#happy ramadan to those who are celebrating
bamboozled-distress · 7 months
first fast of the month oh my hod save me save me someom save me i n ed water so bad oh my gfickgifn god oleas
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foxssleeplessness · 2 years
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cheruib · 6 months
tomorrow last day of fasting !!!!! then it’s eid!! 🥳
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oifaaa · 1 year
Fuck yeah egg day
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aperfectphantom · 1 year
It’s honestly so sad reading how much Palestinians are harassed on a daily basis by Israeli extremists. Whether it’s by the state itself or just ignorant and dangerous civilians, they aren’t afforded any peace or safety at all, even to just do basic things like walk across the street or go to their place of worship. It’s sad during these times when it’s the holy month of Ramadan and also Easter and you have Palestinian Muslims being raided in their mosque and Palestinian Christians be assaulted in their churches. It’s interesting how these attacks are not directed to other members of the same religions who are of different nationalities: no, the main reason is to harm Palestinians no matter what religion they belong to. It’s also worth mentioning that there are Israeli people who volunteer to help these groups because they know their state won’t do anything. I know my blog isn’t political but I felt that this was an important matter to discuss. It’s worth keeping all Palestinians in our minds right now because these times especially can be very tense and volatile for them.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 7 months
Knowing that a Zionist made a Islamophobic post about Ramadan makes my blood boil...
The username is 'j-saying' by the way, feel free to add that genocide supporter to your blocklist.
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missazura · 1 year
family based events makes me want to curl up and die I'm gonna dissociate through this week and the next for the sake of my sanity
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Has Misha been banned from twitter yet?
09/04/2023: No.
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babymagi · 2 years
Ramadan starts today!!
If I have any Muslim followers: May your holy month bring you many blessings 🥰 I hope you guys have an easy fast :D
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doberbutts · 7 months
The guy who does the lab pickups at my job is an afroarab Muslim guy and he'd been the lab guy for A While prior to me starting and I was in conversation with a coworker when we both realized that we did not know his name. I at least had the excuse of being new, but it shocked her to know that she'd seen this man's face every day and not once had ever thought to ask his name.
So the next time he came in I asked, and he smiled and told me. It was a very Arabic name, and he speaks with a pretty heavy Arabic accent.
Christmas season that year came and went and I asked him if he celebrated. He sort of dodged the question, so the next time I saw him I asked what holidays he did celebrate. He became extremely bashful before mumbling that he just celebrated two. I asked, is it Eid? And he suddenly perked up and smiled said yes, and he observes Ramadan too.
I think, genuinely, that he expected to be punished for reminding me that as an Arab man he was significantly more likely to be Muslim than Christian. I am sure he has heard all sorts of nasty things and experienced all sorts of terrible discrimination. But he was happy when I recognized the signaling, and happy that I wanted to offer my respect to him.
This year, Ramadan is fast approaching, and so is my surgery date. I will be gone for most of Ramadan since it begins two days before my surgery and the day after my leave begins, so I warned him that I wouldn't be there to wish him well during, and I might not be present for Eid depending how long the surgery recovery goes before I can come back to work.
When I tell you this man was visibly worried. I told him I might be able to be back for Eid, and he said "I hope I will see you then."
When I asked him his name, he told me very few people ever bother. I began to make it a point to greet him by name every single day I see him.
And he always greets me back and calls me his friend.
There's no moral to this story. I just. I think this is how I want to live my life. By making it plain that I am standing in solidarity and peace with those even when they are quite different from me.
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lightgriffinsect · 7 months
you guys, in pakistan Ramadan is like the equivalent of christmas in the US when it comes to marketing and ads. Every food brand, everything has a Ramadan sale attached to it it’s wild. Some chain stores sell a whole Ramadan package with dates, milk, flour, oil/ghee, probably dahi, frozen samosas, rooh-afza, everything we usually eat. yknow like those big christmas packages with 60 different kinds of Godiva chocolates but it’s actual food.
Ramadan is more commercialized in Pakistan than Eid, and Eid is the actual holiday. Ramadan is a religious month that we fast in, not really a celebration. Insane.
Anyway for my non-Muslim friends, make a Muslim in your community happy by taking them out to a halal restaurant for Iftar. Ask them about how they practice Ramadan. Buy them Krispy Kreme for dessert. Be like that one guy on TikTok who woke up at 4 to prepare suhoor for his roommate. Learn more about Islam. Look out for the Muslims in your community. And for Allah’s sake, don’t stop talking about Palestine.
to the Muslims, Ramadan Mubarak, may your days be filled with peace and prosperity from Allah, may He answer all your prayers for this year.
Don’t forget to check your dates so you’re not accidentally beginning or breaking your fast with Israeli-grown ones. Pray Taraweeh if you can go to the masjid. Help your parents make iftar if you live with your parents idk. Have a blessed Ramadan everyone 🫶🇵🇰📿
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Hello darling 😘 I was just reading your fiction with scrabia and Ramadan and I was wondering if you could do one with leona since he's my fav
Okay so I don't actually take requests but I saw this and was like 'you know what - it's Ramadan, I'm fasting, let's do this' (also Leona is one of my favs as well 💛) so here, enjoy:
Celebrating Ramadan With Leona
I write reader as female
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Now when it comes to you, Leona’s already a pretty respectful person/lion and during Ramadan that gets amped up
He has already ordered the entirety of Savanaclaw to treat you with respect and to consider you as one of the higher ups in the food chain but during the fasting period he has the entire dorm at your beck and call, making sure that you don’t have to lift a finger.
Your bag is carried, your books are carried, at one point these adorable buff himbos thought it would be a good idea to just place you on a cushioned chair and carry you like that - which you were quick to shoot down
If you need anything new - shawls, abayahs, clothes, prayer mats, even a tasbih, he’s taking out his shiny black spoiled rich prince card and just throws it to you 
He definitely asks around Scarabia to see if there’s anything else you need that you haven’t told him or gotten for yourself
And no, it doesn’t matter that ‘Kalim kind of got it covered’, he’s buying it for you. Besides, it's nice to have extras to be prepared.
He’d make sure that there are plenty of shaded, cushiony areas where you can rest in his dorm (he already made a dedicated room for you when he found out that you were muslim for you to have privacy/pray/do whatever - and yes, the Savanaclaw students used their excellent construction skills to even build a wudhu area)
He writes home to his brother and sister-in-law explaining your situation just in case Cheka wants to visit and ends up running you ragged because you’re too kind to say no to him. You wake up the next morning to find a care basket from the King and Queen of Afterglow Savannah, giving you well wishes and the way Leona’s eyes don’t meet yours tells you all that you need to know.
(He also asks his sister in law if she knows any ladies that practice the same things you do so he could get a better understanding)
Whenever it’s time to break fast, the entire Savanaclaw dorm throws a feast (it's usually a barbeque) and they all eat with you like one big happy rowdy family 
No matter how much of a sleepy kitty he is, he always makes sure to wake you up on time for iftar or suhoor if you’re sleeping when the adhaan goes off
I like to think that NRC has an adhaan that plays through the school’s speakers but the individual dorms have their own set up as well
Oh imagine for your Ramadan henna you manage to incorporate a lion like Leona’s tattoo or like paw prints or something like that and proudly show it off to him and he just scoffs and mutters something about you having good taste 
Okay so you know those anger translator videos? Well, since you can’t swear or use bad language when you’re fasting, Ruggie has a whole arsenal of words to unleash on anyone giving you a hard time (typically Ace, Deuce or Grim are the ones who do this but pretend they’re not there), and then he reports back to Leona
These were all that I could think of.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
wanna add something on that muslim post! where i live ramadan tends to be declared a holiday, and you would think, that's great! but! the government has the habit to move this Actual Holy Day to other dates for convenience (like if it falls on a thursday, they'll make the official holiday on a friday with the logic that everyone will be happy for a long weekend).
me as a christian never really saw it as a big deal because i don't see it as a holy day, but then someone in a fandom server i was in complained about it for a lot of understandable reasons and pointed out how people would feel like if christmas day was moved to another date for convenience. and i was like, "huh, yeah that would suck for me wouldn't it? it defeats the purpose of making those days special if it can be moved willy nilly"
i think it removes a lot of nuance and context to just focus on the opposite ends of the spectrum from "muslim characters shouldn't celebrate christmas!" to "muslims don't mind, i swear". and it just kind of forgets the probable main reason that it's an issue is that islamic practices don't get the same casual respect that christian practices do? (at least, in christian-centric countries, idk about other countries)
the person never said they hated christmas, they hated how their own holy days were treated like toys to pick out and throw away
and honestly even i get annoyed with christmas in fiction because it's often very western. and even more specifically often very american. so there's a blatant disconnect when i see it in shows or movies because it's not the christmas i grew up with. i can't imagine how annoying it would for anyone who isn't christian to constantly see that. is adding non-christians in a christmas story a way to just "spice up" an already no-variety borderline bland christmas scenario or is it an actual attempt to explore cultures? because i feel that's a better question to ask imho?
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hypnautic-cereal · 6 months
Yeah ngl I wasn’t sure if I’d finish it cause of the lighting and shading, but I think it worked out well
Let me know y’all’s feedback on this, I did my best to show Eddie wearing the keffiyeh as respectfully as possible (if there’s any respect that’s needed towards it, I’m not an expert on this)
Happy Ramadan to those who celebrate, and free Palestine❤️🖤🤍💚
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(Sketch/work in progress version)
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777durt777 · 6 months
If you celebrate on St.Patricks day just keep in mind that there would probably be no global St.Patricks day celebrations if the Irish never gained their independence in the 20th century from Britain by means of violent rebellion over the course of an 800 year period of colonial settlements and brutal oppression. Ireland could've been wiped and completely taken over by Englishmen.
Those same sickening tactics of occupation/plantation, annexation of land and dehumanisation/displacement of the population are still being used to this day but just in the middle east, in Palestine..
So this St.Patricks day, if you're celebrating or having a drink, keep Palestine and it's people at the very forefront of your mind and heart, remember what they are going through and raise a drink for them in solidarity and as a show of respect for thier struggle.
The people of Ireland stand firmly with our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are suffering so greatly by the hands of the Israeli/US regime and many others in the west.
End the genocide now, give them life.
Happy Ramadan 💐 Happy Saint Patrick's day ☘️
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dyemelikeasunset · 6 months
Feeling a whole lot of emotions right now, but the good kind. I found Dom and Mor through a Tumblr poll about webcomics, and decided to read through it — as a gnc lesbian I loved seeing the characters and their relationship and your really cool artstyle. But when I got to one of your notes at the end of an instalment, where you wished everyone Eid Mubarak and said something like ‘we made it’, my heart felt like it stopped. Maybe it’s just because I’m not old enough to have moved out of my parent’s house and so never really had the chance to express myself without worrying about what my small town community will tell them, but… oh man, as you probably know, being Muslim and queer can be so isolating sometimes, since some people in both communities will think that those two parts of your identity contract themselves when they… don’t, of course. It makes me so indescribably happy to know that there is someone like me out there — who is celebrating Eid, has a wife, and creates beautiful art that showcases queer characters. I knew that logically there must be other queer Muslims out there, but I’d only ever heard of them in the context of them being imprisoned or shunned. It means so, so much to me that you chose to be open with all of this online, because it really makes me feel, in a way that not many other things can, that people like me do get to be happy, do get to be themselves… and it makes me believe that maybe one day I will have that too. Thank you, I guess, is what I’m trying to say, for showing me that I’m not alone. It really means a lot. Being open online can incite harassment, I def know, but thank you for choosing to do so. Of course you don’t do it for thanks, but it has really meant a lot to me, just to see someone else like me out there :). I hope that you’re having a blessed Ramadan and that you have a lovely Eid!
The reason I chose to be open about it online is pointedly because I have been in such a similar spot as you. When I was young, the isolation and existential loneliness was almost unbearable. Then as a young adult, most of the other queer Muslims I met were so entrenched in their own traumas that our bonds were mainly over our shared pain. As I've grown, I realized that yes, there comes a time to talk about being queer and muslim and how those things deserve a place in the world together, but more than that I want to be open, loud, and casual about who I am. So many other identities are allowed that normalcy-- I want to be that, and I can't bear to be quiet about it anymore
I'm happy my work and elements of my life were able to reach you. You're not alone-- and a casual, integrated, peaceful life as a queer muslim is absolutely possible. I hope you're able to find your version of that someday in the future
I hope the rest of Ramadan also treats you well!
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