kobofkorn · 2 months
⭐️ving is so exhausting like i have no energy i feel hopeless all the time my hearts beating rapidly and i have no motivation to do anything should i start eating again but make sure my calorie intake is better?
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kobofkorn · 2 months
how long til i see weight loss results from water fasting!? 😩😩ughh it feels like it’s taking decades and all i think about is food
also im so lightheaded, my throat and body is sore , and im so bloated will this go away?? should i be drinking more water
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kobofkorn · 2 months
when im skinny
Wear tight clothes
borrow other peoples clothes/ have it look baggy on me
wear short shorts/shirts
find clothing my size
get stares in admiration
become full faster
boys will like me
wear crop tops
be able to change infront of people
piggy back rides
skinny fingers
collarbones showing
no double chin
other people will notice
the satisfaction
and the list goes on…
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kobofkorn · 2 months
So i’ve never used tumblr before but im on here looking for motivation!! I rlly wanna lose weight im on a fast rn on my almost 5th day of just water and sugar free 0-5 cal drinks
anyways looking for some friends that are open to motivating eachother😭
i’ll def be posting more
(im 16 )
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