#harley e joker
sunsetshunter · 10 months
“Lui era pazzo. Lei era più pazza di lui e aveva meno paura. Eppure insieme funzionavano. Erano così imperfetti da sembrare perfetti solo insieme.”
-Harley Quinn & Joker.
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macksartblock · 2 years
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Am actively manifesting a Harley Quinn moment
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no facepaint version below
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323 notes · View notes
iguanastew · 7 months
That coyote that everybody loves
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postsfullofcharm · 6 months
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rossoparadiso · 1 year
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dogbites-puppylove · 5 months
Apple seed cyanide
TW: description of yandere mentalities and actions (obsession, possessive tendencies, stalking, etc)
Tags: Yandere! Joker x reader, Yandere! Harley x reader (platonic)
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If you want the honest to god truth, Harley knew that the Joker was spewing saccharine filth from the start when he reached out with promises of a sweet little life, one with a darling family of their own. She knew because, after years of watching him pant after the trials of Batman, she saw he had no room other than his obsession left in his heart. But like a moth to firelight, she flutters dutifully back into his arms attracted by promises already broken
Imagine her surprise when shes greeted at the door with a bright smile, almost sane enough to trick her. He ushers her in with a sweet note in the air and a “surprise waiting for her” in the living room. Bound and gagged a couple is crying out on the floor, shaking their hands in a pathetic plea, and attempting to crawl away, and usually, Harley would be all for making a joke or two, but instead, all she can see is you. Your little presence floods all of her senses, sitting perfectly pacified on the floor. Behind her, she's aware of her partner's sick laughter, but she can't shake off the trance she's in.
You couldn't be older than 3, still without proper motor skills and a morbid curiosity stopping any critical preservation instincts that might have had you crying. This becomes more evident when instead of screaming, you giggle as the clown prince of crime crouches down to haul you up into an embrace, even bouncing you up into the air a few times to pry out more laughter. She can barely hear the shrieks of your old parents as the Joker finally deposits you safely into her arms, and as she cradles you close to her chest that aches for you. It's a physical hurt that almost overwhelmed her, the need to crawl inside you and live there, or for you to do the same, and it is in a stranger's house that Harley falls in love again.
“Sweet as honey ain't they?” the Joker coos and cackles at you, waggling a few fingers in front of your face, grinning even wider as you grab at them. “Full of curiosity that one is, a real riot!” but Harley can barely hear him much less acknowledge him past the roaring of blood in her ears. Her heart beating out of her chest she thinks it might just spill open to accommodate the organ trying to crawl closer to her darling. For the second and last time in her life, Harley is chained and leashed to another's will, a fate of coming to their beck and call, your will, her darling wrapped perfectly in her arms.
To the Joker's credit he does love you, or as close to love as he can get. He hushes your cries, indulges you in sweets behind Harley's back, and she's even caught him humming silly little tunes as he dances with you wrapped up in his arms. You bring clarity to him, a surety in his life that he doesn't feel unless pulling Bats along in another joke. You were going to be his perfect legacy, proof that he cannot truly die, you're a part of him in this way. Of course, you’d need a quick little dip into a vat of toxins to truly make a perfect legacy but you needn’t worry, he still loves you. You just need a little preparation first.
Every week he takes you on little daddy-darling outings, he tells Harley your going around to sightsee, and he lets you play a lot of fun games until the sun sets. And he's truthful because his warehouses are far and in between, and every mutilation he leads you so lovingly through is a fun little joke. His little comedian, hell coo as he leads your hand tightly clasping a knife against the throat of one of his own boys who had tried to run. Isn't this fun sweetheart?
He underestimates, however, just how devoted Harley is because while she was fully delusional when they had first gotten into a relationship Harley cannot spare you as collateral damage to her own fantasies. She is painfully grounded as she takes in everything about you 24/7, your expressions, words, actions anything she can she takes to covet away in her mind forever. As much as she is a monster she is your mother and she loves you, you are anything she's ever had and everything she'll ever have. He doesn't realize that she obsessively checks over you, even spotting the smallest flecks of blood, how when she kisses you goodnight she can see the thin sheen of apathy take hold of your gaze.
The final straw comes in the form of a huge argument, she comes home early from work eager to see her little baby, when she finds the Joker cooing into your ear, goading you into doing your best as your hands wrap around a familiar gun. Like the devil on her shoulder, she can't even scream as you pull the trigger, eyes momentarily twitching but no other expression as your former parent's brains paint the windows. And she realizes as you turn around to smile at her sweetly with blood on your teeth and tears that seem so foreign streaming down your face that you need to leave, she has to get you away.
That night she takes you, just 9 years old, and runs. She has no real destination, just a desperate notion to get away, to save you from all that she knows the joker is trying to make you. She can't, she can't let you go through what she knows will force you into the type of person you never wanted to become. Because she can see herself in the mirror and can mourn normal happiness and stability, and she has watched the joker bleed himself dry until he has nothing to himself but an old laugh track repeating over and over again. It's a life of agony and you don't deserve that, not you, never you.
Of course, her body ends up leading her to Ivy’s place, and the woman can only stare in shock as her best friend who had gone radio silent all those years back collapses at her door holding a kid so close she might be trying to meld into one. “Please, please not my baby” Harley begs and any anger that Ivy could have had melts.
For a while it's paradise, the Gotham sirens all corralling once again in their glory, and with their very own new member, you. Selina takes to you quickly, cooing about how her kitten is just the most clever thing in the world as you quickly work through her little trips. (Privately she will worry to Harley about the lack of awareness you have for your own health, the way your eyes glaze over when a plan takes place, and the brutality you exhibit.) Ivy also takes to you quickly, teasing you with little nicknames (how can you be a sapling when you're a human?) and she teaches you how to nurture, how to care for plants and love them as they deserve. (And she will confide to Harley how you seem to take to poisons particularly well, how you are able to craft things more disastrous than she can dream, how your curiosity always leans to the morbid.)
Harley herself takes great energy and care into trying to undo what the Joker has done, it's laughable how Gotham's greatest villains all sit in a circle every week and preach about morals and empathy. But to their credit, it works, and though you may not be able to feel the full existence of motion, though you can't seem to feel it as deeply as others your heart still throbs with what must make you human. You learn consequences and cling with desperation to these little lessons that prove you aren't your mentor. (not father, not anymore)
And yet Harley can still see how your apathy takes hold in the face of curiosity, how you prefer crowbars over teddy bears, and how despite your hardest efforts empathy is always a little too easy to push away in favor of hard-earned apathy. (and she knows, she knows that as long as that bastard is still out there doggedly searching the ground for you, you won't ever truly be safe) so she makes a deal.
The phone rings and Bruce can only raise an eyebrow at the untitled phone number, he doesn't make a habit of giving out his number so uselessly so after the third ring he picks up.
“Hello? This is Bruce Way-”
“Hey Bats.” Alarm shoots through the roof at a voice he hasn't heard in years, and yet still so closely relates to his arch-nemesis.
“Harley? How did you get this-”
“Listen, listen I know it's gonna sound real bad but I- I need you to hear me out. A favor, I need a favor. I'll go back to Arkham, stay there for the rest of my days but, I” she breathes and it's far too shaky for the woman he knows her to be. “My baby” she sobs “You gotta keep my baby safe, he's out there Bats and he won't leave em alone as long as their alive.”
Through his confusion, Bruce manages to calm her down, and wrangles a short story out of her, how she and Joker had played family until she couldn't bear to see you break anymore and how she knew that she alone couldn't keep her darling safe. And maybe it's the boy staring at the corpse of his family in Crime Alley that speaks instead of himself but he finds himself reaching out to help. (he can't let another family split, not when he can help it). As long as Harley doesn't kill, no more lethal tactics, and as long as she reports everything she knows about joker, and works with him against him, she can stay outside of Arkham walls. And as for you?
Your tenth birthday hits and Bruce Wayne steps into your living room with a strangely calculating gaze and a warm smile.
“You must be Y/N? Ah, nice to meet you officially, my name is Bruce Wayne, and ill be your foster family.”
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gilbirda · 3 months
Sequel to "Another Harley Quinn"
Go to the first fic: "Deal"
After everything is said and done, it is no secret that Bruce doesn't approve of Jason's choice of partner. How far is he ready to go to reject her, and what are Jazz and Jason willing to give?
[Read on AO3][Read on FF]
She was running.
She was running and the streets were too dark, the shadows too long, the air too cold. She was running through a city she had come to know but was alien to her, a place she wanted to call home and yet she couldn’t call hers.
Jazz was running. Her chest hurt. Her feet hurt.
That’s when she saw it.
It was familiar, something that looked like home between the streets she didn’t belong in, and yet, it wasn’t home.
(Nothing was really home since Danny—)
She knew it. Jazz was sure. It was a ghost, she was positive, but a ghost she had never encountered before. It was bright, glowing in the dark streets, its light making its features difficult to discern. The body was more like a floating torn bed sheet than a human body.
It had a face.
It opened its mouth, jaw unhinged, and screamed.
Jazz woke up with a start, the only thing not letting her fall forwards and faceplant on the coffee table was a strong arm around her waist.
“Easy there, love.”
She looked up at Jason, blinking the sleep away. “Did I fall asleep? I’m sorry.”
His smile didn’t reach his eyes. She usually doesn't fall asleep like this, but lately…
“It’s okay,” Bruce set his cup on the table, “you must be tired after last night.”
Last night… Right, she had been up late taking down a drug operation at the docks. That Batman knew about it even if she did it alone wasn’t surprising. The slight judgemental glint in his eyes wasn’t a surprise either — she had killed the lieutenant after destroying the cargo.
It had been the third chance she had given him and that person decided to mock her for being soft, claiming that “a man would have pulled the trigger already”. If that wasn’t enough to kill him, the fact that his ex-girlfriend had filed for a restraining order for the second time, and had been dismissed by the police again, was a deal breaker for her.
Not that Bruce would care about things like that.
“She's been having weird dreams lately and wakes up really tired.”
Jason, as always, jumped to protect her. Maybe he was trying to remind Bruce that they were in this together, that it didn’t matter that she was taking over while he got his GED and started college. That if Bruce had a problem with her he had a problem with the two of them.
“I think she’s trying to tell me something,” Jazz sat straight, cracking her back. She shouldn’t have fallen asleep like that, now her back was going to be sore. “I mean Gotham.”
“Is the same dream over and over again, the same noise. I thought after Joker…” Jazz trailed off, remembering that encounter with the Spirit. She had been another person then. Another woman. Felt like long ago and yet like yesterday.
Both ignored Bruce’s clear “hm” demanding her to elaborate. Right. They never explained what happened with the Joker.
“I think she is trying to warn me about something that’s coming.” Her mind went back to the screaming ghost, to the dark alleys. That wasn’t Gotham, even if it gave the illusion to be. “Something more in my, uh, expertise.”
“Well, that’s ominous,” Jason was deliberately only looking at her face, “and vague. Wanna go over it when we get home?”
Any thought was derailed when he lifted a hand to comb it through her hair. It felt nice. He was very warm.
“Sure.” She picked his hand and kissed the palm. “I’m going to check if Alfred needs help with dinner.”
Still ignoring Bruce, Jazz stood up and left what was going to be another interrogation.
Jason watched her walk away, conflicted. She had been a bit distracted lately, spacing out more and more; and even if he was positive she was not actively hiding anything from him, he was sure something was going on with her.
The thought that not even she knew what was happening was not helping.
He looked up at his father. “What?”
Jason didn’t like that it was worded like an order. Or that Bruce used that tone with him, with Jazz. Honestly? He was fed up with Bruce’s behavior about his girlfriend. She said it was okay, that Bruce would eventually let it go, but Jason didn’t like that she had to endure that constant drilling because of—
No. It wasn’t because of him.
Jazz had been firm when she insisted it was never his fault. That if Bruce decided to be a dick about her it was not because of Jason.
But Jason knew his father better than her, he knew what made the man tick, what he was thinking with each gesture. Sure, Jazz had investigated Bruce Wayne, Batman, and everything about Gotham — but she hadn’t lived any of it.
What Bruce hated about Jazz is what he hated in Jason, the new Jason, and what he refused to accept. It didn’t take a genius to see that the man berated her for things Jason taught her or did with her. It was obvious at this point, after all these months, that Bruce just couldn't let go of the little boy that died.
Listen. If Jason had problems with Bruce, it was his problem, not Jazz’s. She was innocent.
“Bruce.” He cut whatever the other man was about to say. “You have to stop.”
This made him blink in surprise. Yeah right. As if he didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Stop what?”
“Don’t give me that crap. You know what I mean.”
They looked at each other in tense silence.
Bruce sighed, leaning back on the sofa, rubbing his face before looking elsewhere but him.
“I just —” he started, unsure of what he really wanted to say. Was he going to be honest, for once? “I don’t — There is something about her… I don’t like it.”
There it is.
I don't like her.
I don’t trust her.
Of course he doesn’t. That stupid control freak. Jazz was a bat trained individual that didn’t go through him or was approved by him. She had access to the Cave and to all their technology, just like Jason, just like Bruce promised they could.
But that wasn’t the problem. Jazz could be temporarily banned and put on trial phase until she passed all of Bruce’s tests and yet she would never be enough.
“We are a package deal, Bruce.”
The look the man gave him was equally annoyed and defeated. “I know.”
“She’s not a villain.” It hurt. How Bruce’s jaw muscle tensed like he wanted to say otherwise, it hurt. If he considered her a villain, he considered him a villain too. He was just too chicken to say it. “She’s my partner. She’s my other half.”
“I know.” He grumbled.
Bruce didn’t like her. He didn’t approve of her. He never would.
“Why do you hate her so much?” Jason swallowed the discomfort. He needed to know. He needed to understand if it was a stupid dream to think he could have both his family and his partner. If he had to put distance between them and Jazz, he had no doubt who he would choose to go with. “Why is she the villain and not me?”
Bruce looked at him like he grew another head. “That’s ridiculous. You are not a villain. I don’t agree with your methods, but—”
“But nothing! She’s just the same as me. I trained her! I brought her into this life! If there is someone you should distrust is me!” He stood up, angry at the argument.
Surprisingly enough, the older man was unfazed. He thought his words carefully, looking down at his clasped hands. After about a minute, he finally said.
“She killed her own parents.”
That was it? “What are you talking about? I was the one that did the actual killing.”
He still remembered it like it was yesterday. How he took his time, how he made it hurt. He let them know on whose orders he was doing that to them and why.
“She hired you to kill them,” Bruce shook his head, frowning, “is not the same.”
“What the fuck do you mean with ‘not the same’? Bruce, you weren’t there, you didn’t see what happened. They killed her brother.”
“It still doesn’t justify—”
“They tortured him, Bruce. Their own son. They deserved to die.”
Bruce blinked, eyes searching Jason’s face, like he was seeing him for the first time.
“They deserved to face justice. Not— Not whatever she asked you to do.”
She never asked him to torture them. Sure, she said ‘I want those two to suffer’, but she never specified how and what she wanted. She was angry and filled with rage, and she wanted to make them pay for what they did — but she didn’t ask him to break every bone in their bodies and keep them awake during the whole process.
It had been all him.
“That’s the thing, Bruce. She tried to seek justice, and the system failed her. If just—” Jason looked away, uncomfortable with sharing memories that weren’t his “ — If ‘Justice’ actually had helped her, her brother would still be alive. But she took too long with the longer route, and by the time she decided to fix it on her own, Danny was already gone. Torn apart by his own parents.”
“What she asked of you wasn’t justice either.”
“No.” He conceded. “She wanted vengeance.”
He remembered her dark eyes, so empty of any emotion except cold fury. It was easy to forget now that she smiled and regarded him with warmth, but not that long ago she had been an empty husk running on rage and rage alone.
“I still don’t understand… How?” At his questioning look, Bruce added: “We researched her, her family. There was no reason to believe they hurt either of their kids. Danny disappeared and run away and yes, it was suspicious as hell, but—”
“Are you listening to yourself? The investigation of Danny’s disappearance is a joke and obviously a cover up. Are you so dead set on making her the bad guy that you overlook something so simple?”
Bruce thought his words for a moment, maybe finally noticing how his rejection of his partner was affecting his own son. He was making that soft face he had every time he talked about how he messed up with Dick and how he could have done it better.
“A cover up by who?”
“What? The GIW, obviously.”
Did he not know?
Bruce stood up, eyes wide. “The Ghost Investigation Ward?”
He doesn't know.
“They were supported by the GIW?”
He really doesn’t know.
“Bruce… they were the lead scientists of the GIW.”
Jason watched the pieces start to fit in Bruce’s mind, the whole story taking shape in his detective brain. Did he know about project P-001? About how Danny exactly died? About what they did to other ecto-entities?
“Did she know? Did she allow it?”
What was with Bruce and always assuming the worst? With a sigh, Jason gestured towards where the kitchen was, asking Bruce to walk with him. If what he needed to stop being hostile was answers, he would give them.
“About her parents working with the GIW? Yes. About the experiments? No.”
“And Danny—”
“Danny was taken away when she was away in college. Came back home to find her brother gone and her parents uncaring about his whereabouts.”
He truly didn’t like speaking for Jazz, but he also didn’t want her to relive all of this just because Bruce couldn’t let it go.
When Bruce didn’t ask another question, he continued. “She and Danny’s friends tried to get him back, but nothing worked. They were just kids against a whole shady fake government agency — they never stood a chance. They tried anyway.”
“They could have called the Justice League.”
Jason was already shaking his head before he finished talking. “And say what? ‘Evil organization that’s barely legal has kidnapped my brother’? Bruce, we both know that by the time a thorough investigation happened it would have been too late.”
“But we did investigate them. Sure, a lot of it was destroyed but the little we could find we completely tore down.”
He doesn’t know, he doesn’t know.
Jason took a deep breath as they arrived at the kitchen, smiling when he saw Jazz completely engrossed with her task of cutting the vegetables. She was smiling and chatting with Alfred about something he couldn’t hear from there, but she looked… good. At peace.
“There was an anonymous tip to the Justice League, yes?”
“How do you—”
Jason looked back at Bruce, not hiding his thoughts. The older man made the correct connections and the correct assumptions. Who destroyed the GIW bases, who killed all those people, who brought the Justice a lonely soul desperately needed.
“Bruce. She has suffered enough. Let it go.”
The other man was also watching Jazz cook; and as if she felt their gazes, she looked up at the pair. Jazz smiled, the emotion not quite getting to her eyes, and she waved with the hand that still had the knife.
Bruce’s mouth twisted a bit.
“I didn’t know.”
“You shouldn’t have to know. She’s what I want. That should have been enough.”
Jason didn’t imagine the pain in his father’s eyes when he looked back at him.
Tim glanced nervously at the woman quietly watching the horizon next to him.
What was Bruce thinking? Making him do patrol with her? Alone? What if she snapped and killed him?
“I know you are scared of me.”
He jumped at the mechanical voice, finding her smiling down at him. He wasn’t sure. With the mask in the way it was difficult to know.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
Yeah, right.
“Really. I don’t hurt children.”
“You shouldn’t kill people, period!” He snapped. “Sorry.” Tim muttered at his outburst. Murder girlfriend or not, he had manners and Alfred wouldn’t like it if he was rude to a guest.
Jasmine looked away, humming in thought, her eyes watching the shadows of the night. Did she see something special in them? Apparently she had some kind of enhancements due to her parents’ experimentation — something about contamination? — but no formal testing of her abilities had been done. Yet.
“Am I that scary?”
Tim almost missed the quiet question.
“It Isn't that — uh…” He tried to find the correct words. Scary? She was not scary per se. Her outfit was not made for intimidation, she looked pretty average with her dark pants, combat boots and black shirt. The most noticeable parts of her outfit were the full utility belt around her waist and the guns strapped to her thighs. And the red hair. But she was not scary. “I’ve seen scarier people.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” She turned to look at him.
Her eyes. He didn’t like her eyes.
They were an uncanny shade of blue that looked green under certain lights. Eyes that sometimes glowed Lazarus Pits green. Eyes that gave him goosebumps.
“Why do you want to know? You are the head of the Crime Underworld of Gotham, of course you are scary.” She found his words funny. “You don’t kill the Joker with kindness, either.”
She tilted her head, looking back at the city. “Yeah. You might be right.”
“Of course I’m right.” He scoffed, walking closer. She didn’t react to his proximity. “Did you really kill him, though?”
“B didn’t tell you?”
“He just said… He said he found him dead. That Hood and you sent him in a wild goose chase and it was all so he couldn’t stop you from killing him.”
“There you go, then.”
“He also said there were screams and that he couldn’t get in the room.” He looked at her profile, since she refused to look back at him. “We reviewed the cowl footage but it was all noise and snow.”
Jazz hummed.
Tim narrowed his eyes. “You know why, don’t you?”
She thought for a moment before answering. "I do."
She smiled. "Why would I tell you?"
Robin groaned in frustration, like he did every time she deflected his questions. Jazz was very private and didn't share any information that wasn't already guessed or known; and even in the case of the former, she usually smiles and let him ramble theories of what actually happened and never confirm or deny them.
Tim was still deciding if he hated her. Well. Hate was a big word.
Did he mind the murdering? Yeah, it was disturbing to know the woman smiling in front of him hired a hitman to massacre her own parents and then decided to become a crime lord. Just because.
But Jasmine was kind and patient and understanding, and she didn't bend even after how mean Bruce had been with her. And she loved Jason, really loved him, which made it difficult to reduce her to a mindless criminal.
"I'm curious." He finally admitted. "Truly. No suspicion, no investigation. I want to know."
"You are such a curious bug, huh."
Again she looked at him without really seeing him.
You remind me of him. You have the same spark. I hope it's never beaten out of you.
Tim wasn't stupid — he knew she was seeing her dead brother in him and it bothered him. It bothered him more than when Bruce called him 'Jason' those first months.
"I can talk to ghosts." She said out of the blue. Like it wasn't even that important. "The Spirit of Gotham asked me to kill the Joker."
Tim did a double take, surprised. "Why?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. For real. She just contacted me and told me to do it. So I did."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that."
There was more story to it, but Tim was going to count his blessings and let it slide for now.
Patrol progressed like normal without any surprises. Just minor crime, barely anything that required Bat intervention, but it was good to be seen around, especially with The Ghost at his side. The people loved Robin, and if they wanted to make them trust that The Ghost was not out there killing everyone, pairing her with Robin was the quickest route.
Was that why B did it? Had he turned a new leaf?
By the time they called off patrol for the day, Tim noticed Jazz being quieter than usual.
"What’s wrong?" He asked her.
Her eyes were hesitant when she looked at him. “Are… I mean, it is— uh…”
“Just spit it out.”
The Ghost was nervous. She shifted a little when they landed on a rooftop to talk.
“Everything okay at school?”
Tim did a double take, watching her like he was seeing her for the first time. What the heck? Was she for real? Asking about school, out of the blue like this? What was the point?
What was her angle?
“Why would I tell you?”
She chuckled. “I had that coming, huh?”
He laughed too, amused by her switch in behavior. It was relaxing to see her act like a human — Jazz was a quiet presence glued to Jason’s side, always watching with those sad eyes.
“School’s good, but boring.”
“Too easy.” He scoffed. “Teachers don’t know what else to throw at me to make me shut up.”
She hummed. It felt good to not get the speech about school not being just about good grades and that he should be kinder to his teachers, that they were doing their best.
“Any friends?”
What was she doing? Was she trying to be his older sister, trying to fill a void left behind by her loss?
Danny was dead. She wouldn’t bring him back by adopting another kid.
Tim almost laughed, amused at the similarities between Bruce and Jasmine.
Before he could open his mouth to gently ask her to stop, she tensed, looking at a nearby rooftop.
“Robin.” She switched back to The Ghost, the ruthless crime lord. “Go home. Call Batman.”
“Do it.”
Tim hesitated a second too long, the glint of a sword on the edge of his vision put him in fight mode. He blocked in time, his staff and his arms straining to withstand the impact of a sword that had been aimed to his neck.
He jumped back, closer to Jazz, watching as a group of ninjas quickly surrounded them.
“We have a situation,” he heard The Ghost’s voice coming from the comms and his ears at the same time. “Requesting back up.”
“En route.” Bruce’s voice was a relief. Even if Tim had been trained and he wasn’t alone, he was starting to get overwhelmed by the quick moving ninjas that were hellbent on killing them.
He didn’t recognize the uniforms and their motivations were unclear. No obvious target either, since they weren’t trying to crowd one of them specifically. The Ghost held her ground, dancing around the assailants with ease and practiced moves, some of them reminiscent of Dick and some of Jason, and he was grateful that she hadn’t whipped out the guns and started shooting at them.
Robin stepped back, staff ready, feinting to the left to do a sweep under the closest ninja, making them stumble enough to elbow them in the side of the neck, knocking them out.
One down, three more to go.
He focused on his own fight, watching them, expecting their moves, dodging the very sharp blades they were swinging in his direction. Tim knew he was fast and he learned even faster, something Bruce always praised him about, and he decided to prove he was worth the chance to be Robin as best he could do.
The second assassin made a mistake, one tiny misstep, and he used his grappling gun to tie their legs together, leaving them dangling from the edge of the roof.
Now that he was facing only two of them it was easier to keep up with the speed. His staff was very useful to keep them at a safe distance, and he used that advantage as best as he could, even if the ninjas understood that they were losing the upper hand.
They changed tactics, instead of going for the kill they were planning on tiring him out — when he blocked one he had to be watching the other and expecting their move, not having a second to breathe. He was starting to get light headed and his arms starting to hurt after blocking impact after impact, when he finally saw his chance with one of them.
He attacked fast, staff ready, doing a series of katas that were meant to confuse the opponent and end with a strong push to the chest. Tim even managed to knock the sword out of their hands. When he hit them on the head and the guy was down.
“Ha!” He allowed himself the shout of victory, turning around to face the other one—
Only to find wide eyes on a partially covered face, a choked scream escaping the trained assassin. Tim looked down to find the point of a sword right on his neck, barely digging in his skin. He continued looking down and saw rivers of blood coming down the assassin’s front from where another blade was piercing their chest.
The body hit the ground with a soft thump, leaving The Ghost standing, her face blank, her eyes glowing toxic green, her hands stained with blood.
Both turned to look when a new person arrived at the scene.
Batman didn’t look pleased.
Jazz was tired and needed a bath, but she couldn’t even think about going back home yet.
Jason. She needed him, she needed his comfort, but he wouldn’t be home until his fight with Bruce was over.
A fight about her.
She knew killing the assassin would have consequences. She could have simply reduced them, she could have pushed Tim away and gotten hit instead, she could have thrown a smoke bomb and given Tim enough time to run away.
But she killed, and it had been a deliberate choice. Bruce knew that, Tim knew that — even if he had tried to defend her a few times before being completely shut down — and Jason knew that.
She just couldn’t think about anything else the moment she saw the black silhouette approach the boy from behind. Tim was just that, a little kid roped into hero life, and she needed to protect him. She needed—
Jazz was not stupid. Tim wasn’t Danny, she didn’t have any right to be any kind of older sister to him. She had one chance at that and she lost it, she couldn’t just act like she deserved another.
The Ghost looked at the rising sun on the horizon, her ears ringing with the screams and threats Jason and Bruce had been throwing at each other by the time she quietly stepped out and left the Batcave. She doubted any of them noticed her leave, too engrossed in the moral question of taking a life and the what if’s and could have’s.
Jason looked distressed and unhappy, not just angry. She knew him, she knew he didn’t like to fight with Bruce like this.
It felt that was the only thing they did when she was near.
“Finally caught you alone,” a smooth feminine voice purred behind her.
Jazz turned, finding a dark skinned woman looking down at her, her long black hair flowing in the breeze. She was tall, and strong, her common-looking t-shirt and jeans not hiding the powerful stance of someone that knew she was in charge.
She didn’t miss the gun on her waist or the sword at her back.
“Talia.” She recognized her from the photos Jason showed her. She never thought they’d ever meet in person. “If you are looking for Jason he is busy at the moment.”
“I’m not looking for him.” Her deep green eyes were fixed on her, analyzing. “I wanted to have a chat with you.”
Jazz tensed. Knowing what she knew about Talia, that couldn’t be anything good.
“I wanted to make you an offer.”
She arched an eyebrow. “An offer?”
“Yes. I have been following you and I’ve seen what you can do. What Jason made of you.”
So Jay was right. Talia was watching. She really couldn’t let it go, huh.
“I think we can benefit each other.”
This made her scoff. “What makes you think you can give me something I want?”
Danny was dead, he had been avenged. She didn’t need anything else.
Somehow, Talia found her response hilarious. She chuckled with that silky voice of hers and approached Jazz to watch the city besides her.
“This is not your world. This is not your place. You have been aimless since the death of your brother.”
Jazz didn’t give her the pleasure of seeing her react to her words. Talia was a snake that dealt with information, she taught Jason some of her tricks. She would know about Danny and the GIW and how she came to meet Jason, of course.
“I’m not aimless.” Jason’s smiling face came to her mind. He had given her a home when she thought she had nothing to come back to. “I have—”
“Jason. Yes.” Talia hummed. “But do you really?”
This made her tense. “What do you mean?”
Talia’s smile was pitiful when she turned to look at her, the rising sun painting half her face with warm colors.
“You are in the way of his happy ending, dear.”
Jazz blinked, her heart skipping a beat. She knew that, she knew that things were rocky with Jason’s family, but to hear it put bluntly like that…
“You can have him, sure, but you’d make him lose everything else. Everything he wants. Jason lost his edge when he met you, and since that day he has gotten as dependent on you as you are on him. He has been declawed and what he wants now is a happy family to come back to, something you cannot give him, but he is too blinded by love to see it.”
Jazz hated that it made sense, that Talia was wording her troubled thoughts like this. She knew Talia pulled stunts like this, manipulating people until she had you working for her, but it made so much sense.
“Let him be happy, let him get his father back. Get his family back. If you love him, truly love him, then let him get his happy ending.”
Jazz watched the sunrise without blinking until it hurt. Her eyes watered.
She swallowed the knot in her throat and asked: “And what do you want?” What was her angle? What did she gain by this?
She didn’t turn to look at Talia when she answered, knowing she would crumble the moment she saw her cunning eyes. “I can help you become better, become perfect. I’ve seen what you can become and I’m positive you could use those skills to make sure no one else gets hurt like your brother was hurt.”
“You are talking about becoming an assassin for you.”
Talia chuckled. “Not ‘for me’, dear. You’d be your own person, you could choose your own targets. All I’m offering is resources and training Jason can’t provide. And Bruce wouldn’t ever approve.”
Jazz didn’t answer and Talia didn’t push, both stayed quietly watching the sun climbing in the sky as the city woke up and started to pulse with life one more day. One more day where people would get hurt somewhere in the world, people she could help and yet she was in Gotham feeling like an intruder in someone else’s family, trying to play house.
Talia was making sense. She didn’t like it.
“I’ll think about it.”
When Jason came back to the apartment he shared with Jazz, he was ready to drop dead and nap for the rest of the day. He was completely spent, his mind frayed and reeling with the argument and following screaming match about Jazz and how Bruce didn’t like her.
He had been doing so well after the conversation they had, he had been trying, smiling more and including her in things and putting her on patrol with Timbo so people got used to seeing her fight crime with the Hope of Gotham.
She killed the assassin, true, but she had saved the kid’s life. Could she have done something else? Sure, of course, but it wasn’t like the assassins were playing games and letting many chances or going easy on them. If Jazz thought the best course of action was killing him, he trusted her.
Bruce didn’t. He kept going back to the recordings of Robin’s mask, marking places where she could have done better, where should have taken another route. It didn’t matter that the kid said he agreed the assassins were going for the kill or that it was his fault for being careless — Bruce was set on banning her from the Cave, from the Manor and from operating in the city altogether.
Jazz was nowhere to be seen at the Manor when Jason decided that arguing with Bruce was pointless and got on his bike and rode off without explaining more. He was tired. He needed his girlfriend.
Just as he thought, she was at the apartment, waiting. She was not in her usual chair reading or at the kitchen having her post patrol tea; but he found her on the bed still wearing her suit, sitting with her back against the headboard. She was looking at the opposite wall with unblinking eyes, brows furrowed.
She blinked, turning to look at him with empty eyes. He never wanted to see her look at him like that again, he hated that the situation had made her this upset.
“Hi.” She smiled, but it was wrong. “How did it go?”
“Bruce’s pissed but I don’t give a shit. He can choke for all I care.” Jason huffed, sitting on his side of the bed to start on getting rid of the suit. “I know this isn’t over, but whatever. He’ll get over it.”
Jazz hummed softly, with her ‘I’m considering something that you wouldn’t like’ voice. He stopped unlacing his boots, turning to watch her. She looked… off. Not just upset, but genuinely like— like she was back to that empty shell that accepted his offer of coming to Gotham with him.
“Jason,” she started, “was this… a mistake?”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I… If…,” she licked her lips, looking away from his eyes. “If I left, do you think Bruce would drop it?”
Jason felt like ice crystals started growing in his chest. She couldn’t mean…?
“I understand you love me, but I can’t pretend to understand the relationship you have with your father. All of… this — “ All of me, he knew she wanted to say “ — is putting a strain in that relationship that I don't want you to have.”
He felt like he couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t seriously be talking about breaking up. Not like this.
“I love you too, and—”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He had the urge to grab her by the shoulders and shake the stupidity out of her head. “Are you seriously thinking about breaking up with me over this?”
She shook her head. “Not just over this. I’m talking about everything else, too. You have been sweet and I love you with all my heart, but darling, this is tearing you apart.”
He couldn’t argue otherwise. He couldn’t deny he had been thinking about not coming back to the Manor and just say fuck it to the whole thing.
Jason was tired of arguing. He didn’t want to fight anymore. If he tried to argue with Jazz right there, right then, he would give up and let her leave without a fight.
“Can we— Can we please put a pin on this conversation?”
She was going to say something else, but closed her mouth, nodding. “Of course. I’ll… There is food in the kitchen. I’m going to shower first, if you don’t mind.”
It’s true that they didn’t bathe together all the time, but he really, really had been looking forward to her affection and, for once, her physical contact. It felt empty, watching her stand up and leave the room without looking back. Felt like an ending to their story, even if Jazz had agreed she would want to talk about this when both were in a better headspace.
This was not how he expected his day to end, how he wanted this to go. He wouldn’t let the best thing to ever happen to him to either leave him or regress to that broken woman he extended his hand to.
Jazz carefully avoided him after the shower, and she chose to sleep on the couch instead of the bed with him. Jason didn’t have enough energy in him to convince her to get into the bed.
When he woke she was still there, calming down his instinct that she just packed her stuff and left while he slept — Danny’s rocket model was still on her night table and the apartment smelled like freshly made coffee.
She was looking outside the window at the sun going down, a still steaming cup of coffee in her hands. Coffee, not tea.
She turned to smile at him, eyes still haunted, deep bags under her eyes. Did she sleep at all? “Hey.” At least her smile was more normal.
“Feeling better?”
She shook her head, but approached him to kiss him on the cheek before sitting down on the kitchen table. “Wanna talk now?”
With a heavy sigh, Jason got his own cup of coffee and joined her at the table.
“Let’s talk.”
She nodded. “Talia came to see me.”
Jason choked on his coffee. “What?” He managed to say as he coughed out the liquid.
“She made me an offer.”
“You know her offers—”
“Hear me out.” She stopped him before he continued, lifting a hand to signal she wanted to talk. “I’m not going to accept. Talia’s motivations are not clear and I trust you when you say she is shady about her offers.” She tilted her head. “I also think that she is the one that sent those assassins to provoke me”
This made him sigh in relief. That did sound like Talia, and it was good that Jazz caught on that quickly. “Okay.”
“But she made a good point.”
“She told you to break up with me?”
Jazz hummed. “Something like that.”
“Well that’s stupid.” He scoffed. “That wouldn’t solve the problem.”
“And what’s ‘the problem’, then?” She arched an eyebrow, daring him to say otherwise.
“It doesn't matter if Bruce hates you. It doesn’t matter if you stay, or you leave or if we don’t see each other again.” He leaned in to take one of her hands and smiled when she didn’t move away, and even squeezed his hand. “Bruce’s beef with you is actually with the stuff I taught you, the stuff that’s a part of me I wanted to share with you. If he cannot stand you because of that then he is making the active choice to not see I am the same.”
Jazz’s eyes were fixed on their joined hands as she considered his words. She sipped her coffee without looking away.
“If the condition for him to love me is for you to go away then he doesn’t deserve me — and that has nothing to do with you personally.”
Seconds ticked by in the quiet kitchen.
He was firm about what he said and was completely ready to fight Bruce on that if it came to it. It was beyond if Jazz was a ‘bad influence’ or not, beyond trying to play perfect son for Bruce, beyond trying to make him see that they couldn’t go back to how they were before he died.
“Okay.” Jazz said, taking a deep breath. “Okay.”
Her smile was watery, her eyes shining with tears, but she looked less pale and less like she was about to crumble down.
“I love you.” She said. Neither commented on how shaky her voice was. She wanted him, he could see it in her eyes. It wasn’t because she thought he would need her, or because she thought that was what he wanted — she wanted to be with him.
“Love you too.” He stood up and walked around the table, extended a hand to touch her cheek. She leaned into the touch. “We’ll figure this out, but we have to do it together. I need my partner in crime.”
A few tears went down her cheeks as she nodded.
Jazz kept her distance from the Manor the following weeks and focused on things on the crime side of their lives. Jason had been taking on more tasks since they were doing patrol with Batman and Robin as well; but she was now going to focus completely on the Narrows and Crime Alley and let Jason take care of things with his father. He asked her to trust him and she trusted him. They were partners.
She was going back home thinking about her cup of tea and maybe convincing Jason to cuddle under a blanket and read together for a bit; when she saw it.
It was bright and just at the corner of her mind, and she understood she had to follow it.
Not one to question Gotham after all that happened, Jazz followed her gut instinct further and further away from their territory, across the bridge and deeper into the business district. There were some people walking around at night, better dressed people, that looked at her as she followed the faint signs of something other. She ignored them all, how men and women alike chose to get away from her as soon as she was in their sights.
She knew what the “nice” people of Gotham thought of her, it didn’t take a mind reader to understand that it took more time for these people to realize she was no Harley Quinn.
In any case, it was good that she found no resistance as she pursued the white form across the serpentine streets. She couldn’t shake the feeling she was being guided somewhere, but she still needed to investigate.
The chase ended in a deserted street that had an opening to an abandoned metro station — if her memory was correct, it was part of the first metro line in the city, and the route was adjusted after the city grew in another direction.
Jazz wasn’t looking at the art decó structure of the metro opening, though. Her eyes were fixed on the white form floating in the middle of the street.
It grew and grew, quietly and quickly taking a longer shape — a human shape. Legs, arms, torso and a head. It was so bright on a dark background that it hurt her sensitive eyes, but she kept looking at the humanoid shape, wondering what or who it was.
The white light started to dim around the body, a white sheet, torn and dirty, gently floated in an invisible wind, hiding the actual shape of the body. It’s face was still too bright.
“Hello?” Jazz asked, testing the waters with a step towards the ghost. Because it was a ghost, she was positive. “Do you need help?”
She never thought she would need to help another spirit, but if this lost soul needed assistance to find peace, she was the only person that could help.
It was also what Danny would have done.
The bright figure’s face was too intense to really see the features, but as she walked closer she could see short red hair floating around their face.
“I can help you. My name is Jazz.”
It was like she had said the magic words. The slight humming she didn’t realize she had been hearing stopped. The light stopped pulsing. The figure froze mid-air.
Two eyes opened in the creature’s face. Deep black eyes, full of hatred.
A mouth opened, impossibly wide open, in a way that a normal human could never be able to do.
It was a split second — just a tiny moment as the light in its face dimmed enough for her to clearly see the features — but she recognized that face.
The creature screamed a high pitched sound that blasted the windows of the buildings around them.
A ping on the phone and Bruce’s slight frown was the first sign that something was wrong.
“A rogue attack?”
The older man looked up from where he was tapping on the phone screen, the chessboard totally forgotten. It was “bonding day” and Jason had spent the day with Bruce doing whatever. They were in the middle of a post-dinner game of chess, and Jason would leave after they were done. Surprisingly enough, there hadn’t been new arguments that day — but after a few weeks of screaming at each other they were too tired to keep at it.
Jason didn’t miss how Bruce’s mood lifted once he learned Jazz was not coming to the Manor anymore.
He didn’t miss either how Dick, when he came by one weekend, and Alfred were worried at that fact. Or how Tim frowned and looked down, distraught at the development. He didn’t know the shortstack actually liked his girlfriend.
“The Ghost is on her way here.” He tapped the phone screen. Jason hoped he was deactivating security. He better be, at least.
He checked his phone in case there was an emergency and he missed her calls, but there was nothing. She had promised to follow his lead regarding Bruce and he told her to not come around the Manor until he said it was ok, so why was she doing exactly that?
His mind reeled with all the possibilities, since she wouldn’t break her promise for something light.
Jason abandoned the game and approached the door, quickly opening it and running his eyes over the pitch black darkness, trying to identify her silhouette against the dark.
He barely saw the two green eyes before a body slammed against his. Her arms and legs circled around him like a koala, her maskless face buried in the crook of his neck. She was also trembling and her face was wet.
Something was very wrong.
She sobbed, rubbing her face against his exposed skin. Her breaths were accelerated too. What could have sent his girlfriend into a panic attack like this? She was made of the tough stuff, she had seen and done a lot of bad shit with him, so why…?
“I…” Her voice was rough. “Jason…”
He squeezed her tighter against him, frowning. “Just breathe with me, darling. Okay? Breathe with me.”
She continued muttering his name, but mimicked his exaggerated slow breaths. In and out, in and out, in and out. The shaking diminished a little bit even if her body continued to be tense.
“Is she okay?”
Jason turned to find Alfred and Bruce looking from the door. It had been Bruce who talked, genuine concern painting his expression. They’ve never seen her out of it before, not even during patrol.
“She’ll be.” He said, walking back up the steps of the porch and into the Manor, registering how Bruce moved aside to let them pass, one hand reaching out to help but not actually touching Jazz. “Alfred, could you—”
“Immediately, sir.”
Jason took the whimpering form of his girlfriend back to the sitting room, walked by the abandoned chess game and settled down on one of the comfortable sofas. He maneuvered her to be on his lap and let her cry in silence as they waited for Alfred to bring a glass of water. He didn’t acknowledge Bruce taking a seat in front of them.
“It was her, Jason. Her… How could this be?” Jazz’s voice was hoarse and spent, barely above a whisper.
“Is not fair.” She rubbed her face against his shoulder. “Not fair.”
He tried really hard to follow her. A quick glance at Bruce told him he also had no idea what was going on, so it wasn’t anything Bruce had done.
Not that he suspected Bruce to try going behind his back and harm Jasmine, but… Well, he wouldn’t put it past him after everything.
Alfred walked right in with a tray with a glass and pitch filled with water, a teapot and some cups. His face didn’t betray anything, but Jason saw his eyebrows furrow for a moment when he glanced at the trembling figure on his lap.
“Thank you.”
The butler nodded and moved to stand behind Bruce, watching them as well.
It was a bit longer before Jazz uncurled enough to accept the water, which she gulped down like a parched man in the desert. She accepted a second glass rather quickly, only giving it a tiny sip before placing it on the coffee table with a frown on her face.
“Jason. She’s back. I don’t know when, I don’t know how. But she—” her voice cracked. “Is not fair.”
“You keep saying that. But who could be—”
“My mother.”
Jason’s memory supplied the tear stained face of Madeline Fenton as she begged for her life. Her screams in the secluded basement where he tied her to a chair. Her void eyes when he explained for the last time why he was doing this.
“She’s dead.”
Jazz laughed, but it wasn’t nice. “Haven’t you heard? Sometimes the dead come back to life.”
“That’s impossible.” He watched her die. He buried her body.
“She’s come back and she’s in Gotham.”
“A ghost?” Bruce spoke, voice carefully low.
Jazz flinched, suddenly too aware of their audience. She kept her gaze on the abandoned glass of water on the table. “A wraith, I think. It’s a type of ghost,” she explained further, feeling the older man’s pointed stare demanding more information, “a subclass, if you will.”
Jason wanted to signal Bruce to stop talking, to not ask the next question. He knew what a wraith was in modern folklore, and he knew that Bruce knew as well.
“What does that mean?” He asked anyway.
Jazz looked him in the eye for the first time since she arrived. “It means she died a painful death and wants revenge.”
The words lingered in the following tense silence. Jazz had never talked about it, especially not with Bruce. He already had a poor opinion of her and she tried so hard to not throw more wood to the fire, so to speak. Her direct admission of what she did, what she asked Jason to do, settled like a block of concrete in their minds.
Bruce’s shoulders tensed for a moment before forcibly relaxing them. He glanced at Jason, expression unreadable.
“Is she going to be a problem?”
Of all the ways to word that question, of course he had to choose the worst one. Jazz took it anyway, licking her lips before picking up her tea cup. She took her time blowing off the steam and taking a sip of the liquid.
The fine porcelain made a clicking sound when she put the cup down, too loud in the quiet room. “She won’t stop until she eliminates her killer.”
Even Alfred looked at Jason with worry.
“We have to—”
Jazz cut Bruce off. “No mortal weapon can kill her. Nothing we can do can stop her.”
They looked at each other, both very tense. Bruce was trying hard not to cave in and take over the situation, push everyone away and fix it himself. Or at least Jason thought so, given what he knew about his father.
The older man unclenched one fist, reaching for his cup of tea. He took his time, considering Jazz’s words, looking at her form still curled on Jason’s lap.
“There’s one thing that can kill her.”
Jazz’s anxious confusion was almost palpable. Bruce let her ruminate his cryptic words like the sadist he could be, gently placing the teacup on the table. He didn’t make any sound, his pinky properly cushioning the porcelain.
“The Justice League seized all that was left regarding the Fenton’s research on Ghosts. Including their—”
“ — weapons.” Jazz finished for him, realization dawning on her.
All the tension left her body, her limbs untethered like a puppet that got their strings cut. Jason felt her heartbeat pick up against his chest, the implications of Bruce’s admission rolling in her head.
Bruce waited patiently in his office, watching the soft moonlight coming in from the windows casting shadows on everything. He felt more comfortable in the dark, he was used to it, so he didn’t bother turning on the lights. He could see just fine with the full moon illuminating the room.
Jason, when he was done helping Jazz calm down enough to sleep, would be fine with it too — when he came stomping into the office to make demands and scream at him again.
It was the only thing they did lately.
And it was always about her.
He didn’t hate Jasmine, contrary to what Jason must think. He knew that she was capable of kindness and was a damaged person trying her best. He knew she had a rough childhood and had redirected all that trauma and rage into something constructive.
But so did Bruce, and he didn’t become a mercenary.
Jason taught her how to kill, but she was the one encouraging that behavior in him. She was the one selling him the idea that what they were doing was okay. Bruce had long discarded the idea that she had brainwashed Jason; but Bruce knew how equally damaging toxic love could be for people in their line of work.
Did he think Jason could be nudged in the right direction if Jasmine stopped pulling him further away? That she was knowingly, or unknowingly, associating that life of crime with love?
Yes. Deep in his heart, he knew that sometimes even the purest love could drag you down. He wanted to protect his son from falling deeper than he was.
“Alright, here’s what we are going to do.” Jason said as he opened the door to the office, not giving Bruce time to interject. “I’m going to talk and you will shut the fuck up and listen, ok?”
At least he wasn’t screaming. Probably because his precious Jasmine was sleeping.
Bruce let out a deep sigh and stood up to see Jason eye to eye. His son’s stance was tense and guarded, his eyes shining with controlled emotions.
“You will help — No, it’s not your turn to speak.” He said when Bruce opened his mouth. “You will go to your stupid castle in the sky and you are going to bring down all the weapons you can bring. I don’t care how you do it, but you will convince your boyband to let go of the goods.
“In exchange —” his voice broke a little, but he quickly hid it by clearing his throat and combing back his hair with his fingers. “In exchange I’ll be the perfect little son you always wanted. I’ll come every Sunday for brunch. I’ll patrol with you, with the shortstack and with the Golden Boy. I’ll give up the guns, the killing, everything. I’ll even wear a stupid bat symbol so everyone knows who — that I changed sides.” Bruce knew that was not exactly what he wanted to say. “I don’t care what you do to me. But you will help us and you will leave her out of — out of everything.”
The first crack in his mask. His eyes shone with unshed tears. Angry tears? Jason used to cry when he was a child and rage was overflowing his little body.
“You won’t make her beg. You won’t humiliate her with silly little tests and sadistic games. No power plays. No punishments. I killed her parents. The wraith is coming after me. I will be the one that fixes this and after that… After that we will act like you never met Jazz and like I never died and like — I don’t know.” He breathed, shoulders slumping. “I’m done fighting, Bruce.” The expression he made couldn't be called pleading. It was too angry to be considered in the same category. But still it was a face he hadn’t seen Jason make, ever. “You win, I guess. That’s — That’s the deal.”
Night was quiet as Bruce looked at Jason, really looked at him, for the first time in the whole night. His son has grown into a big man, a bit taller than himself, and nothing like the child he lost years ago.
In that moment, in that place, his boy never looked so small. So disarmed.
Not even in the first days after bringing him to the Manor, when Jason was distrustful and thought he was going to be kicked out at any moment, he looked like that.
He saw the exact moment something changed in his mind, because the emotions in his eyes turned into a wall of ice. “And if you do — If you hurt her in any way,” his hands clenched around the empty space where his holsters usually rested, “if you don’t keep your word and go after her anyway — You won’t like the person I become. And that… that is a promise.”
Frozen and speechless, Bruce couldn’t stop Jason from turning tail and leaving the office as quietly and quickly as he arrived. By the time he made his legs follow him to the hallway, his son was nowhere to be seen.
“Master Bruce?” He turned, finding Alfred standing next to the door, quiet as always. “How did the conversation go?”
“Did you hear us?”
Alfred’s expression was unreadable. He had been unusually somber as he helped the couple prepare a room for Jasmine to rest, once it was decided they would spend the night at the Manor.
“The lack of screaming, while a good sign, made it difficult for me to eavesdrop.”
Jason never raised his voice, but it would have been better if he had. Then Bruce wouldn’t feel like he had messed up again.
He looked so… so angry and defeated. Tired. Weary. He talked about coming back home and being part of the family, but he said it like a prisoner accepting his fate in the gallows.
“Master Bruce?”
Bruce blinked back to reality, focusing on Alfred’s worried eyes. “Yes?”
“How did it go?”
He wanted to say “good”, but somehow his voice wasn’t working. “I don’t know.” He finally managed to say.
Alfred nodded, understanding anyway. “I suggest sleeping on it. Things will look simpler in the morning.”
He was right, of course. He nodded at the butler and bid him good night before making the trek back to the Family Wing of the Manor.
Still considering Jason’s words and the disconnection between his promise and his body language, Bruce walked past Jason’s old bedroom. It should be closed, but the door was open.
Right. They were staying the night.
He almost ignored it and walked past without giving it a second thought, but then he heard a quiet sniffle coming from inside. Was Jason crying? He doubted so, but he still approached the door, peeking inside.
“Bruce.” Jasmine called from inside the dark bedroom. A lamp was turned on, revealing her sitting up, alone, on the bed. Her eyes were puffy and red, so she’d be crying for a while. “What do you need?”
He didn’t want to be in this situation, but he couldn’t say that.
“Just checking on you.” He lied.
She smiled, knowing that it was a lie.
“Well, I am fine. Thank you.” Another lie.
Awkward silence. Jasmine took a deep and fortifying breath and gestured towards the reading chair next to the bed. Probably Jason had moved it from beside the window, where it usually was, and sat next to her before going to talk to him.
“Please sit.”
“I don’t think—”
It was easy to forget she was the Head of the criminal Underworld of Gotham. That she held power Bruce would never dream of grasping in his own city.
Jasmine and Jason never talked about that part of their lives when they were at the Manor, and she very carefully avoided talking about anything regarding their time together before coming to the city or how they operated in Gotham. She stuck to gentle memories about her childhood, about her brother and vague mentions about picking up hobbies in recent months.
In front of him was the whole Jasmine, he knew. Like the moment before with his son, all pretense was dropped and what he could see was the truth.
In Jasmine, that truth looked cold and hurt.
Bruce walked closer and sat down in the comfortable reading chair, his hands placed on his lap. If she wanted to talk then so be it. It was about time they had a heart to heart.
“We need those weapons.” She opened.
“I know. The League—”
“I speak. You listen.” Jasmine interrupted and lifted her chin, her back completely straight. Bruce wanted to laugh at the gesture since it was all Jason. “We need those weapons and you are going to get them for us. I don’t know how, but I swear if I have to go up there and beat the shit out of every member of the Justice League, believe me I would do it.” She narrowed her eyes.
He held her gaze, letting the seconds pass. As amusing as it was watching her tired visage making vague threats to his colleagues, he was not going to poke the bear and make fun of Jason’s girlfriend.
“I don’t care what I need to do. I don’t care if I have to pass some kind of cryptic test or if I’m banned from operating in the city or if I have to — I don’t know.” She breathed in and out, her hands gripping the sheets with white knuckled fists. “I don’t care how many little dances or how many promises or how much of my soul I have to sell for you to give me those weapons. Believe me I would do it all.
“Do whatever you want with me, but leave Jason out of it.” Her glare was all hers, though. Her teal eyes glowing Lazarus Pits green, the bioluminescence adding shadows to her face that completely changed her expression. “Don’t make him choose between me and you like some kind of immature toddler refusing to share his toys.” She spat. “Give me those weapons and in exchange humiliate me as much as your heart desires, I don’t care. Just—” she let go of the sheets, her eyes dialing back to the dull teal he was more used to “ — Just don’t hurt him anymore.”
Bruce watched new tears gather in her eyes, but unlike Jason, she didn’t even try to contain them. She didn’t acknowledge them either.
“That’s… That’s the deal.”
A strong sense of déjà vu hit him. Did they rehearse this? Some kind of pincer movement with a similar speech? What was her version supposed to do, tug at his heartstrings and pin Jason’s suffering on him?
He wanted to scoff and walk out of the room.
“If you break your word or your only condition is for me to leave the city, to leave him, I swear on my brother, Bruce Thomas Wayne, that there won't be a shadow or bunker in this world that could hide you from me.”
It was a threat. It should be a threat.
Jasmine was trembling. She tried to hide it, and if Bruce were any other person, if he didn’t spend most of his days watching people and analyzing their tells, he would have missed it.
She was terrified. Of her mother, who came back as a vengeful spirit? Of a life without Jason?
He was tempted to smile, but he stopped himself in time.
“What did Jason tell you?”
She blinked, taken aback by his words. “What?”
“Did you guys practice long? They were good speeches, I have to concede it. Yours is a bit over the place, but good enough.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Jason had the exact same conversation with me less than half an hour ago. He didn’t come to tell you?”
He saw it, clear as day. She didn’t know. She looked at the door and then at him, then at her hands that were still shaking. She fisted the sheets again, breathing in, breathing out.
“That idiot. What did he promise you?”
She truly didn’t know. Huh.
“Did he promise to give up his work? That he would be the son you want him to be?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm and her laugh was hollow. “Of course he did. I don’t even need to ask.”
She folded her legs to hug her knees close to her chest. She looked at Bruce, more tears flowing down her cheeks.
“Don’t let him do that. Bruce, that could very well be the thing that breaks him for good. Living that double life, wearing a mask when he’s with you, burying a part of him... Please, I’m begging you, don’t accept that deal.”
She rested her head on her knees, eyes fixed on him. Her shoulders were tense and her posture was deceptively calm, but he could see her slowly curl on herself as if she were trying to give herself comfort.
“Don’t let him hurt himself like that, Bruce.” There was barely any more fire in her voice. “I love him.” Jasmine smiled, the gesture as weak as everything else in her at the moment. “But I guess it doesn’t matter what I say.”
The switch was subtle. Her eyes stayed on him for a second before straying away; and when they did, her blue glazed over like she was not even there with him anymore.
“Good night, Bruce.” She whispered, still not looking at him.
He stood up, ready to leave, staying a moment to watch this new facet of Jasmine he hadn’t seen before. She was always guarded, quiet, and had this sad air around her that only went away when Jason smiled at her.
Jasmine never cried. She never begged.
And she never looked like this.
Bruce ignored the pinch in his chest, murmured a quick ‘goodnight’ and walked out of the room.
Next morning found him looking at his coffee with unblinking eyes. Alfred had already tried to ask what was wrong, but gave up after the third grunt in response.
Bruce watched his own reflection in the beverage, eyebags on his face after spending the whole night unable to sleep. Good thing he didn’t have anything to do that day, because he was ready to drop and the sun was barely rising.
You won’t like the person I become.
There won't be a shadow or bunker in this world that could hide you from me.
He frowned, taking a sip of his coffee. Bruce wasn’t a stranger to his kids threatening him. The echoes of Dick screaming at him in the tumultuous era back before Jason’s passing rang in his ears.
What was new was how… how final they were. How ready to follow through they were — Dick had thrown around threats and tried to act tough, but at the end of the day he always came back. These two threatened him with the desperation of an animal in a cage ready to bite off their own paw if it meant getting free.
But you will help us and you will leave her out of — out of everything.
Do whatever you want with me, but leave Jason out of it.
This is the part that confused him the most. If they had a strategy then why contradict each other so blatantly? Why sacrifice themselves for the other and demand they stay safe? It didn’t make sense.
I’m done fighting, Bruce.
Just don’t hurt him anymore.
Hurt him? He wasn’t—
Well. He knew he was being difficult. He knew that his rejection of his partner was taking a toll on Jason, and he felt so horrible about it. He had been meaning to talk to him about it, and he tried a few times, but it always ended with them screaming at each other.
If Jason could just listen—
I’ll be the perfect little son you always wanted.
Jason’s eyes. Hurt and guarded and his brows furrowed. His hands clenching and his shoulders tense, as if he was bracing for the worst. Even under the sunlight he still saw that interaction in a weird light — why was it such a difficult thing to go back to how things were?
Don’t let him hurt himself like that, Bruce.
What did she know about Jason? They may have spent months together, but Bruce had Jason for years. He knew his son, and he knew the kind of person he could be. Sure, his time in the League and then with Jasmine he might have been influenced — but he could be good, if he tried hard enough.
Bruce looked up when he heard footsteps, hoping he could catch Jason and tell him he would accept his offer. It was the most logical solution, and even if he still didn’t understand why his chest kept being weird when he thought about their conversation; he knew it was best for everyone and that it was the most peaceful solution.
Jasmine was glued to his side, of course, when they walked in. She still looked pale and her eyes were distant, but she had a solid grip on his son’s hand as he guided her to the kitchen.
“Good morning, Master Jason.”
Alfred’s greeting went unanswered as the couple froze in the doorway. Jason frowned a little, and Bruce didn’t miss the slight gesture to place Jasmine behind his back. She also glanced at him without really looking at him, flinching when Bruce lifted his cup to them in greeting.
Alfred cleared his throat. “Breakfast will be ready shortly, the table has been already set.”
Jason’s relief could be tasted in the air. “Thank you, Alfie. Let’s go, darling.”
Jasmine hummed and quietly followed him out of the kitchen.
Bruce sipped his coffee. It was impossible to miss the mood shift. Even these past weeks, when they couldn’t be in the same room without an argument breaking out, Jason never acted so guarded.
Something was breaking. Something was changing right under his nose. Jasmine —
I love him. But I guess it doesn’t matter what I say.
Jasmine had flinched.
He remembered her trembling hands, how raw fear completely messed up her threats. How she looked at him with complete defeat.
Jason had explained before how she tried everything over the table before coming to him, and how broken up she was when they met. He had given a description of the things he found in his own research, but Bruce knew he was omitting some details, probably because they were too private or personal for Jasmine.
He had said that she gave up everything to avenge her brother, and how she had to beg and promise her godfather, a sketchy individual, for the money to pay the job.
Jason also had talked about her nightmares. How she saw her brother being pulled apart again and again by the GIW, by her parents, as she watched. How helpless she felt. There was a lot unsaid, but it didn’t take a genius to understand that Jasmine had many reasons and many people to fear.
And she was terrified of Bruce.
The thought made him stop.
Jasmine was terrified of him?
Is that why Jason was acting like… like this?
I’m done fighting, Bruce. You win, I guess.
Win? What did he win? There wasn’t a competition to win. He just wanted his son back, was that too difficult?
Jason’s voice cracked when he said he would do exactly that. Jasmine had said that it would break him.
Bruce looked at his hands grasping the coffee cup, suddenly not feeling tired anymore.
The older man hummed, going back to prepare breakfast for the couple. They didn’t even cross the threshold. They didn’t look at him more than a glance.
“Why do I feel like a villain?”
Alfred didn’t hesitate. “Because you have been acting like one.”
He hadn’t, had he?
It’s just—
He remembered Dick’s worried face. Alfred’s judging frown. Timothy lying to his face claiming homework as an excuse to not go on patrol with him.
Either Jasmine had managed to somehow brainwash everyone into feeling sorry for her enough to look past how she was taking Jason down with her—
Or Bruce was wrong.
About her, about everything.
“What do I do?”
The butler placed the scrambled eggs on a plate just as the toaster pinged and released the freshly toasted bread.
“As far as I can see, you have one last chance to make it right.”
He did. He didn’t have to take Jason’s or Jasmine’s offers, there was another option.
He stood up, taking the cup with him to refill it. As he did, he didn’t dare look Alfred in the eye. “Do you think there’s enough for three?”
The older man chuckled. “Way ahead of you, Master Bruce.” He turned, showing him there was enough toast and eggs prepared for everyone.
Jazz contemplated the zeta tube, trying to not get her hopes up just yet. Bruce may have done a one eighty, but that didn’t mean everything was fixed.
Once he apologized and acknowledged he had been a grade A asshole for the best part of a month, he promised to help. No strings attached. No mention to them giving up their life of crime or jabs at Jazz about killing her parents.
Jason had been distrustful for a few days but in the end he accepted it if she accepted it.
They still had to convince the Justice League.
Bruce warned them — he was still just one member of the League, and if the others were unconvinced, he couldn’t just steal the weapons for them. He could vouch and talk about his time knowing her, and he promised he would try his best to help.
Jazz’s relief was evident, guarded as it was. Hope was difficult to come by in their line of work, and she knew the tall task of convincing the Justice League that giving her confiscated weapons to re kill her mother was the right thing to do, as bad as it sounded.
“Are you sure?” She looked up at her boyfriend, smiling at his worried expression.
“I’m positive.”
Only one of them could go with Bruce to the Watchtower, and Jazz volunteered. It made sense — she was the only one deeply entwined with the problem, and she was the one that made the call to kill her parents.
“I worry.” He placed a hand on her cheek, the cold material of his gloves wasn’t uncomfortable at all.
“I know.”
“I want to go with you.”
“You can’t.”
“I know,” he sighed, leaning in to gently place his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes, feeling her presence. “I hate this, but— “
She hummed in agreement. This wasn’t the first time they had this conversation, and having it again in front of the zeta tube was not going to change the outcome. She was going, disarmed, with Bruce.
Jazz trusted Jason, and Jason trusted that Bruce was being truthful. That was enough.
A throat being cleared made them jump away from each other, turning to find Alfred and Dick, with Bruce approaching from the stairs. Dick’s little smile was refreshing after so much pain. He had been quick to like Jazz once he got to know her.
“Ready?” Batman asked, now next to the couple.
Jazz nodded, getting on the tip of her toes to quickly give her partner a kiss on the lips. “For good luck.”
“You think you are going to need it?” He asked, a smirk stretching his lips.
“I just wanted one.”
Both chuckled at the memory of another time, another place, and basked in the cozy feelings.
With a final nod, Jazz turned and joined Batman closer to the gate of the tube, head held high and shoulders thrown back.
Time to make her case.
Bruce watched Jazz closely since the moment they entered the Watchtower — maybe still wary about her murder tendencies, maybe to observe her behavior now that she was separated from Jason. Whatever he expected she was not it, since she looked exactly the same as she always did; a little bit sad but determined with the task in front of her.
She was very task oriented, so she didn’t stop for idle chat as they made their way through the Justice League base. Her steps were quiet, eerily quiet, just like his. He still couldn’t brush aside the discomfort of having another person know his techniques when he never actually participated in her training.
He heard her gasp, and turned to see what was wrong.
Jasmine was frozen in front of the nearest window, which gave an amazing view of the Earth from space. From being at the Watchtower so often, Bruce had gotten used to the views and usually just walked past without giving it much thought. Watching Jazz approach the reinforced glass holding her breath made him notice the astonishing view more than he did the first time he set foot in the space station.
He noticed one of her hands went for her neck and fished a necklace from under her shirt.
He had seen the chain before but he never asked about it, assuming it was a gift from Jason or something like that. Jazz didn’t strike him as a jewelry kind of woman, but he wasn’t curious enough to ask about it in case it was indeed a romantic gift from his son.
What an idiot he had been. He acted like he was concerned about their love being toxic but he actually just didn’t acknowledge their relationship as much as he possibly could.
“This was Danny’s.” Jazz’s voice cut him from his thoughts. He approached her and quietly waited for her to continue. “The only thing I could take from— When I ran away, there wasn’t much I could take.” He watched her fingers rub the piece of metal with a hole drilled in it. It was shiny from being rubbed like this many times. “Danny loved space. He had rocket models he put together himself.”
She looked back to the blue planet from the window, her voice trailing as much as her thoughts.
This was the first time Jazz actually talked about her brother to him directly, Bruce noticed. The first time she brought him up when they talked alone. She was usually fine with Jason doing the talking, or with him talking about her past to the others, including her past life back at Amity Park.
But she never talked to Bruce like this. She looked… vulnerable. In a way that wasn’t as broken and all over the place as she was when she tried to beg him back at the Manor.
“He would have loved the Watchtower.”
“Hm.” Bruce didn’t know what to say to that. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn’t. He didn’t know the kid.
She glanced at him and smiled. “But it is better for all of us that he is not here now.” She put the makeshift necklace back where it usually rested, safe and sound. “Right?”
Bruce swallowed, unsure what would even be the right thing to say in this situation. Was she implying that Danny was better off dead? That he would hate confronting the Justice League? That he wouldn’t like having to kill their mother, who was turned into a wraith?
He nodded without really knowing what he was agreeing to and gestured towards the hallway that led to the meeting room he had prepared. She nodded back and continued walking.
Soon they were at the correct place, and Jazz froze at the door. He watched, waiting to see what she would do. She took a few fortifying breaths and nodded at him, signaling she was ready.
The meeting room was as it always was — pure chaos. The Justice League loved to appear professional and put together on TV, but reality is that sometimes Bruce almost yearned for his Gotham and herding Robin and Batgirl around every minute he spent with the League.
He cleared his throat, calling everyone’s attention.
Jazz’s feet make a bit of noise as she shuffled in discomfort at the looks from all the heroes in the room.
“Hi, Batman.” Clark greeted first with a polite smile. “And guest.”
Someone swallowed.
The others had been roughly briefed about the topic they would discuss that day, and Bruce could already see some of the frowns of clear disagreement. The weapons and technology they found in the Fenton household had been deemed too dangerous to even try to analyze. They were stored safely and untouched next to the other artifacts they keep hidden, just in case.
If he didn’t know Jazz and her situation like he did, he would have joined the ranks of the people against letting her have them.
“This is Jasmine Fenton,” her eyebrows twitched at hearing her real name, but she had agreed that she wouldn’t try to hide anymore, “and you should hear what she has to say.”
Without any other comment he glided towards his seat and gestured to Jazz to begin. No need for pleasantries. With a wraith loose in his city he wasn’t inclined to waste time.
He ignored everyone’s eyes on him. It was unusual for the Dark Knight to blatantly show this support with an unknown, specially when dangerous weapons were involved.
“Hi,” her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. “I am… well.” She ran a hand through her hair and glanced at Bruce, who nodded in encouragement. “As Batman said, I am Jasmine, Jasmine Fenton,” she swallowed hard as she said the last name. “My parents were Madeline and Jackson Fenton, who created all that anti-ghost technology you guys removed from my house about a year ago.”
Bruce could see a bunch of people were already twitching to interrupt her and speak up, ask her more about her story, ask her all the unanswered questions back when they were alerted of the Anti-Ecto Laws and found the destroyed labs.
“My… I need those weapons.” Jazz approached the table and placed her hands on the surface, eyes glaring at the pristine white material. “I knew they would be safe with you guys, it has always been my intention to bury everything, every gun, every device, every research; I knew it would be best if it was stored away wherever the Justice League keeps the doomsday devices and cursed amulets.
“But things have changed — my mother is back. Madeline is back. And those weapons,” she jabbed her finger against the table, making a point, “are the only thing that can stop her. I need you to help me kill my mother again.”
Jazz felt spent after defending her case for about an hour and a half. It was hard, and the Justice League loved to get distracted by questions that didn’t matter — what were ectoentities, who did the GIW really work for, who else was involved, how did they die, how did Maddie and Jack die.
No more secrets, she promised. Bruce helped her go through some of the questions since he knew all that information already. She watched as he skillfully redirected the questioning far away from Jason’s involvement in this whole thing without actually lying, offering just enough truth to satisfy his colleagues.
What a hypocrite. Always obsessed with knowing everyone’s secrets but refusing to give his own.
But she promised to behave, so she did, and after reliving the worst years of her life in front of a crowd of judging superheroes, she was asked politely to wait outside for the verdict.
She could still hear them discuss though. Did Bruce forget about her little ectoplasm-related enhancements? Or maybe he didn’t and he counted on her listening in.
Whatever was the case, Jazz paced outside the meeting room as she listened to her supporters and detractors pull apart her words and memories, talking about things she didn’t want anybody else to know. Danny would have hated sharing so much about his secrets, but Danny…
Danny wasn’t there.
Danny was—
She looked up, startled. She didn’t hear the door open. Wonder Woman was there, gesturing her in with a warm smile. Diana had been supportive of her cause almost immediately, with the reasoning that if Batman vouched for her then she trusted her.
“We have decided.”
She nodded and followed back inside with her head high and her back straight. She had been listening to the discussion go back and forth, but missed the actual verdict.
The heroes watched her intently, some with a slight frown, some with a curious smile.
Bruce was smiling one of his invisible smiles. Jason always said that understanding B’s microexpressions was an art in itself, and by this time she was starting to understand his wisdom.
Superman cleared his throat. “You can take the weapons,” she let go of the breath she didn’t know she had been holding, “but we will supervise and log what you take. And when it is… done,” he made a face, the topic of Maddie’s murder and wraith status had affected him, “you will return everything as it is. Do you accept these conditions?”
Jazz was already nodding. “Yeah! I don’t think I’ll need a lot. Just let me see what you managed to salvage.”
Having decided, the meeting was adjourned and almost everyone left the room as soon as it was declared done. Bruce stayed behind with Jazz, same as Diana, who watched Jazz with curious eyes.
“You have suffered, child.” She said in a soft voice. “I grieve for you.”
Jazz nodded, not knowing how to feel about the comment. Grief? Grieving was for the dead, and she was still alive. For a long while, that had been her problem.
She looked aside, feeling uncomfortable with her thoughts.
“Shall we?” Bruce took pity on her and asked her to follow him towards wherever the Fenton tech was stored.
The walk was long, but she didn’t mind it. It gave her time to focus back on the task and recenter herself after the grating discussion of her past in front of total strangers. She just had to suck it up and power through the discomfort, get what she needed and go back to Jason’s arms and brainstorm strategies with him.
Bruce guided her deeper and deeper into the guts of the Watchtower, sadly away from any windows that showed Earth and the stars.
“Here,” he stopped at a seemingly inconspicuous wall and placed his hand against a panel. There was a beep and the wall opened to show a computer. He typed something on the keyboard and a robotic voice requested a code. “Batman, B01.”
Another beep and the walls hissed before splitting open to show a giant storage room.
He went first, Jazz followed.
The room was floor to ceiling full of different things — weapons, jewelry, paintings, anything you could imagine. Some were easy to guess why the Justice League kept under lock and key, but others were more mysterious in nature.
Finally, he stopped at the back of the room, where a few crates were pushed to the side. They were labeled and carefully cataloged with numbers she couldn't decipher, but probably were some kind of League storage organization.
She did recognize her own last name written on the label.
This was it. Everything that was left of her childhood, reduced to a bunch of boxes.
She chuckled at the situation.
Under Batman's supervision she got to work. After a moment it was easy to ignore his quiet presence and got into the flow of opening a crate and rummaging through the items looking for what she knew was familiar.
Sometimes Bruce asked her questions she found easy to answer — what does this device do, what's an ecto signature, why did her parents use a toaster as a base for that. Jazz got into a comfortable stream of words and memories, feeling lighter as she revisited a past she had been trying so hard to forget. Maybe it was exactly because it was Bruce, and not Jason, who listened that made the detachment of her emotions and her memories work. It was less raw, it was less painful, but she still got lost in the memories and remembered facts that had drowned in the grief for so long.
Soon she made a pile with weapons and devices she knew she would need and aligned with Batman how exactly she planned to use them.
“What is this?” Batman asked with the same neutral but curious tone.
Jazz turned, finding him holding a wooden box in his hands. It wasn't a gun, and it wasn't anything she had ever seen before. She'd think that Bruce misplaced an artifact with her family's stuff if she couldn't clearly see the Fenton symbol burned on the lid.
She took the box and turned it in her hands, trying to guess what it was. Inside something rattled, something made of glass, and she decided against shaking the box just in case.
She opened it.
Inside she found a single glass marble. It was dull and cracked and she could guess it was supposed to be a light blue in color.
Jazz screamed, one hand rushing to her mouth.
She knew what this was.
Bile rushed up her throat and she barely had time to push the box away from her before throwing up on her shoes.
“Jasmine?” Bruce carefully closed the box and put it on a shelf, but Jazz wasn't paying attention.
“Jazz? Talk to me. Breathe.”
Breathe? She tried to breathe but air wasn't coming. She was hyperventilating. She needed to calm down, she needed to leave, she needed to close her eyes and disappear.
But the box was still there. On the shelf. He was still there. In the box. On the shelf.
She went back to the box, slapping Bruce's hand away. She needed to see it again, see with her own eyes, to feel it.
The marble — the core — Danny's core was still there, in the box, on the shelf. But Danny was gone. They looked for him. They looked so hard for him.
She opened the box and the dull piece of glass greeted her back. She lifted a hand to touch it, expecting it to be cold. One time, Danny explained he had an ice core and that if a human tried to touch it they would be frozen in seconds. He had been excited about it, talking about thermodynamics and ghosts' wacky physics.
But Danny wasn't here anymore.
The piece of rock was warm to the touch.
Danny is dead.
He was dead and his core was stored amongst velvet in a repurposed jewelry box.
Danny is dead.
“I can't feel you.”
“They're taking their sweet time huh?”
Jason ignored Dick and continued reading his book, not at all glancing at the zeta tube and wondering if he should start assuming the Watchtower was on fire and Jazz needed a rescue. Bruce promised he would be there for her and Jason believed him.
But it has been hours and he knew how difficult the situation was for his girlfriend. He wished he could be there for her but Bruce could only take one guest at a time and Jazz was the best option and of course, she's a strong independent woman, but still, after everything he worried and—
“Oh finally.”
The telltale rumble of the zeta tube coming back to life was a blessing. He immediately stood up and approached the machine, ignoring his brother's snickers as he followed.
He expected to greet his beloved with open arms, maybe a twirl or two to celebrate her success — because of course he knew she'd be victorious — but he didn't expect to be pushed aside and be left in the dust with a confused sibling and their silent father. Jazz ran directly towards the stairs and disappeared before he could question why she was crying.
He turned towards his next best target.
“What did you do.” It wasn't a question.
Bruce had already removed his cowl. He looked tired.
“I didn't do anything. Calm down.”
“Did the League say no?”
Bruce shook his head at his eldest son. “Agreement was favorable. She can take what she needs as long as she gives it back.”
Jason looked between the stairs and Bruce. Console Jazz or get answers.
“Then what—?”
Bruce brought out a box from somewhere in his cape. Robins still had a theory the cape was some kind of bag of holding.
“From what I could gather,” his expression was very serious, more than the usual, “this box contains what remains of Jazz's brother. It was left behind at the house amongst the weapons so we took it, assuming it was some kind of power source. It… It wasn't.”
He opened the box, showing a cracked little glass sphere. This is all that remained of Danny? And it was with experimental weaponry?
Dick and Jason looked at each other, their minds going to the same places.
Jazz had thrown up everything in her stomach and more, and she was past the guilt of ruining Alfred's carefully maintained garden. She hoped the old man understood.
She was hiding next to some bushes right outside the kitchen backdoor. It was the first place she collapsed in after finding a door and it was in the shade and outside and it was all she needed.
It was also quiet and away from everyone, and she sobbed in peace.
Danny is dead.
Danny has been dead and gone for a while.
How long?
Given how her parents had his core in a custom box, she guessed it had been a while, probably since the moment he died. Knowing them like she did, they would have harvested his organs for further analysis.
More bile shot up her throat. She almost didn't have the strength to retch this time.
“Need some water?”
She didn't look up, not wanting to face Dick.
“I came as a stand in. Your darling is being calmed down by Bruce and talked out of looking for your parents' ghosts and… well. You know him.”
This made her chuckle. Jason would descend to the deepest pit of hell and shoot everyone in his way down if a single soul hurt her.
Jazz accepted the offering of a cold water bottle. “Thanks.” Her voice was rough but she didn't care anymore.
Dick hummed and sat beside her, carefully away from where she had thrown up. He didn't mind the smell. Or her pathetic state.
“My brother is dead.”
The words came out on their own, as if a supernatural force dragged them up her irritated throat.
Dick nodded, but didn't say anything. He waited for her to continue.
“My brother is dead and my parents killed him.”
If it was another time, she would have hated sounding so small. She was being silly. Danny died a long time ago, why was she feeling so raw as if it just happened?
She had grieved. She had done her time.
More tears ran down her wet face. She thought she had run out of those but apparently not.
“They tortured him and then kept his core as a trophy.” She drank some of the water, feeling her mind getting sharper as she talked. “No. Not a trophy. It was research.”
It was used. Cracked. Dull.
Dick hummed again and this time she finally looked up.
“They experimented with him after his body was gone, right?”
The man controlled his face well as he nodded. “We think so too.”
Danny was dead, and had been for a long time, but didn't rest.
He didn't rest. And his core was used until there was nothing left of him.
He wasn't dead. He wasn't gone. If only she found him sooner—
“It's not your fault.” Dick stopped her spiraling thoughts. “Your brother's death. Is not your fault.”
“I could have contacted Jason sooner. I could have found his core sooner.”
Why didn’t he understand? Danny was her little brother and she failed him. She was supposed to take care of him and she let him fade.
And here she was, playing superheroes and getting cozy with some guy and trying to fit in with a new family?
Danny would never have that.
Danny was dead.
“But you didn't. You did what you could and it was enough.”
She shook her head. Nothing was enough. Her baby brother was gone.
“I didn't learn about Jason until I was back from a mission offworld. It was weeks. I learned my brother was dead because people told me they were sorry for my loss.”
Jazz already knew this, but nodded in encouragement.
“I… I felt like I failed my baby brother. We didn't start close but I grew fond of him and tried to be there, but I had the Titans and my team needed me more and more. I always thought that the kid was fine without me, that it was fine if I pursued my hero career away from Bruce's shadow and away from Gotham. Until I learned what happened. How Jason died. How Bruce pushed him away. And then I thought ‘If only I was around more, if only Jason felt more comfortable telling me things, if only.’”
“It wasn't your fault.”
Even as she said the words she understood the irony.
“I know that now, but I felt that way for so long.” He smiled, showing his dimples. “It really helped having Jason back, having this second chance.”
“Danny is gone.”
He nodded. “Danny is gone.” After a moment of silence he added: “There won't be a second chance and we can only guess. But from what you told us about him, he wouldn't like you thinking that any of that is your fault.”
She watched him, his calm smile under the sunlight, his strong shoulders. Is this what having an older sibling was supposed to be like?
She tried to speak but only more sobs came out. Dick made the choice for her and pulled her into his arms and flushed against his chest.
He didn't say anything else as she screamed and sobbed for the life she never had, for the brother she wouldn't have back and for the second chance she had been robbed of.
“You know, I can try to figure out the portal schematics.”
Jazz looked up from the Fenton insignia on the lid of the box. Tim looked small and unsure, looking at her briefly before averting his eyes.
The kid hadn’t been present for the worst of it, but the others must have told him what happened. He wouldn’t be so careful if they didn’t.
Jazz felt annoyed. She wasn’t going to break if her brother was mentioned. “Why would you do that?”
Tim took her question as an invitation and walked closer, sitting down next to her on the steps of the back porch.
“I read,” he made a face, both knew whose research he had read exactly, “that spirits can be dormant in their core and the right amount of ectoplasm could jumpstart it back.”
Jazz opened the box, proud when her hands didn’t tremble. It’s been a few days and she was still recovering but at least it didn’t hurt to see the little glass core as much as it did.
“Like a car battery?”
The other chuckled. He sounded so much like Danny. “Yeah. Like a car battery. But with ghosts.”
She smiled but couldn’t gather the energy to laugh. “Would you do that for me?”
The kid didn’t hesitate. “Of course! You saved my life.” He said it was a no brainer. “And you are part of the family now.”
If Jazz had the mental capacity to deal with it, she would have commented on the tone Tim’s voice had when he said the last comment — the longing and desire and frustration. She knew the circumstances in which he became Robin and how he felt about taking a mantle that wasn’t his.
But she just couldn’t deal with any of this right now.
“It’s okay,” she closed the box, breathing in slowly, “I don’t think it will be necessary. The world doesn’t need another Fenton portal. One had caused enough grief already.”
She ignored the look in Tim’s face and how he opened his mouth to comment but wisely chose to close it.
“What are you going to do?” He asked instead.
Jazz hadn’t seriously thought about it, but after a chat with Bruce the seed of an idea started taking root in her mind.
“Did it help? Having a funeral, the tombstone, keeping it all after he came back?”
She could see her own face reflected back when he answered. “It helped… for a while. What is harder is what to do after.”
“I think I’m going to bury him.” She lifted the box. “Danny never got a funeral. He was actually never declared legally dead. He was just… missing.”
Missing implies the possibility of him coming back. Missing meant she didn’t have a place to mourn.
She had asked Jason what he thought about his tombstone and he shrugged. “Funerals are for the living.” He had said.
Danny was gone and he wasn’t coming back.
Maybe it was time for her to move on.
Killing her own mother should have been a harder task than it actually was.
If it was another time, another place, she would have had a difficult time. Maybe she would have hesitated, or lacked resources or her plans would have crumbled down the minute her target’s erratic behavior overwhelmed her.
But she was not that person anymore.
Jasmine Fenton died when Daniel died. When her innocence was shattered by the same people that were supposed to protect her and her brother.
She had made something new, someone new, with the parts left behind in the destruction. She had become someone who knew how to plan, how to kill, how to pull the trigger when it mattered.
If she was another person, in another time, she would have found the emotional detachment aberrant as she took the shot that ended her mother.
But that was not her mother and she was not her daughter. The cycle of violence had to end.
Jazz was met with her favorite dish and plenty of hugs and a foot massage when she got back home. Jason didn’t ask her, and let her talk as much or as little as she wanted. He hummed or clicked his tongue as the conversation needed, but never stopped listening.
Bruce accepted her bag with the weapons without making a single comment, trusting that she was returning everything exactly as it was supposed to be. He didn’t ask anything, but pulled her into a hug and gave her a pat on her head that meant more than anything he could have said.
Tim and Dick never wandered too far, and helped her with figuring out the plans for the funeral. Her only request had been to plan it after she finished the business with her mother, and they patiently waited until she asked about it when she visited the Manor to give back the Fenton tech.
Jason was there every step of the way.
It wasn’t raining the day of Danny’s funeral. A miracle being Gotham.
Tucker had commented that maybe the city was giving her grace on such an important date.
Jazz chose to invite Danny’s friends after a long back and forth. Their parting words had been hurtful and they were completely against what she had done to avenge her brother, but she also felt like they deserved to know. About the funeral, about the core.
They booked the first flight to Gotham and stayed with Jason and her the week before the actual day, getting to know her and reconnect and reminisce about Danny.
They still didn’t approve of her life choices but at least had the decency to behave.
They guessed the whole Ghost and Red Hood thing pretty quickly, not that either of them was hiding. Fortunately for all the parties involved, nobody brought up the Batman elephant in the room, not even when they met the rest of the family.
The funeral was simple and to the point, and a very small event. Only the family and Sam and Tucker were there, who said a few words before Jazz put the wooden box with Danny’s core in the ground.
She didn’t cry during the ceremony. She had already cried enough.
“I still think it’s hilarious that you have a tombstone, dude.”
“What can I say? I dig it.”
Sam groaned while Tucker and Dick chuckled.
Jazz smiled and glanced at Jason’s grave next to Danny’s. It was weathered with time and the elements but you could still easily read Jason’s full name and date of birth and death.
Danny’s chosen death day was a hard debate between Sam, Tucker and herself — the date of the accident? The date when he was taken away? Or the date that Project P-001 perished, according to the GIW records?
In the end, just because Danny would have found it hilarious, they put the date of the portal accident.
Jazz almost jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, finding Bruce watching her with a worried expression. Well, as worried as his usual neutral face could be.
“I’m okay.” She said, and it was the truth.
She was okay. More than okay — she was content. She had a home, she had love, she had a goal, she had hopes and dreams. She still missed Danny and mourned the life they could have had, but she had so much more than grief and pain inside now.
The clouds parted and sunshine fell on the cemetery, blinding her for a moment. She lifted her face to smile at the sun, basking in the warmth that enveloped her body like an embrace.
She was okay. She was alive.
It’s what Danny would have wanted.
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dollechan · 6 months
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❝ Jaemin pode ser um louco, mal amado e até um pouco egoísta, mas se ele estava te fodendo bem, você pouco se importava. ❞
𖥔 ₊ ֗joker!jaemin x harley quinn!reader, smut, oral (m.), menção a sangue, acho que mais nada (?)
a/n: nada a comentar…
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Jaemin não ama ninguém, e dá para perceber isso de longe. Ele é o palhaço mais horrendo que existe por aí e acha que não merece ser amado, então, também não ama ninguém.
Ninguém; isso incluí você. E por mais que te doa esse sentimento de não ser verdadeiramente amada você entende.
Primeiramente estava aqui só para ajudá-lo, tentar transformar o Na em uma pessoa melhor e a superar os traumas. Mas na verdade foi tudo pelo ralo, você se tornou uma criminosa ao lado dele. Talvez tenha sido até manipulada, mas quem liga. Você simplesmente não liga. Não liga para a falta de afeto, não liga para o olhar de maluco dele, não liga para as coisas que ele faz. Desde que você seja fodida do jeito que quer, você não se importa com nenhuma das coisas doidas dele.
– Benzinho, o que acha desse vestido? – Pergunta sabendo que a resposta sempre vai ser a mesma, "uau gatinha, você está maravilhosa.", ele nem olha direito para a sua figura, se concentra em acender o baseado em mãos enquanto se aconchega melhor no sofá da sua sala. O ambiente fica mais nebuloso por conta da fumaça e ele, mais tranquilo, te oferece para dar uma travada e você logo sente os músculos se relaxarem um pouco. Desfaz o laço do vestido, aproveita a falta das roupas para sentar no colo dele, instigar para o que você quer.
– Hoje não princesa, tô cansado. – Ele passa os dedos pela ferida na cabeça, sangue escorrendo por ali, ele não se importa, é só mais um machucado. O Na da mais outra tragada, sopra a fumaça no seu rosto. – Mas se você quiser me dar um agrado eu penso no seu caso. E você não pensa duas vezes, desliza para o chão, abre o zíper da calça e liberta o pau dele da cueca apertada.
– Boa garota. – Você pega membro pela base e a reação imediata dele é tombar a cabeça para traz, aproveitando os seus toques. A sua língua brinca com a cabecinha inchada, meleca tudo de saliva e pré-porra, e então põe tudo na boca. Sobe e desce sem parar, Jaemin solta gemidos baixos e agarra seu cabelo, ditando a velocidade e o quão fundo ele vai dentro da sua boca. Seus dentes raspam de leve quando ele te faz ir fundo, o nariz toca na virilha masculina. O som do seu engasgo é tão satisfatória que ele ri, se diverte.
Você recua, completa tudo com as mãos fazendo ele jorra tudo nos seus peitinhos, suja seu rosto um pouquinho também.
– Vem aqui, amor. – Ele bate na própria coxa, te chamando, confessa que o apelido te deixou surpresa, era a primeira vez que ele te chama assim. E você vai, encaixa a sua entrada molhada no pau dele, desce lentamente, de uma forma torturante.
Jaemin pode ser um louco, mal amado e até um pouco egoísta, mas se ele estava te fodendo bem, você pouco se importava.
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kookiesnerotica · 1 year
Harley quinn And Joker Syndrome.
Chapter 1 - It's all in the Chemistry.
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Series Materlist
Series taglist: @kaydsr3venge
Chapter WARNINGS: Fingering, dirty talk, Underage drug use, Intoxication, foul langauge.
You were sat at the bar of the country club, sarah sat next to you, sipping her fruity mocktail, and blabbering on about something you couldn't quite recall, truth be told you weren't paying any attention to her, you were off in your head. "Hello!" She brings you back to reality with the waving of her hand in front of your face. "Dude are you even listening?" She says, visibly annoyed. "No..I am. I'm Listening" You lied. She pauses for a moment looking at you, before she signs. "This is about ryan, isn't it?". Just by the replying look on your face, she knew that it was. Ryan was your boyfriend...now ex, He was the captin of the football team, he was your vice president, he was the love of your life, or atleast that's what you thought before walking in on him and Leah benson in his bedroom.
"Sweetie, you have to move on. Ryan's like an idiot, leah's a slut, and your hot." she says, you know she's trying to cheer you out, but it wasn't working.
"Besides there is plenty of fish in the sea." She shrugs, guestering to the busy country club, " You are kidding right?" You chuckled, causing the blonde girl to giggle. "No i am serious, the worlds like your fucking oyster." You looked around the country club then back to your best friend. "Everyone here is either a ugly, or old enough to father my older brother!" You reported, she also takes a look around. "Right!" she says in a hushed tone. She ponders for a moment. The next moment, topper is walking up to you guys, "Hey babe!" he says wraping his arms around the seated girl, embracing her into a side hug, and planting kisses on her forehead. "Hi" she smiles.
"Y/n, how are you." he finally notices you. "Fine." you half smiled. Watching sarah and topper was like pouring salt on a fresh wound, memories of you and ryan flash rapidly across your mind. "What are your plans for today?" He asked his girlfriend. "Eat a tub of ice cream while watching netflix with y/n" she replies. "Sounds awesome, however if you ladies wanna swing by my house, i am having a little get together."
"So....a party?" Sarah corrects. "Same thing."
Sarah looks at you waiting for you to answer. "We'll be there!" She answers, you shoot her a questioning look, to which she smiles and winks. "Anways, i am gonna go finish setting up." Topper says, pecking his girlfriend on the lips, "Bye baby!" she says.
"See you y/n" he waves off.
"Hell no! i am not going to a party." You it clear. "Why not?" she scoffs. "Cause...keluce is going to be there." You make up a lame excuse, your older brother had nothing to do with why you didn't want to attend tonight's party. "Lame excuse. Try again!" she shuts you down.
"You are so going to the party!" she chuckles.
You were on the coach, a tub of ice cream on your lap, 'Too Hot To Handle' playing on your tv, you were enjoying. Sarah had been calling you non stop, to which you resorted to swtiching your phone to silent. Suddenly the door bell rang, you ignored it, but then it rung again, followed by a banging on the door, "Y/n i know you are in there!" You heard sarah's voice on the other side of the door. You scoffed, getting up and heading to the door.
"Ew, you look gross." she says barging in. "Thanks, love you too." you said closing the door behind you. "Alright, hit the showers, while i pick out something from your closet." she sasses, her hands placed on her hips. "Sarah i already said i am not going." you said meekly. "Oh no! no. no." she scoffs. "Lemme me tell you something babes, ryan isn't becoming a coach potato, and drowning his sorrows over a tub of ice cream, he is living it up!" she pulls out her phone, to show you his instagram feed, which showcased him partying, clubbing, and having fun.
Seeing this made you furious, furious enough to say. "Fuck it! Let me take a shower!".
"Yay! Babes i am so proud of you!" She squeeled.
It took an hour, but you were dressed, you looked in the mirror and you couldn't help but admire yourself. Sarah had picked out a short, red flowy sun dress, which suited you, it hung loose and short on your body. "You look hot!" she complimented you, the smile on her face so huge and childlike. "Let's go." You smiled at her.
You arrived at The Thorton mansion, crowds of teenage kooks swarmed the place, the music vibrated through you as you entered. Almost immediatley topper spoted you, he grabed two signiture solo cups and head staright towards you and sarah. He handed both of you a cup, As soon as you held the cup up to your face, the stench of alchol hit your nose, catching you off guard. You watched as your bestfriend chugged the liquid in her cup. "Y/n, i am gonna steal sarah for a moment." You'd been around sarah and topper to know what that meant. "Honey, will you be fine on your own?" She says with a look of concern. "Yeah..no you can go, i'll be fine." You nod. "Okay, have fun." she kisses your cheek, before grabbing her boyfriends hand, together they disapered into the crowd. You, and your solo cup walked around the house, looking at the many faces, some you knew, some you were just seeing for the first time.
You adventuring around the thorton house, led you upstairs, which seemed quiter, than downstairs. You found a quite room, and without thinking much, you opened the door. "What the fuck!" Called out a familar voice, which came from a familar boy. Rafe.
"Y/n?" He calls, as you tried to walk away. "Come in." he clears his throat. You debated on wheather you should go in or not, but in the end you decided to go in. Upon entry you noticed not only the people that were seated on the coach but heavy smell of weed, white powder arranged in neat little lines on the clear coffee table in front of the older cameron. "Have a seat!" he said, The only seat left was one directly opposite rafe, and next to some lightskin guy with dreads, whoose eyes wondered onto yours. You took the seat. "Guy's this is y/n lawerence, Keluces younger sister." Rafe introduces you.
"Hi i am lauren." The cute red head sat next to rafe says. "Nate." a raven haired boy sat next to lauren says. "Christina." A blonde haired girl introduces. Finally the guy sat next to you "What's up, I'm jack."
"We were playing truth or drink before you interputed us." Rafe says, as he exhaled smoke from his mouth. "Since its nate's turn, why doesn't he ask y/n." Christina suggests. "Alright!" Nate sighs. "So y/n, have you ever shoplifted?"
"Nope." You answered as you fiddled with your hands on your lap. "What the fuck are these lame ass questions?" Lauren laughs, It was at this point that you noticed Rafe's icey blue eyes were staring at you, his eyes scanned you. As soon as you realized this, you turned away, looking anywhere but in his direction. "Here" Jack passes you a lit joint. "Oh i don't smoke.", immdiately earning a laugh from everyone in the room, excluding rafe, who only chuckled. "Do it pussy!"Lauren says, you felt the pressure of people, how heavy their eyes felt. "It'll make you feel good!" Rafe says in a low, but alluring tone, you looked up to meet his eyes. You accpected the joint, placing it inbetween your lips, while not breaking eye contact with rafe, you exhale, feeling the hot smoke rush into your chest, you exhaled, feeling the smoke slightly burn the back of your throat. "One more hit!" Christina says amused. So you did the process again, Rafe's eyes still fixated into yours. This time when you exhaled, you felt your brain get fuzzy, the sound of the music downstairs seemed like the only sound in the world, warmth and comfort surrounded your body, your eyes felt heavy, you felt fucking euphoric, you passed the joint back to jack. "Good girl." Rafe says smiling at you, his eyes still burning into you.
Several rounds of Truth of drink were played, you continued to smoke, getting higher as the night passes. "We should play Seven Mintues in heaven!" Lauren called out, you could tell there was something between her and rafe, as his hands were wrapped around her waist, and they got touchy with each other as time passes. Everyone agreed, at some point your slurred you agreement." "Y/n should spin first!" Rafe says, smurking when your eyes meet, you spun the empty 'jack daniels' bottle, and it landed in between lauren and rafe. Lauren's facial expressions seemed to change when Jack shouts "Rafe!" and the rest of the group agrees that it landed on rafe. You felt your heart beat increasing.
You watched as Rafe got up, coming over to you. You crained your neck up just to contact his eyes. "Shall we?" he hold out his hand, you hesitate, but give in. You felt unsteady as soon as you stood up, rafe's hand rushing to your waist, to keep you balanced. "Thanks." You cleared your throat. Rafe led you to a seprate room. You sat down on the edge of the bed, whilst the dirty blonde boy sat next to you.
"We don't have to anything you don't want." he sniffled wiping his thumb across his nose. "Okay." You squeeked out, your throat feeling dryer than the saharah. You sat in complete silence feeling your high. "Lemme ask you something?" He licks his lips, "Sure."
"Out of all the parties thrown, why'd you attened today?"
"I am turning over a new leaf, learning how to live again." Words seemed to just flow out of you, it wasn't what you wanted to say, but it was the truth. "I understand, You've been just existing, not living." Rafe added, it's like he stole the words from your mouth. "Yeah, exactly like that." You smiled. You watched as rafe pulled out a small baggie of white powder, which you concluded to be coke, from his pocket. He scooped some out with his key, held it up to his nose, and snorted. He looked staright into you, "Want some?"
"I've never done coke before." you admit, your tone and the fact that you seemed inexperinced, sounded so lame to you. You took the bag and key from rafe, scooping some white powder onto the edge of your key, bringing it up to your nose, and without thinking you snorted it. It burned upon its first contact with you nose, but as it went further down your anatomy, the burning stopped, replaced by a slight bitter taste at the back of your throat. But all that aside, as you felt a wave of what could only be defined as beautiful energy. You felt powerful, devine, euhophric, like you hand the world on your plam. "Woah!" You whisphered out. For the first time in your whole life, you felt it. You felt alive. You felt fuzzy, and blurry, like the whole room was swaying at a constant beat, you looked at rafe. Who seemed so handsome, his sharp jawline, his blue eyes darkened by his sins, the way a peice of hair fell onto his forhead. "Are you okay?"
"I feel good." You noted, "Yeah?"
"Mmmhmm." You noded. You hadn't noticed that there was no space left between you and rafe, you felt his hand touching your thigh, pushing your dresser higher up. His touch ignited your body, several butterflies swarming not just your stomach, but the entire surface of your body. He used his other hand to cup your cheek, leaning in closer to you, forheads touching, eyes interlocked into each other. "Let me make you feel alive." He whispered against you, you noded.
You felt rafe's soft lips, smash onto yours. Tounges playing against one and other, His salivia introducing the taste of beer, weed, and mint into your mouth. His hands going further up your updress. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his fingers ghost over your clit. "Fuck! You are wet. All this for me.' He breathed out. The kiss went from your lips, to your jaw, down to your neck. "Open you legs for me." He whispered into your neck. You did as he asked, granting him more access to the wet mess, that was in between your legs.
you felt as he moved your panties to the side, his fingers warm, as they play with your clit, a moan fell from your lips. Rafe's finger slowly make their way into your entrance, you felt your pussy stretch around his hands, gasping as they entered. "Look at me baby!" He demanded, you opened your eyes, to meet rafe's lustful blue eyes. "Don't take your eyes off me."
"Fuck!" You moaned as you felt his fingers pumping at a slow and steady pace. "Mhmmm, you like that.?" "Mhmmhmm."You moan as you feel you core tighten, you felt your hips lifting and lighlty thrusting into rafe's fingers, which provided more pleasure. "Rafe." You called out, biting into your lip, your eyes still locked into his.
Suddenly the door burst open, lauren stood on the other side of the door. "What the fuck!" she shrieks. "Get the fuck out!" Rafe screamed, breaking eye contact with you.
Lauren's interpution brought you back down to reality. What the fuck were you doing, getting fingered by Rafe fucking cameron. Your best friend's older brother, Your brother's best friend, unagruably the worst guy on the whole damn island, he was bad, you knew that. You had got caught up, you were acting unlike you. You push his hands out from under your dress, "What are you doing?" he asks.
"I have to go." you clear your throat, rushing out of the room and past lauren who was still stood there. You needed air, you felt like you couldn't breathe, the air in the house was too stuffy, you couldn't think clearly. You had to get out.
The cool outerbanks air hit your face as soon as you managed to get outside, your thoughts raced, your head spinning, you felt dizzy, sick to your stomach. Waves of nausea suddenly crashed over you, you hunched over, vomiting everything onto the grass, the acidic taste of bile fill your mouth. You felt disgusting.
"Y/n?" You heard your brother's voice, you felt over sitmulated in the momen. "Keluce, I'm sorry." You slurred, you swayed at the lack of balance you had, you felt your brother hold you up. "Are you high?". You felt so digusting, like the most terrible person on the planet. "I'm sorry." you hugged him, tears spilling out of your eyes. "Okay y/n, please tell me what's going on." You opened your eyes to see rafe standing by the door way, he smirked looking at you. You brust into a sob as you watched rafe cameron lick his two fingers that had perviously just been inside you, a sick, twisted smirk painted on his face as he watched you. He winked at you before going back inside the party house. "Take me home." You sniffled on your older brothers shoulder.
"Get some sleep, y/n." Keluce says as he tucks you. "Good night." you walked out, he shot you a warm, caring smile, and turned off the light, closin the door as he left. As soon as the complete lonesome darkness sit in, you began to cry, hot tears streamed down your face as you come to the hard realization.
You didn't feel digusting because it was rafe cameron, you felt disgusted because you liked it, further more, that you liked Rafe.
Chapter 2.
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sunsetshunter · 15 days
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via-the-cryptid · 1 year
Gotham Ghost AU, let’s go.
Ellie wakes up in an alley in Gotham after the whole Portal Incident Part II: Electric Boogaloo goes down. she’s fully stabilized now, but she’s also in a whole new universe because, y’know, you put a half-finished halfa in the middle of an opening portal… things get kinda weird.
she’s lost in a completely new place with no idea what’s going on, and worse, she’s in Gotham. one wrong turn in this place and you’ll end up worse than dead (or half-dead, as it may be), so obviously Ellie has to invoke Murphy’s Law and wander right on into the current disaster zone, thereby gathering the attention of none other than the Joker. she panics, maybe mistakes him for a ghost or something, and instead of running or freaking out like any ordinary gothamite would, she… punches him in the nose.
and now there are rumours.
I mean, you don’t just deck the Joker and get off scot-free. the Joker himself is now interested, because her entire color palette inverted (much like his and Harley’s), but she’s in greyscale? the Joker wants details now, which is Bad. his sudden interest in a girl with white hair and toxic-green eyes also incurs the attention of half the rogues’ gallery, meaning that most of Gotham’s villains are now keeping an eye out for poor Ellie.
including, of course, a certain E. Nygma. in true Riddler fashion, he sets a trap to catch a runaway girl in need of a hiding spot, and she falls for it hook, line, and sinker.
like most of the Riddler’s traps, Ellie is presented with a puzzle to solve if she wants to escape. Ellie being Ellie, however, she simply phases through the wall to get out (hooray for ghost powers) and then continues on her merry way.
and that’s what truly captures the Riddler’s attention, because for the first time since maybe Batman, someone has actually managed to cheat one of his traps.
And it was a random little girl who did it.
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bougiebutchbitch · 6 months
I've seen that you're really into BatJokes, so how do you interpret Harley Quinn into the equation? Is it like the Harley Quinn show where he admires her for her top tier henchman skills, but puts literally all of his emotional investment into Batman or something else?
It varies a lot! I love all sorts of different interpretations of the Jarley relationship.
I love Joker being a cut-and-dry abusive manipulative cunt just for fun revenge fantasies where Harley kills him! I love Joker being a cut-and-dry abusive manipulative cunt whose literal only vaguely redeeming quality is his (still SUPER fucked up) love for Batman, where Harley doesn't kill him but probably should!
I love Joker being a bastard who manipulated Harley into being his Henchman because she's an absolute badass and he respected that, but he was always emotionally invested in Batman, not her, and only led her on to keep her loyalty. I love Joker making Harley his henchman because she's an absolute badass and he respected that, but he was always emotionally invested in Batman, and makes that clear, but Harley still clings and it causes their mutual resentment to fester.
I love Joker who takes on Harley as his Henchman because he thinks he can use her, but grows to respect her and then wants to keep her under his thumb because he doesn't know how to cultivate an equal relationship, and Harley wants more but Joker is just so fixated on Batman he completely misses all the signs and this drives a wedge between them. I love Joker and Harley trying to have a relationship, but it all spirals because Harley wants way more affection and sexual stuff than Joker is comfortable with, and she gradually realises that he's in love with Batman, not her, and that's never gonna change. I love Joker and Harley breaking up because they can see this is going nowhere, but staying weird sort-of villain-friends, lending each other explosives and poisons and so forth.
I love Joker and Harley staying together as besties, wlw & mlm soldarity, the sort of chaotic friends who embody 'Be Gay Do Crime' and sometimes fight loud and violent and smooch and snuggle and occasionally fuck when the whim catches them, but it's very much an equal-on-both-sides thing, a la Legoverse.
I love Joker and Harley where Harley was a manipulative monster who set her sights on her own patient, or used him as a tool and abused him like in Telltale. I just -
:grasps them in my fists and squeezes:
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ctheathy · 1 year
I'm meat munching Secret history tails rn.. could I request a secret history tails x Hyper cuddly! Reader a reader who is just very hyper definitely not allowed to have coffee but there looks are deceiving and They know how to fight really well so let's just say somebody tries to fight them and they just Kick there Butt and there completely whipped for tails- Like they would do anything he tell them to do kinda like harley quinn with the joker The reader just joins in on his Chaos sometimes or if he just tells them to hand him stuff they would do it in a heartbeat
Secret History Tails w/ Hyper cuddly!Darling
Secret History Tails x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Mmm smegsy lipbite😏
Author’s note : HA! Gotta love pampering this unstable a$$ fox. Let’s just not add in on the toxic dynamic between Harley and the Joker, though😭 you two are wholesome babey’s with one another on this blog.
This is malewife x girlboss dynamic fr.
The request had it stated, but in case anybody just so happened to miss it, SH Tails from There’s Something About Amy was chosen
SH Tails/Reader [Romantic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Amy’s brainwashing is mentioned •
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Right off the bat, he just doesn’t understand how he got so lucky to end up with somebody such as yourself. To him, you truly are like an angel. And he doesn’t behave indifferently about that fact either. You’re like an absolute sunshine in comparison to the horrors they call the multiverse, as if you are the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. He praises you to no end as he covers you in tender and passionate kisses, gently holding onto you as you make your ways through the multiverse. I can see TSAA Tails being a lot more mentally available and composed rather than his past self back in Secret Histories. He’s more mature now and has complete control over the situation you currently find yourselves in, making him slightly less vulnerable. He oftentimes tries to brush off your acts of service, telling you it’s not necessary at all-! You’re his beloved, after all. But he cannot help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever you do manage to get the job done for him. But due to his determined nature, he tends to give you back a favour for your own self every single time.
Despite the fact that you might have enough control over your surroundings and are physically prepared and capable when it comes to self defense besides the potential threats, Tails cannot help but remain the same overprotective fox that he always has been. He’ll allow you to take the reins, but not without quietly observing from a distance, keeping a close eye on you and jump in at a moment’s notice when he notices one single hint of struggle. He doesn’t wish to underestimate your strength, knowing it has the capability of upsetting you, but he wants you safe so.damn.badly. The man wouldn’t know what on Mobius to do with himself if he allowed you to get hurt in one way or another.
He most likely just lets out a singular chuckle of his own at your hyper demeanour and allows you to cling to him with no hesitance. You truly are an endearing soul in his eyes. And how you’re so dead set on keeping him in high priority and ensure his safety wherever you both go, it truly just results in him being all wrapped around your little finger if you look deeper into it. And despite the risk of his position, he completely allows it to happen too. He trusts you with all his might and the things you do for him among the dimensions only makes that devotion grow even stronger. I could for example see you protecting the fox with your life whenever you both end up in a world that hold an endangered environment. You just insist and ensure he stays in the back while you deal with the little issue yourself, leaving him to stare in awe at your form in combat.
I certainly believe you’d get along with Amy quite a lot aswell. Especially when being in similar positions when it comes to travelling through the multiverse and often needing Tails to guide you two through the place, the both of you are able to relate a lot on your current conditions. You did feel a little bad for letting Amy be brainwashed like she had been though, but then again, it was what he desired for the quest after all. And regrettably saying, your priorities just seem to find themselves in the wrong direction. You try your best to not let the dimensions get to your head, but it can become hard due to just how much your companions alone have been caught up in it over the course of time.
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months
Back to this:
I really need more people to consider AdriBat and Wonder/AmazonMari.
Of the four main batboys (Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian) Marinette gets along the best with Jason and Tim, while Adrien gets along the best with Dick and Damian, no one really gets why or how.
If Selina hadn't called dibs first, Bruce would have claimed Adrien for the BatFam. Sorry Bruce, blondie's part of the Gotham City Sirens. Besides, isn't Marinette more up your alley? She fits the look.
Diana checks in on Marinette weekly. While she can't always be around to help train her, she's grown attached to the ladybug miraculous holder.
Marinette, turning on a lamp as Adrien sneaks into their shared hotel room via a window: Where were you?? Adrien, returning from another fun night with Catwoman, caught red-handed: I was with Damian!! Damian, turning on the other lamp: Try again.
Marinette and Adrien both spend a lot of time with Alfred in the kitchen. It's a safe zone for both of them, with Marinette sometimes baking alongside him and Adrien learning from them.
You bet your ass Paris finds out about Chat Noir's new favorite hobby (random Parisian: so you think Chat Noir will actually steal the Mona Lisa? Different Parisian: *thinking about it*...nah, but if my limited edition, glow in the dark, Cosmobug goes missing, I'm betting it's him *several weeks later* Different Parisian: CHAT NOIR STOLE MY LIMITED EDITION GLOW IN THE DARK COSMOBUG!!! I KNOW BECAUSE HE POSTED A SELFIE ABOUT IT!! *holds up phone that indeed shows a selfie of Chat Noir holding a limited edition glow in the dark Cosmobug with the caption "it's mine now sucker :3").
↑ It's the first thing Marinette sees when she checks the Ladyblog for potential akumas in case she has to teleport herself and Adrien back to Paris via Pegabug when they're back in Gotham. Yeah, she is not happy (Marinette: YOU HAD ONE, O N E, JOB!! MY KITTY'S A THIEF!!).
Harley definitely sits Marinette down and talks with her about healthy relationships. It's something the younger girl had mentioned that Harley knew she could help out with. After all, her past relationship with the Joker wasn't exactly private. And while she didn't think Marinette would ever become who she was back then, Harley is willing to sit down with her and give her any advice she needs to ensure her future relationships are healthy.
There are arguments over some of the costumes. Mainly between Marinette and Damian. If Adrien's around (meaning he's not stealing shit again) he'll just join the rest of the Batboys and Batgirls, and just watch the two of them go at it like tennis match.
Jason takes both of them to a rage room. Jason: You said you couldn't feel negative emotions or some shit like that because of that butterfly fucker, right? Have at it. Enjoy breaking shit. Scream. Cry. Let it out. What's he gonna do? Show up? Good. I'll shoot him...right in the- Marinette: DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT!!
Adrien totally considers having the Bats take in Felix after he becomes Argos. For no other reason than: he's a bird. The Robins are birds. It makes sense.
If we go with the whole "class visits Gotham" thing, they're either already in Gotham when their class comes to visit, or had just returned to Paris only to go back to Gotham.
↑ No one is sure what's more surprising: Marinette knowing the Wayne's on a personal level, to the point she can argue with the youngest and not get in trouble or Adrien apparently having a room in Harley Quinn's and Poison Ivy's apartment.
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argentumcor · 7 months
The Price of a Bullet
You can find the whole fic posted here, covering Jason's experiences during Arkham Knight.
Notes and thoughts if they interest you:
-I do think Jason was written consistently between AK Genesis, AK, and the Red Hood DLC. There's a complaint that he wasn't, and an accompanying complaint that the Knight is whiny, but that's assuming a level of emotional stability that he doesn't have. Reading AK Genesis, it's clear that Jason's narration regarding Bruce is cope, a product of his time in captivity and the Joker's mental conditioning. Bruce does care- he's just bad at showing it. That's clear in his interactions with the rest of the family, even Dick who would have known him before the haunting loss of Jason. On top of this, Jason spent most of his life from the day he was born being told he was worthless verbally and via physical abuse. Trust comes hard to him. The Joker in the Arkham games is very good at spotting things he can exploit about people, and when Jason was talking to buy time for Batman to come save him, he probably heard Jason's low sense of self-worth (self-esteem doesn't cover it), the perfect thing to use to break Jason to harness.
-Jason's snark is present as the Knight here and there on comms. He's not stable, though, unlike his depictions in other media. The "whiny" tone people complain about is more mania coming through as he gets close to his goal and his programming comes undone. This, I think, was an interesting way to split the baby- in the comics Jason being unstable is a concern of Bruce's to rather...extreme...extent (and unfounded, he isn't unstable except for inconsistent characterization like the rest of the DC cast). What is happening in AK is someone grindingly finding himself dragged back to reality after living in madness for a long time (no way in hell did he "escape" as late as Asylum; let's say it's been five years minimum and it happened during some other breakout).
-A quiet theme in the Arkham games, and in a lot of the better Batman media, is "truth beats lies." Batman beats out fear toxin, beats out Hatter's hypnosis, overcomes the Joker's mental infection because they're all founded on things that are not true. As such, Jason- as his student and his son- is able to overcome the lies the Joker and Harley put into his head in the end.
-It's beyond clear in game he has no respect for Scarecrow qua Scarecrow or any of the other villains he's pulled into this plan. People are mad about that, but he's hyperfocused and obsessive. It's a video game (sillier, yes, I said it) version of his plan, if for different motives, from Under the Red Hood.
-Dini might not have written AK but I'm pretty sure his notes were used or something. It has a lot of the elements I associate with his Batman writing- Bruce as deeply fallible, for one, the Joker as an unsympathetic and very real threat and charismatic. I think Dini found Jason's story a well of potential, based on how BTAS Tim is actually mostly Jason, how Return of the Joker's Tim plot is AK Jason's plot, and how Terry has a lot of Jason's attitude. Dini, for all his oddities as a writer in some respects, has a real gift for spotting things to punch up a character and situation.
-It's funny to me how Tim is the 'generic Robin' of the group so his characterization just gets kind of tossed around wherever the winds are blowing. I like Arkham Tim as the grounded reliable one, but he's Basically Jason in BTAS and in the comics his characterization seems particularly up in the air.
-The Arkham games are very silly, objectively- the whole thing with Titan, the entire idea of Arkham City, the Joker disease and how Bruce beats it, and so much more- but not to themselves. It's a story about a guy wearing a bat-inspired costume and being a vigilante. It is silly. The platonic ideal of a Batman story is silly with a violent dark aspect, cynical about human nature but hopeful about the power of love (brotherly, familial, romantic, agape, etc.), and it takes itself seriously within itself. From these can flow many things, profound, funny, and entertaining alike, and they coexist smoothly. I think the important thing with fiction is to meet it where it's at, especially as a writer, and this is especially true of these IP (modern myth, that's what they are) stories.
-Going through the game for Jason's timeline has been revealing about things I think were trimmed/changed. I'm pretty sure there's a missing Knight boss fight when Batman takes down the air defenses, because Jason just bolts for no reason (I rolled with this in the fic), to let Batman do as he pleases. I also think the vehicle boss fight vs. Jason in the grinder was supposed to be more complex instead of doing the same thing the whole time, but that's generally true of the vehicle combat: mechanically, it needed another pass across the board to make it a less repetitive experience.
-The Red Hood DLC should have been Jason fighting his way to the Asylum where he saves Bruce's life at the climax, potentially with contact with Oracle or even Nightwing which would have been interesting as hell. I really wish all the DLCs would have given us something at the scale of A Death in the Family; I really like these versions of the characters.
-I recommend this sort of fic, where you follow a plot through an alternate POV character, as a writing exercise. It has the merit of having known constraints you don't have to come up with but some creative give to figure out how the POV character got from point A to point B or figured out something or why he did something.
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localgremlinboy · 2 years
Holy rogues headcanons Batman we've reached a part 5! Thanks again to everyone who likes my silly ideas! Here’s some more!
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- Joker has a license but it's one of those joke chuck e cheese kids print out licenses 
- Harley has a “federal boobie inspector” badge, Ivy does not find it as hilarious as she does
- Joker makes his goons carry around headshots he can autograph and give out
- penguin writes "tweet tweet" with a penguin emoji on the end of all his tweets as a sign off. If it doesn't fit, he adds a second tweet to put in the sign off
- Oswald also is the kind of person who tweets goodnight and good morning to his followers. Twoface criticized him once for it and was blocked. Tbh Oswald blocks anyone who “harshes his space”
- Just to upset Riddler, Scarecrow talks about electronics like "the computer", "the internet", "the email". He'll be like "oh I guess I'll have to message you through the email" and Riddler has a meltdown
- Joker is constantly trying to start nicknames for himself that no one agrees to. The one name he gets off the ground gets credited to Batman
- At one point, all the rogues agree to doing a documentary series with a bunch of college film students (it's basically what we do in the shadows but with rogues). They frame it like, "a day in the life of *insert rogue here*. Twoface/Harvey's starts off with, "firstly, we'd like to clear up the rumor of any possible.. personal relationship with Bruce Wayne.." and as he starts rambling about how completely professional the rumor is, the camera zooms in on a half naked Bruce trying to sneak out of the back office window. Harley shows up in every episode via schengens and keeps waving at the camera. Scarecrow declines for his privacy but still ends up in most of Riddler's episode, judging him in the background and half of their interactions become meme clips and reaction gifs. Catwoman surprisingly agrees to let them follow her through a heist but she also takes the time to clear up the rumor that she has a friendship with Bruce Wayne, which is CLEARLY ridiculous according to her.. and the camera again zooms in on a cracked doorway that shows Bruce playing with her cats. When he notices the camera, he again tries to escape out the window and falls
- Scarecrow retweets Riddler memes
- Penguin consistently tries to go on podcasts and talkshows to prove he's not doing crimes and either accidentally admits to something way more illegal than what he's defending or he'll make an embarrassing meme out of himself trying to relate to youths
- Oswald also has a TikTok but it's the equivalent of older celebrities getting one. He has no idea what he's doing but he is trying SO hard! Selina is constantly goofing on his content hardcore on her account
- Ivy breaks into the botanical gardens & random establishments with plants to take care of them
- Riddler has travel boggle in his car
- Harley had a steampunk cosplay phase in early college and is super second hand embarrassed about it.. until she learns Ivy also had a steampunk cosplay phase and high key indulges her by putting on stupid sexy steampunk outfits
- Riddler orders a lot of late night Chinese food and the restaurant totally knows it's him but also like he never robs them & he's a good tipper. But he saves the fortune cookies for Harley, who eats them like chips when she visits. (she and Ivy come over to do puzzles with him and sometimes Scarecrow). But Riddler puts out a bowl of fortune cookies for her and she loves them so much
- Riddler is banned from several establishments because he refuses to apologize for various arguments
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