#i heart my friembs :]]]]]]]
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months ago
Ough boy . It's already New Years and i simply must yap about things since I am a sentimental bastard <3
Not to be dramatic or anything, but i genuinely think this year has been life changing for me- and I thank the stars it's not in any negative ways- but because I've made genuine, wonderful friends, that are just as bonkers as me :]] /silly /pos
If I hadn't fallen into the dca fandom when I did, i probably wouldn't have found the Malware blog by that random stroke of luck, I wouldn't have latched on and become inevitably infected with the virus, or gotten to know the one behind it, or somehow attracted other blog-goers with my shenanigans and made most of the friends I have now. Everyone say thank you Sun and Moon FNaF /silly
But really, I've gotta thank @bumble-the-sun-bee for being one of my very first friends on Tumblr, and continuing to be one of my very best :]]] im so glad I found you and hope for many more years of shenanigans with ya <3
Also @eternal-soup for being another of my best friends :]] you've helped me through some rough patches this year, and of course been equally as whimsical with me when they pass <333
If I did a specific callout for everyone i wanted to this post would probably be a mile long- but to all y'all, I love and appreciate you so so much. even if we haven't directly interacted much, I enjoy all of y'all's presence and you've all made my year just that much better 🫶🫶🫶🫶
@holygarm @coastxlwaters @crumpet-doodles @obsessivecelestial @multifandomcutie13 @upsidedownapple @escapetheslaughters @yelesomeblue @achickennamedcheese @librarian-computer @thekillermaretwinz @eclipsen-smiles @loony2star @igenuinelywannagohome @capring @grabble45 @weirdenbyferret @queencj09 @mothgutz236 @starspindle @oddstar-draws @themostsanebug
And ofc my like . First ever mutuals @phroggiesinabucket and @chocolategothwolfhorse who I shall continue to tag in Tag Game posts because yes :]c
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friskebits · 1 year ago
CASEY JR IS SO SILLY SO HAVE A RANT ON HIM! So, we all know he was raised in an apocalypse, and there aren't any real life examples of how living like that would effect someone, but! I've been taking a intro to psych for a few months now and I might be wrong on a few things here so feel free to add onto this if u want :3 Moving on, you ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy? No? Well here it is (and if you have just bear with me for a moment)
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The way this hierarchy works is that in order to get to self-actualization, which is extremely hard to do in a normal world already, you need to have all the rows of this pyramid fulfilled, and Casey Jr was failed from step one. Obviously he was loved and cared for, but love and familial relationships come after physical needs. You can't build a pyramid starting from the third layer. Obviously the Turtles and Casey Sr and April tried their hardest but it's really hard to take care of a baby, especially with limited recourses and its safe to assume that every now and then he went hungry or was cold and didn't get enough rest, especially throughout his childhood. Obviously he grew up used to his unfortunate life so I'd like to think he sorta lived his own version version of this hierarchy, an unfulfilled one. Now with all of that out of the way, it's so wholeheartedly heartbreaking that this kid will never reach self-actualization which is literally basically just actually enjoying life, being creative, having fun in general pretty consistently. This fucking kid was failed from step one, and will probably never reach his full potential!
He was raised centered around one thing, stop the kraang. Having your entire life centered around one goal is really unhealthy, especially since he knows absolutely nothing outside of that goal. His entire conscious and unconscious mind is occupied with that goal. Even when he's safe and consciously is perfectly aware of his safety, his unconscious mind doesn't know that. Being in fight-or-flight mode for long periods of time isn't sustainable, it'll literally kill you, and he's been in fighting mode his entire life, sudden changes in setting and environment are gonna trigger that fight or flight response HARD. His first few weeks or months or hell even years with the present turtles is gonna be filled with him getting SO pissed at himself for still treating his life like he's gonna die at every turn, not to mention again going back to the pyramid, all of a sudden he's thrown into a place where he can fix himself and reach his full potential, but it's extremely possible that his constant need for a survival situation is a cardinal trait and he might not want to! It's very easy to get used to being scared, and it's very easy to assume he got really used to it.
Typically speaking after an extreme high (for Casey Jr, going to the past and saving the world) you get stuck in an extreme low. The relief we can tell he feels at the end of the movie is gonna be gone and fast. Not to mention the stress of being in an entirely new environment with people he knows that don't know him, being in a place where everyone else hasn't been failed in such a fundamental way the way he was, set up for failure from step one? This kid is NOT going to be okay for a VERY long time- and that's stacked on top of YEARS of ptsd and watching everyone he loves die, his entire being is out of place in the present and he breaks my heart because when you're in a place where you're so flawed, completely by yourself and stuck with people who will never understand your life, you're completely and utterly fucked.
(tags for friembs :3 @clanofjones @paytato435)
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typhos-c-dragon · 2 years ago
how did nicolas' first time reconnecting with emma go?
ooh, i've been thinking abt this for A While actually!
so, it's like early 2018 and nicolas is working his night shift at the birdhouse, and emma comes in after a really stressful day (mainly bc of family issues). she orders her drink, and nicolas has like a second before he goes "holy shit, emma perkins, is that you?". em doesn't recognize him at first (he's a far-cry from his old bad boy persona at this point), but then she puts two and two together and it hits her like a goddamn truck that oh shit, that's nico.
they're pleasantly surprised to see each other (nicolas heard all the gossip over the years about emma skipping town after high school, and em just straight up didn't think she'd ever see him again after they graduated), and they get to talking for a hot while. em tells him about some of the stuff she got up to in guatemala, and nicolas fills her in on some fun town gossip she's missed while she was away. after a while, emma "hasn't gotten any action since leaving guatemala" perkins is a bit tipsy and still kinda stressed from her bad day. she starts reminiscing on their old relationship, and not-so-subtly suggests that they get high and "see what happens" on nicolas' break just like old times. to which nicolas basically responds by pointing to his wedding ring and saying "i am Married and Also Gay, and even if i wasn't, my good friend you are Too Drunk". that wakes her up a bit, and she feels really really bad upon realizing she just flirted with him while he's on the clock (something she hates when it happens to her). but nicolas takes it in stride and forgives her, knowing that she's not exactly in the best state of mind at the moment, and gets her some water to help sober her up more.
as he does that, emma kinda awkwardly asks about nicolas' husband, which makes him absolutely light up bc "omg an excuse to talk about my husband!!!". he starts gushing about jimmy and patatina, and shows em a few pictures. em is surprised that her old rough and tough bad boy ex grew up to be such a warm-hearted family man, and the conversation soon veers into both of them talking about their families. emma- still a little tipsy and emotional, ends up confiding in nicolas about jane's death and her issues reconnecting with her family since coming back, and nicolas gives her some encouragement and advice. em decides to head out shortly after, but not before once again apologizing to nicolas for the unwelcome flirting, and nicolas offers her to stop by his and jimmy's place for dinner sometime if she needs company.
tl;dr, they're Friembs :)
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aplushemporium · 3 years ago
Positivity Hearts! (accepting!)
//Do not turn away from a blog because they don't have icons, and I think Nick's a great example of that! While I do admit I write more with him on discord, I love his evergrowing motley crew of peeps! They're charming, even the stinky ones like Wario.
//Another discord friemb! Frost also has an evergrowing cast, and like, EVERY FUCKING MUSE HE ADDS IS UNIQUE. They got their own voices, are entertaining, plus they bounce off of each other! I aspire to have that level of interactions within my muses! Did I mention Frost's a great artist???? So amazing!
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garbageclan · 8 years ago
old man yells at cats
Time for some CAT OPINOINS. hello friembs I am pretty new to the warriors fandom, having only just finished the first arc this year and starting it late last year. It was a fun ride. What drew me into the books was honestly you guys, the fandom! It’s just really inspiring to see how much art and writing and what detailed projects you guys create-- all for the love of these characters. I find myself jealous that I didn’t get to grow up with these books. If I had given them a chance (I was waaaay too high up on my Watership Down is the best and only proper talking animal book high horse) when I first learned of them, I would have loved them.
ANYWAY. I guess I thought I’d share what I thought of the first arc! Putting it under a cut to hide spoilers. Time to dive under the readmore.
I could nit-pick a million little things that bothered me about the books, but I wanna make this a mostly positive read! Plus, that’s true for ANY series, I think. But I wont hide the things that stand out to me the MOST. So I’ll get them out of the way.
What I didn’t like about the first arc:
THESE CATS DON’T TALK TO EACH OTHER. I think the one scene that made me the angriest is when Fireheart witnesses Tigerstar fucking murder an old woman and decides to just lie about it.
The ‘kittypet’ thing kind of got drove into the ground.
Fireheart’s obsession with Spottedleaf. Maybe I didn’t read closely enough but I don’t remember them sharing more than two scenes before she was murdered.
I had a hard time envisioning the ThunderClan camp. Maybe I missed a paragraph but I couldn’t figure out the layout of anything.
The way the dogs’ dialogue was written.
Graystripe killed Darkstripe instead of Firestar killing him I JUST WANTED FIRESTAR TO KILL HIM SO BAD but he did die so this isn’t really that negative of a point. I’m baffled he wasn’t executed earlier for trying to kill a CHILD. I don’t understand cat government.
THERE. THE NASTY STUFF IS OUT OF THE WAY. Time to gush about what I did like:
Yellowfang yellowfang yellowfang yellowfang yellowfang yellowfang
Cloudtail. My beautiful shitty powderpuff son. Also his and Brightheart’s love is so good. It was written really well and I love seeing art of them.
The way Bluestar’s fall into madness was written was incredibly realistic. During my read of the first arc, my father had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and he behaved similarly. It hit really close to home.
Like, it’s corny as fuck but I like the whole naming scheme for warrior cats. I like names being given and changed as a character grows.
Tigerstar’s throne of bones was so extra but I know that younger me would have LOVED IT
 Yellowfang and Fireheart’s relationship.
I really loved the early part of the story where Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw were just paling around bein’ warrior kids.
I really liked how StarClan was described
Scourge killed Tigerstar so hard he died NINE TIMES and it was metal.
The whole final battle was pretty metal honestly.
I love Whitestorm. RIP Whitestorm.
When Leopardstar realized just how thoroughly she fucked up after merging her clan with Tigerstar’s. 
I liked a lot of the character moments.
“Dirtstripe” is the best goddamn insult.
I haven’t had breakfast yet, so I may have missed some things in either list but...TADA? Idk, thoughts? Agree? Disagree? I have Yellowfang’s Secret and plan on reading it next. After that, I might go into the second arc. I see so much art of Squirrelflight and I’m really curious about her.
Thanks for reading!
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