#happy anniversary my babies
alinalal-art · 2 months
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persona 4 nostalgia :D
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 month
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"But ... why do we only have sex before it's a sunny day?" TAIKAN YOHOU (2023). EPISODE ONE.
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anotherfandomtrash · 1 month
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It' been so long...too long...
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Happy late birthday, Chara :D Two days late, exactly. Oops. I could not be faster, so I guess this can also count as an early Undertale 9th Anniversary drawing? How economic :P Hope you guys like it! Higher resolution + Process Gif on my Patreon!
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glowsticcc · 5 months
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Why can't you stop time? How long before I can't call you my sweet little girl? Help me stop time, you're not allowed to be nineteen You have to stay my precious baby
🩷happy birthday lil lulah!!💜
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palanceray · 5 months
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It's early in the morning and Idk what in the actual hell I'm doing
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Happy Debut's Anniversary, Wang Yibo
Never give up always fulfill your dreams
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johnbly · 1 year
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happy 20th anniversary to the curse of the black pearl! (july 9, 2003)
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thestobingirlie · 3 months
scoops troop pt. 3 <3
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sunflower1274 · 5 months
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Happy Anniversary to my babies 🥰💖
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johnsbleu · 2 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 174
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warnings: none hmh masterlist
How the hell is she one? How in the world is Ronan Charlotte a year old? It seems like not so long ago, you were finding out you were even pregnant. And yet, here she is, a whole year old. Time truly flies by, doesn't it?
It's amazing how much can change in just one year. She’s grown and developed so much. She's learned to crawl, walk, and talk--some of her favorite words being ‘dada’, “mama’, ‘boo’ for Bleu, ‘toes’ for toast; her favorite breakfast, and saying ‘uh oh’ when someone drops something. Watching her grow and learn has been such a joy for everyone around her, especially you and John. It's hard to believe that just twelve months ago, she was still in your belly. But now, she's a happy and healthy little girl with a whole world of possibilities ahead of her.
Not only is this a milestone for her, but it is for you and John as well. You’ve made it through your first year of parenthood! It’s been one hell of a ride, but it’s been so fun, and what’s made it even better is knowing you have him by your side through all the ups and downs and bumps along the way. He’s been a great partner and father. You really couldn’t ask for a better person by your side. Hopefully he feels the same way.
You remember the anxiety you felt the day you were going to tell him that you were pregnant. You remember how nervous and excited you were, and you remember how happy John was when he finally found the ornament and read it. It was one of the happiest days of your lives when you told him, then 9 months later, on September fifth--on her mom and dad’s anniversary--Ronan decided to join this world and it made the day all the sweeter.
“That is still so fucking wild,” Tess says, and you look over at her as you continue putting decorations together, “How the hell did you plan that?”
“Plan what?”
Tess furrows her brow when she looks at you, “Ronan being born on your anniversary. What kind of black magic was that?”
You start to laugh, “Pure luck.”
“Fate,” John chimes in, and you smile as you look at him while Tess playfully gags despite the fact that she probably thinks it’s cute. He wraps his arm around your waist and kisses your cheek, “Definitely fate. Something bigger had a hand in this.”
“Or I just had really good timing. Maybe I seduced you on purpose that day knowing that if I got pregnant we would have a baby nine months later on our anniversary. Maybe I’m secretly a huge mastermind.” you say, and John starts to laugh, “Do not laugh! Maybe it’s true!”
John shakes his head, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about you these past three years, it’s that you’re very smart. Very, very smart, but even I don’t think you could have planned this.”
“Yeah, no, to be honest, it would have been so much work, and I just don’t think I would have had the patience,” you laugh, and he kisses your cheek, “But nonetheless, it is pretty wild.”
Tess smiles as she looks at the two of you, “How was your trip? I’ve barely had time to talk with you today.”
When you got home last night, you just got Ronan and immediately went home to spend time with her before she needed to go to bed. She was so excited to see you and John that she just couldn’t get herself calmed down enough to even go to bed. She eventually fell asleep halfway through eating a banana, which was pretty cute. You and John were laughing over how cute she was that you were both in tears.
Today has been spent decorating and getting ready for her birthday party, so you haven’t had much time to really talk with Tess.
“It was really good,” John says, and you smile at him. “Definitely a much needed trip.”
Tess grins when you look at her, “You had sex on every surface, didn’t you?”
“We had so much sex,” you laugh, and John puts his head down, his cheeks turning red. You love embarassing him.“One day we did nothing but have sex. It was amazing. It reminded me of when we first met. I don’t think I even put on clothes that day.”
“You did for about an hour before you ripped them off again,” John says, smiling at you, “It was the best day.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “It was a great day. But like John said, it was a much needed trip. It was so nice to just be the two of us. I definitely don’t want to wait that long before we have another trip. Maybe our next one we can bring the whole family.”
John steals a carrot from the veggie tray Tess is making, “We wanted to go to Switzerland for our babymoon, but you were very pregnant. I think it’d be fun to go there with the family. It’s beautiful there. We should think about going next spring or even this winter.”
“Ooh, that sounds fun to me!” you say, leaning up to kiss him. “Anyway, yeah, the trip was perfect. It was so nice to just be with John and not having any distractions. I hate to admit it but I missed having John to myself.”
“I missed having you to myself too,” John admits, which makes you feel better.
“Look, I know I tease you two a lot,” Tess says, and you both look at her, “But honestly, you two are so cute. You gross me out with how lovey-dovey you can be, but you’re cute.”
You start to laugh, “Oh come on, Tess, let the walls down.”
“Fine!” she huffs before she looks at you with tears in her eyes, “I think you two are so perfect for each other and I’m really happy that you found each other. John is perfect for you, and you’re perfect for him! You’re doing a great job raising your daughter together, and as your big sister, I’m so happy for you, but most of all, I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished these past few years. You have two successful bookshops, you have a bookbinding business that does really well, John teaches classes that are super popular, and not once have you two ever really struggled relationship wise--okay, before you give me that look!” she says when you cock up your brow, “I know you’ve had fights--all couples do! But you know what I mean! You two have never even entertained the thought of breaking up or anything. You have such a great relationship and that is so important for Ro to see. She’s so lucky to have you and John as her parents, and I love you two, okay? God!”
You and John both start to laugh, and Tess gives you a very unimpressed look.
“Why did you say that so aggressively?” John laughs as he walks over to hug Tess, “We love you too.”
You smile, “I love sensitive Tess so much. You should let her out more often.”
Tess is in full tears now, “You two are just so cute, and I’m so in love with Jimmy.”
“We know,” you say, and she pouts, “He’s in love with you too.”
“What does being in love with Jimmy have to do with us?” John asks, and you look at Tess.
She wipes her tears off her face, “Well, because I’m in love and so is Goose, and that’s good.”
“It is very good,” you say, then you rub her shoulder, “Maybe you should go lay down for a few minutes.”
“Yeah, maybe. Oh, and one more thing!” she says aggressively, which makes you and John laugh. “I would love to go to Switzerland, so it’s a yes from me but do I have to pay for it?”
John laughs before shaking his head, “No, it’d be all paid for by us.”
“Well, now I’m gonna cry because that’s really sweet of you! John, you’re the sweetest.” she sniffles as she shuffles off to the living  room, and you widen your eyes and look at John.
John laughs quietly, “Is she okay?”
“Yeah, you know…” you roll your eyes playfully, “Sometimes people are just a little sensitive. Sometimes people are so happy that they cry.”
“Yeah, you sobbed for 15 minutes when you saw a picture of me from when I was little,” he says, and you jut your bottom lip out. “A picture that you had seen many times. I just came into the kitchen to find you with your head on the counter while you cried.”
“You were so cute!” you cup his face and squish his cheeks, “Your dorky little smile was so fucking adorable, and I see so much of Ronan in it. Her nose, her eyes, her little grin, she’s your twin!”
John smiles proudly, “She’s pretty cute.”
“She is,” you wrap your arms around his waist, “So in love with my brown eyed Virgo babies. And by the way, when that happened, I was pregnant. So, you know, I had an excuse. My emotions were everywhere.”
John nods, “Yeah, you were pregnant.”
You widen your eyes and look up at John just as he looks at you, then you walk into the living room to find Tess laying on the couch scrolling through her phone.
“Are you pregnant?”
Tess doesn’t even look at you, she just bursts out laughing, “Fuck no!”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” she sits up on her elbow and looks at you, “Positive.”
You squint your eyes at her and wait for her to crack, but she just stares back. You tilt your head and do a ‘I’m watching you’ motion with your hand, and Tess just laughs.
“Have fun,” she says as you walk back to the kitchen, “I’m not pregnant though.”
John smiles, “You think she’s pregnant?”
“No, I just like to tease her.”
“Hey,” John whispers softly when you start to walk away. He reaches for your hand and pulls you back to him, “Happy anniversary, by the way.”
You tilt your head back and kiss him, “Happy anniversary.”
“Three years, peach.” he says, and you hug him tight, “I’m so glad that we were able to get away and celebrate, but I still want to take a moment to appreciate today, not just because it’s Bug’s birthday. It’s the best day of my life for many reasons.”
“I love you so much.”
John leans into your palm when you cup his face, “Today wouldn’t possible without you.”
“It wouldn’t be without you either.” you say as he smiles, “I don’t get all the credit here.”
“Well, you deserve 50% of it.” he smiles, and you let out a small laugh, “Maybe even more.”
You shake your head, “50% sounds good to me!”
The party is pretty much in full swing. Aurelio and his family arrived a little late, but that’s okay. You know what life with a baby is like, so you’re sure life with two kids is even harder. The backyard is full of family and friends, and even staff from the shops. It’s nice that everyone is showing up for your baby girl, who is currently playing in the sprinkler with all the other kids. Thankfully it’s a warm day today.
Ronan will be needing a change of clothes, so after making sure someone has their eye on her and the rest of the kids, you head inside to get some dry clothes for her. Last you saw, John was getting the grill ready, so you’re not surprised when you find the house empty. You head upstairs to Ronan’s room and smile to yourself when you hear laughter coming from the open windows.
“Okay,” you exhale as you walk over to her clothes.
You pick an outfit for her to wear today since it’s her birthday but since she’ll be having cake, she probably shouldn’t wear it right now. You’ll wait to change her after she has her cake. Or maybe you should change her beforehand, get some cute pictures, then let her have cake. You’re not entirely sure, so you stand there for a few minutes staring at her closet.
As you stand there and look at all of Ronan’s clothes, you feel your eyes beginning to burn with tears. They roll down your cheeks when you blink, and you reach out and hold an outfit Ronan wore a few months ago that can no longer fit in.
She’s growing up.
The thought has been on your mind all day, so it’s certainly not new, but…your baby is growing up. She’s not going to be a baby anymore. The thought might not be a new one but it completely breaks you down into tears.
Since I got the grill started and some food done, I look around in search of Y/N. I want to make sure that her and Ronan get something to eat. Y/N has been running around all morning trying to make sure everything is perfect for the party today, so I want to make sure that she’s getting food in her. I don’t need her getting dizzy or too hungry. I already know she’s stressed out.
“Hey,” I lightly touch Bev’s shoulder, “Have you seen Y/N?”
She shakes her head, “No, I haven’t, honey.”
I nod and look around the yard. I smile when I see Ronan giggling as she plays in the sprinkler with Finn, and I watch them for a few moments before heading into the house. It’s quiet in here, so I assume she must be either in the bathroom or I’ve missed her outside somehow. I check the bathroom downstairs before I head up to our room. Empty.
“Peach?” I call out, listening to the quiet house. I furrow my brow when I hear a sniffle, and I walk down to Ronan’s room, finding Y/N looking out the window. I walk up behind her, “Hey, food is getting done.”
“Okay,” she says quietly. I lean forward and see a tear roll down her cheek, and I quickly wipe it away, “Baby, are you okay? Hey, look at me. Are you okay?”
She nods, “Yeah.”
I turn her around slowly and look into her bloodshot eyes. She has makeup running down her cheeks too, and she’s clinging to an outfit that Ronan probably hasn’t fit into for at least 3 months. The stress and worry I was feeling melts away, and I feel my entire body soften when I realize why she’s upset.
“I know,” I nod, rubbing her arms as she cries harder, “I don’t want her to grow up either.”
“Why is she doing this to us?” she asks, laughing through her tears.
I smile, “Because she’s going to be the bravest, smartest, kindest, and most beautiful girl in the world, just like her mom. She’s going to do great things and the world deserves to know Ronan Charlotte Wick.”
“I feel like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital and sat on the couch, stressing about everything we were about to go through.” she says, and I nod. “I remember us sitting there stressing out about how to just feed her and when to feed her.”
I start to laugh, “I remember stressing out about my first night alone with her. I watched Finn alone before but he wasn’t a newborn baby. Ronan was, and I was beyond stressed out. Now it’s a breeze. I love when you’re able to go out and have a nice time and I get to spend it with her. It’s nice. I love building my relationship with her, and everything is just second nature. I don’t question myself. I don’t text or call you every ten minutes asking you if it’s okay if I sit on the couch and hold her instead of laying her in her little DockATot. And a year ago, I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue what a DockATot is. I would have thought it was like…I don’t know, some weird gadget.”
Y/N closes her eyes as she laughs, “It does sound like a weird gadget.”
“It’s a freaking bed. It’s a little lounger for your baby. That’s crazy! And the nose thing that you use to suck out boogers?” I say, and she immediately scrunches up her face, “Yeah, it’s gross, for sure. But I didn’t know that shit a year ago. A year ago, I knew one thing, and that was that I loved that little girl with my entire heart the moment she took her first breath--well, I knew the moment you told me that you were pregnant, but when I held her in my arms, all of the fears that I had went away. I knew in my heart everything was going to be okay because I had you.”
I shouldn’t have said that because it just makes her cry again. But it’s true.
“I had you to help me. I had you by my side. I knew that parenthood wasn’t something to be scared of because you were by my side holding my hand,” I say, reaching for her hand, “I can’t thank you enough for how much happiness you’ve given me since you came into my life three years ago. I am so beyond grateful for you. You are the love of my life.”
Yeah, shouldn’t have said that either. She’s fully crying now with Ronan’s dress pressed to her mouth. She’s fucking precious.
“I love you,” she says, sniffling as she looks up at me, “I am so happy that you’re her dad.”
“Me too.” I laugh, nodding my head, “I’m happy you’re her mom; she has the best role model.”
Y/N juts her bottom lip out, “I can’t believe she’s one. I just want her to be a tiny baby forever.”
Wiping the tear off her cheek, I cup her face, “You know what I’ve learned this past year?”
I smile, “No matter how old she gets, she’s always going to be our baby. Whether she’s six months old, six years old, or 36. She will be our baby. We get the privilege of watching her grow up and learn things that we taught her--us, her parents! How lucky is that? I watch you teach her things, then I watch her use that knowledge. Isn’t that amazing?”
“Yeah,” she laughs, sniffling again, “It is, and I see you teach her things too. It’s the best.”
“I know it’s hard watching her grow up, and if I’m honest, I wish we could slow down time. I don’t want this to ever end.” I say, getting misty-eyed, “I absolutely love my life with you two. It’s perfect and it’s far more than I deserve.”
She shakes her head, “You deserve everything, John. You deserve all of this.”
I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight to my chest as we both stand there, sniffling quietly. I press a kiss to the top of her head and lean back to look at her, and she wipes away the tears on her cheek.
“I think part of my issue is, yes, I’m sad she’s growing up, but she’s also getting closer to being a teenager and I’m not ready for that.” she says, and I furrow my brow. She sighs loudly and takes a few steps away before walking back over to me, “My mom and I didn’t always have the best relationship. Mom and daughters can have…complicated relationships. I want to try my best to avoid that.”
“What do you mean?”
Sighing again, she looks at me, “From 13-15 years old, I wasn’t very nice to my mom. I flew off the handle over little things. I was a young girl going through a ton of changes and I, unfortunately, took it out on my mom. I don’t want that for me and Ronan. I want us to always be close. I want to be her mom, but I also want to be her friend. I want her to want to talk to me about things that are bothering her. I bottled up everything and didn’t tell my mom. I struggled silently with so much stuff--what I was going through was nothing compared to Tess, so I just stayed quiet.”
“You can’t compare pain, sweetheart. If something hurts, it hurts. What you were feeling was just as important as what Tess was feeling.” I say, and she nods.
“And I know that now. Tess actually was the one who told me that, and of course mom was so upset when she found out because it’s true, my feelings were just as important.” she says, laughing quietly, “But I’m so scared that Ronan’s going to hate me when she’s a teenager. I don’t want to ever overstep or feel like I’m projecting onto her either. I don’t want her to feel like I’m expecting too much from her. I want us to have a good relationship forever.”
I nod sympathetically, then I rest my hands on her shoulders, “I get it. Ronan is always going to love you; you’re her mom! She’s going to love you forever. But listen to me…there is no use in worrying about things that might or might not happen twelve years from now. There’s no use. You don’t deserve to be sad or stressed out about it.”
“Twelve years really puts it into perspective.” she says, and I smile at her. “You’re right. I should be enjoying this milestone. It’s not a sad day; it’s just bittersweet.”
“I’m not saying you’re not allowed to be sad because trust me, I’m sad. Our baby girl is growing up! She’s already a year old and I hate that.” I say as we both tear up, “She’s getting older and it’s such a bittersweet thing but we’re so lucky to be able to watch her grow and learn. We’re so lucky that we have the most perfect angel of a daughter.”
Y/N laughs, “She really is an angel, isn’t she?”
I gesture to the open window, “Listen to her laughing out there.”
We both go silent and listen as Ronan squeals happily in the sprinkler with all of the other kids. I look back at Y/N and hold her gaze, and she smiles softly at me before leaning up to give me a kiss.
“I love you,” she says, and I pull her closer, “Thank you for making me feel better.”
“I am always going to be here to make you feel better,” I say as she leans against my chest, “Let’s go see our baby girl now.”
Y/N looks up at me, and I put my finger up and take her hand. I bring her into our room, then to our bathroom, all while she looks beyond confused. I lift her onto the counter and get a few of her make-up wipes, then I gently wipe away the makeup staining her cheeks. I look into her eyes and furrow my brow when I see her tearing up again.
“Are you okay?”
“This is the sweetest thing you’ve ever done,” she whispers, and I let out a confused laugh. She gestures to me wiping her makeup off, “This. This is so romantic. It’s tender. It shows me how much you care about me.”
I cup her face, “I care so deeply about you.”
“I know,” she smiles, “I care deeply about you too. God, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
I start to laugh when she tears up and throws her hands up in a playful manner since she’s crying again. I tuck her hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek before hugging her tight. She exhales and looks at me, and I wipe her face off again.
“I’m done crying now.” she says, hopping off the counter and grabbing her makeup bag. “Lemme just fix my makeup quick.”
I watch her as she carefully puts mascara on her lashes--waterproof, she told me--then I smile at her and take her hand before heading back downstairs. The closer we get to the back patio, the louder Ronan’s giggle is, and I smile down at Y/N and see her laughing quietly.
The moment the door opens and we step out, Ronan turns her attention to us and comes running over, screaming for one person in particular who deserves all the love right now.
“Momma!” Ronan screams, running over to Y/N, who kneels down and opens her arms.
“Hi, baby.” she hugs her tight and closes her eyes, “Goodness, I love you so much.”
My heart swells with pride and joy at the sight of my little family. My wife. My daughter. Both so precious, and all mine.
“Hey,” I pull Y/N aside and smile, “Think it’s time?”
“I think so.” she nods, then she takes my hand and together we sneak into the house.
I let go of her hand to open the basement door, then I gesture for her to go first and follow behind. I smile when I hear the little meows coming from downstairs, and Y/N gasps and rushes over to the kitten.
“Oh, goodness,” she laughs when she sees the cat covered in wet food, “You’re a bit of a mess, aren’t you?”
I smile, “He’s gonna fit in just fine here.”
“True,” she laughs as she walks to the bathroom to clean him off. “Do you have a box?”
I found a cardboard box and wrapped it up with colorful paper and put a huge bow on it, and some holes for air of course.
“Yeah, I got this one,” I bring it over to the couch and put Baby Cat’s blanket inside, then I smile when Y/N comes out of the bathroom with him as she dries him off. “Can’t wait for her to finally get him so we can stop calling him Baby Cat.”
“Maybe she’ll like that name.”
I grimace, “I hope not.”
“Hey! It look a lot of brain power for me to come up with that,” she jokes, and I playfully swat her knee. She carefully places the kitten into the box and closes it up, then she picks it up and hands it to me. “Here.”
I take the box and carefully go upstairs with it, glancing back to make sure Y/N is following. She holds open the patio door and smiles, looking around for Ronan.
“Ro,” she calls out and waves her over, “We got you a present.”
The poor kitten is going to be passed around to everyone, so hopefully he’s a patient little guy.
Y/N sits down and pats the spot next to her, then she looks at me and pats the spot on her other side. I sit down with the box and smile when I hear a tiny meow coming from it.
“We have another present for you,” she says, and Ronan looks up at her, “But you have to gentle, okay?”
I can tell the family is confused. We didn’t tell them about the little souvenir we brought home from The Bahamas.
Ronan nods her head as Y/N puts her in her lap. She gives me the okay to open the box, and I carefully take the lid off and move it over so Ronan can look in. She lets out a gasp and makes the ‘O’ shape with her mouth as she stares at Y/N with her brown eyes.
“What is that?” I ask, and Ronan leans over again to look. “Is that a kitten?”
“Kitty,” Ronan says, pointing at it, “Momma.”
Y/N laughs, “I see! Isn’t he cute?”
Ronan reaches in with absolutely no hesitation and pets the kitten. When he licks her fingers, she giggles loudly, causing all the other kids to come over and see what’s going on. For the kitten being so tiny, he sure loves all the attention and isn’t at all scared, which will be great because Ronan is like a tornado. We’ll teach her to be gentle with him though.
“This is our new kitten,” Y/N says, and Ronan looks up at her, “What should we name him?”
Ronan just shrugs.
“We’ll give it some time,” I say, and Y/N laughs.
“Oh, stop it!” Tess smiles as she leans down to look at the kitten, “When did you guys get him?”
I look at Y/N before looking at Tess, “While we were in The Bahamas. There were cats everywhere and he was outside our cottage one night. We took him inside and I found where he lived. They said we could keep him.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Y/N puts her hand up and laughs, “No, I kept hearing something around like…two in the morning and I was freaked out thinking it was a serial killer. I finally woke John up and he went outside and found him!”
Tess smiles, “He’s so cute.”
Y/N grins, “I keep calling him Baby Cat but John doesn’t like it.”
“Ronan needs to name him,” I say as Ronan looks at me, “What’s his name?”
Ronan looks at him like she’s really thinking it through, then she shrugs again.
I laugh, “We’ll figure out eventually.”
Anything is better than Baby Cat. Okay, I’ll admit, Baby Cat is kind of growing on me, but I won’t dare tell Y/N.
“Toes,” Ronan says, and everyone looks at her, “Toes!”
We all look confused for a moment before Y/N and I lock eyes, immediately figuring it out when she says it again.
“Toast!” Y/N and I both say in unison.
“Is his name Toast?” I ask, and Ronan smiles as she nods proudly. “Toast.”
Ronan continues talking to the kitten, calling him Toast over and over, and I smile when Y/N looks at me. We both start to laugh since of course our daughter would name her kitten Toast. We have a fish named Dada and now a cat named Toast. I can’t wait to see what else she names our future pets.
The rest of the day went really well. You cried like a baby when Ronan blew out her candles, then you cried again when she tried to feed John a piece of cake, but that time it was from the laughter. She opened her presents and instantly wanted to play with them and share them with the other kids at the party, but of course she was quick to run back to you and John to show you all her special things she got.
As the party started to die down, so did Ronan. She was trying her best to stay awake, but she eventually fell asleep on the couch tucked into John’s arms while you all sat around and talked. The kitten was tucked in there too until you moved him into the guest bedroom for now.
“I admire her strength,” your mom says when you look at her, “She was holding on for dear life, just fighting to keep those eyelids open.”
You laugh as you look at Ronan in John’s arms, who is also asleep. You smile to yourself as you look at those two just sleeping away. John is still holding Ronan but he has his head propped up by his right hand. It’s going to slip soon and he’ll jolt himself awake.
There isn’t anything to clean up since your family and friends were kind enough to help clean up and take home leftover food and cake. You’ve been up since five this morning, so you’re ready to lay down in bed.
You rest your head against your mom’s shoulder and close your eyes, “Sorry for being so shitty when I was a teenager.”
“What?” she laughs, and you look at her.
“When I was a teenager, I was really shitty to you.” you say, shrugging your shoulder, “So, I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
Your mom sits up and furrows her brow, completely bewildered as to why you’re bringing this up. She looks past you at Ronan and nods slowly before looking back at you.
“It was tough, but I didn’t take it personal.” she says, and you nod as you tear up, “All that we went through then was so worth it. The relationship that we have now? It was worth all the screaming, eye rolling, and door slamming.”
You laugh, “I slammed my door once.”
“Damn right it was once. I shut that down right away.” she says as you laugh, then she reaches for your hand, “I was a young girl once too. I knew exactly how it felt to be fifteen once. Admittedly, I should have checked in with you and it’s something that bothered me for a very long time as you grew up, so I apologize for that and I hope you can forgive me for that. I’m so lucky to have such a kind and beautiful daughter who I can call my friend.”
You look down as you cry, then you nod, “Yeah.”
“I know you won’t make my mistake, and I know you’ll always be there for Ronan.”
“You were a single mom, you had a job that was so demanding, you had just adopted another kid.” you say, and she nods, “You had a lot on your plate and I knew that. I always knew. I never thought you didn’t love me or something. I knew you did--I know you do. I’m glad to say you’re my mom. You’re an incredible mom. All my friends wished that you’d adopt them too because everyone loved you, me included! I want to be just like you when I grow up.”
She laughs, “I’m flattered, but you’re quite amazing yourself, sweetheart.”
You start to laugh as you look over at Ronan, then you look back at your mom, “I don’t want her to grow up. She’s my baby.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” she says, holding your gaze, then she reaches for your hand, “But look at you, all grown up and with your own daughter now. But no matter what, one thing will never ever change: you will always be my baby.”
Which is exactly what John said about Ronan earlier.
Nodding your head, you look at her as you both tear up, then you lean over to hug her. She holds tight to you and rubs your back, then she kisses your cheek before getting up from the couch. You look over at John as he opens his eyes and stretches out, and you give him a knowing smile because he definitely wasn’t asleep the whole time--come on, no one has that perfect of timing. Not even John Wick.
“Heading out?” John asks, and your mom nods. “I’ll walk you out to your car.”
“Oh, no need.” she smiles, touching his arm when he stands up. “You two go snuggle that little girl.”
You laugh, “It’s only 6 PM. I’m half tempted to wake her up, so she’s not up at 4 in the morning looking to play with her new toys while John and I are still passed out from running on 4 hours of sleep.”
John hugs your mom and looks out the window to wave at Dan, who is talking with Jimmy in the driveway. John looks at you and bounces Ronan a little, and you turn to your mom and hug her, holding on tight.
“I love you and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.” she whispers softly, “One day you’ll be hugging Ronan--”
“Nope!” you laugh as you let go of her, “I don’t want to think about her being an adult. Nope, nope, nope.”
John laughs when your mom playfully widens her eyes and grimaces. She leans down to give Ronan a kiss, then she grabs her bag and waves before walking to the door. You turn to John and exhale sharply, looking down at Ronan in his arms.
“I am…so exhausted.”
“I just had a nice nap,” John says, and you cock up your brow. “Okay, so I wasn’t sleeping when you two started talking but I didn’t want to be rude and I also didn’t want to ruin the moment, which was very sweet.”
You walk over to him and pucker your lips for a kiss, “Can we just hang out the rest of the night?”
“Absolutely,” he nods, then he shifts Ronan a little, “But I have to put her down.”
“I think that she should sleep with us tonight,” you say as you move her brown hair out of her face, “I just want to fall asleep with my two favorite people.”
John nods his head in agreement, “I think that sounds like a fantastic plan.”
Since you’ll probably come back downstairs to get something to eat later, you only turn off a few lights. You let Bleu out to use the bathroom and give him some food as well, then you head up to your room. John carefully changes Ronan into some pajamas and out of her fluffy pink dress that is slightly covered in dirt and cake, then he lays her in the center of the bed where she immediately snuggles down.
You change into something more comfortable, then you sit on the bed and look at John as he just stands there a little awkwardly. You furrow your brow and watch as he walks over to the closet, then he digs through it and pulls out a box.
“So, uh…”
“Jonathan!” you quietly scold him, “We already did anniversary gifts.”
He shakes his head, “This isn’t an anniversary gift. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while now, well, for about a year.”
You start to get up but he shakes his head and sits down next to you on the bed. He hands over the box and gestures for you to open it, and you nudge his arm before playfully rolling your eyes. You take the top off the box and reach into the tissue paper, and your fingers wrap around what feels like a book.
Pulling your hand out of the box, you look down at the book and immediately smile, “Our Baby’s First Year.”
John scoots closer and wraps his arm around your waist, “Open it.”
Flipping the book open, you feel tears burning your eyes when you see the very first picture ever taken of Ronan. Her wrinkly little hands and soft skin, just a few moments old. You turn the page and see a photo of Ronan's first smile, captured at just two months old. It's hard to believe how small she was back then, but you can still remember the moment vividly.
As you continue flipping through the pages, you see all of Ronan's milestones--her first steps, her first words, and even her first Christmas. Each moment is captured beautifully. You turn the page again and let out a laugh when you see it’s filled with twelve selfies of John and Ronan--one for every month.  
“Shut up,” you laugh, pointing to the one of her at eight months old where she’s smiling at John, “Look at how much she loves you.”
“Look at how much she loves you.” he says, flipping the page.
You immediately slap your hand over your mouth when you see the pages covered in images of you and Ronan that John has taken every single month, pictures that you didn’t even know he had taken.
“I snuck pictures all the time, I still do,” he says softly, “I had to have Tess help me because I kept getting a notification about my phone storage. She told me that I had too many pictures saved. I couldn’t tell you because…”
You nod when he gestures to the book, “John, remember what I said earlier about wiping off my makeup?”
He laughs, “Yeah. Definitely not even in the top ten sweetest things I’ve done. I didn’t do it to be sweet. I just wanted to help you feel better.”
“It was definitely sweet, but this…” you look down at the book and flip through the pages, “This is beyond sweet. I don’t…I don’t even have words. Thank you so much.”
John presses a kiss to your temple, “You’re very welcome.”
This book is a testament to all of the joy that Ronan has brought into your lives, and you know that it will be treasured for years to come. You’re already planning on putting it on the coffee table and making every single person look at it when they come over, not only because your baby is gorgeous and the most precious thing on the planet, but John took a lot of time to put it together.
Closing the book gently, you place it on the nightstand and lean into John's embrace. All the anxiety you had been feeling earlier about Ronan growing up has passed. It’s been a quick year but a great one. She’s happy and healthy, as are you and John. What more could you ask for?
Well, you know one thing.
You lean back and look at John, a smile growing on your face, “Want a piece of cake?”
“Why did I think you were going to ask if I wanted to have another baby?”
You scoff as you get up from the bed, “Patience, Mr. Wick.”
John smiles when you look back at him, “Okay, okay. You did say that we would start trying when Ronan would start potty training though.”
Turning back around, you lean against the door frame and hold his gaze, both of you smiling like absolute idiots. You smile at him as he turns to face you more, and you cross your arms and laugh a little.
“Well,” you shrug as you glance over at Ronan, then you look back at him, “I guess we only have to wait six more months then.”
Pure joy rips through John as he gets up and rushes over to you, lifting you up as you both laugh. You look over his shoulder and see Ronan still completely zonked out on the bed, and you close your eyes and hold tight to John as he carries you down the kitchen for a much deserved slice of cake.
taglist: @lilithlinen @ladyren33 @multifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @scream-queen-25 @beingnerdyissupercool @sakurachan-9
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warlenys · 5 months
river and the doctor’s relationship was always horrific for both of them he was haunted by the past she was terrified of the future they could never be fully honest with each other so they resorted to cheaply flirting they never existed on the same page so they never truly knew who the other was and therefore whether they were loved as greatly as they loved and so they were never and could never be truly happy when they were together. but the towers have been there for millions of years through storms and floods and wars and time. nobody really understands where the music comes from but it’s probably something to do with the precise positions, the distance between both towers. all anyone will ever tell you is that when the wind stands fair and the night is perfect, when you least expect it, but always when you need it the most, there is a song. they married the diamond
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spoiledleaff · 1 year
ohhhh leafyyyyyyyy how do you feel about size kink mount and aurora 😎👉👈 I need him to manhandle her
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basically, i’m incredibly normal for them, naturally, of course, obviously— (lies).
( click >>here<< for the uncensored version on pillowfort! ♡♡♡ )
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invoidvisitor · 8 months
Sitting on the couch and sobbing while rereading all of Cass's comic
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akkivee · 6 months
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more of these flavours of gentaro pls 🥺🥺🥺
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justanie · 9 months
This is a comic focused more on my Hcs than on the anniversary of this pair, but by coincidence that I finished it on this date, I can't miss showing it too:
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Here I leave information so that you have some more context about my Kagamine Headcanons
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