#happy new years my beloveds <3< /div>
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
Dallas' head snaps back, and he stumbles with the force of an unexpected hand on his shoulder. For the briefest moment, he goes entirely limp, lets his fist hang in the air and doesn't try to scramble back to the boy on the steady retreat in front of him.
Darry's got him. And if he'd thought it through for even a second longer that would have scared the shit out of him. But then the fingers are tearin' into his jacket and forcin' him backward and he finally whips his head around and realizes the reality: two very pissed cops have got him.
And he immediately starts fightin' again. He writhes in their grip and the kid he'd been whalin' on is suddenly skitterin' back with renewed fear. Dallas bares his teeth once and figures he's made his point.
The next ten minutes are a blur.
His heart is poundin' in his ears and he can feel his pulse as it rattles under the cuffs the cops slapped on him the second they could get his wrists within a foot of each other and his head is achin' and he realizes for the first time he tastes blood but he can't focus on anythin' because all he can think is Fuck, Darry is never gonna forgive me for this.
He says it all the time. When he rolls in an hour late and thinks Darry's gonna kick my ass. Or when he lets Pony have just a little too much of his beer and the kid's gigglin' fit to wake the dead when Dallas 'n him sneak back in. Or when he hauls off and picks stupid fuckin' fights for no reason.
But this time he means it.
He groans and drops his head to his hands in the little holdin' cell they have him waitin' in until they process him. Last night's argument flashes vaguely in stills through his mind. He wasn't comfortable with people... carin'. He just didn't know what to do with it.
You can't tell me what to do, Darrel. Dallas flew up from the kitchen table and paced wildly away from Darry. Pony watched him with wary eyes. Soda bit his lip and looked at Dallas like he was tryin' to tell him a hundred things Dally didn't know how to understand.
Yes, I can. I won't have you actin' a fool and gettin' yourself hurt. Darry frowned and he's got these lines in his forehead Two jokes he never had before Dallas moved in. Dallas can't stand to see them.
You're not my brother. And you're not my dad. I ain't never had no one tellin' me what to do in my whole life and I'm not about to let you start. He'd slammed the screen door and gone straight to Tim's, started a fight, wound up at Buck's 'n drank til he vomited, woke up this mornin', and started another.
Darry was goin' to throw him to the fuckin' curb and never talk to him again. And Dallas deserved it. He wasn't one of the Curtis boys. No matter how hard he wanted to be.
"Name?" A cop had reappeared in his cell and he kicked himself for missin' it.
"Curtis." Dallas opened his mouth. Shut it. Opened it again. "Fuck. No, sorry." Since when the fuck did he apologize to cops! "It's Winston. Dallas Winston."
The man just stared at him, Curtis already written across the top of the paper in big, bold letters. "Are you sober, kid?"
"Yes, I'm fuckin' sober! My name's not Curtis. How the fuck do you not know me?" To his horror, he feels hot tears in the back of his throat. He's just some no-good juvenile delinquent every bastard officer in this town knows by name except this one apparently because all he is is trouble. And Darry hated him.
"Sure, kid." The man shuffles his papers together. "Officer Matthews has already called your- big brother is it? He's on his way."
"He's not my brother!" And now he's actually cryin' which is bullshit! Who cares! Who cares that Darry is gonna look at him just like his father did. Like he was a burden he'd do anythin' to get rid of. Like the worst thing Dallas ever did was simply show up in his life one day. Dallas is used to this. He's not someone who stays. He was meant to be left. He's a violent dog. He only knows how to bite.
"Dallas?" Darry's voice makes him jump. He doesn't pull his hands away from where they're pressed so hard into his eyes that he sees stars. He can't bear to look up and see what he already knows he will—not hatred, but cold, cold indifference.
"Out." Darry isn't talkin' to him, Dallas can tell he's turned around by the way his voice bounces back to him off the cement walls. He flinches anyway. "Please." He adds like an afterthought and Dallas hears the door open and close.
"I'm goin' to touch you, ok?" Dallas doesn't say anythin', just makes a low noise in the back of his throat. He feels Darry gently tip his head back, eyes still squeezed shut. He feels him softly check the area on his jaw he knows will bruise tomorrow and run experimental fingers along his ribs for breaks. Dally hisses once and Darry immediately pulls back.
"Oh, Dallas." And suddenly Dallas is fuckin' cryin' again. Darry sounds so tired and worn down and old. Did Dallas do that? Did Dallas make him like that? And the sob that catches in his throat makes him choke.
But then he's pressed against Darry's chest and his hands are strong on Dalla's back and in his hair and Dallas doesn't even fight it. Just lets himself be held and doesn't even mind he feels as small as Ponyboy.
"Come on, Dallas Curtis. Let's go home."
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binkusdinkus · 2 months ago
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kimtaegis · 11 months ago
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may you find happiness there, may all your hopes all turn out right! ↳ for @magicshop 🌸
cr. dwellingsouls, atoz v; insp.
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lovereadandwrite · 1 year ago
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here’s to 2024 - a future we’re shaping right now!💛✨
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months ago
Ough boy . It's already New Years and i simply must yap about things since I am a sentimental bastard <3
Not to be dramatic or anything, but i genuinely think this year has been life changing for me- and I thank the stars it's not in any negative ways- but because I've made genuine, wonderful friends, that are just as bonkers as me :]] /silly /pos
If I hadn't fallen into the dca fandom when I did, i probably wouldn't have found the Malware blog by that random stroke of luck, I wouldn't have latched on and become inevitably infected with the virus, or gotten to know the one behind it, or somehow attracted other blog-goers with my shenanigans and made most of the friends I have now. Everyone say thank you Sun and Moon FNaF /silly
But really, I've gotta thank @bumble-the-sun-bee for being one of my very first friends on Tumblr, and continuing to be one of my very best :]]] im so glad I found you and hope for many more years of shenanigans with ya <3
Also @eternal-soup for being another of my best friends :]] you've helped me through some rough patches this year, and of course been equally as whimsical with me when they pass <333
If I did a specific callout for everyone i wanted to this post would probably be a mile long- but to all y'all, I love and appreciate you so so much. even if we haven't directly interacted much, I enjoy all of y'all's presence and you've all made my year just that much better 🫶🫶🫶🫶
@holygarm @coastxlwaters @crumpet-doodles @obsessivecelestial @multifandomcutie13 @upsidedownapple @escapetheslaughters @yelesomeblue @achickennamedcheese @librarian-computer @thekillermaretwinz @eclipsen-smiles @loony2star @igenuinelywannagohome @capring @grabble45 @weirdenbyferret @queencj09 @mothgutz236 @starspindle @oddstar-draws @themostsanebug
And ofc my like . First ever mutuals @phroggiesinabucket and @chocolategothwolfhorse who I shall continue to tag in Tag Game posts because yes :]c
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lostfanboyarts · 2 months ago
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Everyone say happy birthday to the special boy!!!
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taxidriver · 2 months ago
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insertsona · 3 months ago
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more road to 1000 doodles under the cut !!
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lifemod17 · 2 months ago
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1 out of 365 || 01/01/2025
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birdcoats · 2 months ago
new year new me same au fanfiction that haunts me every day and i can’t stop writing. happy chapter eight of pinpoint day, which is coincidentally also chapter one of pinpoint anniversary day. we’ve never been so fortunate ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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bee-boppin · 2 months ago
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My own personal year in review including my top albums, favorite books in my top genres, and some favorite recipes from this year 😌
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shy-nightmare · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas to you all and have a frightful, spooky Creepmas to all my fellow Goths and horror fans out there! 🎄🖤🎄
The Twisted Toon Gang would also love to wish you all a Merry Creepmas and a Happy New Year! ✨🖤✨
Please ignore the blood on the present Echo got for you 🤣
I would also like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for all you have done for me 🥰.
@weaselnerd My fellow weasel nerd, you are a gem. I will never forget the first time we talked that night right after I posted that Baked Meme drawing, and I will never forget the times we shared, talking and having fun sharing each other's topics of interest. Thank you so much for everything you've done; talking to me, enjoying my story, and for being one of my new friends. And thank you so much for drawing the twins and letting me draw Pepper and June! 🥰 It was so much fun! And I cannot get over how adorable your art style is! Seriously, you'll make a fortune in making and selling plushies! 💲
@lastofautumn You are like the autumn season 🍂; gentle as the wistful breeze, soft as a baby pumpkin, and you have a heart as colorful as the fiery leaves and a soul as warm as the precious remnants of sunlight before winter descends. You truly made my day that morning when I woke up to find you following me, and you continue to make my days enjoying my chapters, my art, and my moon photos. Thank you for being your wonderful, kind self and thank you so much for drawing the twins too! I also love the outfits you gave them; they're KILLING it! 🤩😍🤩
One more thing. Before you ask, YES, feel free to draw Adam and Echo if you'd like! Just please resist the urge to squish Echo's face off 🤣
@marinerainbow If Autumn is like the autumn season, then you are like a rainbow 🌈; your mind is an opalescent beam of bright hues and shades of color, your kindness is as dazzling as the stars kissing the night sky I spend many praising the moon, and you are an absolute joy and just like everyone I've met, you fill my bruised, longing heart with so much happiness and delight🎇! You were one of the first people I've met online when I accidentally thought Kingston was your OC when he's actually Slash's. I'm still very sorry for that 😅 Anyway, thank you for everything you've done too; you thought my Zombie Roo thoughts were cool, you loved the colorful tarantula photos Twyla and I sent you, and you granted me permission to tag you in my story. You really don't have to make me anything for Christmas, I'm just happy you think my ideas are fun! And thank you so much for letting me draw Shiny and write about Poppy! They are one of my favorite couples of all time! 😍😍😍
I've looked up to you, Slash, and Kit for almost a year now, and you guys inspired me to come out of my shell and expand my growth on Tumblr, so I would also like to take a moment to thank you three for taking the time to chat with me and enjoy my silly rambles! 🤣
@slashingdisneypasta A.K.A. @wicked1will0sparkles You are like Moissanite; your kindness and creativity sparkle brighter than all the diamonds in the world and if you were a gemstone, I would describe you as Moissanite 💎 I still read your stories too, even the weasel and slasher smut 🥵! And thank you for enjoying my Baked Bean Meme drawing, that still cracks me up 😂 Like Rainbows, you've shown me nothing but kindness when I decided to join the WFRR/Toon Patrol community, and I will never forget how generous and honest you were when I asked you if you'd be interested in reading my chapters. It's cool if you haven't had the time yet! I get that you too are very busy, and I hope you rejoice in your accomplishments! I believe in you! 👍
@just-kit-ink You are like all the majestic cats in the world; beautiful, ferocious, and truly unique! 🐱🐯🐱 I admire your humility and kindness towards Toons; this world needs to learn humility and kindness, especially from people like you! You also possess your own element of wisdom and knowledge regarding Toons, their cartoons, and how their struggles greatly relate to humanity's and how people need to understand that no matter what species they are or what they seem to represent, Toons deserve love and respect ❤
Thank you so much for sharing your kind thoughts with me the first time we met, and the twins and I hope you and Kitty enjoy the holidays! 🥰
@imaginarytoon1 and @its-metal-mistress I owe you two all the credit for being the sole inspiration of my story, "The Toonz Twins: Toontown Sleuths". I've read a lot of your stories even before I joined Tumblr, and you both share the same love and respect for Toons as we all do! 😊 While I was writing my chapters, I would look back and think of how many times I read your stories and note my favorite parts, and smile as I feel the same immense joy I felt the first time I read them. Thanks to you two, the twins and their story were born. I owe the birth of my story to you both, and I wish you all the luck and success you find in your lives! 😁
@trashogram You truly are wise beyond your years 📚. You speak nothing but the truth about things in life even I haven't thought of, and I'd always say "Damn, how could I have missed that?", and you too have opened my eyes about the weasels' characteristics. You are special, wonderful, and talented in your own unique ways, and you have a lot of kindness and humanity in your heart that is never tarnished, no matter what you have faced in the past ❤. You are also brave and strong, and you show the determination we need to fight back 💪
Thank you so much for being so kind to me too, and thank you for your thoughts on my story as well! 🥰
@basiabd I know we don't talk much, but I have a lot to thank you for too! You've done so much for me than you think when you too liked my Baked Bean Meme drawing, and I really hope it made you laugh! 🤣 You are also very creative and very kind; I love Kipper and Picket as much as I love Pepper, and to be honest, I wanna take them all home with me. *yoinks them and hides them in my jacket* THEY'RE MINE NOW, BYEEEEEEEEE!!! 🏃‍♀️
And thank you again for tagging me about the news two days ago. I really appreciate it! 👍
@los-angeles-toon-patrol You boys know why I'm tagging you again, so deal with it 💅. And yes, I am going to thank you all again, no ifs ands or buts. Thank you guys so, so much for liking my content! Like for real, I didn't think that ANYONE, not even the OG Toon Patrol blog would not only like my art, but also follow me the day after I got 100 likes! 🥰 I know you said you're not the sentimental types, but it really means so much to me you guys think I'm cool enough to follow!😁
Also, Greasy, may I ask why you're disguising yourself as an ornament right above Twyla? 🤨
Thank you all so unbelievably much for all you have done these last four months for me. When I first joined Tumblr, I thought all I was going to do was post amateur moon photography and read some of my favorite stories now that I have access to reading them. But as time went on, I stumbled across the WFRR/Toon Patrol community and read your stories as well, I started to remember how I too would enjoy the movie and draw the weasels. And I continued to do so while writing my own stories and chapters for the rest of the year until this August of 2024, I decided to come out of my comfort shell and start posting my art and stories.
I did not think anyone would like my posts or even notice I exist, but you all have proved me wrong. You have all given me so much; friendship, guidance, solace, and above all hope. You give me so much hope to keep going, to keep sharing my art and stories, and hope that there are other people who love my work and accept me for who I am. This year has been tough for all of us, and I may not be a seer, but I do see life and beauty in each and every one of you and I hope you all see that.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄
Shy-Nightmare 🌙
P.S. I'm going to post Chapter Eight at 11:00 A.M. on New Year's Day and I'm gonna open my ask button on that day ❤💚❤
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
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funkyman66 · 1 year ago
its time...
so a few weeks ago, I said that at the end of the year, I would make some art for my moots. Well, that time has come, and after 3-4 hours of hard labour on the drawing tablet I got for Christmas, I've finally done it.
SO, in no particular order, here's my new year's eve gifts for YOU...
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I hope y'all enjoy this and thank you guys because I genuinely enjoy being on Tumblr because of all of you. And (I've been waiting to say this all day) I'll see you next year 🫶
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inspired-aspiring-artist · 2 months ago
you're one of the nicest people I have ever met, it's a little hard to put into words! i hope you have a wonderful new years and had a amazing christmas! youre super duper coolio.
Thanks anon, I hope you have a happy holiday season too!
May the new year be kinder and easier than the prior, and full of joy and laughter :3
(I’m pretty sure I know who this anon is; you’re super duper coolio too! :3)
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ducktollers · 1 month ago
chat im really starting to fear that spiderman 4 wont have peter be nearly as sad as i need him to be. nothing at all has happened to indicate that but i just got a bad feeling. im almost completely expecting disappointment atp im just like mj fr
#sorry spideryapping again i cant help it. its in my brain again#saw on tiktok that black cat will be in it and my first reaction was NOOOOOOOOOOOOO bc i just love mj too much im not ready#but also black cat was at the top of my theories. bc it makes so much sense. so i SHOULD be optimistic if theyre thinking the way I think#like. it would cheapen the weight of the last movie if they completely undid the consequences. so they have to be apart for at least 1 movie#and mj and ned are supposed to be in boston at mit so idk how they could be in the plot anyways#and like. black cat makes so much sense bc the whole reason their relationship doesnt work is cuz she likes spiderman not peter#and thats so good for spiderman 4 bc now nobody remembers peter. and also black cat hasnt had any live action appearance yet#AND she comes on really strong so its literally the perfect setup for her#like. itd be weird if peter went looking for a love interest cuz he should be sad but it makes sense that black cat comes onto him#and he needs to meet a new cast beyond his high school friends it makes sense. but mj is endgame always im manifesting it she WILL be back#like black cat being there just suggests all the right directions. they arent immediately undoing the last movie#and theyre introducing more spiderman characters rather than spiderman villains and an obligatory mcu babysitter yk#SO ITS GOOD BUT. FEEL LIKE PURE SHIT JUST WANT MJ BACK#i wanna speed thru the necessary plot without mj to get back to her. mj my beloved#but slso besides all that even if black cat is a good sign. i still fear they wont make him sad enough. i fear the sadness will be offscreen#also i just think its rlly funny. that right when i got into spiderman again after YEARS#i was thinking abt more movies and was like. i think im happy if they stop. idek if i wanna see this peter without his buddies#his story moving forward has to be without them at least for a bit to do his character justice. but i dont need to see it#and then right after i settled on that opinion. BREAKING after 3 years new movie is coming. after i said i didnt want it#ironic (<- palpatine voice)#x
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