#hair glazing treatment at home
honeytonedhottie · 8 months
masterlist (2024)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🪷
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law of assumption and manifesting
how i write my scripts
a look into my own manifestation
some manifesting exercises
random success story
beginners guide to manifesting
robotic affirming
law of assumption ins and outs
reprogramming subconscious mind
rampaging with manifesting
valentines day prep challenge (day one)
valentines day prep challenge (day two)
valentines day prep challenge (day three)
valentines day prep challenge (day four)
valentines day prep challenge (day five)
valentines day prep challenge (day six)
valentines day prep challenge (day seven)
honeys tea on self concept (improved)
how i make affirmations tapes + affirmation tape
you know how to manifest
ways to apply the law
for when u think u "failed" at manifesting
reprogramming ur mind activity
building a new life and identity (remake)
what to do when the 3d hasn't aligned
how to deal with self doubt when manifesting
i pledge allegiance
how to manifest faster
dealing with the unfavorable
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self care and beauty
for healthier hair
shampoo and conditioner recommendations
long list of self care practices
at home spa day
doll hand-book
maintaining a clean and fresh appearance
"your glowing"
general hygiene secrets and tips
hot girl summer prep
glazed doughnut skin secrets
things that are on my list to buy (beauty binder)
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mental well being and healing
the feel better formula
the tea on self love
disconnect and heal
ways to feel better about ur appearance
sustained satisfaction
how to keep going
embracing being alone
for rest and relaxation
the happy pill
self care assessment
how to unwind
shadow work prompts
how to stop being toxic
how to feel enough
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honeys girlblogging and that girl-ism
starting a video diary
how to deal with mean girls
ur guide to effortless glamor
little habits to adopt
embodying the wellness girlie aesthetic
the wizard liz mindset analysis
hyper girliness
dear diary
starting ur fitness girlie era
dopamine detox challenge
starting a collection
honeys guide to throwing a slumber party
giving urself princess treatment
video dairy entry ideas
cultivating creativity and a deeper sense of self
starting and managing ur blog
how to be rich and luxurious
a glamorous well being
incorporating luxury
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productivity and self development
focusing on urself
getting seriously organized
honey's resource bundle
getting it together
a fresh start
trusting and betting on urself
becoming ur own project and self upgrading
reset routine
goal ideas
practicing self discipline
things to do while on a dopamine detox
making an effective planner
the art of conversation (from a professional yapper)
restocking and replenishing
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school and studying
school notion tutorial
becoming an academic weapon challenge
studying methods + tips
how to get good grades without excessive studying
academic resources
ways im romanticizing school
pretty and well educated
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notes from honey🎀🍰
places to go vision board
notes from honey - note one
notes from honey - note two
things that make my mornings a million times better
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moonstruckme · 1 year
hi lovely! would you consider writing part 2 for reader that is remus' roommate and sirius, where they are freshly together? if you don't feel like it that's fine, have a good day darling
Thanks for requesting honey! Hope this is alright :)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
modern au
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
When Remus opens the door, he banishes his surprise at finding Sirius there almost as quickly as he knows he’s not here to see him. 
“She’s in her room,” Remus says, stepping aside. 
Sirius grins at him, beelining down the hall. He’d been coming around a lot more often lately, and though Remus would like to be annoyed, it’s hard to deny how sweet the two of you are together. After your first meeting, Sirius had begun showing up every weekend, allegedly to hang out with Remus, though you somehow always ended up coming along. Then he started popping in on weekdays, claiming he forgot something at the apartment or was in the area and “thought I may as well stop by to see the two biggest nerds on campus.” According to you, he started showing up at your cafe a short while after that, acting surprised to see you and like he only vaguely recalled Remus mentioning you worked there (after he’d bribed Remus with chocolates for the intel).
You’d only gone on your first date the week before, and Remus had to meet Sirius nearly twenty minutes away from campus afterward to avoid any possibility of running into you as he gushed about the dress you’d picked out (Remus had seen it before you left; it was adorable), how smart you were (Remus knew), the book you were in the middle of (Remus had lent it to you), and did Remus know this and that and that about you? (he did). Sirius spoke like you were the most fascinating creature on the planet, and Remus wasn’t sure he’d ever seen his friend so happy. 
When he got home, you weren’t much better. It had taken you awhile to build up the courage, a few days of Remus catching you smiling at your phone or staring off to the side of your book with a dreamy glaze over your eyes, but finally you’d asked Remus (trying to be casual, as if he didn’t know better) about Sirius. It had started with questions about what kind of music he preferred, then what he’d been like when they’d been in school together, and soon Remus was telling you everything he could recall from the moment he met Sirius when they were eleven, surprised and a bit endeared by how eager you were for every story. 
The day after that, he’d started getting texts from James asking about the girl that had his best friend so smitten (“Moons, I’m telling you,” James had said, “I keep walking into his room to find him texting with his feet kicking behind him. It’s alarming”). It had begun to feel like all Remus did lately was relay information about you and Sirius to anyone who asked. Frankly, he felt lucky to have a first-row seat to the show, endlessly amused to watch as two of the most self-assured people he knew devolved into giggling fools in the other’s presence. 
Now, he can hear you squeal as Sirius bursts into your room, followed by some scuffling sounds, and then Sirius drags your blanket-wrapped form across the floor and out into the living room by your ankle. You curse and twist about, grinning with the sort of animation Remus hadn’t known you possessed until you’d met Sirius. 
“Alright,” Remus says in his bored, I’m-so-done-with-your-lovebird-shit voice (he’s had plenty of time to practice it in these last few weeks), “unhand my roommate, Sirius.” 
Sirius drops your foot, and you sit up, shaking your head in entirely faked exasperation as you straighten your rumpled hair. 
“Moony, do you know she’s been dodging my calls for days?”
Remus quirks a brow. “I heard you on the phone last night.” 
“Some bullshit about an exam,” Sirius continues as though he hasn’t spoken. “Can you believe it? You know me, I won’t stand for this sort of treatment.”
“I know you’re needy, Black,” you say, standing with the grace of a monarch despite your polka-dot pajamas and the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and going to sit on the couch, “but I can only afford to feed your ego every so often when my strictest professor’s exam is coming up.” 
Remus hums in recognition. “That’s tomorrow morning, isn’t it?”
You nod, brushing a greasy piece of hair behind your ear self-consciously, and Remus watches you sympathetically. He’s not sure how much you’ve let Sirius know, but it’s hard to live in such close proximity to someone and not pick up on their moods. You’ve been horrendously stressed about this exam all week. The coffee maker has been running nearly non-stop, the shower running not at all, and Remus has seen light coming from under your door at all hours of the night. 
“Maybe the two of you should go to a park or something,” he suggests gently. “Enjoy the nice weather, relax for a while.” 
You look anxious at the prospect of abandoning your textbooks for a few hours, but Sirius is assessing you, putting the pieces together of what this week has done to you. “Good idea, Moons,” he says, and Remus doubts he has to fake any of the enthusiasm in his voice. “What do you think, lovely girl, want to go on a little adventure?”
You hesitate, but in the end time with Sirius is too tempting to pass up. “Let me just get dressed.”
“Ugh,” Sirius complains. “If you have to.” 
A few minutes later Remus is watching you both warmly, feeling oddly like someone’s dad, though he’s not sure whose. He can’t help but smile as Sirius fawns over you, telling you how pretty you look and insisting upon tying your shoes for you (“Gorgeous thing like you, doing things for yourself? Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart. Give me a few weeks, and you won’t remember how to tie your shoes or open your own door.”) before opening the front door gallantly. You’re all coy looks and feigned annoyance at his flirtation, but there’s more color in your complexion than Remus has seen all week, and you lean into Sirius when he wraps an arm around your shoulders. It’s all very sickeningly sweet. 
“Have fun,” Remus says, waving you out the door. “And Pads.”
Sirius looks back, gray eyes practically sparkling. “Yeah?”
“She’s got an exam in the morning. Don’t get her home too late.”
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pure-ablution · 2 months
How I improved my hair thickness & length
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Using products for my hair type and learning how to properly apply them
I spent probably a total of about 2 years experimenting with haircare products and application techniques before I found a routine that really worked for me. I figured out my hair type, researched products and ingredients, and went through a long trial-and-error phase, making notes of what worked and what really didn’t. Now, I wash my hair religiously three times a week—any more frequently and my hair over-produces oil to compensate, any less and it ends up lank and lifeless—and I use a mixture of professional-grade products, homemade remedies, and drugstore treatments from abroad. I learnt that my hair craves moisture, doesn’t mind silicones, and although it’s sensitive to proteins, it still needs a protein treatment every now and again for structure, or else it becomes so soft and floppy that I can’t style it at all. I have to foam up my shampoo before I use it and I have to shampoo three times to properly wash it, I brush through my conditioner until it’s thick and foamy and I use the ‘squish to condish’ method for better hydration and absorption, and I make sure to use products created with my hair type in mind for best results.
Only washing in cold, soft water
I adore my hot baths so this was initially a difficult adjustment, but it’s one that made a huge difference to my hair’s shine, softness, and overall health. I wash my hair three times a week in cold (not lukewarm, not freezing) water, and then, if I’m feeling particularly brave or want super-shiny hair, I do a final rinse with ice water. You have to be careful with this last step because you don’t want your scalp itself to be too cold—a cold head can lead to all kinds of health complications—so I try to keep my towels warming whilst I shower, and it’s really not as torturous as it sounds. My university town has pretty hard water and my hometown has the hardest, chalkiest water known to man, and the only thing that really works for me is the ShowerStick. I’ve tried other water softening attachments but they’re just not as effective; the ShowerStick isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing little gadget in the world but it really does work and it’ll be my mainstay for uni and until I can convince my father to install a proper water-softening system in the house. If my hair is really struggling with the water or it’s adjusting after a period back home, then I also sometimes use the Dream Filter from Colour Wow—it’s not enough on its own to combat hard water but it’s a good boost for difficult days.
Avoiding tension on my hair
To avoid follicular damage and breakage—and so to stimulate and maintain growth—it’s important to avoid any kind of tension on the hair, especially at the crown and ends. I enjoy wearing ponytails and other styles that cause tension on my strands but I only wear them now when I’m going out, and I make sure to minimise the amount of time I have them in by doing my hair as late as possible and taking it back out as soon as I get home. Most of the time, I alternate between gentle claw clip styles, banana clips, and a firm (but not too tight) single plait down my back secured with a silk scrunchie. None of these styles are completely non-damaging, if I wore them all the time then I’d likely still see breakage, but by alternating between them (and also varying my parting) then I can change where the tension on my scalp lies and mitigate damage as much as possible.
Strengthening masks and treatments
My hair is very fine and prone to breakage, so I use strengthening masks and treatments to bolster it and increase elasticity where I can. Although my hair is almost virgin—I use depositing masks and zero-lift glazes for colour—I use products intended for colour-treated hair and find that they help tremendously with my hair’s overall strength and texture. I alternate between Olaplex and K18 on an almost-weekly basis, and I use the K-Pak cuticle sealer from Joico immediately after colour treatments. I include a hair mask with almost every wash—my favourites are the Alchemy mask from Oribe, the wheat germ mask from Salerm, and the Fino mask from Shiseido—and I like to add liquid hair treatments, like L’Oréal’s lamellar Wonder Water, Lador’s Fill-Up ampoules, and Salerm’s revitalising ampoules, to boost shine and strengthen my hair’s cuticle and cortex.
Oiling my scalp and hair ends
When I began oiling my scalp, it was a huge turning point for my hair’s growth rate. I’d always had hair that grew quickly but oiling truly made it grow like a weed. I’ve already made a post for my scalp oil recipe, it’s a complex recipe and it’s tailored specifically to my scalp and hair but the ingredients are all linked to hair growth and scalp health and it’s the result of a lot of research and experimentation. I’m not wholly convinced that scalp oiling works for everyone, I think it only really works if you have the natural hair density to support it, and I’ve heard mixed anecdotal reports but it’s worked wonders for my hair and scalp. I oil my scalp twice a week: I brush my hair beforehand and never whilst the oil is in, I warm up the oil to a gentle temperature, I use a little dropper and take my time parting my hair so that my scalp is lightly covered and not soaked in oil, and I wrap my hair up in clingfilm and cover with a steam cap for 2 hours (no longer) before I use a gentle scrub and cold water to wash everything out. This is the method that works best for me and it ensures that the oil can work at its best and be rinsed out without any residue.
I oil my ends using Shu Uemura’s essence absolue every single night. My hair ends are quite dry by nature and I’ve found that nightly oiling makes a huge difference to my hair’s softness and the rate at which I get split ends. I’ve experimented with lots of different oils, both commercial and homemade formulations, and Shu Uemura’s oil is the best I’ve found for my hair; it’s light, hydrating, and makes my hair soft but never weighs it down or makes it greasy. After I’ve brushed my hair at night, I use between a half and full pump and spread it across my fingers on both hands before I start plaiting my hair, and then use the excess on my ends after I tie the plait off. If I’m oiling my ends after a wash, then I oil twice: once when my hair is 50% dry, and again when it’s about 95% dry.
Regular scalp massage
Scalp massage is so important for hair growth and scalp health; it stimulates blood flow and circulation to the scalp, and can help to encourage clear and healthy follicles. I massage my scalp twice a day for at least five minutes, using my hands, and I use a silicone scalp massager when shampooing. I follow the ‘scalp over skull’ method for my twice-daily manual massages, and although I make sure to massage my whole scalp, I found that my hair’s growth rate increased quite significantly when I began to focus my massage on specific acupoints for circulation and hair health.
Homemade rinses
I love my homemade rinses and I never wash my hair without including a rinse. I have my rinses on a schedule in accordance with my washdays—onion juice on Mondays, ACV on Wednesdays, and watercress & rosemary on Fridays—and I try to use the freshest, cleanest locally-grown produce I possibly can. I use homegrown onions and rosemary, and watercress that I collect from the banks of the river near me, and I’m quite seriously considering making my own apple cider vinegar although I haven’t started that endeavour quite yet. With the rinses, I pour slowly and I’m careful that my whole head is covered, I make sure that my hair is treated from roots to ends, and I rinse out thoroughly with cold water once it’s worked its magic.
Never leaving my hair to air dry
I used to think that air-drying was the healthiest thing I could do for my hair, but it turned out that leaving my hair to air-dry—especially if I went to bed with wet hair, or went outside—was causing terrible dandruff and scalp sensitivity, and blocking my hair growth. I have low-porosity hair, which means that my hair’s outer cuticle is very smooth and tightly sealed, and so it takes a long time to absorb water and then an even longer time to dry again. Leaving stagnant water trapped inside my hair strand was weakening my hair and causing breakage, and when my scalp was damp, it was breeding bacteria and fungal issues (kind of like athlete’s foot for your scalp, which sounds so disgusting!) and blocking my follicles. Now, I squeeze out as much excess water from my hair as possible with microfibre towels, and then blow-dry with my Dyson hairdryer with the ‘gentle air’ attachment and the settings turned to the lowest temperature and gentlest flow. I make sure to baby my hair while it’s wet and in its most vulnerable state—I only comb out tangles with my fingers, a wet brush, or a wide-toothed comb—but I don’t use heat protectant when blow-drying my hair because I find that it’s just not needed when I’m drying it so gently and from a safe distance (6 inches). In fact, I found that heat protectant caused unnecessary build-up when I’m not using high heat and intense tools, and my hair is much healthier and happier now with less damage and and cleaner scalp.
Microfibre and silk for protection
I use only the gentlest fabrics on my hair to ensure that the cuticle lays flat and there’s no risk of damage—I use microfibre towels, and silk satin for practically everything else. Silk satin is the hair’s favourite fabric; it’s smoothing and almost nourishing, and I have silk scrunchies, pillowcases, and bonnets for when I’m sleeping at night. Non-silk satin works in the same way, in that it’s a smooth fabric that protects the hair’s cuticle, but because it’s usually made from synthetic fibres it isn’t breathable, and so your scalp can’t receive proper airflow and is at risk of fungal infection and clogged follicles. Buy the best silk satin that you can afford—mulberry silk is better than other kinds for the purpose of haircare, since it has fine, long fibres and a natural elasticity that lends it to a smooth satin weave, and the closer you can get to 30 momme, the better (any heavier and the silk will have a crisper texture that won’t soften the hair, and any lighter and it won’t offer enough support)—but there’s no need to waste money on ready-made products when you can buy higher quality fabrics and sew the products yourself. Pillowcases, scrunchies, and bonnets are all easy sewing projects and you’ll be able to put your money towards a higher fabric quality instead of paying another brand’s markups and production costs.
Prioritising scalp health
It sounds a bit of a cliché but I really do try to treat my scalp as an extension of my face. The scalp is skin just like the face and body, and I focus on ensuring that my scalp is hydrated, clear of dead skin and infection, and receiving a healthy blood flow. I avoid targeting aerosols at my scalp and use hypochlorous acid over dry shampoo, I exfoliate with gentle scrubs and use a glycolic acid toner once a week, I make sure to brush out products at the end of the day and treat my scalp with rose hydrosol to hydrate and restore pH (scalp pH should be mildly acidic, between 4.5 and 5.5 pH, and I test my hydrosols for this!), and I use oils and massage to stimulate blood flow. Although I don’t use the exact same routine for my scalp as I would for my face or body—no heavy body butters or moisturisers, for example—I try to apply the same philosophy I have for my skin to my scalp, and this way I don’t neglect it or treat it too harshly. The scalp is to hair what soil is to crops, and if you can maintain a nourished and healthy scalp then your hair will grow fast and strong.
Heatless or infrared styling
I love having styled hair and I could never have brush-and-go hair. My bouncy curls and blowouts are a signature of mine and a huge part of my look and identity, and I achieve them almost wholly through heatless styling. I’ve experimented a lot and I’ll probably continue to experiment (Victoria Casalino on TikTok is an inspiration to me and a driving force behind many an impulsive buy) but most of the time nowadays I use silk heatless curlers in various sizes to create and maintain my curls. If a style I have in mind calls for heat styling then I try to keep it to infrared styling; infrared hair tools penetrate deeper and heat the hair more evenly from the inside out, so less heat is used and there’s less risk of burning and damaging the outer cuticle. I really like the infrared thermal brush from Bondi Boost—it creates a blowout style without the same level of tension and heat damage as a traditional blowout, and my hair feels smooth and supple after using it. Of course, sometimes I do use traditional hot tools and I always make sure to drench my hair in a high-quality heat protectant whenever using hot tools, infrared or otherwise, but I try to minimise heat styling as much as I possibly can; I’d estimate that I use heatless styling techniques almost every day, infrared styling 2–3 times each month, and traditional hot tools less than once a month, and only ever for special occasions.
A healthy diet with supplements
Diet is absolutely key for hair growth; malnutrition causes excess hair shedding and in extreme cases permanent hair loss, and I myself experienced increased shedding and overall thinner hair density when I was losing weight. Currently, I try to eat a balanced diet of fresh, local, seasonal produce with an emphasis on fruit and vegetables, fats, and proteins, and my hair definitely thanks me for it. Alongside a balanced diet, I also take supplements specifically for hair health: collagen alone hugely helped with growing my baby hairs, zinc strengthens my hair significantly, and I drink a blend of bamboo, nettle, and horsetail tea every day for an extra dose of silicone.
Laser and high frequency treatments
Taking to high-tech devices isn’t something I’d suggest for a first step when it comes to haircare, but laser and HF helped so so much when I felt as though my hair’s health had plateaued. Laser is much more effective than LED therapy for hair growth, and after researching my options I bought the Hairmax Ultima 12 when it was on sale. It’s like a comb and can be used on the whole scalp or just to spot-treat, and I use it three times weekly for the 8 minutes recommend. I also bought a high-frequency comb that uses both argon and neon gases, and I use this on the days when I’m not using the Hairmax—it can dry my scalp out a bit, so I make sure to apply hydrosol afterwards, but I’ve found that it helps a lot with keeping my scalp clean and clear. There isn’t a huge amount of formal research on either laser therapy or high frequency therapy for hair growth, although there’s a little bit more on the former than on the latter, but I looked at the technology and anecdotal reports and decided to try a combination of the two. It definitely worked for me and was a huge leap forward for my hair’s density and growth rate, but I’d be hesitant to say that it would work in exactly the same way for everyone; one technology might work better than the other for you, or you might find that it simply doesn’t work at all, or has unwanted effects.
Genetics and lifestyle
Of course, at the end of the day, I also have to take my genetics and my lifestyle into account when it comes to the condition of my hair. I’m lucky with my hair’s genetics—both my parents have thick, dense hair that’s showing no signs of thinning with age, and I’ve always had dense, fast-growing hair since childhood. However, unlike my parents, my hair strands are fine (that is to say, although the number of hairs on my head is very high, the hair strands themselves are thin and fine, not thick and coarse) and delicate, prone to breakage, and I lost quite a lot of hair after a period of extreme stress in my life. My goal was to restore my hair’s health and density after going through a lot of excess shedding and hair loss, and to increase my hair’s growth rate, which was already quick but I wanted it to be quicker. It was a long and difficult journey but I’m not going to pretend that I had terrible hair genetics to begin with; my hair journey was much more a question of restoring and improving my hair rather than totally changing and transforming it.
I also have a very healthy lifestyle now wherein I prioritise lots of sleep, low-impact exercise, and nutrition. My stress levels are very low and my body is hydrated, nourished and in good shape, so my hair is able to grow in the best possible environment. If you have a stressful lifestyle with poor nutrition and little sleep, then no amount of scalp oiling and massage is going to make a truly significant difference to your hair; health for any part of your body starts from the inside, and the things I’ve outlined above were comparatively small improvements and garnishes on top of a huge lifestyle overhaul, and only worked as well as they did for me because I was committed to a holistically healthy lifestyle.
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inchhair · 5 months
Hair Color Correction: Fixing Common Mistakes
We all make hair color mistakes sometimes! You might try going blonde yourself but get orange tones. Or doing home Highlights Randwick leaves weird dark bands. Professional color correction can fix these common issues. It makes your hair look healthy and flawless again. This blog shares the top dye mishaps people have. We explain how expert colorists repair each one simply using methods like:
Blending darker re-growth into lighter lengths evenly
Adding baby lights to soften blocky highlights
Using toner glosses to reduce brassiness
Moisturizing with masks after bleaching
Custom coloring over leftover stained spots
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Read on to learn all about color-correcting different scenarios. Our Best hair extension near me also give tips to avoid future mistakes. And how to keep your new perfect salon hair color lasting longer.
Fixing Visible Re-Growth
Dark roots along your crown against blonde lower hair scream "dye job." However, Hairdresser Randwick blends new growth with color-melted Balayage randwick or root smudging. Added baby lights also mix the textures. Toners fix brassiness from porousness differences, making regrowth less obvious. Glosses and subtle lowlights between salon visits help maintain this seamless new blend.
Repairing Bad Highlights
Spotty chunky highlights with zebra stripes are fixed by integrating new foils. This softens contrast next to uncolored sections. Babylights near the hairline also reduce stripe visibility. Toners remove chemical brassiness, and masks nourish damage from bleaching. New strategically placed foils lighten everything evenly for fully grown-out blocks, erasing artificial remnants. The pro blending marries old and new highlights beautifully.
Post-Bleaching Color Correction
Overbleaching to reach icy platinum at home leaves brassy, dry hair. First, a rich purple mask deeply moisturizes damaged strands. Then, lowlights in cool and ash tones contrast paler areas for dimension. This prevents washed-out tones while controlling leftover warmth from lightning attempts. Repeated clear gloss treatments also increase shine that is lacking post-bleaching. The strategic toner placement with targeted lowlights rebalances the overall color nicely.
Fixing Spotty Semi-Permanent Dye
Peekaboo rainbow colors often fade unevenly, leaving random splotchy spots. First, remove leftover staining, then recolor with demi-permanent glaze to blend uneven areas. A custom toner blends any remaining uneven tint. Reconstructing cocktails also repairs compromised integrity from repeated dye efforts. Finally, heat styles reveal healthy, flawless dimensions rather than spotty textured sections. This restores fun colors responsibly.
Pregnancy Related Color Changes
Hormonal changes after having a baby can curiously alter your existing hair color. However, rematching original uniform tones often looks unnatural as new growth emerges. Instead, placing subtle highlights near roots and warmer refresher tones on mid-lengths and ends embrace natural evolution gracefully over time. The method incorporates unavoidable transitional changes seamlessly through harmonious blending. It makes hair color updates after major personal phases feel beautifully organic.
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Don't worry about hopeless dye disasters, thinking the damage is permanent. Our talented Hairdresser Newtown feels fully confident restoring even severe cases into healthy, flawless and professional outcomes personalized just for you. They transform at-home mistakes into envy-worthy results through careful color melting, strategic highlights, toner masks, and nourishing treatments. Their guidance also equips you to avoid errors going forward and keep the perfect new color they achieve, lasting longer on your own between needed touch-ups with them. Contact Inch Hair to book your custom color correction service and finally get the dream locks you deserve!
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herespaaa · 7 months
Explore Exquisite Hair Color Services at HereSpa: Professional Coloring, Highlights, and Specialty Techniques.
Transform your look with precision at HereSpa's Salon Services. Immerse yourself in Professional Hair Coloring, expert Highlights and Lowlights, and indulgent Specialty Coloring Services. Elevate your style with our Toner Glaze treatments, experiencing the art of vibrant and customized hair color. Discover the beauty of personalized color transformations at HereSpa.
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Let’s talk fashion colors
Reposted @julesdoesmyhair
For me the best way to get through this 10 hour appointment is to cut it in half
I have my clients the week before try to get the most of their color out of their hair before we start the bleach process they do that by using any dish soap
Yes DISH SOAP to clarify their hair it works better than clarifying shampoo I promise
For most of my clients and I have them leave it in for 10mins with a cap on their head and then shampoo and condition with @pureology hydrate shampoo and conditioner while leaving most of the conditioner still in the hair.
Then have them come into the appointment with clean hair start the bleach process
Once the bleach process & glazing is done I shampoo everything out and leave them with the @olaplex number 2 in there hair
Have them go home with it and come back the next day to finish there fashion color
I like doing this because it gives the hair hours of a good moisturizing treatment and lets it breath alittle before putting new color on it
I feel that the color stays so much better this way having them leave and then come back the next day
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 99
Chapter 99: Rare Gem
When mom came back, it was a happy moment. Goten hugged mom, before she was swipe from her feet by dad. It was all good, till dad’s mood went from happy to mad. I wonder what happened. He simply toss mom over his shoulders, and headed upstairs. I look to Bulma and 18 for an explanation. “What? We only went to a spa.” That couldn’t be the problem. Then when she told me that mom did commented if she could get the spa treatment by a female, it started to make sense. No wonder dad suddenly got mad. I then picked up Goten, and told everyone we had to leave.
They didn’t want to budge. Don’t they get that dad is very overprotective of mom. Heck, even overprotective of me and Goten. Thankful, Videl helped me pushed everyone outside. Once we got everyone outside, it was easier to get them to head home. That’s when I remembered I was holding Goten. “Hey, kiddo. Wanna go to the lookout?” He excitedly nodded. I then turned to Videl, and asked if she wanted to come. She, too, gave an excited yes.
It was after the sun went down, we finally made our way home. And Videl tagged along. Even though she didn’t have to, but it felt nice. As we flew, Goten was hugging both of our arms. He was even saying stuff, like how he’s lucky to have a big brother like me. Also, how he’s so happy that I found him a big sister. I felt my face burn at that comment, and saw that Videl face was also red.
When we landed, we was greeted by, a calmer looking, dad. Goten ran, and jump into his arms. He was asking if dad was ok, and if mom was in trouble. Dad told him everything was fine, and that mommy isn’t in trouble. Dad then ruffled his hair, but didn’t put him down. it was a touching sight to see. Then I noticed that dad was walking over to me and Videl. And Goten just had to bring up the comment from before. “Dad, isn’t it awesome that Gohan found me an awesome big sister.” My face was on fire, and I wanted to scream at the little brat. Dad looked confused for a moment, before he looked at me, and then Videl. My face kept feeling hotter, as dad started to smile and giving a light chuckle. Then he just had to say how right Goten was.
“DAD!” I was about to storm past him, till I felt something grab my hand. Now my whole body was on fire, when I realize it was Videl holding my hand. I dropped my glaze to my feet. I couldn’t look at dad at the moment. I was feeling very embarrassed. But after what felt like forever, dad finally headed inside. And I was left with Videl. “I’m sorry.” I then felt her punch my shoulder. I tried saying sorry again, but then I saw her face. She looked between angry and very upset, with the hit of a smile in her eyes. I was going to say something, till she hugged me. I hugged her back.
“Your kid brother is an adorable little brat.” Uh? I was completely thrown off by that. Then for some reason, I felt wetness coming from my shirt. Is she? Is Videl crying? I try to left her face, so I could see, and she is. Why is she crying? I was going to ask, but she suddenly kissed me. What the hell is going on? “It sucks that I have to grab my stuff and go home now. Can you take me home?” I was just left stun in place, and didn’t even realize she already went inside.
“Earth to Gohan.” It took me to blink a few times to realize that dad was in front of me. “Oh good. For second there I thought I lost you.” I heard him snicker. My face was starting to burn again. It’s been doing that a lot lately. “Gohan.” I then looked at dad; which I didn’t know I had turned my face. “You keep that up you’re going to stuck looking like you got a bad sunburn.” He started laughing, and I was starting to get mad. “Calm down. Now don’t take too long. You know how your mom gets when the food get cold.” I smiled at him. That’s when we heard Videl saying bye to mom and Goten. I turned just in time to see her lightly jogging towards me. I couldn’t help smile at that. She looks so cute. “Well, have a good trip Videl.” That’s when reality hit that dad was still standing next to me. To top it off, he probably saw how I was looking at Videl. Great! I just hope I wasn’t giving any weird smiles; like dad does when he looks at mom.
One quick look at dad, makes me question if I did have a weird smile. I’m doomed! As I flew Videl home, I was surprised she wanted to take the copter today. “We could have gotten there sooner, if we flew.”
She then punched my shoulder. “What’s wrong with trying to spend more alone time with my boyfriend?”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” I then saw her put it on autopilot, and moved closer to me. I placed my arm around her, while she leaned into my chest. “You’re very beautiful.”
This whole week has been a completely roller-coaster. The moment I got to Gohan’s house we went straight to his room. The whole intention was to perp for random questions, that could come up during the debate. We didn’t even started. We just had finished taking out our notes, and setting up to start, till his dad called him. Then he rushes back upstairs, and asked for me to step out his room real quick. When he steps out, he’s wearing his gi. And runs back downstairs. I’m confused. So, looks like forget the original plan. Well, at least this is fun.
To my surprise, I was it. So, not fair. Thankfully his dad gave me quick coaching on forming a ki ball. Now to get back at my no-good boyfriend. When I finally found him, and tagged him, I was so proud of myself. Then after all that, I did enjoy the game. Then his dad cooked up lunch, and even dinner. It tasted awful, but if Gohan and Goten could eat it, so can I. Funny enough, I was able to beat him at getting to do the dishes. He was so upset. I even beat him at a few video games. Well, I beat almost everyone, except for that Trunks kid.
Then when my dad called, I practically beg Gohan’s dad to let me stay the night. I was so happy he said yes. My dad wasn’t happy, but not like he could do anything to stop me. Me and Gohan even had a pillow fight to see who would sleep on the bed. I’m so glad we ended up sharing it. It felt so nice to sleep in his arms, and fall asleep to his warmth. As I fell asleep all I could think about was what happened on Valentine’s Day, and what I felt. Ever since that day, that’s all I could think about.
… …
Once I came out from the bathroom, Gohan looked speechless. I didn’t really take off my bra or spandex shorts, but I still felt naked in this outfit. I quickly sat on the floor, and nervous on what exactly was I supposed to do. All Erasa kept telling me was how these things always end with the girl and guy doing it. But I’m such a nervous reck. On top of that I never done this before. How does Erasa do this kind of stuff, and not feel any shame. Besides, what am I actually trying to prove?
All teens do it. You finally got a boyfriend, so why not go after it. Nothing wrong with getting a little dirty.
Erasa words keep playing in my head. I asked her if she ever done it, and she said she has. It was so weird. She tease me for being so pure. Even with a father like mine. She questions why do I even try to save myself for marriage. All because her parents aren’t married. Erasa sometimes get me mad when she used to make comments, about I should stop looking for someone stronger than my dad. How no guy could beat my dad. And how I should give up hope to ever meet that sorry excuse of a delivery boy.
But look at me now. Not only did I finally get a boyfriend, he’s also stronger than my dad. And to make it even better, he was the delivery boy. I can definitely do this. After what seem like a long moment of silence, Gohan asked if he could touch me. My voice almost cracks, as I say a timid yes. Even he seems timid as he moves closer to me. He only touches my lower thigh, and upper hip. Nowhere close to what Erasa said would happen. This actually feels nice.
We end up lightly dropping kisses on each other lips. It soon became the type of kiss I only saw in movies. Then I wonder, if I allowed him to touch me, does that mean I can too? I just go for it, and feel his exposed arms. He rarely wears anything that wasn’t long sleeve. It’s kind of funny, now that I think about it. The whole mood is making my body burn, and I start feel weird sensation between my legs. Then he stop kissing for a slit second, before he did so with a little more force. I wonder what brought that on.
Then I stopped the kiss. Maybe I should do that thing Erasa said I should try. After all, I kind of did it by accident earlier. And what I felt underneath was… Did I really have that type of affect on him? Only one way to know for sure. He looked in complete shock, when I sat on his lap, like I did earlier, just this time it was on propose. Once I wrap my arms around his neck, I press myself down on him. To my completely surprise, and surprisly joy, that thing from earlier was there. It even felt good to press on it. Moving along it felt good. I’m glad that it’s Gohan that’s making me have these feeling.
But without warning, he kisses me. And he kissed me hard. It almost felt needy. I kissed back hard, too. I could feel his hands on my upper hip, and not moving from there. Again, nothing what Erasa said would happen. The moment he ended the kiss, he did something that completely caught me off guard. He was taking a whiff of my neck. What in the world? Funny enough, it tickled and felt nice. But sadly, my phone just had to ring at such a time. Did I just hear Gohan growl? Oh wow.
… …
As I woke the next day, I quickly realize the position I was in, and turned away. What am I going to do? I can’t believe that just happened. I can’t believe this. Oh no! That’s when I felt the dampness between my legs, and realized I had that dream again. Oh great! So embarrassing. I need a hug. I quickly turned back to my boyfriend, and demanded a hug. He looked completely surprised, but he did give me a hug. His hugs are super warm, and comforting. I could get used to this.
After breakfast, I made a quick trip home, to pack some clothes. When dad asked me why, I just told him that I was sleeping Gohan’s again. He went off that I shouldn’t do that, and started calling Gohan a weakling. I could understand my dad being overprotective, but he didn’t have insult my boyfriend. When I finally did make it back to Gohan’s, I was extremely upset. When I made it to his place, I was greeted by his dad. He said how Gohan was trying to find the kids, and he stood behind because Gohan asked him. Then he asked me what was my long face for.
“My dad is just being overprotective. Nothing big. He sometimes can go overboard, and sometimes it feels like he really trying to keep his imagine. But I don’t know sometimes.” That’s when I noticed my face felt wet. Was I crying?
“I’m sure he means well. After all, you’re his only child. He just doesn’t want to lose you. Kind of reminds me how Chichi’s dad was.” I looked up at him, and he was staring at the sky. “He would ask me questions. Kept a close eye on me. Even after we got married, he still was overprotective of his only daughter. One time I accidently hurt Chichi, and he kept trying to beat me up. He even threated to take Chichi and Gohan away from me.” He then looked at me. “You should be happy he’s overprotective. It just means he loves you so much.”
I couldn’t help smile at that. “Now I see where Gohan get’s it from.” He looked confused by the comment. Just before I could say anything, Goten and Trunks are running up to me. They try to hide behind my leg. And from behind the trees comes an angry Gohan, screaming how he’s going to blast the brats. I couldn’t stop from laughing. He then stops in front of me. “What did they do now?”
“We didn’t do anything.” “Yeah. It’s big brother that said he do whatever he wanted, cause he’s older.”
“Oh, really?” I crossed my arms, and looked at him. Daring him to say something.
“Yeah. So, we asked, does that mean even kissy face with Videl?” At that, I got mad. It ended up me and Gohan trying to get the brats. I got Trunks and gave him a noogie, while Gohan blasted Goten. We then dragged both brats back to the house, and was greeted by a laughing Goku and Marron.
When it came to lunch time, it became a three-way rock paper scissor battle, and I won. Let’s see if I learned anything from watching the cooks at home, and sometimes helping Gohan’s mom. Let’s just say, I appreciate Goku’s cooking. Thankfully, the boys help me save Chichi’s kitchen. From now on kitchen duty was given to Goku.
After lunch, me and Gohan tried focusing on the debate perp. But it sometimes led to silly questions, and joking around. And maybe a few dares. Like who can hold their breath longer. He won that one. Or who can say the alphabets backwards without taking a pause, or messing up. He won again. Damn it. The one I won was, who could say our whole class names, in alphabetical order. That one I can’t believe of was proud of, but hey, I won.
Then after dinner was watching movies with everyone. That felt fun. I didn’t have a lot of friends most of my childhood, until I met Erasa in middle school. But being with these kids, Gohan, and his dad I was having a lot of fun. Doing stuff, I only wish I could do. It even felt nice to be in the country side. And at bed time, it was super nice to be hugged by Gohan. During this whole thing, regardless of the emotional roller-coaster, I actually felt at peace. I felt I could be myself. No pressure, no media to deal with, no friends telling me how to be a teenager, heck nobody telling me what I had to be. This just felt awesome to be like this.
When Gohan’s mom came home, I was kind of sad the fun was about to end. But was very happy she did come back. It was a happy moment, but then Gohan’s dad went from happy to mad, withing a second. I was left confused on what was going on. After a moment Gohan was basically pushing everyone out, and I tried to help him. Then we were making our way to the lookout. I asked Gohan what happened, and he said something about his dad being very possessive of his mom. “What you mean?”
“Yeah. What you mean?”
“Let’s just say there were a few times I saw dad punch a guy, for even touching my mom. I didn’t really get it at the time. But then this one time, we were shopping at the mall. Mom was looking at dresses, while me and dad was holding the bags. Some guy came up to her, and held a dress and told her she would look sexier in it. I didn’t even see my dad move. But all I know, the guy was knocked back, and my dad held mom’s hip, keeping her close to him. It took a while for mom to calm dad down.” oh. Sounds way better than my dad.
When we got to the lookout Mr. Piccolo seem to be waiting for us. He then asked what happened now. “Bulma and 18 took mom to a spa, with all male staff.” Mr. Piccolo did a face slap, and just shook his head as he walked away. I asked Gohan if this happened offend. “No. But sometimes, during the 3 years before cell, dad and mom would have moments. So, I would run to Mr. Piccolo, so I didn’t have to be in the middle of it.” I asked what he meant. “You name it. Mom and dad arguing. Dad giving mom some weird look, that at the time I didn’t understand and it scared me. Oh, my personal favorite, I didn’t want to study. I usually had to at least tell dad, so he could make sure I didn’t get in trouble.” I just said oh.
“But I am curious. Why do you and Goten call him uncle?” They both smiled and said because he just is. They looked silly. “Do even have an actually uncle? From what you tell me, you seem to have a big family of friends, but do you actually have an uncle?” Gohan looked a bit angry and sad that I asked that. But it was Goten that answer.
“We did. He’s dead. He was the one that changed big brother’s life around. What him and mommy tells me, our uncle was a big bully. He was trying to get dad to become a space private, and destroy the earth.” I was left in shock. I looked to Gohan, and he was nodding his head. “Big brother, don’t cry. At least now you don’t have to worry anymore.” Goten was hugging his leg. “Think of the happy stuff you got now. Daddy is officially back, for good. You got me, and everyone else. You also got Videl.” I couldn’t smile at that, as I made my way closer to them. Then Goten push Gohan into me, and we just hugged.
The rest of the day was spent perping Gohan for the debate tournament. I was very impressed by his response time, and even how he actually remembered all his notes. “You’re a working textbook.” We laughed, and he tried to say he wasn’t. “But you are. I don’t know anyone else who could finish a year worth of class course, and assignments, in under two months. And to top it off, know everything by heart.” He was blushing and telling me to just stop.
When Mr. Piccolo told us, it was safe to head back, Goten was starting to look tired. I started noticing so was I, and Gohan. On the way back, Goten held our arms, and saying how lucky Gohan found him a big sister. He was being a cute little brat. Then when we got to his place, Goten brought up the comment and his dad agreed. I felt all mushy inside at that. Like I kind of knew Gohan’s parents had somehow accepted me, but to actually hear it, felt nice. Almost like I just got officially approved. “Your kid brother is an adorable little brat.” Gohan looked confused. I hugged him, because I was sad that I had to go home now.
I was so happy he agreed to take me home. I was able to spend a little more time with him. It did upset me that he wanted to actually fly, but I guess he didn’t see it the way I did. Once I put the copter on auto, I snuggled closer to him. I’m glad he got the message, and held me closer. The rest of the trip, I kind of doze off. But I just couldn’t help it. Being with Gohan made me feel so relaxed. I wonder what our future would be like together. Maybe it’ll be like his parents. Super happy and warm. In that case, maybe I should get better at cooking. Might not be as good as his mom, but good enough that he’ll like it.
When I got home, I was greeted by an excitedly bouncing mom, and Goten. Then told dad me that Goten told them what he said at the lookout. And that I looked so happy when me and Videl hugged. Plus, how Videl actually gave me a challenge, with a lot of questions. I felt my face heat up a little, but not from embarrassment, more out of pure joy. As we ate dinner, I couldn’t stop smiling. After Goten was put to bed, mom and dad wanted to talk with me. I now was feeling nervous. Why did they wanted to speak with me?
“Sweety.” I looked up at mom. “Do you still want to go to college after high school?” Uh? Why was she asking this? I felt confused, but I answered yes. “I see.” She then hugged dad’s arm. “Even though when you’re in college it doesn’t mean your life has to be put on hold either. I.” She looked at dad, and then back to me. “We, just want what’s best for you. And will be proud no matter what path you take. We just want you happy, and do what makes you happy.” Uh? Wait. What? I looked to dad, in hopes he might be able to give me some answer to what’s going on.
He was smiling at me. “You’re a smart kid. We would do everything to make you happy. Heck, I would die a million times, if it means you’ll be safe and have a future to look forward to. I never knew what I wanted in life, outside of fighting. Your mother on the other hand was different; she knew what she always wanted. I was empty till we finally came together.” He now was hugging mom. “You’re so amazing. I want to see you at your happiest. And whatever makes you at your happiest, is what I want for you.” He then ruffled my head. Then said the weirdest thing I have ever heard. “The day I proposed to your mother I said, ‘sometimes my head doesn’t know what my mouth is saying, sure glad my heart does.’” At that moment I finally understood what they were trying to say. I felt tears sliding down my cheek, as I hugged them.
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cryptoguys657 · 2 years
Damaged hair causes, treatment, home remedies
Everyone wants to make their hair beautiful. But these days due to increasing pollution, dust particles, wrong diet, and wrong hair styling or treatment, it becomes difficult to save hair from damage. Please click on the link given here to know the damage and hair fall treatment. To overcome the problem of damaged hair, the doctor can advise you on deep conditioning, hair glaze, and many other…
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gamekai · 2 years
Damaged hair causes, treatment, home remedies
Everyone wants to make their hair beautiful. But these days due to increasing pollution, dust particles, wrong diet, and wrong hair styling or treatment, it becomes difficult to save hair from damage. Please click on the link given here to know the damage and hair fall treatment. To overcome the problem of damaged hair, the doctor can advise you on deep conditioning, hair glaze, and many other…
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cryptoking009 · 2 years
Damaged hair causes, treatment, home remedies
Everyone wants to make their hair beautiful. But these days due to increasing pollution, dust particles, wrong diet, and wrong hair styling or treatment, it becomes difficult to save hair from damage. Please click on the link given here to know the damage and hair fall treatment. To overcome the problem of damaged hair, the doctor can advise you on deep conditioning, hair glaze, and many other…
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cryptosecrets · 2 years
Damaged hair causes, treatment, home remedies
Everyone wants to make their hair beautiful. But these days due to increasing pollution, dust particles, wrong diet, and wrong hair styling or treatment, it becomes difficult to save hair from damage. Please click on the link given here to know the damage and hair fall treatment. To overcome the problem of damaged hair, the doctor can advise you on deep conditioning, hair glaze, and many other…
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Aromatherapy massage for detoxification
An aromatherapy massage can be great way to relax and to relieve tired, sore muscles and a stressed out mind.
What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the use of concentrated aromatic plant extracts, known as essential oils, for therapeutic purposes.  It is the oldest form of medicine known to man and has been used for thousands of years to promote physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Essential oils are comprised of many compounds that each have therapeutic properties, affecting the mind, body and spirit in various ways.
How does aromatherapy massage for detoxification work?Essential oil molecules are lipophilic (oil soluble) though are generally too concentrated to be applied directly to the skin so they are typically blended with a plant or vegetable based carrier oil and then applied to the skin.As essential oil molecules are very small they can then pass through the skin during massage and enter the blood stream. They are then transported to all tissues and body organs to deliver their therapeutic effects.The massage techniques used in an aromatherapy massage are a powerful yet gentle combination of eastern and western techniques that connect pressure point movements to balance meridians and the nervous system. They also release accumulated tension, using lymphatic drainage techniques to detoxify the body and encourage healthy circulation.When using aromatherapy massage for detoxification, specific essential oils with therapeutic properties that support this will be blended in accordance to the recipient’s current state of health.
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Benefits of aromatherapy massage for detoxification can include:
Increased elimination of toxins and free radicals
Reduction in fluid retention and stubborn fatty deposits
Improved skin tone and texture
Improved function of the kidneys, liver, digestive system, blood and lymph circulation
Increased oxygen and nutrient supply to the body’s tissues
Improved immune function
Increased energy levels
Increased feeling of well being
Improved metabolic function
So, if you are feeling sluggish with low energy, depleted and catching colds or you would just like to optimize your health, then an aromatherapy massage for detoxification is the ideal treatment for you.
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dourpeep · 3 years
The men of Genshin as romance types:
This just kind popped up in my head after thinking about Xiao's characterization! I might add to this in the future, but for now it's just a small list of headcanons + a short blurb :>
Contains: Lots of fluff, lightly suggestive
Features: Albedo, Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, Zhongli, Childe, and Diluc
Note: you can be soft and still top btw, this is only for how they'd be romantically
Albedo is also shown canonically to do little gestures like give people the sketch he did of them to see them smile, this man might seem kinda standoffish at first, but he's not cold
From his voicelines and story, we also know that Albedo is the type of person to think pretty deeply about everything around him
His brain goes 100 miles an hour with all the possibilities and scenarios he can think of
So with his s/o, the best thing that could happen is that he'll take the time to really slow down and unwind
Being a busy, busy man in pursuit of knowledge beyond anyone's comprehension, Albedo rarely gets time off (his sketches are considered research, in a way, no?)
So once he's finally at home, there will be lots of little shows of affection
Passing behind you, perhaps a light touch on your back or shoulder to let you know he's there
On a particularly rough day, he'll sit facing you with his forehead resting on your chest and just--take your hands and put them in his hair
Not really the type to pamper, but there's no doubt of his love
Probably the type of guy to like sitting close in silence
Maybe on the nights you cook, he'll come and wrap his arms around your waist, head leaning on your shoulder as he watches you work
Quietly, you lay on the couch tangled up in his arms, the soft sound of breathing and the light warmth you feel lulling you to sleep. It seems that, even though Albedo is left half asleep from a long day of research, he still continues to trace mindless little patterns on the back of your hand with his thumb. You shift, and he hums, pulling you closer.
The man’s been through so much, honestly
He's lost his closest friend, helped a rebellion usurp a tyrant, been through a war that lasted centuries, watched as another friend he'd known since birth fall to corruption (but ultimately was saved)
Point being, he's tired and just wants to have his fun
True to his nature, he likes to tease and poke at his s/o, but nothing that can't be undone (after all, a prank isn't funny if it's permanent)
Hand holding, is a must! Venti is a very affectionate person who isn't afraid to express his feelings when it comes to his s/o
Lots of smooches too! (Please smooch him back)
Speaking of hands and smooches, he's the type to bring your hand to his lips and give each your fingertips a little kiss. They've done so much for you and allow him the joy of holding them, so it's the least he can do!
His type of love is free and sweeter than the scent of cecelias, soft as the wind that kisses your skin
Really, he wants to be able to treasure you as much as he can in the time you have together
Today was a picnic date kind of day. A basket filled with fresh, ripe sunsettias and a few dishes you both worked together to make (mostly you, after what happened with Venti's apple cake) sat on top of a sturdy blanket laid on the grass. Head laid in your lap, the wandering bard strummed idly on his lyre, adding a lovely backdrop to an already perfect day.
Of course, the suave Captain doesn't stop with honeyed words
Mysterious as he is, he takes what he does in stride
If he could spend all his life entwined with you, he'd die a happy man
Kaeya is the type of partner to romance with candlelight and nighttime strolls on the beach
A little cheesy, yes, but all the more to sweep you off your feet
Flirty, he likes to take his time with his love and while he similarly treasures his s/o, it's in the way the fairytales are written
Perhaps a little cliche at times
Nevertheless, he's the type of partner to sweep you into a dance despite there being no music and dip you low (whether you both lose balance and fall is up to gravity)
He'll show his affection physically, whether through a quick kiss when you stop by the Favonious Knight's HQ, or pulling you close when you walk through a crowd on a market day
Teasing is also a big thing, if he can make you blush, his mission is accomplished
In privacy, expect his treatment to be the same--it wouldn't do any good if he leaves his dear s/o confused about how he feels
Once again, you take his hand and he sweeps you into a lively waltz, sweeping across the living room floor. Not once do his eyes leave yours. All he ever needs is the feel of you close and the rush of his heart in his chest that bubbles into something fonder when your laugh reaches his ears.
Not the best with words, Xiao shows his love through his actions
Little gifts, helping now and then with commissions and clearing the road, he'll do it all with no expectation of thanks (should you thank him, he'll be extremely grateful for the recognition but also perhaps unsure how to react)
He doesn't tend towards physically showing affection to his s/o, so when he does, expect them to show his utter devotion
Often, Xiao questions what it is that he did to deserve such a love, but as soon as you appear in his view, it no longer matters because as long as you believe him to be worthy, why wouldn't he be?
His love is based deeply in trust. The heart is a fragile thing and to someone who's suffered so much in his lifetime, he guards it fiercely to protect himself
When he finally does allow himself the comfort of a relationship, he'll soak it up entirely
Nights spent stargazing on the top of Wangshu Inn, pinkies intertwined, or bodies held together tightly with the sweet exchange of breath
Every touch that he offers is gentle, reverent, and serves to remind him that what he's experiencing is real
He tried, really, for the thing on the plate to turn out the way that you usually make it. It's a far cry from what he remembers, but you set it down and bring your hands to his face. The sight of your beaming smile warms him deeply and he pulls you in close for a kiss.
Be still, my beating heart-
Just as he's full of information from the flowers of Liyue to the deepest cracks in the soil, he loves fully and unapologetically
He's lived through many eras and seen so much that it's hard to not want to express how he feels as he feels it
Deeply appreciative of whatever his s/o does and does for him
He indulges in every word, touch, feeling, and look- He's not a greedy man, but when it comes to love? There's a deep desire to feel it all
There are many ways that Zhongli expresses that love, a few being through your daily strolls through Liyue Harbor and the daily and nightly rituals the two of you have settled down into
His favorite is probably the mornings
There's something about waking up wrapped up in your lover's arms, head resting on their chest as the sun's warm beams shine through the windows that's utterly satisfying
Zhongli indulges in these little moments, favoring them over all else
Once in a while, he'll take you back to where your first date was to reminisce, perhaps even (jokingly) mention little embarrassing things either of you did
Zhongli watches as you sip at your drink and admires the way the sun compliments your eyes. You're preoccupied by the falling leaves, it seems, mentioning how they're just as brilliant gold as his. Though the feeling he feels is far from the excitement of butterflies, it has settled into a comforting sort of warmth that hopes you feel as well.
This man's love is wild like his personality
Loud, fun, and never quite predictable, he loves like a whirlwind and with an enthusiasm to match no other
Lots of teasing going on here, to make you blush or to mess with you, you'll never know
But it's his unapologetic fire that drew you to him to begin with
When he's not occupied with work, he'll drag you to go sight seeing
Every experience is a new experience, no matter if it's something that seems so everyday or not
His affection is in the form of tightly held hands (he doesn't want to lose you with how quickly he weaves through the crowd), well-placed winks, and kisses to steal your breath away
He also loves in a way that's fiercely protective. His job is a dangerous one and, with the way he's open with your relationship, his affection serves to protect you
But don't forget that despite his passion, he's a man who deeply treasures those close to him and, as his s/o, you'll be showered with only the best he can give you
It was only a quick break in your day, he'd assured, but it quickly became another round of seeing Liyue through his eyes. In the span of only an hour, you've already spotted an untouched patch of glaze lilies, sampled rich Li-style cuisine and fresh Yue-style cuisine, helped a young girl fetch her kite from atop a tree, and now are working your way (or rather, Childe is working your way for you) to a little area behind the busy streets to show you a pack of dogs he'd befriended. Fondly, you smile and watch as he beckons them out of hiding.
Diluc lives for the way that his s/o brings the best out of him and, in return, he does the same back
He exudes the air of a gentleman with the way he shows his affection, but, whether intentionally or not, in an utterly enticing way
Being busy during the day with running the tavern and the winery as well as at night as the Darknight Hero (he insists you stop calling him that as well, but you don't miss the light flush of pride each time), the time he dedicates to you is left in the early morning long before you leave for the day and the evening as he settles just before he sets off
During morning time, he's often fond of running his hands over you, feeling each dip and curve, memorizing the way your hair falls and the way your lips curve when you smile
It's a quiet sort of passion
His love is expressed in the fond murmurs against your shoulder and head, sharing those moments of deep intimacy both physical and not
In the evenings, you both settle in front of the fireplace, sharing a drink or two
There's sometimes a certain look in his eye that sets your heart aflame in the dimly lit room, and sometimes he sets off a little later that night in lieu of a few more stolen moments with you
Diluc slides into your shared bed in the early hours of the morning, a bit later than usual. The shift stirs you just enough to wake up to two arms pulling you to his chest and a deep breath with his nose buried in your hair. He's no doubt exhausted. Eyes bleary, you turn until you're facing him and loosely wrap an arm around his waist. In the moments you're still half-awake, you hear a low murmur of 'love you' and you smile against his skin.
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herespaaa · 8 months
Elevate Your Look at HereSpa: Expert Hair Coloring, Highlights, and Ombre Magic.
Transform your hair at HereSpa with our professional services – from vibrant hair coloring to precision highlights and the allure of ombre. Indulge in our toner/glaze treatments, and let HereSpa redefine your hair's vibrancy. Unleash a world of color at HereSpa, where beauty meets expertise.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Contractual Obligations. Yan Childe x Reader
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Warnings: Implied stalking. Word count: 1k. →Part II.
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A bewitching patch of flowers catches your fancy, standing tall and bright, boasting a rich azure shade. Content with your find, you bend down to pick the blossoms. Your cheerful mood turns sour at the slightest rustling behind a nearby tree. Not troubling yourself to look in the direction of the noise, you run your hands along the root, preparing to pluck the glaze lily. 
“How much longer are you planning on hiding?” 
More rustling. Footsteps approach from behind, a carefree laugh accompanying them. “Ah, you caught me. Could it be that I’m losing my touch?” 
For such a jovial voice, it fills you with oppressive dread, your jaw tightening at the unfortunately familiar timbre. Plagued by this unrelenting shadow, you guess that taking a refreshing walk on your lonesome is too much to ask for anymore. You weigh your options. Ignoring Childe has never done you any favors, likely fanning his flames even more. 
“You say that, but if you really wanted to, you’d go undetected.” 
Childe leans down next to your hunched over form, an irritatingly calm smile on his face. “Oh? What’s this? Are you complimenting me, [First]? If you’re not careful, I might let that go to my head.” 
“I’m sure it already has anyways,” you dismiss with a shake of your head. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume you wanted me to catch you.” 
“You got me there.” Childe shrugs, straightening his posture out. You take in a shaky breath, willing yourself to remain calm, painfully aware that you should be watching your tongue. To no fault of your own, Childe makes it impossible to remain polite as you normally are. Every interaction is based around him pushing your buttons for his personal pleasure. On a surface level, you know you need to be courteous, as your parent’s business relies on Fatui’s money. 
“Can I ask why you’re following me? I’m sure there are other pressing matters for you to attend to.” 
He hums, smoothing out his shirt while you work on the flower’s roots. “Work can be so boring. I just happened to be on a break when I caught you leaving Liyue, and decided to tag along.” 
Tag along. Is that what he’s calling it? It feels like every time you’re off gathering items for your parent’s shop, Childe decides to accompany you, despite your obvious distaste. 
Once you uproot the flower, Childe extends a gloved hand, that you stare at unimpressed. You take it after a moment’s deliberation, for the sake of maintaining appearances. Childe hoists you up with ease, and before you can mutter a halfhearted “thank you”, pulls you flush against his chest. Cobalt blue eyes fixate on your alarmed expression. Childe pays the most attention to your slightly parted lips, the skin beneath his eyes tightening in delight as he snickers. 
“I must confess,” he leans down to the shell of your ear, blowing on it playfully, “You’re starting to hurt my feelings, [First]. What have I done to deserve such cold treatment from you? Hm? Haven’t I been more than accommodating to you?” 
You swallow thickly, your stomach churning at how Childe’s voice dips lower, the dangerous sound ringing alarm bells in your head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh, you don’t?” he inquires, and you shake your head. “In that case, I’m more than happy to remind you.” 
Childe pulls back so he can return his attention to your endearing facial expressions. At this close proximity, it’s impossible to ignore the height difference, the man easily towering over you. He tilts his head, messy copper hair falling into place soon afterward. Every ounce of your strength is dedicated to maintaining his piercing gaze, to salvage just an ounce of your honor, unwilling to fully relent to the pressure he exerts. He smiles at this, clearly pleased. Childe places his hand underneath your chin, delicately lifting your head to inspect you closer. 
“Do yourself a favor and don’t forget what would happen if I came to collect your shop’s debt now.” 
You want to offer a stinging rebuttal but the words die on your tongue. He’s right. Whatever the reason may be, the notoriously uncompromising Fatui have been lenient with your parent’s debt. You’ve had your suspicions, most of them relating to the person in front of you now, but hearing it aloud from him makes it far worse. 
Eyelids fluttering shut, you push down the bile rising in your throat to hopefully appease him. “You’re… you’re right. I’m sorry. Thank you for all you’ve done.” 
“Ah, how cute is that,” Childe sighs, running his pointer finger along your bottom lip. The cool leather sends shivers down your spine. “That look of frustration is so adorable on you. You’re making this even harder on me, I don’t think I can prolong it much longer.” 
Your face flushes at his words, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean by that…?” 
“I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I still have every intention of collecting your debt -- it’s owed to me after all -- but it’s not Mora I’m going to be taking.” 
Childe smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. You watch how his expression darkens, unable to look away, despite wanting to do nothing more. When did it become so difficult to breathe? Every one of your senses is on high alert. From the running stream by your side, the breeze rustling your hair, and the electrifying aura that radiates from Childe. Ever the one for dramatics, he pauses to greedily drink in your appearance.
“I’ll be taking you instead,” he finally releases his vise-like grip on you, stepping back with grace. “So look forward to it, okay? I know I have been.” 
Childe starts on the path back to Liyue. You stand there, stunned into silence, eyes wide as saucers. When you don’t follow after him, he turns his head and beckons you to his side. Your stomach drops as he goes to speak up again. 
“Come, [First], I’ll walk you home. Wouldn’t want anything happening to you, now would we?” 
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