#had to block two numbers as soon as we left and we were in our getaway vehicle
furubaycrossing · 3 months
I go out like once a year for my best friends bday (fancy dinner, clubbing, drinking, shots, the whole thing) and every year I feel older than ever lol
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xmasterofmunsonx · 1 year
Got Your Number
Summary: You’re Steve Harrington’s older sister and after a rough and tumultuous breakup, you’re back in Hawkins, Indiana.
Pairing: harrington!reader x Eddie Munson
Author’s notes: Potential S4 SPOILERS! For all intents and purposes of this story it’s September of 1986- Eddie is 21, almost 22, reader is 23. Post season 4, and the upside down did happen but we’re pretending the ending was how we are all talking ourselves into how it actually ended, aka Eddie lives. I started this story about 6 months ago after S4 ended, got extremely sick for a few months, and have had major writer's block over this fic because I was so unhappy with the rushed feeling of it. I hated how I’d thrown random details in there because I hadn’t thought it out well enough. So we’re taking our time the second time around- so if the storyline seems familiar, it is, it’s because it’s me rewriting my own story! Enjoy my rewrite and I appreciate any and all feedback as always ❤️
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI!!), language, drinking, mentions of past abusive relationship, possibly triggering bad mother/daughter relationship (comments about weight, looks, etc.), eventual smut/sexual relationship.
Word count: 7k+
You groaned as you walked through the front door of your childhood home, the familiar smell bringing back memories of years past. Your slightly younger brother Steve had flown out to you to help you pack up and drive a moving truck to move back to Hawkins. You arrived back home to an empty house, which was nothing new to either of you. Your parents were due back from a business trip any moment now, and you actually weren’t too upset that they hadn’t arrived yet.
“You remember where your room is?” Steve joked as he plopped one of your suitcases down in the large foyer.
“Hasn’t been that long, Stevie.” You both rolled your eyes at each other and you grabbed the suitcase from him and traipsed upstairs.
Your room had looked the same since high school, the floral wallpaper only dulled over the last five years. You hadn’t been home much since you graduated in ‘82- you had moved away to the University of Chicago and graduated with your high school (not-so) sweetheart Charlie, who quickly became (even more of) a controlling, toxic boyfriend as soon as you were alone with him in the big city. He wasn’t always so controlling of what you did- he limited your trips home to Hawkins to strictly seeing his family only, or just skipping coming home for the holidays completely because he convinced you that your school load was too much for you. Things had gotten worse over the last year as he became increasingly more abusive and violent, and you had to get the cops involved and took out a restraining order against him.
You browsed around your room, not having many moments to yourself to look around the times you had been home and smiled at some of the high school memories that still hung on the walls in frames and in photos.
“I went ahead and trashed the ones of him so you didn’t have to see him anymore.” You turned around to meet the eyes of your brother who shared the same kind eyes as you- he hadn’t always been the same either. You both were kind of jerks throughout high school but you’d heard everything Steve had gone through when he confessed it all to you back in the spring. Scars littered his face, and you felt bad you hadn’t been home for him, but you had to be careful about leaving Charlie.
“Thanks. You can just leave everything else in the moving van, I’ll get the rest of my stuff out tomorrow and we can return the van.” You smiled at him and he dropped the bags you’d packed with your essentials and favorite clothes. You had too much stuff to fly back with, and it was only a three hour drive across the states to come back home. It gave the two of you plenty of time to talk in person, and you were shocked at how well the little town had been put back together after the “earthquake.”
Steve left you alone and you were quick to unpack, wanting to make sure your room felt like yours again as quickly as it could. You had some artwork from your apartment in Chicago you were itching to hang on the walls, but you were going to wait for that until another day.
“There you are!” Your moms screeching voice echoed through your room and you greeted her with a hug- one of the first ones in a year, and quickly gave your dad one too. Neither of them were happy about you and Charlie’s split, especially since you were due to be married in December, but once you spared the details of the relationship they were understanding and welcomed you back home to get back on your feet. Your mom used to be close with Charlie’s mom, and apparently still was, so you two had bickered a few times before moving back saying she needed to understand the severity of the situation and that you were to not have any contact with his family if you could help it.
Being a Harrington had a lot tied to it. You were one of the better known families in the town- your dad was a businessman who dealt in everyone’s business in the town, so in turn everyone knew your business too. You were the pride and joy since Steve had not made good enough grades to attend a better university, but now you knew it was because he was too busy fighting in an underworld dimension similar to that of your Dungeons and Dragons days.
That’s right- you used to be a nerd. Before you were graciously accepted onto the cheerleading squad your freshman year of high school, and welcomed into Hawkins High royalty, you’d been best friends with Eddie Munson, he was a grade behind you but the two of you were inseparable since you were young. The “freak” of the town as he was known now- but you hadn’t seen him since you left, and even before that you two hadn’t spoken much unless it was your old friends, saying mean things and pretending that you didn’t care about him. Your family name pressured you into becoming what you had- a scholar, a cheerleader, and one of the queens of the school. But all of that was behind you now. You barely scraped by your last year of college because of your horrible relationship, and you were back at home living at your semi-absent parents house. You knew they were disappointed in you, but they hadn’t exactly expressed that just yet.
“Dinner should be ready by 6, I’ve just got to throw a few things together.” Your mom told you, you knew she wanted you to come down and help her but after being in a car for three hours, that was the last thing you wanted to do. She excused herself with your dad and left you alone in your room again. You hung up a few dresses in your closet and came across your old cheerleading uniform that was still hanging in the back corner, untouched and still perfectly ironed. You scoffed as you pushed it further back, hating the memories tied to the article of clothing.
“Hey, we’re all going to watch movies tonight at Eddie’s house if you wanna come. Robin’s picking out a few from the store and I said we’d grab some beer on the way.” Hearing his name stopped you in your tracks. Steve had told you Eddie had been in on the Upside Down shenanigans in the spring- told you of how he had almost died, but the thought hadn’t crossed your mind that the two actually still hung out together even though Steve had mentioned it before. You felt sure Eddie wouldn’t want you there, not after how mean your friends had been to him in your four years of high school, so the suggestion made you feel odd about going over there.
“I uh- I hadn’t planned on seeing him, really. Does he know I’m back?” You pushed the empty suitcase underneath your bed and twisted a piece of brown hair around your finger nervously.
“Yeah, he knows. He seems… open to you coming over to hang out. And you need to meet and see everyone because they’re going to be your best friends too.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Pfft, who else do you have to hang out with?” You scoffed at his remark even though it was true. You had no desire to talk or see anyone from your past. Whether it was out of shame or anger, you were not really planning on rekindling any old high school friendships. Once you had some clarity of how much you had changed yourself to fit the Hawkins mold they wanted you to fit, you felt angry that you’d let your parents control that much of who you were despite how little they were actually involved in your life. “Right, so we’ll leave after dinner.” He patted your door frame twice before he trudged back to his room.
Dinner was awkward as expected, your parents were the worst at small talk and even worse at being comforting. You avoided talking about Charlie all together, thankfully, and your parents weren’t rushing you to search for a job anytime soon to give you a little bit of a break after school.
“So you’re going to the Munson’s house?” Your mom asked you with her eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, Robin picked out a few movies to watch like we do every Thursday.” Every Thursday? You eyed your brother and he averted his gaze to the candles in the middle of the table.
“So you see hi-them every week?”
“Week? More like every day. Those kids can’t get enough of Steve. He’s always chauffeuring them around town.” You’d heard about him and the “kids,” but you were still a little shocked to know that your brother was that good of friends with your old best friend who you were pretty sure hated you- he’d left that out.
“Always the babysitter.” Steve muttered to himself as he cleared his plate.
“Are you done yet, sweetie?” Your moms sticky voice chimed in as you looked at your food that you hadn’t yet finished, “you can come to some aerobic classes with me if you want so you can work off that college weight.”
“Yeah, I’m done.” You pushed your plate forward and got up, eating a few bites as you walked the plate to the sink. “Jesus Christ, now I remember why I hated coming home.”
“Yeah, they haven’t changed much. Don’t let it get to you. You look fine.” You knew you did, but your moms comments had always been so negative about your appearance and your weight. Steve definitely got the better metabolism of you two, and your mom tried to control your eating habits all throughout high school the best she could. Charlie was no help either, so when the two of you broke up you had sought therapy and had been working on your own eating habits since you were on your own for a few months after the breakup. It was freeing, so it was going to be hard to be under the watchful eyes of your mom again- when she was home. “C’mon, let’s grab some beer.” Steve grabbed the keys to his BMW and you followed him out, saying a quick goodbye to your parents.
“Fuck them.” You sighed as you buckled your seatbelt.
Steve agreed as he drove to the corner store and grabbed a pack of beer, driving to Eddie’s house.
“So, Eddie and Wayne’s trailer got destroyed in the uh, thing.” Steve haphazardly waved his hand in the air, “and Hawkins basically paid Eddie and Wayne to keep their mouth shut by giving them a new home.” He commented as he drove in a different direction than what you remember his old trailer being. Eddie hadn’t always lived with his uncle Wayne- his mom had died, and his dad was a felon and lost custody of him at a young age. You’d known him before he moved in with Wayne and stuck by him through all of the years he had trouble adjusting, and had grown close with Wayne since you were at their house so much.
You pulled up to a small brick house that looked much homier than the trailer they used to rent, and you could see amber lights glowing from the inside. You took a deep breath before you stepped out of the car and followed Steve to the front door, walking around a few other cars that were parked in the yard.
“He’s not mean and scary- you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re the mean and scary one to him, remember?” Like you needed reminding- your plan for the night was to blend in and remain quiet, and go as unnoticed as possible.
“HARRINGTON!” The boy’s voice was unmistakable. It was deeper than you remember, but still somehow the same. He greeted your brother with a huge hug and you were unsure of what to do, so you quietly passed by the two guys and stepped foot into the kitchen hoping someone else was in there. Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin were all standing in the kitchen with beers already, and they greeted you similarly with big hugs and smiles. You’d known them through your brother and the few times you had been “allowed” back home.
“How was the drive?” Robin asked you as she took the beer from you and put it in the fridge, but not before you grabbed one for yourself and Steve.
“Not nearly as bad as dinner with my parents.”
“Ugh, I can’t imagine being stuck in a car with Steve for three hours. Working with him for that long is bad enough.” Robin remarked and you all laughed.
“Shut it, Buckley. We work 8 hour shifts together all the time.” Steve brushed through the kitchen to grab a drink for himself and you handed him his as Eddie peered around his shoulder.
“Hey there.” Eddie wiggled his fingers at you in a wave, and you hesitated before you walked over to him to give him a small hug.
“Hey.” Was all you said as he froze before he returned the hug, matching the lightness of the embrace you gave him. You noted that he still smelled the same, except you could smell weed and cigarettes on him now that he was older, and it seemed like he’d tried to cover the smell up a little with some cologne.
“So, I got a few different movie genres for us tonight, come on!” Robin broke the awkwardness and you jumped back from Eddie, avoiding his gaze and followed Robin into the living room where the rest of the kids were already lounging waiting for your arrival. You were introduced to everyone, a few you recognized and a few you didn’t. There was a large age gap, but you knew all their names from Steve’s storytelling, and a few from their faces when you’d been back home briefly.
You felt the tension in the air as you watched the people file into what you assumed were their normal seats until all that was left was a two seater leather chair. Eddie held out his hand for you to sit, “it’s usually mine, but you can take it tonight.” You sat down in it and took a few sips of your beer and motioned for him to sit down.
“I don’t bite, you can sit too.” You continued sipping your beer as the kids sorted through movies and finally decided on a horror film, and Eddie made himself comfortable beside you. You noticed he had tattoos and scars peering out from the sleeves of his Iron Maiden t-shirt as his arms rested comfortably at his sides beside you.
“Long time no see, Harrington.” He said as he shot you a charming smirk, and you were met with the same chocolate brown eyes as you remember from your childhood.
“Can say the same, Munson.” You brought the cold bottle up to your lips and finished off your first beer with a smirk. He grabbed the empty bottle from you and took it to the kitchen, and returned quickly with another one for you- already opened.
“Before the movie starts I’m going to step outside to partake in some real fun. You’re more than welcome to join, or you can stay inside- the choice is yours.” He invited you in his dramatic voice, and you chuckled to yourself as you followed him outside.
“Thought I smelled weed on you.” You muttered as you stepped out onto the back porch.
“Oh, you smoke now?” He smirked as he lit a joint and took a big hit before passing it to you.
You inhaled the weed into your lungs and held it there before you could even think of something to say to him. Do you apologize? Shoot the shit with him? You literally hadn’t spoken a kind word to him since freshman year, so this felt painfully uncomfortable for you to be out here. You were quickly regretting your decision to follow him.
“Yeaaaah.” You took another hit and held it in before passing it back to him. You watched as he propped himself against the porch railing and looked at you with his eyelids hooded, “Eddie, I don’t even know where to start.”
He held his hands out beside him, “I got all night to listen.”
“You’d want to?” You were shocked.
“I mean, I do believe- if I remember correctly, you owe me a bunch of apologies.” He seemed like he was unphased by your presence. You felt more intimidated by him than anything.
“Ha, yeah.” You sat down in one of the porch chairs, “Just so you know, first off, I’m really sorry for how much of a bitch I was to you.”
“Go on.” He motioned to you as he sipped his beer with a proud smirk on his face.
“And I totally understand if you hate me.”
“Well, I don’t, so…” He said through a chuckle.
“I don’t know what got into me in high school. I let myself be bullied into being a bully and I hate that you were one of the targets. You didn’t deserve that. I realized I was being who everyone else wanted me to be and not who I really was, and lost the people that actually cared about me the most. All of those friends were so fucking fake to me- and would you believe Charlie came home on a ‘work trip’ and cheated on me with Grace of all people?”
“I sure would. What a cunt.”
You let out a groan, “I can’t believe I wasted so many years with that jerk.”
“So, what’s your plan now that you’re back?”
You shrugged as you sipped on your drink, and held a hand up to the joint being passed back to you. “I guess just see what I can find to do here with a degree.”
“You always were such a smarty pants. I finally graduated, you know?”
“Yeah, Steve told me.” You leaned back in the chair and looked up at the night sky. “He actually told me everything. Like, about-“
“Oh shit, I didn’t know that.” Eddie moved to the seat beside you, a tiny table separating you two.
“I wanted to come back, and see you and make sure you were okay but Charlie wouldn’t let me. That was kind of the end of it all. I had to push through graduation, get a new place, and get enough evidence on him to get a restraining order against him before I could get all my stuff and go. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to get one when you’re with someone like him.” You let out another scoff, “sorry- you didn’t need to hear that.”
“You can still talk to me.” He kindly smiled at you and you returned one to him.
“I was really nervous about coming here tonight. Thanks for not being a jerk, like I was.”
“I mean, you definitely hurt my feelings some but I knew that wasn’t really you. Been called a lot worse than freak.”
“I can’t believe the whole town thought you were a murderer? I mean- you?”
“You’re telling me. I still don’t know how Hopper convinced everyone it was Jason and got me cleared.”
“I just feel so bad I wasn’t here for everything going on, I always knew this place was cursed. How… bad off were you?”
Without saying a word, Eddie lifted his shirt up and showed you. You could see the scars in the dim light of the moon and the porch light, and you can only imagine the pain he’d been in recovering.
“Bats did that?”
“No, fucking demobats. They were huge. Had these long crazy tails, and I thought I could fight them off to save your brother and the others some time.” Eddie’s voice was not his usual expressive tone, he was more somber and serious.
“You did though.” You pulled your feet up into your seat and looked over at Eddie adjusting his tshirt back into place.
“Yeah, and barely made it out alive. I blacked out and woke up in Hopper’s cabin in the woods. Couldn’t get real help in the hospital because I was wanted for murder still, somehow avoided infection and am left with these killer scars.”
“Pretty badass looking if you ask me.” You said, feeling the beer and weed loosening you up a little bit.
“Eh, I had to take a break from playing for a little. But we’re back at the Hideout now - we got moved to Saturday nights since we draw such a crowd now. It used to be Tuesday.”
“Yeah, I remember.” You said quickly.
“Do you?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Just because I was a jerk to you didn’t mean I didn’t know anything about you Eddie. You were my best friend. I kept some tabs on you even though I was in a different crowd. I snuck into a few shows my senior year and hung out in the back.” You blushed at the admittance. “What year was that for you? How did they even let you guys play so young?”
“We were just that good, sweetheart.” He let the nickname roll off his young so easily it caught you by surprise. Wayne used to call you that and you readjusted in your seat at Eddie using the endearing name for you.
“So you’ll be playing this Saturday?”
“Mhm. Got Hellfire Club tomorrow night at the record store.”
“What?! You still play?!”
“Still play? I’m the dungeon master. We have club every week at the record store on Friday nights. I kinda run the store now. Like, uh, that’s my job. I manage it and teach guitar lessons. Just started lessons about two months ago and my afternoons are booked solid.” He was beaming with pride and excitement when he met your eyes.
“That’s amazing. Can I come by? It’s been a while so I might just watch, but I won’t get in the way.”
“Absolutely.” He squeezed his eyebrows together. “You’re welcome Saturday night too.”
“Ah, I may be booked. Have a lot of friends to reconnect with, you know?” You both laughed at your sarcasm and let the silence become comfortable as you both looked around at the quiet piece of land Eddie’s house was on. “Thanks again for not being a jerk. I really do deserve it.”
“No, you don’t. I appreciate the apologies and I missed having you around. Steve’s not my favorite Harrington, believe it or not.”
“I still am?”
“No, your mom is.” He said with a serious expression before he busted out laughing at the shocked look on your face. “Just kidding. I’m willing to put the past aside if it means I can have my friend back. I know a lot of things are different now, but I don’t think you need to be alone right now, you could use a friend, yeah?”
“More than you know. Thank you, Eddie.” You reached out and grabbed his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.
“Wanna join them or just stay out here all night?”
“Honestly I wouldn’t mind staying out here if that’s alright with you.” You spoke quietly as you crossed your arms, the September chill was setting in but you were not going to ask for a blanket, and you were too comfortable to get up.
“I’ll grab us another drink and blanket and we can just stay out here? Don’t go anywhere.” He held his hands out for you to stay put and you laughed at his silliness, his welcoming personality hadn’t changed much and it was just what you needed tonight.
He returned moments later, “your blanket, my kind lady.” He draped the warm fleece over your lap and you thanked him as he opened the beer bottle for you.
You and Eddie spent two hours together talking and laughing, sharing stories and filling in puzzle pieces where your lives had gone different paths. As the night came to an end you realized you weren’t so mad about having to come back home, and you were glad your path had crossed Eddie’s once again.
“So, seems like you two got along pretty well last night.” Steve said as he drove you back home from dropping off the van you had rented.
“Yeah, I guess. He said he’s going to pick me up before Hellfire tonight so we can go get dinner before the game.”
“I’ve got a date tonight, so you think he can bring you back home too? I might be gone all night, who knows.”
You shrugged at your brother, “Probably so. I don’t see why that would be a problem.” You two walked into your house together, the echo of the door shutting could be heard throughout the house. Your parents had already left to go out of town on another business trip, too busy to stay back and spend any time with you - but you honestly weren’t even bothered. It was a relief to know you wouldn’t have to hear their remarks about anything.
The hours passed quickly leading up to the time when Eddie said he’d pick you up, and you heard the front door squeak open and closed again. Heavy footsteps were heard going up the stairs and you tried to pretend like you were still getting ready when Eddie knocked on your doorframe.
“Safe to come in?” He asked, pushing the door open to look inside.
“Wouldn’t matter, you’re already opening the door. Just finishing up getting ready, then I’ll be ready to go. Steve’s in his room if you wanna go talk to him.” You pointed to his room and Eddie stepped inside of your room instead.
“Nah, I’m here to see you.” He walked around your room with his hands on his hips, looking at all of your old posters and pictures that remained on the walls. All of the ones with him in them had been replaced by ones with your high school friends- the fake ones.
“I’m going to get around to taking those down. I don’t need any reminders of the past, Steve already took down the ones with Charlie.” He nodded quietly as he inspected each of them like he’d never seen them before- which, come to think of it, he probably hadn’t.
“You really changed, huh?” He said as he admired your senior prom picture with the group of varsity cheerleaders. You had worn a hot pink dress and your hair was teased to the high heavens. “You look uh, more like yourself tonight.” He motioned to your outfit- some light wash jeans and a fitted black tshirt. You had found an old black denim jacket of Steve’s so you had decided it was now yours since he decided to store it in your closet.
“Feel more like myself now too. You ready to go?” You touched up your light layer of lip gloss as you stood up from your vanity, and little to your knowledge but Eddie had to recollect his thoughts before he could answer.
“Born ready. Let’s go eat. Diner or pizza?”
“Like that’s even a question. Diner.” You said with a smile as you followed the tall boy with crazy, curly hair out of your room.
After you two finished your greasy burgers and fries, you walked to the old record shop. It had survived the town splitting in half, but barely, and it had been repainted black instead of the old ugly brick it used to be. Eddie unlocked the front door, turned the lights on and held his hands out to welcome you to the store.
“Welcome, welcome. If I may be of any assistance to any record purchases, I’m available for help. If not, I’m going to be in the back setting up for tonight. If any of the kids walk in, just send them back here.” You nodded as you found yourself picking through the labels of the records. They’d been nearly categorized by genre, then alphabetical order. You browsed while you heard Eddie rummaging around in the back room, and decided to go watch him.
He didn’t notice you had walked in the room, and you were all but mesmerized by the way he was neatly unpacking and setting up the game table for tonight in the spacious back room. He was talking to himself and checking things off his checklist in his mind, and you thought it was endearing how much thought he was putting into the set up. It had become a lot more complex from when the two of you had first started playing as kids.
“Like what you see?” His voice caught you off guard and you shook yourself out of your trance and walked further into the room. “Wanna join in?”
You shook your head as you felt your ponytail bounce, “no, I’m fine just watching tonight. Maybe another time.”
“Beer’s in the fridge, grab me one too.” He asked and smiled at you as you fetched the beverages for yourselves. He was moving chairs all around, and added one to beside the one at the head of the table, “you can be assistant to the DM tonight- how’s that sound?”
“Perfect.” You sipped on the cold beer and smiled as he handed you the plan for tonight’s game, and you read over the pages containing gameplay details that you hadn’t thought about in years. You looked up from the papers to find Eddie staring at you, and it was his turn to blush- except he held eye contact with you and didn’t look away, which made you blush harder than him.
You didn’t know why Eddie was being so kind to you. He had let you back into his circle again, no questions asked and no hard feelings that you knew of.
“What?” You asked, the room was quiet and he was still staring at you.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” He shook his curly head of hair and proceeded to go to the front of the store to wait on everyone’s arrival.
One by one the kids all arrived and you were happy to see Jeff and Gareth too- they were hesitant to greet you, but one look at Eddie and they knew you weren’t there for the wrong reason.
You took your seat beside Eddie at the head of the table and listened as he told them about the new campaign they were starting tonight. You were captivated by his deep voice and his animated actions as he told the details of the storyline. He plopped back in his seat as he watched everyone around the table decide on their first move. He had one of those full face smiles on- the type that reached the crinkles in his eyes, and you realized he’d always had those, but they were much deeper now than you remembered.
“This one’s gonna be good.” He turned to you and you nodded, “you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just glad to be back. Feels a little weird.”
His hand patted your thigh with what felt like searing heat, and he rested it there for a few seconds, “Relax. I already told you that it’s all okay. We’re starting fresh, but not really, like we talked about last night, m’kay?” You nodded, and he lightly squeezed your thigh before releasing it and turning back to the table.
The game went on for hours, you were so entertained by the enthusiasm of the kids and Eddie, it was really a heartwarming night for you after the previous night had started off a little awkward and rocky. It honestly felt like so many years had passed.
“You seemed like you were having fun.” Eddie said as he started up his van.
“It was fun to watch again, I seriously don’t think I've played since… well, since I made the cheerleading squad for freshman year.”
“That’s a damn shame. You were always the best.”
“No way! I was only decent. I sucked at cheerleading. I only made it because my parents funded the school’s athletic programs, paving the way for me and Steve to be successful.” You joked, picking at the rips in your jeans. “Thanks for picking me up and taking me home tonight, I really appreciate it. I had fun, the record store looks amazing too.”
You watched Eddie’s face blush pink, “Not a problem. It’s uh, it’s been nice seeing you again.”
“Yeah, it has.” You looked out the window and watched as your surroundings became more familiar the closer you got to your house. The rest of the ride was silent except for Eddie’s radio playing Metallica in the background, and his thumbs drumming along to the beat of every song. When you pulled up, your driveway was empty. You had assumed Steve’s date had gone well. “You wanna come inside and hang for a bit? Steve’s on a date, my parents are on another work trip, and I’m not feeling like being alone in the big house. If you need to get home, I understand it’s late but-”
“I’ll come in. I’ve got nowhere else to be. Wayne’s working tonight.” Eddie turned the ignition off as he parked on the street in front of your house, and you waited for him to round the front before you walked in together.
“Help yourself to a beer if you want another one, dad’s got plenty in the fridge. I’m going to head upstairs and change into pajamas and I’ll be back down.” He gave you a thumbs up and you heard the fridge door rattle as you made it up to your bedroom. You changed into an old pair of shorts and oversized shirt, headed downstairs, and found Eddie had settled onto the large leather couch in the living room with the tv on. The clock read 1:30, but you weren’t feeling too tired.
“Think Steve will make it back tonight?” He asked without looking up from the screen.
“No idea. It’s still early, I don’t know what he can find to do in Hawkins this late but more power to him if he’s out there.” You said as you sat down on the opposite end of the couch, pulling a blanket over your lap. He’d settled on some movie and you were paying attention to it, when he nudged you with his beer bottle and you took it without question and had a few sips, then handed it back to him.
“What’s going on in that head?” He turned to face you and you sighed.
“Not much, honestly. I feel defeated to be back here. There isn’t much here, no offense, and I didn’t see myself ending up here again. But here I am.” You sighed again, a little anger appearing in your chest, “I’m just so mad at Charlie, you know?”
“Are you mad at Charlie, or mad at yourself?”
You shot your eyes at Eddie and gave him a look. “I-I’m mad at…him. He was a piece of shit, Eddie. Everyone warned me. Well, not everyone. But Steve did. You didn’t like him. None of the people with a single brain cell or more liked the guy. I can’t believe we were engaged.” You shivered as if you were grossed out at the thought.
“Engaged?! I didn’t know it was that serious.” He took a swig from the beer.
“I mean, I moved to Chicago for him. School was just… the excuse. I was pretty serious about him, we were supposed to get married in December but I called it off in the spring. ‘Good’ family, reputation, all that shit my mom cares about.”
“But nothing that you care about.” Eddie finished your thought.
“Bingo.” You said as you scooted closer, grabbing the beer from him. “I don’t even know what I care about anymore now that I’m out of the relationship and that shitty situation.”
“A shituation is what I like to call that.” You busted out laughing at Eddie’s joke and it felt good to let go and laugh like that. You hadn’t in a while. Well, you had last night but that was several beers in so you would’ve laughed at almost anything.
“You asked me what my plans were, what are yours?” You turned the subject around on Eddie.
He shrugged, “I hope the band takes off soon. It’s taken me a while to recover from… everything. I still haven’t really come to terms with all of it, so it’s hard to think too far into the future.”
“That’s fair.” You stole the beer and took a sip, then handed it back to him. “What about you and the ladies?”
He scoffed and threw his head back “I mean, it took me three years to finish high school, I play D&D in the breakroom of the music store weekly with kids that still go to high school, I play in a metal band, and my body is covered in scars. Doing really great for myself in that department, Harrington.”
You felt bad for asking as he finished off the beer and got up to grab another, but you genuinely had no idea. After you moved, you hadn’t heard much about Eddie so you really didn’t know. He reappeared with two more and offered one to you with raised eyebrows, and you took it. When he sat down, he was a few inches closer to you and you could feel the warmth of his legs against yours.
“Sorry, I-”
“You didn’t know. It’s okay.” He seemed to have calmed down quickly, but you still felt bad. “There’s been a few, but nothing serious. Not really much to offer here.” You wanted to say there was because you knew Eddie better than most did, but you kept your mouth shut and moved on.
“I can’t believe that there was just this whole other world below Hawkins this whole time… and none of us knew it.” You stared at the coffee table in front of you. “I wish I-”
“No, no, no. Don’t you say you wish you could’ve been here.” Eddie was getting riled up as he readjusted on the couch, “I wouldn't have wished what I saw on anyone. Especially you.”
“No, I mean, I just hate that I left here without any care. I just wish Steve would’ve told me that it was going on.”
“Probably scared you would’ve tried to come back. Harrington's love to try to be the hero, you know that?”
“Yeah, yeah. So I’ve been told.” You let out a scoff as you rolled your eyes.
“Jesus, you two are so much alike.” Eddie commented and you hadn’t realized he was staring at you. “Such an attitude on both of you.”
“Oh, yeah?” You challenged him.
“Yeah.” Eddie tucked a leg under him and turned to face you, scooting even closer. “Big ole heads full of pretty hair, ego, and a whole lot of attitude that comes along with it.” He reached out to push a few pieces of hair behind your ear that had fallen out of your ponytail throughout the day, and drug his thumb across the edge of your jawline.
“But my hair is prettier, right?” You asked quietly, feeling the nerve to see what you could get away with.
“Oh, absolutely. Everything about you is prettier.” His hand lingered on your jaw and he quickly drew it back at the sound of a car door slamming shut outside. He kept his eye contact with you, as if he were timing exactly how long it would take for Steve to walk through the front door and he was spot on as he jumped back and sunk into the couch as if you two had been sitting feet apart the whole night.
“How was your night, Stevie?” He asked with a smirk as Steve shut the door.
“What are you doing here so late, Munson?” Steve asked, annoyed at the presence of his friend.
“Just keeping me company since this house is so empty. Stole a few of dad’s beers, I don’t think he’ll mind.”
He looked between the two of you before he scoffed and rolled his eyes, “I’m going to bed. ‘Night.”
“There’s that Harrington attitude we all love!” Eddie yelled up the stairs and Steve held up his middle finger in response. “I think I’ll head out now.” He announced as he stood up and stretched, his shirt rising a bit above his plaid boxers you’d already spotted a few times tonight during the game.
“See you tomorrow night?” You asked as you walked him to the door.
“Yeah? I’ll pick you up again if you want. I don’t think you want to go there by yourself. Usually Buckley and your brother show up at some point but who knows with the stick he’s got up his ass tonight if he’ll come tomorrow.”
“Sounds good. What time? I’m free…” you looked at your watch, “all day.”
“Well, some of us are contributing members to society now and have jobs so, I’ll come pick you up when I’m off at 2?” You blushed, realizing how eager you were seeming to see him. “Can’t get enough of me, can you?”
“Yeah, uh, two sounds great.” You stuttered out.
“Perfect. We have practice at Gareth’s before, I can have them move it to 3 so I can have time to get you.” Eddie seemed unphased by your nervousness, or at least he was playing it cool and not pointing it out.
“See you then, Munson.” You waved him off and watched him walk to his van.
“Later, Harrington.” He yelled out without looking back at you, just giving a wave to the air.
You shut the large wood door and collapsed your back against it, closing your eyes and sighing. “Fuck.” You were screwed. Since when did you feel like this about Eddie? How did you feel about him? Why did he make you blush, and so nervous?
“No game, big sis. No game at all.” Steve spoke from the top of the stairs.
“Oh my God, Steve. Go away!”
“You’ve got a crush. A big one. Don’t you?”
“Steve!” You yelled his name after you locked the front door and turned the lights off, Eddie’s grumbling van could no longer be heard outside. “I do not.”
“Do too. And he does too.” He pointed at the closed door, “He always has. You’re just blind.”
“What?” You felt like the air was gone from your lungs.
“Uh, yeah?” He raised his eyebrows as you walked up the stairs to your bedroom and where Steve was perched. “I read your old diaries while you were gone. There’s way too much in those about Eddie for you to not have a crush on him. And he, get a couple more beers in him and my God, the boy will not shut up about you. He was non-stop talking and asking questions about when you were gonna be back and what you would be doing and-”
“Okay, chatty Cathy. I get it. But I don’t have a crush on him.” You pushed past him and made it to your bedroom, “How was your date?”
“Not answering that until you confess your crush on Munson. Night, sis.” Steve shut his bedroom door before you could say anything and you followed suit, your hands immediately reaching to feel the blush in your cheeks.
Maybe you did. But that was fast, or was it?
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
MEDIC! Part 37 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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TW- Violence
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92 @lucyfromtheoldhouse @blueberry-ovaries anyone else please let me know.
We picked two replacements up on the way to the checkpoint, the two young men got into the back and chatted to Grant and I along the way. 
Grant was showing off to the young men telling terrible jokes and long winded stories. The two soldiers stared blankly at him as he finished his latest joke. 
The joke didn’t land from the silence of the back seat, their confusion sent me into hysterics, soon the replacements joined in too, not really knowing what they were laughing at. 
I think the boys just wanted to impress Grant, him being their senior and all. They laughed politely even when they had no clue what was going on. The men just seemed to be happy to be spoken to. 
We hadn’t made it to the checkpoint just yet but for some reason Grant slowed the jeep. I cast my eyes forward focussing on the scene ahead of us. Other cars were scattered along the sides of the road, some blocking the path altogether. My brows furrowed as I looked over to Grant who wore the same expression. 
The car pulled to a stop parking the car in the middle of the road. He had left some space between the scene in front of us and the car. We both dismounted the car, Grant requesting the men in the backseat to stay put as we walked closer to the cars scattered across the road. 
“You should get back into the car Em.” Grant told me, not looking at me as he spoke. 
“I think there is safety in numbers.” I disagreed with his statement, I wasn’t going to sit in the car and potentially watch him walk alone into danger.  
My gut swirled and my skin tingled, something wasn’t right about this situation. 
We approached the cars, I swallowed my gasp as it rose in my throat. Lying on the ground were bodies, multiple people unmoving in pools of blood. I looked at Grant, concern lined his features as he took in the same information. 
I bent down, my fingers finding the inside of the neck of the man closest to me. He was cold to the touch with no sign of life under my fingertips. It seemed he had been here for quite some time, as I tried to pull his eyelids shut but rigour mortis had already set in. 
Grant watched me, I looked up to him to shake my head, a silent exchange. We hadn’t uttered a word to each other since we had gotten closer, as if the sound of our voices would disturb a monster lurking in the shadows. 
As if my thoughts had been said aloud, a man appeared from the darkness. Goosebumps rose on my skin and bile in my throat. The way he moved was unsettling, as if there weren’t bodies laying at our feet.   
I didn’t recognise the man, but he wore an American uniform, so he had to be one of ours. Grant gestured for me to come close to him, we had been on separate sides of the road. His hand was outstretched for mine. I rose from my position slowly trying not to spook the man now standing before us. 
My hand reached out for Grants as he took mine, he subtly pulled me behind him, stepping in front of me. My stomach churned, my breathing erratic. The voice inside my head called for me to drag Chuck back to the jeep and leave. But I stood silently, a pace behind Grant, still gripping his hand like a lifeline.  
“You ok man? Do you need some help?” Grant asked tentatively. His voice in the silent night made it seem as if he was yelling. I tried to even out my breaths. 
Grant’s question made the man stagger closer to us. I felt the blood drain from my face as my eyes focussed on the gun in his hand. The man laughed, smiling at us in the darkness. That action alone sent chills up my spine as the hairs on my neck stood on end. My grip grew even tighter on Chuck’s hand. I was silently begging him to leave with me. But instead he did the opposite, dropping my hand to my side. 
He glanced over his shoulder, a weary look on his face, he was trying to distance me from the man. I bit my tongue, but I couldn’t urge my feet to move forward. I was frozen watching Grant approach the man alone. 
“They wouldn’t give me any gas.” The man's slurs pulled our gazes from each other. We watched him cautiously like a wild animal, we had no idea what he was capable of.   
The drunk man motioned with the gun to the people who lay lifeless on the ground. I had only assumed, but his actions made it clear. He had killed them. This man was dangerous. 
“Krauts!” The man bent forward screaming at the dead man on the floor. I begged for my mouth to work, for my feet to work but all I could do was stand still watching in pure horror. My heartbeat fought to muffle all other sounds in my ears. Tears pricked my eyes, I didn’t care if they were Krauts he took their lives in cold blood, over gas.  
Grant moved forward. I whimpered silently. I willed him to stop with my eyes but he wasn’t looking at me, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of the soldier. He was inching closer to someone we couldn’t trust, who had killed over something as simple as gas. If we weren’t careful we could be on the receiving end of the weapon he carelessly flung about. 
The soldier stumbled away back to his jeep, turning his back on us. I finally willed my feet to move forward. The crunch of gravel underfoot seemed to be louder than bombs with each step I took. Grant must’ve felt the same way as his head snapped over his shoulder to look at me. He subtly shook his head, he was going to handle this. I was going to fight him over it but our second of refuge was soon shattered. 
Grant walked closer again to the man. I let the cry of protest die in my throat. 
“I tried to explain, this fucking limey wouldn’t listen. I think he was a Major.” The man’s words strung together in a long sentence as he again motioned to the man who was clearly dead. The man was an American Major, fuck. We’re fucked. 
“Hey private, we’ve got a problem here.” Grant spoke in an even tone. All I could do was watch, tears pricked in my eyes. We needed to get out of here, but we were already in too deep, there was no way out of this.  
“You got any gas?” The private asked with a vicious grin plastered on his face. He acted like Chuck hadn’t even spoken. 
“Why don’t you give me your weapon.” It wasn’t a question, Grant was going to take the gun off of the man whether he wanted him to or not. Chucked stepped forward, his hand outstretched readying to remove the weapon from the man himself. I stood still, my hands clasped together, I could feel my nails digging into my palms and the sheen of sweat that lined my brow.  
“I guess I’ll use his jeep, I-I don’t think he’s going to be needing it.” The man wandered away, back to the jeep the Major slumped beside. 
“Hold on a second there alright.” Grant yelled at the man, surging forward. It all happened too fast or too slow. I wasn’t sure. It all became a blur in the end. Grant’s actions caused the man to swing around from his journey back to the car, he raised his weapon with no hesitation. 
The shot rippled through the still night air. I watched the bullet leave from the gun, straight into Grant’s fucking head. With a sickening crack his head took the brunt of the force, his neck snapped to the side. Blood splattered as Grant crumpled to the ground. 
My screams pierced the air as I ran forward trying desperately to catch Chuck before he hit the ground, but I wasn’t fast enough. His dead weight crashing to the ground. 
I sobbed kneeling beside Grant as I took his torso into my lap. 
“Grant!” I wailed, his eyes rolled back in his head as his breathing became shallow. I pressed my hand to the injury trying to stop the bleeding but his blood seeped between my fingers and onto my pants.   
I couldn’t hear anything over my sobs. I didn’t know if the replacements had seen what happened or if they were calling for help. I didn’t even know where the man had gone. 
Turns out I should’ve been paying more attention. A pained scream strangled from my throat. A hand firmly gripped my hair and yanked me backwards. The force propelled me back, as my hands scrambled to release the death grip that tore the hair from my skull. My legs kicked out from beneath me, the hand not giving me enough time to find my footing. I screamed in pain as I was dragged all the way to the jeep. 
I looked up to find him. The soldier. But he wasn’t just the soldier that murdered my friend and took other innocent lives. His eyes were familiar. I wasn’t close enough to see it before. 
He’s the man from the bar. 
Chapter 38
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sparrowrye · 6 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A2 part 9
Synopsis: It’s been over a year since we were brought under Alastor’s watchful eye. We’ve unlocked our Demonic powers, discovered our own talents, and began building the Safe Haven with Charlie and co. Alastor seems increasingly interested in the power we hold as one and intends to use it properly.
Previous part
Part 9: a different person
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Spring had arrived and plenty of new faces with it.
Construction began as soon as the snow had melted. Charlie asked Alastor to create a warm oasis so the people could build more homes and buildings sooner. According to Lucifer, she had at least a hundred Demons willing to come to the haven. Many of them were Demons who had lived on the surface or had a family. Hell wasn't exactly much safer than up here.
Pentious, the snake-like Demon from Charlie's group, became head of the guards. He was in charge of making making sure people didn't wander too close to our haven as well as keeping the right people inside. We had a number of children and teens wandering into the forest once the weather became warmer.
I stood on the porch watching from a distance. I could hear the pounding of nails and cutting of wood. Two years ago it was a complete empty field and now it was a true town. Spring would mark three years for me. That made me twenty-four-years old.
I heard kids laughing and couldn't help the smile on my face. Everything was actually getting better this time. Alastor kept his side of the deal and we spent all of winter testing out my Angelic powers. He became much more bearable when he wasn't a total jackass and I found myself actually able to relax around him. His sarcasm still cut like a knife, though.
I let myself scroll through social media on Charlie's phone for ten minutes. She was the only one allowed to have a phone since Vox never seemed to hack it. It kept me in the loop on what was happening outside and it gave Charlie a reason to ask my relationship with Alastor.
Overlords had gained more power during winter, ironically enough since they hated the cold. Their territory grew and it became safer for some Demons to live in certain towns. Humans were trying their best to stay together but any form of retaliation or separation was shut down. At least in this nation. Other nations were still actively hunting them all down.
I noted the time. I usually started a session with Alastor around now but he was off talking to Spencer about something. I took the free afternoon and sprawled myself on the warm grass near the cliff side. The wind was cold but the warm sun soaked into my bones. I could still hear laughter from the haven and the gossip of teens down by the shore.
I fell asleep and woke up just as happy. I opened my wings to stretch and left them wide open, the black scales soaking up the sun even better. For once I was okay with being me. Knowing that I had some Angel in me made me feel better about being part Demon. I knew I wasn't all bad.
I stayed like that for an hour. I was happily content. Things were going in a good direction. I was at peace and I had a feeling I was going to be able to keep it that way for longer. My life wasn't all about fighting and hardships, there was now good in it, too.
I felt Alastor's magic before he appeared. "Peaceful," he commented.
"Very." I kept my eyes closed, still enjoying the sun. I was unbothered by his physical and magical presence. He was quiet for a long time. I opened one eye to check that he was still there and saw his own closed, enjoying the warm sun and salty air. His hair moved in the wind to reveal a small content smile on his face. I mimicked the smile.
One of his eyes caught me looking and I quickly stared up at the sky. The clouds dotted the bright blue landscape, occasionally blocking out the sun but never for too long.
"How have your cravings been?" he broke the silence. His tone wasn't laced with his usual sarcasm this time.
I shrugged, casting a look in his direction. "I always feel it but that's nothing new."
"You may need more with time. Do let me know if more is what you need."
"Sure." I closed my eyes again. I was feeling the craving already but I was trying not give into the feeling every time. I needed to build a resistance to it.
Another few minutes of silence passed. I was drifting into another sleep when he spoke, abruptly pulling me back. "Are you going out tonight?"
"Yeah. Another fighting ring. How did you know?" I turned my head to look at him.
"I have my ways." For once, that saying didn't make my skin crawl. He examined his red claws closely, the other hand on top of his staff.
"What were you talking to Spencer about?" I tried for conversation.
"He's been having some trouble lately. Enemies are seeking him out."
"It's nothing to be concerned about. I took care of them." He licked his lips.
"What about bringing him here?"
His eyebrows lifted. "It would remove him from the outside world."
"We already have a lot of people here," I argued, "And we're mostly trying to get Demons out of Hell so it's not so overrun. They might be more willing to come if they read about what life is like here."
He thought for a moment, bringing a claw up to his chin and eyes drifting to the sea. "That's not a terrible idea."
I scoffed, "Thanks." His eyes went back to me and a smirk pulled at his lips. "What?"
"Oh nothing, darling. Have fun tonight." He turned on his heels and walked towards the house. I noticed the outline of our thread again.
I swallowed hard. The fighting ring that had been getting a lot of attention was the same ring as my big fight that Vox had broadcasted. 
I let out my shaky breath. You're a different person now.
Some of the teenagers had come with us, eager to prove themselves useful to the community. Reagan was not among them as she deemed herself unable to help without magic or Demonic attributes. I was slightly grateful because I didn't want to risk putting her in danger again.
Giving the signal to move, the group slithered up through the shadows. We had opened just a few hanging cages before I noticed the new cameras.
I was on high alert as everyone worked. The guards were all unconscious and every fighter made it safely across the field. It made me even more nervous when no one showed up by the time we got to the top floor. My eyes were constantly scanning the walls and my magic sense stretched as far out as it could. I was worried about a bullet hitting me like last time.
My ears caught electric static. I spun, ready to face Vox, but came face to face with Striker instead. A pure white rope hung in his claws and an ugly snarl plastered on his face.
"You're dead this time," he growled. He jumped in zig zags up to me, tossing the rope for my head. I morphed into my Dragon and caught it between my teeth.
Different person. Different person. Different person.
I pulled hard to drag him across the ring opening but he jumped over it. I reared up to slam my front claws on him. He jumped out of the way as he threw the other end over my head. It snatched one of my horns and he jerked it hard enough to make my neck POP!
I turned in a circle and whipped my tail at him. It whistled loudly and missed him by a hair. Alcine, my shadow, caught his foot when he landed. His attention diverted, giving me the opening to bring the ceiling down on him. I then opened the floor and casted him straight to the earth. I looked down the hole and waited for one of the rocks to move. But none of them did.
I returned to my Demon form and helped the last of the drowsy fighters down the stairs. I tried to look ahead for the rock pile as we came down but I was too late. White rope caught one of the teenager's throats and they were flung to Striker's feet. He wrapped an arm around their throat and held a knife to their chin.
"One of us is dying tonight, Python!" he yelled. He had lost it. His eyes were wild, his hair a mess, his hat gone, and his clothes torn. "And it ain't gonna be me."
"What do you want?" I snarled, eyes watching the knife closely.
"We're doing this the old fashioned way. No magic. Just skill."
I felt my throat run dry. Striker had his own experience in fighting and each time we had fought, he had won. Magic and Alastor were the only reasons I had escaped his past attempts.
The teenager let out a whimper when he drew blood with the knife. "Alright! Fine."
He shoved the kid away and took a fighting stance. I did the same and waited for him to approach. It didn't take long. He came straight at me this time, knife still in hand. I went to all fours and waited, jumping away at the last second. I whipped my tail up and missed his hand. I needed the knife gone.
He sliced at me, each step faster than the other. My eyes were locked on his chest as my peripherals gauged his speed and distance. I could hear the metal cutting the air, twice catching my nose and cheek.
My back hit a wall. I fell to the ground and shoved him away with my feet. He came again, this time coming from above his head. My hand brushed against his arm and my other hand came up to claw his face. I felt the softness of his eyes and his scream rang in my eardrums.
I grabbed his wrist and wrenched the knife from his grip, sending it clattering across the floor. His elbow came in contact with my nose before his fist did. The back of my head hit the floor and white filled my vision. His claws wrapped around my throat and pressed. One hand pulled on his wrist while the other clawed at his face. My feet pounded the floor as I tried to throw him off.
He let out a snarl and rolled off me. I gasped for air and sat up on my elbows. His knife was buried deep in the back of his shoulder. He snapped his head to look at the teenager who backed away. He spun on me, boot connecting with my face.
I cried out and curled inward. I felt his presence moving away from me and towards the kid. I forced myself on my knees but I couldn't look up yet. My head spun and the whole world tilted to the side.
My ear flicked when I heard the boy scream. I rolled on my side and peered through one eye. He had them on their back with a foot pressing down on their throat. He pulled out a second knife from his hip, raising it above his head.
Alcine grabbed at his shadow and held the knife back. I forced myself to my feet and threw my weight into him. He fell into the wall and we wrestled, raking our claws into ours skin and trying pin the other to the ground. 
"You were always a pain in the ass," he hissed in my ear, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling, "Nothing but a bother, nothing but a burden. You're so weak."
"Not anymore," I said through gritted teeth. We both had a grip or arm lock on the other's arm, desperately trying to shove the other to the ground. Blood dripped down our faces as our eyes locked. 
"You always will be." He gave way with his arms so our faces would come closer. "You'll never be enough. Always second best. It's in your nature."
"You don't know me like that anymore." I barely missed the snap of his jaws on my nose. 
"How's Reagan?" he asked nonchalantly. I bristled, falling backwards and throwing him over my head with my legs. He landed on his back, sending the knife deeper into his body, and let out a yell. He tried rolling onto his knees but I restricted his airflow. 
The corners of my vision were red as I thought back to Reagan. She was terrified to leave her room and guilt gnawed at her every time we spoke, all because of him. I then looked at the teenager cowering against the wall, eyes wide and holding their throat as they watched everything unfold. 
"Unfair," he sputtered. My face was blank as I stared down at his struggling figure. Everything about my life was unfair. He had promised me freedom if I won a championship and when I did, he threw me in another cage.
"I'm a Demon, just like you." I casted us in darkness so all he saw was me towering above him. I raised my hand and pointed a black claw at him. "We don't play fair." I flicked my fingers and his head snapped to the side at inhumane speed, killing him instantly. 
Author's Note:
A Demon or an Angel?
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slaymybreathaway · 2 months
Spontaneously Sexy (90s Dave Grohl x reader)
Main Masterlist Rockstar Masterlist
Word Count: 1.4k
Content: cursing, allusions to sex (yet no actual smut)
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Olympia, Washington ♡ 1991
"Fuck this," I say, looking down under the hood of my 1970 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser. It was a gift from my Dad for graduating High School. Little did he know that not even two months later I'd be using the piece of shit to run to Seattle to join a rock band.
The rain was pouring down on a freezing December night. My band, Low-Kut, had just played a gig downtown in an underground rock bar as we were trying to raise funds to record our debut album. I didn't get out of Olympia before my car engine started acting up. Luckily, I had pulled into an empty parking lot before it shut down completely.
Ask me how to build an electric guitar from scraps? No problem. Ask me anything about cars? I'm fucked. After about 15 minutes of standing in the rain, staring blanky under the hood of my car, I gave up.
Looking around me for any sign of life, I noticed a payphone across the street at a closed gas station. I walked over to it, counting the change in my pocket as I decided who to call. I put some quaters in and dialled one of the few numbers that I had memorised.
"C'mon, c'mon," I muttered under my breath as the phone rang, praying that theh didn't have their phone disconnected.
After a while I hear the familiar voice of my boyfriend speak through the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey babe, it's me-" I talked as quick as I could, trying to say what I needed to before my change ran out.
"Hi! How was your show hun?" Dave asked, excitedly. I could hear the genuine interest in his voice, which made me smile.
"It was really good, but my car broke down a few blocks from your place and I really don't want to deal with it tonight so can I stay over?" I asked, hopefully.
"Uh, yeah- yeah sure. I just gotta check with Kurt first but I'm sure it will be alright. Where are you? I'll come and get you," he spoke in a worried tone.
"No no, it's alright I'm not too far away. Just tell Kurt and I'll be there soon, ok?" I nodded, cautious about how much time I had left on the phone.
"Ok, see you then," he said and hung up the phone.
Dave and I had met after a Scream gig on their last American tour and hooked up in the back of my car. Then, a few months back, he had come to one of my shows with Kurt and Krist, who were friends with Nancy, our lead singer. After talking for a while, we realised where we knew eachother from and laughed. I gave him my number and he called to ask me out the next day.
I smiled at the memory as I grabbed my guitar case from the back seat of my car and walked down the streets of Olympia. The rain was getting heavier and I could feel it soak through my denim jacket, which I hugged tight to my body in attempt to keep warm. I was really starting to wish that I'd accept Dave's offer to come and pick me up.
The walk to 114 NE Pear Street seemed to take forever in the rain, though I knew it couldn't have been more than 10 minutes. I was buzzed in and I made my way up the almost collapsing staircase to their apartment.
Their apartment was the bare minimum of living, one bedroom (occupied by kurt), one bathroom, a tiny kitchen and a living room with an old couch that Dave slept on. For this reason, I hadn't spent the night before.
I knock on the door, for it to be opened by Kurt who greets me with a tired smile before retreating into his bedroom, leaving the door open. I hear the shower running through the apartment's thin walls.
"There's no lock... on the bathroom door," Kurt gives me a knowing smirk, pushing back his mop of blonde hair as he puts on the headphones that connects to his guitar amp.
I roll my eyes at the action before walking over to the living room and putting down by guitar case on the couch. I look around notice that the room looks... semi-clean? I smile at the thought of Dave rushing around trying to make the atrocity that usually is their apartment look half presentable when I called him from the payphone.
I make my way over to the bathroom and slowly open the door. The rusted hinges hinges creak quite loudly, making me cringe at the unpleasent sound.
"Kurt, please don't take a piss man. I'm in the shower," Dave's voice calls from behind the blue curtain and it takes all my strength not to immediatley start laughing. I close the door behind me as quietly as I can.
I quickly strip out of my wet clothes, leaving them on a pile the ground before tucking my head around the end of the shower curtain, facing the back of my naked boyfriend. Suds cover his shoulders and he has placed his long black hair atop his head while it was full of shampoo. "Hi," I say, announcing my presence.
Dave quickly turns his head over his shoulder to look at me, a smile quickly spread across his face once he realised who it was "Hey dear," he replied, rinsing out the shampoo.
I shake my head with a smile. He has a habit of using 1950s pet names ironically, as well as being an avid user of the phrase "honey, I'm home" while walking back into a filthy, cigarrete stained flat full of grunge musicians.
"Can I join you?" I asked. I watched as Dave stopped moving completely, though I wished that I could've seen the blush on his face in that moment.
"Y-yeah sure," he replied. I smiled, quickly ridding myself of my damp clothes into a pile on the floor before stepping into the bathtub-shower.
Hearing me close the shower curtain behind be, Dave turned around. He let out a low whistle as he looked me up and down. I moved my hands to try and cover myself out of embarassment, though he had seen my body countless times.
"You look nice," Dave smiled, taking a step towards me. I looked up at his face as I felt his calloused fingers rest on my bare hips in a gentle touch. "You should wear this outfit more often," he joked, raising his eyebrows.
"Mhm, so should you," I mumble stretching my neck upwards so our faces were incredibly close, feeling his warm breath on my lips as I waited for him to close the remaining distance between us.
He smiled goofily once more before pressing his lips against mine softly. As I deepened the kiss I could feel his hands run up and down my waist in a featherlight touch. When we made love it was always that, loving, fun and gentle.
As his hands trailed over my ass to the back of my thighs, I gasped a bit in shock and pulled away from the kiss. I giggled as I felt him lift me up, pressing my back to the cold shower tiles.
Dave leaned in to kiss me once more , but just before our lips met, I heard him mutter "Oh shit," as his feet slid out from underneath him and he fell into the tub.
Dave pulled me in close to him, subconciously, so that I wouldn't hit my head against the tiles as I fell into the bathtub on top of him. After a few moments of silence, the both of us burst into fits of laughter
As I tried pull myself up out of the bath, the shower curtain became un-attatched from the wall, falling into the bath on top of the both of us and causing the water from the shower head to spray all over the bathroom.
Though it would've been sensible for one of us to turn off the water, both Dave just continued laughing at the silliness of the situation.
"That-" Dave spoke inbetween chuckles. "That serves us right for trying to be spontaneously sexy,"
"Yes," I agreed "Only formal intercourse from now on,". My false-seriousness only caused him to laugh harder.
He shook his head, smiling as he looked up at me. "I love you," he spoke softly, pulling me in so that our lips met once more
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trivialbob · 8 months
Last night Sheila and I went to a seafood place. For a cheeseburger.
Coastal Seafoods in Minneapolis is a fresh seafood market. It's a neat little place. When @littlerunnergurl visited us years ago she and I shopped there for ingredients of a seafood stew LRG made for us.
There's a small counter for hot food in back. Two four-tops and a small row of bars stools next to a cold window is the complete dining room. A Facebook page devoted to smashburgers had mentioned this place's burger recently. That's what got us over there.
We ordered one Coastal Burger. "Two 4oz Wagyu Beef Patties, Caramalized Onion Jam, Pickles, American Cheese, & Dijon Mayo on Toasted Brioche!" (images from the Coastal Foods website)
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I also ordered the wonderful looking Connecticut Style Lobster Roll. "Warm Lobster & Seasoned Butter on a Toasted Tom Cat Bakery Roll"
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The cook cut them in half so Sheila and I could try some of each. Both were fantastic. We didn't order French fries or any sides. The older I get the wiser I am about not ordering too much food. For sure if there had been a serving of fries in front of me I wouldn't have left until the plate was clean. As it was, we walked out feeling satisfied yet not needing to adjust the car seats back so we could fit in the Subaru.
I'd been wanting to see some dive bars. A block away is the Fraternal Order of Eagles #34. It's an appropriately dimly lit place where most of the customers seemed to know each other. We didn't order food, but I almost did just to purchase a cheeseburger for under ten bucks, a rare thing these days.
The bartender was friendly. She knew what to pour for people a few times without asking. I chuckled when she asked us if we'd be okay for a bit unattended when she went outside for a quick smoke.
It's located at the intersection of two similarly named streets. When I was a kid it was mind-blowing when I saw Minneapolis street signs with the same numbers. Sure, the Av and St make a difference, but it still seemed like division by zero to someone not yet accustomed to how cities named numbered east/west and north/south roads. Similarly, I was amazed when my dad pointed out the named streets in some places were in freaking alphabetical order.
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After a bottle of beer (and a sunset) we drove south a short distance through the cold and dark night to the Schooner Tavern. It too is at an intersection of numbered streets.
It was a bit louder, but no less dimly lit, than the previous place. The two bartenders were very friendly. Sheila and I again sat at the bar for one beer.
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We listened to conversations around us. It was only 5:30 PM but some folks appeared to have started the evening early. A frazzled looking guy (who was probably 15 years younger than he actually appeared) must have gotten the happy hour special on "fucks" which seem to have been a 20-for-1 deal. Whew, I got tired of hearing that word used as noun, verb, adjective, preposition, pronoun, article, and adverb.
The bottles behind the bar appeared to glow. If the bar had been quieter maybe I would have heard them hum.
Sometimes I want of those tiny Red Bull refrigerators with the glass door (as seen in the left side of this picture I took). Sheila doesn't think it would look appropriate on our coffee table no matter how well it fit. People would probably trip over the power cord she also claims. I still want one though.
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We still enjoyed the atmosphere while we had one beer. After that we headed to the brewery by our house. It's at the intersection of one named and one numbered street, more to the sensibilities of my suburban mind.
We met up with one couple we know and another couple who were on a second date. The guy is a regular, the woman is new to that crowd. At first she seemed like she wanted to move to a private table. Soon though she warmed up to us, and the six of us had a great conversation.
I'm going to start looking up some more dive bars for another weekend.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
The Great Snowball Fight | John Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - part of my Countdown to Christmas Event
Pairing: John Shelby x reader (prewar)
Summary: In which (Y/N) and John push it to the limits during their annual snowball fight…and maybe they get a little more than they bargain for.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1062
A/N: alright, here’s another gif that we’re gonna have to use our imagination on. 10 days left! Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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(Y/N) jumped at the sound of something hitting against her window. Taking her eyes off of her book, she saw that there was snow sliding down the glass pane. She walked over to the window with her brows furrowed. What she saw waiting for her on the sidewalk below didn't surprise her.
"Are you out of your bloody mind, John Shelby?! You could have broken this windowpane!" she yelled after she opened the window and stuck her head out past it.
John Shelby was grinning like a fool as he stood in his spot with another snowball prepared in his hands. "It didn't break though, did it?" he answered her, his response making (Y/N) roll her eyes.
"What was even the point of you doing that?" she questioned him, curious to hear what his response would be.
"It's snowing, (Y/N)," he pointed out.
"And...?" she asked for him to elaborate, her eyebrows raised.
"It's time for our fifth annual Great Snowball Fight," he said it like it was common sense.
"Ahh...how can I ever forget? My one and only chance a year to hurl objects at your pretty face," she said with a grin.
"That's a lie," he stated blatantly, making (Y/N) giggle. "Get down here before the snow stops and it melts away," he said to her then, urgence in his voice.
"If I must," she sighed dramatically, making it seem like it was a big deal as she moved away from the window so that she could get her jacket and scarf. She put them on and then slipped her feet into her shoes before she made her way down the steps.
Snow wasn't very common in Small Heath, so when it graced everyone with its presence, (Y/N) and her friend John Shelby made sure to make the most of it. It didn't even matter that they weren't truly kids anymore...they still had their snowball fight for old time's sake.
(Y/N) exited her house and saw John walking over to her, his arms outstretched with a grin on his face. She smiled back at him before realizing that he had a snowball in each of his hands. "Do not, John," she warned him, her eyebrows raised.
"What?" he asked, an innocence present in his voice.
"You're going to throw those at me," she pointed out, "we've not even laid down the rules yet."
"Lay them down then," he stated, dropping his hands to his sides again.
"Number one: no head shots," she started. John nodded. "Two: no throwing at the other person while they're running away. Number three: no throwing at unsuspecting people - they're not part of the fight, they shouldn't receive any of the consequences. And finally: do not throw any snow that has rocks in it...dirty snow is off-limits."
"That all?" John asked with an intent expression on his face.
"I suppose so," (Y/N) responded with a nod.
"Great," he grinned before he threw one of the snowballs at him.
"John!" she exclaimed, trying, and failing, to block the snowball from hitting her. She then looked at him with wide eyes before she turned and made a break to the nearest pile of snow.
"You said you were finished!" he called back, chasing after her.
"That was still a dirty move, Shelby!" she told him, working on making a snowball in her hands while her back was to him. She knew that he wouldn't throw his at her with her back to him. She then turned and threw the snowball she’d made at him, hitting him square in the chest.
John stopped in his spot and looked at her with surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect her to throw it so soon. "We even now?" he asked her.
"Never," she grinned, producing another snowball from behind her back and throwing it at him. This one hit him in the arm, and he was quick to retaliate with the other snowball, hitting her on the shoulder. "John!" she shrieked, the snow splattering and spraying on her face.
“You wanted a war!” he told her, his smile wide as he went to make another snowball. (Y/N) also got to work on a snowball, and when she spun around ready to fire, John also had one in his hands. “That has rocks in it!” John exclaimed, pointing at the snowball in her hands.
“What?! No, it…JOHN!!” she couldn’t even finish her sentence because the second she turned her head to look at her snowball, John threw his at her. She looked at him with wide eyes, the fact that he was laughing at her misfortune making her angry. “Now you’re really going to get it,” she stated, turning and running towards one of the bigger snow piles.
“Show me what you’ve got!” he called back to her, his shoes crunching on the snow behind her.
(Y/N) kept on running until suddenly she slipped on a patch of ice. She landed with an ‘umph’ and barely managed to turn around before she saw John only a couple paces behind her.
“(Y/N)? What hap…woah!” John couldn’t stop himself from slipping on the same patch that (Y/N) had. He also couldn’t maneuver himself away in time and ended up landing right on top of (Y/N). The second he opened his eyes, he saw her inches away from him. “You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she breathed, “you?”
“Yeah,” he echoed her response. The two stared at each other for a moment then, neither making a move to stand. "You look pretty with snow in your hair," John told her then, a smile on his face.
“Thank you,” (Y/N) couldn’t help but blush at his compliment, unsure of what else she should say.
They held eye contact for a moment longer before John spoke up again, “let’s get you up then,” he stated, standing before he offered his hand to her. (Y/N) accepted it and stood to her feet. “Truce?” he asked her, taking the opportunity of her hand in his to initiate a handshake.
“Truce,” she agreed with a smile, dramatically shaking his hand before she shrieked when John used it to pull her in for a kiss. She immediately decided that this was better than a snowball fight and happily kissed him back.
Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mgcllovdrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @lovemissyhoneybee @letal-y-poetica @lora21 @valentinabloom @wildheartsalwaysburn
Countdown to Christmas MASTERLIST
Divider by @/firefly-graphics
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s1r3ns-c4ll · 1 year
Hey siren, so just finished your Poppy fic and I loved it so if it's not too much trouble.
Could you do one with Poppy again where her parents order their crew members capture her on sight and deliver her to them.
Summary : she went on a poacher camp alone and ended up.... ya know
And so FEM mc goes and saves her I need some hurt/comfort in my life.
If any of this makes you uncomfortable at any point feel free to delete this req. Although I did read your guidelines for the request I apologize if you said something about this topic and it slipped my mind
Anyway thank you and have a nice day :)
Find Her (Poppy Sweeting x F!Reader)
Hi! Thank you so much for being my first request! And sorry it took a while! I had a bit of writer's block, but I think this turned out pretty good! Hope you like it! Paring: Poppy x F!Reader Warnings: Implied kidnapping, canon-typical violence. Reader went off in this one. Summary: Poppy had been gone for hours at this point, and you were worried. Natty came with news on the topic, and you were going to find her, no matter what. Word count: 1725 words
This was not how this adventure was supposed to go.
I mean, this wasn’t the first time she’s gone out and saved a few beasts from poachers. Poppy was small, yes, but she could handle her own perfectly fine. 
And she was! She unlocked the cages, setting free a group of mooncalves and a young hippogriff. The Hufflepuff watched as the beasts made their escape and watched as they passed the trees into the forest. 
Poppy began to step backwards, getting ready to head back to Hogwarts, but was interrupted by the swirling of colors that surrounded her, revealing a number of poachers. Very dangerous, very powerful poachers.
Oh no..
“Aye, mate… Ain’t it our lucky day?” She could hear the grin on the poacher’s face, hell, she could see the smile behind their masks. Poppy readied her wand and shoved down any anxiety she felt. She could unpack all of that later.
“It really is! An’ here we thought it couldn’t get any better. The bosses are gonna love this..”
“Time to bring their daughter home.”
Poppy faltered.
Oh.. Oh no.
You were worried.
And angry, and anxious, and so much more. 
It made you feel bad for the possible worry you’ve put your girlfriend through. Because here you are now, playing the role of ‘worried girlfriend’ and you’re about a half a second away from getting on to Highwing and soaring through the skies to find her (and you still might do that either way.)
You found yourself pacing through the Transfiguration courtyard. Imelda and Sebastian stood across from you while Ominis sat by the fountain. Each of them attempted.. In their own ways, to console you.
“I’m sure she’s alright.”
“Imelda, it’s been hours!” You threw your hands up before you ran them through your hair, mussing
“Sweeting’s capable. Even if she’s got herself into a poor situation, she'll be strong enough to survive until we get there, and you save her like her knight in shining armor.” She shrugged. Imelda’s nonchalance both calmed you, but also exasperated you to no end.
Sebastian raised a brow at Imelda. “You sing fairly high praises there, Melly, I thought you didn’t like her.”
“I don’t. I just know when people are impressive. And don’t call me Melly, you oaf!”
“Right..” You managed a chuckle hearing the banter, and the two slytherin smirked triumphantly. The moment didn’t last, though. The relief left just as soon as it came as you watched Natty run over to you and the others, a look of concern on her face.
“My friends! I have news!” The Ugandan looked to you, and that anxiety you had felt before rose considerably
“I hid behind the cover of the trees, and heard a group of poachers talking about a girl they had taken to their base, east of Hogwarts.. They mentioned their leaders being happy with the- Wait-!”
You didn’t need to hear the rest of her sentence, not wanting to waste time that could be used to get to Poppy. Wordlessly, You pulled out the Nab-sack Deek gave you and released Highwing in the middle of the courtyard. You got on her back with practised ease, and she flew up into the skies under your command, guiding her east to where Natty mentioned, ignoring the protests of your companions. You needed to save your girlfriend, after all.
“That idiot! She left us in the dust!”
“I’m as annoyed as you are, Imelda, but you best follow her while she’s still within sight.” Ominis stood up and turned his head to where he assumed the other three were, who were still slightly shocked at the speed you had taken off.
“Did you three not hear me? Get your brooms and go!”
Natty was the first to shake out of their surprise, and ran to follow Ominis’ words. Imelda followed closely, but not without having to run back and grab Sebastian by the cloak as well.
“I’m surrounded by idiots, I swear..”
Poppy was scared.
She hated to admit it, but she was. Her parents stood a few feet away from her. They bickered quietly. About what, she wasn’t sure. Her main focus at that moment was to keep her panic down. You were coming to get her. She knew you were. You were her strong, brave, and immensely wonderful girlfriend. You’ll find her.
Her nerves calmed at the thought of you. That’s right. It’s you. You saved hogsmeade from a troll. You saved Highwing along with Natty from Falbarton Castle.
It’ll be okay..
Crashes and hurried screams made her jump from her thoughts. Yells of protest, magic flying through the air filled the background noise. Her parents started grabbing multiple things and stuffed them into bags as she looked around hastily- until she could faintly make out a voice.
“Where is she!?”
Poppy smiled. 
You found her.
Explosions, crashing, screaming.. Chaos filled your ears as you and your friends burst into the base, caution thrown into the wind in lieu of your rage. You casted confringo on an unsuspecting poacher, and magically threw an explosive barrel at two others. They were going to pay for taking your girlfriend, and you could care less about the carnage you were going to cause. 
Or at least- the carnage you wanted to cause. Sebastian pulled you back by the shoulder, and you looked at him with a scowl.
“What the hell, Sallow-”
“Let us take care of these poachers, you go find Poppy!”
“Go!” Imelda shoved you to the side, and shot a magical blast at an animagus that was aiming at you.
You stumbled, looking at the other three before nodding to them and running off.
You had to find her.
“Poppy-!? Poppy!!” You ran frantically through the poacher base, the distant sounds of fighting between your friends and the poachers long forgotten in preference of searching for your girlfriend. 
Where is she..? Come on.. Have to find her, have to find her have to-
“Let me go!” There we go.
You ran, practically launching yourself in the direction of the familiar voice. You slammed the door open and the sight left you seething. Your girlfriend, your Poppy was bound by the wrists, trying to pull away from two poachers attempting to pull her through a back exit. One tall in stature, and just a few inches taller than Poppy herself.
Oh hell no.
The poachers didn’t quite register that you were there, by the doorway, and you took your chance. Completely foregoing magic use, you strode right up to them and swung. Your fist collided with the mask of the taller one, knocking it off his face and sending his head back. You didn’t spare a second to take a look at his face, and brought your hands together to slam them down, taking the poacher to the ground. He laid on the floor, and not wanting to take the chance (and also wanting to take out your frustrations) you kicked him, sending him into dreamland. 
With your focus on the man, the shorter one cast depulso on you, and your shoulder crashed into the wall. You inhaled through your teeth, pain shot through your shoulder for a second, and you could faintly hear the worried cry of your name from Poppy. You recovered quickly, though, looking more pissed than hurt. You took out your wand and used your ancient magic, slamming the other poacher into the ground multiple times. Overkill? Maybe, but you were mad and you could worry about it later.
Now that you had the chance to look at the poachers you took down, you began to notice little details.. The same shade of brown hair, the softer face shapes..
So they were the parents she talked about.
You take a moment to calm your breath, shaking the thoughts from your mind, chest heaving from how much force you put into those hits and the anger that was bubbling inside of you. Once your breath steadied, you immediately turned your attention to Poppy, and hurried to untie her bindings.
Maybe it was the relief of you finally being there in front of you, or the fear that she had been pushing down, or maybe a bit of both and more, but words just started falling from her lips, frantic apologies and explanations.
“I’m so sorry, everything was going fine- I- I just- released a few beasts from a small camp. That was all it was supposed to be- I never thought they’d- Never thought I’d see them again- that they’d try to do something like this-” Her vision started getting slightly blurry, and you tossed her bindings to the side.
“Shh.. Shh, it’s alright love, don’t apologise.. You have no reason to be sorry.. I’m just glad you’re alright and that I’m here with you now.” You pull the shorter girl closer, letting her fall into you. You cradled the back of her head with one hand, the other rubbing circles on her back as tears began to stain your uniform. You pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and continued to whisper quiet reassurances into her hair.
You both stay like that for a while, long enough for the battling happening outside of the room to quiet down, until the fight your companions were having had finished.
“Let me carry you. It sounds like the others finished the last of the poachers at this base, and Highwing is worried about you.” You adjusted, moving your arm behind Poppy’s knees and lifted her up. Usually, she’d protest, embarrassed at the attention, but she only curled into you more. You felt he arms tighten slightly around your shoulders
“Thank you…”
“Why are you thanking me? I’d come for you no matter the distance, you know that..”
“And before meeting you, the only one who’d go to those lengths was Highwing herself. But now? Now there’s you.. Your friends-”
“Our friends.”
You heard a small chuckle. There she is.
“Our friends. Either way.. I have more people in my corner, and in no small thanks to you.”
“Then you’re welcome, love..” You pressed one last kiss into her head and began walking out of the room and down into the main area of the base, where Highwing and the other three stood, waiting for you.
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halloweenbitch2764 · 2 years
hi! it’s me again haha
i have an angst thing for you 👀
basically billy n stu with a reader who’s aromatic [the aro who can’t fall in love romantically] where they want to reciprocate the two guys feelings but they can’t
i love angst ;-; you can choose whether it’s an angst with comfort or without comfort at the end <33
i greatly appreciate you !
Glad to see you! Hopefully I made this angsty enough for you <3
Billy & Stu with an Aromantic Reader
You had been friends with the boys for a good while, having moved into town at the start of freshman year
Now you were in college
Over time they had *inevitably* grown feelings for you
You didn't notice any attempts at flirting, assuming they were just being your friends
They grew frustrated with your obliviousness
Soon you'd start receiving things like flowers, your favorite candy, stuffed animals, etc.
Classic romance-y shit
That's when it started to feel off
At the same time they became handsy
They never passed any boundaries but suddenly they seemed more touchy
Billy's hand on your waist, Stu's hand on your thigh
You didn't know what to do about it
Being aromantic had ruined friendships in the past when the other party would gain romantic feelings you couldn't return
You didn't want to lose them
You'd move away from their touches and make some excuse as to why you couldn't accept their gifts
You really didn't want to lose their friendship
You hated that you couldn't return it
They were great people (you hadn't known they were Ghostface during highschool)
It always lingered in the back of your mind
You almost felt broken
Why couldn't you feel romantic feelings?
YOU were the reason they'd leave you
It ate away at you and you started to distance from them
They couldn't end the friendship if you just left
You'd avoid where you knew they'd be, taking new routes just to avoid them
You blocked their numbers so they couldn't get ahold of you
It started to consume you
Something was wrong with you. People don't just not feel romantic feelings. Everyone does!
You had suffered with it your whole life
People weren't willing to believe you didn't feel romantic feelings and assumed you were lying to avoid going out with them
They'd get angry and bitter and then leave you
You walked down the hall towards your dorm when you saw them waiting outside your room
Your eyes widened and you turned on your heel to leave
"Hey Y/N!" Billy called
You kept your head down and kept walking at a quicker pace
Stu easily reached you and grabbed your shoulder as Billy soon caught up
"What?!" You asked angrily, tears welling up in your eyes
You weren't angry at them
"What do you mean what? You've been avoiding us like the plague!" Billy sounded irritated and exasperated
Stu looked like the felt the same, though more upset than anything
"Fine. You know what. You're going to leave me anyways. I don't want to date either of you. I can't actually!"
They looked confused at your outburst
"What do you mean, can't?" Stu questioned
"I don't feel romantic feelings. I don't get butterflies or whatever people talk about. I don't get all lovesick and shit. I guess I'm broken or some shit!" A couple tears escaped down your cheeks
Billy and Stu looked at each other
"Why would we leave because of that?"
"Everyone leaves when I don't return their feelings. Every fucking time." You sounded worn down
You were
"Well you're not broken. In fact I remember in highschool I talked to someone who said the same thing. Called themselves aromantic. Apparently it's more common than you think." Stu explained
You were confused
You had never met someone who was like you
You had always been the weird one, the odd one out
"Really?" Your voice sounded desperate with a pinch of hope
He nodded and Billy smiled
"We wouldn't leave you over something like that. You're still our best friend." Billy pulled you into a hug before Stu hugged you as well
You cried, your body not knowing how to react to such acceptance
"Why don't we go get ice cream? The place down the street is awesome from what I've heard." Stu said
So off to get ice cream you all went
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johnschneiderblog · 2 months
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The guitar: a personal history in two parts
Part II: Three chords and sore fingertips
As you might expect, a lowly swabby's personal storage space aboard a Navy ship housing 4,000 souls is practically non-existent. My only option for my newly acquired guitar was to lean it in a corner of the Engineering Log Room, where I worked.
One day a shipmate of mine, Claude Fox, picked it up, tuned it, and, after acknowledging that he played "a little," started plucking recognizable tunes. I was more than impressed; I was astonished.
Claude Fox came from Knoxville, not Nashville, but, as I would soon learn, he could still pick more notes than the number of ants on a Tennessee anthill. He was also generous and patient.
I prevailed upon him to show me chords C, F and G - the building blocks of a thousand songs. Em, D and A soon followed. I was in business,
The tutoring went like this: I would hand-write the lyrics to songs I knew and Claude would add the chord changes. When necessary, he draw diagrams demonstrating how to form those chords. We both had a lot of time on our hands.
After 10 months at sea my musicianship was solidly at the hack level, inching toward rank-amateur status.
Upon discharge, I returned to Detroit with my little guitar and a dozen songs in my repertoire - more than enough to amaze the bonfire chorus. My three brothers were soon plucking their own guitars - each careful to avoid the songs I was playing.
One went Dylan; one went all in on Johnny Cash; the third focused on "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" and "American Pie."
And it didn't stop there. The circle around the campfire grew and soon we were passing the guitar to cousins, nieces, grandchildren.
Splendid ccompaniment.
(By the way, the Epiphone pictured here is not the guitar; son Benjamin left it at our beach house and, with his consent, I've pretty much commandeered it).
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
Smokey and Liang might have eight kids (nine if include Luzhen) but Cherry and Olive will no doubt over take them eventually or at least try.
No doubt their stone/pebble army will cause multiple celestial and demons to try multiverse hopping too, for their sanity. Too many monkeys.
Cherry and Olive do be wanting a big family (here & here).
In Smokey and Liang's (Reborn!SWK & LEM) defence; five of those kids came off a tree, two were free celestial wood-werewolf puppies, and Xiao Qi just spawned himself in. Luzhen being a stone-egg monkey dropped on the parents makes him the most normal monkey kid.
Cherry and Olive (Netflix!SWK & LEM) take one look at the Reborn couple being swarmed with baby monkeys with envy. Then they see the amount of kids au!Spicynoodles has?! No fair! They want more too!
Peach and Plum get a brief warning that the sound-damped guest bedroom on FFM is occupied before the Netflix monkeys run off to do Buddha-knows what.
Meanwhile inside Pigsy's Noodles, Netflix!Tripitaka suddenly stops talking and gets a horrified look on his face like his cicada-senses are tingling.
Netflix!Tripitaka: "Oh sweet Buddha, not again." LMK!Tang: "Huh?" Netflix!Tripitaka: "You know how I said that we've had to keep a close eye on our monkeys or else they'd... multiply?" LMK!Tang, snickering: "How can you tell?" Netflix!Tripitaka: "We've left them alone for more than an hour, thats how I know."
Afterwards, Peach is just shrugging cus what did he expect? To quote a certain cartoon Squid;
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Later on, Cherry and Olive are grinning ear-to-ear with news of future "pebbles". Their pilgrims are very tired/annoyed. The other verses monkeys are confused.
Smokey: "This isn't a competition!" Cherry: "Sounds like someone who's about to lose 1st place!" Smokey: "We didn't even make ours like that..."
Cherry and Olive are def that couple who brag loudly about their kids. Cherry being the worst for it - he can rival most DBKs with his parental pride. If him and Olive learn about ultrasounds, then the other monkeys are getting the photos shoved in their faces. It may or may not inspire anger/competitiveness.
Dasheng, annoyed: "Gah! I hate how much they've been bragging about their new kid! They aren't the only ones who can have them naturally..." Zhanshi: "Hmm, maybe they should have actual competition?" Dasheng: "...what are you implying?" Zhanshi, giggling: "Just a thought." Dasheng, blushing and laughing nervously: "My dear wife, What Does That Mean!?" Liuer, in the next room: "...why do I feel like I'm going to have a new sibling soon?"
The celestials and demons in the Netflix!verse are terrified by the army will soon overrun them. The Jade Emperor of that verse is sending sos's to his LMK counterpart for help like "We're overrun with monkeys! Please send reinforcements!" and LMK Jade Emperor just blocks the number.
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jesssssssssica · 1 year
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strangers max, that’s all we had to be. we could’ve, no should’ve just ignored each other in the paddock and yet we didn’t. why?
why couldn’t we have just left each other alone and just thought of each other as just another face in the crowd? i know we’d be much happier if we had left it at that. but we didn’t and we were such idiots.
we were meant to be strangers, nothing more nothing less. that’s what we were meant to be, we were meant to be just two stars that shined in the same sky but did not do anything with each other. we were meant to just get on with our lives and not remember each other and just continue to love our partners and yet we couldn’t.
instead we were like two magnets and we couldn’t help but speak to each other, reeling each other in and get infatuated with one another by our words, hell i was hooked by your first hello.
we were at the most meant to be just two friends that chatted occasionally, not two people rushing away to cleaning closets and kissing each other so quickly that it was as if our lips had barely touched yet held so much meaning.
we were meant to be two people who were both in a happy and healthy relationship. two people that were dedicated to showing their partner they loved them, not two people that would think of the other whilst lying in the bed of the one that was dedicated to them and them only.
though it was wrong we didn’t feel bad when we were cuddled up in each other's arms, blocking out the world around us, but we did feel the guilt pulsing through our veins when we would meet at an event, arms around our partner, wearing the fake smile and using the fake laugh. no, it wasn’t fair to them, especially when they thought we were just friends, no not even that when they thought we were just two strangers.
i remember whispering frantically down the phone to you max, about how we should just call everything off. i remember how you tried to comfort me as best as you could even though you were so far away, telling me things that warmed my heart and yet at the same time made me want to throw something in anger. why when i need to push away from you, must you always make me want to come running back to you? god, i must sound like a teenage girl going through her first real relationshi-.
first real relationship. that’s what lando is to me, my first real relationship, one that started when we were thirteen to now when we were twenty-three. god, what a fun decade that’s been. i remember how i was so in love with him that i would speak about you constantly with my friends and the number of times i spoke to them friends about him must’ve driven them up the walls sometimes.
i remember how when we were twelve, he liked some other girl and i was so devastated that i cut my hair short, just like hers and instead of making it shoulder length, i cut it to just below my ears, making it look like a bob. of course i was in tears because of my new hairdo that i nearly forgot about the whole “lando’s in love with another girl” but then he sat down next to me and hugged me and said “your hair looks nice like that”. that was the day i knew i was in love.
i remember how when i was nineteen when lando was really going through the ranks, i was so jealous of all the beautiful women that would always cheer him on and touch his arm whilst laughing obnoxiously. i hated that and yet lando would always be there for me, whispering sweet nothings to me, reminding me that no matter what he would always be there as long as i was there for him.
he was lando norris. my lando norris. the first boy to ever tell me that he loved me. lando norris who would make me laugh even on the darkest days. lando norris who would make me go mad, making me scream and shout till i was on the verge of losing my voice and yet would always manage to calm and soothe me. lando norris who swore when we were fifteen that he would marry me one day and that as soon as he was able to buy the perfect ring then he would propose. the lando norris that will forever be in my heart, my soulmate.
now look at me, betraying the one person i know loves me for everything that i am, the one that’s been there with me through my highs and lows whilst i sleep with men that aren’t him, making him believe that i’m just out having a girl's night.
even though i’m doing this behind his back over and over again, i still love him. am i fucked in the head? maybe. how can i still love a man and yet put him through such pain?
he can never find out. we’re just strangers max that’s it and even though every time i look into your eyes and am forced to remember everything we did, we have to pretend we’re just two strangers, nothing more, nothing less.
for lando and for kelly.
even though i feel so much pain whenever i see you and her share a quick peck, lando always seems to be the medicine i need to make me feel better, better than anyone can ever make me feel.
and even though i feel so happy when you tell me you would give up everything that you have with kelly for me, i’m always reminded that it’s not possible, it’s just not. we’d never be happy, not really and there is a limit to how many smiles you can fake without reaching your breaking point and we’d be the people to discover just how high that number is.
so maybe we should stop, as much as i love our meetings in secret, the thrill of sneaking around, we have to stop. not just for lando and kelly but for ourselves.
because i’m in love with lando and i always will. what we had was great but it’s made me realise that we were just two people that just needed a bit of fresh air before returning back to their lives. i will always remember what we had, how you would always kiss me with so much passion and how you would always take care of me first, you’ll always be there in the back of my mind.
and maybe someday i will tell lando about the stranger that i snuck around with but i will never tell him it was you.
because to me you are just a stranger.
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swamp-tastic · 1 month
Gambling never ends well.... unless you're Hero
“Oh Spirits, protect me.” A soft light enveloped Mage, akin to a protective embrace.  And just in time! A fist collided with the wall of light, causing small cracks to form in the magical shell.
“Mage! I’m not joking, give me back my money, or I swear to the Saints!” Hero was punching the barrier with her fists, causing quite a scene. More and more cracks began to form. It was only a matter of time before Hero managed to break this make-shift protection.
The mystic meanwhile held a bag of coins to his chest. “Hero, Angel explicitly told us not to waste all our money on this!” “Come oooooon!” Hero stopped pounding the barrier, letting her arms hang in clear frustration. “The dealer said that I was gonna win next round for sure.”
Our adventurers found themselves in a gambling hall. Through some twist of fate or other, only Hero and Mage had ventured into this establishment. However, Angel had set strict rules for the two of them, so they wouldn’t gamble away all their money.
“I’m pretty sure they say that to everyone…” Mage said. “Nu-uh!” Hero replied, heroically. “Besides, I’ve got a plan.”
“EVERYTHING ON RED!” Hero shouted, pushing a bag of money at the dealer.  Soon, a small marble was spinning around a colorful wheel. With bated breath, the gamblers (and Hero) waited for which color would win. At last, the marble landed on-
“AND THE WINNER IS BLA- huh?!” The dealer looked back at the wheel. He could have sworn that the marble had landed on black, but it was clearly in red. Weird…. 
With a wide smile, Hero collected her winnings.
“Gimme another card!” Hero said with confidence. Sure, she didn’t know what these cards meant, nor could she add the numbers they apparently symbolized, but from what she had seen, the coolest people always called for an extra card.
The other players on the table were too busy with their own minds to pay much attention to how cool Hero was, however. A sensation of pure existantial dread had overcome all of them, causing them to pay no attention the game they were currently losing.
It wasn’t long before Hero left the table, with twice as much money as she arrived.
“Miss Hero?” A man as wide as an oak was blocking Heros path. Looking him up and down, Hero wasn’t impressed. “What?” “We will have to escort you out. It has come to our attention that you may be cheating.” Crossing her arms behind her head, Hero sighed. “Eh, whatever. I was getting bored anyway.”
“You will also have to return all your winnings.”
Again, Hero looked at the security guard. There were two more subtly flanking her. Then, with a sigh, Hero put her hands on her hips. “Yeah, I’m not gonna do that.”
“We weren’t ask-UUGH,” with a loud THUD, the security fell to the floor, his face bloody from where Heros punch had connected.  Behind her, Mage stepped out of a pillar of purple flames. “Well, seems like we’re no longer welcome here.” “Still, it was fun while it lasted.”
Mage sighed. “Easy for you to say. Originally I only planned to ask the spirits to tip things in your favor, but they are so weak in this city that I had to do everything myself.” “And it went great. Now come on, let’s go.”
And so, Hero walked out of the gambler den, followed by Mage. Unseen, Legion followed after them. The spirit was clearly pleased with itself. Behind them, the security guards were lying on the floor, trapped in a terrible nightmare.
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Chapter 6
Series Masterlist
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A/N: Hi! It ain’t a sweet chapter, sorry:( but it’ll get better soon! Promise! I’m also thinking about posting one of the smut one shots that I’ve already written…about our sweet Stevie wearing a bunny costume and…a cute bunny tail…if you know what I mean👀
Warnings; heartbreak </3
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You took out your phone, to Steve; I’m sorry, I can’t do this. It’s over.
It was over.
Steve looked down at his phone when he heard the ringtone he had just for you. A smile crept onto his lips, but it quickly disappeared. “What is it?”, Bucky asked next to him, trying to peek at his phone. He immediately showed Bucky the message, since he had to listen to Steve’s rant about you for the past few hours, so he knew everything about your situation. Maybe more than he’d like to…
But it was interesting, he had to admit. So he had listened and imagined how it would be to have a woman in charge. It sounded really…appealing. The whip? Just wow.
After reading the message he looked back at Steve, as confused as the blonde, but less hurt. “I don’t know what happened? I didn’t do anything-I mean- I…I told her I loved her but…but I thought she felt the same. Do you think it’s because of that? Because I said I loved her? God did I really mess it up so soon? Was it my fault?”, he started rambling, making Bucky shake his shoulders forcefully. “Shut up, it’s not your fault. You have to ask her. Do it now-text her-call her or god, I don’t know, go to her place. Talk to her. There has to be a reason-maybe she’s scared of the age difference? Maybe…maybe…I don’t know”, Bucky tried to think of a reason, not even suspecting Steve’s father being the cause of all this.
Steve wiped away a single tear from his cheek, that he hadn’t even noticed falling. “You’re right. I’ll drive to her place. And I’ll buy flowers-maybe chocolate? I don’t even know what flowers she liked-god maybe I shouldn’t be her boyfriend. Maybe I’d be a shit boyfriend who treats his girls awfully-“ “Steve, alone that you’re thinking and worrying about it shows you’re great. Let’s not jump to conclusions…it’s probably a misunderstanding…”, Bucky tried to calm his best friend down.
It didn’t work. Steve started sending one text message after the oh they, but none of them were delivered. Fuck.
They only had a few minutes left and as soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Steve stormed out of the room.
He drove faster than usually, pretty sure he also missed a red light, before stopping at a flower shop to buy you roses. Roses were good, right? It’s what they always buy in movies.
He felt pathetic. Not even knowing what kind of flowers to buy for a girl. Maybe you were right with ending this…relationship or whatever it was between you two. You had been right about him. He was too young. Just a teenager without any experience in…anything, really. He was still in high school. He never had a job. Barely passed maths…god, he can’t even grow a fucking beard. How could he even think he’d be good enough for you?
Was he stupid for feeling so deeply connected to you? Naive? Was it because you were the first girl he had kissed? The first sex he had? The first…person he ever loved? But you knew all of this. You wouldn��t have used him just for fun, he knew that. So what changed?
Steve looked down at his phone, then back to your building and once again to the messages.
What did I do wrong?
Why are you ending this?
I'm coming to your place so we can talk this through.
Don’t leave me. Please.
Please answer.
Tell what I did wrong. I’ll do better.
I promise.
Is it because of what I said? I didn’t mean to.
I mean, I did mean what I said but I didn’t mean to say it in a rush. I’m sorry.
I’m such an idiot.
Please text me back.
Did something happen?
Are you okay?
Wait…it’s not delivered?
Did you block my number?
Steve wiped away a few stray tears, quickly trying to pull himself together. Just in time for an older man to open the door, Steve quickly left his car and entered after him, walking right to your door.
Taking a deep breath he knocked at your door and waited. His hands sweaty and shaking. His breathing heavy. His vision still blurry from the previous tears. Was he weak for crying? But on the other hand he was in love for the first time. He had his first time with you…just yesterday…maybe you didn’t like how inexperienced he was? Maybe you thought he wouldn’t be good enough with all the…bdsm stuff? That’s what you called it. But he’d learn…why wouldn’t you give him a chance?
Nobody was opening the door, so he knocked again, louder. “He-hey it’s me. Steve. Can we talk?” his voice was trembling, so he tried to clear his throat, only to feel even weaker than before. His hands started shaking even more, the roses rustling against each other, some leaves falling to the floor. “Please open the door…we can talk it out. I’m sorry. Whatever I did to upset you, I’m so sorry”, he mumbled, leaning his forehead against the wood. Still no answer.
After listening for any movement he came to the conclusion you weren’t even home. His head thumbed once again against the door-then he heard a knob turn, but it wasn’t from your door. The older man from before, who apparently was your neighbor, opened her door. "Stop banging on her door! Didn't you do that enough last night? Ugh kids these days..." But seeing Steve’s swollen and red eyes with roses in his hands, he understood something had happened. “Young man, you’re a bit too late to apologise. She packed her belongings and left, not looking back”, the man looked at the heartbroken boy. Behind the thick glasses his gaze softened, while a sob escaped Steve’s throat. “But I didn’t do anything-she-she just sent me a message-didn’t even explain anything-she just left. Just like that”, Steve explained to the guy, not even caring if he was interested in listening or not. He just needed to talk about it.
“Come here, boy. I’ll make you tea and you can tell me what happened.” Steve hesitated for a moment but followed the man in his apartment, feeling incredibly safe around him, even though he was a stranger. “Now sit down at the table. I’ll make some chamomile tea. Call me Stan and who are you boy?”, said Stan, filling the kettle with water. “Steve”, he answered quietly, looking down at the roses in his hand.
Stan held out his hand for them, Steve not thinking twice before giving him these, the older man putting them in a pretty vase. “Maybe she’ll be back. We don’t want the flowers to wilt, don’t we?” Steve shook his head slowly, his shoulders slumped making himself look small.
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but she didn’t only left with a suitcase but also with another man…“, Stan said, his voice calm but sympathetic. He patted Steve’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright. You’re young. You’ll meet another girl. Or boy. Everything is possible these days. Enjoy your youth as long as you can…besides…aren’t you a bit young to bring this woman flowers?”, asked Stan, curiously but still friendly.
Steve sighed quietly. Was it really that obvious?
“I’m 18…she’s a bit older but I don’t mind. She’s amazing…she…she’s intelligent. And funny. And so good in maths…”, he mumbled, looking down at his steaming tea. “I…I really love her.”
Stan squeezed Steve should, taking his hand from him and drinking from his tea, nodding for Steve to do the same. After a few moments Stan stood up, taking cookies out and putting them on the table. “Have a cookie.” Steve did as told, mouching on the sweets. “Maybe she wasn’t meant for you, Steve. I had met my true love closer to thirty than your age. And maybe it’s just not your time yet. Sometimes we meet people for the sake of meeting and experiencing. Not for them to be a part of our life forever…they’re just in a few chapters and then…disappear. If she treated you like that, she clearly wasn’t a good person. She didn’t care about your feelings. If she did care about you, you’d find a way to be together. Age difference or not, love always finds a way”, Stans words made Steve’s heart ache. The butterflies he usually felt thinking about you made him feel sick. He could puke. He could scream. But all that really happened was more tears leaving his eyes.
With a trembling lip he looked up at Stan.
“So…it’s over?”
While Steve was spending a few hours pouring out his heart to Stan, you were at Jake's place, changing out of your wrinkled office clothes. He was calling his friends to ask about the job offer they had a while ago-and maybe someone had a place for you to stay. At least for a while. Fortunately Aisha's roommates moved out recently, so she immediately offered the room to you. And you took it. You had no other choice…
Or did you? Not if you wanted Steve to have a future. He was intelligent, a really smart and hardworking guy who deserved to go to college…you wouldn’t be the reason why he wouldn’t do it. If it meant you’d have a broken heart…then be it. He’d be happy. Steve was a sweetheart, girls loved him. And he’d find a girl that’s perfect for him. Maybe one, that is his age.
Sighing you looked at yourself in the mirror. Was it noticeable how much older you were compared to Steve? It wasn’t that much…why are you even thinking about it? It doesn’t matter anymore. It was over. You had to accept that.
You had to accept you lost Steve.
Probably the love of your life.
Doesn’t matter.
You’d get over it.
At some point…
Or not…
Head shaking you brushed your hair out of your face, your neat hairstyle from when you did it this morning completely messy and tangled. The makeup you wore totally smudged.
You didn’t only look like a mess, you were one. You had no idea what would happen next. Within only a few hours everything had broken apart. Especially your heart.
And even more when you saw the few messages from Steve.
What did I do wrong?
Why are you ending this?
I'm coming to your place so we can talk this through.
Don’t leave me. Please.
Please answer.
Tell what I did wrong. I’ll do better.
I promise.
Then you had blocked him. The few messages broke your heart and you felt awful. Especially since he thought it was his fault. Of course the first thing Steve thought about was being at fault. That he did something wrong…
God, you were an awful human being.
“Are you hungry?”, Jake's voice brought you out of thoughts, making you look back at him. His gaze softened even more seeing your teary eyes. “It’ll be alright”, he whispered, pulling you in the hundreds hug today. Immediately more tears started pouring from your eyes.
“It won’t be, Jake…not without him.”
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Thank you for reading!:) I hope you enjoyed reading, the next chapter will be out soon! I think the series till be around 9 (or maybe 10) chapters long!!^^
Please don’t forget to like, comment and reblog!
Tags: @inlovewithchrisevans
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iamfruitie · 7 months
Caution and Care Pt. 2
Part 1: Link Next: Link
Partial Observations
Anti stepped out of the bathroom first, keeping Mad mostly behind him and unable to stop the growl from rumbling in his throat when he saw the alpha in the room. He knew this had to be Edward, the doctor, but he still felt like he had to be defensive. 
“It’s okay. He’s here to help.” JJ kept himself between Anti and Edward. 
“I won’t hurt you,” Edward spoke calmly. “We can start with weighing you so I know the base. I can look up your records and see where-”
“You won’t find records,” Anti stated, walking him and Mad over to where the scale was. 
“Why won’t I find records?” Edward asked as Anti stood on the scale, writing down the number on the screen. 
“We were kicked out of our pack. Our parents gave up on us and let the alphas throw us out like garbage.” Anti spat the last word and got off the scale. “We’re lucky to be alive.” He added in almost a whisper as he waited for Mad to get on the scale.
“I’ll still see if I can find anything.” Edward wrote down Mad’s weight. “Until then, are there any allergies or prominent medical conditions I should be aware of?” Anti was done talking to Edward, not even wanting to look at the alpha anymore, and he walked Mad to the bed, having both of them sit on the edge of it. 
“Nothing he needs to be aware of,” Anti answered the question to JJ.
“Mad likely has a bug,” JJ said to Edward. “He has a bad cough that kicks in and is pretty weak, but there’s no fever that we can tell.” 
“We can check his temperature to be sure, and I can get a closer look at that broken horn while we wait for the reading.” Edward went closer to Anti and placed a hand on his horn. Anti hissed and slapped Edward’s hand away from him.
“Don’t touch me!” Anti moved further up the bed, moving Mad with him and blocking him with his body again. 
“That wasn’t a smart move.” JJ hummed at Edward as he picked up a thermometer. 
“I need to get a close look at the horn to help care for it,” Edward explained, keeping his voice at the same soft and calm tone. 
“No,” Anti stated with a snarl. 
“Mad, may I take your temperature?” JJ asked, getting a head nod from Mad. “This will go in your mouth. Keep your lips closed tight and leave this under your tongue.” He explained, knowing that Mad likely was already more than aware of how this worked, but he could see him casually talking to him was comforting. The room took an awkward silence as JJ waited for the thermometer. The beeping finally broke the pause. “It’s normal. No fever.” 
“No fever but weak with a cough. There’s a chance a good part of the fatigue may be coming from the lack of food. Does your throat hurt?” Edward asked Mad, watching as Mad never looked at him and kept his eyes on JJ, shaking his head to answer that question. “And I have a feeling Anti will try to bite me if I try to get a closer look at Mad,” Edward muttered to himself in thought. “Try to get some water and food in them. I’m going to head out.” He said to JJ before stepping out of the room. 
“He has an idea.” JJ chuckled. 
“I don’t like the sound of that,” Anti grumbled. 
“I’m more than sure everything will be okay. But Edward does have a point about water and food. Warming you up was only step one in helping you.” JJ returned to the setup Edward had left behind, cleaning off the thermometer and putting it away. 
“May we come in?” Dark asked with a light knock on the door. 
“Yeah,” Anti answered, keeping himself and Mad how they were. 
“We went with grilled cheese and tomato soup,” Wilford said, making his way past Dark to get into the room first, both holding trays with the food on them. He went to JJ and kissed the top of his head between his horns, getting a little giggle from JJ.
“Try not to eat too fast,” Dark said, placing the tray on the bed. “It’ll be tempting, but I don’t want you two to get sick.” Wilford sat his tray down as well. 
Mad and Anti dug in as soon as the food was within reach. Mad couldn’t hold back his happy, satisfied purrs as he ate, the sandwich tasting like heaven after barely eating in so long. Anti got influenced by Mad’s purrs and ended up doing the same. 
“I can see why you suggested doing only one sandwich at a time,” Wilford said and watched as Anti and Mad ignored the silverware and lifted the bowls to drink the soup. “And to not make the soup too hot.” 
“Fuck, that felt good.” Anti groaned with a pant, licking his lips to get the last bit of the soup. Mad looked at Dark and opened his mouth to say something. He closed it and swallowed, turning his head to hide his face.
“Would you like more?” Dark asked. Mad grabbed the back of Anti’s shirt and tugged on it.
“Yes,” Anti answered for him. 
“I got it.” Wilford waited for Anti and Mad to take the cups of water before stacking the trays and leaving the room. 
“Where’s Edward?” Dark asked JJ.
“He said he was heading out,” JJ answered with a shrug. 
“Context as to why?”
“Anti was going to eat his face if he tried touching them.” 
“Oh.” Dark looked back to the bed when Anti softly laughed at JJ’s comment. Mad had a little smile and was lightly giggling. “Good news is he wouldn’t have been willing to leave if he thought they were in a too dangerous situation.” 
“They’re hungry and tired. Let them finish eating and then get some sleep. It’s also very late, and you should head to bed, too.” 
“But I-”
“Nope, nope, nope.” JJ guided Dark out of the room, getting more laughs and giggles from Anti and Mad. “You’re of no help if you’re too tired. There’s a lot of work to finish tomorrow, and a half-awake Dark is not a safe Dark.”
“But Anti and Mad-”
“I got it. Bye~” JJ sang as he waved Dark away. “Thank you.” He then took the tray from Wilford. “You can head off to bed as well. I’ll join you shortly.” 
“Are you sure?” Wilford asked.
“Omega care is my ballfield. You two go focus on your sport.” JJ used his hip to close the door before carrying the rest of the food to the bed. “Finish up, and then I’ll finally leave you alone to get some rest.”
“Thank you,” Mad said as he took one of the sandwiches and began eating it, going much slower this time. 
“It is no problem at all.” JJ smiled as he went over to the chair in the room and sat in it. 
No words got shared while Anti and Mad ate. A comfortable silence fell between them until the food and water were gone. 
“Try to get some sleep. You don’t have to worry about anyone else coming into this room. Everyone knows better.” JJ said as he stood and gathered the tray. “The remote to the TV is in the bedside table’s drawer if you’d like some noise to sleep to.” 
“Do you have streaming?” Mad asked, crawling over Anti to get into the bedside table. 
“We do. Everything’s already logged in, so you can get into anything you like.”
“We can finish our show. We might have to start it over since it’s been so long, or we can watch a movie.” Mad turned the TV on, and as he waited for it to load, he put himself under the bed covers. 
“I’ll see you two in the morning,” JJ said.
“Thank you…for all of this.” Anti sounded a little awkward and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Like I said, it’s no problem at all.” JJ smiled at him before leaving the room, closing the door gently. 
“What if we watched-” Mad’s question turned into a yawn, which became a cough.
“Let’s turn on a show we’ve already seen or don’t have to focus on. Something tells me you’ll be falling asleep pretty fast.” Anti got himself under the covers as well. 
“Maybe,” Mad mumbled, eyes already half-closed. 
“Maybe.” Anti echoed with a chuckle, taking the remote and selecting a random cooking show. 
“The bed is so soft.” Mad sighed happily. “And the blankets are warm.” He rolled to his side and tugged at Anti’s shirt again. 
“They are.” Anti agreed and moved himself to lay on his side with Mad. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to his chest. Mad purred as he nuzzled his face into Anti, hugging him as well. Mad also proved Anti right, and it wasn't long before he started drifting off. He was warm, full, and felt safe in Anti’s embrace. “Good night, Mad,” Anti whispered, kissing the top of Mad’s head before closing his eyes and trying to sleep. 
It took several hours. Anti reacted to every sound in the building, holding Mad tighter at the slightest thought of someone else coming into the room, but eventually, his body couldn’t fight it anymore, and he fell asleep.
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Sudden Sparks - 2
@willkatfanfromasia and I are back with the new chapter to our modern KunxVT series... happy reading 💖
This is getting more difficult by the minute, she huffed. Kriti was trying hard- very hard,mind you!- to look only into the laptop screen as Vaishakh was entertaining her niece with a game of scrabble. 
Seems convenient enough, if not for two things 
Her niece popping up with enthusiastic questions
Vaishakh looking at her from the corner of his eyes
"Mama! What about Pandemic? Will it fit? " 
Kriti couldn't help but smirk, her niece was a chip off the old block. 
"Ayo! I didn't know that word till i was 12…Besides it's 8, we need 9 letters!"
This was enough trigger for the vivacious Kriti jr. 
"Athaiii, help me!!! Oh no wait" 
"Pancake? No!"
"Premier? Pendant? Nooo"
Her niece had apparently inherited not just her intelligence but also her stubbornness in solving problems alone. 
Vaishakh opened his mouth, eager to put the child out her misery but the sight of her aunt's narrowed eyes silenced him
"Let her be, she'll figure it out" the eyes signalled. 
And what eyes they were!
 "Got it! Pachyderm" the little girl yelled pulling him out of his reverie 
She had a smile plastered on her face as she arranged the letters on board. " You never fail to amaze me! How'd you hear about it?" He asked the jubilant child
" Simple,uncle Arun supports a charity that cares for rescue elephants. So I remembered him saying that"  
This kid was truly something else! Aditya and Nandini raved about how intimidating their daughter would be if she's anything like her aunt…I think I might find out soon, he mused.
The game demanded a 5 letter word starting with M. 
"Marry" he decided subconsciously.. not expecting a barrage of questions. 
"Marry? As in marriage? Like how uncle Arun says he'll marry aunt Vinita" 
"Er.. yes"
"Like how those grandmas at the parties we attend keep asking athai when she'll marry" 
Interesting tidbit,he grinned, as he saw a blush spread down Kriti sr's neck. 
Kriti knew her niece's fondness for mischief rivalled her mother's. Her niece knew the word, even if she doesn't understand the concept.
"You know what the word means, sweetheart, that's enough" said the soft but firm voice. Kriti jr turned away from her playmate to shoot her aunt a cheeky smile.
Before she could open her mouth again, Kriti pointed at the side table "I have an old PlayStation kept there. Haven't used it in ages but feel free to dust it and explore" 
Vaishakh, already boyish, turned even more youthful in that moment as he shared her niece's curiosity.
She'd pay to see that face everyday… wait, where did that come from?
They gleefully unwrapped the device, intermittently coughing as they dusted it off. 
All the living room plug points were occupied, so they followed Kriti's instruction and headed to the guest room.
She felt a vague sense of doubt as she saw them go. "There's something wrong with the guest room…but what was the problem? Shit! Looking at numbers all day has addled my brain"
Just as she perused her memories to figure it out…
The house was engulfed in pitch darkness
"Oh…shi…shih-tzu" exclaimed the male voice
Charming even now, she snickered.
 Kriti breathed through the initial shock and reached for her phone. She realised she left it to charge in her bedroom and smacked her head.  Her niece's 'spooky' howling was only encouraged by the big kid next to her. The dual tones of wolf mimicry only cemented Kriti's migraine.
'This will have to do' she exhaled turned her laptop screen towards the room. She spotted a torch in a shelf beneath the TV. She walked carefully and picked it up. 
The howls had died down and only faint yelps could be heard. 
Curious,she switched it on, pointing it towards the guest room. 
Lo and behold! She saw the two 'wolves' tamed by a bar of chocolate.
Turns out her co-babysitter is not just a pretty airhead.
The assurance of their safety only itched her need to tell them off
"Breathe kriti. It's not their fault remember" she thought as she breathed slowly.
The guest room circuit had tripped once before. She'd been putting off replacing it due to her never-ending schedule of business meetings and deadlines. 
In fact, it was the latest 'deadline' that distracted her from warning her guests. 
The 2 "wolves" looked sheepish, hoping she wouldn't tell them off for the short-circuit or eating chocolate on her bed. Kriti harrumphed " if you can't beat them, then join them" and bounced on the mattress- swiftly stealing a molten square from their hands.
"So..." Vaisakh said, licking his fingers off the chocolate "I think the power went out when we switched on the light. Maybe it must be a short circuit?"
"The wire had been faulty" Kriti sr replied, popping another chunk of chocolate into her mouth, "I've been meaning to get it fixed"
"You mean the great perfectionist Kriti forgot to do a task?" Vaisakh fixed her with a teasing look "You're clumsy"
That struck a nerve because Kriti was so proud of her organisational skills and getting things done on time. "I wasn't being clumsy, I was busy. There's a huge difference between the two - maybe you'd understand if you stop being so childish " She retorted and saw the smile vanish from Vaisakh's lips.
"You don't know me so don't just assume" He said in a serious tone
"Right back at you" Kriti strike back, neither noticing Kriti jr glancing between them with a frown.
She let out a small whimper and both adults looked in her direction.. Kriti felt bad on seeing her niece so upset.
"Okay, this useless banter is not helping our situation" She said, looking back at Vaisakh "And how can we conclude this was just the short circuit? It could also be a general power cut "
Vaishakh nodded "Let's go ask next door". They washed their hands and knocked on the opposite door.
Mrs.Venkatesh opened the door with her usual friendly smile and regarded the visitors with curiosity "Yes, Kriti dear. Is there any problem?"
"I'm so sorry to disturb you but our lights just went out and I was wondering if it was a power cut"
Mrs. Venkatesh glanced back at her brilliantly lit living room "Well, I don't think so. Must be a short circuit". Kriti hummed, trying not to look at Vaisakh and give him the satisfaction of proving her wrong.
"Would you like to come in?" Mrs. Venkatesh stole a glance at Vaisakh "And don't forget to introduce your boyfriend to me" she half whispered to Kriti who turned red at the implication. "No we're fine and " She pointed towards the boy next to her "and he's not my boyfriend "
"That's what they always say" Mrs. Venkatesh commented before waving them goodbye and closing the door.
Kriti glared at a smirking Vaisakh "Stop laughing. It wasn't that funny"
"It was a little funny" He said, now smirk turning into a grin
"Whatever, grab jr. Let's get inside. I'll call maintenance " She ordered and noted his puzzled expression "I thought she was with you" He said slowly
"No, I thought she was with you"
They looked around at the empty corridor and their opened door. Kriti felt like she was going to be sick.
Her niece was missing!
To be continued...
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