#happy 4th anniversary i guess!!!!!!
prskfancams · 14 days
mizuki 5 few days ago:
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mizuki in the current time:
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(breaking record of being the most liked official jpsekai tweet, under 24 hours too)
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update: first 24-hour metrics for the mizu5 event announcement tweet
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adding in some 4koma pain! Mizuki’s inner dialogue before everything went down
note: this specific 4koma is ‘coincidentally’ numbered 259, which someone else mentioned is the end of niigo (25) [number play wherein after 259 is 260]
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crystallizsch · 1 month
so uhhh this is a redone + extended version on my first ever comic of them bc i saw it being UNEARTHED from the depths and making rounds again for a brief moment ghdslfds
anyways. points at them.
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rayroseu · 7 months
5th Anniversary Diasomnia Crumbs!
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Also WITH THE RAMSHACKLE GHOSTS... I was prepared that they might not be included in this groovy but they're here!! 😭💝✨ They're here and happy with all the faculty members!! I'm!!! I LOVE THIS ARTSTYLY BECAUSE IT MAKES EVERYONE LOOKS SO SOFT,,, Goodbye,,, Yuu found family group picture finally happened,,, I can die in peace 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💝💞💝💖
ALSO Vargas trying to strike his best pose that highlights his flexed muscles brilliantly DESPITE being at the corner of the group pic is everything, PEAK CHARACTER COMPOSITION, he looks so content that hes not even aware that Trein is just so done at him, he barely even smiled lol 🤣
Faculty teachers are so silly this is everything I've ever wanted 😭💝💖💖💝💖💝
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I'd like to remind that in 4th Anniversary, the feast happened as per Crowley's curtesy 🥺 The fact that the catering of the party is focused on meat and Grim is waving a barbecue is a nod to that 😭🙏🏻✨
Also love how Crowleywas in charge of the 4th Anniversary because the 4th year is the last year you'll get while studying in NRC!! So it feels like he's sending us off to an unknown realm or whatever because we're out of candidates to guess who'll be the groovy for 5th Anniversary XD (plspslpslsmeleanoranddawnandbaulcmoncomnonnnkahs)
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Not these bunch having a group pic again halfkwhdkhsj Their poses are so in character XD Of course Vil is still flawless even at the back and Malleus has the most normal pose because he's not accustomed to cameras 🥺✨✨
Hopefully I'm wrong, but I really do hope they do an animated pv for 4th Anniversary as well and not just a call back video for the released cards... 😭😭
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OKAYY NGLL i missed seeing new art of Malleus... I'm so glad he's back 😭😭 and beautiful than ever 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
I love how they drew his lips here!! ✨✨💞💞
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I'm so excited for this to be translated actually 😭😭🙏🏻✨✨ I love more silly stuff from TWST lol
Laughing at this cover though,,, NOT EVERYONE BEING GIVEN TUNA CANS FROM GRIM,,, OMG
Are we finally having the tuna can lore and why its Grim's favourite food this year?? OMGONGDKS😭😭
theyve been highlighting that nowadays... I feel like tuna cans will never be the same once Book7 or 8 even leaks something about Grim 😭😭
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Babes wake up, new diasomnia family photo just dropped ‼️‼️😭😭😭💚💚💚
Lilia is so adorable kahdkhwd Not him holding a can upside down 😭🙏🏻💞💞💞 never stop being silly old man,,, 🥺🥺 💖💖
His :3 is my everything,,, 💞💞🙏🏻🙏🏻💝💝✨✨✨
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loganslowdown4 · 15 days
Happy 4th Appearance Day to Nico 💗
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And happy 4th anniversary to Flirting With Social Anxiety & these 3 dorks too I guess 😂❤️🤍💜
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He’s wearing a flower shirt. And he went to the mall with flowers in his head. And he literally met someone whose last name is FLOWERS. He’s right, the mall literally has everything you want even if you don’t know what you want lmao
OH and I finished Roman’s poem for him…
‘Oh beauteous bard in the court of food-
You’ve got some wicked pins and buttons my dude” 🙂‍↕️😉
Still rooting for you Karrot Kings 🥕👑
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I need to gush about this!!!
This tiny little set up of the 3 of them coming in to take their positions rather than rising up/appearing in their positions as they normally do??
*chefs kiss* 😚😚👌👌
Like the editing is STREAMLINED
And it also implies that when the sides are out with Thomas they’re out until they go back into his head, so when they’re with him they walk with and hang out with him until the problem is solved/growth is achieved
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reccyls · 3 months
Beyond the Merging of Then and Now (Leon story)
Leon's 4th anniversary story sale, where child Leon is brought to the future to meet Emma and current Leon
It was a morning just like any other, and as Leon and I returned together to our room with breakfast... We found a small boy in Leon's room.
Emma & ???: ......
(Black hair and amber eyes... he looks exactly like Leon!)
Leon: Are you--
(Does Leon know him?)
Leon: --Leon Dompteur?
("Leon"!? They do look identical, true... so is this...?)
Young Leon: ...That's right. And you are?
Leon: I'm also Leon. More accurately, an adult version of you.
(...It's something right out of a novel. But seeing it happen right in front of my eyes, I have no choice but to believe it.) (And now that I think about it... I can believe it. This lonely looking boy really does seem to be Leon as a child.)
Young Leon: You're an adult me...? Do you have any proof?
Leon: Proof? Well, you must have already realized, but we look nearly identical. Leon: There is nobody else here who looks like us. After all, isn't that the reason you came here in the first place?
Young Leon: ...I'm the only person left in the whole world who knows "that secret." Young Leon: So you must be telling the truth. And that means... I'm in the future?
(He's able to accept such an unrealistic situation so calmly. I guess Leon is Leon, no matter what age he's at.)
Leon: Seems like it. Ah, one correction, though: I'm not the only one who knows our secret anymore. Leon: Emma here also knows.
Young Leon: ...Who is she?
Leon: Emma is...
Emma: Hi there, Leon. I'm your future self's fiancée.
Young Leon: ...You know everything, and you still want to marry me...?
(He looks like he doesn't believe me. Considering his situation, I suppose I should have expected that.) (But... I've always wanted to meet Leon when he was younger.) (To be there at his side. To support him, to hold him close.) (...So I want him to believe me.)
Emma: I do. Because I love you.
Young Leon: ...
Leon: Leon, your future fiancée is an amazing woman, you know? Your future will be bright, and full of happiness. Leon: Well, that's future talk. For now... how about we go play outside?
Young Leon: I can't. As long as I'm Leon, I have things I need to do.
Leon: But here and now, I'm "Leon". You are just a kid. Leon: And there's only one thing that kids need to do: play and have fun to their heart's content.
(Right, he is just a child...)
Leon: This kind of chance doesn't come around very often. We've got to make the most of it, don't we?
(Leon has never had the chance to be "just a kid".) (And that's why, he wants to give this child version of himself the opportunity he never had.) (So in that case...)
Emma: Hey, why don't we go out and have a picnic together? We can play a lot, and we can enjoy lunch and snacks outside too. Emma: I'll make the best lunch you've ever had. We can have a lot of meat, how does that sound?
Young Leon: Meat...
(Looks like he's interested! One more little push...)
Emma: I'm planning to make some roast beef sandwiches, and some thick cut steaks... Emma: And maybe some stewed meats, and lots of other meat-based dishes too.
Young Leon: ...It sounds tasty...
(Aww, how cute!)
Leon: So we're decided. Leon: Emma's cooking is the best in the world. Look forward to it, Leon.
--scene change, meadow--
Leon: Looks like great weather today. Perfect for a picnic. So, let's start with having some fun.
Young Leon: What things do to have fun?
(Looks like Leon isn't sure what he should be doing.) (But he's fidgeting like he's excited.)
Emma: I found a book that describes a bunch of games we can play outdoors like this. Let's start with reading it together.
Young Leon: ...A book?
Emma: I know you're not great with books. But I'd be very happy if you listened while I read. Emma: So, I'll start now. "There are many games perfect for the outdoors, where you can feel the wind whipping around you..."
Emma: Okay, I'm going to throw this acorn over there. The first person to find it, wins. Everyone ready?
Leon & Young Leon: Yes!
Emma: Ready, set, go!
Leon: I'll be going first.
Young Leon: He's fast... But I can run too...!
(Leon's running with all his might, and little Leon is too!) (I can't let them show me up, I've got to step it up too!)
(...I'm... so tired..........)
Leon: Well, it's about time for lunch. I'm eager to try what Emma's made for today.
Young Leon: Me too... I'm hungry too.
Emma: I've unpacked everything, so come on and sit.
Leon: Everything looks delicious. That's my Emma.
Young Leon: .......I can really eat this?
Emma: Of course! I made enough for all of us.
Young Leon: Thank you. .....It's really good. It really is the best in the world.
(His eyes are sparkling... I'm feeling a little embarrassed.)
Leon: Told you. Everything's delicious, but this one especially. It's definitely my favorite.
Young Leon: Hey, I wanted that! ...You eat too much, Leon. Young Leon: And... you're more childish than I thought you would be. Young Leon: I always thought that "Leon" should be really mature...
Leon: Yeah. I thought the same. However... I'm really happy about being childish.
(Because Leon can be his true self. I'm glad.)
Young Leon: ...Why?
Leon: You'll understand one day. When you meet Emma in your world, and fall in love.
(Leon looks so gentle right now.)
Young Leon: Okay... Well, whatever. Anyway, that flower...
(Why did he suddenly stand up? Hm?) (....My head? Aw, he tucked it into my hair!) (What a lovely gift. Leon really is Leon, after all.)
Leon: Heh, trying to steal Emma from me? Looks like I can't let my guard down even around myself.
Young Leon: I'm not trying to steal her. You look after my future self, right? Young Leon: I just want to say thank you... I thought the flower would look nice with your hair...
(Oh my gosh, how adorable...!)
--scene change, leon's room, sunset--
Leon: And to bed now... there we go.
Emma: He really is sleeping deeply. He probably isn't going to wake up until next morning.
Leon: I've never played this much when I was young. It probably tired him out.
Emma: He's so cute... He seems a lot more mature when he's awake, but he is much more relaxed when he's asleep.
Leon: It's because you accept him as he is. Leon: He can relax because he doesn't have to put up his guard around you. I know, because I'm him. Thank you for today.
Emma: Don't thank me, it's something I'm happy to do. He is you, after all. Emma: ...I've always wanted to meet you when you were younger. Emma: So I'm very happy he's here today.
(...You aren't alone anymore, little Leon. Leon and I are both here for you.) (So be an ordinary child. Be yourself.)
As I stroked his hair, hoping to convey to him my feelings, his little body curled closer towards mine.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 month
Choose Your True Love - Keith Howell (part 4/4)
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This is the from the 4th anniversary event.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. 
(—I didn’t expect this)
Alter!Keith: You don’t even look sleepy.
Emma: You’ll be surprised by how gutsy I can be.
Alter!Keith: So you’re saying you didn’t cry during the fight or when people were hurling insults?
Emma: Well…I wouldn’t say cry, but rather, I’ve gotten so angry I thought I’d explode.
Alter!Keith: Wish I did something about that. Would’ve been interesting to see you rage.
Moonlight dimly lit the room.
Prince Keith was sitting on my bed, staring down at me as I lay on my bed.
The way it felt like he was watching my every move made me so nervous, I wondered if he could hear my heart beating. 
Alter!Keith: … Sorry.
(...For what happened back at the estate, I’m guessing)
(I have a feeling he’s not used to apologizing)
The way he awkwardly looked away was so different from how cold he was toward the nobles. I felt some sort of adoration.
Emma: Just words?
Alter!Keith: Is there something you want?
Emma: I want you to sleep.
Alter!Keith: You’re still worried about these dark circles? Too bad I’m not feeling sleepy.
Emma: You might fall asleep if you just close your eyes.
Alter!Keith: I’m still not done dealing with those people, so there’ll be trouble if he comes to the front. …Well, causing trouble would be convenient for me.
Prince Keith snickered at that and I couldn’t sense his true intentions.
Suddenly, everything that happened today flashed before my eyes.
(Wicked Prince Keith didn’t have any obligation to put so much effort into taking over government affairs and work)
(The reason why he does what he does is for the sake of the nice Prince Keith)
(So much more than I could ever imagine…He only lives for the nice Prince Keith)
(Probably never for himself)
I tried to hold back the tears that started to well up as I continued to think about how he supported the nice Prince Keith all by himself, without anyone being aware.
(I’m frustrated by the fact that I can’t do anything to help, even when I’m right beside him)
(But I don’t want to keep being someone that can’t do anything)
Alter!Keith: Hm?
I sat up on the bed and turned toward him.
I then gently placed my hands over Prince Keith’s ears.
Alter!Keith: What are you doing?
Emma: Warming your ears can help you calm down and relax. There’s too many unpleasant feelings today and I want to make them go away. …Please let me at least do this.
(I want to help lift this burden, even if it’s just for now)
Alter!Keith: …
Prince Keith’s sigh melted into the dimly lit room.
Seeing the somewhat vulnerable look on his face after he released his pent- up emotions loosened the strings tightened around my heart.
Alter!Keith: That guy’s future fiancee sure is softhearted.
Emma: …How did you know?
Alter!Keith: You don’t look like the type to invite someone else to your room when you’re engaged.
A bony finger traced over the engagement ring on my finger that had two jade stones of different colors.
Alter!Keith: If you really are his fiancee in the future… Is that guy finally smiling?
(...This was what he wanted to ask back in the study)
Though he asked nonchalantly, there was an underlying desire in his voice.
Emma: …Yes, he’s smiling. So, so much. Every day, from morning to night, he’ll smile on various occasions. Whenever our eyes meet or we pass by each other, the smiles reach his eyes…Ah, when we made sweets the other day, I got so shy with how much he smiled. It was so cute… And before we sleep—mmph.
Alter!Keith: I didn’t tell you to gush about it.
(Hmm, I was doing that)
I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth.
Alter!Keith: Well it sounds like he’s happy…else there’d be no point in me being around. … That guy came back.
Emma: Even you smile just as much as him.
Alter!Keith: Huh…me?
Emma: Of course.
Alter!Keith: What…I didn’t disappear?
(Ah, I thought so)
~~ Flashback ~~
Alter!Keith: Haha, so I played with you in the future? Well, you do look gullible.
~~ End flashback ~~
(It’s been on his mind this whole time)
(The way he said it, he assumed he didn’t exist anymore in the future)
Since his very existence was supposed to be impossible, it’s only natural for him to think that way.
(But I don’t want him to assume that)
(I want Prince Keith of the past to know he has a future)
Emma: In the future, I’m engaged to both Prince Keiths. I love you both and you’re both more important to me than anything else.
Alter!Keith: …
Emma: That’s why I don’t want you to think you’re someone that will disappear. I won’t let you think that. I want you to remember that the both of you will be loved by a stubborn, greedy woman.
When I loosely laced my fingers with his, he awkwardly responded back.
It looked like he believed me.
Emma: I’m still new to it, so there’s only so much I can do to help you. But I definitely will become a strong woman who can support you.
Alter!Keith: You’ve already done enough. Actually, I… Your words saved me.
The last time I saw Prince Keith, he looked childish and at peace.
(Mmm…I’m in…)
Instead of moonlight, it was sunlight that streamed into the room through the windows. I squinted at the brightness.
When I sat up and looked around, I found myself in Prince Keith’s room.
(Everything that just happened was all a dream)
(It was a pretty realistic dream…my heart still aches a bit)
Alter!Keith: Thought you weren’t in your own room. You were here instead.
Emma: Ah…Prince Keith.
(Oh yeah. I was waiting for him in his room as he finished his official duties)
Alter!Keith: …
(What’s wrong?)
When Prince Keith came into the room, he immediately made his way toward me and sat on the bed.
He awkwardly patted my head.
Alter!Keith: You look like you wanna cry.
Emma: Ah…Well, I was remembering the dream I had.
Alter!Keith: …That so. Then nothing happened to you.
Emma: Sorry for worrying you.
Alter!Keith: Not forgiven.
Emma: Eep!
After nipping my neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist.
The pain in my chest faded away as he patted my back, similar to the way one would when comforting a child.
(Back then and now, Prince Keith’s kindness never changed)
Emma: Um, so your official duties…?
Alter!Keith: I’m done with them.
Emma: You finished pretty early today.
Alter!Keith: More precisely, I put an end to it. Wanted to spend time with you. Since it’s your day off, there’s no point in my working that hard in the first place.
(You say that, but I know you do your job perfectly)
(...So you want to spend time with me?)
Emma: Mnn…
He tilted my chin and captured my lips with his.
It felt a surge of happiness with love from our repeated touches.
We stared at each other and when I kissed him, he pushed me down onto the bed.
(Wicked Prince Keith has things he wants to do for himself now)
(Use his time for himself, and not for the sake of someone else)
Warmth spread in my chest.
(I want this to keep being the norm for him)
With that wish, I hugged my lover tightly.
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mai-mai-lim · 3 months
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(You look, different. You ARE different. Are you... me in a distant universe?) "I guess. Could ask the same about you. All I see is that we just happen to use a specific name."
So i lied. i thought im skipping this year's THSC anniversary but i happen to have another idea (not the idea i mentioned in my rambles im keeping that for next time) and i thought to whip it up quick with the canon guy and my super oc-fied henry.
Never would I thought to liking a game series about sticks for almost 4 years, kind of, i wasnt too active in the fandom until early 2023 cause i mainly focus on crossovers interactions for myself lel
but coming full on back and staying in the fandom is a decision that i wont regret, cause this fandom, especially here, is how i met my closest friends in recent times, i made a fandom OC that people like, and its also where im comfortable to show my headcanons
Thank you to the community for all the works ya'll made, happy 4th anniversary! <3
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bluetorchsky · 3 months
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"There you are."
Henry Stickmin gasped, looking up from where he had been trying to hide. He turned around, ready to throw a punch at whoever spoke to him but he froze in his spot.
The younger man stepped forward, tilting his head at the thief. "Is something wrong?" He asked, a smile hidden beneath the cloth around his mouth. His eyes were covered with a black mask, a black cloak around his body and a black hat with a wide rim and a red stripe around the top part.
Even in dark alleyway, where the boy casted no shadow unlike himself, Henry was face to face with Anino, Patron to the Devil, ruler of the Underworld. Anino, the right hand man of the Devil and the one to take dead souls back with him underground.
Henry was confused why he was here, pulling the stolen diamond closer to him. Anino saw this and shook his head with a chuckle.
“Henry, I am not here for your diamond. I am here for something else.” The boy’s youthful voice startled Henry, but so did the fact that he knew his name. Seeing his expression, the patron clarified. “All the deities are aware of who you are, Henry. Your deity has made them aware of you and your special powers. The other Patrons were told to keep a look out for you, so that we may not interfere with your choices.”
Henry looked down with a frown, his eyes catching the symbol on the back of his right hand. A four-pointed star that always reminded him of a destiny he never chose. And yet, he was given the powers to alter the timelines, see the possibilities, and finalize the choices he made. How ironic.
He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the soul seeker shuffle and sit down next to him. He took off his right glove and pulled down the cloth covering his mouth. “I’m guessing your last choice sealed your fate, huh?”
Henry nodded, not making eye contact with the other. Anino let out a thoughtful hum before he waved his right hand over his eyes, his mask dissolving into shadow flames. Now Henry could see the bright, calm brown eyes of the boy.
“You…are so young…” Henry whispered, bringing his knees closer together.
“Eh, I don’t feel that young actually.” He said with a dry chuckle. “Still, doing this since I was ten was a big change for me. It’s been…interesting to say the least.”
The boy waved his hand over the floor and a small shadowy portal appeared. He reached in, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he reached further in before smiling. The soul seeker sat back up and pulled his right hand out to reveal-
“Cake?” Henry asked, his dull grey eyes widening. “But, why?”
“My birthday is tomorrow, but my mom made too much cake.” The teen said with a chuckle. “I’ve been trying to get rid of a decent amount, so that there is still enough left for me. And, it is your birthday today, isn’t it?”
The thief let go of one knee and reached into his work out jacket, feeling the birthday coupon he had been given at the grocery store.
“Yeah…my birthday…” He murmured, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. He stopped when he saw the small flame of a candle, burning brightly in dark alleyway.
“Then Happy Birthday, Henry Stickmin.” Anino said with a smile. “I think you could use one of these moments once in a while, no?”
The thief stayed silent but after a moment, he looked back up and smiled at the other boy.
“Yeah…thank you…um…”
“Daniel. You can call me Daniel.”
“Daniel…Thank you.”
Happy 4th Anniversary CTM! I know this scene takes place after Stealing the Diamond technically (Anino is going to find Johnny’s soul after), but I also wanted to showcase that Daniel’s birthday is tomorrow, the same date as mine. I just figured to combine both events together, hehe.
There is not a lot I can say that I hadn’t said last year, but I just want to say thank you again to everyone in the community and fandom, for making this series as great as it is! Y’all are wonderful people!
Sorry if it’s kind of hasty, but just getting this posted before work so you know how it is. Lore stuff in the story will be expanded upon some time in the future.
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drkmgs · 2 years
It had my heartbroken 3
Wednesday Addams x Reader Weems
Warning: not sure if there's any...
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
I didn't plan to write a part 3 for this one, but I guess here we are. Thank you for reading this story and have fun! :)
I think this is the longest part 3 that I ever wrote...
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The moment you vanished from their hug, you found yourself waking up to the sun toasting you, looking around to only find sand. The sand was everywhere. You don't remember how you got there and why you were there, but you had this feeling inside of you, it's something like longing for something or someone. So, you stood up and headed straight ahead, with no destination in your head but just walk until you find what you were looking for.
After what happened in that little garden, Wednesday Addams and Principal Weems seemed to get along better than before. They stopped bickering and settled with giving each other a nod when they see each other in the halls. Wednesday Addams stayed out of trouble and focused on her studies to become a Botany Professor. Every night since you faded away in her arms, she would serenade the whole school with her cello, the music that came from her balcony had all the students and staff, in awe, they felt her longing for you. Even Principal Weems sobbed one night while she was listening to her play and it made her miss her child more than ever.
You have been walking and walking, you don't know how long you have been in this desert. In this place, it felt like time is non-existence. You're exhausted and collapsed on the sand. You faced the bright sun, trying to even out your breath, you can feel the dryness in your throat and mouth. When a woman's hand with a bottle of water waved it to you, you instantly grabbed it and drank from it. The woman told you to drink slowly and apologized for being late. The woman looked awfully familiar but you couldn't pinpoint who it was, but you had a light feeling towards her. For no apparent reason you started to blabber about your previous life, you talked and talked on autopilot, but your brain right now doesn't recognize any of it and the woman just returns you a smile. A loving smile. The smile that you usually give to people you care about.
Wednesday Addams is still serenading the school every night. Her music does change sometimes. Some have heard her play something frustrating, and maddening, and sometimes it was just pure loneliness. She knew you wouldn't be coming back but her gut is telling her to continue playing her cello every night just in case you were stuck somewhere and needed some guidance to go back to her.
Principal Weems stood in front of your headstone, reading it 100th time now, and would trace the letters. She would whisper in the wind "I love you" and "I miss you" hoping you would hear it, wherever you were.
Happy 4th death anniversary to you.
After drinking your 10th water bottle, you felt yourself being drowsy, your eyes heaving, and you feel everything spinning in your head. The last thing you saw, was the woman smiling at you. Then it was pitch black.
Suddenly, you feel a light thud and sprung up. You looked around, scratching your eyes with your knuckles to get out of your sleepy state, and that's you realized you were in your apartment, in your bedroom, on your bed.
Your crazy dream probably was due to your stress, moving from Seattle to Vermont. You don't know Vermont and never heard of it, but once you read about it, all you could do was think about it. The strangest thing is that the so-called little town Jericho has been in your mind lately, that's why you specifically chose an apartment in that town. It isn't as luxurious as the one you had in Seattle but it felt like home to you, warm and cozy.
Dismissing the entire dream, you got up and headed to the bathroom to get your day started. You don't have to worry about your work, you're a full-time writer and you own a publishing company, which you could manage from where you're right now.
You changed into more cozy clothes and headed to the café, that you saw as you drove past it. The Weathervane. As soon as you enter it, nostalgia hits you, the feeling that you have been here and missed it, was concerning but you couldn't focus on that because your mouth has been watering for a taste of their hot chocolate. You finished your order and settled in one of the booths near the counter, you see all sorts of students wearing the same uniforms.
You're suddenly getting images flashing in your mind, some with voices and some just blurry colors. As it finished, you were already holding your head in your hand, and the barista came to give you, your order and also asked if you were alright. You smiled at him to assure him you were fine and thanked him for bringing your order. You eagerly took the hot chocolate and let the taste bring you back to that nostalgic feeling.
Flashes of images came back again, as you sip some of that hot chocolate, and this time it was more visible — a woman with silver-haired, blue-eyed, and red-painted lipstick stood tall and proud looking down at you with a smile that made your heart melt. The moment you opened your eyes, you had the same smile on your face.
After that delicious breakfast, you head out to the local bookstore. Again, as soon as you enter the shop, you are welcomed with a familiar scent, and now you're convinced you're going insane. You don't know where all these memories are coming from and why they're showing up.
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard the front door open, signaling someone else entered the shop. You didn't bother to look and continued your book browsing through the shelves when the person walked past by. Her scent filled your lungs — lavender and woods. The scent was oddly familiar, like you have smelled it before, the name and the face was at the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't recalled in that moment.
Later that night, you couldn't sleep. You tried everything to fall asleep, but nothing helped. So, you decided to sit out in your balcony. The scenery was beautiful. Dark blue sky, shimmering stars and the bright moon. You suddenly hear a faint cello sounds, starting to play. You look around where it could be, it wasn't somewhere near you, it was much further.
Then it clicked. The Academy. It's coming from there.
A couple of months passed by. You're now standing in front of two big doors.
Principal Weems.
It says. How long has it been since you saw this lovely woman? How long has it been when you found out about your past life? Those memories. You had a choice, either face them or forget them. It's clear which one you chose.
Two knocks
Come in! Please take a seat. I heard you're applying for the botany position-
She didn't change at all. She's still the intimidating, adorable and sophisticated principal, but older. You couldn't help but smile.
How have you been, Mom?
You saw how fast her head snapped up and how she's not taking her eyes off you. You know, she's waiting for something to happen but nothing happened.
Principal Weems-
As soon as you heard that voice, you didn't hesitate to turn around and greet the person.
Hi, my love.
You see her froze and progressing everything in front of her. You gave her a minute, but you couldn't help it anymore and threw yourself onto her. Only when she inhaled your scent, that's when she realized it is really you.
You're back?
I am. I heard your nightly serenading.
I- Please elaborate how you came back?
Honestly, I don't know. Before I came here, I had no memories about you and mom and everyone. Then all the memories slowly flooded my mind as I stroll around Jericho and everynight as I hear you play your cello.
You pushed slightly away from the hug. You scanned her features, from her eyes to her lips. You tried to fix her bangs as they got messed up because of your sudden embrace. Larissa cleared her throat and got up from her chair, walking towards both of you. She wrapped her arms around both of you, just like in the little garden.
"And that is how your parent came back." Principal Weems whispered as two little girls had their attention to her.
"I miss them." one of the little girls murmured almost falling asleep.
"You'll see them tomorrow, darling. Now both of you go to sleep." Larissa tugged both girls in and kissed them good night on their forehead. After one last look, she silently close the door and went downstairs.
As she make herself comfortable on the couch, her phone rang. She knew who the caller was and sighed.
"Wednesday, darling. Your daughters are fine. They're asleep. Please you're coming home tomorrow. Enjoy your and Y/N's alone time." Larissa sighed because this isn't Wednesday Addams's 10th call for today.
You snorted at your mom's response and told her it was you on the phone and that Wednesday was soundly asleep beside you. That night you talked to her on the phone until it was time to get ready for your flight.
@thedemoninme141 @lecsi @ipharaohosiris @zhasmindoesntknow @daryldixonsw1fe @pixielove-1 @screechcat @myfturn @loekaorlucaidk @bloxiasworld @natashamaximoff69
(I do not know as to why tumblr can't find some of you...)
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nikutsuneart · 2 years
The Sleeping Realm Theory’s 4th Anniversary!!
Hey everyone, I don’t think i’ve ever made a formal post here (on I guess my art account??) about the good ol Sleepy Boy Theory. I figured I might as well with the anniversary but as of today, it’s 4 years old! Where DOES the time go?
A lot has happened since this bad boy (several releases for one and a global pandemic for two), and as the official keeper of the crypt I’d like to thank everyone who has shared their Love and even their Great Distaste for it over the years. It’s wild to think it still lives on as such a footnote in this series’ history that I still saw people seething about it just last week.
It’s been discussed around the world as well as translated into more than one language! It’s a global reach I’ll never fully grasp, a talking point for people I’ll never meet, and it’s something that I’m immensely proud of!
To this day we’ve made points and discussed findings I still don’t see anybody ever talk about, like the kbg world logo or the location of Kairi’s heart. And if that sounds new to you, may I recommend checking it out once more and peeping those cool updates
And for those who don’t wanna sit and read, there’s a mostly up to date video format where me and AuroraPeachy read thru it together!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Anyway all that’s to say happy birthday to what amounts to a kingdom hearts college thesis! Here’s to another year of not being debunked somehow 🥂
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lukkabloom · 3 months
Fun facts abt residents & castle trio according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 7
Episode idk the number but Happy 7th Anniversary Ikevamp!!
(Hoping they don’t private the stream like so many of the other ones)
It’s with Morishin (Sebas’s VA) ONLY so I’m kinda bummed about that… but he always makes every episode chaotic so I guess that’s a plus (no this isn’t Sebas hate)
(The headless Arthur and Vincent in the background I CAN’T HAHAHHA)
This years theme is TABOO so we’re getting gacha & events with these themes :)) in JP at least
So apparently in the Ikesen livestream, on June 3, it was determined that the nickname for Yamada Shiro, the artist for Ikevamp and Ikesen, would be “Shiro-chan” (it’s cute)
Morishin is like “Shiro-chan are you watching??” and then proceeds to worry if it’s appropriate to say that (but everyone in chat just spams “Shiro-chan!!” in the comments)
Morishin touching Leo’s boob mousepad LMAOO (also the fact that apparently he was told in the rehearsal that he was allowed to grope it) → and then told by the comments that maybe he touched it too much
After the ads, Morishin said “... So I was told that I was seen by Shiro-chan..” while groping Leo’s boobs??? HAHAHA 
So the first segment is called “Open the Forbidden Door: Ikevamp Taboo Quiz” where they use the youtube live chat feature to ask the viewers questions & they answer
The first question is [TABOO Level 1] Out of these options, one person is hiding their TABOO… their least favorite food. Which of these people are lying? 1: Charles (likes souffle) 2: Isaac (likes sandwiches) 3: Vincent (likes pancakes) 4: Mozart (likes cookies) WAIT THEY ANSWER VIA IN-GAME VOICE LINESS???
Charles: Things I like? Let’s see…. I like souffles. They’re delicious as a meal or as a dessert, and while we are waiting for them to bake, we can talk a lot with each other.
Isaac: My favorite food? Hmm… If I were to pick one, it'd be sandwiches. I can eat it while I’m reading or doing research.
VIncent: Woahh! It’s a fluffy pancake! Yup, it’s my favorite food! I like eating it with butter. Hey, can I eat these? 
Mozart: Cookies, scones, and the like… How can you eat those foods that get messy and fall apart a lot?
Question 2!! [TABOO Level 10] (the jump from levels what the—) According to the Ikevamp election 2024 “The forbidden couple ~Whose hand will you take tonight?~” Story event (which will be available in the future), which of these kink (?) options are not available in the story? 1: Hypnosis play 2: Honey play 3: Brush play 4: Ice play
(the difficulty level increased suddenly…) the one with the highest vote was the brush play?? (what is that? Don’t answer that pls) But the correct answer was option 1: Hypnosis play
3rd question  [TABOO Level 30] Whose lower abs (iliopsoas muscle) is this? (There’s an image of it) 1: Faust 2: Jean 3: Leonardo 4: Shakespeare
The most voted answer is Leonardo, which was the correct answer (from the 4th anniversary birthday card)
4th question  [TABOO Level 50] Whose xxx (nipple)  is this?? (there’s also an image) 1: Theo 2: Arthur 3: Comte 4: Dazai
The chosen answer was Arthur which was correct!! (image from the 2018 election of Arthur’s sexy wet illustration)
5th question  [TABOO Level 70] According to Sebas’s story on the “7th Anniversary Let’s speed up the main routes campaign” which words can be best replaced as xxx from the original line? The line being “Why is it… that the more you touch me here, xxx” 1: my heart beats rapidly 2: my body becomes hotter 3: you become sweeter?? (idk how to translate this accurately it’s an expression) 4: my dyungyun bangyuns (similar to option 1 but more comical)
The options were more diverse, with 3 being the most popular choice, but 4 being the 3rd most popular choice (darn it). The correct answer is… Numero 3
6th question  [TABOO Level 100] The ultimate forbidden action in ikevamp is, of course, blood-sucking. Listen to this please: (insert audio) Whose sounds was that? 1: Galileo 2: Vlad 3: Napoleon 4: Drake
Galileo got the most votes, and he was the correct answer!!
Morishin as confused that the more the level increased, the more they got the answers correct
Also we’re able to listen to the other options sucking blood (how is this allowed on youtube???)
The next segment is “Hidden Secrets: Taboo Talk” using X (Twitter) they introduce the viewer’s taboo episodes.
Morishin said that it wouldn’t be weird if Comte (or everyone in Ikevamp) would participate in Paris Olympics (happening rn) with their buff bodies HAHA
Next Morishin introduces the different pictures of this campaign where viewers could slide their fingers on screen (on the characters) and remove their clothes /// (again HOW IS THIS AVAILABLE ON YT???)
Now we get to see how people decorate their avatars :)) love the big Moussette one
NEXT!! We get to see amazing fanart with the theme of TABOO!! THEY’RE ALL SO PRETTY & AMAZING I love it when official companies appreciate their creators and communities
In the “I love yu” segment (love that it’s been here since the beginning) 
(it’s only Sebas here so I’ll just have his name once) Sebas: *Hums* Today was such an amazing day. Who would’ve thought that we would be able to go to the beach as a leisure activity? The observation details were everywhere! It was almost too much by myself. As soon as I get out of the bath, I shall start taking notes in my journal. *GASP!!* I felt a signal of wanting to know the contents of my diary!! Are you curious? You want to know, yes? Of course. I’ll go to the center of the bathtub and shout my love of these historical figures.
Arriving at the beach, everyone couldn’t take their eyes off of your figure in a swimsuit, but the ones to take the initiative were Master Arthur and Charles. Because surprise, it was them two who had chosen your swimwear. “You can enjoy the beach to the max with a girl’s swimsuit” is what they said, not even willing to hide their true intentions. The two—as the sexy representation—stared at you in your figure, enjoying the beach to the fullest.
Following them, Masters Napoleon and Isaac took some time walking by the shore. I was watching them from under the parasol, but their figures depicting young love was something out of a drama. Holding your hand tightly as you were blown by the salty winds, showing the future of the cutest love triangle… On which channel could I watch the second episode?? Oh, my apologies.
After the walk, the ones who invited you for lunch were Masters Leonardo and Drake. The large fish that Drake caught was swiftly chopped by Leonardo, completing an exquisite sashimi lunch. Of course, the soy sauce was provided by myself.
After lunch, a drawing event was held by the van Gogh brothers in the sand. The three’s challenging tastes clashed, completing a squid-like product the more you look at it, the more you love. Everyone’s satisfied expressions were brighter than the sunlight in the summer, and is that wholesome moment—allowed to be viewed for free??
After that, you were invited by Dazai-san and Faust to sunbathe, but as soon as I heard that they want to “xxxxxx” you, I, Satou Akihiko, could not stand by and watch! I replied. I stumbled on my words from the aggressiveness, but please understand my consideration. 
Leading you to Master Jean and Shakespeare, the three of you listened to the sound of waves. The three of you shared your own world there—mmm, very romantic. 
When Herr Mozart and Vlad invited you out into the shade, your cheeks were very warm, as if you had a heat stroke. Cooling off in the shade… I would like to experience that as well. I am waiting for your invitation. 
At last, it was dinner time, and you were invited to a seaside restaurant by Comte and Galileo. While you were enjoying the seafood dishes, the two were sipping on their wine. As a historical maniac, the scene was a delicious dish. Sebas can eat much more!!
Of course, I was able to enjoy time with you too. Sitting by the shore, laughing “ahaha, ahaha” and “Hey~you did it,” splashing water together. Your face was glowing with the drops of water, something from a dream. 
When the others are with you, they look so happy. To be able to observe them is something I enjoy. However, there is a side of me that wants to keep you all to yourself. This way of thinking… may be taboo for a butler like me. But it should be okay if it’s something I do in my head. Here, let me think of a confession of love I want to say to you at the beach.
“Even if I know that this is a forbidden love, my feelings for you cannot be stopped. I want to take you to the far ends of the sea, where no one will know of our circumstances. That is how much I love you.”
With this, I, Sebas, will be able to overcome this challenging summer. Well, before we overheat, let’s get out of the bath and start writing in our historical figure journals. The fact that I have this journal is something the others must not know—a taboo. 
AAAND that’s the end of the segment
They have a new PV (yayyyy) and it looks so HOT??? It should be released by the time this post is out
Leo’s sequel will be out this winter (for the JP players)
Lol I literally forgot how much fun I have watching this (as well as how much time it takes to translate this in one session haha)
Also if anyone wants me to translate/want me to expand on more things, I can take things into consideration and (maybe) do it
If anyone got this far, have an amazing rest of your day/night!!
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calmingpi · 4 months
Happy anniversary to calmingpi, i made a calming pie again (this time with more lavender)
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Good news is that it tastes pretty good. Bad news is that i believe i messed up my starch amount, so it's a lot more runny than it was the last time i made this. Its all a process, i suppose. It SHOULD come out not exactly firm, but not liquid either. Kind of pull-apart jammy, i guess
Im afraid im not very good at precise cooking, but its about time i recorded my findings better. So heres my best attempt to write down the calming pie recipe. You know, for science (note: calming properties of said pie are still largely untested)
Bag of frozen blueberries (size big)
Lemon or lime juice (at least 2 shot glasses)
Honey (1/4 of a cup) (for any extra sweetener, use more honey, or white sugar)
Tapioca starch (I used the incorrect amount this time. Learn from my mistake and use about 4 or 5 tablespoons) (you can also use corn or potato starch. Maybe even rice starch. I used potato last time and it worked quite well)
Chamomile tea (2 bags) (get one thats only chamomile. Maybe sleepy time would work? Never tried that one. But i try to keep it just chamomile)
Dried or fresh lavender (I dont know. Eyeball it)
Ground cinnamon (????) (Eyeball it i guess. I put in a puff)
*blueberries, honey, chamomile, and lavender supposedly have calming properties. Starch is to thicken it, juice is for taste, and cinnamon is because blueberry pie apparently has cinnamon usually. And im sure the blueberry pie sparks have a good idea of what theyre doing
Make a pie crust (I used Bob's Red Mill gluten free pie crust mix. It comes with instructions)
Dump all of this into a pot and cook it on the stove at high heat. The blueberries will turn liquid and everything will just come together. Stir frequently. The most important thing is to constantly taste test the mixture to make sure its the right amount of sweet and tangy
I usually only use 1/4th of a cup of honey, which takes a little while to melt, because im of the opinion that blueberries are actually very sweet. The lemon or lime juice should also balance that out, so use less juice and more honey/sugar if you want it sweeter, or the other way around if you want it more tangy
Eventually itll start bubbling like some sort of witch's brew. Leave it like that for a few minutes and stir sometimes. When its been a few minutes, transfer it to a big mixing bowl, and let it cool. Make sure you take the chamomile bags out! They are funny to poke at but not so great to eat
Transfer pie to pie tin (which should already have crust in it), and add more crust to the top. Add an eggwash on it if you want (its just half egg/half water, and honestly it kind of wastes an egg but it does come out a little nicer looking)
Cook at 425°F for roughly an hour. I highly recommend putting a baking pan underneath the pie as its in the oven, because it tends to spill over the top as its cooking
Let it cool, and then eat the thang ding
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missywritesfor7 · 25 days
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 40: One More Thing
Once the guys land in London they hit the ground running with the same momentum they ended the first leg of their tour on. Yoongi didn’t get the time he wanted with Hyeri nor did he get the send off he was expecting, but he’s so busy he hardly has time to think of it. Plus he already spent the entire flight nursing his disappointment and trying to find another way to reveal his specially planned trip to Hyeri.
He came to the conclusion that he would reveal it on their anniversary. In just four days Yoongi and Hyeri would be celebrating their 4th anniversary. With the amount of time they’ve spent apart, and the time they spent hardly on speaking terms with each other, it barely feels like 4 years had passed. They managed to find a small pocket of time to video chat so they could at least tell each other happy anniversary. It’s not the grand reveal he was hoping to give her, but it’s better than nothing.
In their last evening in London Yoongi calls Hyeri excited to see her face appear on his phone screen. Hyeri quickly answers with the same amount of excitement that turns to a big endearing smile once she sees his face.
“Happy anniversary!” She shouts.
“Happy anniversary, babe,” he says mirroring her smile. “I wish we could celebrate together, but I guess it will just have to wait until I get back.”
“Of course!” She says with somehow even more excitement. “And we can celebrate my first hopefully successful fan meet!”
“Yeah? You have a date set now?” He asks feeling proud.
“Yeah! They’re going to announce it soon, but it’s going to be on the same day you guys get back.” Her face glows under the morning sunlight shining through the window. “I know it’s not ideal because I really want to see you when you get home, but if things go as planned I’ll be home only like 2 hours or so after you get back so it’s not so bad.”
“Wow…” Yoongi says trying to hide his slight disappointment. He quickly musters up some enthusiasm while trying to think of how this is going to work with his surprise trip requiring Hyeri to already be at the airport when he and the guys land. “That’s great, babe!”
“I know! I’m so excited! Then after that I’m all yours,” she smiles.
“Yeah, I can’t wait,” he says deciding not to reveal his plan. He’ll need to make some adjustments before telling her about it now.
Instead he made no mention of it and didn’t hint to it in any way. As soon as their call ended Yoongi began looking into altering their plans. The biggest obstacle being him trying to do all of this while keeping up with their busy Europe schedule. Whenever he has a moment and his hands are free he’s trying to figure out how to adjust things as best he can.
Hyeri is so swept up in the continuing popularity of her show that she hardly has time to question Yoongi about the three new swimsuits and lavish new luggage set from Paris that had been delivered to her. She’s been doing shows and interviews left and right, some alone and others with her costars. She and Yoongi are hardly able to talk to one another, but she sees it as an advantage because not only does her busy schedule keep her from being stuck at home missing Yoongi, it also makes time feel like it’s flying.
For Yoongi, time is also flying but he’s not as enthused about it. He can’t seem to talk to Hyeri long enough to tell her about the trip and even worse is he still isn’t sure how to adjust the date of their departure since she has her fan meet. He’s been trying his best but only relying on their shared calendar, he really isn’t sure when would be a good time for them to leave. He’s nervous, for some reason more about this than when he gets on stage. Except their final night.
Their final show in Tokyo. The end of the world tour and, to Yoongi especially, the final night of proving to everyone, including himself, that he can do this. He can stay sober, faithful, and responsible. He’s not anxious about fucking it all up on the final night, he’s anxious about the feeling of succeeding. A nervousness stemming from the unfamiliarity of personal triumph. It’s certainly not his first, but having hit rock bottom, it feels like the first. It’s new. It’s scary. It’s great. It’s paralyzing. It’s freeing. It’s an oxymoronic ball of feelings that come barreling out at the end of the show. He isn’t sure how he held it together on stage, but the second he made it backstage after their encore the flood gates opened. None of the guys questioned it. They all knew why he was crying, and when they were all away from cameras they cried with him. This tour ended in a triumph that so many people will never even realize.
Hyeri is also proud of Yoongi. She couldn’t catch the full livestream of their final show, but she was able to catch the first few songs. As she always does, she sends him a sweet text for him to see after the show when he checks his phone. She still hates that she won’t be home when he gets back the next day, but it only adds to her excitement when she thinks of her first fan meet followed by going home to Yoongi who she’s missed so much. If all goes smoothly she anticipates the day to be amazing.
The response to the announcement of her first fan meet was met with a much larger level of interest than anyone ever imagined. So much larger that they had to implement a lottery system for ticketing. They thought a fan meet of 100 people was reasonable, but they realized they had underestimated Hyeri’s suddenly increased fan base. They opted to do a lottery system and realized they made the right choice when nearly 2,000 people applied.
The lucky 100 have been chosen and wait anxiously to enter the theater where Hyeri’s fan meet will take place. The no phones policy made the event feel even more exclusive which created more and more buzz. That buzz Hyeri feels in her chest as she’s backstage getting ready. She received a message from Yoongi before the guys boarded their flight and then she’s been an anxious mess to this point. She’s never addressed her fans face to face like this by herself. She has a whole show planned with some games and performances of some of her songs that she hasn’t performed in years. There’s a lot for her to be nervous about.
The flight from Tokyo to Seoul isn’t a long one so it almost feels like they’re landing just as soon as they took off. It feels good for them all to be home. Typically they’re exhausted at the end of a tour, but this time mentally they feel relieved. It’s the best feeling coming off of what the rest of the guys thought could possibly be their last tour together, but Yoongi kept his promise and the future is looking amazing to them all.
On the way home Yoongi hears a DJ on the radio talking about Hyeri’s Over the Rainbow fan meet and how some attendees were lined up since early that morning to guarantee first pick at the limited merch being sold there. Yoongi can’t help but flash his gummy smile until his cheeks hurt. He’s proud of himself, but he’s incredibly proud of Hyeri. She’s pushed through a lot of shit to get to where she is and he knows he caused a lot of it. Yet here she is achieving her dreams.
Hyeri has never felt as accomplished as she does right now as she faces 100 of her enthusiastic fans. It wasn’t long into the show before she finally shook her nerves and started feeling more comfortable as she interacted with the crowd. Everyone in attendance received a small gift bag consisting of two exclusive photocards, a rainbow pin, and a bag of skittles that was later used for a game that was essentially a drinking game but with candy.
She hates the feeling when she realizes the show is nearly over. She just has her final speech followed by one more song that she always dedicates to her fans. A song that’s usually done with a full band, but she prepared a softer piano version to perform since she felt it fit the more intimate setting better.
“Wow,” she begins her final address a bit speechless. “I feel so grateful for this time I got to spend with you all! I love you guys so much. Thank you for being here and for staying by my side, whether you were a Onesie from my Two Piece days, or you just got here today, I’m so happy to have you walk this path with me.”
The crowd applauds and cheers their love back at Hyeri. Then a chant of “Rainbow! Rainbow!” began. The small crowd felt like the roar of 1000 to her and she couldn’t help but smile her biggest smile while holding back tears. She tries to continue speaking but the crowd doesn’t let up. They seem to only be getting louder and more animated. She’s near tears when she suddenly feels a presence behind her. She feels her heart skip a beat as she quickly turns around only for her heart to feel like it’s stopped completely.
“Wha?!” She gasps clutching her chest and nearly dropping her microphone. She meets eyes with Yoongi standing 5 feet away holding a bouquet of assorted rainbow colored flowers. “What are you…?”
“Congratulations,” Yoongi says into a microphone that he seemingly pulled from thin air. “On your first fan meet.” He hands her the bouquet as she stands there almost completely paralyzed from the shock of seeing him. Right now. On stage. In front of 100 fans and her behind the scenes content cameras.
“T-thank you,” she stutters with a smile, though she isn’t sure what’s happening right now. The crowd behind her seems to be wondering the same, but they’re excited for whatever it is that has Yoongi unexpectedly appearing before them.
“As a gift,” Yoongi continues into the microphone. “I would like to invite you on a very relaxing 2 week trip to Italy with me.”
The crowd cheers and encourages Hyeri to accept the offer. None of them have any idea what’s really going on, but the ones who are also Army are having the best day of their lives. Hyeri is still frozen in place unsure what to say.
Yoongi lowers the mic wishing she would say something soon before the rest of the blood drains from his body. He knew this was a very bold and risky move that could possibly end in a painful public rejection, but he couldn’t help himself. He tried so hard to think of ways to present this trip to her and somehow this was the idea he went with.
While struggling to adjust their travel plans he decided he would leave things as he originally had them with the exception of the flight time. With a few phone calls and prayers to whatever deity would listen, he changed their flight to later that night, asked her manager to keep her schedule clear the next two weeks, and requested permission to crash her fan meet to surprise her.
When he returned home he immediately began packing both his and her things for the trip. He only needed to swap some of his clothing from the tour and he was set, so he spent most of the time gathering Hyeri’s things. They may not have traveled together before in the 4 years they’ve been together, but he knows her well enough to know the things she likes to have with her when traveling. He packed up her luggage set he bought for her, washed up, picked up the flowers he ordered ahead of time, and headed straight for the theater.
Yoongi arrived just in time to catch the end of her song before she began her final speech. Her manager already let the crew know Yoongi would be arriving and they already had a microphone ready for him. He stood backstage waiting for the perfect opportunity to step out. He nearly missed the chance because he was so enamored by her and the amount of love the fans were showing her. He knew once he stepped out the attention would likely go to him so he wanted her to soak in the pure love for her as long as possible. She deserves every bit of it.
The second he stepped on stage the crowd roared louder and his heart immediately began beating out of his chest. He suddenly felt that maybe this was a mistake. He knows Hyeri wanted to go public in her own way and surprising her like this could easily backfire, but he’s already on stage now. When she turns around and meets his eyes he nearly melts. He’s anxious, infatuated, and terrified all at once.
Hyeri doesn’t want to take too long to answer Yoongi, but she needs a second to think. It’s all so sudden and a bit terrifying. She did say she wanted to wait until after her show premiered, and with the last episode having already aired, now would be the time. But right now? At her fan meet. In front of 100 of her fans. Is this the way it should be done? Yoongi is looking at her with an anxious smile and for some reason it breaks her heart a little. She’s never seen him so scared. So she smiles back at him. The biggest smile she can give him, pressing her eyes into crescents the way that always makes him swoon. In that moment she thought yeah, she’s ready to finally let go.
“Min Yoongi,” she says into the microphone. “I would love to go to Italy with you.” She takes a step closer to him and his anxious smile turn into a very happy gummy smile. “I would go anywhere in this world with you.”
In the boldest move she’s ever done, Hyeri reaches up to caress Yoongi’s cheek, then leans in and gives him a soft lingering kiss. The crowd erupts and Yoongi is sure his heart has exploded. Suddenly the crowd can’t be seen or heard, only the two of them exist in this moment and it feels amazing to them both. They kiss once more before Hyeri realizes she still has one more song to sing. She shyly steps back still smiling from cheek to cheek. Yoongi takes the flowers from her and gives her a nod to close out the show. He steps back to let her have the stage to herself again and watches on from cloud 9.
“Well,” Hyeri says to the wildly electric crowd. “I guess now is time for the final song.”
She takes a deep breath to calm the trembling in her voice from all of this excitement when everyone in the crowd begins raising rainbow colored banners that say “Thank you for being the Rainbow after the storm.”
“Wow,” she says seeing the banners and finger hearts throughout the crowd. She’s nearly brought to tears by the love. Something about them raising these banners right after she just kissed Yoongi in front of everyone makes her feel like maybe she was afraid for nothing. What she thought was the best day ever has truly turned out to be the best day ever. “I think I may need help with this last song,” she giggles feeling overcome with emotion. “I love you all so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You all have made this first fan meet the best and I can’t wait until we do this again!”
Yoongi smiles on as he watches her from backstage. Her final song begins and he gets lost in her voice as she begins singing through all of the emotions she has swirling throughout her body. It’s been such a long, tumultuous, emotional journey and finally for the first time in what feels like an eternity, Hyeri feels like things are finally perfect. With her career and her relationship. If Yoongi were to get down on one knee right now she would marry him immediately.
“I love you!” Hyeri shouts at the end of her song before retreating backstage right into Yoongi’s arms. “And I love you,” she says giving him a kiss. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” he smiles. “Now let’s go, we have a flight to catch.”
“What? Now?”
“Yes now,” he smiles. “Don’t worry, I got everything packed for you already.”
“Really? When? How?” She asks knowing she shouldn’t be surprised by his ability to make things happen with little time.
“I’ll tell you all about it in Sicily.”Yoongi takes her hand and walks her out to his car that’s already loaded with their luggage. He opens the passenger door for her, then runs around and excitedly hops into the drivers seat. “We have one quick stop to make first.”
“Where?” She’s already overwhelmed with joy just seeing him, she isn’t sure how much more he could possibly give her. He starts the car then looks over at her with a big smile.
“You don’t want to fly on an empty stomach, do you?”
Yoongi pulls out of the lot and begins driving to a location Hyeri isn’t sure of at first, but as the ride goes on things start to look familiar to her. He pulls into a lot they’ve seen plenty of times before. A familiar face approaches the car carrying a large white bag. He rolls the window down and greets the elderly lady with a smile.
“You’re the best,” Yoongi says taking the bag from her through the window.
“Enjoy!” The lady says waving to Yoongi and Hyeri as they pull off to their next stop.
“Where are we going now?” Hyeri asks salivating at the smell of what she can only guess is at the very least a steamed bun.
“Ok, so maybe technically it’s two stops,” Yoongi shrugs. “You’ll see.”
As he says that they pull up to the parking garage at the Hybe building. Then it finally clicks in Hyeri’s mind. Many of their early dates consisted of them enjoying a cheat meal of street food in either of their cars at the top level of the parking garage. It was rare for anyone to be parked that high up, so the two of them would eat their assortment of ramen, steamed buns, dumplings, tteokbokki, and sometimes hotteok and talk until they were done eating and had to return to their respective schedules. There was a single spot they would park in because they both agreed it gave them the best view of the stars at night. It became habit to park there even if it were day time, that was their spot. It’s been quite a while since they’ve been there.
“I got you your favorite,” Yoongi says parking the car and reaching over into the bag of food he put in the backseat. “One red bean steamed bun, two veggie dumplings, and a side of ramen.”
“Yoongi,” she says taking the food from him. “Babe…”
“I’m sorry,” he says not letting her finish. “I know you said you wanted to do this your own way, but-“
“It was perfect,” she interrupts.
“What?” He raises his brows in surprise.
“This, everything, is perfect. You made this perfect day even more perfect,” she giggles. “I love you so much.”
“I was afraid you’d be mad,” he says still a little skeptical.
“I told you I would do it when the show aired. You kept your promise, so I’m keeping mine.”
“You’re really ok with me crashing your fan meet?”
Before she can answer, her phone chimes from a text. She tries to ignore it but it chimes again, then again. Then Yoongi’s phone chimes. They both look at their phones to see messages flooding in from people learning the news of their relationship. Most notably their managers who had no idea they were planning this and wish they had given a heads up so they could have had a statement already prepared. Hyeri’s manager is more upset that Yoongi never mentioned he would be doing any of this when he asked for permission to go on stage. The two of them scroll through showing each other the messages they received.
“I think they want us to put out an official statement,” Hyeri laughs.
“How do you want to do it?” Yoongi smirks.
“Let’s be really cheesy,” she giggles childishly.
“Cheesy?” He raises a brow.
“Yeah, fuck it!” She laughs. “Let’s make our statement cheesy then we won’t respond to anyone until we’re back from Italy.”
“I love where your head is,” he laughs in agreement.
After a little discussion they snap a quick photo of themselves holding their hands together to form a heart and post it to instagram with their simple cheesy statement.
Rainbow Suga 🌈🐱
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iheartzgenya · 1 year
Wasted Summers
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Inspired by the song "wasted Summers" by Juju.
Kyojuro Rengoku x F! Reader.
TW: angst, some fluff, bittersweet ending. Short fic!
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"You're the leech, I'm the man. I guess you don't understand."
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She was perfect, but no matter how many missions I took with her. We stayed as friends. No matter how many signs I gave off she stayed the same with me.
I didn't give up, I didn't want to give up.
When my mother was ill, and bedridden. She was there, Y/n L/n. I met her the summer my mother had turned ill. She was the light of my life at the time. I still hope to believe she is.
Even if she likes him more than me.
I believe to treat everyone with respect, no matter how much I try to hate him for taking what I wanted as mine. I couldn't. He was a person I was very close with after all..
Would I fight for her? Yes.
Would I die for her? Most likely.
But would he do those things? Would he do the things I wanted to do with her that I solemnly desire to reach.
My best friend, Uzui Tengen. He already had 3 wives and is looking for a 4th. But why did it have to be her? Why did he lay his eyes on Y/n L/n of all people? My Y/n. His wives were quite fond of her too..
They all say there marriage was by fate. Or destiny.
She wasn't married too them. Not yet at least.. I would hope that she would never get married to him.
So I wouldn't have to watch her walk down the isle but not walking towards me. But towards my best friend.
So I wouldn't have to watch as they shared a kiss and how they would hold each other as it was ment too be.
So my heart wouldn't hurt and my ears wouldn't boom a heartbeat that made even the strongest men cry.
I had fallen in love. A love that wasn't returned and one sided at best.
I would tell myself, I needed to tell her how I really felt and stop putting off. But now I can't usher a word to her. Maybe a couple, "Hello." And "How'd your mission go?". But I can't connect to her like how we did when we were kids. She sticks to my heart like a leech. But I don't stick to hers. We weren't meant for each other. Maybe as platonic soulmates.
But I wanted more, I yearned for what I couldn't have.
All those summers when we were teenagers, training, talking.. Trying to connect with each other.
How she would ruffle my ruby and golden hair when she teased me. How whenever we would spar, I would let her win on purpose or when the day of my mother's anniversary would pass and she would always be there with me. Her shoulder being the one I shed my tears on.
It was wasted. I built our whole relationship hoping for something more but she put up her walls. I won't break them down. She has found happiness with him and his wives.
I should go find mine. Maybe after this mission on the train I will.
Maybe In different life. We could be different, we could be more.
I'll put on a brave face. Just for her.
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HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW LEAKS im crying and throwing up do you think wxs is going to disband what is happening :((((
I’m writing this the day leaks came out but scheduling it to post the day the preview drops. Sorry about the delay in answering.
(Also I won’t talk about any cards outside Emu’s untrained because they don't drop until tomorrow)
First: the title. Our Happy Ending.
I get why this is starting a panic in the fandom especially since the disbanding thing has been teased for a while and we know endings for every unit have been written in advance,
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Emu’s grandad. We know parts of this event will be flashbacks to Emu’s childhood and times with her grandad. And he’s dead. I think the happy ending refers to his passing. Like I would not be surprised if the flashbacks are to him dying and the promise Emu made with him to smile which is shown in Smile of Dreamer. They did it with Nagi which means it’s on the table.
Second. Rui’s idea.
Rui had never had close friends until WxS came along. As curtain call and events since then indicate, he doesn’t want to leave them. I’ve done a few posts on this before and the truth is that he can’t stay with them forever, all of them want different things, and change is natural. I know Pandemonium just gave him some new friends at school but it would feel a bit... Wrong, I guess if they just suddenly snatched WxS away from him following chapter 8 of that event. Also they’re still in school why would the disband when they’re still together unless the writers pull a scholarship for Tsukasa out their asses but it’s been established that he’s behind other actors his age, so if anyone’s getting a scholarship it’s Sakurako. Rui getting one is pretty much off the table as well since he already turned down the offer from Asahi, so after realising that he wants to stay with wxs for as long as possible I think he'd turn down any other offers.
Third. The summary.
Is WxS disbanding.
As I just said, they’re still in school together so there’s literally no reason to have them split unless one of them is forcibly dragged away. One of them needs to be on the anniversary banner and as I posted a few days ago it’s quite likely that the banner will be for Nene. Also they need a vsinger on the vsinger event they’re not getting written out of the story just yet. And Emu needs another birthday card and a mixed event which won’t be until at least October unless she gets back to back events for some reason. Nene will need a mixed event if she doesn't get the anniversary one. Oh and Rui and Tsukasa need their 4th unit events.
Here’s my personal theory for this event and spoilers for a ten year old anime I’m gonna talk about Love Live again (pretty sure I said this already before but oh well). So towards the end of the second season of that anime, the third years get close to graduating and muse have to decide if they want to continue without the third years or end the group there. They ultimately decide to disband once the third years leave because it wouldn’t be the same without them and then they cry about it and basically I think that’s probably what’s gonna happen. They know they can’t stay together but they’ve got a year left and they’re gonna enjoy it. As I said already I think all this stuff about endings and saying goodbye probably refers to Emu grieving her grandfather.
Also Asahi said he’d be back to offer Rui a job again once he’s done with high school isn’t that confirmation enough that we’ve got three years to go?
Also if it was the final wxs event you’d think they’d. Y’know. Mention it. In advance.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
so many cute stuff and works for 627 ( cql 4th anniversary ) and i’m so happy! I can’t possibly repost everything but if you wanna go through the fan works over at weibo then this will help for videos and fan art. expect more as the day goes by, it’s still too early anyway.
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there’s been some nervous energy and negativity in the fandom for the past days and it’s been asked if the cpf’s home is now “broken”— well i guess what’s happening now and how we celebrate 627 is an answer. a lot of us are still as passionate about the boys as individuals and together as ever. not just on weibo. but even on international platforms, we may not all get along. lol. but we’re as loud as we can be, no matter how much other parties feel like we should be silenced.
the 4th anniv is also #19 on the main HS:
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Hui-ge also posted after a long time: ( if you don’t know the relevance of this person / fansite posting, i explained that here. )
“mountains and rivers will always meet each other.”
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Happy 627 everyone! I am so thankful that this fandom exists! ♥️💛💚
P.S: The art I used is from the 627 comic strip by 懊恼刀刀.
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