#hadashi no mirai
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Treasure Believer – romaji and English translation
Artist: VΔLZ Original lyrics: Hayashi Hideki Translation and romanization by Snowdust64
========== Due to grammar differences, this translation is not perfectly line-by-line. (The line counts will not match in some verses.) Implied pronouns are in brackets; I favored first-person plural. ==========
ano hi bokura senobi shite doko made tōi sora miwataseru ka kisotte wa hadashi de kakedashita
That day, standing on tiptoes Competing over how far into the vast sky we could see We took off running barefoot
owari no nai natsu no hi ni bakageta furitsuke de odori akashi tsukarete mo son'na no wasure teta
In those endless summer days Dancing all night to a silly choreography |Even though [we] were tired, [we] forgot all about it
kaze wa irodzuki kisetsu o koete doko made gyō kō? mieru? bokura ga tsumuide iku mirai
The wind changes color, transcending seasons How far shall we go? Can you see it? The future we’re weaving
kazoe kirenai episōdo o poketto ni shimatta yo naku sanu yō ni zenbu takaramono datta bokura ni wa
mada sono sugata kaenaide mujaki de isasete kimi ni todoku to ī na te o tori wakachi aeru
Countless episodes tucked into our pockets so as to not lose them To us, they were all treasures Don’t change that appearance yet Let us go on innocently [I] hope this reaches you Take hand in hand and share the load *
kenka o shite kizutsukete kōkai shita yoru mo dakedo tsugi ni atta toki warai yurushi aeta
There were also the nights [we] argued and hurt each other, and regretted it But the next time we met, [we] laughed and forgave each other
son'na chōshi de jikan o kasane koko made kita dō dai? bokura ga tsumuida kizuna
Just like that, the time has passed And we’ve made it this far – Whatcha think? It’s the bond we’ve woven
takusan no pīsu atsumetatte kansei nante shinai michi no pazuru zenbu takaramono datta bokura ni wa mada sono katachi misenaide mujaki de isasete muchū de isasete
Though we’ve gathered many pieces, this unknown puzzle won’t ever be complete To us, they were all treasures Don’t show [us] the shape of it yet Let [us] go on innocently Let [us] remain entranced
aa baka janai kara wakatte iru sa aa hakanaku kiete iku mono
Ah [We’re] no fools, so [we] know Ah It’s a fleeting thing that disappears
kazoe kirenai episōdo o poketto ni shimatta yo naku sanu yō ni zenbu takaramono datta bokura ni wa mada sono sugata kaenaide mujaki de isasete kimi ni todoku to ī na hakanai hibi ni sasagu
Countless episodes tucked into our pockets so as to not lose them To us, they were all treasures Don’t change that appearance yet Let [us] go on innocently [I] hope this reaches you [We'd] give everything for these fleeting days **
doko made mo tsudzuku aoi sora no mukō-gawa o mezashite hashitta
Aiming beyond this blue sky that continues endlessly, [we] ran on
===== Translation notes =====
* I was a bit surprised at the phrasing here, and did a dictionary check to make sure: ‘wakachi aeru’ usually describes sharing a burden, or supporting each other through bad times. It stuck out among the other, more lighthearted lyrics. I wrote "share the load" to make it more neutral-sounding.
** It's hard to translate this line without adding extra meaning. ‘sasageru’ is to offer up something significant to someone/something greater than yourself. For example, praying to a higher power, pledging loyalty to someone you serve, dedicating a song in honor of something... This line literally says "Dedicate to these fleeting days." Dedicate what? I translated it vaguely, but interpret as you like.
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Arashi dan Aku
Tulisanku kali ini adalah salah satu cerita behind the scene. Artinya, cerita di balik layar yang...well, mungkin belum banyak orang tahu. Aku pengen banget bagikan cerita ini karena harus ada lebih banyak orang lagi yang tahu betapa awesome idolaku ini!
Aku bahkan nggak kenal mereka secara personal, tetapi lima orang ini sudah menyelamatkan hidupku. Literally.
Aku kenal om-om ini sejak SMA. Pada semester kedua kelas X, ada guru bahasa Indonesia memutarkan satu dorama (istilah drama dalam jejepangan) berjudul Yamada Taro Monogatari di kelasku. Tokoh utamanya adalah dua personel Arashi, Sakurai Sho dan Kazunari Ninomiya. Lagu opening nya saat itu adalah Happiness by Arashi. Doramanya seru banget dan jujur aku cukup hooked up sama tokoh Mimura Takuya yang diperankan Sho. Aku minta semua file episode doramanya ke guruku tersebut dan memutuskan akan menontonnya saat liburan.
Dan yes, karena menghabiskan waktu nonton Yamada Taro Monogatari saat perpulangan asrama, aku mulai suka sama Arashi. Aku jadi kenal member selain Sho dan Nino: Ohno Satoshi (Oh-chan / Riida), Aiba Masaki (Aiba-chan), dan Matsumoto Jun (MatsuJun).
Like, sukaaaa banget!
Aku menemukan video profil perjalanan mereka di YouTube waktu mencari tahu tentang mereka. Menonton video tersebut membuatku makin kesengsem sama om-om ini. They. Are. Cool. Meski debut besar-besaran di Hawaii pada 1999 dan sempat sukses, album dan konser mereka sempat flop banget di era Pikanchi, to the point susah cari penonton buat konser mereka di Yokohama. Nama mereka baru naik lagi setelah MatsuJun ambil role sebagai Domyouji Tsukasa dalam dorama Hana Yori Dango (mungkin kalian pernah nonton dorama ini). Itu pun MatsuJun sengaja ambil role tersebut buat menaikkan nama Arashi. Dalam Secret Talk di single Wish yang jadi original soundtrack dramanya MatsuJun, member Arashi bahkan roasting dengan berterima kasih sama MatsuJun.
Kurang lebih verbatimnya gini, "Makasih ya, MatsuJun. Doramamu bikin member Arashi jadi ada kerjaan,".
Ish, sedih kalau ingat masa itu :")
Kalau dibandingin, mungkin kurang lebih sama kayak sensasi BTS di Korea Selatan, dari awalnya flop akhirnya sukses besar. Bedanya, pasar musik mereka fokus sama Jepang doang.
So, untuk menceritakan lebih lanjut bagaimana aku bisa suka banget sama Arashi, aku akan mulai dari masa-masa sulitku di SMA. Karena untuk alasan itulah aku menulis bahwa they saved my life.
Aku punya ketakutan waktu dapat jatah piket asrama dan sekolah. Piket apapun. Aku takut kalau ketahuan ada satu spot yang masih nggak bersih, dimaki-maki, dan disuruh mengulang. Aku nggak keberatan sih sebenarnya buat mengulang, tapi harusnya...minus makiannya nggak, sih?
"Percuma kamu pintar di sekolah kalau ngerjain pekerjaan rumah aja nggak bisa! Jadi istri macam apa kamu nanti?".
Yah, kurang lebih begitu.
Itu masih masalah piket. Aku juga dipermasalahkan karena dianggap "juggling" dua cowok di saat bersamaan. Padahal, dua orang cowok ini sahabatku semua dan we were so inseparable.
Aku juga kehilangan ruang privasi. Sejak orang tahu apa yang kutulis dalam diari, diariku sering dicari dan dibuka. Setelah itu, yep, they used my own words against me.
Dan sebenarnya masih ada lain-lainnya. But, let's close it here.
Honestly, mentalku jatuh banget. Terutama pada tahun pertama dan kedua, kayaknya nggak ada hari tanpa nangis dan isolated. Aku sampai sekarang bahkan nggak tahu kenapa masih hidup aja diriku ini.
Karena orang yang pernah bully aku at some points mengalami hal yang sama persis kayak yang kualami. Dan dia hampir "lewat" setelah...well, you know.
Dalam masa-masa sulit itulah aku menemukan Arashi. Aku lupa apa persisnya lagu pertama yang kudengar dari mereka. Namun, aku masih ingat lagu-lagu pertama yang kumasukkan ke dalam playlist: Fight Song, Sakura Sake, Pikanchi Double, A.Ra.Shi, Kitto Daijoubu, Kotoba Yori Taisetsuna Mono, Nice na Kokoroiki, dan Hadashi no Mirai.
Dan aku juga masih ingat gimana perasaanku waktu mendengarkan lagu mereka.
Iya, aku nangis waktu dengernya! Tapi, kali ini bukan karena sedih. Aku nangis karena merasa menemukan harapan buat melanjutkan hidup. Aku nangis karena ingat aku masih muda banget, sayang kalau stuck di sini aja. Aku ngerasa seperti ada orang-orang yang duduk di sebelahku, pukpuk bahuku, dan bilang, "Kamu nggak sendirian. Kamu nggak akan pernah sendirian,".
Aku ingat pernah sedih banget karena suatu hal. Kemudian, aku dengerin lagu Fight Song, lupa sih ini di sekolah atau di asrama. Waktu sampai di lirik ini:
Hito wa hito jibun wa jibun (Orang lain ya orang lain, kamu ya kamu) Kurabeta jiten de maketeru (Kamu udah kalah begitu bandingin dirimu sama orang lain) Jibun ni makenai tsuyosa ga (Semangatmu untuk nggak pernah kalah sama diri sendiri) Donna kabe wo mo kowashiteku (Bakal meruntuhkan halangan apapun di depanmu)
Aku langsung nangis sejadi-jadinya.
Dan aku masih nangis kok sampai sekarang kalau dengerin bagian lirik itu, haha.
Lima om-om random ini memberiku hidup yang baru lewat lagu-lagu mereka. Hidup yang sepenuhnya milik diriku sendiri. Hidup yang gimana pun sucks-nya bakal tetap kunikmati.
Aku ingat ada tiga orang pelaku bully yang udah minta maaf langsung kepadaku. Dua orang di antara mereka pernah bertanya begini:
"Kok kamu bisa sih kuat banget, Nis?".
Aku nggak bisa jawab dengan proper pada saat itu. Namun, kalau diijinkan menjawab sekarang, aku akan menunjuk Arashi. It's all thanks to them. Lagu-lagu mereka bikin aku mau melanjutkan hidup. Lagu-lagu mereka bikin aku mau buat berjuang, meski rasanya tuh pengen memaki shibal setiap saat ya, haha.
Asli, aku akui banyak boyband yang secara visual, vokal, dan koreografinya jauh lebih baik dari Arashi. Secara standar hiburan, apalagi kalau merujuk Korea, mereka ga cakep-cakep amat.
Namun, apa yang bikin mereka juara buatku adalah liriknya yang menyentuh hati orang lain.
Lirik-lirik sederhana itulah yang menyelamatkan hidupku.
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嵐 Hadashi no Mirai performance (2005.11.12)
Music Fair Anniversary Selection 2019.05.04
#lol ohmiya#and the boys were crazy at that time#nice to be young#hahaha#things they did when they were young#arashi#hadashi no mirai#music fair#anniversary selection#anjerin's post
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#ohno satoshi#ninomiya kazunari#ohmiya sk#Ohmiya moment#ohmiya#love#fall in love#kawaii#old times#memories#gifs#myworks*#edits#Hadashi No Mirai#arashi#jpop#idol#japan
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Maximum Repeatability Playlist #40 with 117 plays!
ハダシの未来 by 嵐(From 2:01:06)
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Good Endings for a Yandere
I have to wonder how often a creator is able to make a satisfying story with a good ending for a yandere. Now when I say this, I’m not talking about the yandere’s envisioned “happy ending” where they have complete control over their loved one.
I’m talking about from a good story standpoint. If you want to have a happy ending for a yandere, they need to be redeemed first. They need to stop treating their love interest as a possession, and see them as an equal instead. A redeemed yandere could then either end up giving up on the person they’ve harmed, or they can actually have a happy relationship with the person they were originally obsessing over.
This can be a lot more tricky than you think.
**SUPER Long post ahead**
It feels like the majority of the time when I come across yanderes, they’re more often one-shot kind of characters or just involved in a small arc over a bigger story. In these cases, yes you could have the yandere “win” and get exactly what they wanted without changing. That’s because the creator isn’t dragging out the horror of the situation to a distasteful degree.
I’ll admit, I love watching yanderes work as the villain of a story. And the more screentime/appearances they get the better! But even I have say if you’re reading about a particular yandere as a one-shot villain versus say...a manga that’s at least 30 chapters long and the yandere STILL doesn’t change but manages to win instead, that might be a tad too sadistic for my tastes. In that case if you’re not gonna think about redeeming the yandere who’s been around for a long time, it’s better to have them defeated/killed in the end.
I think really the best you can do for dragging out the victim’s torture is in film format at best. I’d say play it up like a horror film in that case. Horror films are notorious for having either good, bad, or even ambiguous endings. So as long as the movie keeps people invested, you might be able to get away with that. But if you did something like even just a 12 episode TV series where the yandere didn’t change but still wins, people would be very uncomfortable.
I’ve seen a couple of yanderes that stick around a lot longer in a story if they’re made as side characters that pop up only every now and then, or the yandere side of them isn’t displayed as their only defining feature. But in these cases I’m trying to think of one where the yandere didn’t get redeemed in the end or didn’t even end up being defeated altogether. I don’t think long-lasting side character yanderes ever really win the way they wanted to from the start.
However, that all being said, I HAVE seen it happen where a yandere does become redeemed and get a good ending for a story. Not only that, but said yandere isn’t a side character: they’re one of the main cast, if not one of the main (pro?)tagonists.
Female yandere:

Yuno Gasai from “Future Diary” (aka “Mirai Nikki”)
Male yandere:

Nozomu Ijuin from “Stepping on Roses” (aka Hadashi de Bara o Fume)
It’s always the nice good-looking ones that are crazy :) Yes I picked sweet images for them on purpose. Make no mistake, they are a top-notch kind of crazy. And I kid you not, they BOTH have an axe scene.
Anyways, I’d be very surprised if anyone reading this didn’t recognize Yuno. She’s kind of notorious for being the epitome of a yandere. I don’t come across a lot of male yanderes that aren’t in one shots or small arcs, so it was hard to find a long-lasting one in a story. But Nozomu is indeed prominent in the main cast of the story. There’s no anime version of “Stepping on Roses” as I write this post, so probably not as many people have heard of him.
I won’t try to spoil the story for either of these characters. All I can say is:
- Yes they are both extreme yanderes
- Their yandere side of them is one of their defining features, and even one of the main plot points of each of their stories
- They are not a side character, but part of the main cast in their story
- They both change and get a happy ending from a story standpoint.
Now their happy endings are DIFFERENT from each other, but I won’t say who ended up in what way. You’ll just have to go read the manga or watch the anime to find out.
The question here is did these characters deserve the ending they got. If you asked me, my personal opinion is, “Mmmmm Nozomu yes maybe, but I’m sitting on the fence in Yuno’s case.” But my opinion isn’t really the important thing here.
What really determines if a yandere character was worth being redeemed from a story standpoint is contingent upon how far they have gone. I mean how many criminal acts did they commit or get away with. Was their yandere side limited to idle threats and glaring at people? Did they ever stalk their love interest? Did they every forcibly kiss their love interest? Did they ever harm or kill friends and family of their love interest? Did they ever kidnap their love interest? Did they ever physical or sexually assault their love interest?
It’s a matter of what kind of offences they commit, as well as what the reader will give a “pass.” This is where you get into a very opinionated territory. For some people, certain offences aren’t as traumatic, so redemption of a yandere may be easier. For others, once you cross a certain line, redemption doesn’t seem realistic anymore.
This is not a post meant to call out anyone on what offences they will let slide in a story. I myself actually let a LOT of things slide in a story as long as the writing isn’t clunky. It does not prevent me from enjoying the story. That doesn’t mean I let EVERYTHING slide by the way (I’ve found even some rather small details in stories that ruin the experience for me). However, pretty much 60% of the stuff I would allow in a story standpoint...would not fly for me in real life. Heck, there’s a manhwa with a male yandere happy ending that I love, but whenever I think about it I’m like, “Yeah in real life that guy should have gone to jail...a LOT.” Reality and fiction almost NEVER mix for me.
I actually don’t recommend creators catering to audience members like myself. That is, if you want a wider audience and still want to redeem your yandere. The more heinous the villain, the less realistic redemption becomes. And even if it’s a work of fiction, people do like to say “Yeah, I could see that happening.” Makes the story seem more intelligently written. Still, it’s not my place tell anyone how they should write their own characters and stories.
At least if you’re going to make a yandere pretty prominent in the story, you have the opportunity to allow people to see how the character develops and better explain their actions. It’s easier to make the character appear more sympathetic.
Sorry this post doesn’t give a definite answer as to “what a yandere should not do in order to be capable of redemption.” It’s both up to the opinion of the readers and what they’re actually interested in seeing in a story. Some want to keep it as realistic as possible and avoid any major trauma to the characters. Others are actually specifically looking for some more hardcore and extreme content to enjoy the drama of it all. To each their own really.
So yeah, I’ll keep looking for my villain yanderes, and hoping they stick around in a story for a long time. But if I want a story to not end poorly, I’m ready to accept either a) the yandere needs to get taken down or b) the yandere will be limited as to what offences they commit so they can be redeemed later.
#own post#yandere#male yandere#yuno gasai#future diary#mirai nikki#nozomu ijuin#stepping on roses#hadashi de bara wo fume#hadashi de bara o fume#villain#redemption#happy ending#storytelling#fiction vs reality
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Mixtape: Tengoku no Kiss

Since she have a busy career lasting more than 40 years, I'm making 2 mixtapes for the 80s. Even though I'm saying the first mixtape is from the 80s, it covers her short time in the 70s too, since this one have songs she released between 1980 and 1984. Background of the frame made by MysticEmma. 01. Tengoku no Kiss 02. Mirai no Hanayome 03. Sukoshizutsu Haru 04. Je t'aime 05. Makka na Roadster 06. Heart no Earring 07. Lemonade no Natsu 08. Tropical Hero 09. Hanabira 10. Pineapple Island 11. Hadashi no Kisetsu 12. Kaze Tachinu 13. Silvery Moonlight 14. Shinayaka na Yoru 15. Glass no Ringo 16. Akai Sweet Pea
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Amuro Namie Lyrics: Contrail
English translation and romanization below the cut.
The tears you cried yesterday Will change somebody’s tomorrow And something that person says Will wipe away your tears someday
Doing so will form A perfectly round circle The scenery where we’ll get lost, barefoot Then come across each other again
Life I know What is life Can you see them too? The signs of us running Through the sea of clouds that stretches on forever This pain, these chains They’re the force that pushes us forward Our past will melt into the sky and you’ll see a contrail
This moment we’re living through now Is all some kind of mistake Even if I could go back To the crossroads from before...
...I wouldn’t choose to I’ll look for an answer on my own My assumptions mean nothing Without you around
Life I know What is life Can you see them too? The signs of us running Through the sea of clouds that stretches on forever This pain, these chains They’re the force that pushes us forward Our past will melt into the sky and you’ll see a contrail
I didn’t know then what I know now I didn’t know then what I know now
If we give up, The future will close again I heave sigh after sigh From being pushed out countless times I run after things while looking down at the ground And see contrails In the puddles
Life I know What is life Can you see them too? The signs of us running Through the sea of clouds that stretches on forever This pain, these chains They’re the force that pushes us forward Our past will melt into the sky and you’ll see a contrail
kinou no kimi no namida dareka no asu wo kae sono dareka no kotoba ga itsuka kimi no namida sukuu
sou shite tsunaide yugami no nai en wo egaku hadashi de mayotte mata deau keshiki
Life watashi wa sore wo shitte iru ‘n da What is life kimi ni mo miete iru no darou ka dokomademo tsudzuku unkai wo kakenukeru taidou konna itami nado konna kusai nado mae ni susumu douryoku kako wa sora ni tokeru and you’ll see a contrail
ima ikiru kono toki ga nanika no machigai de moshi ano bunkiten e modoreru to shitemo
watashi wa erabanai kotae wa jibun de sagasu katei ni imi wa nai soko ni kimi ga inai nara
Life watashi wa sore wo shitte iru ‘n da What is life kimi ni mo miete iru no darou ka dokomademo tsudzuku unkai wo kakenukeru taidou konna itami nado konna kusai nado mae ni susumu douryoku kako wa sora ni tokeru and you’ll see a contrail
I didn’t know then what I know now I didn’t know then what I know now
akirametara mata mirai wa tojiru tasuu ni oshidasare kobore ochiru tameiki oikake utsumukeba mizutamari ni kakaru hikoukigumo
Life watashi wa sore wo shitte iru ‘n da What is life kimi ni mo miete iru no darou ka dokomademo tsudzuku unkai wo kakenukeru taidou konna itami nado konna kusai nado mae ni susumu douryoku kako wa sora ni tokeru and you’ll see a contrail
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[Kanji/Romaji/English Lyrics] Ooyama Naosuke - ヒル・イナBABY

Here’s the lyrics to ヒル・イナBABY~ I’ll say this now, I had trouble figuring out what ヒル・イナ actually meant lol. I had to ask @rubymikun for help ^^ Thanks dear~
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission.
Full lyrics under the cut, enjoy~
始まりは閃き hajimari ha hirameki The beginning is unfolding.
運命に出会ったがBad Luck unmei ni deatta ga Bad Luck And yet we came across some Bad Luck by fate.
何かが待ってるミライ nani ka ga matteru mirai No matter what kind of future awaits,
夢を叶えるためならWalk this way yume wo kanaeru tame nara Walk this way let’s continue to walk this way to fulfill our dreams.
ワクワクが欲しいなら wakuwaku ga hoshii nara If you want a thrill,
走りだせばいつでもGood Chance hashiridaseba itsudemo Good Chance it’s always a good chance to continue running for it.
誤魔化しの効かない gomakashi no kikanai Cheating won’t work!
自分のためのキモチでGet Future jibun no tame no kimochi de Get Future Get the future that you want for yourself.
(Dance to love)ハートで鳴らして (Dance to love) haato de narashite (Dance to love) Let’s make our hearts beat.
(Dance to dance)全力へのCountdown (Dance to dance) zenryoku e no countdown (Dance to dance) A countdown towards our best.
(Dance to you)まばゆい世界を (Dance to you) mabayui sekai wo (Dance to you) A dazzling world.
ハダシで追いかけてゆけ! hadashi de oikakete yuke! Let’s chase it while we run barefooted!
Catch you, Baby! ヒルイナキ Catch you, Baby! Hiruinaki Catch you, Baby! We’re unparalleled.
想いと(Hey!) 絆を(Hey!) omoi to (hey!) kizuna wo (hey!) Our feelings and (hey!) our bond (hey!)
分け合ってShake it! wakeatte shake it! let’s share it and shake it!
Watch me, Baby! ハテシナキ Watch me, Baby! Hateshinaki Watch me, Baby! We have no limits!
勢いだけじゃとどかない ikioi dake ja todokanai We won’t reach it with vigour alone!
俺にとっての幸わせをつかまえて ore ni totte no shiawase wo tsukamaete Let’s grab a happiness meant for us!
本気ならまだまだ honki nara madamada If you’re serious then we still have a lot to work on.
ふり縛って手を伸ばせHands up furishibotte te wo nobase Hands up Let’s muster up our strength and reach up with our hands.
進めば進むほど susumeba susumu hodo If you wanna continue then do so.
陽炎みたく遥かなAmbition kagerou mitaku harukana Ambition All while looking at a faraway ambition through this heat.
並び立っていくなら narabitatte iku nara If we’re gonna line up anyway
遠慮なんていらないねBuddy enryou nante iranaine Buddy let’s not hold anything back, Buddy.
前だけ見ればいいさ mae dake mireba ii sa It’s fine to look ahead
そしてシンドイときだけHold on tight soshite shindoi toki dake Hold on tight and to hold on tight when faced with worrisome things.
(Dance to shine)ハートを燃やして (Dance to shine) haato wo moyashite (Dance to shine) Let’s fire up our hearts.
(Dance to dream)根源のMotivation (Dance to dream) kongen no Motivation (Dance to dream) With Motivation as its source!
(Dance to you)チャンスの手がかりを (Dance to you) chansu no tegakari wo (Dance to you) Let this chance be a clue.
握りしめて飛び上がれ! nigirishimete tobi agare! Hold it tight and jump!
Catch you, Baby! シノブレド Catch you, Baby! Shinoburedo Catch you, Baby! This blade of death.
秘めたる(Hey!) 想いが(Hey!) himetaru (hey!) omoi ga (hey!) Let’s hide it (hey!) with our emotions (hey!)
溢れてShake it! afurete shake it! Let it overflow and shake it!
Watch me, Baby! アラシフク Watch me, Baby! Arashi fuku Watch me, Baby! I’ll blow away this storm.
淡くきらめく思い出せ awaku kirameku omoidase Remember it like a faint and fleeting memory.
未来追いかけるチカラに変換して mirai oikakeru chikara ni henkan shite Let’s transform in order to chase that future we want.
Catch you, Baby! ゼヒモナク Catch you, Baby! Zehi mo naku Catch you, Baby! Without fail.
ぜろから ここから zero kara koko kara Starting from here when we began with zero.
はじまる Jump Start hajimaru Jump Start This is the jump start of our beginning.
Watch me, Baby! ストラグル Watch me, Baby! Sutoraguru Watch me, Baby! This struggle.
信じあえば敵はないさ Ready! shinjiaeba teki wa nai sa Ready! It’s completely nothing as long as we believe. Ready!
Catch you, Baby! ヒルイナキ Catch you, Baby! Hiruinaki Catch you, Baby! We’re unparalleled.
想いと(Hey!) 絆を(Hey!) omoi to (hey!) kizuna wo (hey!) Our feelings and (hey!) our bond (hey!)
分け合ってShake it! wakeatte shake it! let’s share it and shake it!
Watch me, Baby! ハテシナキ Watch me, Baby! Hateshinaki Watch me, Baby! We have no limits!
勢いだけじゃとどかない ikioi dake ja todokanai We won’t reach it with vigour alone!
俺にとっての幸わせをつかまえて ore ni totte no shiawase wo tsukamaete Let’s grab a happiness meant for us!
#vazzy#vazzrock#vazzrock translations#my translations#lyrics translation#tsukipro#oh yessssssssss#SASA TSUBASA Y'ALL!!
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Ace attorney season 2 opening 2 romanji lyrics
Ano shōnen hadashi de kakedasu mirai e
Sekai wa blue no sora to Umi no Aida
Shinjitsu wa strongest fujouri smash it
Yeah our hearts ga sakenderu
Kurushi toki wa nakama no koe to Kimi no yasashisa ga Force
Itsuka itsuwari abakarerunda
Itsuma demo uso wa tsukasenai
Itsumo hitotsu no kotae sagashite
(It's) just for you
Breaking it down shiro ga kuroku
Nuritsubu sareru mae ni
Finding the way unmei datte
Kimi no tameni ride or die
I'm thinking bout you bout you bout you
Kimi dake wo
I'm searching the truth the truth the truth
Shinjitsu would kakushin tsuite
Itsuwari minuite
Kotowari witness now witness
I'm thinking bout you bout you bout you
#yes im working on my Japanese again#it may has mistakes but i think it's mostly alright#ace attorney#ace attorney season 2#gyakuten saiban anime#gyakuten saiban
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Meitantei Conan - [Ending 7] Still for your love
Meitantei Conan – [Ending 7] Still for your love
Artista: rumania montevideoTemporada: Invierno 1998/1999Ficha de la serie: Meitantei ConanDescripción: Ending 7Episodios: 132-152 Versión TV Versión Completa Nani ka ga okorisou na yo wa Inori wo sasagete me wo toji na yo Konna tsuki no tokeru yo ni Aisare umarete kita no to mama wa itta Soshite subete wa kara mawari Mirai ga chigireru no wo mita Saa hadashi ni natte daichi kette Niji wo koete…

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Tatsuro Yamashita - Sayonara Natsu No Hi (さよなら夏の日)
波打つ夕立のプール しぶきを上げて 一番素敵な季節が もうすぐ終わる 「時が止まればいい」 僕の肩で つぶやく君 見てた
さよなら夏の日 いつまでも忘れないよ 雨に濡れながら 僕等は大人になって行くよ
瞳に君を焼き付けた 尽きせぬ想い 明日になればもうここには 僕等はいない 映る全てのもの急ぎ足で 変わって行くけれど 君を愛してる 世界中の誰よりも 言葉じゃ言えない もどかしさ伝えたいよ今も
ごらん最後の虹が出たよ 空を裸足のまま駆けて行く
どうぞ変らないで どんな未来 訪れたとしても
さよなら夏の日 いつまでも忘れないよ 雨に濡れながら 僕等は大人になって行くよ
さよなら夏の日 僕等は大人になって行くよ
Namiutsu yūdachi no pūru Shibuki o agete Ichiban sutekina kisetsu ga Mōsugu owaru `Toki ga tomareba ī' Boku no kata de Tsubuyaku kimi mi teta
Sayonara natsu no hi Itsu made mo wasurenai yo Ame ni nurenagara Bokura wa otona ni natte iku yo
Hitomi ni kimi o yakitsuketa Tsuki senu omoi Ashita ni nareba mō koko ni wa Bokura wa inai Utsuru subete no mono isogiashi de Kawatte ikukeredo Kimi o aishi teru Sekaijū no dare yori mo Kotoba ja ienai Modokashi-sa tsutaetai yo ima mo
Goran saigo no niji ga deta yo Sora o hadashi no mama kakete iku
Dōzo kawaranaide Don'na mirai Otozureta to shite mo
Sayonara natsu no hi Itsu made mo wasurenai yo Ame ni nurenagara Bokura wa otona ni natte iku yo
Sayonara natsu no hi Bokura wa otona ni natte iku yo –––––––––– Rippling rainy pool Splash up The most wonderful season Coming soon "I just need to stop the time" On my shoulder I saw you muttering Goodbye summer day I will never forget While getting wet in the rain We are going to grow up I burned you in my eyes Inexhaustible feelings It will be here tomorrow We are not Everything that is reflected in a hurry It's going to change I love you More than anyone in the world I can't say it in words I want to convey frustration even now Look, the last rainbow has come out Run barefoot in the sky Please do not change What future Even if you visit Goodbye summer day I will never forget While getting wet in the rain We are going to grow up Goodbye summer day We are going to grow up
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28 November 2017
Good morning. I’m off, while I listen to some Arashi songs. My favorite songs are “Kotoba yori mo taisetsu na mono”, “Oh Yeah!”, and “Hadashi no Mirai.”
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Decided I would pop into your inbox! hope you don't mind :3 Can you rank your favorite Keyakizaka singles ( the main song!) from least to favorite? Also, what are you top ten OVERALL nogizaka and Keyakizaka songs?
Thanks for asking! :)
Keya Singles - I honestly really like them all so this isn’t like “I hate this one”, it’s more like. “I liked this one slightly less”
Kaze ni Fukarete Mo (no surprise there)
Silent Majority
Futari Saison
Sekai ni wa Ai shika nai
I really only don’t like SekaAi because of the speaking parts (I like Hirates tho LOL) but I guess I find speaking parts in songs kinda weird. Probably connected to why I don’t listen to rap often. If I’m honest, Fukyouwaon used to be higher, but then I realized that Keya sounds really nice in Futari Saison.. so here we are LOL.
Overall - Keya
Kaze ni Fukarete Mo
Yamanotesen (Hirate Solo)
Shibuya kara Parco ga Keita (Hirate Solo)
Jibun no Hitsugi (Hirate Solo)
Natsu no Hana wa himawari dake jyanai (Imaizumi Yui solo song)
Otona wa shinjite kurenai
AM 1:27
Kimi Ga Inai
Kataru nara Mirai wo
Silent Majority
Eccentric (yes ik it’s 11 but I really like this song too)
If I’m honest, alot of songs that I like change depending on my mood. Keya has some super uplifting songs that I really like to listen to (Dare yori mo takaku tobe, etc)
Overall - Nogi
Seifuku no Mannequin
Sekai de Ichiban Kodoku na Lover
Igai Break
Mangetsu ga Kieta
Ryuusei Discotheque
Teitaion no Kiss
Inochi wa Utsukishii
Kakumei no Uma
Mukuchi na Lion//Hadashi de Summer//Sayonara no Imi//Ima Hana//Tachinaori Chuu
I honestly change favorite songs depending on mood, but I usually like fast songs.
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#arashi#Hadashi No Mirai#video clip#music video#gifs#old times#haha#funny#ohno satoshi#sho sakurai#aiba masaki#ninomiya kazunari#jun matsumoto#love#amazing#cutness#my edits#jpop icons#idols#myworks*#edits#memories
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i cant listen to hadashi no mirai without screaming in my head CLAP CLAP AND CLAP
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