the weekend party y’all have you allow the squad to have fun my letting your baby dress with them. One year your baby was Woody/Jessy from Toy Story and the squad were dressed as the Toy Soldiers. Another year everyone went as Harry Potter characters and dagger baby went as Hedwig. Your favorite year was everyone—including dagger baby—went as Maverick….you got a lot of pictures of them together that night.
When y’all go to the Hard Deck, Mickey will have your baby in his arms and dance around, “I’m making sure they are a salsa master when they get older.” Bob will play peek-a-boo and patty cake when he gets to have a turn. Nat secretly tells baby dagger all the tea on the guys even though they won’t understand her. Payback will watch the football/basketball game if its on tv with your baby in his lap and point out all the positions and what’s the best play. Hangman secretly likes to use your child as a way to pick up chicks, which has you threaten to revoke babysitting privileges.
If your child ever gets sick and has to go to the hospital expect your phone to be blown up because the team are loosing their mind. “How’s dagger baby?” “Is everyone up to date on their vaccines. Y’all better not be putting our baby at risk.” “Pls send pictures so we know they’re okay 🥺” “imma hurt whoever got them sick.”
Dagger baby is SPOILED on birthdays and Hollidays. The presents are literally overflowing. Especially if your child is the only offspring of the entire group then yeah they’re getting spoiled. Many of the gifts involve planes and aviation obviously, but also they get baby books, interactive toys and play sets. Your playroom is filled and your child never gets bored.
There’s never a dull moment with the squad and they are the bestest friends you could ask for. You can go to sleep at night knowing your child has the best role models to look up to because those aviators you call family would never let anything happen to their dagger baby.
TGM Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001, @cutelittlepotatofry
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nezuscribe · 2 months
Do slytherin!gojo and reader have a pet? (Like Harry has an owl, Ron has a rat, Hermionie has a cat)
I think it would be funny if reader had a fluffy white cat with blue eyes and Gojo seeing it thinking Why does it kind of look like me?
Or reader cuddling, baby talking and kissing the cat and then you zoom on Gojo in some far away corner absolutely seething and sending daggers to readers cat, who is purring and loving the affection, thinking That should be ME.
And on THAT note, what if Gojo got a hold of cats hair and turned himself into readers cat. But I don't think he is crazy enough to do such a thing ... Or is he? ...
ok soooo pls don't have me but I don't really like cats :((
so if reader did have a pet, if anything, i'd imagine her having an owl. prbly one that looked more like hedwig
I think slytherin!gojo would also prbly have an owl for convenience
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hazelnut1 · 4 months
Hiiii~💖 it’s me again because i love your arts so much, all character designs are absolutely amazing!!! And well thought!! I have some questions about little Harry!
Is little Harry have tea with Narcissa and Draco?
Barty and little Harry is friends? I have feelings someone like Barty who loyal Voldy that much probably care Harry so much!
Is little Harry and Severus study potions or other things together?
Is little Harry get his own pet snake or will he get Hedwig 🥹
How Bella feel about ‘itsy bitsy Harry’ 🥹😂
Thats my asks! Thank you for everything you do! You make me happy!!
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Thank you for liking my arts, your words mean so much to me (#´ᗜ`#)❤️ About this AU, I actually have written a bit of lore which will be posted later. But to answer your questions:
• “Is little Harry have tea with Narcissa and Draco?”
- Mostly with Narcissa, Draco just comes along because his mother encourages him to make friends. Harry was fascinated with Draco’s blond hair while Draco thinks Harry was weird.
• Barty and little Harry is friends?
- Barty was Harry’s main caretaker ever since he was a baby. Barty didn’t grow up in a happy and healthy environment, so he swore to give Harry everything that he didn’t experience when young. They’re basically brothers/ best friends.
• Is little Harry and Severus study potions or other things together?
- Most of the time, it’s just Harry doing his own things while Severus making potions. But sometimes, Harry goes with him to buy the ingredients and helps preparing them.
• Is little Harry get his own pet snake or will he get Hedwig?
- Probably both, Voldemort encourages Harry to have a snake (because of Slytherin’s pride and stuffs). Harry just want as many pets as possible. So a snake and an owl it is!
• How Bella feels about ’itsy bitsy Harry’
- She hold some grudges for Harry after the incident at the Potter’s house. But over the years, they got closer and she ends up care for him more than she expected. But because of her somewhat childish personality, she becomes that aunt who likes to tease children until they cry and think that adorable. It’s her own way of showing love (even though it’s weird)
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racfoam · 2 years
🫧 Rac’s Masterlist Of Snippets 🫧
(last updated: 6th April, 2023)
BTS Dh Part 2
nynn snippets
graveyard add-on
what-if, Voldemort kisses Harry on the graveyard (Read the Warnings!)
Hermione Defending Harry (4th Year)
nynn Harry meets Movie Voldemort (Graveyard)
Voldemort licks Harry’s wound (Graveyard)
Sirius’ reaction to Harry crushing on Cedric
Cedric gives Harry clue about the egg + Moody reacting to Hedric
Fred & George’s nickname for Voldemort
Voldemort Faces The Dursleys Pt 2 (what-if)
Voldemort shows Harry he can fly
Harry dreaming of Voldemort
Harry’s Letter 1
Harry’s Letter 2
Sirius' reaction to Harrymort getting together
Harry & Voldemort Summer of 6th Year
Harry hears Voldemort laugh
Harry & Bellatrix Ministry fight (5th Year SPOILERS)
Harry under Amortentia (6th Year)
Harry almost gets attacked by McLaggen, Voldemort & Ron team up (6th Year)
Harry & Voldemort, Harry & Slughorn (6th Year)
Scene with Mirrors (SPOILERS)
old fashion vs new fashion
no towels, walk naked (SPOILER for 7th Year)
Flashback Scene - Slughorn Meets Voldemort after he was refused the DADA position (6th Year)
Harry & Voldemort talking about Slughorn, Slughorn is the father that STEPPED UP 😤 (6th Year)
Harry high on Liquid Luck (6th Year)
Voldemort calling Harry beautiful (SPOILERS 5th Year)
Harry being beautiful (6th Year)
McLaggen eyeing Harry during Quidditch Practice (6th Year)
Harry vs Snape (SPOILERS 6th Year)
Harry asking Voldemort for help with homework through the soul bond (5th Year)
Harry using the soul bond during Potions (5th Year)
McGonagall murdering Umbridge (5th Year)
Hedwig is accepting bribery
King's Cross Meeting
Harry talks to Sirius after the Atrium (SPOILER)
Voldemort & Barty (SPOILER)
Slughorn hugs Harry (short)
Harry & Sirius during Ministry fight (short)
Fred & George teasing Harry
Two Apples (SPOILER)
Harry's Quotes in 5th Year (SPOILER)
Death Eaters (SPOILER)
The Quaffle Incident (SPOILER)
Harry dreaming about kisses (SPOILER)
Bellatrix meets Harry
what Slytherin Locket is doing during nynn
Voldemort & Dumbledore Face Off Atrium (SPOILERS)
“I lie to myself.” (SPOILERS)
Harry asks Voldemort about his anatomy
Harry & Voldemort 6th Year Summer
Harrymort cuddles (6th Year)
Muttons (be proud)
Reference Pictures for Voldemort in nynn
Fem Harry Reference Pictures
nynn Deathly Hallows AU
escape from Ministry
Harry going into the Forbidden Forest
"I'll blow it up!" The Trio
Nagini in Godric's Hollow + nynn Voldemort stealing cupcakes
Harry flying on Ili
Seven Potters Polyjuice Scene
Dursleys packing + fight at Malfoy Manor
Harry's no good 17th Birthday
Harry & Hedwig after sky chase, Harry is so done with everything
Voldemort & Death Eaters celebrate Harry's homecoming
nynn Voldemort raises Harry AU Masterlist
nynn Lily & James alive AU
Harry is too chill and very hungry after dementor attack + Lily & Harry heartwarming scene
James & Harry
future son-in-law
all the times Voldemort calls James dad, and the time James calls Voldemort son
nynn James survives, Voldemort Wins AU
nynn Lily survives, Voldemort wins AU
nynn Professor Gaunt
pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
pt 4
snowball fight
Gaunt gets jealous
Harry finds out Gaunt is Voldemort
pt 6 kiss™
nynn Same Age, growing up together & 1st Wizarding War
Tom & Harry’s first meeting written by Anon
Tom sneaks into Harry's dormitory
Harry & Voldemort moments during 1st Wizarding War
Lily & James discussing whether the Dark Lord has a wife
when Voldemort & Harry argue
Voldemort tells Harry about the Prophecy
Halloween 1981
Dolohov returns with baby Voldemort in 1983
Voldemort decides not to kill Harrison
Harry & Voldemort raising Harrison (angst)
Harrison says his first words
Harrison meets Hermione (Harmione)
Harry & Voldemort + 17-year-old Harrison going to meet Hermione's parents
last thought, last breath
- Canon Compliant, Harry surrenders in Forbidden Forest, Voldemort discovers Harry is a Horcrux, Captive Harry, Dark Fic
Narcissa is too sober for this
Harry tries to get drunk, Voldemort stops her
The Dark Lord wants his birthday gift (Mature themes)
your fingers seek mine (Masterlist)
generousity - Harry Time-Travels to 1st Wizarding War AU (Masterlist)
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lostdrarryfics · 6 months
lostdrarryfics monthly roundup! March 2024
Below you will find the requests we could not locate in the month of March. Please let us know if you recognize any!
You can also browse our lengthy lost fic masterlist, where we have compiled every request we have been unable to find over the past few years. We're always hoping someone will recognize a fic so we can let the asker know what it was!
1. I read this at least 5 years ago. I think it was on ao3, eighth year, where Harry gets turned into a kid (around 7years maybe? Definitely under 10) and McG makes Draco take care of him. Harry has big scars on his back from the Dursleys and they cause him to have seizures (? Or something like spasms maybe that are painful) fic is not The Dragon and The Golden Baby by jolly_love, or Baby Mama Drama by Stars-and-Stones
2. multi chapter post war fic I read a while ago on Ao3. I remember that Draco had to get married? but definitely live with Harry in Grimmauld Place in order to avoid Azkaban. I remember one scene where Harry takes Draco to the burrow for Sunday brunch with the Weasleys plus Teddy and Andromeda. I think Harry was talking to someone else and Ron pulls Draco aside and starts threatening him about doing anything suspicious he’ll beat him up and send him straight back to Azkaban. (Something along those lines) This triggers Draco because he was also being abused during the war and caused him to have a panic attack bc it reminded him of the past. Harry meanwhile finally notices Draco is missing and finds him hyperventilating with Ron. He tries to calm him down but Draco faints. He takes him upstairs to rest in a bed and tells everyone that he appreciates their worries but if they do that again they’ll have to face his wrath (something along those lines) and that when Draco wakes up they should be kinder towards him. Another scene is (80% sure/20% I’m mixing this detail up with another fic) teddy seems to really like Draco and is always happy with him or crawling towards him. There’s a scene where teddy is crying and Draco is looking for someone to help Teddy, but no one is near them, so he does it himself and Teddy immediately calms down with him. After that scene, there’s short snippets of Draco playing or putting his attention towards Teddy, while Harry watches them from afar and it makes him happy they get along.
3. not sure if it's on ffnet or ao3, but basically harry is heir of ravenclaw, hedwig starts teaching The Ways Of the Dark and he joins voldy because he's in love with Draco. i believe it was set in 6th year, because the bathroom scene still happens, but harry does it on purpose to not give away his disloyalty to voldy. (spoilers: harry goes full to the dark side but only because of draco. he has no loyalty to voldy beyond what he can learn and what he has to do because, again, draco. he is very much dark tho, people try to bring him down). it's fast paced from what i recall.
4. dark fanfic, not explicit or anything such as sex (that I remember) I believe it was drarry, so I remember it was a dark fanfic one of the darkest ones I had read, it included some death eaters cutting out a little muggle girls heart (I remember this because I cried about it.)because her blood wasn't pure and they tortured others, I read it on fanfiction.net I believe, basically they decided to kidnap muggles and torture them for fun because they didn't view them as clean blooded individuals. Harry or Draco I can't remember watched this happen.
5. dark one on AO3: I believe Voldemort had won the war and the golden trio and others had decided to hide children in camps,They hid muggle born and halfblood children in a camp where it was discovered after a death eater raid that all the children in that camp were found and killed, Draco was not trusted at first but over time harry and everyone else trusted Draco and Drarry happened during the story and was the main shi, I also want to say tried to save a child screaming for help during another raid but the child was killed before he could but that could be a different fanfic and I don't know if it was part of the fanfic or not (I just remember it right now thinking about that scene it sounds like hell on and I think Ginny was dead in this sadly, and Draco was a spy for Harry and the others for some reason reason because I remember him being morally grey, however I have no idea if these are two different fanfics
6. dark drarry fanfic, anyway I don't remember much only that they were at the yule ball in fourth year and Harry was on good terms with the Malfoys I believe, Anyway I remember them talking about Draco's grandfather being apart the original death eaters (The Knights of Walpurgis I believe) and this was either in front of the other Slytherin's and I believe Lucius was there (maybe Narcissa also) or maybe Draco was the one who mentioned it but for some reason I remember Lucius being there, I'm really sure it wasn't Lucius x Harry (Lucius was more of a parental figure I believe).
7. dark fanfic on AO3: I believe Voldemort had won the war and the golden trio and others had decided to hide children in camps, the death eaters Drarry happened during the story and was the main ship. Voldemort won the war. The golden trio + others where hiding children that weren't pure bloods (such as muggleborn and halfblood children). All children in one in one of the camps were found and killed by death eaters during a death eater raid this was later found out during a protest against Voldemort. Later on in the story a child was exploded/killed in front of Harry and he couldn't do anything. A medical place was bombed where they had taken survivors of the raid and Harry didn't know if Hermione had survived. Draco was a spy for the order or whatever organization headed by Harry for some reason. I think children were enslaved by death eaters if they weren't pure bloods and were treated badly. Draco was morally grey in this or he had made bad moral choices
FOUND! 8. For Draco to be inciated into the death eaters he has to kill a little boy. The boy asks Draco to kill him for some reason I think so Draco will live. The golden trio or Harry don't like Draco. Harry gets mad at Draco later on for killing the boy. The boys body was burned. Draco is taunted by the boy's death and feels guilty for killing him. The boy's name is mentioned but I don't remember it
9. I’m pretty sure I read it on ao3 and Charlie brings a girl to the burrow for either Christmas or some other celebration and they observe Harry and Draco and how the Wesley’s ignore draco? And she thinks they don’t accept the gay relationship. I think Charlie is also gay if I remember correctly and asked her to come to help him come out? Pretty sure at some point draco and Harry tell their love story and all the weasleys have never heard it cause they never wanted to ask.
10. it was set during the war and I think Draco was either hunting for horcuxes with the trio, or staying with the order/spying. The 4 of them end up staying at the Dursley’s while the family are away and Hermione sews fish into the curtains (and possibly the furniture too?) as a way to get revenge on the Dursley’s for the way they treated Harry. Harry and Draco were definitely together, but this is the only scene I can remember
11. Draco and Harry are elemental mages. Draco is an ice mage and Harry a fire mage, and they are linked or something like that. They are childhood friends, I believe, and Remus and Sirius are involved. It is set at hogwarts, for sure, so not the fantasy au that comes up in searches. It was a wip on ao3 when I read it and the last chapter I remember involved Draco venting his powers in the shrieking shack and Remus being concerned about him, as they have been negatively affecting his mood/temperament as they develop.
12. top Draco/ bottom Harry. Harry wears panties and Draco finds out. No established relationship other than Auror and healer. I read it on A03 2 months ago. It’s one chapter long. I’m pretty sure Harry gets hurt and they have to take his pants off to address it and that’s when Draco, his healer, sees them. It’s a short fic and that’s basically all that happens I think
13. 8th year centered. post war. it's from draco's pov. harry and draco always meet at the astronomy tower. harry keeps inviting draco to do things together but draco always refuses. harry thinks that he and draco are dating but they aren't. there's this scene that harry and draco are at the astronomy tower and harry invites draco to hogsmade. Draco refuses because the thinks it won't be a good idea to people see them both together. Harry says it's no problem but that he really wants to be able to tell Hermione and Ron about them. Draco asks what he's taking about and Harry tells him it's about their relationship. Draco goes like: WHAT??!! and asks Harry since when they are dating.Harry says since when he thinks they are dating and i think Draco comments about how they never even kissed. Harry says something about how he thought Draco wasn't ready yet and realizes that only he thought that both of them were in a relationship. He goes to apologize but then I think Draco kisses him or something. There might be a part where Harry teaches Draco how to cast the patronus but maybe i'm mixing two fics up. i read it on Ao3 and that is chaptered and longer than 20,000 words
14. Harry has a twin, and they were separated at birth. I don't remember if it was a no magic au, sorry. Anyway, Harry's twin was raised by Sirius (lily and James are still dead) and Harry by Bellatrix. They meet for the first time in summer camp for troubled youth, and shenanigans ensue because they're identical. I know one of the twins ends up with Draco, and the other one with Fred. It was incomplete, I think.
15. it was a professors fanfic where draco and harry worked together at hogwarts and i remember they didnt like each other, and i also very much remember that draco lived under some sort of aquarium under the great lake inside the common room. this seems really odd, because im sure my memory is wrong but i remember reading specifically that it was underwater and that it was located somewhere in the common room of slytherin.
16. I don't remember much of it but what really does stand out to me it's that I'm pretty sure it was already complete 'cause I remember it having a proposal in the end of it and pretty sure it was on Yule and I remember that there was I think at least Molly bashing? Anyways, it had something to do with Molly stealing from Harry and Arthur only finding out about it much later and actually being invited to the Yule celebration! And pretty sure one of the background pairings was Sirius/Charlie. It wasn't Lily's Boy, I'm sure of it! And I'm pretty sure it was Sirius/Charlie 'cause I remember it having a scene in a forest, where Dumbledore took Sirius and Charlie and that's where their relationship began. I think they were hunting Horcruxes? Or doing something like that.
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vajazzly · 9 months
day 2: old photos
felt like writing something a bit more silly and happy today, so have some sirius raised harry since he was a baby au fluff!!
1998, a little house by the sea
“Look! It’s the day I got Hedwig!” Harry says, holding up a grainy photo with a grin. Sure enough, an eleven-year-old Harry stands proudly in front of Eeylops Owl Emporium, Hedwig sitting on his outstretched arm. 
“Oh, let me look at that,” Sirius says, snatching up the photo. Harry was so small then, and yet he remembers standing there, taking that photo, feeling the pang in his chest that his godson really was growing up.
Pah. He knew nothing about that then.
Harry’s eighteen now, a proper adult who does things like submit job applications and go for pub nights and move out. He’ll be helping him move into his new flat tomorrow, a little three-bedroom he’ll share with Ron and Hermione, and Harry’s been putting off going through his old boxes of stuff for weeks. 
Sirius is not getting choked up. He’s not. 
“Oh Merlin, it’s my first day of primary,” Harry says with a grimace, tossing a few photos aside. “Why did you let me leave the house in that?”
Sirius takes one of the photos from the floor, and then he’s looking at a six-year-old Harry, gap toothed and so, so tiny, standing on their front stoop in a bowl cut and neon pink-and-green tracksuit.
“It was fashionable at the time!” Sirius protests, trying his best to power through the way his voice is catching. “You were very cool!”
“I look like a pool floatie!”
“All the neighbors’ kids were so jealous of you,” Sirius says, and there are tears in his eyes now, so that’s happening. “Zooming around on your scooter-”
“This one?” Harry asks, innocently holding up a photo of himself from the same time period, posing dramatically with his bright red scooter.
“Yes!” Sirius sniffles, and Harry sighs, shuffling over closer to wrap an arm around him. “Oh Harry, you just grew up so fast, what am I to do with you?”
“It’s only London, and I’ll be back on Sunday for dinner!” Harry says, but he’s looking a bit misty-eyed too. “And you can always visit me, I know you love the city, and we’re going to Wales in a month to see Uncle Moony, and -”
“Oh, kiddo, I know,” Sirius says, hugging Harry tighter and pressing a kiss to his hair. “I’m just proud of you, alright?”
“Gross, you’re getting snot in my hair!”
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chellesdump · 1 year
Sana Potter - MiSa (2NA)
"All Sana wanted was to watch her favorite series of movies alongside her members but when everyone tells her they are busy she gets so upset. That is until big sister Mina comes to the rescue making Sana feel so magical and happy "
word count ─ 1.2k
tags ─ little! sana, big sis! mina, autumn, harry potter, cuddles
notes ─ This is for the Magic prompt, so of course it had to be Sana Potter. So enjoy :3
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Sana woke up refreshed after the relaxing night she had, which meant that all her energy was recharged, she tried to decide what she was going to spend the day doing, but no matter how much she tried to come up with any idea she just couldn't think of anything, that was until a voice call for her from somewhere within the house.
“Sana! You just got mail” said the voice which seemed to be Jihyo from the living room.
Sana ran towards where she heard Jihyo, grab whatever thing the mailman just brought for her, thanking the leader with a “Thank you Hyo, love yah!”, she ran back to her room to open the package. Inside was her new blanket hoodie, it was Harry Potter-themed, with all the characters displayed in a pattern, so this gave her an idea of how to spend the day away.
She was watching… HARRY POTTER.
Now she only needed to find someone to watch the movies with, since watching them alone isn’t the most fun thing to do, so her adventure to find a movie pal started, she went to find Momo in her room, but when she was about to open the door remembered that Momo was in Japan for a schedule.
After Momo’s room she went to look for Hyo, she was sure she would want to watch a movie with her, “Hyo! Wanna watch Harry Potter wif’ me? I gots a new blanket to watch it” excitedly asked Sana with a glimmer in her eyes, but disappointment came when Jihyo told her she couldn’t right now since she was called into a meeting but maybe later.
Then she went to find Jeongyeon, maybe she was willing to watch at least one of the movies with her, but as such had been her luck Jeong wasn’t able to do it either, “Sorry Sha but I’m taking Peanut to the vet for a checkup, but you know I’d be more than happy to spend time with you if I could” sadly told her the older girl giving a pitiful pat on the younger’s head before going out the door.
Finally, she went to Nayeon’s room to ask her to watch the movies with her, but upon arrival, she found Nay was getting changed, “Where you going?” asked Sana clutching her stuffed Hedwig plush against her chest, “Oh Sana! Didn’t hear you enter, but to answer your question I’m taking the maknaes to their doctor's appointment” answered Nayeon fake whispering the last part before chuckling, but she found that Sana’s gaze was on the floor and she was so quiet. 
“Is something the matter baby?” questioned Nayeon stuffing her purse with the necessities for the day, “Wanted to watch Harry wif’ you Mama, but you busy” sadly answered the Japanese girl burying her face on the plushes back, this broke Nay’s heart but she needed to take the girls to the doctor, so with a heavy heart told Sana that if she was still up to it when she came back from the doctor they could watch the movie together.
Sana was sulking in the living room, stray tears came out of her eyes and quiet sobs dominated her body, this made her even more upset as she wasn’t supposed to be mad at the girls for being busy because they told her that if they could they would do it but for someone as little as she was at the moment it was beyond upsetting.
Mina came into the living on her way to the kitchen to grab a beverage, but stopped in her tracks upon seeing the upsetting scene of Sana quietly sobbing on the sofa, she went towards the sofa and sat beside the crying girl asking her what was wrong.
“Mitang!” yelled Sana launching herself to hug the penguin girl, “I w-wanna watch Ha-harry but everyone b-busy, no one watch mo-movies with Satang” sobbed the Shiba Inu retelling how everyone had things to do and so she was alone, Mina gave her a hug before getting up and going to the kitchen before heading to her room.
Sana got even sadder and more upset seeing how Mina just went back to hiding in her room ignoring the older one, she was getting mad at hearing all the ruckus that Mina was making from her room. Every once in a while she would see Mina coming into the kitchen, grabbing something, and retreating back to her room, this same pattern lasted around 20 minutes with the only difference of sometimes going to the linen closet instead of the kitchen.
It was about the 15th time Mina came out of her room and ignored Sana, and she was fed up with it, except this time Mina came straight to Sana and extended her hand out for her to take, with some apprehension Sha took the offered hand and followed Mina to… Mina’s room, why would she finally decide to invite Sana inside when she had been ignoring her for the last 20 or so minutes, since she was upset she made her thoughts known.
Mina began laughing, which made Sana mad about how she could be cruel to Sana for voicing her feelings, the penguin quickly recovered from her laughing fit and reassured Sha about how she wasn’t ignoring her and that they were there to give her a big surprise. Opening her door Mina let Sana inside and showed her what she had been preparing the last 20 minutes, there was a blanket fort surrounding the TV, and there was a wide range of bowls with snacks that Sana loved, some were even Wizarding World-themed, it was so magical looking with the fairy light hanging from the makeshift ceiling of the fort.
Sana’s heart warmed up and once again the tears made themselves present in her eyes, Mina got worried, “Did you not like it Satang? I’m so sorry” mused the penguin, but Sana was quick to say the contrary, “Like it? I wuv it Mitang!! Fank you for this you da best sister I could have!” finished the Shiba hugging the sentimental ballerina.
Once both girls were calm enough they started watching the first movie of the series, drinking the butter beer (non-alcoholic, of course, they are Alcohol Free) Mina had made with so much love and eating all the snacks. After the first movie had ended and the second one was around the middle Sana was so relaxed that falling asleep was imminent, before letting her heavy eyelids win the fight against sleep she let Mina know how grateful she was for her doing all this just to make Sha happy.
“Of course Satang, that’s what big sisters are for. We are here to make our tiny sisters happy, I love you so much” whispered Mina leaving a tiny but filled with so much love kiss on top of Sana’s head cuddling her harder and also succumbing to sleep’s arms. That’s how the rest of the members found them with happy smiles plastered on both their faces, Nayeon and Jeongyeon picked them up into the bed, tucking them under the covers and leaving them to rest… not before taking a photo to save the warm moment between the Japanese girls.
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whinlatter · 1 year
If you could save any of the characters in the hp books who died, who would you save and why?
Ah, this is such an interesting question!
Honestly, I think the most pointless death is Fred's, and if I could save him, I would. I could write essays on it, honestly. I think it's one of the cheapest emotional shots taken in the series.
Fred's death is kind of gratuitous. It's not well foregrounded, it's not a particularly good scene or a murder that's carried out by a character with any significance or symbolism (Rookwood? Really?) But neither is Fred's death used to be a particularly sophisticated comment on the randomness of death in war or make a broader point about the nature of the conflict at hand. It's as if the Weasley twins' position as a comedic device and a source of laughter throughout the series made them prime candidates for JKR to batter them, in order to hammer home an already hammered-home point that war is tragic and costly and terrible lol (like, already in the same book, George gets his ear blasted off! Why keep coming back for shots at the twins?)
You can almost imagine JKR going down the list of Weasleys like, ok, well Bill's already been mauled, killing Charlie wouldn't do enough damage because he's such a side character, Percy needs his redemption arc, killing Ron is a bridge too far and she's already had him poisoned, killing Ginny would be plot repetitive and would polish Harry off, she'd already decided to nearly kill then save Arthur, and Molly needs her boss bitch moment - oops sorry guess it's a twin that's getting it! Why not kill one and not the other for maximum devastation! It's not like JKR was even very attentive to the twins' emotional life or made any real effort to characterise the twins separately from one another, other than giving Fred more lines than George throughout the series. So for the reader, the death of one of the twins is this horrendous awful blow, but the reader also is left with no directed tools for how to think about his death or conceptualise what this character was for the series arc. Also to end a series knowing you just robbed this beloved family of a son and a brother - robbing George of his twin - and then make no attempt to think about the impact of that death on your characters, and write an epilogue that says all was well, is just extremely poor plot detonation, imo.
I say this also because I think there are deaths in the series that are awful and tragic, but which are still narratively and symbolically important, either as ways of propelling the plot forwards or offering a kind of narrative symbolism or arc that has some payoff for the reader. James and Lily have to die to set in motion this huge plot arc for the entire series. Cedric's death is a powerful watershed moment both for the reader - things are getting serious now - and for Harry. Sirius' death, while completing devastating, does at least make some sense to strip away from this central character an important protector as he steps towards a fate no-one can shield him from. Dumbledore's death was a masterstroke, and I actually (sorry) think Hedwig and Dobby's deaths make a ton of sense, as characters that represent innocence and the uncomplicated warm friendship of childhood friends (also I think Harry digging Dobby's grave is one of the most powerful images in the series). Even Remus and Tonks' deaths do something for the arc of the series, offering the symbolism of both another baby orphaned by war, and for Harry beginning the next chapter of his life as the godfather to that orphaned child (I'm typing that out very grudgingly because obviously those deaths are horrendous). But Fred, it's like, ok, well, the only possible point for this is to make sure you see it's a war and deaths will happen and to make sure the Weasleys are grieving for the rest of their lives. Great, cool, fine! But I think it's cheap storytelling. Anyway there's my piece!
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