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goldenwattleyoga-blog · 6 years ago
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It take just a bit of Yoga to keep life balanced! #yoga #balance #lifeofayogi #brisbaneyoga #brisbanelife #calm #om #hariomtatsat #yogisjourney #goldenwattleyoga https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9CI-PlE0y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10q8ppu9c2bpn
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mantrapiece · 3 years ago
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Are you still looking for that very special Om pendant? @mantrapiece . #mantrapiece #om #aum #hariom #hariomtatsat #omisallyouneed #omiswheretheheartis #theresnoplacelikeom #sacredom #omjewelry #ompendant #omsymbol #omnecklace #ombracelet #ommala #yogamala #yogavibes #gypsystyle #hippie #hippiestyle #yogajewlery #yogajewellery #omyoga #buddhajewelry #buddhajewellery #thepoweroflove #thepoweroflove❤️ #lovepower #lovepowerislifepower (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/mantrapiece/p/CZPpDeABBOy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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miyuki-sakumoto · 3 years ago
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お友達が「イシュタヨガで素敵な先生がいた」と教えてくれたからピンときて、確認してみたら私のオンラインのクラスだったみたいで。 そんな偶然もあるんですね♡ お友達が私のクラスを楽しんでくれたことも嬉しいし、UCOさんが私を思い出してくれたことや連絡をくれたことも嬉しい♡ なのに、その方が参加してくださっているクラスでお話ししようと思っていたことをうっかり忘れてしまいました。
 多分UCOさんのお友達だと思うのだけれど、先日のクラスでご質問を頂きました。 他のクラスでもたまにご質問いただくので、ここに改めて書いておきます。 最後の挨拶にしているマントラは何て言っているんですか?というご質問。 Hari om, om tat sat 少し細かく見ていくと、単語ひとつひとつには意味があります。 hari:取り去る者、神 om:聖音(至高神ブラフマンを表す音) tat:それ(「それ」としか言い表しようのない根源の存在) sat:純粋 イシュタヨガでは、タントラの考えからこう捉えています。 ”否定的なカルマを取り除き、大きな自己と結合し、純粋知性により自分の中の神性をいつも見出せますように” そして、さようならの挨拶として、���ラスの締め括りに唱えています。 私たちが、いつでも大いなる力とともにあることを忘れなように。

 スケジュールの確認と主催クラス(木曜)のご予約は  こちらのリンクから。  お問い合わせはフォームからどうぞ。
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super-hot-xyz · 5 years ago
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We Will Miss You Always.. 'Om Shanti' 😢💔 #irrfan #irrfankhan #rip #ripirrfankhan #actor #India #indianfilmindustry #omshanti #brokenheart #artist #hollywoodstudios #hollywood #Tinsukia #Assam #naveenkumardey #Post #hariomtatsat #wemissyou #Instagram #missyou (at Tinsukia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_jqJiPF1aV/?igshid=1es2ywdwl3k26
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payalsploy · 6 years ago
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Happy Full Moon , #fullmoon #fullmoonnight #fullmoonritual #godshand #god #godsplan #trustgod #support #omnamahshivaya #shiva #hariomtatsat #spiritualgrowth #spirituality #invisibleman #invisiblegod #godisaround #enlightenment #timeforachange #divinefeminine #divineprovidence #divineintervention #divinetiming #staywildmoonchild #lifehacks #art #design https://www.instagram.com/p/BrsmG2lH-1a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jx5dbs2dmb7v
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beingmagi · 8 years ago
This is Kathy Alef, my 70-year old Iyengar yoga teacher, who's been teaching for some 30-40 years. She has just about zero online presence save for her 1-page website. And in fact, when I first showed her this video I "secretly" took 6 months ago, her response was that I don't post it anywhere. This is how shy and modest Kathy is. Now, the Iyengar Institute is running its annual fundraiser - so I asked again if I could post this to help her raise funds for the studio. She hesitated for a long while, days, before she finally agreed. Please help me help her and the great teachers at IYISF keep the studio up and thriving so that she may continue to bring her loving bark into her many students' lives, who are now magnificent teachers in their own right. Please make a donation of any amount you can here- http://bit.ly/KathyAlef2017. Namaste! 'magi #yoga #iyengaryoga #iloveyoga #iloveyoga #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogalove #iyengar #iyisf #ilovesanfrancisco #yogasanfrancisco #yogalife #yogachallenge #yogayogayoga #hariom #hariomtatsat #namaste (at Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco)
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faern-me-blog · 8 years ago
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Changing your inner dialogue is the most important tool of all in my opinion. It's easy to say things like "I don't do that" or "I don't lie" or "I don't identify with that anymore" but hot damn those statements mean nothing zip zilch without an internal support system. WHAT is that system? Love. Nothing to hid behind. Nothing to pretend to be. And you can not make it up. You might be able to disguise, but it won't last long. + #yogasutra #balance #flexibility #fitnessmotivation #hariomtatsat #yoga #yogafit #yogashchittavrittinirodhah #beyou #beyouorgohome
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mount-moksha · 5 years ago
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Fear of Winning has been my only Fear🙃🙂 It's time to explore the Winning Waters💗🧘‍♀️🕉️👩‍🌾 #mountmoksha #purnasuptavajrasana #diamondpose #backbends #love #yogini #indianyogini #bravery #courage #yogateacher #wellness #healthylifestyle #fitness #breathe #sivanandayoga #hathayoga #om #trueworldorder #unityindiversity #pune #maharashtra #omnamahshivaye #serve #love #give #purify #meditate #realise #kalpavruksha #sadhana #hariomtatsat (at Pune, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Fnq6Elst1/?igshid=1nqr6s0bdyo5l
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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#ahooooooooo #caminhovermelho #tradiçãoxamânica #céuEstrelado #HariOmTatSat
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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Porque aqui o amor transborda! #PNLpractitioner #coachemsexualidade #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #terapiatantrica #expandirecompartilhar #muitoalemdoextraordinario #HariOmTatSat (em Instituto VOCÊ RJ)
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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Estudando, praticando e revendo amigos muito especiais! #PNLPRACTITIONER #coachemsexualidade #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #plenitude #muitoalemdoextraordinario #terapiatantrica #HariOmTatSat (em Instituto VOCÊ RJ)
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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#Expandir&Compartilhar #coachemsexualidade #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #PNLPractitioner #plenitude #muitoalemdoextraordinario #HariOmTatSat (em Centro Empresarial Worldwide Offices)
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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Se você atravessasse o rio hoje, teria sido feliz? O que você tem feito por si mesmo e pelo próximo para deixar um mundo melhor? Se você atravessasse o rio hoje, você faria falta no mundo? Fica o convite à reflexão. #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #coachemsexualidade #plenitude #muitoalemdoextraordinario #HariOmTatSat
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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Seja grato a tudo, especialmente a todos que te magoaram, feriram, duvidaram de você. Sinta gratidão genuína por todos os momentos de sua vida, eles o trouxeram até aqui. Você é a soma de todos esses momentos. #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #coachemsexualidade #terapiatantrica #Plenitude #HariOmTatSat
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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#coachemsexualidade #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #PNLpractitioner #plenitude #HariOmTatSat
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paulamanadevi-blog · 7 years ago
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Se quiser mudar o mundo, comece por si mesmo. #PNLpractitioner #coachemsexualidade #facilitadoraderelacionamentos #HariOmTatSat #terapiatantrica
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