#happy almost 1 year on T to me as well
pro-penlicker · 1 year
i've said this on my twitter but i will also say it here and i will keep on screaming
to my trans sisters, fellow trans brothers and non-binary siblings who are everything inbetween. you are valid and you deserve the same rights as everyone else.
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daretoassume · 1 month
spiritual lessons i learned before turning 20
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it was exactly january 1st, 2021, when i began my self-development journey. i think most of us experienced some unpleasant things in 2020. that year led me to my spiritual path and taught me many things about loving myself. i spent my whole year by myself, meditating, reading books, and practicing conscious manifesting. these things brought out the best in me and guided me on how i perceive the world and life in a better way.
1. don't try to fit in. after all, you are not here to stay.
in my high school days, i always wanted to fit in because it was so hard for me to make friends while observing my other classmates; it was so effortless for them. i wanted to have that friend group, so i tried to fit in by doing what they were doing so i could be acceptable to them.
it was so unhealthy to dislike other people, judge them behind their backs, and waste each other's time. i became someone i am not. i eventually left them because i realized, "if these people i am with can speak negatively about others behind their backs, what makes me think that they are not going to do that to me as well?"
we all want to feel like we belong, but being someone you are not is not the way to feel like you belong. isn't it exhausting always trying to fit in to feel like you belong?
you are supposed to stand out. you are supposed to have your own personality and embrace your qualities. after you love yourself enough and embrace yourself, the right people will come to you, and you will not feel like you are trying to fit in. our life is too short to spend trying to fit in; we might as well look within and be who we are meant to be.
2. don't follow the crowd they are also lost.
it is almost the same as the first one, but this one concerns following society or social norms. we are taught to do one thing because it is more acceptable than the other. who is accepting it? did they say something when they accepted it? are they proud because we followed them?
i thought i had always wanted to be a flight attendant, so i took a tourism degree. where does that thought come from? it was from my family; growing up, they mentioned that i should either be in hospitality or take a tourism degree. i wanted them to be proud of me, so i took that degree, thinking it was my dream.
while i decided to choose that, i didn't consider any other degree because i thought i wanted that for myself. i was not aware. this is the first thing i learned in 2021: to choose the life i want for myself; unapologetically, i am now following the path i am supposed to take while in college.
there is always something in our hearts that we want to do. follow that even if you think it is ridiculous. follow that, even if other people think it is ridiculous. just because you do something different doesn't mean you are crazy. i mean, the world is crazy enough, and following the crowd without awareness is one of them.
3. when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
everything is perception. the meaning you give to everything in your life becomes your reality. and if we think about it, this is a life-changing lesson. the way you look at things determines whether you are going to be mad, happy, sad, or envious. our eyes don't see; our eyes are the only tool our mind uses. and our mind will determine what perception it is that we have.
do you believe that people are kind and friendly or out to get you? whatever you choose, that is what you will create for yourself.
it is about changing your attitude towards situations that did not come your way. change how you look at things in a way that will serve you better so that what is outside of you doesn't control what you feel.
it doesn't mean that if you change your perception, the situation will change as well; it will not, but it will change how you see it. it is how we see things that make us live better. it is inside what we need to change to see life in a beautiful way to create a beautiful life we will love to look at.
remember, where we focus our energy, it will expand. it is nice to develop positivity and love just by focusing on it. i don't mean to have toxic positivity. of course, not every day is love and light; we can dwell on it, but we also have to know when to stop.
4. don't take it personally.
i have learned this the hard way, and i am still learning. other people might say something about us, but it is not about us; what they say is more about them. when somebody calls me "dumb, ugly, stupid, weak, worthless," it is not about me; it is about them.
tell me, what kind of person will say that to another person if they are mentally sane? maybe they are having a bad day and decided to put that on me; perhaps they feel that inside and put that on me (without being aware); it is never about us.
the same goes for someone who calls you "beautiful, nice, amazing"; do you think a person will tell you that if they don't already see that in themselves?
hurt people hurt people, and healed people heal people.
but whenever you are being judged and criticized negatively, remember that a person who is love and light will spread love and light. try not to get upset with people. what they say or what they do is powerless without your reaction. if we get frustrated, we take their trash and make it our own. how can we see life better if our environment controls our thoughts and feelings?
5. introspective work is the most important thing to do.
we are the only ones in our inner world; why not make it a safe space for us? try filling it with love, positive thoughts, and kindness. our inner world reflects our outer world.
you see, if you feel good, you do good and smile at the world. but when we are feeling negative, especially mad, we sometimes put that on other people. if we feel envious, resentful, anxious, or depressed, these are things that we should work on inside, not outside.
we cannot control what is outside; the environment, the situation, and the turbulence on our journey are beyond our control. what we can only control is what is inside.
everything starts within. even in manifesting, we don't look at our reality and ask, "where is it? where is my manifestation?" we see that in our minds first before it comes to fruition. we believe and feel that we already have it; we even fix our self-concept to align with the vibration of what we want before it manifests in our reality. all these things come from our inner world.
do much reflection on how you speak to yourself in your mind, and be aware if it is kind or tormenting you. suppose you think that the outer world is quite harsh. in that case, people are being unkind, or you feel negative about life, turn to your inner world; maybe you are neglecting something inside of you that needs the most attention and introspection. 𓍯 entryfromsane003 (extracted from the old blog two years ago)
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btssavedmylifeblr · 5 months
Void - Part 9 - Tuesday (M)
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 5.7k
Part 9 / ?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Warnings: explicit sexual content, entirely too much discussion about semen, some jealousy, possessiveness and slut-shaming, semi-accidental voyeurism
A rush of cold air against your sweaty skin makes you shiver. It’s much cooler out here in the hallway than in the steamy sleep pod behind you. You leave Jungkook behind in the sleep pod, still getting his clothes back on, but your lingering arousal stays with you. 
You’ve barely made it two steps into the hallway when the door across from you opens. Jimin leans against the door frame. Damn, he looks good. He has the sleeves of his dark blue jumpsuit tied around his waist, leaving him in just a loose white t-shirt that rides up his arms as he crosses them. 
“Well, good morning to you,” he says. “And what have you been up to this morning?” The smirk on his face makes it clear he knows damn well what you’ve been up to this morning. 
“Umm…” You wiggle your hips in discomfort, the remnants of Jungkook sliding between your thighs. 
Mercifully, Jimin doesn’t actually make you tell him what you’ve been up to. “Do you have a minute to talk?” he asks, beckoning you to join him in his pod. 
Lord, you really don’t want to have an awkward relationship conversation with Jimin with Jungkook’s semen still inside you. You try to brush him off. “I have a lot of work to do this morning, Jimin.”
He snorts. “Seems like you’ve already gotten a lot done.” He lets the statement hang there as he smirks at you again. It’s very annoying how hot he is right now. 
The click of the door latch behind you startles you into action. The last thing you want is to be trapped in this narrow hallway with both Jimin and Jungkook. “Yeah, okay,” you say, diving into Jimin’s pod before Jungkook sees you. 
“So should I plan on waking up to the sound of you fucking other men every morning or only on Tuesdays?” Jimin asks as he closes the door.
“Well, not on Thursdays.” You are trying to flirtatiously deflect, but irritation flashes across Jimin’s face.
“Yes, well,��� he mutters. “I guess I’ll just wait my turn.”
“Hey, you suggested sharing first,” you reply defensively. 
“With one man, not six.”
“Why does the number matter?” You’re already carving yourself into pieces to make them all happy, why did it matter how many? “You’ll still get your turn.”
“Bah!”Jimin stomps his foot in frustration. “I’m not some toddler who is bad at sharing a toy! I don’t want to have you just because it’s my turn.” He almost reaches for you again, but drops his hands in defeat. “I want you to want me.”
You sigh. “I do want you, Jimin.” Even first thing in the morning, with his dark hair falling loosely over his forehead, he’s the prettiest man you’ve ever seen. How can you explain that you are genuinely and specifically attracted to all of your crew members without sounding like a floozy? “I’ve wanted you ever since I watched that damn video of yours. And long before that too.”
“Really?” He bites his plush lower lip. “How long?”
You fold your arms and lean back against the other side of the pod. Memories come back to you of your space walk training at the bottom of the ICSE pool. Jimin always hated the overly warm training suits and would strip out of them long before reaching the men’s locker room. His sweaty t-shirts would stick to his skin, slightly translucent. It was impossible to keep your eyes off him as he’d laugh with the other guys and brush his hair back off his forehead, indifferent to your presence.  “Longer than you’ve wanted me,” you finally answer.
His eyes widen in surprise. “On Earth?” he asks. 
You nod. You chastise your past self for ever thinking that your insatiable thirsting for your crew wouldn’t become a problem eventually.
“Shit.” He runs his hand through his hair. “I had no idea.” He steps closer to you. “You were always so closed off.”
“Well, I’m not supposed to want you. Wanting you is highly inconvenient.”
He smiles as he leans in. “But you just can’t help yourself?” He glances down to your lips.
“Oh, don’t look so smug.” You push against his chest as his hands find their way around your waist. 
“I’m allowed to be smug.” He rests his forehead against yours. “The hottest woman in the universe wants me.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m the only woman in your—“
But his lips are on yours before you can finish your sentence, one hand gripping your waist as the other finds its way to the nape of your neck, pulling you deeper into the kiss. 
All your arousal that had been simmering just below the surface comes rushing back as his fingers caress your neck and along your jaw. His lips are just the right balance of soft and firm. You moan as he breaks away from your lips to begin kissing down the side of your neck. 
“But then how can you only want me on Thursdays?” he asks between kisses. “I want you every day. Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednesdays. All the time. God, I haven’t even bothered to remember what day of the week it is for the last two years and now it’s all I can think about.”
“I obviously don’t only want you on Thursdays.” You gasp as his hand finds your breast over your jumpsuit, closer to the surface then it would normally be since you abandoned your shirt with Jungkook. “I’m just trying to be fair.”
“Fairness is overrated.” He sucks on the junction of your neck and collarbone as you tilt your head back to give him more access. “Shit, are you not wearing a shirt?”
His hand is on your zipper before you can answer, tugging it down to discover the answer for himself. “Good lord,” he mutters, hands caressing your bare sides and breasts. “Where is your shirt?”
“I’m having a bit of a laundry problem.” You run your fingers through his hair, holding tight as he peels down your bra and runs his tongue across your nipple. “Somehow all my clothes are covered in cum.”
He groans out loud at that, sinking to his knees as he kisses down your belly, following the opening in your jumpsuit. “Shit, really? Jungkook?” And then he pauses and looks up at you. “What did he do?”
“You really want to know?” You ask and Jimin nods. You laugh. “It’s more what I did to him.”
“Tell me,” he urges. “And take this off.” He tugs at the bottom of your zipper. 
“Made him beg.” You shrug out of the jumpsuit, in your bra and panties once again. Your panties stick to you where Jungkook’s remnants have merged with your own arousal. Jimin’s eyes are glued to them. “Rode him until he came inside me.” 
Jimin licks his lips and looks up at you. “Can I see?”
You tilt your head curiously. “That doesn’t bother you?”
He laughs a little, shaking his head. “Maybe it will later, but right now, it’s just super hot.”
A whole new rush of heat runs through you as you slide your panties down. This is the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done. One man kneeling rapturously in front of you to see you covered in the release of someone else. It’s debauched and it’s glorious. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder if you should stop this and wait for Jimin’s assigned day, but your logical brain vacated its post the moment Jimin knelt in front of you. 
“You do like being messy, don’t you?” He runs a careful finger along your labia and your legs tremble. “Doesn’t matter whose cum it is, does it?”
“Fuck, Jimin, please.” You tug on his hair, needing him to do something, anything. 
He gathers a glob on his finger before flicking it to the floor. He stands up and kisses you again, the hand sticky with cum now caressing your cheek. It’s both tender and filthy. And then he’s turning you around to face the wall of the pod. “Bend over.”
Your legs are trembling so hard you have to cling to the wall, but you allow him to guide you down so you’re bent at ninety degrees, hands on the wall, ass out. You hear him strip out of his clothes and then a finger slips inside you. 
“God, you’re so wet.” His hands grip your hips as he replaces his finger with his cock. “How many times did he get you off?”
Jimin eases his way into you and the tenderness makes you groan. “He didn’t,” you pant. 
“Amateur,’ Jimin scoffs. He reaches around to your front and finds your sensitive clit. The trembling in your legs gets stronger as he begins rolling his hips. 
“He wanted to,” you gasp. “Didn’t let him.”
“Don’t even care about your own pleasure, huh? Just want to take all the cock you can?” He pairs the teasing with a firm pressure from both inside and out and you’re shattering around him, unable to deny how much it turns you on to be used by them all. 
You hear the smile in Jimin’s voice, how proud he is of himself, as he tightens his grip on your hips and speeds up his pace.  
“You’re mine now though. You were mine first and you’ll always be mine. Whenever any of them fuck you, I’ll fuck them out of you. Replace them with me. The only cum you’ll be carrying around inside you is mine.” 
He stills, leans over to kiss your back and neck as he fills you up. You can feel his self-satisfied grin against the skin of your back. 
He slides out of you, patting your ass as he goes. Your whole body flushes as yet more cum leaks from you. God, you’re a mess. He kneels down behind you and picks up your panties, sliding them back up your legs. 
“That’s better,” he says as he slides them up and over your ass, trapping his cum against you.  
“Uh, thanks,” you reply, completely at a loss for what to say as a weird cold feeling begins churning in your stomach. You have the sudden worry that Jimin is going to expect every day to go like this, even those that aren’t his. “Gonna go clean up now.”
Jimin grins and kisses your cheek. “See you soon,” he whispers. 
And so you find yourself once again attempting to de-sperm yourself in the space toilets. Another tinge of doubt washes over you as you stare at the flimsy compostable toilet paper and contemplate trying to do this every day for the next 12 years. Is that what you’ve committed yourself to? Multiple times a day? Multiple men per day? Surely they will grow bored of you eventually, right? This falls way outside your mission parameters. Maybe you should call this whole thing off.
Despite your best efforts with the toilet paper, you’re still gross and sticky. Your jumpsuit and underwear are gross and sticky too. There’s nothing for it. You need a shower and some clean clothes. 
Showers weren’t an everyday luxury on the Minos. You could only manage once or twice a week without outpacing the water reclamation system. Technically you weren’t due for another day or two, but you couldn’t wait any longer. 
The showers and the laundry machines sit in the same section of the ship near the water tanks. Before heading there, you jog back to your sleep pod to gather up the rest of your dirty laundry. Jungkook is long gone. Your shirt/make-shift blindfold lies thrown in a corner. As you gather up your scattered clothes, the stink of your laundry makes another way of regret wash over you. You were only one and half days into your new plan and all your clothes are covered in bodily fluids. This is exhausting. 
The laundry machines and showers also happen to sit right next to Yoongi’s workshop and you can’t help wondering about him as you walk in that direction. You haven’t seen him since your striptease in the kitchen.
“Okay, I’m in,” he had sent you. It betrayed so very little of what he’s thinking. And the question of what exactly he wants from you is still unanswered. But at least he has admitted to wanting you. Your stride slows as you pass his workshop, scanning with your peripheral vision while trying to look like you aren’t checking to see if he’s in there. 
But the workshop is dark and empty. Whatever his feelings for you, they will remain a mystery for now. 
God, what is the matter with you? You’ve already fucked two men this morning and here you are pining for a third. That can’t be normal, can it? The ICSE really fucked up when they decided to send the world’s horniest woman on this mission. 
You continue to chastise yourself as you load your laundry into the machines.  The laundry machines sit in a vestibule just outside the showers with a door to the hallway that locks, so you are able to strip off the clothes you are wearing now as well and run them through the laundry while you shower. Removing your wet underwear makes you cringe. How have you managed to go from “first woman to pass the orbit of Mars” to “woman with two different men’s semen in her underwear”?
You’re so preoccupied with your self-slut-shaming that you don’t hear the water running behind the shower door. The door was unlocked and there weren’t any clothes in the machines, so you just assumed the shower was empty. But you are wrong.
Flight Engineer Min Yoongi is standing in the shower completely naked and dripping wet. His back is to you as he washes his face. His long dark hair runs down over his shoulders. When did his hair get so long?
He doesn’t see you, face still covered in soap, but turns his head as the door clicks open. “Hey! Occupied!” he calls out. 
“Oh shit!” you curse, backing up. Shit. You’re naked too. Shit. All your clothes are in the washing machine and must be soaking wet by now. You attempt to cover yourself with your hands as you debate how to get out of here.
“Oh, is that you, Officer?” he chuckles, wiping the soap and water from his eyes before turning to greet you, smirk on his face. “I thought I wouldn’t be seeing you until Friday. Come to get a sneak peek?”
Your face is on fire, you are so embarrassed. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here.”
He looks totally calm, running his gaze up and down you luxuriously. “No worries. We are in a ‘consensual sexual relationship’ now, aren’t we? Or should I be hiding my dick from you Saturday to Thursday?”
His demeanor is infuriating and you feel so foolish. “Why didn’t you lock the door?”
He shrugs. “Tuesdays are my shower day. No one is ever here but me.” He looks you up and down again and there is really no hiding anything from him. “The real question is what are you doing here?”
Shit. How do you get out of this conversation? “I, umm, needed a shower.”
He laughs, turns off the water and shakes his head, long hair sending drops of water flying around the sealed room. “You know this plan of yours is gonna fuck with our whole shower schedule, right?” 
It’s hard to focus on what he’s saying as he wraps his hand around his hair and pulls it up into a bun behind his head.
“When did your hair get so long?” Your voice is higher pitched than normal and you grimace.
“Oh yeah…” He tucks one of the shorter loose strands behind his ear. “It’s been getting in my way. I was going to ask if you might have time to cut it on Friday.” He pulls a towel from the wall behind him and wraps it around his waist. 
“Oh, no, no, no…” you rush out, heart skipping a beat at the allusion to your day with him.
“Oh.” He frowns. “Okay. That’s fine.”
“No, I just mean, don’t cut it.” You giggle nervously. “I just mean, uh, it looks good. As is.”
“Aha.” He grins and you watch a water drop glide from his jaw down his throat. “Well, in that case, I imagine there are more enjoyable things we could be doing…” He walks closer, and reaches toward you as your heart races. You close your eyes and give up trying to  cover yourself as his warm wet body comes right into your personal space. “On Friday,” he finishes, reaching the door handle behind you and popping it open. 
God, you hate him. “Um, yeah, sounds good,” you mutter as you dive out of his way. 
“Looking forward to it,” he replies, eyes dark with intention, before heading out the door. “Enjoy your shower, Officer.”
A shower has you feeling much more like yourself again. But when you get to the kitchen for breakfast, you nearly walk right back out when you see who’s gathered around the table. 
Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung are all sitting at the table, munching on their breakfasts. The prospect of sitting next to three different men you’ve watched orgasm in the last 24 hours makes the idea of eating feel entirely impossible. Not to mention the very hot man you are just pretending to sleep with. How has your life gotten this messy?
You are about to flee down the hallway when Jin looks up and makes direct eye contact with you. 
“Good morning!” Jin greets you and suddenly all four men’s eyes are on you. “Come sit with us!” He pats the chair next to him. “Taehyung made scorched rice.” 
Your brain helpfully chooses this moment to remind you that the last time you saw Jin, you came on his face. 
Taehyung nods enthusiastically and mumbles through a mouthful of rice. “There’s plenty left.” He swallows and gestures to the pot on the cooktop. 
Jungkook springs up from his seat. “I’ll get you some!” He pulls out the chair between him and Jimin, not the one Jin was suggesting. “Have a seat.” 
“Oh, uh, thanks, but I need some coffee too.”
“I’ll get it!” Jimin pops up too. “You rest.” He also clearly gestures at the seat that would put you next to him and Jungkook. Jin frowns slightly, while Taehyung bites back a laugh. 
“Oh, okay…” You run out of objections and sit down at the table while Jungkook and Jimin run to bring you breakfast. “This really isn’t necessary,” you mumble, but they’re not listening. 
Jungkook returns first with a bowl of stew and a plate of scorched rice for you and then sits down next to you. The memory of him on his knees begging to touch you flashes across your mind.
You take a bite of your food as the other men at the table resume eating. Jimin returns a minute later with your coffee. You take a sip and grimace at the too sweet concoction. Jimin still doesn't know how you take your coffee.
“Something wrong?” Jimin asks. 
You swallow it down. “No, it’s fine. Thank you.”
There’s a few moments of silence while everyone eats, before Jin nudges Jungkook with his elbow. “Seems like someone got a pretty early start this morning, huh?” he says teasingly.
“Jin!” you gasp as Jungkook chokes on his food. “You can’t just say things like that!” You pat Jungkook on the back to make sure he doesn’t die. 
“What?” Jin shrugs. “Isn’t everything supposed to be out in the open now?”
“Mmm,” Taehyung nods, hiding his mouth behind his hand as he laughs. “Like the bonobos.”
“Fucking bonobos.” Jimin groans. 
“It seems more awkward not to talk about it.” Jin continues. “We all heard him in there. Why pretend otherwise?”
Jungkook finally manages to swallow. “You heard us?”
“The walls aren’t thick,” Jin laughs. “Impressive that you can go two rounds that early in the morning. Ah, to be young.”
“Two rounds?” Jungkook frowns in confusion. Your entire face feels like it will melt off. Jimin says nothing, but his hand finds your knee under the table next to him and squeezes it.
“Speaking of,” Taehyung interrupts. “Can I take you on a date tomorrow night?”
“We can take you on dates?” Jungkook asks.
“Um yeah, sure.” You answer both questions at once. “Though it’s not like there’s really anywhere to go.”
“Don’t worry. I have a plan,” Taehyung nods smugly. 
“Can I take you on a date today?” Jungkook interjects. “Or do you only get one shot per day?”
“Uh… I don’t know. I didn’t really make rules that specific.”
Jimin’s thumb traces small circles around your knee and it’s a reminder that you’re not really sticking to even the limited rules you set out in the first place. Seven men is entirely too many men.
The conversation is mercifully interrupted by a shipwide message on your tablets. It’s from the commander. 
“A reminder to all crew members that any activities of an intimate nature are to be conducted in the privacy of the sleep pods. They are not appropriate for the public areas of the ship, which are monitored and recorded.”
The choice to put this in a written communication rather than an in-person conversation is surprisingly passive aggressive for Namjoon.
Taehyung looks at you. “What did you do?”
“She took all her clothes off in the kitchen!” Jin laughs.
“Excuse you! I covered the camera! You’re the one who ran me ass-first into our commanding officer!”
Jin sighs in delight. “Man, you should have seen his face.”
Jimin’s hand slides further up your leg and you’ve had enough. “Thank you all so much for breakfast, but Hoseok must need me in the lab by now.” You gather the remainder of your breakfast into your arms and back out of the kitchen. “I’ll see you later.” You’re not even sure which man you’re talking to. All of them really. There’s no escape. You will see all of them later. 
For all your attraction to Hoseok and disappointment that he hasn’t signed your form yet, at the moment, you are a bit relieved. Hoseok puts on another science podcast and the two of you settle into your work for the day, safe in the knowledge that no one will come to proposition you. 
Or so you think until the end of the day, when Jungkook shows up at the lab door with a large plastic storage bin under one arm. Hoseok spots him first. 
“Hey, JK, what’s up?” he asks. “Do you have more samples for us?” He gestures to the box under Jungkook’s arm. 
“Oh, no.” Jungkook swallows, glancing down at the box. “It’s actually food.”
“Food?” Hoseok asks.
Jungkook steps farther into the lab. “I was hoping to treat our biologist to a dinner date.”
“Oh!” You and Hoseok are surprised in unison. 
“So you two are dating now?” Hoseok asks, looking back and forth between the two of you with raised eyebrows. “I thought this whole thing was just...” 
He trails off without saying the rest of the thought out loud and a frown line appears between his eyebrows.
“I’m not really clear on myself.” Jungkook takes this as an invitation to put the bin down on the lab counter and turn to you. “What are the rules exactly? Are we dating? Are we dating all the time or only on Tuesdays? Is it time-bound and when does it end? Does it end at midnight or can we fall asleep together? Can I hold your hand? Can I kiss you? Can I only kiss you on Tuesdays?”
Hoseok’s frown deepens and you rush to cut off Jungkook’s torrent of questions. “It’s not dating,” you try to explain. “We’re not…It’s not a relationship. I’m just trying to help people fill the void of what they’re missing from Earth. Like if they miss dates, we can have dates.”
“But it doesn’t mean anything?” Hoseok asks and you are totally stumped for what he wants the answer to that question to be. “You’re just pretending to be together one day a week?”  
“It’s not personal…” you reply, glancing back and forth between the two men, unsure which one you should be reassuring right now. 
But how could it be personal when you’re the only option? Like obviously they wouldn’t be choosing to date you on Earth. None of them chose you at all. They just miss sex and relationships and you can help them with that. But you can’t let yourself pretend it’s real. Or that it’s about you. 
“Nevermind.” Hoseok begins packing up his stuff. “It’s none of my business. I’ll leave you to your date.” The word “date” has a sarcastic bite to it that is unusual to hear in Hoseok’s voice. The temperature of the room seems to drop as he slings his supply bag over his shoulder and leaves. 
Jungkook turns away from you and busies himself unpacking food from his box onto the counter. His shoulders are a bit slumped and you really wish you could have talked to him alone. “It’s nothing fancy,” he mutters. “Just some sandwiches and drinks.”
You walk over and rest your hand on his shoulder. “That’s really thoughtful, Jungkook, thank you.” He freezes for a moment when you rest your hand on his back, then sighs and leans into your touch. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur as you rub his back. He tilts his neck back and forth and groans in a pleased way. “We can hold hands. If you want. And you can kiss me.”
That’s all the greenlight Jungkook needs as he spins around and pulls you into his arms, He gives you a hungry kiss, then pulls back. “God, I would love you seven days a week if you’d let me.” 
“I know, Jungkook.” A real tinge of sadness creeps into the edges of your mind. You can imagine a world in which it’s just you and Jungkook, passing the time to Europa in an endless string of orgasms and increasingly athletic sexual positions on every surface of the ship as he finds new ways to get you off. You hear Yoongi’s voice chastising you again. Nobody actually gets what they want.
But your regrets quickly melt away the more you kiss him. His kisses are full of fire and desperation. If anything, he seems even more eager than he was this morning. The memory of him kneeling before you, begging to be inside you, is intoxicating.
“I owe you an orgasm,” he murmurs between kisses. 
You can get on board with that plan. “Maybe we skip dinner,” you say as you start steering him toward the door. 
He finds your zipper. “Aww, but I worked so hard. I can get you off and we can still have time for dinner.”
Your hand stops his from pulling down the zipper any further. “Jungkook, this is the lab.”
“So?” Jungkook is too focused on running his hands up and down your hips and ass over your clothes.
“So…” you grab his hands to get his focus back on your face. “Namjoon said sleep pods only.”
There is more to it than that. Something about the lab feels particularly like a betrayal. But it’s hard to put into words. 
“Oh come on, he just doesn’t want us on the cameras.” He starts guiding you by your hips toward the lab bench in the corner next to the door. “But I know where all the camera blindspots are.”
“I don’t know…”
“Just let me show you.”  Continuing to kiss you, he slowly backs you up into the wall just to the right of the door. He leans his forearms on the wall above you, caging you against the wall in between the door and the lab counter. “Pull out your tablet,” he commands.
The camera feed of the lab visible on your tablet appears to show an empty room. “See,” he says, kissing your neck. “No one here. Nothing to see.”
He picks you up and sets your ass on the edge of the lab bench. You like being manhandled by him more than you care to admit. He wiggles his eyebrows mischievously. “And this gets you to just the right height…” And then he’s dropping to his knees again. 
“I don’t know…” Your position up on the counter allows you to see out the window in the center of the lab door and out into the hallway. “What if someone sees us?” You want to sound concerned, but honestly the idea has you squeezing your legs together enthusiastically at the risk. 
“They can’t see us from the main hall. They’d have to be coming into the lab.” Jungkook’s hand cups your jaw and turns your face back down to him. “Watch me.” 
God, he’s so hot. Muscular hands and large eyes fixed entirely on you. 
“Okay, okay, but be quick about it.” You shuck your jumpsuit and underwear down your legs. 
“Yes, Ma’am.” He starts tracing little circles with his fingers up one thigh and trailing soft kisses up the other. “You remember when you were cutting my hair?”
“Yes….” you groan as his fingers reach the very top of your thigh, just short of where you really want them.
“And you were pulling my hair and using it to get my head in just the right position?”
You nod, ability to speak temporarily suspended as his mouth reaches the tender skin where your thigh meets your hip. 
“Well this is all I’ve been dreaming about since then. So feel free to hold on.” He scoots even closer on his knees, resting your legs on his shoulders and guiding your hands to his hair. 
You weave your hands through his soft dark hair and he groans. Arousal floods through you at the sound, your body responding in kind to how turned on he is. And then he dives in. 
He starts slow, but firm, no hesitation. Long slow strokes of his tongue around your clit, holding a steady rhythm. 
“Fuck,” you gasp. “How are you perfect at this too?”
He chuckles, so self-satisfied. “I’m a fast learner. Now will you relax and stop thinking?”
And you give yourself permission to let your guard down. To close your eyes. To relax into the sensations, the pleasure, the slow steady build. You’re so wet and open you barely notice when he slides a finger inside you, but you do jolt forward when he matches that steady pressure on your clit with internal pressure from his finger. It’s so good, you moan out loud and grip his head tighter.
Your eyes remain tightly shut, but you can hear his grin as he groans. “I’m going to make you come so hard.” The pride in his voice, the pleasure, it’s irresistible. 
And the pleasure builds and builds until it is overwhelming, almost beyond what you can tolerate, hands clenched in his hair for dear life, unsure if you’re trying to pull him off or press him in further. But the stubborn man holds his position, even as your hips buck against his face. “Fuck, Jungkook, fuck…” 
And you’re breaking, shattering into pieces under his tongue and clenching hard around his fingers. 
“Ugh…” you groan, leaning your head back on the lab cabinet behind you. Your breathing slows as you calm down, fingers still tangled in Jungkook’s hair as you open your eyes. 
There’s a face in front of yours when you open your eyes. His eyes are so dark that it takes you longer than it should to realize that they're not Jungkook’s eyes. Jungkook is still down on his knees as you process that the other man is standing in the hallway, watching you through the window. 
“Shit,” you gasp, yanking Jungkook away from you. “Hoseok…”
How long has he been there? How much did he see? Was he watching you? His gaze flicks up from where he’s been staring at the connection between you and Jungkook and meets your eyes. The intensity there is so overwhelming that it’s hard for you to make sense of it. Is it anger? Lust? Disgust? Then his eyes go wide as he realizes you see him and he disappears from view.
“Not exactly the name I was hoping you’d yell when you climaxed on my face…” Jungkook grumbles as he stands up and wipes his face on the sleeve of his jumpsuit. 
“Shit, sorry,” You reply as you frantically fight to get your clothes back on. “He was here, he saw us. I have to go.”
“But…” Jungkook gestures across the lab. “I brought dinner.”
“Sorry,” is all you can manage before you race out into the hallway. 
“Hoseok!” you yell as you run down the corridor. “Hoseok, come back!”
He’s not in the kitchen. He’s not on the bridge. “Officer Jung, report your location,” you try on your radio, but receive only silence. 
You are panting by the time you reach the sleep pods. The door to his is closed. “Hoseok!” you shout as you bang on the door. “Hoseok!”
You hear shuffling around inside the sleep pod and know he’s in there. “Hoseok!” you yell, almost on the verge of tears. “Hoseok, please talk to me.” 
The door opens just a crack, not enough to see him. “Please, Hoseok, I need to talk to you,” you plead. 
“I… I… can’t.” he stammers. “I can’t right now. Please. Just… just go away.”
Your stomach is full of lead as you shuffle into your own sleep pod next door and rest your head and arms against the wall, desperately trying to catch your breath. 
He hates you. You disgust him. You’ve betrayed everything you stand for. You’ll never be able to work in the lab again. 
A small knock on the door interrupts your thought spiral. 
“Hoseok?” you ask optimistically, scrambling to get up. 
“No, Jungkook again.” The hot ball of shame in your guts glows even brighter. 
“I’m sorry, Jungkook, I can’t right now…” If you see anyone else, you’re going to cry.
“I have dinner for you.”
“I’m sorry.” The idea of eating anything right now feels entirely impossible. “I’m not… I’m not hungry.”
A long exhale comes from the other side of the door. “Okay, goodnight.”
You collapse to the floor of your sleep pod as the weight of all your shame and guilt and irresponsible choices crashes down upon you. 
Part 10
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beomiracles · 4 months
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DREAM RECALL your kind heart often led you down dangerous paths. So when there's a knock on your door and you find a beautiful man in dire need of your help, who are you to turn him down? Even if it may cost you your life.
pairings vampire!taehyun x afab!human reader warnings minor character death, descriptions of violence, descriptions of injury, DUB-CON (taehyun compels reader), blood drinking, oral (f. rec), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, breast play, marking, choking, manhandling, slight dumbification?, taehyun refers to reader only as 'human', prey/predator dynamics. please let me know if I missed any !!
wc -> 6.5k
#serene adds ✎... ahem the literal bible of warnings...anyway! guys I lowkey really like this one, it's my first ever vampire fic, which is crazy because I'm a diehard vampire fan (name any show/movie/book and I will know of it) so I'm surprised that I've managed to go this long without writing one. I really didn't intend for it to get this long and um like 1/3 is just smut... happy reading ! :3
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The radio of your old car made a bruising noise before giving up completely, your last bit of civilization diminishing to nothing. Sighing you glance toward your GPS, but even that seemed futile. “I guess it’s just you and me now, Lola”, you state as you peer at your dog in the rear view mirror. 
Ahead, the narrow road made for a bumpy ride as you dwelled deeper into the forest. Surrounding you were pine trees, standing tall and proud, looming over you in an almost menacing way, as if to say; you are not welcome here. With both your phone and radio cut off, you were beginning to think that maybe there lay something in the unspoken words of the trees. This was no place for humans, yet you recognized the way the road turned, if ever so slightly, not to mention the familiar large stone that you had climbed so many times before. 
Soon the small cottage comes into view, and it was just as you had remembered it, save for the overgrown lawn that reaches its way through the old wooden planks of the porch. Your vehicle comes to a stop and as you step outside, the earthy smell of the forest greets you. Lola, on the other hand, sems skeptical; she fuzzes for a moment before finally getting out as you opened the trunk for her. “Oh don’t be so quick to judge it, you haven’t even seen the inside yet”, you give your dog a few pats before retrieving your large bag from the car. 
The old wooden steps creak under your weight as you make your way toward the front door. Rust had formed around the lock and it took more than a few tries to get the darned thing opened. With the push of your shoulder, the old door finally budges and you step inside. Nostalgia immediately fills your senses, it smells stuffy and old yet exactly like your childhood. The many summers you had spent cooped up in the small house, plenty of your drawings remaining on the wallpapered walls. 
It had been years since the passing of your parents, years since the house became yours, and years since anyone had even bothered to acknowledge its existence. In a way, you supposed you felt bad for the place, yet you hadn’t been able to come here without the painful memories of your parents flooding your mind. Not up until recently had you felt ready, ready to return here and remember the good things, the good memories. You wanted this house to remain a happy place for you. 
“Well it could definitely use a sweep, what’d you say, Lola?” The dog lets out a gruff of agreement as she noses at the dust covered sofa with a displeased look. Most of the place had been drowned in layers upon layers of dust and spiderwebs, you were certain that all kinds of animals lingered around the old building, seeking shelter from the harsh conditions the outside world provided. 
You spend the rest of the day cleaning, going through old photographs and personal belongings of both you and your parents. The downs of being an only child you supposed, not having anyone to share your grief with. It would’ve been nice to not be completely alone in the mess that your parents left, from arranging their funeral to selling their house back in the city. The project that was this cabin had all become too much, and thus you had put it off, admittedly for longer than you had originally intended. Though now that you were finally getting around to it, it was with a light heart rather than a heavy. 
By nightfall you had finished off practically all of the first floor. Flopping down on the now very much clean couch, you let out a tired sigh. Lola was sleeping peacefully on the carpet nearby and you leaned to give her a few pats before reaching for your phone. The device had been in and out of signal throughout the day, you figured you could try your luck with a call. 
Bringing it up to your ear, your phone rings, once, twice, three times before there’s a shift in the audio. “Hello?” The voice of your friend calls out on the other line and a small sigh of relief escapes your lips. “Jjunie? Hii, it’s me! Can you hear me?” You ask as there’s a small disturbance in the quality of the call. 
“Dimples?” he asks and you giggle, “who else?” Yeonjun lets out a huff of air and you hear the rustling of his mattress as he sits up, “I’ve been texting you like crazy, where have you been all day?” he questions, a tone of fake hurt lingering in his words. “I know”, you mumble as you pick at your cuticle, “I’ve barely had any service all day, it’s a miracle that this call even went through.” 
“I guess you’re really living that outdoor mindfulness life now huh?” he teases and you could’ve sworn that you heard the shit eating grin on his face. “Ha-ha”, you muse, “careful or I’ll make you spend the next week here with me. You could use a detox from that phone of yours.” Your friend snorts, “as if. My followers need me.” You roll your eyes, “you sure it’s not the other way around?” you ask to which Yeonjun responds with a row of profanities. 
Aside from a few break ups here and there the call runs smoothly and you’re relieved to be having a conversation with another human being for the first time today. After about twenty minutes of catching up, the subject suddenly shifts as Yeonjun’s voice grows wary. “You’ve heard about the stuff that’s been happening right?” 
You frown, "No? What stuff?” On the other side of the line, Yeonjun hesitates. “Well c’mon and tell me”, you press as you sit up a little straighter. Drawing in a long sigh, he then exhales, “well there’s been, bodies…” “Bodies?” you repeat, “you mean like…?” — “Dead bodies, yeah.” 
A small silence lingers in the air as you process the words of your friend. “Hikers”, he then adds and you gnaw on your bottom lip. “Well there’s plenty of good hiking trails around”, you mumble. It wasn’t unusual for people to try their luck up in this forest, during your summers spent here you had seen plenty of tents indicating someone’s stay. “Some are quite dangerous though and-” —- “That’s not why they died.” Yeonjun interrupts with a solemn voice and you feel your throat go dry. 
“Right…” you murmur as your gaze flickers toward Lola, “then how did they die?” Once more, your friend on the other line hesitates. “Please, Jjunie, I need to know, and I don’t exactly have any other way of finding out, other than going out there myself.” Outside of your window, the forest seemed darker than it had all those years ago; something bad had happened here. 
“They think it was an animal of some kind…” Yeonjun whispers and suddenly you feel a slight glimmer of hope. “Jjunie, trust me I’ve encountered plenty of-” — “This one’s different, Dimples.” Your friend interrupts you again, though his voice is now uncertain, “this thing, it’s smarter, it…it lures its way inside.” 
You swallow, “what do you mean?” Though you weren’t certain that you wanted to know. “It…the bodies, they never left their tents. It came to them.” The silence that follows is palpable and a shiver runs down your spine, despite the fact that you were covered head to toe in blankets. 
That night, you barely got any sleep. Your mind kept shifting back toward your conversation with Yeonjun as your gaze flickered to the window. You got up to close the curtains, but it did little to help the uncanny feeling seeping through your veins. Lola seemed to notice it too, she barely made a move to go outside, if only to use the bathroom. As three days passed, your phone refused to work and you became increasingly paranoid. 
By your fourth night at the cabin a heavy storm rolled around. This would also mark your fourth night without any signal whatsoever, the events of the outside world remaining unknown to you. The thunder roared outside, and if it wasn’t for Lola’s sensitive hearing, you probably would have missed the light knock to your front door. 
The persistent barking of your dog turns your attention toward said door, “what is it, Lola?” you ask to which your dog lets out a small whine. There’s a brief pause and for a moment everything is quiet, even the merciless storm outside seemed to hold its breath. Another knock against the old wood sends your heartbeat into a small spiral. You knew better than to open the door for just any stranger, besides, what business did another human being have in the middle of this forest? Unless… They were a hiker. 
Soon a raspy voice echoes out from the other side of the door. “P-please…please help me...” Your eyes widened, were they hurt, had something happened, and why were they alone? “Are you hurt?” you question as you get up and slowly inch toward the door, Lola trails behind you worriedly. 
It takes a moment before the voice replies, ragged breaths and soft grunts are all that can be heard. “...yes.” Their answer makes you hesitate, there was something uncanny about the voice, it felt almost strained. Upon noticing your evident doubt the voice pleads to you once more. “Please, please let me in. It hurts…” The voice morphs from a quiet plea into one of sheer desperation. 
“Who hurt you?” you ask, still wary as you keep one hand on the doorknob. Behind you, Lola whines in protest as she pulls her tail between her legs. The person on the other side of the door draws in a sharp breath, “I…I don’t know, it…I couldn’t see it clearly but it’ll come back I’m certain.. Please, please let me in!” it begs. 
Suddenly, you recall your last conversation with Yeonjun, about the animal preying on hikers. Could this be another of its victims? Whoever was on the other side of the door were in dire need of your help. With one final deep breath you unlock it and turn the handle. 
On your doorstep, you find a young man, slightly hunched over as he maintains a tight grip on his left arm. His breathing is labored and his clothes torn. It is not until he glances up at you, a hesitant yet hopeful look on his face that you finally see him. He was beautiful. Big dark eyes stare up at your own, his skin was smooth and perfect, yet sickly pale, you supposed it had to do with being out in this weather. 
“Oh my goodness…” you quietly mumble as you take in the state of the man. “Come in.” 
Upon urging him inside and shutting the door tightly behind you, you guide him to sit on one of the chairs by the dining table. The man thanks you over and over for your kindness as you rush to get him a warm blanket. “What’s your name?” you wonder as you place the quilt over his shoulders. He silently thanks you before replying, “Taehyun.” 
Just when you’re about to tell him your own, Lola emits a loud bark as she growls toward the man. Taehyun gives her a questioning glance but doesn’t seem to pay her any further attention. “Lola! Quit that!” you scold, embarrassed over your dog's odd behavior. “She isn’t usually like this, I don’t know what’s gotten into her…” you apologize as you swat the dog away with your hand. 
Taehyun gives you a small smile, “it’s alright, I’m certainly not the most pleasant thing to gaze upon at this given moment.” You thought his statement to be debatable as your eyes trail across his well built frame; stopping as they reach the large gash on his left arm. “Oh my, your…your arm”, you exclaim as you watch the way blood trickles from the fresh wound. Following your horrified gaze, Taehyun winces as he flexes his arm slightly. 
“Stay here, I’ll get you something for the pain!” You say as you scurry out of the kitchen and to your bedroom where you kept most of your essential supplies. Thankfully you had thought to bring along a medical kit, in case of an emergency like this. Though you were rather unsure if your meek bandage and lacking surgical skills would do much good to the large gash on his arm. Before exiting, you make sure to shut Lola in, not wanting her to cause yet another scene, she whines in protest as you do but you pay it little mind. 
Hastily, you return to the kitchen, and as you set the medkit down you begin rummaging through it. “I should have some kind of disinfectant here..” you mumble without lifting your gaze. It wasn’t until you went to check on the severity of his injuries once more that you froze in your tracks. The once large wound on his arm was…gone. You frown, “what…but I could’ve sworn…” 
The quiet chuckle emitting from the man before you makes your blood run cold as you lift your gaze to meet his. Taehyun’s once pleading eyes were now peering at you in an almost predatorial way as he studied your perplexed expression. “But I…” your words fall short as Taehyun suddenly rises from the chair, without taking his gaze off of you, he reaches a hand up to his neck, it makes a cracking sound as he tilts his head to the side, a small sigh escaping his lips. 
“You humans are far too kind.” His voice is low and as he takes a step forward, you immediately falter backward. The back of your legs hit the table behind you and you wince as you fumble to move around it. “Inviting just anyone into your home like that.” Taehyun’s eyes never leave you as a smirk etches its way to his lips. “My, your gullibleness is quite endearing.” 
You cast a quick glance around the old kitchen, your gaze falling on one of the larger knives. All you had to do was move one step to the right, reach out and… Taehyun’s eyes follow your own and he cocks an eyebrow. “I admire your plan of strategy, but a mere human’s tool will bring little harm to my kind.” 
His kind? Just what exactly was this man. You swallow a gulp as your gaze flickers between him and the knife, your heartbeat working overtime as you grasp for a decision. Despite his words you end up reaching for the knife, grabbing it tightly with both hands, you aim it toward the intruding man. “What do you want from me?” you grit out as you steady your feet against the wooden floor. 
Taehyun inhales slowly, letting his eyes flutter closed for a brief moment; as if savoring a pleasant scent. When he opens them again they’re a swirling pool of crimson. “Now you’re asking the right questions”, his voice lingers with desire as he slowly makes his way around the dining table. 
Like a deer in headlights you immediately dart in the opposite direction. Tumbling out of your kitchen and into the open spaced living room. Behind you, Taehyun laughs, an almost sinister laugh. Frantically you search for anything to shield yourself with. Settling on one of the armchairs in the corner, you quickly dip behind it. With your knees to your chest and back pressed against the soft cushion; you cover your mouth with your free hand, the other maintaining a tight grip on the knife. 
The wooden floor creaks beneath him as Taehyun slowly emerges from the kitchen. “Your determination to live is surely fascinating” he muses, the sound of his voice only becoming louder as he slowly approaches your corner. “Foolish human, you forget that I can hear the delectable sound of your heart beating from miles away.” 
Biting down on your hand, you will the tears away as you screw your eyes shut. “The human’s weak body gives them away before they even become aware of the dangers surrounding them.” The sounds of his footsteps come to a stop and you hold your breath, you don’t dare open your eyes, prolonging the moment for as long as possible. 
It is not until you feel his cold breath on your face that they snap open. The smirk plastered on his beautiful face as he watches you with much intrigue is enough for you to finally act. Your arm works faster than your brain as you swing the knife toward him. Taehyun lets out a faint hiss as he pulls back, thick red liquid seeps from the small cut on his cheek and his expression soon turns from smug into a scowl. 
Seizing your opportunity, you scramble to your feet as you dart for your bedroom. Though you barely make it 10ft before something hard crashes into you from behind. With inhumane speed Taehyun slams you up against the nearest wall. A cold hand wraps around your neck as he lifts you without much trouble. 
Your feet kick at the wall behind you as your body trashes against his grip. With his free hand, Taehyun wipes the blood from his cheek, the wound closing up before your eyes. In your haste you realize that you’ve lost your knife, your only hope. Letting out a huff of air, Taehyun’s gaze locks onto yours, “the others did not struggle this much”, he mutters. 
The others? As realization slowly seeps in, your eyes widen — it wasn’t an animal that had killed all those hikers. It was him. His tight grip on your neck restricts your intake of air and you barely manage to gasp out the word, “y-you..” Taehyun tilts his head to the side, a glimmer of curiosity flashing before his eyes. The grip on your neck falters, if only for a moment, as he lets you regain your breath in order to continue. 
“It was you. You killed all those people”, you splutter as your chest rises and falls in a heavy manner. He smirks, and from this close you’re able to make out the sharp fangs that prod against his bottom lip. “I see I have earned myself quite a reputation amongst your kind”, he comments before leaning in closer, eyes glinting with intrigue, “pray tell, what else have you heard of me?” 
You part your lips to reply before you stop yourself. As Yeonjun’s words ring in your ears you suddenly realize your mistake. “It lures its way inside. They never left their tents. It came to them.” He had come to you, he had knocked on your door and you had let him in. You hadn’t even left your house and the next time you would it would be in a body bag. 
Everything aligned, the pale skin, his inhumane strength and speed, his ability to heal, the crimson eyes, his fangs. He was a vampire and you had willingly invited him inside your house, ultimately signing your own death. 
“I let you in…” you whisper, disbelief evident across your face. “Ah, you are finally connecting the dots”, he mumbles, “I must admit you differ from the rest.” Cold fingers trace the outline of your face before trailing down your collarbone. His touch causes shivers to ripple through your body and Taehyun’s smirk grows. “Had I not been so insatiably hungry right now, I might have kept you around for a bit.” 
His gaze shifts from your mortified expression down to your neck. Contradicting to his previous tight hold on you, he now gently brushes along the exposed veins. “This forest has been vacant for weeks, I thought my last meal here had long since passed.” He brings a strand of your hair to his nose, inhaling the scent. 
“But then came you. And you smell absolutely divine.” His voice is low as his eyes flicker back to yours once more. Horrified, you shake your head as you push against his chest, your meek attempts at breaking free drew a breathy laugh from him. 
“Let us not struggle now.” The once feathery touch along your neck is replaced by a harsh and cold hand against your chin as he holds your face in place. And as your eyes come level with his own, you suddenly find it hard to look away. Dark pools of crimson pull you in, entrancing you as Taehyun mutters something under his breath. You know that it is wrong, but the longer you stare into his eyes the more you feel like giving yourself to him. Despite every instinct in you screaming for you to shut your eyes and pull back, you instead find yourself going limp in his grasp. 
“Much better”, he whispers as he loosens his hold on your chin. Your feet softly hit the ground again and you glance up at him. Somewhere in the back of your head, the urge to run still exists. But you don’t move, you stay unblinking as you gaze at him with a clouded expression. “You humans are almost beautiful when you don’t fret”, he mumbles as his cold fingers brush your hair back to expose your neck fully. 
His tongue drags across one of his fangs as he eyes the skin of your neck with anticipation. “Don’t worry, your sacrifice will not go to waste”, he assures as he leans in to press his cold lips against your warm skin. The feeling of his sharp fangs piercing the flesh of your neck causes your body to feel as if it were on fire. Yet all but a soft gasp is what leaves your lips at the intrusion. 
Everything hurt and you wanted nothing more than to push him off, pry his teeth from your weakening body. But your limbs felt strangely heavy, unable to move, your vision threatens to give out as your knees wobble. What was going on, why weren’t you doing anything? Taehyun groans against your skin, his hands harshly tugging at your hips to keep you in place.
Soon the burning sensation faded before it morphed into something dangerously similar to pleasure. Your body felt tingly, sensitive, every gulp of blood he took sent minor shock waves surging through you and you let out a small sigh at the feeling. To think that this was how you were to die, as nothing more but the next meal of a hungry creature, and in your last moments you found pleasure in it? The thought alone was enough to have your eyes drooping shut.  
Realization slowly creeps its way into your foggy mind — you were actually going to die. No one was coming to save you, you were all alone and this was how your last moments would play out? It was hard to feel any emotion, your mind far too clouded to even keep your eyes open, but if you could feel something, you supposed it would be despair. 
Teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, you accept your lowly fate. Just as the darkness is about to consume you, everything suddenly stops. Was death really nothing? Was there no heaven, no hell? Just darkness? It takes you a moment to realize that you are in fact not dead, and that Taehyun has pulled himself away from your neck.  
Slowly, your eyes regain focus as you look at him, confused. You were certain that he was going to kill you, did he really intend to prolong your inevitable death, to make you suffer further? You thought him to be cruel but this was far worse than you had imagined. 
His eyes remain a dark crimson as they fixate on you, but they had lost their sharp edge, he no longer looked as if he was eyeing his next meal, but rather his gaze held something akin to desire. Taehyun’s tongue swipes across his lips, coated in your rich blood as he savors the remnants of it. His breath is shallow, though you wondered if vampires ever really became out of breath. 
“You taste…” he trails off, eyes fixating on the puncturers he’d previously caused on your neck, “...unlike any human I’ve ever had before.” He almost looked to be at a loss for words as he stared at you, you weren’t sure if it was a good or a bad thing, and you couldn’t find yourself to care. Your body felt weak, numb and not like your own anymore. Perhaps death had been the easy way out from your current situation. 
As his cold fingers brush along your exposed collarbone, your gaze flickers back up to his once more. The movements of your own limbs still felt restricted by the unknown force caused by Taehyun, and even if they weren’t, you were sure that your body wouldn’t be able to maintain an upright position, much less run away from the creature before you. 
“I wonder if the rest of you taste just as divine”, he murmurs. His peering gaze suddenly shifts toward your lips and before you have time to question his intentions further, he crashes his lips against your own. 
At first you remain unmoving, unblinking, Taehyun pays your unenthusiastic response little mind as he kisses you hungrily. The faint metallic taste of your own blood lingers on his tongue as he pushes it inside your mouth and your nose turns up in slight disgust. Suddenly your body jolts to life once more, as if the spell in which he had put you under was lifted the moment his lips pressed against your own. 
With newfound strength you push against his cold and hard chest in a desperate attempt to break free. Your fighting hands are met by his own as Taehyun pins them to your sides before taking the liberty to explore all of your body. Cold hands wandering beneath your loose t-shirt, earning him a small whimper from you. 
You can’t help the moan that escapes from your lips as his fingers rub over your perked nipples, squeezing the soft flesh of your breasts. His touch felt oddly enticing and your body suddenly craved more, a lot more. But as his lips found your neck, the memories of what had previously taken place, flashes before your eyes and suddenly it feels as if those sharp fangs pierced your skin all over again. You become dangerously aware of what is about to happen as one of Taehyun’s hands tug at the hem of your shorts and you immediately try to twist your body away from his invasive touch. 
“No! Wait- stop!” you shriek as your hands work to pry him off of you. There’s a brief pause as Taehyun once again pulls his lips from your neck. He doesn’t say anything as he looks at you, an impassive expression pending across his face. You swallow, “this- I, what’s happening? This isn’t…” The words fall from your lips in a hasty manner as you struggle to form coherent thoughts, afraid that he would grow impatient at your antics and just kill you off. Finally you settle on, “I don’t understand.” 
Taehyun looks at you as he cocks an eyebrow, an insatiable hunger swirling behind his eyes. “You do not understand the act of indulging in one's sexual desires?” He wonders as he studies you with a mix of apprehension and disbelief. Your mouth falls open as you blink, “...I, of course I do but…” 
“Then you must understand that a vampire’s hunger exceeds beyond just his thirst for blood”, he murmurs as his gaze returns to your lips. “You are a very pretty human.” He breathes, cold fingers trail along your chest, pushing your shirt up to reveal your soft stomach. His eyes twinkle in anticipation, “there are other ways for you to satiate me.” 
With that statement, he reconnects your lips in a kiss filled with yearning. You don’t have any time to react before you feel your feet lift from the ground. The surge that forms in your stomach at his rapid movements remind you of that when a roller coaster drops. Your back hits the soft cushion of the sofa as Taehyun swiftly takes place above you, his arms caging you in.  
With one harsh tug, he pulls your shirt up to reveal your breasts. The cool air causes goosebumps to bloom on your skin, Taehyun trails his fingers over the small bumps as his lips attach around one of your nipples. Sharp fangs graze over your sensitive skin and you shiver in a fear mixed arousal. “I can hear your blood rushing”, he groans against your breast before moving on to the next one, leaving red marks that would soon blossom into purple. Tongue swirling over the sensitive bud, he elicits a small moan from you. 
In a tantalizing slow manner he moves down your stomach, inhaling your scent before stopping above the hem of your shorts. He looks up at you, with that same expression that had terrified you not long ago, he looked ready to eat you whole. “Are you scared, human?” he asks, fingers dipping inside the waistband of your pajama shorts. Your gaze flickers between his hand and his eyes, you swallow, “no.” 
Taehyun smirks, “liar.” Without warning he pulls both your panties and shorts down, a small shriek leaving your lips at the action as your thighs instinctively squeeze together. “There is little point in denying me”, he grunts as his hand easily finds its way between your sealed legs. Upon reaching your already wet cunt, Taehyun’s smirk grows, “and in denying yourself.” You bite your lip, unable to hide the fact that his lips on your own had spurred you on further than you’d liked to. 
“My, are you pretty”, he mumbles as his crimson eyes fixate on the way his fingers glide against your folds. His subtle comment has blood rushing to your face and had it not been for the way your core ached to be touched, you would’ve probably even been embarrassed at the remark. Squirming beneath him, your hips buck in an attempt to seek any kind of relief. Taehyun’s gaze snaps to your face, “you humans are far too greedy”, he snarls, “never satisfied with what they have, you always want more.” 
Your back arches off the cushion as he pushes two fingers inside of you. “Is that what you want?” He curls his fingers, brushing them against that small bundle of nerves that never failed to make you go cross eyed whenever you pleasured yourself. “To be ruined to bits by a vampire, reduced to nothing at my mercy?”
You meekly nod, struggling to keep your eyes open at the intense waves of pleasure that overflow your senses. Taehyun huffs, “I knew that your kind was pathetic, but this sure takes the price.” His words barely register, you’re too lost in the way his fingers move inside of you, thumb pressing up against your clit in a menacing way. 
When he suddenly pulls his hand away, you cry out in displeasure as your eyes shoot open in search of his. You find him already looking at you intently, his gaze unwavering as he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest, the way blood rushes beneath your skin, listening to the supple beating of your heart. 
His hand glides across the soft flesh of your thighs, “I need to taste you again”, he says, his voice strained and hoarse as his stare drops to your glistening folds. Before you have the time to register his words, his head is between your legs and you let out a small yelp at the feel of his cold breath hovering over your sensitive cunt. 
The idea of him, his mouth, his fangs, so close to such a sensitive part of you was terrifying in itself, yet you couldn’t find it in you to push him away. A low groan rumbles from deep within his chest as Taehyun drags his tongue along your slit, leaving you gasping as your nails dig into the cushion of the sofa. 
He pulls back for a moment, his eyes never leaving your core as he licks his lips, as if he focused entirely on the taste of you. Then, without warning he dives back in and your thigh twitches as his lips latch onto your clit. Hungrily, he sucks and laps at your cunt and you wondered how this man had been close to killing you just moments prior. 
Pathetic whines leave your lips as his tongue pushes inside of you, the tip of his nose rubbing against your clit. The harsh grip of his hands holds your thighs down as they threaten to close around his head. Moans and pleas fall from your lips but he pays them little mind, too focused on the way you taste, the way your body reacts to his touch. 
Your stomach draws into knots as you feel your orgasm approaching. Taehyun lets out a sound of contentment as he feels you clench around his tongue. “F-fuck…I’m..” your words are swallowed by the whine that leaves you as he pulls his head from between your legs, robbing you of the high that was just within your reach. 
“Again, you humans are consumed by your greed”, he tsk’s as he watches the way you squirm, pathetically chasing after your desired orgasm. He leans back on his knees as one of his hands frees his cock from his pants. “Patience”, he grunts as his pale hand glides along his shaft, “comes naturally when living for centuries. You humans only live to see a fragment of what I experience, yet you greedily take and take.” 
You swallow as your eyes shift from his intense gaze toward the hand wrapped around his cock. Like the rest of him, it was beautiful, flushed at the tip and slick with precum that spilled from the slit. Your cunt throbbed at the sight and you bit your lip in anticipation. Above you, Taehyun’s expression turns into a sneer, “do not think that I am here to fulfill your bottomless greed, human.” A small gasp leaves your lips as you feel the head of his cock pushing against your folds. 
With one harsh thrust, he buries himself deep inside of you, drawing a small shriek from you at the burning intrusion. Taehyun lets out a groan of satisfaction as his lips return to suck at the mark on your neck, the still fresh wound causing a throbbing pain to flare through your body, mixing with the feel of his cock deep inside of you. 
He moves slowly, taking his time to feel the way your body wrapped around him. The warmth of something so full of life entangled with the very epitome of death. The rapid beating of your heart against his unmoving one filling his senses. Your mind feels hazy and that familiar feeling of pleasure you had felt when he drained you of blood returned. With each slow thrust you felt him graze along every inch of you, the tip of his cock caressing the bundle of nerves that had you clenching around him. You had never felt so full before. 
His lips reconnect with yours, the taste of blood completely gone and now replaced by the remnants of your own fluids. And while it was certainly not something you had let previous partners do, it somehow felt right with him. Your hands loosen their grip on the cushion as they move across his body; the body you had longed to touch since he first appeared on your doorstep. 
Taehyun inhales against your lips as your warm fingers wander beneath his shirt and over his cold chest. Perhaps he was right, perhaps you were greedy, even on the brink of death you had let your desires consume you. But did it really matter? Your life was bound to end anyway. Once more, just once, you would let yourself be greedy. 
His hands glide across your body, squeezing and groping at every part of flesh he could access, relishing in how alive you felt, how your blood pulsated under his hands. Your legs move on their own, wrapping around his waist as you drew him in closer, making him groan into your mouth. 
He breaks the kiss to look at you, watching your eyes roll back in pleasure as your lips part in a silent moan. Cold fingers dig into your cheeks as he keeps your head in place. “Foolish human”, he grunts, “I could kill you right now.” His thumb pulls your bottom lip down, “either you are too dumb to even comprehend the danger of your situation, or you’re just too fucking desperate to care.” 
Without warning he pushes his thumb inside your mouth, you respond eagerly by swirling your tongue around it. “Considering the way your pussy so desperately sucks me in, I would assume the latter”, he sneers before pulling his thumb from your mouth, smearing your saliva across your lips and cheek. 
His thrusts grow ragged as he presses his lips against yours. You know that he’s close, and you were too, if only you could… Your hand slides between your bodies and down your stomach, but before reaching where you need it the most, cold fingers wrap around your wrist. “Stupid human”, Taehyun groans as yanks your hand away. 
The whine that escapes your lips is soon replaced by a soft gasp as his fingers circle your clit. Your legs around his waist tremble as you finish around his cock, a cry of pleasure emitting from deep within your throat as your nails dig into his arms whilst you continuously clench around him. 
Taehyun’s lips travel down your neck, licking over the previous bruises he’d left before hovering above the sensitive bite marks. You’ve barely come down from your high when you feel his hips stutter, the warm liquid that shoots up inside of you makes you completely unguarded for when his fangs re-pierce your neck.
The shock only lasts a moment as Taehyun rocks his hips into you, all the while he takes gulp after gulp of your blood. As you lay there panting, you think that you might just actually die, but then you feel him pull back, the sensation of his fangs withdrawing makes you shiver. 
His tongue drags across the punctures, licking up the very last droplet of blood before he leans back to look at you. Despite everything, you still thought he was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Even as thick blood coated his lips and chin, his uncanny and red eyes peering at you; contrasting his sickly pale skin, you found yourself in awe. 
Taehyun’s gaze shifts from your neck to your eyes, no matter how hard you tried; you couldn’t possibly decipher a single thought going through his head. “Perhaps there is more to you than just your pretty face, human”, he murmurs as his tongue swipes across his lips. 
“I intend to keep you.”
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sunnys-out · 11 months
Coming Back to Me | Kyra Cooney-Cross
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A/N: based on this prompt list. Prompt 19: I still need you.
Angst w/happy ending (I couldn't do it to Kyra let's be real)
Warnings: Parental abuse, yelling, gaslighting
Word Count: 1325
You wouldn’t have known that something was off after we won against the Olympic gold medalist, Canada 4-0.
What had happened the night before? Nothing…Nothing was wrong…nothing was different in the eyes of the public. 
Kyra still kept up with the appearances and held my hand and smiled at me when the fans were within eyeline and then immediately dropped both once we got to the locker room. It didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the team when we both refused to look at one another during team talks.
Kerr tried to talk to me, like a good captain should, but I waved her away sternly, saying “t’s fine, leave us alone”. 
In all reality, it wasn’t fine. Kyra and I had a fight in the late hours before this important game.
My mother never liked Kyra, well she never liked anyone I had ever dated no matter how much they made me happy. Kyra came into my life and after 1 ½ years of dating I had proposed at the beginning of the year…that one increased the amount of vitriol my mother threw at Kyra whenever she would call me not caring if Kyra was within earshot.
My mother “cared” about my career and well controlled it ever since I was little. Every club team was intentional, every camp was important, and my identity became just the sport. Meeting Kyra and falling in love with her was something my mother didn’t want because that meant she was losing her grip on me. 
I had previously been with Olympique Lyonnais for a time and that was something my mother hated. She constantly said that I was doing this all to make her unhappy even though she was doing what was best for me. The move to Arsenal, after some time away in France, was seen as a good move by everyone but it was my mother, who was the “happiest” at my decision…because I was back on track with what she wanted me to be.
I had gotten closer to Kyra at our first Australian camps together back in 2021. We even debuted together in the game against Denmark, grinning to each other as we both took the pitch. She was what I wanted and needed and the returning of myself came so quickly that I didn’t even recognize who I was but I loved it.
My mother caught wind of it as the fans did. While fans were filling my instagram with comments of congratulations or love for our new relationship…my mother was behind it all screaming that I didn’t care for my career and that Kyra was going to destroy everything.
I tried my hardest to hide all of that from Kyra for the longest time, and wanted to enjoy my time with her. 
The way that she snuggled her face into my neck in pictures, how she was my biggest cheerleader when I failed on the pitch, the way that she attempted to make my favorite food and nearly burned our kitchen down, me carrying her on my back to the locker room because she was tired, our holidays together, the nights we spent together…she was everything to me. 
It obviously didn’t last…Kyra was strong but she bore the brunt of it after our 1st year anniversary even though I tried my best to defend her. My mother didn’t care and blamed Kyra for every one of my failures, calling her a distraction, that her Australian call up was nothing in comparison to mine and her career would never reach that of mine. 
Kyra, justifiably, had enough after my mother called me the night before the Canada game. She finally was able to get through to my cell phone after complete radio silence from me since the World Cup started. She had found out about the engagement and screamed for Kyra to get onto the phone. 
After 40 minutes, Kyra looked at me almost angry, “ (y/n), I don’t know how much of this I can take…I really don’t” Before I knew it, we were fighting in our hotel room, she argued that I had to let go of my mother and I argued that my mother has done so much for me that Kyra wouldn’t have understood…I know that it was all manipulation on my mother’s part but when you’ve lived it your whole life it’s hard to actually come to terms with it. 
It ended with Kyra leaving the room, saying “Maybe your mum was right…you don’t need me” and electing to go to Steph’s instead. I didn’t follow her…I should’ve but, like a coward, I only whispered to myself..
“I still need you though, Kyra”
A hand on my shoulder took me out of my thoughts, with a  fake smile on my face, I turned to see the individual in question.
“Hey Ian!” I gave the commentator in front of me a big hug.
“Amazin’ game out there. Hey I already spoke to Steph but might as well also try to rope in the future Missus, congratulations by the way. What I’m saying is we got to get Kyra to Arsenal, we get a great player and you get to have your future missus playing by your side. Told Steph I’ll call my people, just need you both to do the footwork.”
I nod the smile not fading from my face, “yeah I could do that, won’t fail you Ian”. He pats me on the back and leaves me in the tunnel. 
The universe really is cruel. At any other time, this would have been the best news in my life but I had received an email, that morning, from my manager that OL was eyeing to have me back and Kyra was still not speaking to me.
Kyra took her engagement ring from me when the World Cup was over and we both went our separate ways. She only gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back to Sweden. No one was happier than that than my mother whom I ignored the best I could as I spoke with management both at Arsenal and OL.
Kyra arrived to sign with Arsenal in September and she made it a point to see me before she did. I had just left the office with my transfer documents in hand when she grabbed me and yelled through a whisper. 
“(y/n), I heard what you did, look I appreciate it but being on the same team is going to ruin what we have…your mum is going to explode once she finds out If I signed with Arsenal.  I can’t go through that again I-” I stop her as I show her the papers.
“I’m leaving for Olympique Lyonnais, Kyra…I don’t care what my mum thinks. I advocated for this club to sign you because you’ll have a true heart for the team that I never could because of my mum…Lyon is where my love for the game lies…and I can’t lose you, Kyra…If it means playing apart like this then so be it because I still need you in my life Kyra and Im not letting my mum take that away from me…not again.”
She looked at me and her face softened as she pulled me into a gentle kiss and leaned her forehead on mine.
“I love you so much, (y/n)” and with that I hugged her tightly.
“I love you too…and Ian Wright definitely wont once they announce my transfer in a few hours but hey they got KCC” I joke as I give her another peck on the lips.
Kyra pushed my shoulder with a roll of her eyes, “yeah and you got to answer to Caitlin, and Steph about this too”. 
Needless to say, I got some really angry texts from my friends later that evening and my mother probably…but eh who can know if you block the person on everything. 
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foreverisntenough · 26 days
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‘OURS - The Epilogue'
Summary: A conclusion to what has happened in the ‘You’re Mine’ sequel 'Ours'
Index: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: This series is 18+ MDNI - if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the series. 🐑 🤍
Part 1 - 'Sheep'
word count - 7.5 k
“Ready for two and five, beautiful?” Trent cooed early in the morning pulling you closer into his embrace under the duvet.  
“Why does he have to be two? It’s too old. He’s just my little baby boy.” You dramatically pouted rolling your bottom lip. Trent leant down and kissed you, wiping the frown from your face. It was Theo’s birthday yesterday and he was officially two, Teddy approaching five.
“I know he’s our big boy now. Absolutely wild. Went so fast. I thought we brought him home yesterday.” Trent replied, kissing your forehead before rustling under the blankets to get more comfortable, sitting back against the headboard behind you pulling you with him. He let out a quiet giggle to himself. You raised your eyebrow inquisitively with a hum. “Nah, he’s actually so sick though, baby. I love him. He’s hilarious.” Trent explained his unprovoked early morning laugh. Theo was very funny and simultaneously very cute. He was smart, happy, and a little shy too. He was easily excited though and loved everything Trent did so it was a good match. Trent loved to fuel the fire, really egg him on. Having a son was everything Trent dreamed of and more. 
“Yeah, he’s very cool to be fair.” You giggled thinking of your little boy. He was cool in all honesty. He just had a vibe about him that was ‘cool.’ Theo was the kind of little boy who effortlessly exuded a coolness that was beyond his years. It wasn’t just in how he looked, though he certainly had a style all his own. He loved wearing his tiny trainers, especially ones that he could match with Trent.  There was something about the way he carried himself though—an innate confidence and curiosity that made everyone around him smile. He was curious about everything, and it showed in how he approached the world. Theo had this way of exploring that was both deliberate and fearless. Whether he was inspecting the flowers in the garden, fiddling with a new toy to figure out how it worked, or trying to mimic the way his dad played with the football, he did it all with a sense of purpose. That curiosity made him seem wise beyond his years, as if he was always on a little mission to discover something new. What made Theo truly cool, though, was something he very clearly inherited from his dad. He had this laid-back, almost effortless charm that made you want to be around him. He was the kind of kid who could make anything look fun and easy. Theo had this warm, genuine smile that lit up his face and made others smile right back. It was identical to Trent’s. His dimples just the same. He was the type of little boy who would give you a high-five one minute and then, out of nowhere, wrap his little arms around you in a spontaneous hug. It was that combination of being adventurous, curious, and full of love that made Theo undeniably cool, even at such a young age. “Very pretty too, like his daddy.” You continued on before kissing Trent’s cheek. That too, Theo was gorgeous. Theo was a carbon copy. Trent really had said, ‘copy paste’ now twice. He had beautiful big brown eyes, the cutest nose you’d ever seen and apparently all your children were going to be blessed with Trent’s signature pout. 
“Mhhmm. Well, you made him so good on you, baby.” Trent joked pulling you into a tighter hug moving kisses down your jaw to your neck. 
“I liked making him.” You cooed dropping your tone to a more seductive one as your ran your hands up Trent’s muscular back.  
“Yeah? C’mere, make another with me. Let’s try to make an even cuter one.” He teased 
“T…” You whined.”We have to go start on said five and two year old’s breakfasts before you go to training.” Despite starting this handsy situation. The reality of your morning wasn’t lost on you. You had about 10 minutes before you were about to hear ‘mama’ non stop till the first nap of the day. 
“Yeah, fairs, but I got time though. Always do for you… and besides you’re already wet f’me. Hmm?” Trent had glided his hand over your covered pussy.  You knew he did but you hadn’t acknowledged it yet just enjoying the subtly of it all. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t turned on the second you woke up seeing that man next to you. Maybe Teddy and Theo would sleep in a little. Trent was right, maybe you did have some time. 
“Mama, want be my best friend?” Teddy asked you with a smile standing beside you as you worked on making Trent’s protein shake at the marble countertop.  After your slightly later morning in bed, you’d made it downstairs. She wrapped herself around your leg the moment you entered the kitchen and hadn’t let go since. 
“Yeah, baby. You’re my best friend today and everyday… Forever, okay?” You cooed leaning over to kiss Teddy’s hair before standing back up and turning on the blender. Trent winced hearing the loud noise so early. He covered Theo’s ears as he sat in his lap. He just giggled enamored with Trent’s theatrics.
“Ted, you don’t want to be my best friend anymore?” Trent decided to get involved teasing Teddy. He usually was her top choice in best friendship but you weren’t complaining that she was asking you today. In the last year or so she had become more and more interested in all things girly so she was glued to you although her interest in all things Trent didn’t exactly fade any. 
“Can have lots of friends daddy, tay?” Teddy informed Trent. 
“Yeah, daddy.” You quipped cheekily. “What about you, my Theo baby, will you be mummy’s best friend?” You cooed, exchanging a protein shake for Theo with Trent. Scooping him up from Trent’s hold. Theo eager to be in your arms hugged you ardently smushing his face against your chest.
“My mama. Lub mama.” Theo mumbled against your skin with a nod and sleepy smile eased by the smell and warmth of your body.  
“Tees, you’re such a mummy’s boy, huh?” Trent teased squeezing his little leg now dangling.‘Tees’ had just unintentionally become a nickname for Theo. It sort of stemmed from Teddy calling him ‘Tio’ and it just morphed into ‘Tees.’ 
“Lub Mama.” Theo restated to make his point clear with a bit of a bite. He was in fact a mummy’s boy and he didn’t care. He loved you and thought you were everything. It definitely fed your ego and your heart. When he wasn’t tired and wanted to play, it was Trent and a football constantly but the second he saw you he wanted a cuddle, immediately and not a second later.
“I know me too, mate.” Trent laughed, holding his hands up in innocence. He loved that your kids were so enamored with you both.  
“Mummy, dada always with Tio. Not fairs.” Teddy pouted coming to sit on your lap. You were out on the patio in your back garden watching Trent and Theo kick a ball about in the grass. 
“Teddy girl, you can go play with them.” You told her pulling her into your lap as you sat on a couch lounger. You cuddled Teddy in her little sweatset. She had adjusted well to Theo’s addition to your family but as Theo grew and began to be able to do more she definitely was aware when things were done without her.   
“Like Tio more cause he’s a boy, mama.” She sniffled dropping her face against your jumper. Teddy’s eyes started to fill with tears. You rubbed your hand up her back and kissed her hair. 
“No, that’s not true, baby. I’m sorry you’re upset though. Daddy loves you so much. I think you should tell dada that. He would never mean to make you feel left out.”  You gently explained to her. 
“Dada look!” You heard Theo call out to Trent. “I fast, tays.” You smiled seeing Theo running just because, showing Trent how fast he was. Your heart sometimes ached from how cute he was.  
“Yeah go on, mate.”  Trent laughed from his seat in the grass. You watched them a little longer until Theo had gotten tired so they made their way to you. Your little boy whined as he normally did longing to be comforted in your arms after he had had his fun with daddy. You took him from Trent and held him to your chest as he sighed cuddling into you sleepily. 
“Baby bear, you didn’t want to come play?” Trent asked Teddy naively. Teddy stayed glued to your side. Trent definitely taking note. He didn’t realize he had made some sort of mistake so when Teddy huffed and hugged you tighter he looked to you for some sort of explanation or assistance.  
“Teddy girl, can you tell daddy why you’re upset, please? Can’t just pout, baby.” You sympathetically smiled at her before another kiss to her hair. Trent frowned and plopped himself to sit next to her on the couch and pulled her onto his knee.
“What’s going on, baby?” Trent gently asked her tucking a stray curl that had escaped behind her ear. Teddy tearily got out the same explanation she had given to you. “I’m really sorry, sweetheart. You’re my baby bear I would never want to make you sad like this. What if, this week, you come with me to work. Would that be fun? Just Teddy and daddy.” Trent asked her, pressing his nose to her. A cheeky smirk began to pull her pout at its corners. She giggled as he dragged her into his warm embrace. When you had all retreated inside, one baby now very happy and the other very tired. Trent checked with you making sure it was fine if he took Teddy with him to AXA. He could take her in the morning and she could mess about, when he had actual work to do there were people there that would look after her till you’d come with Theo to grab her. 
Teddy, being the spirited little girl she was, had been feeling a little left out lately but Trent was trying to rectify things. With Theo getting more attention because he was younger, Teddy decided she wanted some special time with her dad. So, when Trent suggested she come with him to work at AXA,her eyes lit up with delight. She eagerly agreed, her little face bright with anticipation. Once at the training ground, the energy was contagious. The crisp air was filled with the sounds of players shouting, cleats tapping against the ground, and the occasional whistle blowing. Teddy, clutching her own small football, was practically bouncing with excitement. Trent had set her up with a little goal, and they had been kicking the ball back and forth, her giggles ringing out every time she managed to send the ball in his direction. As the day progressed, you arrived at the training ground with Theo. You spotted Teddy on the pitch, her tiny legs pumping as she ran after the ball. Theo, nestled in your arms, seemed more interested in snuggling than joining the fun, clearly feeling tired from the morning's playtime. Suddenly, Teddy tripped over her own feet while trying to kick the ball. She went down with a small thud, and for a moment, the world seemed to pause. Panic washed over her young face, her big eyes widening with fear. A moment later, the tears started to flow, her small cries, shaky and scared for ‘dada!’ echoing across the field.
“You’re okay, yeah? I promise, sweetheart. You’re alright. Just a little fall, that’s all.” Trent spoke to her softly and calmly. He was at her side in an instant, his face soft with concern but also calm. He crouched down beside her, gently lifting her into his arms and brushing the hair out of her eyes. Trent wanted Teddy to be tough. “Daddy falls all the time, just apart of the game, baby.”  He smiled sympathetically at her. You weren't parents who coddled but Teddy's big brown eyes crying always was a hard watch.Teddy buried her face in his shoulder, still sniffling but clearly comforted by his presence. Trent sat down on the grass with her, wrapping her in his strong arms, rocking her gently back and forth.
“Even dada?” Teddy pulled back slightly to look up at him, her eyes still wet but now filled with curiosity. She sniffled again, her small voice questioning.
“Oh, definitely. I fall more times than I can count. And you know what? I just get back up and keep playing. That’s how we learn, right?” Trent nodded and smiled warmly at Teddy wiping away some of her teats. As they sat there on the edge of the pitch watching some small sided games play on, Trent kept Teddy close, pointing out different players on the field. Whenever someone fell and got back up, he made sure to show her. “See that? Just like that, up and at ‘em! They don’t even let it bother them.” Trent playfully told her, squeezing her gently. Teddy watched with wide eyes, slowly starting to see the fun in it. Trent, always the playful dad, decided to make her smile. He let out a mock yelp and threw himself dramatically onto the grass, rolling around as if he’d taken a major tumble. Teddy’s eyes lit up, and a giggle bubbled up from her lips. Teddy laughed, wiping her tear stained eyes with the back of her hand. Trent continued his exaggerated rolling, and soon enough, Teddy was rolling on the grass beside him, her giggles turning into full-on laughter. They rolled and tumbled, Trent making funny faces and Teddy mimicking him, both of them caught up in the joy of the moment.
“T…” You called out cautioning him from the sidelines, a smile on your face but also a hint of sterness in your voice. He waved you off scooping Teddy up. Theo, meanwhile, was still nestled in your arms, his little pout already drooling on your chest, he still was just so little, too tired to join in on the grass but watching his daddy and sister with wide eyes. He was glued to you clearly content just to be close to his mum. Trent finally sat up, a grin on his face as he pulled Teddy close again, giving her a big, reassuring squeeze.
“Did you have fun with daddy today?” Trent asked Teddy and she nodded. “I’m so proud of you baby. Falling is just part of the game. What’s important is getting back up and having fun, okay?” He cooed, smiling down at Teddy, brushing a stray curl of hair behind her ear. Teddy nodded again her smile wide and her confidence restored. As they sat there, enjoying the moment, you came over with Theo still in your arms. You smiled at the scene before you—Trent with Teddy snuggled up beside him, both of them glowing with happiness and pride. 
“You’re pretty great, you know that?” You cooed gently, leaning down to kiss Trent on the cheek, a silent thank you for always being the wonderful dad he was.
“I try.” He cheekily responded with a playful glint in his eye. Theo, still tucked against you, let out a small yawn, his eyes beginning to droop. You brushed a kiss against his temple, feeling the contentment of the moment settle around you all. 
Trent had an away game. It was something you were constantly learning how to navigate with two kids. As the game was about to start, you looked down at her two little ones snuggled up beside you. Theo, still feeling a bit sad, had nestled himself tightly against you, his small face pressed against your chest, finding comfort in your warmth and familiar scent. Even though he had stopped breastfeeding a long time ago, he still found solace being close to you, especially when he missed his dad. His eyelids were growing heavy with sleep, and you gently stroked his back, humming softly to soothe him. Next to you, Teddy was wearing her ‘daddy’  Liverpool jersey with pride, but her attention was quickly drawn to Theo’s clinginess.
“Mama! Nos! Tio can’t either. Not fair!” Teddy complained with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest. Both of your kids just liked to be close to you but the breastfeeding ordeal had been a long one. Teddy didn’t like the fact that Theo got to do that and she didn’t but now that they both had stopped they would always find themselves still comforted by the proximity. You couldn’t help but smile at Teddy’s spirited complaint. You knew it wasn’t jealousy in a mean sense; it was simply that Teddy wanted to feel close and connected, just like Theo did. 
“Oh, Teddy girl. You can cuddle with us. Everyone can snuggle with Mummy.” You laughed softly, pulling Teddy in closer with your free arm.  Teddy’s frown quickly melted away, replaced by a bright smile as she wiggled herself closer, her little body fitting perfectly into the space beside you. You giggled, feeling a rush of love for your children. You knew that these moments were fleeting and precious—both kids just wanted to be close to you, to feel loved and secure. With one arm around Teddy and the other cradling Theo, you felt a deep sense of contentment, despite the absence of Trent. Wanting to share this sweet moment, you carefully reached for your phone. You snapped a quick photo of your two angels cuddled up to you, Theo's face smushed adorably into your chest and Teddy laying on your stomach, both of them looking utterly cozy and ready to support their dad. You sent the picture to Trent with a quick message…
‘Ready to watch daddy. You’ll do amazing tonight, baby. We’re so proud of you and miss you loads. Love you #66.’
A highlight of away days for Trent had to be receiving those little videos and pictures from you. He saved them all to his camera roll. He hated that he missed moments with you all but he appreciated you sharing even the small things with him.  A few moments later, your phone buzzed with a reply. You opened it to find Trent’s response. 
'I miss my babies so much. Can’t wait for my cuddle with mummy when I get home.  Love you, beautiful ❤️'
At the stadium, Trent looked at the photo again, his heart swelling with affection. Seeing his kids in his jersey, cuddled up with you, made him laugh softly to himself. He felt a mix of pride and love, knowing you were all rooting for him even from afar. His teammates noticed the smile on his face and nudged him playfully, guessing he had just seen something special. Back at home, Theo’s eyes were drooping further as he nuzzled deeper into your chest, soothed by the steady rhythm of your breathing. 
“Mama, I miss dada lots.” Theo told you in a soft, sleepy voice. 
“Aw, I know, sweetheart. He’ll be home soon. And when he is, we’ll all have the biggest cuddle ever. Does that sound okay?” You kissed the top of his head whispering softly. Theo nodded, his eyes fluttering shut as he let out a small sigh. Teddy, seeing her little brother so tired, gently patted his back, mimicking what she often saw you do. 
“Wan dada cuddle, mama.” Theo complained sadly. He just wanted Trent and it made you sad, a little guilty, and a little helpless.
“Tio, dada home after he’s on the TB, tay? Dada always comes home for cuddles.” Teddy very sweetly tried  to comfort him. Your heart warmed at the sight of Teddy being so caring toward her brother. You gave both of them a gentle squeeze, feeling incredibly lucky to have such loving, wonderful children. 
“Yeah, my smart girl. Thank you for helping me with Theo, baby. “ You kissed Teddy’s hair. “Will a cuddle from mummy do for now?” You gently asked Theo with a frown. He sadly nodded. You gave him a dramatically tight bear hug along with Teddy. “That's how dada gives a cuddle, yeah? How he hugs Teddy and Tees?” You smiled as they both giggled in your arms. This was everything. As the game played on the TV, you felt Theo's body relax into sleep, while Teddy kept her eyes glued to the screen, ready to cheer for her dad at a moment’s notice. You might not have Trent with you tonight, but you were together, supporting him in spirit, and that was enough for now. Trent, seeing the photo of his family back home, felt the same way. He couldn’t wait for the moment when he could be back with his loves, holding them close and feeling the warmth of their little family.
“I missed you so much.” Trent whispered climbing into bed with you after he returned from his away trip. He was horny, his hands all over you.  
“Aw, we missed you so much. I had to try to replicate your cuddles but I don’t think I do it as well as daddy can.”  You gently cooed, running your hand over his head.  
“I’m sure they were great, baby.” Trent sighed a little frustrated you were not catching on. It wasn’t difficult to do but flipping between mum and wife sometimes got a little blurry.  “I really really missed you though. Just you for myself.” He stressed as his tone dropped an octave and butterflies swarmed your stomach. He cupped your face and leaned in for a gentle kiss hoping he could start something. The kiss had your heart surging. 
“I missed you, T. Hate when you’re not here.” You frowned pulling away from the kiss. You not only missed Trent when he went to games but you also missed your alone time with him. Having his full attention.  
“I know, beautiful but I was thinking about how good it would’ve been if it had been me and you alone in my hotel room. Thought about you all night wishing you were in bed with me.” He explained and your heart rate picked up. God you wished you had a night in a hotel room with him too. Babies down the hall didn’t exactly allow for the loudest or most uninhibited sex.  
“Mmm, I love being in bed with you, baby.” You hummed running your hands over his warm skin. The tension was palpable, thick enough to suffocate the air in your bedroom. 
“Woke up so hard after I had dreamt about you.” He seriously told you but you couldn’t stop the smug grin from forming on your face.  You looked at Trent with his pupils beginning to blow wide. His deep dark mahogany brown eyes staring back at you filled with greed.
“What were you thinking about T, tell me…” You asked him laced with seduction.  Trent’s jaw clenched remembering what he had dreamt up while he was away but equally distracted by what was in front of him now. He gripped your waist letting you grind yourself onto his growing hard. He whined a little which had you grinding with more purpose to hear it again. 
“Nah, nah, nah… just let me show you, beautiful. Been away from my baby for too long and want my lips all over this…” His lips began working their way down your jaw. “Perfect, perfect, perfect body.”  he cooed between kisses. 
“It was only 48 hours but…” You tried to tell him you weren't apart that long but cut your own self off with a moan. “I’m all yours. I want those perfect… perfect lips all over me.” You whined needing more of him. You pushed back against him to crawl over him, your knees pressing on each side of his thighs, trapping him in. Trent slipped his hand under you and begins to toy with your wet pussy. He gradually eased his fingers inside of you letting his thumb play with your clit. He curled his fingers inside of you in a way that had you falling to gasp against his neck. You rocked yourself against his hand desperate for more. It wasn’t long after until you were pushing down easing Trent’s cock inside of you. You swear you saw stars. It felt so good as he bottomed out inside of you. It took barely any effort for him to slide inside from how wet he had you. The noise of your slick and your moans was everything Trent wanted this morning… every morning in fact.  
“So fucking good f’me, baby. Feel so good f’me.” Ternt moaned amongst a mutter of your name quietly echoing in the barely lit bedroom. As you continued to ride him sliding up and down on his big cock Trent’s appreciation for how good you felt was increasing. 
“T, you’re so good, baby. I missed this. I missed you so much.” You desperately moaned as your pussy squeezed him tight. You were so close to cumming you felt like you were about to black out. You were getting tired and Trent could see that. Pleasure coursed through you as he attached his thumb to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles. 
“I want you to cum on my cock. I need to feel you.” He tried to whisper but his pleads were hard to keep in check with his shuddering breath as you were working on top of him. You both were climbing to your highs
“Baby, please. I’m gonna cum, don’t stop.” You whined as your high crashed over you. You picked up your pace even though your legs were aching, you wanted more of him. His breaths were hot against your skin, audible. You rode him for ages in pure euphoria. “I love you.” You let out the most sinfully innocent moan in his ear. A sound he wanted to keep forever. His soul was completely in your grasp. The way you sounded and felt right now was his heaven. You pulled away and looked at him with twinkling eyes and he pushed up into hitting a spot so deep you had no other option to then fall into an earth shattering orgasm. 
“Good girl. So good, baby.” Trent cooed as he picked you up by your ass and flipped you over to be underneath him. He picked up your knee and hiked it around his waist so he could fuck you at a new deeper angle. “Baby,” he murmured into your neck between heavy breathing. “Tell me you’re all mine.” Trent cooed, removing his face from your neck, grabbing and pulling you into a hot kiss. His cock continued to drive into you, desperate with urgency. “Can you cum with me? Can you cum f’me again?” Trent asked you with desperation.
“Oh god, only you, T. You forever. I'm all yours. Only want you always.” Despite your dickmatized haze you genuinely meant that. You only wanted him to fuck you forever. You were his. Your thighs began to quiver. His drew his face into your neck and let out a strained moan as he thrusted up a few more times before he filled you up. Your eyes rolled back and closed. His cum leaking out of you more as he continued to thrust into you a few more times, fucking his cum deep inside of you until he was empty. Trent fell onto your chest heavily breathing, tucking his face into your neck as you hugged  him desperately. 
“I love you so much, baby. You’re perfect. Missed you… and that  so much.” He breathily laughed a little bit. You two laid like that for some time, soaking in each other’s company until the early traces of morning light rippled through your curtains. You were about ready to shut your eyes again until a little interruption pipped up.
“Mama…” A little voice called out to you from the doorway of your room. “Wake? What doing?” Teddy asked, rubbing her eyes with her fists awkwardly. You dropped your head against Trent’s warm skin and pulled the blankets further up you, hiding your bodies. 
“Oh shit…” You giggled against Trent. “Hi teddy bear.” You cooed awkwardly, turning your head to look towards her.  
“I cuddle toos.” Teddy sleepily called out taking a step into the room. Trent very quickly cutting her off. 
“Nah nah nah. Mummy and I are just getting up. Stay right there for me, baby.” He stopped Teddy in her tracks as she listened to him. You laughed against his neck, hiding your face. Trent kissed your bare shoulder before slipping off the bed. He subtly snuck on his boxers and stood up. “C’mere you. What are you doing up so early, huh?”  He cooed while walking over to Teddy. 
“Wan cuddle with mama like you dada.” Teddy pouted, grabbing at his legs waiting for him to pick her up. Trent bent over and scooped her up.
“Yeah, me and mummy just were having a little cuddle this morning.” Trent winked at you and you tried not to laugh. There would always be a little bit of humor in skirting around what you and Trent got up to as adults away from your kids. “You and I can go start breakfast and then we can have some more cuddles with mummy, yeah?” Trent cooed, kissing Teddy’s cheek. He walked back over to you with her in his arms cupping your cheek as you laid in bed. 
“Morning mama! Missed!” Teddy yelped excited to see you a bit closer now. Trent swiping his thumb over your smooth skin. 
“Stay here, baby. Go back to sleep f’me.  Me and this little bear will go start some yummy breakfast, yeah.” Trent turned his vision from you back to Teddy smushing his nose against her cheek.
“Have to still wake up one cute little boy, remember?”  You sympathetically smiled at him. 
“I know that, mummy. Me and our Ted can get Theo up though.” Trent tried to get you to go back to bed but you shook your head ‘no’ with resistance. “Alright, alright. Come on baby bear! Race you.” Trent kissed your forehead before putting Teddy onto the floor. As you heard their giggles get further and further away downstairs you slowly pried yourself out of your warm bed begrudgingly but then your heart warmed as you made your way into your baby’s room.The early morning light filtered softly through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over Theo’s nursery. The room was filled with quiet, the kind that only comes just before the little boy woke up. You tiptoed inside, careful not to make too much noise. You loved this time of the day—the stillness, the peace, and most of all, the sweet moments you got to share with your Theo. He laid sprawled across his cot, his favorite stuffed animal clutched tightly in one small hand. His dark curls were tousled from sleep, his cheeks flushed a gentle pink. You leaned down and gently stroked his hair, Theo’s eyes fluttered open, and the moment he saw you, his face broke into the biggest, most beautiful smile.
“Good morning, my cute boy.” You gently sang above Theo’s cot. You kissed his cheek a bunch of times as he squirmed. 
“Mama…” Theo tiredly whined reaching up to you. His voice was soft but excited, still riddled with sleep. Your little sleepy boy was so cute still in his cozy pajamas. “Mama, up.” Theo reached his tiny arms up begging to be picked up. You couldn’t resist the request. You scooped Theo up into your arms, holding him close as he nuzzled into your neck, his warm breath tickling your skin. You breathed in the sweet scent of his baby shampoo, feeling a rush of love fill your chest.
“Did you sleep okay?” You smiled down at him, your heart melting at his enthusiasm wrapping his arms around your neck. “Want to get ready for the day, Theo baby?” You asked him, kissing his head.  Theo nodded against your chest, his bright eyes wide with excitement. He wriggled in your arms excited with anticipation knowing he’d get to see Teddy and Trent soon.
“Wear dada shirt, tay.” Theo told you as you held him in front of his wardrobe. Theo wanted to do anything to make him more like Trent. Literally anything, one of the cutest, maybe funniest, but easiest ways for him to achieve that was by wearing a Liverpool jersey what felt like everyday despite the mass amount of adorable clothes in front of you for him. You rifled through all the tiny clothes with a smile. 
“Oh, my Theo baby, don’t you want to wear something else today?”  You cooed gently kissing his temple combing through his jumpers. 
“Nos.” He giggled pushing back your hand that had taken out a sweater he didn’t want to wear. “Dada, like dada, tay?” He giggled.  “What dada wear?” Theo was trying to ask you what Trent had worn for the day.   
“Daddy’s in…” You started to answer him but you had to pause for a moment trying to think. The only thing on your mind was Trent’s naked body with you in bed this morning. “I think white shirt, baby.” You laughed softly reaching onto a shelf and pulled on a white jumper for him. Theo clapped his hands with glee, his whole face lighting up as he saw the white top. 
“Tay, me toos, mama.” Theo confirmed that was what he would wear today then too. You smiled and nodded, grabbing a pair of Dior track pants for him as well. Theo beamed up at you, his excitement contagious about the new day. He just looked so cozy. You wanted to hold him all day. Instead after you had got him changed, you held Theo’s hand as you slowly made your way down the stairs with him, letting him conquer each step. Hand in hand, you entered the kitchen. You felt a wave of contentment wash over you. The morning sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the warm, cozy interior. Everything about this house felt perfect—a haven for your growing family. The smell of breakfast filled the air. Trent was at the stove, flipping pancakes with a practiced ease, while Teddy sat at the counter, her legs swinging happily as she ��helped’ him.
“Tees! Good morning, big boy! C’mere.” Trent cooed excitedly and crouched down to Theo’s level. You let go of his hand and he darted to his dad. Trent scooped Theo up off the ground with a grunt.  
“Daddaaa!!!! Dada up too!” Teddy turned around seeing Trent picking up Theo. She immediately ran over to Trent and Theo, getting envious of the attention.
“Okay, okay.” Trent laughed with Teddy practically climbing up him. Trent helped her up about half way as she struggled. You just smiled and moved around them to get to the refrigerator to get some things out to continue on the breakfast Trent had managed half off. To be fair, you knew how Teddy was in the morning and you knew how difficult it was too cook with her and Trent particularly struggled getting lost in joking about and morning snuggles.  
“Did everyone give mummy a kiss this morning?” Trent cooed coming next to you on the other side of your kitchen island holding your kids in his arms. Theo nodded confirming. “Me too. Teddy bear?” He looked at her awaiting her answer. Teddy gave a him a cheeky smile knowing she hadn’t gotten a chance yet. She leaned over and kissed your cheek. You gave her a ‘thank you’ grabbing her and pulling her back to you for a kiss to her perfect pout. Her giggles subsequently filling the room. You finished cooking and set your two little angels at the kitchen table to eat breakfast but it wasn’t long till Theo started crying for you. 
“What’s matter, Tio?” Teddy asked, reaching her arm out to console her little brother. Teddy was so good with him. It was expected that she was kind and attentive, that was in her nature but you felt blessed she was so helpful. You watched them tucked in Trent’s arms. He kissed your neck softly. “It’s kay. Dada like kiss mama. I saw morning.” Teddy tried to explain to Theo hugging him. 
“Just cuddling, Ted.” Trent corrected her. You giggled at his correction unwrapping his arms around you so you could go attend to your worked up little boy. Trent gave you a wink when you turned back to him to see him following you to the table. You scooped up Theo and Trent sat next to Teddy before pulling her onto his lap. The kitchen soon buzzed with laughter and chatter, the perfect start to another day in your beautiful life together.
Theo’s newfound obsession with sheep had taken over the entire house. Every corner he turned, he would let out a loud 'Baaa!' in his best imitation of a sheep, his little feet pattering across the floor as he giggled with delight. It was as if he believed himself to be a sheep herder in his own imaginary farm. This went on for days, and while you found it adorable and amusing, Teddy was starting to get a bit annoyed.
“Tioo!!!” Teddy groaned. “Stop Tio!” She whined annoyed by the constant noise as Theo ran past her again, arms outstretched like little sheep ears. Theo paid no attention to his sister’s complaints, too caught up in his game. He dashed around the living room, baa-ing even louder, a huge grin on his face. You watched the scene with a soft smile, your heart warming at Theo’s simple joy. Teddy, however, huffed dramatically, crossing her arms. When Trent returned from his away game, he was greeted by the sounds of Theo’s baa-ing echoing through the house. He immediately burst into laughter, seeing his son’s determination to embody his new favorite animal.
“What’s up with you little lamb?” Trent laughed coming into the kitchen scooping Theo up in his arms. You smiled again see the identical boys across from you. 
“I wish I could explain it. I don’t know why he’s obsessed with sheep lately. I honestly don’t even know.” You laughed with a sigh, unable to explain the uptick of interest to Trent, running your hand over Teddy’s hair trying to console her but not ruin Theo’s fun.
“Sheep?” Trent questioned you squeezing a giggling Theo.
“Sheep. Past 72 hours nothing else. Teddy’s losing her mind.” You spoke just to him. “But you’re having fun, huh, cute boy?” You cooed gently pitching at Theos chubby tummy. His giggled warming your heart.
“Why sheep, Tees?” He asked Theo adorably interested to hear what your two year olds rationale would be.  
“Dada, know sheep are softs.” Theo tried to qualify what merited the new obsession. 
“Erm… yeah I guess, mate. Any other info for me or just that they’re soft.” Trent tried to stifle his laugh. He wasn’t expecting Theo to dole out any real reasoning but ‘soft’ wasn’t really high on his list either. He was also trying to work out if Theo had even seen a sheep in person.
“Cool toos.” Theo tacked on. 
“Okay, soft and cool, that's valid enough. C’mere my little sheep.” Trent cooed, squeezing Theo a little tighter as he wriggled in his dad’s arms, still going on about the animal with unabated enthusiasm. Trent kissed the top of his head, clearly amused by his son’s antics.  “You know, I think on my day off, we take them to a farm? Let Theo meet some real sheep. What do you think?” Trent grinned, turning to you, plopping Theo down to continue running about. 
“I think that’s a great idea. He’d love it. And it might help Teddy have some fun too.” You laughed, nodding in agreement with a warm smile. And so the day finally came, and as they arrived at the farm, Theo was practically vibrating with excitement. 
“Sheeps! Sheeps!” Theo yelled. He could barely stay still, his eyes wide as he tried to take in everything around him. The moment Trent unbuckled him from his car seat, Theo tried to dart off towards the pens. 
“What are those! C’mon Tees! Let’s go see!” Trent excitedly continued egging Theo on. Frankly you weren’t really sure if Trent had an opinion about farms and animals but seeing Theo so excited had him gassed about being here. Theo bounced impatiently on his toes, glancing back at his sister. You knelt down to help Teddy tie her shoes, your fingers trying to move quickly. But Teddy was getting impatient herself, watching her brother and dad start to walk towards the entrance of the farm.
“Dada wait.” Teddy cried. She frowned, her tone impatient. Just as you finished tying the last knot, Theo stopped abruptly, noticing his sister was not with them. He turned around and saw Teddy still by the car. “Mama, hurry pleabs!” She asked you desperate to not get left behind. Theo’s face scrunched up with determination, and he planted his feet, refusing to move another inch.
 “Teddy hurry pleabs!” Theo yelled. His voice full of urgency. “Sheeps!” He yelled once more with excitement pointing towards the animals, trying to get Teddy to understand they needed to go and now. You and Trent exchanged amused glances, hearts melting at the sight of Theo’s eagerness to include his sister in his excitement. Teddy’s annoyance faded quickly, replaced by a grin as she saw her little brother waiting for her. You encouragingly, gave Teddy a gentle nudge to go catch up to them. Really they had only gotten about a yard ahead. Teddy rushed over, and Theo immediately grabbed her hand, practically pulling her along as they made their way toward the pens. Trent laughed, following behind them with you. The sight of your little babies holding hands, Theo’s face lit up with excitement, made everything worth it. When they finally reached the sheep pen, Theo’s eyes widened, and he let out a loud gasp of pure joy. The real sheep were even better than he had imagined. He pressed his face against the fence, watching in awe as the sheep grazed and moved around. 
“Hi sheeps.” Theo whispered in wonder, as if he’s discovered magic seeing them. Theo’s face broke into the biggest smile, his earlier impatience forgotten. He turned to you, his eyes sparkling.
“Look at him. What do you think, huh? Cool and soft?” You teased crouching next to Theo pressing your cheek to his chubbier one letting one of the sheep come over to you at a fence. It was a little too real for Theo though who got a little scared and turned to grab Trent’s leg. 
“Mummy, kind of icky.” Teddy looked at you not really appreciating the smell. You nodded to her with a wink. “Smelly.” She confirmed once over. 
“I think so too, Ted.”  You hummed and although she wasn’t keen Teddy was ever kind and held Theo’s hand and listened to him squeal about how great the sheep were. You and Trent stood back, watching your little angels with soft smiles. There was something so heartwarming about seeing your kids share this simple joy, united in a moment of pure, innocent wonder. 
“I really didn’t think spending my days off like this would ever be something I’d dream of doing but I love this.” Trent smiled with a bit of a laugh watching Teddy and Theo. He leaned over to you, his voice low and filled with warmth keeping your eyes locked on them. As the sheep moved closer to the fence, both Teddy and Theo reached out their hands, fingers stretching towards the fluffy animals. Theo was completely entranced, his earlier nerves replaced by a calm curiosity and happiness having Teddy with him. Teddy, now fully invested, mirrored her brother’s excitement, no longer bothered by the sheep noises or Theo’s antics. 
“T… I think I’m actually … finally good.” You sighed feeling the gentle breeze and hot golden sun hit your skin. Things were good. Not finally maybe but more consistently. You were happy and healthy and you just loved the life and family you’d made with Trent.
“That’s everything I’ve ever wanted to hear. You always have been good though, baby. Perfect to me in fact.” He cooed and kissed your temple “Thank you for our family.” He whispered, keeping his lips pressed to your skin. 
“Ours.” You concurred cupping Trent’s face and turning it to give him a soft and sweet kiss. The day was perfect, a new adventure that brought you all closer together, reminding you of the joy in life’s simplest pleasures… including sheep.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the series. 🐑 🤍
Part 2 out now |
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stop-talking · 7 months
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (pt. 4)
Mike Schmidt x fem reader
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2.4k words + 300 word epilogue
Tags: 18+, mike x fem reader, no use of y/n, exes, enemies to lovers, slowburn? sassy mike, sassy reader, pet names, banter, angst, fluff, comfort, happy ending.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Mike sits at his kitchen table, trying not to nod off into his cereal. Today is a quiet day. A lazy day. His one day off.
Except, not really. There's always work to be done. He just has to figure out what today's work would be. He's caught up on laundry and dishes, the house isn't too much of a mess... Hm. Maybe he should finally fix the dripping pipe in the bathroom. Or the living room window that's been stuck for years. Or one of the million other things wrong with his house.
He sighs and goes to take a bite of his cereal, only to realize he forgot the milk. Damn it. When he opens the fridge, he stands face to face with a little blue dolphin stuffed animal. Right... Abby's still testing him. He leaves it alone, she'll see it when she gets home from school and assume her "spell" still works. Pfft.
Mike nearly drops the milk mid-pour when he hears the phone ring.
"Hello?" He mumbles groggily, a little annoyed to have his morning brooding interrupted.
"Hey, Mike? You free at all today?"
He immediately perks up at the sound of your voice. It's been two days since he last saw you, and he honestly wasn't sure if you'd ever speak to him again.
"Yeah, uh... It's my day off, actually."
"Good. I'm using that 2nd favor."
Mike's heart races. If this favor is going to be anything like the last one, he was definitely up for it.
"Oh? Missing me already, sweetheart?"
"As if. I need you to build me a shelf."
A shelf? Well, that was unexpected. Hm. Better than nothing.
"What, like build it from scratch? Are you expecting me to buy the boards, or-"
"No. I have all the pieces. It just needs to be assembled."
"You can't assemble a shelf?" Mike scoffs, but secretly he's pleased. Sounds like you just want an excuse to have him over.
"Mike. You know I'm no good with tools."
No, he didn't know that actually. Liar. You definitely just wanted to see him again. God, he felt giddy.
"Mhm. Sure."
"Just get your ass over here, Schmidt."
"Woah, what's with the attitude, Princess? I'm here to help." He can't help but let some smugness seep into his tone. Okay, more than some. He's a cocky bastard and he knows it.
"I've been working on the damn thing all morning. Almost three hours now. Not in the mood, jackass."
Shit. You sounded sincere. And really pissed off. Then again, what kind of a shelf took three hours to assemble? The fuck was it? A jigsaw puzzle?
"Alright, alright. I'll be over soon. See ya."
Mike slumps against the counter as you grumble something incoherent and slam the phone down. Damn, what is he getting himself into this time?
Only one way to find out.
When Mike finally arrives at your apartment half an hour later, he feels a bit silly. He put on a nice shirt and trousers to come see you, and here you are in sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Figures.
"Call for a handyman?" He greets you with a teasing smile, holding up his old rusted toolbox as he makes his way inside.
"Pfft. Someone's happy to see me."
Mike can't really say anything to that, so he doesn't try. He is happy to see you, even if you have attitude problems and dress like a bum.
"So, I bought the damn thing from a friend-of-a-friend, who got it at a garage sale. I swear, it has to be missing some parts or something, because-"
He nods as you rattle on and lead him to your bedroom, but he's only half-listening. He looks around your apartment, taking it all in. It's been at least six months since he last came over, probably longer. It doesn't look to have changed much. He likes your apartment. It's cozy.
"Anyways... can you fix it?"
Mike pauses in the doorway of your bedroom as you give him a sheepish smile and gesture to something in the corner.
Holy hell. Is that supposed to be a shelf? Mike can't help but think that the hideous agglomeration of boards and screws would only be good as a fire-starter. It looks more like a pile than a shelf.
"Uhh..." He bites his cheek, desperately trying not to burst into a fit of laughter. Maybe you really weren't lying about the whole "no good with tools" thing.
He finally loses it when you groan and flop down on the bed, hiding your face in a pillow.
"Ughh... Laugh at me, whatever. Just fix it."
"Jesus Christ. This has to be the sorriest excuse for a shelf I've ever seen. Sure you don't want me to haul it to the junkyard instead?" He snorts, sitting down on the edge of your bed and looking with disdain at the half-assedly assembled shelf.
Mike immediately shuts his mouth when you glare at him. Oops, right, you're in a bad mood.
"I mean, uh... you tried?" He laughs, shaking his head in amusement. He still can't believe you're actually this inept when it comes to assembly.
"Get to work, Schmidt."
Mike yelps as you kick him off the bed, but doesn't bother retaliating. He just grabs his toolbox and sits on the floor, examining the so-called "shelf".
"Well, the first step is going to be un-doing everything you did."
You lie on your stomach in bed, chin propped up on your hands as you kick your feet in the air and ponder the sight before you. Mike's back is turned to you as he quietly works away taking apart the monstrosity you assembled.
"How long is this gonna take?"
"Well, If it wasn't so..." He trails off, glancing at you and choosing his words more carefully.
"...sturdy, it'd be a lot easier to take apart."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
He gives you an incredulous look and gestures to a series of nails in a corner where two boards meet. It does look pretty ridiculous, the sharp ends pointing out the other side. Not your best work.
"You put nails in it, sweetheart." He scoffs.
"How else was I supposed to keep it together?" You give him your best pout, and gloat internally when he has to turn away. He's absolutely infatuated with you. Even the back of his neck is pink.
"It comes with screws for a reason, ya know."
"There's a difference?"
He turns and gives you a flat look, and you laugh. Damn. You can play dumb with him, but maybe not that dumb. Noted.
Still, it's a little boring just laying there and watching him grumble and pull nails from wood. You can't really mess with him too much either, because you really do what him to fix the stupid shelf.
"You want something to drink?" You finally break the silence, under the guise of trying to be a good hostess.
"Pfft. Need some whiskey to deal with this bullshit." He snorts, pulling yet another nail free. He'd almost gotten one board off. One. This was gonna take a while.
"I was thinking more along the lines of soda or tea."
"Jack and Coke, then?"
"Mike. It's hardly past noon."
"So?" He scoffs. "For me, this is like... evening, or something. I dunno. Sleep schedule's fucked with this new job."
That answer makes you pause.
"What is it you do now, anyway?"
He groans, finally prying one of the boards free of the clusterfuck.
"Night guard. Told you already, remember?" He tries to shrug the question off, but you're nosy.
"Uhh... Freddy Fazbear's Pizza..."
"Speak up."
"Ugh. It's this stupid rundown hellhole pizzeria. Honestly dunno why anyone would wanna break in there anyways. It's a dump."
"What kind of a pizzeria needs a night guard? Or any guard?"
"The haunted kind."
You decide not to ask about that, simply shaking your head as you walk to the door. He's truly a loon. A loveable loon, unfortunately.
"Just tell me what you want to drink, Mikey, or I'm getting you water."
Mike sits on the floor of your bedroom sipping his glass of water and wondering how he got here. If you'd told him a week ago he'd be building his witch of an ex-girlfriend a shelf, he would've gagged. Now...? Well, he just wants to go join you on that bed.
"So are you really just gonna sit there and look pretty while I do all the work?"
"Aww, you think I'm pretty, Mikey? You smile, lying on the bed with your feet kicking in the air, giving him a look of pure adoration. It wasn't hard to do.
"Pretty annoying, yeah." He turns away with a scoff, returning to his work. If only he could get this stupid nail untangled from the other two... why would anyone use this many nails?
"You know, I think I liked you better gagged."
"Oh I know, sweetheart. I could see it in those evil eyes of yours." He can't help but smirk a bit at the comment, though. Sometimes he liked himself better gagged, too. He shakes the thought away and keeps working.
"Why can't you just get on hands and knees and beg me to take you back already?" You huff dramatically and roll over onto your back, letting your head fall over the edge of the bed. He looks silly from this angle. Upside-down.
That question nearly makes Mike drop his tools. Were you serious?
"Why? So you can laugh me off again?"
Ouch. It was true you'd turned him down the last time he'd tried it, but that was six months ago.
"Maybe if you used those big brown puppy eyes of yours on me."
That only earns you a grunt, so you verbally prod him again.
"Besides, why can't I do both? Laugh at you, then take you back? Sounds fun."
"Pfft. Fun? To toy with me? You'd probably break up with me all over again just for shits and giggles." He responds bitterly, still refusing to turn around.
"Mikey. Look at me." You roll back over onto your stomach and rest your chin in your hands as he slowly meets your gaze.
"I didn't break up with you just for shits and giggles. You know that. I'm not letting you sit there and wallow in self-pity."
Mike goes stiff from your words, but your tone is soft, and your eyes even softer. You're still giving him that adoring look. Damn it.
"Well maybe I'd rather wallow in self pity than admit you were right all along."
"You've had six months to wallow. Grow a pair and come kiss me."
He can't say no to that. Not when you look at him that way. He shuffles over, kneeling by the side of your bed. On his knees for you again, damnit.
You kiss him. It's different from the lustful, sloppy kiss you shared last time. This one makes you feel warm. You kiss him again. And again.
Mike really doesn't want this to end, but the knot in his stomach forces him to pull away. He has to ask.
"Why? Why are you doing this, I mean? Do you really want... to take me back?" He sputters, looking down at the floor.
"I'm not completely sure yet." You answer honestly, shifting and lying back on the bed.
Damn. That's not the answer he wanted to hear.
"Are you-"
"Come here."
When you pat the spot next to you in bed, Mike melts. He's a wreck right now, but still wants nothing more than to be with you, in every sense of the word. He silently complies.
"It's not about right and wrong, you know. As much as I love being told I'm right." You give him a soft smile, breaking the silence and placing your hand on top of his as you both lie on your sides.
Damn it. He'd done this with you before, this and so much more. Why was such a small touch turning him to goo?
"What isn't?"
"The breakup. It's about growing as a person. As people. Both of us." You lace your fingers with his, and can't help but laugh as his face reaches a level of pink you've never seen before.
"And what exactly am I supposed to be growing out of?"
"Pfft. I don't know, the emotional unavailability? The way you never made time for me? Constant irritability?" You start to dramatically list off his flaws, using your free hand to count on your fingers.
"Okay, okay. I get it." He huffs, and grabs your hand before you can make fun of him more. Instead, he guides it to his side, pulling you in a little closer.
"And you're miss perfect?"
"No. 'Course not. I have flaws too." You give him a sly smile, and start listing your own "faults".
"Too hot and sexy, too intelligent, too kind, amazing, sweet and caring..."
That's as far as you get before Mike scoots closer, burying his face in your neck and giving you a playful nip.
"Too arrogant." He adds with a laugh, wrapping his arm around you and letting himself melt further into you.
"My arrogance is one of my best qualities, thank you." You reply haughtily, sliding your hand up his back and into his hair.
Mike couldn't speak, even if he could somehow find the right words to say. Everything in this moment felt so right. His arm around you. Your fingers in his hair. He lets out a soft groan instead.
You aren't exactly eager to let go of this moment either, and just hold him for a few minutes. It feels nice to play with his soft brown curls.
"I'll do better. Please." He finally mumbles something to you, not bothering to move his face from where it's buried in the crook of your neck.
"Please what, Mikey?"
"Take me back."
He finally pulls back, just enough to give you a glimpse of those puppy eyes of his. Damn it. How could you even think of saying no?
"Yeah. Okay."
You both lean in for another round of soft passionate kisses, and Mike feels himself relax completely. His stomach unknots and his mind goes numb. For the first time in months, he feels completely safe.
"So does this mean you'll babysit for me again?"
"Go finish the shelf, Schmidt."
"Yes, Princess."
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♡ Epilogue ♡
Over the past few weeks, you and Mike had fallen into a sort of rhythm.
He never did end up finding a new babysitter, and besides, you're the only one who could ever get Abby to finish her dinner. You had to graduate her from daily witching lessons to weekly ones, though, convincing her she needed to study for the more advanced spells. Secretly, Mike was just losing track of which objects in his house were supposedly invisible. It was quite amusing to watch.
Mike's favorite part of the day was coming home to you already asleep in his bed, and waking you up with a kiss. He'd then either lie down in bed while you shower, or hop in there with you, depending on how you felt. Either way, he loved the view.
The conflicting schedules made things complicated, but you were able to work around it. Mike slept better with you holding him, and consequentially, was a lot more agreeable. He did his best to make more time for both you and Abby.
He even started to open up to you for once, letting you take on some of his burdens. This man sure had a lot of guilt. You were certain he hadn't yet told you everything, but he told you enough. At least you finally knew what the fucking NEBRASKA poster on the ceiling was for. Now you kind of felt bad for all the times you teased him about it the first time you dated.
As for the damn shelf... well, he finished it. It was still hideous, but it was functional. There were holes in it from the nails, and the wood had even started to splinter in a few spots. You couldn't bring yourself to get rid of it, though. Not after how much work you both put into it. Even if most of Mike's work revolved around un-doing yours.
It definitely wasn't a perfect relationship, not by far. But Mike never promised to be the perfect boyfriend. He just promised to be better.
And he was, bit by bit, every day. Better. ♡
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Author's note:
Thank you all for the love!! This was my first time writing a fanfic of any kind so I'm really happy so many of you enjoyed it. Feels good to bring the story to an end.
Feel free to send me a request, I'd love to write more fics about Mike. Or any other J-hutch character for that matter, Mikey is just my favorite <3
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kentosovertime · 7 months
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(n.) the extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone, that you will one day fall in love
➳ nanami kento x gojo's sister/afab reader - 6.5k (oopsies)
➳ a/n: does nanami deserve a happy ending after shibuya? did anything happen between reader and geto after nanami left? (so many ideas just off of this one fic and its so refreshing to write gojo platonically for once) enjoy~
➳ cw: explicit content, explicit language, tension, angst, choking, hair pulling, unprotected sex, breeding, stranger to friends to strangers to lovers, idiots to lovers on a journey, miscommunication, everyone's depressed anxious and existential
✨Masterlist | Tag List | Ask Box | Open Request Event | AO3 | Ko-Fi✨
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10 years ago…
“And why exactly am I the one to be dragged along for this?” Nanami’s eye twitches in annoyance as he follows Gojo down the hallway to where the classrooms are. “Where’s Geto? This seems more his speed.”
“I’m not bringing Geto along for this.” Gojo scoffs loudly at the idea. The last thing he needed was Geto giving her fuck me eyes like he did when he stayed at the clan houses for the summer. “The pervert can’t be trusted with such a delicate task.” 
“Trouble in paradise, Satoru?” His voice drawls, bored out of his mind already. These dramatics were a waste of his time. Whatever this was, he didn't need to be here. 
Gojo’s blue glare pins him as he stops outside the first year classroom, an edge of distress in his gaze.
“I brought you because I trust you around my-” A cloud of dust suddenly plumes around Satoru’s head and Nanami watches as a chalkboard eraser clatters to the ground from where it nailed him in the… is his infinity off?
“It's the first day, you ass!” Someone hisses behind Satoru, just out of Nanami’s field of vision as Satoru rubs the back of his head with a pout. “Can I go one god damn day without you showing up and making my life more annoying than you make it at home?”
Nanami's eyes widen slightly as he peeks out from behind Satoru to take in the girl handing Gojo’s ass to him. Tall.. curvy… with long white hair- his thoughts are cut off by a pair of squealing girls inside the classroom. A quick look has him seeing them pointing at Satoru and whispering, along with a boy who’s rolling his eyes at their antics while keeping a very close eye on you. 
“How did you even know I was here?” He whines, rubbing the bump on his head. “You should be paying attention to Yaga.”  
Nanami watches as she huffs out an exasperated sigh and points at her eyes, covered by sunglasses.
“Six eyes.” You snip, turning your finger to point aggressively at him. “And you stomp around like a toddler and control your volume as well as one. Where’s Geto? He’s the capable one between the two of you.”
“Sorry.” Nanami finally pipes up, giving you a small wave as he clears his throat. “I was enlisted instead. You try controlling this menace… You must be his.. sister?” 
“Mhmm..” You turn your blue gaze to him, taking him in as you nod your head in Satoru’s direction. “Surely you’re not friends with this? I implore you to have better taste.”
You didn’t know your brother had decent friends, you hum to yourself. Your sharp eyes take in his presence, the cursed energy around him steady and calm despite dealing with Satoru. His presence and attention feels soft… there’s a rightness to it.
“See, Nanamin? She’s just as bad! Stop acting like I’m the only one who’s annoying. And you-” He turns to you with an assessing glare. “Talking about Geto a lot... obsessed much?” 
“Must run in the family.” A bored yawn comes from your mouth as your brother’s teeth grit. 
You 1, Satoru 0. 
An uncharacteristic snort flies from Nanami’s throat and your heart flies into your throat knowing that you’ve managed to almost make him laugh. He’s so serious you’re sure it's not a common occurrence. You want to hear him do it again. 
“We’ll leave you to class.” He doesn’t give Satoru the option as he pushes him down the hallway and out of the building. “I’ll see you la-” 
Nanami turns to the quiet spot looming behind him that’s normally filled with Satoru’s endless prattling, only to see him gazing up at the building with a worried look on his face, chewing on his cheek in thought. 
“I had to threaten the clan to get her here… helps that they can’t touch me now.” He says softly. “They don’t see how good she is… they only see that she doesn't have the limitless technique. Not how she’s used the eyes to adapt other techniques.” 
“Where else would she be if not here?” Nanami is sure that he knows the answer, hoping he’ll hear something else come from his senior’s lips. 
“Sixteen’s a little too young to be breeding stock for the Zen’ins. Naoya’s a piece of shit.” Gojo shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs. His eyes meet Nanami’s over the rim of his round sunglasses, more serious than he’s ever seen him. “Geto and I.. We won’t be on campus often.” 
He holds Satoru’s gaze for a moment longer, giving a quick nod in agreement. Even if he feels he’s being selfish in fulfilling this for him. 
By the end of your second year in Jujutsu High, you’ve felt like you can breathe for some time now. It’s not that you don’t appreciate everything that Satoru did to get you here, but it's nice not to have to deal with the shadow he cast while he was a third year. 
At least you had Ken, even if he’d be graduating at the end of the month, leaving you alone here without someone to lean on. You feel he counts on you just as much as you do him, opening up about the hole Haibara left in his life before you came to school here. 
You lay on a couch in one of the common rooms, your feet propped on his lap as he reads. You examine the ends of your hair absentmindedly, trying to build up the courage you need to tell him how you feel. 
There’s no guarantee that you’ll see him again once he graduates and takes on jobs. No guarantee that he’ll survive them. You don’t want to have regrets when it comes to him. Not when you’ve never had someone like him in your lonely life in the Gojo clan. 
“Ken…” You start, licking your lips nervously. 
“Yeah, hun?” He shifts to gaze at you over his book, looking at you curiously. 
“I…” You start, swallowing around the lump in your throat, chickening out at the last second and changing the subject before he can ask why you’re acting so cagey. “Where are you planning to be based after graduation?”
“Oh.. I..” Your eyes note a nervous flare in his cursed energy, his body tensing under your legs. You pull your legs from him, sitting up as your brows pull together. 
“Is everything ok, Ken?” You asked worriedly. “Listen, I can take care of someone if they’re bothering you.” 
“It's not that…” He sighs and closes his book carefully before turning to you. “I haven’t told anyone yet but… I’m leaving jujutsu. I’m going to work a normal person's job away from all this death and despair.” 
“O-Oh?” Your heart seizes, scared he’s going somewhere that you won’t be able to reach him. Your voice cracks, betraying your emotions. “You’re still going to visit… right?”
“N-No… I don’t think I can do this,” he waves his hands around at the school, “anymore, hun. It’s too much. All the pain.” 
You stare at him, your blue eyes unguarded as they start to mist. He’d just leave you behind? Not talk to you? Not beg you to come with him even if your clan will never let you follow?
“Good to know I mean nothing to you.” You bite out, your bitter attitude you reserve for those you’ve written off. This is just the first one to mean something to you. 
You leave before he can see your tears fall. There’s no death for a jujutsu sorcerer without regrets… you suppose yours will be no different. 
Present Day
You yawn and settle in the chair, crossing your arms as you watch Satoru sitting in the seat across from you. 
“I trust you’re not destroying my house with that student of yours.” You hum, examining your manicured nails. 
“Well Yaga’s cursed doll may have broken a TV but I replaced it. Yuji needs to watch his movies.” His grin widens.
“Then I don’t get why you had the higher ups pull me from my assignment.” You huff in offense. “That was good money.” 
“Like you need it.” He rolls his eyes and unwraps a pastry that he munches on loudly. “Besides I’d like you to hop in to help with Yuji.” 
“Yes, master. Anything for you, oh, Strongest One.” His jaw twitches and you mentally note another win on your tally board. “You really have him just sitting in my basement watching movies? Remind me to pray you never have kids.”
“I’m fantastic with kids! They love me!” He argues before dropping into a more serious tone. “I have someone I trust with him but I was stopped by two unregistered special grade curses last night. Keep them alive pretty please.”
“Someone you trust? I thought that list was nonexistent these days.” You figure keeping them alive involves ensuring Sukuna stays sealed and these two stay healed up with your reverse curse technique. 
Satoru’s phone rings in his pocket, making him smirk when he sees who it is. 
“The sewer?” Your nose crinkles in disgust as you listen, wondering why curses can’t appear in a five star hotel and spa. You’ll make sure that your dry cleaner’s bill makes its way to your brother if he expects you to go there. “I have a higher ups to terrorize but I can drop off some back up for you.”
“You better be providing hazard pay for my clothing.” You mutter as he hangs up, giving you a shit eating grin. 
“You could try not wearing $900 shoes while fighting curses.”
“Says the man who spends over a thousand on one shirt.” You scoff. 
“They don’t get dirty. One of us has limitless.” You glower at him as he pretends to draw a tally on his side of the board. “Don’t look at me like that. At least you won’t be bored.”
Satoru stands, picking an invisible piece of lint off of his navy blue coat, waiting for you to stand, placing a hand is his so he can teleport you. 
Sparing poor Ichiji a ride into the city for you and putting his plan into motion for you? You should be thanking him for being such a wonderful brother. He’s truly the best matchmaker in Japan. 
Nanami panted in exertion, his stamina starting to fail, his movement growing sloppy as he compensates for the wound seeping blood into the torn fabric of his shirt. He dodges the swing from the patchwork curse in front of him, in a state to only be able to defend. He grits his teeth in frustration, the match up unfair when he can’t damage the soul of his opponent that’s constantly in flux. He needs to distract him long enough to make a break for it and report this to Gojo. 
A light, quicker cadence of footsteps enters his range of hearing as he ducks behind a large piece of debris, not seeing the arm that had shifted yet again, bending around the rubble to reach for the killing blow, but it never comes. Instead his vision is filled with the flash of blue cursed energy, the veins of energy moving to push the curse’s reach away, grabbing a hold at launching him across the room. 
“Thank yo-” His mouth goes dry as a blur of long white hair streaks across his field of vision, charging the curse from where she slammed him into a pillar. “Don’t let him touch you!” 
Fear like he’s never known floods his system. You shouldn’t be here. Not if it means exposing you to the possibilities that this curse presents. He won’t let you be the next face that he sees, torn, bloody, and lifeless, when he closes his eyes at night. 
“I know.” You snap at him, your cursed energy wrapping around your body like a blanket, making the curse’s attacks graze right over you as energy blasts forth and ties its way around every piece of the curse it touches, slowing him now, sealing him like the talismans you specialize in before he graduated. 
“I forget you know everything.” He grunts, the impatience and immaturity bubbling up to the surface as the memories of your last conversation together flashes through his mind.
“I should have known Satoru Gojo’s sister would give me a run for my money.” The curse cackles maniacally, continuing to fight but slowly drawing back as her technique starts to overwhelm him. “He’ll be so pleased to know you’re a pawn to use in his plan.” 
Nanami circles around him, running towards a weak spot in the wall, grateful that at least he has an opening to end this for now. He swings his blunt blade at the 7:3 weak spot, shattering the concrete and catching the curse off guard. 
“Put me down!” You hiss as he appears suddenly, wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you to his good side to drag you away from the curse laying in the rubble behind them. “Let me finish the damn fight, Kento!” 
He doesn’t stop. Doesn’t put you down until you’re out of the sewer and approaching the road, his pain taking over as he presses a hand against the wound and his hand comes away coated in blood, turning your face sheet white. 
“You’re hurt-” You reach out to him automatically, knowing you can help but you pull away at the last second. You can’t do this out in the open. There’s somewhere you can bring him to patch him up. 
“Where did you take me?” He asks warrily, unsettled by the ritzy interior of the building they’re in and that the door man didn’t even bat an eye when the two of you entered in this state. 
“Satoru owns the building.” You say plainly, refusing to meet him in the eye. He supposes he deserves such a reaction from you, knowing he hurt you all those years ago. 
He follows you into the elevator and up to the top floor, taking in the penthouse apartment that screams Satoru as soon as they enter. 
“Uh uh.” You glare at him as he tries to move into the living room to sit to sew himself shut to stop the bleeding. “Bathroom. You bleed on Satoru’s couch and he’ll have my ass. I’ll be right in to help you.” 
He opens his mouth to ask how you could possibly help him, but thinks better of it considering your mood. He listens, leaving you to where you disappeared into the kitchen to get a drink. 
He leans against the counter of the sink, pressing a towel he found against the wound, dialing Satoru’s number to warn him about the unregistered curse that can kill with a single touch. 
“Want to tell me why you’re doing this?” He rumbles low in his chest, his eyes darting to the crack in the door, making sure you weren’t lurking where you could hear him. “You know she wasn’t ready to see me.”
“If I told you, you’d call me a liar.” Satoru sings across the line, sounding entirely too pleased with himself. “Maybe I’m just being your bestest friend ever~” 
“Whatever you’re trying, I’m not falling for the prank you’re setting up.” He hisses, the anger bubbling anew. “There’s stirring things up, Gojo, but this is cruel.” 
Nanami can practically see Satoru shrugging nonchalantly, like he couldn’t possibly be doing something wrong.
“Have fun, bestie~” The phone beeps, indicating that he ended the line, making Nanami let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Take your shirt off.” You order as soon as you cross the threshold with two glasses filled with a generous serving of expensive whiskey, handing one to him before downing yours in one gulp. 
“E-Excuse you-” He sputters, freezing in place. “Did you just ask me to-” 
“Strip? Yes.” You meet his eyes, keeping your gaze purposefully blank. “How else am I going to heal you?” 
Heal him…? He blinks at you in shock. You mastered Reverse Curse Technique? Enough to heal others? Only Shoko was capable of that…
His fingers move hesitantly down the buttons on his shirt, shedding it and tossing it on the sink so he can wash it when you’re done. He notices that you purposefully advert your eyes from his form, frowning at the disappointment he has no right to feel. 
“This is new.” He says as carefully as he can, wanting desperately to know everything you’ve been doing since he left. 
“I had a lot of time during third year.” He notes an air of sadness in your tone. “Why do you think Satoru chose me to help you with Yuji?” 
He tries to answer but hisses in pain as you prod the wound, kneeling in front of him so you’re eye level with it, adjusting your grip 
“I figured he’s bored and wants to spice things up by torturing his “friends”.” He watches with rapt fascination as the flesh at his waist starts to stitch itself together, leaving his skin like the wound had never been present. The thing you couldn’t heal was the damage the curse had caused to his soul by trying to transfigure it.
“Seems accurate. Considering he didn’t tell me who I’d be helping.” You sigh, your brows pulling together in concentration as you direct your energy into the technique. “But he knew you’d need my skills… this and the sealing abilities.”
A silence stretches between the two of you, but you’ve never been one to be alone with your thoughts for long, even given your present company. “I thought you were done with jujutsu.” A pit forms in your stomach. He was back after everything that happened and it was like your pain was for nothing. “How long have you been back?” 
“I was… but I knew I couldn’t help people here more than in an office cubicle.” His skin jumps slightly as you pull away and adjust your grip to heal a smaller spot left the the side of the tear in his side. “About a year…” 
“A year?” And you didn’t come find me? Somewhere small and distant cries inside of you at that. “You were here during the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons?” 
“I was stationed to help in Kyoto… but I didn’t see you there.” He looks away with a sigh, his skin tingling as you move to wipe the residual blood left on his skin. “I looked for you. I figured they would split you and Gojo between the two locations.” 
“I was sent to update the seals on the doors around Tengen to ensure his safety while everyone was away. And set barriers around the school entrances to him. Besides, I’m hardly his counterweight to send elsewhere. I’m only a Semi-Grade 1.” 
“You don’t need to be a Special Grade to make a difference or to save more sorcerers from dying at the hand of curses.” His jaw twitches as he grinds his teeth, feeling bad as soon as he sees your eyes soften like they used to, seeing right through him. 
“You know I would have been there if I wasn’t ordered to attend Tengen…” You stand, dusting the dirt from your knees and leaning against the wall opposite of him. “Especially for the young ones.” 
It wasn’t just Nanami that had experienced a classmate dying on duty. The other two girls in your year died on missions, one in year two the other in year three. You’re sure that if you still agree on anything, it's to make sure students don't need to shoulder the burdens of the jujutsu world if it could be avoided. 
“That wasn’t fair to say to you. Seems I can’t ever say the right things around you…” 
“No it wasn’t.” You wish the fluttering in your heart would stop and leave you to die with the regrets you expected to bear until you were no more. You laugh humorously, all too familiar with the brand of pain he brings into your life. “You excel at walking all over my heart. I used to like you, ya know?” 
He stares, blinking rapidly at you as the new information slots into his mind. The shock reverberates through him. You’ve always been as outspoken and upfront as your brother… would that not have extended to you telling him before he graduated?
Once the shock abates, he’s left with a sense of longing that couldn’t be resolved. “Used to” like him. Past tense. You’d probably moved on by this point. He remembered what Satoru had confided in him when he asked Nanami to look after you. You were 26 with a long list of potential suitors from prominent families to choose from. 
Any hope that he had rekindled in seeing you again slowly starts to die. 
He was too late, and made too many mistakes. Maybe he would leave this world with regrets after all… despite coming back to jujutsu to make things right with you.
The unease of seeing Ken again weighs on your heart, especially when you keep catching him looking at you like a wounded puppy days later when you decide if you’re helping out your brother, you can stay in the comfort of your own damn home. 
“Ms. Gojo, ma’am?” Yuji cocks his head as you walk across the living room to bring your stuff up to your bedroom. “Are you staying in Sensei’s safe house with us? I promise we’re not that bad to hang out with. You don’t need to look so down.” 
The comment stops you in your tracks, making you look back at where Nanami and Yuji are settled on your sectional. Nanami’s gaze is carefully averted, trying to not have his mood called out by Yuji too. 
“Yuji, you know this is my house, right?” Leave it to Satoru to try sounding cool by claiming he owns a dedicated safe house. “Satoru is borrowing it for the time being… sorry. More like commandeering it. Asshole.”
“I like this one…” A deep voice purrs as an eye and mouth appears on Yuji’s cheek before he slaps it, wincing at the pain before it moves to the back of his hand as he goads you on. “If you dislike the man, help me destroy him.”
“High praise from the King of Curses.” You deadpan, mentally rolling your eyes. “Stay cooped up in there or I’ll make sure you sleep another thousand years.”
“Such vile words from a woman’s mouth. In my day, you’d be slain so deliciously for such impertinence.” 
“Whelp.” You shrug, looking very much like your brother at that moment. “Good thing I’m allowed to have thoughts and opinions in this age.” 
You disappear up the stairs, ascending them without paying any mind to the final words flying from the demon residing in Yuji’s body. 
“Woman! I didn’t dismiss you!” Sukuna’s yells echo after you to the second level of your home and he snarls when he hears you snort at the dramatics, listening to Yuji chastise him for disrespecting you in your own home until you get far enough down the hall to not hear them anymore. 
“Wait up.” Nanami jogs up the stairs after you, trying to take your bag from your arms. “I didn’t know this was your place either… I sort of took the master bedroom.” 
“... Is Yuji in the spare room?” You hold onto your back tighter, not allowing him to carry any of the weight for you. If you had known that you wouldn’t have a room to sleep in you would have stayed at the hotel you were in. 
“He is. Listen… I don’t mind sharing with you. It’s not like we didn’t in school.” He rubs the back of his neck, knowing that there isn’t another bed in the house. “Of course, that is, if you’re comfortable. I don’t want to assume it's ok, not knowing your current situation.” 
His heart beats in a frantic rhythm in this chest. If this was your house, he didn’t notice that you lived here, let alone another man. There had been a basic set of feminine clothing in the closet and a small stock of high end body care items in the bathroom, but nothing to note a masculine presence had ever occupied the space. A tiny corner of his heart holds onto the hope that he was right all those years ago, that he would one day love you and be able to have you. 
“As long as you didn’t become a pervert in your old age.” He almost doesn’t catch the smirk twitching at the corner of your mouth and the playful gleam in your eye, he rolls his eyes with a chuckle and yanks your bag from your grasp.
“I’m only a year older than you.” He playfully flicks your nose, his eyes lighting up when you scrunch your face and swat his hand away, the echoes of who you were in school still there.
“You didn’t even deny it.” You whine and make your way into your room, seeing his neat pile of items on your spare night stand, the rumpled blankets next to the side of the bed you normally occupy, fills you with a nostalgic kind of warmth. “You better not be. I sleep naked.” 
You double over in laughter, hearing him choke on his shock before it throws him into a coughing fit, his face bright red. He’s still so easily flustered, even looking like… well… like that. 
Your cheeks flush a light shade of pink, remembering what he looks like under those blue button downs. He didn’t look like that in his third year and you wonder how he managed to maintain his physique while working in the corporate environment in Tokyo.
“Don’t worry. I’m fucking with you.” You chuckle, hoping your flush can be excused on your fits of laughter.  Resolving yourself to settle in for the night, you start removing your jewelry, starting with your earring, setting them on the nightstand . “I’ll wear pajamas for you.”
Even if you didn’t want to. 
Hours later, Nanami lays awake, willing his mind to be as blank as the ceiling he’s been staring at. Eventually, he shifts, settling on his side, facing your back. Pajamas hadn’t been the mercy he thought they would be. 
His gaze trails the bare expanse of your back where your silk tank top dips, stray strands of long white hair escape the messy bun you tied before burrowing your face in the pillows. His journey is halted by the faint white scarring that stretches across your left shoulder blade, disappearing around your front. 
The lines of the scars weren’t raised or angry, indicating a reverse curse technique was used to heal them. But the fact that any mark was left at all? It either took her long enough to get to healing them, or they were serious enough that not all the damage could be erased. 
The fear that he felt in the sewer when she appeared pales in comparison to the guilt that slams into him. Had he been sitting at a desk in some high rise in the city, selfishly avoiding his fate, while you were out risking your life?
Never again. He promises himself. 
“You shouldn’t go, Yuji.” Your grip tightens on where your phone is still glued to your ear, Ken waiting on the line for you to relay the emergency in front of them. 
A high school was set in the sights of the patchwork curse that almost managed to kill Nanami and Yuji’s friend was stuck within its halls. Yuji’s body shakes with the desire to run into the fray. 
“I’m sorry, Ms. Gojo…” He sprints past you, slamming open the door before he disappears, running as fast as he can to the school’s campus.
“Yuji!” You shout after him, gritting your teeth in frustration. He shouldn’t have to shoulder more burdens than he already does. 
“Y/N.” Kento murmurs over the phone, pulling you back to attention. “They lowered a barrier. We need to make sure he can’t get away and drop another one around them.”
“You’re asking me to sit on the sidelines.” You hotly argue, storming out to find your car, following Yuji regardless of what your role will be. “You can’t just push me to the side because you’re afraid I’ll get hurt!”
“No. I’d never, hun.” Your old pet name sounds strained on his tongue, a long beat of silence stretches between you before his voice cracks, filling the silence. “I just… We can’t let him get away. I need you when this is over.” 
It only comes at the cost of tying your hands. Imprisoning you beyond a barrier where you’re stuck without being able to back him up or even know if he’s alive. 
“Y-you better come back to me then.” You choke into the phone. 
“Always.” He promises and you both know that promise is a lie. 
You pace the sidewalk next to your car, the barrier still in place until you were told to drop it. A trail of cold sweat drips down your spine with each minute that passes without any update on what’s happening within the barriers. 
The ringing of your phone makes you jump out of your skin and you answer it without a glance at the caller ID. 
“You can drop the barrier.” Your brother’s voice sings through the phone and it makes your stomach drop that Kento wasn’t the one to reach out to you. “The slimy bastard escaped through the sewers below the barriers.” 
“But w-what about-” You stammer, your insides twisting and catastrophizing the worst case scenario. 
“He’s fine, Y/N.” His voice is softer than he’s ever addressed you and you stammer out an excuse, that he wasn’t what you were going to ask about. “You don’t cry in the bathroom of someone’s going away party and then run out if you don’t care about them.” 
“I told you to never bring that up again.” You croak, embarrassment flushing your cheeks. “I was just upset that he was leaving. It’s not that deep.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He dismisses you easily. “Thank me for forcing you on a mission together when you idiots admit your feelings for each other. Especially if Yuji’s not around to save him from the patchwork’s domain expansion next time.”
“You didn’t want to lead off with that!?” You scream into the microphone, pulling the gaze of a couple of people walking across the street. As the barrier you set dissolves, you launch yourself into the driver’s seat. “Where are they? I’ll get them.” “Ichiji is dropping Yuji off to me. They left already.” He hums. “He’ll go back for Nanami after. He’s catching Ino up so he can search for the curse in the sewers.” 
“So what the hell am I supposed to do?” You growl at him, annoyed that you continue to be ignored when you could be in those underground passages, tracking and sealing him away with your talisman technique. The tires on your car squeal as you peel out of your parking space, turning the wheel to head home. 
“Rest.” Satoru says simply. “We have at least three unregistered special grade curses on the run and no clue what’s organizing them. Whatever is coming, we're going to need you with Shoko.” 
“Nursemaid. Got it.”  You can hear how he rolls his eyes before he simply hangs up on you. 
The halls of your home echo when you unlock the door, the stagnant air clinging to your skin and mocking you with what it would feel like if you didn’t share this space with Kento. 
You let your body carry you to the kitchen, your bare feet padding down the hall until you find your liquor cabinet, downing a double straight with a grimace. The glass clatters as you set it on the counter and slide it away from you. 
Your shoulders droop as you lean against the counter, letting your head hang so you can take a steadying breath. You remain that way until you hear footsteps approaching you from the front door. 
Your tired gaze meets Kento’s and a silence stretches between you as you simply take a moment to look at one another, to realize that the other is still there and that hasn’t been ripped away from you. 
“A-are you ok?” Your eyes widen as Nanami walks towards you with purpose, your feet slipping backwards until your lower back meets the granite surface of the counter. “What are you do-” 
The question dies on your lips as the distance is closed with his hips against yours, pinning you in place as both of his hands cup your cheeks. He uses the position to hold your face in place as he slams his lips to yours desperately. 
A shocked whine emanates from your throat, but you're quickly melting against him, moaning openly as you seek his lips in return, fisting his shirt so he doesn’t try to pull away. 
HIs hands slide in a path down your body, his palms finding purchase on your hips, gripping the skin there to try to get closer. You groan, wanting to feel him grind against your center instead. 
You twine your arms around him, refusing to break where the kiss has grown heated, your tongue tangling together, drunk of the taste of one another. You use the leverage to hop up to sit on the counter and you gasp into his mouth when he doesn’t miss a beat, easily gripping the back of your clothed thighs to spread them around his waist, urging them to lock at the ankles behind him, your ass perched on the edge of the flat surface. 
You imagine what his hands look like gripping your ass, kneading the soft skin there as he uses his raw strength to move your hips against the growing erection in his pants. 
“K-Ken please.” You plead breathlessly as the sloppy, wet kisses transition across your cheek, to along your jaw and down your neck. “Fuck- please-” 
“Please.” He rumbles your own command back at you before reaching to fist a hand in your hair, forcing your head back and to the side with a sharp gasp. “Use your words or I’ll have to start guessing how you’d want me to take you.” 
“Please. I n-need-” A small sob bubbles out as he immediately bites down on the juncture of your neck. “K-Ken, I need more.” 
“Shit you’re so eager…” A low growl rumbles from him as he loops his fingers in your pants, starting to pull them down your legs with your panties. “Tell me you want this. Tell me you need me.” 
“I need you.” You lean forward as soon as your pants are off to kiss him again, your hands easily locating the belt cinching his slacks up. You pull it open and pop the button before pulling the zipper just enough to slide your hand in. 
His hips buck into your hand as you wrap your fingers around his length, pumping until he’s mad with the need to be inside of you, scrambling to drop his pants to the floor so he can tug you closer to shoves his way inside of you. 
“Hun-” His fingertips dig bruises into the skin of your ass, dimpling this skin with his hold as he leans to lap at the skin at your neck, his hips still grinding into your hold around him.  “We should s-slow down. Let me t-take care of you first.” 
It took everything in him to try to pump the brakes. After 10 years of knowing you, he didn’t want to wait any longer. 
“L-Later.” You pant. “We’ll have time for that later. Just please f-fuck me.” 
“I don’t have a-” You pull him by his cock, trailing his head through your folds, shuddering as you tease your clit with it before positioning the tip at your entrance. 
“I don’t care, Ken.” You feel as if you’ll explode if you wait a moment longer. You don’t want a barrier between the two of you, the consequences of that be damned. 
He pulls you forward as he thrusts into you suddenly, making you fall back onto your elbows with a long moan, your cunt taking the brunt of the force of his cock bullying its way into your vice grip. 
“M-move-” Your body shakes, squirming on his length for any measure of friction you could find to help the burning heat spreading from your center.
“I can’t yet, baby.” He bows over, resting his forehead on your shoulder, giving the skin there a soft kiss. “Or I’ll fucking cum in you too soon.” 
Instead he takes a deep breath, reaching between you to rub your clit in steady circles, building you up to be able to cum with him. 
“Baby.” He coos in your ear, slowly starting to pull out of you before slamming home against your cervix, increasing his pace while he acclimates to your tight grip. “Your precious little cunt clamped down on me when I mentioned coming in you.” 
It does again, pulling him deeper as he groans, nearly losing himself in the process. 
“There it is.” He growls, pushing you back to lay on the counter by your neck, pinning you there with his hand around your throat. “You like the thought of me breeding you, princess? None of those jujutsu suitors good enough for this pussy?” 
“T-There aren’t any-” Your legs spread, falling wider to accommodate his thrusts as they build in intensity, his thumb rubs frantically against you, doubling its speed when he feels you clench around him, groaning at the high pitched whines that accompany it. 
He soaks you in as you cum, the flush of liquid against his hips that make the slapping of his hips against yours that much more obscene, how your eyes have gone so cloudy and trusting that you accept being prone with his hand where he could harm you, and the roundness of your mouth as your brows furrow together as you shake violently with your high. 
“K-Ken-” Your broken voice cracks as his thrust overstimulates you. “G-God I need your cum inside of me. Pl-please daddy-” 
The pet name has his eyes rolling back, his cock twitching inside of you before it explodes against your womb in spurts of cum that continue until you’re leaking it onto  the floor below you. 
“Shit.” He curses, a small panic in his eyes as he comes down from his high. “I.. I’m sorry. I wanted to be slow the first time… So you know how much I loved you.” 
His confession thunders through your chest, sending a truly genuine smile to grace your lips. 
“You love me?” You inquire as the room still spins in circles, making sure he said what you thought. 
“I do.” He smirks, leaning in for a slow, loving kiss. “From the day I met you until we’re parted.”
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tag list: @sugarbooger513 @sugarmapoops @roughwithfluff @severelytalentless @yelzoldyck @silversslut @aazaard @dreamyyholland @wobblewobble822 @vantastic210 @rafzaha @tirzamisu @chososhoney @littlemochi @bebechinas99 @firdaoz @saoney @meromelo @pelicanpizza @sukunassoulmate @damncakie @katgalle @honeyyjems [[ if your blog name is crossed out i couldn't tag you]]
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 months
I See You pt 3
Hi I know this is a long time coming. This is also gonna be in 4 parts not three cause well this got long
Pairing: pirate!Shinsou Hitoshi x fem!princess!reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, vaginal penetration, alcohol, drinking, unprotected sex, pretty lore heavy
Word count: 5.4K
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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The stuffy air of the palace dungeon smells extra pungent today. Despite being down there and held captive for years, his eyes have yet to adjust to the darkness of the rotting walls. The captive takes a deep breath and his lungs fill with smoke, mold, and the disgusting smell of his own excrement. He tries to keep the growing bile wanting to escape his mouth down as he hears pounding footsteps. Great, he thinks, what do they want to tell him now? The dimming light from the torch slowly approaching burns his eyes. He hisses as more light streams in and a few men come toward his cell, one figure he’s come to know against his own wishes. The gold that gleams from his crown does not match the wicked and sinister smile that lies underneath.
“Your disgrace of a daughter is dead.”
The booming voice of the king barely registers in the prisoner's mind. His daughter is dead? How? How can this be? He stumbles back farther into his cell, a series of mumbled words leaving his lips. A guard smacks the bars, shaking and startling the man inside. His jaded eyes meet the kings and there’s no sense of sadness or despair. There’s no love, just pure hatred and an unbridled desire for power. The man struggles to speak, feeling his voice rasp and scratch against his throat as empty tears try to fall. “You, you killed my family. My wife, my daughter… what more do,” he pants, “do ya want from me?”
In the midst of the darkness, the king is able to see weak and tired sky blue eyes and almost spits at the man behind bars. A sinister chuckle emits from the king's mouth that jolts the guards around him. The king bends down and reaches forward to grab an aggressive amount of hair on the prisoner’s head. “Let’s get one thing straight, pirate scum. Your daughter jumped into the open waters of the sea all on her own accord. I didn’t have to take in your hellspawn! I treated her with the utmost respect-”
“You hated ‘er. I heard ya was tryin’ to marry her off t’ the Todoroki’s. Guessin’ she didn’t like that. She was always a smart one.”
That earns the prisoner a harsh tug and smack against the bars. He groans in pain before chuckling. “What’s the matter? Ya upset you can’t control me?”
“Whatever that wench saw in you I will never know,” the king huffs with frustration. “How could she fall in love and bear the child of a pirate when I was second in line for the throne?! You gave all of that up!” The king starts to pull roughly on the prisoner so hard the guards had to pull him back. The bruised man behind bars continues to laugh at the struggles of the king, blood seeping from his nose and lips.
With a bloody and crooked smile, the prisoner responds: “I decided a pirate king was better suited fer a guy like me. And yer mad ma and dad lemme do it. And,” he coughs out, his bright blue eyes burning with a passion seldom felt…
“It’s not my fault she fell in love with me first.”
The starry nights on deck have started to feel different the longer you’ve been on your fathers ship. The sound of the waves crashing against the vessel have now come to calm you down as your mind races. You take a deep breath and welcome the salt and grime from the ocean and ship deck, smiling as the once unfamiliar sights and smells now bring you comfort. As you sit dangerously atop the gunwale, palms gripping the fortified wood as your legs sway above the depths of what could have been your grave. A part of you, hidden away still wonders what it would be like to be consumed by the waters that stole your father-
“Earth t’ princess? Ya not thinkin about jumping again are ya?”
Your stomach drops and fills with butterflies at the sound of a voice that has made you happier than you thought. Secure hands hold onto your hips and pull you off and into a firm chest. You feel a heat rise to your cheeks that you haven’t felt since that night with the prince. Shinsou looks down on you fondly before gently letting you go. A quick blush comes to his ears before he clears his throat and stands beside you. You both rest your elbows along the edge, letting your head rest against his arm. You suddenly find the courage to speak after letting your thoughts run wild.
“I hope,” you cough out, “I hope you get to be captain of this ship. I know it’s in my fathers name but, after our port stop a few days ago,I…” You trail off as you turn your head toward your companion and your voice is lost. There’s something about seeing Shinsou in the moonlight alone on the ship, his hair blowing in the wind, that has you believing in a future you never imagined. You never want to leave this ship. You don’t wanna leave his side. You want to stay with this crew and captain this ship with Shinsou by your side. Why has being on a pirate ship opened up a new side to you? It’s like this has been destined for you your whole life. If only your parents could see you now. If only.
Shinsou smirks and snaps in your face. “See somethin’ ya like? I know I do.” You blink quickly to catch his gaze, realizing you were just lost in your thoughts. Your chest heaves, you’ve never been this nervous ever in your life. Is it because you’re going back to your kingdom? It’s been weeks. “Hello? Princess? Ya alright?”
You shake your head on instinct and feel yourself wanting to close off. It’s like you’re back at the castle, being nervous in front of the king trying to get your voice heard. Your throat constricts and blocks your breathing as if the wrath of the king's commands are holding you back once again. It isn’t until you feel calloused hands grip and shake your shoulders that you take a deep inhale.
“Where’d ya go? Are ya really sure yer up for going to the kingdom?” Shinsou rubs your shoulders and walks you away from the edge. He walks you to his room, considerably smaller than the captain’s but well enough. The other crew members, specifically Midoriya and Bakugou, look on with concern. They both ask their quartermaster what’s going on but Shinsou waves them off. “Just some nerves, panicked a little. Keep up the night watch.” The duo salute him and the pair make their way to his private quarters.
There, he sits you on his bed as he grabs you something to drink. You take the cup from him and give a quick sniff, coughing from the strength of the alcohol. “Rum? Really?” Shinsou chuckles at your inquisition and shrugs his shoulders with a grin. “Imma pirate,” he chides, “‘ta be expected.” You couldn’t help but laugh with him, clinking your glass with his as you take a swig of the drink. You cough a bit, not used to the potency of the alcohol as your pallet has been adjusted to wine. It burns more than you would like but the taste is admirable. Shinsou watches you carefully as you drink, relaxing more into the situation.
It isn’t lost on him that the two of you are sitting on his bed as you share your drinks. The rum has you feeling more loose and relaxed, the most relaxed you’ve felt in years. And it might be the liquor, but you don’t want this night to end, this moment, this adventure… you never want it to stop. You fall back against his bed which causes Shinsou to laugh.
“You tryna choke? You gotta sit up when ya drink,” he chides with a small laugh. He tries to pick you up but you’re determined to bring him to where you are. The pirate finds himself falling under your pressure, his hand wrapping around your waist to try and get you up but you’re being a cute deadweight. He does his best to not squish you as you yelp from the surprise position. You find yourself now sharing breaths with the man on top of you. You suddenly realize his hand is on your waist, your chest is heaving up and down from the closeness and he doesn’t smell bad? Your head is swirling, but you’re not afraid of it. Your eyes travel from his own down to his lips which he keeps licking. Has he always been this alluring to you?
“Fuck, princess… can I kiss ya? I just, ya look…”
You gently whisper, “yes. Yes you ca-“
Shinsou doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he captures your lips in a long awaited kiss. His grip on your waist tightens and he shifts his legs to be straddling yours, almost naturally. Shinsou tilts his head and gently cups your face, feeling the callouses on his palms and fingertips caressing your cheek. You’re not sure where to put your hands as the kiss deepens, feelings of anxiety starting to rise within you. The only time you’ve ever been intimate in this way with anyone was before your supposed wedding, the night with the Todoroki prince. He had made you feel things you never thought were possible, sensations you’ve been wanting to relive again and again. And it’s starting to happen now as Shinsou began to grind his hips into yours. You find yourself placing your hands on his chest and matching his movements, spreading your legs wider instinctively. You want to be wrapped up in him, drowning in his touch and his scent.
Above you, Shinsou groans into your mouth as he repositions his arms to cage your head in. His eyes flutter open as the need for air becomes too great. Purple strands of hair start to press to his forehead as the heat in his room and between the two of you rises. He can already see the way your gorgeous pupils are becoming more and more dilated, similar to his own. He spots a bead of sweat trickle down your neck and he leans forward to suck on the warm skin. The way you moan and keen up into his chest goes straight to his cock and he sucks harder. Your fingers run through his soft tufts of hair, tugging as his lips go lower on your neck, nearing your collarbone. Your button up shirt is proving to be a hindrance and Shinsou sits up slightly. He takes a deep breath and makes certain eye contact with you. “May I?” His fingers play with the fabric of your top as he waits for your consent. The way he’s touching you with such care, such comfort, such possessiveness; where has he been your whole life? You almost want to tear up. No one in the kingdom will or had ever treated you this way and you doubt you ever will.
Your head drops in a nod and a whispered yes, while your hands fondle with his top eager to take it off. Shinsou nods back and rumbles out, “be patient, kitten. We’ll get t’ me.” You pout as he carefully undresses you, exhaling sharply through his nose at the sight of your naked body. Heat rushes to your cheeks but you don’t dare hide your expression. He smirks and sits up, the alcohol getting to him slightly. Shinsou struggles to take off his top and you find yourself giggling with him as he gets stuck. “Quit yer laughin’,” he chides. You can’t help but laugh harder as your hands touch the bottom of his top, which happens to be at his mid torso. Your jaw drops at how chiseled and rugged it is, your fingers running up and down the front of his body. His skin is littered in scars and you’re mesmerized by the potential stories each one has. You barely register that his top has hit the floor and Shinsou is openly staring at you ogling his body. He suddenly feels shy yet proud of himself at the same time.
Your fingernails brush against his skin and Shinsou shivers. Your eagerness to see him undress spurs him on to take your hands and force them to remove his top. The movement is intimate, and your hands end up pressing up his chest to finally feel him underneath you, his pecs making you keen. The heat is intense, your chest heaves as you pull him into another fiery kiss. This time there are no barriers barring you from truly feeling each other. His confident hand trails down your side and toward your front, diving lower to where you need him most. Your hands haphazardly reach for his pants to pull them down, then your own impatiently.
Shinsou steps out of his trousers with a horny chuckle as you kick your own away as well. He goes back to what he was doing before, his fingers travel toward your core. He curses at the heat and juices emanating from your now throbbing pussy. His breath gets heavy as he slowly rubs at your lower lips. A jolt shoots through you at how gentle yet possessive he is, making you moan loudly. A hand slaps over your lips as Shinsou continues to lubricate his fingers. “Princess,” he lulls out, “ya gotta be quiet. Do ya want the whole crew to hear ya?”
You shake your head with a whimper as he inserts a finger into your waiting cunt. Your hips move on their own against his hand, your own grabbing onto his shoulders. Your nails dig into the skin as he inserts a second finger, scissoring you open. The way your body moves and the sounds you emit go straight to his cock as he holds back a grumble of desire. A slimy warmth is felt in his palm and he realizes it’s your tongue. He hisses through his teeth as he gently removes his hand from your mouth. You pant with your tongue out, “I want more,” you whisper lustfully. “I wanna make you feel good.”
Shinsou clamps his hand over your mouth as he brushes and pushes the bottom of his other palm against your clit, earning him an almost silent whimper. Your body shakes at the increased pleasure. Shinsou’s cock twitches at the noise as beads of pre cum form at his flushed tip. Almost too quickly, he removes his hands from in and on you to place your hands above your head. Shinsou leans in close, the alcohol on his breath intoxicating you further. “Keep ya hands there, okay pretty girl?” You can feel his voice rumble in his chest as you nod at his request. He releases your wrists before sliding two fingers up your slit and coating his dick with it. Your throat strains to hold back the moan of ecstasy that wants to escape but you do as you are told (maybe you’ll find out what happens if you disobey him someday).
A calming hand rubs at your hip and inner thigh as he lines up with your entrance. The tip of his cock teases your lower lips and you keen against the bed. Shinsou takes a deep breath before calling out, “princess.” You gently meet his gaze and he continues in a low tone. “You can back out if ya want. There ain’t no pressure. Stop m’now before I get lost in all that y’are.”
The two of you may have started this under the influence of alcohol but there isn’t a sign of it at this moment. The two of you are drunk off of each other, slowly getting poisoned over the course of your relationship. You briefly disobey him and move your hands to cup his face, his stubble more present covered in sweat. Your legs widen as you hold his stare. “I want this. I want you.”
That was all he needed to hear before he slowly slid himself inside you. A whimper is caught in your throat as you hold onto him tightly. Your breath comes out labored as more and more of his length enters you. Shinsou shushes and coos at you, “I’ve got ya, ya doin so good f’me. Shit princess, my princess, ya feel so…”
He drops off as he bottoms out with a grunt. Sex with Shoto was great, but now you’re convinced your body was made for Hitoshi. Although he’s thicker and longer, the pain subsided easily as you adjusted to him. A ring of cream is already forming at the base of his cock and it takes everything in him to not fuck you senseless. The fucking can be saved for another day, he needs to make sure you know you’re loved.
“‘M gonna move.”
His hips slide out and then back in, meeting yours in a juicy squelch of skin against skin. Your toes curl and your jaw drops in an agonizing scream of pleasure that never comes. Shinsou slots his lips over yours to silence the two of you. The atmosphere is heavy with sweat and sex, nary a scent of rum from before. Almost naturally, you wrap your legs around his waist and he somehow goes in deeper. Both of you break the kiss to groan together at the new sensation. His body rolls and thrusts into you like a dance you never want to end or tire of. Your walls clench around him and he stutters slightly, his dick twitching inside of you. That coil inside has been wound up so tight and for so long that the spring is finally going to release. Your abs contract as you meet his hips with yours. You bury your head into his neck and whimper out, “I’m so close, baby. I wanna cum!” The way you beg for him to become undone almost makes him finish right then. He can feel how close you are with how you’re gripping his cock. He never wants to be without this feeling; a feeling he hadn’t realized he was looking for.
He takes one hand to cup your cheek as he pumps in and out of you faster, the other rubbing intense circles on your clit. Your toes curl and your muscles begin to shake from the intensity with Shinsou whispering in your ear. “That’s it baby, cum fer me. Want ya to cream all on my cock.” He pistons his hips faster, “fuck I’m gonna make ya all mine. Yer all mine.”
“Hnng, I’m cumming Hitoshi!”
“Kiss me.”
With your hair stuck to your forehead, you kiss him as your muscles twitch and contract. Your orgasm rocks you, screaming into his lips as you finally let the spring loose. Shinsou holds you tightly as he fucks you through both of your orgasms. Warmth fills you up as he releases inside you, spilling his seed into you. Your muscles finally relax as your legs flop onto the mattress, Shinsou gently following suit. He kisses your sweaty cheeks, forehead, nose, before reaching your soft lips. Your bodies are still connected as he presses his forehead against yours. His breathing finally calms down enough for him to gently pull out. You whimper from the loss of his touch. He chuckles and pecks your forehead. “I gotta clean ya up. I’ll be right back.”
Shinsou steadies himself before walking to the other side of the room to grab a rag and some water. He rakes a hand through his hair to get out more of the sweat. He’s about to ask you how it was when he sees you passed out, soundly asleep. His stomach jumps and his heart flutters at seeing you this peaceful. For the last couple of months of knowing you he’s never seen this expression on you. He must have really wore you out and that swells his pride. Shinsou gently brushes some hair back as he cleans you up just as softly. He slides into the bed next to you and wraps you in his arms.
Of course he hopes you won’t regret what happened, but he’s more worried about how you’ll feel being at the gates of your home that hates you so much.
Shoto Todoroki tries to hold back any malice that would show on his face as the ceremony proceeds on. It would be fitting that the day of your funeral would be cloudy. It’s not lost on him that it took months to assemble this ceremony when it took days to assemble his almost marriage.
It also isn’t lost on him the reception is considered more of a celebration.
The king didn’t even shed a tear as your empty casket was paraded through the land. The people there were more happy to see some of the royals up close, giving fake condolences as they slipped in “you can marry me or adopt my child,” as they all walked through. He was included as the fiancé that was robbed of a wedding and an heir. There were even some cheers and signs of relief. Was there no one in this kingdom who saw all the good that you are? The amazing princess and person that you were and could be? He wanted to yell at them, freeze them, burn them, anything to get them to stop sullying your name even in death.
Have they no respect for the dead?
The parade continued up to the palace’s cathedral steps where the funeral would take place. The prince lets his emotions show by crying at your portrait; at least they captured your beauty in a kind manner. The bells ring and the organ plays loudly, letting the kingdom know the funeral is about to begin.
Your casket is adorned with what he assumes are you favorite flowers as well as the flowers of the castle. From the one night he had with you, he knows you would hate all of this. Shoto whispers to his brother, who happened to show up, “this is bullshit. She would hate all of this.”
Natsuo sighs and places a hand on his shoulder. “I agree with you. Your letters barely touched the surface of how this kingdom views their fallen princess. It’s blasphemous. And their king is no better.”
“You two,” King Enji hisses, “watch it. We don’t know who is listening.
“But I concur.”
The king, your stepfather, approaches the podium and motions for his subjects to sit. He takes a deep breath to feign sadness before the bells go off for a second time. Shoto sighs as he’s now thankful for the interruption. However when he looks forward, the king’s eyes are full of dread. Some of the townspeople are unsure of what the bells are for and whispers flourish throughout the cathedral. “Father,” Shoto asks, “what are those bells?”
The king answers with a drop in his voice and confidence.
Your heart beats out of your chest as the alarm bells of your kingdom blare loudly. The last time you heard those bells was the last time you saw your father. You breathe deeply to calm and steal your nerves. On your right, Aizawa grips your shoulder and gives you a nod of approval. To your left, Shinsou holds your hand tightly and squeezes it firmly. You turn your head to Eraserhead and nod at him, standing along the beaches of your former home. Your eyes scan up the beachside cliff where atop sits the castle.
Pirate Queen Nemuri and Captain Yamada have already ascended into the kingdom, the screams of soldiers and citizens growing. They are to be the distraction as your faction enters the castle and ransacks it. No longer will you be resigned and be an observer of your own life. A sinister smile comes to your face as the future is yours for the taking, starting with your home. The pirate ship Yuuei crew follows you toward a secret entrance into the castle. Judging by the old maps, there was once a dungeon and you want to find it and see what secrets your stepfather had hidden. Covered in vines and moss, you use your new found weapon to slice away at the greenery that at one point was your escape to the waters below your room. The king then forbade you from using this way and you never knew why. You had assumed he hated you immensely as it was right after your mother had died.
The door squeaks open and a wave of dust and cobwebs hits your face, the rusting nails practically falling out of the hinges. Aizawa presses forward and takes a cautious step on the stone. He presses his foot into the material to assure its stability. Satisfied with his determination, he turns his head toward his crew proudly. He gives them a silent signal to tread behind him and they follow suit. However, Kaminari perks his ear and halts those behind him.
“Someone’s comin’,” he whispers.
The pounding of metal on gravel alerts you to two guards that have their swords drawn. They approach the group with fear and loathing as the pirates around you draw their own swords. With a stern pout, you pull out yours and step in between them. Shinsou attempts to stop you but Midoriya holds him back. The two guards slow their approach as their eyes widen in shock. “Y-your highness! We thought you dead, the kingdom is mourning you as we speak,” the first shakes out before kneeling in front of you. The second scoffs and pulls up his mate. “Ain’t no need to kneel to her,” he steps toward you with the tip of the sword about to graze your neck. Behind you Shinsou growls as he and the rest of the crew close in on the three of you. “This one has been declared dead by the castle. We never did like you.”
Your grip tightens on the sword as you try to control your breathing. “And why is that? Do you have no thoughts of your own?”
“Heh, the king didn’t like you. That’s good enough for me.”
The second guard lunges toward you aggressively with malice in his heart. You duck out of the way and avoid his attack as you come up behind him. With his guard lowered along with his head, the back of his neck is wide open as you start to dig the edge of your sword into his neck. The first guard drops his sword in surrender as a trickle of blood falls down the other’s back. The man underneath you grunts in frustration as you had bested him in quick combat. Your eyes narrow as the defeated guard drops his sword and stands up, your sword never leaving the nape of his neck. Aizawa steps forward and flashes an eerie smile of discontent.
With his hands on his hips, he snickers. “How’s it feel t’be bested by ya own princess? Yer gonna lead us inside the castle or she won’t hesitate t’kill ya.” You smirk behind the resistant guard as you walk towards the secret entrance. Sharp black eyes follow where the soldiers came from and hums to himself. “Aye, go back t’where they came from. Take Mind Jack with ya.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, knowing full well you need to be the one leading the charge inside. You grumble to yourself and withdraw your weapon, only for it to be replaced by Bakugou’s own cutlass. “Get ta steppin’,” he chews out. You know better than to talk back to your captain so you turn your head and retrace the steps left in the gravel and sand from the guards. Shinsou trails behind you, giving you enough space to process and follow the footsteps. With the crew, the guard in opposition out front to lead them and whispers under his breath.
“No surprise you turned out to be a pirate, just like your father.”
You and Shinsou tread carefully along the sand to not disturb the trail. The silence is heavy as you think about what you’re going to find. For as long as you’ve lived at the castle, there were still parts you never explored. And whatever had your stepfather guarding this area this way means there’s something for you to find. Shinsou follows your lead and places a hand on your shoulder. The two of you stop as you see another hidden cavern with signs and smells of knights standing for long periods of time. If you hadn’t been surrounded by pirates for weeks and weeks, the smell of feces and urine would have made you vomit.
Hidden away is another door, similar to the secret entrance of the castle. You look back down to the map in your hands and realize this location isn’t on there. Your eyebrows furrow closely. “What is it?” Shinsou calmly asks. You turn your head to meet his serious expression, rolling up the map with a sigh.
“This entrance,” you start slowly, approaching the door. “Is not in my memories or any castle drawings. What is this?” With a confirmation nod from your, you assume, lover you turn the knob. The hinges squeak and another set of rotting stone leads upwards. You gulp and hold Shinsou’s hand as a new sense of anxiety overcomes you. What are you going to find at the end of the stairs? Your heart is beating a mile a minute when you reach another door. It looks to be in better shape and you keep a hand on the hilt of your sword as it opens. Your eyes are met with what looks like a dungeon. You relax your shoulders as confusion swells inside you. Beside you, Shinsou takes in his surroundings as he questions. “A dungeon?”
“I-I don’t understand. We’ve never had enemies,” you stammer. You look through the bars of the empty cells and see rotting wood, mold and moss, skeletal remains, and rusting metal. You step on gravel and twigs as your mind is a mess, until the sound of flesh against metal makes you yelp. Shinsou quickly rushes to your aid and pulls out his weapon, standing in front of you. The two of you see a hand on a faraway cell.
“The kingdom getting invaded by pirates again? Sheesh, it’s sure been a while.”
The voice is raspy, full of experience and loss. The two of you hesitantly head toward the farthest cell. The hand, covered in grime and calluses reaches out to you. Shinsou speaks up first. “Who are ya?” The man in the cell chuckles with a cough before pointing up and behind you. You turn and notice a set of keys. Without hesitation, you grab them and unlock the cell. It creaks open and the man inside falls to the ground. The chains that are attached to him shine in the light, and you unlock those too. There’s a ring of bruises around the prisoner's wrists and neck as he falls to the ground.
Hitoshi, still on guard, keeps his sword drawn and at the ready. The man in front of them seems to have matted and tangled hair that is entirely too familiar. It’s only when he lifts his head that you fall to the ground. A gasp escapes your lips as disbelief comes across your features. Your lip trembles as your mind goes to the picture Eraserhead had shown you. The man smiles as if his life has always been easy and foretold to him. He rubs at his wrists and sits on his knees in front of you. Shinsou lowers himself to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “It can’t be…” he whispers.
Although worn down by years of confinement, that unmistakable cloud like hair reminds you of your own. You blink furiously as realization dawns on you. Tears cascade freely down your cheeks as you shake your head in shock. His soft blue eyes affirm everything your brain is trying to conjure. The man in front of you meets your eyes and gives you a warm and welcoming smile as he starts to cry.
“So,” Oboro chokes back, “m’daughter became a pirate afta all. ‘M so relieved.”
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
His Behind The Camera II
Pairing: Reader x Joel Miller
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT NSFW 18+ ONLY, there is smut in this, oral, female oral receiving, drinking, mentions of porn, adult films, swear words
Length: 2200+ words
Summary: It’s a life that you never thought you’d have, but you’re desperate and you need the money. That’s how you get into the adult film industry, and your first movie is with the devastatingly handsome Joel Miller
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
Part 1
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The schedules were out and it looks like you were already scheduled with Joel. What seems to be multiple times too. Which made your heart skip a beat at the thought.
Guess the ratings went through the roof with you two. Apparently yours and Joel’s video was the most watched video in one night. It made you feel good hearing people were already in love with you.
You really mind doing the rest of your films with Joel anyway, but they told you it didn't work like that. In the world of adult film you had to make movies with people you weren't interested in.
Although you really were looking forward to doing another film with Joel. It had your lips feeling numb, and the tips of your fingers tingling.
Laying on the couch watching random shows you heard a loud knock on the door. Muting the television as you stood up to go see who was at the door.
You weren't expecting anyone nor did you know anybody else in the city. Maybe it was the wrong door, and they didn't realize it. This was someone you didn't expect though to be standing on the other side with a huge smile.
"Joel." You stated looking him up and down. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I would drop by and come see you." Shoving his hands in his pockets as you stood there shocked.
"How did you find out where I lived?" Scrunching your eyebrows at him.
"The office gave it to me." He said like it was no big deal. "I hope that's okay."
A part of you wanted to say yes it did bother you, but you were afraid you would then lose him. Not wanting to risk that you put on a big smile and welcomed him in.
"Of course not it just surprised me."
He walked in as you shut the door behind him. He looked around checking the place out making you a little nervous. Feeling a little unprepared at his unexpected visit. Licking your teeth with your tongue, and smoothing your hair down.
"Nice place you got here." He complimented and you just nodded.
"Is there something you needed?" Asking out of curiosity crossing your arms underneath your breasts.
"Not really I just thought we could hang out." His voice became soft making you feel bad for sounding harsh for his drop by.
"Sorry I just didn't expect you would want to see me outside of work." You choked out the last word. "If that's what you call it."
"No I'm sorry I should have asked if this was okay." He seemed nervous almost like he didn't know how to act.
"It's actually nice to have some company." You smiled to whir he returned. "Since I don't know anybody here."
"Well let's get this party started." He hollered clapping his hands together making you laugh.
"Party for just two people?" Raising an eyebrow.
"Even better." He wiggled his eyebrows at you making your cheeks heat up.
The two of you talked for quite some time about each other. You got to find out that he had a brother and two sisters. He grew up normally from you understood.
Admitting he loved sex and the feeling it always have him, so he decided to get paid to have sex. He started off as a low ranking actor who only got small roles in commercials. He wasn't happy with his life so he made the decision, and he's glad that he did.
Afraid to tell his family what he was doing for the past year, but they accepted him still anyway. It was never brought up whenever he came home for holidays though.
When he did mention sex though the air around the two of you became heavy. It was like there was always this pull towards him you couldn't control. It was intoxicating but also very dangerous.
The way he looked into your eyes and just stared had your heart beating so fast. It was getting hard to swallow the longer you were talking with him. You started to feel that pressure between your legs again. Clenching your thighs together to help ease the ache.
"You got anything to drink around here?" He asked as he stood up.
"Yeah I'll get it." You told him making him sit back down as you headed to the kitchen. "I've got water, soda, tea, vodka, whiskey, tequila you name it I've got it."
"I'll take tequila." With a nod you stood in the kitchen and grabbed a cup with some ice.
Grabbing the bottle you stood with your back to him. You could feel his eyes on you the whole time. Suddenly the room became very quiet and tense. Holding the bottle in your hand it sounded like something moved behind you.
Slowly pouring the liquid into the glass you felt a warm body standing right behind you. Keeping your head down as your breathing became shallow.
As if time was slowing down feeling him press right up against your figure. Your eyes focusing on the still empty glass. Unable to move or feel like you could even breath.
Feeling his hot breath fanning across your neck making the hairs on your skin stand straight. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled your body back against his. Dropping the bottle back onto the counter.
His lips softly grazing your exposed neck kissing the skin making you moan. The stubble on his face rubbing against your shoulder as he moved his lips around your neck and shoulder. Your hard nipples pushing painfully against your shirt.
"God I want you so bad." He growled into your ear making you close your eyes.
Leaning your head back against his chest as you let him take over. His touch was so gentle but sensual at the same time. If you weren't wet before you were right now.
"I got to feel how tight that pussy was for me." His left hand moved down your hips moving towards your front. "Now I want a taste."
Gasping as your felt his warm hand reach inside your sweatpants cupping your pussy. His mouth open slightly as he felt how soaked you had become cause of him.
"Fuck baby all for me?"
He teased as his pointer and middle finger rubbed up and down your folds. Hearing the sound of your wet pussy as he slid his fingers down.
Feeling yourself moving your hips around to get more of a feel for his fingers. Chuckling into your ear at how easily he could control you.
"Such a dirty little slut." That was the first time he's called you that, and you loved it.
His other hand gripped your hip as he twirled you around to face him. Sticking the same two fingers that were just inside you into his mouth. Groaning against his fingers as licked your juices off.
Standing there in awe that a man could make you feel this way. Something as simple as licking his fingers had you wanting to bend over this counter.
Grabbing you swiftly as he placed you on top of the counter making you squeal. Maintaining eye contact with you the whole time as he gripped your pants, pulling them down your legs, throwing them to the side.
"Little pussy all wet for me."
He spoke as he looked down between your legs. Your pussy glistening in his view making him lick his lips.
Getting down on his knees as he spread your legs apart by keeping his hands on your ankles. Keeping yourself balanced by leaning on your hands.
He started to kiss from your ankle all the way up to your inner thigh. Every other kiss he would glance up at you to see how crazy he was driving you. Your mouth was opened as shallow breaths left your lungs.
His mouth was inches from your folds, and you found yourself lifting your hips just wanting to feel his tongue. He chuckled at your eagerness, and instead of teasing you more he placed his entire mouth on your wet folds.
Leaning your head back as you moaned out loud. Sticking his tongue out so he could slowly lick you from the bottom of your pussy to your clit that was now poking out.
"Oh fuck Joel." Moaning louder than you intended, but it just felt too good.
Doing that movement over and over again. He started to draw figure eights against your folds. Teasingly sticking his tongue inside you very fast quickly pulling it out making you gasp.
"You taste even sweeter than you look." He groaned as he licked your pussy again.
It was hot to hear him talk about you like this while he was on his knees. You've never felt more powerful than where you were sitting right now.
His tongue was moving faster this time as he rapidly moved it up and down against your pussy. Flicking his tongue around your clit making your squeal as you gripped his hair. He loved how sensitive you were.
"God yes lick my pussy Joel." Those words were enough motivation for him to turn into the animal he was meant to be.
For several minutes he kept the same pattern and rhythm up without breaking a beat. Your hands went from gripping his hair to gripping the edge of the counter. Unable to control your body or hands anymore.
"Feel my tongue baby." He encouraged you not to think too much and just feel. "Imagine my cock."
He then would trace circles around your clit for a few seconds, and then slurp your pussy. He was eating you out like you were legit his favorite meal, and he couldn't get enough of you.
He kept that same movement up until he felt your legs shaking against his hands. Burying his face between your legs as he stuck his tongue inside of you growling when he felt your insides clenching around his tongue.
"That's it sweet baby." He cooed up at you as he maintained his eye contact with what was between your legs. "Feed me."
Looking down to see his mouth practically swallowing your entire pussy. Grinding your hips against his face trying to feel more of his tongue. His hands keeping a grip on your knees to keep you open and spread for him.
Feeling your lower stomach tightening you knew you were seconds away from cumming on his face. Your moans filling the room you were glad at this moment you didn't have a roommate otherwise that would have been embarrassing.
"Ugh yes right there." Encouraging him to not lose the spot that had you seeing stars.
Joel knew you were close as his mouth left your pussy and started to suck on your now swollen clit making you scream. Your legs were shaking and your eyes were rolling into the back of your head.
"God yes yes yes." Squealing through your tightly bit teeth.
Making eye contact with him as you felt your orgasm swiftly approaching you. His tongue felt so good you could stay like this forever. You were never one to be eaten out like this, but if he were the one doing it all the time you wouldn't mind it.
"Cum around my face baby." He commanded you as he stuck his tongue back in your pussy.
At the same time he moved one of his hands so his fingers could flick your clit as well. It was like a fire was being ignited inside of you, and you were about to lose control.
Your senses were becoming overwhelmed and your body was basically grinding against him and the counter. Feeling the urge to pee you kept trying to push his head away from you but he stayed right where he was.
"Shit I'm gonna cum Joel."
You moaned almost as a warning but that only encouraged him to move his tongue and fingers faster.
Joel moved his hands then to your hips when he felt your pussy squeezing around his tongue. He knew you were close, and he planned to bring you to your orgasm. Your thighs clenching around his head as you tried not to suffocate him.
Your stomach tightening as you felt your release hitting you quickly. Joel swallowed every last drop of you and he groaned loudly as he did it. Your body started to relax when you were coming down from you high. 
"Sweet holy Jesus." You panted as you felt a drop of sweat roll down your back.
Joel stood up as he kept his hands on your hips. A layer of your arousal covering the scruff around his lips. Taking his fingers and wiping it off then sticking those fingers inside of his mouth groaning at the taste of you.
You sat there out of breath and satisfied. He looked across your face to make sure you were okay. Once you weakly smiled at him he placed his lips against yours, and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
Placing your hands on his hips as the two of you made out on top of the counter. It was like he couldn't get enough of you, and had to feel every inch of your body.
"Next time you're sitting on my face."
He joked as he poured himself a drink shooting the whole glass smirking when he set the glass down.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“It’s a promise sweetheart.” Coming back over to you grabbing your face in his hands kissing you deeply.
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zyhkoo · 3 months
little spark ☆ ー REGULUS BLACK X READER. chapter 1
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fluff, angst, regulus reunites with you, friends to lovers, co-parents
synopsis: with james and lily dead and sirius’s false conviction. regulus had escaped the death eaters with harry in his arms. his last resort was go to you, his former best friend and james’s sister. mlist
A/N: hi everyone! I hope you liked this :) feel free to ask to be in a taglist.
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It was a full moon tonight, Regulus was dragged by you to watch the night sky. James had tricked you into thinking that there was a meteor shower tonight, Regulus convinced you so hard that there wasn’t going to be one today but you were just so convinced that there was one.
Regulus looked at you, the moonlight reflected your skin and your hands held the railings. The cold wind blew in your (length) hair and you had your Gryffindor scarf wrapped around your neck. You were focused on the beautiful starry sky, waiting for the meteor shower that was probably not going to happen.
“This is stupid.” Regulus muttered behind you, you looked back with a smile. “Well if James was lying, we could do some star gazing.” Regulus walked towards you, he laid his arms against the railings.
“What do you plan for the future?” he asked.
The future, Regulus was not sure if he was prepared for anything. After graduating, then what? Will he continue to stay with his parents? Or follow his own path? Well, he doesn’t even know what he wanted. So what was the point?
Meanwhile you were tough and independent, you were everything Regulus wanted to be. You placed your cheek to your palm and faced him “Me? I want to be a performer.” you answered his question. Regulus was quite puzzled “..A performer?” you answered innocently “Yeah!” you placed your hands back in the railings.
Regulus paused for a moment, furrowing his gaze. “Well, if you had enough money to support you till you die. What are you going to do?” Regulus asked once again, but your answer remained the same “I’d still be a performer.”
He was baffled by her response “So all that freedom and you choose to perform for what? Is it your love for magic? Or are you trying to gain more recognition?” he questioned. You hummed “You can say that.” he noticed the change of your tone and cleared his throat.
“Sorry.” he murmured, you looked back at him with a soft expression. “It”s okay.” you replied. “I want to perform because, the look of happiness in someone’s face makes me feel so warm.
Regulus looked back at the night sky “If that’s what you wish then, why don’t you make yourself feel loved?” Regulus questioned.
“What about your happiness?”
You paused to think for a moment, “You have a point, you cant love someone if you cant love yourself.” Regulus nodded “Exactly.” He agreed. “It’s very easy to love others, but hard to love yourself.” He added with a sigh.
“Why do you ask this?” you asked. He was silent for a moment. He did not like talking about himself; but for some reason you made him say things he did not want to say.
“I do not find it simple loving myself. I am aware of my flaws and that does not make this process simple.” Regulus admitted quietly. “Maybe soon you will accept yourself. In my eyes you have great qualities.” you reassured, staring back at the beautiful sky. Regulus looked at you, a small tint of pink formed on his cheeks. He didn’t answer, why do you care anyway? This could be just some mindless baffling, but yet.. he can’t help but smile softly at your compliment.
“Reg! Look!” his smile disappeared and his jaw almost dropped down the floor. An actual meteor shower displayed at the night sky. “See, I told you.” you playfully elbowed his arm, he softly sighed “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.” he smiled.
That was in the past, this was the present. Three years have passed after Regulus graduated and it had not been so well. James and Lily has passed, leaving their son Harry to be orphaned. The godfather, Sirius convicted wrongly of their murder and as well as many others.
Though Sirius was the godfather, he was not the one chosen to raise Harry. Instead they chose Petunia because no one was able to find Y/N’s location. But Petunia had only abandoned the boy, leaving him in the orphanage.
Before Sirius was convicted, he asked one request from Regulus. To take Harry and raise him, Regulus had to choose between keeping his loyalty to the death eaters or take care of Harry.
Regulus chose to take care of Harry.
Regulus escaped the Death Eaters and fled to find Harry. At night, Regulus tracked down the orphanage Harry was in then secretly took him away from the muggles then attempted to find.. you.
He couldn’t just raise the boy on his own, it was a lot of responsibility. And since he was wanted by the death eaters, his head was practically on the line. You said that you wanted to leave your past in Hogwarts behind and start a new life, the reason for this was because you thought living amongst muggles would be a better life because you felt so isolated.
You did not told a single soul where you were going to settle from now on, but Regulus.
It was a cold and stormy night, Regulus was soaked. Regulus laid his head down to protect Harry from the rain. Before he left, Regulus tried to find letters that hinted on where you lived. It was a little difficult to navigate where you lived, but eventually he found a street you described.
Regulus opened the gate in your backyard, and rang your doorbell. “We are here.” Regulus whispered to the sleeping infant on his arms “We just.. have to wait.”
Regulus heard the door opened, he looked up to see you. You had a night gown with a jacket to warm you, you now had (length) hair and you grew a little taller. But your beautiful face never changed.
“Regulus?” your face was a mix of shock and fondness. “Y/N.” Regulus replied “I need help..” he pleaded.
His hands moved the cloth covering Harry’s face to show you what he was carrying. Your eyes widened, you moved closer to take a good look at him. You stammered a bit “What, Reg? Why do you have a baby with you? Is this yours?”
Regulus inhaled before he spoke, his shoulders dropping ever so slightly. He was tired, that much was evident. The bags under his eyes were dark and heavy, as if he hadn’t had a proper nights sleep in weeks. Raising an infant was no easy feat, and it was one Regulus had never been equipped to face.
"What makes you think it’s mine?” Regulus told you, he gestured for you to take the baby in his arms and you gladly accepted. You take a good look at him, his face looked familiar..
“Who’s baby is this Regulus?” you asked.
"That.." Regulus began, "That’s Harry." He murmured.
He hoped you wouldn’t ask how Harry arrived in his care. At the same time he was aching to tell you. But how could he? How could he tell you that the child’s parents were dead? James and Lily’s lives were over.
Your stomach dropped “What? Where's James and Lily?” you questioned. Regulus closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose, his shoulders falling as a heavy sigh left his lips.
"James and Lily are dead." He revealed quietly, opening his eyes to look up at you once more. His expression was laced with sorrow, an emotion you hadn’t thought possible from the man standing before you.
"I wasn’t going to tell you. But I can’t lie to you, N/N."
Your eyes clouded with pain. “How.. why” you looked at the small baby in your arms. And there it was. Regulus feared this question. He dreaded it more than anything.
"Voldemort," Regulus answered, "He’s the reason. He found out about a prophecy about a child that could end the war. He believed that child was Harry but, as you know James and Lily had just had their baby. He suspected it was Harry but.. there was no actual way of knowing for sure."
His lips pursed, his expression growing dark as he went on.
This was so much for you to take in, you did not want to cry. Not in this moment, you needed to be tough. “I’m sorry, I.. I don’t know how to take this in.” you apologized "Don’t say sorry." Regulus implored, tilting his head ever so slightly as he looked at you, "You don’t have to stay strong, Y/N. If you want to cry, then cry."
Regulus was never one to encourage emotional vulnerability, but with everything that had occurred? He’d say you had a good reason to. You forgot you were leaving Regulus freezing outside your doorstep.
“Merlin, I’m sorry. I was getting distracted, why won’t you come inside?”
Regulus nodded, "Or course, thank you.." He answered with a small smile, "I haven’t gotten much sleep lately. A cup of tea and good conversation would be nice." you returned a smile “Nice to see you again, Reggie. I missed my best friend.”
Regulus’ eyes widened a fraction as he was addressed by that nickname. He hadn’t been called that in a long while. But he couldn’t say he didn’t like it. Not when it came from you, anyway.
"It’s nice to be back, N/N." He responded with a faint smile of his own.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 9 months
Weekly Recap | December 25th-31st 2023
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Happy New Year everyone! May 2024 be better than 2023, and may season 7 be good to us!!!
Battle Born by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (NHL AU, Established Buddie | 11K | Teen): Buck comes down with appendicitis during the playoffs. He decides to play through it.
🔥 through tooth and claw (to where you are) by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Post-S6, Hurt Buck, Getting Together | 18K | Teen): With a reverent hush, Christopher said, “Whoa, it’s so close.” And it was almost as though Buck needed to have that obvious fact pointed out to him before the vague dread of animal instinct that had been pooling in his stomach could solidify into a real, actionable fear. It’s so close. Something’s wrong. AKA: The Rabid Coyote fic
we’ve got something permanent (i mean in the way we care) by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (PWP, Breeding Kink | 7K | Explicit): Buck has baby fever and it’s Eddie’s job to give him what he wants. Kind of.
Here Where We Should Be (Kiss Me, It’s Christmas) by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Christmas, Getting Together | 5K | General): It’s Christmas and Eddie decides he can’t possibly wait any longer to start kissing Buck.
well, I hate to be a bother, but it's you and there's no other by allisonRW96 / @homerforsure (Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Eddie starts dating again and learns a few things about himself. The most surprising one? He's actually ready this time. Now he just needs to get Buck on board.
in a little while (you will find some relief then) by allisonRW96 / @homerforsure (Hurt Buck | 10K | Teen): Buck gets a severe case of poison oak. He handles it about as well as you'd expect.
🔥 The Nearness of You by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Work Trip | 17K | Teen): Eddie reassured himself that he could do this. Other teams coming in were probably going to be staying at the same hotel in the same double rooms and it was very possible that none of them were going to be having sex. Or even lying awake at night thinking about it.
We Can't Succeed but We Love Trying by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Breeding Kink | 15K | Explicit): In which Eddie has the thought that if Buck's gonna "donate" his sperm anywhere, it should be with, well. Eddie.
all it took was a backwards baseball cap by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit) : Or, the one in which Eddie loses his shit at Buck wearing a backwards baseball cap. Seriously, can this man get more attractive? Is he trying to kill Eddie?
drawstrings by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (PWP, Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Eddie helps Buck fix his drawstrings. How was he supposed to know it’d lead to him sitting in Bucks lap?
🔥 come with me, together, we can take the long way home (series) by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Canon compliant | 105K | T to M):
Get me through the night; Make me feel alright (Post-S3 Finale | 11K | Mature): After an emotionally-gutting reunion with Abby, Buck turns to old coping mechanisms. Eddie helps him find a better way. In Uncertain Times, The Uncertain Rules Apply (Pre-S4 | 22K | Teen): Covid comes to LA. Eddie copes. Or doesn't. Holding out for Something More (Stuck in Reverse) (Post S4E3/Lone Star Crossover | 26K | Teen): LA is coming out of lockdown and the world is returning to some sense of normalcy. But going back to the way things were hurts more than Buck expected. While his therapist challenges him to confront what he really wants, the team takes a trip to Austin... and El Paso. so far from being free (S4E4: 9-1-1 What's Your Grievance?, S4E5: Buck Begins | 46K | Teen): That’s Daniel. He was our brother. Buck doesn’t know what to do with the past tense. He never had a brother. He’s always had a brother. He gained one and lost one in the same breath and it feels impossible.
carry my heart home to you by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Getting Together | 4K | Teen): After his parents join him for a therapy session, Buck starts to learn that some people are never going to be able to give you what you need. And some people are.
if you say it with your hands by hammersmiths/ @henswilsons (S2 | 10K | Teen): Buck thinks it must be a habit he still hasn’t dropped from his days in the army, or maybe it comes with the territory of being a dad – but Eddie can nap pretty much anywhere. or, Eddie starts casually falling asleep against Buck, and Buck is very normal about it.
🔥 into thirty separate parts by hammersmiths/ @henswilsons (S6 | 12K | Teen): “Theoretically,” says Buck, as soon as Eddie picks up the phone, “your ex writes a book about you.” There is a pregnant pause. “…Right,” Eddie decides on, finally. or, Taylor’s book comes out.
close friends (that you lowkey want to fuck, but in a totally platonic way) by rowan_wood/ @transboybuckley (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): Instagram rolls out a new feature, and Buck doesn't totally understand how it works.
I'm still standing in the same place where you left me standing by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (POV Bobby, Hurt Eddie, Getting Together | 8K | Teen) Bobby deals with the ramifications of a misplaced confession
Keep My Heart Warm In Yours by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (Christmas, Post-S6, Getting Together | 18K | Mature): Christopher decides that he wants to go skiing, Buck makes it happen and the cabin at the foot of the mountains turns out to be quite the romantic backdrop for their little getaway.
Hiding the Christmas Present (of You and Me) by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Christmas | 7K | General): Buck thought he was going to spend Christmas alone. His family decides to correct that assumption.
If I Fall, Can You Pull Me Up? by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Hurt Buck, Established Buddie | 7K | General): Eddie could pick Buck from a million miles away. Buck’s entire being was like one bright light in an otherwise cloudy sky. So, he was really interested to know why some stranger was wearing his boyfriend’s turnout coat and pretending to be him.
Used to Think That Lovin' Meant a Painful Chase by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Getting Together | 4K | Teen): It’d been fine when Buck had Eddie’s dick in his mouth. It wasn’t often that Buck got to see Eddie come undone but he’d been treated to a private showing and the pride he had being the one to take Eddie there was indescribable. But then things got… weird. Or maybe, it was Buck that got weird? He still wasn’t really sure where it started, to be honest.
for all the words unspoken by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Work Trip, Getting Together | 5K | Teen): "Buck." Eddie had already dropped his bag and was standing next to the bed, hands on his hips. "We've slept in the same bed before. I'm pretty sure we'll manage to do the same in this one, it's humorously large. Don't!" He held up a hand as Buck opened his mouth. His lips twitched, though, so Buck took it as a win. ... or, the one with only one bed.
underneath the tree by devirnis/ @devirnis (PWP, BDSM | 2K | Explicit): Frowning to himself in concentration, Eddie carefully folds the wrapping paper around the corner of the box. He has no idea how his mother makes this look so easy, even after she walked him through it earlier on FaceTime. Under the tree, Eddie’s present whines plaintively.
🔥 Precious & Fragile Things by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Small Miracles AU, Angel Buck | 20K | 8/? | Teen): Buck is the Fallen Angel of Petty Temptation, who has been tasked with tempting human Eddie Diaz to sin and enjoy life, but just a little. He thinks the job will be easy - get in, get out, go back to Peru to continue messing around with eternity. But when Buck arrives in Los Angeles, he finds Eddie is harder to tempt than expected, and more compelling than Buck had hoped.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 102/? | 276K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Love Ends. by rowan_wood (Exes to Lovers | 4/17 | 5K | Explicit): But what if it doesn't?
in my head by yourcatfishfriend/ @your-catfish-friend (Friends With Benefits | 8/9 | 30K | Explicit): Buck is confidently bisexual. Eddie isn't sure. Buck helps him figure it out.
🔥 Always, All Ways by ashavahishta/ @ashavahishta (A/B/O AU | 85K | Explicit): Buck’s the only omega in the 118. He’s got secrets, and walls a mile high. Eddie’s the alpha determined to knock them down.
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 13 - Sex, Drugs, & Rock n Roll
Summary: Up and coming Rockstar Eddie meets his dream girl on Corroded Coffin's first tour. And she's nothing like what he thought she'd be like...
Word Count: 991
Pairing: Rockstar!Eddie x Pornstar!Reader
Rating: T - I KNOW LISTEN BEAR WITH ME...we're playing with the oxymoron ok? ITS NOT ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP
Warnings/Themes: minor discussion of the rockstar/pornstar life (of which I have no experience), mention of smut but nothing graphic, strangers to...somethings, AU within an AU, satire, metafiction, angst, fluff, friendship
Note: Keeping in theme with Saturdays tying into my existing series, this entry takes place in the dream-AU that I just established in the last chapter of my series Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction, which is a story about Eddie realizing that he's been written into a crossover fanfiction with his favorite fictional character (you) from a cult classic television show called Port Geneva (which exists in-universe but obviously was made up by me). Does it sound like a headache? Because it probably is. STFF is EddiexFem!Reader. But its fun and if you're willing to give it a shot...idk I'm biased but 10/10 recommend.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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If someone would've told Eddie that he would meet his favorite porn star--let alone sleep with them--he would've said they were delusional.
But there you had been.
In the pit at one of the shows on their first tour. A face and body he'd seen dozens, if not hundreds, of times on tapes from the adult section at Family Video.
Someone he'd convinced himself he loved, in some weird and desperate way; the world was unforgiving and you were reliably in the VCR anytime he needed you, so could you blame him?
He'd intended to find you after the show, but you had the guts to come and find them first. To tell them you'd been a fan of theirs after seeing them at the state fair last year.
Then one thing led to another...
It was wild, what coincidences and experiences his rising fame brought to him, especially in a dinky town like Port Geneva.
"It's not that dinky," you laughed. You were curled on your side, hand tucked under your head, staring at him like he’d just hung the stars. Maybe he had; he’d made you scream, after all.
A feat he was pretty proud of, actually.
“I’d never even heard of this place before coming here,” he scoffed in return. "Couldn't even tell you what state we're in."
You hummed, “it's funny how you'd never heard of this town but you recognized me.”
You'd brought it up more than once downstairs at the hotel bar. Disbelief that he knew your face when the whiskey had loosened his tongue enough to admit it. Almost to the point of self-deprecation.
“It’s just a job,” you explained. “It pays the bills. Makes relationships hard. But I have a little trinket shop in town. M'sure it’d be closed by now if I didn’t get those checks.”
And whatever stories he'd made up about you in his head before to convince himself it was ok to sort of be hopelessly in love with someone on the other side of his television screen were soon replaced with facts about the real you.
The reality of this situation made him, in contrast, feel almost too embarrassed by himself and his so-called fame. You, happy to stay here unknown, and him, riding his rising star all the way to the top if he could.
There was a long way to go.
”Well I’m surprised you’d heard of us,” Eddie scoffed. “We’ve only had one or two singles on the radio. We don’t even sell out our shows.”
“You will.”
“You have a lot of faith in us.”
“You don’t?”
“I feel like we’d do better if I still sold weed at the merch table before our gigs.” He smiled as you laughed, genuine joy radiating in his heart to see it.
“That’d get people in the door,” you agreed. You poked his cheek. "I forgot to get a t-shirt, by the way. Was too busy chasing after you like some hopeless fangirl to stop."
This was how it’d been all night. Nothing like he expected.
None of it was, actually.
It had been a whirlwind and he knew he wasn't the only one who felt like that. One day they were managing their own shit, going from state fair to state fair on their real first "tour." Then they had music on the radio and a manager and were on their way to making their first album...eventually.
Albums don't make money, Phil had said, shocking them all when Eddie had asked about it. Touring does.
They'd been offered uppers when they were tired, downers when they got too riled up. There was more money thrown around than any of them had seen their whole lives. And then there was a stern discussion where they had to decide what their future looked like and if they were in it for the long run.
They were just a bunch of guys in their 20s...and they had to decide their whole future right now.
But tonight's show was the first where he actually felt in command of the stage and not just like he was playing pretend.
He and his friends finally got their dream.
People knew them, knew their music, some people even sang along.
You hadn't even been the only one to approach them after the show.
Did they even deserve it?
"I'm just a guy from Hawkins," he whispered to you. "Waiting to wake up from this dream or for them to send me back."
Or something else. There was a lingering feeling that there was just something else waiting for the penny to drop.
Eddie continued spilling his soul to you, in hushed whispers across the pillows, about his hopes and fears, and before he could get to a point where he was certain he was about to cry...you crossed the distance and pressed a kiss to his lips.
It could have been a shut up, you talk too much kind of kiss, but there was something so soothing about it, about the way you caressed his cheek and dropped tiny pecks against his mouth when all was said and done. Two kindred spirits, finding their way to each other in a mess of uncertainty.
"The future is scary," you told him. "But you have to be ok with the choices that you make."
"Do you have any regrets?" he asked.
"Maybe. But then I wouldn't have gotten to meet you." You looked bashful for a second and then rubbed a hand over your face. "Yeah. The rockstar and the pornstar...definitely power couple material."
"We could be. They could write stories about us one day."
"Eddie, it's a one-night stand."
"Doesn't have to be."
"And who is this they you speak of."
"Our adoring fans."
"Uh huh." You snorted. "You have to buy me dinner first before we have some epic love story worthy of stories written about us."
Eddie just smiled.
"How about breakfast?"
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mkmas · 9 months
Take Me, My Beloved Villain - Jude Jazza
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sorry for any mistakes 🙇‍♀️ also everything is owned by cybird, i only translated
Kate: Ju-Jude, please let go! I can walk on my own!
Jude grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and dragged me down the corridor.
Jude: You’re going to run away as soon as I let go. I have to be cautious.
Kate: I won’t run away! I will pay back what I owe you…!
Today is the 31st of December.
I had been helping Victor make preparations for the countdown party since this morning.
However, Jude suddenly appeared in the kitchen.
“Have you forgotten that you owe me for saving your life yesterday? I will have you pay me back in labor.” …….. Then, he kidnapped me.
(I’m grateful to Jude for saving me from almost getting shot last night. He saved my life)
Kate: It must be hard for Victor to prepare alone…..
Jude: Ha, you’re worried about him? How kind of the princess.
Jude: But it’s useless to try to measure someone who is the Queen's aide by ordinary standards.
Jude: No matter how much you complain, it's already decided that you're going to help me with my work. Shut up and follow me.
And so, I was forcibly brought to the common room.
On the desk is a familiar typewriter.
Jude: Use it to transcribe the handwritten documents. The format should be the same as the sample.
Ellis: Jude, I got what you asked for.
Ellis, who came into the room after us, had his hands full of papers.
Kate: Thi-This many…..!?
I trembled, and Jude gave me a cold glare.
Jude: Can’t do it? Was your life so light that you didn't deserve a job of this magnitude?
Jude: Sorry….. I must have overestimated.
Kate: Life isn’t light, even for me. But….. It’s too much, I don’t know if I can do it alone.
Ellis: It's okay, Kate. Jude wouldn't ask someone who isn’t capable.
(….. Ellis and Jude are like carrot and stick)***
Kate: ….. I understand. I will do it wholeheartedly…..
Jude: Don’t put your heart into it. All I want is speed and accuracy.
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Jude: If you miss even 1 letter….. Do you want to know what happens?
I began work with a twitch in my cheeks, sensing that it was more than just a threat.
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Jude: ….. That’s enough.
Jude stopped my work at 7pm, a few hours after we started.
Kate: Eh…. But it looks like there are still some paperwork left to do…..
Jude: No matter how much progress you make, there's no point in reviewing if I can't catch up.
(But I think Jude's revision work is well on its way….?)
Jude: ….. What’s with that face? I told you to stop, but you’re not happy?
Kate: N-No. It’s not like that.
(….. That’s right. Jude said so, so let’s call it a day)
I've learned from experience that pestering him will only make him grumpier, so I decided to clean up my desk.
Kate: What kind of year would you like to have next year, Jude? Do you have any resolutions?
Jude: Resolutions? I have nothing like that.
Jude: The year changes, but in reality, there’s no actual real effect. It's just an arbitrary boundary decided by humans.
Jude: Last year, this year, next year, nothing I do will be any different.
(If I recall correctly….. Jude needs money to fulfill his promise to someone)
(That’s what you’re working so hard for, right)
Kate: Jude is pushing forward towards his goal.…. It’s amazing.
Jude: Flattery will get you nothing in return.
Kate: I’m not looking for anything in return, I really do think so.
It didn't mean anything, but Jude frowned as if he had eaten something he didn't like.
He waved his hand as if to tell me to get the hell out of the room.
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Victor: Kate! Are you finished with the work Jude asked you to do?
Kate: Yes, he doesn't need any more help today.
Victor: The best timing, we were just about to eat.
Victor: I'm glad Jude kept his promise to me.
(Oh, by the way…..)
It was when Jude came to the kitchen to take me away.
Kate: Sorry, Victor.…. I have to help Jude.
Victor: Don't worry about it. I'll prepare everything for you too!
Victor: But….. With all these delicious food prepared, you have to get Kate back in time for dinner, okay?
Jude: It’s up to her to decide when she can go home.
(….. Jude, I guess you let me go because it was time for dinner.)
The timing of the work being stopped seemed unnatural, so it must be it.
Then, time passed as everyone gathered in the dining room to eat.
However, Jude never came to the dining room.
(I guess his work isn't done yet…..)
Curious, I kept looking at the door, but there was no sign of anyone coming in.
Roger: Kate, could you do me a favor?
Kate: Yes, what is it?
Roger: I want you to bring Jude some food.
Roger: Jude hasn't eaten anything since lunch, has he? If he dies, we'll have a lot of work to do starting in the new year and it will be troublesome.
Roger: He would get annoyed if I nag him so I would be grateful if the young lady can encourage him.
Kate: …..! I understand!
Having found a good reason to visit Jude, I put some food on the plate and left the dining room.
Alfons: ….. Saying you’re worried when you’re really not, how shameless.
Roger: It’s not really a lie, is it? Well, the biggest motive was that the young lady was worried.
I came to the common room with a bowl of hot soup and a loaf of bread.
(Huh…..? Jude isn’t here. He left his papers here, so he’ll probably be back soon)
There, my eyes fell on the desk that Jude had been using.
(Ah….. I knew it, it was a lie that the revision process couldn't keep up)
The paperwork I had finished producing had long since been reviewed, and another new set of work documents was spread out on the desk.
(From the moment we met... Jude has been mercilessly and arrogantly cornering me.)
(So why does he sometimes give me kindness that is hard to understand?)
Is it just a whim, or is it to win me over and use me.…. or is it something more?
(….. I don't know what Jude's true feelings are, which is why I'm so curious and want to know)
But, even in the midst of uncertainty, there are certain things.
I hope Jude’s dream comes true one day, those are my feelings.
(That's right! Let's make a wish for the New Year!)
(I think I'll use.….. this wooden desk that Jude used)
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Kate: Touch wood…..
While whispering, I tapped the desk lightly. It's a spell that has been passed down in England for a long time to ward off evil spirits.
Jude: ...... What are you doing?
Kate: !?
I heard a doubtful voice behind me and turned to see Jude standing there.
Kate: Wh-When did you get here…..!?
Jude: Just now. …… So, what’s up with the princess?
Jude: Muttering to the desk with a grim look, were you trying to put a curse on me?
Kate: It’s the opposite! I brought dinner, and gave Jude a good luck spell.
Stuttering my words, I explained that I had no malicious intentions.
Jude: I don't need silly wishes like "I hope my wish comes true".
Kate: N-No! I didn’t wish like that.
Jude: ….. Oh?
Jude raised an eyebrow in interest. I felt like he was urging me to continue, so I opened my mouth again.
Kate: ….. Jude says if you owe something, you should pay it back.
Jude: Loans exist to be paid back.
Kate: If the loan is to be paid back…..
Kate: In that same sense, I hope your efforts will be rewarded as well.
Jude: …..
Kate: That’s why….. I wished that Jude’s efforts would be rewarded.
Jude: ….. What a childish wish.
Jude's reaction was as cold as I expected, but that was okay.
Whatever I wish in my heart, is my choice.
Jude: And yours?
Kate: What is?
Jude: Resolutions, resolutions. I'll have to pay you back for your questionable spells. It's a pain in the ass, but.
I never thought that he would give back what I had wished for on my own.
This kind of discipline may be one of the reasons why Jude has been so successful in his work.
(My resolutions for this year are…..)
Kate: ….. I would like to get to know Jude and spend more time with him.
Jude: Spend even more time with me? Come on, you don't have to make that your resolution.
Kate: Eh…..?
Jude: You owe me a lot, remember?
Jude: You don't think you can pay back in a day what you owe me for saving your life, do you?
Kate: Eh, it’s not right!?
Jude: You said it yourself, life is not light. It's not even close.
Jude: Don't even think you can leave me until you pay off all your debts.
(Then that means….. I can spend a lot of time by Jude's side?)
Jude was probably just stating the obvious, that I owe him and I should pay him back, and that there is no special meaning to this.
(It bothers me that I'm treated like a labor force, but still... I don't know why... I'm happy)
The fact that I wanted to be by your side and was allowed to do so even for whatever reason warms my heart.
Jude: ….. Respond.
Kate: Ye-Yes…..! Next year too-
At that moment, as if timed perfectly, a bang sounded.
When I turned around, I saw large fireworks going off in the distance from the common room window.
(….. Oh, it's the New Year already)
Kate: ….. Let’s get along well this year too, Jude.
Jude: Haha, what a gentle and polite bow….. Hopeless.
Jude removes his gaze from mine to resume his work.
It was a new year that came without a countdown, but that didn’t bother me.
Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to being by Jude’s side this year.
***carrot and stick (飴と鞭) or candy and whip = combination of reward + punishment.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 9 months
Jeff Davis just ruined everything! Everything! Do you know if there's any fix-it fics yet!
Anonymous asked:
Love your page! Can you recommend fix-it fics for the movie?
angelofthetrenchcoats asked:
do you know if there are any tw movie sterek fix it fics yet?
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“Take me back.” by Theo4thestars
(1/? I 979 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles finds out Derek is dead. He’s hurt. He finds out Allison is alive. He’s never been more happy. He’s conflicted so he goes home.
we're all burning. by unholyturtle
(2/2 I 2,400 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles came home and Derek did not die.
Broken Things (It's Complicated) by PalenDrome (nerdherderette)
(1/1 I 3,880 I General I Sterek)
It's been fifteen years, and Derek still has feelings about that Jeep.
Crawling back to you by ads1008
(1/1 I 10,901 I General i Sterek)
Stiles gets a call from Eli that Derek has died. He runs home in time to be at the funeral where Eli barrels into him crying shaking like he is five years old again after a nightmare. Stiles holds him tight looking up at the pack he walked away from years ago. The ones that hurt him and his family too many times to count. His eyes landed on Scott, who looked sad and sorry. Stiles didn’t care for his pity. Rage boiled in him at just seeing his ex-best friend. The man that almost ruined everything for them 15 years ago but it looks like he already did. Stiles pulled Eli away, handing him off to his dad. Stiles walked over landing a hard punch to Scott’s temple.
“What did you do?” Stiles shouted.
Stiles knew he had to bring back the love of his life and the father of his son, with the help of Lydia and the rest of the gang. Stiles must fight one last demon of his own to bring Derek back. By doing so, secrets of the past fifteen years will be told. His young son, Eli, will know more about himself and his parents than either Stiles or Derek was ready to share.
We'll Take On The World by lookingforatardis
(1/1 I 26,000 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek grew quiet, eyes searching Stiles’ face. “It’s called True Mates.” “Do you think we…” he started, but cut himself off. He wasn’t sure he wanted an answer. “Maybe,” Derek nodded anyway, eyes cast down. Their hands were intertwined on the bed where they sat, and Stiles traced Derek’s knuckles with his fingers. “How would we know?” Derek sighed and leaned over to rest his head against Stiles’ shoulder. “There’s always a sign."
No More Martyr Bullsh*&t by Arieanna
(12/12 I 35,230 I Mature I Sterek)
Thank god someone had the brains to call him. Now he was running through the preserve to that stupid stump, hoping that he gets there before it's too late and he loses his reason for living.
"X" marks the spot by mmspring
(3/3 I 39,796 I General I Sterek)
"Please, bring my nephew back" Stiles stays silent for a second, before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Do you remember that time when you asked if someone in this town could stay dead?" he asks, and waits for the other man to confirm that he, indeed, remembers. "Well, let's hope the answer is still no".
Stiles has to save the day once again, but he doesn't want the recognition for it.
Nothing Ever Stays Dead by Violet_Michelle
(22/22 I 79,189 I Mature I Sterek)
Following Derek’s death, Eli took the Jeep and went to find the only person he thought could get his dad back.
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna, thePurebloodPrat
(21/21 I 99,128 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale knows he as a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
One-Sentence Premise: To find the happiness they both crave, a lonely stressed-out single dad and a disillusioned FBI agent must confront their shared past and accept the feelings that have always existed between them.
277 notes · View notes
britcision · 7 months
AND HERE WE ARE! Totally getting this out in February well done team! And this is gonna be our last chapter before a wee teeny tiny time skip and Jason’s finished core! What a beautiful day 🥰
We’re getting another two-parter too, because Danny and Jason refused to let me get to the end of this lil introductory arc without at least one more pile of abject fluff! But finally, we’re ready to begin the plot!
Once again, the link to the AO3 version is in the first chapter and the 15th chapter; you can see it in the text for the link if you wanna subscribe to be told when it updates 😁
First Chapter:
Previous Chapter:
So That Just Happened part 1
Back in her own room on the other side of the country from Gotham, Sam Manson reclined back into giant, coffin shaped body pillow her beloved girlfriend had given her when they moved and contemplated her phone.
The brand new Wayne-chat was blowing up satisfactorily, although apparently Tim was a massive stalker too. That was probably a good thing; it meant she hadn’t actually nuked Tuck’s chances with his nerd-crush. Now they could bond over their mutual stalker tendencies.
But, did that make her revenge less effective?
It wasn’t like she was actually out to ruin his life, but she’d kinda like to leave a mark. Something that would make him think twice about letting her think he and Danny had fucking died in Gotham in her absence.
Or. Well. Gone radio silent in Gotham, which was probably actually worse because if they were dead she’d know exactly where they were.
The Wayne chat were all pretty sure Tim and Tucker were together too, and Sam’s new best friend Babs had even pulled up the feed from their living room tv somehow. Sam wasn’t exactly the tech wizard Tucker was, but… after seeing that, she disconnected her and Val’s TV from the wifi.
And settled in to remote watch Tuck get his ass kicked at Spiderheck, apparently. At least for a little while; until something else on her phone caught her attention.
It was… almost funny. While she knew she was a whole three timezones away, she’d never really felt left out before. Like maybe she should have stayed on the east coast…
Not that she regretted it, of course. She had a good job, a good school, a wonderful girlfriend who’d been so excited to get into a good school and really go to town on the business department.
(Apparently there were posters of Val’s face in the ethics classrooms. Sam refused to ask if they were golden example or dire warning.)
She was just… a long way away. Even a long portal away, and… being back with the guys, even in Gotham, made the quiet of their comfy little apartment seem lonely.
Huffing, she turned and traced her fingers through the leaves of her mimosa plant on the windowsill beside the bed. They curled gently shut at her touch, and made her smile. Just like always.
She was happy to be home. She wasn’t technically liminal enough yet that it was her haunt, but… well, for all the jokes Val made, Sam had to admit she’d put down roots. She loved her job at the greenhouses, and her internship at the botanical gardens.
She loved scaring the hell out of the dudebros in Val’s business classes who thought ethics were a waste of time. She loved sharing messages with Jazz about the boys, laughing that even three hours ahead, Tuck and Danny still couldn’t get up before them.
She was kinda considering texting Harley about Timblr too. Not like, for any particular reason; if Tim’s family weren’t gonna embarrass Tucker enough, Harley probably wouldn’t either. She’d probably think it was adorable.
Or, y’know, worrying evidence of obsession. Psych types worried about stuff like that, usually.
Sam was kinda also considering sending Harley Jazz’s number. Jazz might still be skating just on the neurosurgery side of the line, but she’d always been big into psychology. Big enough to try and triple major, and only drop to major-major-minor after the third pre-exam meltdown.
And she could use having someone else do the shrink bit on her a little more often. Although really, for that Sam should make her a professional appointment; friends didn’t ask friends to psychoanalyze their overprotective pseudo-sisters. And Jazz could use more friends.
Jazz could use a transfer to a specialty that would let her sleep once in a while, a more stable supply of fresh ecto, and about six weeks in a meditation retreat to get the accidental telepathy under control, but more friends would be good too. And less stubborn insistence on her second try for double majors.
Maybe the switch to psychiatry full time would be good for her? Or psychology. Sam was a little fuzzy on the difference, which one Jazz was currently still minoring in, and which one Harley did.
(Jazz’s current second major was neurosurgery, which Jazz insisted was totally less taxing alongside a neurology major because it was the same body part. She was the only person in her class attempting the double major though, so.)
Humming tunelessly to herself, Sam flicked back into the group chat. Babs was still sharing the feed… brows drawing in, Sam frowned at the little spider figures still fighting to the death. Now, she wasn’t as big of a gamer as she used to be, but she was pretty sure Spiderheck didn’t actually offer red berets.
Snorting a laugh, she flicked back out of the chat and opened a new one, adding both Jazz and Harley. All it needed was the perfect name… something that would grab both of their attention.
Obvious. Child’s play.
Snuggling back into her coffin pillow, Sam grinned down at her phone screen.
Danny Has A Boyfriend chat was live.
Having eight legs wasn’t exactly the same as suddenly having four new ones, or two new legs and two new arms. While the first two were definitely functioning as “hands”, being the ones to pick up and use all of the weapons, Tim had quickly learned that he could grip with any of the eight “feet” that were available.
Yeah, spinning a laser staff all the way down one side of his body and up the other was fucking cool.
He’d adjusted pretty quickly during their “practice” round, while they all got used to the web slinging and worked out how to open the boxes and use the weapons.
(Tucker had swung himself into the lava by accident, so they’d started a second round.)
Tim felt pretty much ready to go, although if he was honest with himself… his only actual complaint was that he didn’t have a camera.
Conner had asked Tuck at the start of their second round if his powers had been nerfed to make it “fair”. Tucker, sweet innocent Tucker, had managed to convey a sidelong look even looking at even without a face on their little blob bodies and said he didn’t think Conner needed a nerf.
He just needed to understand how the powers worked, and they could be incorporated into the system. Which, well, was like catnip for Conner.
At least Tucker seemed a lot less flustered about talking to him while they were both spiders, because Conner had started talking his ear off about TTK and hadn’t stopped since.
Tim was kinda considering swinging over and taking them both out, just to get the game moving. But Conner was cute when he got really into something, and being a headless little spider body did not seem to have changed that.
He spent the time practicing with the webs instead, spinning and tossing himself around the map. It was pretty similar to using a grapple, although he wasn’t exactly sure whether or not the web was coming from his own body.
If it was, it was coming from inside a foot, which wasn’t how actual spiders worked… but Tim was pretty sure that was on Spiderheck, not Tucker.
Being able to run around upside down was the biggest change for him, and pretty cool. Tim scuttled around under a couple of the higher platforms for a while, planning his strategy.
Honestly, he was pretty sure TTK was going to wind up fucking Conner over rather than making anything easier for him. You’d think that flying would be an advantage in Spiderheck, at least as far as avoiding lava or an out of bounds, but Tim knew pretty explicitly how far it took Conner to stop.
It wasn’t exactly on a dime, and in this game? The pace didn’t exactly allow for imprecision.
And they were wasting time talking about it rather than getting used to having an extra six hand-feet.
Still upside down, Tim twisted until he could see the other two spiders. Which was when he learned that… they did kinda have their faces on them. Just, instead of being in a face position, on the front of his body that he was seeing out of, it was just sorta… plastered across the body.
Like a photo skin mapped onto a flat blob.
He considered letting the other two know; if anyone walked into the room, they’d probably be able to see their little faces on the screen. If they were just standing around talking.
Also, the pictures’ mouths weren’t moving, which hadn’t been weird when Tim was listening to them talk and didn’t think they had mouths. Kinda was to look down on Conner’s smiling face and hear his voice at a mile a minute.
Tucker probably already knew, and might have done the faces on purpose? And if he hadn’t, it was gonna be pretty funny to see what happened when he noticed.
He’d gotten progressively better at actually talking to Conner the longer he wasn’t actually looking at him, and the focus being on the game had helped too. Face in the game? Probably gonna throw him again.
And it was probably time to get things actually moving, so he could enjoy that.
Humming softly to himself, Tim scuttled across to the loot crates, found himself a double ended lightsabre, and dropped down on Tucker and Conner’s heads.
“Sooooooo…” Danny clapped his hands, doing his best to make his broad grin at least look a little innocent as he floated sideways into Jason’s field of view, “not that that wasn’t adorable and dramatic and everything, super touching, buuuut…?”
He almost laughed as Jason jumped, having apparently forgotten Danny was there for a hot second, then pulled his hand back from Lady Gotham’s to glare at him. The Lady herself didn’t bother hiding her chuckle, settling back to recline once more on a cloud of smog.
“Was there something you needed, Phantom?” She asked with a dry amusement.
Danny shrugged innocently, sticking his hands in his spectral pockets. Much more dangerous than regular pockets, but he’d not been doing more than blob wrangling lately.
“Not so much what I need, just, y’know, trying to keep things on track. I dunno if you’ve got other plans for the night Jay, but we were with Frostbite for a while and if you did…” he trailed off, and Jason grimaced.
“Not what you’d call set plans, but…” Jason trailed off as well, and Danny could feel the guilt even before it tried creeping in.
Nope, not having that. He’d almost talked himself into that bullshit already tonight, none for Jason. He nodded airily, floating up to drape an arm over the larger man’s shoulder.
“All I’ve gotta do is get to bed before midnight, so I’m not rushing now that Tucker’s found himself a new ride.” Waggled eyebrows punctuated that comment with enough emphasis that Jason snickered, darker feelings pushed aside without finding purchase.
“What, you don’t wanna go watch that train wreck in person?” Jason teased with a lopsided half smile.
Danny pulled a face, both at the thought of Tucker’s goddamn disastrous attempts at flirting and… well, the possibility of running into Bruce again. Maybe Constantine.
Danny was maaaaaybe kinda avoiding the wizard since he’d started collecting the other contracts on his soul; it wasn’t like he wanted them for nefarious purposes, it was just fucking weird. He didn’t like owning people. Not even overgrown Sour Patch Kids in trench coats.
(At least Constantine was still alive though. Those unlucky souls who died still bound to Pariah damn near went through a full reboot. No memories, no personality, none of what Danny would have thought of as like, the core components of a soul.
So far nothing anyone had done had been able to help them, and Danny had a nasty feeling the final answer would be Ending them. The Observants didn’t want to, they were perfectly happy with a thrall army so long as they controlled it, but Danny was firm.
No slaves, no thralls. If the only way he could free them was through a final and permanent death… he would.
But Clockwork was still looking, and so long as the ancient of time thought there might be a way… Danny held out hope too.)
For now, he shook his head quickly, holding up both hands.
“No way man. Bruce already hates my guts, I’m gonna keep a healthy distance.”
For both their sakes, really. Jason’s mood every time Bruce had spoken to him today kinda proved he hadn’t listened to Danny’s advice and stepped up. Not that Danny had exactly expected him to; again, hated his guts.
Jason pulled a face but didn’t bother to argue; he’d probably rather not actually deal with the old man for a third time either. Instead he just shrugged, turning his attention back to Lady Gotham.
“Do you know what time it is in Gotham now, my lady?” He asked, and the really weird thing was that it didn’t actually sound weird.
Danny always felt awkward and formal whenever he tried to address a ghost by their title, and Lady Gotham was the very worst because she never bothered to hide when she was laughing at him. Which was, y’know, every time he said it.
(He wasn’t gonna just call her “Gotham” though. That would be worse, so he just sucked it up.)
On Jason’s lips, words like “my lady” just sounded right. Danny flashed back for a moment to snow in a graveyard, and Jason knelt before him quoting Shakespeare. There was something in Jason that was just made for flowery language and dramatic proclamations.
Lady Gotham clearly agreed, bestowing a fond smile upon Jason before inclining her head back for a moment, those red on black eyes glowing suddenly brighter. Looking into the living world, or right up Clockwork’s ass?
“It’s coming to ten o’clock,” she said softly, something almost like regret in her tone. The smile that she turned back to them was softer, sadder.
Danny’d feel bad about being the one to point it out, except, yeah. He’d had to. Ghosts in general didn’t exactly think about time. It was a problem for the living, so - him. And Jason.
Who didn’t seem nearly so sorry with the answer. He nodded, fingers beginning to drum against his thigh.
“Time for a few more questions, then.” That wasn’t a question, and if Danny was completely insensate or possibly locked in a sensory deprivation tank he might have warned Jason about talking to a powerful spirit like that.
It’d need to be a damn good tank for him to miss all the signs though; Jason was so in the good books. Lady Gotham just smiled and nodded, gesturing once more with her traffic cone.
“Of course. And, of course, we will have plenty of other opportunities to speak. I may spend much of my time here, but now that we have been introduced… I can also speak to you there, if you would like?”
It was a delicate question, and Danny hesitated, suddenly wondering if he should… well, elaborate again.
“Uh… yeah, sure? I’d like that?” Jason asked, clearly confused by the reticence, and that made up Danny’s mind.
“She’s not going to sound the same,” he explained quickly, giving Lady Gotham a quick smile. She smiled back, gesturing for him to continue, because none of the damn older ghosts explained shit for themselves.
Danny totally didn’t roll his eyes.
“Like, the way we talk to her in the Infinite Realms is kinda the abstract? She looks kinda human,” he added, gesturing vaguely at the Lady.
Jason’s brows furrowed for a moment, but he felt more curious than concerned.
“So… she’s an anthropomorphic personification, but not in the living world?” He asked, and Danny’s eyes nearly crossed.
He turned to Lady Gotham, hoping that this might be some weird city slang, and she laughed at him. Again.
“Yes,” she agreed with Jason instead, which absolutely did not help. “It’s easier for me to speak with you here, using eyes and ears like your own. But building and maintaining this shape in the living world is… complicated.”
“Because her real body there is the city,” Danny added, privately resolving to ask Sam what the fuck Jason was talking about later.
Honestly, Jason would probably get along real good with Mr Lancer. They both liked weird words.
At least he actually looked a little confused too now; Danny had freaked the first time Lady Gotham talked to him out in the city itself. He gave Jason a consoling pat on the shoulder.
“You’ve gotta see it to believe it, man. Just… it’s gonna be weird.” Not the most helpful, sure, but Danny was doing his best!
Jason nodded slowly, willing to table it for now, and refocused on Lady Gotham, something darker now welling in the purpose building inside him.
“So you said the Joker wasn’t from the Curse,” he said bluntly. Danny flinched, more from the lack of any aura inflection than the remnants he could feel.
Yeah, a lotta Gothamites hated the Joker specifically, but if Danny had even the faintest doubt of who’d killed Jason… the black, leaden lump of Death in Jason’s aura wiped it out.
Lady Gotham stilled too, her own smile fading as she regarded Jason. Those red and black eyes were suddenly so much older, so much sadder.
“Yes,” she agreed softly, lowering her traffic cone to rest at her hip. “Are you sure?”
‘Are you sure you want to know?’
Or ‘Are you sure you want to know now?’
Danny wouldn’t put money on which she’d intended, but it didn’t take a genius to know the answer to both. Stubborn, emotionally repressed, and self destructive as hell, bat-training only left one answer.
Jason nodded firmly now, his jaw clenching.
Lady Gotham studied him for a moment longer but didn’t argue, inclining her head gently.
“Then I will be brief. While the Curse has always been part of the city, feeding on fear and despair, in recent years we have both felt… something else. I told you of the malevolence on the land?” She asked, and Jason made a soft, impatient noise.
“And that it’s where the Curse comes from, yeah. And that the Joker is different,” he prodded.
Danny made a face. He was usually very much on the side of blunt answers, and knew full well that the Lady wouldn’t actually like, break Jason for being mouthy. He was very, very used to seeing favouritism from the outside, and Jason was clearly a firm favourite.
Maybe because he was currently Gotham’s only actual part ghost child? (To be fair, Danny didn’t think that’d change much in the fullness of time; Jason was his favourite of all the bats alive or dead.)
Whatever it was, his interruption only brought a flicker of a smile to the Lady’s lips, which vanished just as quickly.
“Yes. The Curse is indeed the original manifestation of that malevolence, given form and now, purpose. But even that malevolence came from somewhere; Gotham lies on a crack between worlds, older than time. Every world in the multiverse exist along certain markers; certain weak spots. Gotham is one of them.”
“Of course it is,” Jason grumbled beside him and Danny shifted closer, brushing their shoulders together.
Personally, he figured that if Gotham was a weak point in the universe and all the bad shit just leaked through, they were probably doing pretty well for themselves. Then, he’d seen the depths of the Ghost Zone; he knew what else could be trying to leak through.
Which, obviously, meant the good luck had to end.
“When the Joker died,” Lady Gotham continued, only to be cut off by a startled “What?!” from Jason and a totally-super-dignified squawk from Danny.
“You are not gonna tell me that asshole’s a ghost!” Danny moaned, dragging his hands down his face. Honestly, if he’d missed a whole actual ghost in the city for an entire year too, he was never going to live it down.
Like any of the other ghosts had any fucking clue what it was like being half alive… or living fully inside a city spirit’s haunt. Let them visit Lady Gotham’s and see what they sensed.
“Who the hell killed the Joker?!” Jason demanded, something weirdly like panic spiking through anger. “It wasn’t fucking Bruce-”
Lady Gotham silenced them both with a pointed look, shadows growing suddenly long and dark under her stare. Then she returned her gaze to Jason, her expression sombre.
“The Joker is not a ghost, nor a halfa. Bruce Wayne resuscitated him, which may be all that kept him from becoming a manifestation himself; he was killed not only in Gotham, but by a nexus point, in rage and revenge and hatred.”
There was something dark in Lady Gotham’s eyes now, something black and burning and for half a second Danny could swear he felt that rage himself, deep in his chest.
“Something else leaked through in the short time that he was dead,” she went on, her gaze firmly locked on Jason’s and Danny couldn’t imagine just how much the older-younger halfa was feeling under its full force. “Something small, and hungry, and craving death because it was denied his - the death I believe would give it shape.”
It wasn’t enough for Jason, that much was obvious; bitterness-frustration-grief hung in the air in a cloud almost thicker than the Lady’s smogs, and this time Danny gave in to temptation.
Let his own soothing-sorrow-loss twine through, even if he didn’t exactly understand the cause of the feeling. Jason startled a little, knocked from grumbling something that hadn’t been for anyone but him, but his hand reached back for Danny’s. Squeezed tight, even as the bitterness deepened.
His eyes narrowed, he remained focused on Lady Gotham though.
“Of course. Of course he fucking brought the clown back, even after someone did the world a fucking favour,” he hissed through his teeth, then raised his voice more clearly. “So, what? No one can ever kill the Joker, or Gotham gets another curse? Who’d fucking notice at this point?”
A genuine sorrow and pain passed across Lady Gotham’s face but she schooled it, kept her own aura calm and composed… or at least in closer than they could feel. There was probably a reason she’d put space between them again.
“Not quite, but close,” she agreed softly, those red bat eyes somehow more gentle even against the black pupil. “This other entity is already here, growing each day. Every violent death in Gotham is being consumed by it, which I will admit has strengthened the truce between the Curse and myself. Neither of us wish to feed it any more than necessary.”
Danny’s brows furrowed at that and he tried to think back to everything that Frostbite had ever told him about spirits. Not the dead-people kind, but the Neverborn; entities, concepts, ideas given form. Like time, and cities.
“So… when did the Joker die?” He asked cautiously, and felt surprise jolt through Jason. Lady Gotham gave him a quick glance, and cocked her head at Jason himself.
“Not so long after Jason did. A matter of months, less than a year, though he was dead less than a few minutes.” There was something in her tone, a weight on the words that made Danny think he was on the right track… but that she didn’t want to say it.
Which. Well. That was all kinds of bad fucking news if an entity as old as Lady Gotham was wary of speaking it into being. Luckily, Danny was just a fucked up little half ghost who had absolutely no supernatural tie ins to things like belief.
And he believed in just laying all the cards on the table before he decided if he had to flip it.
“That’s really young for any kind of belief spirit,” he said bluntly, watching Lady Gotham’s eyes. Saw… just a hint of something, creasing the corners, and seriously considered reaching his aura to hers for the first time today.
It’d save so much time to just get the message through feeling, but… if she preferred words, the words had to be important, and Jason probably needed words.
Fuck, they’d all need words, because this was going to be a goddamn bat-briefing if Lady Gotham was filling them in, and Mr Emotional Repression Is My Soulmate was not going to be up to aura reads.
Chewing his lower lip, he thought through the next stage a couple times before speaking slowly, watching for any hint he was still on the right path.
“If… it’s grown fast enough that you both noticed… it’s not new?” He tried, wondering briefly if he’d retroactively doomed them all by thinking about “what else could break through” from the depths of the Zone.
Lady Gotham shook her head though, gesturing impatiently through her smoke to clear it… maybe the first sign he’d ever seen that she didn’t control it entirely.
“No. That much, we are both certain of. This entity… it is new and unformed, with no Name of its own. At the moment, all of the fear it wreaks is only feeding belief in the Curse, which is why it only has death. But there is already a will there, long before it should even have awareness. And it wants to grow.”
“Oh great, so Joker’s got a Pitty 2.0 but his is on the outside,” Jason quipped, irritation sparking through him… and Danny was kinda glad to see it, honestly. Just a little flash of the guy he’d been getting to know in all the dark.
Even Lady Gotham managed a brief smile, and didn’t actually bother refuting it; closing her eyes for a moment, she waved her hand and the clouds of smog between them solidified briefly into a model of the city. Buildings only, but with horribly empty shadows between them.
“The Joker’s death gave it an entrance, and his revival denied it his shape, his Name, and the fear he commands. But it is no longer fixated on killing the Joker - and it was, for several years. It pushed him before it had the power for anything else, driving him further, feeding poison to those around him, trying to have him killed so that it could become The Joker, the pure essence of every bloody mark the clown left on Gotham. And it very nearly succeeded,” she added softly, her gaze turning back to Jason with an almost tangible sorrow.
Something in Danny’s gut iced over, and suddenly he was really, really glad he didn’t know what she was thinking.
Bruce looked better as he rose from the table, Diana decided, watching her old friend closely. For all that he’d come with an actual reason for his doom and gloom (for a change), his attitude during the briefing was positively relaxed compared to their own discussion that followed.
He would still be worrying and fretting, she knew him too well to believe anything else, and… she knew why. While Diana had no children of her own (though she had met and heard of other versions of herself who had), she did dearly love her own proteges, and those of her friends.
She remembered Jason as the young, sweet boy who’d stumbled over every word he said to her and stared at her like she’d hung the stars. She remembered Bruce’s grief, Batman’s rage, and the shadow that hung over the Dark Knight with every step until Tim Drake took him to heel.
She knew that there was too much there, the guilt and pain and loss and grief for Bruce to see Jason objectively, and she didn’t begrudge him that. Nor did she condone it.
It only hurt both men, and while she would not give her opinion when it wasn’t wanted… well, she was aware Bruce spoke to Clark of his worries around Jason much more often than he would to her. This time though, she’d had no choice.
She knew the man well enough to know what was truly scaring him in this situation; that Jason would be taken from him again. He was at least as upset by this “Danny” boy as the thought of war with an entire realm.
It would have been cute, if he wasn’t a grown adult man who prided himself on critical thinking. Or actively forcing his son away with his own actions at every turn.
Still, there was one piece of counsel she could give. The thing he hated the most of all was a mystery. And while she also didn’t usually condone his stalking-as-a-sign-of-affection…
He stopped in the doorway but didn’t look back, still as a statue. At least he was listening.
A fond smile pulling across her lips, Diana shook her head. Let the formal tones of Wonder Woman return to the voice of a friend.
“You see many dangers in the unknown. Perhaps you might reassure yourself by getting to know young Danny Fenton as a person, rather than a potential threat.”
He stayed frozen in the doorway for a moment longer, then nodded his head sharply and swept away.
Diana stifled a chuckle. Honestly, for all Constantine had come to her as if the world were about to end… all of their problems with this Infinite Realm were perfectly clear to her.
The American government had overstepped drastically with their Anti Ecto Acts and would be brought to heel.
The new ruler of the Infinite Realms had turned their head in this direction, and guided them to what must be fixed.
And young Jason Todd, while far from the only hero who had died and returned, had been chosen by this ruler to be favoured with protection, in exchange for service.
Of course, it may all blow out of control and become as dire as her dear friend already seemed to believe it was, but for all Bruce was constantly creating contingencies and backup plans, he very rarely had to use most of them.
She turned her attention to John Constantine instead, the magician seeming much less inclined to make himself scarce than usual. At least he had also calmed considerably, and was even smiling in his own crooked fashion after Bruce.
“You know he’s gonna go stalk that poor kid even more now?” He asked sardonically, pulling another cigarette from his pack but not reaching for the lighter.
Diana hesitated for a moment.
She’d meant for Bruce to talk to Danny, preferably directly. But Bruce did not like talking to new people; not without thorough research and a chance to prepare.
Then she shrugged.
“If it will keep him from disrupting our already tense situation with the Infinite Realms, better that he distract himself with more fatherly concerns,” she said simply.
Constantine snickered again, then frowned.
“Wait, fatherly concerns? For some kid his boy’s known like, a week?”
This time, Diana didn’t bother to restrain her smile, glancing down at the phone in her pocket.
“Merely a week, perhaps, but according to Wonder Girl they have already been caught at least once without their trousers.”
Which hadn’t been part of the official presentation, of course. Nor apparently whatever Bruce had already shared with Constantine, as the mage promptly nearly swallowed his unlit cigarette and began choking.
Diana gave him a carefully gauged slap to the back, sending the now soaked and crumpled smoke across the meeting table, but politely did not laugh.
Jason was pretty sure he was going to puke. Or scream. Maybe both.
It wasn’t bad enough that Bruce had refused to kill the Joker, to stop him from killing anyone else, no, he’d fucking brought him back to life. Given the fucking Joker the chance that none of his victims ever got.
None of them except Jason.
And now apparently even wanting the bastard dead was all part of some master fucking plan to make the fucking asshole even worse.
He’d wanted Bruce to be the one to avenge him from the second Tallia pulled him out of the Lazarus Pit, but when he’d come to Gotham… when his plans to carve out his turf, provoke the Joker with an old alias, set the trap had suddenly become stuffing heads in a bag…
He’d thought about it. A lot. About just hunting the fucker down, putting a bullet between his eyes, and leaving him in the Batcave deader than dead.
Had nearly done it, but no. He’d wanted… he’d wanted Bruce to choose him. To put him first, to say he loved Jason more than some moral stance, to value Tim’s life more, and Steph, and Cass, over the fucking scum who would have happily killed every last one of them with a smile on his face just to see if Bruce finally broke.
And Bruce hadn’t.
Bruce had nearly killed him.
And in and around that whole mess, he’d never gotten around to actually thinking about how his fucking daddy issues had saved the Joker’s life for… years, by now.
Jason wasn’t killing anymore. Not like, actively. Intentionally. Not because he thought Bruce was right; something, someone, had to be willing to stand up for the people of Gotham and actually stop fuckers like the Joker from killing them.
But… well, Crime Alley was his territory, and a scared enemy, a cowed enemy who’d seen their life in Jason’s hands and knew just how easily he could end it was more useful than dealing with the power vacuum, or the next million upstarts who’d think they knew better, would be better, and could take on the Red Hood themselves.
Ironically, keeping fuckers like Black Mask and Great White Shark alive and in power (at severely reduced scale) saved him time. Kept him from dealing with all those upstarts himself.
That was how Waylon had put it, back when Jason was considering adding to his bag of heads. It was… like farming. Keep them low, but keep them stable. Break anything new they went for, or anything that got on his turf.
Let them harvest some of the power hungry fucks who thought they could take a piece of the Alley.
And then Dick had noticed. And reached out. And didn’t stop until Jason gave in and reached back.
When Danny came to Gotham. Somehow, it all swung back around to Danny.
And the fact that if he actually believed what he told Bruce, he could have gone to kill the clown himself at any time since returning to the city.
And he never had. The time wasn’t right. Something came up. Something went wrong, or broke, or distracted him before he thought too hard about it.
Killing the Joker hadn’t even been in his original plans for his triumphant return. He’d just wanted to take back the Alley, prove his point to Bruce. Keep his home safe.
When had killing the Joker become such a big part of the plan? Who the fuck had gotten into his fucking head, redefined him as the last moment of his fucking life, demanded his new life be all about how the last one ended?
Eyes narrowing, he looked searchingly into Lady Gotham’s face just in time to catch her slow nod, like she’d heard every thought. Like he’d been speaking aloud.
“I could not stop it from reaching to you,” she said softly, her voice heavy with sadness, “but I could… distract. Get in the way, make its path harder. That you did not give in…”
Something soft, something proud flickered in her eyes again, and it made him want to squirm.
“You may not have consciously known that you fought yet another enemy, yet you triumphed regardless. My dear Jason…” she sighed, heavy with sorrow, and reached out a hand again as though to cup his face.
Jason found himself moving to meet her before he even thought about it. Stopped himself just before it actually got him anywhere.
He wasn’t done being angry yet. He wasn’t even sure he’d actually started. If he could ever, would ever, be angry enough for this.
There was something building in him like a tide, riding high on resentment and his spiralling thoughts. It wasn’t green tinted like the pit rage, his vision was still clear… if anything, it felt sharper, like everything had been dialled up to eleven. Like the terrible, roaring anger was seeking a target.
“I am sorry that you have been robbed of your justice in this way,” Lady Gotham said quietly and once again Jason’s focus narrowed down with her intensity, like she was the only real thing in the world, “that even your own emotions of this, your death, have been used against you. It is…”
She hesitated, actually looking to Danny for help herself for the first time. Judging from the sudden low horror Jason could feel from the other man, he might actually be under reacting.
Or the tide was still rising.
He felt like razing the whole city to the fucking ground, with his own hands, brick by brick. Or puking. Or screaming until his lungs ripped out of his chest, if only he could move.
It felt like something had reached into his brain and cranked up the contrast, made the already neon brights of the Ghost Zone brighter, the shadows darker, the very air prickling at his skin like needles with the urge to do something.
Because if he moved, did anything, he wouldn’t be able to stop. Not when every muscle ached to tear the whole universe apart.
He was almost a passenger in his own skin as something else, a different, slow boiling rage barely under control clamped him in a vice.
“So y’know we talked about not asking about how ghosts died?” Danny said slowly, his voice suddenly low and hoarse.
Jason managed a stiff nod, every muscle twanging tight with tension. It had been pretty important, pre-Ghost-Zone.
And he could put the pieces together, right from the tight hot center of that ball of rage that he was pretty sure was his own core.
“This is worse,” he said gruffly, not bothering to look over. Didn’t have to, when he could feel the face Danny was pulling through the worry-worry-fear-anger-horror still surrounding him.
He… fuck. He was a little afraid of what he might do, if there was even an ounce of pity on Danny’s face, and honestly that panicked him more than anything else. All the rage wanted was a target, and he didn’t think he’d be able to choose what it was.
Danny nodded anyway, making a conscious effort to try and reign his aura in. Like he couldn’t hear the subtext, feel it in Jason’s, or like he could and didn’t care.
It left him feeling cold, icy and alone, but still relieved under the echoing slam of rage in his veins. A little more alone in his own head. A little less watched. Judged. Not good enough.
“Like, worse than worse, dude. Ghosts will throw down and rip each other apart just for fun and no one’s actually hurt, but… you don’t fuck with somebody’s death. You just don’t. It’s the worst thing you could do to a ghost, worse than Ending them. Not even Pariah Dark…”
“Exactly,” Lady Gotham hissed, baring her teeth in something not even remotely a smile, full cheeks and lips suddenly gaunt and hollow as the teeth became fangs. It lasted barely a moment, a flicker before it faded, but it snapped Jason straight out of his fury with a sudden shock of terror.
She’d been intimidating before. Effortlessly, gracefully powerful and commanding, the kind of person people would beg to step on them without a hint of aggression. Those teeth though… just the moment of that rage, of something so powerful suddenly nothing but raw, feral danger…
It wasn’t even directed at him but it still felt like a bucket of cold water down his spine. An instant urge to duck his head, show his throat, convince this much larger predator that he wasn’t a threat.
She was immediately contrite, turning her head away as her face cast into shadow, only the red pupils still visible.
“My apologies. It is… less personal for me than it is for you, yet it seems still too close to my heart.”
Forcing himself to swallow, Jason took a couple of deep, heavy breaths. The anger was still there, kind of. He could feel it in an almost distant way, past the hammering of his heart, but it wasn’t all he was anymore.
It was just… a feeling now. One he was in control of.
The shadows were just shadows again. The green of the Zone no longer blinding.
He blew the last breath out slowly, and let the remnants of the anger go with it.
“No, uh… it’s fine. I think that helped, actually,” he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and suddenly embarrassed at just how tense he’d become.
Justified, apparently, from both the other ghosts’ reactions, but that didn’t mean Jason wanted to feel so out of control. How close to just… being carried away by the anger.
No matter what anyone else said, no matter what the damn Pit or Joker-monster or whatever the fuck else tried to do, Jason Todd was not going to be defined by rage.
For one thing, he’d never live it down.
Danny sagged beside him, relief as tangible as that last breath flowing out of him, despite the core of concern underneath. That was fine; Jason was still concerned too.
And maybe thinking about his stash of ecto-candies again, but he honestly didn’t feel half as drained this time. He wasn’t even scared of Lady Gotham anymore - that moment had ended as soon as it started. As soon as she’d tucked those terrifying needle-like teeth away. Now she just looked…
Proud. Proud, and fond, and so, so sad. Like Alfred had been the first time he presented Jason with his very own Robin suit for the field.
It choked something inside Jason just a little, made his throat tight and breath hitch.
“You are so much more than anyone gives you credit for, Jason Todd,” she said softly, her sclera softening briefly to a bright, sunshine yellow. Like the cape he’d drowned in as a boy flying from her rooftops, “and they all think far better of you than you believe.”
That caught him up for a moment, confusion pulling into the absolute fucking mess of emotions he was pretty sure he was projecting to all and sundry.
Then Danny sighed heavily and draped himself sideways over Jason’s shoulders like a particularly lanky and bony scarf.
“Yeah, yeah, and your ghost mom is fucking terrifying. Did not need that reminder, Ladyship,” he tossed at Lady Gotham with a cheeky wink, effectively steam rolling the tension yet again.
Jason could have kissed him, but from the angle Danny had flopped on, his options were armpit or hip, and neither appealed.
Sassy comebacks, he could handle. Reassurances that people didn’t think he was a complete sack of shit, apparently not.
The whole batfam were just perfect poster kids for mental health, alright?
The Lady herself laughed softly and inclined her head, not arguing the point.
“Of course. Still, I am sorry Jason.”
He cut her off this time, raising both hands and stopping just short of reaching for the back of his neck again, which was about where Danny’s waist was sat.
“Don’t be. I… think I needed to be knocked out of my head there. I really do feel better now,” he added, and Danny huffed a noncommittal noise and ruffled his hair.
“Yeah, well. You’re allowed to be pissed about it,” Danny informed him like he wasn’t sure if Jason actually knew that.
Which, obviously, Jason absolutely wasn’t. He had a pit ghost baby to teach good habits to, and Danny still had no idea what Jason was like when he actually lost control of the anger. But he could appreciate the sentiment.
And deflect like a Robin.
“Oh, is that a royal decree?” He asked archly, and while this noise was no more coherent than the last it was decidedly more whiny and drawn out into wordless protest.
Which still ended in a very quiet “yes.”
Luckily, quiet enough that Jason could pretend he didn’t hear it.
“Anyway, I’m good. Still gonna kick this thing’s ass for messing with my head, and maybe put it in a blender, but for now I’m good. Chill vibes only for Pitty,” he added with a roll of his eyes when Danny made a confused little chirping sound.
Lady Gotham chuckled softly to herself and nodded, resettling herself to recline on her smog clouds once more.
“Indeed. You currently have more pressing concerns; as little as I enjoy the present situation, it can wait. The Curse and I can monitor this new being’s behaviour through the rogues it has affected; they are noticeably becoming more violent, while the Curse is swaying the rest towards being less. For contrast,” she added before Jason could ask.
Which… might actually explain why Riddler had tossed a broken game box at Croc and the Wayne gala rather than trying to fix it. He’d stripped most of the interesting stuff according to Tim’s report, sure, but Nygma never let a thread go.
So he wasn’t gonna be on this new bad guy’s kill list.
Nor would Waylon, and Harley had been more destructive than homicidal for years. Already making a mental list on the events he’d caught wind of in the last few weeks, Jason didn’t even realise the conversation had moved on without him until Danny stuck a wet finger in his ear.
“What the actual fuck!” Jason demanded, trying to shrug the ghost off his shoulders. And while there was deadass no weight to Danny in this form, it was frankly unfair that he just rolled with the movement like he also didn’t have bones, snickering.
“You had Resting Bat Face,” he explained with a grin, twisting upwards to look down at him in a way that actually really shouldn’t have been doable with a human spine - and Jason had grown up around Dick Grayson, who ran the limit of everything a human spine was capable of.
“He does best with a problem to solve,” Lady Gotham noted with a sly amusement. “This one, however, has no time limit as yet. If I thought you would listen, I would have insisted on telling you at a later date.”
And that was just pointed enough that Jason rolled his eyes, feeling his cheeks flush in spite of himself. He just… liked to have all of the information. It’s not like he was Bruce.
“Yeah, well, I like to know what I’m dealing with,” he grumbled, folding his arms and scowling at Danny. Who grinned back and ruffled his hair.
“Well, either way. Not like you need to pull the spandex back on imminently, right? There’s plenty of bats around,” he offered hopefully, and Jason felt a quick pang.
Danny… really didn’t want him to have to be a vigilante. He could taste it in the hope, in the worry, in everything his king was putting off. For some reason, he seemed to think Jason had come back to life and left the masks behind.
Like he hadn’t even thought about why Jason was still in fighting shape to be his fucking knight in the first place.
He knew he’d be annoyed if it was anyone else trying to insist he stay out of the game. He’d shot at Dick more than once for suggesting he go home when he was injured; the rest knew better than to say a word.
He hadn’t even considered giving up the vigilante life when he came back from the dead… except that brief period when he’d sort of been a rogue. He’d never even been a normal crime lord, most of them were way less hands on.
If he looked at the future now, he couldn’t imagine ever giving it up. The rogues would apparently literally always be a problem; the city would always need protectors.
That thought had never made him sad before, and yet…
Was it really the first time anyone had suggested he’d done enough? He’d died, and sure Jason was back now, but Danny seemed to really, actually believe he could stop wearing the mask.
That he’d given enough, given everything, and could and should just have a peaceful life now.
It made him almost ashamed to admit that he’d never even considered the possibility.
For all Jason railed against teen heroes, he’d only stopped being one for a temporary villain arc. Which was apparently at least partially supernaturally motivated, which was fun.
It’d shut Bruce up if Jason ever dragged that out in an argument, but Bruce already thought Jason was too volatile and susceptible to being controlled. Never mind that he hadn’t actually killed the Joker and started the apocalypse or whatever, all Bruce would hear was “someone else made Jason a villain so it could happen again”.
He’d probably try and take Jason off the case of this mystic whatever that was feeding on death. Fuck that noise. Until Bruce got a face to face with Lady G, Jason probably wouldn’t even tell him the details.
(Honestly, if there was even half a chance of avoiding that subject altogether, he’d take it. Bruce got ornery about magic in his city in a way none of the Robins had ever enjoyed dealing with, and that had been back when he and Jason had a good relationship.
Now… well, Constantine had been sticking around, so hopefully he could handle that mess and Jason could just get the actual work done.)
He gave Danny his best reassuring smile anyway, rolling his eyes and reaching to try and ruffle his hair. Found that he actually couldn’t quite reach with the way Danny was twisted around him, which was kinda weird.
“Yeah, yeah, I heard Frostbite. Side effects of the forming core could be pretty much fucking anything, and til Pitty pops out I’m not even gonna do research on anything that’ll set us off.”
Which wasn’t the same as saying he wouldn’t start the case. He could arrange what he already knew, start a plan of action, and organise his next steps without doing any additional research, after all.
Something about Lady Gotham’s delicately arching eyebrow let him know that she, at least, was onto his bullshit. Lucky for Jason, Danny just accepted the words, grinning and twisting around to wrap his whole head in a hug.
And then flowed back off his shoulders like a fucking liquid before Jason could worry about having to breathe.
“That’s great! Oh, and we should set up your haunt too! That’ll help!” Danny enthused brightly, clapping his hands and doing his best impression of a totally solid human that was apparently not his default.
Maybe it was a ghost thing.
Just so long as he never did it in human form, Jason could ignore that he definitely shoulda felt a ribcage being squeezed like that…
And no, Jason absolutely wasn’t wondering about what else Danny could use that noodley flexibility for. Totally not letting Dick know either… for competitive gymnast reasons, definitely.
No one wanted to deal with that.
And then his brain fizzled to a halt as Danny’s actual words penetrated and a sliver of concern slipped in.
Because… yeah. They’d talked about haunts. It was practically the first topic on the list; what to do in someone else’s haunt, what to never ever do even near someone else’s haunt, what a haunt meant to a ghost.
It was soul-underwear again, one of the most sacred parts of a person’s soul; their truest, actual home. Fortress and power source.
Halfas had to have them too, since Danny and Frostbite had both insisted that keeping and maintaining his haunt were going to be vital to his health while his cores stabilized. As in, Frostbite told him not to leave it for long and suggested redecorating as a soothing activity.
(Danny’s was officially Amity Park, which had not escaped Jason’s notice when he was apparently being put on haunt-arrest. It might have been an older halfa thing; very few ghosts actually stayed in their haunts all the time, although Jason could see the temptation.
It also might have been something else, and Jason had this thing about secrets and surprises down the line. He’d ask later, if he couldn’t work it out himself.)
Danny called Crime Alley Jason’s haunt, and that had felt right from the first time he’d said it. Crime Alley was his, his territory, his space, his home more than anywhere else. He knew it inside and out, could feel its moods and taste the changes in the air when something went wrong.
Baby ghosts usually couldn’t claim a haunt of any size as their own, but Jason knew that the Alley belonged to him.
That was before he’d met Lady Gotham. And if she was the spirit of the whole city… maybe he’d been wrong? Maybe it was just through her that he knew it so well?
He found himself looking to her uncertainly, searching her face in case there was any trace of displeasure. Any sign she didn’t want another ghost’s haunt in… well, what was kinda her physical body.
He couldn’t see or feel anything, but when she’d already been so careful about keeping her feelings her own… no better time to ask, really.
“Yeah… about that…” this time he did scratch the back of his neck, Danny safely down beside him. Which was about when he realized that he had no clue how to word the question.
Haunts were personal, he knew that much.
Then again, Lady Gotham said she was his ghost-mom. That had to include stupid questions. Blunt it was.
“Is it weird if I have a haunt in the city? I mean, it’s obviously your city, duh, but how do I… it feels like I’m squatting in your closet,” he said finally, giving up on not being just the most awkward creature in a thousand mile radius.
Danny’s mouth opened and closed a few times, excitement fading to a confused fascination as his words sunk in.
“Y’know, that’s a really good point… except it’s more like he’s squatting in your kidneys,” he pointed out to Lady Gotham, turning to face her too.
Lady Gotham chuckled softly and took a slow drag from her traffic cone, which had almost stopped smoking.
“Ah, I forget the limitations of a halfa’s knowledge… all ghosts begin with a haunt within their parent’s, Jason. From the moment you returned to my arms I opened up the Alley for you, and it has been yours ever since.” She paused to blow out a long plume of smog, which shaped itself into a tiny row of very familiar buildings.
Jason didn’t have to see more than a couple to know what they were; he could feel it right down to his core.
“When you are older, stronger, you may desire another, although being in the mortal world is already a degree of distance, but Crime Alley will always be your first,” Lady Gotham continued as Crime Alley bloomed from the smog before them, tiny and yet more than just an image, more than just a replica; the real thing in the scope of her power.
There were no lights in tiny windows, nothing moving through the smog, and yet it was still clearly alive. No, filled with things that were alive, people and noise and even the rats.
And it was his. His beating heart.
Lady Gotham’s smile was a tender beacon in the fog, her hands coming up to caress the smoking Crime Alley and gently waft it in his direction.
“Every crumbling brick, every pothole, every shadow. It is a heavy responsibility, and one I shall share with you until you decide you no longer need my help, but it will always be yours, Jason. It would not have accepted anyone else.”
The cluster of smoggy buildings fell apart as they reached Jason and for a moment he nearly panicked trying to keep them together, but… he was suddenly washed in a wave of old, familiar scent.
Not the burned rubber and pollution of all the rest of the smogs, the constant smell of the city. This was… floral. Soft, and sweet, and chemical in the way that cheap perfumes always were because they couldn’t have afforded the good ones.
Watered down, because they could get even that so rarely that she would begin refilling the bottle with water when it was barely half empty. Catherine Todd’s favourite perfume.
It hadn’t covered the stink of cigarettes and worse coming from the very walls of their apartment; he’d only smelled it when she was holding him close. Shielding him from Willis’s rage, tucking him into bed, cuddled up on the couch to wait out the rain or sickness.
The smell of home.
It brought tears to his eyes, the pressure of the day threatening to spill over and overwhelm him again.
Intellectually, it felt like another moment that should have been terrifying. More than any show of teeth, this was her strength. Who and what she was, she could break him with a wave of her hand, a wisp of smoke, and yet…
He felt warm. Comforted. Wrapped in her smile and at peace in a way he hadn’t in… fuck it had been years.
There was something else too, a layer under the flowers that only the deepest detective-trained parts of him tried to pluck apart; it was part of the home smell, inextricable, but it didn’t make sense. Wasn’t the perfume. Just the very faintest hint of baking far away, and Catherine Todd had never been able to afford…
Of course not. Because Catherine Todd, his mother in every possible sense of the word but one, had never met Alfred.
So, the good news: Tucker was currently in the lead for Spiderheck. Bad news: they’d finished the first set (Tim won, but he’d been two ahead from the start which was cheating), and… the game had ticked directly over into another set.
They hadn’t been planning on changing any settings, so it was fine, and Conner and Tim hadn’t noticed anything wrong.
But… Tucker was beginning to worry, just a little. He’d done video games before, with Danny and Sam; no worries, they’d taken a turn directly in pretty much every game they’d played together.
Just, y’know, he knew Danny and Sam really well. And Tim and Conner were really cool, and he understood a lot more about how the Supers worked than he ever had before? But, maybe that was why he’d kinda screwed up.
Because he wanted things to be fair, and didn’t want them to think he’d given himself extra advantages. So they were all spiders, all the same.
And he wasn’t completely sure where the meta controls were?
Danny and Sam always insisted he have a version of the controller somewhere, so they could flick to the menu (and sometimes run riot there too). Last time they did Spiderheck, he’d put the buttons on his stomach, so Danny and Sam could try and hit them for an extra level of difficulty.
But he wanted to be fair. Didn’t want extra powers. And, apparently, technopathy had sorta maybe converted that wish into him not being able to feel it while he was spidered up.
All his combat moves were fine! The break, grab, web commands were smooth and easy, just like every other time he did them. Different attacks, no worries. And, obviously, he hadn’t stood still and tried to look for the code, because they were playing Spiderheck and that was a really easy way to get wiped.
Dodging another swinging attack from Tim, he scuttled at top speed across the platform and jumped behind a box. No weapons here, and he scanned quickly for the next spawn point.
Which, normally, shoulda shown up on two levels; the normal game vision, and the white lined underlay of the code, which he could always see through from top to bottom of the level.
(This was usually an active impediment rather than an advantage in Spiderheck; it was way too hard to know what he could stand on.)
He couldn’t see one, just the platform above and the wall behind.
Maybe he should take an early death, just to give himself a little time to work this out. Just so he could stop worrying. He was 21, he’d had these powers for years, he totally knew how they worked by now.
He just, maybe, might have gotten overconfident.
Danny would never let him live it down if they all had to be rescued from Spiderheck.
And, way more importantly, Tim Drake-Wayne and his super hot boyfriend would only remember him as the loser who couldn’t even control his powers.
Nope. Absolutely not.
A loud buzzing heralded the arrival of one of the spinning laser traps, and Tucker made up his mind. Just one early death. No worries. He had a two win lead, and honestly he’d rather lose the set than admit he’d fucked up.
Scuttling “away” from Tim’s probable next attack, Tucker scurried into the path of the spinning laser trap.
And saw, at the very last second, Conner swinging in from the other side, directly into a laser.
Sam was comfortably snuggled down into her pillows and thoroughly enjoying the chaos her new chat was creating when she finally heard the door. A little too buried to easily get up, or look particularly graceful doing it, so instead she stuck a hand straight up into the air.
“In here, love!”
And, like the angel of mercy that she was, Val only made her wait ten minutes to get out of all of her winter gear and put the kettle on before coming to save her from her fate.
“Not the fastest rescue I’ve received,” Sam teased, even as Val hauled her easily to her feet. Val grinned back and pulled her in for a quick peck.
“I wasn’t aware I was being timed. I can do better.”
“I bet you can,” Sam laughed, draping her arms around her girlfriend’s shoulders. Val gave her another, deeper kiss, then drew back enough to press their foreheads together.
“So, how was Gotham? I saw Danny made the front page,” she teased back, and Sam hesitated.
In amongst all of their various plans for disaster, it hadn’t really come up that whatever they did at the party, it was sure to make the gossip rags. Front page though? That was probably an achievement.
And, given what she herself had done, really annoying.
“What, they gave the front page to him? I blatantly accused at least two CEOs and Lex Luthor of weaponizing misogyny, with citations, and Danny got the front page?” She huffed, drawing back and folding her arms, fully intent on turning away to sulk, but not remotely objecting when Val’s arms snuck around her waist and pulled her back in.
Val’s chin tucked in over her shoulder and the taller woman snickered.
“I know, right? Sadly cold hard facts just fade away in the face of a scandal.” Val sighed dramatically, then dropped a kiss on the side of Sam’s neck. “You’re on page seven. It’s mostly about your parents, but using Lex’s name got a couple other points in. Oh, and Vicki Vale did a three page piece on how Brucie Wayne specifically upholds the patriarchy. I think she quoted you.”
Sam considered that for a moment, her arms automatically coming around to cover Val’s for a brief squeeze. It wasn’t like she’d actually been planning to change anything at the gala. Mostly she’d just wanted to be heard.
It could be an interesting starting point, though. Especially since she got to pick her outfit for the next gala; her mother hadn’t even specified that it had to be a dress on the document, which was definitely a peace offering.
Cass Wayne had looked really good in that suit.
Her cheeks suddenly hot for absolutely no reason, Sam twisted in Val’s arms to kiss her again.
“I’m sorry my mom’s… the worst,” she finished lamely, wrapping her arms around Val again.
The whole fall-from-grace thing may have been seven years ago, and Val had more than moved on, but. Well. Sam didn’t exactly believe all the scars had healed.
Especially when Val stilled for a moment in her arms.
Then she chuckled, wrapping her arms a littler tighter around Sam and lifting her off her feet.
“Hey, at least she’s not actually a bigot. It’s always nicer to be hated personally than in general, y’know?” She teased, echoing something Sam was pretty sure Danny had said to her back in her Phantom-hunting days.
Sam huffed and wrapped her legs around Val’s waist too, raining kisses down on her face.
“Yeah, well, she can still shove it up her ass. You’re my date for the next gala, if you actually want to come.”
Was about when she realized that the next gala was probably going to be extra interesting, after all their shenanigans. Maybe they should have been more discrete? More careful?
Her worry must have shown on her face, because Val gave her a very gentle bounce to shake her out of it.
“Hey. Samantha Manson. I would be delighted to go to the next gala with you, and tell all the little journalists that yeah, I’m that Val,” she said firmly once Sam had refocused on her. Then she grinned. “I’ll even be on my best behaviour and not one up Danny until the second one.”
That made Sam laugh again, hugging on tight even as Val turned and easily carried her through to their little kitchenette and sat her up on one of the counters.
“Hey, did you get that autograph from Harley for me by the way? I wanna send it to my dad for his birthday,” she added, sneaking another kiss and then pulling a pair of mugs next to the steaming kettle.
Sam considered hopping off the counter. Didn’t bother, reaching behind herself instead to pull her favourite tea for the month and drop a bag into her mug.
“Yeah, a couple actually. And she said if we wanna meet Ivy she’ll let us know when they’re back on the west coast, but it won’t be any time soon.” That hadn’t been particularly surprising, but it still made Sam a little sad.
Just another reminder that they were on the outside looking in all the way over here.
Valerie stilled, coming back and resting both hands on Sam’s thighs.
“Do you miss being on the east coast?” She asked quietly, those gorgeous green eyes so large and gentle.
Sam hesitated a moment longer, then sighed and let her head thunk back against the cupboard behind her.
“Honestly, I think I just miss being closer to everyone. It’s not far for Danny with the Zone, but if you or I wanna visit anyone we have to hop on an airplane or spend weeks driving, neither of which are good for the environment. We just… get forgotten out here, stuck out of the loop.”
Val raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face but eyes still soft with understanding.
“Oh, like you’re one to talk. I thought I’d pick up a new phone and rejoin the group chat that day, but suddenly I gotta wait nearly a week for “new secrets”,” she teased and Sam sighed, shaking her head. Not quite able to lift all the way out of her funk.
“Yeah, I know… it probably woulda been fine, Danny shouldn’t have dropped anything at all in the main chat if he didn’t want everyone to see it, I just…”
“Wanted to be more sensitive than he is,” Val finished the sentence, leaning in for another kiss. Not needing to reach up even with Sam sat on the counter. “That’s why I’m still dating you.”
It did pull a smile from Sam anyway and she draped her arms over her girlfriend’s shoulders again.
“For some reason. So, what did you think?”
Val shrugged, her hands sliding up to settle around Sam’s waist.
“About a new halfa? Probably sucks for him. Especially when he’s gotta come out as dead to his family. The Waynes aren’t exactly known for being stable,” she pointed out when Sam snickered.
Which was a fair point.
“They’re actually worse when there’s more of them,” she mused, glancing back towards the bed where she’d left her phone, “and the oldest’s a cop now.”
This time it was Val’s turn to snicker.
“Yeah, I heard. Tuck already sent me the blow by blow of you eviscerating the poor guy.”
Sam preened. Deservedly.
“Hey, you know me, I’m not gonna play nice just cuz I’ve been dragged to some social function.”
The snicker turned to a chuckle as Val leaned in, rubbing their noses together.
“And you know me, baby girl, ACAB all the way, and I still think that should extend to the Justice League. Heard half of Batman Inc also showed up, did you let them have it too?”
“You know I did,” Sam purred, locking her ankles behind Val’s back and nipping playfully at her lower lip. Val laughed, her hands creeping slowly up the small of Sam’s back.
“That’s my little leopard. Tea’s done.” And then, totally unfairly, she reached back with one hand and pulled Sam’s ankles apart, slipping free with a laugh as Sam pouted. “Hey, you’d be more upset if I let it over steep.”
“I can make more tea,” Sam grumbled, finally slipping off the counter, but a rebellious smile made it onto her face anyway. Val toasted her with the french press.
“True that, darling, but I’m not wasting the good coffee beans. Daddy asked me four times if I was sure about taking the train but honestly, he’s a state away now, it’s not worth a flight.”
Setting her teabag aside, Sam squirted in some vanilla agave syrup and took a deep breath. Gotham was fine, but no hotels could match her home tea stash. Not even the Waynes could.
“Beautiful, strong, environmentally conscious, and a Daddy’s girl. How did I land you again?” She asked innocently as Val dropped creamer into her own mug.
“By being all of those but the last one,” Val countered easily, taking a mug and holding an arm out for Sam to tuck under. “Now c’mon, if I’m going to the next gala you need to tell me allllll about a certain cutie Cassandra Wayne,” she cooed, making for their couch.
Sam’s face flushed red and she made to duck away instantly, but those damn vigilante muscles made it so hard.
“Okay, veto, you’re not allowed to do that anymore! My mom is trying to hook me up with her!” Sam did not whine. She. Protested. With dignity. Totally no idea why Val snickered, holding her coffee up and away in her other arm.
“Yeah, that’s the point. How funny would it be if Danny and I both stole a Wayne from you?” She asked with a vicious grin.
Which… did make Sam pause. Because that would be really funny. And Cass would almost certainly be down for it; she wasn’t as loud or attention seeking as any of the boys, but Sam could recognize the wicked gleam in anyones’ eyes when they enjoyed the chaos.
Then she sighed.
“No, we have to be good for the next gala. Otherwise no one’s going to listen to what I actually have to say.”
Val hummed an agreement, guiding her to sit on the plush, well loved cushions. It was an old couch, and a hand-me-down from Sam’s work, but it was just too good to pass up. They could both lie comfortably side by side on the seat, if they snuggled just a little, and the back was wide and plush enough for two throws.
“Okay. The gala after that, then. It’ll make our slow burn long distance romance all the more compelling,” she added when Sam snorted, finally releasing Sam to sink comfortably into oblivion.
Sam swatted at her and put her tea down on the table.
“You’re dreadful. I love you. We’ll ask Cass, lemme just get my phone and I’ll hook you into the group chat with her, Steph, and Babs. They’re Wayne family friends,” she added at Val’s questioning noise, “I haven’t met Babs yet, but Steph is great. You’re gonna love her.”
“Only if we’re going for some three’s company action,” Val snickered as Sam jogged to the bedroom, flipping her girlfriend off as she went.
Jason was quiet as they left the Zone. It wasn’t entirely unexpected, especially after the day he’d had and the emotional whiplash.
Danny was doing his very best not to let it bother him. He remembered the early days of being a halfa, how much he’d second-guessed himself, how much every new change and discovery had rocked his world. And he’d been a teenager, all hormones and fire and energy.
He hadn’t even been dead a month before shit got weird.
Jason was twenty-two, and had already been dead for almost seven years. Danny’d like to think he’d found ways to cope, but seven years in himself he was pretty sure he still hadn’t.
Whatever Jason had dealt with in those six and a half years was being ripped up in front of him day by day.
If there was anything he wanted, anything he needed, Danny would be there for him in a heartbeat. Before he could even have to ask, if possible. Aaaand the only thing he couldn’t do that for was if Jason needed space.
Lady Gotham had been able to open them a portal directly into Jason’s apartment; Danny preferred to aim high enough to miss walls and buildings on the way back, but it was her city. She knew exactly where everything and anything was - the portal had been in the back of Jason’s front door.
Danny totally wasn’t jealous. He could come back out almost at the same place he’d gone in, if he was quick. And he could go intangible anyway.
It was still really cool to watch the city spirit do it, the way the realms opened easily and willingly at her touch. She’d given Jason a token, a coin that had to be at least six hundred years old that showed the city’s skyline. Apparently he could use it to get in touch with her, or get back to the Zone on his own if Danny couldn’t take him.
Danny was fine with that. For sure.
The Infinite Realms were dangerous, but the token should bring him straight to Lady Gotham, in an emergency. And then Danny could follow and find her, and find Jason. It was a super reasonable backup plan.
He still found himself hovering in the doorway, unsure if Jason wanted him to stay or go while the other man shrugged out of his coat, boots, and shoulder holster that Danny had totally missed this entire time. And then walked directly into the bathroom.
Danny hovered a little closer, entirely unknowing what exactly he’d do if Jason was crying. Or screaming. Or beating a hole in the wall away from prying eyes. Or, actually using the bathroom for its intended purpose, apparently.
Because Danny forgot Jason was still in mandatory human form at all times.
He couldn’t hear anything from inside the bathroom with the door shut anyway, not even movement or the sink running. But then again, Jason’s family knew Superman personally. That probably lead to some inside jokes and really specific precautions.
Danny hovered back to the door. Stared around at the incredibly clean, well organized display of video games and weaponry on the walls, the double shelf of books.
This, he was beginning to suspect, was a third, larger, more expensive apartment. The furniture and room layouts were about the same, but he was like 80% sure the apartment they’d played MarioKart in hadn’t had as much stuff.
This one had some dishes waiting by the sink though. Given how well organized everything else was, they stuck out.
Five minutes. Jason was still in the bathroom.
Danny hated waiting. If he was going to stick around, he could justify it by helping out. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work.
Part two imminent! All my love to the tag list, you’ll be following the link on this one so you don’t get both separately
Part 2:
Tag list: @welcometosasakiworld @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop p @mayoota-blog @xysidhe e @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper r @bun-fish @aroranorth-west  @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking g @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor r @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 8 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai @greenpyrowolf f @frivolous-pastel
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