#hamster cup
corviiids · 5 days
i think L should've tried harder to piss light off. provoking light into slipping up would not only be hilarious i also think it would be extremely easy and effective. not saying you could get light to actually confess this way, but he would definitely make more dumb mistakes if, for example, L kept interrupting their homoerotic brain chess matches to insist that kira is actually matsuda because the butts match
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boybossband · 3 months
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I love how Kun Agüero has just been tagging along the NT this entire time and all the team is on a mission to gaslight everyone into forgetting he retired last year
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hamsters-in-cups · 2 years
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Hamster in a cup. In a festive winter holiday hat. Appearing on your dashboard near midnight Christmas Eve.... could it be THE jolly gift-giving hamster-in-a-cup who is Santa’s secret right-hand-ham??? It does look like they are eating a wafer cookie you left out for Santa!!!
(image by murasanchi_0301 on IG)
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soundcrusher · 4 months
Got more Hamsterverse stuff @sephirthoughts
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I headcanon that Reeve's good at sewing and often makes little outfits for Cait Sith. Now that he has hamsters, who act a lot more human like than expected, guess who also gets little outfits.
Also, Desk Jockey (at this point I might need to give him a name) runs a blog dedicated to Reeve's hamsters. There are a lot of Hamster!Weiss and Hamster!Nero pics, but also Hamster!Cloud. They also tend to up-date Reeve about every funny thing the hamsters do. (He runs into more trouble than the pics are worth while doing so.)
Cutting off here, underneath will be what Reeve and DJ say in the one doodle.
DJ: "Seph strikes me more of a peach guy, than dark navy."
Reeve: "I was going to use peach, but he chewed it up."
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ghost-carrots10 · 11 months
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Cookie in his favorite cup/hide
He’s excited to soon be out of quarantine!
He is my youngest hamster at the moment, my oldest being Billy and Little Miss being in the middle! (Though she’s the largest by far, I still call her little lol)
They’re all going to be moving into their larger enclosures again soon (all separate, of course)
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ibeewashere · 1 year
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Brad Bakshi blorbo bingo (excuse my alliteration)
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paperhandsexe · 3 months
does anyone else have a specific cup for water snd if it’s moved by someone/thing else but you, you can no longer drink from it and have difficulties remembering to drink water or are you okay?
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nostalgicstickers · 2 years
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petzhamsterclub · 1 year
Petz Hamsterz Life 2 OST
I don't believe this is the full OST, certain songs such as the fanfare after a hamz cup are not present. However there are 16 tracks, numbered but missing proper labeling, for the sake of it, here is where each song is used(as far as i am aware):
Note: There are some tracks I have labeled 'unknown'
if you know when and where these songs are used, let me know!
Track 1 - Title Screen
Track 2 - Pet Shop
Track 3 - School
Track 4 - Home (Morning)
Track 5 - Home (Afternoon)
Track 6 - Home (Night)
Track 7 - Hamz Cup (100m dash, 10m dash, Eating contest, Monkey Bars)
Track 8 - UNKNOWN (Desc: Upbeat, sounding similar to Pet Shop and Suzy's theme)
Track 9 - Hamz Cup (Beauty Contest, Talent Show)
Track 10 - Versus
Track 11 - Album Mode
Track 12 - Incorrect Descision*
Track 13 - Richard's Theme
Track 14 - Suzy's Theme
Track 15 - Special Scene*
Track 16 - Hamz Cup (Pole Climb, Frog Jump,
*track 12: I have only heard this song once, in a scene where Suzy beats you up. Fitting title?
*track 15: I had put this post in my queue and was fully expecting to not really find out the origin of this song for ages, but i did some skimming of TheBreadGhost's longplay and IT WAS THERE, I also have, NO idea what's going on the the scene(and neither does BreadGhost, clearly.) The day I get this scene for myself and grab the screenshots for it is going to be very special hghgh.
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Excuse me
Pls look at how cute my hamster is
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hawnks · 2 years
YOUR BELOVED BABY BOY!!! to also put in a petri dish and study under a microscope 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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*puts him the the critter carrying case*
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reliapet · 4 months
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Discover all these unique items at the ReliaPet shop! And for a limited time, Get $2 off up to 2 of hamster glass, mugs, tumblers, and/or water bottles when you spend $10 or more with the coupon code: rehydrate2024 $2 off coupon for hamster glass, mugs, tumblers, and water bottles when you spend $10 or more. Coupon limit 2 items per customer. skus #3318, #6560237F0BC87, #65825BB8B36AF, #3805, #4103 Expires 7-3-2024 https://www.reliapet.net/shop
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hamsters-in-cups · 5 months
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Hampter grooming in mini gum-ball machine
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Muta the Hampter is a very clean boi.
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gay-dorito-dust · 27 days
This may sound cliché but how would batboys react to their rlly shy gf trying to do the 1st move before them aka holding hand but cannot, hands trembling, red cheeks and biting lips from frustration?
Literally like a pouting chipmunk/hamster on the spot.
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Would smile at how adorable you looked with flustered face, trying your hardest to incite holding his hand, only to back out when you felt as though you’d pass out from how warm you were making yourself.
He will coo at how precious you were being while cupping your face in his hands and asked ‘can I kiss your face senseless pretty cutie?’ And when you gave him a affirmative answer, dick was more then ready to start smothering your face in kisses a plenty, so much so that he could feel your cheeks warming up beneath his lips that he got addicted to how cute you were while respecting your boundaries.
He knows how much pressure you put yourself under when trying to hold his hand, so dick will take the burden off of your shoulders and hold your hand for you while wearing the biggest smile on his face.
Dick adored you but didn’t want you to push yourself out of your comfort zone when you were nowhere near ready yet, he appreciated that you were trying but he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable for doing this just for him and so he’ll gladly make the first move forever and always until you feel like you could easily do so without stressing yourself over it to the point where you just kinda shut down.
He doesn’t want you, his beloved shy sweetheart, to feel as though you were meant to make the first move when you were uncertain about how to hold his hand, dick will continue to do anything and everything he could even if it meant making himself look like an idiot, just so it meant that you can keep in your comfort zones just a little while longer. So let him hold your hand instead and relax, he’s got you.
Probably just as awkward as you were when trying to hold his hand, he wants to hold your hand too but tends to overthink how he could do so without coming across weird, too assertive or anything else that would shy you away from showing him affection.
Had sweaty palms and would accidentally swipe his hand away from yours when he feels you wanting to hold his hand, just to wipe his palms on his pants before offering it back to you with a soft smile.
You’re both trying to work through it and there have been countless times where ‘sorry’ had left your lips almost every second of every day when trying to hold his hand, only for Tim to wave it off and awkwardly grab your hand himself.
Or you’d both stand there like a pair of awkward goobers who was straining every muscle in their bodies just to hold pinkies. It’s hilarious as it was sad, but Tim is smart enough to know what you want and is more then willing to give it too you, and yet he also suffers from the same thing that riddled you and so there were times where you’re both just staring at each others hands with a want and need to hold.
So when you did finally hold hands, you’re not thrown into another situation of when was enough hand holding before you got sweaty palms and weird your partner out, so you both end up keeping up the hand holding and get sweaty palms regardless.
Grabs your hand while muttering under his breath with a flustered expression, ‘fucking commit and hold my hand.’
He wants you to hold his hand even if his resting bitch face says otherwise, so please give him what he so desperately wants and holds his hand, he wants your hand pressed against his.
He’s starved for any and all affection from you however he could but lacked the voice to speak upon his desires, which is very odd for him, considering how easily he could speak his mind but the moment you hold his face in his hands nothing else mattered to Damian.
He just wants your affection but lacks the courage to say so without it coming across as harsh or demanding towards your much more shy and sensitive nature.
So sometimes he’ll probably pout and hold out his hand in your direction and wait as long as he needs for you to get the hint and hold his damn hand, or even walks up to you and snatches your hand himself, all the while keeping a firm but protective grip on it at all times through the rest of the day.
Would give signals to you that he wants you to hold his hand but didn’t want to push you into do so.
He wanted you to go at your own pace as while he wanted it just as bad, if not worse then you, he wanted you to learn that he wasn’t going to bat your hand away when you needed comfort from him.
He would coo at how cute you are being and kiss for your head and whisper ‘here let me show you.’ Before gently grabbing your hand, put it in his and intertwined your fingers as he soon grew addicted to the visual of your hand being swamped by his own, protected and safe as a hand could be. ‘It’s not so scary and I would never push your affection away, never you hear me chipmunk?’
You’d hum and Jason would kiss your forehead again as he drew you into his arms, allowing his scent to calm you down. Jason loved that you loved him enough to want to hold his hand, but didn’t want you to struggle in doing so if you weren’t ready to do so yet.
He didn’t want you to hurt yourself to give him affection just because that was expected of you. Much like Dick, he’d take the weight off of your shoulders and hold your hand instead, hold you close to his chest and greet you with soft kisses and affectionate words of comfort.
‘You did great peanut, I’m so proud of you.’ He’d whisper against your head as he squeezed your hand in his own, allowing you to feel all his callouses and fall more in love with this man who had the softest heart.
Would just gently take your hand in his, squeeze it comfortingly and maybe press a kiss to the back of it, all while in silence as he multitasked.
Bruce wanted you to feel comfortable enough to incite the hand holding but was more than willing to meet you halfway if you became too shy or overwhelmed to do so yourself. He’s not use to affection himself but he was more than welcoming of your affection and would never turn it away unless he had a reason to, which was rare.
He doesn’t bring too much attention to your want to hold his hand, he didn’t wish to push you even more into the spotlight then you already have done to yourself mentally, he just continues on with his day while having your hand intertwined with his.
He made sure that Alfred didn’t say anything of it either just so he could hold your hand a little while longer, it calmed him and grounded him when he needed it most, you didn’t think much of your touch nor the effect it had, but Bruce thought about it on a daily basis to the point where he can not be clam nor rational without holding you somehow.
There were no words spoken between you two as the little squeezes of hands and softest of sighs passing lips were enough for him to know that his touch had just as much of a calming effect on you too. And so with a small smile on his face, Bruce squeezed your once more before pressing a kiss to it as he tugs you through the manor and back to bed.
‘Don’t pressure yourself, if you don’t feel comfortable then don’t force yourself into doing so. Allow me to uptake the things that you aren’t ready to do just yet.’ He would whisper to you before gently coddling you against his chest as you both feel asleep, making sure that his back was towards the door, always the protective lover.
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