#hard magic system
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Boy do I love designing new power systems
But how the fuck am I suppose to design truly conceptual outer gods, the only one I have fully fleshed out is chaos, and the next one I'm working on is parasite
#canon#creative writing#outer god#power system#i love mixing hard and soft magic systems#magic#magic system#hard magic system#soft magic system
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So despite my own personal statements regarding my dislike for complex, multiverse like narratives. I am infact like most people, a hypocrite.
So let me talk about my multiverse narrative.
This is a project I started sometime in high school, and it keeps changing every year that I work on it. I think it may be the project where I have done the most overhauls on.
There is no garentee I will not overhaul it entirely again in the future. But that will be then, this is now.
So even though it is a constantly changing project, I will share the oldest remaining a (and most consistent part of this project) Witches.
Witches are rare, shapeshifting beings. Able to transform into many things. Though they all have a unique familiar.
This familiar is what they are named for… ie the wolf witch, the chameleon witch or the cat witch, gryphon witch So on and so forth.
Witches for this setting are not born they are made. Quite purposely mind you. As it would be difficult if not impossible to make a witch without all parties consenting to it.
A consensual deal with the devil per-say.
The reason for this is because of how magic naturally works.
There are three kinds of majics. Major majics, middle magics and minor magics.
Under normal circumstances stances major magics like the kind that witches perform are deadly to most beings so minor magics are instead used
See even with minor magic it is done by cooperating with several people at a time. Usually the safest minimum is three individuals. Two to cast one to keep watch. The safest large amount of individuals is somewhere around twelve as any more and it tends to be a too many cooks in the kitchen ordeal.
Magic can be performed alone, but it is difficult and likely to backfire. Especially with the more magic you are dealing with. Or in other words the closer to major majics one gets.
Crafting with magic is slightly less risky but not as potent when done alone, and there’s several ways to do this sort of crafting… but before I get off track.
Witches are the exception to casting magic on thier own, they can just throw it around whillynilly all they want. This is because of one simple fact:
A witch is never alone.
That is because witches make themselves. when they fuse their bodies and consciousness together with others. This horrific process results in a single individual and an offshoot (the familiar)
This individual, with multiple consciousness, two to cast one to watch. Can perform magic as they wish.
Witches like this draw magic from the worlds around them and from themselves, and that is where this whole multiverse thing comes in.
Magic is everywhere and in everything there is life.
And the majority of witches come from and live in the place where dead universes combined. To be melted together and reused until the end of magic. This place. The place where dreams are made and go to die. As it has always been, and never will be. Is connected to everything. The cosmic ocean if you will. The roots of the world tree. The brackish world. The home of the many gates.
So it’s from here that a witch can fulfill their greatest purpose.
See when a witch create themselves they also creat a magic system (middle majics). A way to easily harness that energy so normally inaccessible to most.
Normally a magic system will be used by the witch themselves.
For example the Chameleon Witch upholds a magic system that relies on color, change the color of a thing and change the way that thing fundamentally interacts with life.
The chameleon witch uses their system when they perform magic.
But others can also buy into a witche’s system. Usually the inhabitants of the brackish worlds may buy into a witches system in order to perform magic in an easier way.
But that’s the less interesting option.
The more interesting system occurs when a real world, floating out in the spiderwebs of the cosmos decided to try magic.
If there is enough magic around (at least a 1.7 on my scale) and individuals start to pull on magic. There is a high chance that instead of pulling on nothing they find a witch’s path that’s already been thread. As it is easier to walk the path already taken than bushwhack a new one.
Some systems are more popular to buy into than others. Like the dragon witches elemental system. Or the black witches deal making system.
A magic planet can buy into multiple systems at a time, usually having them fuse into something unique. But they can stay separate too or expand in ways unknown to the witch themselves until they learn of this new idea.
The old sort of magic the kind that sings universes into being, still exists and could in theory be used by anyone in a world with enough magic to notice the fabric of order and chaos that the witches use to create themselves. But why do that when your system lets you throw fire balls? Or even find the mysteries of the universe in the equally impressive minor magics? (I mean the name is deceptive, this magic can be used to revive the dead, grant wishes and control entire worlds of used in the right place by the right “people”, it’s the magic of gods and “soft magic systems”)
The thing about witches (and magic system as an extension) is that they are mortal. Majic is an immortal force of existence. To exist is to be just a bit of majic.
But witches are mortal and so they can die. And with them the system they upheld dies too. In some cases a similar system belonging to another witch may fill the void, but otherwise the system dies.
The likelihood of a witch dying is slim though. They are mortal, but they are also ageless, as by the rules of the chaos at the ends of existence. Where things like time and scale and gravity don’t behave as they should. From where you can watch the countless ends and existences die and begin again in universes uncountable. As gods and giants and cosmic dragons forge worlds and multiverses of their own volition. And elder things play games and battle over the scraps and threads of thier own universes that they wish to forge into new existences. Doing anything they can to prevent existences from falling into the place that witches live.
Speaking of dragons and elder things: witches follow dragons, because cosmic dragons are especially good at destruction and creation. (Chaos incarnate, along with their siblings who are Order incarnate) So if a witch wishes to place her magic system in a particular place she will give it to a dragon who will go to a world and from there spread life and magic that they carry to that world.
Elder things know, they tend to have lived through the birth and rebirth of several universes. So they are especially good at learning and unknowning. They are usually the ones responsible for changing the ways a system interacts with the world around it.
A Witches counterpart is a Muse, witches write the rules of magic, Muses write the paths of things.
#world building#worldbuilding#magic#multiverse#fantasy#my work#magic system#elemental magic#lore#witch#soft magic system#hard magic system#dragons#elderich abomination#muse
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#i'm weighing the pros and cons of each#and i want to know what others think#hard magic system#soft magic system#brandon sanderson
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Hard Magic don't exist
I don't care what Brandon Sanderson says. I think that magic always IS just an unexplainable source that can be harnessed in thousands of ways and is usually inconsistent; because I think Magic functions on belief. NOW you may be thinking. "Captain. What the fuck are you talking about? you can't decide how stuff works in other people's writing!" And to that I say, hear me out, because this is more fun.
Because Magic functions on belief. and everywhere there are people there is at least an attempt at a scientist. Some guys who look at magic and go "welp, there's gotta be a way to explain that!" and then they experiment, and their experiments get more consistent, because that is what experiments do, you put in the same inputs in the same scenario and you get the same result. That's what scientifically minded people believe- oh shit. Well, you're believing, so it's working. in this way. and since you don't trust it to work another way, it's not going to for you. and then that information spreads. and since more and more people come to this understanding, they can no longer function as they are supposed to. That's why Chosen Ones rarely know what the hell they're doing- they cant. because if you KNOW what's going on, and believe in all these rules that people made up, then that's the only thing that's gonna work!!
The best example of this I know of is The Grishaverse. specifically, the last series, King of Scars. Where they're always talking about "The small science" and how they can only manipulate certain things in certain ways. Until you meet the ancient powerful Grisha/Saints who are gods- because they don't know shit about "The small science" and "Only being able to manipulate certain areas of reality"- Nah man, I can turn into a swarm of bees AND bloodbend AND call the storm. why the hell wouldn't i be able to- "Small science?" "elements" Fuck that, break it down far enough and Are We Not All Things? and what happens when Zoya learns that? She denies it, but when she finally accepts it she becomes just as powerful and able to do the same shit- because the only thing that was working as a barrier was the limiters that people made up! That logic works in every hard magic system. I will die on this hill. Oh, You read a Brandon Sanderson book and it's way too complicated for people have made up to make something incomprehensible to make sense?? GUESS WHAT FUCKER, BRANDON MADE THAT UP ALL ON HIS OWN. Like if a bunch of powerful people are working to figure shit out and find loopholes in each others findings, OF COURSE it's going to get complicated. Games of make believe usually are- but in worlds with magic that can cause tangible effect? Then Make Believe turns Make Real. and adults are really shitty at being imaginative and accepting "Oh well the lavamonster cant get me because- because uh, i have purple on!" at surface level. no, it's not the color of that shirt, it's the fabric and the way that it's woven and the fact that your mother died on a tuesday, of course! people are so good at causing misinformation about real science, imagine how easy it would be when the part of reality you're misinforming people about is based entirely on what you believe will work!!!
It is one in the morning, i'm going to go pass out now! fuck you all and have a wonderful time of day!
#magic systems#world building#hard magic system#Soft magic system#Fantasy#magic#shadow and bone#brandon sanderson#ramblings#hills to die on
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Spiritual experiences
I saw a trans person posting on reddit about starting to hear voices and obtrusive visions, and I thought, "Damn, it's a shame you functionally can't say anything on a mainstream forum except 'Get your ass to a psychiatrist and medicate that shit.'"
Of course the person should get to a psychiatrist, because a few visits with an out-of-network doc and a prescription for an as-needed antipsychotic are far cheaper than a grippy socks vacation. But that's not the full story.
I was scared to go to a psychiatrist and be honest with them about my experiences. I know that many psychiatrists think all magical thinking or obtrusive thoughts are a sign of schizophrenia and thus should be medicated for life, and I know that psychiatrists can and will involuntarily commit people.
I ended up with just such a psychiatrist. She was a Yale-educated buffoon and a covert anti-trans activist. She claimed to be an expert on trans care, but she had no knowledge of trans HRT. She constantly jotted down notes, but failed to note basic chart info, like "these are the meds I'm on" or "please refill my antidepressants." The entire clinical experience was a gaslighting campaign.
I realized I had the right to a second opinion. I found someone who was open to talking about spiritual experiences, and now I can live my life authentically and I have an as-needed I can use to calm my head down.
It's important for me to have these experiences, because the process of interacting with them generally leads to better results in my normal life.
For example, if I'm trying to deny that part of my life - my dreams, my imagination, and my spooky waking experiences - I just have this aura of dishonesty that makes it really hard to hold my ground professionally. If I'm constantly focused on how I should feel rather than how I do feel, I'm checked out of my own authentic opinions.
I also feel like I stand apart from most spiritual people in that I'm into hard fantasy. Like, I'm so into Brandon Sanderson that I pretty much subject my spiritual beliefs to the rules of the Cosmere:
Souls exist
We have free will
Relativity and quantum mechanics are real
Time travel doesn't exist
Alternate timelines/"frequencies"/"dimensions" don't exist
Even mystical energy from God obeys its own laws of physics
Everyone who presents themself to you as a spirit or god is, at some level, just a person
So, for example, I find it really hard to believe that spirits/gods/etc exist outside of space and time. If they are, then what is outside of space and time? Is it in anyway like time and space? If not, then what rules does it obey? This just doesn't add up. It's just a not-very-thoughtful person filling in the blanks with a nebulous substrate of wish-fulfillment. It's the type of spirituality that advertising, rape-y gurus and The Walt Disney Company encourages us to have.
So, when I reach out to demons or spirits or whatever, I imagine that they're basically alien social workers. I don't know if they're extradimensional or hidden, but I assume that they have some kind of definite existence. This has the added bonus that it might be possible to meet them, which would be fun, because they probably have way better parties than us.
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Hard magics systems make me miserable unfortunate I’m a masochist when it come sit world building.
Google open the wiki page for alchemy
#just be clear I’m having a blast#it’s just the kind of blast that’s not fun#you know like repeatedly dying in a video game#the kind of GOOD torture#shitpost#alchemy#worldbuilding#magic#hard magic system#soft magic#magic system#evriwher
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These ancient Tablozetziums are.... interesting. It seems like they have some communication abilites, but not a ton of information storage. I went to the Quartano Farms Historical society and found some preserved Family Tablets.
One of the few files on one tablozetzium, seems to reference a Sam as either a best friend, servant, or lover. I cannot tell.
However, tablozetzium im holding also has some files about a willow, seemingly the same willow I found in a diary.
It would be wild if these two knew each other.
--Skylar Seacrest
#creative writing#writers on tumblr#writing#writblr#epic fantasy#fantasy worldbuilding#fictional characters#fantasy#fantasy world#original fiction#original writing#original content#original character#social media fiction#hard magic system#huetopia#in character#diagetic narrator
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A Dream of Summer Rain: When You Look Back at Your Wasted Life (chapter 18)
Hello, lovelies! Don't forget you can read twenty chapters ahead on this story, as well as two chapters ahead on back "Love During Robot Fighting Time" and "Magical Girl Exorcist Squad", by becoming a paid subscriber to my Patreon or my Substack!
And now, back to our regularly scheduled emotional devastation and abject nightmare fuel!
Lacy wanted to run, but Gwen was paralyzed once again. “GWEN COME ON!” she screamed, but her mentor did not budge. “GODDAMMIT!”
A portal to burst through the air, out of which Isabella stepped. Isabella started, “What’s-”
“Gwen!” Lacy said, pointing.
Isabella obliged, carved a portal, and dragged Gwen and Lacy through alongside her.
The building finished imploding as they escaped. Lacy covered her ears at the swell of noise, and looked around to see it was happening to the entire school. Each of the buildings, imploding simultaneously. The boys ran towards them from the sea of wreckage. A sulfur smell tainted the air, and when Lacy jerked her head around to the source, she saw the building she was just in had been reduced to dust. And Alistair Albrecht emerged from that dust yet unscathed.
“Can you get me close to him? Behind him, maybe?” Lacy asked Isabella.
She nodded, and she obliged. Lacy couldn’t use too much more lightning today- her arms felt like she’d deadlifted a hundred pounds, her legs like she’d ran four miles at breakneck speed- but she could manage at least one more, and if she could get in a clean hit-
The sensation of passing through a portal, like running over a carpet in wool socks during a dry winter supercharged by a nuclear power plant, engulfed her before she could realize it was happening, and it was over before she could process it. They emerged directly behind Alistair, and Lacy readied her lightning. She aimed, fired: direct hit, square in the small of the back. Alistair fell to the ground, face first, its cloak shredded and burnt at the back, its flesh turning sallow. For a moment, Lacy breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. She looked at Isabella, whose hand she realized she was still holding tight. Isabella was looking at her with an expression Lacy couldn’t read.
A chuckle came up from the ground, and Alistair, face decaying and contorting, coated in ashes, turned over and beamed at her. “Impressive! Perhaps I’ve misjudged you, boy!”
“I keep telling you, I’m a GIRL!” Lacy screamed. Her Star pulsed, and the wind rose around her. She lashed a thunderbolt to Alistair and let the soundwave disorient the king, dragging out the low bass tone that seemed to upset ghouls so much. She looked at Isabella, pulled her hand away and gestured at the King of the Ghouls. “Waiting for an invitation?”
Isabella blinked, nodded, swung her sword towards Alistair’s neck, only for Alistair to roar at the sky and burn bright with orange fire on all-sides. Isabella carved a portal before she could crash into Alistair’s pyre, appearing behind Lacy and then grabbing her and pulling her back in. They appeared next to Gwen and the boys a hundred yards from the erstwhile school as Alistair’s firestorm howled ever-louder. Quentin and Joshua both dug in their feet and held out their hands, keeping the inferno caged. Gwen, still shaking, joined them. Danny stood there, wide-eyed with yet another inscrutable facial expression.
Lacy planted her feet and tried to push back against the fire. The backlash sent her flying back a dozen yards. She rolled over the ground and stopped just short of crashing into a tree. Every muscle in her body cried out in protest as she tried to get up and offered a small burst of relief as she fell back to the ground. Get up get up get up getupgetupgetupgetup-
She pressed her hands against the ground, but couldn’t support her own weight: her arms no longer responded. She rolled over onto her back, attempted to do a sit-up, only to fall back down midway through the attempt.
“Lacy, there’s a certain wisdom to knowing when you can’t fight anymore,” Drew said.
“Shut! Up!” Lacy screamed. Out loud.
Only Danny seemed to notice. The others were holding back the firewall. He rushed over and offered Lacy a hand, helping her rise to her feet. She accepted, and immediately fell back to the ground once she was up. The lightness in her head exploded through the rest of her body, and consciousness slipped away soon thereafter.
The firewall stood strong, and Gwen gritted her teeth as she dug her feet into the ground. Lacy was out cold, and Danny’s usefulness was limited now that Alistair had shown up. That left four of them. Gwen reached for Starlight, and another dangerous idea occurred to her.
Her father had always been the sort of instructor to teach by example.
“Cover me,” Gwen said. The others nodded, and then were pushed backwards several feet by Gwen’s departure from the firewall resistance.
She ducked backwards, then darted over to where Lacy lay unconscious. Danny held his gun and his knife at the ready, prepared to defend his friend with even the most basic of tools if it came to it. A good kid- if they survived this, she’d have the others start teaching him to use a sword. “I need to borrow her,” Gwen said.
Danny acquiesced.
She shook Lacy awake, the girl’s eyes dilating as she was dragged back into the conscious realm. “Wzzuh?”
“Remember our little trick with the blood inside the dungeon?” Gwen said.
Lacy nodded, eyes only half opened.
“Think you can give me a jump-start for something similar?” Gwen said. “I don’t need much, just enough to override the water-resistance.”
Lacy gulped, then nodded. Gwen grabbed her hand, then reached for her Star and let the white light channel through. Sweat soaked through her clothes, and the cuts across her body throbbed as a small bead of blood floated out from it.
“Blut meines Vaters,” Gwen said.
Lacy promptly passed out again. A moment later, the firestorm petered out, leaving only the swaths of naked heat. Her father screamed, and Gwen’s eyes darted over to her father as blood gushed from the spot on his ankle where Lacy had bitten him.
A stream of blood poured from her father’s ankle. It was black and deadened, the blood of a ghoul. Her father was a ghoul- the King of the Ghouls. A monster. And I’m a goddamned monster hunter, Gwen thought, gritting her teeth she took aim. It was always going to come to this. She focused the blood pouring out from her father’s ankle and reforged it into a small ax, aimed for her father’s neck. It stopped short, and Gwen screamed as the wound between her ribs and her hip opened up and poured forth copious amounts of blood.
“IMPRESSIVE!” her father called out. “I’m so proud of you, my girl! You’ve shown me something now I hadn’t considered before. Excellent work. It’s wonderful that I can now learn from you, just as you once learned from me.” The worst part was that he meant it: that was his sincere-voice. She hadn’t heard that since she was a kid.
Gwen’s side throbbed as blood leaked out and sharpened into a series of small daggers in front her face. Her blood-ax shattered, and she dropped onto one knee. Danny fired a gun, then another, then another. Quentin had done a good job outfitting the boy. The bullets flew through the air and stopped short of Alistair: his shield was still working. But it was weakening, and taking up evermore energy- the blood daggers shattered before Gwen’s eyes as her father struggled to focus his energy on his own protection. Of the two Stars swarming him, the purple one, the one she did not recognize, flew around him ever more frantic, bursting with ever more light. It must have been where this Entropy magic was coming from, and going by the expanding size of his fangs and claws, it took its toll on him. It must’ve worked on the same principle ghoulish physiology did, eating through his reserves of strength and forcing him into a more feral state the more he relied on it. And it had another effect: physical decay, distortion, mutation, rather than simple mental deterioration.
A portal ruptured in the air behind Alistair, and both Isabella and Joshua jumped out and swung their respective swords while Gwen backtracked. Alistair weaved out of the way of both blades and swung his leg first into Isabella’s stomach and then afterwards into Joshua ribcage. They both were knocked to the ground, but a hail of bullets then tore through Alistair as Quentin produced an automatic pistol from his trenchcoat. The distance was too great for accurate headshots, but they slowed the King down.
Gwen forced herself up. She reached for Starlight, knowing it was burning her. She needed to end this once and for all, and she needed to get in close to make it happen.
She forced herself up, and then said to Danny, “Cover me.”
The boy nodded.
Gwen proceeded to do exactly what she knew not to do in this situation: run directly at her opponent, screaming at the top of her lungs. Bullets weaved over and around her, and Isabella and Joshua portaled over to Lacy to get out of the line of fire.
Her father balked, then laughed. And laughed. And laughed. It just pissed Gwen off even more. Her father was many things, and considered himself many more things. Chief among them was ‘honorable.’ That meant when someone did something like this, you showed them respect as a mage. “Toter engel!” Gwen screamed. White light exploded from her hand as she reached out for her father.
Her father did the same, saying the same words, using the same spell, drawing on the light of two Stars.
Their columns of white light met each other, and then engulfed everything.
The weight of three colliding Destinies slammed into each other, puncturing the skin of reality and letting Liminal Void pour out into the world.
purchase the ebook here:
#original fiction#serial fiction#web novel#trans woman#wlw#urban fantasy#action#comedy#horror#trans protagonist#deconstruction#destiny#dark lord#chosen one#ghouls#elves#necromancer#entropy#druidry#hard magic system#own voices#prophecy#trans women#wizards#urban fantasy books#lesbian protagonist#lesbian#sapphic
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If this was set in the world of my wip Moira, healers would've decimated their opponent if worse came to worse. Their powers work on the principle that they must absorb energy to be able to give it to others and while the easiest way is flora (using fauna is frowned upon), environmental protection laws prevent them from causing mass destruction of natural ecology tho and sort of places a limit on their power. So it's pretty common for healers to maintain greenhouses or to have big gardens near archaic hospitals to circumvent these concerns. I could go on about illegal fight rings and the black market but I won't because well I'd be rambling for days and I- ok just wanna conclude that if a healer was in such a position, I'm pretty sure the opponents would get wrecked 🫡
but in general as well, healers are awesome and should not be underestimated!!! learning to heal also means learning to do the opposite if needed :)
You’re the healer of the group. The rest of the party has always treated you like you’re made of glass. You were content to stay out of their way and let them do their thing. Until they all got downed leaving you the only one standing. That’s when you show them how deadly healing magic can be.
#guys I'm obsessed with my wip#i feel so bad for traumatizing my babies#it'll get worse#before it gets better#wip#current wip#work in progress novel#novel#Moira#writers on tumblr#writing#writeblr#writerscommunity#healers#magic#hard magic system
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I will be exploring the design of this character in this post!!
The title is just a place holder... for a fire elemental character I made, in my Delusion magic system world.
Simplification of the Magic system, all beliefs of a person that he holds absolutely no contradiction to that idea in himself, is somehow made manifest in my bronze age based world!!! The only limit is they cannot break the law of conservation of information.
Agni was one of the first to perfect his delusions.
His delusion? That fire is chaos...
These kinda ideas cannot really be contradicted cause chaos can mean whatever... A malleable abstract idea... Cause I don't think fire has an empirical information called chaos... in what it is... So its a delusional idea being labeled in reality with the medium of a real thing... Or just Battle High...
His back story for such an idea is that he lost something or someone important to fire... And his life has been a constant struggle where he is working towards something, but always meets setbacks due to unforeseen factors which overwhelms him and/or induces PTSD.
So, whenever his brain goes nuts, failing to create cohesive thoughts...
If Fire = chaos. Chaotic state of mind makes him see the world in a chaotic fashion, which means his simulation of the world in his prefrontal cortex will simulate fire in this chaotic state... Delusion manifesting...
Not all Delusion are manifested... Most people just experience extra sensory stuff... Or are benders of something in the real world... You guys can see my first magic system in my profile for another example of delusion magic...
Going back to the state of his brain, specifically his current loss of cohesive thought...
This state can be caused by so many things... From Lack of necessary resources like sodium ions, to excessive blood loss, to just being plain old shocked enough from confusion or concussion... To just analyze paralysis caused by being overwhelmed...
In this state, if he's not knocked out cold...
He will leak FIRE!!!
From his epidemic lining....
Assume its like sweating but isn't of sweat beads, it's a tongue of fire!!
The energy has to come from somewhere... So for now lets go with the chemical energy stored in his body...
And its obviously also burns him... Hmm... Maybe the tongues of flame SURROUNDS him... rather than come directly from his skin... So its just heat he has to somehow tolerate...
But that also means he breaths in a lot of Carbon monoxide... Hmm... He just has to live with it I guess...
And he could probably choose where it leaks from? That would need some concentration... Hmm... Concentration while his minds all gone haywire?? Maybe could be related to mastery?
Maybe I could somehow teach him that fire is not an all consuming kind of chaos somehow... Maybe with love?
Maybe show him the warmth fire brings?
Hell ya!
So he falls in love with someone who was warned by his flame rather than burn from it! Sounds fun!
Anyway, since he now knows fire can also bring warmth, healing and shit
Remember! Abstract ideas are infinitely Malleable!!!
Chaos doesn't just mean destruction and death... At the end of the day, it just an antonym for order! Rest whatever bullshit you add to it is yours!!
Maybe his current understanding of the term 'chaos' can be something less painful and more as something that is now actively helping him grow internally...
but maybe he can work around it... If he wants to achive a lack of cohesive thought...
Maybe he just needs to somehow silence him own mind then!!!...
Ha! So now bro can try calming down a little and keep his head all quiet... Then he can concentrate while still activating the trigger!!!
It starts out by him first making smalls gaps in the fire around him in key zones like his face and joints... And then slowly concentrate them to specific zones like just his fists...
He can keep his mind going when he doesn't need to release flames... Distracted or just busy analysing his situation and the terrain and factors or some shit... And when he wants to make contact... Still his mind... And Boom!!!
If I have to make a logic behind how the release can be concentrated to some body parts and not all... Let's go with nerve ending!!!
Imagine the humunculus... Bigger exaggerated regions have higher never ending...
Maybe he can select a threshold by his concentration that says fire will leak from some area only...
And the from there its road to mastery of only one specific are and how much fire... At least to the point I can still portray the flame as a leak and not plane old creation of flame.
I am fine with this mastery... Doesn't sound boring... Maybe he's an older character already... with his history sprinkled here and there rather than showing his journey closely...
This makes the chemical potential energy in his body sustain longer since its kinda in his control when he wants the flame or not... It makes efficiency better too... Less energy being wasted...
And since he can also master the amount of energy to release...
Consider the fact that the tongue has amazing nerve ending superficial density...
If I had to explain the specific of why this shit happens... Maybe it has to do with the flying away of electrons in air surrounding his skin??
Like his body is doing something that makes his skin facilitate that... And the nerve endings on his skin manifest that outside his body...
I mean its about his thoughts right, thoght = brain activity = nerves are involved = chaos leaking from its ends on tbe skin...
Maybe the blood flow has been changed somehow, and is creation a magnetic field and also ionising the air somehow?
To the point you can see flames rather than just heating air atleast...
Idk bruh... it's Delusional magic.... I will have to break some constraints of our reality... Artistic liberty type stuff... To make the Delusion make sense I have to deploy ignorance for some amount atleast...
If I had to explain the specific of why this shit happens... Maybe it has to do with the flying away of electrons... Like his body is doing something that makes his skin facilitate that...
#magic system#character design#fire elemental#worldbuilding#fantasy#elemental#hard magic system#concept#original character#my design#oc#my oc stuff
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I very suddenly realized that I’ve been pretty inactive since I made my blog (aside from reblogging random bs with no relation to the blog) so here goes nothing, this is a magic system I’m working on for dnd:
The entire magic system revolves around biology and the idea of modifying one’s biology. In my system all magic is either in a biological form or a mineral form, the latter only in rare exceptions and usually in the form of fossils, as an example, dragons have the innate ability to produce and project fire from a gland in their mouth but if a human wanted to do the same they would need to use that gland as an ingredient/instrument.
Through the meddling of a hyper advanced civilization 100 ordinary humans from earth are transported into a galaxy with this magic system to complete in a galaxy wide pseudo hunger games with the goal of surviving until the end of the event, each of the contestants is given the ability to gain the adaptations of any creature they kill ex: kill a creature with fur to gain fur. Contestants have the ability to modify their own attributes and choose which ones to use but the modification process is slow and painful leaving you vulnerable for the duration and consuming significant amounts of energy/food.
Due to the dnd format it is not a last one standing but instead the “spectators” can “modify the playing field” if they deem the contestants boring, this is as a means to add a reason to fight and a punishment for cheating or getting to powerful.
I am open to any suggestions or criticisms and would in fact love to be told how I can improve it.
Also just because I saw somewhere that you should be able to explain the basic premise of a magic system in a single sentence here is a tldr: some people can modify their own biology by killing things with the attributes they want.
#writers on tumblr#creative writing#science fiction#writing#dnd#dnd homebrew#wip#please critique my creation#worldbuilding#magic#magic system#giving me severe self doubt#and maybe some impostor syndrome#I say I’m planning it when in reality I already have multiple 5+ page in depth documents going into extreme detail about it#hard magic system#kind of long#why am a tagging like an ao3 author#why am I still tagging#why am I
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Jason “my family doesn’t know im alive” Todd and Danny “my family doesn’t know I’m dead” Fenton going alongside each of their plans my beloved. like Danny will absolutely go head-to-head with all of Gotham to support his new best friend on all his crime lord endeavors while he drags Jason to also attend collage with him. They are roommates and there never seems to a mention of family from either side. It’s an unspoken understanding they have. They met because Crime alley as a ghost lair thrummed with so much loneliness, it was at first the perfect place for Danny to hide his ecto signature in. But then he saw the dumbass whose lair it was lean his motorcycle just a tad too much when making a sharp turn to an alley, he sweeped the floor through a lifted chain link that passed his body but not his helmet. Yep that’s right the red thing got stuck. Danny who at the moment happened to be watching through his window snorted. Much to his horror because if not a ghost that dude could’ve gotten his head flung off.
Still, the scene was ridiculous.
On a whim he irrationally sees the police closing in on the guy and panicked at the thought of the guy using intangibility to free himself so Danny phased them both through his apartment wall and left the guy sprawled in his couch. Jason didn’t freak out but that’s normal when one’s got a concussion, one the guy immediately denied having as Danny laid out the medical supplies. The idiot proceeded to almost flatten four steps to the door with his stubbornness. He also said “I’m asexual” in the most deadpan voice as Danny dropped him back in the couch.
Danny sighed. Clearly though, he’d done so too early in the night because the guy kept trying to go, kept trying to knock Danny out, kept trying to slash him with knifes Danny didn’t know he had stashed. He’d only disarmed the guy from his guns. The visible ones apparently, cause at one point the guy did take out a gun and shoot until the ammo ran out and then teetered the thing like it was an art prop and hit his moon lamp.
Danny "yeah you aren’t officially my friend until you’ve tried to kill me" fenton my guys.
Anyways both keep having the same argument over if Danny technically kidnapped Jason or not. Danny holds the fact that the police at least didn’t see the guy make the ridicule. Jason argued that happened cause he was sporting a concussion. Danny argued he got that after.
Jason at first thinks the guy's a meta, but no. Danny introduces himself, sheepily now that he recognizes this is who the lair he invaded is from. He bandages him and tries to cook for him. If Danny didn’t have ice powers he most certainly would’ve burned the apartment. Jason then proceeds to kick him out of his own kitchen and make them both enchiladas. It’s the most normal both had in a while with another person and the air seems oddly settled. From then on, Jason constantly invited himself over, under the pretense that this was his territory and therefore he could drop in unannounced. Danny who has actual powers says he only allows this because Jason cooks very well.
Danny stays away from the crime fighting business unless his buddy is in deep shit he can’t get himself out. Also it’s Danny’s turn to cover for his vigilante friend which Sam and Tucker give him so much shit for. (but also advice)
And they were roommates. (omg) Danny effectively derails Jason’s big comeback plans by casually dropping ghost lore every two days. Like,
Jason, talking about how he doesn’t want Bats snooping on his territory:
Danny: Just don’t let them in
Jason: ??
Danny: yeah!! Hasn’t Batman died and got revived??? You can totally kick out death touched people you don’t want entering on your lair.
Jason: …I can?
Danny: Yep dude, your lair’s supposed to feel safe.
Jason: wait does that mean I can kick you out?
Danny: First this is my apartment. Second, im dead, not dead touched. Third, it’s too late to get rid of me. bitch.
Anyways Jason is super excited. You mean to tell him he can actually deny people over to his territory haunt?? (Yes it’s only to people who have died and came back but still!! The sample size is exactly the type of people he doesn’t want to see—!)
Joker my beloathed can’t step foot in Crime Alley.
(Jason’d feel a lot safer if the clown was dead but the possibility of his murderer turning into a ghost and their little loophole not applying on the clown is too scary to contemplate.)
Anyways, Jason loves experimenting with the power. It can go from simply making people shudder and not want to enter crime Alley to straight up not letting them enter like there’s an invisible wall blocking the way.
Jason because he’s hurt that Bruce never even patrols Crime Alley and also because he’s petty put B under the category of “invisible wall” blacklist. His reasoning is that the man doesn’t even attempt to enter Crime Alley. To him it’s surely just a place shadowed in tragedy. (anyways that’s it’s the place he met Jason)
Ironically, Jason totally forgets that Batman does venture into Crime Alley one day in the whole year. The day he met Jason.
Okay. He didn’t forget at first. The first year Jason remembers cause it was only a few months till then but then the next— Jason forgets that today’s the anniversary of the day’s Bruce’s parents died. He forgets to allow B in when he feels a slight tug and dismiss the feeling that prompts Bruce to investigate because he literally can’t enter Crime Alley. He starts the trialsTM, he scouts on the very edge and sees people the whole day enter and get out and cross with no problem but Bruce can’t.
It’s literally just Bruce.
Time to call Constantine, i guess.
#bat shenanigans ensue#JSJSJS okay so i dont have a well versed timeline of events but two years after utrh who HASNT died of the batfam#cause those are the ones who are gonna go undercover to find what shady shit is this: )#im going with timmy cass and duke#sorry steph i KNOW you have died#the others have plausible deniability from my part#the trio is gonna come down hard on this unsuspecting pair#let's just say constantine just had one spare magical rune for each of them so they'll be able to identify who was powerful enough to do it#and duke found civvie jason. cass found civvie danny and tim also found jason a la squared. in his red hood get up later that night#the only useful photos are from tim's side but anyways since they got three suspects (one suspected to be the other. so really-- two)#they decide to split each other up and tag one each (whoever doesn't get the correct guy loses)#tim calls dibs on the twink. cass rolls her eyes and narrows her eyes at the red hood and duke smirks when he gets to keep his guy#he's not cheating if he didn't protest to getting to have the guy he already saw the aura of. he's sure he is IT#coincidentally duke happens to be the only bat jason doesn't recognize (and vice versa)#meanwhile cass is gonna be the one shadowing red hood which at this point he doesn't kill that much since he has his rules verymuch enforce#he does kill tho#so at some point they're gonna clash but at the start of the investigation no#let them be siblings your honor#big sis cass and her little brother 6'4 jay#and tim finally is gonna be the one to smoothly get himself in the conversation with cryptid roommate civilian danny fenton#genius dumbasses protection club#their first meeting is of course arranged but no less meet cute coffee shop au#anyways jason wants to know why the fuck hes got a bat tagging along with him so out of the blue and also why can't he fucking chase her of#cass is curious about how the red hood's mood constantly changes within her range yet he never attacks her despite his hurt-longing-anger#the boy who doesn't make noise fucking screeches when she sneaks up to him#and duke fucking brings his hands to block the chernobyl reject glow stick sun that's stands next to tim#while tim looks like his whole system is rebooting cause that's jason todd#dp x dc#danny phantom#jason todd
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I find this conversation fascinating, as I use these devices in my own writing. For me, it is because I feel like my fiction is being broken if I assume my omnicient narrator is not diagetic. However, I also need to have a reason to explain world-building concepts to the reader that none of the characters would have any reason to think that hard about.
My solution is to have a historian tell the story, translating the story from an ancestor language to the "common" tongue of their time. I then hope that the reader is smart enough to connect that they are supposed to understand this "common" language, so its published as English.
I like the historian angle because it gives me sufficient opportunities to explain my magic system without resorting to played out tropes, such as "magic school" or "im going on an adventure to explore the world", or dry exposition. The historian angle also allows space for plot-holes or incosistencies due to gaps in primary source documents or competing perspectives.
This diagetic narrator approach also gives me the flexibility to write about the same events from an entirely different perspective later on.
"Why does this 19th Century novel have such a boring protagonist" well, for a lot of reasons, really, but one of the big ones is that you're possibly getting the protagonist and the narrator mixed up.
A lot of 19th Century literary critics had this weird hate-boner for omniscient narrators – stories would straight up get criticised as "unrealistic" on the grounds that it was unlikely anyone could have witnessed their events in the manner described, like some sort of proto-CinemaSins bullshit – so authors who didn't want to write their stories from the first-person perspective of one of the participating characters would often go to great lengths to contrive for there to be a Dude present to witness and narrate the story's events.
It's important to understand that the Dude is the viewpoint character, but not the protagonist. His function is to witness stuff, and he only directly participates in the narrative to the extent that's necessary to explain to the satisfaction of persnickety critics why he's present and how he got there. Giving him a personality would defeat the purpose!
(Though lowbrow fiction was unlikely to encounter such criticisms, the device of the elaborately justified diegetic narrator was often present there as well, and was sometimes parodied to great effect – for example, by having the story narrated by a very unlikely party, such as a sapient insect, or by a party whose continued presence is justified in increasingly comical ways.)
#oh okay that explains it then#diagetic narrator#introducing a fictional world#my writing process#fictional world#fictional world building#epic fantasy#meta#opinions on writing#hard magic system#writing hard magic systems#writblr#creative writing
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I saw a post once talking about a bingqiu scott pilgrim au where LBH had to fight all of SQQ's suitors, which is a cool concept and all, but have you considered the comedic potential and insanity of a bingyuan Scott pilgrim au where SY has to defeat LITERALLY HUNDREDS of bingge's exes??
#just put him through the ringer!#make it even more baffling where shen yuan just thinks he started dating this really cool and mysterious guy in the modern world#but then oop! all these magical evil exes start appearing through portals super angry that binghe abandoned them for his shizun world hunt#now i know what you might be thinking#how does a hermit like shen yuan beat all these wives?#its because he's in the unexplainable world of scott pilgrim battle rules of course!#so its a mixture of outsmarting them in dumb ways and video game logic powers#so then its binghes turn to be baffled#“... i thought you said cultivation and magic doesnt exist in your world?”#“it doesnt.”#“you just punched that woman so hard she exploded into coins...”#svsss#scum villains self saving system#shen qingqiu#luo binghe#bingqiu#bingyuan#shen yuan#luo bingge
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can i confess something else that will absolutely get me stoned in the town square since im dropping my unpopular opinions. I don’t like altean broadsword Lance. i already disliked red paladin Lance. the broadsword was like rubbing salt in the wound. why couldn’t he have his own niche. why was his character development just making him keith. i understand that it was like “he accepts that he doesn’t have to be a leader and excels as a co-leader and you can find happiness that way yada yada yada”. but you could’ve done that without making him keith. also now give him something unique, cool, that falls in line with his sniper bit. i’m not saying just give him another gun, im saying give him something quiet and lethal. like a garotte. yeah i want garotte lance.
i yap a lot more in my notes by the way if you were interested in other unpopular opinions. don’t send me hate messages or comments i won’t read it and will block viciously i also will not be debating this this is my hill to die on <3
#voltron#if you wanna hate on me uh maybe don’t#i just also think everyone’s writing was lazy except allura’s by the end#i don’t go into RP/BP klance posts and hate on them so don’t come into my space i’m warning you im liberal with the block button#that’s my OPINIOOONNNNNN#voltron legendary defender#moths unpopular opinions#i hate red paladin lance and black paladin keith im not sorry#i also dislike the idea that the black paladin has a designated right hand man (figuratively)#that feels unfair in a way i can’t explain#to me#black paladin is someone that creates harmony in the group#not necessarily is the Ultimate Most Important dude#but the guy that can listen to all the noise and filter it out and come up with reasonable ideas and facilitate discussion#and make well informed snap decisions to guide the team#i don’t think there’s space for a right hand#moth speaks#lance mcclain#and i hate that shiro got side lined because they shot themselves in the foy#foot#anyways having a lion swap betrays the fundamentals of voltron we were introduced to#you can’t introduce a hard magic system and then say no thanks#like oh ok i guess it doesn’t matter if the lion chooses the paladin whatever#which by the way is my biggest issue with season one#i think it was structured badly and having allura designate lions from the get go also betrayed the principle#which you could argue for the lion swap using that argument but lance is really the only one who was without a doubt chosen by his lion#so#no#anyways#thanks for listening to me yap
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>"winter event with winter themed items"
>look inside
>it's literally just christmas
[insert that image of a cat staring at the camera really close up]
#eido.log#long rant in tags ->#sorry but i unironically hate this with fictional settings that have winter festivities of any kind#This is literally just christmas. you could've made ANY holiday ever. you could've gotten COOL with it#but no it's literally just christmas but recolored slightly#you could've done ANYTHING. LITERALLY ANYTHING#this game has greek mythology influences. why christmas#if it's canon that like “”christmas“” is a thing like ok yeah sure just make it make sense#but plopping down christmas for a “”“WINTER EVENT”“” and nothing else is just. uaahhghhghh#please please please look at anything other than christmas for possible influences into the holiday or MAKE SOMETHING UP COMPLETELY!!!!#sorry i'm not normal about this when i'm currently hyperfixating on the game in question#it's not that hard to make a fictional holiday when you have an entire magic system and—#—historical worldbuilding spanning 1800+ years#just say that it's christmas. it's not a bad word. just say that it's a christmas event#it's ok that you didn't think of literally any other festivities or traditions that happen in the winter ( ig )#but i'm still very very disappointed#if it's just going to be christmas then just say it's a christmas event#because if they said it was a christmas event i probably wouldn't've cared#but i really hoped with “winter” it would've been like. actually winter winter and not just christmas
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