#harlequin jr
Absolutely loosing my crap at the idea of Alan Scott entering a gay club, locking eyes with his half naked, glitter- clad oldest (Michael), turning around, and immediately doubling both of their trauma by noticing his other son (Todd) strolling in with his fiancé shirtless in a collar. Damon has to negotiate a three- way division of all bars and clubs in the area before anyone can look each other in the eye again
Then Alan walks in on Guy hooking up with Lobo at the next one :/
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DC Pride Day 3: Michael Mayne!
At the end of the month the illustrations with the most engagement will be available as prints!
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bi4bihankking · 7 months
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petrichorparacosm · 1 year
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ao3statistics · 19 days
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This is self-made. Date: 05.09.2024
Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern before Hal Jordan btw.
OMC = Original Male Character
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the name "Alan Scott.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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bunberrypancake · 1 year
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Green East and Yellow West bunbuns! 
I have so much fun drawing characters I like as rabbitz, that’s my little hobby, everybunny.
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pokemonfrommemory · 5 months
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It’s not fair something this cute has to evolve into Mr. Mime :(
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siconetribal · 6 months
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 10
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
@vbecker10 @wordsfromthemoon @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali
Banter, Fluff, Wit, Book-nerdiness, and more floof
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check the master list for the previous chapters!
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Jason watched her turn her mug in circles, press a napkin to make it smooth, and shift her plate as if to find the perfect lighting to make her pastry most photogenic. One half of her lower lip was imprisoned by her teeth, the other half jutting out to the side. It was not hard for him to conclude that she was nervous, which made him curious. What does she have to say about what Cici said? How serious could it be? Maybe she’s embarrassed about the bill? Wait, if she brings it up I can insist on paying!
“So ,” Y/N finally spoke up after what felt like hours of silence. “I have been in a dicey situation because of the Joker and his gang of clowns. Wrong time, wrong place, sorta deal.” She paused again, but shorter this time. “I have been hit by his Joker Venom, but I was treated in time. It was a gas and it wasn’t one of the more lethal variants or long enough exposure to be permanently disabling. It’s…not something I talk about either. Cici wasn't trying to lie or cause trouble the day you came in. She was trying to help me out, because I recognized you.”
Great , she recognized me right away and I was just chasing 1’s and 0’s in a useless IP address! His lips scrunched to the side as he slouched in his seat, his pride was thoroughly bruised. 
“Don't pout, I was having a bad day, well week, and she was just trying to help me jot deal with another thing, and ended up blurting that out. So no, I’m not some lunatic because of it and yes, I’m perfectly normal, because who isn’t a little traumatized when living in Gotham City, right?”
“I would say ‘or insanely rich’, but they tend to be the actual targets and commoners like myself end up in the crosshairs.” She hesitantly added, seeing no flare of anger or annoyance, she sat up and took a bite of her flaky pastry of choice. 
“Are you sure ‘perfectly normal’ is the best term for you?” He grumbled. “You recognized me and did your damndest to be unrecognizable, why? You even got your friend in on it and made me think you're someone,” his voice steadily grew louder and his tone harsher as he sat up straight while she steadily shrank back into her seat, ducking her head to avoid looking at him. Shit , not what I wanted to do! “ Forget it , who am I to get pissed at a little white lie? I’m no stranger to bad days either.” Like being held hostage and left for dead by the Joker. He quickly deflated back in his seat. His foot lightly nudged against hers, making her jump and look up. “I also think anyone who isn't traumatized living here is either off their rocker or they've only just moved in.” His gaze softened as he smiled, coaxing her to relax with him again.
“Being rich comes with its own style of batshit crazy.” He rolled his eyes. Like throwing cash around for giant galas to make yourselves feel better about ‘charity’ which will obviously attract all the other criminals in Gotham. The only difference between them is that one group is considered legal.
 “Speaking of rich, you’re a Wayne, right?” Jason’s eyebrows shot up quickly before crashing down and furrowing together. “Cici told me, I was helping her with the drinks that day and she told me to not call it.” She quickly explained. “But that aside, what do I call you? Little Lordling? Littler Wayne? Wayne Jr the second? Wayne 3.0? There are a bunch of you, right? You're the second one, I suppose you'd be Wayne 2, or are you 3 because Bruce Wayne would be 1?” She thought aloud, watching his left eye twitch with each nickname she came up with. It was still oh so satisfying to see.
“Yes, I am an adopted son of Bruce Wayne and no , you can’t call me any of those.” His voice shook as his smile became a little strained, a little bit of a grumble in the undertones.
“Aww, not even ‘Little Lordling’? I thought that one would’ve won.” She pouted. The way her lower lip puffed and pushed out was adorable, but Jason needed to be strong. There's no way he was going to let anyone call him that. It would be the end of him if any of the other Bats heard of this. “So what do I call you by, oh nameless capeless savior?”
“How about you just call me by my name? Which you could’ve just asked me for instead of doing all this.” He rolled his left hand in the air as he gestured to the oddity that was this conversation
“It is absotively posolutely rude to demand such information! To ask without offering something of equal value is simply barbaric!” She scoffed and he snorted while trying to stop himself from choking on his drink. “Also, where's the fun in that? Now you'll remember me the next time you see me, you won't be so thrown off.” The smug grin on her face was frustratingly adorable and pleasantly annoying, he was not sure if he wanted to wipe it off her face or give her something else to gloat about. 
“And charging someone for asking questions is not memorable enough?” One of his eyebrows rose up in question. “I feel like we’re well past dinner and a movie first.”
“Who says that's my cup of tea? Maybe I'm a video games and books kind of gal?” She raised an eyebrow of her own in challenge to him.
Damn, games and books? “Well you’re in luck. I’m a bit of both myself.” He smirked. 
Oh that is cheating! You can't go looking like this, be a Wayne, and be into those! I’m trying to ask you for 4k, not a wedding ring! Her eyes narrowed as she leaned in closer. “There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”
“‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen, not bad.” Jason took a bite of his sandwich. Not bad, not bad. “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm,” he calmly replied.
“‘The Song of the Lark’, huh, ‘a bit’ is what you said, right?” Y/N sat back. “Consider me impressed again, Wonder Boy.”
“Quit calling me that,” he grumbled as his eye twitched.
“I have nothing else to call you.”
“Then call me by name.”
“I don't have your name.”
“You could ask.”
“That’d be rude, of course. We haven’t properly met.” She smirked.
“And how do we properly meet?” He leaned forward, resting an elbow on the table.
“Dinner and a good book.”
“Are you asking or telling?”
“That depends, do you prefer me to ask or tell?” She leaned in closer as well.
“Doesn’t matter to me, so long as you say yes.”
“Yes,” he grinned. “I guess it’s settled then. Now all I need is your number.”
“Wait, what? My number?” She sat back a little in surprise.
“Yes, your number, how else am I going to get in touch with you?” He extended a hand towards her and she, still confused at what just happened, robotically handed over said device, the screen unlocked. He quickly sent himself a text through her phone and saved his number in hers. “Thanks, sweetheart, I’ll be sending you the details later. On that note, I gotta run. See ya,” he winked and finished his drink before heading out, Y/N sitting there mouth agape and utterly confused. The bell chimed again before she could even process any of it as she quickly cleaned up and got behind the counter once more, the rev of a motorcycle fading into the distance.
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cupidthewriter · 1 year
Junior: The Virtue of Kindness (Kiane Kid Breakdown)
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Helbram Jr. “Junior” is the son of King Harlequin and Queen Diane. He is not their only son but I have no idea the ages of the other children so I can't say where he is in the lineup. He is fairy sized.
His father named him after Helbram, his best friend. For this reason he prefers to go by Junior instead, unless he is in trouble. To others he may be referred to as Prince Junior or Prince Helbram.
Yes, he looks like a teen boy— This is mostly because fairies generally look like adolescents the entire time before they are fully grown. He’s only about 3 years younger than Tristan. I’m working on it.
He’s closer with his dad, but as a child he would love sitting on his mom and taking naps.
Junior’s abilities are more closely related with his giant blood and he has yet to master working with plants. He works with sand and golems a lot of the time.
He has a little sister named Cassie, she’s a giant, but she doesn’t belong to me.
He’s had a huge crush on Violet for a while— they’ve been friends, but she has yet to reciprocate more than close friendship. He is okay with this.
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Recent concept art
He’s not technically an heir for either of his parent’s thrones. He cannot lead the Giants, because he’s a fairy, but the Sacred Tree decides on the fairy realm’s monarch. Nonetheless, he still tries to be a good enough prince. However, this does lead into him trying to find his own way in the world, eventually joining Violet in her order of knights.
He represents the virtue of kindness, because of his large capacity for empathy and his equally large heart. After all, the way to make big but quiet change is to be kind to those who society deems inferior.
He’s fairly cocky due to being extremely fast, even before his wing growth. His wings (when he grows them in adolescence) are shaped like dragonfly wings and he likes to race. He’s a good physical fighter but only if he can be in the air. He is very clumsy on his feet.
He has a guard named Crispin, though he's never needed much guarding. They meet when Junior is in his teen years. Crispin is not my oc, so I'm not super clear on his story beats yet. They are good friends.
Just like Violet, I’m not sure what plot or arcs I’ll be making for him. Definitely something about wanting to stand out against his eight other siblings (seven canon and one other oc).
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More refined concept art. I have trouble with him, but I’ll keep working on it.
The little bunny drawing is the tattoo, I’m not sure where to put it at this time. I think it’s a little obvious that Violet wanted to emulate her father and so… yay group tattoos.
Ask box is open for any questions or other stuff!
The Masterlist will contain links to the other Virtues!
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heavenlyhoundoom · 6 months
Fnaf next generation au facts.(trigger warning, death and miscarriage.)
1.This universe takes place in January, fifteenth, 2032.
2.Blossom is the oldest of three daughters with her younger sisters being Mavis(31) and Penny(29).
3.Moon and Blossom are thrity three and will be thirty four later that year.
4.Blossom's mom is a blue opossum named Skye(brown eyes) and her dad is a pink oppossum named Jason(purple eyes).
5.Mavis had kids before Blossom.(Her husband is a brown fruitbat with yellow eyes named Dylan, their oldest kid is a purple fruitbat with brown eyes and markings named Bridget(8), and their youngest kid is a brown opossum with purple markings and yellow eyes named Percy(6).)
6.Lulu is a middle child with an older brother and a younger sister.
7.Moondrop is a rainbow baby and Eclipse is the older brother he and Sundrop never got to meet.
8.History repeated itself with Moondrop's daughter Luna is also a rainbow baby with Hannah(would've been a harlequin oppossum with the right fur being pink and the left fur being black, and having brown eyes) being the older sister she and Trixie never got to meet.
9.Speaking of family members Luna and Trixie never got to meet, Moondrop and Sundrop's father, Oswald passed away before either of them had kids.(based on how Chilli's mother passed away before she had kids and had to learn to be a mom without her)
10.Oswald died in a work accident shortly after Blossom and Moondrop got married.
11.Luna's family and Bella's family are neighbors who live two houses from eachother.
12.They show will mainly focus and Sundrop and Moondrop's family tree, with the episodes focusing on Moondrop's family taking place in Rochester, New York while the episodes focusing on Sundrop's family taking place in Canandaigua, New York.
13.Sundrop and Moondrop grew up in Skeneatles, New York with their childhood home looking like this.(Their mother, Astra still lives there.)
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14.Luna's best friend is Emily while Trixie's best friend is a red macaque named Scarlett.
15.Scarlett is actually the daughter of Blossom's childhood friend, Mango(female toucan).
16.The ages of the kids: Luna(7), Trixie(5), Fuzzy(6), Cosmo(4), Emily(7), Bella(7), Charlie(5), Scarlett(5), Lucia(10), Kasumi(8), Petunia(6), Gilbert(5), Brucie(7), Crystal(4), Freddy Jr(9), Lolbit(9), Andrew(8), Mabel(10), Edwardo(8), Liam(6).
17. The jobs of the parents: Moondrop: Gymnastics instructor, Blossom: Real esate agent, Sundrop: Daycare attendant, Lulu: Software engineer, Willy: Animator, Lisa: Film director, Bonnie: Music teacher, Chica: Food critic, Mango: Surgeon, Frank(Scarlett's dad): Pet groomer, Tito: Guitarist, Toki: Wedding designer, Gus: Tour guide, Oakley: Activist, Cammy: Fashion designer, Arty: Artist, Sara: Florist, Knighty: Bodyguard, Freddy: Pizzeria owner, Paula: Yoga instructor, Foxy: Fish market owner, Vixen: Make-up artist, Ozzie: Pilot, Harold: Accountant, Roxanne: Racer, Katie: Game developer, El chip: Chef, Happyfrog: Babysitter.
18.Unlike her older sisters, Penny decided to not have kids because she believes that she doesn't have the patience needed to properly raise them.
19.Happyfrog has a little sister named Phoebe.(Pheobe has two daughters)
20.Just like Oswald, Happyfrog and Phoebe's mother, Dixie passed away before her grandchildren ever got to meet her.
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bi4bihankking · 21 days
Need to know which, if any, of the new JSA characters people want to keep appearing in JSA comics. Personally I am disappointed Geoff did not actually do anything with Harlequin's Son.
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moth-lace · 2 months
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Throwback Thursday
Nick Jr. . Nickname: "Jr." Likes: Ring-pops, fruit-rollups, and McDonalds Dislikes: Rubber bands Secret Stash: All the Girl Scout cookies
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Nickname: "Boom-Boom" Likes: Vanilla Milkshakes (with sprinkles), Polka Dot Everything, AMC (even though daddy says he's a bad boi) Dislikes: Long-Haired Hippies Secret Stash: Harlequin Novels Sexual Preference: Straight!! (Why do you ask?!?!) *Parents are the most rich...
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Nick-at-Night . Nickname: Nan Likes: Witchcraft, Cigarettes, Coffee Dislikes: Mornings Secret Stash: Sparkly D*ldo Sexual Preference: Bi-Curious *The off the wall one in the family
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cartoonscientist · 3 months
idk who needs to see this but
peter merkel sr. and unmasked junior: raggedy anne/andy
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junior in costume: sackdoll
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peter merkel jr.: harlequin doll
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detectivemaker · 5 months
I thought of some more stuff for my Persona X Batman au
I've come to the conclusion that the only other non-oc party member other than Terry should be the DD twins, they're the Harley  analog and they share a persona, the ultimate Persona is eulenspiegel cuz he's literally a   harlequin and his association with mirrors(cuz you know twins)
Also James Gordon Jr doesn't end up dying, he has a little Redemption during the final fight after the rest of the party members except for him and Michael get their ass beat by Barbados,  and he finally comes to terms that yeah he's crazy but maybe that isn't a bad thing, and that gives Michael enough power to revert to his fully God form and have a rad Kaiju Battle with Barbados
I also thought of an animatic to the song evolution, it has a lot of mirror imagery and the second verse is of James Gordon Jr standing in the middle of a dance hall surrounded by his younger party members dancing with their ultimate personas, and the final verse is a big climactic battle where he dances with Michael to defeat Barbados
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Is there a plan to wake up all of those relatives from Bob Brown Jr from the future AKA Randall text Cobb he does come out and he knows him he's got a lot of stuff and the biggest thing he worked on with my son our son and daughter the hard knock kicker HK series and we're reviving it it's huge and it's because he knew it was about harlequin and he knew that that's what they're calling people riding the Harleys and that you're supposed to ride the Harley Quinn to use them and take care of them I mean and get rid of them and he says we're not really to ride the motorcycles but we're going to use their engine and he's right that's why Harley is sitting there and our son is saying you know what to do to Trump inviting and to Biden and two bja and also they said we now understand
Thor Freya
He's laughing and he shows me a picture of Grossman's and says Grossman's it is and he's laughing at an evil way so I went through the math and I figured out that it's true we're doing the wrong thing but now we're getting on track and I'm beating on him when we shouldn't and it's horrible and Bob Brown Jr is coming back and it means that too and some other leaders maybe and Mom is holding the fort and she's having them do stuff and what else can she do we know what to do
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