#hamster nutrition
allperfectpets · 1 year
Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? Everything You Need to Know!
Hamsters are cute pets that adore nibbling. Nonetheless, as a capable proprietor, it's vital to ensure that the food you give them is protected and sound. Tomatoes are a typical family food, yet could hamsters at any point eat them? In this article, we will examine all that you want to be familiar with taking care of tomatoes to hamsters.
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pvrrhadve · 1 year
the #1 piece of life advice i can give anyone who doesn't Have It Together is to keep something to eat for breakfast by your bed so you can get something in you as soon as you wake up
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First post, gotta make sure this wont be some stupid thing like a throwaway joke or some obscure reference ill forget once i send the words of doom into the endless void that is the internet to be devoured and reprocessed ending up more gross than those yellow cheese squares that my body has begun to reject like id rather be eating soil from the ground which probably has more nutritional v-
Oh no
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cherr-22 · 10 months
“Demonic beasts that look like this can be boiled and eaten. The boiling takes a while, but it will be much better in terms of nutrition and warmth.”
The maids and knights gathered in a circle around me and took notes.
Fortunately, they nodded in understanding despite my crude explanation. They discussed what other demonic beasts could be eaten like this as well as what other kinds of stuffings they could use.
‘I think this is enough for explanations. The duck baeksuk should be done by now.’
I rubbed my sore shoulders and checked the system window that popped up.
[‘Summon’ will be canceled in 5 minutes.]
‘Looks like I won’t be able to taste test it.’
I told my goodbyes to the workers I became closer with and headed to the warehouse in the corner. As I went in and closed the door, I heard Kyle’s voice from a distance.
“You’re late.”
I smiled at his voice looking for me as the white light enveloped my body.
To live an hour like a day was tiring. I sighed on top of the sawdust.
I didn’t know how long I slept since I used ‘Summon’, but when I opened my eyes, Kyle was tearing pieces of duck baeksuk into my food bowl.
―Squeak. (What are you doing.)
“Sorry for waking you up. But this is good timing. Eat while it’s still warm.”
Kyle placed the bowl in front of me. I looked at the disheveled appearance of the baeksuk I made.
‘Hmm. It cooked well.’
Baeksuk should be boiled for a long time to be delicious.
I held the meat that Kyle shredded with both hands and took a bite.
The soft flesh with a greasy texture melted in my mouth. I think this tasted better than a regular duck. I wonder if it was because it had more exercise as a demonic beast?
As I mindlessly devoured the meat, Kyle gently stroked my forehead with his index finger and smiled happily.
“This food was invented by him. How did someone so brilliant come here?”
―Squeak squeak. (I came here by dying, man.)
“I have to return this favor properly, but I don’t know what would be good.”
―Squeak squee-, squeak. (Give me money. Money is best.)
I ate all the baeksuk with not a single leftover as Kyle contemplated seriously. Perhaps because of my small body, my stomach felt like it would explode after eating only a handful.
I stretched my arms out. Kyle watched me as if he thought I was the cutest thing in the world and put me onto his palm to carry me out the study.
“I don’t think I have been paying attention to you for a while, so let’s sleep together tonight.”
Kyle laid me down on a handkerchief beautifully embroidered with flowers. He then laid down next to me and stroked me endlessly.
Just when I thought I was going to become a hairless hamster, he ended up closing his eyes first.
‘He must’ve been very tired.’
Anyways, I wonder if his arm is okay?
I stood up and inspected Kyle’s arm. It was still covered in bandages, but he didn’t seem to have any major problems using the arm.
His tough hands were filled with numerous cuts. I massaged them hoping that they’d heal a bit more faster.
Be healthy.
You must be healthy for me to stop worrying.
The Northerners were quick to learn new things, as they were veterans who already had experience in making something from nothing but dry land.
They also had good adaptability. Not only were they already making the baeksuk I taught them yesterday, they were also finishing up making the parkas. Teaching felt very rewarding.
Today again, I boiled the duck and even made porridge in front of the knights who caught the duck. As a delicious smell filled the kitchen, the surrounding people began to crowd here.
“Oh…… wow. This… this is really delicious?”
“How could we have never thought about eating like this! It’s a lot better than frying, don’t you think?”
“Please cook like this from now on. Also here, you can eat it more deliciously if you scorch the rice.”
This was the kind of food the owner of my rented room in my past life liked. I once made it for them because I was indebted to them, but they ended up coming to me often to make it for them.
It should be delicious. I’ve been working part-time in a restaurant for years. I know how to cook most dishes decently, at least.
“I suppose you could use the leftover meat to make jerkies. Oh, and, continue to make quilted clothes with the duck feathers.”
I sat next to the maids who were sewing besides a basket full of the demonic beasts’ feathers. The maids greeted me warmly.
The welcoming atmosphere made me feel good.
‘How long has it been since I did something with others like this?’
I developed the game almost by myself, and after graduating from school, I had to leave my uncle’s house to become independent. After my parents passed away, I had no meaningful memories of being with other people. I was busy working part-time in college and taking classes.
‘I sure lived a boring life.’
I put the feathers between the fabric and moved the needle diligently.
The thickly sealed fabric could be used as clothing or as cushion. From afar, they looked like blankets.
I smiled happily and looked at the people around me.
Then, a system window blinked before my eyes.
[‘Summon’ will be canceled in 3 minutes]
I jumped up from my seat. The attention of the people who were once chatting harmoniously suddenly focused onto me.
I laughed awkwardly and made an excuse.
“Something urgent came up, so I’ll be leaving first.”
“Already? You should stay a bit longer!”
“It’s quite important so…”
I turned around and was about to leave when―.
[You have opened up the possibility of a prosperous life for the residents of the Blake estate.]
[Hidden quest, ‘Godfather of the North’ achieved!]
[Miracle Value has increased.]
[Current Miracle Value 21.0%]
[A passive effect has been achieved. Anyone who is a member of the North will favor you.]
[The duration of ‘Summon’ has been extended.]
[‘Summon’ will be canceled in 62 minutes.]
The system windows popped up all at once, then disappeared without even having me a chance to touch it. Smiling with utmost satisfaction, I turned around and sat again.
“……Weren’t you going to go?”
“Oh. I was given extra time.”
One of the maids looked at me strangely and then suddenly turned back their head. I made a confused expression on my face upon seeing that and inserted the needle into the fabric once again.
But…… what was it. Was it just my imagination?
The other people who had been chatting before quieted down as if cold water was poured on them. Just like kids who played during the night study time and then pretended to study when the teacher came in……
At that time, a long shadow fell over my head.
“You guys sure look like you’re having fun.”
It was Kyle. So you were the culprit.
I tilted my head back and lifted the fabric I was working on. Then, I spoke in a calm voice.
“Would you like to do this too? Or do you not have this kind of dexterity.”
The surrounding remained silent. Kyle smiled lightly and supported my back. He put his arm around my knees and lifted them.
“……No. Why are you lifting me up?”
“I’ll have to borrow you for a moment.”
Kyle carried me away without answering me.
I felt discontent until I realized his destination. ……Are you serious? Is it the study? Why are you so obsessed with the study!?
‘System! Open the store, the store!’
[☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆]
[!Nut Store!]
Forget the sparkly neon sign. I hit the Love Love Corner like a mad man with sweat falling down my forehead.
Okay, okay. Next time I’ll press the button only once so hurry up.
[Love Love Corner~❤]
I chewed my nails nervously, looking back and forth between the study and the system window.
‘……So how many Hearts did I have again?’
Didn’t I use a lot last time?
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×52]
I slapped my face.
From my memory, the replica hamster lasted 30 minutes and costed 100 hearts.
Alright. I admit this was karma. I shouldn’t have bought the damned hamster clothes and the yarn. This was why people have to save money in case of emergency.
I trembled, cursing my past self. Kyle looked down with a puzzled face and asked, “Are you hurting anywhere?”, but I just shook my head.
Let’s calm down.
There may be a way out of this predicament.
[Replica hamster to soothe the loneliness (Duration : 30 minutes) | ❤×100]
The purchasable items were in blue, and the non-purchasable ones were gray. Of course, the replica hamster was colored gray.
Now. Let’s make it half the price just for today. 50 Hearts for 15 minutes. How’s that? You could adjust it right?
It was a difficult expression.
I smiled nicely and started rambling to the system.
‘Think about it. It’s your loss if I get caught.’
I don’t know why you are even helping me, but isn’t it because there’s a benefit to it? Whether it’s Miracle Points or Hearts, wouldn’t it be good if I were to spend more?
[ ̄へ ̄]
Truly a disappointing response.
Then what else could I do. I’ll have to change my methods.
I licked my lips and smiled softly. When persuading someone, impressions were important. Wasn’t there a saying that you can’t spit on a smiling face?
So I clasped both my hands together with a bright smile on my face and muttered softly.
‘Would it be faster for me to bash the button and break the store, or would it be faster for you to give me a discount?’
The system paused for a moment as if it were thinking and let out a [……Loading……] window before opening the renewed shop.
I waved away a series of dissatisfied emotes. Those weren’t important right now. I was in a hurry.
While I was looking for the replica hamster, Kyle has already arrived in front of the study. Luckily, I made it on time.
[‘Replica hamster to soothe the loneliness’ has been added to your inventory!]
I felt a sense of relief and looked up. I made eye contact with Kyle.
“……Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Your expressions were amusing, so I was wondering what you were thinking.”
I opened and closed my mouth without being able to say anything back, and in the end just let out a cough.
Kyle was about to say something, but someone passed by and bowed to him. Seeing his clothes and the book in his hands, he seemed to be a magician.
“Tomorrow afternoon, I will come see you in the study, Your Highness.”
Hm? Why are they meeting tomorrow? What is it? Magician?
I fixed my gaze at Kyle hoping to receive an explanation from him. He opened the door using his shoulder and entered the study room.
“Cashew hasn’t been growing much lately, so I asked a magician to take a look at it. I can use magic myself, but I am not skilled enough to fine-tune the details or to see others’ magic. It would be best to leave this to the experts.”
“……Oh. Oooh.”
If my life were a rollercoaster, the only path it would go was downwards. No, rather than a rollercoaster, this was more like a bungee jump. A jump with its rope cut off.
How could you do this to me?
I wanted to say that it would grow on its own even if it wasn’t injected with mana…… should I say that to him now? No, no. It would be suspicious if I told him this late.
‘Hey. System. Would it be alright for me to accept the mana into my body? Will anything happen?’
……Understood. So you don’t know anything either.
I got down from his arms, sighed, and carefully placed the replica hamster into the nest.
I don’t know anymore. What happens, happens. It’s already difficult for me to solve the misfortune in front of me right now.
“Now, where is our demonic beast.”
As I pretended to look for the hamster carelessly, Kyle came over and grabbed my hand that was scrambling through the sawdust.
“Didn’t you say it would get surprised if you searched for it like that.”
“Ah, yes…….”
Kyle gently held the crying replica hamster in his hands and inspected it for a while. This needlessly sharp bastard.
I praised the replica hamster excessively to redirect Kyle’s attention. Wow! Our demonic beast! Wow! You squeak so well!
Fortunately, I was able to have him sit down for tea before 15 minutes passed. I also gave him needles and fabric to teach him how to make quilts.
Please spend your time with this from now on. Don’t bother the hamster for no reason.
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10001gecs · 3 months
congrats on arm!!! also no worries if you don't want to talk about your workout routine but do you have any tips for how to get started working out if you're new to it? i want to feel stronger but feel really overwhelmed and unsure where to start!
ok so actually yes as someone who’s tried to like working out for YEARS I have so many thots basically
1. Get a gym membership. I know you CAN work out at home but personally it’s way harder for me bc im like. Ok I COULD be working out rn or I could just stop and go play some video games. If ur at the gym tho it’s like ok im already here so I might as well
2. Spend like, a month literally just hanging out at the gym. Like I went in without a plan and just did random machines for an hour until I got tired. And this was rly important for me bc it turned working out from like, “something I have to do and it hurts and I have to do a prescribed regimen every time” into just a fun thing I do for as long as I wanna. I like to think of it as enrichment in my hamster enclosure. If you get any visible progress here it’s also a slay because that’s encouragement!
3. ONLY WHEN you’ve done these things get an actual workout program. I tbh just stole one from someone I know who’s buff as fuck. Don’t be afraid to modify it, too. My friend is strong and has been going to the gym forever so he does a bunch of barbell stuff… which is scary to me. So instead I just do machines that work basically the same thing (eg bench press -> machine chest press).
4. Form is basically the most important thing, bc otherwise ur working the wrong muscles. And at least personally as a beginner, when I was getting my form wrong, it was usually bc I was trying to lift too much, my muscles couldn’t manage it, so my form slipped so other muscles could take over. Like, after a while of doing bicep curls, your forearms might start to take over the load. If you take ur thumbs from curling around the bar to sitting underneath it, you can stop that. For every new machine I did for a while I’d put the weight at like, 10 pounds, and just focus on getting the form right. This is also fun bc it feels more like enrichment. Wheee im pulling levers and such!
5. Nutrition. Eat a lot of protein. Like the amount u think u should be eating and then double that. Ppl recommend .7-1 g of protein per pound of body weight (im starting from a higher body fat %, so I can eat closer to the .7 range… which is nice bc otherwise ur eating SO MUCH). Like, again, don’t freak out about it, the most important thing is that ur going at all… but once it becomes something u enjoy, you wanna make sure you’re not doing a bunch of work and then not giving ur muscles the nutrition they need
So basically overall my advice is like, make going to the gym easy and fun before you make it useful. Like, you can do the best workouts of your life but if it sucks, you’re not gonna do it consistently. Once u break the habit, you’ll never pick it back up. If you make it fun first, you want to go… and you can always make it more difficult later. If you ever notice it not being fun, give it a break and figure out how to make it fun.
Also basically nobody is looking at you in the gym ever. Also I specifically got a membership to a gym that has really low membership bc I hate fighting for machines and I hate feeling like ppl are looking at you (they’re not, but I hate the feeling). My planet fitness is 24/7, and for a while I went at like, 11pm bc it was empty.
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
pls i need a part 2 with kunigami and ness 🙏🙏🙏🙏 its too good
Thanks for requesting! Happy to know you liked the previous post!
Rensuke Kunigami -Rottweiler
-“Look I don’t know what happened but this big boy here is Rensuke” Isagi says at your doorstep handing you the leash “Take care of him.” You don’t have time to reply that Isagi already run off somewhere leaving a cloud of dust behind.
-“Incredible Rensuke, you are handsome even as a dog” A sweet smile appears on your face, patting his head.
-You love how you follow all your orders “Hope the human Rensuke will keep this quality” he bit your leg; lightly tho, Rensuke keeps his softness in all shapes and forms.
-He got his revenge when you took him out for a walk, walk is a nice way to describe the marathon he made you do; seeing him showing his teeth at any person approaching you was the only entertaining bit.
-Rensuke wants to keep his diet in his dog body too, you look at him like he is crazy because he is. “How I’m gonna balance your nutrition? A dog needs different values you know?” He doesn’t move a muscle, you let out a loud sigh; he can be so stubborn.
-The next morning you wake up alone, your boyfriend nowhere to be seen. You open all the doors of your house calling his name-
“I’m here, stop shouting.”
Ahhhh, you forgot to check the bathroom. Here we are now, your boyfriend came out from the bathroom, droplets of water falling down from his orange hair, his skin still shiny, and a flimsy towel covering his pelvis.
And are those dog ears???
This must be some kind of reward.
“Are you fine? Why are you looking at me-“ Rensuke couldn’t finish the phrase and when he regained control of his brain the phrase was already long forgotten.
Alexis Ness – Hamster
-It’s Noa that delivers it to you “I don’t know how they made this mess, but this-“ and he lifts up the cutest creature your eyes have ever laid on “is Ness. It should last only one day, but you are for sure the most suited to take care-“ you take the hamster in your hand and close the door in front of Noa’s face.
-“My life will be forever devoted to you.” You tell to your boyfriend, that replies looking at you with his big eyes.
-You spend your day taking endless photos of him, he is beautiful under all lights, all his sides are perfect and for sure you don’t hide your appreciation for him.
-When you go out to buy sunflower seeds you put him in your breast pocket; when he pulls his muzzle out you feel your knees weaken.
You risked falling on the ground more times than you’d like to admit.
-You hand-feed him, and when he took the seeds with his tiny little paws…you crushed your head on the nearest wall; maybe that would have turned you back to normal.
“Ness, I always knew you are the cutest man walking on this planet, but dear God you beat also the hamster universe.”
-You make him a nest with covers on the sofa, while you went to sleep on the bed, fearing to crush him in your sleep.
-When you wake up you have already a smile on your face.
“(Y/n) I’m back to normal!” your door opens to see your boyfriend naked and back to normal…more or less.
-He climbs on your bed, now face to face with you.
And his round ears twitch. He still has those cute hamster ears and you feel like tearing up.
-“Now it is my turn to appreciate you dove.” He starts to kiss your jaw, getting with each smooch nearer to your lips “it’s the job of the most cute man in the world to remind his partner of their value, right?”
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
im feeling ugly. i just cant get it out of my head. i keep remembering everytime someone commented on my boobs, my acne and i feel stupid (i dont even invest in stocks). and i feel poor (my job doesn't pay. and i hate my coworkers.). tommorow i'll clean my desk. also i cant just give up on the fyodor book. i hate myself. when will i change and when will i get a real job. i know consultants make a lot of money for doing nothing…i wish that was my job. idk what i'll do with my life. and everytime i look at my school classmates…they're richer than me. and evryone is pretty and happy. and everyone has experience in love, friendships, work and everything. why am i the only one who doesn't fit in? why am i soo different? i wnt to be happy. i cant even say anything to my sister she'll yell at me for doing all the things. im so ashamed of myself. idk
Hey sweetie, I feel you. I've been there. It's the hamster wheel of feeling shit and worthless. At some point, all that self-depreciating talk just digs you into a dark hole of feeling like absolute crap. There is no light, just misery and depression. So my question is, are you ready to leave this place? Are you ready to step into the light? To start choosing better thoughts? To loving yourself? Being kinder to yourself? It's not a quick fix, but it does require you to invest time and energy into loving yourself. Some suggestions:
Learn to meditate - download an app or do guided YouTube mediation
Start listening to Podcasts / YouTube for uplifting inspiration
PRAY - and set the intention you want to heal
Remove all negative streams of content, movies, the news, Netflix, music. Only high vibe, good feel media (chic flicks, feel good music, etc)
Write down 10 things you love about yourself daily for this whole month
Read The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne (there are free PDF downloads floating around the internet)
Make sure you are eating properly, drinking enough water. Learn about nutrition, cut sugar from your diet.
Make sure you are exercising every single day. If this is too much do at least 10k steps (you can listen to an inspiring podcast during walk)
Pause mid sentence if you feel you are putting yourself down or complaining about life.
Make sure you are clean / showering / brushing your teeth.
I hope these help sweetie, DMs are open if you need more support xoxo
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tribbetherium · 1 year
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'The scent of a rotting, fallen beachpeach fruit draws in a male indigo thrinehorn beetle (Zaizarus aeroceratus) down to the feast, where several iridescent gemhoppers (Grylluscarabaeus saltus) have already gathered to feed on the mushy, overripe pulp. While hamsters, without a doubt, have been the most prominent and remarkable of the planet's colonists for the past 150 million years, another, unsung clade has ruled mostly unnoticed as the most prominent and abundant of HP-02017's terrestrial invertebrates: the beetles.
Already a vastly abundant clade on their origin planet, their introduction to a world with many vacancies in its ecosystem merely bolstered their numbers, both in their species and in their individual abundance. Some, converging upon other, earthly beetles, would take upon roles as wood-borers, dung-rollers, leaf-eaters and undergrowth predators of other insects: filling nearly every insect niche that found use with chewing mouthparts, while niches for piercing and sucking mouthparts, occupied on their former native ecosystem by true bugs, aphids, fleas and even arachnids, were filled instead by bizarre, very-derived lepidopterans. Yet this diverse collection of beetles, coming in all shapes and sizes, thriving in the hottest deserts, the highest mountains and the darkest caves, and numbering in over a million species, can trace their ancestry to only a few species introduced to the planet: most prominently the darkling beetle (Tenebrio molitor), introduced to the biosphere as a detritivore, and whose larvae, the common mealworm, were farmed as a source of nutrition for potential colonists--only to itself become, arguably, the most successful colonist of all.'
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dragonsaltartales · 1 year
So I keep getting distracted with HCs on the crew's fur while working on commissions, so I'm gonna get it out of my system.
This is long, so...
Lizbert: Very thick and not quite coarse, but not very fluffy either. Great protection from rough surfaces.
Eggabell: Short and fuzzy. Like a peach almost. Not great for keeping warm, but she has more mass to combat that.
Filbo: Soft like a short-hair cat. Not long, not super short. Also not super fuzzy or coarse. Just...ideal fur, really.
Beffica: Silky and smooth. Even on Snaktooth, she finds a way to condition it and keep a perfect sheen. She's not as particular as Wiggle, but does like to look nice. Can't have anyone catching her looking bad, after all.
Wambus: Like Lizbert, thick and kind of coarse. Only he's more fluffy than she is. He keeps it well groomed to combat any sort of insects that might get on him while farming.
Gramble: Thin and a little patchy. His stress and lack of both nutrition and sleep makes his fur fall out a bit. So there's some parts where you can see his skin under it. It is, however, very absorbent and fluffs up easily, so it makes the patches a little less obvious.
Wiggle: Also kind of silky, but longer than Beffica's. She's very well groomed and is particular about her fur care routine. Also hates getting it messy.
Triffany: Short and scruffy. She tends to not bother with the upkeep of her fur, but the dust and sand from dig sites help keep it soft and maintained naturally. (Kind of like hamsters and chinchillas and their sand/dust baths respectively) Wambus will groom her to make sure she doesn't get any sort of parasitic insects on her.
Cromdo: His fur is very fluffy and soft, actually. But it's also kind of short. He tends to groom himself to keep it looking sleek and clean. Going as far as trimming himself methodically. Gotta look nice to be a nice salesman, after all. (-Insert Matilda's dad here-)
Snorpy: Thin and short. In times of high stress, it would get patchy, but since it's already so fine and short, it's hard to tell. With Chandlo's help, he manages to keep his anxiety down enough to not get many bald patches. He has trouble with the sun because of both his fur color and how fine it is, needing things such as sunscreen to prevent burns.
Chandlo: Surprisingly very soft, fluffy, and clean. Gotta take care of yourself to feel good and keep chill, bro.
Floofty: Also thin, but kind of wiry. Definitely thicker than Snorpy's and provides a lot more protection. It can also handle their experiments, regardless of how dangerous they turn out to be. Significantly more fire-proof than other Grumpuses, but that doesn't mean they purposely try to straight up handle fire.
Shelda: Thin and fine, velvety even. In her older age, her fur is a lot more thinned out. It's fairly short and doesn't provide a lot of insulation. Thus being out in the desert feels great on her joints and she doesn't complain about the heat so much.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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yandere-fics · 7 months
On Christmas after the babies are born, Sawyer gifts Darling 4 commissioned abstract paintings made with the powder from the eggshells of their perfect children.
Actually, about how big was a newborn Sawyer? Because I know her egg was big and her own children are about the size of a hand or so. Did she pop out the size of a large dog?
I ask this because I know Sawyer wants her Darling and all her children to be in her office with her and I bet she would make a small hamster-esque enclosure with running wheels and slides and toys for them to play with while Darling gets some much-needed rest.
Also, are baby half-dragons able to eat food right out of the egg or does Darling have to breastfeed something with sharp teeth?
She was about the size of a very very large dog. The babies need scales of their moth when they hatch meaning Sawyer if going to half to find a large zone so she can go into a half human half dragon state so her tail can have its scales plucked for the babies. The scales are count of rocks with a lot of nutritional value for babies.
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allperfectpets · 1 year
Are Hamsters Omnivores? The Truth Unveiled!
Hamsters are little, cute pets that have dazzled the hearts of many. On the off chance that you're a hamster proprietor or considering getting one, understanding their dietary requirements and preferences is fundamental. One normal inquiry that emerges is whether hamsters are omnivores. In this article, we will investigate the eating regimen of hamsters, and their stomach-related framework, and shed light on their omnivorous way of behaving.
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imhotterthanallofyou · 5 months
What do you think hamsters taste like?
They don't have a lot of meat on them, and not a lot of fat either, so they have little nutritional value.
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Homemade Hamster Food 🐹
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Why would you want to make homemade hamster food?
A lot of commercial hamster mixes are SUPER processed. Pellet food is often made of difficult to digest ingredients like soy and pea husks.
These don't fill your hamster up, aren't nutritiously satisfying, and pellets are often coated in artificial flavors or molasses to make them more appealing to your hamster.
Hamsters can be picky eaters and you may see them stuffing themselves on seeds and leaving the pellets. Pellet mixes are often proposed BECAUSE of this very issue as, being nutritionally balanced, they ensure your hamster doesn't selectively intake nutrients. Yet often the hamster leaves the pellets becayse they make them feel sick.
The solution is to ensure your hamster gets nutrition some other way. In the wild they eat whole grains and seeds and even insects. Fruit should be given sparingly as a treat.
This mix includes:
pot barley
pinhead oats
hemp seeds
alfalfa seeds
golden linseed
sunflower seeds
pine kernels (sparingly)
I was really pleased with this as it worked out better than going to the pet store in terms of price. I used a local grocery store, and I'd also rather support them than buy from more commercial sources. But as a result I wound up with a lot of brown paper bags of leftover ingredients, though luckily, they're non perishable.
Hamsters need protein too! Insects are how they would gain this naturally.
Seeds and nuts should be given more sparingly as they are high in fat. For a much clearer guide than what I can write, this website does the job amazingly.
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enkisstories · 7 months
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Ben slips out of his Kylo Ren robe. He is too angry at the captives right now to keep up the pretense. Only presenting himself as himself will do.
A short shouting tirade later the Supreme Leader has caught himself enough to formulate a tactic in his mind. It starts with a seemingly inconspicous question:
Ben: "Alright, you are probably aware that nothing short of execution is a suitable punishment for the crime you committed. What would you like your final meal to be? You can have whatever, and nobody will learn what you chose."
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Armitage: "Uh.... nothing? If we're to die, we don't need nutrition."
Ben: Yeah, no. That's Hux’ press-conference face you're putting on, but I know that man better. No way Hux of all people would pass by the chance to gorge on a glaced cake when nobody's looking. You are an imposter.
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Daniel: "I haven't forgotten how you mocked us in Oga's cantina! Don't try that again! Answer Lord Ren’s question or else!"
Armitage: "E... e... earthworms. Plenty of earthworms!"
Rey: "Oh, yes! Earthworms would be nice. Or a hamster."
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Daniel: "I think we intimidated them too much... Should we give them more time?"
Ben: "No. Let me test something else first...”
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Ben: "You know what, rebel-scum? You are going to live, after all. No executions. Me and my unpredictable mood-swings, ey? 
Just say "Glory to the First Order" - in unison, please."
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Hux and Rey nod to each other, then they lock hands. They don't have to mean it, after all, or swear allegiance, just speak the words. And so the captives open their mouths to fulfill the simple request. But when the first sounds escape their throats, they come out never quite at the same time:
Armitage: "Glo..."
Rey: "...ry to..."
Armitage: "the..."
Rey: "First."
Armitage: "Order."
While the duo is incapable of speaking in synch, they sound like a single person speaking through two microphones, quickly alternating between them. And there is no trace of the adoration General Hux would have spoken the phrase with or the amused disdain Rey wouldn't have been able to conceal.
Maybe they aren’t imposters, after all. What if Ben sees the real Hux and Rey standing before him, but they are possessed by the same being? Like a certain emperor everyone had believed dead, a man so removed from the mindset of regular people, that he might very well have forgotten what they ate.
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what mosue cidner fave kinda cheese and what her fave none cheesf food
She'd claim any number if High-Society, overly expensive dishes, but in all honestly she likes Green Salads, and stuff like Oatmeal, especially with fresh berries!
Mice are opportunistic scavengers, Though their preferred diet is Grains and Leafy Greens. Mice in captivity often eat Nutrition Pellets. Y'know. Like hamster food.
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hamsterpetcaretips · 10 months
Can Hamsters Eat Lettuce? What You Need to Know 2023!
Can hamsters eat lettuce? You are wondering if hamster can eat lettuce or not? Find out the answer with our article! Best tips for your furry friend here!
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Can Hamsters Eat Lettuce? Should you feed your hamster lettuce?
If you are wondering whether hamsters can eat lettuce, the answer is yes! Hamsters can eat lettuce and it is safe for them to do so. Lettuce is a type of leafy green that can provide some extra nutrients and fiber to your hamster’s diet. However, it is important to feed your hamster lettuce in moderation as too much of it can lead to digestive problems.
When feeding your hamster lettuce, make sure to rinse it thoroughly and remove any outer leaves that may be wilted or damaged. You can give your hamster a variety of types of lettuce to choose from, including romaine, iceberg, green leaf, and red leaf.
Just remember to introduce new foods slowly into your hamster’s diet to avoid any upset stomachs or allergic reactions. Overall, lettuce can be a tasty and nutritious addition to your hamster’s food rotation, just make sure not to overdo it!
Do Hamsters Like Lettuce? Benefits of lettuce to hamster?
Hamsters are small and adorable pets that often require simple and affordable foods to ensure good health. One of these foods is lettuce, a vegetable that is sometimes fed to hamsters. Hamsters love romaine lettuce and, considering that lettuce is safe for hamsters to eat in small portions, it is a great addition to their diet. Lettuce contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, which is essential for good health.
These benefits of lettuce are important for your hamster’s overall health and well-being. While lettuce should not constitute the primary component of your hamster’s diet, it is a great supplement to their standard diet, which should include a combination of commercial pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats.
In conclusion, hamsters like lettuce, and lettuce is a great addition to their diet, but it should be given in small amounts. As with any food, be sure to monitor your hamster’s reaction to the lettuce and adjust accordingly to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet.
Can Lettuce Harm My Hamster?
Lettuce is a popular green leaf found in many salads, but can it harm your hamster? While lettuce is safe for humans to consume, it is not recommended for hamsters to eat, especially on a regular basis. Different types of lettuce, such as iceberg, romaine, and butterhead lettuce, have varying nutritional values and can affect your hamster’s health differently.
Dwarf hamsters have a smaller digestive tract than Syrian hamsters and may have a harder time digesting lettuce. However, in moderation, Syrian hamsters can eat small amounts of lettuce without being negatively impacted. Lettuce contains a lot of water and lacks the necessary nutrients required for a balanced hamster diet.
Feeding lettuce to your hamster as a regular food source can lead to multiple health issues, including diarrhea and dehydration. It’s best to avoid feeding lettuce to your hamster altogether – lettuce isn’t necessary for their diet and doesn’t provide any nutritional benefits.
What Type of Lettuce is Bad For My Hamster?
Lettuce is a popular vegetable that is widely consumed by humans but can be harmful to some animals, including hamsters. While some kinds of lettuce such as romaine lettuce and green leaf lettuce may be safe for hamsters to consume in small amounts, iceberg lettuce should not be fed to them at all. This type of lettuce, which is popular in salads, contains high amounts of water and very little nutrients.
Additionally, hamsters have difficulty digesting large amounts of leafy greens, which can lead to digestive problems and diarrhea. Unwashed lettuce might also contain harmful bacteria and pesticides, which could cause health issues for your pet. In general, lettuce may cause more harm than good to hamsters, and should be avoided in their diets altogether.
It is important to provide a balanced diet that includes pellets, hay, fresh vegetables, and fruits that are suitable for your hamster’s digestive system. Remember, iceberg lettuce is toxic to hamsters and could cause harm or even death, so it is best to avoid feeding them this kind of lettuce entirely.
How Often Can A Hamster Eat Lettuce?
Hamsters are omnivores and enjoy a variety of foods as part of their diet. Lettuce is often a favorite of many hamsters, but it is important to ensure that they are not overfed with it. You can give your hamster a lettuce snack every couple of days, but it is crucial to control the amount of lettuce they consume. A small piece of lettuce or a lettuce leaf once or twice a week can be sufficient.
You can also mix varieties of lettuce if you want to add some diversity to their diet, but be cautious not to give them too much. Curly leaf lettuce is a good option as it is low in calories and high in fiber, which helps with digestion. As with any new food, it is essential to introduce lettuce slowly and monitor your hamster’s reaction.
If they experience any adverse effects such as diarrhea or stomach upset, it’s best to avoid feeding them lettuce altogether. In summary, hamsters can eat lettuce, but you must control the amount given to them and introduce it slowly into their diet.
How Much Lettuce Can I Give My Hamster?
Lettuce is a common vegetable that many people may want to feed their hamsters. However, it is important to know how much lettuce to give to a hamster as too much lettuce can cause digestive problems in hamsters. Hamsters consume a lot of food in proportion to their size, but only need a little bit of lettuce as a treat once or twice a week.
There are many lettuce varieties available in the market, but not all of them are safe for hamsters. Romaine and Bibb lettuce are safe options to give to a hamster, while iceberg lettuce should be avoided due to its high water content. Too much lettuce can cause diarrhea in hamsters, and it is important not to give too much lettuce for a hamster.
As a general rule, one or two small leaves of lettuce every once in a while should be enough as a treat. It is also important to make sure that lettuce is properly washed and free of pesticides or any other harmful chemicals before giving it to a hamster.
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