astrologer ☆ learning Japanese and Korean
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 1 year ago
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 1 year ago
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 1 year ago
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 1 year ago
Tarot PAC: OPPOSITES ATTRACT 😳 You VS Your Next SO 🍒 | Cute And Innocent 🍑 Or Mysterious/Sensuous 🍓
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The setup: You stay over with your crush for the first time and you both get a little *closer* than expected. Opposites attract but which one are you? And what will happen next?
🌸 aimed at your current crush/next encounter with someone you like
🌸 This is just for fun. I can't predict anything but hey, it's fun to dream
🌸 18+ mature themes although more cute/coy than anything, kinda sexy 🌺 but not full on sexy ♥️
🌸 Take what resonates, leave the rest!
🌸 G/N pronouns
Pile 1
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You stay over at their house, a cute but cluttered apartment in a big city. As the evening draws on, you can see neon lights and twinkling stars through the small window. They are more experienced than you but they intertwine their fingers with yours and softly kiss your neck. The bed is unmade, they pull you under the covers and you start cuddling.
You were kinda scared to be alone with them, because they seemed so much more sophisticated and self assured than you. Yet the longer the two of you spend in each others arms, the more you begin to see them reveal a softer side.
In some ways you begin to act like a confidant. Despite the fact they may have a confident exterior, alone with you they open up and reveal their hopes, dreams, and fears.
You may have been insecure physically if you picked this pile. But a partner who is more confident and experienced helps you come out of your shell. You may be a pisces, cancer, virgo, libra, or capricorn. You may also have saturn in the fifth or seventh house or alternatively the moon in the fifth, seventh, or eighth, making you extraordinarily sensitive romantically. In this way you manage to take your partner back in time to when they were first dating. In this way your relationship may end up more like a permanent honeymoon phase. I'm seeing someone who may possibly want to make out to music or take you beautiful places - amazing sights, romantic hideaways, or underneath the stars.
Pile 2
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You are more experienced than them! You're probably an aries, pisces, scorpio, or leo, or possibly a libra or sagittarius. Either way, you know this city like the back of your hand, while they've just moved there.
The first night you spend together it on and off, hot and cold. They sorta want you but don't want to admit their feelings. They're also pretty shy. The two of you bond over romance. You're a hooeless romantic yet so are they. Their dreams and fantasies are just as intense as yours, they just haven't played out on reality. You slip your arms through the sleeves of their hoodie and gently begin to carress their skin. The turn their head to you and the two of you kiss. Lots of tension and passion. You didn't realise someone so innocent could make your skin flush like this.
They're shy but they can't sleep. The two of you end up making out slowly. You never thought that slowing down like this could be so hot but you grow to love the way they curl their body into you as they want more.
In some ways that evening is the beginning of a deeper relatuonship. You guys are on and off yet ultimately you keep going back to them because of the way they teach you how to stop and smell the flowers. Life seems more relaxed and carefree when you are with them and love is gentler and more intimate. It's not what you thought you would want, but deep down, it moves you somewhere.
Pile 3
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You both realise how much you want each other. But they definitely want you faster. Or do they? Slowly you feel your temperature begin to rise as you feel their body next to yours. They begin to run their fingers through your hair and all of a sudden you realise the feelings you have had.
You guys haven't been dating for long. But the feelings are so intense they might have come from a much greater period of time. You can't believe how lucky you are. Yet reality dawns this night as the two of you lie there as the clock passes the early hours of the morning. Neither of you can sleep. You make out this night or maybe more. But the fact is that when you wake you realise this is SERIOUS.
This is the kind of relationship where both of you get totally addicted to each other. You want each other SO BAD and yet there is so much chemistry and tension. You're almost scared as to how intense it is and you don't know what else there may be underneath the surface. Nevertheless it is a process of exploration for both of you. But for now you know you are immediately so HOT every time you see them and the look in their eye means you know you will be spending another night together 🌺🍓🍒
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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Is this not the cutest thing? A little cake shaped like an ayu sweetfish. It's filled with red bean and mochi. So many pretty but forgettable wagashi are some combination of cake and red bean, but the mochi in the filling gives this a really unique and appealing texture. I'd absolutely get it again!
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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I went to see sunflowers. They also sold sunflower-flavored soft-serve ice cream, which was very tasty!
- ̗̀ 🌻 ̖́kawaii!!
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
my dog is very polite, because
i am sitting there doing a tarot reading on some outdoor furniture. it has a large enough space that i can spread the cards out but also my dog loves it because it's in the Sun and currently the sun is shining rigjt where i am doing my reading
my dog: *looking at me* can jump? i know soecial cards are importsnt to human. do not know why because cannot eat. but is important so i will not sit on them
me: clears up my reading
my dog: jumps up and curls up where my cards were
me: asdfhjfklf
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
The Signs In Korea | Your Trip In Autumn | Will You Meet Someone?
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🍂 Aries is a solo traveller. Headstrong and adventurous, you end up in Seoul by yourself but quickly make new friends who show you the Korean countryside and mountains wherw you trek and take amazing photos. You may not find love, but you're still in touch with them after the trip - and there were a couple of cute people who caught your eye...
🍂 For Taurus, the brilliant colors of a Korean autumn take you to a sensual heaven. Korea is full of amazing seasonal produce inspired by the natural world so now is the perfect time to travel. From traditional tea cookies to authentic kimchi there is never a boring moment.
🍂 As a Gemini, you've never wanted to stay tied to one thing for too long. As a result, you don't just stay in Seoul but find yourself travelling the country, checking out everything from remote trails to temples to regional specialities in Busan. There's not really much time for anything else in your packed itinery - but in the end it doesn't matter. You may be on a shoestring, but you're coming back next year.
🍂 As a Cancer, you have always been connected to the home and to your fourth house. On this trip you find yourself curled uo against the autumn chill in a traditional teahouse, after which the parents of your friends invite you back foe authentic cooking and more delicious hot tea. Warmed up from the inside, you don't want to leave, and you decide to stay another month in Korea. There's still time to find love!
🍂 Being a limelight-loving Leo, you naturally have to spend the time checking out Gangnam and the most loved spots of your favourite Kpop and Kdrama stars. You take tons of photos. It's sometimes hard to imagine yourself in their shoes, but in the end it doesn't matter. That cute person in the saju cafe was looking at you for way longer than they had any right to...
🍂 For Virgo, any trip has to be practical and take comfort into account. But the hotels are sparkling and top notch, and as you spend your time exploring the city, you begin to relax. In fact, browsing through cute Korean stationary and K fashion bring out your fun loving side enough that you end up striking up a conversatio n ;)
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🍂 Hello Libra - you thrive in Seoul. In fact, you don't want to go back. As a sign of balance, a different culture completes you and broadens your worldview. You don't find love. However, you might find yourself instead.
🍂 Scorpio - you are the kind of person who looks at the hidden depths. As a result, Korean urban legends, mythology, and haunted places are perfect for you. You even meet another scorpio who introduces you to Korean horror and takes you to the parts of the city no tourists see. Til death do us part?
🍂 For Sagittarius, your bold and proactive attitude means you quickly get involved in thw dating scene. You also have no trouble singing karaoke with friends or just strolling in a local park. As a result, you find love - and you may even decide to stay in Seoul to see it blossom.
🍂 Earthly and traditional Capricorn has a deep sense of history. You spend your time visiting royal palaces and marvelling at historical Korean culture. Sometimes, the bright lights of Seoul shake you out of your reverie. You may not find love, but you are so involved it's a kind of romance in itself.
🍂 For Aquarius, Korea is almost like a spiritual experience. You've always been interested in the wider universe and a trip spent amongst shrines, temples, and untouched forests fulfills this deep within you. You may not find love, but you also may not need it.
🍂 Pisces, you have always been different and very dreamy. Somehow, as things come to pass, you find yourself far from the capital on the south coast, heading over to Jeju Island with a special someone. Unfortunately, life calls you back home - but you stay in a relationship. And despite the distance between you, you find it doesn't matter.
• • • • • • • • • 사랑 ☆ 평화 ☆ 모험 • • • • • • • • •
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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A sticker inspired by Yakult milk drinks, but with a floral flavouring.
Etsy  Instagram
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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まなみ古書店 @manami_kosyoten
#愛知県 #岡崎市 #岡崎市イベント #リビングスタイルハウズ (岡崎製材株式会社) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8yozBP_wn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
why do shiba inus exist in amestris?
so, it's established in Canon that black hayate, riza hawkeye's dog, is a shiba inu, as proven by this screenshot on the fullmetal alchemist wiki
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specifically, hayate looks like a black and tan shiba. however, this does raise an important question. the shiba is a specifically japanese dog, so what is one doing in Amestris, which canoninically seems to be modelled after Central Europe? This can only imply that Japan and Amestris have enough of a cultural connection that it's natural for the Amestris state military to casually have a Shiba on the premises.
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Why is this? It's known that Xing (modelled on China) has somewhat of a connection, but it's not huge. We don't see a huge amount of Xingese characters walking around Amestris and it's specified that culture and knowledge systems are separate enough that Ed and Al don't know much about alkahestry so obviously there hasn't been much cultural exchange between East and West.
There are a few options:
• Amestris has been trading with Japan for a while. However if so, why do we not see more of this and how would Fuery, who originally owned Hayate, have had time to hunt down a presumably rare and expensive dog when his life is preoccupied by the military
• the Amestris military has actually had contact with Japan for a while, either as allies or enemies
• there are a few links with japan but not very many
What else does Black Hayate's presence imply?
If the events of Conqueror of Shamballa accurately indicate that Amestris exists in a parallel universe where alchemy developed instead of technology, it figures there are equivalents to many things in our world.
In fact, the time period is quite ambiguous. Canoninically it's 1800s BUT some of the tech we see in Father's lair is a lot more advanced. So is it possible there might also be more modern things from Japan?
If this technological blip is the case, and if a Shiba Inu is present in pretty much a similar form to those in our universe, does Amestris also have equivalents for the following?
• much doge, such wow
• dogecoin
• Mari the asshole shiba who keeps squirting random liquids on his owner?
• lovely muco? we see ed and al waving, of all things, the imperial japanese flag at the homunculi to bring them out of hiding. So does the empire of japan exist in canon? what's it's attitude to alchemy? were the homunculi responsible for it, as they were responsible for military activity in Ishval, and is this why the flag worked on them? why does Japan seem unchanged when every other location from our world has a vaguely different flag and culture?
• if Japan exists unchanged, do the Amestrians get any of their media the same way we do? Anime and manga didn't come to the west until the second half of the 20th century, but tbh, as time periods seem a little bit skewed in Amestris. Are there alchemists who sit listening to radio broadcast versions of say, something like death note, where alchemist!Light Yagami is bumping off anyone he sees guilty of misusing alchemy or something? Who knows!
And, if something like dogecoin does exist in the alchemical equivalent to cryptocurrency - say, a group of clandestine alchemists, whether decent (ish) like Doctor Marcoh or scum like Shou Tucker would be the ones who use it - are there rules on transmuting it? If Ed crossed to our world like he did in the WW2 era in Shamballa but ended up in the present day, could alchemy have contributed to the boom in dogecoin that happened?
Hiromu Arakawa, I want answers
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
🍓 Cat Astrology - Pallas and Play
🎏 Spirituality is not just for humans. Pictured is Tama (たま), the famous stationmaster cat of Kishi Station in Japan, who after her death was enshrined in Shinto as a goddess of one of the local train lines she served. Every year, her successors still bring offerings to her shrine on the anniversary of her death...
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🎏 Likewise, can cats be affected by astrology in the same way we can? It's just my observation, but if you know your cat's birthday you can use a birth chart calculator just like you would for yourself ♡
Here are some deductions/speculations I have made about cats and astrology. I do not expect them to be accurate, they are just for fun! I am not a cat behaviorist, please do not use this as actual information about having a cat! However if you do wanna share your cat's chart or signs I may turn this into an actual thing lol 🍓
Pallas governs intuitive intelligence. In cats, this would have once meant hunting, but when with humans, this instinct translates to play ♡
🎏 cats with Pallas in aries are proactive. may always initiate play with their owners. up early and probably have a secret double life taking place entirely before their human is awake ♡
🎏 Pallas in taurus cats may have a lot of toys. they enjoy the physical world and tend to love their scratching post as well as lounging elegantly on the nearest sofa, piano, or windowsill ♡
🎏 Pallas in gemini cats are like gemini humans in that they show two sides. may be playful but can need lots of stimulation. quick to catch their cat toys but very soft and gentle with their hooman ♡
🎏 Pallas in cancer cats are very affectionate in play. may play and cuddle. enjoy playtime before bed or sharing their owner's space. A classic 'keyboard cat' who keeps you company while you work or study ♡
🎏 cats with Pallas in Leo think they are top cat, chanelling that leo energy 🦁. loves attention from humans. generally won't entertain themselves but will want human attention and affection. star cats. great for a cat cafe! 🌟
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🎏 Pallas in virgo cats are neat like virgo hoomans. smart and mentally active, they need loads of stimulation in play. may outsmart you ^_^
🎏 Pallas in libra cats need balance. work hard, play hard cats. need lots of naps and need variety in their life. holistic cats that benefit from enriched environments
🎏 Pallas in scorpio cats - most likely to trick their owners. may come and boop you when you are least expecting it.
🎏 cats with Pallas in Sagittarius are bold cats, and always have a strong sense of their environment. may take a deep interest in what you are doing.
🎏 Pallas in capricorn cats? homebodies, but different from cancer. tama's birthday is not known but she gives strong capricorn vibes as she takes a sedate position of responsibility ♤♡◇♧
🎏 Pallas in aquarius cats will surprise you when you least expect it. wake you up by kneading you. very likely to enjoy watching things out the window.
🎏 cats with Pallas in pisces are frequently found to form a loaf. loaf shapes are not sedentary, however. here, your cat is sensing the energy of the world around them. the loaf may be a precursor to some proper cuddles.
author's note: this is for fun only! I AM a proper astrologer though, self taught and not qualified but have been doing it for a decent 6 years and I find I'm reasonably accurate. you can find some of my serious posts here and here.
but obviously I haven't examined the birth charts of hundreds of cats to make these observations =_= otherwise not sure what I would be doing with my life. So yes, disclaimer, this is a bit of fun and mostly I couldn't resist my mad 3 am idea of a super long eternal Pallas Cat pun. I don't care if it's 2023. we need to bring that meme back. so please enjoy 🦋
🎏 Please also do not claim or repost without permission but feel free to reblog and fill my asks with anything astro related or if you have noticed your cat's sun or other sign fits them, I wanna know about it lol
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
absolutely didn't know i needed this to exist 🥰🥺
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Take your favorite lil’ fire demon with you with these adorable, sparkly, holographic vinyl stickers!
Available individually or as a 3 pack in my shop!
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fullmetalnihongostudy · 2 years ago
🌿~ ている form - continuous actions 🍂 🍁
Just one of the many ways you can use the - te iru form in japanese is for continuous actions or actions that are ongoing. It can give your sentences a softer and less definite feeling which can often be more natural :)
For example:
自然 に 歩き回ている は 安らか ですね。
shizen ni arukimawateiru wa yasuraka desu ne.
wandering in nature is very peaceful.
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