#happy st. agatha day
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Tits Out!
Prayers Up!
That's the way we like to cupcake!!
Look, I dont know a lot about saints and Catholicism, but I know St. Agatha is always depicted with her breasts on a plate, and that’s sure something

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May I please request Agatha x reader where reader has such bad anxiety that they often don't leave the house because of it. Reader thinks Agatha deserves someone better, but she comforts reader?
Agatha Harkness x Reader- Tangled in fear, wrapped in magic

A/N: Thank you so much for this request. I‘m a whore for mental health fics like these so. Also this is my first time writing Agatha so please be kind to me😅🫶🏼
tags/tw: established relationship, female reader, mention of anxiety, mention of depression, mention of panic attacks, mention of agoraphobia
word count: 3.5k
@lunaticwhittaker , @billiebeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @minaslittleone , @httpfiftyshadesofgay @whitelotus00 , @ninaahelvar , @paulsonsratched , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometimes , @wastdstime , @p1pecleanerwitheyes , @queen2234 , @ihartnat , @lifebyinez , @ahsatanizgay , @blu3dimples , @stepintomyworld
When the days began blurring together you knew it was back. The endless nights, days filled with fear and your mind clouded with thoughts. The sadness and fear followed you like a cloud of rain, droplets running down your brain, leaving an emptiness that you couldn‘t shake or fight on your own. It had been bad before, years ago when it all began one afternoon, your chest tightening, your hands and knees shaky and the ability to breathe suddenly leaving you.
Back then it took months of therapy and medication to get over this, to work through the anxiety and depression that followed afterwards, leaving you drained and exhausted. And you had been happy since, enjoying your life and the things you adored, even meeting your perfect and beautiful girlfriend in the process, having been beside her for months, the two of you completing each other perfectly. The two of you had met when you followed your passions and despite the very obvious attraction, the brunette wrapping you around her finger perfectly and capturing your heart.
Life with Aggy was perfect, she spoiled you, reading every wish from your lips, showing you sides to yourself that you had never explored before. Making your body and soul feel cared for and nurtured at all times. Nothing was ever too much for the witch, whether it was spoiling you, taking you on dates or cracking silly jokes to make you laugh. And in return you would give her your world, trusting the older woman with your entire life, letting her guide you in every way. It all started a few weeks ago when she had taken you to lunch on a weekend, excited to try a new place with you that had been hyped for the longest time. You sat opposite each other, her hands always lingering somewhere on you, the two of you chatting and catching up from each other‘s week when it happened.
Your body froze, the entire restaurant spinning for a moment and your head telling you „you are going to pass out“. And that triggered it all, the shaking of your hands, your heart always beating out of your chest and the fear following you everywhere. You never told Agatha, knowing she was way too busy with her life and magic, knowing she had other things to worry about and not wanting to burden her with something this ridiculous. Things turned worse when fear took over your entire being, first the driving- a panic attack after another and making the whole thing impossible. Then simple things like leaving the house or going for a walk and then even moving inside your own shared home with Agatha felt impossible. The fear of going to the bathroom, taking a shower or even to leave the safety of bed, at this point your only safe space, and go to the living room or kitchen.
Fear lingered and followed you everywhere and despite remembering your tools, remembering that this had happened before and passed eventually, you couldn‘t do this again, knowing the mountain of work that was about to follow to work through this and stop the fear. Your health anxiety began coming back, scared to eat certain foods and worried about food poisoning, scared when you felt a small headache or your tummy was upset for a day. Everything scared you, breathing, talking and existing and when that realization hit you, you knew you were lost in the darkness again. It began with not eating much, too scared to even enter the kitchen, forcing yourself to eat with Agatha in the evenings or on the weekends but never feeling truly calm. Accepting Aggys offers about joined baths gladly as the thought of doing it alone scared you.
Of course your girlfriend had noticed, the change of seasons also brought her a different version of you, one that she hadn‘t met before. The rain seems to patter against the windows of your shared apartment for days on end, matching your inner turmoil. She noticed how you were suddenly more quiet, the smile never quite reaching your eyes anymore, often noticing your legs bouncing up and down during meals, the fidgeting which she had never noticed before. And of coure she noticed the tossing and turning at night, having tried countless times to soothe you back to sleep but without success. She had tried a few times to talk to you, offer her support but you couldn‘t confide in her, feeling like a burden.
Your girlfriend noticed how you didn‘t leave the house anymore. You didn‘t work, Agatha prefering to do that part and giving you the freedom you deserved. But you used to go out, to the libraries, your favorite flower shops and cafes, walks by the lake. You would do the grocery shopping mostly, making sure there is a warm meal waiting for her when she would return home. But lately there had been a lot of takeout meals, the fridge empty and when she mentioned it, you ended up ordering groceries, her finding the receipt a few days later. But she couldn‘t connect the pieces yet, not understanding the depths of your pain and fear, assuming at first that maybe you had been tired, possibly a little depressed.
Agatha didn‘t know about the darkness that eloped you, the reoccurring and daily fear, as soon as you would open your eyes and never ending through the silence of the night. It had gotten that bad that you wanted it all to stop, feeling like you aren‘t in control of your body or mind, at times feeling like you are going crazy and this never ending cycle of doom would follow you for all eternity. If it wasn‘t for the love you feel for her, you would have stopped it already, letting go off everything but even the thought of leaving her like that, left a guilt that hurt way worse than what you had been fighting in silence for weeks now. You wanted to explain so badly, wanting her to hold you but the insecurities and nasty thoughts kept you from doing so.
Today had been another slow day spent at home, you sit on the couch again, legs tucked beneath you as you half- heartedly flip through the pages of a book. It wasn‘t that you aren‘t interested in the story, you just couldn‘t focus. The soft patting of rain against the window feels way too loud, your breathing uneaven and your thoughts so loud they crash over you like waves. Every sound from the outside world, an occasional car zooming past, the faint barking of a dog or sirens, another reminder of the scary world outside that was slowly beginning to slip away from you.
Your mind travels to the only bright spot in your life, the woman filling your heart with joy rather than fear and emptiness. But even she had become a source of guilt, you had been avoiding her without ever meaning to, slowly withdrawing from her too, making excuses to stay home when she invited you out, retreating into yourself when she tried to have a conversation with you. She deserved better. Your chest tightens at the thought, Agatha with her charm and wit, her strength and confidence, her powers. What could she possibly still see in you? When the world out there was filled with way more interesting people, witches, people with their lifes together rather than being scared to go out their own front door. She was wasting her time with you, all the effort that she was giving you and not getting an ounce what she deserved in return. You had hoped lately that she would just walk away, take the last piece of will and guilt away and giving you the permission to give into the darkness.
When the front door to your apartment opens softly, your thoughts stop for a moment as you instinctively pull the blanket a little closer to your shivering form. She doesn‘t announce herself, doesn‘t make a show of her return the way she usually would. She never would when you are like this, not wanting to overwhelm you further. Instead , she moves quietly through the room, setting down her bag and slipping off her jacket before glancing at you. „Hi darling“ she greets you softly with a warm smile, trying to keep her concern hidden.
You force a small smile, barely glancing up from your book „Hey“. She pauses as she thinks back to the times you would practically jump into her arms, calling and messaging her on her way home out of excitement and missing her and despite knowing you are struggling with something, it fills her heart with sadness. She pauses, her eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before moving towards the kitchen. „I picked us up something for dinner“ she calls over her shoulder, her tone light and casual, like she wasn‘t trying to probe too much. „Figured we could have a quiet night in“ she offers and you sigh in relief ever so quietly, relieved she isn‘t offering to go somewhere and you having to think of another pathetic excuse. „Sounds good“ is all you manage to reply.
Agatha didn‘t push you, she never did and that almost made the whole thing worse. You knew she could tell something was wrong. But yet she gave you time and space, allowing you to retreat into yourself without demanding answers. It was both a blessing and a curse, because it filled you with relief but at the same time left you alone with your thoughts that hadn‘t been kind lately. You hear her moving around in the kitchen, the clatter of plates and cutlery. Normally, you would join her, help out and crack a few jokes, asking about her day but today you just can‘t, feeling on the verge of tears since she stepped inside your shared home.
Minutes pass in silence and you try and focus on your book again, the only sounds coming from the kitchen but you can‘t, the words bluring together, the weight of your thoughts and anxiety growing heavier by the second. Agatha returns, wiping her hands on a towel as she leans against the doorway, watching you with an unreadable expression. You glance at her briefly and take in her features, the slightly curled hair, her outfit plastered in different shades of purple and suddenly your heart swells, missing her arms around you, her soft kisses all over your body and the feeling of safety. „Hows the book?“ she asks, pulling you out of your thoughts momentarily.
„It‘s fine“ you confess, hoping she wasn‘t gonna ask about the plot as you didn‘t remember a single thing from it. She doesn‘t say anything, simply watching you in that way that makes you feel like she could see right through the walls that you had been trying to build. „Do you want to talk about anything?“ she asks, breaking the silence, her voice soft, almost like she wasn‘t sure if now was the right time to ask. Your stomach instantly twists at the thought of trying to explain the mess inside your head and so you shake your head „I‘m fine“ you say quietly, though even you couldn‘t believe the words coming from your mouth.
She doesn’t push, simply nodding before she turns on her heels, offering a quiet „Alright, I‘m here though“ and leaving back to the kitchen. When she calls out for you a few minutes later for dinner, you can feel the tension building in your chest again, your head feeling fuzzy and your legs barely taking you to the table where she is patiently waiting for you. She looks at you with so much love as she begins eating, so much patience that your heart hurts, you want to tell her so badly, feeling like you owe her some answers, to let her in and show her how terrified you are but the words won‘t come, staying locked inside, trapped behind the anxiety that grips you so tightly.
The brunette watches you carefully as you push your food around with your fork, noticing how you hadn‘t taken a bite yet, her eyes search your face and you can feel the concern radiate from her, even if she was trying to hide it for your sake. „You‘re not eating sweetheart“ she say softly, her tone non-judgmental. You force a small smile, hoping it would be enough to brush off her concern. „I‘m just not that hungry“ you explain. She doesn‘t respond right away, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before she finally speaks, her voice quieter now. „You have been like this for a while love, haven‘t you?“ she tries, tilting her head in order to lock eyes with you.
Your heart skips a beat, your stomach twisting painfully, unsure how to answer, knowing she deserved the truth. „I‘m fine“ you repeat, though your voice begins to shake, barely able to hide the tears and the knot in your throat. Agatha sighs softly, setting her fork down and leaning forward slightly. „You don‘t have to be fine with me“ she says gently, her eyes softening. „I don‘t need you to pretend with me“. And that was it, the gentlness in her voice, the concern in her beautiful eyes, enough to cause your fork to fall onto your plate and the tears spilling down your eyes as you catch your head in your hands, the sobs wrecking through you as you can‘t hide them for a second longer.
„Oh darling“ she sigh, in an instand abandoning her food and walking over to you, kneeling in front of you before pulling your frame into her arms. Her world breaks for a moment, seeing you so sad and feeling so helpless at the same time. The usual confident and witty woman knew that not even her magic could fix this but yet she feels some relief, hoping you will finally share what has been burdening you for weeks. „It‘s okay, I‘m here“ she reassures, one hand on your knee, stroking little circles and another on your back, holding you steady and making you feel safe. She lets you cry until the last sob wrecks through your body and when your tear stained, helpless face meets hers, she offers a hand to you, guiding you to the comfort of the sofa before sitting you down and taking a seat beside you.
Agatha gives you patience, sitting beside you for the longest time, through the loudest silence, holding you and passing you the occasional tissue to wipe the tears and blow your nose. „If I knew, I would have bought a life supply of tissues“ she jokes as you go through an entire packet, causing you to giggle for a moment through the tears, the sound so unfamiliar, it takes you both by surprise. „My little lamb..“ she begins, the pet name almost causing more tears to resurface. „Can you tell me what‘s been going on in that pretty little head of yours?“ she asks softly, her hand holding onto yours tightly, another reminder she is there, patient and willing and not considering to leave, not now, not ever.
Her gentleness is enough to break through your walls and slowly every single confession, every thought and all the fear leaves you as you tell her everything that had been going on. Your past struggles with this, the trigger in the restaurant weeks ago and everything since then. And every confession is more painful than the other, Agatha fighting her own tears as she understands the depth of your pain and the intensity of your fear, wishing she would have figured this out sooner as she undeniably would have stepped in, would have handled so many things differently. „My darling girl“ she whispers before her hands hold your cheeks gently „Why didn‘t you tell me?“ she asks, her voice filled with sadness and her eyes filled with tears.
„Because.. Aggy I‘m pathetic … and you deserve so“ but she doesn‘t let you finish. „No“ she snaps, her voice more firm this time, not ever wanting to hear those words leave your lips, struggling enough with the thought of your head having told you that for so long. „Don‘t say that“ she begins, a tear rolling down her cheek. There is silence for a while as the exhaustion of your honesty washes over you and your girlfriend tries collecting her thoughts, unable to believe you had been suffering so much on your own, feeling guilty for not having been there. „But Aggy it‘s true, there is so much more out there for you and you shouldn‘t have to deal with this, you deserve so much better“ you explain, the words hitting her like a billion knifes. She chuckles lowly, a painful one before she locks eyes with you „Kitten, I don‘t even deserve you“ she sighs, knowing how lucky she had been to be loved by you, with all her flaws and her entire past.
„And none of what your head is telling you is true, you are going through a tough time but that doesn‘t mean I deserve you any less or love you any less“ she admits, her hands instinctively holding yours a little tighter, wanting you to believe her statement but the honesty in her eyes already enough to make you believe. „Sweetheart“ she begins speaking again „I don‘t need you to be anything other than who you are, your struggles, they don‘t make you less to me. They are just parts of what make you you, and I happen to love all of you“ she confesses, her finger softly booping your nose and causing you to smile.
„You have never held me back kitten, if anything, you have made me want to stay even more, because don‘t you think I see how hard you fight? even when it feels impossible?“ Her voice drops a little lower, filled with honesty „I don‘t need you to be perfect, you could never be a burden to me, not in the slightest. I choose you every day, anxiety and all“ the softness in her voice makes you tear up again and this time you lean into her, practically holding on for dear life as she strokes your hair and kisses your head. „So, stop worrying about whether you are enough for me, because you, my little witch, are enough for me, alright? and I‘m not going anywhere“. You nod into her chest as you begin crying again, the walls finally tumbling down with each confession and reassuring of your girlfriend, finally feeling understood, your heart less heavy and your head feeling empty for the first time in weeks.
The two of you stay tangled in each others embrace, similar to the way your hearts are tangled in each other‘s chest, the connection between you stronger than ever before. Agatha asks questions, listening intently to your experience with this in the past, curious how you overcame it to begin with and offering her help. She offered to get you on your old medication again, offered to take you to the neccessary appointments and therapy, never forcing you, only wanting to get you the best help possible and what makes you comfortable. And you agreed, knowing there was no coming out of this on your own. And so, the two of you made a plan, Agatha knowing you hadn‘t left the house in a while and knowing this required just that. But the two of you spoke throughout the night, more confessions slipping from your lips and the usual tough woman telling you of similar struggles in her youth.
By the end of the night, the two of you are wrapped in each other‘s embrace in bed, you laying in her arms, listening to her soft breathing and her hands on your back, rubbing soothing circles and drawing patterns, knowing it would calm you. „Thank you Aggy“ you thank her eventually, feeling the exhaustion from the evening but also the comfort of her embrace. „Always, bunny“ she reassures before pressing a kiss to your cheek and pulling you a little closer. And so, for the first night in weeks, you manage to fall asleep without the racing thoughts, your heart beating out of your chest and your trembling hands. Tonight, you feel safe, knowing the truth was finally out there, knowing she wasn‘t going to leave. And Agatha wouldn‘t leave, not now and not in the future when the days would look so much brighter again and this would be a faint memory and reminder of some dark times. She was with you, forever and always.
#agatha harkness#agatha harkness x reader#agatha harkness drabble#agatha harkness x you#agatha harkness x y/n#wandavision#agatha all along#agatha all along writing#kathryn hahn#kathryn hahn x reader#mcu#marvel#coven of chaos#lgbtq#fanfiction#writing
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What did Jonathan Harker see in Budapest? pt. 2
Our dear friend Jonathan returned to Budapest! Except that he is not in the condition for more sightseeing. :( This time he will only see, as follows:
an ambulance. (No victorian era gentlemen were harmed while taking this photo. This is just a demonstration where doctors of the first ambulance company of Budapest were showing off their newest equipment at the 1896 Millennium Exhibition.)

The Old Szent János Hospital. Last year I’ve made a post about how the Hospital of St. Joseph and Ste. Mary did not exist, and why I think Jonathan spent his time recovering in the Old Szent János. Basically that was the only hospital in Budapest close to the Buda Hills where nuns were tending male patients. Jonathan asking for money to pay for his hospital stay suggests that he was in the Old Szent János, since this hospital mostly admitted poor and homeless people who could not pay for their treatment. (A new and more modern hospital was under construction, but it was opened a few years after Dracula was published.)

Except that I was wrong. Some people suggested that because of poor Jonathan was rambling about vampires and such things, he could have been taken to a mental hospital, and the Lipótmező Asylum fits Sister Agatha’s description just as well. Lipótmező is also in the Buda Hills, nuns were taking care of the patients, and it resembled a sanatorium more than the Old Szent János. Despite being an asylum, Lipótmező was a state owned hospital under strict medical supervision so there were no random experimenting like our other dear friend Dr. Seward did in Carfax. Anyway, here’s a picture of the Lipótmező as well, you decide which one you prefer for your upcoming fanfics.

And of course the nuns. In case of both the Old Szent János and the Lipótmező, they’ve belonged to the Company of the Daughters of Charity. Here’s one of them with a patient in front of the New Szent János Hospital in 1938.

Sadly I did not found any photos of the interiors of said hospitals, but here we have a picture from the 1896 Millenium Exhibition, showing hospital beds and a doctor’s uniform.

And if we were talking about fanfictions, let me be a little bit overindulgent here. I just love to imagine that after their wedding, when Jonathan starts to feel better, he and Mina try to use their remaining days in Budapest to make some good memories together before [spoiler]. They should really visit the Buda Hills, and have a picnic at the Normafa.

Or, if Jonathan feels up to it, they should walk all the way to the Gloriette at the top of the János Hill.

I just want them to be happy, okay?!
Again, all the pictures are from around 1897, the year when Dracula was published (except the one with the nun).
Sources under the cut:
1. Ambulance: Fortepan / Budapest Főváros Levéltára. Levéltári jelzet: HU.BFL.XV.19.d.1.10.250
2. Old Szent János Hospital: postcard published around 1890.
3. Lipótmező Asylum: illustration in Vasárnapi Újság from 1895.
4. Daughters of Charity nun: Fortepan
5. Hospital furniture: Fortepan / Budapest Főváros Levéltára. Levéltári jelzet: HU.BFL.XV.19.d.1.10.180
6. Normafa: Fortepan
7. Gloriette: postcard published around 1900.
#personal#history#hungary#budapest#bram stoker#dracula#dracula daily#sightseeing with our friend jonathan#i love to be a librarian
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Czech Calendar Customs Master Post (as adapted into a folk magic practice)
I’m a descendant of Moravian immigrants to the United States who has always been fascinated with family history. The most recent arrivals in my family from the old world were my Great-Grandparents who emigrated from Běhařovice, a small village in Zjnomo in Southern Moravia, Perhaps it is because they are my most recent connection to Europe that I’m pulled so strongly toward their traditions. My great-grandmother is the only family who I have met who was not born in the states. In this post I’ll provide links to my posts documenting my attempts to integrate Czech calendar customs into my practice, as well as other resources. I am in no way an expert on the customs of Czechia, just a descendant attempting to connect with my ancestors.

Greetings from Běhařovice
Be warned, I also incorporate practices from the British and Irish Isles and, very occasionally, from Quebec to work with other ancestral lines. I try to notate when there is syncretism.
Links to explorations of czech folk customs 2022 and 2024
So far in 2025:
Walnut boat divination
Walnut boat (or in our case hickory nut) divination
Pouring the wax divination
sedm šálků (seven cups) divination
This year I made my vànočka (Christmas bread) on Twelfth Night
Vánočka (braided Christmas bread)
Three Kings Day
Consecrating water on Three King’s Day, January 6
Masopust is kicking off
Annointing this year’s Morana effigy and the Morana embroidery
Morana in her winter apparel

This year’s Morana effigy
An offering to Mezulína
Making Morana Holy Water (my own custom)
Making this year’s hromnička (thunder candle)
This year’s hromnička (thunder candle)
Consecrating this year’s hromnička (Thunder candle)
Eve of Hromnice altar
Making candles for Hromnice (Candlemas) February 2
Perun and Hromnice
“Na Hromnice o hodinu více” = At Hromnice (Candlemas/Groundhog Day or February 2nd) one hour more
Buchty for Saint Blaise’s Day, February 3
The buchty (Czech sweet buns) that I made for Saint Blaise’s Day
Blažeje Blessing, February 3
Caroling on Saint Blaise’s Day, February 3
Saint Blaise’s association with cattle—and Veles
Feast Day of Saint Agatha, February 5

Consecrating water, bread, and salt on Saint Agatha’s Day for use in folk magic.
Happy Feast Day of Saint Dorothea February 6
St. Dorothea Plays February 6
Wrapping up the first week of February (St. Brigid’s Day, Hromnice/Candlemas, St. Blaise Day, St. Agatha Day, and St. Dorothea Day)
Inviting Děduška into our home
Kolàče (I made some for Valentines Day)
A bábovka for my birthday (Feb. 23)
Coaxing Spring with bird pastries
Saint Matthew’s Day Traditions (Folkloric Date — February 24)
Releasing bird buns on St. Matthew’s Day
Waking the persimmon trees on St. Matthew’s Day
Waking the hazelnut and black cherry
Drowning Morana on St. Matthew’s Day
Drowning Morana on St. Matthew’s Day 2
Koblihy (jam filled doughnuts) for Fat Thursday (Feb. 27 this year).
Lišÿí, Fox Sunday,the first Sunday of Lent (this year March 9)
Saint Gregory Day — storks and plowing (folkloric date March 12)
Saint Joseph’s Day (March 19)
Palm Sunday Traditions (this year April 13)
Easter Rattling —Maundy/Green Thursday through Holy/White Saturday (this year April 17 - 19)
Fairy Tales:
Božena Němcová, collectors of fairy tales
The Devil and Old Kitty
The Twelve Months
Folk creatures:
Bludička (will o’ wisp)
Čert (Czech folk devil)
Hejkal (Forest demon)
Klekánice (Kneeling Lady, Lady Evening)
Mezulína (a bitter winter and destructive winter wind)
An offering to Mezulína
Skřítek (house spirit)
Vodník (water demon)
Old style wood burning stoves
#czech#moravian#folk magic#calendar customs#folk christianity#folk catholicism#dual faith#west slavic#slavic#Czechia#Moravia#master post
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WIPs Wednesday
Hey hey, everybody! I thought I'd start the year off right with a wipsday post. I hope you're all having a great day, and a happy New Year!
I know I've posted like a million wips that I haven't actually finished, but alas, I must chase the whimsy. I was possessed with the vision of supermodels Agatha and Baz fake dating. This story will be told entirely through tabloid articles, listicles, twitter threads, and text messages. I've never written anything like this, but I'm already having SO much fun with it. So that being said, here's the first snippet I'm sharing!
A Star-Studded Red Carpet By Ryan Beckett Onlookers were awed at the red carpet release of In This Moment when everyone’s favorite supermodel lovers made an appearance! Agatha Welbelove stepped onto the red carpet in a stunning floor-length gown, featuring over 50,000 Swarovski crystals. When asked, designer Swami Patel claimed she’s “always envisioned Agatha in lavender and dripping with crystals.” When Welbelove reached out looking for a dress, Patel jumped at the opportunity. Welbelove’s world-famous beau, Basilton Pitch, was also in attendance. He stepped out in a custom deep purple Saint Laurent tuxedo adorned with a thrilling burst of flowers emerging from his hips. With all shades of purple and lavender, he perfectly matched Agatha Welbelove. The two have been seen together more and more lately, further inciting the rumors that the childhood friends are now lovers. At the afterparty, sources say that Pitch and Welbelove were inseparable. Agatha was also quietly sporting a diamond bracelet from Greenwich St. Jewelers, fueling further speculation that the couple might have wedding bells on the horizon.
Tags and hellos:
@valeffelees @mooncello @iamamythologicalcreature @roomwithanopenfire @skeedelvee @ic3que3n
@run-for-chamo-miles @thewholelemon @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @raenestee
@alexalexinii @artsyunderstudy @rimeswithpurple @monbons @youarenevertooold @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @arthurkko
#wip#wip wednesday#simon snow#simon snow series#simon snow trilogy#simon snow salisbury#snowbaz#carry on#baz pitch#carry on rainbow rowell#carry on series#agatha wellbelove#tyrannus basilton grimm pitch#basilton pitch#baz grimm pitch#co/ws/awtwb
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The Unseelie Court (12/16)
As the clock drifted closer to 5:00 pm, the air in their office became a little thinner, a little less fraught. They had both come down from the excitement in Skinner’s office and had finally settled into a comfortable silence. One that Mulder eventually mustered the courage to break.
“Do you want to come over tonight?” he asked, feeling somewhat sheepish. He could think of nothing better than spending a Friday evening with Scully, of waking up late, whiling away the day in bed for the whole of the weekend.
Scully smiled at him. “I wish I could,” she said. “But I promised my mom I’d head up to Baltimore tonight. She committed to bringing the baked goods to St. Agatha’s on Sunday and I promised I’d help her bake.”
Mulder’s heart fell and it must have shown in his face.
“I might be able to get out of services if I tell her I have to work,” she said. “Maybe I can get back into town tomorrow afternoon.”
That would still give them an uninterrupted 24 hours.
“I’ll make it worth your while.”
“I’ll remember you said that.”
“Do you remember Teddy Abernathy?” Her mother asked in a delicate tone that meant that she was meddling and was more than aware she was doing it. “He’ll be at church on Sunday, and I thought I might reintroduce you.”
They sat at Margaret Scully’s small kitchen table, having eaten a casserole and a simple green salad. Nevertheless, her mother had set out her good china, and a vase of cut hydrangeas overwhelmed one end of the table, the flowers having turned from pink to green in the light of the late summer sun.
“Is he the one with male pattern baldness or the one with the weird underbite?” Scully asked cheekily, standing up to collect the two delicate plates and trundle them to the frothy sink.
Maggie scoffed. “He’s the ophthalmologist with a summer home in Rhode Island,” she said tartly, reaching for her glass of chablis. “He’s also a very nice man.”
‘Nice,’ was usually Mom code for ‘devout.’
Scully began scooping the leftover casserole into tupperware so that it could cool. It wasn’t the first time her mother had tried to play matchmaker, but it was the first time she’d done so while Scully was in a relationship with Mulder.
“Mom, I appreciate you looking out for me,” she said from the sink. “But I’m not in the market right now.” A spoon she was holding slipped from her hand and disappeared into the suds.
It felt odd to be on her own after several consecutive days and nights spent in Mulder’s company. Coming to Baltimore had been a rapid depressurization from the immersion, and she found herself suffering a kind of nitrogen narcosis, fumbling her way through a conversation she didn’t want to be having, her fine motor coordination on the fritz.
“You work too much,” her mother went on. “It doesn’t have to be anything serious, but there’s no harm in seeing what’s out there. If you want a family—”
“Mom—” she said, the word coming out more sharply than she'd meant it to.
Maggie pulled back, miffed, and Scully sighed and walked back to the table, sliding back into her chair with an eye to making amends.
“I know you’re just trying to help,” she said, reaching out and giving her mother’s hand a brief squeeze.
“I shouldn’t have mentioned your having a family, Dana,” Maggie said, accepting the olive branch. “That wasn’t fair of me.” Scully pressed her lips together, remembering her mother’s reaction to Emily. “It’s just–I want you to be happy. I want you to have a full life. Dating someone can—”
“I am dating someone.” She wasn’t sure why she said it. Maybe to just get her mother to stop, maybe because it was nice to actually say out loud.
Her mother’s face changed from one of concern and sympathy to pleased curiosity. Scully instantly knew she should have kept her mouth shut.
“How did you meet?”
There was no getting out of it, now.
“Work,” she said, standing up once again and busying herself, grabbing the last of the dinner dishes to take them over to the sink.
“Dare I hope it’s a charming prosecutor with his sights set on the gubernatorial office?” her mother joked.
“It is not,” she said, knowing she was committed now to having this conversation.
“Is it—” her mother started, and then stopped. “Oh. Dana.”
Scully turned to her mother, confirming her suspicions with a look.
Margaret Scully took a deep breath and then set her glass of wine onto the table with calm precision.
“How long?” she asked.
“Not very,” Scully answered, leaning back against the countertop.
“And does he make you happy?”
Scully didn’t have to think very long before answering. “Yes,” she said, her head dipping down to look at the floor.
“He loves you,” her mother said, a statement.
Scully nodded, unable to meet her mother’s eye.
A moment later, Margaret was standing in front of her, had reached out and had her hand on Scully’s cheek, lifting her head so that she could look her in the eye.
“Loving a man like that…” her mother started, then sighed. “I knew a lot of Navy wives. A lot of Navy pilots. They were all good men, but some of them…some of them flew too close to the sun.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “Be careful.”
Discomfited, Scully retired early. She wanted some time to herself, and she was also expecting the blood test results on Daly Carmichael from the state crime lab. She fired up her laptop, but nothing had yet come in. Maybe tomorrow.
Her mother’s guest room was an amalgamation of furniture from each of her children’s past. The wardrobe in the corner had been Charlie’s, the dresser, Bill’s. She lay back in the brass queen bed trying not to think about all the nights her sister had slept in it.
Without really thinking about it, she grabbed her phone and called Mulder. He picked up after the first ring.
“Hey,” he said, his voice warm as soft flannel. “You make it up there okay?”
“Yes,” she said. “The beltway was a nightmare, but I got here in time for dinner.”
Her mother’s house had a quiet, homey atmosphere, insulated from the greater world. It gave an air of being muffled and warm, where the loudest thing was the ticking of a mantle clock and the oven light gave a reassuring yellow glow even at midnight. It was a place that always smelled like paraffin wax candles and roast chicken, a place that felt like a hug the moment you stepped into it.
“How’s your mom?” Mulder asked politely.
“Good,” Scully said, settling back to listen to the pleasant drone of Mulder’s voice. “She wants to set me up with an ophthalmologist.”
“Maybe that’s not a bad idea,” he said. “Your last firearms qualification score was 98. Not your usual 100. Might be time to upgrade those specs.”
“You’re a riot,” she deadpanned.
Downstairs she could hear her mother turn on the dishwasher and moments later pad up the stairs and past Scully’s door.
“Let me guess,” Mulder went on. “Upstanding churchgoer? Drives a Benz?”
“Catholic as the Pope,” Scully confirmed. “Not sure about the Benz, but he’s got a summer house in Rhode Island.”
“So do I,” Mulder breezed. “If that’s the sum total of necessary qualifications to date a Scully woman, I could—”
“I told her about us,” Scully interrupted him.
“You…did?” he seemed genuinely taken aback.
“It was either that or agree to an Italian dinner in Inner Harbor with a balding eye doctor.”
Scully imagined sitting across the table from a quiet-spoken and affable Teddy Abernathy. He’d make polite conversation and cover the bill, but he wouldn’t request a table so they could both see the door. He wouldn’t call her with a random bit of esoterica in the middle of the night, wouldn’t lift a string of barbed wire so she could scoot under, wouldn’t wordlessly hand over a Red Vine the very moment her blood sugar dipped below 70.
“You’re going to make your own decisions, but personally I would have taken the free branzino for a week or two before breaking the bad news to my mom. Prescription sunglasses ain’t cheap. And it’s not like you’d have had to put out. Good Catholics save themselves for marriage, you know.”
“Someone should have told me that a few weeks ago. Now I’m never getting into heaven.”
Mulder chuckled drowsily in her ear.
“How’d she take it?” he asked kindly.
Scully sighed, didn’t want to tell him that her mom had been a little reticent. “She’s worried Bill’s going to take a swing at you at Thanksgiving.”
“All I’m hearing is that it went well enough that I’m invited to Thanksgiving.”
“That’s your takeaway?”
“I’m an optimist.”
Scully smiled into the receiver and yawned. “Listen,” she said. “Mom and I are going to get started here early. I got out of Sunday mass. I was hoping to get on the road around noon.”
“You want to come directly here?” His voice was tender and rumbly.
“I was told it would be worth my while,” she said suggestively.
There was nothing but hissing silence for a moment. She could picture him on his couch with his phone to his ear, the front of his jeans getting tight with pressure.
“Shit, Scully.”
She smiled. “I’ll call you before I leave, give you an ETA.”
“Okay,” he said, all his clever quips used up.
“Goodnight, Mulder.”
She pressed the button before he had a chance to respond, smiling to herself. It was fun to be on the giving end of teasing for once.
Looking one last time at the display on her phone, she frowned. It was nearly out of battery. And she’d left the charging cord she normally traveled with at the motel in Adrian County. Sighing, she turned off the phone in an effort to preserve whatever battery life remained. It would be an analog weekend until she got to Mulder’s.
Scully was frosting the final cupcake as her mother slid the last two pies into the oven.
“You were always the most efficient of my children,” her mother said. “But that would have impressed even an admiral.”
Scully smiled and set the finished cupcake on the paper shopping bag her mother was using to receive them. It was 11:45 am.
“Are you sure you can’t stay for the afternoon and help me carry all these into mass tomorrow?” her mother asked hopefully.
“I need to get back,” Scully said, and her mother smiled knowingly.
“How about I box up a half dozen of these and you can take them to Fox,” she said, nodding toward the cupcakes.
“I want to!” her mother said, all enthusiasm.
She’d been downright chipper about Scully’s new relationship all morning long, no doubt trying to make up for her lack of enthusiasm the night before.
“Let me grab one of the Christmas tins. I think they’re in the basement.”
Maggie was down the stairs before Scully could argue, and she heard her banging around and opening various boxes.
Scully’s overnight bag and laptop case were packed and next to the door waiting for her. She’d slept terribly the night before, her rest beset by nightmares from the fairy grove. Not only had Mulder been branded in her dreams by the Unseelie courtier’s symbol, this time he had been chained to the tree, his two different colored eyes boring into hers. “Stay away!” he’d warned her when she tried to get close to free him. She’d startled awake and considered calling him, only to remember that she barely had any charge on her phone.
Another bang echoed up from the basement.
“Mom, can I give you a hand?” she called down the stairs.
“No, I know right where it is!” came Maggie’s muffled voice.
If the sounds drifting up the stairs were any indication, that probably wasn’t the case. Scully sighed. Then, eyeing her luggage, she grabbed her laptop and set it up on her mother’s kitchen table, figuring she had at least enough time to check her email to see if the Carmichael bloodwork labs had come back. Mulder would want her to walk him through them, even if they showed nothing.
Sure enough, there was a new email waiting for her from the state crime lab. She opened the attachment and scanned the results, her brow creasing more and more as she read each line.
“Found it!” Her mother said from the top of the stairs, startling her. She was holding a small Christmas cookie tin. When she looked at Scully’s face, her smile faded.
“Dana?” she said.
“Mom,” Scully said. “I need to use your phone.”
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Happy STS! As the pre-Valentine's Day ask, what are your characters' plans for the holiday-- if any? Date night? House party? Pj's and ramen?
Happy STS! I've got a long list of OC couples but I'm putting in the ones I've focused on in Transcendants
• Cora x Keagen – A quiet night under the stars, maybe with a picnic and deep conversations.
• Gregory x Idris – Gregory plans something simple but heartfelt—Idris probably insists they don’t need to do much, but Gregory still finds a way to make it special.
• Byron x Agatha – A candlelit dinner with plenty of teasing and soft moments. Agatha acts unimpressed, but she secretly loves it.
• Levi x Ivan – Ivan isn’t big on the holiday, but Levi surprises him with a cozy, home-cooked meal. It’s simple, but the thought behind it makes Ivan smile.
• Harry x Jackson – Harry drags Jackson on an adrenaline-filled adventure, maybe skydiving or something equally chaotic. Jackson pretends to complain, but he loves every second.
• Atticus x Hezekiah – A warm evening in with books, music, and gentle affection. Atticus likes grand gestures, but Hezekiah just wants quiet time together.
• Verena x Charisse – A luxurious spa day, complete with massages and facials. They indulge in self-care while gossiping and flirting.
• Larry x Xavion – They bake sweets together, but it turns into a playful food fight.
• Camille x Nyra x Dena – A girls’ trip to a romantic getaway destination, where they spoil each other with love and laughter.
• Matthew x Wendy – A classic rom-com movie marathon with way too much popcorn.
• Demetrius x Emhyr – A surprise trip somewhere breathtaking—Emhyr loves planning grand romantic gestures, and Demetrius is just happy to be with him.
• Nancy x Robin – A day spent at an amusement park, full of thrilling rides and stuffed-animal prizes.
• Mason x Jane – A slow dance in the kitchen, followed by a homemade dinner.
• Lincoln x Marceline – Lincoln tries to impress Marceline with a formal dinner, but they both end up ditching it for takeout and video games.
• Sawyer x Ethan – A laid-back beach day, soaking up the sun and relaxing.
• Luz x Amity – Probably a magical-themed date with enchanted roses and floating lanterns.
• Hunter x Willow – A heartwarming picnic in a garden, surrounded by nature.
• Stella x Mordecai – A stargazing date on a rooftop with warm drinks and cozy blankets.
• Blaze x Lacey – A fast-paced, action-filled day—maybe racing hover bikes or sparring for fun.
• Cindy x Brayden x Eos – A fancy dinner followed by a night of dancing.
• Emile x Xandros – A boat ride under the moonlight, just the two of them.
• Laurence x Cody – A chaotic yet sweet date at a carnival.
• Miles x Gwen – A quiet coffee shop date where they exchange handwritten letters.
• Natasha x Renee – A bookstore crawl, picking out their favorite reads for each other.
• Pandra x Loba x Kairi – A wild adventure in a new city, trying everything exciting they can find.
• Blake x Walter – A lazy morning in bed, then exploring a new restaurant together.
• Jay x Sofia – A hike to a scenic spot, complete with an impromptu picnic.
• Quinn x Micah – A homemade arts-and-crafts date where they create gifts for each other.
• Valentina x Angelo – A candlelit rooftop dinner with soft music playing.
• Natalia x Aydan – A mix of romance and combat training, because why not?
• Iridescent x Sidney – A dreamy, fantasy-like date with magic lighting up the night.
• Harper x Begonia – A fun arcade date where they get competitive over games.
• Charlotte x Winter x Eleanor – A lavish, over-the-top romantic getaway.
• Tennille x Nelly – An intimate, heartfelt date at a jazz club.
• Marcellus x Enoch – A poetry reading, where they get lost in each other’s words.
• Aldrich x Phyllis – A charming, vintage-style date, complete with handwritten love notes.
• Edwin x Demeter – A long walk through an ancient garden, sharing stories and laughter.
• Clover x Flynn – A night at the theater watching a dramatic play.
• Ivory x Petra x Marcus – A road trip full of spontaneous stops and adventure.
• Evander x Calliope – A masquerade ball where they dance until sunrise.
• Violet x Xaden – A moonlit picnic with deep conversations and shared dreams.
• Blu x Venus – A creative, artsy date where they paint each other’s portraits.
• Obadiah x Estelle – A warm, rustic cabin getaway in the mountains.
• Noel x Pablo – A playful, energetic date at a roller-skating rink.
• Gideon x Jubilee – A surprise trip to a flower-filled valley.
• Shiloh x Silvanna – A sweet, romantic scavenger hunt leading to a surprise gift.
• Anastasia x Chance – A dramatic, passionate date that could be mistaken for a romance novel.
• Avalon x Cliff – A cozy, candlelit dinner with lots of laughter.
• Avaline x Rameses – A grand, extravagant celebration with music and dancing.
Each couple has their own style- some love big gestures, others prefer quiet moments, but they all make it a special day!
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St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori (1696-1787) Bishop, Confessor, Most Zealous Doctor of the Church, Founder of the Redemptorists, Spiritual Writer, Composer, Musician, Artist, Poet, Lawyer, Scholastic Philosopher and Theologian. The Roman Martyrology states of St Alphonsus today: “At Nocera-de-Pagani, Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop of St Agatha of the Goths and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists), distinguished by his zeal for the salvation of souls, by his writings, his preaching and his example. He was inscribed on the Calendar of the Saints by Pope Gregory XVI in the year 1839, the 52nd after his happy death and , in 1871, was declared Doctor of the Universal Church by Pius IX, according to a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites.“ St Alphonsus!: https://anastpaul.com/2018/08/01/saint-of-the-day-1-august-st-alphonsus-maria-de-liguori-c-ss-r-1696-1787-doctor-of-the-church/
(via First Friday, Santa Maria degli Angelis / Our Lady of Angels, Assisi (13th Century), St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, St Stephen I (Died 257) Pope, Martyr and the Saints for 2 August – AnaStpaul)
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Episode 11: The Christening
Agnes was nervous as the guests began arriving at St. Cobblestone’s Church for the Christening of her twin godsons Toby and Tate Tickle. Everyone important was invited: the Goths, the Bettermans, Agatha Crumplebottom and the Scotts. She persuaded the Tickles to leave Nanny Susan at home, as she did not ‘fraternise with the help’.
After the twins were Christened, Agnes gave a perfect speech, expounding the virtues of the twins’ tiny toes and scrumptious little pudgy cheeks. Everything was going just perfectly: the twins were adorable, the guests were social and everyone looked so smart.
Everyone gave Agnes a resounding round of applause… which was interrupted by her nemesis, Nanny Susan, loudly banging open the church door. She proceeded down the aisle and viscously attacked Agnes, then storming back out again.
The shocked guests left… with Trina not looking too happy about the feud between Agnes and Nanny Susan ruining her beloved twins’ day.
#simblr#ts4#ts4 gameplay#sims 4 gameplay#the sims community#agnes crumplebottom#sims 4#sims 4 soap opera#the sims 4#sims soap opera
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Retro-Janeing: chapters 10 and 11
"It was dreadful to think you out never to have been born… that your own mother wasn't glad to have you." Jane doesn't quite realize it, I'm sure, but she is describing Phyllis' mom's experience. If I have my family tree correct, Phyllis' mother is the third of Mrs. Kennedy's children by her first husband. She knows keenly what it's like to have a mother who isn't glad to have her. Aunt Sylvia got out through marrying someone her mother approves of -- this to her is the correct path for Robin as well. Getting divorced and remarrying would get Robin out of her mother's house and Jane too. Even if it's not a love match, or a perfect marriage, it has to be better than grandmother's house. Which, of course, is why grandmother wouldn't hear of it.
Phyllis knows a great deal about this whole situation. Do we imagine she's known for a while, either because her parents told her directly or because they discuss it around her a lot? Or do we imagine that after the dreadful family conference about Jane going to the island that Phyllis' parents told her what they knew? Either way, this is so far the most functional family unit we have.
Meanwhile, I think this is the first mention of Irene, and already we set up the tension between her and grandmother. This book does this thing where it kind of throws characters at you and wants you to keep up. Blue Castle did it too, to an extent, but it had fewer characters so it's easier to keep track. But clearly it's a thing LMM likes to do -- to toss in a reference to a character and then introduce them properly later. It builds the world as more realistic -- and in this particular case serves to put the reader into Jane's shoes as the name washes right over her -- but I don't always love it. We're a ways away from it yet, but one of my complaints about this book is that there are honestly too many characters in it, and it's not helped by half of them just being dropped into the narrative one day as if they've always been there.
Do we think the staff at St. Agatha's sent inquiries to the house as to whether Jane was ill? Becoming noticeably thinner in a few weeks is generally a bad sign. Or was that kind of checking and watching not in the school's purview at this point? Wouldn't have done any good, but I am curious about a full outside perspective of Jane.
What is grandmother worried about, when she restricts Jane from writing more than once a month? I can't figure out if she's hoping that breaking the bond between Robin and Jane will mean Jane wants to stay on PEI permanently, once she meets Andrew, or if she just is so wedded to being jealous of Jane that she can't bear the thought of Jane and Robin communicating freely for any reason. (Or, possibly most likely, is she worried that Jane will be happy on the island and tell Robin as much and entice Robin to leave again?)
So Robin thinks that Andrew doesn't love her anymore. Furthermore, she has lived her whole life with her mother, and so she thinks Jane loving her will taint Jane in Andrew's eyes. After all, back in chapter one we get this about grandmother: "And Jane felt, if she did not yet know, that grandmother did not like mother loving her so much." At Gay Street, love is a zero sum game. Neither Jane nor Robin have any reason to expect things to be different on PEI.
Enter Mrs. Stanley. This book has never heard of the law of economy of characters and on some level I respect that. Like I said earlier about Irene, it makes the world feel more complete. And we don't get a character sketch of Mrs. Stanley either, beyond her name and why she's going to the island and that she isn't impressed with Jane. Which is also more true to life than some books -- our lives are indeed filled with meetings with strangers we only see once and never again. It's fun as a reader to get little sketches of every character who interacts with the protagonist, but it's more true to Jane's lived experience to know nothing at all about this woman and have her vanish from the story after this one interaction.
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Happy STS!
Which OC has been taking over your mind recently? What excites you about them?
~ @tabswrites
Happy Storyteller Saturday! Thank you so much for the ask, @tabswrites!
Which OC has been taking over your mind recently? What excites you about them?
Cailean Telkerly from Enchanted Illusions, Ahren Ellara from Tales of Wilted Flowers, and Adaria Vytris from Realms of Loss. Lemme explain (:
Cailean is one of my favorite characters in that book, being the rogue with a heart of gold archetype that I really, really love in fiction! Since I've been working on his POV backstory a lot lately, I've gotten to know his history a lot better, which only made me love this character even more. I'm excited about quite a lot of things about him, from his intricate past to his personality. He is a classy and witty con man/thief who specializes in stealing from the nobility and overall big targets. To make a very long story short, he agrees to help one of the protagonists (Agatha) because he believes using this partnership will get him rich (and because they have a common enemy), but ends up really falling in love with her in the process (which complicates and screws up his "this partnership is strictly business" plan quite a lot), which leads to a very much "star-crossed lovers" situation sometimes. Plus, he is really adorable in personality, because even though he is a petty criminal, he is also a really good person deep down beneath the opportunistic exterior he carefully crafted throughout the years - and is someone very charmingly sarcastic at that. Writing the growth of his relationship with Agatha, from strangers to partners/friends to lovers, is really, really rewarding, especially given their vastly different worldviews and experiences (and how much they fall in love with each other).
I really like writing about Ahren because of his complexity, and his character arc in the first book - which goes from a hesitant good character to a morally grey character, as he ends up doing the wrong things for good reasons (as he was led to believe he had no other choice). He's a really tragic character and a good example of how a chaotic environment and constant pressure can change even the most resilient of people. Ahren had everything, and in the matter of one fateful night, he lost it all. He would do anything to restore his family name and keep his cousin safe, even if it takes making not-so-great choices and morally convoluted deals. The impact of the losses he suffered and the hardships he endured turned Ahren into someone slightly bitter and paranoid, certain that everyone was "out to get him" and that he had to be ruthless before the world has the chance to be ruthless to him - having a "the world was never fair to me, why should I be?" mindset. He is a good person and tried with every fiber of his being to remain so, but eventually, it all becomes too much for him to handle alone, which defines a turning point for his character in Book 1. Overall, a very compelling POV that has taken over a lot of my mind these days!
There's something I really like about her backstory and motivations throughout the book, they feel very specific and genuine to her. I love writing about underdog characters who beat the odds and decide to take a stand about a system that has wronged them. Adaria is also incredibly loyal and protective of her family, which is the whole reason she embarks on this journey in the first place - to save her siblings. Her relationship with them is also a huge part of why I love her backstory so much! Adaria is a very hopeful character, preferring to believe that one day the future will be brighter - and she will fight to make sure that happens. The odds were always against her - she was just another street kid from the freezing outer cities, probably destined to starve or vanish, like so many before her, but she wanted more than that world could give her, she wanted to be more. To live, not just survive. She decided to challenge her destiny, with what tools she was given and will do whatever it takes to ensure this future for herself and those she loves. Another thing I really like about her is her friendship with Kassien Vann, a knight from Sarythea tasked with protecting a weapon she sets out to steal - their relationship goes from rivals to hesitant allies and finally friends, I really like it!
#writing#writeblr#writers#writerblr#character writing#my wips#my characters#my writing#writers on tumblr#STS Asks#asked and answered#wip enchanted illusions#wip tales of wilted flowers#wip realms of loss
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Returning to the Pack- Chapter 1
Summary: Years after the Longbottoms are tortured by Death Eaters, Lupin makes an unexpected detour in St. Mungo's.
St. Mungo's changed. When he was a boy, Remus knew it as a safe, clean space where wizards and witches helped him stave off his canine urges. Wizards and Witches who actually understood him. Wizards and Witches who didn't shrink away from him. It was paradise.
But now, years after the war, everything was darker. The healers looked more tired and forlorn. The patients were anxious and terrified. The atmosphere created by Lord Voldemort had clearly not been lifted, even five years later. He was sad to see the place in such depression.
He was lifted out of his reverie when a witch announced his name over the magical PA system. He got up and went to the reception desk.
"Remus!" the witch shouted happily. He recognised her immediately. It was Ingrid Smith, a Hufflepuff who was a year below him in school. She'd asked him out to Slughorn's Christmas party once, though as fate would have it, the party fell on a full moon. As far as he could remember, she never forgave him for ditching her on that night to sneak off to the Shrieking Shack. Sirius in particular got a kick out of teasing him for it.
Of course, it hurt to think of Sirius now. The Sirius he never really knew.
"Hello, Ingrid, are you doing well?" Remus asked timidly. She chuckled.
"Soft as always aren't we, Remmy?" she said slyly, "Though who knew you were such a spoilsport eh? "
Remus thought he knew where this was going.
"18th of December 1975, I wore my favourite lilac dress and YOU, love, never made it. I drank a whole bottle of Firewhisky with Mary before I could digest the fact that the nicest boy in Gryffindor stood me up."
Remus was blushing furiously. She couldn't know why of course, so he resigned to staying painfully silent.
"But, bygones are bygones as I always say. What are you here for?" she asked.
"I have an appointment with Healer Pincher. She said she had a slot at this time?" he said. Ingrid pawed through her papers.
"Pincher... Pincher... yes she has an appointment with one Remus Lupin in the Dai Llewellyn Ward. The first floor then, Remus."
"Yes, thank you, Ingrid," Remus says as he starts walking to the stairs, but Ingrid piped up.
"Say, Remus, why do you need to see a Healer for Serious Bites?"
Remus pretends not to hear her and climbs the stairs to the first floor. He knew the layout like the back of his hand, and quickly found the ward. He stepped inside and finally felt that familiar sense of safety walking into St. Mungo's. Agatha was talking to a young man in a darker shade of green robes. A trainee, he guessed. She finally noticed Remus and recognition dawned on her wrinkled face.
"REMUS!" she yelled happily as she scooped him into a crushing hug, "It's been years, darling, years. How are you? How's your father?"
"Hello, Agatha. Yes, I'm doing well, and so is dad. We've all weathered through," he said in a tired but happy voice. Agatha Pincher was one of the few people in the world he absolutely trusted with anything.
"I heard about James Potter and Peter Pettigrew too," she said, her eyes watering suddenly, "I'm so sorry Remus. I know they were your friends."
"Thank you, Agatha. I- I appreciate it," Remus replied. He didn't want to continue this topic any further.
"I've come for my yearly checkup. I haven't been feeling well since the last lunar cycle."
"Oh of course dear boy," she says as she sits Remus down and whips her wand out. She mutters a few incantations and sat there, scrunching her forehead and murmuring to herself until she got up to write something on a piece of parchment.
"Smethwyck!" she called to her trainee. The young wizard came up to her, fascination and curiosity burning in his eyes. Remus could clearly see his passion for Healing.
"Meet one of my favourite patients, Hypo. This is Remus Lupin, a werewolf and one of my best friends for the past twenty years."
Hypo Smethwyck was a tall, lanky man in dark green Healer robes and brown boots. He had small, watery eyes which were greatly magnified by thick glasses. His mouth twisted into a smile as he gave out a hand.
"Hippocrates Smethwyck at your service Mr Lupin," he said, a bit pompously. But anyone who shook a werewolf's hand was a good man in Remus' book, so he shook it enthusiastically.
"Hypo joined my ward when you disappeared in '81. What happened anyway? You stopped visiting. We missed you here in St. Mungo's."
He paused. He never liked talking about those years he spent in Ireland, so far away from the rest of the world, so cut off from his family and friends, knowing nothing of the current world since Harry killed Voldemort.
"I've been... busy elsewhere, Agatha," he said in a tone he knew she would understand. A tone which meant the conversation was over.
"Hypo!" Agatha suddenly said, straightening herself and scrunching her face in concentration, "You have a twenty-six-year-old male with lycanthropy from the age of six, whose symptoms outside the full moon have intensified and worsened his mental state, including barking, howling, a taste for raw meat, and scratching oneself repeatedly. How would you diagnose this patient?"
Hypo gave a thoughtful chew of his quill, before writing a few notes down.
"Would he be entering his primal stage, Healer Pincher?" he asked timidly. Agatha grinned widely.
"You will become head of this ward the minute I retire Hypo! That is absolutely correct!"
She turned to Remus, "When a werewolf bite reaches somewhere around twenty years in maturity, The werewolf enters what is known as the Primal Stage, where all of the symptoms of lycanthropy that occur outside of the full moon become stronger and more distinct. You will also find that... that as a werewolf, you will be more intelligent and aware of your surroundings than when you were a child. You will refrain from biting and scratching as much. There is a pamphlet I'll give you which explains the process perfectly. You have nothing to worry about Remus."
Remus sighed in relief. He had been worried that the bite had been altered somehow, and any change to his condition could only be worse.
"Remus... have you heard of the Wolfsbane Potion? It's a new concoction that we've seen dramatically helps werewolves control themselves," Agatha said.
"I have, but it's too complex and the ingredients are far too expensive for me Agatha," he sighed in defeat. It is true that with the Potion, he could live a semi-normal life. But, it was one of the most complex concoctions he'd ever seen, rivalling even Polyjuice Potion. And Potions was always his weak link at school. He was no Snape.
"Mm, and unfortunately the Board of Magical Medicine has not passed its use in St.Mungo's for free I'm afraid. I am truly sorry Remus, I wish I could help," Agatha replied sadly.
"You've helped me live the most normal life I could, Agatha, and for that, I can't repay you enough," Remus said kindly, his eyes glistening, "It was with your advice Dumbledore even let me come to Hogwarts. I would be a beggar were it not for you!"
And, against his better judgement, he pulled Agatha in for a large hug. It had been years since he'd felt someone touch him, care for him like a mother, and look out for him. Agatha warmly hugged him back, her lavender perfume soothing his mind. It was the first happiness he'd experienced in a long, long time.
As he extracted himself, another healer walked into the room.
"Healer Pincher? Healer Jones from the Spell Ward wants some of your Soothing Solution. The Longbottoms have been acting up again, and last time it really helped," the healer told Agatha. Remus had mostly been tuning out this conversation whilst talking to Hypo about werewolf symptoms. However, he caught one of the words.
"Longbottom?" Remus asked the healer, "Alice is here? Did she get hurt?"
The healer looked at him, surprised.
"Well, she's been here for years hasn't he, the poor thing? She and her husband, Frank. I wish we could do something for them, but..." he trailed off dejectedly. Remus was looking around wildly, trying to get an explanation. Alice and Frank have been here for years? Why?
"I'm sorry, Remus, is she a friend of yours?" Agatha asked him tenderly. He didn't speak. Yes, Alice was his friend. Alice had been one of the greatest comforts he had in Hogwarts. Without her, he may not have even made it past his first year.
#harry potter#severus snape#neville longbottom#fanfiction#longbottom#alice longbottom#frank longbottom#marauders#moony#wormtail#padfoot#prongs#hogwarts#lily#lily evans#albus dumbledore#dumbledore#mcgonnagal#origin#voldemort#first wizarding war
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Your game is keeping away my loneliness right now. I just want you to know I love and appreciate you and your game. It is fun, funny, silly, and I can see the love that goes into everything. Anyways, have a great day.
Hey! Good morning, Anon :) I’m happy St. Agatha City can do that for you during what I hope is a transitional part of your life, and that things get less lonely soon. I’m currently (slowly) working on the next update for the game, which should be Mindy’s good route in the demo, if all goes according to plan! Do you have a favorite character, Anon? I’d love to draw them for you :)
I hope today is kind to you. Thanks for playing, thank you for reaching out, and thank you for visiting St. Agatha City 🌃 💕
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happy st agatha feast day
i hope rapists die and men are beaten in the streets ✨🫀
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The Materials
I will roughly cram one month of 1952 into one current week- ex. January week one, February week two, etc...
Here are the lists of all the things I will be reading, watching, or listening to:
Films: 88 films, watched chronologically in order of the release date
The Neighbors, The Greatest Show on Earth, Scandal Sheet, Bend of the River, Room for One More, Japanese War Bride, Phone Call From a Stranger, Lone Star, Secret People, Sailor Beware, Viva Zapata!, The Belle of New York, Rancho Notorious, Something to Live For, 5 Fingers, The Marrying Kind, Deadline-U.S.A., Island of Desire, With a Song in My Heart, Outlaw Women, My Son John, Singin’ in the Rain, Macao, The Narrow Margin, The Pride of St. Louis, Belles on Their Toes, Paula, Red Planet Mars, Kangaroo, Red Ball Express, Skirts Ahoy!, Diplomatic Courier, Pat and Mike, Clash By Night, The Girl in White, Stolen Face, Has Anybody Seen My Gal?, Flesh and Fury, Scaramouche, We’re Not Married, Son of Paleface, Don’t Bother to Knock, One Minute to Zero, High Noon, Dreamboat, Lost in Alaska, Affair in Trinidad, Ivanhoe, Sudden Fear, The Quiet Man, What Price Glory?, Penny Princess, The Crimson Pirate, It Grows on Trees, Monkey Business, Beware My Lovely, Europa 51, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, The Devil Makes Three, Because You’re Mine, The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice, The World in His Arms, Ikiru, Captive Women, The Thief, Limelight, The Lusty Men, The Happy Time, The Prisoner of Zenda, Kansas City Confidential, The Steel Trap, Plymouth Adventure, Something for the Birds, Road to Bali, Desperate Search, The Black Castle, Above and Beyond, Hans Christian Andersen, Million Dollar Mermaid, The Star, Stars and Stripes Forever, The Importance of Being Earnest, Come Back Little Sheba, Moulin Rouge, April in Paris, My Cousin Rachel, Ruby Gentry, The Bad and the Beautiful
Television Shows: 39 shows, around 292 episodes, watched chronologically
My Little Margie, Hallmark Hall of Fame, Ford Theatre, The Adventures of Superman, Cisco Kid, The Colgate Comedy Hour, Dragnet, Howdy Doody, I Love Lucy, Martin Kane Private Eye, Jack Benny, What’s My Line?, The Today Show, Guiding Light, This is the Life, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, See it Now, Gang Busters, Life With Luigi, Your Show of Shows, Our Miss Brooks, All Star Revue, Red Skelton, It’s News to Me, CBS Election Night Coverage, Winner Take All, Tales of Tomorrow, Beat the Clock, Treasury Men in Action, This is Your Life, Celanese Theatre, The Beulah Show, Westinghouse Studio One, CBS News with Douglas Edwards, Space Patrol. Ernie Kovacs, Buick Circus Hour, Roy Rogers, Burns and Allen, World Series and Boxing coverage
Radio Shows: 42 shows, around 626 episodes, listened to chronologically
Lux Radio Theater, The Big Show, Gene Autry’s Melody Ranch, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Suspense, People Are Funny, I Love Lucy, My Little Margie, My Friend Irma, Fibber McGee and Molly, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, The Doris Day Show, You Bet Your Life, Father Knows Best, Meet Millie, Gunsmoke, This is Your FBI, The Great Gildersleeve, Screen Guild Theater, Voice of Firestone, Radio’s Best Plays, The Doctor’s Wife, Perry Mason, Our Miss Brooks, Bright Star, Jason and the Golden Fleece, The Chase, Hopalong Cassidy, Defense Attorney, The Mysterious Traveler, Richard Diamond Private Detective, The Martin and Lewis Show, Betty Parry, Mr and Mrs North, Bob Hope, The Adventures of Horatio Hornblower, Space Patrol, The Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, various news broadcasts
Magazines: 26 magazines, read chronologically
Motion Picture and Televison Magazine (12), Cosmopolitan, Life (3), Collier’s, McCall's, Movie Teen, Farm Journal, Photoplay, Quick, Good Housekeeping, Radio Mirror, The Atlantic, The Saturday Evening Post
Books: 5-6 books
1. Mrs. McGinty’s Dead, Agatha Christie
2. Kiss Me Deadly, Mickey Spillane
3. Testimonies, Patrick O’Brien
4. The Natural, Bernard Malamud
5. Go, John Clellon Holmes
6. Player Piano, Kurt Vonnegut
Music: 354 singles and 34 classical recordings (I will list these as I listen to them.)
One 78rpm record from 1952: 5-10-15 Hours, Ruth Brown
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