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waiako · 13 days ago
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The OG elder !!! Big man deserves two designs, I made him pretty when he was younger ( because one-eye deserves a pretty husband ) Also why did they change his and one-eye s name because of a disability, it sounds weird to me ... like lostface :(
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weevile-mantis · 4 months ago
Art dump part 3/??
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Reblogs appreciated more than likes
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t4twnyclaw · 4 months ago
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pinata-candy · 3 months ago
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Into the Wild ThunderClan!! These are 'canon' world designs for me! I've been working on a personal rewrite for my own entertainment (mostly fixing the family trees) alongside my WOF rewrite, but these designs ignore my family tree and follow the canon one! -> Fire and Ice
Design details and explanations below!
Bluestar- I wanted her to be like. somewhat regal looking, somewhat serving. But I also wanted to try a like, reverse colorpoint? It didn't turn out how I pictured in my mind, might have to revisit
Redtail and Spottedleaf- they are twins to me, I wanted them to look similar no matter what, I really like how square I made them. I also wanted to drift away from overly like, fem spotted- I have no problems with people who make her design overly fem coded but I personally do not care for it
Lionheart- Is a lion
Tigerclaw- is a tiger. Tiger means orange. get Oranged boy
Whitestorm- silly old man to me. Colorpoint like his mama, I wanted him to be very whispy, like a storm
Darkstripe- I wanted to get like. sleezy king's advisor energy. I think I did a good job with that
Longtail- I wanted him to look like a serval! I adore Longtail
Mousefur- wanted her to look like a lil mouse <33
Runningwind- I wanted quick, whispy shapes like the wind (and for him to look like sand. Can't help myself. She's a runningred baby all day everyday to me) I added the eyelines that cheetahs have bc he's a fast guy!
Firepaw- CRINGE BABY!!! wanted him to look flaming!
Dustpaw- I struggled with him bc when I think of dust I think of like, dust bunnies and kinda fluffy shapes, but he isn't a fluffy guy! Though, dust bunny dusty sounds fun. Might have to revamp him lol
Graypaw- droopy and soft and friendly! Gave him cartoony friend eyes bc it felt right. Looks like his mama!
Ravenpaw- tiny, weepy little guy. He is so cute
Sandpaw-I wanted tough, sharp, and swirly bc of her storm warrior name, and when I think storm and wind I think of swirls!
Brindleface- ok, I know brindle is a kind of pattern but when I hear the world brindle I think of like, crinkly shapes? So I tried to make her crinkled somehow
Willowpelt- droopy like a willow! I know willows aren't purple but I associate the word with purple? So she's purple n green! I love her design
Speckletail- I admit, didn't have much thought on her. Just made her speckled
Frostfur- snow, frost, cold girl- wanted her to have awesome snow and winter vibes
Goldenflower- Golden flower = sunflower, she is a sunflower <33
Halftail- really no thoughts about this guy but I like his shapes
Dappletail- she gives me like. old wealth vibes. High class old woman who is kinda mean. Tried to get that across. Don't know why, I really don't even remember her beyond her weird 'relationship' with Stormtail and how she died
One-eye- I wanted to make her kinda sharp and tough
Smallear- Old man looking cat bc he is an old man <33
Rosetail- I want to draw a full body of her one day bc I can picture a rose looking tail in my mind but until then, she just is pink and heart coded
Patchpelt- wanted to try and make 'stitches' along his patches!
That's everyone- some of these cats I could picture in my mind, some not at all but this was so fun. I can't wait to do more!
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bastart13 · 6 months ago
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Again, making Whitestorm white carries up way too far so now Windflight and Eaglestorm are also white cats
Something a little fun is making Rosetail silver so she can seem grey and ginger (vs cream) as well as making Leopardfoot a ghost black cat with hidden silvery patterns.
Then, classic ginger > tortie, Rainfur and Frecklewish now have to show some brown
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roseberry-rukki024 · 4 months ago
Warriors - Halftail
Previous name Sparrowpelt, a thunderclan elder that died in the first arc at the forest fire. Apparently Mousefur's and Runningwind's dad, but the first arc lineages get hard to follow
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redux-iterum · 5 months ago
What led to Alderfur's name change to Raggedpelt?
And while I'm here, what specific injuries led to the others? I know you've said before about a couple (Crookedstar being hit by a car and Deadfoot running too fast when his paw got caught) but how did the others get injured?
Might as well masterlist this so I can just direct people to an easy-to-find ask. Original names here.
One-eye lost her eye in a very gnarly accident with some brambles. It was removed altogether by paw when it started getting infected.
Halftail lost half of his tail to a badger.
Brokenstar was born with a bent tail and chose to be named for it when he became an apprentice.
Raggedstar was alone when he got horribly beaten up by a group of rogues, and a good chunk of his fur never grew back. He joked about being called Raggedpelt, thought about it, and decided he wanted to be named that.
Clawedface was training with an apprentice when the apprentice accidentally clawed his face deep enough to leave scars. ShadowClan finds this darkly funny.
Stumptail had his tail severed by a human machine in the Aulmir.
Deadfoot was running in the WindClan tunnels when he stepped into a hole and badly twisted his foot.
Tornear fought with a rogue who was very keen to attack his face.
Crookedstar (link in Deadfoot's entry) was hit by a car. He panicked as it approached at a high speed and bit the tire, then was knocked aside by the blow.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year ago
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Design Notes:
same design as the last one, I just gave him a different pose! He's old man chillin
Character Bio:
Tom; he/him
-died before first arc-
Title meaning: -pelt = a tough cat, often emotionally tough; “nothing gets through this cat’s pelt”
Warrior -> Elder of Thunder Order
Kits (w/ Fogtalon): Mousebite; Birdflight
Grandkits:  Sandstorm; Flint; Poppy
Other notable kin: Squirrelflight (grandkit); Leafpool (grandkit); Foxleap (grandkit); Icecloud (grandkit)
Character Summary:
I was going to have him be an Elder in the first arc, but now I plan to have Leopardfoot replace him in the elder's den... sorry Sparrow :P
Sparrow passed before the beginning of the first arc, he was Fogtalon's best friend and they chose to have kits together as they both wanted them. Birdflight was raised more so by Fog and her mate Leopard though!
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Sparrowpelt an AU version of Halftail from Warrior Cats. He is laying down with at an angle where his flank is closer, his left side is showing and he has a contented closed eye expression with a smile. He is a scruffy, medium furred, large, dark brown tabby tom with a short, half length, tail. He has several scars on his body, and a torn ear, both his scars and inner ears are a dark dusty pink. he has gray fur around his muzzle, chest and on his paws from old age./End ID]
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canon-notcanon-warriorcats · 6 months ago
because i refuse to believe that sparrowpelt was forced to retire after he lost half his tail and both he and white-eye were forcibly given the names halftail and one-eye when they retired
my headcanon is that when they both retired the couple was like "you know what would be really funny? getting our names changed to halftail and one-eye to sound impressive and scary to the kits"
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bisexualgraystripe · 2 years ago
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broad shouldered dark tabby
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warriorcatsideas · 10 months ago
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bears-artlogyippee · 5 months ago
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unicornicdesigns · 6 months ago
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t4twnyclaw · 4 months ago
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AU family tree
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pinata-candy · 1 month ago
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Into the Wild <- Forest Of Secrets ->
Fire and Ice ThunderClan! I know cloud is put in the ‘outside the clans’ part of the allegiances and Lynx isn’t listed at all but. They’re here anyway <33 I'm going to do ‘forgotten’ kittens when their siblings are listed- I plan to do Brindle’s two other kittens when Ash and Fern are listed in the allegiances for the first time
Design notes for the new cats under the cut!
Yellowfang- classic cranky lady! Yellowfang is one of those designs I couldn’t really imagine breaking canon for even though I wanted to. Anything I tried that wasn’t classic Yellowfang looking felt so wrong so she’s just Her !
Longtail- he has his nicked ear now! I intentionally made it kind of look like a TNR ear because I thought it was funny. Symbolic in a way one could argue
Fire and Gray- Warrior designs for them ! Big boys now!
Swiftpaw- I tried to make him look a bit like Tiger bc in my head, Tiger is also the father of Swift and Lynx. The poetic horror of Tiger killing his own son with the dogs he brought into the territory.
Cinderpaw- oh Cinder my lovely girl- I gave her bangs like her mom and little orange flecks like little flames bc of her name
Brackenpaw- Brackens are a kind of fern so he looks like a fern! I had so much fun with him and he’s got his mom’s face shape!
Cloudkit- beautiful fluffy cloud baby. Not much more to say <3
Lynxkit- why do all the random kits they name years later have cool names that are never used again? Lynx looked a lot like her father, Tiger, and if she had survived I think he would have heavily favored her. I think her death really disturbed Tiger and it caused him to distance himself from Swift. But yeah, Lynx!
And that’s all the new kitties! 4 cats were lost (rip Red, Spotted, Rose, and Lion) but 5 were gained!
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mousetoe-wc · 11 months ago
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New Squirrelwhisker family tree!!
Ok so now what I’ve changed is that Sandstorm + Featherkit and Cricketkit are now the kits of Runningbreeze (Runningwind) and a Rouge/Bloodclan cat Tess (she’s a character in Ravenpaw’s Path), they were both young at the time, it was a very non serious relationship and ended when she got pregnant. Tess asked Runningbreeze to take them back to his clan as Tess didn’t have the means to take care of them, nor did she want kits, and Runningbreeze had a community of cats to raise them, he agreed and before they were born he asked Dapplecloud (Dappletail) to take them.
More Character backstory below
Dapplecloud had wanted kits for a very long time, she was mates with Stormtail for a time when she was a younger warrior but she couldn’t have kits, which was definitely hard on her. At some point she’d broken up with Stormtail realising their relationship was not healthy and tried to focus on spending more time on her family, she absolutely loved her niece and nephew, she and her brother were very close with Mouseburr and Runningbreeze, they were Auntie Dapplecloud and Uncle Thrushpelt and great warriors the two of them looked up to.
So when Runningbreeze came to her asking for her help, Dapplecloud agreed, no warrior would turn down kits in need, especially family. Sometime in the future a part of Dapplecloud would regret this decision.
In the first two months every thing was fine, the kits were little angels, Rodinwing’s litter was taking a liking to the three new little kits and Willowpelt was settling into the nursery. Rosetail, the caretaker of the nursery was going to have her paws full.
But as the months of winter went on, the prey became increasingly more scarce then others, so many cats died that winter. Her brother, Leopardfoot, two of Robinwing’s kits along with her mate and herself… and so many more….
Cricketkit and then Featherkit included… Cricketkit early on and Featherkit so close to being apprenticed, he was born deaf but that never stopped him, he and his family had developed their own language built on clan cats own limited sign language used in patrols and other clan activities. Featherkit was a determined and kind kit. But the harsh winter does not care about the lives of mortals.
The loss affected her deeply… But Sandkit and the rest of the clan continued on.
One of the things that brings Sandstorm and Fireheart together is Cloudkit, in my rewrite Cloudtail and Snowkit are the same character. When Fireheart brings Cloudkit and asks Bluestar to let him stay in the clan, amongst the many voices saying not to let another “weak” kittypet in, Sandstorm surprises Fireheart by advocating for Cloudkit (the little white kit reminds her of her brother) and when Cloudkit is discovered to be hard of hearing Sandstorm and Dapplecloud help Fireheart and Brindleface with different signs and signals.
Cloudtail goes on to help Brightheart when she becomes hard of hearing after the dog attack and their daughter Whitewing, while not hard of hearing is a fantastic sign language teacher and goes on to teach many young cats in Thunderclan and even some cats in other clans the more developed sign language.
Other family tree’s that relate to this one:
SandFire // Mumblefoot
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