woulnutt · 1 year
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oh lord new obsession...
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year
◫ what the fuck
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majestyjun · 1 year
Corruption kink with Yeonjun is going wild on my mind, halph! I need him
-Yeonjun's Kitten🐈
hmmhmmm yes yes yes
yeonjun who knows the moment he sees u that ur inexperienced >< teases u w/ flirty comments n makes u flustered but it feels good n so u always wear short skirts around him so he can flip them up a tiiiiiny bit <3 makes u feel hot n uncomfortably n unknowing aroused by just teasing u n feels u up while making out ;; losing ur virginity to him is the best w the most kind blowing sex everrrrr <3 ugh probably eats u out n has to hold u down n hes toooo big for ur tiny kitty even after fingering + eating u out >< can’t stop thinking about his cock n so u ask him to help the funny feeling in ur core ;; teaches u how to finger urself but ur so bad at it n has to practice w dildos to stretch ur cunny out but it never compares r the real deal <3 eventually you’re just his corrupted princess, clinging to him in public n putting his hand on ur cunny bc u need him all the time no matter whereee <3
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yuu-grimmofnrc · 2 months
Prefect is making me right a story and It has to be halph a paige and I gotta do paragraphs or something!?
Can someone give the great grim some ideas or something?
Someone do it for me I'll give you prefect's cookies and allow one pat.
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squirrelmop · 8 months
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started with a random warmup, ended up with a fish stuck in a cake or maybe it is halph cake half fish.
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jackmerrizzler · 26 days
hey meerridew. what do you think about jalph
oh boy ii dobt kwno.....jaloh is so jsust......ew......ARE YOU KIDDI H ME I LVOE HALPH I LOVE JALPH I LVOE JALPH I LVOE JALPH JALPH IS LIFE JAJPH IS LVOE
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mikanlardyclinic · 5 months
Celeste being far too prideful to ask for assistance as she attempts standing up, despite her heart being on the verge of giving out and being unable to feel anything but the pain of her joints in her diabetes numbed feet~
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"i...i don't need.. A..any.. Wheeeze!!.. Halph.."
The flabby gambler slowly got up from her seat her body trembling her face going from a deadly pale into a deep red from the effort.. Her gut Covered in bandaids for her insulin injection along with sweat as she did her best to keep independence her meaty legs trembling as she got up.. Her poor feet turning purple little by little day by day.. The nerves dying.. Her mind more focused on her legs and how it hurt to do this.. But she had to prove she could move.. That mikan hadn't won..
"ashh... Wheeeze sh..sheeee?..."
The nurse just nodded and left leaving the fast food bandage near the table..
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"i just wonder.. How long until i have to chop one of those hams... Hehe~it's not like she can do anything to delay the inevitable~"
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tigerlillyruiz · 2 years
The Three Mate!!!🍪🌈😊
Wandanat x female reader
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Ch 20 is up!!!
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20 chapters!!! I never imagined this story would get so big or so many views but we aren't even halph way done yet!! I am going to be posting every other week for a bit because I got covid bit ill still be posting.
Have a MARVELous day!!
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aita-alternia · 8 months
aita phor not really caring that my matesprit is maybe culling trolls?
i (6, ph, gold) am matesprits with the most wonderful girl in the world (6, ph, teal) and she is so out of my league it is crazy!! i pity her so so much. we met when she was studying her law books while walking and accidentally knocked into an olive troll, who immediately tried to cull her phor it. i saw how cute she was and intervened with my psionics bephore they could touch her. it was your classic meet-cute and aphter we started talking it wasn’t long before we were introducing our luseses to each other and agreeing to be matesprits! it’s been about halph a sweep now and i pity her even more now.
as you may have been able to tell phrom how we met, my matesprit is not the most physically adept or intimidating oph trolls. she is kind of short too. i do not care, and i have said i will protect her always, but recently she has been determined to up her physical game and toughen up. she started by sparring with her lusus, then me and then a couple oph her hatephriends. but she pheels we are going too easy on her.
she started phlarping with lowbloods, and then midbloods, and by now she has wracked up a bit oph a body count i suppose. she has truly made great strides in becoming stronger and more capable and i am so proud oph her! but recently i have been receiving messages from some oph her phormer phlarpmates’ hatephriends and quadrants, saying hatephul things and accusing her oph cheating. which is ridiculous! my matesprit is incredibly phair and law-abiding. It is not her phault that her phlarpmates lost, especially when they knew death is always a risk with phlarping; if they had won and my matesprit had lost, i highly doubt any oph them would have given her a second chance or thought twice about her once they’d culled her. so i don’t really care about their so-called plights, and i have answered every message with that in mind. they wouldn’t have cared if my matesprit was culled, so would they expect me to care about their phriends’ or quadrants’ deaths? i am just glad it was not my matesprit. aita?
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7marichan714 · 2 years
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"So we're alone, good"💗 That night at Sharlayan 💖I hope the wait was worth it ☺️ -Estinien, is it you, my beloved? - Stellaris asked with a smile, after hearing the door knockings. 
 She walked to the entrance. There he was: unbuttoned shirt, tight leather trousers, his classic boots, the necklace she gifted him. Loose hair framing his face, and a gaze and smile full of love while handling a big red rose.
 -So we're alone, good. The twins thought now would be a wonderful time to pay a visit to our chambers. Rather than listen to them bicker over tonight's snacks and tomorrow's plans, I seized the first opportunity to make my escape. - Estinien commented, relieved. -To their credit, they decided and remarked to keep the peace and quiet. -he handled the rose with care. -and worry not, I haven't been scammed this time. 
-How thoughtful, thank you. -Stellaris grabbed the flower with a shy smile. Their faces came closer: a slow, sincere kiss, full of love. Estinien caressed her cheek.
 -It can all be a bit... exhausting at times, can't it?  -he chuckled. -I wasn't sure what to make of you at first, Stella. During the Dragonsong War, how quick you were to take action and solve the conflict. But I came to see that is simply the way of you and yours. 
-I couldn't leave all these innocents neglected. And even less you, my beloved. I wanted to save you, you didn't deserve such sadness and suffering. -she replied, both remaining embraced with each other. 
-I will not pretend to understand this talk of ancient primals and the Final Days. But I trust in your judgment and choose to believe in your cause. You and Alphinaud have my lance. Now and always. 
-You will need it, wrack and ruin looming on the horizon. Calamity bearing down upon us. There’s no place I'd rather be than here. Standing shoulder to shoulder with friends on the front line. So do not hesitate, to send me against your enemies. I'll make them rue the day they met me. Stellaris bursted in tears, shaking. -Now, if you'll excuse me. We could do with a little air, aye?
They went outside, to the balcony, taking a breath to relax. 
 -I'm sorry... it's just, it means so much for me everything you've said, my love. -she confessed with tearful eyes and an emotive smile. 
-I'm truly thankful to have you in my life. No matter how complex the situation was, with him by her side she felt capable of everything. 
They took their time to caress each other,  The moment she touched the back of his ear with her fingertips, he shook with eyes wide open. Stellaris couldn't help but chuckle. 
 -Is it that comical? -Estinien teased. -Now it's your turn. 
-Oh? -She replied, innocently. -What will you do to me? 
-What won't I be doing to you tonight, milady? -he whispered, willing to take her. 
 Before she could react, he carried her in his arms. They sat on the bed, covering each other in kisses. Stellaris felt her body tremble at Estinien, tasting her, leaving her breathless. She recovered the strength to remove his shirt. He did the same with her, leaving the underwear
She looked at her husband directly to the eyes.
 -Estinien, take me, please. -she begged in a low voice. 
-Stellaris... -he replied, murmuring. 
 One by one, the remaining garments fell to the floor between I love yous and kisses, words dedicating to each other, melting together in one, allowing their bodies to express passion and affection.
 -I love you, Estinien. 
-I love you too, Stellaris.-he replied, with a relaxed tone. 
 They didn't care about everything else. They needed that respite of being heroes, and simply enjoy the moment of respite as an eternally bonded couple. A couple full of mutual understanding, connecting. When the last push happened, they stopped to calm down after that long care session. -Someone is asleep. -Estinien attracted her to his body. 
-As long as you don't go away from my side when I wake up, I'll be happy. -Stellaris pronounced, halph open eyes and tired face. 
-I'll never go, Stella. -he kissed her on the birthmarks. -Until the morrow.
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obeymedweeb · 11 months
Lucifer x MC
You've always imagined what lucifer was like in bed. You know he's the Avatar of Pride and all and he WONT take it easy. So you decided today was your day. Only You've been saying that the entire week and can never push yourself to do it because of how shy you are.
Lucifer has noticed you've been trying to get closer to him tho and being more talkative. He found it cute honestly. But because he's busy most of the time you could never really do anything together and you hardly ever had time to say anything.
As he has the past few days he predicted when you'd enter his room later that same day. And as you enter the room he pretends to be working on stuff and sighning papers. He looks up at you and asks if you need something and looks back down at his work.
You say avoiding his gaze "Uh was just stopping by". He doesn't say anything and you pout starting to walk around "You know you have a nice room Luci" you speak blushing and side eyeing him to see if he'd react.
"Thank you MC but you've been saying that all week" he says looking up at her raising an eyebrow and smirking. You pout and turn red in embarrassment. "S-so?" you stammer. He smirks and gets up walking towards you making you slowly walk backwards "L-luci what are you doing-" you're soon pinned against the wall.
He looking down at our smirking with his hands pressed against the wall. "You think I haven't noticed you trying to get closer to me darling?" He says as he grabs a strand of your hair and playfully plays with it. You're now a blushing mess, pressing your thighs together feeling your arousal grow.
He notices and you see his eyes glow. "You know MC, you're so adorable but I'd like to find another side of you" he says as he places his hand on your cheeck caressing it while also brushing your hair away. All you can do is stare in awe. Without even thinking you kiss his lips. One kiss becomes a long sloppy kiss. Neither of you would let go of each other.
After a few more seconds he pulled away from you making you whine only to be picked up bridal style and taken to his bed. He sits you down and pushes your back taking his clothes off and hinting for you to do the same. You hesitate being too embarrassed to show him your naked body for the first time. But he insisted.
You slowly did so and he would only stare at your body he thought was perfect. Once you were finished he didn't hesiste to pounce on you and start kissing your neck after every pop you'd hear he'd tell you how beautiful you look under him. All you could do was squirm around and let out little gasps.
You were moving too much so it made it hard for him to kiss you in the desired areas. So he grabbed your hands and pinned them over your head with one hand while the other started pinching and playing with your nipples. Making you moan in his ear. Your nipples grew erect and you were getting wet. He then licked a trail down to your nipple and twirled his tongue around it.
You're panting and moans only grew a bit louder at the feeling. Making you want more of him. You knew he was holding back "L-lucifer i-i want more" he stops to look at you "You want what darling? I couldn't quite hear you" he says teasing you "you try to escape from his hand but he easily outpowered you.
"Come on now hun i know you can speak up" he says smirking at her. She's a blushing mess and her halph lidded eyes and panting showed signs that she was enjoying it. (Atleast to me) As she tried to get words out her mouth Lucifer chuckles and let's her go. When he does she can see his length which makes her go crazy
(You shoulda known what you were dealing with before you got into this situation now you gotta sit through it like a good girl)
He notices your reaction and asks "Oh? You want this" "LUCIFER y-you shouldn't say those things." You say trying to not look at it. He bends down and spreads your legs apart. But you're quick to close them being too embarrassed. You shake your head side to side quickly but then he grabs your hands softly and tells you "Trust me it'll be ok please open your legs darling." As you obey him he let's out a low growl while looking at how wet he has made you.
"Even though you're quite quiet, you're such a dirty little girl. Just look at how wet you are." You cover your face with your hands trying not to show your embarrassment. He places a kiss at your clit making you jolt and let out a soft moan. He smirks and leaves 2 more kisses before starting to suck on it. "You taste...amazing MC" You let out more moans while gripping onto the sheets on his head enjoying the way he's making you feel.
He puts his tongue inside of you twirling it around making you gasp and hold onto his hair pulling it but trying not to hurt him. You arch your back into the air feeling an orgasm coming "l-lucifer I'm gonna..." releasing all your juices into his mouth and he makes sure not to miss any of it.
You pant with halph lidded eyes looking at him. "You taste wonderful darling" he lays down next to you pulling you in and cuddling he kisses the crown of your head with your face in his chest. "I love you Luci"
DUDE ima make a part 2 lol anyway
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destielgaysex · 1 year
im gonna break my phone in halph
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anaglyph-anemoia · 7 months
so imma start advertising myself on here but i stream on twitch now come follow me while i play halph life for its 25th anniversary thanks
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444names · 10 months
the entire article on the 1st annual australian international jazz festival from wikipedia + american forenames + sindarin names
Abeass Adlór Aellolaste Aeretern Aerse Agdûr Ageld Aglams Aglose Aglórealin Aither Alaccome Amencel Amfatrity Amily Amorchorn Amwind Andanciath Andim Andlen Andren Andybar Anguela Aniampats Annedh Anneviony Annil Apren Arlamart Arlduinia Armald Arrineup Artelim Arthina Aspap Avina Barklen Barliquil Barthle Beild Belion Bellencel Benest Bennene Benorman Beron Berrod Berynnaus Birright Bleglends Bluldil Borowenc Braeg Brahing Brich Brissil Brínein Calpharrie Caragol Carbob Carna Cathanna Cechalam Charros Chawna Chírim Cling Comaryl Comben Conarrine Couthey Crothilley Cuthol Dagoth Daingeli Daith Damett Darange Darlina Debeths Delboria Delearail Delmith Diathoth Dienry Diriven Dondans Donilwe Dorfix Douillin Drandre Dratrog Dualf Duinespian Duingelaer Dunis Dwatter Dúnedwil Eafarth Eammounde Earan Ecthry Edhîn Edron Edwanweri Egrest Eledilmie Eletti Elleaver Ellin Elond Emmaxin Emothron Endirlie Eredrim Eriang Estin Ethualay Ettedhel Evonne Faneth Faron Fauru Feavorn Feideldor Fennim Ferys Finachel Finath Fineen Fireen Fixin Flade Flanilova Foellen Follaymaly Forists Foroy Forrind Foryarryl Freed Frevorn Frogremes Fulleonjam Fírduil Gaers Galaurth Gales Galvia Gatown Gazel Gerit Gianle Gilmon Gindywin Ginie Ginle Girance Gladler Glael Glaksont Glannyrnes Glants Glaurie Gliallaros Glice Gligilly Glist Glodrie Gloich Glowegoldo Glown Golen Golie Goner Goneye Gorlir Gorna Gornord Gorry Gorthian Gorthon Grank Gresephir Grildim Guaramitha Guira Gurthorry Gwalf Gwared Gwarret Haind Halph Hangor Hanneth Hanyarlase Harkwos Harthoryn Hartinge Hatordany Haune Hawent Heirk Helebt Hellon Heluina Hernelef Herns Hibbiri Hildoly Hirla Hirladhe Holde Holor Honeving Hothor Huara Hírdhel Iaurunt Idear Inboane Ingoldi Iverycel Ivoren Jandiagleb Jandre Janic Jannete Jarbel Javois Jeangebudy Jearp Jeffel Jered Jerligh Jeston Jesudy Jesuff Jimloch Joane Jodnata Joice Joinar Josalay Juddy Karathil Kelaudyne Kelewiti Keloot Krian Krindandua Laithronal Lammy Larth Larthadel Lastë Lathóris Layinglîn Lechrad Leduntond Letchír Lhanle Lhelirse Lidneest Limbadorth Limrody Lindowence Linie Linight Linnie Litaer Livie Livrind Lointeaned Lorath Loream Loroth Loserifine Luladfall Lundil Lórim Maboldie Marain Maraught Marawn Marrici Marry Mashear Mashurie Matchando Mellene Mellie Meltheas Menes Mether Micamend Minhips Miorhone Mirhûn Mitang Mithim Mithle Mitnen Morephir Mormaet Mornell Naraul Narnel Noroth Norwooth Nírhaer Ochaug Ondebriven Onnews Orats Orgas Orting Oryang Oserissin Osetha Othir Othos Pathear Pathon Pebdian Pebur Peddlyn Pedhelone Peoperiel Perfine Pernass Plawaronn Preth Priameil Priando Rader Raidin Raind Rainge Rainien Rance Rannalion Rapebrion Rebertim Redwely Reebran Reedi Reens Regampty Relacky Relith Rencer Rened Renneluin Rhowester Rhurim Rimbor Rindore Rinick Rophel Rottevel Rovaith Ríanon Salbenda Salte Samin Sarain Sedhilinet Sepossight Shadfusky Shang Sharalan Sille Sinnas Sirnhang Skimmy Soneend Sorryl Sourth Spatreanda Spatte Spebdia Spiath Spilen Starch Steder Stiss Strebblave Sundel Suzancey Swidh Talamrin Teposte Teret Terne Theryā Thovarand Thrielmor Tinichir Tisoppil Tonas Torthlórim Torton Tragothow Trainet Tratheryā Tricallin Triss Tumundre Tuoung Turige Turoll Turth Turwegie Twolin Twooth Ulinessand Ullorandak Undium Vagmostalu Valebeunta Varer Vegladers Verce Vindy Waene Waithean Warince Wavol Weagdûn Wenod Westion Wildo Winden Winedh Wollaudûr Woren Yventle Yverey Zaben Ódhie Úmindon Ōrenessë Ōreth
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halph-um-pensador · 2 years
As vezes me perguntam porque alguns insistem em querer tirar de você as coisas que te deixam bem.
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parisofpeoplez · 3 years
If Vincenzo creators release I'm always by your side ost only for Vincenzo to leave at the end, I will blame them for my trust issues my entire life ISTG
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