#hannah galway
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gameofthunder66 · 2 years ago
Sex/Life (2021-2023) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 1- 6/10/2023- 3 [1/4] stars- on Netflix
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filmola-de · 3 months ago
Stephen Kings neuer Roman Das Institut - bald kommt der Trailer
  Der kleine Streamingdienst MGM+ hat nun für den Roman “Das Institut” von Stephen King aus dem Jahr 2019 den den ersten Trailer der Serie vorgestellt und gleichzeitig bekannt gegeben, dass Stephen King als ausführender Produzent an Bord ist. Mitglieder des Casts sind: Ben Barnes (u.a. Shadow and Bone) als Tim Jamieson und Mary-Louise Parker (u.a. R.E.D, Mr. Mercedes,Red Sparrow) als Mrs. Sigsby,…
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lifetimemoviereview · 1 year ago
The Boarding School Murders (2024 Lifetime)
The Boarding School Murders (2024 Lifetime) #TheBoardingSchoolMurders #Lifetime #LifetimeMovies
The Boarding School Murders (2024 Lifetime) 📺.  Stream/Watch the Movie (Ad): Subscribe to the Lifetime Movie Club Cast: Christina Cox, Hannah Galway, Nicole Amber Farrugia Director: Alexandre Carrière Writer(s): Jason Byers, Richard Pierce ➡️    Check out our Youtube Channel: Lifetime Uncorked: Lifetime Movie Reviews 🎧   Listen to the Lifetime Uncorked Podcast: Listen Now 🍷  Support the…
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mumintroll · 7 months ago
i miss my animal crossing friends from when i was 10 yrs old actually crazy i will never ever speak to them again 😭
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shortandslytherin · 2 years ago
Okay but set during Halfblood Prince! Female pronouns, Ravenclaw reader.
The reader is friends with Rolf, Luna, and Hannah. Rolf and Luna are the couple goals of the friend group. Also the reader is crushing on Neville, who secretly has a crush on her. Hannah is more focused on school than dating. Meanwhile, Seamus can't get a date to save his life and Dean starts dating Ginny. The reader, Dean, and Seamus start a little folk band (yk kinda like that Ed Sheeran song Galway Girl) and she starts dating Seamus because she doesn't think Neville is interested. You decide if it ends in fluff or angst.
Galway Girl (Neville Longbottom x Female Ravenclaw!Reader x Seamus Finnigan)
Okay so this is a really cute request. Honestly, Neville is 100% my comfort character so this is also kinda sad for me. But let's go!
Listen to the song while you read. You know, for the vibe. Also I left out some details from the song because I didn't know how to fit them in? So I hope that's okay?
Request: Yes/No
Summary: When all the reader's friends seem to be lucky in love, she feels left out. It seems like even Neville has been on dates with Hannah, who doesn't date. The only person in the same boat as her is Seamus. Dean and Seamus convince their Ravenclaw friend that they should start an Irish band. But does it solve or cause problems, when their friends find out about the little band at a Gryffindor party?
Warnings: Angsty but fluffy?, underage drinking, implication of weed, canon ships, emotional cheating, miscommunication, idiots in love, and also implied Irish reader? (a Galway Girl is a girl from Galway which is in Western Ireland)
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It all started about four months ago, Rolf Scamander had asked you advice for a date with a girl he really liked and you gave him advice. You didn't know who Rolf could possibly have a crush on but you were hyper aware of his sudden fascination with your housemate, Luna Lovegood. She was your friend and so was he. The two of them had never been close until they began hanging out four months ago. You hadn't thought much of it until they became your couple goals. They officially started dating after the third date. Everything about their relationship seemed to be like they were always meant to be together. It reminded you of how when you were twelve, you believed in soulmates. But it wasn't long before they realized that their own mutual pining made them blind to the fact that you had a crush on Neville Longbottom for years. They immediately felt bad and made your crush their business. Luna was pretty close with Neville and made sure he spent more time around your small friend group. But you were pretty sure he'd never like you. Hannah Abbott was the only other member of your small friend group and she spent most her time studying. She always said she was much too busy for dating but she also seemed to be rather close with Neville. Actually, the more you thought about it Neville had more friends than you. He was seemingly friends with Harry Potter and his friends. But Neville's closest friends were Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. But then as of recent due to Luna and Rolf's interference, Neville's friends became yours. The friend group went for from four to seven.....eight when Dean started dating Ginny Weasley last month.
You were trying to get the group together for a group for a Hogsmead e trip but everyone had different plans . Ginny and Dean had a date. Rolf and Luna had a date. Hannah and Neville didn't really say what they were doing but both mentioned the greenhouses so you kind of assumed. So it was just you and Seamus. But it wasn't a date, you were just friends. It was obvious by how this forced date-like atmosphere made you both uncomfortable. So you both just went back to the castle and threw yourselves into studying in the library. After the third time of being ditched by your friends for dates, you guys just knew it was easier to go to the library and study. However, Seamus brought up something this particular time he hadn't brought up before. "Do you like Irish folk music?"
"Who's asking? You or Dean?"
"Dean's going through a rough patch with Ginny and she likes Irish folk music."
"Right...thanks. Hey, want to start a band? You, Dean, and me?"
"What do I get out of it?" You raised an eyebrow and Seamus shrugged. "The joy of knowing you helped out a friend or two." The only problem with it was you didn't think Ginny genuinely liked Dean. "No. Tell Dean to find someone else." You got up and walked away.
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You'd been dodging Seamus and Dean for days, when they'd finally managed to corner you. You were in the Gryffindor common room looking for Neville. You were ready to finally confront him about his relationship with Hannah. It was irritating enough that you knew Hannah didn't tell you she liked Neville but the least they could do was admit they were together. You could have asked Hannah for the truth but something told you it'd feel more true if you'd heard it from Neville. Maybe you needed closure? However, you didn't find Neville because you ran into his two best friends. "Y/N, I know you think Ginny and I fight a lot." Dean started and you cut in harshly. "You do fight a lot." He took a sharp intake of breath before continuing. "But this isn't just for me. This could be good for all of us. Seamus won't be that Irish kid who can hold his whiskey. We can book gigs and make money. You can finally afford that trip to America you're always talking about." You couldn't help but be a little interested in the idea. "I'll think about it. But you have to make me a promise. Neville can never know I was here today." The two boys looked at each other then back at you before Dean grinned. "We promise, he won't know." You nodded and left the Gryffindor common room.
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It was that weekend, the three of you were in the library whispering amongst yourselves about this band of yours. You were secretly passing around a small flask of fire whiskey under the table and sitting at one of the back tables where not many people would sit. "So are we going with trad tunes, newer stuff, or our own music?" You asked with a bit of curiosity gracing your face and Seamus shrugged. "Why not all three? How about instruments? Y/N, you should sing." You frowned. "I can really wanna play the fiddle but in songs where it's not needed I'll sing." Dean nodded. "I can sing most times then because Seamus can't sing worth shit and honestly I think we'll need like a piano." Seamus rolled his eyes. "We'll need some base so Bodhrán? We'll probably sound like shit but at least we'll be ridiculed as friends." Those were the last words said before you guys spent the rest of the Quidditch season doing band practice instead of supporting your Quidditch teams.
You were ecstatic when you heard Gryffindor got the Quidditch Cup but extremely disappointed. They'd beat your team. You quietly walked over to your table in mock shame while the Gryffindors celebrated. You walked over to Neville after the feast and asked if you were invited to the party to celebrate Gryffindor's win. He informed you that he'd thought Seamus or Dean would have invited you since you seemed to be with them a lot lately. There seemed to be a hint of anger in his voice. And you couldn't hold back the vile feeling that built up inside you. "Well excuse me for wanting to actually hang out with my friends. You and Hannah seem to always be at the greenhouse. Luna and Rolf are always together. Dean and Ginny.... they're on a break. And Seamus...well he and I are in the same boat." You quickly walked away catching up with Dean and Seamus. It seemed like your body relaxed almost instantly as you started laughing with them about some inside joke Neville couldn't understand. "She doesn't mean it, you know." He recognized the voice but turned to look anyways. "Yes, she does. She's right. You and I are always together lately. I didn't think about how that must look to our friends until..."
"The girl you like said it?"
"Back in third year, she said you were her type."
"Do you think I still am?" Hannah shrugged in response to the question. They quietly walked to the Gryffindor common room where the celebration for winning Quidditch Cup was being thrown.
When they got to the common room, Neville saw you chatting with Dean, Seamus, and Ginny. From the looks of it Dean and Ginny made up again. You looked really happy and you had a drink in hand. He turned his attention to Ron, who everyone in Gryffindor was praising, and was shocked by Lavender Brown suddenly kissing him. But he clapped along with everyone else in the room. It didn't even occur to him to care that Harry and Hermione left or that shortly after Lavender and Ron left. It seemed pretty normal behavior. He just went back to watching you with his two best friends. He joined the small group only to notice you were ignoring him. "Seamus, I'll bet 5 gaellons I can beat you at darts." It was shook on and sure enough you won. "Double nothing for pool." He said he conjured up a pool table and you nodded. In agreement to his terms. Sure enough, you beat him. "You owe me 10 gaellons, Finnigan." He rolled his eyes and you smirked. "You know what? You're really cute, I'll excuse your debt." All at once three voices screamed "WHAT?!" All male Gryffindors and your friends. You pulled him into a kiss and kisses him like no one else was there. He didn't know Neville had a crush on you. How could he? Neville was always with Hannah! He pulled you closer and kissed back. It was only a few minutes before he pulled back and you both grinning. "Debt paid." Neville walked away in what looked to be an annoyed state. You cringed but you didn't do it to hurt him. You did it because you felt like you needed a win and whining over a boy with a girlfriend wasn't a win. "Seamus, wanna go to Hogsmeade together sometime?" You asked with a bit of regret and he nodded but didn't seem to know what to say. You knew he usually had a crude sense of humor but in the past few weeks you'd grown so accustom to it.... actually kinda found it funny. And in that same way, grown to rather close to him and Dean. But his sense of humor isn't why you felt regret. It was the brunette boy, who was talking to Luna. Luna looked at you in shock and then shrugged at Neville. She didn't have an explanation and you didn't expect her to.
Neville seemed shocked as Ginny announced that a had a surprise had been arranged for Gryffindor. The music that was playing was stopped while Ginny explained what the surprise was.
You, Seamus, and Dean were singing and playing your instruments to traditional Irish songs. Dean seemed so uncomfortable with how close you and Seamus suddenly were. Neville, Luna, and Rolf sat in a corner talking about this surprise. "I just can't believe it. Just yesterday, she was complaining about how Neville was dating Hannah." Rolf muttered and Neville rolled his eyes. "I'm not. We've just been hanging out in the greenhouse together. We're friends." Luna laughed slightly. "Hannah didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"Y/N had a crush on you."
"Well Hannah told me that."
"Well... sometimes she hides her feelings."
"What are you trying to say?"
Rolf cut in. "Well, you could ask Y/N or you could retreat over there." He pointed to a group of Gryffindors with a cloud of smoke surrounding them. "And relieve your stress how you usually do." Of course Neville didn't want to confront the girl who just kissed his best friend so he walked over to the group of Gryffindors. They probably got it from his dorm mates anyways. He was actually doing a pretty good job of tuning the little band out. It wasn't until heard the song "Carrickfergus" that he had to look up. He'd heard Seamus play this song a million times over. But he'd never heard it sang so sweet. You were amazing to him.
After awhile, Seamus and Dean had enough and wanted to get back to the party. But you still wanted to sing your heart out. This wasn't for Dean or Seamus. This wasn't for your band. You were doing this for you. You shot back another glass of fire whiskey and were back at it. Except this time you had to sing a capella in and use your feet for a beat. Seamus was amazed at your enthusiasm and couldn't stop calling you his girlfriend to anyone that would listen. Neville, however, was silent. He was memorizing everything about you in this moment. He wanted to have your voice playing on repeat for a week. Any normal person would think you were singing to the boy claiming to be your boyfriend and maybe you should have been. But you weren't. Your heart immediately wanted to reach out to the boy who'd liked since you were like twelve or thirteen. But the part you were unaware of is even this packed room, he would swear on his life you were singing to him. But his hopes and dreams were crushed Cormac McLaggen convinced you to let him play some Weird Sisters and other Wizard Rock music. Seamus immediately grabbed your waist, kissed you on the neck, and then took you by the hand. You smiled at the boy nervously like you didn't know what was happening. He smiled in a way that was actually comforting and said, "Baby, I just want to dance." But the entire time you were dancing with Seamus, you were thinking about Neville.
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When the few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws that showed up had outstayed their welcome, you walked back to your common room with Neville. Luna had convinced Seamus it was safer if Neville took you back since he hadn't drank as much. And if Seamus wasn't so drunk maybe he would have thought about how Luna was going to the same place as you anyway. But he was still shooting back firewhiskey and couldn't think straight. So you were holding hands with Neville as you walked through the corridors.
Come tomorrow you'd be Seamus' girlfriend but tonight you could be Neville's. He smelt of smoke and whiskey. It was so intoxicating but your lungs were full of the cool night air that the stone castle walls let in. You smiled at him and whispered. "I swear I'm gonna put you in a song that I write."
"I'm not Seamus you know."
"That's why it'll be about a Galway Girl and her perfect night."
Neville shook his head in disbelief. He was convinced you wouldn't remember it tomorrow so he spoke words he shouldn't. "Then I guess you're my pretty little Galway Girl."
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eggi1972 · 2 months ago
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Klappentext: Ein gefährliches Spiel für Grace O'Malley Die Leiterin des Morddezernats im irischen Galway, Grace O'Malley, hat einen brisanten Fall aufzuklären: Tom Nolan, Mitarbeiter in einem Wettbüro, wird erschossen. Der Besitzer des Büros ist ausgerechnet der Zwillingsbruder von Graces Kollegen Rory Coyne. Rory gilt ab sofort als befangen, ermittelt aber dennoch - ›undercover‹. Der Mord ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Grace und ihr Team dringen bei ihren Recherchen bis in die innersten Kreise des irischen Wettgeschäfts vor. Schnell wird klar, dass eine mächtige internationale Wett-Mafia die Finger im Spiel hat. Doch auch im heimischen Galway sind erstaunlich viele bekannte Gesichter in den Fall verwickelt. Und es ist bei Weitem nicht alles so, wie es scheint. Rezension: Gut, bei diesem Buch wurde als erstes meine Irlandlust und meine besondere Verbindung gerade zu der Stadt Galway gereizt, weswegen dieses Buch auch umgehend bei nächster Gelegenheit gelesen wurde. Es erscheint vielleicht ein wenig unprofessionell, aber kennt das nicht jeder, dass manche Dinge einen mehr reizen wie andere. Also erhielt der Krimi ja schon ein paar Vorschusslorbeeren. Das kann ja eigentlich nur schief gehen, oder einen enttäuschen. Aber Hannah O’Brien reißt einen echt mit. Sie zeigt einem den Sumpf der Wett-Mafia am Beispiel von Gaelic – Football, einer Art Fußball, die nur in Irland gespielt wird, oder auch bei den wesentlich lukrativeren Pferdewetten. Es fesselt einen einfach wie Grace, Rory und Peter zusammenarbeiten. Schließlich gibt es erst einen Mord an einem Mitarbeiter in einem Wettbüro und dann noch kommt der Trainer des Gaelic Teams aus Galway genauso zu Tode. Sie kommen aber nicht wirklich in dem Fall weiter. Immer wieder kommt man zwar auf den Biohof in der Nähe von Letterfrack, aber  irgendwie gibt es außer einem komischen Gefühl von Grace nicht wirklich viel. Man merkt immer wieder das die Wett-Mafia ständig die Finger im Spiel hat, mag es bei dem schleichenden Niedergang des Rennpferdes Gonzales oder, was ganz offensichtlich ist, bei dem Betrug eines wichtigen Gaelic Spiels sein, wo es einen Strafstoß aus einer Situation gab, welche nie und nimmer einen Strafstoß wert war – auch wenn dies immer ein abendfüllendes Thema bei Fans ist. Es gibt noch einiges mehr, was in diesem Krimi erwähnenswert ist. Ganz besonders auch, dass es irgendwie beim Lesen so rüberkommt, dass jeder der Schuldige sein könnte. Die Autorin schafft es immer wieder, einen zu überraschen, wobei man relativ rasch bei einer Person ein komisches Gefühl bekommt. Es hat sich bei mir sehr schnell eingestellt und irgendwie wurde dieses Gefühl immer mulmiger. Aber ich kann euch sagen, es ist trotzdem sehr überraschend und schön geschrieben. Für mich schafft es die Autorin, einem das irische Lebensgefühl, welches ich selbst erleben durfte, in diesem Krimi in einfachen Worten immer wieder näher zu bringen, ohne dass es aufgesetzt wirkt. Und dabei konstruiert sie so ganz nebenbei einen wirklich interessanten und nicht alltäglichen Fall. Ich habe mich immer wieder beim Mitfiebern erwischt und konnte und wollte den Krimi nicht aus der Hand legen. Es wird nie wirklich blutig, aber man spürt einen konstanten Spannungsbogen. Gut, es war wie so oft, dass mir der erste Band schon ein wenig fehlt, da ich die verschiedenen Akteure doch gerne noch etwas besser hätte kennenlernen wollen. Aber dies ist nicht zwingend notwendig, wie bei den meisten Reihen, die man so im Laufe seines Leselebens zwischen die Finger bekommt - aber irgendwie ist es trotzdem wünschenswert. Ich freue mich auf alle Fälle auf den dritten Band der Reihe und hoffe, dass ich nicht solange warten muss. Titel: Irisches RouletteAutor/In: O'Brien, HannahISBN: 9783423429153Verlag: dtv VerlagPreis: 9,99 € - E-BookErscheinungsdatum: 18. März 2016 Bei unseren Partnern bestellen: Bei Yourbook.shop bestellen. Bei Genialokal.de bestellen. Bei Hugendubel.de bestellen. Bei Thalia.de bestellen. Die Buchhandlung Freiheitsplatz.de unterstützen! Die Büchergilde FFM unterstützen! Read the full article
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gameofthunder66 · 2 years ago
-(started) watchin' Season 1- 4/23/2021- on Netflix
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Things I Watched In 2021
Sex/Life - Season 1 (2021- )
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thanhingalway · 7 months ago
Woche 7 - Teil 2
Das letzte längere Wochenende in Galway steht an. Für Freitag sind Sehenswürdigkeiten im County Clare, der Nachbargrafschaft, geplant und für Samstag wie Sonntag die Stadt Letterfrack und ihre Umgebung. Details folgen dazu.
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Dieser Wocheneintrag ist für die Wanderer*innen und Regenfreund*innen unter uns
Am Freitag fuhren Hannah und ich mit der öffentlichen Buslinie 350 nach Doolin. Wir starteten die Busfahrt von dem Eyre Square, dem zentralsten Platz in der Stadt Galway, aus. Die Busfahrt war ungefähr zwei Stunden lang und recht nah am westlichen Inselrand. Zu Beginn der Busfahrt überhörten zwei andere Deutsche unsere Gespräche auf Deutsch. Wir merkten auch, dass sie unsere Sprache reden konnten und befragten sie zu dem Kauf der Buskarten. Sie wussten es leider nicht besser als wir. Da die Busse zu touristischen Orten schnell ausgebucht sind und Onlinekauf nicht unterstützt wird, eilten wir zum Busfahrer, um bei ihm das Hin- und Rückticket zu kaufen (tdlr; das Public Bus System = unideal für große Reisegruppen). Die Deutschen folgten später, da sie noch Bargeld holen mussten.
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Hier sieht man das Stadtzentrum Doolins
Am Freitag hatten wir leider ab 10:00 Uhr Pech in einen starken Regenschauer gekommen zu sein. Uns war dies im Vorhinein bewusst, aber ich setzte trotzdem darauf, von Doolin zu den Cliffs of Moher zu wandern. Mich überkam zu dem Zeitpunkt eine ungeheure Wanderlust (denke ich mal). Nachdem wir uns für das Wandern entschieden haben, stapften wir durch Wind und Regen an der Landstraße entlang. Es war anstrengend und wir rasteten häufig kurz in Cafés, Läden oder Gasthäusern, um unsere Kleidung zu trocknen. Typical Irish Summer :')
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Links: Wir entfernen uns von Doolin
Rechts: Der hügelige Wanderweg
Irgendwann entfernten wir uns von dem Wanderweg und gingen triefnass die enge Autobahn entlang. Dabei begrüßten uns viele Kühe, Esel und Pferde, die in Ruhe standen, schliefen oder Gras fraßen.
Die Cliffs of Moher
Endlich an unserem Ziel angelangt, trafen wir die zwei deutschen Frauen am Anfang wieder. Wir tauschten uns angeregt über unsere Wege zu den Klippen aus: Für den Einlass an den Klippen hätte man wohl 15 Euros zahlen müssen, Hannah und ich haben uns aber unabsichtlich durch den Hinterausgang hineingeschlichen und mussten nichts zahlen.
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Aufgrund ihrer dramatischen Szenerie werden die Cliffs of Moher gerne als Filmdrehorte verwendet
Auf einmal waren wir ganz froh die regnerische Landstraße von Doolin aus gelaufen zu sein. Die Aussicht an den Cliffs of Moher war wunderschön. Der Himmel und das Meer am Galway Bay waren strahlend blau, denn die Regenwolken sind komplett bei unserer Ankunft verschwunden.
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Der Himmel lichtet sich nach dem stundenlangen Regenschauer
Nachdem wir bei den Klippen waren, gingen wir Tee in der Mensa der Souvenirläden trinken und warteten dann drei Stunden auf unseren Bus nach Galway.
Clifden und Letterfrack
Am Samstag planten wir nach Connemara zu fahren, um uns zwei große Sehenswürdigkeiten, Connemara National Park und die Kylemore Abbey, anzuschauen.
In Clifden hielten wir notgezwungen mit dem Bus, da Clifden die nächste Großstadt mit einer Bushaltestelle für die Linie 350 nach Letterfrack war. Dort wurden wir von kleinen Souvenirläden, Antiquariaten, Seefahrer-Pubs und einem süßen Buchladen begrüßt. Die Antiquitätenläden und den Buchladen sahen wir uns davon genau an. Um 16:15 ging es dann nach Letterfrack weiter.
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Links: Die Straße in Clifden in Richtung Letterfrack
Rechts: Der kreativ benannte Buchladen "The Clifden Bookshop"
Viertel vor fünf betraten wir das verschlafene Letterfrack. Jedoch wurde nicht sofort in unserem Hostel gerastet, sondern wir brachen sofort zum Diamond Hill auf. Mit ihrer überschaubaren Häuseranzahl ähnelte Letterfrack mehr einem Campingplatz als einer richtigen Stadt. In Letterfrack befindet sich auch eine Galway Zweigbibliothek, die nur von einer Person geführt wird.
Diamond Hill
Der Diamond Hill gilt als einer der schönsten Orte Irlands und zieht viele Wander*innen mit seinem weiten Ausblick in den Bann. Der Hügel soll besonders geeignet für Einsteiger*innen sein und liegt im Herzen des Nationalparks. Er bietet drei Schwierigkeitsgrade Gelb/Einfach, Blau/Mittel und Rot/Schwer. Wir entschieden uns für Rot, da wir die Spitze des Diamond Hills erreichen wollten.
Von dem Diamond Hill aus kann man die Seen und die Küste erkennen (das ist jedoch nicht die Spitze!)
Nach einer Stunde erreichten wir - ich mit Ach und Krach - die Spitze des Hügels. Der Wanderweg wurde mit Kieselsteinen und großen Steinen ausgelegt. Zum Hügel musste man Treppen steigen. Das Runtersteigen war weniger anstrengend als das Hochsteigen, und doch taten danach meine Knie mehr weh als beim Erklimmen des Diamond Hills. Hannah ließ sich, so deutsch wie sie ist, nichts davon anmerken und wanderte stets stramm weiter. Woher sie die Energie nahm, war mir unklar.
Das Old Monastery Hostel
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Die Ausstrahlung des Old Monastery Hostel glich eines verwunschenen Internats aus einem exzentrischen Kinderbuches. Ich hoffe ihr versteht was ich meine
Um 20:00 schlenderten Hannah und ich zu unserem Hostel. Wir haben es ganz spontan am Telefon gebucht. Als wir ankamen, war ich ganz begeistert von der Einrichtung. Alles wirkte so bewohnt, so farbenfroh und so altmodisch. Ich fühlte mich sofort wohl. Die Betten musste man trotz Buchung am Telefon bei der Ankunft festlegen. Scheinbar war die Raumbelegung auch wie die Einrichtung sehr locker gehalten. Das Hostel wurde liebevoll von einem irisch-deutschen Ehepaar geführt. Zwischen den Gästen findet man oft Deutsch sprechende Persönlichkeiten, allesamt mit ihren eigenen interessanten Lebensgeschichten - was sie nach Irland zog, warum sie wandern wollen, wie sie sich die Zukunft vorstellen etc.
Am späten aßen Hannah und ich im Seafarer Pub Curry und ließen den Abend mit einem Spaziergang ausklingen.
Kylemore Abbey
Kylemore Abbey erreichten wir ungefähr halb 10, vor der Öffnung. Hannah und ich kauften ein Student*innenticket und durften um 10 schließlich die Kylemore Abbey.
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Das Grundstück der Kylemore Abbey ist größer als dieses Bild anmutet
Die Abtei wurde aufgrund seiner gotischen Architektur von vielen Kolleg*innen empfohlen und ist ein Teil eines Benediktinerinnen-Ordens, welcher vom Staat gefördert wird. Die Geschichte des Ortes ist vielfältig. So wechselte das Grundstück die Hände von Gräf*innen, Schulleiter*innen, Nonnenorden sowie Politiker*innen. Heute kann man sich die restaurierten, viktorianischen Zimmer des verstorbenen Ehepaar Mitchell und Margaret Henry im Untergeschoss anschauen sowie auch ihren "Walled Victorian Garden" und gotischen Kapellen. Nachdem wir die relevantesten historischen Orte besucht haben, schauten wir zu wie die Connemara Ponys auf der hauseigenen Koppel gefüttert wurden. Die Rasse Connemara Pony wird von der Abtei ihres milden Charakters Willen gezüchtet, um diese später an Reitsportler*innen zu verkaufen. Damit verdient die öffentliche Stifung zusätzlich ihr Geld. Ergänzend stellen Nonnen des Benedikterinnen-Ordens auch Schokolade, Seife, Honig und Fudge für den Kylemore Abbey Souvenirladen her, um Sanierungen der Abtei und der Kapellen zu finanzieren. Nach der Ponyfütterung gab es anschließend die Fütterung der neuseeländischen Kunekune-Schweine Perry und Ken. Sie waren sehr verfressen und kämpften gelegentlich um ihr Essen. Hannah schlug nach den Schweinen vor, in das Gewächshaus gehen. Der Hin- und Rückweg zum Gewächshaus war sehr kurz, denn der Regen, den ich bis jetzt praktischerweise ausließ, der den ganzen Tag anhielte, wollte nicht mehr aufhören. Triefend vor Regenwasser flohen wir, nachdem wir uns sicher waren, dass wir alles Nötige auf dem Gelände besucht hatten, zurück zu der Busstation nach Clifden.
Um 16:45 erreichten wir wieder Trockenland in Galway.
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isabrllawithanr · 1 year ago
my BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL AMAZING BEST FRIEND bro i love you so much ive never had a friend like you before and im so grayeful i have u every single time i see u u j make me so happy and i hope we never change. i cant even believe we only became friends last year. i wish id known you forever but now i have you i dont ever wanna lose you no matter what. youre so loyal and i tell everyone i meet about how much of an angel you are. you are one of a kind jemma never change
my other best friends!!!!! i love you guys so much truly. youve fr made me such a confident and happy person, i love every moment with you girls, you are so loving and idk what id do without ye
my momma - mammy i know we didnt get along last year but i hope you know i love you so much. the world doesnt deserve you you are such a strong person and i appreciate all the love you give me everyday and i need to tell you more
my dad - ur a legend. never change
my school - i know i had those panic attacks last week and couldnt go in but i genuinely do love that school. its so comforting and the community is so strong. never seen anything like it
myself and my growth
hannah no explanation needed
my ex - yes you did everything you could to try and bring me down and make me think bad about myself. and it worked for a while but now i know thatyou'd be lucky to have another conversation with me. asshole!
there is sm more that im grateful for but im tired
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gameofthunder66 · 10 months ago
G. del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities (2022) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 1 (Series?)- 4/20/2024- 3 stars- on Netflix
93% Rotten Tomatoes
To me, some episodes were pretty good, and a few were crap.
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tctmp · 2 years ago
Documentary  Biography
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demifiendrsa · 2 years ago
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Episode posters for Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities
Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities will premiere on Netflix on October 25, 2022 with two episodes daily until October 28, 2022.
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chrisnaustin · 2 years ago
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If only I were she!
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veryslowreader · 4 years ago
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Fear of Flying by Erica Jong
Mrs. America: "Jill"
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thenerdsofcolor · 2 years ago
Guillermo del Toro Opens a New Official Trailer for His "Cabinet of Curiosities"
Guillermo del Toro Opens a New Official Trailer for His "Cabinet of Curiosities" @RealGDT @Netflix #CabinetOfCuriosities
T-Minus 1 day until Spooky Season is officially upon us! We have 31 days of spookiness ahead of us until All Hallow’s Eve (er…Halloween in lamen’s terms). And we can’t talk about the Halloween season without bringing up one of today’s modern masters of monster movies: filmmaking legend Guillermo del Toro! On October 25th, Del Toro is unleashing his Cabinet of Curiosities all over Netflix! And…
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weltenwellen · 4 years ago
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Rainer Maria Rilke, tr. by Galway Kinnell and Hannah Liebmann, from “Requiem for a Friend”, The Essential Rilke
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