#happy hippie cooking
hushedhippie · 6 months
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I love love when I make a meal that fills the house with a comforting aroma and all the roomies comment on how good it smells.
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katesimblr · 1 year
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Cyber Harbor
The Cyber Harbor is an industrial site with a cyberpunk style apartment and small bar. The apartment is on three levels and has two bedrooms, a large fitness area and a basketball court. There are secret rooms and corridors. There is also a simple bar for those who want to play with the mod live in buissness by littlemssam.
It's not all functional but most of it is. All basic things like cooking, sleeping, showering work. I wish you a lot of fun with it and if you publish screenshots I would be very happy about a link to see your cool photos.
Thanks to all creators who made this house possible with their CC, like @akuiyumi, @animefemme69, @baufive, @chicklet, @k-hippie, @kkbsmm, @meinkatz, @radioactivedotcom, @thetrashisoutcc and many many more.
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madame-mortician · 5 months
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game - Family Relationships
In TCM the game, each family member has unique dialogue when interacting with each other. Going through all of them it is clear who does and doesn’t like each other, so I’ve decided to note it down here.
*Added Hands’ voice lines.
*Added Johnny’s voice lines (towards Nancy.)
*Added Chop Top voice lines (directed towards him only).
Leatherface: Cook always seems rather annoyed by Leatherface and most of his voice lines directed towards him are angry insults. He is always yelling at him, mostly for things such as destroying the house.
Hitchhiker: Cook does not like Hitchhiker, he is always bossing him around and yelling at him. Unlike Hitchhiker who enjoys the thrill of the chase, Cook is completely stressed out about the whole ordeal and hates that Hitchhiker isn’t taking this whole thing seriously, yelling at him to stop being useless and to stop getting excited.
Sissy: Again, Cook spends most of his time yelling and bossing her around. He doesn’t seem to hate her more or less than the others but he does constantly bring up her running away, showing he still holds a grudge about this. He also blames her for this whole mess, along with Johnny even though it doesn't seem like Sissy was the cause at all. Out of all the people he speaks to, he seems firmest with Sissy and whilst he does still yell at her, he has more voice lines were he firmly talks to her instead of all his lines being aggressive insults.
Johnny: Bro he fucking hates Johnny. All of his voice lines directed towards him are insults for being the cause of all this. He is yelling at everybody but he is mostly mad at Johnny, and 100% blames him for this situation. He also brings up Johnny even when he’s not in the game, he’s just that mad at him.
Nancy: All of his lines towards her involve him insulting her parenting and telling her this is all Johnny's fault. He also bosses her around with the notion that it's his house so he's in charge. It seems he doesn't like Nancy all too much, or is just mad he thought she'd raised Johnny better.
Hands: So, Cook is unsurprisingly pretty annoyed by his presence. It seems like in the lore, Hands literally just shows up to their house unannounced and then joins in the hunt, which obviously annoys the already stressed Cook. He doesn’t seem to despise him exactly, however they also don’t seem close, which fits since he’s a distant cousin.
Chop Top: Similar to how he talks to Hitchhiker, he yells and berates at Chop Top. He clearly doesn’t like him that much, and is annoyed by him fucking around. He calls him a hippie and threatens to beat him up a lot. He also insults him getting discharged from the service, and insults his twin brother whilst insulting him.
Cook: It’s a bit hard to tell Leatherface’s opinions most of the time because he is non-verbal, however since most of his interactions with him are Cook yelling at him, Leatherface usually only responds in angry grumbles implying he doesn’t like being bossed around.
Hitchhiker: His opinion on Hitchhiker seems to change a lot because their interactions are very random. It’s like a brother’s quarrel, one second they’ll be yelling insults at each other but then the next second Hitchhiker is cheering him on. Because of this, Leatherface changes from annoyed grunts to excited grunts, seeming to mostly like his brother, but doesn’t like being yelled at.
Sissy: Sissy is the only family member he is 100% on good terms with. Sissy is completely supportive of him and usually compliments him with sweet words so most of his interactions with her are wholesome and cute, with her cheering him on and him getting happy and excited with her around.
Johnny: A trend you will begin to notice is that almost everybody fucking hates Johnny. Leatherface, again, doesn’t speak so it’s hard to understand entirely what his thoughts on him are BUT no matter what he is always annoyed or angry at Johnny, and since Johnny is basically his cousin he isn’t that close to him at all.
Hands: So Leatherface and Hands seem to have a nice relationship. It’s hard to tell exactly since both characters don’t speak at all, however it’s canon that Hands giving a ripped-off face to a young Leatherface is what caused his whole… Leatherface thing… so they must be somewhat close, even if they hardly see each other.
Cook: Because Cook is the head of the household, and the most “sane” out of the family, Hitchhiker doesn’t like him that much, however, he spends most of his voice lines asking what he's cooking or firmly telling him to stop bossing him around. He is probably the least rude character towards Cook honestly.
Leatherface: Hitchhiker's attitude towards Leatherface is pretty positive. He spends all their interactions together, complimenting his skills with a chainsaw and cheering him on. He asks for Leatherface's help with getting these victims and he even badmouths Cook to his face. They're on pretty good terms.
Sissy: Sissy is the family member Hitchhiker seems to like the most. He sometimes yells at her, mostly about running away, but a majority of his voice lines towards her are cheerful and supportive, with her being the only family member he tells about his grave-digging hobby (likely because everybody else would get mad since it could lead to them getting caught.) He also tells her that he thinks he and Sissy are Grandpa's favourites and he compliments her dress, especially after believing she stole it from a previous victim.
Johnny: Unsurprisingly, Hitchhiker’s opinion of Johnny is rather negative as he constantly argues with him and says he ain't so tough. Since Johnny is basically an outsider to the rest of the family, Hitchhiker just doesn’t like him and mostly just insults him, however, he does have one positive interaction with him, this being him asking Johnny if he takes pictures of the people he kills.
Hands: Hitchhiker likes Hands, and looks up to him like an Uncle. He mentions going to see his races, and also expresses adoration in the way Hands beats people up with him being so big and strong, and it’s clear he likes him.
Cook: Sissy’s opinions of Cook are that of a rebellious teen VS their parents. She thinks he’s a useless old man and doesn’t like that he's constantly bossing her around and threatening her with his broken broom handle. She seems to mostly blame him for her habit of running away, though she probably means the entire family and isn't just singling Cook out.
Leatherface: Sissy adores Leatherface, and she always makes sure to compliment him or say something supportive, even if she’s busy. There’s a slight chance she’s being sappy on purpose to incentivise him to work harder, but it seems she is genuine and is just that sweet.
Hitchhiker: Her relationship with Hitchhiker is rather positive, she spends most of her voice lines with him, complimenting his graveyard artworks, promising not to rat on him and saying they work well together. Sometimes she gets mad and yells at him, but that’s usually after he gets on her nerves, other than that she’s completely chill with him. Though she does mention he keeps messing with her flowers, but all things considered she doesn't seem too pissed about this.
Johnny: To nobody’s surprise, she doesn’t like Johnny. She yells at him a lot and insults him, but interestingly she seems to know him a little more than Hitchhiker and Cook, since she mentions “always cleaning up his messes” implying she’s gotten into trouble with him before. Mostly she yells at him for calling her crazy or bossing her around.
Hands: Sissy doesn’t seem to like Hands that much. She isn’t that close with him since she’s been away from the family for years, so the last time she saw him she was probably a child. She insults him a lot and seems rather mad at him, and doesn’t find him threatening despite him being like 7 feet tall.
Chop Top: Surprisingly, Sissy talks to Chop Top like she’s never met him. Like, ever. Which is weird since he’s Hitchhiker’s twin, they definitely should know each other right? Anyway, she seems to like him, as she compliments his hippie clothes and feels bad when she finds out about his metal plate.
Cook: Johnny hates him. He thinks Cook is old and weak, and insults him for not being able to run things properly. He also doesn't like being bossed around.
Leatherface: He doesn't talk to him much, and when he does he usually just yells at him to use his saw and kill people. It doesn't seem like he's trying to be rude, but he ends up coming off as rude when he bosses Leatherface around.
Hitchhiker: He's normally pretty chill with Hitchhiker. He calmly asks how he makes his traps and compliments how shifty he is, but he also seems rather awkward around him likely because they aren't close. It's like he's basically trying to converse with a distant cousin. He also yells at him for his body language and his stutter.
Sissy: He is rather rude to Sissy, yelling at her and bossing her around the most. He thinks she's insane and isn't listening to him and is getting frustrated with her. He also brings up her running away, showing he still has a grudge about that.
Nancy: So the new update finally added voice lines for Johnny towards Nancy and whoo-boy. Anyways, from these voice lines it seems like Johnny doesn't like his mother as much as you'd expect, in fact, he seems to despise her. None of his voice lines towards her are loving or happy, and they mostly come down to him telling her to let him go and that he's not her little boy anymore. He also holds resentment for her scarring his face years ago and clearly hasn't liked her all that much ever since that happened. From the way he speaks, it seems he really wants to just yell at her, but can't because of two things. #1, they're currently chasing after victims and it isn't really the best time to drop everything and have a family quarrel. #2, he's still scared of his mother and even though he clearly resents her, he doesn't want her to scar him again.
Hands: Suprisingly, Johnny seems very close with Hands. It’s likely that since Johnny and Nancy aren’t part of the main Slaughter’s, they’re closer to more “distant” family members like Hands. Johnny seems to view Hands as a father figure. None of his voice lines towards Hands are rude or insulting, and all of them are rather calm. He also brings up Hands teaching him everything he knows, which makes it obvious he respects Hands as a mentor.
Chop Top: Weirdly enough, he seems to like Chop Top? Despite not really liking Hitchhiker? He does call him a weirdo, and brings up his wig, but both times he compliments him and the only rude thing he says to him is “What kind of getup you wearing?” referring to his hippie fashion. Perhaps he would be nicer to Hitchhiker had he not been the one to tell him about Nancy, idk.
Cook: She yells at him for trying to boss her around and argues back to him when he says she didn't raise Johnny well enough. She then says he didn't raise his brothers well enough either and just seems altogether frustrated about being bossed around since usually she's the head of the household.
Leatherface: She’s supportive of him but not in the same way Sissy and Hitchhiker are. Sissy and Hitchhiker are genuinely nice towards him and cheer him on, whilst Nancy seems to just be calmly bossing him around, telling him to do stuff not sweetly and not angrily just… firmly. It almost seems like because she's not as close to him as the rest of the family, she doesn't want to yell at him because well... he is holding a big chainsaw.
Hitchhiker: She does nothing but yell at him to do his job and stop being so crazed, sharing mostly the same opinions as Cook where she thinks he is enjoying this a bit too much considering it could lead to them being caught.
Sissy: She despises Sissy, probably the most honestly. She yells at her for running away and calls her a heathen and devil girl, implying she is a devout Christian. Sissy has no voice lines talking to Nancy, but from how Nancy "responds" to her, it seems Sissy brings up her murdered husbands and thinks Nancy is a useless nobody. Nancy is also the only family member who hates that Sissy came back at all. Sure, Cook and Hitchhiker get mad at her and bring up her running away, but none of them ever said they wished she'd stayed gone.
Johnny: Unsurprisingly, she is super supportive towards her son and all her voice lines are her firmly asking Johnny to help her. She talks to him like he's a little kid which is interesting, but Johnny doesn't have any voice lines talking to her so it's hard to know how he feels about this. *UPDATE: He now has voice lines towards her.
Hands: Nancy does yell at Hands, and boss him around HOWEVER, most of her lines towards him refer to Johnny. It seems like she doesn’t particularly like him, however she knows Johnny respects him so asks for his support anyway.
Chop Top: Oddly enough, she seems to like him more than Hitchhiker, stating he shouldn’t hang around his brother who will get him into trouble (despite them both being basically the same lmao.) She brings up his metal plate, but not in a sympathetic way. She seems to think he’s insane but somehow likes him more than Hitchhiker, probably due to the fact Hitchhiker was the one who told Johnny her secret.
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Dinner with handyman Jason? I just want more Maggie
It was one of the more interesting dinners Jason had ever had.
Maggie was a lot less subtle than Alfred about plying people with food. Three plates and he was uncomfortably full. But it honestly felt rude to refuse.
And it didn't hurt that you were a fantastic cook. Everything he put in his mouth was delicious.
"Mags let the guy take a breath," you scold cheerfully. "He's not gonna starve-"
"He's a boy guy-"
"Miss Maggie at this rate it's gonna take me a week to work it all off," he said taking the beer you offered with a smile of thanks. He didn't have room for that either, but if he learned anything from Bruce, it was to never turn down a drink from a beautiful woman.
Maggie sniffed, "Well if you want some cardio-"
"Maggie," you tell her warningly.
"What?" she protested. "You're young. You're hot. You'd make pretty babies-"
"Says the woman with no children, three husbands and a suspicious amount of money," you tell her, taking a stack of plates to the kitchen. Happy to be able to hide your embarrassment.
"Three?" Jason asked, his eyes teasing.
"Bah," Maggie said. "The first one doesn't count. I was 17 and horny. Back then good girls didn't put out."
"Okay but the other two?" he asked.
"One for love and one for money," she said. "Love turned out to love... a lot of people. And the one I married for money croaked half way through a rack of ribs."
"Then at 60 she had a boyfriend who bought her townhouse," you tell him, eyes crinkling at the corners.
"I got a lot further on my back than I ever did burning my bras."
"Mags," you snort. "When did you ever-"
"Listen. Hippies had the better weed and were a better time."
Jason chuckled and shook his head, "You know the lawn guys could probably hook you up."
"Like hell. Last time I bought from Tony the dingus sold me a bag of trash."
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exitwound · 1 year
Post like a 78 year old woman in the comemnts of an obscure online news article that made such an insane claim if you were a 20 year old pseudo-intellectual getting a humanities degree you would dismiss it as written by AI nor would you even be able to figure out what kind of stance it was taking because youre so post-post-irony pilled and raised in narratology which does put you and your peers at the forefront of breakthroughs in advanced comedy-tragedy-theory theatre arts arts and if it makes you happy and keeps the existenstial brutalism of your 21st century simulacrum habitat from destroying your heart, live your truth, i mean it, but if you were a 78 year old #vanlife three times divorced ex-evangelical but maybe also ambiguously ex-ex-evangelical hippie with mild dementia and desert winds blwoing dust bunnies through her inner life who capitalizes every letter of her sentences and spends 8 hours a day on instagra reels watching cooking tutorials and reading miscellaneous analog technology instruction manuals she finds in antique stores, you would understand the world perfectly.
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disastardly · 10 months
Have an assortment of Mystic Force headcanons that I've accumulated since I started rewriting CoD/CoL (now known as Emergence and ???):
Madison is an unabashed niche horror movie aficionado. This always surprises people, but she could talk about early 90s SOV, giallo, or the evolution of the slasher film for ages.
Her happy place in Briarwood is an old movie shop. They know her by name there, and always have recommendations among the new finds.
Briarwood itself is a super hippie town. Drum circles in the park, vegan bakeries, a huge pride parade every year. They're on the forefront of both marriage equality and cannabis legalization, even by California standards.
Nick has lived EVERYWHERE. His parents moved for work constantly, and so he and his sister have lived on every continent except Antarctica.
Xander and Chip are incredible cooks. Nick is pretty good too. Maddie is passable, and Vida is a complete disaster. Do not let Vida near a kitchen.
Leelee inherits the Vampire Queen throne after Necrolai/Nikki is turned human. She's surprisingly good at it. After some bumps, her rule becomes an unparalleled time of peace for vampires.
After high school, Chip tries a million things, and he's pretty successful at most of them. He takes over his uncle's farm, starts a meadery, does freelance alchemy, runs the local COUNTV chapter, and helps train new knights and wizards, and that's just the everyday stuff.
Leelee works to improve human-vampire relations, and teams up with Chip to help smooth things out. He begrudgingly helps, but warms up to it eventually.
Maddie and Xander are the only ones of the core 5 to go to college. Maddie studies film and Xander gets a business degree (so he can manage Chip's constantly-growing sprawl of ventures).
Vida goes on tour. She wins her first Grammy a year or two later, and eventually goes the Trent Reznor route of scoring films. It starts with Maddie asking for help with a hard-to-score film and spirals from there.
Nick gets taken on as an apprentice at a body shop. He's a prodigy with fixing things, especially vehicles, and when the owner decides to retire, Nick buys the shop off him. They mainly fix cars and motorcycles, but if you have something no one else can fix, he'll take a crack at it.
Maddie's first film does numbers on the smaller festival circuits; her second film is screened at Cannes and wins a Palme d'Or.
In Briarwood, everyone knows they're the Rangers, but the knowledge doesn't travel very far outside the borders. A few people know, but it's such an open secret that it almost never comes up. It's just a fact of life in Briarwood, so most people never really mention it.
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pikaglove · 6 months
Now that I have beaten Baulder's Gate 3, here is a list of headcanons I made up about my character and her life (also includes some in game canon events)
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• Half wood elf
• Druid (circle of the lands)
• Folk hero
• Cis female
• Bisexual
• Early-mid 30s
• Lover: Gale (married)
• Adopted two kids after the events of bg3 (arabella and Yenna)
• Absolute freak in the sheets
• Has demon fetish
• Canonically forgets her quests (people have died because of this)
• Lived in Baulder's Gate when she was a young girl and was going to be married off to a noble drow but got in a fight that made her "unfit for marriage" and had to be shipped away due to being an embarrassment to the family.
• Lived as a hippie in her young adulthood with other druids.
• Went around saving small towns from bandits.
• Normally peaceful but gets really hotheaded when she sees injustice
• Has gone days without eating much (Gale has had to make her eat a proper meal instead of just a few berries)
• Had a fling with Lae'zel, thought it was mid.
• Did have a pixie friend when she traveled with the other druids
• Not good friends with Astarion because she wishes he would be a better person (she was really proud when he didn't ascend)
• Shadowheart is her bff
• Loves cats
• Prefers cooler weather
• Will fight Mystra at a waffle house
• Loves raunchy ballads about herself
• Has Heterochromia (left: blue. Right: green)
• Got a flower tattoo on her neck once she left Baulder's Gate
• Got facial scars from charging up too much lightning to take down a group of harpies. (She won of course)
• Down with Bukake (Gale gets her so well)
• Half illithid (cured)
• Has blanked out when Gale goes on tangents but she's happy to let him ramble
• Canonically told Gortash to fuck off
• Disappointment to parents (canon by auntie ethiel)
• Astarion, Jaheira, and Karlach judged her for fucking the emperor
• Canonically sacrificed herself to save everyone in the iron throne along with Astarion (character growth for astarion)
• Halsin is her father figure now after he found out her dad is shit
• Canonically cucked Gale 3 times (The emperor, the drow twins, and Haarlep)
• Whenever Haarlep is using her body and she is in puplic, she and Gale absolutely go off somewhere to fuck.
• Date nights with Gale include star gazing
• Is the reason why Gale learned more ice spells (He wanted to impress her)
• Taught Gale animal handling.
• Steals books for Gale while on adventures
• Canonically goes on adventures with Gale
• Uses vines to bind Gale's wrists so she can give him the sloppy toppy without him returning the favor. (All consentual)
• Taught Arabella druid magic
• Yenna and Gale cook while in waterdeep
• Tara and Sylvia have helped Grub come out of his shell more.
• Has a good relationship with Mrs. Dekarios
• Won the heart of Tara after growing her some catnip.
• Has gotten into cheese arguments with Gale, whenever Elminster comes to visit.
• People sometimes think Yenna is her biological daughter due to similar hair and eye color.
• Father is human, mother is a wood elf
• Has a younger brother
• Her bi awakening was when she was a teen and had a crush on a tiefling classmate
• Let's Shadowheart stay at their tower when she visits waterdeep to be at the Selunite temple.
• Once got attacked by Shaarans when Shadowheart was visiting.
• Has nightmares of turning into a mind flayer due to taking that parasite
• Years after all events and our heros have passed, the wizard tower of waterdeep becomes overgrown with vines.
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vampirepersay · 1 year
Liane Cartman x lesbian hippie reader
Cw Eric Cartman. Pronouns used you/yours.
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You had a crush on her since high school but nothing ever came from that until after you had moved back to South Park from living in a lesbian commune for the last ten years. You met her at a grocery store and you talked for what felt like forever.  She invited you over to her house after that for tea. You two had a great time talking and catching up with each other. You quickly learned she had a son named Eric whom she very clearly loved a lot.
Honestly, you could tell that before she told you just by the sheer amount of pictures of the boy that were all over the house.
After that doing things together became a regular occurrence. You were quickly becoming best friends again but you wanted more than that. You asked her out and she said yes.  It had been a few months of dating and you were going to take a huge step in your relationship you were going to meet Eric for the first time.  You were in the kitchen helping Liane cook dinner when you heard the door open, and that's when you met Eric for the first time
He hated you, the fact that you were a hippie just made it that much worse.
An: I'm not super happy with this so I apologize if it's bad.
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avastrasposts · 5 months
Get to know me tag game
Thanks for the tag @bitchwitch1981 ! It's been a while since I did one of these! And I made you cry?! I'm sorry but also really happy my little Pero fic made such an impact 🥰🥰🥰
1. Were you named after anyone?
A 1960's hippie singer, not so much because of her but my mum loved the name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Today when I heard a song on the radio that the guy wrote about his mother that passed last year.
You said never forget me I think about you all the time I'm not sorry it's over I'm happy you happened
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, nope, nope
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
Pro swimmer up to about 16 and rowing at uni.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Probably less than I should
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
7. What's your eye colour?
Hazel green
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I don't mess with scary movies...
9. Any talents?
Let me cook and bake for you and then tell me what you think 😋
10. Where were you born?
London! You know that creepy hospital at the beginning of 28 Days Later? That's St Thomas, that's where I was born. 😅
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing fics, cooking and baking, just got back to spinning which feels great!
12. Do you have any pets?
No, I'm allergic to cats and dogs, but I love dogs!
13. How tall are you? 163
14. Favourite subject in high school?
English, Social Sciences
15. Dream job?
Well, I know a bakery I'd really like to work in.... 😋
Tagging some people if you wanna play! @@couldsewyouastitchandsavenine @i-own-loki @secretelephanttattoo @ladybess-a03 @undercoverpena @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain
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mask131 · 2 years
The evolution of Ophelia Addams (2)
Ophelia truly “started” for the 60s sitcom “The Addams Family”, that basically invented her from scratch. But she wasn’t yet “Ophelia Addams” - rather she was Ophelia Frump, older sister of Morticia (née Frump). And to highlight their sisterhood, their Yin-Yang relationship, Ophelia was played by none other than Carolyn Jones herself! 
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Ophelia was designed to be the complete opposite of Morticia. She is a “flower girl”, but not just in the hippie sense: she is a literal flower girl. Obsessed with flowers, always with a bouquet in her arms, she even has flowers on her head: a crown of daisies, or blooming flowers slipped in her hair. She is blond, and always dress in bright white. She is a happy and smiling woman that plays the harp gently ; always ready to laugh she is also an excellent cook of “traditional” (aka normal human) food. She doesn’t even like poisonous plants like henbane or nightshades, and scoffs at the sight of thorns: rather she only cares for buttercups, daisies and fresh weeds (she concedes that weeds are the most beautiful flowers in her eyes). 
While this latter puts her as the “white sheep” of the Addams clan, originally it rather made her Granny Frump’s favorite daughter, much more preferred over the more “bizarre” and “uninteresting” Morticia. In fact, as we discover in the television series, originally Gomez was destined to marry Ophelia. It was an arranged marriage between Gomez’s mother and Granny Frump, and the old Granny couldn’t see a better bride than Ophelia. But Gomez rather liked the carnivorous plants, beheaded dolls and gothic charm of Morticia, which who he rather fell in love (and anyway he couldn’t stand Ophelia - plus he is allergic to flowers). 
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Mind you, despite her not fitting the morbid aesthetic of the Addamses, and her mother prefering her flowers over Morticia’s fried eyes of newt, Ophelia stays a Frump (aka almost-Addams), and thus a very bizarre, unusual, “kooky” character. Ophelia is weird and extravagant, but just in a different way than Morticia. Take the flowers on her head for example: they are not just placed there for looking good. They actually grow there! Her hair roots are the flowers’ roots, and when you pull one, she lifts her leg! Ophelia is also noted to be “athletic”, but by athletic understand extremely strong and unusually violent. She breaks dishes trying to wash them, when she wants someone to do something for her she literaly twists their arm, when she plays violin too passionately she ends up SAWING IT IN HALF with the bow... And she is also an expert at karate and judo. So much that she actually judo-flips most of the men she interacts with, either as a form of salutation, or in hope that it could solve whatever problem they have. 
She can also sing quite well... but in the most bizarre ways. For example, she can sing a three-part harmony... all on her own. And produce a whole opera chorus with just her throat. Even singing different tones at the same time with the same voice! 
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Ophelia was named after the Shakespearian character of Ophelia, from “Hamlet”, THE Ophelia. Of course, the character had to be made of nods and references to the original namesake. On top of the flower obsession, while not exactly crazy, Ophelia is not always... “all-there”. She is both an emotive and superficial girl, a ditzy, scatter-brained girl, fickle and air-headed at the same time. She is the kind of girl that offers to play a game of hide-and-seek, but then tells people where she wants them to hide. She often says out-loud her thoughts or the things she expects people to say, and then sincerely believes they said it : she can have entires one-sided conversations. And, another big nod to Shakespeare, Ophelia is also obsessed with water. She cannot resist the attraction and beauty of a body of water, be it a lake, a puddle or a tub: she always has to jump in it. In fact, her mother says that if she likes to cook so much, it is because she wants to clean a lot of dishes: it gives her an opportunity to stay for a long time in presence of a sink filled with water. 
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 The other thing Ophelia is known for is her rocky, unsteady love-life. She is a romantic roller-coaster, and the very opposite of Morticia who has a stable, faithful, passionate relationship with her only soulmate. In the first half of the series, Ophelia is seen as the one being fickle when it comes to love : while getting extremely pushy and excited about her arranged wedding with Gomez, she actually admits he has a lot of flaws she dislikes and the minute he says he is “unworthy” of her she completely agrees and elopes with Cousin Itt, her “knight in shining armor” (though it turns out to be a summer romance). A similar case happens later with her new fiancé, Horatio Bartholomew. He is a perfect man; dignified, beautiful, educated, a true gentleman AND the second richest man in the world. At first she head over heels for him and extremely displeased over the fact her mother dislikes him... but the moment she learns he hates yoga, she immediately ditches him and considers him “unworthy” of her love.
But then, in a latter half of the series, the tide turns and instead of her throwing men away, it is her that gets constantly jilted. She ends up abandoned by lovers and boyfriends as many as seven times a year, and while she still is a manic, over-enthusiastic, hyper-happy girl half of the time, the other half she becomes a crying, desperate wreck wailing about her misery and loneliness - and she can easily switches between the two moods on a whim. Ultimately however, she manages to get out of her tumultuous heart troubles by starting a career as an opera singer, thanks to her most unusual voice.
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kquil · 9 months
are you still taking 🧁/matchups? if you aren’t, ignore/delete, no pressure :)
i’m 5’5, green eyes and brunette. my favorite color is green and i’m a little bit of a hippie. i love messing with my significant others and just being a little silly. i also reaaaaally love cats. my guilty pleasure is reality tv and i’m a slytherin primary/raven law secondary :)
don't worry darling, i saw your additional ask with more traits about you and i tried to include them here, i hope that's okay
im sorry this took so long to fulfil as well but i still hope that you enjoy the ship i came up for you ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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I ship you with Regulus Black 
i. you met regulus in his animagus form (a black cat), you thought he (as a cat) was so beautiful and, even though he didn’t react to your cooing, you grew a quick fondness for him anyway. not knowing that it was regulus as an animagus, you took him back to your dorm, where you treated him like a normal cat with cuddles and kisses and affection that regulus was not used to…although, he could get used to it. after that day, you never saw the handsome black cat again but gained the attention of a slytherin prince you never thought would ever look in your direction. 
ii. people never would have paired you two together but, stepping back, you and regulus balanced each other out pretty well. he tolerated your silliness because you made it look cute and you enjoyed messing with him because his reactions, no matter how minute, were amazing to witness — and they were all reactions you got out of him so they were all meant for your eyes only. 
iii. regulus’ favourite colour is green too so getting each other gifts is quite easy to do. you two both have green items of clothing that you liked wearing in your free time and you would unintentionally match clothes and sometimes even aesthetics. it was a flawless match each time and since neither of you planned for it, the two of you heated up in the cheeks because of it.  
iv. He was surprised to find out your favourite genres of music, although he grew a slight liking for them through you. likewise, through him, you grew an ear for classical music and jazz. you listen to a special playlist composed of yours and his favourite songs while cooking together in the kitchen; you would cook the main dish while he baked a dessert — as a perfectionist, he was amazing at baking and it fascinated you because you were so horrible at it. when you confessed that fact aloud for the first time, it made him laugh; you awed at how pretty he looked when he laughed but when he     v. when you found out he was the black cat you had taken in and coddled one night, instead of being angry, you begged him to turn into an animagus more often so you could cuddle in his cat form. he didn’t know whether he should have been offended or happy that you weren’t upset with him. because he couldn’t resist your puppy-dog eyes and because he loved you so much, he relented each and every time so you could cuddle and pet him as a cat — he definitely didn’t enjoy it to the point that he was purring, curled up in your arms and drifting off to sleep… (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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palettepainter · 1 year
Dr Teeth and/or Janice
Had another ask for Teeth so sticking them both together here! Once again may be spoilers to Muppets Mayhem so be wary if you haven’t seen the series 
-While gumbo is one of his families favourite dishes since Teeth originated in New Orleans, he also knows how to cook other dishes famous from his home town. Namely beignets and jambalaya. Teeth is more then happy to easy fast food and sushi, but for special occasions or holidays sometimes he’ll cook up a big meal for the rest of the band 
-When he gets drunk he trips over his own arms, a lot 
-Inspired by the show but his accent shined through when he’s especially nervous 
-Again, inspired by the show, back when the band first started and sometimes in the present day he has a bad habit of sometimes being a bit of a yes man/people pleaser. A habit he got from wanting to make his parents proud of him. Thankfully the band are always patient with him, it’s often Floyd who lightly reminds him he doesn’t have to be anything special other then himself 
-If it wasn’t obvious from the series but Pansexual king 
-He and Rowlf are really good pals. They met on the road when Floyd and Teeth where making a pit stop for a few days to restock on food. Rowlf played in a local bar for tips as a smaller side gig, but it wasn’t his main focus in life. Teeth heard him playing and - a little nervously at first - approached him and complimented his skills. It didn’t take long for the two to become pals, Rowlf admitting that music just wasn’t for him because there’s little chance it could work out, Teeth encouraging him it could if he tried, and then explaining his story of being on the road with Floyd and Animal. Teeth trusts Rowlf almost as much a he trusts the band, he practically sees him as family for all the time Rowlf has been there for him (helped him out when he was drunk, supported the band in their early days, helped Teeth get out of a creative funk, etc) 
-I like to think she came from two strict parents. Not controlling in the same way Teeth’s mum was, but they didn’t really get their daughter. Janice was a care free girl who, unlike her twin, struggle in school and didn’t get very good grades. This led to a lot of passive aggressive fighting between herself and her parents, with her twin often feeling stuck in the middle. Janice eventually ran away from home after a huge fight between her and her twin, leaving her family devastated (they totally didn’t spend weeks sick with worry, and her sister totally didn’t spend long nights crying in bed wondering how to fix things)
-I want to write a story of Janice and her sister (let’s call her Jamie for now) eventually reuniting. Jamie probably goes on to have a big career like her parents and is a lot less ditzy like her twin. Janice and Jamie at first don’t talk to each other, leaving the band feeling awkward when Janice (out of politeness, forced politeness) asks Jamie round for dinner. It leads to a conversation that gradually gets less and less friendly while the band look between them quickly growing panicked 
-Before joining the band she spent her days with a band of travelling hipsters, sleeping in pitched tents in fields of wherever their was room on the road. A lot of singing round the campfire, weaving flower crowns, spending lazy afternoons singing songs (skinny dippy-). Floyd and Teeth with baby Animal stumbled upon her camp while on the road and that’s how they eventually met. Janice looks back on those memories very fondly and views the hippies she travelled with as like another family 
-She loves camping, it reminds her of her time with the travelling band of hippies. Floyd isn’t as enthusiastic as her so he lets her take the reins with camping trips most of the time, he still likes it and Janice always makes sure it’s a fun time 
-She took to baby Animal right off the bat, loved him from the get go and still does to this day. 
-Want to know what other Animal she loves? Foofoo. With Piggy and Janice being close friends it was inevitable that Janice would meet Foofoo, and Foofoo loves the free attention. Foofoo also loves stealing away Janice’s attention and dotting from Floyd, which makes him so annoyed because that attention and hugs are rightfully his excuse me? Who does this rat dog think they are?!
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johnnyzest · 1 year
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Rainn Davies;  a submission for @simreaper​ :-)
With a name like Rainn, you may have guessed that she’s in tune with nature... if you also guessed that she has a hippie mom and grew up in a cult commune outside of Del Sol Valley, you'd be correct! She’s no stranger to hard work OR cramped campsites.
has the outdoorsy and technophobe lifestyles, with the green fiend, adventurous, and loyal traits (+ vegetarian and freegan if you have the more traits in cas mod)
has some skill points in gardening, wellness, handiness, cooking, and charisma as a result of helping around the cult commune
recently moved out after being scouted during a rare trip into the city. she hasn’t actually gotten much work because she’s a nobody on social media, but she doesn’t mind at all (her agent encouraged her to apply for this gig bc he thought it’d be funny). her roommates think her naivety in social situations is endearing and her willingness to try anything is fun
she’s always making sure everyone is taken care of, and whether that’s from a place of genuine kindness, or the fact that she was programmed to be a people pleaser who serves the community, is between her and the therapist she hasn’t scheduled an appointment with just yet
might not even be competitive enough for this competition tbh. would love to see everyone happy! might bring up a few weird memories having one sim romantically involved with everyone else though!
she’s never traveled this far before, so this trip is kind of a big deal! i sure hope she remembers she’s there to romance a pretty girl and doesn’t have any sudden big realizations about how she’s had very little life experiences and how her desire to continue to explore the world outside the cult commune would affect her ability to settle down thus forming a uncharacteristic fear of commitment! 
overall just a bubbly love and light kind of person who wants to make the world a better place and share all the love she has to give <3
cc used: hair, baby hair, face overlay, face overlay, nose mask, lip overlay, eyebrows, lip slider - will send tray files privately! :-)
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irenic-raccoon · 7 months
My first proper attempt at writing a genuine fanfic instead of the joke fics I've written in the past. Idk what the title is and I'm definitely not that great of a writer so there might be typos or grammar mistakes so ermmmmm go easy on me.
It's Vyvyan x Neil. There's only one fic of these two and I gotta stick up for the less popular ships bc that's just how I am.
Yelling, violence, and filth. An average day in the life of The Young Ones. Mike sat at the kitchen table, casually reading the daily newspaper. Vyvyan and Rick bickered about some bullocks next to the telly. And then there was poor ol' Neil. Neil, Neil, orange peel, standing there sulking and making the tea, since he practically did everything around here. All of the cleaning and all of the cooking. He was practically a 1950s house wife!
Vyvyan and Rick's banter turned violent, per usual, as the spikey haired ginger began throwing punches. He then grabbed the nearest object to whack the spotty bastard with. His weapon of choice just so happened to be Neil's rustic acoustic guitar. Before Neil was threatened to make the god-awful lentil tea they consumed every day, he was sat by the couch, playing a crappy tune. The sound of Vyvyan bashing Rick's head in with the already busted up guitar filled the room. Damn thing can barely play a note as it was poorly put back together with cheap ducktape, done by Neil himself in a futile effort to repair it. The guitar practically crumpled in his arms everytime he played a note. It's not like he'd be able to get new one anyways. None of them could even afford to use clean water. Hope you're happy, Thatcher!
The gloomy hippie turned his head at the sight, wearing his trademark frown. "Awh man, that's really heavy, Vyv. I've been, like, making a concept album for about two months now, and I was finally coming around to one of the songs. Not like any of you care, since you all hate me so much-" He was cut off with a shared "SHUT UP, NEIL!" From both the punk and the poet. Mike just nodded, agreeing with the statement as he continued to read his paper, wearing his sunglasses indoors. Neil sighed heavily as he began pouring the lentil nightmare that they considered "tea". He'd have to tape up his guitar some more, if there's even any tape left, that is.
Neil served them the lentil slop before getting assaulted with whatever item Vyvyan chose to use, then he sulked up the stairs to his bedroom, dragging the broken guitar behind him. As Vyvyan saw him do so, a peculiar thought came to to his mind, "I could fix that easily." It's true, he could, but he didn't want to be nice, especially to Neil of all people! On the other hand, Vyvyan was extremely bored. Even the violence was getting somewhat tedious. Not like he'd stop anytime soon, but Vyvyan hasn't partook in any of his actual hobbies in a long while. Like combining random chemicals to make some sort of "medical breakthrough", only for it to end up being explosive. Or tinkering his beloved car. Hell, Vyvyan even played guitar as well, he just wasn't able to play since he broke his beyond repair. In comparison, Neil's guitar would be a breeze.
Vyvyan decided that he was going to snag that guitar from Neil real quick and get working at it in the toolshed... Not like that, you pervy! He was definitely not doing it to be nice to Neil. Of course not! It's not like he held some sort of miniscule soft spot for him. He also didn't deep-down admire how much Neil did for them all, even if he moped about it constantly. Vyvyan ESPECIALLY did not like how Neil looked in that dress that apparently belonged to Rick. Nope, that image definitely didn't come to mind every once in a while when he's having a good wa- *BANG!*
Loud construction noises came from the dinghy tool shed Vyvyan put up months ago. Okay, he wasn't the best handy man. Bugger off, he's doing his best!
"Vyayan." Rick called out, standing outside said tool shed, hands on his hips, ready to yell at him for whatever he did this time. Vyvyan ignored him.
"Vyvyan!" He called out louder. Vyvyan ignored him again.
"VYVYA-" Rick screamed before the door cracked open, only for Vyvyan to hit him over the head with a hammer. That'll shut him up for a bit. He needed to concentrate, for once. He actually wanted to make sure he did a good job on fixing Neil's guitar.
When any of the housemates came along to ask what he was doing in there, he'd respond with something outlandish like "A time machine to prevent Rick from being born". Mike only asked once before going about his own business. Rick tried to be nosy, but it'd only come back to hit him over the head. Literally. It didn't take long for Rick to get a headache and a shiner from it all. Neil didn't bother to ask, likely based off the results from Rick. Instead, he only came by the tool shed to ask for the watering can, in which Vyvyan tossed at him from inside the shed. It nearly hit him but instead it hit the ground next to him. He thought it was strange, but Neil didn't feel like getting a shovel to the groin like Rick, so he just went about his gardening, even if his plants are past their death. They were so shriveled up and dark you couldn't make out what he even planted in the first place.
Vyvyan would take breaks throughout the day, causing the usual chaos around the house, but he made sure to return to the toolshed to finish up that guitar. He did this for the past two days until he was finished. He honestly felt proud with his handy work here, even if it didn't look the best. A few dents and scratches were permanent on its body, but it was a major improvement overall. Vyvyan decided to test it out, tuning the strings by ear and playing an a simple A chord. Bloody brilliant! He was lucky that his uncle Eddie taught him a thing or two about tools, even if he was a total tool himself. He was pretty sure him and Rick's uncle were going out. He cringed at that thought. Rick's uncle was as much of a pratt as Rick himself was. Must be genetic, similar to how alcoholism runs in Vyv's family tree.
It was dark out and Neil was still awake in his room, insomia keeping him up as he painted out his astrological chart. Some of that hippie bullocks he likes. He heard foot steps outside the door, but paid no attention to it, that's until he heard the door crack open. As soon the tall brunette turned his attention to the door, it was shut immediately, leaving only his guitar leaning against the wall. Neil's eyebrows raised, perplexed. It was like his guitar came back from the dead. Was he being haunted by the ghost of his guitar? He didn't even think that they had souls. He slowly made his way to the door, looking to see if anyone was out there. No one was in the hallway, but in the corner of his eye he saw Vyvyan peeking his head out his door like a meerkat, before quickly closing the door behind him. Suddenly, Neil felt like his stomach was full of butterflies... That might just be the lentils acting up again. Time to continue that song on the toilet, hopefully without being hassled this time.
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tempest-toss · 20 days
The Call - Finale, Escape, Stats
Thorn knew what they had to do. They aimed the rifle and shot twice, paralyzing Kirk's legs. He fell onto the altar before looking up, anger in his eyes. His fury quickly turned to fear as the werewolves appeared and began to tear him apart, ripping and chewing him apart. After he was into pieces, a priest walked up, spoke some arcane words, and Kirk was up back together. Then he was ripped apart again and put back together again. Thorn smiled at his repeated torment, and turned to leave.
They passed by Marcos, who gave them a proud smile and a nod. Thorn reciprocated and ventured out, the forest twisting to allow them to exit straight back to the camp. Thorn could hear barking from Rockette and hurried as fast as their limp could handle.
Rockette wagged her tail excitedly and bounced at seeing Thorn. Thorn was equally excited and fell down to pet the good girl. Thorn looked up and saw the weak smile of Silky; she survived the tower collapse! The three were so happy to be reunited that they missed Marcos emerging to pull the large tree blocking the road away before disappearing into the shadows.
The trio walked down the path, passing by a ransacked ranger station and seeing an ambulance drive by. The two humans waved their arms to get the driver's attention, and it pulled over. The ambulance drivers wasted no time in loading the three up and driving them to safety. Thorn had missed the bumper sticker which had a hidden Foundation logo on it; the ambulance wasn't driving to a hospital, but rather a Foundation site. Even if they had known, they wouldn't complain, as it was better than being dead.
In local news a massacre at a local camping spot occurred. Unfortunately a few nights ago an attack happened on the River Stigz campsite, with traces of body parts and blood found, with several others still missing. Local rangers have no clue what happened, but chalk it up to a bear attack and the presence of a killer among the campers. Local authorities ask that anyone who has any information to come forward and assist.
Final Results:
Thorn Thomas - Survived
Dallas Richter (Hippie) - Transformed
Marvin Viscontti (Stoner) - Survived
Cassidy Rakoto (Cook) - Deceased
Norman Fotoparat (Photographer) - Transformed
Sable Proctor (archaeologist) - Transformed
Cindy Simmons (Gold Panner) - Deceased
Silky Cooper (Geocacher) - Survived
Gordon Muntz (Conservative husband) - Deceased
Trudy Muntz (Conservative Wife) - Deceased
Rockette (Good doggo) - Survived
Della Lawrence (Explorer) - Deceased
Natasha Lawrence (Explorer) - Bitten, Deceased
Sylvester Reid (Hiker) - Deceased
Penelope Lordes (Fisherwoman) - Deceased
Chip Gelato (Ice Cream Man) - Transformed
Aspen Vadim (Park Ranger) - Deceased
Marcos (Insurgent) - Transformed
Maurice (AWL) - Transformed
Rebecca (AWL) - Deceased
Quinley (AWL) - Deceased
Kirk FellThorpe (AWL supporting leader)- Tortured, eventually deceased
--Mun Ozzie
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eyelinerda3euro · 7 months
if i think about my childhood past Christmas I realise this thing: my family would get all political and debating because in that time my family was split in two, my father and my grandfather being working class and my uncle being rich, old money kind of rich. i never understood the conversations, but I now get that it must have been about that. my parents were sort-of-hippies, my father went through the not so glamorous 80s heroin epidemic and became a carpenter my mom was a brilliant economy student who left university at 19 to have me as a child and stay at home in a small town in northern italy. the rage was a lot I think.. yet the things they were doing were kind of the same: cook too much food, giving too many gifts, buying useless things, put on some decorations and try to be good catholics.. maybe it was an opportunity for my family to prove them that they could afford everything as they do, and I always ended up being the kid with more toys even if substantially less rich than my cousins. when 2008 crisis came my family was in big financial debt since my family was in the construction field and things between my parents started to get tense.. my father would be so depressed and started drinking, my mother was doing 2 jobs and i would follow her everywhere like a dog. i really think that capitalism destroyed our family, showed how fragile our bonds were and how dependent on capital our happiness was. this christmas will be the first one I spend with them after 10 years, and things are dramatically and happily changed: my father decided to go to rehab this summer and he is clean, my aunt divorced from my uncle, who by the way was a wife beater, and she started to work as a teacher, my cousins and I will be taking care of the food, and we are all vegan. and anti capitalist. and my grandparents are now really really old and sweet
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