#happens to everybody right?
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juleshwin · 3 days ago
Ok but Bill Cipher yelling "what!!!" is like such a mood
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scramratz · 4 days ago
I keep having weird dreams and intrusive thoughts about dying lately. Y’all think I’m gonna kick the bucket soon?
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lainalit · 6 months ago
Rhysand Stans: Rhysand doesn't need to inform feyre about her own body because abortion isn't available in prythian
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martyrbat · 1 year ago
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[ID: Bruce Wayne and Minhkhoa Khan breaking up in the rain. Bruce is in normal civilian clothes while Khoa has a white cloak on and a mask that hides his eyes. Khoa persuades, “We'll start in a small city in Southeast Asia, and systematically dismantle its criminal underworld. Out all the corrupt politicians. And then we'll go to the next, and the next. We'll build a high-tech base of operations that moves with us. We'll live well off the coffers of the gangs we dismantle. We'll expand from there. In time, maybe we could even tackle a city like Gotham. Not like boys, but like men at the peak of our skills.��� Bruce simply tells him, “No.” Minhkhoa points an accusatory finger at him as his angry response has been edited to be a post by @/egirlbutternubs that reads, “But babe you love being gaslit.” END ID]
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k3n-dyll · 5 months ago
I know I said I'd be inactive but I gotta rant like I'm at a point of pure rage and I'm not all the way sober rn. As a black woman? I feel betrayed. Like I have no clue why, but for some reason I had faith in y'all to come through and recognize that while Kamala isn't perfect by any means that a Trump presidency would likely mean wraps for all of us, but no. Every. Single. Group managed to fuck up aside from black men and women in this election.
What happens when the internet becomes so overruled with censorship that we can no longer share information about the causes we care about? The police are already over militarized and the oompa loompa that's been put up in office is fully ready to grant them immunity, meaning they would essentially be able to do whatever the fuck they want to us without consequence.
I mean let's be fucking real that immunity is going to affect my community at a disproportionate rate just in case you guys already forgot what those pigs like to do to us. And my community is also that main group of people that is out on the street riding for everybody when there's an issue so what's gonna happen now? Hm?
Black women have been saying for a good while that we should vote for the candidate who will let us keep doing the work we're trying to do. The one that we would be safe protesting and organizing under so that we can make change both in and outside of our community, for example, actually putting third-party candidates in STATE GOVERNMENTS so that when actual viable third parties run, they'll have some chance in the presidential election. Y'know because the Electoral votes and support from state governments are really what matters.
And I say ACTUAL viable third-party candidates because, let's be real once again, half the people who voted for Jill Stein didn't do research on her like they should have. That white lady has been a grifter this isn't news.
It's like...watching people just cling to the idea that some big revolution is going to start within the next year because of this is exhausting, especially when the vast majority of American citizens had not a fucking clue about Palestine, Sudan, or Congo until 2023. Unfortunately for us, this shit takes time and actual irl community building. These election results have only made what would have been difficult nearly impossible because people either want to stand on some moral high ground or for 'tax cuts' that they aren't eligible for because half of you bitches are poor just like the rest of us.
I'm fucking exhausted. My ancestors survived slavery, Jim Crow, red lining - we're still surviving and fighting for justice for victims of police brutality and I am so. Fucking. Tired of surviving shit because y'all can't think critically for two fucking seconds. It's like doing a group project but everyone else has a few pebbles in their skulls knocking around in there instead of brains.
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kacievvbbbb · 8 months ago
I think buggy is just the right side of idiot to demand that they meet the Red Hair pirates in a challenge and base his entire strategy on Mihawk fighting Shanks (and if he’s honest the other heavy hitters as well)
And Mihawk’s just the right side of uncooperative asshole to think it would be hilarious not to mention that he hasn’t fought Shanks for 10 years and has no plans to break that streak now, especially not for the schemes of a clown as buggy is issuing said challenge to the Red Hair Pirates
And Crocodile….crocodile’s just trying figure out how it is exactly that a clown that owed him money and a grown ass, vampire-bat, of a man in his feels, really about to get him his ass beat right now.
He knows that somehow strawhat’s to blame
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months ago
Ocean's Haunted
Read on AO3
First off, the ocean's haunted.
That's very important.
Once upon a time when Cesar was still on land, his mother told him all about the spirits that lived on the water. There are the ghosts, of course, and their ships that sail under the full moon. Sea monsters that live in the deepest parts of the ocean and drag sailors to their dooms. Sirens that take on the appearance of one's deepest desires.
What Cesar's mother failed to mention were the goddamn sea zombies.
Sea zombies like the ones currently trying to eat Cesar's face: lean and filled with holes like a sponge, leaking water from every orifice, hair the color and appearance of decayed seaweed. And, of course, smelling of dead fish.
Being alone on his back in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean miles away from land and armed with only a pistol (one bullet left) and a bottle of rum (unopened), Cesar briefly thinks that this is how he's going to die: alone.
The sea zombie gurgles and spits up a mouthful of brackish brown water onto Cesar's shoes. Its teeth graze the back of his calf, tearing his pants' leg to shreds.
Cesar kicks the fucker and skitters back in his boat until his back is against the bow. His hand scrambles for his pistol, finds it.
He raises it with both hands. He doesn't have the time to aim, but at at least his hands don't shake as he fires his last and final bullet into the sea zombie's icky oozing skull.
The sea zombie collapses into a puddle of sea foam with a scream. Its teeth, somehow, are left behind. As are its remaining clothes, including a large, audaciously-colored tricorn hat.
Cesar stares at the foam.
"What the fuck?" he asks it.
The foam, predictably, doesn't answer.
Slowly, Cesar sits up. He puts his gun down in his lap and adjusts the remains of his pants. He looks longingly at the bottle of rum. He internally curses his mother for not knowing about goddamn sea zombies. He externally curses his "father" for his very existence, just because he can.
The sun starts to set over the horizon, and Cesar settles back at the boat's oars. He presses a hand gently to his stomach, and he lets out a sigh of relief when he doesn't start bleeding again.
With a sigh, he cracks his neck, and he picks up the oars in each hand, and he starts rowing again.
Ever since he was a child, Cesar has hated pirates. Not because of their whole rob-and-kill-and-steal thing, but because he's only met one pirate in his life, and his life has been ruined ever since.
It's a personal thing. Some people hate pão de queijo. Others hate the winter months. Cesar hates his no-good father, and he hates pirates.
But when a ship that looks about as textbook a pirate ship can be pulls up next to Cesar's rowboat, Cesar feels a rush of relief.
A head pops over the side of the ship, feet above Cesar's head.
"Hello!" the head calls- black hair, and a smile obvious even in the night.
Cesar raises a hand in greeting. "Hey."
"Do you need some help?"
Cesar moves to answer with a, "Nah, I'm good," but, suddenly, the head is yanked out of sight by a pale hand.
"What are you thinking?" a new voice- female?- hisses. "We don't know this guy?"
"Aw, look at him, though! He'll die without our help!" the head argues.
Cesar puts his oars down for the moment.
And then he picks up his still-unopened bottle of rum and holds it in the air like it's a trophy.
"I have rum!" he calls.
Immediately, a woman's head and shoulders appear where the last head was. She looks almost as much a corpse as the sea zombie Cesar just killed, but beggars can't be choosers.
"Why didn't you say so?" she asks, warmth dripping off her voice like slime mold. Her head turns to the side. "Joui, get the ladder."
And that's when a third voice appears and sighs, "Come on, are you just going to let any old wretch onto the ship because they have rum? They could be a siren."
"I'm not a siren," Cesar helpfully says.
A new head, the third voice's, presumably, appears next to the woman's. This man, Cesar notices, is balding.
"Prove it," the balding man says.
The first head appears on the woman's other side, pouting.
"Would a siren do this?" Cesar asks. He raises his empty pistol to his temple and puts his finger on the trigger.
Alarmed, the first head reaches out as if that'll do anything.
The other two people are not amused.
Sighing, Cesar lowers his gun and flatly says, "And I can play the accordion."
The balding man grins and claps his hands together. "Joui, get the ladder!"
Head number one salutes and ducks out of sight once more. (That'll be 'Joui' then...)
The woman looks at the balding man with a frown. "So me wanting rum is suicidal, but you wanting sea shanties isn't?"
The man shrugs. "What can I say, my dear? We're pirates. We need a sea shantier."
Cesar isn't sure if that's an actual word or job description, but he doesn't quite feel like arguing with the pirates currently saving his life.
One rope ladder climb later, Cesar finds himself tied to the ship's mast with his rum being drank straight from the bottle by the woman.
All three of the pirates are gathered around him, each one with weapons very clearly visible on their persons.
Cesar squirms slightly. "You couldn't have at least let me sit down before tying me up?"
"Nah," says the woman, bottle to her lips.
Cesar looks around. It's an empty ship, no crew members in sight besides the three in front of him. The sails are down, and the anchor's chain is leading off the side of the ship. The deck is a mess, and the rigging is knotted just so incorrectly that it's making Cesar's teeth hurt.
The balding man steps forward, his hand resting on the end of his sword on his belt.
"What crew do you work for, then?" he asks, fake smile and even faker gold teeth.
"None," Cesar truthfully replies. "I'm out here on my own?"
Presumably-Joui furrows his brow in confusion. "In a rowboat?"
Cesar shrugs. "It was all I could afford."
That, though, is a lie. His mother left him one hell of a fortune when she passed, and all that money is currently siting in a bank back home waiting for his return. (He'll never actually return, but the money doesn't need to know that.)
But, well, it's a bunch of pirates. They don't need to know the truth.
(Mostly because the truth, of course, is too strange for anyone, even a pirate, to believe.)
Silence. Physical silence so heavy that it weighs Cesar's shoulders down. It sits in the pit of his stomach and tugs on his tongue, begging him to talk.
The woman leans over to whisper to the balding man. His face crinkles, and he whispers back with his hand cupped over her ear.
Cesar chooses to lock eyes with Maybe-Joui.
He looks... nice? He smiles when Cesar makes eye contact, though he stays a fair distance away from the mast, a full step or so behind the other two pirates.
A literal second of eye contact is all Cesar can take, though; he shivers and swallows the lump in his throat and looks up at the sky, instead.
And the moon.
Bald and Woman's whispering gets louder as they start to argue.
"We are not telling him!" Bald hisses. "Are you crazy?"
Woman rolls her eyes. "What else are we supposed to do? He is literally ten feet below us right now!"
"Yeah, and he probably heard us bringing him up," Maybe-Joui adds.
Both Bald and Woman snap their heads towards Maybe-Joui with narrowed eyes.
"This is a private conversation!" Woman huffs.
"Cover your ears," Bald tells him.
Maybe-Joui's face falls, but he nods and puts his hands over his ears, though not without mumbling, "Maybe don't speak so loudly next time..."
He even closes his eyes for good measure. How polite.
But Cesar, facing him, can see that the way his hands are placed leaves plenty of room for sound to sneak in.
Cesar bites back a smile; he can always appreciate a good fofoqueiro.
"What about me?" he asks. "Do I need to cover my ears, too?"
Woman and Bald both ignore him. Assholes.
Sighing, Cesar tips his head back until it's resting against the mast.
At least they aren't sea zombies, he tells himself.
"We could use the extra help..." Bald muses.
Suddenly, there's the sound of a hand striking cloth, and an offended, "Hey!"
"Are you crazy?!" Woman argues. "He might be an occultist!"
"Look at him, he's, like, twelve. How many occultists do we know that are children?"
Okay, what?
"I'm 29," Cesar sighs.
He tilts his head down to give the pirates a tired look.
They both look at him with varying levels of confusion on their faces.
"Maybe he is an occultist," Bald admits.
"Maybe we should get Cris," Woman adds.
A shudder goes down Cesar's spine at that.
A cloud passes over the moon.
Maybe-Joui's eyes snap open, and he drops his hands back to his sides.
"Oh, are we getting Cris?" he asks. "I can get him."
Cesar barely manages to hold back a wince.
A cold wind blows across the ship's deck.
Cesar flexes his arms against the ropes tying to him to the mast. He isn't that strong, but maybe...
Oh, who is he kidding? There's no way that he's on this ship. What would be the odds of that?
The ship creaks.
And then Cesar hears them: footsteps. From below, wooden planks groaning in protest of the weight on them; a door opening.
Panic rises in Cesar's throat. It's bitter and horrible and familiar in the same way as an old blanket and, suddenly, he has a bad feeling.
"Throw me overboard," he hoarsely says, looking right at Maybe-Joui because he, at least, seems normal.
Maybe-Joui's eyes widen. "What? No!"
Woman claps her hands together. "Well, you heard him, boys. Let's throw him overboard."
Cesar strains against the ropes. His ears ring. The moon is looking at him, judging. The pirates are looking at him, judging. His chest hurts. His arms hurt. Is he bleeding again? His shirt feels wet. Damnit.
Bald holds up a hand. "Now, hold on, look at him. Something's wrong."
Of course something is wrong, something is always wrong!
Woman puts the bottle of rum down on the deck. She crosses her arms, a frown appearing on her face.
"Hmph," she brilliantly says.
Maybe-Joui perks up slightly. "Guys, I hear someone moving downstairs."
Woman and Bald tense. They look at each other, having a silent conversation that Cesar, frankly, could care less about.
"Cris," they say in unison.
Bald turns to look at Cesar, and something weird lights up in his eyes.
He smiles, slightly, and he takes a full step back away from the mast, stretching his arms above his head.
"Liz, darling, take a good look at our guest," he calmly says.
Cesar flinches as a door slams open on the other side of the deck.
Woman's eyes widen. "Oh. I see."
"I don't," Maybe-Joui says.
"What are we seeing?" a fourth voice- utterly grating and horrible and terrible and shitty and bad and disgusting- calls, a yawn and a smile in his voice.
Panic falls way to anger, which falls to hatred, which falls to nothing.
Cesar goes limp, falling back against the mast and looking down at the deck. He's. Tired.
"Who's this?" he hears.
"We have a guest," Bald hums. "Joui fished him out of the ocean. He hasn't given us a name yet, but... maybe you can help with that?"
The deck creaks with every heavy footstep.
Once, Cesar's mother told him about his "father": a tall, handsome man with a big hat and wide shoulders. He was a sailor, she said, and he always came home from his voyages with gold and silver and the finest jewelry Cesar's mother had ever seen.
A few weeks after Cesar was born, Cesar's father left for another trip. He left a letter behind. He left his wife behind.
He left his son behind.
"He can play the accordion," Maybe-Joui helpfully says. "I think we should keep him."
"I'm not an animal," Cesar grumbles.
He looks firmly at his boots even as the hulking figure of the fourth pirate comes to stand in front of him.
"Well?" Woman asks.
"Why is he tied up?" the pirate asks, sounding almost upset. "Hold on..."
Hands start tugging at the ropes.
And then they suddenly stop.
"Wait a minute..." the pirate murmurs.
"Oh, this will be good," Woman quietly says to her friends.
"Look at me," the pirate gently orders, voice cracking as his two hands settle on either side of Cesar's face.
Cesar sneers and tries to shrug off the pirate's touch. "Go fuck yourself, old man."
The pirate gasps, "It is him!"
And then Cesar is being pinned to the mast as the pirate hugs him, wrapping his beefy arms around both Cesar and the mast and Cesar can't breathe for so many reasons-
"Cesar!" the pirate weeps, tears in his voice and running down his face and dampening Cesar's hair. "My boy!"
Cesar tries to become one with the mast. Why didn't they throw him overboard?
"Cristopher," he stiffly replies. "I can't breathe."
The pirate backs up immediately, though his hands remain on Cesar's shoulders.
For the first time in years, Cesar looks his father in the face, and he feels nothing.
The pirate is crying. Cristopher is crying, the overemotional old man. He's gained a massive scar on his face since Cesar last saw him, and his hair has gone fully white. He's in his pajamas already even though it's barely past sunset.
"Girl!" he shouts over his shoulder. "Untie my son!"
Maybe-Joui winces. "Um, Mr. Cris, I'm not sure-"
"Gladly," Woman smirks.
She approaches, winks as she passes Cesar and steps behind the mast.
Cesar desperately tries to avoid Cristopher's gaze as he's being untied.
Maybe the sea zombies aren't too bad...
The ropes drop.
Cesar immediately makes a break for it, shoving past Cristopher and the balding man and running for the edge of the ship.
"Son!" Cristopher cries.
Cesar manages to get one leg over the ship's railing before two strong arms are wrapped around his chest and pulling him away from the edge.
"Don't be stupid," Maybe-Joui snaps, stumbling backwards with Cesar and expertly dodging the fists being thrown his way.
"Who's stupid!?" Cesar exclaims. He throws an arm out and points at a pained-looking Cristopher. "That guy's insane! I'd rather take my chances with the sea zombies!"
"'Insane'?" Cristopher repeats, face falling. "Cesar..."
Cesar glowers. "Don't."
He does stop fighting, though... mostly because he can see Bald and Woman snickering together near the mast.
Maybe-Joui drags him just a little bit further before dumping him on the deck. He crouches next to Cesar, head cocked slightly, a weird expression on his face. It's halfway a smile, halfway a frown, halfway a confused hmmmm? of a look.
And then he holds up a hand, one that was pressed against Cesar's stomach during the brief struggle. Even in the moonlight, it's clear to see how it's painted red.
He looks up and towards Woman.
"Liz-senpai?" he calls. "Is your office cleaned up yet?"
Cesar looks down at his stomach and groans, flopping fully onto the deck in defeat.
"What?" Woman asks. "Why... oh. Huh. Shit, okay. Help our new friend down, would you?"
Cesar doesn't so much as spare a glance in Cristopher's direction as Maybe-Joui and Bald each take a side and help him to his feet.
"What happened?" Cristopher demands. "Cesar, what happened?"
What else could it have been? Out of every monster Cesar's mother told him about, one came up time and time again in her stories as the worst of them all:
A/N: Hi! If you liked this, please let me know! I'm super nervous about writing for a different fandom, so any comments or reblogs or anything would be SUPER appreciated!
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slurpeesoverromance · 1 year ago
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[me with 1 hp] mari save me… mari.. save me mari..
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cartoon-goon02 · 27 days ago
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luzzarm · 2 months ago
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Home of Jerry Lewis located in 1048 Almafi Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA
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leaveharmony · 1 month ago
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"Now, we may not be able to find the bullet in and amongst the adipose tissue, or finding it, we mayn't be able to remove it, or removing it, to avoid killin' him. I guess we could give it a fuckin' whirl."
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pushing500 · 11 months ago
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Mechi has come to the very intelligent conclusion that the best course of action he could take right now is to make the Void angrier so it sends more scary things to attack us.
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Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), he got the plague before he could do anything stupid. Looks like he'll spend a few days curled up in bed living off coffee. Hopefully, that's the only bad thing in store for him in the near future–
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Randy is so very cruel...
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sincericida · 5 months ago
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for Buzzfeed Puppy Interview
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ghost-bard · 7 months ago
feeling unwell about solavellan
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hylianengineer · 6 months ago
Pausing in my anthropology homework to come scream at the internet about it, again. In a positive way this time!
Most of us have this conception that the Americas and the rest of the world were super isolated from each other prior to 1492, right? Well, that's not true. We've been lied to by our history classes and Euro-centric perspectives.
From about 1250AD to 1450, both the Norse and an Indigenous North American group called the Thule (predecessor to the Inuit) were both in Greenland. It's kinda uncertain whether they interacted directly, but Norse goods have been found at Thule archaeological sites. Either they were interacting and trading, or they got their hands on Norse stuff some other way - one possibility is by salvaging shipwrecks. Still very cool and mindblowing that the Eastern and Western hemispheres were meeting like that a couple hundred years before most of us are aware of!
But wait, it gets better. The Thule people lived all across the Arctic from Greenland to Alaska into Asia. On the other side of the Bering Strait! They were engaged in trade across the Bering Strait, using boats, for hundreds of years! Way before Europeans had any idea the Americas existed. That's huge. That turned my entire understanding of North American history and interconnectedness with the rest of the world on its head. Holy shit. That's fucking cool.
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machveil · 6 months ago
I'm begging you for König x Reader doodles your art is so amazing RAAAAAA!!!!
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