yalikejazz9 · 2 years
So with the sudden influx of handalite content, I'd thought it would probably be smart to clear something up,
Said something is, "how the fuck does she eat?"
Well, just take a small look at my diagram here!
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It's rather simple, but at the same time, very not!
See, in handalites hands there are mouths, in thise mouths, there are teeth. Sharp teeth.
Now, why would an andalite have sharp teeth in their mouth of their a herbivore??
Easy. Handalite isn't. Atleast not fully.
(And before you say it, yes I know that technically andalites and earth herbivores don't eat ONLY plants, but you get what I mean.)
See, the arn decided to fuck her up a bit, and instead of just keeping whatever mouth system the andalites had in the first place, they added a few extra features out of hate-filled spite.
See, not only did they give her teeth, and make her a largely meat eating omnivore, but they had to be sure that she could actually function normally.
So, using left behind features of andalite anatomy, it was easy to make handalites body able to consume meat on the regular, BUT, inorder to DO that, they tweaked the energy absorption ability. Since its aboviously able to take in water and other forms of liquid, why change it fully when they could just add a little thing here and there? Specifically, why wouldn't they make it so that handalite could dissolve solid foods such as meat and carrion using stomach acid, and then using the andalite body's ability to consume liquids inorder to "eat" said meat and carrion after it had been properly.. prepared?
Handlite shoots stomach acid out of her hands and slurps up the meat juice.
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rainbow-arrow · 3 years
hey i figured out why season four lovesquare drama is just a Little more unbearable imo. in all the seasons before there was Someone Else. but Chloe’s screentime is back to zero, Lila’s hiding out for the finale, and Kagami’s out until she’s ‘ready’ to come back, and fuck, even Luka handlit the fucking candles for a well-illuminated path straight to Adrien and it’s just Marinette Not Doing it.
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ancalimaru · 7 years
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Я очень редко использую лосьоны для рук, предпочитаю кремы: более плотные и насыщенные. Но недавно я выяснила что лосьон лосьону рознь и нашла тот, который мне подходит для дневного использования. Это лосьон шведской марки с красивым 😈 названием @victoriasoaprussia Я уже показывала вам их шикарное новогоднее мыло 😍 Лосьон легкий, достаточно быстро впитывается, но при этом питает кожу, не исчезает сразу, как другие. И его формфктор мне очень удобен на работе: банка с дозатором. Пахнет лосьон насыщенно, дорогим европейским мылом. А вы пользуетесь кремом для рук на работе? А лосьоны любите? #lotion #bodylotion #handlition #лосьондлярук #кремдлярук #кремдлятела #лосьондлятела #отзыв #честныйотзыв #отзыв #blogger #beautyblogger #russianbeautyblogger #блогер #бьютиблогер #bblogger #косметика #cosmetic #cosmetics
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feminexisting · 2 years
Enders by Lissa Price
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I’ve only owned this book for about a month now (Ibought it on May 22nd). I bought it on Ebay, for $3.88 and shipping, bringing it up to $4.20. I bought this book because, although I was somewhat disappointed with the first book in the series, I was still interested enough that I wanted to read the sequel. 
The premise is that, following the ending of the first book, during which Prime Destinations was closed and Callie learned that she could still hear Brockman, the man who has been controlling Metals (Starters with chips in their heads), in her head. As she attempts to find ways to remove her chip and, in so doing, remove him, she finds herself engaged in a new plot with a strange new boy, Hyden, as they attempt to recruit and save other Metals and find Brockman, all while trying to find Callie’s dad, who she believes is still alive. 
The book starts off with Callie making sandwiches so she can feed unclaimed Starters. Although it’s only been a short time since she was last an unclaimed Starter herself, she’s already forgotten everything she should do, such as carrying a handlite, being aware of her surroundings, and, above all, being careful. Because she forgets all of this, the sandwiches are stolen from her. This wouldn’t be a big deal if, following this, she didn’t act as if she completely understood why the unclaimed Starters were being underfed. She almost gives off the feeling that she thinks she’s better than they are. Yes, they’re hostile to outsiders, but can you blame them? And even though hostile, they still deserve food. One has to wonder if she would ever bother going to feed them again or if this one stunt was where her charity ends. This isn’t even the only time Callie acts like she feels superior to unclaimed Starters; later in the book Callie goes to an unclaimed Starter camp to look for Michael. She talks about the Starters like they’re wild dogs, saying, “they looked like monsters chasing our car, their faces contorted in anger.” Of course they would chase after her, when she gave them money; they need it. 
Callie talks about how, despite everything, she still is in love with The Old Man, because of the way she felt with him when he was acting as Blake. The rational mind is reminding me that she can’t just switch her emotions on a dime, while the emotional part of me is questioning how it is she can feel anything other than despise of him after everything he’s done to her and her family. 
When the bomb goes off, Callie meets Hyden (though she doesn’t know his name at the time) as he protects her from the blast. We meet him again later after he kidnaps her while she’s going somewhere directed by Brockman. He does this, we learn, for her own good, so that The Old Man can’t capture and control her. Still, his appearance was annoying for me; in the first book, Blake was the love interest rival to Michael, and now it’s Hyden. More than that, Hyden and Callie immediately understand each other and get along swimmingly, which is supposedly how Callie and Michael are supposed to be, not that we ever really get a good chance to see it. 
Honestly, I don’t think Hyden’s character was really necessary, not just because I don’t want any love rivals or love triangles, but because adding a new character that has so much importance, in the second book in the series, when the series only HAS two books, is incredibly... not great. It’s annoying, being told that he’s trustworthy and a good guy, but not having any information to back that up, such as an appearance in the first book. We later learn that he’s the son of Brockman, that he wants to help bring him down because he knows more than anybody else just how immoral this man is, but really, all I can think is, they probably could’ve filled Hyden’s role as a character with somebody else. I don’t think Hyden is the lynchpin to his niche as a character in the book; he really isn’t that important. If they really wanted to make him interesting, they could have made Hyden be controlled by Brockman too; why not? It would give Callie a new reason to hate him, while minimizing the importance of Hyden himself. Sure, Brockman can see what Callie is up to himself, but wouldn’t it be just as beneficial to make himself a friend to her, a confidante, so he can learn everything from her?
Callie is deadset on ignoring every single red flag that pops up in regards to Hyden. Hyden can switch to other Metals’ bodies almost instantly, and he in fact uses this ability at least once, without ever even asking for permission from the Metal he takes over. Wouldn’t this set off alarm bells for Callie? Wouldn’t she, more than anybody else in this book, be wary of anybody who has so little disregard for consent? Maybe she would even be wary that he always seems to know what she’s thinking, almost as if he could read her mind... or her chip? Sure, yeah, he actually really is a good guy, but wouldn’t Callie still be unsure of him? I understand why Hyden wants to switch bodies - he has a nerve condition in which every touch hurts him - but wouldn’t his desire to do so again set Callie off? Is it truly in character for her to so casual about him admitting he wants to stay in the jacked body? Yeah, she’s not comfortable with him using the body, but she’s also more understanding of it than we come to expect from her character; she’s incredibly stubborn and always believes she’s right, and hardly ever wants to listen to other people’s sides. We know how long it took her to come around to Helena, and yet she takes like a fish to water to Hyden. Also, she kisses Hyden-in-the-Metal’s-body, which, although I don’t know if that’s out of character for her (she seems to be a heartbreaker and a flirt, even if unconsciously. Michael, Blake, Hyden, maybe even Brockman could be counted), she still shouldn’t have been comfortable with it since the body was jacked. Also, Hyden doesn’t want to tell all the Metals they’ve collected that he’s a body stealer jacker. Instead, he wants Callie to tell them because he thinks they trust her more. 
Hyden has a Middle that works with him as his bodyguard, named Ernie. Ernie has dark skin, dark hair, and is very muscular. Cool, we get a character of color who we might actually see for more than a few minutes! And then immediately the racist stuff starts happening. Ernie goes to grab a Metal off the street, an Asian girl who knows some sort of gymnastics or kung fu, without ever talking to her first, and then kidnaps her. It gets worse when Callie, the white girl with blonde hair, says they should talk to the Metals instead of forcing them, and then they listen to her. This isn’t the first instance of racism in this book; later on, towards the end, Callie is jacked and forced to strip out of her shirt in front of a crowd of foreign dignitaries who are whooping and hollering at her. A man in African robes (so we can likely assume he is a black man) catches her shirt which she threw into the audience and then waves it around like a prize. ("...man in African robes [who] caught [her shirt that was thrown into the audience] and waved it triumphantly"). The racism written into the book was a very unpleasant surprise. 
Things happen so quickly in this book, without any explanation. The plot moves so fast, but is written so halfheartedly. Zero explanation can be alright, but there’s no exposition either. Like, for example, sure, the Enders get into Hyden’s compound and take all the Metals. How do they know where it is and how to get in? Fine, Brockman wants to sell the Metals to the rich of the world. Is he really doing it just for money, not even for power? And there’s no ceremony when Redmond is killed and Ernie is shot. Two important figures, two allies, are shot, but it hardly means anything.
I didn’t like that we finally get to see Emma, safe and sound, only for her to still be shallow. She’s been held prisoner and presumed dead by everybody that knew her before, but she is still only focused on her looks. And then she dies. What was the point of even finding her? I guess she showed that removing the chip is impossible without Brockman’s knowledge, but was it worth it to bring her up at all? I expected a kind of quiet girl who would do anything to bring down Brockman, but instead I got a ditzy socialite whose only real depth was when she volunteered to try and get her chip removed where even Callie, who was so desperate she would do anything, wouldn’t. What was the point of Emma showing up in the book when she was reborn (aka given her chip) as a guinea pig to test the technology, only to die as a guinea pig by being the first subject to remove the chip. And then, to top it all off, Hyden asks if anyone even liked Emma after she died. Beyond being completely tactless (especially since it hadn’t even been a day since she died), it was just rude and disrespectful. Like, oh, because y’all didn’t make friends with her, it’s not a big deal that she died? I wish there were justice for Emma, but instead, once she dies, she’s barely mentioned again, not even when her being dead means Callie receives the entire Winterhill estate. Also, Callie talking to Emma about how looks are overrated is rich, as if she hasn’t consistently been interested only in attractive people. Emma was right not to believe Callie, even if what Callie was saying was technically true. 
The plot progression in the book often feels unnatural and forced. Callie, Michael, and Hyden escape Dawson’s lab, immediately figure out where Brockman’s lab is, end up killing a Metal without remorse, and then break into Brockman’s compound like it’s nothing. They feel nothing about any of this stuff happening, not even the killed Metal, and they aren’t affected at all. Sure. 
Hyden being The Old Man was... honestly annoying. I would have preferred if it were Callie’s dad like it was hinted at in the first book. Even more annoying was how, despite Hyden quite literally being the cause of almost all of Callie’s problems, Callie still forgives him. Genuinely, what the fuck. He’s the reason she’s got a chip in her head, he’s the reason she was pulled into this entire mess, and yet she just forgives him, as if he literally hadn’t been lying to her since the start. How did he change his voice in her head? Does his voice sound exactly like Brockman’s? Him saying everything about The Old Man was the exact opposite of what they were led to believe is such bullshit and none of it is believable, and then to add to it he tells Callie that he fell in love with her is just like. Come the fuck on man. And then Callie apologizes to him for ruining his plans as if he didn’t literally ruin her entire fucking life. Like, I literally have no words for any of this. 
Callie’s objectification by the audience during the demonstration and her subsequent sexual assault (?) (her being forced to strip in front of them and was almost forced to kiss the guy controlling her, if not worse) was literally insane. She was understandably angry about it, of course, but then she acts as if the trauma from this happening was so bad that she completely forgot how to fight the transposition process, as if this is the worst thing that’s happened to her recently, and also as if she could even forget it when she had repeatedly tried it before and had already been trying to fight back. And then she says it was the hardest thing she had ever done once she regains control of herself, and yet she easily takes over Brockman’s body and can control him with ease. Was he not fighting back? I had really hoped she would shoot him herself or elsewise make him shoot himself - she would certainly not be in the wrong, I think, for doing so. 
Throughout the entire book Michael is treated as an afterthought. He’s used, as necessary, to drive the plot forward (like making Callie go pick him up at the Starter camp, or being at the mall with Tyler when the chip in Reece exploded, or Callie being forced to shoot him), but then completely forgotten about and dismissed as soon as he isn’t relevant. The same was true, of course, in the first book. I almost wonder what the point of him was, since he also could have had his niche filled in any number of ways. 
Some plot twists are great, you know. This book wasn’t great at them, but at least some of them were better than others. Beattie becoming the head of the Institution was an interesting one. Hyden being The Old Man was an interesting one. Dawson being a good guy and working with the government and using Callie and Michael and Hyden as bait was a bad one. Like, great, they didn’t let his character fade into the background like they did with so many other characters. Who gives a fuck. What was the point of him, honestly. Callie could’ve just called her connections at some point to surround the compound but, like, no, we needed Dawson in the story. Obviously. 
At the end of the book, Callie lets Dawson jack her so that she can take down Beattie and then she joins his team, despite saying less than ten pages prior she would never join his team, because he told her she would never be safe again, what with all the foreign dignitaries having it out for her since she ruined their plans. She, Michael, Hyden, and a lot of the other Metals, all join Dawson’s team. The saddest part is that Callie says she desperately wants a normal life but knows she never will. The only good thing about this ending was the fact that Callie never (officially) chose between Michael and Hyden, instead walking hand-in-hand with both of them at the same time. (Of course, it’s pretty obvious she prefers Hyden, despite everything that happened because of him, but I digress). It’s a pretty lame ending, pretty sucky. Callie doesn’t even seem that torn up about having to leave Tyler and her dad for some time to train. Was there some story to be had, here? Why couldn’t she get a happy ending. What was the point of anything that happened to her. 
This book, like it’s predecessor, had the chance to be great, but fell short. Sure, it was still an interesting premise, but it was flat. That’s the most frustrating thing - it had the ability to be good, even great, but it didn’t get there. 2/5, I guess. Whatever. I’ll buy the three short stories just to fully round it out, but I’m not optimistic about it. 
My bookmark for this book was an old Walmart receipt, slightly worn and with a torn off bottom left corner. 
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designjams · 3 years
Week 10.2 | Formative | Feedback Analysis and Synthesis
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Blue feels dated - Why are we using blue?
Design feels very heavy and serious
Glassmorphism design
Make light
Primary and Secondary colour
Make it more dynamic & playful (app transition) (like Siobhan's Handlit design for UX class)
Make it bubbly, nice and approachable.
Tighten up animations
Need major redesign and rethink, it's clunky and takes up too much real estate
In contrast, the top bar looks empty and looks like it's needlessly taking up space when it shouldn't be.
Get rid of the top bar entirely? Other music apps, after comparison, don't even use.
Doesn't feel like a home screen - needs something that says 'Welcome', feels like a starting page.
Needs to visually tell people immediately that this is a LYRICS app - at the moment just feels like any old music app when you open it up.
"See what people are singing along to"? Sections like this?
Make songs immediately available on the front page - not just playlists
Maybe have a kindle-like feature where you can highlight and save your fav lyrics??
Make things consistently spaced
Tighten up typography
Space buttons better
Font size for lyrics too large?
Rethink lyrics page - add more pizzazz
Take out horizontal scrolling altogether - use horizontal only for swiping between screens for consistency.
Vertical scrolling only for consistency
Be able to swipe overlays away
Central button for lyrics - easily identifiable
Profile with stats? Highlighted and saved lyrics, lyrics read and listened to.
Karaoke vibes.
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Photos of feedback
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mattlippard · 3 years
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Summary of Feedback
We’re going to take our entire design system a different direction. From our formative feedback we realised that whilst the ideas of our app conceptually were good, the design of the design system and associated visuals let the communication of how to use our app and general feelings towards the app, down. We’ve done some research into some recent design trends around UX/UI and will take a more modern and hopefully professional looking approach with our next designs.
Blue feels dated - Why are we using blue?
Design feels very heavy and serious
Glassmorphism design
Make light
Primary and Secondary colour
Make it more dynamic & playful (app transition) (like Siobhan’s Handlit design for UX class)
Make it bubbly, nice and approachable.
Tighten up animations
Need major redesign and rethink, it’s clunky and takes up too much real estate
In contrast, the top bar looks empty and looks like it’s needlessly taking up space when it shouldn’t be.
Get rid of the top bar entirely? Other music apps, after comparison, don’t even use.
Doesn’t feel like a home screen - needs something that says ‘Welcome’, feels like a starting page.
Needs to visually tell people immediately that this is a LYRICS app - at the moment just feels like any old music app when you open it up.
“See what people are singing along to”? Sections like this?
Make songs immediately available on the front page - not just playlists
Maybe have a kindle-like feature where you can highlight and save your fav lyrics??
Make things consistently spaced
Tighten up typography
Space buttons better
Font size for lyrics too large?
Rethink lyrics page - add more pizzazz
Take out horizontal scrolling altogether - use horizontal only for swiping between screens for consistency.
Vertical scrolling only for consistency
Be able to swipe overlays away
Central button for lyrics - easily identifiable
Profile with stats? Highlighted and saved lyrics, lyrics read and listened to.
Karaoke vibes.
0 notes
ancalimaru · 7 years
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Я очень редко использую лосьоны для рук, предпочитаю кремы: более плотные и насыщенные. Но недавно я выяснила что лосьон лосьону рознь и нашла тот, который мне подходит для дневного использования. Это лосьон шведской марки с красивым 😈 названием @victoriasoaprussia Я уже показывала вам их шикарное новогоднее мыло 😍 Лосьон легкий, достаточно быстро впитывается, но при этом питает кожу, не исчезает сразу, как другие. И его формфктор мне очень удобен на работе: банка с дозатором. Пахнет лосьон насыщенно, дорогим европейским мылом. А вы пользуетесь кремом для рук на работе? А лось��ны любите? #lotion #bodylotion #handlition #лосьондлярук #кремдлярук #кремдлятела #лосьондлятела #отзыв #честныйотзыв blogger #beautyblogger #russianbeautyblogger #блогер #бьютиблогер #bblogger #косметика #cosmetic #cosmetics
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