#handsome bearded homo
thelastofthewine · 2 months
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*** Epic handsome scrummy beard - JMT
Source: IG
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the-villainous-ace · 1 year
Was thinking about Fraggy things...
Had a couple head canons come to mind... Mostly thoughts on Fred and his Bimbo-ness
Just to set things up I like the idea of them all being close childhood friends like in A Pup Named Scooby Doo.
Because Fred and Daphne seem more like the high school sweethearts people always asked them if they were dating.
Eventually, they caved and tried dating each other but realised they felt more like best friends than a couple plus Daphne realized she had a crush on Velma (#lesbian visibility).
Anyway back to Freddy
My head-canon is that Freddy finds Shaggy really attractive,
He thinks in his mind that it's totally platonic like "no homo" but it's really not.
Like Velma and Daphne don't think Shaggy is ugly,
And they notice that he's weirdly popular, they just don't see the appeal (cuz they're gay for eachother but also Shaggy is like a brother to them). But they both think it's kinda suss how much Fred compliments his appearance.
(Like they both notice how gay Fred is for Shaggy but Fried just hasn't realized yet)
Some examples I thought of that Fried might throw into a conversation, un-prompted
Like Velma and Daphne are talking about their straight celebrity crushes or smth and fried just pipes in with..
-"Shaggy is pretty handsome, I bet chicks dig Shaggy"
-"I mean he's tall, fit, athletic, he's got nice hair, he's handsome, he's a great cook, his family's pretty loaded, he has good bone structure...ect isn't that what chicks always talk about wanting in a guy?"
- "I'm pretty jealous of Shaggy, like his facial hair, it's pretty rugged and sexy, isn't it?
"I wish I could grow a beard or something but it's so sparse and patchy when I try and takes me months!"
Velma and Daphne just *bombastic side eye* "this dude gay"...
I also imagine that Fred is so oblivious when people are dating or attracted to other people.
Like this man dosen't have a clue, flirting goes right over his head and he can't pick up of those vibes at all...
And because he got no vibe check he dosen't notice that Shaggy IS ACTUALLY pretty popular
So it's like
Fred (in his head) -"I wonder why Shaggy isn't popular or dating anybody when he's handsome and such a great guy"
Shaggy - **actively being hit on right in front of him**
Anyway just a thought...
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justkeepdanny · 5 years
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Deja de preocuparte por los baches de la carretera y celebra el viaje.... . . . #Handsome #Beard #Somewhere #Happy #Boy #Mexicano #GayBoy #Homo #InstaGay #Sexy #Fox #Nature #Travel #ConociendoMexico #Tlaxcala #Enjoy #InstaMoment #Memories #Tiguan #DondeLoGrandeSucede #VW #DontWorryBeHappy . . . Photo by @nattecoop (en Tlaxcala "santuario De LAS Luciernagas") https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uOMBGB60c/?igshid=y5yg1moxnvmv
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From the other night. I felt like I looked pretty good in this one
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thelastofthewine · 4 months
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Scrummy handsome Luke - JMT - sadly taken
Source: IG
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fanfiction-inc · 3 years
If you are still doing the Ns/fw alphabet thing would I be able to request one of Higgs Monaghan?
Oh, but of course! Now I must apologize to you and everyone else for the delay! I have finally been able to finish up some things for college and have a slow period to get some stuff done! I hope you enjoy this!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
It all depends on the relationship he is having with the one he’s fucking. If it’s a one night stand, he has no obligation to clean up the other party, much less show them kindness or deliver niceties on his way out. He simply will redress, and leave whoever they are. Something more than a fling, like a friends/enemies with benefits or standard relationship warrants far more sweetness from the terrorist. He’ll wipe you down, clean you up of any mess and offer the sweetest praises. Now this man, despite all the terrible shit he has done, is the sweetest pillow talker, holding you as if he’ll never see you again and reminding you of what you mean to him. He hardly has quality relationships, so having you as a friend (or enemy with benefits) or partner is what he values most.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part is of course that damn silver tongue he uses to charm you like always and the mouth it resides in. Be it the nicest words you’ll ever hear or the filthiest, he savors how it makes you react. The stammering or stern and silent look away when you blush. The subtle press of thighs or move of an object to cover a ‘growing’ problem. He loves it all. He also loves what he can do with that mouth and tongue that could get you going. Licking along a hot shaft with kitten like flicks of his tongue, or along folds that hold the honey pot he wishes to steal from.
It doesn’t matter the shape, size, or prominence, but Higgs will always be an ass man. Be it cupping it, squeezing it, using it to get a rise or having his cock buried deep, he will always love a good ass. He tends to be more sexual with asses when his partner is male (or presenting male), often finding moments like those intimate in the guy category. The ass on a woman (or presenting woman) is often more for holding, especially for stability when his tongue is buried deep in them.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Anywhere. Literally fucking anywhere. You want it inside you? Done! Want it down your throat? He’ll go right ahead! Want it covering your face or body? He’ll do his damnedest! He loves the sensation of filling you, but fucking hell does he love how it looks on your body and how it decorates you. Of course he finds humor if it gets in your hair or misses you from a wrong angle, but that’s the playfulness in him talking.
Now him taking any form of cum? That’s a different story. He is absolutely okay with cum inside him or down his throat, but he despises spitting it out or having it leak from him. It’s an intimate act to take such from his partner, so he’ll practically beg for it as long as you’re willing to give it!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This Particle of God who permeates all existence is by simple definition, a slut. Now, I say slut with all the love I have for him in the world, but it is quite true. Higgs is by far the biggest example of ‘switch’ energy. He wants to be used like a toy, wants to be used for the sake of giving others pleasure. Tie him up, decorate him in leather. Give him a few healthy smacks to the ass, but just know if he’s the dominating force in the relationship, he may never admit such. It’s something he prefers to keep to himself until he finds the perfect partner to open up to about it, so it remains his dirty secret.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Higgs has had some good flings in his time, allowing experience with both men and women alike and giving him a rather good sense of what he’s doing. He’s learned just what his tongue can do, how his words can make the body react. And when he rolls his hips just the right way, oh, he gets the idea and knows how to manipulate it.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Oh, he could never start off without without a good bit of foreplay. Typically with any partner, Higgs prefers a good bit of face sitting or ‘69’ play, though his main objective is to focus on his partner's pleasure. Anything he can do to get his partner off first, he will attempt to do.
When it comes to his partners, the positions vary. Up against a wall, he’d have their legs wrapped around him and fucking up into them. Don’t forget the wandering fingers to a sensitive clit or hand to a weeping dick. Laying down, it’s a toss up between missionary or spooning. Missionary is often used when he wants to keep his gaze locked with his partner's own, where as spooning is for those moments where he wants to hold his partner close. When he’s spooning, this can be for intimacy purposes where he goes slow and deep, keeping the moment drawn on to savor you or your body. But in other times, it’s the moment to jackhammer his hips into you until you’re a shaking mess. On your knees, and he has you in doggy. This position is also used more often for flings where no eye contact has to be made and is quick enough to be over and done with.
Now for himself, especially if it’s with a male/male presenting partner or during an intense pegging session, he’ll be begging for a form of missionary. He much prefers holding his legs up towards himself so his bum is presented to his partner. If you include a nice hand job while fucking him, then he’s done for in that position.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This man is not only a switch in the dom/sub realm, but he also is in the serious/humorous realm as well. Higgs is often very humorous when it comes to sex, finding ways to make it fun and carefree. He’ll crack jokes, chuckle if something doesn’t go quite right, but above all, he’ll find it fucking hilarious if you joke back. Playful banter is all part of the fun, but sometimes the moment deserves some serious focuses. If his partner is ever down on themselves or their bodies, he’s serious in the moment. He will make fucking sure that they know what they do to him, but also how beautiful/handsome their body is. All encouragement and softness, but lacking the humorous tone. Then, there is the time were the two collide, where pleasure is the main goal.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Grooming isn’t usually a big concern to him, but he does do it here or there. Just like the stubble that grows on his chin, he sometimes just lets it go until it’s so long and thick that it must be taken care of, just like the onsets of a beard. The color is just as dark as his hair, but a little curled as compared to the well kept nature of his hair on top of his head.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
It truly depends on the partner. If this is a one night stand, Higgs won’t hesitate to call it a quick fuck and move on. He’s not going to give his attention or devotion to a person who doesn’t deserve the full on ‘Higgs Monaghan experience’, but if he feels it may be going somewhere, then expect some kisses or sweet words. Maybe even expect a bit of his strong façade to slip in the process.
Now, if you’re his friend/enemy with benefits, or his partner, then here comes the fucking romance train. Sweet, lingering kisses. Gentle brushes along one's skin followed by an unlimited amount of devotion and praise. He will worship the very ground you walk on as long as he gets a piece of you in some way, shape, or aspect. His love will show in every act, even if it’s a quickie or just a straight up fucking session. He may not be too brash, but his reminders will come at a constant, mixed in with lewd conversation and grunted notions.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Being in his clothes, be it his mask or just his cloak, is the best material he can go to for jacking off. Be it imagining you on your back, hands going to work on whatever gets you off while the fabric bunches beneath you, or the idea of you being in control, being ‘him’. Fuck, does it get his mind going and hand going even faster. The easiest thing to do in those moments is to call you up for some straight up dirty talk. If he’s going to be going after release, he wants you to do the same too (or tease the hell out of you until you’re on the brim and need him, because the cocky bastard loves that shit.)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
BDSM (Bondage, Masochism, and Sadism mostly), Breath Play, Dirty Talk, Exhibitionism, Face Sitting (partner and him), Impact Play, Knife/Weapon Play, Odaxelagnia, Orgasm Denial/ Control, Pegging/Anal, Praise Kink, Strap-on Play (to him), Teasing, Voyeurism, and Worship Kink.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
ANYWHERE. Literally fucking anywhere. He will do it at the Homo Demens base camp, right outside of a Bridges delivery location, or even in the middle of timefall (of course with proper coverage. He would never want you to get hurt by the timefall, nor the BT’s, but it does make it interesting to see how quiet you can stay when they begin to move about. It’s always with an underlying sense of danger or excitement of getting caught that fuels him. But this doesn't stop him when it comes to being home.
When with the Homo Demens, his room at base camp is an often place as well as the community showers. The bunker of Peter Englert, though smaller than a whole base, offers many places as well. These stationary places are his favorite for privacy and intimacy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your body, no matter what, is always an automatic turn on. Especially if there is exposed skin involved that he can hold onto or kiss at. He is a total ass man, always loving to grab at it or just keep his hand there when talking. Your ass, watching it as you walk or beneath him sends blood rushing down below and he may as well cum in his pants at this rate because holy fuck, is that ass perfection. He will worship that ass, constantly wanting to caress it or have a handful if you’re on his lap. Your hands are the next thing. Be them wrapped around his cock, grabbing at the sheets beneath you, or simply cupping his cheek in the afterglow, your hands are always the sweetest thing because they can do so many things that can make him fall apart at the seams.
What REALLY gets him going is being taken care of. Higgs is touch starved all to hell, and when he gets any sign of affection or sweetness from you, be it cuddling or kind words, he feels like he’s floating on a damn cloud. When he is being submissive, or is the bottom in the relationship, It’s especially a turn on when being taken care of leads to praise in the bedroom.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will ABSOLUTELY refuse to involve any form of piss or scat in your play. It is an automatic turn off and he may as well be the cause of another voidout just from the mere recommendation of it. He can’t stand the idea of it. Higgs is into a lot of things, but those two will never fall under his category of things that get him going and needy.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
BOTH! BOTH! BOTH! He is an absolute lover of giving and receiving oral! And he isn’t too shabby at it once he gets used to how your body reacts.
When it comes to giving oral, he goes between a mixture of teasing and driving you mad with that damn tongue. Depending on the relationship you share with him, he either dives right in or takes his time with it. If he wants to, he’ll map out your sex, taking in how hard/wet you are, finding what bits make you mewl the loudest or give him the desired effect. He’ll go slow with his tongue, dragging it until you’re trying to get your cock either inside his mouth or his tongue on your clit (either way, he’ll leave you squirming). When he finally gives you what you want, being lavishing your core or sucking you off, he’s at it and he will go until you’re trembling and begging for no more, to which he’ll get one or more out of you just to prove the point that he can.
When it comes to receiving, he is always down for such, but he is more likely to be down for it if he's the submissive partner in the relationship. He would rather worship and tease when in a dominant position. Taking care of you is the best thing in his mind. But being taken care of? Now that is what drives him absolutely wild. He is sensitive when it comes to the tip of his cock being played with, and will fall apart if it's played with.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on his mood. If he is wanting to be in a kind and sweet mood, he’s slow and passionate, He’ll take his time to make sure you feel nice and good. Keeping eye contact and sweet praising as he takes you, gentle kisses followed by accented thrust that go just deep enough but not too fast to make it fucking. No, that in his mind is perfect for something he isn’t used to, which is love making. If it needs to be quick, or in his mind it’s a sexual punishment, he will be rougher, or faster with you. He’ll fuck you raw and leave you a mess. Either way you’ll be a mess when you’re with Higgs.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He usually has more time for quickies, as he is the entity trying to bring on the next mass human extinction. Of course he loves a good session of proper sex, being able to take his time with you or give you a chance to properly take him. But sometimes those are short lived moments, interrupted halfway through or being stopped before being able to bask in the afterglow because he has to leave. Duty calls, after all. His favorite places for them are generally at the Homo Demens camp, or on the go in some risky area that could accidentally get you guys caught.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
This fucker practically screams risk. Be it public excursions or a new tactic in the bedroom, he’s game. If you want to try something a little more dangerous with him, or something far more kinky then you two already do, he is down. He will always give you a chance to try things with him, and sometimes he’ll see what he can do to help expand your comfort zones by suggesting new situations or experiences. Maybe trying more intensive bondage would be the step up he would try with you from the light bondage you two may already do. Maybe he wants you to try choking him, or maybe YOU want to try choking him. Either way, he is always up for experimentation.
This man, being the exhibitionist he is, is obsessed with the thrill of potentially or actually being caught in the act. It’s something that he would GLADLY introduce you to if he had the chance, wanting that to be the first big experiment if you aren’t already into it. Now mind you, he will respect (generally) your boundaries on most things, but this is one thing that absolutely screams fun in his mind, and it’s so damn risky because you never know who is gonna see!
“Oops, didn’t see ya there Sammy! We’ll just finish up here.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It really depends on the play and the partner. Higgs is a man who can go perhaps three or four rounds at the most, having stamina like a beast if he’s really hyped up for it. Usually this happens when he is in the domineering position, having full control over himself, and whatever control you’ll allow over you, be it full or less than full control.
When he is the bottom, taking whatever is being given to him, he’ll last two rounds at the most because let's face it, Higgs can become overstimulated quickly if the right touches and praises are given. Use the right sensation or hammer down on him when you fuck, and he’ll be a puddle of incoherent speech and needy rambling. Now this doesn't mean you can’t get more out of him, but he’ll be less likely to be as coherent as if he is in full control of the situation.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Oh he most certainly owns them, and he most certainly uses them when he wants to. He’s the kind of guy that if he doesn’t have a partner close by, and he wants to spice up a dirty call or get himself off quicker than he can with his hand, toys are the way to go. Be it dildos, vibrators, anything of the likes, he uses them and he will gladly use them on you or let you use them on him.
He doesn’t usually like using toys in every session, though. Sometimes feeling skin instead of whatever material the toy is is sooooo much better to him because he issued you and he wants to fuck properly. Now if you’re a person who requires the extra stimulation from a toy while you’re enjoying each other, then by all means, he’ll incorporate it somehow so that you get exactly what you need. Some people just need that extra push, and he is happy to supply!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Excuse me, have you met this man? He is the ultimate tease! Especially publicly. He loves to get you hot and bothered or embarrassed and riled up when he’s around. Sinfully delicious comments against your ear or tracing motions through your clothes until you’re needy and he leaves you like that until you’re alone. In the bedroom, he will do whatever it takes to have his partner either be a begging mess or be so fed up with him that he gets exactly what he wants.
For a submissive partner, he likes to use his tongue the most to tease. Trailing along your chest, or over sensitive nipples. Light flicks to extra sensitive areas below the belt, be it the tip or sweet spot on a cock or the bundle of nerves between a woman's legs. Light kisses or nips to the inner thighs just to get you squirming, that man will do so until you get a bite to your voice or just needy enough to give you what you want. Then again, sometimes he likes the torture of continuing the teasing until you’re vision is blurry with tears and you can’t utter any other word than ‘please’.
With dominant partners, he will make every move or command he gets into a tease. Taking his clothing off too slowly, tracing his tongue too long or not putting enough pressure. Sometimes his kisses will pull away too quickly as to tease you. But that teasing is gone the moment you put him in his place, then he is the most compliant creature ever.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make
He is like a fucking air raid siren when he’s being taken, but his volume isn’t nearly as when he’s doing the taking over having someone on top of him in the form of riding. He’ll moan, that is for sure, but the most common noises are the high pitched hitches in his breathing or the grunts that come when he’s pistoning his hips to bring you over the edge. He may give a growl if the fucking is more aggressive, or he may release and airy chuckle from time to time if you two are having more fun than seriousness.
W = Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
He is more than happy to dress in some kind of outfit for your sexual encounters. Be it a Bridges outfit because he knows you get off from him playing as the unknown stranger at Bridges, Peter Englert, or a Fragile uniform because fuck do you love leather, he’s down. He’ll happily wear panties if you like him in feminine undergarments, happily dress with cock cages and leather straps if you want to see him in such. He’ll even stay in the mask if you ask, but when it comes to dressing up, he isn’t limited to dressing himself. He absolutely adores when you wear his mask, or wearing his cloak to cover your nude form.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He may not be the longest or the girthiest, but Higgs has a nice package. He’s about six inches long when fully erect, so about average (in American standards). He can go from well trimmed to near unmanageable depending on his mood, and also the partner. Some prefer hairless, some don’t mind the all natural look.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pfft. Have you met this needy man? I mean seriously? He is OBSESSED with sex. Borderline nymphomaniac if you must, Higgs is constantly down for a good time as long as he has time. His big plans for the end of existence come first, but he will gladly give you his all or take whatever is given as long as he gets to enjoy it. He may ask for company more often than once a day given the day, or sometimes he’ll wait till it’s a time restrained time for you and get as much as he can until you just HAVE to do whatever it is you do. He can wait, but it only gets him more hyped for whatever will happen next, and sometimes it’s torture to him with waiting too long.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Out like a fucking lightbulb. He may stay up for a few for some aftercare either giving or receiving, maybe even some light banter, but generally he’s so worn out that he is O.U.T out! That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like to stay up and chat the night away. Sometimes he does, sometimes he falls asleep like a light sleeping rock, and other times he’s having to redress to start whatever is next in his grand plan.
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Sweet but Psycho || Higgs Monaghan x Reader || Part 1
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Summary: I joined Homo Demens as I had no other choice. I met Higgs Monaghan and witnessed unqualified hate that appeared to have no end. Now, it's about time I show my story to reveal to you a completely different face of man in the golden mask himself. (this story is written in Reader POV)
Warnings: None
Words: 842
Authors: Rouge
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I was working for the militant separatist group known as the Homo Demens for over a month. I was lucky enough to be truly appreciated for my work and devotion. During my stay, Homo Demens managed to create a massive voideout near the Mountain Knot City. I took part in the venture as well. That event led me to a meeting with their figurehead, Higgs Monaghan.
The first impression was pretty good; he proved to be a tall man wearing a black gas mask that covered the entirety of his head. Over that, he wore a golden skeleton mask that covered the lower portion of his face as well as a black hooded cloak pulled up onto his head. He wore also a black bullet proof vest on top of a dim greenish-yellow suit.
“Y/N,” he greeted me, his tone was muffled by the masks he was having on. “I’ve heard a fucking lot about you lately,” he was circling around me like a predator that was getting ready to attack. “I certainly wouldn't have pegged you for a woman who wouldn’t be terrified of anything,” Higgs summed up, his tone soft like never before, and it made me cock my brow a little.
We were in his bunker, west of Lake Knot City. He wanted to meet me in person, as he stated in one of his mails, signed as Peter Englert. I couldn’t have said no to him, he was my chief after all.
“Thank you, sir,” I replied shortly, keeping a low and calm tone of my voice.
He stopped after I called him sir. He turned head towards me and remained silent for a longer moment. Next thing he did, was to take his golden mask off, as well as his second one.
I had to admit to myself that he was a handsome man, even if most of his face was hidden under the hood still. His face was well shaped, the slight beard was adding a load of charm to him, and his eyes… Oh, his eyes were simply magnetising with their blue tint.
“I’m not sir to you, remember that,” Higgs replied. “The name’s Higgs, The Particle of God that permeates all existence,” the man gently pulled the bow.
I gave him a nod.
His blue eyes were fixed on mine and I had a feeling that they can easily pierce through my soul.
“So, tell me now, Y/N, how did you become one of us?,” He asked, a serious interest in his tone. “It’s pretty unusual though for the woman to join the separatists.”
Before giving my reply, I ran the tip of my tongue along my upper lip. “I used to be the porter. During one of the deliveries performed by me and one of fellow Bridges porters, we both got right into the middle of BTs territory. It eventually ended in his death and a massive voideout while I managed to escape. Once I made it back to the Bridges, I was charged with treason and sent away. I had a choice, it was either dying during timefall or BTs or joining Homo Demens. Apparently the choice I made was the only reasonable one,” I told him my story in a nutshell.
While I was speaking, he took a seat at the counter of his desk, he was rubbing his beard from time to time while listening to me. When I finished, there was a long moment of silence between us. Then he spoke.
“Interesting. Fate is a fascinating thing, don’t you think?,” He asked, smiling widely and showing off his beautiful teeth.
I nodded. “Right.”
“You’re not a conversationist type, huh?,” Higgs chuckled.
I blinked as he ambushed me. “I never… I don’t pay attention to speaking and maintaining conversations, I’m rather a type who likes to operate smoothly.”
He smiled brightly at me and got off the desk, he walked to me and reached his gloved hand out to place it on my cheek. “We’ll work on it, sugar.”
I felt intimidated as he touched me. I had to admit to myself that I enjoyed it, a firm touch of his slender, gloved fingers on my rosy cheek. In the end, I offered him a slight nod.
“Good,” Higgs replied with a wide grin. “I started liking you,” the man stated openly. “You have the potential to be a truly remarkable entity.”
His words flattered me, so I gave him a smile back. “Thank you, Higgs.”
“Ah! Perfect!,” he clapped his hands happily, like a kid that would get candy. “First step forward! Keep on keeping on, as they say,” Higgs winked at me.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his reference to one of the famous Bridges motivational sentences.
“Now, I’m having a new assignment for you,” Higgs’ tone changed suddenly; it became cold and a bit hostile.
I lowered my glance to avoid looking him in the eyes.
“Your mission is to assist me during the expedition to Edge Knot City. We have a dirty job to do.”
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Could you please write a story about daddy Giroud?
05 / 05 / 2023
Here is my response to the request for a story on Olivier Giroud. I assume that by "Daddy Giroud" you mean French professional footballer Olivier Giroud. 😏
First of all thank you for asking me to write a story. I see it as proof that my blog still arouses interest, given that the likes and comments are rare on certain stories. It seems that stories about straight white men are getting more and more popular.
Concerning Olivier Giroud, I take advantage of this request for a story to write a MAN OF THE DAY article, because this man deserves it for many reasons.
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Olivier Giroud is a French alpha male. I hadn't really mentioned it in my recent ranking of the most beautiful French men in my opinion, but in reality I was wrong to not include him.
Olivier Giroud has always been a very handsome man, although he's one of those men who makes a beard sexier. He has always had fun with his reputation and the image of a very handsome man he projects.
It must be understood that he is one of the rare famous French men of whom even the most straight men will assume to say that he is sublime. When I was a teenager and until high school, my girlfriends admitted without embarrassment that he was one of their crushes. You might expect a young girl to be endowed by a man closer to her in age, but in reality I think the muscular and mature side is attractive.
Indeed, Olivier Giroud stands out with his calm character, his calm attitude, a tidy family life and dignified behavior. His positions are always taken with lightness to avoid causing problems, he has always accepted to be put aside if necessary in the interest of the group.
And today he is the top scorer in the history of the French football team with more than fifty goals to his credit.
Aged 36 and standing 1.93m tall, he is therefore not only tall and muscular but also impressive without being intimidating. He is a good player, honest friend and protective father, a proud patriot and a talented footballer.
A story about him? Well I already wrote one a year ago, it was centered on his romantic relationship (invented but inspired by a photo that went around the world) with the player Kylian MBappe (on which I was incidentally recently asked for a story).
I invite you to reread it. If you don't like it or if you suggested something different, tell me your ideas in comments or by messages.
Would you like a story that focused on him as a lover? In which case I would need details if you care about this story because, as he is married and I have already imagined him in a relationship with Kylian MBappe, I do not see him as a basic homo. But he sure could be, and I think I made his romance with Kylian MBappe believable. This story is therefore part of the CELEBRITIES IN LOVE collection. I also wanted him to be quite dominant, but without being too authoritarian because that's not the image he reflects of himself.
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If it's a story where he is dominant, it could be a sequel to my fiction which is also a story from the SPORTS, NEW KINGS collection. As for the Portuguese Christiano Ronaldo, the Brazilian Neymar and the Swedish Zlatan Ibrahimovic whom I transformed into sovereigns of their native countries, I made Olivier Giroud the King of France. The story you're asking me about could be about that.
As you can see in the images I have included, he is worshipped, and even in real life. Indeed his hometown posted an image of him to proclaim their pride in him.
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Well, I hope I answered your suggestion and gave you some plots ideas.
Dears readers, don't hesitate to tell me your opinion on Olivier Giroud (his beauty 😍...).
Voici ma réponse à la demande d'une histoire sur Olivier Giroud.
Je suppose que par "Daddy Giroud" tu veux parler du footballeur professionnel français Olivier Giroud. Tout d'abord merci de me demander d'écrire une histoire. J'y vois la preuve que mon blog suscite encore de l'intérêt, étant donné que les likes et les commentaires se font rares sur certaines histoires. Il semblerait que les histoires sur les hommes blancs hétérosexuels soient de plus en plus plébiscitées. Concernant Olivier Giroud, je profite de cette demande d'histoire pour écrire un article HOMME DU JOUR, car cet homme le mérite pour bien des raisons.
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Olivier Giroud est un mâle alpha français. Je ne l'avais pas vraiment évoqué dans mon récent classement des plus beaux hommes français selon moi, mais en réalité j'ai eu tort.
Il a toujours été un très bel homme, bien qu'il fasse partie des hommes que la barbe rend plus sexy. Il s'est toujours amusé de sa réputation et de l'image de très bel homme qu'il renvoit. Il faut bien comprendre qu'il est l'un des rares hommes célèbres français dont même les hommes les plus hétéros assumeront de dire qu'il est sublime.
Quand j'étais adolescent et jusqu'au lycée, mes amies filles s'avouaient sans gêne qu'il était un de leurs béguins. On pourrait attendre d'une jeune fille qu'elle soit dotée par un homme plus proche d'elle en terme d'âge, mais en réalité je pense que le côté musclé et mature est attirant.
En effet, Olivier Giroud détonne par son caractère calme, son attitude posée, une vie de famille rangée et un comportement digne.
Ses prises de position se font toujours avec légèreté pour éviter de causer des problèmes, il a toujours accepté d'être mis de côté s'il le fallait dans l'intérêt du groupe.
Et aujourd'hui il est le meilleur buteur de l'histoire de l'équipe de France de Football avec plus d'une cinquantaine de but à son actif.
Âgé de 36 ans et mesurant 1 m 93, il est donc non seulement grand et musclé mais aussi impressionnant sans être intimidant. Il est bon joueur, ami honnête et père protecteur, un patriote fier et un footballeur talentueux.
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Une histoire sur lui ? Eh bien j'en ai déjà écrite une il y a un an, elle était centrée sur sa relation amoureuse (inventée mais inspirée d'une photo qui a fait le tour du monde) avec le joueur Kylian MBappe (sur lequel on m'a d'ailleurs récemment demandé une histoire).
Je t'invite à la relire. Si elle ne te plaît pas ou si tu me suggéré quelque chose de différent, dis moi tes idées en commentaires ou par messages.
Désirerais tu une histoire qui soit centrée sur lui en tant qu'amant ? Auquel cas il me faudrait des précisions si tu tiens à cette histoire car, comme il est marié et que je l'ai déjà imaginé en couple avec Kylian MBappe, je ne le vois pas de base comme un homo. Mais il pourrait l'être, bien sûr, et je pense avoir rendu crédible sa romance avec Kylian MBappe. Cette histoire fait donc partie de la collection CÉLÉBRITÉS AMOUREUSES. J'ai aussi voulu qu'il soit assez dominant, mais sans être trop autoritaire car ce n'est pas l'image qu'il renvoit de lui.
Si c'est une histoire où il est dominant, cela pourrait être une suite à ma fiction qui est également une histoire de la collection LES SPORTIFS, LES NOUVEAUX ROIS. Comme pour le portugais Christiano Ronaldo, le brésilien Neymar et le suédois Zlatan Ibrahimovic que j'ai transformés en souverains de leurs pays natals, j'ai fait de Olivier Giroud le Roi de France. L'histoire que tu me demandes pourrait parler de cela. Comme tu le vois sur les images que j'ai incluses, il est vénéré, et même dans la vraie vie.
En effet sa ville natale a affiché une image de lui pour proclamer leur fierté envers lui.
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Voilà, j'espère avoir répondu à ta suggestion et t'avoir donné des pistes.
N'hésitez pas à me dire votre avis sur Olivier Giroud (sa beauté 😍...).
@oliviergiroudd @oliviergir0ud @oliviergir0udfc @oliviergiroudafc @oliviergiroudlookingdisappointed @oliviergiroud912 @oliviergiroud-12 @giroudnine @giroudcfc @giroud-ass @giroudista @giroudandcesc
@bat-woodfeet-us @awesomecrowdcontrol1 @leftprogrammingroadtripdean @faginparis @fagsworshipalphas @gayhopefullove @rainykpoptravelcreator @tidodore2 @lovefanfiction01 @innerpiratefun @torinya @fartfagoutlet @feetmakesmehard @kylianmbappee @kylianmbappeh @fartsandotherstink2 @fartsmellafiction @inanimatetffantasies @roroabre-blog
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shayneysides · 4 years
You know what what time it is yup its time for unnecessary smosh opinions from me! Hair Edition (i will be sharing what i think abt each of their quarantine hair changes)
Courtney: she really didn’t have much of a change? she just grew it longer, and while I wasn’t a fan (i like just her short choppy hair best) it wasn’t bad at all. 7/10
Shayne: Sir. Please. Why. The mustache absolutely killed me, he looked like a fucking rat, I swear to god, he looked like he would offer to play catch with me then throw the ball directly at my head, god fucking dammit man, did you really have to, I’m so glad it’s gone jesus christ. And then there was the long hair, which i did talk some shit about, but honestly it wasnt HORRIBLE. he just looked like an extra from either shitty disney channel or a PBS documentary about some medieval war. -62/10
Keith: Every single one of his hairstyles was amazing. All of them. Absolutely beautiful man. 10/10
Noah: I mean you have to give him points for commitment. I loved the colors, hated the cut. The buzz cut is NOT the look for him but DAMN that coloring was impressive. 7.8/10
Ian: I want to hate the blonde, I really do, but I just can’t? He looks like a douche, but almost, one who’s actually respectable? Like he looks like he would make loud noises at the gym and say no homo, but would also punch a dude acting creepy to women at a bar. 8/10
Mop Ratt: I hate him so much, but at the same time his super colorful hair wasn’t that bad? Like,, it was there. It existed. I could not care less about it. 5/10
Sarah: No, she did not have any major hair changes over quarantine, and that is a crime, because she would look so fucking good with any sort of rainbow pastel hair. 0/10
Damien: I fucking loved his haircut and beard that he did on his stream, he looked like the smoothest motherfucker on Wallace Street, could’ve pulled off a pinstripe suit or a leather jacket or really anything with that haircut and beard, beautiful, amazing, handsome, but yknow what all of those point are deducted bc of the FUCKING ponytail. i hated that. SO MUCH. It looked so fucking greasy, and was weirdly small, like he did not have enough hair for it so it looked like he just fucked up a paintbrush and stuck it in his hair, oh my god, he looked a highschool asshole boy who talks constantly about how he’s going to join the military and serve our country, i wanted to walk to his house and cut it off myself, he had the worst type of lin-manuel miranda energy, godammit, i fucking,, -1000000/10
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justkeepdanny · 5 years
#BadGuy #Beer #Beard #Somewhere #Happy #Boy #Mexicano #HappyDay #InstaPic #Enjoy #InstaMoment #Sexy #GayBoy #Homo #InstaGay #Gay #Handsome #California #Historias https://www.instagram.com/p/B0uJHfYBQpL/?igshid=m8ze5f615x5y
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beardfriend · 7 years
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Board at the beach - August 2017
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poetry-alon · 7 years
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#gay #gayworld #sanfrancisco #sf #bayarea #bearded #thebay #beard #scruff #lebanese #homo #sfbayarea #650 #gayfit #handsome #stoner #bcngay #stoners #sfsu #gaymen #bisexual #beardedhomo #lgbt #beardedgay #bi #pool #love #selfie #cute #followme (en Bar Marsella)
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thelastofthewine · 4 months
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Epic scrummy handsome artist - JMT
Source: IG
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
I can see your pain...
Hello my friends!! This is another meta from my meta series. Today I'm gonna talk about how Dean starts to see in Cas something is odd, he sees him sad, and depressed, and he begins to be worried about him.
I want to say thank you to my wonderful friend here, @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this meta and discussed the episodes with me.
Castiel's sadness
Knowing Cas from season 7 was depressed, and then that he wanted to stay in Purgatory, gave us a sad idea about how Castiel was feeling.
We are going to talk first about episode 8x08 Hunter Heroici, Dabb's episode.
Cas starts to share more time with their human friends. But he is still kind of clueless about humans, and everything. He's literal with words and human's expression, and that had been the fluel for a lot of jokes in the show.
When Dean and Cas were talking in that gas station, Dean was questioning what Castiel would do now, because it seems he was kind of glued to them. He thought maybe now that they're back on the road, Cas would do the things he used to do, angel's stuffs. But no, he's still there with them. So he had to ask him...
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So is evident, Cas don't want to talk about angels, or Heaven, or coming back to Heaven, he's afraid, and ashamed, and it mortifies him. He needs to avoid anything that hot to do with his past, so he decided to stay with his humans friends. And imitate them. Because he sees in Dean and Sam two good humans that help people.
DEAN: So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B?
CASTIEL No. I still want – I still need to help people. So... [smiles] I'm gonna become a hunter.
Is so important the switch in the words here... He changed the WANT for the NEED. He needs to hel people. Because he needs to do it, to feel better with himself. To get better from his sadness.
Castiel tries too hard to be a good hunter, but his lack of "humanity" makes it difficult. That's why he fails in everything he tries to do
And there's a little foreshadow hidden in this piece of dialogue... Trying to decipher the case of the man who's heart jumped out of his chest.
SAM: So he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there.
DEAN: His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart.
SAM: So she breaks his. Sounds witchy.
DEAN: Yes, it does. Guy was living a lie, and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection.
He broke her heart so she broke his.
If this isn't a a foreshadow for the incoming crypt scene and for the season 9 scene in which Dean kicked off Cas from the bunker, I don't know what it is...
He was living a lie, that's for sure foreshadowing the crypt scene, when Dean will realize what was happening with Castiel.
Let's jump to the big Destiel dialogue now...
CASTIEL Your father... Beautiful handwriting.
DEAN How you feeling, Cas?
CASTIEL I'm fine.
DEAN Well, I just – I – I know that when... I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to... find my sea legs.
CASTIEL I'm fine.
DEAN Don't get me wrong. I'm – I’m happy you're back. I'm – I’m freaking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing – it always has one mother of a downside.
Dean is trying to make Cas talk, because he's seeing Cas is avoiding Heaven's topic. And maybe he's trying to get to him, talking about that huge experience they had in Purgatory. Trying to empathize with the angel...
CASTIEL: [closes the journal] So, what do you want me to do?
DEAN: Maybe take a trip upstairs.
CASTIEL: To Heaven?
DEAN: Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out.
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Dean is still feeling there's some piece missing, he needs answers, but he can't see far more... Cas is in pain, and he will know again and right in this scene.
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Dean goes for the normal way to look things... Of course, angels would kill Cas, but the truth is worst than that...
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Kill himself? Dean is in shock. And Sam is there interrupting.
Cas saw a way out from that conversation, so he ran away towards Sam, but Dean is so in alarm about what Cas had just said, that he can even get up from the bed. And while his brother are talking, he gave a quick glance to Cas... He's worried...
And this episode already gave us a guy with a blue tie, jumping out of the building, commiting suicide.
Acting awkwardly around you
We are still in episode 8x08, I will point two weird attitudes coming from Dean...
The first one is the classis "I'll watch over you."
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Is a simple, honest angelical offer to make. Angel watch over humanity. And why not watch over Dean? Why not if Cas is an angel and that's what angels supposed to do.
But Dean takes this as another kind of offer, it makes him uncomfortable, just thinking about Cas standing there, watching him sleep... Is so "creepy" but mostly... Gay.
So he snapped off that idea "That's not gonna happen," making that face that show discomfort, and some kind of stress. He's very conscious about the offer, because he's in love with Castiel.
Then... We had the old lady scene... I found a couple of good points...
OLD WOMAN: You are so pretty, Charles.
(...) DEAN notices an attractive female CARER walk by.
Why is this immediately pointed after a lady calling Castiel pretty? Because Dean is conscious about that too... Cas is pretty, and then a pretty Young lady passed by and Dean goes there. Yeah. No homo. Is just subtext.
CASTIEL: That's not my name.
OLD WOMAN: Oh! You look so much like my third husband.
I don't know if someone already pointed this in the fandom but... Cassie/Lisa... Are one two... And now Castiel is the third for Dean. 🤣🤣🤣
And this one here...
OLD WOMAN Oh, my diamonds, yes. I hid them there. [to CASTIEL] I'm sorry, Charles. I didn't trust you. You were quite the bounder.
Okay... So Charles/Castiel is the binder, this is a funny foreshadow about what Cas would do to Dean... He will break his heart.
Jumping now to episode 8x10 Turn and Frayed
Not mention the scene in which Castiel actually is watching over Dean, I want to talk about the exaggerated and awkward reaction from Dean when CAS is standing behind him, and he opens his laptop, with the "Busty Asian Beauties" on it...
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Why is he reacting like that? If Cas is a dude, and the normal reaction between dudes would be just poker face maybe a joke or wherever, but no. He's in front of his crush, people! He's ashamed! He even covers the screen with his hand!! He looks back to see if Cas is watching. He's ashamed because he cares about what As would think. Because he is in love with him. Okay I will repeat this a lot of times during season 8...
And this whole episode here is a parallel to 5x03, Free to be you and me, we even had an intent of date!
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And Dean is flirting again, and watching Castiel mouth, then touching his own lips, I mean... This is it. This was another date between them. A hunting date. The whole episode my dears.
Dean is also feeling proud when CAS requested the ingredients list Kevin was writing. Yeah, this is my handsome angel friend, nothing he can't get.
In this episode, Dean and Sam saw Castiel had killed Samandriel, suspecting there was something really bad going on with the way Cas was behaving.
Bi Dean exposition
Episode 8x13 Everybody hates Hitler, written by Edlund, is a big Bi Dean exposition.
Before we will be talking about that, I want to point here, this scene...
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Dean is avoiding Sam's gaze, he is like playing with some books, because he needs to make that question as if that was nothing, just a bro, worried about his best bro, so, yeah...
But while he's doing that, is plenty obvious to the audience, he's trying so hard, and he's really worried, and he's ashamed for asking that. Because he was trying to contact Cas and he didn't answer his phone, so he's really, REALLY, worried, and struggling with Castiel's absence.
But now let's talk about how he's bi self was exposed when he met the rabbi's grandson.
You already recall the scene in the restaurant. The guy and Dean exchanged gazes, and the rabbi's grandson flirted with him.
And when Dean went to face him, he got very VERY flustered, and everything was awkward, and he even gave the guy a flirting gaze... Okay... He named that MY GAY THING.
Now... Why is Dean disappointed in this dialogue... (Also, pay attention to the symbolism and the parallel is hidden here...)
BEARDED YOUNG MAN The rabbi who was murdered, Isaac Bass – he was my grandfather. That's why we're here. When you guys started to follow up on his case, we started following you.
This is placed after the episode in which the guys met his grandfather, so this is a parallel to that episode, but also, what is about to coming, is a Destiel brokenheart parallel (the crypt scene)
DEAN So, wait. What you're saying is that you and me – we, uh, didn't have a moment?
Because Dean had a moment there too... He thought they, together, had a moment. (Bi Dean alarm sounding).
RABBI BASS’ GRANDSON No, man. I was tailing you.
Now... The deception, and the foreshadownfor the broken heart...
Cas I thought we had something special, you and me, but it looks like it was just me feeling that way...
DEAN [to SAM] Told you I was being followed. He was my gay thing.
[to RABBI BASS’ GRANDSON] It was really good. You really had me there. It was very smooth.
Trying to remain cool... But he fooled him.
He will feel fooled by Castiel too.
Can I die now? Okay, after finish this, then I die.
To Conclude
Episode 8x08 showed us a depressed Castiel, thinking about suicide, not being able to come back to Heaven, and trying to stay with Dean and Sam, trying to be a hunter like them, because they're role models to him. And he NEEDS to keep helping people, he need to feel himself as a good person.
We had a worried Dean and and awkward behavior coming from him, with huge heartbroken (crypt scene) foreshadow everywhere.
Episode 8x13 was exppsitional for Bi!Dean, and it had a lot of elements that acted like parallels with MoL legacy and, again, the crypt scene.
I hope you like this one, see you in the next Chronicles.
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20
If you want to be tagged in this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas...
Links are right here: vol. XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII.
Buenos Aires, October 23rd 2019 6:20 PM
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maanishand · 5 years
Hop(e) on to the Beach....
I met a man in his late 40s at Kasturba Nagar station who travelled with me until Chennai Beach station, who is probably gay, or has homosexual/homoerotic tendencies (maybe I'm just judging him). He is a bachelor and lives with his mother. He says he is not interested in family and all but he likes 'enjoyment' once in a while. When he gets bored and feels alone, he goes to the beach and sits there and doesn't see time passing. He says from around 8 PM until around 10 PM, you could see couples, both homo and hetero, walking or doing stuff under the boats or inside nets. There is also the flesh trade. He says that some will approach you and will probably touch you — but most of them are decent, as they'll retract if you aren't interested. He says the wind is nice on the beach. From about 7 PM, there'd be a very cool wind that may make you shiver in cooler months. It'd be crowded now, people coming for the wind owing to the heat, but the good thing with crowds are that the police lets you stay on for longer. He asked me if I was from Kerala, and upon knowing that I was, applauded the flood efforts. The beach and enjoyment kept assaulting his memories repeatedly. He told me that I looked handsome with the beard, but said that I could also shave off. He enquired about the couples and hostels and vacations and campus of IIT, and advised me to not drink, but have other sorts of 'enjoyments'. He pedantically distinguished between going to the beach alone, and going with a gang, a gumbal. Enquiring when I visited the beach last, he insisted that I visit it more often, especially during the 8-10 time window, because you can see things, because Section 377 is no longer legal. When asked about when he feels lonely and bored, he said he goes to the beach. If not, he watches TV or he watches movies on his phone. All kinds of movies. A-movies as well. It is fine to watch A-movies also, he tells me. I concur and say that I too, occasionally, watch. He tells me of a baldheaded bulky man in porn videos that he likes (most probably Johnny Sims), and demonstrates how much 'muscle' the man has. He used to save porn videos on his phone earlier, but not anymore, because he thinks they'll bring addiction. Seeing a Puducherry train at Chennai Beach, he comments that Puducherry is also a problematic place — on its streets you get cheap booze and in its hotels you get cheap women (ladies) — such a touristy thing, he believes. It felt as if he was almost stalking me, with eyes on me for long times. All the time I kept vigil for a probable inappropriate touch or a word. But he was decent and was not up-to anything. Finally, he got off at Chennai Beach, before the station he was supposed to get out in (Royapuram), to walk backwards to another coach so that he could walk less at Royapuram. He walked out into the sun, with a smile to me, as alone as the time when I found him half an hour back.
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justkeepdanny · 5 years
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Me encanto esta foto!!! muchas gracias a @nattecoop y obvio a todo el ganado que participo, ya que sin ellos esto no hubiera sido posible jajajaja 😂🤣😜 . . . . . #Handsome #Beard #Somewhere #Happy #Boy #Mexicano #HappyDay #InstaPic #Enjoy #InstaMoment #Vacaciones #GayBoy #Homo #InstaGay #Gay #Creativity #Nature #Travel #ConociendoMexico #Tlaxcala #Nanacamilpa #Animals #Life #Breath https://www.instagram.com/p/B1eb1cbhUDl/?igshid=ajn1dlagboiq
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