#happy special episode y'all!!
chaos0pikachu · 29 days
one of my favorite scenes in The Sign is from ep07 pt5 when the scooby doo squad is having their bullpen SVU conference meeting to discuss the Art Kid Love Triangle Case cause Dr Chameleon is chilling there and as soon as, I mean as SOON as Phaya sees him it's on sight, those broad ass shoulders tense up, he's ready to throw down harder than the Rock was against Vin Diesel in fast & furious and on instagram
He's looking at the Doc like "doctor (eat shit and die bitch)" and the Dr Champagne is looking at Phaya right back like "Phaya (had it not been for the laws of this land.png)" while absolutely no one else in the room is copping to this weird ass tension they're trying to solve one love triangle with a bunch of Art Kids not trying to get involved in some c-drama fantasy ass shit
then as they're talking about the case Dr Manhattan is like "see when I love something I never let it go ever" and Phaya is like "level 01 ass behavior, you should watch Frozen and let it the fuck go" while Tharn the object of said centuries long love triangle is looking back and forth tennis match style internally thinking about how he dreamt Phaya blowing his back out against the shower and hoping ppl can't see his ungodly thirst on main while the rest of their coworkers are asking themselves if sitting in an ice bath for sixteen hours and doing 6 years of school was really worth whatever the fuck is happening right now
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dean-winchesters-clit · 8 months
I need y'all to understand how fucking important it is that their lovemaking song was La Vie En Rose.
Those translated covers you hear on TikTok take their lyrics from a Louis Armstrong cover of the original French version sung by Edith Piaf. The English lyrics are beautiful but there are some things lost in translation, which is why I love that they had Izzy sing the original French version while Stede and Ed are making love.
Edith Piaf's version of the song is all about the intensity of love and finding love after a trying time. Her vocals are incredible and bleed all the different emotions she feels while singing. Izzy starts with the English translation of the song, which goes:
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But a closer translation to the original French would be:
"Quand il me prend dans ses bras; When he takes me into his arms/ Il me parle l'a tout bas; He speaks to me softly/ Je vois la vie en rose; And I see life through rose-colored glasses."
Obviously this is fine and dandy, but it's the translation of the original French lyrics used later in the episode that really get me. Izzy sings this:
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Which translates to this:
"He speaks words of love to me/ They are every day words/ And they do something to me.
"He has entered into my heart/ A bit of happiness/ That I know the cause of.
"It's only him for me/ And me for him, for life/ He told me, he swore to me, for life."
It's that last verse that the English version just wouldn't be able to capture. The translated version of that verse is about angels and love songs and mentions nothing of a vow to love one another for life.
That's what's so special to me about the French version of the song being used in that moment. Edith Piaf sings as a person who has lived through so much pain and suffering (which she definitely did as a French woman living through World War II) and finally finds comfort and peace in the arms of her beloved.
That is ultimately what Ed and Stede are for one another. Safe harbors, calm waters, peaceful days and nights in each other's presence. They bicker and argue and hurt one another, but they always come back together so easily. Stede was hurt and needed reassurance, needed to prove to himself that he wasn't a whim, needed to feel the security of Ed in his arms. And perhaps they shouldn't have gone all the way that night, but they're both impulsive and obsessed with each other and they needed something.
It's that song that lets me know they're gonna be okay. They're intense and impulsive but they compliment each other. They fit together perfectly, and they find comfort in one another no matter what's happened to them in the past. They need their harbors, their anchors, each other. They'd never leave each other behind. They make each other's lives la vie en rose.
(Edit: fixed a translation error)
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apollostears · 8 months
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↠︎ plot + warnings: headcanons on college!jjk men with f!reader roommate and their halloween adventures. reference to sex + mention of blood + swearing
↠︎ featuring: gojo, choso, nanami, toji, geto + special guests: shiu + sukuna
↠︎ this special '*' is somewhere in the hcs and the explanation is at the end!
ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴇɴ
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☥︎ full disclosure, you live with scaredy cats.
☥︎ nanami don't play with that demonic shit in the slightest !!! ︎☥︎ he is absolutely the one to grab you and haul ass at the slightest movement. ︎☥︎ toji and geto fight instead of flight 💀 so to save some legal fees, its best to do haunted anything, without them.
☥︎ gojo cries and choso just disassociates 😭
☥︎ one thing that you guys always do for halloween is have a halloween movie marathon with the kids and girls.
☥︎ you guys always dress up in the same theme. this year, you guys were the fantastic four + the silver surfer + dr. doom
☥︎ toji was dr. doom, choso the silver surfer, nanami was mr. fantastic, you were the invisible woman.
☥︎ geto and gojo drew straws on who would be johnny storm and the other would be the thing.
☥︎ geto won
☥︎ the guys throw a halloween special at the tattoo shop. its always a huge turnout.
☥︎ one year, toji ended up having a match on halloween and it was the best time!!!!
☥︎ obvi it was costume theme so of course y'all went as WWE characters 💀
☥︎ it was supposed to be an attempt to embarrass toji but he came out lookin like the undertaker during his modern phenom era.
☥︎ music playin and all!
☥︎ and then he won the match and people started calling him the reaper.
☥︎ and yes, it definitely filled his already big ass head 🙄
☥︎ one time y'all did one of those huge scare fest's andddd it was def smth 😭
☥︎ y'all know that run bts episode when they go to one and yoongi squares up with an actor?
☥︎ that was toji and geto the entire time.
☥︎ runnin and swingin
☥︎ one of toji's friends* tells him about a halloween party that another underground fighter was hosting and you guys berate him into going.
☥︎ so everyone's costumes for that one were slasher themed!
☥︎ geto was pyramid head, choso was ghostface, toji was freddy krueger, gojo was jason voorhees, nanami was michael myers, and you were tiffany the bride of chucky!!! ︎☥︎ it was a great night for the most part!
☥︎ the host had hired exotic dancers that were all dressed up in bloody outfits and hot makeup
☥︎ the decorations made the entire place look like a house of horrors tbh
☥ you ended up dancing with a guy dressed as a sexy leatherface ︎☥︎ and DAMN did that mf know how to catch some ass!
☥ well come to find out that he was the host and you guys ended up sleeping together ︎☥︎ shoutout to you for finally getting dick after being cockblocked for so long!!!
☥︎ but none of the guys were happy to see that your body of choice was none other than ryomen sukuna a.k.a toji's biggest pain in the ass!
☥︎ but hey, spooky shit happens 🤷🏾‍♀️
*he doesn't consider shiu a friend, more of a benefactor but you think they're besties
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @kennyackermanswhore @chaoticevilbakugo @indiecursor @gabzlovesu @desiray562 @brownmochii @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @namjoonswifeyy @nyxeclipse @rubinocore @somerandompipzsxh @dabilovesme @histarean @hannas16 @caribbeanwifey19 @emonaculate @po3ticb3auty @waka-umm @wilsonsbuck @ctrlstar @jealousfuckingcunt @savagemickey03 @dukina @saintblk @sisnot @littlemochi @hoohoohope @ruubric @tor-tor8 @beautyfairykei @lilvampirina
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 🤍
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Call of Duty but make it 🐺werewolves🐺
{Author's Note} Inspired by @deadbranch's werewolf AU so definitely go check it out. I’ve leaned more into the supernatural aspect than her series has and thought it'd be fun to post it for October hehe. If y'all want some good werewolf/soldier content, check out the "Shape-Shifters" episode from Netflix's Love, Death, and Robots. It fits this AU perfectly and gives a good visual for how things would work. >Call of Duty Werewolves AU -> Part 2 *I’d love hearing any ideas y’all have and would be happy to answer with more headcanons if you guys want. Werewolves and werewolf AUs are my JAM*
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First, some lore for this AU...
>Werewolves are usually forced into organizations like the military to keep them under control. They are feared by most of humanity and treated more as assets rather than citizens with laws put into place to make sure they don't hurt the people around them. Medication is often taken to suppress their lycanthropy and violent force is used if they ever get out of hand. There are plenty of groups who specialize in the hunting and killing of werewolves.
>Natural werewolves are born with their abilities and have an easier time with their transformations as a result. 
>Bitten werewolves gain their abilities after being bitten by another werewolf. They tend to be more vicious when transformed and often have a harder time managing themselves. 
>Transformations are not dictated by the cycles of the Moon but instead by a werewolf’s will and emotions. However, many werewolves revere the Moon and often hold celebrations as it passes through its phases each month.
>Werewolves only gain about a foot in height when they transform, due to the shape of their feet changing and their spine lengthening to allow for quadrupedal movement (ex. 6'4" -> 7'4"). Their muscle mass/weight remain about the same as it is the face and head that undergo the most dramatic changes.
>Hair length and style remain relatively the same when transformed. Bitten werewolves tend to have less hair than natural werewolves. 
>Eyes are reflective in both forms; natural werewolves keep their human eye colors when transformed, while bitten werewolves tend to have more unusual eye colors (brown to amber, blue to silver, etc.). 
>Moon madness/blindness is when a werewolf is overwhelmed by the light of a full moon and transforms without meaning to, regressing to a state of mind that is driven more by instinct rather than higher reason (werewolf equivalent to human psychosis). This is more common among bitten werewolves and can lead to violent outbursts if not properly addressed.
>Among werewolves, moonstones are said to restore a werewolf’s humanity when they’ve lost control. Because of their relative rarity, however, this belief exists only in the realm of legend rather than truth. 
🌙 🐺 🌙
💲Price is well-known for his experience and the ease with which he can transform. He commands those around him with confidence, acting as a supporting presence and capable leader. He should never be underestimated, however, as his temper frightens even the toughest werewolves.
💀Ghost was nearly killed by the werewolf who turned him and so views his lycanthropy as more of a curse. He bears numerous scars from the attack and tends to be quite vicious when transformed. He is the largest of the 141 with oversized fangs, tufted ears, and blazing amber eyes. 
🧼Soap comes from a family of Scottish werewolves who eagerly embrace their lycanthropy. He has great control over his transformations and suffers little pain as a result. His trademark Mohawk and bright blue eyes remain when shifted, making him easily identifiable.
🧢Gaz still struggles with his transformations after being bitten but he doesn't find them particularly overwhelming. Price and Soap have both been a huge help in that regard, offering their advice and companionship when needed. He's become far more confident in his abilities and enjoys the company of his fellow lycanthropic soldiers.
🦿Alex was attacked by a moon-blinded werewolf and unfortunately lost his lower left leg as a result. He's managed to find enjoyment in his new life, however, thanks in part to his association with the 141, and uses his enhanced abilities to his advantage. Laswell had a unique prosthetic made for him that adapts to his transforming body.
🪦Graves is a born-and-bred werewolf. He’s proud of his abilities and encourages use of them among his Shadows. He makes for a loyal and headstrong soldier who is known for his disarming charm and willingness to get his hands dirty. Shadow Company functions more as a tight-knit family rather than a horde of military operatives, due primarily to Graves’ leadership and his embracing of their lycanthropy.
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
there’s so much misinfo going round atm, see lots of people saying that after jk enlists with jm and does the boot camp he can apply for some special ???something and will leave separately where he is stationed or that just because jk / jm are enlisting on same day, they only will do basic training together then go to separate places ? and that they only chose the enlisting together option because it meant they could make sure they were out in time for june ?
ik it’s a bit hard to follow maybe with different sources and not real confirmation but do you know if any of it is true? my understanding was that they did the “enlisting together” scheme thing, (ie. it’s a purposeful application, they knew they were choosing this way) which meant they’ll at least be in same living quarters etc the whole time until they’re out ?
sorry for long Q! it’s ok if you dk it was just confusing D; thank you!
Hi anon. 😳 I am terrible when it comes to the serious stuff and have the attention span of a toddler when such topics arise. My mind registers them as boring and so I don't retain the in4. But my friends delved deep into this so I will gather as much as I can and do my best to explain the sitch
Let me start by correcting the biggest misinformation of them all. Thanks to fucking Mina with her fake subs and reaching conclusions, the vermin are confusing "Special Task Force" with "Special Forces"
JK said he wanted to join special forces. Well and good
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But thats not what V is doing. V applied for Special Task Force which, while not easy (he said in the live its why he enlisted there, to challenge himself) its nothing compared to special forces. Special forces is HARD CORE. Its no joke. It's for those who actually want to go to war and proper fight for their country. Not for those fulfilling a mandatory duty... One they wouldn't do if they had the choice. Special forces, those people actually wanna be there. And if u know JK then u shouldn't be surprised that he would say something like this. Of course our dare devil bunny would enjoy joining something as risky as special forces.
But guess what? No one stopped him. He still could have gone there if he really wanted to. Just like in Winter package. No one told him to give up zip lining for beer tasting. He did that off his own volition since Jimin was going beer tasting. JK's happiness is where Jimin is. Period. (Suga's presence played a big part but we don't talk about Yoonmin)
(Edit: the whole thing takes almost 8 years to complete which again, is not something JK would actually do if he wanted to still stay a member of BTS. And of course satellite Jeon would again, never do it)
Jikook wanted to use the buddy system and they applied where Jin is on purpose because since the location is so risky, (front lines) not alot of people apply to serve there. So the chances of them being accepted were pretty high. I already talked a bit about that here.
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Coldest and most dangerous. But before we panic, Jikook love snow so... thats good. But also;
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2 things to note before we continue; 1) Tattoos are a none factor on why Jikook applied together or why JK couldn't be with V. They had 0 to do with that. And 2) All members and where they ended up it was their decision
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So, here is a Korean explaining
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They shall not be separated. They will train together and continue to serve together
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One body. Shiet.
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Nice. Even the breaks they will take together. Basically spend every minute together for those 18 months y'all.
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They had to pass 3 rounds. Applying wasn't all. They had rounds to pass before getting accepted. So as we can see this was a whole ass process. They really worked hard on this to make it happen.
Apparently there is a show you can watch that explains the buddy system. Its 8 episodes, its called real man
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The holding hands thing is legit 🤣🤣🤣
Jikook shouldn't have an issue then 🤭
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Anon, people are in denial and the other half are trying to explain this away. If Jikook only went in together just so they could come out at the same time then they could have done what Vmon did. Apply separately at the same time.
This is one tough pill to swallow for antis. It's like the biggest fuck u Jikook could have ever done but at the same time I really don't think they factored anyone else but themselves when they made this decision.
18 months is no small amount of time so let's call a spade a spade; Jikook couldn't be apart that long. Fax 💯 JK wanted to be there for Jimin, Jimin wanted to be there for JK, of course. Them in the same place looking out for each other is all I as a fan who loves them can ask for. But at the same time, they needed this.
Anon, they will be together 24/7 for the entire duration of their time there.
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Yes. Sleeping in the same quarters. It wouldn't make sense for companionship if they were separating the recruits who applied together. To be companions. Of each other.
The buddy system is there to help friends cope with this difficult mandatory thing that the government insists on doing to their young men. It's there to help them cope in any way possible. I imagine mostly mentally. So why would they train them together then separate them? ❓❓❓
It is said that you should make sure the person you apply with, is a person u get along with super well because for the next 18 months you will be together every moment of everyday. It's krazy to imagine that JK wouldn't rather do this with his actual boyfriend V, instead. Krazy. 🤯
Anygays, no need to worry my good people, Jimin and JK have got each other's back. All that's left is to wait for them and pray for them. May they always hold hands 🤭
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respectthepetty · 27 days
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 1
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. I had planned to space them out more, but due to wacky weather over here (tornadoes, thunderstorms, softball-sized hail, and flash flooding), I had plenty of time to binge watch the first show, Love in the Air, which perfectly aligns with my real life theme of stormy weather, so I'm posting my random thoughts in five parts, two for each couple and the special episode.
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I'm seated, I'm watching, and I'm being petty.
It starts at "2:00 AM" - Oh no. Nothing could happens at 2 in the morning, and the time just keeps going. This event isn't even going to begin until 3 AM?! Take me home, NOW! I don't care how fine these men are. I'm stopping for mini churros at Jack in the Box on the way home and going to bed. I'M OUT!
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I've seen plenty of pictures of Boss in the past two years, but I still lost my breath a bit when he took off his mask because he was looking delicious in the rain.
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Out of everything I saw about this show, NOBODY mentioned that Rain was trying to get a girl. I'm shook. That's a huge part of the plot I never saw mentioned. There were rumors of the actor (Noeul) being with Milk (of MilkLove), and I saw more of THAT in connection to this show than about him liking a girl within it. Where are y'alls priorities?! *looks at Tonnam and breathes deeply*
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Payu's room is IN the garage? But what about the fumes? What about the noise? What about a good work/life balance?!
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I don't care if this boy is snuggling in his sleep, Payu is on my shit list! Instead of being like "oh, I misunderstood the signals," he pushed harder then got upset. Even if Rain secretly does want him, I need a verbalization. This is the end of the first episode, and I'm mad as hell at a bisexual on the first day of Pride. Damn.
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Start of episode two and I know Rain's voiceovers are there to make me not be upset at Payu, but . . . I'm pissed at this man! He did all of that work, said it was free, but now there is "another" charge, then he shows up at this boy's school when he could've just talked to him at the shop, and feels him up in the bathroom stall. I am BIG mad!
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I will admit, this is hot. Still very mad at my fellow bisexual for him saying he wasn't trying to force himself on Rain (even though he was about to mark a map on that boy's neck), but they got chemistry.
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My fellow Slut for Christ, only God can judge you, but know that I am too.
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All racetracks look the same so Pit Babe and Cutie Pie could have been filmed here for all I know, but I have this at 1.5 speed, unmuted, so I hear this is a legit hype rap song. WEARETHEGOOD's "Threat" with these colors?! Energy? Matched.
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I don't kink shame but both people should be willing participants in this endeavor. Then just to drop him on the floor like that?! That does not inspire trust! This is not Blue Boy behavior, sir! But this lecture after is. That is what I need from you. Remind him that this isn't some petty school shit but actual gangstas he is messing with. Remind him that he can't be reckless. THAT'S HOW BLUE BOYS GET KISSED!
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Now it's a competition? Payu wants to fuck Rain so badly he looks stupid, yet Rain is over here saying he is going to make Payu want to fuck him, what? harder? What is this all about?!
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What do you mean you didn't want to show Rain your bad side? Has all this been your good side up until this point?! Cause, dead ass, this side ain't looking that great either with you being upset you weren't sleeping with him on the first night and stalking him. So you're going to get worse?
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Y'all can't sucker me in with red and blue colors. I Told Sunset About You tried that, and I'm still being petty about it. But whose house are we at now?! This is a different room than before. Payu got multiple places?! In this economy?
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Prapai strolling in all happy because he had a good night . . . Sir, I'll get to your ass soon because I know how you got that happiness, and you are on the same shit list as your fellow bisexual bestie.
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I am Sky and our judgement cannot be measured.
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All this blue between these two yet they are straight up lyin' every two seconds. The fuckery.
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I would've let him turn it in, but I appreciate that he looks so good while looking so sad with that warm glow.
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Payu gets one positive point for leaving his arms open for Rain to come to him, but now that warm glow feels sus like maybe I should be paying more attention to Rain's yellow/orange backpack.
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And now for a negative point because even though I keep seeing black x white, Payu stays morally grey by playing with this boy's emotions and hiding from him in his own shop! These after scenes are not doing Payu any favors.
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Payu, do I like you? Do I hate you? Do I wanna fuck you? Do I wanna kick you in the balls? All of the above?
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Guess I'll find out in the next three episodes.
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
MCL New Gen Ep 3 Review
I finally finished the episode! I'll give a more generic opinion about it here and put all the spoilers below the cut!
I think it was really nice, I didn't check how many APs I used but I saw someone else mention that it's around 1200 APs which I think is fair! I was scared about it at first because I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed that, ususally, the first episodes are either shorted/cheaper and that new episodes that come out are much more expensive... I hope that won't happen!
The outfits are pretty cute, also I noticed that if you want to, you can unlock the other outfit you missed for 150 hearts! It's just to unlock it in the shop without having to replay the episode, you still have to purchase each piece separately but I think it's alright since the prices are really cheap!!
I don't really know what else to add and still be spoiler free, so now it's time for spoilers! you've been warned!
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I'm so so happy with how they get Candy to react everytime... I love that she changes expressions accordingly and it's much more fun!! Also I think I screenshotted(?) almost all of Jason's scenes,, I'm sorry I'm just so down bad I kept giggling everytime he said anything,, I think that's why it took me a while to finish the episode lol...
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Petronilla you're so real for that... Me too... (he awakens the goblin inside me...)
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Honestly I really think that we should keep this in mind everytime he opens his mouth because it's actually so true... Also how are you so obsessed... Keep it going...
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He wants to kiss her so bad I just know it... He's like that one kid that bullies you just because he's into you and doesn't know how to behave
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"Little kitten"
I'm so done with this guy he's so shameless and I love him for that,,
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The illustration is very pretty! He's so handsome why can't he just do a backflip off of Goldreamz's roof (He's so pretty sometimes it p*sses me off lmao)
I think I'll try to edit this one soon too!
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I think it's pretty funny that she calls him that, yeah I can see how he's a loser... (I be calling him things just cause he's pretty and annoying I swear)
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She's so... I'm so gay leave me alone,,,,,
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ALSO ISTG she's going to be the end of me and my wallet, I can't help but always buy both her's and Jason's special scenes (I still haven't understood if you can get the illu's without buying the scenes... help,,) and on top of that of course I'll say that I'm going for Jason's route and then buy Amanda's illus because I can't live without it,, Beemoov let me be poly for once, Petronilla has two hands for a reason!! Either let us (Me and 'Nilla) have the same outfits for both Amanda and Jason so that I won't have to spend 350 extra gems or idk;;-;
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The doomed yuri... The forbidden yuri... Petronilla you're so gay... Idk I think I can hear "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl In red from miles away... We're so over ;A;
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If I get the time I think I'll try to edit this one as well!! So so pretty!
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I also wanted to mention this... Man he's just like me this guy is autistic as F**K I'm telling y'all... I relate to that so much, especially the fact that he apparently seems to be thinking in percentages as well (By that I mean that at least I tend to make my decisions based on calculations and such... That's why I like to joke about having a computer for brains lol)
Looks like Beemoov's writers did their homework on this guy cause if he's actually autistic-coded I think they did a great job! Autism is a spectrum in the end but I really resonate with how they're potraying it with Thomas! Kudos!
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Last but not least... Jason's text after finishing the episode... I'm shipping Jason and Petronilla so hard,,,,,, I love the blue&pink contrast, they were made for each other your honor... If we add Amanda they can be the Bisexual flag together...
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romanticatheartt · 1 month
Do you remember how I said I won't be watching s3? Yes, I'm a lying liar through and through lol my sister said let's watch it and I love watching movies or TV shows with her, and tbh we had a good laugh😭💀
Okay so here are my thoughts:
First of all: KATE AND ANTHONY. Omg they're everything to me!! They were only in one episode but they made that episode theirs. I just love seeing them blissfully happy and living in their own bubble. I'm both sad and glad they were only in one episode. Because I wouldn't put it past the writers to give them some unnecessary drama and conflict. At the same time their screen time was so little... I suppose we can't have it all :')
Francesca. Omg I love her so much. I already loved her from the books but the show? God, she's so cute and beautiful. Hannah played her to perfection and I'm glad she's the new Francesca. Even when you read the books, that's how you imagine Fran's character. Both she and Kate have a special place in my heart.
John... my god John is here. And I'm already too attached to him. I can't- Listen, I know my heart will break when his time comes. The actor was such a good choice for his character and I was on the verge of crying whenever he appeared with Fran. She was always so happy to see him. I never thought two characters/actors could have this much chemistry while sitting in silence. GOD I LOVE THEM and I'm ready for heartbreak :D We still have no Michael but I'll keep hoping for him to appear because my god... Francesca's book is filled with angst I just hope when it's her turn, they do it justice<3
I actually enjoyed Eloise and Cressida. I never thought I'd say this but I did!! I know they made 180 changes about her character in the new season but I don't really care lol I just hope she works it out with Debling so at least she'll be free from her parents.
People keep saying they don't like Eloise this season but she's so much better than me. I would've been so much worse... The first thing I would've done was give Pen's name to the queen but she kept it this whole time and was actually worried about Pen... she was kind enough to a person who ruined her and her family, not once but twice.
There are too many side plots in this season. Like I don't want to be pathetic but we've been saying that since s2 and y'all called us delusional and said to be grateful because it was more than enough. But now that I see even Polin fans have a problem with this season makes me so happy and sad at the same time. Because when this happened to your favs, it's a real issue...
I love LD and QC friendship so much!! And QC & Brimsly. These friendships were more shaped since QC spin-off and I really enjoyed it.
It's obvious to me that they don't know what to do with Ben's plot lol. Because creating these unnecessary original characters is doing a disadvantage to the whole show. I really hope we see Sophie this season. 
Okay I've avoided the inevitable as much as I could lol so let's talk about the main couple:
They have no chemistry. I know some might not agree with me but there's no chemistry for me. It has always been like this since s1. At least I don't feel anything special between them. Nicola is a wonderful actor and is carrying the whole ship on her shoulders and I said what I said. 
Luke wasn't good at portraying Colin at all. He has no charisma and is trying too hard. I'm not talking about his character wanting to be something he's not but talking about the acting in general, so don't come for me with that argument. They really tried to make him like Anthony but failed miserably. Which is sad because even tho I haven't read their book, he in other books was absolutely my favorite side character. Me and my sister were laughing our asses off at some of his actings like sir... pls don't😭 I'm being super mean omg
The pacing of their relationship was weird. When he proposed to her I was so shocked like in episode 4? Already? Then I remembered in s1 we had the same situation but in s1 it felt right. It wasn't weird or felt too soon or too late, it was right. With Polin, everything felt out of order. I think they didn't want to focus much on building it up because they felt they already did in the past 2 seasons but it just felt off in the end. They weren't even together much on screen to feel like it's building up!! There was no arc or if it was, it was too subtle that if you blink you'll miss it.
The other problem with their plot was the similarity between s1 and s3. Simon was trying to help Daphne to find a husband and Colin is doing the same thing. Except s1 main trope was Fake Dating and s3 was Friends to Lover.
Which brings me to another reason why I didn't like s3. Friends to Lovers trope. Honestly, this is a me problem. I've never liked this trope at all. I really tried to change my mind about it, like reading books with this trope but most of the time I'm left unsatisfied or hating the book. Unfortunately, s3 was no different. This trope always comes off as unpassionate for me. Which I think it's the trope. Because it's supposed to be cute and subtle and I'm not sure it's really my thing. So I guess the major reason for my dislike of this season is the trope.
There were 2 fkn scenes of Colin participating in a threesome... That was so fkn bad like I can't believe this just happened. And one of them was after he kissed Penelope... I don't care that he didn't continue but... OUGH it gave the ick so bad, I didn't even watch it,  just fast-forwarded it.
That carriage scene was okay-ish? It didn't leave me breathless like the Kanthony scenes did. Tbh s2 left me in a shamble with how much emotions I felt with those two. But with s3, I had the exact opposite feeling toward the main couple.
Anyway, I think this season, revealing LW's identity was their priority which is why they weren't so focused on the romance (?) idk but I feel like part 2 won't be any different than part 1 and they're gonna throw some sex scenes to make it up for the romance lol
ps: I know I said s4 will be Benedict's and I still think it will be but if they decide to make it Francesca's? Oh, I wouldn't mind at all!! 
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
04/01/2024 Daily Ricky Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew; ErrollShand; KristianNairn; Rhys Darby; Fan Spotlight; Crew Cards; Stede Bonnet as Faberge Eggs; Ricky Roll'd; Ricky's Reels;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Erroll Shand =
Today's main man is out here loving all the Ricky memes yall have been busy with!
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= Rhys Darby =
I've run out of videos I can add so I'm going to link to @mon-ster-chen here on tumblr for the Rhysie video for today! Thanks hon!
= Kristian Nairn =
Just a selfie of our lovely Kristian on Wonday. No news yet on when WJW will be back, but at least we get to see our favorite dj! Source: Kristian's IG
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is Stede and Pete's guard, from episode 2 of season 1, Jamie Nations-- as well as the man who Gut Stabbed Stede, Carlos Arellano! Thank you @melvisik, you really are finding everybody!!
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== Stede Bonnet as Fabergé Eggs ==
One of our delightful crewmates over on twitter @ofmdframes put together quite an assortment of Stede Bonnet comparisons to a variety of Fabergé Eggs for Easter yesterday! Please check out their twitter thread if you have access!
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== In Soup Now ==
InSoupNow: In Aid of Team HAVEN for WeeJohnWonday has now closed! Thank you to @ForceMonument on Twitter for organizing this, and thank you so much to every person who donated or shared! You helped raise £3,298.75 for people in need!
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= Ricky Rolled =
First up is our darling @blueberreads and their contribution to today's fun! Tumblr / IG
Next is our friend @ofmdframes again on twitter really giving us a heart attack. Src: Twitter, they have so many more please check them out if you have twitter.
More from @ofmdframes
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And the lovely @emcolbs made a an amazing animation of their Ricky art as well. Please visit Em's post here
I know there's more! Been working my way through, but I'm running out of image space! Happy April Fool's day all!
== Love Notes ==
Y'all are wild, you know that? I saw the Ricky stuff this morning and everyone kinda just rolled with it and doubled down everywhere. It was a lovely beam of sunlight today.
Add to that, the boops? My goodness Tumblr knows how to induce dopamine a little bit at a time. It was so fun booping people today! I hope folks got a chance to-- sounds like there was some goofy glitches throughout the day.
I hope you all had a wonderful day. The love notes are shorter tonight because finishing off 2 recaps in one night was fun but I'm a bit sleepy. I hope you all had such an amazing time today, and if not, I hope tomorrow goes better. So much love your way m'dears <3 A little love note from @thelatestkate tonight. If I've already posted this I apologize, but it's always applicable!
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== Ricky's Reels ==
Tonight's regularly scheduled gifs have been replaced by a one night only special! Gif courtesy of @samuelroukin
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I've just sat and read all of your fics and they're all incredible! If it's okay, can you write an Elvis x female reader smut where she's in the audience of the Comeback special and maybe throughout the performance he kind if gravitates towards her? Ending really smutty where he invites her to his dressing room after? Thank you so so much!
Omg, I love this idea! 🥺 your words mean so much to me, im so happy that my works can make you entertained. on to the fanfic! I hope you like it.
Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader.
Warning: Reverse cowgirl, Praise, Cum shot, Dirty talk, Spanking, Mirror sex, Oral (fem), Cum eating, Fluff, Stranger to lovers? Creampie, Choking, Gagging, Melolagnia kink, Exhibitionism, Crying, Chubby!reader.
Summary: You never felt so lucky, you were one of the few people to watch The Rock and roll king; Elvis Presley, to see history. You felt things you haven't before and to make it worse or better you seem to gain the Rockstar's attention. You couldn't wait to see what the future held for you.
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You watched the god-like man like he was everything and more, his stage presence awoke things you never thought were possible, and your heartbeat pulsated with the rhythm of the song he sang with such emotion. Your breath became baited as your eyes locked with the rockstar, a seductive smirk made its way to his face, and a knowing glint in his eyes. He continued to perform, dancing and singing more in your direction, and your juices soaked your underwear. You desired him like no other.
Even as he sat down to talk, he would glance your way, it was unbearable when you were told y'all could take a break, you looked around for Elvis but he wasn't around he probably went to his changing room and feeling nothing short of disappointment fall in the pit of your stomach, you begin to walk to the ladies room when THE jerry schilling stood in front of you, his eyes looked your curved bigger body up and down behind his almost see through shades, unknowingly to him or knowing he licked his lips before he snapped out of his episode and cleared his throat. "Elvis wants to see you. Follow me sugar," he spoke softly so you only heard him despite you being in an empty hallway "lead the way." you nodded eagerly making Jerry laugh at your excitement and begin to show you to Elvis's changing room. With each step you got wetter, you heard tales of women who had the luxury of sleeping with the king, they had said such it was like no other, you were gonna see if it was true.
You both reached the door of the dressing room, Jerry bid you goodbye but you hardly heard him, your heartbeat was too loud in your ears, with a gulp of courage you knocked on the door and waited, playing with the edge of your dress skirt, that rested on the middle of your plush thighs not long his voice called out to you and invited you in. You turned the handle and walked in, a view which would make any fan faint to see in person, There sitting on a couch was Elvis smirk on his lips, manspreading still in that heavenly black leather suit, his eyes traced your big body, your breasts stood out like a masterpiece, your baby carrying hips, those thighs he wanted to fuck, 'Next time' he noted his mind, continuing to check you out, those legs that he wanted to be wrapped his waist, Elvis took a sip of his iced coke and put into down on the end table. Elven sent a soft smile as he becked you over with a finger, he chuckled as he pulled you onto his lap, his hand gripping your hips before moving his hands up your love handles, stopping briefly to squeeze them and then moving on until his hands cupped your breasts and groaning at the weight of them in his palms "Yar a pretty thing aren't cha." he spoke looking at you with lustful-adoring blue orbs, "Thank you Mr.Presley" you replied softly "Elvis for you darlin'." he licked his lips, his fingers gripped onto your wide hips. Elvis leaned his head back on the wall that the couch was pushed up against, his lidded eyes watching you "Go on, pretty thing, ride me." he encouraged you, your slick dripped from your oversoaked panties, and you got off his lap, your fingers worked to undo his pants and pull them down with Elvis's help, his cook stood proud once free, at a good 8 inch, which twitched from the cold air, you wrapped your hand around his thick cock and gave an experimental jerk, A sharp hiss leaves Elvis and you couldn't stop yourself.
You knew you should be patient and tease him but you dreamed of this moment ever since you heard and saw this man. You quickly took off your underwear, turned around, lined his cock to your entrance, and slid down his large length. You both hissed at the feeling, you from his member stretching your pussy, giving a pleasant burn and him from the feeling of the tightest pussy he had ever been in before, the feeling of your ass laying on his thighs, giving a comforting weight while feeling great pleasure. You breathed in, lifted your hips, and began to bounce, moans left your lips as his cock head hit your g-spot "Fuckk" Elvis moaned, wrapping his arms around your stomach, laying his head on your back, and his hips bucking up at each time you lifted yourself, pretty whines and pants was all that sounds he seemed could make, "Fuckin' hell pretty thing, go faster, wanna cream this pussy." Elvis groaned, thrusted upwards, your cheeks heated up from his dirty words, and lean a bit forward, gripping the little bit of couch that was between Elvis's spread legs and rolled your hips before riding the man below you faster, the sound of your ass hitting against his lap become louder and his thrusts faster, chasing his release. Elvis threw his head back, whining, eyes squeezed shut as he filled you with his seed "Get up sugar" he tapped your hips after gaining back some of his energy "Go to the mirror f'me, put your hands on the vanity and bend over." he commanded, watching you do as you were told, he got up after you, taking off the icon suit and walked behind his jet black hair laid on his forehead and his body adored a layer of sweat from being rid. Elvis sent you a smile through the mirror before lowering to his knees, flipping your dress skirt off your ass, and spreading your pillowy thighs to see your glistening folds, covered into your slink, and his slowly dripping out semen "Ain't this a pretty sight" he licked his lips, and buried himself in said thighs, licking stride up your cunt.
"Oh fuck!" you cried as his tongue flicked at your clitoris before wrapping his lips around the sensitive nerve and sucking on it. Hard. You grabbed the edge of the vanity, and whimpered, laying your forehead against the mirror. He gave one last suck before dragging his tongue through your folds to your cum-filed core, the wet muscle circled your entrance and penetrated, his lapped at your walls, licking out his cum
It felt so good, tears pooled at the corner of your eyes, and little sobs of pleasure left you as he didn't hold back, cumming when he nibbled your clit. You watched as Elvis appeared up from behind you, his lower face shining from your slick, and a dirty smug smirk was directed at you through the mirror, once again his hands took your hips and he moved closer to you until his tip poked your slit "Ya ready?" he asked, you nodded "Tell me." he ordered " Yes I'm ready." you smiled, touched by his caring nature.
He slowly began to push inside of you, inch by inch this new angle gave was heavenly, you felt every thing.
He grunted as he finally was balls deep into you, his balls rested on your outer lips and clitoris. He pulled back before snapping his hips, forcing a scream that has cut short by Elvis's fingers down your throat, causing you to gag around them as his thrust set a slowly but pace, pulling out slowly and snapping his hips, his eyes locked on where you were connected. He didn't keep that up for long as his hammering became faster, his hips smacked against your ass, the skin rippling at the impact, his fingers left your mouth and placed them on your neck, squeezing slightly and leaning his body on your back, his pounding reaching a new deep, his jackhammering shook your body. Elvis's eyes looked up at the mirror as he spot one of his female tailoresses who flirted with him, despite him showing no interest in her, peaking through the now open door with a sad and raged look on her face as she watched him take a big girl than her, she was mad but she couldn't look away from the scene in front of her. Knowing he was being watched as he fucked you, who will be his girl from now on, turned him on more than he thought he was, his thrusted was turning rapid, and his unoccupied hand pulled you back against him, his balls slapped your pussy as he didn't bother holding his moans, that joined your moaning and whining, his ocean blues moved from the envious woman to you, looking at your pleasure covered face.
You were getting close, oh so close to snapping that knot and you could tell so was Elvis, his cock twitched within you "I-'m gonna cum sugar!" he groaned, his dick hitting your cervix finally making your climax "Elvis!" you cried out coming down your high when he suddenly pulled out and manhandled you to your kneels, his hand working frantically as cum shot out his cock head, landing on your face and cleavage. "Goddamn." he laughed breathlessly as he helped you up and to the couch, both of you sitting on. You sat cuddling into his side as his arm draped over your shoulders, his head resting on yours as you recovered from the mind-blowing sex you had.
"Mr. Presley, you're on in—WHOA!" a man from the filming crew opened the closed door, his brown orbs widened as he took in the state of you two, slamming the door shut. A pregnant silence stretched before the man cleared his throat on the other side of the door "You're on in six minutes Mr. P-presley. I would r-recommend getting dressed." he spoke shakingly before his footsteps faded. You and Elvis looked at each other and busted out laughing for a good few seconds before you both cleaned yourself and redressed.
Elvis pulled you to with a smile "Meet me back here again after the shooting, I want to get to know ya pretty thing. Think ya will allow me?" He asked his thumbs caressing your hips "Of course." you smiles back and kissed him, pulling apart you laid your foreheads together before saying see you later and going your own ways. The rest of the filming was filled with secret smiles and glances.
@dkayfixates, @louisejoy86, @iloveelvis, @backyard-barbie, @elvispresleygf,@vixen1216, @jaqueline19997, @ringo-bingo01,@livelaughelvis, @genetakovicluvr, @vampi-amora, @domaniquessidehoe, @18lkpeters,@fantastickingdomsalad,@damcoquette, @elvisslut, @thegettingbyp2, @everythingelvispresley, @austinelvis-lover, @devilsflowerr,@claire-elvisgirl @arabellapresley @lettersfromvenus @elvisismylife, @ccab, @msamarican @xvxnoahxvx, @kxnnxy, @ladelinee, @elvisalltheway101, @mrspresleys-blog, @butlersxbirdy, @callieselvisobsessed, @thememphisflash1935-1977, @nobodyknowimhere, @crash-and-cure, @vintagepresley , @xanatenshi .
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bengiyo · 6 months
Good evening 😊 What were 5 hidden gems/underrated series for you this year and what made them special in your opinion?
Josi! So happy to see you playing the game!
Jack o' Frost
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This show was a beautiful close to the first year of Drama Shower. After five shows about people getting together for the first time, we got a show about a couple trying to stay together. I love the reveal that a big part of their problem was both of them were holding back because of some notion about losing the relationship. We did not give this show enough flowers.
The Day I Loved You
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I am part of the problem on this one. This show is fundamentally tragic, but it was so beautiful along the way. I don't think I've seen a show handle a young person facing a debilitating terminal illness better in recent years. This show was truly special, and I think all of you should go watch it.
Wedding Plan
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I know y'all are tired of me talking about this show, but I will never get off my soapbox about how we actually should engage with work from creators we've criticized that show that they're taking the feedback and incorporating it into their work. This has one of the strongest queer narratives of the year that also involves lesbians in a meaningful way.
Love Class 2
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I barely remember Love Class 1. It had little staying power with me. This show isn't necessary the best of K-BL this year, but it's way better than I expected and does a good job of balancing heat and drama with the relative fame of the talent. I also really enjoyed J-Min's performance overall. This show also did Friends to Lovers, and so it gets a nod from me. I also think this show captured the exact amount of friendliness and knowledge of each other that a college friend group and acquaintances would have.
Sing My Crush
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I think those of us who watched it really appreciate this show, but iQIYI caused so many problems with the way they dropped all of this for premium subscribers the same week as Heartstopper and then dolled it out two episodes a week for VIP users. I think this show generally got overshadowed by everything else airing around it at the time, but the way Han Baram was bullied into the closet and then couldn't express how much he loved his friend was one of the best executed homophobic storylines of the year. It also let me write about male anger, so that's a huge plus.
Ask Me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
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lilmightyrabbit · 2 months
I'm 7 episodes into Dungeon Meshi because y'all couldn't stop posting about the most aggressively autistic (positive ❤️) man that I've ever laid my scrungly little eyes upon. Who decided the best rep I've ever seen would be a golden retriever man with a special interest that goes so hard you don't even mind it's crossed over into fetish territory? If I said half the shit he's said I would be in special jail, but he's just saying the things?! Yes please, Himbo man, say every thought that comes into your brilliant stupid mind IDC if it's objectively offensive you literally meant it in a nice way. I want to hug him. I want to bite him. And you know what? He'd let me. He'd ask how he tastes. I appreciate that in a man.
Makes me wonder if my own special interest blurting would be appreciated if it helped in life or death situations? Like, we're all chained up and a minotaur is going to gore us unless someone does a really good Karkat impression? That'd be nice.
And even when he's being a badass that's still how I see it. He's so excited to share his knowledge and he's living in his element and I respect that so much. BUT he's a dork. A giant dork. Does the author know what she's created? The perfect neurodivergent man? He's also just the perfect man cause he's stronk AF but his special interest involves twirling swords around and gutting shit so he's like "mlep, 👅 😺 just did a slaughter. Now I can feed my sister's girlfriend, my 29 year old son, and my mentor ❤️ Anyways want help with your hair, Marcille?"
How? And he obviously has flaws too so he's not even a Gary stu? What? He's just so happy to live his dream and when that bites him in the ass it legit hurts?
ALSO ALSO ALSO the quiet autisitc-coded AF way he's grieving his sister and trying to maintain hope is just 👏👏👏👏 and the fact his party knows he has empathy is managing in his own way 👏👏👏👏. Friendship points out the ass. That little scene where he's like lmao guys we wouldn't be eating this if Falin didn't McFrickin die amirite? And they are like...no bub. BUT they treat it like anyone saying something kinda off base. Because they KNOW he doesn't mean it bad AND they respect him enough to make it clear that it was bad. you know? That autistic feeling of wondering when/if you said something offensive? And this is like the healthiest way for a friend to deal with that w/o blindsiding the autistic person?
Maybe it's the fact that I have literally no clue if the author herself is neurodivergent, knows people that are, or did this intentionally - but I really like when creators just stumble into good characterization of autistic people. It's not an effort or an intrusion it's who the character is and it's baked into the story naturally :) feels good man, feels good.
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krenenbaker · 6 months
hi y'all! ♡
sorry for kind of, uh... disappearing the past few days. I'm doing alright, and I'm back! (and will be catching up on what I've missed come the morning - the dawn of a new year!)
I've been tagged in a number of these posts, and I wanted to also express my gratitude to everyone here who has made this past year - my most active year on Tumblr - so very pleasant.
2023 had a number of big life changes for me, as well as a few new wildly intense interests. there was, as my blog title suggests, both comfort and obsession. finding twst and the community here has opened me to so many other interests as well - the Ikémen games, Obey Me!, The Arcana, Black Butler, and a number of others. my interests in paleo- and marine biology have been reignited. and though my obsession with the Six Idiots' creations has slightly waned this year, I am so, so glad to still see so much lovely content about those works on my dash. and with BBC Ghosts airing the FINAL EPISODE this past year, too? it's so interesting to experience all these things on this semi-functional website
and I've met so many fantastic people in 2023, too. I've made some fantastic friends, whom I feel so fortunate to have met. you've made my days so much brighter since I've come to know you!! I hope to have many more laughs and more this coming year with you.
here, I want to thank all the people who have made this year a wonderful, wonderful time, in the various different fandoms and communities out here on Tumblr. I've tagged ALL my mutuals on this blog here - both the ones I consider moots and interact with frequently, and the ones where we simply follow each other, occasionally liking or reblogging posts. each of you make my Tumblr experience special, and I appreciate every one of you. I also deeply appreciate all my other followers, and those with whom I interact. you are all so lovely ♡
thank you for making 2023 a wonderful year. and I hope to see you throughout 2024 as well ♡ Happy, happy new year!!
@gardenghost5, @mission-report-1991, @acrosstheoldstream, @purpleandgreen13, @leftabit-leftabit, @fandomsmeantheworldtome, @love-rats, @mimiii-3, @spectral-rat, @totallymem3, @fluffle-bean, @dove-da-birb, @keii-starz, @sharkinablanket, @kami-kun1003, @azulashengrottospiano, @candied-boys, @inkybloom-luv, @ameleii, @eynnwwyjth, @red-viewe, @crheativity, @xxoomiii, @officialdaydreamer00, @ridorukunmajitennshi, @vivislosingitagain, @v-anrouge, @ithseem, @somany-fandoms-solittle-time, @twstfanblog, @rosehxnt, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @cheezy-moon, @whspermy-name, @xen-blank, @vordysgoingtotherapy, @thehollowwriter, @angelhairpastawithherbs, @jangletam, @haruhar-u, @saint-garden, @moonlitnyx, @hungry-eel, @the-banana-0verlord, @i-like-forgs, @kirans-wonderland, @citrusitonit, @vioisgoinginsane, @shirubiaowo, @underly-niche-joy
I love yas ♡
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eulalielatibule · 21 days
for the autistic prompts, number one “Autistic character infodumps about their special interest” with stevie pls ♥️
- @buckymorelikefuckme
Oooh this is so cute!!! I know Stevie would be so interested and happy to hear about your special interests!
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"And- And they always go on these crazy adventures! I feel so bad for them, they never get a break." You're excitedly talking to Steve about the show that you loved. The show that you watch every single day, without fail, and you still never get tired of it.
"It's insane! And Steve, did you know that the dad faked his own death? He didn't want to go to jail and so he faked his death in order to escape." Steve is smiling as you tell him all about it, recounting the episodes with picture perfect memory.
It was one of his favorite things, listening to you infodump. It meant that you were comfortable enough around him to ramble on, despite the fact that people in the past had made fun of you for doing exactly that. To know that you trusted him enough to be so passionate was a blessing and an honor.
"I remember that, it's so crazy. The dad is not a good guy at all. And I agree, those kids go through so much, they deserve a break." You nod and flap your hands, one of your stims to help you get your excited energy out.
"Exactly! Um, is it okay if we rewatch the new season after dinner?" Steve nods and kisses your head, humming happily as you snuggle up into him.
"It's a date, sweetheart."
If y'all know what show I'm talking about, I love you but also sorry if I spoiled anything lmao
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
We'll Be Fine
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Summary: You get nervous when you try to announce a big surprise to your friends with the help of your husband, Damien.
a/n: I've been watching Smosh a lot and decided to write about Damien cause i love him
You were all on set, getting ready for shooting the next episode for Eat it or Yeet it. You were a part of the cast, joining Smosh at the same time as Damien. Shayne could clearly see how both of you and his friend hit it off. So, Shayne became your personal cupid and set you guys up on your first date. You guys had amazing chemistry, and later became engaged in 2022.
Now you were pacing back and forth, fiddling with your fingers. You were currently hiding in the office as everyone was getting ready in the studio. You hear someone come out and see Damien.
He gives you a nervous smile as he races towards you.
"Hey, we're about to shoot soon. Everyone was wondering where you went." He says.
"I had to step for a second, I was getting nausaus." You said, rubbing your non existing bump.
Today was going to be a special episode as most of the cast members will be doing the episode, but also the announcement that you were pregnant.
You and Damian found out you were three months along when you went to the clinic. You two thought what would be a great way to tell your Smosh family of your news and you knew what to do. You called Garret in secret and helped you cook the whole menu, but catered the big bite.
Now, you felt like your insides were flipping around.
"Hey, don't worry! They're going to love it and they'll be happy for us." He says, hugging you.
You started tearing up and wiped your tears.
"You'd think the hormones would be coming later on." You said.
Damian chuckles and kisses your head.
"You're going to do amazing, We'll be fine. Ready?" He asks.
You nod your head and you two walk in hand to the shooting.
Everyone gets their mic and you talk amongst yourselves till they were ready to film. You take a deep breath and stared at the camera.
"Hey, y'all! Welcome to Eat it or Yeet it. I'm not your regular host as you can see here that Courtney here will be eating instead!"
Courtney waves at the camera eagerly. In order, she sat with Kimmy, Damian, Shayne, Jackie, Noah, Keith, Olivia, Angela, Chanse, Ian, Amanda, Spencer, and Tommy.
You were getting nervous as this was one of the biggest table yet.
"So, today we're doing something a bit different. Today, the contestants must figure out the theme before the big bite! Due to all of us being packed on this table, they must buzz their buzzer first to get the dish they want."
"Because this particular episode is very different from the last, I just know every dish will make us crap out our minds." Noah said.
"I don't why I'm even here, I purposely made sure I had my day off today." Shayne acclaimed.
Damien shares a nervous laugh but no one makes of it.
You then bring over the first dish covered and placed it in the middle of the table.
"Hope you guys are ready for our first dish!" You said, revealing a plate of what appeared to be dyed blue and pink deviled eggs.
Everyone gasps at how vibrant the color is, but you all started the countdown and Chanse buzzed first.
"I need to eat this now cause I can't eat whatever monstrosity there is next." Chanse exaggerated.
You all laugh and count down for him to eat it, and surprisingly he hums in delight.
"Not really a fan of eggs, but it tastes good!" He says.
"The dish is called blue and pink devil eggs! It is pickled egg filling and eggs that have food coloring!"
The next dish, you brought out pigs in a blanket with jelly filling and Kimmy buzzed it. She liked it as she was cheering, saying how it complements the salty taste.
Everyone tries guessing along the way, saying the theme is probably cartoon characters or something relating to their past try not to laugh bits. Oh, how they're all wrong.
Some dishes that you served was a casserole with marshmallows and chocolate but baby corn and baby carrots were buried underneath. Amanda got the dish and yeeted, not liking the combo.
Then the last dish before the big bite was lamb chops, and Shayne and Courtney tied buzzing. Once you all saw the footage again, Courtney was a second ahead by Shayne and got the dish.
The camera pans to Shayne as Courtney indulges on the lamb.
"I just- I'm just going to accept my defeat." Shayne said, as he looks like he's giving up.
Everyone aws as they know that Shayne always gets the worst dishes. You were kinda hoping that Shayne would get the last dish and you had something in mind.
"Okay, this one is a bit heavy so I need Damien to help me." You said since he ate one of the other dishes.
Damian looks up at you, surprised but he surpresses his joy as he follows you to the back.
"They're bringing in a live squid!" Ian screams and everyone shouts out what they think theyre bringing.
Soon, you two walk out with a white box, trying so hard not to smile so much.
"Ready Shayne?" You ask.
Shayne gives an exaggerated sigh and holds out a fork.
"Bring on the pirahna" Shayne says.
Damian places the box on the table in front of his friend and you count down, lifting up the top.
Shayne closes his eyes, thinking that it will jump out. But, he opens one eye and leans over. Both his eyes widen as he sees a cake, but more at what the cake was written with frosting.
"Shayne?" Jackie asks as she looks over his shoulder, reading the cake. She screams out loud and looks up at you and Damian, now close to each other.
"No, you're not!" She says, but smiling as her hands fly up to her cheeks.
Everyone gets up at their seats and look down to why they were acting weird, but saw the pastel rainbow cake with white frosting writing that read:
Baby Haas Coming Soon!
"You're pregnant?!" Kimmy and Courtney screamed.
You nod your head eagerly as Damien hugs you from behind.
"Yep! I'm three months along." You said.
Everyone cheered on and off camera. They all got up and hugged you and Damien, saying congrats.
Shayne was the only one who was in his seat, still shocked.
"Shayne buddy, you okay?" Damien asks, worried what his best friend would say.
He looks up with tears in his eyes.
"You guys are having a baby?" he asks.
Damien nods his head.
"Yeah, man. We are." Damien says, smiling as he finally gets to tell the news to his best friend.
Shayne gets out of his seat and hugs Damien, crying.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Shayne acclaims.
He looks at you and open his arms.
You join the hug and everyone joins in. Courtney turns to the camera.
"We're so happy for our friends starting their family. Like and subscribe and we'll see you all soon!" Courtney said.
You and Damien shared the cake with the cast and crew, as everyone can't wait to see your baby. You and Damien sat next to each other, cuddling on the office couch.
"You see? Everything turned out perfectly." Damien says.
You smile as you lean in and kiss him.
"I'm glad it's off my chest. I couldn't have done this without you." You said, beaming. As you try leaning in for another kiss, your friends disrupt you, fighting over who will be god parents.
Chaos ensued, but you knew you both wouldn’t have it any other way.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
BPP, sorry if you've answered this question before but what is your best song from Face?
Hi @tabbypuppykitty
I’ve had a rethink. I think Face-off is now my favourite song on the album.
Set Me Free Pt 2 is still top 3, but Jimin’s enunciation on Face-off brings a smile to my face every time I hear it because that man is too damn sassy for his own good lool.
In the latest Suchwita episode, Hobi revealed that Jimin practiced live singing six hours everyday before and during FACE promotions.
Six hours. Every day.
That made me pause. I started thinking about everything that happened during FACE. I don't talk about this at all here because I won't ever share personal pictures and I know I was incredibly lucky and many other people here likely deserved to see him before I did, but I saw Jimin live during his very first shows for FACE.
He was so happy. The joy on his face and the way he worked the crowd... like a fish in water. He gave some of the best performances of the year during FACE promotions. The whole project and the thoughtful way he went about promoting the album, is noteworthy.
(You should watch this if you haven't already)
But then I remembered the BS, the way k-pop stans reacted to the album, to the MVs, to the encore stage, the way BTS akgaes indulged in their sociopathy on his account, how BigHit failed (the anger Jimin biases feel is justified but some of y'all are wallowing in it). I remembered a few of Jimin's Wlives, how so much has been going on for him this year, and then tried to fit 6 hours daily practicing into it...
I have to stop myself when I think about Jimin. He has such latent intensity, like a glamour, a force field around him... it's like a black hole that sucks everything, including you, into him and his world. It scares me.
I know I whine about Jimin biases but y'all amaze me ngl. It takes a special fortitude of heart to bias Jimin. This post already sounds incredibly effusive, but I don't believe I'm exaggerating when I say he's a truly beautiful person. It's almost as though the world does not deserve him. It's impossible to not love him, desire him, care for him... want more sooner for him. I see all that, but I also see that man is stubborn as fuck.
He took his time to start work on his solo album. The middle of the Vegas concerts is when he said he suddenly came to his senses, shook himself out of that trance, and earnestly started putting together the FACE project. He'd written songs before, but FACE was its own thing. The personal stories he chose to communicate, the care in lyricism and production, the quality... Jimin created art in FACE and trusted that those who care for nothing but the best, will love it.
That's sexy, but the way he went about it also betrays a conservatism in him. It's a shadow of the edge in him, that thing about him that causes a tinge of anxiety when you watch him too closely.
I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but what I mean to say is you need a special kind of courage to bias and love Jimin. I recognize that. When I write what I do here, I always remember that. I also have very little respect for solos. And those two sentiments aren't mutually exclusive.
But taking it back to Face-off, my favourite thing about it is Jimin's sense of humour and skill coming through in the song, as well as how he enunciates his words. To really hear the switch in his tone, you need to stream in this order:
Like Crazy > Alone > Set Me Free Pt 2 > Face-off
By the time you get to Face-off, Jimin's voice has already gone through every variation possible, but then he brings out a tone I've heard only one other artist do well (Rihanna), and that tone is disgust.
Pure, refined sass. And he's already got the sauciest voice in k-pop.
The melodic and tonal choices Jimin makes at these timestamps fucks with my head:
1:53 - 2:08;
2:16 - 2:25;
2:41 - 2:56....
(lol, at this rate you might as well just listen to the whole song again.) Jimin is fantastic in the whole thing.
Europe is where Jimin belongs, but America would eat Jimin up too. The country already does if we're being real, America already loves Jimin. But given the right concept, Jimin would devour because he always does, and the world should get to see it. I hope I get to see more of it. As I've said before, if you feel inclined to communicate that to BigHit, I strongly suggest you do.
During Suchwita, Hobi showed how he's planned content for fans almost years in advance. It's possible Jimin does this too, planning music and content for fans to see months later... (So we might not learn why he went to London, for months...)
Yeah... I don't have the strength of heart to bias Jimin. Good luck to y'all.
...that was kind of a lot lool. So to calm down, Jimin:
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Anyway, sorry I rambled. Face-off is a really good song and Jimin did an excellent job on it. The whole project is very good so I can't wait for the next songs we get from him. Shit can't get worse than BB deleting D2C sales so on the bright side, we can only go up from here, and for Jimin who already owns the record as the first soloist in history to debut #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, up will be a good spot to be.
Stream Like Crazy, Seven, All Day, and HUH?!
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