#our skyy bad buddy
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
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The Chin Thing™
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athousandbyeol · 2 years ago
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you already know it. so?
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starryalpacasstuff · 2 years ago
Ok, so Our Skyy 2, the Bad Buddy ×Atots
Some people loved it, most people didn't.
I watched the last two episodes together once the'd both aired, and I had seen a considerable amount of criticism about episode 3 on tumblr before going in. So, I had been sort of mentally preparing myself for a situation where ep 3 was awful, and screwed over Pran's characterization, because that's what a lot of the criticism I saw was centered around.
It wasn't? I actually quite liked episode 3, even by itself, without the added touch of ep 4. The thing is, the episode wasn't as narratively satisfying as we wanted it to be. We wanted Pran to be the one to sacrifice for Pat for once, to show that he loves Pat to.
Theres two inherent problems with this.
First, P'aof doesn't do satisfying, he does real. I saw a really great post on this earlier, I'll link it below. Op has a bunch of posts on the Our Skyy crossover and I highly recommend them.
The story felt real in the sense that the characters aren't done growing yet. Plus, this special isn't the conclusion to Pat and Pran's story, episode 12 is. I saw a lot of people relueved that P'aof hadn't touched the ending of the og series, since it was perfect for them, and I agree! The special was meant to show us a little glimpse into their life in hiding, and how they're still growing.
Second, I personally don't like the idea of Pran yielding to Pat to 'show his love'. Would it have felt nice if it happened? Yes. Did it happen? No. Does this mean that Pran loves Pat less? Absolutely not. Pat and Pran have different ways of expressing their love for each other, and that's a-okay. Pat is more comfortable with grand gestures, sacrificing, yielding to his boyfriend. Pran says it in smaller ways, although the special showed us that he too, is starting to become more comfortable in expressing his love out loud.
And it's not as if Pran doesn't acknowledge that Pat is the one who always makes sacrifices. He does! He says it out loud! To Phupha! I saw a post saying that it was like Pran apologizing to the wall. No!?!? This was Pran coming to a realization while he's with someone who is very similar to him in this way. The show shows us parallels between Phupha & Tian and Pran & Pat respectively over and over again. If Phupha can learn to overcome his fears and 'yield' to his boyfriend and PROPOSE TO HIM (still not over that btw), so can Pat and Pran, just maybe offscreen!
Pat and Pran's story isn't over just yet, not even after ep 12. It continues to grow with us.
And I freaking loved that special.
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crispyluc · 2 years ago
Bad Buddy AND A Tale Of 1000 Stars in the same Our Skyy ep?!?!?!?
Am I in heaven?
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
Who Ink sees
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Who is Pat Naphat Jindapat?
Who his friends see
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Who Pran sees
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Who Phupha sees
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sunsetandthemoon · 2 years ago
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BAD BUDDY (2021) | OUR SKYY 2 (2023)
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taeminie · 2 years ago
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#always at the scene of the gay crime
Moonlight Chicken Our Skyy 2 2023, dir. Backaof Noppharnach
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
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Peer Mentor, Peer Menteed [for @miscellar]
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
Just going to add another small bit of red and blue (and yellow) that I spotted
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Even with the blanket on Phupha for the rest of the night, they're both going to sleep influenced by PatPran in some way or the other...
The rest of this was meant to be a series of tags but I well and truly crossed the tag limit so putting the mess of these tag thoughts them underneath...
I don't think I can overemphasise just how MUCH i love your colour theory posts, the sheer amount of thought you put into them is amazing and it always sparks a whole bunch of new thoughts for me as well
The big yellow pocket
They both wear it while sacrificing something but also while returning to a very dicey situation for them out of concern for their partners.
Tian, going back into a very dangerous forest where he almost got seriously injured, not just with his lack of medication but also when he almost slipped down the cliff while being lost. He's also still not wearing his map scarf so he's really going in blind... And for Pran, returning home to be under the direct scrutiny of both sets of parents - a situation where his anxiety over this secret, very very new relationship would be the highest.
The similarities between PhuPat and PranTian
I love love love this breakdown of how similar their clothing is. It made me start thinking about the differences between them hiding behind the clothes.
Phupha and Tian are both focused on keeping as many people safe as possible. Phupha's prickly and mean about it but his main concern is Pat being unequipped to handle searching a forest with his lack of training and experience - and later Pat wandering around the forest with an injury. Pran is a little less prickly (and a lot more respectful because that's just How He Is around people older than him) but his problem is still Tian's insistence of worrying about him and Kampung while downplaying how much he's struggling himself.
Meanwhile for both Pat and Tian it comes down to being involved and helpful where they can be, experience be damned because they're taking on responsibility for everything that went wrong.
I can't live without you
This!!! Your breakdown of this really got to me. Because so far their journey has been all about learning to live with their circumstances. They can find solutions, but it's always a matter of adapting and dealing with things. They can deal with them never being able to be friends, they can deal with their friends and faculties being enemies, they can even deal with their parents not approving of their relationship because 'I can't change the world but it can't change me either'. They can deal with situations and make compromises and get over the things they can't control.
But living WITHOUT something is an entirely different thing. It's them admitting that this is a situation they can't compartmentalise, not having the other is not something they could deal with or get over. It's a much bigger admission than an I love you, it's "I can and will lose everything but not you".
I keep forgetting how young they are sometimes but they're barely 21 at this point. These are some very very heavy feelings to deal with. Of course they struggle with to terms with it all, let alone talking about it to each other.
As for Pran getting Pat to say it, it almost reminds me of the staircase confession - Pran already knows what Pat is feeling but giving him the space to say it out loud.
And it's one of the very rare occasions where we get Pran directly verbalising his feelings. It's not that he doesn't reciprocate Pat's feelings generally, but he does so in different ways - through giving Pat the space for big declarations (this also reminded me of a post I made forever ago, about how that was Pran showing Pat how well he knows him... I don't think I could say it that well again), by writing him songs. But it's very rarely that he directly says what he feels - "I can be anywhere as long as I'm with you" on the beach and "neither can I" now.
The watch
This was such a good catch!! I don't think it's a coincidence that the time on the watch has moved just a little bit further. Especially because the first time we got a whole scene of Pran putting on the watch and checking the time and setting it. So showing it move just the slightest bit ahead has to be on purpose.
I think this is all I have (she says, 12 paragraphs in). This was an excellent analysis and thank you for reading my rambly thoughts off of that 💖💖
Colours in Our Skyy 2 Bad Buddy x A Tale of Thousand Stars ep 3
In which I get a little bit more meta than I usually do...
So as we know, this ep was spent mostly in the forest on a few days during which the characters couldn't change clothes, which means there are less colours/clothes to comment on. That being said, the red and blue pairings were provided in all possible places.
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Tian's plaid shirt from the night before also has thin red stripes to accompany the blue, and kampung's jersey and Pran's tote bag offer another pairing. I think there's also blue, red and yellow in Kampung's t-shirt. I love that Pran brought his bag with him - despite being lost in the forest, Pat is still metaphorically with him. I think it's also interesting that Pran's shirt looks almost camouflage, and that he mostly wears it when he's taking the lead - looking after Tian on the way to Bull Camp and then accompanying Phupha when Kampung goes missing. Knowing that Pran ends up portraying Phupha in the play - and despite Pran playing Tian in his and Pat's role-playing of the other couple - it's a clever choice in this ep.
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Pat, on the other hand, does get a change of clothes at the start of this ep, and with the brown, green, and cream he looks like he's trying to imitate the rangers' uniform to be included in the search party.
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Plenty of people have commented on how Pran and Tian have been made to look very similar, especially with their hair, but in the below scene it's so clear how the show is trying to have the characters 'imitate' each other. Pran and Tian are in the same colours, only the white and yellow are reversed in their clothing. Pat and Phupha, as already mentioned, also sporting the same colours. But the mixed-pairings also have similar shoes - Pran and Tian in canvas lace-ups with cream toes/soles, and Pat and Phupha in leather boots. The show is really drilling into us, 'look how similar these people are!', but as we learn from their interactions it seems Pran and Phupha are more alike, as are Pat and Tian (hence why they end up playing those roles in the play).
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Once Pat and Tian have made their way back to the village, Pat changes into his teal shorts and a brown shirt. I haven't offered much colour-interpretation yet in this post but in general brown and olive green feature quite heavily this ep, especially with all the camouflage. I think this partly comes more from the atots side of this crossover and the use of earth tones in the original series, but it's incheresting that there's been so. much. talk. about sacrificing arising from this ep. I won't go into it all but they're all dealing with something (or multiple things) they have to yield on or sacrifice.
But Pat here, below, has a moment - a mini-Oh! moment - where he realises he has to yield to himself. Having this 'nonsense' fight with Pran and going through their experiences in Pha Pun Dao has made Pat confront and admit to himself something which he either hasn't realised or has been repressing for a long time - that he can't live without Pran. Yes, Pat has always wanted to be around Pran, he always wants to help him, and he's been depressingly lonely without him...but being unable to live without Pran seems heavier. And this realisation goes beyond acquiescing on the fight with Pran, because it has consequences for the bigger picture of their lives and hiding from their families. And that's scary. So no wonder he's perhaps repressed this from himself, instead feeling easier to tease Pran about him always needing Pat, to bicker about who needs the other the most, and to sit in the nonsense fight rather than acknowledge what it really means.
Incidentally, I like that Pat pulled the watch out of his shorts pocket - the object that Pran links to Pat and the teal that seems to symbolise their union as a couple.
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Someone (sorry I don't remember who) mentioned that Pat wears a lot more stripy shirts now than he ever did in BBS, which is potentially an influence from Pran, but I love that they're both wearing their love and happiness when they reunite back at the village. I also sat up at seeing Tian's brown t-shirt with the yellow rectangle over his heart - reminiscent of Pran's long-sleeved top in ep 8 of BBS. Tian is ready to sacrifice himself and his health again to go into the forest to look for Kampung and Phupha, with his love for them driving him to do it. (In ep 8, Pran's love for Pat took him away from drinking with Wai to comfort a sullen Pat).
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And then on to that final scene with Pat and Pran and we get Pat in Pran's red and cream/yellow shorts, and Pran in Pat's dark blue (or their teal)...and an ominous dark green. They're finding a resolution to their little fight but it's bittersweet.
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Coming back to what I was saying about Pat's Oh! moment above, I think him asking Pran to apply the bruise cream was a way for Pat to admit to himself and Pran, albeit subtly, that he does need Pran, and for Pran to understand that admission. (And I'll quickly say that I don't think Pran needed to be the one to say it first but I'll come back to that below). When Pat gives Pran's watch back, however, he reverts to the teasing "Like I said, you can't live without me", he's trying to keep things jovial. Tian has already told Pran about Pat's realisation though - not to aid any teasing or to bolster one side of the fight, he doesn't seem that type of character (he's not a gremlin like Pat and Pran). No, I think he sees that Pat and Pran need this knowledge open between them and facilitates a way for it to happen. In true PatPran fashion, Pran goads Pat into saying it and Pat's soft look to Pran shows his gratitude to have the opportunity (below). Pat needs to admit it out loud to himself and to Pran - the person to whom it means the most for him to hear it. His sigh before he says it is a relief, it's releasing the hold he's had on his fear about what it might mean for them, and Pran's reaction helps alleviate that.
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Pran's "Neither can I" isn't as big and dramatic as Pat's statement, but that's because it's not revelatory, not for Pran (who's known it since he fell for Pat in high school and couldn't get over him even after being sent away and pushing Pat away once they had reunited at Uni), and not for Pat - there was always some truth in Pat's original words, "without me, he can't do anything" and they both know that. Pran wasn't the one who needed to admit to Pat that he needs Pat because it's been known all along. But Pran repeating now, in his own way, that he can't live without Pat helps to strengthen their bond.
This moment is bittersweet because of their situation - there is no option to not be together, they've known this already but now it's been explicitly said, so until their parents can be comfortable with them together they will always be hiding something, making sacrifices. This is their life. They're able to understand that on a deeper level.
With this understanding, Pran, unable to do or say anything else, takes his focus to something tangible: The watch, and what it represents - Pat, his time with Pat, their history and connection from childhood, the gaps when they were separated, and their reuniting in Uni. @btwinlines started off a great thread about how time stops for Pat and Pran when they're apart, but the watch also represents how time might make things easier in the future and that all they can do is hope. And, in the meantime, love each other the best they can through all these little fights they have. It's not a grand resolution for them, like Phupha and Tian get later in the show, because they're not in the same place as the other couple. This is just a snapshot of their journey towards where we see them at the end of ep 12 in BBS, so if it feels like they're in limbo when we leave them, they are, but with a renewed perspective of each other and the poignancy of it all.
I'm almost certain this will be a coincidence, but I love that when Pran puts the watch on again it's almost at the same time as when he reset it at the end of BBS ep 1. I love that it's ten minutes later though, because it symbolises how time has moved on for them - i.e how much has changed - since they got together, and therefore how much more will change as time keeps moving forward. And that's something they can trust in.
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[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] (<- I was right to be hopeful!)
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jimmysea · 2 years ago
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liyazaki · 2 years ago
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for science!
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
Because I stay on my color bullshit, I noticed in the GIF sets on my dash that Pran is wearing Pat's blue at the waterfall, but Pat was wearing yellow instead of Pran's red (sad face).
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But then the red was revealed.
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I see you, sir.
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 2 years ago
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always respect a bro's adjectives 🙏
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seatawinan · 2 years ago
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justafriend-ql · 2 years ago
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our skyy 2 homecoming 🎉
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
I also truly believe that Pran making up silly little drawings of events that have happened in his life and then crossing them out or putting them on a board is also compulsively done to deal with either wanting the event to NOT happen or letting the memory be a permanent one. Because I've always been fascinated by his need to draw something and then cross it. Which is like letting the intrusive thought have shape and form and color and then crossing it to stop it from entering the universe
This was such an interesting point you made and should be highlighted. I'm not quite sure it's a way for him to stop a thought from entering the universe, but more his way of dealing with it.
His happiness feels more real when he can put up a smiling face sticky note and stare it. His disappointment could potentially become less pronounced if he crosses out Pat's promise to buy him more condensed milk. For him it's about control where he doesn't have a whole lot.
Inspired by @grapejuicegay and this
OCD is so much more than just boxes being out of place. Pran, just like other people with OCD, probably felt like something bad would happen if the box isn't fixed to the right position. Maybe they will trip and fall, maybe the box will catch fire from just the right angle of sunshine and maybe everything will end before it even began because of the Box being Out Of Space.
That's how debilitating obsessions are. Intrusive uncomfortable uncontrollable thoughts.
And adding to them the compulsions, which could be defined as routines and rituals performed to curb the anxiety of the intrusive thought the same way you undo an event (undoing is the defence mechanism suggested by Anna Freud (?) Or someone else I don't quite remember). Pran has multiple of those too across the special and otherwise.
Setting the box in it's space, yes. But also, never putting the tote down (as if that is what is keeping them alive, the TOTE ARMOUR!!), looking for the watch (the watch keeps me and Pat together and of something were to happen to it we would not be okay.) Etc.
[I truly believe in my headcanon heart that the counting system they came up with to Rate sex was also because numbers are also compulsions for some people with OCD. It's more tangible and manageable as rituals if there's numbers involved]
[I also truly believe that Pran making up silly little drawings of events that have happened in his life and then crossing them out or putting them on a board is also compulsively done to deal with either wanting the event to NOT happen or letting the memory be a permanent one. Because I've always been fascinated by his need to draw something and then cross it. Which is like letting the intrusive thought have shape and form and color and then crossing it to stop it from entering the universe]
The point that the post by @grapejuicegay was trying to make was that the recent OCD diagnosis could have been the reason why we only see Pran's stuggles moderately addressed. Because it's not just about not being a burden by the virtue of being Pran, it's the burden of being someone with obsessive thoughts and compulsive rituals that everyone may not understand or care about.
It's the burden of mental dysfunction.
And that is why, I'm happy with whatever we got. Because to even try and do justice to the entire possible levels of plot lines is the same dilllema of episode 11. The possibilities are endless. And P'Aof chose ONE. And let us with enough space to write and create and choose others.
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