jackntrade · 2 days
To the anons who keep bringing up the racist actions of some Israelis to demonize and generalize all Jews:
This is so harmful and goes both ways. There is a store called Hitler2 in Palestine. Antisemitism is forced down the throats of Palestinians and Arabs in general.
There is a lot of trauma, hatred and pain on both sides.
Instead of trying to help or do something useful, you are focused on "who's worse" and putting all the blame on Jews.
exactly! its so easy to pick and choose the sort of people you want to exemplify. a pro-israel account would show palestinians giving out candy on oct 7th, and a pro-palestine account would show israelis on a boat watching gaza--you can't build your perspective of an entire population based on the actions of the fringe and the extremists, and people need to also acknowledge the biases in those accounts and why they are (almost exclusively only) showing these specific people.
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jackntrade · 7 days
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jackntrade · 7 days
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jackntrade · 7 days
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jackntrade · 7 days
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Last saturday in Tel Aviv source
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jackntrade · 8 days
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have this
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jackntrade · 8 days
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I just learned this fact and I can't help but share it with you!!!
In 13th-century European castles, separate fortresses were rarely built. Instead, one of the towers was significantly larger than the others and served as sleeping quarters for the lord or the king and his family.
Medieval life was full of changes and conflicts. Periods of peace were often interrupted by wars and sieges. To protect the ruler and his family, spiral staircases were built in the towers, winding clockwise. This design made it harder for attackers, as defenders could strike while using the wall as a shield, whereas attackers, especially right-handed ones, faced difficulties.
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Additionally, the steps were uneven in height and length, making it easier for defenders, familiar with the layout, to move quickly. Attackers, in heavy armor and unfamiliar with the stairs, risked losing balance. This design significantly complicated sieges, particularly when climbing upward, giving defenders an advantage.
Thus, clockwise spiral staircases were not only convenient but also a crucial part of defensive strategy.
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jackntrade · 10 days
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wow i wonder what piece of breaking news i missed
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jackntrade · 13 days
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jackntrade · 14 days
I think in the same way there's a 90/10 rule with horror and comedy (horror works best when it's 90% horror and 10% comedy and vice versa) there's a 90/10 rule for some relationships in fiction that's like. Wholesome and fucked up. A good friendship is at its most compelling when it's also 10% a bit fucked up. Fucked up relationship is at its most compelling when there's at least 10% of something actually sweet and substantive within. Do you get me
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jackntrade · 16 days
I just started following you, your art is awesome! Do you follow any other fandoms? Could you do Akko with cute little wolf ears and a tail?
Ily :,DDD
Currently I’m really into Beastars, a manga! Though I would say I’m in a ‘fandom’ other than this one.
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jackntrade · 16 days
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wtv this is
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jackntrade · 18 days
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Charlie missing the literal trail of angel blood and discarded Exorcist uniform because she's so focused on helping an injured person is actually so adorable. The clues about Vaggie's identity were right there, and she didn't even notice because her priority was helping someone she's never even seen before.
It's safe to assume this isn't the first time Charlie's gone out after an extermination to try and help injured demons, but it is probably the first time someone has actually appreciated her kindness. She looks genuinely surprised when Vaggie replies to her unsolicited help with a smile. Charlie always tries so hard for everyone around her, and this might be the first time someone has thanked her for it. And Vaggie? She was just maimed by a comrade for showing mercy, and left in Hell by her boss to suffer for the rest of eternity. That's two people she knew and likely trusted turning on her without a second thought. Then this complete stranger shows up and presents her with an unsolicited act of kindness, no questions asked. When Charlie first goes to bandage her eye, she tenses up like she's expecting to have to fight to defend herself, but it turns out this demon has just been running around looking for people she can help.
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Charlie's kindness has always been replied to with dismissal at best; Vaggie showed kindness and was immediately punished for it. These are two kindhearted women who give everything they have to the people they love and don't ask for anything in return. The basis of their meeting was that they see each other's kindness and respond to it with their own. Charlie came into the alley looking for someone to help, and she didn't hesitate to put a bandage over where Vaggie's eye just got gouged out; Vaggie, instead of brushing Charlie's good deeds aside like everyone else in Hell, smiled at her with probably the first show of genuine gratitude she's ever been given; in response to that unusual gesture of appreciation, Charlie immediately decided to keep helping her (and had a very distinct flash of bi panic over this nice and very pretty girl with a cute smile); and they fell in love.
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Their relationship was built on that very first moment. Charlie trusted Vaggie with everything, loved and supported her unconditionally, and didn't keep any secrets; Vaggie kept one huge secret for fear of losing and hurting Charlie, and to compensate for that disparity of honesty, devoted her whole self to protecting Charlie and turning her dreams into reality, no matter the cost to herself. The absolute love and devotion between these two is something so precious and beautiful, and we don't talk about that enough. <3
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jackntrade · 21 days
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Diakko dance | inspired by Sechi
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jackntrade · 21 days
That one tweet that’s like “oh that’s gore… that’s gore of my comfort character” but in the absolutely most positive sense u can imagine, with rainbows and dolphins in the sky etc.
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jackntrade · 21 days
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jackntrade · 23 days
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"Where should we go next?"
vaggie & charlie on a shopping date~
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