#happy lwa week
rawrroarart · 7 months
Hello, i am new to your blog, i actually just started watching LWA a couple weeks ago ( It’s my favourite show now) and I just really love your art and your writing, and you sound like a lovely person too! I wanted to ask if you are planning on writing/drawing more in the future (because i think you definitely should, you’re truly an amazing writer and artist) Also i love Diana (and Diakko) and the way you draw/write her is just… perfection. I hope you have a nice day! (Sorry for all the text)
Hello! Sorry about the dead blog haha I'm glad you're enjoying LWA! I remember my first time watching it and when Diana showed up I felt the "oh fuck I'm going to be so unnormal about this." I actually still think about her and Akko often I miss them :(
I'm very glad to hear you've enjoyed both my writing and my art! I actually still pride my writing over my art by a long shot so any time anyone mentions it I get super happy haha. While I can't yet promise that I'll be uploading new content any time soon, I can 100% guarantee that Diana and Diakko live in my head rent free still. I was actually planning out a dumb drabble a few days ago, but haven't had the time to sit down to actually try writing it. Life gets in the way unfortunately 😔
Thank you very much for this lovely ask and also for finding my blog despite the inactivity! Please don't apologize for the text either I thrive off the validation lol. You are very wonderful for this. Take care!
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rawrtriesagain · 21 days
Haaaaapy two years anniversary to this blog!! Wow, it doesn't feel like so much time have passed. Maybe it would be more proper to celebrate the anniversary of your main blog, I know, BUT! I like this one too, it's where we talked more, it's where we had a lot of fun with the Halls of Shame, and also, it's the one I follow since it's creation :3
I know it's hard to be online as much nowadays, but I just wanted to say that I love to see you around, and to chat with you the few times I had the chance to. You are a big inspiration for me as writer, and I've always been a fan of your art style, the way you color stuff, and all your Diana's!!
So I guess I'm just trying to say thanks for cheering up my tl (and my days), and feeding us with your amazing creations all this time, and for being such a nice, and kind, friend :)
(I know you usually don't read a lot of fanfic, but if you'd like to receive one as gift, please let me know, so i can hit you up. Give me a prompt and I'll be more than happy to write something for you, as treat!!)
Hi anon!! Thank you so much! I got notified that it was my two year anniversary but i didn't know you guys also would know its my two year anniversary haha so this is a nice surprise
I know my blog has been pretty much just me apologizing for disappearing these past few months/years 💀 but I do truly thank you for your support throughout all this time! Being in the lwa fandom as a diana (and sometimes diakko lol) artist holds a special place in my heart and I had a good time with everyone here! Things like Diana Week and Hall of Shame were just random dumb events I held but they were so much fun and I still think about the times when I was more active.
Thanks again for this message and here's another apology for being AWOL. You are the gift that keeps on giving (I think I have an idea of who this is hehe)
You are correct that I don't read a lot of fanfic, but honestly i don't even look at a lot of fanart either anymore LOL but that is very sweet of you to offer! If you'd like, write me a fic about uhh "a potion gone wrong" - diakko edition. I'll leave it up to you what that means and I look forward to your response 👁️
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Me: Yeah I'll get the last two rare pair week days done the weekend after my exams. No biggie :)
My procrastination brain: Yeah... noooo
I still don't have the doodle done for the free day. Might get it done by at LEAST next week, but no promises. I'm happy to leave things here either way, I just wanted to get all the fics done at least lol.
Did I also just use this as an excuse to drop in an lwa oc that's been in my brain lately? Yes, I absolutely did. I'm not ashamed of it either.
Day 6: Dates
"Okay, before you do anything with your hairspray and your little pins, just know I've had this hair-do since I was thirteen."
Vonnie snickered, setting stuff up like a professional hairdresser. Or a mad scientist. Either one worked. "And that, Frankie, my boy, is precisely why I need to do this."
Frank pouted a little, blowing golden hair out of his face. It felt weird to have had it be down and in his face all day. Vonnie, an Appleton student a year above him and a good friend, had convinced him (REALLY convinced him) to try a different hairstyle for his first date with Andrew. Frank had relented in a panic three hours before the date and had run over to her house ASAP.
"Anyways, the more you hesitate, the later you risk running for your little date," Vonnie said, running their hand through the now loose blonde strands of hair. "Even though the two of you have practically been dating since, like, two years ago to me, but I digress. A first date is a big thing, after all. So, you'd best listen to me."
Yes. His first date. With Andrew. Frank could still barely believe it. He could barely believed that Andrew had asked him out before Frank could gather the balls to.
Andrew had approached it a bit like a business proposition. Matter-of-factly and sternly, but still a lot more awkwardly. His face went a particular fuscia that Frank hadn't thought was possible for his pale complexion. And how could the blonde ever say no (not when he'd been, at least consciously, crushing on the boy for a year by now).
So, here he was, sat in a chair in Vonnie's bathroom with the much taller person stood behind him. They'd tied their long, fluffy black hair up, though there were still curls falling in their eyes. Their father was always hounding at them to get a haircut, but everytime he made the appointment, Vonnie never showed.
Frank couldn't help but feel just a little nervous, even though he had no reason to be. He'd never been this nervous for a date, even with pretty girls that were way out of his league. To be fair, in any other circumstance Andrew would probably be equally out of his league, but in these circumstances they had been friends before this. And they had been friends for years. This was the closest Frank had known any of his dates. Why was he so jittery.
After a moment of scrolling through a pinterest board she had made for that moment (they'd had it for years, by then), Vonnie put their phone right in front of Frank's face. "You think this'll impress Andy-Pandy? It's close enough to what you usually do..."
Frank glanced at it. It basically was the same as his usual style, just a lot less solid. So more of it curled up in his face. It looked rugged. Stylish. Andrew might just be impressed.
Frank smirked up at Vonnie. "Do your worst."
And, so, Vonnie did. While the two of them sang along to cheesy 2010s pop for the next half hour. "I'm happy for you, Frankie, my man. I really, really am," Vonnie chuckled, finishing up with another choking spray of hairspray, midway through Kesha's 'TikTok.' "Now... What do you think?"
Frank looked in the mirror. A completely new yet uncannily familiar man looked back. He grinned, feeling a little bit better about his date now. He started to wonder if Vonnie's offer had been deeper than just wanting to see him with a different look to what he'd been rocking for five years now. "Love it. Thanks Von."
Vonnie hugged him from behind, in a way that made even the effortlessly friendly Frank jump a little. "Man, I am happy for you two!" she giggled. "I thought we'd all be in our thirties by the time this happened!"
Frank rolled his eyes but laughed. "Yeah..."
Vonnie finally addressed how still obviously jittery he was. "Don't you worry. I'm sure it'll be no different to you two hanging out together anyways... But do you want me to do a little stalking anyways, to wingman it just in case?"
Frank held up a hand. "Nope. I think we'll manage."
"You will," Vonnie laughed, reaching out to ruffle Frank's hair but retracting, so as not to scuff their own handiwork.
(And they did. A few hours later, Vonnie got a spam of emojis and five pictures of Andrew and Frank being cute and cuddly together from Frank. Vonnie sent back a response that she hoped was as smug as intended.
"Told you soooo 😘")
Bonus, the reference for Frank's hair because I wasn't sure how to describe it well enough 💀:
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Not the most creative, but most of the results for "men's haircut ideas" are literally all the same DX
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jackntrade · 1 year
LWA rare pair week 2023 - Day 2: Sun and Moon
Here’s my contribution to this year’s rare pair week! Took me a while so I am maybe a bit late, but here’s a cute oneshot involving Hannah x Akko.
“You are like the sun to me.”
Akko was used to Hannah always being a bit rough around the edges. Not that she terribly minded, because she knew that deep inside there was a genuinely loving and tender side of Hannah that only a few were allowed to be seen.
And Akko was happy to be one of those few. On the one hand why wouldn’t she as Hannah’s girlfriend, though those who would know either Akko or Hannah for longer knew that a long time ago the two couldn’t stand each other. Barely even comprehend the idea of ever dating the other.
Nowadays Akko couldn’t help but find it funny to look back on. She’s long forgiven Hannah who despite her previously mentioned difficult attitude was the one to try to make amends first. Still, even as their relationship progressed and eventually turned into them realizing they had affection for each other Hannah always remained…distant? That’s the best way Akko could describe it. Because despite being in one Hannah seemed always very averse when it came to showing affection.
At first she thought it was because of Hannah still having some regrets about her previous actions against Akko. Or that the problem was in herself and that she was just a way more affectionate person than most. But luckily (or not so luckily) a visit to Hannah’s best friends Diana and Barbara cleared it up for Akko - because apparently Hannah was always reserved when it came to affection. Which was frankly to be expected with her usual behavior according to Diana.
Akko totally didn’t pout at the supposed obvious observation.
Though besides that she did pick up something interesting from Barbara. Hannah could show affection, and when she did? It meant a lot.
This was one of those moments, where Hannah compared Akko to the sun. The implications were almost as expansive as the sun itself. And how did Akko respond?
“What?” A dopey smile on her face.
A faint hint of a blush was on Hannah’s face as she quickly turned around. “No, it’s nothing.”
Akko realizing her mistake almost fell off the small stone wall they were sitting on. “W-Wait I didn’t mean it like that!” Some grass would be thrown into the air as Akko had to kick the ground to regain her balance, letting a hand rest on Hannah’s shoulder. “I was just surprised! I mean it’s not every day you are compared to the sun. Though does that mean I’m hard to look at for you?”
Her last words were obviously playful, yet still Hannah snapped back with notably bigger eyes. “N-No!” A sigh left her. “It means you are like…the light of my life to me.” She tried to turn away again. “It sounds silly, I kno-“
Akko scooted closer to Hannah as she guided the latter’s face to look back at her. “I don’t think it’s silly, do continue.”
Hannah’s faint blush became a little more prominent as she cleared her throat. “W-Well like I was saying. You are the sun to me because you are so…radiant. So bright and so beautiful. For someone to see you for the first time they would perhaps only note a few things about you before moving on. But that would be ignoring how great you truly were - how- how much there is and how the true fools are those who never look at you deeper.”
Listening attentively with a blush Akko would stroke Hannah’s back, helping the girl relax when it came to those times she wanted to say more yet had her inexperience in showing love sabotage her. Because to Akko it didn’t matter how Hannah showed her feelings, just that she did. And this was more than beautiful.
“It may seem strange to admit I was once a fool, one who shunned away your light and found it rather obnoxious. You already knew that after all.” A chuckle. “But I still do, because you showed me a world I may have never seen if I didn’t meet you. If you didn’t light my path in the darkness. And for that I’m happy to be your girlfriend. And just like the sun I hope you will be with me for a very long time.”
Hannah came closer to Akko, looking like she wanted to kiss her. As Akko was on the edge of her toes Hannah’s apprehensiveness just had to rear its ugly face, with Hannah’s body stopping as she slowly began to retreat from Akko.
Not if I have anything to say about that! Akko would think to herself as she hugged Hannah, making the latter freeze as the former pulled her closer. Their lips connected naturally and finally gave each other the kiss they both wanted. Hannah would soon hug back. The two for a moment in the bliss of each other’s love.
As they stopped the kiss and gave their respective space back both girls had crimson red blushes on their faces.
“That must’ve been totally sappy huh?” Hannah commented embarrassed.
“Well I love sappy, it’s sweet!” Akko exclaimed. “Really, I appreciate that you let your feelings out like this. I just wish you did it more.”
A small smile would form on Hannah’s face. “Thank you, Akko. I’ll try but you have to know I’ve always been difficult about showing my more tender side. Not to forget I’ve never been in a relationship before.”
“That’s okay, I totally understand.” More than Hannah knew Akko thought almost mischievously. “Don’t worry about it, this is my first time too after all.”
The two shared a laugh, when a realization came to Akko. “Say, if I’m your sun then you must be my moon!”
Now it was Hannah’s turn to show confusion. “What?”
“Well think about it.” Akko let her hands connect with Hannah’s. “At first I thought you were pretty mysterious, especially once I got to know you more. But the further I explored the more fascinated I was by you.”
“Blemishes and all?” Hannah quietly added, not used to such grand words being used for her.
“Blemishes and all! Because I learned to love you for what you are and what you are up close.” A giggle. “It’s ironic, just like the moon it looked like were so far apart. But in reality we are so much more closer.”
Hannah’s uncertainty of herself had turned to a small smile by the time Akko pecked a kiss on her cheek, listening with precision towards every word of Akko.
“And if we go back to my sun comparison I’m even happier to hear I can help you along the way. To show how great you can truly be, not to forget how much you shine when all the lights are down and my focus is on you.” Akko’s tone quieted. “You help me stay in balance too, I know I can be a bit zany so it’s good to have someone out there who helps me stay on the ground without holding me back from who I am. I really appreciate it.”
This time it was Akko’s turn to be surprised as Hannah pulled her into a hug. “No, we balance each other.” She rested her face on Akko’s shoulder, who soon did the same with Hannah’s as her smile became greater.
“So…what did you think of my little observation?” Akko laughed.
“It was sappy, but beautiful.” Hannah smiled cheekily. A laugh left her as Akko playfully hit her.
“Well hey, I was using you as inspiration!”
Almost suspiciously conveniently so the couple noticed sundown had begun while on the other side of the earth the moon slowly began to appear from under.
“Oh seriously?” Hannah commented with squinted eyes. “What is this, some fairy tale?”
Her slight annoyance disappeared as she felt Akko using her as support for her back, her eyes turned to the moon. A lovely sigh left Akko’s lips, like she took Hannah’s words completely seriously.
Hannah couldn’t help but mirror Akko, their backs soon holding the other up as one stared at the rising moon and one at the falling sun. Even if they had to look away or blink a few times. But that just meant they could look at the one right behind them.
A fairy tale come true. Hannah thought to herself with a smile. Sappy, but just like the sun, the moon and most important of all, her girlfriend - perfect.
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hanasaku-shijin · 2 years
Will you ever be doing another Happy LWA Week?
Ohh man! No plans for it at the moment sadly :c But who knows! If Trigger ever gives us more LWA i will be writing like a madwoman
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risingshards · 2 years
Happy 10th Anniversary LWA!!
To celebrate have links to all my LWA fics over the years (some finished, some....I should probably get back to 😅😅😅😅😅)
The Spell Cast By Your Eyes: Akko embarrasses herself in class, but her flub might get her closer to Diana...
Moonlit and Heartfelt: LWA play fic, you can figure out the rest from there (this one's unfinished so brace for cliffhangers)!
Diakko Week 2019: Some lil Diakko scenes.
Big College Universitemia: College AU fic that's got some spice so (also unfinished sorry...).
Stargazing: Diana helps Akko study for an astronomy test.
Figuring it Out Together: Akko and Diana have their first date.
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ratontheline · 15 hours
Hey… Im back posting again…
Kinda goofy… I do remember what I said and I quote:
“There’s not going to be art for a while until I fix it..”
…it hasn’t even been 3 days, I had reasons.
As you may or not know I got scammed ummm I was not feeling so great after it 🤠 I really wasn’t going to post for a while, I was recouping my resolve and just trying to get my head back on again before I was hit with another whammy.
Amelia Watson ceases all social media related activities ie including streaming
Ummm it seems to be that my week just got EVEN WORSE HAHAHAHAH
I probably have not said it but I’m a big holo myth fan. Love everything about them… istg they are literally the perfect group construction ever made. They had art, music, games, yapping the whole shebang and they also had a perfect models. Anyway threw me for a loop this one HAHAHH.
Umm I poured my heart out on X/two imma just copy paste what I was feeling:
“...l'm going to be posting art again.
I'm not rily in the best head space but I can't let this feeling go. Not after this group literally gave me a reason to start drawing.
If holo myth didn't exist I wouldn't be drawing.
They genuinely inspired me to make art again.
To think that the group I owe my art too is losing a member - it hurts.
I draw for them... I improved so that I can make better art for them... every single one of them contributed to me stepping out and indulging in my love for art unapologetically.
To try again.
To be obsessive, to be critical, to be innovative with my art.
Like words can't even express the amount of love and respect I have for them.
...Cheers Ame🍻I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do, hope u know whatever you do will inspire someone out there. Just as you and the rest of the girls have done for me.”
Dawg first of trying to copy paste that was so fucking hard, anyway I was crying while typing that SORRY IF ITS KINDA DISJOINTED I WAS GOING THROUGH IT ACTUALLY😭
Anyway yea pretty much it, I do really mean it, like they are my shiny chariot (lwa) like if it weren’t for hololive I wouldn’t be drawing that how damn impactful they are for me.
Im putting them on a pedestal, I dont give a fuck if that’s bad.
Anyway yea that’s that but what does it have to do with me posting… well a lot.
I was sad cuz I lost my money, but I’m sadder cuz Ame is graduating… so I’m posting more.
It make sense don’t try to argue with me. I probably sound crazy whatever IM A MESS LEAVE ME ALONE, ig best way to think about this is to think of me like Akko she wants to become a witch cuz she watch chariot’s show and spread happiness. I watched them make stuff which Inspires me to make stuff to. Anyway I love them.
anyway cheers guys, sorry it this also all over the place, it’s been a rough ass week I basically took hits to my psyche like crazy anyway expect a lot of art from me for a while.
I am locked in.
After I cry some more CHEERS YALL😭🍻
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cabbagestrand · 2 years
Akko broomsurfing?
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shes getting the hang of it!
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charc-arts · 7 years
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Gee Akko! How come Luna Nova lets you have two moms?
Happy LWA Week! Day 5: A team/character of your choice s/o to @bowtiebun for listening to me cry over charoix ideas on a daily basis
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enigma-blue-blog · 7 years
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Know what’s better than gay witches?
Yeah, neither do I.
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splattery · 7 years
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happy lwa week day 3, jasma is ripped as hell and we all know it
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eliln · 7 years
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Happy LWA Week!
Day 5 - A team/character of your choice Day 6 - A familiar Day 7 - A couple/ship of your choice Ahh I'm so so late but here are my drawings for lwa week I was so busy but I had a lot of fun drawing each of them! And thank you very much @hanasaku-shijin for doing lwa week! >< 
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getmoneyghoul · 7 years
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Happy LWA Week Days 2 and 3 - Blue and Green Team
This was just an excuse to draw Amanda and Diana together. Also happy America day I guessss
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squidryder · 7 years
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Happy LWA Week!
Day 4: Professor/ staff member(s) 
A few years later and they finally have a heart to heart they needed. 
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crispykodraws · 7 years
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Happy LWA Week | Day 7 | A Ship
Caption them.
Up until the very end I was debating whether or not to draw Diakko. I thought I’d draw my guilty pleasure but I decided to separate the universe from this one (I have two AUs now, shit) because that one is rather angsty and everyone will be happy in this AU. And you know, I don’t know what happened here. They were supposed to be only serenely walking together being happy but my hand slipped, it seemed. Now there’s lewd hand-holding. Anyway, I’d like to thank @hanasaku-shijin for making my week enjoyable. The Happy LWA Week saved me from wallowing in self-pity since this time is a rather shitty time for me. Your fics have also cheered me up, even though the Years Later AU is kinda sad. I hope you keep writing and stay safe.
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askthatclumsywitch · 7 years
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Happy lwa week!!!
Topic: couple/ship
Diana is pretty, but so are cheepers. Ah yes, cheepers.
Diana: @askthedianacavendish
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