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20240311 | 10. Stomach 🐻💜⭐
ID: Pencil drawing from Halsin's POV. Halsin looks down at his own chest and stomach. Winter (a tiefling) and Astarion each kiss one side of his stomach, Winter on the left and Astarion on the right. Winter's hand cradles Halsin's waist and he looks up at him tenderly; Winter's hair is pushed back behind his horns, but a few shorter strands have fallen before his right eye (left side, to the viewer). Astarion's expression, in contrast, is playful, a smile or smirk pulling at one corner of his puckered lips, the fingertips of his hand alighting on Halsin's abs. Three hearts hover above and between Winter and Astarion's heads. Halsin's chest and stomach is dusted with hair and decorated with scars.
ID End.
This piece was extremely challenging, and I referenced multiple POV photos I found online as well as having to stage and take my own references for the exact angles of Winter and Astarion's heads/faces. I am pleased with the result, but, as always, there are things I would do differently next time. 🤔
Prompt template here~
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leftistfanenboii · 9 months
With my drow Tav, I am well on the way to making an elven fruit basket with Halsin and Astarion
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20240220-22 | 6. Nose 🐻💜⭐
ID: Series of pencil drawings hip up.
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Panel 1: From left to right, Halsin, Winter, and Astarion stand. Winter and Astarion are approximately the same height, and barely come up to the top of Halsin's shoulder. Winter looks up at Halsin, smiling, and beckons him down with a finger. Halsin looks down at him, smiling back. Astarion watches, smirking, slouching with his arms crossed. 
Panel 2: Chibis of the three. Halsin bows forward to be at their level. In chibi form, Astarion's smirk includes one of his fangs hanging out. 
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Panel 3: Winter takes hold of Halsin's collar and kisses his nose. Winter has a playful little frown on his face. Halsin's eyes come open wide and his ears press down as he blushes, surprised. Astarion snickers, still smirking, though he looks fond, too.
Panel 4: Winter, still holding to Halsin's collar, turns suddenly and kisses Astarion's nose; Winter's other hand goes to the back of Astarion's neck. Astarion's eyes and mouth come open in surprise, the tips of his ears perking up, and he blushes just slightly. Halsin chuckles. 
ID end.
Prompt template here
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I am going to be posting my fills for this prompt list (original here) by @houdabelgharbi over the next few days as I FINALLY finished them!! I've never finished a prompt list before!!
ID: Kiss Template by Houda Belgharbi
A 3 x 4 rectangular grid designed to be filled with the listed prompts. The original has been altered (due to artist error) and labeled with emojis to represent the characters that will be in each: 🐻 for Halsin, ⭐ for Astarion, and 💜 for Winter (a purple Tiefling Tav).
Corner of Lips 💜⭐
Cheek 🐻💜⭐
From Behind 🐻⭐
Knuckles 🐻💜
Forearm 💜⭐
Nose 🐻💜⭐
Hand 🐻⭐
Throat 🐻💜
Up the Leg 💜⭐
Stomach 🐻💜⭐
Thigh 🐻⭐
Back for More 🐻💜
ID End
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20240213-14 | 2. On the Cheek 🐻💜⭐
ID: pencil drawing, bust. Halsin (on the viewer's left) and Astarion (on the viewer's right) both lean in and kiss Winter (tiefling, center)'s cheeks. Winter's head is tilted slightly back and to one side to account for the difference between he and Halsin's height, and the top of Astarion's head is closer to the camera. Winter's hair is pushed back behind his horns, revealing more of his facial tattoos than usually show, including the diadem-like lines on his forehead between the bases of his horns.
ID end.
Prompt template here
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Winter in Baldur's Gate
A Fic Series [Only viewable by registered ao3 users at this time to protect against some AI scraping]
Since I haven't been posting individually for every fic, this post will act as a directory!
Overall, the series is:
Tavstarion (Astarion/Winter, or...Aster...wwww)
Winter and Companions Friendship pieces ahoy
Eventually, Tavstarion AND Tavsin, maybe someday even HalTavStarion
The first line of each fic's summary includes the Act for ease of access/browsing/avoidance of spoilers.
Individual links under the cut!
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A Knife to the Throat In the wake of the Nautiloid crash, Astarion clocked Winter perfectly. Namely, as someone who would, in fact, kill another roving brain at the request of a complete stranger. He didn't account for everything, however.
Elturel's Unwanted - NEW! Winter has already survived a trip to the hells and a crashing nautiloid, fought disembodied brains and imps, killed a downed mind flayer, and had a knife held to his throat. Now, he has to do the most harrowing thing of all: talk. To other people. It is going to be a Very Long Day.
On a Bird's Wing After a long day, Winter is grateful that camp is set up, but there's more yet to be done. He remembers suddenly that there's someone who needs to be told what's going on: his sister, back in Baldur's Gate.
The Beat of Wings in the Stomach | Butterflies Winter has never been good with people. In fact, he's been out in the wilds alone for so long that he often doesn't know what to do with himself. But his instinct, when he finds that one of his companions is utterly beautiful, is to try to hide it. It's not working.
Hellspawn Wyll is unmoored in the face of the changes wrought upon him by his patron, but is offered an unexpected comfort from Winter. He asks what Winter sees, and gets rather more than he bargained for.
A Little Flattery | Insight Check Astarion catches himself performing as he would were he still in Baldur’s Gate. Winter almost sees through him.
The Lightning Strike Astarion does not like being taken by surprise. But...his new companion keeps managing it. Not all of it makes him as grumpy as he thinks it ought to. Or, a storm, a tiefling who loves them, and the pale elf who doesn't know what to make of him.
Fear and Hunger Astarion wakes from a terrible nightmare and wonders just how many rules of his old life he can break. He thinks Winter is the safest bet to try and find out. He gets more than he bargained for.
Shadowheart's Phobia Shadowheart unintentionally confronts and reveals her fear. Winter is gobsmacked. Later, they share a bottle of wine and talk. Really talk.
A Tavern’s-worth of Delights Astarion entertains further expanding his palate, if only theoretically. Winter is swept along for the ride.
Prowess, and A Grimoire Hard-Won Diptypch. Prowess: Winter practices throwing some daggers and gets some unexpected company. Later, he learns a new skill, and he's not the only one surprised by it. A Grimoire Hard-Won: Astarion had told Winter he would happily carry that very cursed tome for him if he wanted, thank you very much. Now that they have the keystone, Winter offers it to him. Astarion didn't for a moment think he'd actually hand it over so easily.
A Glimpse (A Slip of the Mask) ⚠️ ASTARION'S BACKSTORY SPOILERS! ⚠️ Astarion tells Winter about his past, and what that might mean for the party's already-precarious present.
A Lullaby, or, Flies and Honey Raphael introduces himself. The companions react over dinner.
An Arrangement Winter has something he needs to talk to Astarion about, and he is Deeply Mortified.
Astral Aftershocks Winter is reeling in the aftermath of discovering just who, exactly, is protecting him and his companions from ceremorphosis, and how he does it, and what he offered him. Dazed and in shock, he wanders the camp, and right over to the tent of the one person he wants comfort from but is too afraid to ask for it...
No Sleep for the Wicked nor Wise Following an unexpected confrontation in camp, Winter has fled to the rooftops, Astarion's words lodged like a splinter in his mind. Halsin checks on him.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 tags
bg3 / bg3 spoilers / bg3 screenies Tav: Winter / Durge: Ædrian / Tav: Hope / Durge: Perdition / Tav: Kit
Multiplayer run with the spouse tag is Iamir and Perdi / Tav: Iamir
Specific BG3 Links
bg3 fanfic series Winter in Baldur's Gate Directory / Winter (Explorer Mode) Clipshow turned Longplay videos / Winter v.2 Mega Screenie Adventure / HalTavStarion Playlist: Lightning, Blood, Moonlight
General Tags
visual art / written work / videos / creative stuff: generalization
I am not here to yuck anybody’s yums! Interpretations of canon, headcanons, ships, kinks, etc.: you do you! I like interpreting and analyzing and contextualizing things I like. That does not mean my takes are good or correct or right for you. I like seeing other people’s takes because all of us bring our own lens to the things we interpret.
Our mileage will vary. This is fine. Chase your bliss. I am here to vibe and collect things like a little Anxious dragon.
And of course…
I am fundamentally against monetization of every skill and passion and art form, but unfortunately I live in a capitalist hellscape. So if for some reason you like my work and wanna kick me a tip, you may do that here.
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