#haley and jamie
The Scott Family Essay
I’m feeling so emo about the family of Nathan, Haley, Jamie, and Lydia in One Tree Hill. I’ve never seen a family like them on TV before. I feel like you have three major kinds of families on TV.
1. You have the old model like in “I Love Lucy” for instance where they may make a big deal of the pregnancy and birth but once the child is born writers feel like the interest over a baby is going to fade so they just kinda hide the child. The baby sleeps about 12 hours a day and then spends the rest of the day in daycare. Something like that either way, the child is rarely seen again. 
2. You have shows like “Full House” and “Family Matters” where because they are sooo family driven, they do focus a lot on the children and their relationship with their parents.
3. You have a “Friends” kind of situation which is about 3 steps away from the I Love Lucy model. In the following years writers realized they couldn’t metaphorically bury the child so they trot them on set about a couple times an episode. Maybe have them say a couple precocious quips but then they trot them off set because they still want the focus to be on the adult and their adult relationships. As a result, those relationships don’t feel very genuine. You know on an intellectual level that the parents love their children but you don’t see that love in action. 
With “One Tree Hill”, I discovered a new model of TV families. First off, they made a couple really good decisions right off the bat. The baby was born at the end of season 4 and then they made a good decision to have a four year time jump before season 5 so when they come back, Little Jamie is no longer a baby but a precocious four year old. The second good decision was hiring Jackson Brundage who was a very talented child actor who could carry dramatic scenes pretty well and also was super hilarious and precocious in his line delivery. 
They then made a few interesting story choices. Firstly, they decided to make him the focus of quite a few big heady dramatic plotlines. Like when Nathan and Haley are having marital problems and he’s very much in the middle of that. Or the time when he was kidnapped and then saved by Grandpa Dan or nearly drowned and then saved by Nathan. So not only would they trot him out for the precocious comic relief, they would also focus some dramatic plotlines on him. All the while, the show was still about 90% about the adults and their adult relationships. 
They did a third thing which was just adding little filler scenes that weren’t particularly dramatic or precocious... just little small domestic moments of Haley having a heart to heart with Jamie while at a park or Nathan taking Jamie to his workplace when he’s coaching the Ravens. You really get the sense that Nathan and Haley love Jamie and want to be present in his life. And the scenes when he’s not with his parents he’s being nannied by his uncle or his grandmother or grandfather. The child never goes to Daycare. He’s pretty privileged to have family who is able to care for him all the time. But on a story level that makes him feel more present in the story cause the people caring for him are the same ones who are in the A plot or the B plot of the episode.
The fourth thing is that James and Joy are so good at bringing little physical intimacies to their relationships on screen. You see the little intimacies with each other like all the numerous kisses Nathan plants on Haley’s forehead or in a scene when they’ll just be talking and Nathan will be playing with her hair. Or how Haley loves to just randomly pull on Nathan’s tie when he’s wearing one. And there are so many others. These little intimacies that are more than likely unscripted really make the relationship real and intimate and it’s not something that every actor does. I feel like it takes a really trusting work relationship to do that so comfortably. To feel safe to go beyond what the script says in a romantic context. But you also see that in the non romantic, in the platonic or familial relationships that James and Joy depict on screen. They add those little things with Jamie. James will kiss the top of Jamie’s head. There’s one scene in season 5 where Haley and Jamie are having a heart to heart in the park and she does this little thing that is hard to fully explain so i’ll also show a couple screenshots...
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They are laying head to head and Haley reaches back and starts playing with his hair. It’s these little gestures and domestic moments that make them feel like a real family, like a real mother and son, or father and son. It makes it feel so real and genuine and makes you believe that they love each other and they love their children. This essay has focused a lot on Jamie but the relationship between Lydia is also sweet, once she’s born. It’s a bit different because she’s just a little newborn baby but they still made that relationship feel sweet, real, and genuine. 
All this is why the Scott Family is the greatest family that has ever been on television as far as i’m concerned! 💗
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useragarfield · 9 months
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✩ FAVORITE CHARACTER MEME ✩ ↬ dynamics: brooke & the scotts [1/5]
I just wish I had had a family like yours. You do. You're Aunt Brooke.
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itsmyfriendisaac · 5 months
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♎ October 21st: Actor, Glen Powell.
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othsource · 9 months
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gabulousxo · 8 months
Love those relationships where the juvenile delinquent falls in love with a really good, special girl. And then, he turns his life around and soon becomes a man. Not just for her, ..but because of her.
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But most of all, for himself. Because now, it's his utmost goal and desire to be the man of her dreams. Even if it means he has to wait for her and grow into his own person. But, because he loves her so much, he does whatever it takes. Because he can't imagine his future without her by his side. In the end, she gives him her whole heart, and he cherishes it like a precious gem. For better or for worse. Always and forever. ❤️
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doomedyuri-69 · 12 days
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so why do all of my favorite ships include atleast one blonde…
(top left is my ocs) ((bottom right is haley sdv and my farmer))
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'Cause Haley is now getting to do all this like the Full House stuff, like the sweet stuff. The, you know, cuddling in bed, being sexy with Nathan. -Hilarie
It did feel like a, like a dramatic version of Full house. Like the whole Nathan and Haley stuff. -Bethany 
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shakespearenews · 2 months
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honeyteller · 2 months
Headcanon on how each Fable SMP character writes.
Rae - very nice when he isn’t writing notes. If he is it is half cursive half print.
Bruin - decent handwriting.
Athena - nice and cursive. 100% dots their i(s) with hearts.
Icarus - print but when they are writing potion notes then it’s messy. (definitely confused c! Centross with their handwriting)
Momboo - very nice and instead of dots for her i(s) she makes like flowers.
Caspian - print like hand writing.
Easton - depends on situation for their handwriting.
Haley - very nice and cursive.
Centross - he doesn’t write he asks either Fenris, Ocie, or Icarus to write for him.
Ocie - nice handwriting. It looks very fluid like.
Aax - Very bold
Ven - he got that writer’s handwriting (very messy when putting ideas down but nice when writing for someone)
Fenris - cursive and nice.
Arisanna - mix between cursive and print
Addie - faint and cursive
Ulysses - messy when it’s notes but then very fancy cursive when it’s to someone else.
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sarhcameron · 3 months
do you ever just cry because nathan thought he wouldn't be a good parent because of his emotionally unavailable and abusive father but he's always been the most amazing father to jamie and lydia
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mcufan72 · 2 months
Try to guess who's going to London in February 2025 😁😳🤩. At least I try to get theatre tickets.
A beloved person of mine and I just planned a trip to London for May 2025 😂... now we're considering to fly twice to London next year 🛫
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New Scott Family music video dropped! 💗
I hope you like it. I feel like I put my whole heart and soul into this and honestly the Scott Family deserves no less!! 💜💜
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thesapphicsoldier · 5 months
I do not, in fact, know what it’s for
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 months
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othsource · 1 year
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
Brooke and Jamie hugging with never NOT get old 😊
Oh and Brooke and Haley’s bond FTW!
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