#harlow rambles
vikingsandrevolutions · 11 months
the internet has ruined me.
i finally got around to watching ‘midnight mass’ and was in complete shock at the end of the 6th episode until father paul said “i am the alpha and the omega”. i went from silent shock to giggling hysterically in 0.3 seconds…fuck you internet. fuck you.
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hydn-jpg · 4 months
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redraw of this piece!! i mentioned in that post that i would redraw it at some point and ig that time is now! (i meant to post this before id2 came out but i got really busy so y'know lol better late than never)
i like to think i've improved! still can't draw chairs though haha
side by side comparison under the cut + rambly artist commentary(?):
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i still have a long way to go in learning proper anatomy but i think the new pose looks a lot more natural and comfortable! also ~sexier~ perhaps
i tried to make the bg look closer to the actual cg they used in the book, i am arguably better at doing backgrounds now i think! i used to not put a lot of thought into it and just blocked out random shapes and called it a day (okay, i still do that now lol but i put more care into it now !! i try to make the shapes a bit more distinct and actually plan and sketch it out rather than draw some blobs and hope for the best ldkfkhsl). also more colour range(?) to give it a bit more depth!!)
i'd also like to add that i think i'm also better at figuring out compositions now, idk how it is for y'all but when i look at the original my eyes can't help but just fall to the centre, bc there's no focal point(?) or anything that's visually interesting for the eyes to land on. plus with the way it's structured, my eyes just naturally fall to center (+ bottom half bc the skin showing through the rips are bright in contrast to the black) >_> in contrast, in the redraw your eyes are automatically drawn to the face bc it's arguably the most interesting thing on the canvas and thus acts as the visual anchor of sorts (plus there is enough contrast with the background to make cas stand out instead of blend in)
even though i cringe looking at the og i can't help but to also feel endeared bc this was one of the first immortal desires fanart i ever did and also one the first of my posts to do really well! i never expected to get that much attention since i was only posting casually but it really warmed my heart reading all the lovely comments and motivated to draw more :D
it's also really fun seeing how much my art style and techniques have evolved! i don't think i use any of the same brushes i used to use for my old pieces anymore now haha. i also watched the timelapse for the old one and am honestly kind of in awe at how my different my drawing process used to be!!
i still have a lot to learn (esp in terms of anatomy, lighting, shading etc.) but i'm happy with where i am rn! the great thing about being a hobbyist is that there isn't really any pressure for me to improve quickly so i can just take my time haha (except maybe from imposter syndrome but that's neither here nor there)
i think i could've drawn his face and expression a bit better but i think this is a satisfying enough redraw for now!
btw, these are just my thoughts! i am not an art student so the things i said might not be technically correct but this is how i make sense of things in my brain
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nightprincekieran · 6 months
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*checking nails* mc is thriving under the attention of two hotties
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weepingwitchkingdom · 6 months
New angsty Cyril headcanon
I headcanon that Cyril kinda knew how bad of a person Leopold was, however, he was in denial about it.
What I mean by this is that Cyril would notice that Leopold was a bad person, but he would always tell himself stuff like, "I owe him for letting me become his apprentice," or "He's been the Grand Keeper since I was sixteen, there's no way that he would still be the Grand Keeper if he wasn't a good person," And stuff like that because, for apprentices, your mentor is like your parent, and you probably also see your mentors more than you see your parents during your apprenticeship. And children are more likely to dismiss the actions of their parents.
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12timetraveler · 2 months
I just had the BEST idea for a live action red dead casting. Hear me out.
Played by Robert Bogue (Red Harlow's actor).
The ultimate "Uncle is Red Harlow"
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doomedpuppetyuri · 4 months
im prolly gonna be either busy or in the car for most of the day so uhhhh have a big oc art dump that i dont think i posted because im growing fond of these idiots
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urfavnegronerd · 7 months
some more jack harlow brain rot-- a certified music brat
hey yall hey music brain rot time because i'm considering music production as a major for uni
so on my way home i forced listened to lovin on me by jack harlow on the way home from school today, the unedited explicit version that is not radio appropriate and i have THOUGHTS
okay SO :
the whole "i dont like no whips and chains and you cant tie my down, but you can whip your lovin on me" overlay is... not good. at 0:31 in the song, the overlay drops and there's OBVIOUS POTENTIAL IN THE SONG the bassline is so so beautiful, as well as the cymbals (my music teachers got deported so i don't have a formal music education i don't know the fancy words) which compliment each other beautifully and at this point we have that cute little "young j a c k aka rico like suave (WHICH IS FUCKING INSANE FOR SOME KENTUCKY WHITE BOY TO KNOW WHAT RICO SUAVE IS BUT ANYWAY) young enrique speaking of aka". THAT BAR WAS FUCKING NASTY ILL OKAY? NASTY MF ILL ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? the flow on that bar was insane and RIGHT on the pocket i cannot it was amazing. giving very much white men CAN jump vibes, ya dig? AND THEN THIS BASTARD DROPS THAT FLOW COMPLETELY AND GOES INTO THE CHORUS/ BRIDGE THING (no formal training leave me alone) and the overlay happens again. sigh. my thing is there is so much potential (either in his bars or in the beat) and it just... goes to waste??? pisses me off real bad.
and then he has another nasty ill bar about young missionary WHICH DROPS THE OVERLAY AGAIN AND ITS JUST BASS AND CYMBALS WHICH IS FUCKING AMAZING and it was so good but i feel like that bar kinda fell off with that whole lord farquaad (unserious ass nigga) line where he loses the flow a little bit which pissed me AWF
but anyway. i think i should make in-depth music reviews a thing on this page, lmk what u think
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simplepotatofarmer · 8 months
i truly wanted to write today but i'm exhausted. i had to shovel a lot of snow from around the run and then i spent like. four solid hours just being sad about watson. <3 <3 but! i'm really excited for the prospect of hatching cluck and brittney m. crockpot eggs this spring! :D
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d4isywhims · 9 months
im writing the script for a later ep of private and wow kohana is such a bitch why do i hate her adkhfksaf 😭😭😭
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Fun fact!!
I’ve already established that Amanda keeps skeletons and taxidermy in her office, but one of them is a normal, unchanged, genuine human skeleton that she uses as a reference for the human skeletal system.
She refers to him as “Ludwig”, the name of her former husband. Just a coincidence. that’s all. don’t ask about it, Ludwig was too clingy for her-
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what did i just read. what the fuck. never have i needed brain bleach more.
here i was just scrolling through what i thought was a very fandom specific tag (not filtering out other fandoms…my mistake) when i found a fucking joe biden x donald trump fic. just why??? i did not think that was something i would even need to filter out???? i just???????
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paigesluver · 1 year
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he looks so fine🤭
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
5 and 23 for Margie
HI AND HELLO!!!! thanks so much for this!!! :D 5 and 23 for margie coming right up! <3333
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Getting to be a flight engineer in the USAAF as a woman in the Second World War - I would definitely say to the one of the highest extents. Margie grew up in a fairly large family, with a bunch of siblings that all were pretty competitive - her brothers that would play different sports and excel in school, some of her older sisters that were some of the brightest in school and went on to college. She pretty much followed in those same footsteps, specifically being interested in science and mathematics. The issue that came with that was, being a woman interested in those topics during the time wasn't highly looked upon and so it was increasingly harder to be taken seriously when she was in those sorts of classes. But she'd show up, she'd do her work and understand the material like the back of her hand until she was the best as what she did. Excellence and determination were at the forefront of her mind.
I would say she doesn't come across that way - she's very outgoing, extroverted, friendly, and always willing to lend a helping hand and be there for someone. But, that also comes with the fact that because of those characteristics, she's been walked over before and isn't afraid to work as hard as possible to get herself situated for where she needed to be positioned next in her life.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
This one took a bit for me to really think about and focus on, but considering who Margie is, her upbringing, her background and what she's experienced, I would say that grief is hardest for her (mixed with the comorbid emotions of anger and sadness that came with that). But beyond anything - grief.
Margie just can't get a handle on what is means when you lose someone - a few of the other girls in Silver Bullets have lost multiple people throughout their youth and into adulthood and she's never really had to experience that. And now, being involved in the war and flying in a B-17 bomber, death surrounds them. Grief is imminent. Especially considering their first command pilot, Birdie Faulkner, died in the air and they had to bring in a replacement - how was she supposed to process any of that?!
Another aspect of this is - Margie is grieving her younger self, and she can't seem to process how to grieve that part of herself that she feels is now lost. She can't understand that this war has changed her and she's lost parts of herself that she feel she may never get back.
For expressing emotions - Margie is fairly open with her emotions, but she isn't the best at it. Take the recent Margie x Benny piece for example - she can't express the fact that what happened to her has traumatized her as much as it had. She can't express to someone who clearly cares for her that she's struggling and in pain and is terrified for what may be in store for them in the future. That emotional ball of fear, helplessness, vulnerability - I feel that's what she has trouble actually expressing. Because she feels it all inside, but actually have to show someone else - yes, I am scared, I am reeling from what happened, I can't get it out of mind and I feel at my most vulnerable. She just can't do that. Of course, her words would never come out that way, but that thought process of her feeling weakened and more vulnerable to have to break down those walls and show she's feeling that way - it's something she doesn't want to have to do. That's letting people in and it is terrifying for her.
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merry-harlowe · 2 years
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barty crouch jr. 🤝 white boy rap
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harlowslilsecret · 2 years
anyone else feel all 🥺🥺🥺 when they watch Jack whenever he’s with Urban and/or Druski? like he seems so at ease whenever they’re by his side and i think it’s so fucking cute
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