#happy belated bday for me
da1su-am · 1 year
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i know im like super late but whatever i just wanted to draw it out as a vent and abit of a comfort doodle cuz knowing im going to be like a very big person soon and my family wants me out of this world but dw i will leave that toxic house and never coming back.
happy 17 bday for me,atleast im still alive.
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whatermelown · 8 months
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♪ Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now ♪
so this is a redraw of my shipebrero back in 2022 for loiyorrr and it got a lot of notes so I promised to myself to redraw it! BUT THEN ART BLOCK AND COUNTLESS RESPONSIBILITIES LEADING ME TO RUIN GRRR- So I tried to redraw... THEN MY LAPTOP LOST ALL ITS FILES!?!??!?!?! FROM ACADS, PERSONAL FILES......AND W I Ps
i cried so much y'all have no idea HJDSKFHJKDSHFJK
BUT I HAD A SLIVER OF HOPE! I ACTUALLY INCLUDED THE WIP IN MY PORTFOLIO FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION! (yes i included a very intense ship work in progress fanart to apply for my education what of it hsjfhds) SO IT WAS STILL IN CANVA, the bad news tho I only used the screenshot because the file was too big so the pic was bad quality huhu... so I went to "make ur png more hd" websites so that's probably why the 2nd pic would look kinda ai generated (vomits)
so it all started from there! I repainted the whole thing with the foundation I've redrawn and I hope the lessons I got from being a Fine Arts freshman rn paid off HAHAHA
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akkivee · 2 months
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better late than never ;w;
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ghuleh-recs · 2 months
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It was our beloved Bee's (@da-rulah) birthday yesterday! To celebrate I've made us all a mixtape of some of her greatest hits... which ended up being almost everything she's written. Whoops. The only reason I left anything out was to save some for next year! Bee is such a kind, lovely, generous, TALENTED soul and I'm so very lucky to have befriended her. So go forth and read some top tier papa (and Mary!) smut. Leave Bee some comments while you're at it—as a lil' bday gift. ♡
recs under the cut.
Rituale Septem - Terzo (and everyone else) x Reader - 74k
Your faith is shaking; 16 years at the Ministry, and what did you have to show for it? You'd never even heard the Dark One's voice like your Siblings… But what could you do? Well, you could ask the advice of the one person chosen to guide his flock through adversity; Papa Emeritus III. And he has an idea that might work…
Rubenesque - Secondo x Plus Size!Reader - 7.8k
Retirement had its perks. For Secondo, one of those was being able to spend much more time on the things he enjoyed. And there were only two things he truly enjoyed these days; art, and you. Although if you asked him, he’d insist that they were one and the same. So how would he react when he learns that your peers are mocking your sinfully gorgeous body, and you're struggling to love yourself?
A Personal Ritual - Copia x Reader - 2.1k
"With an expert flick of his wrist, it unfolded, a glinting silver blade unsheathing itself from the brilliant red of the marbled handle. When he leaned forward, he stretched his neck with a lean to one side, lining the blade up against his skin and in one quick, clean motion he’d swiped a stripe up to the sharp edge of his jawline. The blade was wiped off on a cloth draped over the sink, then brought to do the same thing again next to the already created strip of clean, smooth skin.   You'd never seen him do this before, but you were enraptured – privileged, even… It was you and you alone that had the honour bestowed upon them to watch the man you loved in his most humble and domestic of moments, to see the parts of him that nobody else in the world got to see just because they were usually saved for him, and him alone. While you’d spent many an intimate night in his bed, sharing your bodies and souls in every way a lover can, these were the moments that felt truly intimate."
The Mayor's Daughter - Mary Goore x Reader - 72k (WIP)
Mary knew the entire town hated him; the metalhead with the freaky make up and fake blood dripping down his face. He was the local menace, the town vandal, the cliché trouble maker. He played up to that image, enjoyed the havoc and the chaos, revelled in it. He loved pissing people off. And so, what better revenge to get on his beloved town, than to fuck around with the Mayor's daughter…
In Cold Blood - Terzo x Reader - 19.4k
Solitude had always appealed. Perhaps that’s why you took on this project… The thought of transforming a dilapidated old Victorian farmhouse into a sanctuary of your own, to live in peace and the romanticisms of a gothic home you fell in love with. After the structural integrity of the house is replenished, you fill your days with DIY and decorating, bringing to life a house that had been frozen in time and left to rot for decades. You could enjoy the solitude of the land already, a few miles outside of a town plagued by disappearances and a fear of the dark. But you couldn’t escape the news of more missing people, nor the strange occurrences happening around your new home. Were you imagining things? Or was there indeed a shadow haunting your sanctuary?
Confessional - Cardinal Copia x Reader - 22k
As a sister of sin, it was your duty to confess at least once a month, to have your sins praised by a higher up member of the clergy. But you only ever chose Thursday nights, when you knew he was on duty. And tonight, you were working up the courage to confess your darkest sin - the dreams you had been having…
Learn the Ropes - Secondo x Reader - 2.4k
Secondo likes to be in charge. He likes to be in control. But you'd always wondered what he might do if one day, you decided to flip the script, and take charge for him…
Copia gets Bullied - Copia x Reader - 2.2k
"I know this trope for Cardinal Copia is over done but I would love, love your take on it. I would like a sister of sin who Copia have had a crush on, come and comfort him after witnessing him getting bullied and embarrassed. But the poor Cardinal is an emotional crying wreck that the sister decide the only way to comfort him is by being sexual with him for the first time🙈"
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
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In mid-September, Harry comes home.
A Tired Tired Sea Coda.
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pyotrkochetkov · 10 months
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the scruff…. pulling out the emerald green suit… he really did this just for me
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kobling0007 · 4 months
Happy Birthday 2 ME!! (19) (LATE POST)
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✨ My 19th Birthday! ✨ Posting late cuz in the natural Kyle-style I barely finished the art before midnight and then was too tired to post it the day of lmao. It's not that big of a deal, honestly doesn't feel like much of anything changed... I'll probably forget I aged up lmao. It's just a bit scary more than anything :P I still might have done a larger art piece but I started that the DAY OF at 6 PM and finished it at like 11 PM 💀so it took way longer then I meant it to LMAO uhmm idk what else 2 say. love u all. thanks for any of my fans so far :) remember I love art moots and am always looking for them!
art requests still open as always, fanart or OCs, but remember it may take me time to get to them :) art trades also open!!
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vrieseasees · 1 year
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Ahoy! Cap'n Kurata!
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ambivartence · 2 years
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♌️ & ♎️
commissioned by @lonelystreetlight for @chanstopher 🎂🥳🎁🎈
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nariism · 11 months
happy birthday wriothesley
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zettanoia · 3 months
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oc scene that i had planned for ages
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
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quarks-pussy · 1 year
Just turned 28 so that's my excuse for this post.
Don't worry why it's on the trek blog, I simply live here now lol
My transition goals (somewhat realistic)
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My transition goals (less realistic)
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My transition goals (...other?)
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gojoest · 4 months
oh i am sooooo confused 😖
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goodpupsinc · 1 year
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This is such an old piece and it's very telling in the quality XD but fake devilgram post with my malewife dear husband, Barbatos
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missneko-otaku · 1 year
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Ahhh~ He is soo sweet! ♥(•́ ω•̀❀) So glad I managed to read an finished his 2022 Bday revival event despite being so busy! (✿˃̣̣̥᷄U˂̣̣̥᷅ )/ I love and enjoyed his bday story so much (੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺
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