lifely1 · 4 years
8 psychological tricks to get what you want
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Ever wish you could make people like. remember or agree with you with a snap of your fingers?Believe it or not, its actually possible. You just have to know a few simple tricks.
1.Mirror peoples body language
Mirroring or mimicry is to copy their body language or speech patterns. Research suggests that mimicking someones body language is more likely identify with you subconsciously, which makes them more likely to do what you want. You probably heard that when someone likes you, they copy your body language after a delay. Well it works the other way around too. Just copy their body language after about delay of 30 seconds. for example, if they cross their arms, wait for half a minute and do the same. But don't make it too obvious!
2.Nod your head
Just nod to increase your chance of getting what you want. In a study conducted in 1080, scientists found that people are more likely to agree with someone when they nod while listening to them. So nod your head while talking with people or when asking them for something, chances are they will start to mimic you and nod their head without even noticing, which will significantly increase your chances of making them comply with your request.
3.Use the word "because"
If you want to make people agree with your argument, use the word "because".  In 1978, a professor of psychology at Harvard named Ellen Langer conducted an experiment where three groups of people had to try and break in on a line of people waiting to use the copy machine. The first group made simple requests to the person in front of them while the other two groups made a request, then went on to give an excuse after saying "because". A staggering 93% of people complied with the second and third groups requests. So make it a habit to say "because" when presenting an argument to get people to take notice and agree.
4.Be the first or last one
Human psychology dictates that we usually best remember the first and last parts of an event, while the middle part tend to fades away from memory. To make an impression, make sure you are either the first or the last. For example, if you're at an important interview, try to arrange things in a way that makes you the first or the last person seen. This can make you stand out, without anything. However, it doesn't mean you can come away a winner without putting in any effort, this just helps you make a lasting impression.
5.Make people feel good about themselves
If people have a good perception of you, they are more likely to respond favorably to your requests. In other words, make people feel good about themselves so they will act good with you. A persons perception of you shapes their conduct towards you. If you can make them like themselves more, there are high chances that they will like you more, and in turn accept your solicitations. Complimenting them, laughing at their jokes etc can be done to achieve this.
6.“Door-in-the-face” technique
It is a well known technique where you make a large request and scale it down. It is an acknowledged strategy where you make a huge request to the other person which they are sure to turn down, then keep scaling it down to your actual request. If you do this, there are higher chances of acceptance. Researchers say that this trick works due to principle of reciprocity, where if the person says no to your first request, they feel like they owe you.
7.Ask for favors when they're tired
When someone is mentally and physically worn down, they are more likely to agree. Because they feel exhausted and just want to get over with the confrontation. This kind of manipulation techniques can be found in car dealerships, where the dealers try to wear you down into buying their car. Deplete their physical and mental energy, then win them over.
Smiling is a universal language that gives out the sense of happiness and serenity. Smile when talking to someone to connect with them on a subconscious level. Smiling at appropriate times, smiling back at them in a conversation helps build an environment of happiness, and they will think twice before ruining that feeling by rejecting your request. Besides, smiling is good for your health too!
These were the top 8 mind tricks to get people do what you want. Which ones have you tried, and which ones are more useful? Let us know.
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lifely1 · 4 years
Top 10 Social Media Platforms in the World
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If we were asked the question, what are the most popular social media platforms in the world? Most would guess facebook, twitter, youtube etc. But there are dozens of other sociial media platforms in the world, out of which we're listing the top 10 elites based on monthly active users.
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1. Facebook
I think we all know the nmeber one pick in this list would be Facebook. Created in 2004, Facebook is the brain child of Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow students. It currently reigns over all other social media sites with a mind blowing 2.23 billion monthly users. Around 65 million businesses use Facebook and 6 million advertisers actively promote their business. It's easy to get started on Facebook because all content format works great on Facebook — text, images, videos, live videos, and stories, which makes it perfect for personal and commercial use.
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2. Youtube
Currently owned by Google, Youtube was founded in 2005. It is the biggest video sharing platform in the world with 1.9 billion monthly active users. Around one billion hours of videos are watched on Youtube everyday. It is also the second biggest search engine after Google. Millions of businesses and advertises use Youtube to operate their commercial endeavors.
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3. Whatsapp
Whatsapp is a messaging app where users can communicate via text, images, documents, make voice and video calls. It was launched in 2009 and was bought by Facebook in 2014. Over 1.6 billion active users from over 180 countries use Whatsapp where 100 million voice calls and 65 billion messages are sent everyday, making it the third most used social media platform in the world.
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4. Messenger
Messenger was initially a built in messaging feature within Facebook. But it was made into a standalone app by by Facebook since 2011. Yes, another top social media platform owned by Facebook. Messenger has been given many features and now we can advertise, create chatbots, send newsletters and more. These features have given us a myriad of new ways to engage and connect with each other.
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5. WeChat
Previously knows as Weixin, WeChat was founded in 2011. Just like Whatsapp and Messenger, WeChat has evolved from a messaging app to an all in social platform. Unlike our earlier entries, WeChat is almost exclusively used in China. However because of Chinas large population and WeChats huge popularity there, it has made the 5th place in top social media platforms. There are 1.06 billion monthly users, and 902 million of them are active on a daily basis.
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6. Instagram
The last platform currently owned by Facebook in this list, Instagram was launched in 2010. It was an instant hit, gathering 100,000 users in only a week which increased to one million in the span of two months. It has 1 billion monthly active users today. It is primarily a photo sharing app where we can also share videos, stories, live videos and messages. There are 95 million new posts everyday and users like 4.2 billion posts everyday.
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7. QQ
QQ is another instant messaging platform that is popular among among young Chinese people. It was launched in 2014 and currently boasts 861 million monthly active users. Besides messaging, it allows users to watch movies, play games, blog, shop online and make payments.
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8. Tumblr
Launched in 2007, Tumblr is a social networking and microblogging site. It has 642 million monthly users that share texts, photos, videos, audios, links and more. 59 million posts are made everyday. On other sites, people usually like to share quick bits of information in the form of images and text. But many people use Tumblr as a blog and publish in-depth posts.
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9. Qzone
Another China based socia platform, Qzone was created in 2005 by Chinese company Tencent. It brings in 632 million users per month. Qzone operates similar to Facebook, where users can upload multimedia, write blogs, play games, and decorate their own virtual spaces. It is different from WeChat and QQ, which are almost exclusively messaging services.
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10. Tik Tok
Tik Tok (Douyin in China) was known as musical.ly before it was rebranded as Tik Tok in 2016, making it one of the newer platforms. It is a music video sharing app where users can record videos of up to 60 seconds, add effects and music and upload them. It has 500 million active users where its largest audience are in Asia. There are around 13 million new videos uploaded everyday.
That was the top 10 social media platforms in terms of monthly active users. Which ones have you used and which ones are your favorites?
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