#happy wille makes me happy! 🥰💜
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Wille Smiles or his Simon's amazing, I really like him smiles ❤️❤️
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kingofbodyrolls · 3 years
BTS fic recs: 2021
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fics post 💜
Also, most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.
BTS fic rec index 💜
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
⭐The Landlord 💯 by @ppersonna
// myg x f.reader // landlord!yoongi // 🥵😂
📝 your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, Yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
🗨️ HOT HOT HOT, fucking FIRE 🔥🔥🥵
⭐No Strings [completed series] 💯 by @kpopfanfictrash
// pjm x f.reader // f2l // 🥵
📝 It started off as such a simple question. How to know if you’re bad in bed? Of course when you asked, you didn’t imagine Jimin would actually answer.
⭐Him After All by @mercurygguk
// pjm x f.reader // s2l // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 A guy you’ve never met before scoops in and saves you from a very embarrassing situation and you can’t help but notice how cute he is.
⭐Cherry Flavored 💯 by @ppersonna
// pjm x f.reader // office!au // 🥵🥰😂
📝 When a secret admirer begins to leave messages and treats on your desk at work, your mind runs wild with 'who-dun-it’s. you’ll stop at nothing to determine the identity.
🗨️ This is just utterly sweet! 🥰
⭐Physical 💯 by @ppersonna
// pjm x f.reader // fitness instructor!jimin // 🥵🥰😂
📝 You can't seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
⭐Unicorn Ride 💯 by @missgeniality
// pjm x f.reader // s2? // 🥵
📝 Hunting men down at a club is inviting disappointment with open arms. But tonight, your body has been twisted, turned and bent on every possible surface, and you might be willing to reconsider. 
🗨️ I need to take a shower now ‘kay byeeeee 🥵 The dialogue, the writing, WORDS, smut – I… I’m slightly speechless. THIS IS FUCKING GOLD! If you don’t read this gem of a fic, I don’t know what you are doing with your life but then you are missing out.
⭐Chem Miss by @kpopfanfictrash
// pjm x f.reader // university!au, TA!jimin // 🥵
📝 “You’re my TA. I’m in your class. I’m sure you don’t want to spend your Saturday night talking to me about biochem.”
⭐Oh My God, They Were (Quarantined) Roommates 💯 by @ot7always
// jjk x f.reader // college!au, roommates!au // 🥰🥵
📝 What do you do when you’re quarantined for months on end with Jeon Jungkook - S tier cuddler, workout robot, and thirst trap extraordinaire? Fuck him, you guess.
⭐Mind in the Gutter by @kpopfanfictrash
// jjk x f.reader // bowling!au, workplace!au, romcom, s2l  // 🥵😂
📝 Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who?
⭐Banana Milk by @kimnjss
// jjk x f.reader // s2l // 🥵
📝 Sent to the grocery store in the middle of the day, you’d never believe who you ran into in the milk aisle. 
⭐A Date with Destiny by @missgeniality
// jjk x f.reader // idol!au, s2l // 🥵🥰😂
📝 You are a boss lady in the tech industry traveling to world for work. He is a chart-topping artist touring the globe to perform in front of millions of fans. In the cosmos of life, you are not likely to cross paths. Luckily, fate has a different plan for you two.
⭐McD*ckin 💯 by @jinned
// jjk x f.reader // slice of life, fast food worker!jk, customer!reader, s2l // 🥵😂
📝 “So, if I’m so predictable,” you tease, running your finger along his clothed chest, “what am I going to do next?”
🗨️ I’d like to order a McChicken please 🙋🏾‍♀️🥵💦 this was funny, and actually made me laugh like a freak at some points 🤣 also the second hand embarrassment 😳🙈 It really cheered me up. I really liked the ordering menu when reader arrived 🙈🤭 also the ending, which was unexpected for me, but I quite liked it because it wasn’t “super happy and lovey dovey” like most of the stories I read, but still open 😊
⭐Caught Me 💯 by @jeongi
// jjk x f.reader // roommate!au, e2l // 🥵😂
📝 You hate your temporary roommate, jungkook and it doesn’t help that he’s been catching you at the most inconvenient of times.
🗨️ This is a fucking MASTERPIECE 💖 I love the banter and comedy, how JK gets on readers nerves 😂 I love absolutely every fucking thing about this and don’t get me started on the smut 🔥🔥 🔥
⭐Anpanman 💯 by @honeymoonjin
// jjk x f.reader // bf2l // 🥵😂🥰
📝 Your best friend jungkook finally convinces you to seek therapy for your failing mental health. the only catch? the one therapist that’s within your price range is an alternative marriage counsellor, jung hoseok, and the only way jungkook managed to get you an appointment was by saying the two of you were married. will couples counselling actually be useful for your wellbeing, or will something that runs much deeper rise to the surface instead?
⭐By its Cover by @gimmesumsuga
// jjk x f.reader // 🥵
AN: I am posting this in august 2023, but dating the post back to some time in 2021 😆
Borahae 💜
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forever-rogue · 2 years
I don't know if you're still writing for Frankie morales 🥺 but can I request a fic of you getting him flowers? Maybe after he mentions he's never been given them by an s/o, or the reader does it just because? 💜
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AN | We always love Frankie in this house🥰 And I realized I read this prompt backwards, so it’s Frankie getting flowers for reader, but I hope you still enjoy!
Pairing | Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language, Mentions of Pregnant!Reader
Word Count | 3.1k
Masterlist | Frankie, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────
Daffodils for new beginnings 
You were practically buzzing with excited energy as you pulled on your shoes and put in your earrings, waiting for Frankie to show up and pick you up for your date. It was only your third date, but you really liked him already. There was something about him that was so warm and inviting; he made you feel comfortable and safe. He was smart and funny, kind, and on top of it all he was extremely handsome. 
You weren’t sure exactly what you were expecting after having been single for so long. You didn’t know if this was going to last until you had sex and then you’d mutually call it a day or if this was something both of you wanted to last. You already liked him a lot, you were willing to admit that, and hoped it would be something that could potentially last. When your friend had set you up on a blind date with Frankie, you’d been vehemently against it, but the moment you saw him waiting for you, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, you decided maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. 
Turns out you were right. As soon as you heard your doorbell ring, you yelped in nervous excitement. You took a minute to calm yourself before slowly walking to the door, listening to your heels click on the hardwood. You opened the door and found Frankie on the other side, a pretty smile on his face - the one you already loved that showed his dimple and made his eyes all crinkly - and another bouquet of daffodils in his hand. Your face lit up with happiness; no one had ever gotten you flowers before and here he was, presenting you with beautiful ones for a second time. 
“Hi Cielo,” you could tell he was nervous as he held the flowers out to you. He looked you over, his eyes widening when he looked at the pretty sundress you were wearing, “you look beautiful.”
“Hi Frankie,” and oh. Your smile made his knees weak as he could see you looking him over, admiring his well fitting jeans and button down. You really liked the salt and pepper that was starting to fleck his beard and hair. It made him look oh so very handsome, “it’s so good to see you again. You look very handsome yourself!”
“It’s good to see you too,” he held out the flowers to you, which you eagerly took, “these are for you. Not nearly as pretty as you are, but I hope you like them.”
“I love them,” you promised softly, the familiar prickling of tears at the back of your eyes. You held them to your chest, inhaling their sweet scent, “do you want to come in for a moment? I just want to put these in some water and then I’ll be ready to go.”
“Of course,” shyly following you inside, he padded along to the kitchen, looking around your house with curious eyes. It wasn’t that he was necessarily nosey, but he liked getting an intimate and personal look into your life. There were lots of pictures and other personal touches around and it all worked to make him smile. He hadn’t realized that he’d stopped to study some of them until he heard you calling him from the kitchen. He snapped back into reality and trailed after you, “sorry,”
“No need to apologize,” you grabbed a vase from the cabinet and poured in some water, vinegar, and sugar before adding the flowers, “there we go. They’re lovely. You know, no one’s really gotten flowers for me before. Well, before now. But I…really appreciate it.”
Frankie’s cheeks flushed to a pretty pink as he nodded. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this nervous, more like a boy rather than a grown man, “I’ll make sure you always have some flowers.”
It was a promise he intended on keeping.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────
Tulips for devotion 
You hummed to yourself, moving around Frankie’s kitchen as you finished up dinner. Frankie was picking up a few things at the store, promising he’d be back soon. You liked being at this place, spending any time with him you could honestly. Most nights these days he was either at yours or you were at his. These days it often made you wonder if the two of you were going to take the next step in your relationship and think about moving in together. The idea alone was enough to make your heart flutter with happiness. 
“I’m back,” you heard the door open and close followed by the sound of his warm voice. You listened to him kick off his boots before he came down the hall and into the kitchen. You found him holding something behind his back and raised your eyebrows in question, “I couldn’t help myself.”
“Ta da!” He pulled out a giant arrangement of tulips, all different beautiful colors. You stopped what you were doing, quickly wiping your hands on the tea towel before turning to him with wide eyes, “some flowers for my Cielo.”
“Francisco,” you took them from him, setting them down before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you. You heard his warm chuckle deep in his chest as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “they’re beautiful. I love them - I love you. So much.”
“I love you,” his strong arms wrapped around your waist and he hugged you tightly to his chest, rubbing your back soothingly, “I’m glad you like them.”
“You spoil me,” you pulled back before leaning up and peppering his handsome face in soft kisses. He put his hands on top of yours where you had placed them on his face, taking them in his and bringing them to his lips to press soft kisses to your knuckles.
“I like doing it,” he insisted softly, “it’s not like you don’t do the same to me, Cielo. But I am glad you like them. And whatever you’re cooking smells delicious.”
“Yeah?” you asked softly as he nodded happily, “that’s because it’s all your favorites, Frankie. I figured it was the least I could do - you had a long, hard week.”
“You’re perfect,” he playfully groaned as he clutched at his heart, “anything I can do to help?”
“Grab some plates and silverware please,” you patted his chest, giving him one last kiss before turning to put your new flowers into a vase. He’d promised you, early on in your relationship, that he was always going to make sure you had some flowers. He’d made sure to live up to that promise.
You really enjoyed evenings spent with Frankie. The two of you sat at the small table in his kitchen, talking about anything and everything that crossed your minds. Everything came so easily with him; it had never felt like this with anyone else before. That’s one of the many ways you knew he was the one for you. 
“Listen,” Frankie pulled you out of thoughts as he leaned back in his chair and gave you a serious look. A bundle of nerves settled in your tummy as you grew nervous. He sounded so serious that it made you wonder what he could possibly bring up. Your first thought was that he was going to break up with you; but nothing in his actions or words suggested that. He must have read your mind because he shook his head softly at you, “it’s nothing bad, I promise.”
“I wasn’t…worried.”
“Oh baby, you were totally panicking,” he snickered in amusement, gently leaning forward to poke your cheek, “I know you better than you think. You can’t hide your emotions whatsoever.”
“It’s both my best and worst trait,” you admitted sheepishly, “but out with it! You’re making me nervous.”
“I’ve been thinking,” it was his turn to seem nervous as you watched him intently, “we’ve been dating for some time now, and we spend a lot of time either here or at your place. And I think it just doesn’t make sense for us to keep going back and forth between two places, you know. I was thinking that maybe we could start…thinking about moving in together.”
“Oh,” you looked at him with wide doe eyes and he grew worried at your simple response. Maybe this wasn’t something you’d wanted after all.
“Oh?” he repeated, his voice small and anxious, “that doesn’t sound too good.”
“N-no,” you shook your head quickly, “it’s just that…I was thinking about the same thing earlier today.”
“Really?” his pretty brown eyes lit up as you nodded and the most dopey and lovesick smile worked its way onto his face, “and umm…what did you think about the idea?”
“Judging by the fact that we’re both here right now, I think you know,” you teased, reaching for his hand across the table, giving his much larger hand a squeeze, “I’d love for us to move in together, Frankie.”
“Yeah?” his little question was so soft that you couldn’t help but laugh warmly; the sound went straight to his heart.
“Yeah,” you promised, “there’s nothing I’d love more than to make a home with you, Francisco Morales.”
“Me too, Cielo,” he whispered softly, “me too.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────
Calla Lillies for beauty
You groaned as you walked out of the bathroom for what seemed like the millionth that day, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You were tired as you’d ever been and felt disgusting. The women that made pregnancy seem magical and wonderful were a completely different kind of woman, you’d decided. You were barely scraping by most days. 
You dragged yourself into the kitchen, hoping that a cup of tea would settle your stomach. But as soon as you walked in the room, you spotted a huge vase of calla lilies on the counter, causing you to pause as a wave of emotion washed over you. You went over to them, touching over some of the soft blooms as you tried not to cry.
“Cielo?” you turned around and found Frankie standing in the doorway with a worried look on his face, “sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“What are these for?” you sniffled and pointed at the flowers, “they weren’t here this morning when I got up!”
“Do you not like them?” he grew worried that somehow he’d gotten you the one type of flower you didn’t like for some reason. He walked over to you and tenderly put his hands on your shoulders, “I just wanted to get you a little something, that’s all. I can get you different ones.”
“No,” you shook your head, looked up at him with teary eyes, “I love them. They’re so beautiful. I…I don’t deserve you, Frankie.”
“Of course you do,” he let out a small sigh of relief when he realized you weren’t mad after all - just hormonal. Not that he blamed you of course, “if anything I don’t deserve you, Cielo. I love you, yeah?”
“I know,” your expression softened when he tenderly brushed away the few tears that had rolled down your cheeks, “love you too, Frankie. ‘m sorry I’m being like this. I just feel so…horrible right now.”
“I’m sorry,” his voice was tender as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I wish I could make it all better for you. Is there anything I can do? Can I make you something to eat or drink? Bath? Nap? But just so you know, you’re still the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“All of that,” you gave him a little smile as you perked up, “but you don’t need to do anything special - or flatter me. I know you have things to do. I’ll be okay, Frankie.”
“Nonsense,” he tutted lightly as you beamed brighter than the golden sunshine, “there’s nothing I’d rather do than spend time with you. And, if it’s any consolation, you should start feeling better soon. Apparently, at least from what I’ve read, it gets much better after the first trimester. And you’re almost there.”
“You know the fact that you’ve done as much reading and research as me during this pregnancy is both incredibly sexy, and heartwarming,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek, watching him blush as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, “I’m so lucky to have you, Frankie. I’m glad…you know, I never knew if I really wanted children before. But with you, I knew.”
“Me too,” he admitted sheepishly as the two of you exchanged shy smiles, “I wasn’t sure either…it kind of seemed like a thing I’d never have myself. But then I met you and….everything changed. 
“For the better I hope,” your little question had him laughing warmly at you. He gave you a gentle squeeze, ever so careful to make sure not to squeeze too tightly, despite the fact that you insisted that he wouldn’t harm the baby. 
“As if that’s even a question,” he playfully rolled his eyes, “now - what first, Cielo? Food, bath, nap?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────
Roses for romance
“Mama?” the small, soft voice of your daughter reached your ears as you turned around to find her peeking at you from behind the counter. You couldn’t help but smile but grin at her little bit of shyness. She was a sweet, sensitive little thing but you adored her gentle nature. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” you crouched down so you were almost eye level with her and held out your arms to her. She padded her way over and let you squish her to your chest. She tried to hug you back as best as possible with her little arms, “what’s up, buttercup?”
“How come you and daddy aren’t married?” she asked softly as you froze and looked at her curiously. She’d never asked you a question like that before and it caught you off guard. Not the question itself offended you or anything, it just came out of the blue.
“Where is this coming from, baby?” you asked her and she shrugged innocently, her big brown eyes wide and nervous. You brushed some of her dark curls out of her face before kissing her cheeks, “we just never got married, that’s all. But that doesn’t mean we love each other any less. Or you. I love you and daddy more than anything in this world.”
“I love you too,” she gave you her best little gapped tooth grin, “would you marry daddy?”
You raised an eyebrow, now extremely curious as to where her questions were coming from, “Daisy….why are you asking me these questions? Did someone say something? Kids at school?”
“No,” she shook her head, giggling softly, “just wanna know.”
“Mhmm,” you shook your head in amusement, “you are something else, kid. But to answer your question, yes, I would marry him. But it really doesn’t change anything, just so you know. We’re always going to love each other, and you.”
“Okay,” she nodded before wiggling her way out of your arms and running back to whatever she had been up before her little interrogation. You let out a small sigh before standing back up to go back to making dinner. But there was an entirely new sight that caught your eye - on the counter was a large, pretty vase filled with different colors of roses. You made a small sound of surprise as you took a step closer and touched a few of the soft petals.
“Hi,” you startled, having been so focused that you didn’t even notice Frankie standing at the other side of the counter. He had a soft smile on his face as blinked back a few tears at the sweet gesture, “surprise.”
“Francisco,” his name fell from your lips like a soft whisper as you walked over to him, looping your arms around his neck before kissing him. It took him by surprise for a moment, but he quickly caught up and kissed you back, not pulling away until you were both breathless. Your smile was brighter than anything he had ever seen, “they’re beautiful. I love you.”
“I love you,” he touched the side of your face, studying you softly, “there’s something else there too. Just have to take a closer look.”
“I…” he put his hands on your shoulders and turned you around so you were facing the flowers. He kissed the top of your head, “what are you up to, Frankie?”
“Nothing,” he was not convincing at all, “nothing at all, Cielo.”
“Mhmm,” but there was a smile on your face as you started to look through the flowers to see what he could possibly be up to, “you’re just as bad as your daughter, you know that?”
“She’s your daughter too!”
“Not right now she’s not,” you jokingly huffed lightly, noticing something tied to one of the long stems. You reached in, careful not to prick yourself as you pick at the small string. When you saw what was attached to it, you felt like your heart was going to stop, “Frankie…”
In your hand was the prettiest ring you had ever seen. It was sparkling and glittering in the light as you turned back to him and held it up in question, as if you didn’t know where this was going. He had the biggest smile on his face as he took the ring from you and gently grabbed your other hand, “well, you told Daisy that you’d marry me, so I think it’s my turn to ask now.”
“Listen, Cielo, I know we did things a little backwards with having a kid first, but that’s never meant that I didn’t want to marry you,” he seemed nervous, almost as if he thought there was some conceivable way that you’d possibly say no, “and it doesn’t matter what order we do things in anyway, you know? We’ve always been a family and we’ll always be a family. But I want to do this too, so…will you marry me?”
“Yes,” there wasn’t even a moment of hesitation, “of course, yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
He wasted no time in slipping the ring onto your finger, before you pulled him to your lips, kissing him with gentle reverence, “I can’t wait to marry you, baby.”
“Me too,” you grinned and then you paused for a moment and gave him an amused look, “did you put our daughter up to this? Is that why she was asking me all those questions?”
“Frankie,” but you were laughing, nothing but affection coloring your tone, “I can’t believe you. Although I suppose I should…it’s very on brand for both of you.”
“It’s because we love you so much,” he grinned as Daisy came back over and hugged your legs, “right Daisy?”
“Right,” she agreed fervently. 
“I love you both too. Endlessly.”
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johnica-weeks · 8 months
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Johnica Week 2024
When is the event? 📆
This year's Johnica Week will start on Thursday 18th January and end on Sunday 21st January! For the first time the event will START on their wedding anniversary and continue throughout the weekend 🥰 But as always, don't worry if you're late! You can keep sending your contributions after the last day, these are simply indicative days to gather all together 💕
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2024 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here is the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys and/or @johnica-weeks in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist | 2023 Masterlist
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The Theme 🎁
The 49th Wedding Anniversary comes soon before the huge milestone of the 50 years together, and it's usually represented by various symbols that I added to the prompts: Zircon, Orchids, the color Purple, and luxurious gifts. The main theme of this year's event is GIFTS, the act of giving the partner something material or abstract as an act of selflessness, that can have various meanings and various reactions.
Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about gifts as physical objects or as ideas for situations or alternative worldbuildings.
How? 🖼
You're encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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Day 1 • 18 January (Anniversary!)
Flowers: Orchids are symbols of love, beauty, refinement, fertility, strength and resilience, and mature charm.
Surprise gift!
Handmade by the other
Young, poor and happy together
"I've got a loving wife and a couple of kids at home, that'll do me!"
Day 2 • 19 January
The color: Purple can evoke spirituality, mystery, royalty, imagination, compassion, fantasy, wisdom, creativity and sensitivity.
A kinky gift 😏
Concert tickets
Radio interview
“When you love something, you protect it with your entire life. Right now, my guts tell me to do the same.”
Day 3 • 20 January
Gemstone: Zircon zircon is a talisman of travelers. They count on it to lead to a shelter and show the right way. Plus, it is able to protect from injuries. Women used the gem to ease childbirth, drive away evil spirits, enhance health, get wisdom, and attract good luck.
Rejecting a gift
Torn between options
Dreaming and daydreaming
"You remembered something I’d mentioned a million years ago!"
Day 4 • 21 January
Celebration: Luxury the 49th wedding anniversary is the step right before the big 50, also known as the Golden wedding. All the symbols represent the wealth of experience a couple has after being married for nearly five decades. Two people who are willing to work together and compromise and do all the things that make a marriage successful deserve to celebrate with a bit of Luxury.
Matching pyjamas
Spa experience / Pampering one another
Knowing each other like an open book
"Oh my, this must have been expensive!" "Nothing is expensive enough for you, my love."
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What can you do? ✒
You can join with fanfics, edits and moodboards, drawings of all kinds and if you want to sing or play an instrument please feel free to!
The requirements are:
John and Veronica Deacon as the main pairing;
Your love and creativity! 🥰
You can write/draw:
Fics with and without accurate settings and timelines;
Alternative Universes (AU) of any kind and genre, mixed or not with the prompts (ex. Fem!John AU + coffee shop, A/B/O AU + Superpowers);
“What if"s;
Genderswap/genderbending of any kind;
Other Queen members, friends, pairings, family, poly ships (that have to involve both John and Veronica!), OCs, etc…
Fluff, angst, crack, hurt/comfort, action, mystery, sexy times… anything you fancy!
🔥 NSFW is allowed with PROPER TAGS! IMPORTANT note: please interact with NSFW only if you’re +18! 🔞
… and more! If you’re unsure feel free to ask!
We’re here to celebrate John and Veronica Deacon, not to create drama or fights nor to disrespect their privacy. So please be considered about your entries and comments and always try to be respectful to John, to Veronica, to their family and friends, to the people who ship them or ship other couples and to your audience.
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HOW to post? 🤔
You can post your entries here on Tumblr, on AO3 and on Instagram, using the hashtag #JohnicaWeek2024 and tagging me.
If you prefer, you can post anonymously on AO3, HERE is an easy guide on how to do it!
If you’re on Tumblr and want to post a fic anonymously please send me a DM and I’ll post it on @johnica-weeks on your behalf, crediting it as Anonymous author! I will also post fics from Anon authors posted on AO3 here on tumblr on Anon's behalf.
🔥 TAG your work APPROPRIATELY! This includes all potential triggers and smut. On Tumblr you can include the appropriate warnings at the top of the fic followed by a "keep reading” cut (you can add it in desktop version AND on mobile by writing :readmore: in a new line!) Also be sure to tag the rating of your fic, the genre and the themes of your story, enough to help the readers!
✨ If you’re still unsure, HERE’s a useful guide on how to tag your works!
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As a reader... 📖
If you’re a fan of John, of Johnica or simply like to read fanfictions, positive interactions are always much welcomed! Support the authors by leaving likes, a comment (even a little one!) and sharing their work. On AO3 you don’t need an account to leave Kudos and Comments! (Unless the author has willingly prevented guests to comment). To leave a comment on AO3 you simply have to choose a temporary mail and set your email to get a notification for an eventual reply.
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During the event, if any of you/your entries gets hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, the Johnica ship, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love. If you see a hateful comment on other works do not engage, instead leave a positive comment to the same work and support the author! 💜
Realistic or not, remember that fanfictions are, by definition, FICTIONAL and not meant to be a documentary! There are lots of things we don’t know about John and Veronica’s private lives and don’t want to go in too deeply, gossip or speculate about them, so feel free to fly with your fantasy and let your creativity flow! 😊💖 Most of all… have fun, respect each other and support each other’s works!
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Dividers and graphics by @firefly-graphics and @johnica-weeks. As always for any info and question feel free to send an ask or a DM!
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Hi! I read your kiss scenarios with Gojo and I'm hooked! 💗 Could you possibly do kiss prompt #15 for him?
Hi hi, I'm glad you liked them!! 💜 thank you for the follow and your kind comments, and certainly, I'm happy to give some more kisses to Gojo~ This is kind of pre-established relationship/confession, wanted to go a bit of a different route 🥰
(Requests now closed upon posting this, but feel free to check out the prompt list linked below!)
Gojo Satoru x GN!reader
♡ sharing a surprise kiss
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The moment Gojo invited you out to the aquarium, you knew he was up to something. Not that the man couldn't have a sweet and sincere moment from time to time, but he was famous for getting on your nerves a little. It was his form of affection, honestly, that you'd grown very used to. And he liked to try to invite you on dates on a weekly basis, but given his joking attitude and whimsical ways, you were always too nervous and wary to accept, rejecting him each and every time. He'd find every possible moment to ask: during battles, while teaching, while [he was] being chewed out by the higher ups.
So this was a first, seeing him show up to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers, arms full of morning glories an iridescent blue like his eyes, only covered in sunglasses today. Something nagged in the back of your mind about the meaning of gifting a morning glory, but you were too surprised to think more on the subject at the time. All you could do was thank him, ignoring the heat in your face as you set them up in a vase. Perhaps it was the sweet gesture that made you cave, or perhaps you knew the ache in your heart was something more serious than you were willing to accept. But you managed a quick yes, rushing off to get ready for the outing and missing the giddy look on Gojo's face.
The date itself went surprisingly smooth, Gojo being his usual self and making little jokes about how some of the fish looked, or making up stories about them. He'd even made a distasteful joke about wanting sashimi after the aquarium, a comment that was quickly followed up with a smack to his arm. But you were finding it easy to unwind, probably the most relaxing day you'd had all year. It helped that Gojo always knew exactly how to make you laugh, like he knew you like the back of his hand.
As you two approached the largest room, the shark room, it was easy to fall quiet, simply absorbing the sheer scale of place and the tranquility of the waters. Despite having many people around you, something about the calming blue and slow speed of the sharks made it feel as if you were the only two there. Gojo sidled up beside you, hand bumping yours. Any other time, you would have turned away, but perhaps feeling like you were alone emboldened you both. Someone's pinky linked with the other's, before eventually your hands came together effortlessly, fingers twined together. Your hand felt hot, almost unbearable, but you couldn't stand the thought of letting go.
As you watched on, out of nowhere, the meaning of a morning glory came to mind: affection. It made your heart start racing, putting together what it all meant, what Gojo was trying to tell you. And perhaps Gojo had some kind of sixth sense about your revelation, as his shocking white hair came into view for just a moment before something soft touched your lips. Your brain took a moment to register, but it was natural the way you leaned into him then, like it was meant to be. You still had to seriously consider what you'd do going forward, but for now, you chose to live in this blissful moment and accept his love.
Send me a type of kiss and a character!
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
Hi again! Still absolutely adore your Kid fic from your last event 💜 Never got around to asking for a Sanji one, so here I am again😅 But seriously, congrats on over 550 followers!! Love seeing your blog grow, cause you’re really talented and deserve them all and legit can’t wait til you hit 1k+ 🥰
For the event order, may I please ask for a #1 with my boi Sanji, with anmitsu, konpeito, and keylime pie and with honey, please? 🥹 i hate this but need some sanji angst 😭
I also dunno if these three would work particularly well together for a prompt, so you can choose whatever! just really feeling angst and sanji rn and maybe comfort if you’d like 🥰
Thank you for all your works you’ve done so far 💜💜
hiiii omg haha i loved that fic fr (i'm obsessed w that man!!!) also ily for requesting sanji i don't write him nearly enough 🥰️ but thank you sm!! 😭 making me all soft and i am so so sorry this took forever, as u know i am so slow but!!! i had fun tormenting sanji w the angst ngl 💓💓💓💓 also those were great choices for the prompt, i wanted to write more but it would've been 8k words before i finished and who has time for that (i do, but listen... that's besides the point) ✨
2k words, fem reader (honestly gn too now that i think abt it), sfw (SHOCKING i know), 18+ mdni, a lil bit suggestive but nothing wild, angst angst angst city babey, fluff if you squint, also i gave u comfort bc u deserve it bb 💗(and sanji does too); feat. sanji being in denial forever and ever, mutual pining, fake unrequited love, reader is determined and sanji is a coward; also i made myself sad writing this but a good sad bc sanji deserves happiness and i'll fight oda if he doesn't get it i s2g... (if u see grammar mistakes/spelling errors... no u didn't 💗)
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“loving each other began this way: threading / loneliness into loneliness / patiently, our hands trembling and precise.” — yehuda amichai
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STEP 01:
what does it take to kill a soul? —
a question that’s posed unironically, without a hint of remorse or tact, the words precise and venomous, slicing through the thick veneer that he’s carefully crafted. he’s never been able to answer that question — not at six years old, not twelve or fifteen, and not at twenty-one. his siblings took pleasure in taunting him with seemingly philosophical questions, ones that clamped down onto his thoughts with heavy shackles.
even after he’s extracted himself from that life, he can’t scrub those memories from his mind — no matter how hard he tries. they sit, still raw and bloody, giving rise to unpleasant emotions that make his stomach churn from so many things left unsaid. he never set out to be a pirate, but piracy has given him the sort of freedom that he could only wish for as a child.
it’s with tender hands, with nimble yet graceful fingers, and with a fastidiousness that puts him in a category of his own, that he creates and creates and creates —
he’s told he’s an artist, which only pushes him to work harder, to be better. and when he asks himself why, he doesn’t have an answer. or, rather, the answer he does have only serves as a punishing reminder that he’ll never be good enough. no matter how many times his crew mates thank him — their emphatic, genuine praise a soft, warm breeze against his heart, gentle caresses that he commits to memory — despair still manages to infiltrate, a darkness choking out what little light he has left inside of him.
STEP 02:
how far are you willing to go to reach the truth? —
when you join the crew, he’s unnerved by your presence, which is wholly unlike him. usually, he’s able to put on his façade of the flirtatious cook, one that’s jovial and sociable, that lives to serve and please those around him. his first conversation with you ends in disaster; he spills the drink he tried to pour for you, despite your insistence that you are perfectly capable of pouring your own drink — and he knows it’s not out of malice, but it cuts into him all the same.
he tries again and again, bringing you little treats that you only agree to eating if he sits and eats with you; confusion eats away at his mind, and when he opens his mouth to decline, you pat the seat next to you and he acquiesces. he sits stiffly, at first, unsure of why he always feels on edge around you — an irritating need to impress you in a way he’s never wanted to for others grows stronger by the day.
you think it’s cute that he always seems flustered around you — that he stumbles over his words, refuses to hold eye contact with you for longer than thirty seconds — you also think it’s cute that the false bravado that he puts on for the world, diminishes immediately the second you come close to him. if he’s skittish, it’s because you always catch him staring at you; despite his quick reflexes, his reactions around you are slow but pure — childish, almost.
lately he’s clumsier and scatterbrained, nearly burning dinner when you decide to keep him company. you lean against the countertop, a teasing smile on your face — the same one that that caused him to bump his forehead against the cabinet door earlier — as you prattle on about a dream you had. he can barely keep up, his eyes drifting from the skillet to your face, gliding around the curve of your cheek, dipping lower in a slow descent along your neck.
he blinks repeatedly when he reaches your clavicle, stunned at his restraint; and it’s only when you call his name loudly that he realizes he’s left the heat on for too long.
“are you okay?” you ask when you see that he’s fussing over how best to save the dish, mouth moving as he quietly mutters to himself. he barely registers your voice, as an insidious one whispers harshly into his ears about his perpetual incompetence and lack of talent.
you can see that he’s retreated even further into his mind, a feat that also leaves you frustrated. you want to shake him but refrain and grab his hand instead. he snaps out of whatever stupor that held him captive just moments ago, lips parting as he sighs softly before glancing down at you.
“thank you.”
the words are quiet, but impactful, as he didn’t think he’d be able to get them out. you let go of his hand too soon, but he doesn’t say anything else, choosing to focus on cooking than embarrassing himself again in front of you.
you take his silence as a silent dismissal, but you don’t fight him on it — it’s bitter, that sort of rejection, and you swallow back your argument with great difficulty.
STEP 03:
what’s the difference between cowardice and self-preservation? —
frustration bubbles underneath his skin when he can’t find where he placed his lighter; he runs a hand through his hair and tugs on impulse, accidentally ripping a few strands from his scalp. they swirl and tumble onto the ground, pathetic in a way — just like me, but he never really says that out loud. he doesn’t hear your footsteps, although you did your best to remain as quiet as possible.
a cigarette sits in between his lips, and he has half a mind to toss it over the railing of the ship, but a warmth suddenly appears in front of him in the form of a flame. you found his lighter on the floor earlier and meant to give it to him, but every time you got closer, he found every excuse to leave. you don’t realize the impact you have on him — not really, anyway — because he’s genuinely surprised that you can’t hear the heavy beats of his heart that grow more intolerable the longer he hangs around you.
always afraid of being found out, he opts to keep his distance. it’s easier this way, he tells himself, better. but he doesn’t quite believe that; the evidence is plain as day when his tongue feels like its grown three sizes in the span of seconds, where his words get lost and forgotten. it’s all your fault, he reasons; you who insists on talking candidly with him, who insists on listening to him ramble about his dreams, who absolutely insists on stubbornly tearing down his walls, steadily chipping away without a care in the world. he looks at you as if you are the source of all his problems, but he also looks at you as if you’re the solution.
the intensity behind his stare makes your hands tremble slightly, it’s a miracle you’ve managed to keep yourself composed for this long. you light the end of his cigarette with ease, as if you’ve done this for him hundreds of times —and place the lighter into his pants pocket afterwards. if he wasn’t so used to you getting in his personal space all the time, he’d retreat immediately. the proximity is almost too much for him, but he doesn’t step back; you take that as a good sign and keep him company for a few minutes.
you don’t care for the smell of smoke, but on him it smells good. you almost tell him that, but instead bite down on your lip and keep your comment at bay, nerves getting the best of you as you nearly choke on the possibility that your feelings won’t be reciprocated.
another time, maybe. cheeks flushed, you turn your face to look elsewhere. although, you wonder if there ever will be another time. with him, you never know.
he’s still trying to figure you out and why he feels a different sort of calm around you; it’s alarming and new, drumming up an irrational fear within him. he doesn’t think he’s deserving of your attention or affection, and he’s convinced himself that you don’t harbor any romantic feelings for him. and why would you?
one by one, his thoughts pummel into him, acerbic and overwhelming. he exhales a sliver of smoke and puts the cigarette out. he gives you a quick, apologetic look before telling you goodnight, the smile on his face is melancholic and barely existent. you don’t dare say a word, keep your lips pressed together stubbornly; exasperated and dejected, you don’t know what’s worse — his inability to lower his guard around you for longer than ten minutes, or your inability to stop yourself from trying to carve pieces of yourself to give to him.
maybe if you helped him fill the gaping holes in his heart, he’d truly understand how you feel.
STEP 04:
if you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently? —
sleep evades you after that night, and the night after that, and so forth; it gets so bad that you’re yawning in the middle of the day, falling asleep before you can have a cup of coffee or tea. this does not go unnoticed by the others, and after talking with nami, you feel less out of your element and finally can see the parts of sanji that he wants to keep hidden. her advice is simple: approach slowly and with intent; corner him and don’t let him escape.
you bide your time, full confident that you can find a moment to sit down with him and talk this all out. it doesn’t come easy, but franky mysteriously swaps sanji for the night’s watch — something that should strike you as odd, but it’s a small opening that you take without thinking as you hurriedly climb up to the crow’s nest with a renewed sort of energy.
even with his eyes closed, as he sits lazily on the bench with head tilted back against the wall, he knows it’s you.
“go back to bed,” he says firmly, refusing to look at you.
your stubbornness, unfortunately, wins out. “i’m staying.” at that he sits up, his attention completely on you as his eyes widen at your words. he wants to ask you why, but cowardice wins out — again. as his features soften, a flush crawls along his face, lightly painting his cheeks pink. he closes his eyes again, tries to steady his breathing as he counts backwards, only for his efforts to be obliterated with ease the moment you sit next to him.
as your thigh presses against his, you take his hand and on impulse you trace your fingertip along the lines on his palm. he watches you with a morbid fascination that scares him; but then you start to say things like, “you will live a very long life,” and “you are courageous, and you have a big heart.”
a small part of him wants to pull his hand away, so you won’t say anything else — but he remains put, so still that you almost think he’s stopped breathing. your voice is sweet and disarming, even when you carry on this charade of reading his palm. a belated realization hits him forcefully, making him blink several times; it dawns on him that you’ve always been so kind and gentle with him, even when you teased him. he’s spent all this time overthinking and hiding behind his past, that it never occurred to him that he could have simply let you in. you’ve never given him reason to believe that you’d betray or harm him intentionally.
he takes a deep breath, voice a little uneven, “i—”
you lean in close, adoration dripping onto your words as you interrupt him. “hey, have i told you?” the question glides along his skin, the words seeping into him as you continue, the lilt in your voice a honeyed, melodic spell. “you remind me of starlight and the mysteries of space.” your lips brush against his when you tell him that, and a warmth settles into the middle of his chest, makes it hard to focus. he doesn’t think when he curls his fingers around yours and doesn’t think when heleans down to kiss you — tender yet electrifying all the same.
the move disarms you in a way that doesn’t quite make sense to you, so you simply hum in approval and lean your head against his shoulder. a comfortable silence settles around you both, but you don’t mind that at all; it’s nice, not having to tip-toe around him anymore, and the demons that plagued him for so long don’t seem so intimidating with you by his side.
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fbwzoo · 7 months
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I can't share the 30-some pictures I did with my FB post, going from last December to this December. So I'll just use this one - which I just took after a quick harness training session in which she bounced across half the couch to meet me & wagged for the first 15 seconds, and before she made me put my phone down for a bout of snuggle scritches. 😭🥰
This is such a long post, I'm going to put it under a cut. But today is the 1 year anniversary of Emma coming home to us, and I am FULL of emotions over this little dog. So if you want to read my rambling & think with me how far my baby has come in a year.... read on!
One year of my Emma. 💙💜 I didn't really expect to love this dog so much, velcro dog and all. She is definitively My Dog, and I never had a choice in the matter. I think that was just gonna happen, ever since I first saw her adoption post 1 year & 9 months ago. Every time I saw her posted again, I wanted her. It was meant to be! 🥰
And now I look back on the year & think about it all. We changed a bunch of things in our household for this little dog, and all year, we kept adjusting & improving where it was needed for her & the other animals. I love my family so much, and I'm so grateful to have found these other people who love animals & are so willing to adapt as needed for their happiness too. Everyone in the house agreed to take on a project dog, and everyone stepped up to help her settle in.
It's weird too, bc it often doesn't feel like we've DONE that much. But when I tell someone new about her, or spell it out for myself, I'm reminded that we've done the work, even if it mostly didn't seem like work. And we gave her what we knew we absolutely could, what she needed most - time and space. We went at her pace, let her lead us, and it's been truly amazing to watch her over this year.
Emma has gone from being very worried to terrified about any & all human movements, unable to be pet or touched, quick to be on guard at any small change in position. Terrified of loud noises and too much activity. Barking at Joel to try and make him go away. Pottying in the house on pee pads because outside is scary. Only laying in a lap if the lap was covered with a blanket.
All of that.... to a dog that spends 98% of her time relaxed, happy, and ready to be involved. She greets us with alert barks instead of guarding barks, tail wags, bouncing, and licks (okay, mostly me for some of that but still). Everyone in the house has been able to pet her. She actively loves to be pet by Jack in bed & me anywhere when she wants snuggles. She plays with her dog siblings and with me. She discovered the joys of yard zoomies early on & never looked back - she potty trained faster and better than Spring!
She knows and likes our household routines. She LOVES food, and it's the quickest way to her heart! 😂 But she's learned some manners too, like not snatching food with any opportunity! She's gotten more comfortable being on the floor. She still likes to chew more than our other two, and has gotten really great at managing big emotions by redirecting to a Benebone!
We're not the best at active training, but even so, she makes us & me look good! She's interested now, when the treats come out, and wants to see what to do to get some. She interacts with new objects, she is doing great with harness training.
She has opinions now!!! And she will tell you!!! Especially if they involve dinner time! 😂 I still can't believe she demand barks now, and it's been too cute for us to bother stopping for the most part.
I've thought about goals for her over the next year, and I definitely have some big ones. Continue harness training until I can put it fully on her & take it off. Leash skills & comfort with them. All of that slowly, so slowly leading up to trips out of the house - to do vet happy visits, check out some SniffSpots, and go visit her sister at foster mom's house. I also want to introduce some pattern games to help with all of that.
And we plan to start having people over to the house again! Not sure how often or how many, and we may have to alter pace based on how she does. But she's so often surprised us with her resilience, so I think we'll do okay! (And obviously all visitors will be required to follow rules around my pup, or face the mama bear wrath 😂)
But mostly....I just can't wait for another year with this extremely sweet, loving, exuberant little dog that is working so hard to find her confidence. We're all so very proud of Emma, and love her so much. 💜💙
I also included a thank you to both rescues & Emma's foster mom, for all of their time, work, and hoops to ensure that Emma would be safe. They genuinely gave us all the information we needed to make sure we were prepared, and I am even more grateful for that after seeing how rare our experience is in my fearful dogs group.
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egg-emperor · 5 months
Eggman and I are supposed to have a messed up dynamic we're bad aroallo rep and loving it lol
Eggman is manipulative and possessive of me just because he's so selfish and loves control, it's not out for any true emotional attachment reasons for him because he's not that kind of guy and isn't with anyone. Then I'm quite possessive of him too but in an obsessed deep devoted kind of way, where there is an emotional attachment and I get overly protective of him for that
And we're perfect for each other for that, we do it in very different ways but we're both possessive, he gets to own me and I'm willing to do absolutely anything for him to keep him in my life and make sure nobody takes him away from me as a result. And Eggman just exploits the absolute fuck out of that and I let him because it makes him happy 💜
We have the kind of dynamic of master and servant where people are concerned and disgusted really by how he treats and uses me for selfish gain and how I'm way too obsessed and deeply devoted to a deadly degree. They try to warn me about him and how terrible and dangerous of a man he is and not let him influence darkness in me and corrupt me but I just take his hand and follow him down to hell happily
And I'm highly aware of Eggman's intentions but really happy with the dynamic we have and think that there's beauty in the darkness of it, in a way that they'll never understand. So they'll frown upon us, judge us and resent us for but we don't care because it's special and precious that way for us to be the only ones that truly get it 🥰
And as an aro that's my ideal and what the self ship consists of, instead of typical romantic fluffy cute stuff lol
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psychedelic-ink · 9 months
🌟。💕。 🍀 。🎁 。🎉 🍾 🌟 ✨。\|/。🌺 🎉 Happy 🥰 🎈 🍸 Birthday 🌟 🌟JOELSEPH! 🥂 💜。/|\。💎 。🍀。 🌹。🎉。 🤗 。 😊。 🎶
I would love if you'd be willing to make a moodboard off a new Joel series I'm drafting up, here's a little info: It's about 10 years post-outbreak and Joel is a bounty hunter/mercenary. He's assigned to kidnap a lab assistant working on a cure for the cordyceps brain infection. The story follows their cross-country trek with scary infected, different groups of survivors, and eventually their romance!
p.s. I recently joined your discord, I'm so happy to see so many lovely people! have a great day!
and I'm so happy you're enjoying the server! that makes me super happy, we're happy to have you 💕💕💕
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littlemissmanga · 5 months
I decided to be sneaky sneak and go anon 👀
Hello Ms. Yen! I was wondering who you'd pair me with for Valentine's day 🥰
Likes: Art, Knitting/Crochet, Movies, Constant music playing (my life needs a soundtrack), candy, History, driving my friends crazy (lovingly), noodles 😫💜, cuddling and being cozy
Dislikes: mean-aggressive behaviour, partying, veggies, silence, the dark, my thassalophobia 💀🤣, scary movies!
I tend to put a lot of care into my loved ones (friends, family, etc) and try my best to make them happy. I hate when they're upset and will dive in right away to hug them and bring them comforting things. I can be very loud, giggly and bubbly but I can also be very quiet, withdrawn and shy. It really depends on how comfortable I am around an individual but also if I'm in a depressive spell. I have a small to negative tolerance for people being jerks to myself or to my loved ones. Will fight for them on a dime. (Also am totally willing to throw down if someone touches my wheelchair or mobility aid) But I'd rather be happy and cozy and loving than fighting...I just get protective of my ppls 😅
Thank you for your time and I hope you've been having fun doing these lovely matches! The Troops are lucky to have someone like you finding them matches for such a romantic day
If you haven't figured me out, it's @moonlightwarriorqueen 🤣
Again, thank you💜
Yen Ori'ken's Valentine's Day Matchmaker Services
Yen: I appreciate the flattery, but I also have to give credit to the full team over at Right to Love. The men of the GAR have their mission, we have ours and we're just as dedicated to it!
But in any case, @moonlightwarriorqueen, thank you for sending in your profile! I believe your match is likely ...
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Commander Thorn of the Coruscant Guard.
Don't let the shock trooper title fool you, Thorn knows when it's time to work and when it's time to play. That's his whole motto - work hard, play hard. It may (or will, according to a note from Daria) give Commander Fox a headache from time to time, but Thorn's antics are always well intentioned, well controlled, and in good fun.
Your care for your loved ones and protectiveness of them rises to a level that Thorn previously only saw in his brothers. He's drawn in by that part of your personality and respects the hell out of it. He won't like you carrying all that negativity on your own, though. He'll always offer an ear for you to vent and get your plan of action straight (he will make sure that you do have a plan of action and help you organize your thoughts to better support yourself and others).
But if for any reason Thorn feels he needs to, he will absolutely step in to back you up. No one messes with you and if they're getting too fired up at you, then he will settle them down.
He definitely shares your love of history, though it'll take some adjustments to get him to focus on areas other than military history. Thorn isn't crafty himself, but he will wear any knitted/crocheted item you make for him with so much pride. He will be bragging to every single shock trooper and Senatorial aide he crosses paths with. (Fox is so close to asking you to stop so maybe a knitted mug cozy would be a nice gift for him, too).
He has a tiring job, so the idea of coming home to cuddle with you is heaven to Thorn. I believe an at-home movie night would be a perfect date for you. And don't worry, he'll pick up some fresh noodles and broth from your favorite place on the way over.
I hope you enjoy your date with Thorn, and thank you for writing in!
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Thinking about forehead touches.. 💜 They comfort each other, bask in and adore the other. When their emotions feel like so much, a moment to breathe the other in and touches, to realize that yes it's real. All is ok because they're here, they're together. More forehead touches to come... it's them against the world now. ❤️❤️
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singsweetmelodies · 10 months
i won't be able to watch the race today but i'm already dreading the result, SO i decided to make this table of predictions to prepare myself for every eventuality*
*that i could think of
i'm only predicting the wins (+ more or less how they came about to be) otherwise i'm going to be here all morning and be late for my event. i might still be late for my event, but... here goes!
feat. (completely unbiased of course) commentary by katie singsweetmelodies
carlos and george take each other out at the start. charles leclerc wins the singapore gp 2023! 🎆🥰❤️
if this one comes true, i will never shut up about it and will literally be dancing on the rooftops. DREAM SCENARIO BABY!!! (yeah, sorry georgie, i am SO willing to sacrifice you for a charles win.) we want that win #6... we want it SO MUCH 🥹
george russell passes sainz on the start and proceeds to win the singapore gp 2023! 🩵
if this one comes true, i will still be very happy (and not just because it means sainz DIDN'T win.) i love george. a second win for him would be very nice indeed <3
carlos sainz keeps it together and somehow wins the singapore gp 2023 😐
if he actually does this, i may - through gritted teeth - finally utter the words "fine, carlos sainz is a good driver." (i will however also mutter something under my breath about how 2023 is the year of ugly people, and charles is too beautiful and too good to have his name on the list with the likes of the fucking red bull duo anyway. good RIDDANCE that it's sainz who's the only non-RB winner in such a hideous year.)
we have a repeat of singapore 2017, with the top 4 all taking each other out & lewis hamilton proceeding to win the singapore gp 2023! 🎆💜
if this one comes true, my ferrari heart will be in bits BUT i will simultaneously be fucking ecstatic for lewis. i WILL yell "get in there lewis" an inordinate amount of times, and celebrate that 104 with everything in me.
lando somehow wins from p4 (🤔) and gets his first win in spectacular but chaotic style. lando norris wins the singapore gp 2023! 🧡
if this one comes true, i will be... baffled, first and foremost. but then also pretty happy. i have no idea how this one could reasonably come true, but it would be low-key iconic if it did, tbh.
the chaos at turn 1 is even more chaotic than in singapore 2017, which means that fernando alonso from (wherever he qualified, i forgot lmao oops) wins the singapore gp 2023! 🥶
if this happens, i... will celebrate that it's not a red bull? i'll celebrate it for exactly 14 seconds and then turn off the tv. i'm not an alonso fan. to me, he's barely a step up from another rbr win. yes, it IS a step up. but like, the step is 1cm high.
*dutch national anthem starts playing in the background* AND MAX VERSTAPPEN WINS THE SINGAPORE GP 2023! the eleventh fucking race in a row, hoo-fucking-ray.
if this one comes true, i will shake my fist at the fia and insist that it's all their fucking fault for not GIVING MAX A FUCKING GRID DROP, like, you know, the PRECEDENT SAYS THEY SHOULD HAVE. he should have gotten six places at least, in my opinion. nine would've been apt, too. but nooooooo. the great white hope is above all precedent and penalty, apparently. (anyway yeah if verstappen wins i will have no celebrations whatsoever. except maybe a tiny, petty internal one that at least it wasn't sainz. but yeah, nah. if verstappen wins, i won't be very surprised, but i will NOT be amused.)
in a move that shocks genuinely EVERYONE, sergio pérez wins the singapore gp 2023! 🇲🇽
i have no idea how this one could reasonably come to pass, tbh. maybe verstappen's engine dies??? and the ferraris and mercs.... either take each other out, or are WAY slower than yesterday. maybe the red bull was sandbagging???? very drastically??? nah. this one won't happen, let's just be real. but if it somehow does, my enthusiasm will be one fraction of a percentage higher than it would've been for a verstappen win. that is all.
liam lawson wins the singapore gp 2023! 😱👏
yeah no this isn't going to happen - i just wanted to say it. liam lawson, you are my HERO for knocking max verstappen out in q2. you will be p1 of my heart no matter who wins this weekend <333 (except if it's charles or lewis. or pierre, somehow. because, you know. priorities. xD)
RIGHT, well. now at least i feel like i'm mentally prepared to open my f1 app tomorrow evening and see pretty much any result. 👍. let's do this thing
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always-is-always · 1 year
The BEST Bestie
Yeah.  Mine’s the best.  🥰
She just called and said, “I’m thinking about ordering you something, but want to make sure you will use it.”.... 
Turns out, she’s thinking about how much I LOVE BTS, and she’s going to order a BTS phone cover for me.  lol...  Just as I was feeling the whole BTS merch thing, this morning.  
I laughed and got all excited on the phone, telling her all about it being THE 10th BTS birthday today, and everything that means (in a matter of 5 min!)!  It made her happy to hear my own happiness, and to see how just how cheesy I can be and how willing I am to accept (and buy) BTS merch.  lol....  
She is a Veteran, so she knows what is in store for the guys as they enlist.  She also understands why Jimin and Jungkook must be closeted, pre-enlistment.  
I have a feeling that there will be more little BTS gifts to come, now that she knows.  She lives a couple of thousand miles away, so it’s all via mail ordering.  
She made my day a little bit better.  
Happy BTS Birthday, everyone!  I hope your day is also filled with the little things that help make it awesome!  💜💜💜
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ladylooch · 4 months
this blog has helped me (and probably many others) to be comfortable with sex as a woman. and knowing that it’s okay to be a woman who likes sex 💁‍♀️ all of our good and shitty experiences feel relatable and feel like you’re not alone
AWW!! I am happy to hear that! It has helped me too. It is very comforting to know we aren't alone. Even if it's relating to a bunch of "strangers" on the internet 💜 It's empowering and I think we need more of that right now. So I'm willing to do my part here 🥰
But also, please know that you all make this space so great. It isn't just me!
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danalynn90 · 5 months
Just going to brag for a minute. Have you ever been treated so badly in relationships and you thought "ehh I'll just stay single I'm not looking for anything right now" then all of a sudden someone sends you a random add on social media and you instantly click. Yeah that happened to me. The more and more we spoke it felt like we knew each other for years. Now I don't really believe in God because I prayed and nothing but I must have done something good in my life to not only have my other half but a best friend that accepts not only my flaws but my insecurities, weirdness, my damaged self image and most of all my kids. Never met a guy who is so willing to not only love a woman but also kids that he didn't help make and loves them to pieces. I hope he knows how happy and loved he's making me feel that the others haven't done. I know he will probably read this and I'd not he knows I love him to death 🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘💜💜💜💜
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My dearrrrrrr dear rhythm happy birthday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 idk if you're gonna celebrate your birthday or not (if you're like me as the years go by I prefer to sit at home and read my friend's messages lmao) but I hope you have the greatest day 💖 we should be the ones being congratulated because we get to enjoy your existence another year 🤔 it's also nearing the end of the year so you're about to find out just how sappy I can get 😂 I just love reading all your works and your interactions and your asks you're such a positive presence here and I hope that you can always feel that positivity 🥰 you also write my favorite versions of Chris and you're always willing to indulge in our delusions so what more can we ask for?
(also just so you know Mandarina is doing great and is seriously making me want to keep her forever 💔 she knocked over a vase on her first night here but it was an accident and she's fine djfhdjjdjd)
- 🍒
thank you so much, my dear cherry🥰
i've had an amazing day! i feel very blessed not only for the people around me irl but also all of you here in this space we share💜💜
(awwww, baby Mandarina... is it making you want to adopt a cat??????)
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