#harem doors gang x reader
- leaf sheep anon 🌿
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
puppy love. all of them. PUPPYLOVE!!
seek adores that you take care of screech like a parent! sometimes when it hangs with you and screech and, it's just so domestic :]]
figure loves to watch you info dump about a topic you love, even "fan girling" over books that relate to your hyperfixation (figure makes to find more books that relate your hyperfixations)
guiding lights is the most fluent with speech and i headcannon that guiding can change their voice so then they can sound as charming or sweet they like to fluster you :} (everyone is jelly >:])
screech likes to fun of everyone and make them all flustered around you.
you are either oblivious and very confused when everyone is fighting over you or when screech makes them all flustered around you. OR you KNOW that they all like you, and join in on screech's teasing! (girlbosss)
Hide and Jack try to but sweet, with what they can do. Since they can't step outside of the closets they make sure that you guys have fun conversations! (when you laugh is their fav part <3
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mandadoration · 5 years
hound - vii.
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summary: You head to Canto Bight to gather more information about a bounty of yours when you’re ambushed and drugged. Your relationship with Mando is ever confusing.  
word count: 3, 200
pairing: mandalorian x mandalorian!reader
Warnings: non-consensual drug use, swearing, sexually suggestive content, canon-typical violence
a/n: I know I said I wouldn’t update this until next week... But are you complaining? If you follow this story on AO3, you will see that I predict that there will be 14 chapters total!
chapters: i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii  
Read this on AO3
You vaguely remember Mando saying that Canto Bight was nice this time of year, back when you were bleeding all over the floor of the Razor Crest and half delirious. As you fly in, the bright lights of the city almost make your head hurt. You’ve been here once a long time ago, you remember, for an emergency landing that had cost you an arm and a leg just so that you could leave your rented ship overnight. 
It’s a bit of a rough landing about a mile or so away from the city, landing somewhere in an unlit, grassy area, scaring some fathiers away. You head to the back to suit up, Mando trailing after you. 
“We’re looking for someone by the name of Desdre,” he informs. “He was a part of the same intergalactic gang as the bounty. He says he’ll tell us where Jahjon is in exchange for our word that we won’t turn him in.” You tilt your head. It seems suspicious that he was willing to give such precious information in return for safety. There’s no doubt the same thought has crossed his mind. 
“Will we?” you ask. Mando scoffs and slings his rifle over his shoulder and tucks ammo away. 
“We’ll see,” he says curtly, and leaves the ship. You tuck in a few more medshots into your vambrace and check the fuel for your flamethrower and follow him like a shadow. 
You don’t feel underdressed, exactly, but in the glitz and glamour of the glitter and expensive fabrics, you and Mando stick out like a sore thumb with your scratched up beskar and arsenal. If Mando is affected by the stares and whispers that follow you, he doesn’t show it. He goes through the alleyways and backstreets of Canto Bight, past the drugged-out spice users and teens using deathsticks, past the couples and trios and straight up orgies on the streets. You’re not quite sure where he’s going, but you stick close to him, warily watching the rooftops. Eventually, he stops at an ornate wooden door, and knocks three times. 
“Who is it?” a singsongy voice calls out. The door swings open to reveal a very scantily dressed man, gold paint rimming his dark eyes, face flushed from drinking and eyes red from spice. He pushes his curly hair up and out of his face, the bangles on his wrist jingling, eyeing you and Mando up and down hungrily. “Oh hello there,” he purrs, and practically lounges against the doorframe. “Mandalorians? What brings you here to my humble abode?” You shift your eyes away from his searching gaze to look beyond him and into the room. Moans and giggles drift into the open air. Did Mando just bring you to drug den?
“We’re looking for Desdre,” Mando answers. “Urgent business.” The man raises a carefully plucked eyebrow and squints his eyes. 
“Like what?” he questions. There are hickies and bruises lining his throat.
“None of your business, that’s for sure,” Mando says, and you think that the man is about to refuse you entry, but his face breaks into a charming smile and motions for you two to come in. 
“Be my guest,” he drawls. He doesn’t move from his position, and forces you and Mando to brush past him, and you grit your teeth as you feel hands feel you up. Judging by the sudden tense shoulders, the same has happened to Mando. The man’s voice leans in close and you do your best to try not flinch from the sudden wave of perfume and musk. His grip on your wrist is hot. “If you and your friend ever decide to come back, not on business, just ask for Pretre, hm?” he whispers, voice low and wanton. You quickly pull yourself away from him, ignoring how he laughs, and follow Mando to the back. “I’ve always wanted to fuck a Mando!” his voice calls out after you. 
The further back into the room you go, the less clothes there are, and the more blissed out the people look. Eventually, you come to an area of the room blocked off by velveteen curtains. You push through it, and wince.
You didn’t think that people wore those gold metal bikinis willingly. 
Still, it’s better than nothing, and your gaze settles on a man, sitting in the center of the pile of blankets and soft pillows, covered by a thin robe, pulling his face from the neck of an attractive Twi’lek whose hands are tangled in his dark hair, and grinning when he sees you and Mando. A few men and women peel themselves off of the floor to prowl around you. It’s hazy in here from smoke and stifling from all the bodies. The lights from outside are barely trickling in, heavy curtains on every window, and your eyes strain to adjust.
“Desdre,” Mando says. You scowl under your helmet as you grab the wrist of someone who was feeling up your leg. 
“Mando!” Desdre crows. He flourishes his arm out. “Come sit! You and your friend- please, relax.” Neither of you move, and Desdre at least has the decency to look a little sheepish. “Well, can I offer you something to drink? Some spice? Or a girl?” he offers, waggling his eyebrows. 
“We’re not here to waste time,” Mando says. Desdre sighs and gets up, soothing the girls that whine and ruffling the hair of a boy that kisses his calf as he moves to stand in front of you and Mando, pipe dangling in his fingers.
“Always business, Mando, and no play,” he complains in a lilting accent. “Who’s your friend?” He trails a finger up your armor before tapping it a couple of times. “Another Mandalorian?” He takes a deep drag from his pipe and blows sickly sweet smoke in your face. Although your helmet filters out most of it, the smell still makes your head ring. 
“Hm, interesting,” he hums. He stares intensely at you. 
“Jahjon. You said know where he is?” Mando asks. Desdre nods, and goes back to join his harem, leaning back languidly as they crawl over him again. He teasingly smacks the rear of someone you can’t quite see.
“I do, my friend,” he says. “But remember what I asked for? My safety guaranteed for information.” At that, more people slip in the room past the dividing curtains. You count in your head. There’s seven people in here now, all looking at you like you’re their next meal. 
“You have our word,” Mando says, but Desdre clicks his tongue and shakes his head. 
“I need to hear it from both of you,” he orders, his piercing gaze looking straight at you. You clench your jaw, and you want to smack the smug grin from his face. “I’ve heard about you, you know? The Dog? Loyal to your master and hunting together. I’ve heard you’re ruthless in the field.” All the heads in the room have turned to look at you in unison, and you would’ve found it unsettling if there wasn’t a cold weight settling in your stomach. “Especially how that poor Gran came back in pieces, body mangled like he’d been bashed in.” He’s playing you, you know it, and you shouldn’t let it affect you, but your temper is uncharacteristically short. “Your bite really is worse than your bark, huh? I wonder what you’re like in bed. If you fuck as brutally as you kill.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Mando finally says frustratedly. He steps forward. “If you won’t help us--”
“You have my word,” you grit out, interrupting Mando. You hate this. You hate how you’ve become notorious and people have started assuming, more bold and daring, pushing your buttons and bending you, expecting you to break. You hate that people have started twisting the facts about you to make you more vicious, more blood-thirsty and unforgiving when that’s not anywhere remotely close to the truth. You don’t know how it’s come to this. You haven’t really even done anything remotely interesting. As far as you’re concerned, you’re nobody. A Mandalore without a clan who doesn’t even know why there are people so curious about you. You think the world is against you, using your moment of weakness where your nightmares have been gnawing at you to try and knock you down, degrading you down to a feral animal. You want to prove them wrong. You’ve bled for Mando to know you're human, and you really don’t want to bleed again.
“And so she speaks,” Desdre says, looking pleasantly surprised, and Mando glances at you. “Mando finally took the muzzle off you?”
But you decide to play the part of that mangy mutt, and bare your teeth.
You don't know what it is that made you do it, what possessed you to make such a rash decision, but you pull the blaster from your holster and point it at Desdre. 
“Jahjon. Where is he?” you demand, voice low and dangerous. The people flocking on either side of Desdre scramble away. 
“Dog,” Mando hisses. “Put that down.” You ignore him and stalk closer, your blaster still carefully trained. Desdre doesn’t even look fazed. He looks at you curiously. Your heart is pounding in your ears. Something’s wrong. Your limbs feel too heavy and the room is spinning. It’s too bright in here, even in low-light. 
“Answer me,” you bark. Your grip wavers, and Desdre smiles. 
“I don’t know.” 
Mando walks up to stand close to you and tries to pull your arm back, but you wrench it out his grip, and accidentally fire into the ceiling. 
The room descends into chaos. 
Desdre stumbles back, and his little harem get up, looking alert, drawing their own weapons, and as more people flood into the room, surrounding you, you know what this is. 
Desdre never had the intentions to tell you anything. 
And this was an ambush. 
You fire your blaster a few more times, hitting Desdre in the leg and another shot going through the chest of a half-naked humanoid that you can barely make out from your blurred vision before it’s knocked out of your hand. You lash out, your fist catching the jaw of some other poor soul, sending them flying back and taking two more down with them. Your vambrace shoots out a medshot, knocking the Twi’lek he was kissing before out, and your grappling line tangles around their ankle. Yanking on it, another harem girl stumbles over them. 
A staff knocks you over the head, increasing the ringing that’s building up in your ears. You whip around to see Mando shoot them with his own blaster, their body falling limp at your feet. He’s got blood smeared on his chestplate as he fights around the small room. It’s too cramped and too risky to use his amban rifle, but overall, most of the attackers are already dead or knocked out, too drugged up and sluggish to take down two Mandalorians. A tap on your shoulder distracts you. You turn around, fists raised, but a sharp pain twinges in your neck. It’s Pretre, and the gold paint in around his eyes sparkles as you raise a hand and pull out a syringe. Your chest feels tight as you drop it. It shatters on the ground, red liquid seeping out and soaking into the carpet. 
“I forgot that your helmet filters,” he says. Pretre’s voice sounds slow and deep as the room starts to tilt. “I was wondering why it took so long for this to happen. Luckily I had this. My brother is too incompetent. Ah, well, hindsight, you know?” A smile plays on his lips, and you wonder why you hadn’t seen the resemblance before. A wave of pleasure rides over you, but then it starts dragging you down, making your eyelids heavy.
“You… what?” you ask stupidly. Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth and fire is dancing across your skin. “What did you…?” Everything’s muffled. He puts a hand on your chest and gives the gentlest of pushes, but it topples you over as you collapse on the ground. He stands over you, a pitying smile on his face, showing the barest of white teeth. You vaguely register Mando’s voice calling out to you, but it’s cut off and there’s more blaster fire. 
“I do hope I didn’t give you too much,” Pretre sighs. He bends down and crouches next to you, running a single finger down the length of your helmet, dragging a finger across your neck, nails digging in. “Oh dear. Maybe just a smidge too much… Just ride it out, and you’ll be fine.” He hooks a finger under your helmet, and you cry out weakly, but you’re arms are too heavy and your mind is too light to stop him. Just as he finds the button to release your helmet, something catches his attention. His head snaps up and he pulls away. “Next time,” he promises, “and my offer still stands.” He leaves you on the floor, and your vision is swimming, the ceiling and tapestries on the wall swirling together as you feel sweat dripping down your neck. Whatever Pretre put in you was making you burn up and feel sickly. You hear panting next to your ear. You turn your head--
-- and there’s a strill snarling in your face. 
You reel back, away from its dripping jowls as it pads closer to you. It bays at your sudden reaction, and more hounds appear, surrounding you as you gasp in shallow breaths and scramble away, tripping over bodies and pillows in your effort to get away. They follow you, eyes red and glowing as they bare their sharp teeth at you. Their claws are tearing up the carpet underneath them. The strills come closer and closer, but your back is already up against the wall, and your blaster is too far out of your reach. The one in the front, the biggest and angriest of the pack, goes right to your face, nose touching your helmet, and you close your eyes and curl into yourself as howling echoes in your ears. 
Your head snaps up. The hounds are gone, and Mando is hovering over you. He holds out your blaster for you to take. 
“We have to go,” he says, out of breath as he looks around. “That stupid kid who met us at the door- he took Desdre and left. We have to leave before more come.” You stare at him blankly. Where had the dogs gone? When you look, the carpet in front of you is intact and whole, and there’s no slobber. You slowly reach up to take the blaster, holding it in your hand. You pull yourself up, head swiveling as the howling picks up again. 
“Did you hear that?” you choke out. You wave the blaster wildly as you spin to try and find the source. 
“Hey, calm down--” You jerk back as his hand rests on your shoulder. His voice is loud and booming in your ears. Spots dance in your vision as Mando grabs your hand and tugs you along, through the curtains, through the now-empty room, and into the alley ways of Canto Bight. The lights are bright and sends piercing pains up your head as you stumble along. 
“Mando,” you gasp out. It’s getting harder and harder to keep your feet under you. You think you hear dogs running behind you, but every glance back comes up empty. 
“What?” he grunts, pulling you into another winding backstreet. Bile rises up in your throat with each yank. 
“Mando,” you call out again. There are phantom hands against your throat and you can’t breathe. “Mando.” He finally stops and pulls you into an alcove. 
“What? What’s wrong?” he hisses, and then he takes in you heaving shoulders, your choked out pleas, and hold your head in his hands. He calls your name, your real name, soft and pleading, and that’s when it peaks. 
You faintly register how your eyes roll to the back of your head and you collapse like a puppet with its strings cut, Mando just barely managing to catch you before you can hit your head. But his hands add on to your discomfort as it feels like there are thousands upon thousands of hand pulling, tugging, and scratching you, around your throat and holding your arms and legs down. A panic swells in you and you struggle to get away and push the hands off you. It’s smothering, the suffocation in your lungs and your head making you dizzy. It feels like they’re trying to pry your helmet off, but as you go through the streets of Canto Bight, jostling in someone’s arms, you realize it feels like they’re trying to rip your head from your shoulders and tear you limb from limb.
You think you hear screaming, and as more and more things come into focus, you realize it’s you. You shoot up from your cot, gasping and Mando shushes you and calms you down. You flail around, trying to make sense of things. 
You can breath, finally, as the recycled air of the Razor Crest buzzes over you. And you realize it’s light outside. 
“How long--”
“Just a day,” Mando answers, and he sounds exhausted. You wonder if he stayed up to make sure you were okay. “What happened?”
“Drugged,” you say. “I… I don’t know what it was.”
“You were freaking out,” he starts, “horribly. You were screaming and trying to claw your own skin off, talking about dogs and strills.” He eyes you warily, taking in your hunched stance and bouncing knees. “You wanna talk about it?”
And although you know you should, that those hallucinations are fresh and feels as real as memories, the words die in your throat as you clam up. “I can’t,” you admit. “I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t trust you, I just--” Mando abruptly stands up. 
“It’s fine,” he says, but his tone is short and you can tell he’s irritated. “I’ve located the last of the bounties. We’ll be there in a few hours.” He leaves to go back up the cockpit and you tamp down the urge to bang your head against the wall. The emotional stalemate is driving you up the wall. You can’t understand why Mando is upset you can’t confide in him when he himself is the most closed off person you’ve ever met. If anything, you’ve given him more than he has. After a moment, you go meet up with him. 
You see a red liquid shimmering in a vial in his pocket. He follows your gaze to see what you’re staring at, and he pulls it out and hands it to you. “Mnemiotic drug,” he says. “Imps used it all the time. That’s what they gave you. Modified, but the base is the same. Hallucinations, raised body temperature, heightened aggression, increased sensitivity. Brain damage in extreme cases.”
“What happened to Pretre and Desdre?” you ask him. He doesn’t need to describe the effects if you’ve lived through them. 
“They got what they deserved,” he says, and leaves it at that. 
Hound Tag List: @knockbeforeyouspeak​​ @gothtechie​ @killtherandomness​
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dessiekarma · 5 years
My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader) Pt. 10
Chapter 10: I Really Need a Beach Episode in the Midst of All This Bullshit
 Yamazaki felt the wind get knocked out of him as Furuhashi slammed him into the gymnasium wall. He screwed his eyes up tight as he watched the angry male draw his fist back.
 “Furu no!” Seto called out pulling him off his teammate.
 “If you don’t want her that’s fine! But you didn’t have to tell your ex all this shit about her!” Furuhashi snapped at Yamazaki, looking angrier than anyone had seen him.
“We don’t know for sure that he’s the one who spre-” Hara began only for Yamazaki to scowl at him.
 “Spread rumours? Is that what you were gonna say? It’s not rumours if the facts are true. (Y/N) let Furuhashi spend the night with her several times, you and her sure took your time on the roof the day of the Seirin interview, and Seto told us he spent the night with her in a love hotel.”
 “Which I told you guys in confidence! And from what she’s told me you’ve spent the night at her place more than once!” Seto was now the one raising his voice. “If something had happened do you think I would have mentioned it? Did I ever say that I slept with her?”
 “You never said but you never said you didn’t.” Hara mumbled to himself. When Seto had come back to school after that weekend he’d told the guys of the predicament he and their manager found themselves in. The lavender-haired male wouldn’t let on to the fact that he was feeling what he could only describe as jealousy. It would stand to reason that he was just a bit bitter.
 “What? That isn’t the point! I didn’t ask you if you fucked her on the roof!”
 “Only because knowing him, you might not like the answer.” Furuhashi grimaced as he too thought of his teammates being intimate with (Y/N).
 “Oh really? Well you know it’s a lot easier to mess around with someone in the comfort of their own house than it is on a public roof. So, anything you want to own up to?”
 Furuhashi casted empty eyes on Hara before looking at Seto and Yamazaki.
 “Who am I to own up to anything. Sex is something between two people and meant to be kept that way. Without her being part of the conversation, it isn’t any of our places to say what she has or hasn’t done with anybody.”
 Hara visibly deflated as he took in his words. Seto too looked almost guilty to have dragged anything further into the conversation. Still Yamazaki simply rolled his eyes.
 “If things haven’t become abundantly clear at his point…I care about her.” Furuhashi looked serious, as his eyes were almost challenging his teammates “It is my intention that she grows to care for me too and I abandon my engagement. While it makes me angry to think of her giving any of you that level of intimacy, I haven’t told her my feelings. What right do I have to expect loyalty from a girl who isn’t even mine? If none of you have spoken your feelings than you have no right either.”
 “Oh fuck off, Furuhashi! It’s not about loyalty its about having some goddamn self-respect. You wanna be another number to her then be my guest but maybe I wanted more than that! She knew I was defending her from everybody saying these things and she let me continue to make an ass of myself knowing full well it was all fucking true!”
 “Nobody is saying you have to pursue her; in fact it betters our chances if you don’t. But for you to go and purposely tell those things to Mei, knowing she was going to tell everyone…makes you a bitch too.” Furuhashi spoke calmly as if simply stating facts.
 “What the fuck did you call me!? Maybe it’s easy for you to accept her because you want an out from your engagement. And Seto has been fucking desperate for any warm body since he started highschool! And Har-”
 A certain bubble-gum chewing player grew angrier as each word came out of his childhood friend’s mouth. When Yamazaki’s eyes met his, he could see them both burning with the desire to speak out to him but also with hesitation. Who exactly did he think he goddamn was, talking to the team that way?
 “And what about me huh?” Hara asked suddenly up in Yamazaki’s face. “You were getting to me, weren’t you? So, what is it you’ve been wanting to say to me? Because I know it’s been a long time coming, before we even met (Y/N).”
 “Of course, you wouldn’t mind because you’re just like her! You bragged about a different girl every day up until you met (Y/N). And why? Because it distracts you or because your over-” Yamazaki trailed off looking away with a growl.
 “Because what?!” Hara called out pushing Yamazaki hard. “Say it you little pussy!”
“Because you’re overcompensating for being damn-near blind! Just admit you actually like the attention! Keeps girls coming back to you! You hope they will find out so they can pretend to see something in you, since horny blind basketball player seems to be your only fucking personality trai-”
 Hara’s fist connected with the male’s cheek instantly. Yamazaki didn’t miss a beat and swung back nailing the male in the jaw.
 “You’ve always been fucking jealous of me! Just admit it! You only hung out with me because you hoped the girls I was done with would give you a chance! And you’re stuck kissing Mei’s ass because you think she’s the first girl who paid attention to you instead of me.” Hara had his knee firmly planted into his former friend’s chest. “I guess she was looking for an easily manipulated bitch boy so turns out you fit the bill!”
 Yamazaki threw his weight up and tackled Hara into the bleachers, effectively smashing his back into the hard metal. The two continued to exchange blows.
 “Oh, so now you want to play the good guy and say I’m the asshole. You’ve never had problems calling girl’s out for having sex with you. In fact, didn’t you just do it to Yuna?”
 “Those girls are bitches! I don’t worry about hurting people who don’t deserve my respect! But what did (Y/N) do to lose yours!?”
 Hara, on top again, was about to bring his fist down square on Yamazaki’s face. Reeling his fist back as far as he could go, the sound of someone screaming for him to stop couldn’t actually halt the momentum.
 His fist did come down every bit as hard as he intended it to. Only the target wasn’t Yamazaki but (Y/N). Her body was trembling as she hunched over Yamazaki’s head.
 Tears were running down her face and none of them knew if it was due to the blow on the shoulder or simply from watching her friends fight.
 “Don’t hurt him.” She pleaded as Hara instantly tried to pry her off.
 “Why are you protecting him!? I’m on your side! I’m the one fucking defending you! Did you hear any of what he said about you?!”
 “…I did. Fighting isn’t going to change his mind. Just let it go…please.” (Y/N) had let go of Yamazaki and was looking into Hara’s odd eyes, pleading with him silently.
 “Whatever. Get the fuck up and get out; you’re lucky she was here to save your ass.” He spat at Yamazaki who was quick to storm out of the gym slamming the door behind him.
 Only then had the remaining three members noticed a certain someone handing around the entrance.
 “You guys have control of the team for not even a month and you’ve managed to be falling apart this badly.” Hanamiya commented with an almost concerned tone in his voice.
 “Hanamiya, what are you doing here?” Seto asked more curiously than accusatory.
 “I came because I was gonna chew you out for not watching that one. What good was it for me to leave if she was just gonna be hurt by someone else?”
 The team turned to (Y/N), only now realizing she looked pretty beaten up. Dried blood hung around edge of her nostril, her bottom lip swelled slightly and a dark bruise could be seen right under her eye. Her arm cast was littered with obscene drawings and the words ‘whore’ ‘slut’ scrawled in big red letters.
 “What the hell happened to you!?” Furuhashi asked, now quickly by her side.
 “It’s okay my cast was coming off in a few days anyway.”
 “Your cast? Look at your fucking face!” Hara exclaimed.
 “I found her pulling herself off the ground like that. Judging by the way she kicked that one guy’s ass…I’d say it had to be a group effort, but she won’t tell me who did it.”
 “(Y/N) just tell us! I will end their fucking existence! Whoever it was I’m not afraid of them. Me, Seto, Furu and Hanamiya will fuck them up!”
 “What good would that do? Today is the last day before summer break. When we get back its Wintercup and then it’s all smooth sailing until we graduate. Besides I started the fight. I thought I could handle myself but then one of his friends joined in and another. I couldn’t fight off 4 guys at once.”
 “It doesn’t matter who started the fight! Why the hell would it be okay for four guys to gang up on one girl!?” Seto said running a hand through his ungelled hair. “But also why the fuck would you pick a fight with someone?! Do you have no concern for your goddamn safety!? Those guys didn’t come out of nowhere, you must have seen them hanging around their friend. And four of them? Goddammit (Y/N) they could have done a lot worse than beat you up and for what? Because they were talking shit about you?!”
 “They were talking shit about you guys!” (Y/N) screamed out, her voice reverberating off the gym walls. She was now sitting on the bleachers staring at her feet. “They were saying how they expected this from Hara and that they were going to find Furu’s fiancé and tell her things. They said that you were desperately waiting for an easy girl and Hanamiya was a psycho and Zaki was just whipped by his ex and trying to get her attention.”
 None of the team made any move to comfort her as she raged on.
 “At first it was all true! I did sleep around and I did go on paid dates…but now they’re making things up! They’re telling everyone I slept with Touou’s coach; that’s not true and that shit isn’t funny! He could lose his job because of something like that! And to hear them talk about things I’ve supposedly done with the people on Touou’s team…including Shoichi. They don’t even know him! I wish they would all drop fucking dead!”
 (Y/N) had very apparent tears running down her face. They knew she had been holding this in for far too long. Nobody, no matter how strong, was made of stone.
 “We ignored it for too long and now it’s a fucking issue.” Hanamiya said with a sigh. “Doesn’t help that the mind frame found its way in here through Yamazaki. Good thing the trash took itself out. I’d say if anyone else feels the same, they see themselves out as well.”
 Hara, Seto and Furuhashi looked at each other and back at their manager. Even some of the second-string players had turned their backs on her.
 They all had time to think of it. To decide if they cared about her past or about anything she could have done with one of their teammates. For all of them, as far as they were concerned…once she was theirs, they would worry about her being only theirs.
 “Well then good. Seto, you got a summer schedule worked out for practices?” Hanamiya said going up to the tall male.
 “Wait are you back on the team?” Hara asked with wide eyes, he no longer bothered hiding.
 “From the looks of it you guys are one man short. And with (Y/N) becoming Kirisaki Daichi’s main target, you’ll need someone else to kick asses. Besides…I decided it was time to stop punishing myself.”
 “What do you mean!?”
 (Y/N) stopped walking and pressed her back into the school’s wall. She was just trying to make her way home without dealing with anyone and she could recognize that voice anywhere.
 “Mei, I care about you but I don’t think we should be together.” That was definitely Yamazaki’s voice.
 “After what you told me about her, after betraying her do you think you’d possibly have a chance with her? You still want that bitch!?”
 “No, I told you those things because I was angry with her. But Mei…you aren’t good for me either.”
 (Y/N) hung her head as she listened to Yamazaki’s footsteps walking away from the conversation. Her head snapped up when she heard an accusatory voice turn the corner.
 “You! Of course you’re fucking here! Did you come to make sure Yamazaki told me what you wanted him to!” Mei yelled out, getting dangerously close.
 “I didn’t tell him to say anything. I was just going ho-”
 “Home? You were just going home? Your home is back in America, you don’t belong here!”
 “I know I don’t! I never wanted to be here! But I am and…Mei I’m sorry!”
 The angry girl stared at (Y/N) in shock.
 “Everything I did back then was for attention. Not yours or anyone at school but just someone I never got it from. In middle school I didn’t know that guy was your boyfriend when I first started seeing him…but I wasn’t apologetic after I found out. Once I knew I should have stopped but I didn’t, that wasn’t right and I’m so sorry.”
 (Y/N) had no reaction as Mei’s fist connected with the side of her head.
 “I don’t want you to say you’re sorry! I want to make you feel sorry! You were cheap and easy, and all the boys wanted you! You could have gone for anybody, but you went for what was mine! And I wasn’t the only person you did that to! You slept around with a lot of guys who you knew were taken!”
 “I know! I was doing so many horrible things back then. But I’m different now, I’ve changed.”
 Mei hit her again but (Y/N) held her ground.
 “No, you haven’t! You took Yamazaki from me too!”
 “I never came onto him! He wasn’t even dating you when I came here! And he thinks I’m a slut now, so you got what you want! I’m out of the picture what more do you want from me, Mei! You win!”
 “I haven’t won until I have him! Don’t you get it? He still wants you!”
 “But you didn’t even want him before I got here….and its never been about him. Mei, you can’t do that to him! Yamazaki cares about you and he thinks you’re fighting for him because you love him not because you hate me!”
 “How noble of you. You’re worrying about me hurting him when you already did that!”
 “I can’t help it! I can’t change my past and if it bothers him there is nothing on this earth I could do about it! But I never pretended to be anything! When he asked me about the rumors, I told him the truth and he hurt his own feelings by taking something that doesn’t matter so personally. He hurt me too because I thought he saw more to me than how many people I’ve been with. But no matter what he’s done to me, I won’t let you intentionally hurt him.”
 “Stop trying to act like you’re better than me! You want him too! You’re using him to try and make me miserable because you’re just like me! But I’ll get him first, I’ll be sure that you see he’s mine and once you do I can drop him just as easily.”
 “No Mei I’m not like you. Of all the guys I’ve ever been with, I never made any of them think I really cared about them or loved them when I didn’t. Maybe that makes me a slut but I know I’m a good person who made some really bad mistakes. You…you’re just a bad person. It doesn’t make what I did to you okay but its why Yamazaki still doesn’t want you.”
 With that (Y/N) pushed past the fuming girl and made her way off the campus and back home.
 A certain ginger-haired male hung around the corner of the building. He’d run back to find Mei, wanting to talk things out. Hoping maybe there was a chance they could make something work.
 After everything he’d said about (Y/N)…he didn’t deserve to have her defend him. And he definitely didn’t deserve her.
 “Fuuuuuuck it’s hot as hell why are we here?!” Hara exclaimed, pinning his bangs with the purple clip (Y/N) gave him.
 “(Y/N) needed a break from everything.” Seto said not able to help the smile on his face from said girl running ahead to check her bags in to the hotel.
 “And why did I agree to tag along?” Hanamiya grumbled helping Furuhashi unload another suitcase.
 “Because your mom said it would be good for you to spend your last high school summer vacation with your friends.” Furuhashi offered grunting as he swung a heavy duffle bag over his shoulder.
 The guys stopped their chatting and complaining when they saw (Y/N) come to a dead halt, her eyes boring into her phone screen. Coming up behind her the word ‘DAD’ illuminating her screen, requesting to FaceTime made them all freeze.
 (Y/N) seemed to look panicked before spotting a group of highschool girls just ahead. Running up to them she tapped the closest on the shoulder.
 “Hey so I’m here with my guy friends but my dad actually thinks I came with some girls so can you please pretend to be my friends while he video chats with me?” (Y/N) spoke rapidly pleading with the girls.
 They looked amused and giggled but nodded their heads in agreement. The guys watched as their manager swiped the phone up to answer. Her dad was probably some strict CEO that didn’t want (Y/N) to reflect badly on the company being caught vacationing with several guys.
 “My little baby girl why did you take so long to answer!?” A genuinely concerned male’s voice could be heard through the phone’s speakers. “I was about to send the cavalry to search the island for you, princess!”
 The guys stood dumbfounded at the sweet-sounding voice and exchanged glances. (Y/N) smiled widely and positioned the camera so her dad could see the group of girls behind her.
 “Sorry dad my friends and I just got here. Hey you guys go check in and I’ll catch up!” (Y/N) said giving the girls the opportunity to carry on. “So, as you can see I wasn’t kidnapped or involved in a plane crash.”
 “Dear, don’t treat me like a helicopter parent! I got worried when you didn’t text me after you should have landed!” (Y/N) rolled her eyes but smiled at the man who was giving her a kicked dog look. “You usually spend your summers with daddy! But I’m glad you finally found yourself a group of girlfriends you can trust. I know things haven’t been easy for you and I’m glad you’re opening up to people.”
 The KiriDai boys saw the fake light behind her eyes and had no doubt her father saw it too.
 “I’m still gonna see you at the end of the summer. Besides this is my last school year before I decide.”
 Hara turned to his friends with a questioning look in his eyes but they just shrugged.
 “Don’t you go making your decisions for me! You told her you would decide what was best and you owe it to yourself to make a decision for you. Anyhow I wont keep you chatting with me when you have a whole beach waiting for you. Miss you love!”
 “I miss you too da-”
 “Hey and if any boys give you a hard time or come on to you after you’ve said no-” The team felt their spines straighten as (Y/N)’s father’s voice went down several octaves and held a clear threatening tone to it. Was this even the same guy!? “I’ll crack open their fuckin skulls, got it!?”
 “Yes, dad I know. I need a break from boys for this vacation anyway.”
 “Well good then! I have to get back to work but you go and have fun, enjoy your last summer as a kid! Bye sweetheart!”
 “Bye dad.”
 With that (Y/N) hung up the phone and tucked it back into her pocket. Looking up she was met with the blank faces of her teammates.
 “What the hell was that about! Was that actually your dad?” Hara exclaimed.
 “Huh yeah. Sorry he kinda switches between voices depending on the subject matter.”
 “He sounds so nice though! Even when he was threatening it was for your sake!”
 “Yeah he’s a pretty good dad. Why what were you expecting?”
 “An evil CEO who had an affair, fathered a child but was forced to take you in to be the family’s heir. A carbon copy of you who refuses to acknowledge that because he is ashamed of his own mistake. Meanwhile he secretly not only cares about you deeply but about your mother as well.” Furuhashi answered a little too honestly.
 (Y/N) blinked at him owlishly before a loud laugh ripped through her body and she slammed a hand over her face.
 “Did you just rip my backstory straight from Ouran Highschool Host Club!?”
 “Well you are a harem protag. And you aren’t the broke one in the group so that left male lead’s backstory.”
 Hanamiya shot Furuhashi a glare for the broke comment but couldn’t let it bother him as (Y/N)’s laughter was taking up most of his brain function.
 “I’m sorry but I can’t! Its funny enough that someone like you would even have seen Ouran!”
 “I have no shame in admitting I wanted something to talk to you about. My little sister told me that one was a good place to start.” Furuhashi said with a slight blush coming onto his face and even more so when the girl took his hands into hers.
 “I appreciate the effort for trying to find some conversation topics for us! But in all honesty guys my dad has always been great to me! From what I’ve heard he used to be this real stoic, asshole, aggressive fuckboi type. But he was pretty smart, so he made it into a university, had me and was suddenly a family man overnight.”
 The guys looked between each other clearly all thinking the same thing.
 “That actually explains a whole lot.” Seto said with almost a chuckle.
 “But then what’s with the illegitimate thing?” Hanamiya asked with no tact.
 “I’m just asking! Your mother’s the one who dragged that out and got it on the first page of Buzzfeed Japan. We kinda assumed your dad was the one who had you when he wasn’t supposed to.”
 “Yeah well…my situation is a bit more complicated than that.”
 “And what did he mean when he said you have a decision to make?” Hara asked.
 “Guuuuys! Please just let this be my beach episode and not my tragic backstory!”
 “She’s right.” Furuhashi said beginning to walk towards the hotel again. “A proper romcom needs a beach episode.”
 “Are we even considered a romcom at this point?” Seto asked with a roll of the eyes.
 “I don’t know, I feel like the comedy did drop off a few chapters back.”
 “Do you keep referring to events in our lives as chapters to be sarcastic or meta?”
 “So definitely a romcom.” Hanamiya mumbled as he sat on the blanket thrown out over the sand. “Only in a romcom do they stupidly book your hotel room wrong and only get us one suite instead of two. And of course, they’re sold out of other rooms.”
 “Ehh they gave us a cot so none of us have to sleep next to (Y/N). Besides she doesn’t seem to mind.” Hara commented with a shrug.
 “Of course not! She knows she’s gonna get one of the three actual beds and two of us will have to be on the cot or couch.”
 “Even if we got the two rooms one of us would have to have been on the couch anyway.”
 “Yeah but without her definitely taking one space it would have been easier to trick you into taking the cot.” Hanamiya joked tossing an ice cube from his drink onto the unsuspecting male’s bare chest.
 Hara jumped and flung the cold piece into the sand. He let out a laugh before looking at Hanamiya straight in the eye.
 “You know I missed having you around.”
 “Oh god I thought we were done with the BL portion of this anime.”
 “I’m being serious. I don’t know if you see us as more than just teammates, but I think all of us see you as our friend. And even before this shit with Zaki the team wasn’t the same without you there.”
 “Seto was doing a great job as the captain. You guys even made it through the rest of the Interhigh.”
 “Yeah but none of us would have even joined the team if it wasn’t for you. You invited Seto to play and I only thought it was cool when I saw you winning a game against the first years here. I asked Zaki to try out with me and Furuhashi said he was just trying to join anything, but I think he saw that basketball had some likeminded teammates and leaders.”
 “Whatever you say, just stop staring at me. Your eyes freak me out.”
 “Your eyeBROWS freak me out, but do I comment?” Hara laughed but his voice trailed off as he saw the figure behind Hanamiya. “What the fuck are you wearing?!”
 (Y/N) tilted her head innocently and eyed her clothes.
 “My swim clothes.”
 “It’s not cute at all! What kind of girl wears trunks and a t-shirt to the beach!? What is even the point of you!?”
 “Shut up the shirt is a cover, but the trunks stay on!” With that (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest and grabbed the hem of her black t-shirt. Slowly she pulled it up, revealing her stomach and then her bikini-clad breasts. Once it was over her head she smirked at her male friends. “Yes, I did that on purpose. You guys need to take a cold dip?!”
 “Stupid.” Hanamiya mumbled out turning his attention back to the ocean.
 Furuhashi was suddenly behind the girl, having walked from the hotel room with Seto. He placed a hand on the small of her back and gave her a small smile.
 “Your skin is going to burn in this heat. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on okay?”
 “You’re right! Seto can you get my back for me?”
 Furuhashi’s head practically spun exorcism style, as he cursed himself for not just asking to put it on for her.
 Seto was red-faced but nodded quickly. The whole team scoffed as (Y/N) pulled a can of spray-on sunscreen from her bag.
 Once she was all misted up she immediately bolted to the water and dove in. The boys watched as she waved them in.
 “She’s weird.” Furuhashi commented. “It’s like 50% of the time she knows exactly what she’s doing and the other 50% she’s totally oblivious.”
 “Yeah and what’s up with her dad? You didn’t bother asking your mom about her?” Hara asked Seto who shook his head.
 “She refuses to hear or speak of her so no and my father has never been well versed in the who’s who of companies.”
 “I think maybe we are overlooking much of her situation here. We assumed her father was the bad guy and now we are assuming he isn’t the one with money because he seems to be a nice guy.” Furuhashi ponded aloud.
 “I don’t know I feel like maybe (Y/N) is keeping it to herself for a reason. I mean…when I was at her house, I saw this picture. It was of her and these kids and a woman in a wheelchair, I didn’t ask about it but you could tell they were in a hospital. With the comments my own mother threw at her I think it’s safe to assume…(Y/N)’s mother isn’t alive.”
 “I’ll admit I looked into the CEO of New Face and it’s some old ass dude, way too old to be her father. So, a grandfather or something? You think that he’s the one she keeps trying to impress and is even here in Japan for?” The lavender-haired male said burying his hand in the warm sand.
 “Guys!” All of them turned their heads to (Y/N), who was now dripping wet and waving at them. “Are you guys gonna stay on the beach gossiping or get in?!”
 Groaning, the boys looked to each other to see who would go and be the distraction while the rest continued their riveting conversation.
 “Oops! My bikini top untied!” (Y/N) called out pressing the fabric triangles to her chest while giggling. “Can one of you help me?!”
 The guys all tripped over themselves, none of them rushing into the water faster in their entire lives.
 “I think I got sunburned!” (Y/N) wined taking a huge bite out of a slice of watermelon that was sitting on top of her huge beach towel.
 “Then you should wear more clothes next time.” Hanamiya stated munching on his own piece of fruit.
 “Don’t tell her that! We still have three more days here!” Hara wined as he flipped over to let his back tan up some. “Besides tanlines are sexy.”
 “Not that you’ll get to see them.”
 “Shit I was talking about myself.”
 (Y/N) giggled before turning her head out to the ocean and being met with a sight that made a chuckle ripple through her chest. While Seto seemed to have gotten the hang of fishing, Furuhashi looked ready to throw in the towel.
 The taller was trying to help him cast his line, but the bait never seemed to want to travel more than a few inches from the pair. And the one time he had finally perfected the cast did Furuhashi realize he forgot to add his bait onto the hook.
 Now he just looked like he wanted to pick the rod up and snap it over his knee.
 “Not bad for a beach episode huh?” (Y/N) said turning to Hanamiya with a smile. Despite him helping her at school, his rejoining of the team and just being out here he was understandably distant from the girl. The male looked up from the novel he’d been reading momentarily, only to shrug.
 “I mean not ‘My Love Story’ good but definitely not ‘Another’ bad.”
 A shrill scream from the water drew everyone’s attention.
 “Ohh did I speak too soon?”
 (Y/N) stood up immediately, only to see Furuhashi practically halfway up Seto’s back. The tanned skin male didn’t seem to be fairing better as he seemed to be glued to his spot.
 “Get the fuck off! I’m gonna fall into the water and land on it!”
 Furuhashi shook his head, wrapped his arms around Seto’s neck tightly and hiked his legs up out of the water.
 “Carry me to the shore.”
 “I’m not one of your damned butlers! Get down and walk!”
 Curious, (Y/N) went running up to the water before wading closer. As Seto noticed her he looked suddenly very panicked.
 “Hey (Y/N), no no no get back okay?”
 “Why? What is it?”
 Lifting his face from Seto’s back Furuhashi looked (Y/N) in the eyes and for a moment she thought he would be embarrassed to let her see him like this.
 “(Y/N), you’re strong right? Carry me back to the shore.”
 “Guys what the hell- oh!” The girl smiled as she finally saw what it was her teammates were so scared of.
 A decently sized stingray seemed to be lurking around the sand, most likely waiting for it’s next meal. As if sensing the new person, the animal made a path around the front of Seto’s feet causing the man to run ghost pale.
 “Awww a sea pancake! What a little cutie!” (Y/N) suddenly gushed as she crouched down and tenderly lowered her hand into the water. The stingray stopped timidly before swimming closer, as she gently touched the top of it’s smooth body. “So adorable! Little flap-flap! My little ravioli!”
 “Good while she has it distracted, bolt it back to land.”
 “Dude you have no fucking spine.”
 “I have a spine; I just don’t need that thing’s in my ankle.”
 “Idiot, get the hell off me!”
 Seto jerked his arms back effectively tossing his friend off his back. Furuhashi splashed into the waist-deep water before coming up for air. (Y/N) shook her head as the antics scared off her little aquatic friend.
 “You guys are both idiots.”
 “At least we aren’t any worse off than those two.” Seto nodded back on the beach.
 Hara seemed to have snoozed off, not feeling his back being decorated with dozens of seashells, compliments of the two kids a few feet over.
 Hanamiya, however, seemed just a little worse off as he cowered under the huge towel.
 “Just take the fucking chips!” His voice bellowed out to the swarm of 6 seagulls hovering ominously over the spot they’d set up. Every now and then one would dive-bomb the covered male to try and peck at a single chip, before his jerking motion sent the bird back to hovering. “I will shoot you little shits down! Goddammit!”
 “I thought tanlines were sexy?” (Y/N) said teasingly, poking Hara’s back. His skin was reddened from the sun with pale sea-shell shaped patches promising an interesting tan.
 “Shut the fuck up! Why would you guys let them do me like that!? We’re supposed to be a team!”
 “Don’t be so dramatic! It’ll even out by the end of our vacation!”
 “This shit hurts! I need one of the beds since the cot is too rough and the couch is gonna rub against my burns.”
 “Hell no! I told you to put on sunscreen, you don’t get privileges because you’re stupid.” Hanamiya asserted quickly. “I called to get the reservation so I should get a bed.”
 “A lot of damn good that did us since we’re one room short.” Furuhashi said with a roll of the eyes. “Besides I have a medical condition. If I don’t sleep in an actual bed, I will start sleepwalking.”
 “That’s not a real condition!” Hara exclaimed.
 “It is. A dangerous one at that. I could sleepwalk off the balcony and we’re on the 17th floor.”
 “You got the whole damn hotel to sleepwalk around! If you walk off the 4ft balcony rail, that’s just natural selection!”
 “Look I think I deserve the second bed.” Seto finally spoke up. “I’m taller than all of you, the cot is too small and the couch is even worse.”
 “Then I’ll take the couch since I’m the smallest!” (Y/N) said with a big smile.
 All the guys looked at her, almost in disbelief. They’d figured she was assuming she would get one of the beds simply because she was a girl.
 “My cousins and I went on our first vacation together when we were kids and we’d rented a room with only one bed! My uncle, dad, two cousins and I all had to find a way to squeeze in. I slept on the couch with my baby cousin, but she and I made do! It was actually really fun and a good memory, so I don’t mind taking the couch! Besides it’s right by the balcony and I’ll be able to look out at the moon!”
 “Well…I guess that’s that.” Furuhashi commented instantly flopping onto one of the beds. “By height alone that means Hanamiya gets the cot.”
 “Fuuck, fine! But we’re switching off! Tonight I’ll take the cot and then tomorrow someone else takes it!”
 The boys all seemed to nod in agreement, and everyone situated into their own spots. Hara peered over to (Y/N) getting comfortable on the couch only to scoff loudly.
 “What is that thing!?”
 “Hmm? A pillow.”
 “Yeah but turn it over! No, way! I knew you were an otaku but I didn’t think it was this bad!” Hara continued to laugh as (Y/N)’s face grew red and she hugged the cushion closer to her. “Is that the guy from Attack on Titan? Oh shit you ACTUALLY have a body pillow!”
 “It was a gift! Besides I need something to throw my leg over at night!”
 “Well, if that’s the case my bed is open 24/7. Come throw your leg over me anytime!”
 “Shut up before I smoother you tonight!”
 “With your hump pillow? Umf!”
 Hara toppled off the bed as the pillow knocked straight into his face.
 (Y/N) had one hell of an arm, probably would have been better suited to be the baseball team’s manager.
 Hanamiya woke up, finally feeling the discomfort of knocking straight out in sweaty workout clothes. Glancing at his phone, he was surprised to see it was only 9:32.
 Tomorrow was their last day here and the team had decided to get some practice in. Needless to say they may have pushed themselves just a bit too hard as everyone crashed at about 7.
 He figured he should probably shower and change his clothes, maybe the bed sheets too. Turning his head slightly he was taken aback to find the couch empty. Furuhashi was on the cot tonight and his other two teammates were in their beds so where was (Y/N)? Had she woken up?
 The dark-haired male listened for the sounds of the shower running but nothing. Stretching his arms above his head, he figured she must have gone to grab a drink downstairs or something. Shuffling his feet out of the bed, Hanamiya stifled a yawn before a cool breeze caressed his ankles.
 Looking up he noticed the sliding glass door to the balcony slightly agar.
 But focusing just beyond the glass was a sight that made his heart stop.
 (Y/N) was sitting on the railing of the balcony, feet dangling over the edge, her head tilted up to look at the night sky.
 His mind was screaming to walk out there calmly, that anything too quick would scare her, make her fall. But his body was already running, throwing open the sliding door.
 The girl had no time to even turn around before Hanamiya gripped her hard around the waist and practically tackled her to the ground of the balcony. (Y/N) was staring up into the deepest storm imaginable. Hanamiya’s eyes bore into her own as he held her down.
 “What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” He shouted in her face. “Is that why you had this idea to come on a vacation? To let us all make you happy only for you to go and kill yourself!? Do you have any idea how fucking selfish that is!?”
 “No! Shut up; I’m fucking talking! How could you even think about ending your life when you’ve been trying to convince us for nearly a fucking year now that ours are so great! And don’t give me any anime protagonist shit! You aren’t a character you’re a real fucking person! You bulldoze into our fucking lives, find out what’s wrong in it and then start trying to fix it. But the second any of us want to help you, to know you, you shut it out. And this? You would have died because we couldn’t help you.”
 (Y/N) was surprised when she felt a small moist drop hit her jaw. Maybe it was beginning to rain, maybe Hanamiya was crying. The light of the moon was too dim for an answer.
 “I wasn’t going to throw myself off. I just thought it’d be kind of a thrill to feel the breeze on my legs and face.���
 “I’m not a fucking moron! It’s called passive suicidal ideation.”
 “You’re wron-”
 “You can’t lie to me, I’ve been dealing with it myself for 10 fucking years! The feeling that you wont jump out of the way of a car, or that you’ll go out with potentially dangerous strangers for some cash, or that you’ll purposely piss off entire teams of people knowing one could eventually beat you within an inch of your life, or picking a fight with four guys when you know you can’t fucking win. I know it! We’re doing different things but we’re looking for the same result.”
 “I don’t want to kill myself.”
 “But you want to die.”
 (Y/N) felt the familiar pressure building behind her eyes.
 “I’m sorry but why do you care?! You haven’t even spoken to me much on this trip. Why did you come help me with those guys? Why do you care about Yamazaki hating me? Why do you care if I want to die!?”
 “Because I’m never wrong. If you kill yourself, then I will be.”
 “Wrong about what?”
 “About you. You were nothing to me when I met you, just Hara’s stupid conquest. From the beginning I knew once Mako was gone so were you. But then you made the decision to leave on your own, not giving a damn what I or any of the guys thought and I thought maybe you were strong. Then when you chose to come back not because of us and in spite of your boyfriend, I knew it was true. But…”
 “You have both impressed and disappointed me ever since. You called Hara on his shit, gave Furu some hard advice, stood up to me and Young-Mi but then you go and let everyone at school say shit about you. You let them make things up and then sulk about it. And now you’re just going to die because you’re too weak to fight for yourself. I thought you were like us, that you were different from every other weak ass female that won’t stand up for herself!”
 “I’m not weak! Being strong doesn’t mean getting revenge or being angry about it but you wouldn’t know that, would you!” (Y/N) growled out finally pushing Hanamiya off and sitting up, pressing her back to the balcony wall. “I’ve been strong for a long time; I’ve lived this life for 9 years…maybe I’m getting tired of living it.”
 “It’s not revenge to fucking defend yourself. But you’re here wanting to die because some people are calling you a slut?”
 “Because of everything! Because I keep getting reminded that I don’t belong here and everything I’ve done while I’ve been here in Japan is coming back to haunt me! Why don’t you understand that, you fucking asshole! You don’t know me or my life!”
 “Because you don’t let me! You don’t let anybody so stop yelling at me like I’m supposed to know!” Hanamiya said growling back at her. Breathing out heavily he ran a hand through his hair and looked into the room. Surprisingly the team was still sleeping, being too tired to have heard their hushed yelling match. “What is so wrong in your life that you can’t tell someone you know the worst things about? You the outcast in your family or what? Because that’s kind of the whole team.”
 “No…I’m one step worse. You wanna know my life? I’m the daughter of an outcast.”
 “Your father?”
 “My mother. It’s simple really…my maternal grandfather had four children; three from the woman he married and one from a drunk night on a business trip.”
 “And I can guess which one was your mom.”
 “Yeah, she was used as blackmail for 7 years. It worked at first, but her family kept demanding more and eventually my grandfather put his foot down. All the newspapers were talking about New Face’s owner’s affair and hidden daughter. The mistress never lived to see any money; it was deemed a suicide due to guilt, but some people don’t believe that.”
 Hanamiya hung on to every word the girl said.
 “My grandfather did the only thing that made sense for his reputation…take my mother in and raise her. That went about as well as you would expect. Nobody cared for her except …the youngest of his legitimate children, Shoko. I guess they just had a lot in common two girls who knew they would never have anything because one was illegitimate and the other behind two heirs.”
 (Y/N)’s face almost grew a smile as she reflected on the woman who would be considered her aunt. Turning to Hanamiya she raised a brow at him as if to ask if he was still following.
 “But things never really worked out like they were supposed to. My grandfather’s only son, the eldest, died in an accident when he was 19. His eldest daughter, next in line had to have an emergency hysterectomy…no uterus, no heir, no place leading the company. Of course, that left Shoko, but she made the greatest mistake of all. She fell in love with a merchant in rural Osaka and against her father’s wishes got married, eventually she had a son and then a daughter.”
 “So, that means it left your mother to lead the company.”
 “That’s what she figured too. She’d been trying for years to impress everyone and was away at an American university. When she heard Shoko stepped down, she was already booking her tickets to Japan, but she started to not feel well. All the stress from everything…she never even noticed the symptoms and by the time she did doctors said it was too late for an abortion. She tracked it back to a one-night stand during a college party, one where she hooked up with an asshole frat boy.”
 “Your dad.” Hanamiya nodded his head, not forgetting her mentioning her dad having a not so favorable background.
 “According to my paternal grandparents the man did a 180 and began doting on my mother, offered to marry her and start a family. She kept pushing for adoption. In the end it wasn’t a full 36 hours after having me that she was flying back to Japan on her family’s private plane.”
 “What? She just left you, never considered bringing her only child with her to another country?”
 “Of course, not…I wasn’t supposed to exist, so nobody knew I did. She left my dad a check and no way of contacting her.”
 “But clearly that didn’t stay the case since you’re here. What changed?”
 “Shoko. She got sick and my mother ended up spilling everything to her. Apparently, she requested to meet her only niece.” Hanamiya saw tears come to (Y/N)’s eyes but she quickly wiped them away. “So, they found me and talked my father into flying me out to Japan, said it would be good for me to meet my family. My aunt was the most amazing person I ever met. Then almost as soon as I got her…she was gone.”
 “That was the woman in the picture Seto was talking about.” Hanamiya mused aloud trying to string everything together. “So, we assumed your mom was the dead one…where is she?”
 “…You met her in the hospital.”
 “That fucking bitch is your mother? The guys told me what she did to you in front of them and she came in to my room to apologize and shit talk you more. She just abandons you for nine years, suddenly pulls you from your home and then treats you like shit when you’re here?”
 “She hates me, Makoto. Before I came here she held no feelings for me but once I arrived she grew to despise me more and more. I’ve wanted to get away from her for nine years but I’ve never been able to.”
 “Why not? You aren’t happy here…The guys would miss you if you go. Hell, I want you to stay. But it doesn’t matter what I want. If you’re happier in America, that’s where you should be.”
 “Do you know why I’m the next heir to New Face? Because my grandfather swore my mother would NEVER have it. When I came to meet Shoko, I couldn’t be hidden from him. The moment her saw me he knew what he would do. He was going to use me…groom me into being the ultimate slap in the face to my mother. To outsiders he seemed kind and promised me the world all while his hand gripped my shoulders so hard, I bruised. Smiling while he whispered that I was a burden to my father and that agreeing to take over the company was the only way to repay him. He hated me too, but he hated my mother more.”
 “So, your grandfather only named you heir to New Face to spite your mother. The reason you’re here in Japan and the only person who would have remotely treated you well is dead. And your mother hates you because in her mind her father is seemingly giving you the two things she never got from him; love and the company. That’s uhh…” Hanamiya was for once truly at a loss for words. So, of course the only words coming out of his mouth were utter rubbish. “That just sounds like Tamaki’s backstory with extra steps.”
 (Y/N), who once looked like she wanted to cry, now held a blank face. Hanamiya stared back unsure of what to say next. Sure it was insensitive but it was either that or a ‘that’s rough, buddy.’
 To his surprise the girl snorted loudly, covering her mouth she stifled a laugh. She held her sides as laughter rippled through her. Hanamiya was awestruck as he witnessed the girl laughing harder than he’d seen her in a while.
 “I guess Furu wasn’t too far off then huh? You are the last person I would expect this much anime knowledge from.”
 “When you’re as smart as I am sometimes you gotta read dumb shit just to keep yourself sane. Sorry I don’t have anything better to say to you.”
 “That’s okay. Sorry I called you an asshole.”
 “Ehh you did when I first asked you to be manager and I have consistently proven I am one.”
 “Why did you ask me? To be manager that is. I know everything about you wasn’t rumours. Shoichi, Ryo, Daiki…all of them told me about you. When I got to know you I realized they were right. You’re a mentally fucked up genius so what caused you to go soft?”
 “Soft? I think you were giving me too much credit. You weren’t scared of me. I’ve had a few of girlfriends in the past and all were terrified of me. At first, they had no personal reason to feel that way about me so I gave them one. They wanted a bad boy and they got one. I’m not proud of it but it was what it was. My mother, my girlfriends, pretty much every woman in my life has been fearful of me. But you…you knew everything they did, yet you were never scared.”
 “You let me be manager because you liked that I wasn’t scared of you?”
 “I wanted you as our manager because I couldn’t scare you away and I wanted to know why. Turns out its just because you’re stupid.”
 “Yeah haven’t you ever heard the saying ‘only fools are fearless’?”
 “I’m not fearless I’m scared of things too.”
 “Like what? You put on this ‘I don’t need anyone, I can fix my life and everyone else’s on my own’ façade. What will you actually admit to being scared of?”
 “Ruining someone’s life.”
 Hanamiya turned his head towards the girl to observe her face, it was a thousand miles away.
 “And by that you mean?”
 “My father was premed; he was going to be an orthopedic surgeon but when he had me it was impossible to keep up. I know deep down that if my mother had been able to return to Japan sooner, her father would have been such a mess over what was happening with his kids that he would have given her the company. I wonder all the time if maybe I talked Furu into not standing up to his mother, encouraged Hara to give up on trying to fix his eyes, strained yours and Seto’s relationships with your moms, and maybe I ruined things with Mei for Yamazaki. I just feel like I shouldn’t be here…not just in Japan but in this existence.”
 “You, just like everyone else on this earth had no say in being born. Either we are all meant to be here or none of us are. Regardless it doesn’t matter, life chose us. I get it, I know what its like to feel you shouldn’t have been born. People get pregnant when they don’t want to, shit happens.”
 “Trust me I’m very aware. Everything just happens so fast and now I know you guys heard my dad talking about the decision. I’m scheduled to publicly accept my position and be the new CEO for New Face once I graduate.”
 “What’s waiting for you if you don’t?”
 “I don’t know yet. Maybe everything or maybe I start back at square one. I’ve been building myself and my future for five years. I’ve done so much to get where I wanted to be. I used paid dating as a means to earn my own money and…I don’t regret a second of it. I want to get to the top on my own and have to hurt nobody else in the process.”
 A sudden faint knocking snapped the two teens out of their chat. Hanamiya stood up and walked back into the room with (Y/N) trotting along behind him. Opening the hotel door, he peered out looking especially angry.
 The young lady on the other side smiled wearily.
 “I am sorry for the late intrusion, but we had noted in our records that we made an error in booking your rooms. A gentleman on the floor above had to leave suddenly on business and his room is now free. It is one king size bed; I have brought you the key so please feel free to use it. Have a nice night.”
 (Y/N) yawned loudly before smiling to her teammate.
 “Awesome! Now you get the new room and I can have your bed! Sleeping on the couch is a good memory but my body wants to stretch out.” The young woman was surprised as she began walking back to the bed only for Hanamiya to gently grab her by the wrist.
 Hara could feel the morning sun shining through the windows but only scrunched his eyes tighter in hopes of getting a few more hours of sleep. As his body shifted, he felt the presence of another beside him.
 Letting out what probably sounded like a smug chuckle. He knew eventually (Y/N) would accept his offer to crawl into his bed. Slinging an arm around their torso he pulled them into his embrace.
 A deep grunt from the person made Hara’s eyes snap open instantly.
 (Y/N) and Hanamiya, who were just about to open the door, heard two loud screams followed by a whole lot of racket.
 “Guess the guys are up.” Hanamiya said, unlocking and pushing open the door. He was greeted with Hara sprawled across the floor in horror and Furuhashi sitting up in bed pulling the covers over his bare chest.
 “Uhhh what’s going on, guys?” (Y/N) asked trying to make sense of the scene.
 “Ugh if you guys were gonna experiment couldn’t you have at least given me a heads up to get out of the room?” Seto scoffed pulling the covers over his own head.
 “We weren’t doing anything!” Hara yelled out, totally red in the face.
 “Besides if I wanted to experiment, I have much better options than him.” Furuhashi said smoothing his hair down. “I told you I sleepwalk and you were the one pulling me closer.”
 “You said you’d sleepwalk off the balcony not into my bed! I thought you were (Y/N)! Where the hell were you two anyway?!”
 “A spare room opened up and the hotel management felt bad about messing up that they let us use it for the night. Makoto had me on practical suicide watch so he insisted I share the room with him.” (Y/N) said with an unusual flush on her cheeks.
 “What!? You got to share a room with her? Alone!” Hara whined flopping fully onto the floor.
 “How many beds?” Furuhashi questioned.
 “Wow, I’m like right here.” (Y/N) retorted, not missing the asshole smirk on Hanamiya’s face.
 “But there was a pull-out couch!”
 “Yeah and that was the only thing in the room pulling out. Fuck!” The black-haired male felt the wind get knocked out of him as (Y/N)’s fist collided with his chest; her cute giggle sounding just threatening enough.
 Aomine listened to the girl ramble on. He had no idea who she was or how the hell she found out they would be practicing today.
 Truth be told he didn’t care much about her anyway and she only seemed interested in one particular player. But the mention of (Y/N)’s name was enough to get him listening.
 Not even involved in the gossip scene he’d heard a fair deal about what had been going on at KiriDai with her. The same rumours, truths mixed with lies, that had driven her out of Touou had resurfaced. Nothing he hadn’t heard, nothing she ever tried to hide from her team, cousin, or boyfriend.
 “Nobody at Kirisaki Daiichi knew she had a boyfriend from her old school. So, we never thought anything about it when she started…doing things with the basketball team. I just thought you would like to know that you did right breaking up with her. She was cheating on you.”
 That…sounded like a load of bullshit. When they saw her during the WinterCup last year, that was the face of someone truly still in love with their ex. And her chemistry with the KiriDai boys, though strong didn’t read as sexual. For that matter why bring it up now?
 Aomine knew his teammate was smarter than that. His mental strength was above average, his logical side should have won out. The sound of his raised voice let him know this wouldn’t be the case.
 “I knew it.” His voice came out through gritted teeth. Spinning towards his team, the young man raged on. “Everyone told me when I first met her that it was a mistake to date her, but I didn’t want to believe them. I let all of her past go! I helped her out when she told me all her problems with her mother, I stood by whatever she wanted to do with her future, accepted when she left me to transfer schools. I wanted to stay together, I wanted to marry her! I told her that when she got pregnant!”
 “Just be quiet!” Momoi suddenly shouted out, her voice reverberating in the gym.
 Everyone in the room grew whisper silent.
 Deep coloured eyes grew wide, realizing what he’s just said. But turning his head, Mei was already gone.
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kpopisamood · 5 years
Queen’s Clan { 13 }
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Summary: y/n is plagued by nightmares. She realizes that the more she runs away, the less frequently they haunt her. However, in running away, she’s also running straight into her ultimate demise. Will she be saved in time by those who would lay down their lives for her, even if they don’t know of each other’s existence?
Monsta X/Reader, Human/Vampire(s), Reverse Harem
Warnings: light smut?, violence, language
Word count: 2.15k
Tag list: @noonaduck @lovinggalaxies @elenaramos1 @girlwith-thecinder-blockgarden @snowythellama @stargazersara @luvthatleader-nim @sugasheart
You were running out of time. So far, you’d only had Minhyuk as your official Clan mate. The forms that would bind all these men to you and ward off any other Royals were practically screaming at you to fill out but you hesitated since you didn’t have full consent. Sure, you’d had Wonho asking you constantly when he’d be taken into your Clan, Shownu casually bringing up your Clan population, Jooheon trailing after you constantly, and Changkyun smirking at you in his way that ticked you all the way off.
You’d filled out Minhyuk’s form easily enough, him being present and peppering you with kisses while he held you against him on his lap, giving you all his info and his oath that he’d already given to you prior. After all was said and done, he’d deemed the activity too strenuous for you and offered to feed you again while you practically ran from him. You didn’t need what happened the other night to cloud your judgment for what was to come.
You knocked on all of the boys’ doors and told them you were holding a family meeting while cringing to yourself at the familiarity of the word before rushing down the stairs and out into the deck. Usually, meetings would be held in the dining room, but you needed a place where you’d be calm to continue this.
It took the boys a minute to find you since you weren’t in the usual place, but once they were outside, they sat a respective distance away from you and allowed you to speak.
“The Gathering is this weekend,” you started shakily. “That’s only a couple days before I have to put on a charade for a bunch of Royals I’m barely starting to know. I think I can safely say Minhyuk is my Clan mate, right?” You asked sheepishly looking at the blonde.
He nodded and rubbed your back in comfort and you pushed on.
“I’m not in this to have some kind of self-obsessed harem. But I do need numbers to face what I’m about to face,” you looked down and folded your arms against yourself. “I can’t do this alone.” You admitted, not wanting to look at anyone.
Changkyun shot his head up at your softer tone and your shameless admittance. He knew you didn’t want pity and that you didn’t really want to have this sort of situation, but you were rolling with whatever happened and that gained his attention and respect.
Gathering the last bit of your pride, you shake your head and boldly looked at everyone in the eyes. “I need you all to join my Clan. I can’t promise it will be a perfect situation, but I can promise to do my best. I will need help along the way and I’d welcome any sort of wisdom any you may have. Changkyun has already said he’d want to pursue this as a lover relationship,” the guys all glared deeply at him. “but I can’t just jump straight into that since I’m not used to this lifestyle. That being said, I’d like to go over some ground rules.” They all looked back at you, eager to hear your offering. “As I said, we’re not jumping into a full on gang bang type of relationship right off the bat. I’d like to at least get to know you all before any sort of relationship is initiated on either of our parts.” Minhyuk swallowed before nodding with the rest of them, he’d already been well past what was deemed a friendship and he wouldn’t want to backtrack any time soon. He’d have to talk to you about this later. “I can’t ask you all to not be jealous or make it a measuring contest, but I don’t want to be pressured into any sort of official understanding with anyone. I won’t treat you like you were in the past, so don’t treat me like your last Queen.” You eyed Jooheon, Shownu, and Changkyun and they gave you a solemn nod. “If you do not wish to be a part of my Clan, I will understand and let you go so you can pursue whatever else you wish to. I know this sounds like an ultimatum, but I’m out of time and can’t take this slow any longer. I’ll need your decisions now, if you have them.” You blurted, feeling a sense of accomplishment in your speech. It felt a bit cheesy, and you’d already forgotten half of what you’d said, but it was up to them now.
Wonho approached you first. He smiled before brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear and went down to a kneeling position in front of you. He grasped your hands before kissing the backs and meeting your eyes seriously. “It would be my pleasure to serve you, my Queen.”
“Hoseok—No, Wonho. Will you be a part of my Clan?” You asked, giving him a reassuring smile.
“Yes, Y/N. I will join your Clan.” He smiled back before taking one hand out from your clutches ones and but deeply into his wrist and offering it to you. Your eyes widened from his bold action but you took his arm tentatively while looking for his reaction. He’d nodded his head and pushed his wrist to your lips, making your close your eyes and poke your tongue along the cut, causing him to groan out and just about fall into you. You took a few more licks before setting his arm back down and he stood up, taking your other side that wasn’t taken over by Minhyuk.
Shownu was next. He immediately dropped to his knees, not grabbing your hands, but bowing down deeply to you. “I wish to join you as well, Y/N.” He said, body still bent in a formal bow. You gingerly offered him your hand and let him up slowly, smiling warmly at him.
“I accept your wish to join my Clan, Shownu.” He’d done the same as Wonho, but instead, cutting his palm and bringing it to your lips. Your mouth closed over his palm and you slowly licked along the cut. You could tell it affected him when he tensed up, but he didn’t make a sound. Perhaps you could get a sound out of him later? You shook your thoughts off before letting him drop his hand back to his side and seeing him stand up to go behind your bench.
Jooheon came up to you and went down on one knee slowly, trying not to look you straight in your eyes to keep up respect. “Please let me join your Clan, Y/N.” He asked softly. Some part of him awaited the rejection he was used to receiving but he was pleasantly surprised when you got off the bench and sat down in front of his kneeling form. You picked up his head with your hands and made him look you in your eyes while you nodded at him.
“I accept you into my Clan, Jooheon.” He quickly bit down on his thumb and offered it to you, slowly inserting it into your awaiting mouth and letting you suckle at the oozing liquids. You pulled his thumb out with a plop! and he looked up at you like a little kid in Christmas before joining Shownu behind you.
Changkyun clenched his fists when he saw it was his turn. He’d looked at his brothers behind you as you sat back down on the bench and waited for his claim. He needed a Clan to survive and you were offering yours but he wanted more than just a form of protection. He wanted a place to belong and be loved and cared for. Not scared for his life constantly or always ready to fight for someone who didn’t care to look at him more than once. Trust had to be built, he understood. But he wished he could skip all the misunderstandings that would surely happen due to his past and his feelings on certain things.
He knew you weren’t anything like her but he still felt trepidation when he shuffled closer to you.
You noticed his hesitance and stood up to meet him halfway, putting both arms in front of you, offering his own place.
He sniffed before he grabbed your waiting palms. He didn’t go down to his knees, but you saw him how his head in submission. “I would also like to be a part of this Clan. A part of yours.” He whispered, clenching and unclenching his jaw.
You could tell this took a lot out of him to ask. He must have been hurt pretty badly in order to not trust as easily.
“Changkyun.” You whispered back, watching him shoot a wide eyed look at you. He looked like a lost child this way, completely beating himself to you but trying to fight it to keep some form of pride. “I accept you as part of my Clan.” You stated seriously, watching his expressions go from shock to relief.
He nodded before he tried cutting along his forearm but you stopped him. He snapped his gaze back at you in fear, thinking you would take back your claim and send him to his end.
You picked up his hand and put it near his neck. You formed his hand in a pointing motion before placing his index finger against his neck, slicing not to deep along his pulse. His sudden intake of breath gave you the confidence to swiftly grabbed the back of his neck and place your lips on the small cut you formed, nearly causing him to fall. He grunted as he stilled against you but soon relaxed and wrapped his free hand in your hair to crush you against his shaking form. You drank from him longer than you did the others, partly to stake your claim and finish this process and partly to finally put him in his place as well as give him reassurance. Still, he allowed you to take what you wanted and groaned when you drank greedily and bit down against his throat in warning.
When you finally pulled away, he saw a few streaks of blood were starting to dry around your mouth and he eagerly wiped at the remnants before bringing them to his mouth and finishing off what you started.
“If you’re all done out here, we have some forms to fill out before the Gathering this weekend!” Miss Kudrow shouted from the door, causing everyone to jolt in response to her sudden appearance.
The others quickly said their agreement and went to go follow her in to fill out said forms while you and Changkyun stayed in place for a moment, taking each other in.
“You know, if you want to leave, you can’t now.” You admonished him.
He rolled his eyes lazily but you could still see the ghost of a smile forming. “Yeah, whatever.”
You gripped his chin, the same way he had done earlier. “You’re mine now,” you told him. “But you are still your own person and I will try my very best to not hurt any of you so long as you’re patient with me.”
He grabbed your wrist that was clutching him before swiftly pecking your cheek. “I understand, My Queen.” He smiled a genuine smile. One you hadn’t seen since you’d met him and it caused you to send one back to him. “I think we should join everyone and sign these damned forms so we can get to celebrating, huh?” He asked, starting to lead you in.
You nodded along before jogging up to meet his pace, when he suddenly stopped you.
“After all, once you fully join with your Clan, you’ll likely be more...hungry for us. We should start serving you soon before you want to have your way with us in some voyeuristic way. Not that I would mind, of course.” He smirked when you paused and ran inside before you could tackle him again.
“You little shit, get back here!” You shouted, running inside to hear the boys laughing and egging on the oncoming wrestling match.
“I’ve got ten on Y/N!” Minhyuk shouted, laughing along.
“I’ll double that!” Wonho retorted.
“Me and Jooheon can go half and half on that.” Shownu replied.
“I’d like to go half and half on her.” Changkyun suggested before you lunged for him, causing another ruckus of laughter from everyone.
Please do NOT repost! All rights reserved!
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