#had a gift card for a -fancy- theater
pinkiealexie · 2 years
𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲! ♡ 𝘏𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘴
❥ REQUESTED: Anonymous
"Can i request The rottmnt turtles spending time with their s/o on valentines"
Can be read as romantic or platonic love!
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♡ This big guy is so sweet on Valentine's day that it could give you cavities and overall just so heart warming
♡ He wants to do everything and anything that you'll enjoy doing on such a special day. He'll put your wants before his and who wouldn't find that adorable?
♡ With the help of April, Raph will give you those valentines day baskets full of a bunch of stuff you like such as your favorite drinks, candies, sweets, plushies, and other cute stuff you can imagine!
♡ Broski will literally spoil you so much
♡ Oh! What's that? You brought him a valentines gift too? I think Raph is in the corner smiling and giggling like a middle school girl; I am not joking when he cherishes whatever you gave him he will protect it with his life no matter how big or small it was
♡ What else can I say? Brodie is literally wearing Valentines Day's most recognized color *cough* red
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♡ Lots and I mean LOTS of D.I.Y/handcrafted gifts made just for you
♡ That means paper flowers, baked goods, decorated cards, and lots of other stuff, and personally I believe handmade gifts are the best type of gifts because it shows just how much time a person devoted into making something for you
♡ When giving you your Valentines gifts expect to see Mikey covered in paper scraps, a bit of glue, and paint
♡ You got Mikey a gift too? And it's a plushie, Ohmigosh!!
♡ He'll always sleep with that plushie from that day and on, he'll give it a name and everything! Ends up apologizing to the stuffed plush if they ever accidentally ended up on the floor when he slept
♡ For the rest of the day you'll both end up watching cheesy romance movies then crying at the end being like omg they were endgame
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♡ You'll get such a nice bouquet of flowers, specifically red roses. It is Valentines day significant flower is it not?
♡ Secondly, Leo takes you out for dinner! How romantic, but its not a big fancy 5 star restaurant, you think he could afford to pay that much? He'd tell you that when they hand out the check you'd both make a run and they'd just have to catch you.
♡ You'll eat at Hueso's, and you both end up eating a heart shaped pizza with drink of your choice. How yummy
♡ Once done eating, Leo would take you around the hidden city and spend whatever money you had left on stuff you saw and wanted. Pretty much a shopping spree, hooray!
♡ Sneaking into places as well, like concerts, hotels, movies, fairs, carnavals, and other places. As long as you don't get caught then you're good to go.
♡ Once you were both of of moolah you just have a nice walk around the place at night! A very nice conversation would start, then it'd lead to a deep conversations but that's up to you to think about
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♡ Used to not celebrate Valentines day. Not that he didn't like it but he's never been too big on celebrating it, until you came into the picture
♡ You see him on Valentines and he gifts you stuff he made himself! Like a music box, jewelry, or a plush that can be a loyal servant to you. His pride fills up whenever you thank him for the lovely gifts
♡ The rest of the day is you and him making playlist for each other, dancing to those playlist because after all his online persona is Bootyyyshaker9000 for a reason lol! Are you no good at dancing? He'll try his best to teach you himself
♡ Before or after that you'll both have a karaoke night with each other because what else can be better than that? Singing your whole hearts out like such theater kids
♡ Video game sessions, very self explanatory
♡ Uh, the end. Kinda ran out of ideas 😭
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babybluebanshee · 17 days
so a dead mall near me is being torn down in October and while I’m glad the space will hopefully be used for something better, the little freak part of me is sad to lose such an interesting, cursed space. I love dead malls. I find them fascinating. So I shall recount to you my personal experience inside this particular dead mall, which I shall call C Mall.
so a little context - shae and I were there because I got a v-stock (vintage resale shop that mostly specializes in movies, video games, and other nerd swag; I buy a lot of movies from them) gift card for Christmas one year and that was the closest one to where we’d been shopping that day. I had never been to C Mall, the entire time it was open. I didn’t even know it was still open at the time. We drove out and, kids, you’ve never seen a parking lot that big that deserted. Only about a third of it had any cars in it, and that’s because those were the spots closest to the movie theater and Cheesecake Factory that were somehow chugging along inside. Even then, that third was barely a quarter full. I knew right away I was gonna love this place.
the v-stock was on the populated side of the mall, so if you just stayed in there, you probably wouldn’t have ever known it was in a dead mall. It was fairly bustling, there was even a line at the register. But there were signs all around if you paid attention - water stained ceilings, a musty smell despite the clerks’ best efforts, and, creepiest of all, on the lower level where the movies were, a huge window that offered you a look into the darkened food court. The chairs all put up on tables to clean the floor, but never put down again. Most of the food stands shuttered and bare, but some still wide open with signage. The only light the sunlight pouring in from skylights a story up. I have no doubt, at night, that food court was black as pitch.
so I get my movies (spending waaaaay more than my $25 gift card, but that’s life), when shae and I both realize we have to use the bathroom. The v-stock only has employee bathrooms. The closest open ones are in the Macy’s. Clear on the other end of the building. And our bladders were juuuuust full enough to make the trek, rather than find a gas station nearby or something. Honestly, we probably were just at the point where we didn’t even remember there was a world outside this dying symbol of capitalism. There was only Mall. There had always only been Mall.
so we set off, leaving the brightly lit, populated v-stock for parts unknown. And even though it probably only took us about ten minutes to get to the Macy’s, it felt like years. Most of the stores were shuttered. A few were clearly falling apart - broken ceiling tiles, cracked glass, a light dangling by a single frayed wire. Some had been converted to storage for what did remain. What appeared to have been a store for fancy home decor had become a tangled mess of mannequin limbs. Fortunately, no heads that we could see. Just arms and legs, reaching for a god who’d long since abandoned them.
the only other humans we encountered were some older ladies on the lower level. In a last ditch effort to attract customers, any customers, the mall had turned the southern food court into a pickleball court. These ladies were maybe a few feet from the crypt of a food court on the north side. As shae and I watched them, we wondered if they were as uncomfortable with that knowledge as we were.
the only store we saw before the Macy’s that was open was an arcade/party space. “Open” is actually a pretty generous description tbh. The gate wasn’t down, and the arcade machines were on, but it was completely dark aside from those arcade cabinets, and we didn’t see anyone at the counter or at the games. There was a sign advertising party packages. To me it felt like a honey trap, like someone or something was waiting in the dark for some unsuspecting child to walk in.
finally, we reached the Macy’s. Now, malls are typically considered dead once either their profit margins drop below a certain point or their flagship store (usually a large department store like macys or dillards) closes up shop and nothing replaces it. Macys was still chugging along, but clearly in hospice. They were just waiting for the old girl to die peacefully. Sparse shelves, about two employees for the entire store, so quiet you could hear every word of the music playing over the speakers. It was haunting. And, like all department stores, labyrinthine. Felt like Will Navidson trying to find the bathroom, but we eventually did. Two of the four toilets were out of order and the hand dryer only ran for a second or two before shutting off. It was surreal.
I don’t remember walking back to the car, which remember, was on the other side of the mall by the v-stock. I just remember we eventually stepped out into the sun, and were absolutely slammed with traffic noise and human voices. It was like coming out a dark, soundproof room. It was one of the most cursed experiences of my life.
I found out that C Mall is getting demolished from an article that included pictures of the huge, empty space. I could feel the unease, the wrongness of a place that should be full of people and noise being silent and derelict. It was almost sad that this place was going out with such a whimper. I feel this picture says it all:
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We did this to it. And it knows that. And it wants to know why it has to die because of us.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Can I ask for the genderbend SIX the Musical, even though I don't remember their names one by one, but I want like a sweet and fluffy scenario or hcs where reader is baking their favorite desserts/sweets, and they started to simp even more for them(They are completely smitten for reader). It can be GN!
Your the first person ever to Request Six so your in for a special treat 😉😉😉😉
(Caswin of Aragon) Caswin is a fairly serious man but soft when it come to you. You to met during a business trip and he came by your little bakery. You gave him a Complimentary lemon cake 🎂 since he was a new Costumer and he fell in love with you right then and their You always leave little notes 📝 reminding him that you love him and not to work so hard. You visit him at work to either drop of his lunch or to catch up during lunch. It's his birthday today and You make him a lemon cake to surprise him with. When he come home to a happy birthday from you tears appears in his eyes as he hugs you close whispering about how much he loves you and their is No way he will take you for granted
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(Anthony Boleyn) This boy is a wild card it's never a dull moment when it comes to him You guys met when he was a traveling Youtuber. He reviewes amazing places from fancy resorts to party Clubs. He need somewhere quiet and that's how he came across you and your bakery. He's always surprising you with road trips and amusement park dates and one time he took you to see your favorite celebrity concert live. You never know where he gets all this energy from but your not complaining. His birthday is coming up You want to make something special So you made him a Coconut Cream pie and he It is excited as a puppy getting a chew toy. He loves you for making his life so much Fun.
(James Seymour) this man has never fail to make you laugh. You to met at a Comedy club and you were laughing the loudest When he was on stage because his jokes were so bad it was worth laughing. He fell in love with your laugh and with you and you've been together ever since. You know his Birthday is coming up and you made him some flan and it's been the happiest he's ever been and hug you close thanking you for being part of his life.
(Alan of Cleves) you met this king of the castle at his well Castle. He ordered a Red Velvet cake one day and the hulking German took a liking to you. You know a little German because of visiting him do much and soon he asked you out. He always Surprises you with expensive gifts and treats. You always tell him that he doesn't have to he insist because nothing is to good for his queen. You decide to surprise him with a black forest cake let me tell you he was joyful and Smothered you with kisses. He then tells you that he was so happy to meet you his queen of the castle.
(Kevin Howard) He came to your bakery to Study and write music. Now I will tell you that This guy has trust issues and can you blame him?! He had some horrible experiences with women so he didn't trust you as far as he could throw you. You never pushed your luck and always Quietly leaving him a cupcake or refilling his teacups 🍵 one night You were getting ready to close when he called you over. you were quite shocked because he never talked to you before. You quickly went over to him to see what he needed he softly but gruffly ordered some starwberry shortcakes to be delivered to this address by 3pm tomorrow and then payed for his food and Quickly left. You went over to what seems to be a theater and you quickly find him in his music studio. You knocked and he noticed you as you dropped off the cakes before he asked you if you had a boyfriend. Of course you say no and after quietly eating his cake he said, Well you do now and that was the start to you guys relationship. You made him a Macaroon tower for his birthday as he was eating he thanks you for being patient with him and you tell him that it was never a problem to you.
(Carlos Parr) You ment this soft spoken sweetie at the library and you hit it of when you guys grab the same cook book. After talking he tells you that he's been struggling to find work and if he doesn't make money soon he'll get evicted. Not wanting that to happen you quickly tell him your looking for employees since business has been booming at your bakery and asked of he wants to work there. He couldn't thank you enough and you guys got to work right away. After a few months it was you who asked him out to lunch. You both hit it of have been together for a year now you wanted to surprise him on his birthday with a Apple pie and met him at the bakery. When you gave him his surprise he got up and thank you before getting down on one knee and asking if you want to celebrate his birthday with him forever💍
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Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
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tetsunabouquet · 10 months
When Teiko Discovers the Werewolves of Millers Hollow part 1
A/N: I got this idea after talking with @reiimii so here you go! I ended up writing such a long one-shot, it has to be split up in two so enjoy the first half! part 2
The Teiko six, Nijimura and Momoi were seated in the meeting room, for a different reason then usual. Today they would be playing a French game Akashi played at a fancy party, the only European rich kid present had introduced the kids of the Japanese elite to the Werewolves of Millers Hollow. It had been a fun game, but Akashi rather wanted to play it with his actual friends. With permission of the 1st string coach, they were allowed a day off of practise to play a game under the condition the coach would be the game master. Akashi thought the man was looking forward the event as much as he did, considering Aomine seemed to be a bit lost in thought lately and could use the bonding experience. Akashi had bought a cardset of his own, and had translated anything necessary for the game. "Alright, does everybody understand the rules?" Akashi asked. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Our card decides our roles, only specific roles and the werewolves are allowed to know who is who and during the day we can hold an election for mayor who can cast two votes. We get it Akashi." Aomine's voice rang through the room, and everyone else nodded along. The coach smiled, having already shuffled the cards. "Alright, let the games begin!" "Remember, try to keep your reaction to the card as minimal as possible. You do not want to give yourself away." Akashi warned as he was handed his card. Looking at it, he internally smirked. Everyone tried to be as poker faced as possible, though Kise seemed to pout a little. "Today seemed perfect, but it looks like dark forces are threatening from the woods. The town's people are scared and the old mayor has fled. Who will be the hero that leads the people?" The coach's voice boomed dramatically, and Kise immediately pointed to Kuroko. "Kurokochi can be the mayor!" Momoi nodded in agreement and Aomine shrugged. "Fine with me." Akashi thought for a while, knowing Murasakibara would chose him easily and he felt prety assured about Midorima and Nijimura's votes, so that would mean a total equal of votes. So Akashi decided to give this one to Kuroko. "I accept Kuroko being our leader for this instance." "And so, did the people decide to elect the reliant Kuroko Tetsuya to be their mayor," the coach continued on his story. "He has ordered all the citizens to stay indoors tonight, but as the night falls, it is clear that the evil already spread amongst you. Let the horrors of the night commence!" The group all covered their eyes with their hands, as the coach's voice rang. "It seems someone amongst you has the prophetic gift. Seer, you may open your eyes!" Akashi lowered his hands, looking intently at the group. He pointed to Midorima, and the coach walked to his seat to flip his card for Akashi to see the peeking little girl card. He nodded in response, crossing Midorima off of his list. Then he covered his face once more. "Now, it is time for the werewolves to wake up! Who will be the first victim to perish?" Kuroko, Momoi and Nijimura all lowered their hands, first taking in who was part of their pack. Momoi couldn't help but omit a small smile knowing she and Kuroko were on the same team. Nijimura immediately pointed to Akashi, knowing his genius alone would make him a threat and the other two nodded in agreement. The coach placed a few of everyone's card theaterically down once more, to distract everyone from who was the victim and who were the werewolves before turning Akashi's card around, revealing him to everyone. Nijimura felt the tiniest ego boost having eliminated one of the most dangerous players in the game. "The following morning, everyone woke up to see the sight of Akashi's torn up body! The sight and lurking darkness have revealed itself, there are werewolves amongst the village! Now, to purge the evil, Kuroko has decided there is no other way but to burn the culprit alive on a stake! Now, the surviving townsfolk gather, to find the culprit! Who shall be burnt at the stake?"
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edwardashley · 2 years
Hi, I'm writing a sort of Christmas special about our favorite rats and since i ve read a lot of your fics and loved them all i thought i might come to you for advice. If hickey and Gibson were to exchange gifts what would they give each other? You can't answer the ringTM.
Cause i feel like Billy would give Cornelius something practical but what would hickey gift him?? Something pretty? Something useful as well?? I'm lost. Not as lost as an arctic explorer tho
HELLO ANON, so sorry for the late reply! So excited to hear you're considering writing a Christmas fic! I encourage everyone to write winter or holiday themed hickeygibson i would delight in them. Here's some ideas re: gift giving
Hickey -> Gibson
something to make Billy more pretty! so an accessory (earrings or necklace, scarf, gloves, tie, belt, cufflinks)
fancy toiletries/personal grooming items, Billy can't debate the usefulness of a special razor, shampoo or moisturizer but this ones like . . . expensive idk
sex toy or lingerie ;) if you want to make it fun and spicy
generally, when i think of Cornelius giving gifts in modern AU something expensive that he either saved up money over a long period of time (showing dedication) OR stole (willing to do anything for Billy). both options are romantic!
Additionally, if you're not looking for something that comes out of a store (maybe he can't afford anything/couldn't find anything to steal), Cornelius can go big on the symbolism. Perhaps an object that's not useful but commemorates a special memory they had OR metaphorically demonstrates how he sees Billy. For example, in this category in my fics I've had him gift Billy flowers, mushroom ID cards, and a wooden bird he whittled himself.
Gibson -> Hickey
Proof he listens to him, maybe some object that connects to a conversation they have early in the fic OR reference that Billy's remembered Cornelius mentioned X thing months or even years ago
It's cliche a bit but writing supplies or camera or really anything that enhances Cornelius' ability to be a storyteller
Theater tickets or books, I feel like both these are self-explanatory. Cornelius loves stories.
Billy's love language is more acts of service, so like maybe he agrees to do a certain activity with Cornelius that he refused to do before and then realizes he likes it (could be going on an outing to a place, could be hanging out with a friend of Cornelius, could be sex thing yeehaw)
I hope this this helps and gives you some ideas!
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questinwitchface · 10 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game!
Rules: Share the opening of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
Thank you so much for tagging me @sambambucky !
The Offering
Sam has had a very tiring day. He’d gone to work at the Vampire Assistance Agency at seven PM, just after the sun had set. He’d gone to a meeting at 7:30 for training on new services the VAA will be offering next year and review training on the services they currently offer. When the meeting was over at 8:37 (because these things always run long), he’d gone straight to his office to organize his case notes and prepare for the day. He’d made it to one of the group rooms and run a group session for elder vampires at 9:15, spent fifteen minutes cleaning up the room, and then run the group session for recently-turned vampires at 10:30. He spent another fifteen minutes cleaning up the room, and then he’d finally gotten to take his lunch break at midnight. He was finished by 12:45, which gave him enough time to prepare for his individual sessions, which went throughout the early hours of the morning and finished at five AM.
Falling/Already Fell
Sam’s head is once again spinning at how much older his nephews have gotten. Cass had just recently turned thirteen, and that would be a lot on its own, but Sam and Bucky are playing chauffeurs for his very first date. They’d taken the truck from home to Sarah’s to pick up Cass, who looked nervous and was wearing too much cologne—since when did Sam’s nephew even wear cologne? Then they’d picked up Tia, who seemed shy and quiet and sweet, with her hair in a fancy configuration of braids that must’ve taken forever to do and braces on her bright smile. Cass and Tia had talked in awkward, stilted conversation in the backseats of Sam’s truck while they drove to the movie theater, and then Sam and Bucky had dropped them off and headed to the mall to give the kids their time together.
Bucky and His Books
They’re in Sam’s truck, driving back home from Sarah’s after a long day of helping her with the boat and the boys, when Bucky turns to Sam with a guarded sort of frown.
There Was More Than One Bed (But Who's Counting?)
Sam is not okay.
The Guy Next Door
“Hey, you’re bus fight guy, right?” Joaquín asks, watching his new neighbor stare forlornly at the boxes he still hasn’t moved into his room.
Dear Sam
Dear Sam, This is a stupid exercise my therapist recommended. Apparently, I struggle with expressing my emotions verbally, so I’m supposed to try writing out my feelings. I hate this idea. I think it’s dumb. Sorry to drag you into it.
The Pirate Fic
Bucky folds his arms over his chest. The sun is particularly brutal today, beating down on his head, and he’s glad he’d worn his hat this time. He surveys the tiny island his ship is docked at. It’s little more than a stretch of sand with a dock built on it, big enough for one ship to dock at. A craggy rock face looms at the other end. There’s a small, dark cave entrance in the rock face that connects to the cave network the mermaids come from whenever Bucky and his crew meet with them to trade.
The Valentine Struggle
“I need a valentine that says, ‘I adore you, and I want you in my life forever,’ but in the most platonic way possible,” Yelena tells the store clerk. She’s in a Hallmark store, a store dedicated entirely to cards and gifts, and yet she hasn’t been able to find valentines that express how deep her love is without making it romantic.
Date Night
“So, the thing is, I really need your help,” Sam tells Jay before Jay can even get his usual greeting out.
Bucky Barnes Hates Christmas
Bucky Barnes hates Christmas.
Analysis: So it seems like my openings are either a single sentence or pretty long, with not much in between. Shorter works seem to get the shorter openings. Also if the beginning chapter is going to be angsty, it seems like I enjoy starting with like a single angsty sentence (i.e. "Sam is not okay.") and then further explaining it in the next paragraphs instead of cramming all the characters' feelings into the opening paragraph. I like opening with dialogue, but I didn't do it as much as I would've thought I had, but both of the rareship oneshots started with dialogue, which is interesting because I view the rareship fics as being more "for me" than other fics I write, so maybe I have more fun with them and don't overthink the openings as much as I do with SamBucky fics? Anyway, this was a fun little exercise. If you catch any other patterns, feel free to let me know!
No-pressure tagging @allcolorsoftherainbow and anyone else who might want to do this!
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kirtokyo · 3 years
𝐹𝑂𝑅 𝑌𝑂𝑈 ! - 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙
💌 ~ what type of gift giver they are on valentine’s day
various characters • fluff
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goes all out for valentine’s day. Big teddy bears, chocolates, your favorite flowers, all that jazz. But that’s not all! They’ve arranged a private dinner date at a fancy restaurant, taken you to a love exhibit, and taken you shopping. They might be struggling to hold all your bags but they don’t mind! They’ve given you tasks to keep you out of the house all day. Last but not least— When you finally get back home you walk into your home that’s only lit by candles. Rose petals make a path into your decked out bathroom that’s littered with candles and more roses leading to a warm bubble bath with a tray of your favorite snack and drink. It’s just what you needed. And they’ll be more than happy to join you ♡︎
MITSUYA | Leorio | Nahoya | DRAKEN |TENGEN | Chifuyu
simple n sweet! Woken up to a bouquet of flowers in the morning and a nice warm breakfast. An assortment of chocolates in a heart shaped box to adorn your tastebuds, gifted a teddy bear made out of artificial roses holding a red heart. A nice casual lunch date and a stop by that bakery you've been wanting to try surely wouldn’t hurt anybody. To end the day off, a nice dinner or a trip to the movie theaters to see a movie if that’s more your style. They don’t need to do much to show you how much they care. although they did pour their heart out in that valentine’s card they have given you.
TAKEMICHI | Muichiro | phinks | HAKKAI | feitan | Machi
The one and only. They’re always full of surprises! Gives you stuff you could never find in stores. They might seem simple at first sight but they have so much meaning behind them. They crafted the item from their very own hands or sent a special detailed request to someone. Like a picture, glassed framed on the wall of you too on your anniversary. But little did you know the picture has an audio recording of the special place. capturing your contagious laugh, the loving words exchanged, and an aura of love in that moment. And for those who are more hands on— Presenting you a photo album showcasing the years throughout your relationship. You spot one of your first dates, the time he broke his ankle on a skateboard and you had to assist him with his wheelchair, when you adopted your now owned pet. Things like this really showed how much he appreciated you.
SOUYA| KAGAYA | Shalnark | Kazutora | MITSURI | Rengoku | Kurapika
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licncourt · 2 years
Any recent domestic loustat headcanons?
Always!! Blorbo² rotation time
Since they've been together so long, they've kinda run out of "materials" for their anniversaries (ie wood, gold, pearl, ruby, etc only goes through 60), so Lestat has taken it upon himself to come up with more that are personal to them. For example: 100 is blood, 150 is velvet, 200 is alligator (Louis thinks the last one is basically just leather but Lestat insists it's not because he means the whole alligator, not just the skin)
For all his protests, Louis actually does like some fancy shit. He's not as bougie for the sake of it as his husband, but there are...certain things he enjoys and certain understandings of those preferences with Lestat, enthusiastic giver of extravagant gifts. Rejecting all of Lestat's expensive presents in the Interview era was a principle thing. Now though...he has nothing to prove
They always get season tickets for the theater and have absolutely scathing opinions about almost every show. They've been attending some of these plays for over two centuries. The odds of the current version being the best they've seen is extremely low and also they're just mean
If Lestat's being Too Much, Louis puts on cartoons. All the color and noise and movement wear him out. He doesn't care about the stories, but Dinotrux and Boohbah have the same hypnotic effect on his 18th century peasant brain as shampoo bottles at Walmart
Louis gets overstimulated easily sometimes (downside of vampire senses with his personality) and has very effective earplugs for these occasions. This wouldn't be a problem except Lestat is wearing headphones 25/8 so one of the most common reasons they argue now is just fucking not hearing each other
Once Lestat learns to say his feelings out loud, he thinks saying "I love you" is an all-purpose get-out-of-jail-free card and the thing is it sort of works if he puts his back into it and looks extra cute. The Louis version of this is the sad u,w,u face (usually with big, sparkly, teary eyes) and now that Lestat's given an emotional inch, he collapses like a Jenga tower when confronted with this. Basically they're not above psychological warfare
Sometimes Louis makes Lestat cook with him because he read it was a healthy habit to have in relationships. Obviously they can't eat it, so they donate it as Louis' good deed of the week
Lestat is insanely into holiday decorating and they have That House every Christmas, Halloween, and Easter (those are the only ones Louis will allow decorations for). Louis actually finds it very charming and always dishes out the cash for Lestat to make use of all the decorators and adornments his heart desires
Louis was not a huge fan of Lestat having Mojo, in part because of what an obnoxious dog person he became, but to make it fair he got a couple birds. Anyway, within weeks Louis became a more insufferable bird person than Lestat had ever been about Mojo. He has two lovebirds in a 5' x 5' antique rosewood cage in the shape of a French cathedral and they eat fresh figs and citrus from the farmer's market
Once they tried to have a "night out" by feeding on hammered bar patrons but instead of dancing and making out they just had a drunk couple fight in the parking lot with lots of crying and yelling
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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lily-drake · 3 years
Any holiday or day where gifts were given was taken with utmost seriousness in the Wayne household.  Or in other words, it was a competition to one up each other’s gifts.  It all started when Jason came to the house and Dick had come back to visit for the holidays.  Marinette hadn’t really understood what was happening when she happily opened Dick’s present, which was a new knitting kit with so many different materials.  She ran over to him and hugged him tightly as Alfred took photos.  Dick had glanced over at Jason and smirked at him, but Jay-Jay only rolled his eyes with his arms crossed.  She still hadn’t opened his after all, and he was around her more now than Dick was, which meant he had a higher advantage of knowing her new interests and endeavors.  So he watched as she pulled out a thick book of fashion design and her own embroidery set.  Her eyes practically glowed as stared at the set.  Jason hadn’t even seen her move because next thing he knew strong arms were wrapped around him.  The 7-year-old had definitely been taught by Dick on how to hug people.
Bruce gazed lovingly at his children, but he knew about their competition, and he would not be outdone by his sons.
“Daddy, Daddy, look what Birdy and Jay-Jay gave me!  They’re so nice!  Feel the material Birdy got me, I can make so many things now!”
“That sounds amazing, Bluebell.”
Marinette smiled brightly as she showed Bruce the gifts that she got.
“Do you want to see what I got you?”
He asked amusedly.  Marinette began to hop on her toes in excitement, because daddy’s always had the best gifts!
“Yes please!”
Bruce smiled and pointed out a small, thin, rectangular box under the tree.  She leaped over to it and when she opened it her mouth dropped open and she squealed.
“You got me tickets to Sophie Theallet’s fashion show?!”
She was jumping with joy as she stared at the five tickets in her hand.  Bruce looked over at and smirked at the boys.  He won, again.  They groaned and sulked in annoyance.  Why did he always win?
Marinette was 9 when she finally figured out what her family was doing, and she knew that she would be the one to give the absolute best gifts to her family!  Her family deserved something super special, so she went to work.  Her Birdy was part of the circus and they had a lot of equipment he often used.  But what could she do that would be super special and make her win the competition?  Then it hit her, she knew exactly what she would do!  She would need to ask Alfred for help, but it would be worth it!
Next was Jay-Jay.  She didn’t know much about his past as he always told her that she had to wait till she was older, but she knew about him now.  Jay-Jay loved to read and would often read to her, he really liked hoodies and comfy things, and he liked to bake with Alfred and her.  So maybe…….yea!  She would do that, it shouldn’t be that hard to do.
Daddy always got her such nice gifts, how could she ever beat him?  There had to be something she could do to outdo him.  He was Batman, he worked with the Justice League, he loved all of them, and sometimes if he finished his work early would watch movies with them!  But he was always so good and knew exactly what to get.  She would try though, she had an idea and she hoped it would work.
Alfred, he deserved the best gift because of everything he did for them!  She already knew the perfect gift for her grandpa Alffie!
Christmas arrived and she stared out the window as the snowflakes fell onto the covered yard.  Maybe they could go sledding today, that would be so much fun!  She was so transfixed in the snow, and thinking of how pretty a dress would be with the same color and different designs, that she hadn’t noticed her brothers sneaking up on her.  A squeal left her lips as she was lifted into the air and twirled around wrapped in the warm embrace of her Birdy.  She giggled as he spun and squeaked as she was gently thrown into the air, only to land on the couch.
“Good morning Blueberry.”
Dick chirped happily.  She giggled again and leaned into Jay-Jay’s hand as he ruffled her hair.
“Morning Pixie-pop.  Sleep well?”
“Morning Birdy and Jay-Jay.  I slept great, thank you.  Did either of you?”
Jason shrugged with a small smirk,
“I slept fine, though I wouldn’t have minded sleeping a little longer.  You missed Dick’s hallway caroling this morning.”
“I sounded amazing, thank you very much.  And I was too excited to fully sleep.  I’m going to win this year.”
Dick said pridefully.
“No way, I’m totally going to beat you.”
Jason deffied puffing out his chest slightly.  Marinette giggled and called out,
“No, I’m going to beat all of you!  I will be the champion gift giver this year.”
They looked at her and smirked.
“Only in your dreams Pix.”
“You’ll see,”
She replied, crossing her arms and lifting her nose in the air like she had seen some of the people at the galas do.
“Then you’ll have to agree with me!”
They all gave each other sceptical looks before laughing and continued to talk until daddy came down.  When he finally did, the competition commenced.  The first person to open presents was her, obviously, as she was the youngest.  Dick had given her a really nice and fancy art kit, and she loved it!  Jay-Jay had given her tickets and backstage passes to the theater for The Nutcracker, she had been wanting to see it for a while now.  Alfred had told her that he would teach her how to make a super secret recipe, and she would be able to help him with dinner today too!  Daddy, he was too clever, too cunning.  He had given her a pet hamster, and it was beautiful!  She couldn’t beat him now, her gift was nothing compared to-to this!  She tries though, and maybe she could win second?  Yea, she would be ok with second, if she got this adorable baby creature.  She couldn’t even be mad or disappointed, because look at its cute little feet and adorable eyes!
Next was Jay-Jay.  The others had given him some really nice things, but she felt that hers was the best!  So when he opened it and his eyes shined, she knew she made the right thing!  It had taken her hours to find it, and she had to ask Dad if she could get it since she wasn’t allowed to use the card without permission.  It was one of the first books of Pride and Prejudice ever published, she even got him a fancy ink and quill set so he could better embrace his Harry Potter nerdom.
“This is amazing, thank you Pixie, I guess I do owe you an apology, this is amazing.”
She smiled up at him while gently petting the top of her new hamster's head as it laid on her lap.
“Told you!”
For Dick she had knitted him a collection of stuffed animals that he talked about from the circus.  Alfred had helped her find the material and helped her when she made a mistake or needed help on a particularly tricky part.  She thought she saw Dick’s eyes water for a second.  The next thing she knew she was being tightly hugged, but he left enough room to not squish her furry child.
“Thank you Blueberry, it’s amazing.”
“Of course it is, I made them!”
He chuckled as he pulled away and ruffled her already messed up hair.
She had made Daddy a picture book and had decorated it with black and yellow glitter, bats, and different birds.  Throughout the book were all of the pictures that she was able to get her hands on dated and labeled in order from oldest photo to most recent.  He had a soft smile as he looked through the book and when he finally looked back up to his slightly nervous daughter he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.
“I think you won this year.”
“Nuh ah!  You gave me a hamster!  There’s no way I could have won!”
“Well, I think all the others would agree that you thought of and made some very amazing gifts.”
She turned to look at the others as they gave gentle nods and thumbs up.  Her cheeks felt really warm and she smiled at them all.
“Thank you.  Now Grandpa Alffie needs to open his presents!”
Alfred smiled at the small child and opened the gifts he had received from the others.  Marinette had made and embroidered a new handkerchief for him.  He seemed to like it as he immediately placed it in his pocket.  She was the victor of this year's Christmas gift exchange, but she still felt that Daddy beat her.
As years passed and her family grew so did the competition.  Sadly, it would be harder to her her family their most desired gifts as she had decided to study abroad in Paris that year, but she would be da*ed if she didn’t try her hardest.  She had gotten better with her skills for making things over the years, and so much had happened.  Jason had died and come back, that was the hardest time of her life.  They had new people adopted into the family, and she even had a little brother!  She was going to meet him this year when she went to visit for the winter break.  She would have the glasses with her at all times in case there was an attack so she could quickly come back here and take care of it.
When she arrived at the Gotham Airport and saw her large family standing and holding a sign as they looked for her she ran up to them as quickly as she could.
Jason called out, catching the small girl and twirling her around.  She laughed and when she was put down created the rest of her family just as happily.  When she finally came face to face with her little brother she held out her hand.  Her family said he was more formal and was very against physical touch that he did not agree to or initiate.  He eyed her hand suspiciously before shaking it and giving her a nod.
“Damian Al Ghul-Wayne.”
“Marinette Wayne.  It’s nice to finally meet you Damian.”
They both let go after a firm shake.  She already had a gift for him, and Kagami helped her find the perfect one.  It was a nice blade, the blade was completely black, but had a red tint to it and red gains that delicately ran through it.  The hilt was of fine golden metal and a strong leather grip.  She had made the sheath for the blade.  With strong leather and an inner layer of Kevlar so the sword would be protected.  She had carved in Arabic symbols to spell out “Son of Bat” and had sewn a few almost unnoticeable small robins along the bottom and top of the inky black material.
For Tim, she had gotten him the best coffee beans in all of Paris and she had made him new lounge clothes that identified with his hero persona of Red Robin that had many hidden pockets and two large to-go coffee cups, one on each sleeve.
For Jason she had made him a new leather Jacket with book quotes embroidered all over the inside of the inner material.  There were lots of different pockets, and a few tailor made to fit his guns.  She had put a few Jagged Stone concert tickets in one of the pockets too.
For Stephanie, she had made purple silk pajamas that had waffles all over it.  She had even made sure that there was a hood connected to the pj shirt.
For Cass, just like Jason had done for her, gotten tickets for The Nutcracker.  She had also gotten her ballerina shoes, the best one and most highly recommended ones from the Paris Ballet.
For Dick she had made him an elephant onesie.  Why you may ask, well because for her birthday he had given her a mouse one.  So was it spite for being called short, or was it her trying to match, nobody needs to know.
She had made Alfred a new apron with the words “Don’t try anything, I already know.”  Neatly sewed in cursive into it.
She had gotten Babs a new eskrima stick infused with a bit of her luck in it so no one would underestimate her in battle as she would always have luck on her side giving her the upper hand.  She may be disabled, but that doesn’t stop her from kicking butt.
Finally, her gift for her dad.  This one was hard, because she wasn’t around to know what had caught his eye this year, and her siblings refused to tell her.  It was fine though, because she would figure it out.  And she did, or at least she had tried.  She ended up making him a bee suit jacket with everybody’s names sewed into the inner lining, multiple pockets for convenience, and black bats that would only be shown in the right lighting.  She would win this year, she would!  Sadly, Dick had won last year, but she would regain her crown again this year!  She would be the best gift giver of her whole family!!!
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Hii, i saw your requests are open so I guess I could try asking,
Can I ask how would Michael and Jason (and the other slashers if you'd like) react finding out that it's their S/O's birthday. Like they noticed how much food they prepared but s/o didn't mention the occasion because it's not that big of a deal to them but still celebrates it in a way.
Hey, thanks for the request! I love this idea and it was really fun to write.. also added more slashers so I hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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How he finds out: when you left your wallet face open with your drivers license out.. boy was curious
Ever since living out at the camp you just kind of forgot about your birthday, it never really mattered, you were happy just as is with what you had
but he plans it for weeks, Jason can’t give you much in the day to day and he just wants to spoil you and give you the best day after years of looking after him
Waking up in the morning you smelt fresh coffee and sweets, which was more than unusual in the cabin
Rolling over to look at the nightstand you found your favorite mug steaming with hot coffee and Jason had put in your preferred creamer, just the way you liked it. Beside the mug was a small little note sloppily marked with drawn hearts and the words “I love you”
Jason melted your heart on a daily biases but this... it made your heart feel like it oozed right out of your ribcage
Propping yourself up to sip the coffee there was a sudden crash in the kitchen making you jump out of bed... was there an intruder?? was Jason in danger??... grabbing the heavy machete that was resting against the nightstand you faltered to the kitchen, hair dishevelled, barefoot, only wearing one of Jason’s ripped oversized shirts
oh... OH.. it’s just Jason cooking??? flour was everywhere, about 10 different bowls were scattered along the counter, the bacon was smoking and the pancakes? were burnt
Turning around owl-eyed, with flour on his mask and tattered clothes, Jason gives his biggest grin and signs “happy birthday!!”
Once you help him with breakfast he will be glued to your side all day.. more than usual.. Jason wants to give you back rubs, hugs and kisses as much as he can
His gift to you is a bracelet his mom had worn, it is the most meaningful gift Jason could ever give, and it’s beautiful
In the evening he will take you to a new trail you had never been on, old camp lanterns to light your way through the woods and into a large meadow. A large blanket covers the damp grass and there is a small basket with all your fav snacks
A picnic to watch the sunset and stargaze... perfect
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How he finds out: Michael knows everything about you, he had watched you for a solid year before you even knew, but it will take him a long time to get comfortable and trusting with you so it will probably be like the 5th year together before he really does something for you
Now Michael is not affectionate and caring is just not in his nature so your birthday is going to be interesting... to the average human it will seem like it is a shit birthday but knowing Michael the way you do it is the best birthday he can give you
All these years together he had done nothing on your birthday so you expected it to just be another day, but nope
Waking up to the smell of fresh tea or coffee (which ever you prefer) a steaming cup was on the nightstand
Michael was still in bed with you which was unusual but it was even stranger when he was running his large hands all over you.. gently
There will most likely be some morning sex but he is oddly gentle, making your pleasure a priority over his own
Michael will allow you to touch him for however long you want and where you want without protest, but ONLY today so take advantage
Going to the living room you will see a present you had been eyeing for yourself for a while now. It could either be a really nice blanket to clothes to cookware to a laptop. Michael is observant about everything so he will notice the tabs in your phone or that time you walked by a clothing store and almost screamed at how nice the shirt was in the window
of course he stole it and there might be a tiny amount of blood on it but who cares lol
That is honestly about the extent Michael will go with you and that’s more than enough for you
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How he finds out: Bo isn’t exactly a gentleman with a lot of things so he really doesn’t mind just asking how old you are or when your birthday is
Most likely Bo will forget when it is the first 2 years but the 3rd year.. oh baby he’s got it now... with the help of Vincent reminding him
Birthdays have never been big for the Sinclair brothers, especially for Bo, he literally has no idea what to do
One of the only ways Bo knows love is through fast pleasure... aka waking up to him eating you out. Like Michael, he will put your pleasure first today and is going to be gentle with you, so enjoy it
Be careful because he might want to spend your whole birthday in bed if you don’t stop him
Your presents will probably be some lingerie he bought you (which is basically his present) and a night out on the town, going to your favorite restaurant and taking you where ever you want
Even in the truck he will let you pick the music which is honestly a miracle
Bo will try to bite his tongue as much as possible and try to be the best gentlemen he can be until you get home ;)
Going home to Ambrose he takes a different road, up a hill that’s long and twisted, Bo just smiles when you ask where you’re going, man is saying nothing for once and it might freak you out
Getting to the destination, it’s a small walk in the woods until there is a large clearing and a small lake to your right, this is where he used to go swimming as a kid and this is sometimes where Bo will disappear to on bad days
He will lead you to the dock and will lay you down, watching the stars and hearing the splashing of the water mix in with the Louisiana nature... It is pure bliss
Bo cannot help himself and will initiate a heavy make-out session
This is the way of showing you he loves you
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How he finds out: Baby boy is far more observant than his brother thank god, so he will probably check your drivers license if you left your wallet out
Vincent will honestly plan something for weeks if he can
Usually he is a night owl but today Vincent will get up nice and early cooking your favorite breakfast, well at least trying, honestly he can make fantastic omelets
Waking up you will see a small tray of food at the edge of the bed, an omelet, bacon, a glass of juice and some small bouquet of native Louisiana flowers he had picked
Along with a little note card saying “happy birthday” probably with some little doodles on the sides making it fancy
Waking into the room Vincent will have either your coffee or tea, handing it to you with a gentle kiss
It will probably be just a slow, gentle, quiet morning with wandering hands, little kisses and soft words
Today he will let you do whatever the hell you want and will try desperately to get Bo to leave you alone for the day
If you want to go for a walk he’ll go with, if you want to stay inside all day in your sweats watching movies that’s perfect.. whatever you want
Towards the evening Bo will come home with your favorite foods, since Vincent hates leaving town. Dinner will be candle lit with soft music in the background. Vince will try to dress nice and in something that isn’t covered in wax
After dinner he will take you to the theater, watching the old movies you grew up on, even though half of the time you are only paying attention to the tongue down your throat  
For some reason my head kept saying slow dancing in the rain, so I guess when you are coming home it starts to rain and you guys slow dance in the streetlight
Once home he has 2 boxes for you, lovely wrapped. In one box it is your very own knife with a carved handle of your favorite animal to match his blades. In the next box is something you had been looking at getting for a long time, a new pair of boots he watched you look for online
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How they find out: Honestly they’re probably just going to ask you
Stu is probably going to be the more outgoing one and screaming happy birthday to you when you first wake up, Billy would just let you sleep in and drink his coffee beside you, running his hands on you and gently whispering happy birthday to you instead
Stu would make you a big breakfast and even try to make you a cake but something would be so off lol.. he tried
Billy just takes a store bought one from the fridge that he had saved just in case this happened
yes, they want cake for breakfast
Whatever you want to do that day they will make it happen, honestly it’s going to be fun regardless with them
An arcade or bowling or crashing some little kids laser tag party is probably going to be it for your afternoon. Winning silly arcade prizes, stu will get you a stupid whoopie cushion and Billy will probably win a little stuffed bear for you
Driving home Billy will let you play your music and he will just drive around the city, just signing your hearts out and laughing and just making memories, watching the nightlife and city lights
Ending up at the City viewpoint, seeing all the lights in the dark never looked so pretty with your boys, it might even leave Stu speechless
Whenever you are ready to come home a horror movie is defiantly on the list, whatever one you want and they will order pizza
Honestly Stu will probably pass out on the couch from the long hilarious day and Billy will quietly drag you to the bedroom.. really getting to show how much he loves you ;)  
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vcg73 · 3 years
FIC: Kurt Birthday Drabbles
Earlier this week @elledelajoie left a comment on something I wrote all the way back in 2014.  I had genuinely forgotten I ever started it, but the original idea was to write 21 Kurt Hummel birthday drabbles. I had written just 7 of them, but after we chatted about it, I decided to go ahead and finish.  
If you’re not familiar, a drabble is a scene of exactly 100 words, not counting title headers. Since Chris Colfer and Kurt Hummel’s co-birthday (May 27) is coming up this Thursday, here they are. This goes definite AU at Birthday #19. Because you know I would never sentence my beloved Kurt to a life of being a doormat to people who did not appreciate and value him.
Never underestimate the power of feedback!
Birthday #1
Kurt’s blue eyes went wide as a frosted cupcake was set upon his high-chair tray, a single candle ablaze on its surface.  
When Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Andy, Grandpa Curtis and Grandma Eileen started singing to him, he smiled and clapped both hands hard around the tempting pile of frosting.
Kurt laughed when the sugary topping went flying and a big splatter of white abruptly decorated Daddy’s surprised face.
Everyone else started laughed too, including the startled father, who retaliated by giving his birthday boy a sticky peck on the cheek and then helped him to blow out a new candle.
Birthday #2
Kurt looked between his presents, confused.
Mommy had given him the pretty dolly he had begged for at the store. Daddy had given him a truck, not big enough to ride but too big to live with the little cars Daddy gave him at Christmas.
His parents seemed to be mad at each other.
Kurt looked at the doll, then at the truck. He smiled and placed Dolly inside the truck and began to drive her around the carpet.
Mommy and Daddy seemed surprised by his actions, but then they laughed, and Kurt knew he had figured out the puzzle.
 Birthday #3
His shoes were black and shiny, buckles on the sides and 1-inch heels on the base. He clomped over the hardwood floors, listening to the click-tap-click-tap in delight. They went perfectly with his dove gray coveralls with “Kurt” sewn on the pocket in black sequins. Mommy had made the outfit for him.
Spotting Daddy watching him, Kurt threw himself into waiting arms. Daddy’s smile looked like he had an owie but was trying to be a big boy and not cry.
Kurt hugged him. “It’s okay, Daddy.”
Burt looked surprised but hugged him back. “Yeah, buddy. I think it is.”
 Birthday #4
Ballet girls were nice. When they heard it was his birthday today, they threw him a party. Kurt puffed up with pleasure when presented with cookies, a sparkly wand and a tiara that read ‘Happy Birthday’ in shiny letters. He was not as fond of the kisses they gave, but four was very grown up, so he screwed up his face and allowed it. The teacher even let him wear the special puffy pink tutu over his little black leotard! 
 He saw Mommy and Daddy up in the gallery taking pictures, so he waved.
Kurt hoped today would last forever.
  Birthday #5
“Can I have cupcakes?”
Kurt’s mother looked up from her book. “I don’t think we have any, sweetheart.”
“Can we have some Thursday?  My birthday is the last day of preschool.”
“It is?” she said, looking surprised. “Is it your birthday already?”
He nodded seriously. “Don’t you remember, Mommy? You were there.”
She laughed. “Well, you have me there.  What kind of cupcakes would you like, sweetie? And don’t say cheesecake. Those are two completely different kinds of dessert.”
Kurt’s hopeful expression fell. “Oh,” he said, clearly disappointed. Then his face brightened again. “Chocolate?”
She nodded. “That we can do.”
   Birthday #6
Burt sat up just in time to catch the little body that launched at him. “What’s wrong, slugger?”
“It’s my birthday!”
Grinning despite the way his heart was hammering at the abrupt awakening, Burt asked, “Yeah? I like birthdays. Do I get a present?”
“No,” the boy scoffed. “I get presents!”
 Burt squinted at the clock. 3:15am. “Not until morning, you don’t.”
Kurt pouted and tried, “It’s almost morning.”
“Not close enough, kid. C’mere,” Burt pulled him into the warm bed between himself and his wife.
Kurt snuggled down and went right back to sleep.  
Burt was less lucky.
 Birthday #7
Kids had started treating him funny this year. He was too fancy, too girly, holding hands was weird.
Nobody was coming.
“I’m sorry, sweetie.”
“Am I too late?”
They jumped as a little black girl with pom-pom hair popped out of nowhere.
“I’m Mercedes,” she greeted. “We just moved here. Mom said you would have invited me if you’d known.”
“I’m Kurt.” He smiled. “Do you like tea parties?”
“Is there cake?”
Mrs. Hummel beamed. “Cake, ice cream, and Kool-Aid.”
Kurt shrugged. “Nobody else came.”
She grabbed his hand like she’d known him forever. “More for us!  Happy Birthday, Kurt.”
 Birthday #8
Kurt took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and carefully blew out the candles. All but the extra one that his parents always put on his cake.
“Aren’t you gonna finish, bud?”
He looked from Daddy over to his mother, home again, but so frail he was sometimes afraid to hug her, worried she might pop like a fragile soap bubble. He offered her the candle. “Here, Mommy. Blow it out. Maybe you’ll get another year to grow on.”
The eyes of the two adults met, then Mommy nodded. The three of them blew out the final candle together.
 Birthday #9
Barely daring to hope, Kurt came down the stairs.  Birthday cakes and presents had been Mommy’s specialty.  Daddy had forgotten his own birthday and had nearly forgotten Christmas.
Kurt gasped when he saw it, waiting, shining and spectacular against the front door.
“A bike!”
Bright green, sissy bars with foil streamers, and a banana seat. Perfect!
Burt smiled. He had scoffed a such a “girly” bike when Kurt spotted it at the toy store. But now, looking at the all-too-rare joy in his son’s eyes and feeling the approving smile his wife would have given, he nodded. It was perfect.
 Birthday #10
Buying gifts was tough when your kid always clammed up on you. A dad had to be observant.
Ten years old. A landmark like that needed something special, but the only thing Kurt seemed into was clothes. He had enough of those for ten kids.  
He’d probably like a Barbie he could change in and out of different outfits, but Burt cringed at the thought.
He did doodle pretty good though. Sure, it was mostly pictures of clothes, but that was a start.
A fancy sketchpad with a case and a hundred different colored pencils. Yeah, that was the ticket.
 Birthday #11
“Dad, where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Kurt sighed with exaggerated impatience. He had come home from school to find Dad waiting at the truck, ordering him to get in, then not saying another word. The suspense was killing him.
They had pulled up in front of a nondescript brick building. “Columbus Culinary Arts?”
“You like to cook right?  Well, we’re gonna fix your birthday dinner this year with the help of a real chef. Lessons are once a week for the next couple months.”
Gourmet cooking lessons!
“Oh wow. Dad, this is amazing!”
Burt grinned. “Happy Birthday, kid.”
 Birthday #12
Last year’s surprise had gone so well that Burt had decided on a repeat. But when he saw the excitement on Kurt’s face at finding a pair of tickets inside his birthday card turn to disappointment and horror, quickly masked with a fake smile, he knew he’d goofed.
“I know baseball isn’t your thing,” he said, almost pleading. “But you’ve never seen a live game before. It’s a whole different experience. It’s a home game. We can yell and scream, and cheer our team on with thousands of other fans.”
The stiff not-smile never wavered. “Sounds . . . fun.”
 Birthday #13
Dad had bought out one of the partners at the garage this spring and now owned a majority share of the renamed “Hummel Tires & Lube”. Kurt wanted to snicker at that name, but he was proud too.
His birthday this year coincided with Friday Night Dinner. Dad had invited all the mechanics over for a potluck. They’d had Mary’s special fried chicken, Cassius’s homemade cornbread, and Davy’s mac’n’cheese. Now Dad brought out the cake.
Kurt laughed. A sheet-cake with a tow-truck and two little plastic mechanics for decoration.
“You and me kid. Partners.”
The mechanics cheered and everybody dug in.
  Birthday #14
Kurt froze when he saw tickets peeping out of his card. Not again. Noise, sunburn, unhealthy food, tacky uniforms, and Dad trying so hard to make a boring sport seem like fun.
He sighed and pasted on a smile, which quickly transformed into shock.
“Wicked?” he squeaked, staring hard at the little papers as if the printing might change if he dared to look away.
“Embassy Theater is giving regional business owners a discount this year,” Burt said apologetically. “It’s just a traveling production, not real Broadway, but I …”
His apology was cut off by a joyful teenaged hug.
 Birthday #15
“Don’t worry, son, you got this.  Just remember everything I taught you.  You got a whole year to get ready for the practical test.”
“I know.”
“And it’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time. Not everybody does.”
“I’m fine, Dad.”
“I’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re through.”
“I know that, Dad. I’ll be okay, really.”
At that moment, Kurt’s name was called and he sprang from his hard green plastic chair. His dad’s repeated reassurances were making him jumpy.
Twenty minutes later, a brightly grinning Kurt was waving his freshly minted driver’s permit.
 Birthday #16
Burt patted the giant blue bow the dealership had provided over the hood of the shining black Lincoln Navigator.  
Kurt was gonna flip! He’d passed his DMV test with flying colors and was no doubt showing off his shiny new license to all his friends at school.  
He paused. Did Kurt have any friends to share this accomplishment with? He always seemed so alone.
Maybe that’s why he had decided to spoil his son with a huge birthday gift.
It wasn’t right for such a good kid to be all alone. Maybe having his own ride would help change that.
  Birthday #17
A dozen teens gathered in Kurt’s basement to celebrate the end-of-school, non-disbanding of Glee, and Kurt’s birthday, all in one.
“Not like ten years ago,” Mercedes said to Kurt, as they watched Mike and Brittany dance.
“Ten years?”
“Your seventh? It was just you, me, your mom, and lots of chocolate cake.”
Kurt was astounded. “That was you?”
“You forgot?”
“I remember a little girl who showed up and invited herself to my party.”
“And I remember a little boy who needed a friend as much as I did.”
He squeezed her hand. “Thanks for coming.”
She squeezed back. “Always.”
 Birthday #18
Kurt stared at his birthday cake, unable to think of anything to wish for.
He was 18-years-old today, a legal adult. He had new family in Carole and Finn, his dad was on the mend, he would be back at McKinley for senior year, he had made his first visit to New York City, and he had a boyfriend! One who had just told Kurt that he loved him for the very first time.
‘I wish for next year to be as good as this,” he thought, taking a deep breath and blowing.
The flames flickered out, all except one.
 Birthday #19
Senior year had been a disaster, and now he had not gotten into NYADA, despite his well-praised audition.
“Blaine wants me to spend another year here,” he whispered. “I just can’t.”
Burt’s callused hand squeezed his neck. “Then don’t. You’re 19 now, a man. You got talents galore, work experience from the garage, enough drive for ten kids, and your mom’s life insurance money to give you a start.”
“No buts,” Burt said firmly. “You go on to New York and grab life by the balls.”
Kurt felt his optimism rise. “Help me look for apartments?”
“You got it.”
 Birthday #20
What a difference a year made.
He’d dumped Blaine after being cheated on less than a month after leaving Lima.  He was enrolled at FIT and sharing a shoebox apartment with a fellow design student and a Broadway hopeful, but both were young gay men from small towns, and they had a lot in common.
“Happy Birthday!” Elliott shouted, tossing a handful of glittery sequins at him.
Adam came in playing the birthday song on a kazoo he had gotten from who-knows-where. “Ready for Callbacks? $20 on who gets the first hot guy’s number!”
“I already have yours. I win!”
 Birthday #21
“I have the honor of presenting your first official grown-up drink,” Adam said, smiling lovingly at his grinning boyfriend of nearly a year. He set down a martini glass with a cherry floating on top. “A Manhattan seemed appropriate.”
Kurt beamed and gave him a kiss, then took an experimental sip. “I’ve had alcohol before,” he admitted. “Mostly wine, though.  Mm, this is good!”
“I thought you’d like it. Happy Birthday, my love.  May the future bring every good thing you wish for, and never more heartache than you can handle.”
Kurt could not have asked for a better sentiment.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
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Yet again the snow had come and gone as the weather cools, melting away with ease over the passing days, but over the evening of November 30th the city was pelted by a terrible snowstorm that buried the land beneath almost five feet of snow. Strangely enough, as the clock turned midnight and December was ushered in, a number of festive events emerged across the city, some even being ones many have heard before, while others seeming entirely new...
As a note: these activities are separate from any events that may be launched during the month of December.
BUILD-A-GINGERBREAD MAN High-tech meets sweet treats in this customized kitchen. For a price of (dust), citizens of Spirale can use screens to design a gingerbread cookie to their likeness. You can watch machines behind the glass cut, bake, and decorate your cookie as you command. You could make a gift for your friend... or make a cookie that looks like your worst enemy, and bite off their face. There's something for everyone!
SOUPS UP For the duration of December a giant pot of soup can be found in the center of Fibonacci. The type of soup changes from day to day, and how it replenishes nobody is quite sure! Regardless it is free for the taking and never dries out. Could this be the work of our goddess Ofiuco? Or could it be something more sinister? (It isn’t more sinister, it’s free soup.)
ICE TO MEET YOU A station has been set up in Fibonacci where you can come to view and sculpt ice sculptures. If you destroy any creations that are not your own, expect to have all of the Dust emptied from your account you jerk. All sculptures must be safe for work.
QUID PRO SNOW Wandering in Cotes, it’s not foreign to see pixies, especially in their playground. However, it seems they’ve invited their frosty little cousins known as frost fairies over to play a few games with them... and you! Making your way into here can land you a pretty sweet reward, given the price you pay. That is, these fairies will be more than happy to make you anything you wish out of the snow and ice were you to give them a small treat or a gift of their liking.
I’M GOING GHOST... INTERACTING! Traveling through the Forest of Airaisal, one can find a passageway that mysteriously opens up on its own, leading to a path less traveled. Whether you choose to take it or not is entirely up to you. Electing to traverse it, you’ll find yourself in a small, private glen where you will encounter the ghost of your past, present, or future self. Whichever appears is up to you, though once it appears you’re welcome to interact with it as you deem fit. Maybe you want to console your past self that everything will be alright? Or perhaps you’d like to reflect on your present self, or at least the one that exists before you arrived here in Spirale. There’s also the option to speak to your future self, on what they think of you now, or maybe guidance on what might come. The possibilities are endless...
NOM RANCHING Visitors to the ward, especially around the Eternal Tree, will come to find magical marshmallow treats that appears to be causing chaos due to magical means! Whether it’s pelting themselves against passing visitors, knocking precious things over, or merely just circling about as a chaotic distraction, it’s clear the only way to keep them in check is to capture them and have a sweet treat so they don’t overwhelm  the area. Hopefully you came with an empty stomach and a sweet tooth, to boot!
SNOWFLAKE SCAVENGER The Mermaid Cove Mall planned on having dancing snowflakes as an attraction, but it seems the snowflakes formed a mind of their own and... danced right off of their displays! Deciding to salvage the situation, the mall is now making a game out of it--find five of them and bring them back to the desk, and you win a gift card! Watch out, though. The snowflakes are notoriously hard to capture, and seem to take your own strengths into account... This won't be an easy task!
XTREME ICE CHALLENGE The ocean shores of the boardwalk have become completely frozen and boating is no longer possible nearby. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t fun to be had there! An obstacle course has been made for the daring complete with icy ramps, jumps, and obstacles.. Come with skates or without, but the organizers take no responsibility if you slip and break your nose.
SILVER-WHITE WINTERS For the duration of WinterFES, Spirale University is offering a different selection of classes related to the season. There are knitting classes where you can learn to make mittens and scarves, latte art classes to help you decorate your warm drinks for the season, and general classes to help you learn to wrap presents like a pro!
CAROLS OF THE BELLES On evenings in the Archimedes ward, ringing through the streets from the Calliope Theater courtyard, you'll hear voices as lovely as the singers using them. A chorus known as the Winter Belles begin their lovely lyrical lineup, and the concerts are free to attend. There are also a few open slots to join them, as long as you attend chorus practice.
CRYSTAL FUNHOUSE This large palace is made entirely of ice, and from the inside, one can hear chimes through its halls. Inside are several attractions: a mirror room, a hall full of beautiful ice sculptures, a complementary shaved ice bar for those crazy enough to eat them in this weather... But follow the chimes, and you'll enter the ballroom, which is completely dark save for the tile floor. Each step you take makes a note that sounds most like you, and the ballroom lights up to the tune of your very soul as you dance across the floor... ...What would happen if two people danced together?
YOU BAKE IT YOU BUY IT Throughout the Star Trail, many stalls have been shifted around in order to make a large area for those who wish to put their skills to the test in what seems a continuous bake off. Not only that, but it seems they require volunteers to be the judges of the savory sweets that are gonna be pumped out throughout the days. Fancy yourself an excellent baker who can blow the socks off of any taster who tries your dish or those who wish to place their palettes to the test? Well, have a seat and be served... quite literally!
TERRES-TREE-AL DECORATING Once more, a safe passage has been made into the Mistwood, leading to an area called the Traveler’s Garden. Some might remember the need to plant more trees and won’t be surprised to find that those planted back in Spring have now sprouted rapidly and is ready for decorating! Those who planted them can find them in the same spots with several boxes around them full of holiday decorations to get them decorated and ready to shine bright for the snowy season. Oh, and no worries, even if you weren’t able to plant one back in Spring, you’re still more than welcome to help decorate them!
TIS THE SKI-SON In a clearing that breaks off from the decorating, various large hills of snow have sprung up from out of nowhere. Trekking up to the top or taking a ride on a few snowmobiles manned by some island residents will reveal that it’s a makeshift ski and snowboarding attraction! Once fitted with one of your preference, as well as given a safety helmet and goggles, you’re free to slide down those slippery slopes and show off to your pals. Or maybe you’ll just biff it as you catch sight of that rumored dragon in the distance as you ski on down!
SOMETHING SEEMS ICE-FISHY While the Swirling Gulf can still be accessed, it would seem that a large portion of the waters nearby has been magically frozen over in a thick sheet of ice that can be reached with their submarine transportation system, allowing many people to walk with ease across it. Several holes have been drilled into it as well, allowing people to partake in ice fishing! Though a various amount of fish can be caught, there is also the risk of danger that you may be (un?)lucky to find a murderous large fish at the end of your line. But that could just be a rumor, right? No way there’s some large ghost fish or dangerous sea creature that you could reel in, right...
SNOWMANNING THE FORT Deep below, found in various areas of the sunken city such as the Mainland, Coral Bay, and even near the Kelp Forest, snow that never melts has been brought down and packed into areas where many can build snowmen to their liking. Laced with bioluminescent qualities that offer you any type of color, you can make colorful creations come to life with ease. Not only that, but once completed, the snowman will imprint the emotion belonging to its creator, expressing itself in an exaggerated display on how they currently feel. Whether they’re the happiest they’ve ever been or happen to be a little Scrooge-y at the time, these snowmen are ways to express yourself from the bottom of your heart.
ONSEN AND OFFSEN Recently, there's been some magmatic activity closer to the surface on the back side of the volcano... suspected Nuee Ardente Society activity. Nothing (too) dangerous, though, and in fact, it happens to be below a spring source, turning the small ponds and water pools around the area into hot springs! Despite the snow blanketing most of the rest of the island, the areas immediately surrounding the pools are kept clear, mainly by the hot cocoa vendors who are taking advantage of this sales opportunity. Be careful, though, because the magma flow isn't constant, and the temperature of the water can fluctuate in either direction, for better or for worse.
JUST THE WAY YOU LIGHT IT Leading up to the natural tunnel that gives access to the renown Garden of Ash, many might take note of a beautiful array of lights and colorful flowers that are laid out like a path into the garden itself. It’s highly encouraged to take this path at night, where many hand strewn designs light up in the dwindling hours, also illuminating the various plants which grow in the ashen soils, all while making the already falling ash even more snow-like to fit the snowy landscape the island has become. Some of the lights can even reflect of any glass in the vicinity, creating an almost kaleidoscope effect that can take the breath away of onlookers.
RINK AROUND THE CIRCUITS While more daring skaters might take fun in Golden Ward, more casual goers might find a bit more joy in the ice skating rink set up on the shores of Moon Beach where the waters have been frozen over and smoothed out. Even more alluring, the ice beneath seems to have a mesmerizing array of glowing colors that light up and forms into playful patterns beneath the ice to the beat of the current playlist. Whether you bring your own ice skates or have them provided, you’ll be sure to have a blast gliding along the top of the neon colors!
SNOW FUN ALLOWED There's a designated arena, full to the brim with snow that never seems to run out, dirty, or melt. Events take place not only throughout the day but also well into the night, with the arena being well-illuminated even at the darkest of hours. A good portion of the arena has been set up with barricades and obstacles for the ideal snowball fight zone, with regular switches between free-for-all or team games; the remainder has been sectioned off to protect any poor bystanders from errant deckings in the face, and is much more for making snowmen, snow angels, or any other sorts of snow activities you can think of. 
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id-never-letyoudown · 3 years
Rare pair hell below (plz work readmore) part 2
Henry Hidgens didn't have the best childhood. Being shipped off to live with his aunt and uncle after coming out to his parents and then disowned does not make for a happy nor healthy mind. He was sixteen when it happened. His only light in those trying times were his aunt and uncle. They supported him. No matter what he wished to do.
He wanted to learn an instrument? Sure. He wanted to take up songwriting? Absolutely. Shoot a gun? You bet. And Henry was quite ambitious to say the least. He dabbled in a little bit of everything while he lived with them. It had been the first time he'd been allowed to truly express himself.
And they accepted him. Sure they had to get used to a few things, they'd sometimes use the wrong name-but they were always quick to correct themselves. And that was all he could ask for. His parents never bothered to try. Last he heard they were telling people that their only daughter had died and they had no sons.
Henry wanted to do big things, make a name for himself doing what he loved. And he just happened to love many things-and if you asked him he excelled at them all. Of course.
It took some string pulling and a lot of extra credit and the like, but Henry had managed to get himself accepted into a nice college outside of Hatchetfield. He never could decide on what he wanted to do, so again he tried a bit of everything that tickled his fancy.
He was particularly gifted in biology. Anything to do with the human body. And had a special interest in things that had adverse effects on them as well. Diseases, plagues-you name it.
His presentations drew a lot of attention. Attention that brought him to the door of the P.E.I.P. Not literally to their door, of course. Especially when he moved back and resumed his studies in Hatchetfield. They were interested in him. His intellect. And thought he could help them. The fact that he called Hatchetfield his home was another point of interest. And the fact that his last remaining family had died in a freak accident months prior made him stand out. A smart man who knew how to handle a gun and who wouldn't be missed if he should disappear? He was practically made for their organization.
Henry declined their initial offer, having just landed a position on a team of scientists currently studying a disease he was very curious about-and just so happened to be immune to.
He had made a lot of friends at Hatchetfield Community College-a few of which became his lovers. They would all go to the football field at five o'clock to catch up every day. Always. Henry had been a little impatient and wasn't as thorough as he should have been during his decontamination procedure one day, eager to see his boys.
He infected every one of them. And had to watch them each die, one by one. Comforting them while searching for a cure. He still visits that campus in the anniversary of the start of their collective deaths, because having to go back days in a row would have been too much for him.
He ended up joining P.E.I.P shortly after that. He wasn't at the top of their ranks, sure. But he was known as a good marksman and the person you wanted to see if you needed some special equipment. But his speciality was theorizing. Because he had this uncanny ability of almost always being right.
It was discovered that he had foresight. Not the most powerful they've seen, but a good asset nonetheless. This is what made him a valuable member of P.E.I.P.
It should be noted that Henry, though preferring very much to work alone, had grown incredibly fond of a certain general. The two had even-and continue to-hooked up on several occasions. Henry had gotten a little attached and was hurt when he discovered McNamara was marrying his good friend Xander-but he supported them both fully. The three do still fool around together and Henry even became the surrogate for their son, in exchange for "a bottle of brandy for every stretchmark" and "never ask me for anything ever again".
His time at P.E.I.P was filled with adventure and excitement. He loved every minute of it.
And then the fatal day happened.
Henry was well aware that they had lost an agent to the Black and White. But that didn't stop his curiosity. He swore it was like it was calling to him. The portal. He'd dream about it. Sometimes he found himself passing by the lab it was kept in and stopping for no reason other than to gaze longingly at it.
He didn't have the clearance to venture into the Black and White, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't come up with a good enough reason for he himself to go.
And then one day he just so happened to find the masterkey card just... lying on his desk. Like it was waiting for him. And when he grabbed it it felt as though someone was standing right over him. Just this great, overwhelming presence. But a... welcomed one. Which wouldn't make sense to him until later.
He had to sneak in when everyone else had gone. But once he made it, once he stepped into the Black and White for the very first time-he fucking ate the primordial pavement and cracked his helmet.
And just as the panic was about to set in he heard it. A man's voice. One he's heard before but could only now make out.
It'd felt like he'd been wandering around that great expanse of nothingness for days-it had only been minutes-but seeing this stranger, and knowing he must have so much to tell him, made it all worth it.
"Was wondering when you were gonna get the hints, Dove." The man spoke, wearing far too much denim for Henry's tastes-but somehow he made it work. "Bet you got a lotta questions."
"You have no idea-" where did he go-oh!
Henry's helmet was gone now. And he could feel the man's warm breath against his ear. And feel him right behind him. Practically touching. "Oh but I do." When he turned around the man was gone. Henry only had to look back to find him in his original position. "And I can answer them all."
".... There's a catch, isn't there." It wasn't a question. Henry knew he needed to leave through the portal soon, unless he wanted to stay there trapped forever. "What do you want?"
"Smart, Dove. See, that's why I like you. Straight to the point. You know exactly what you want." Oh please, it took him years to settle on a major- "It just wasn't plain to see. Power."
"Power. Fame. Recognition. And everything in between. I can give you it all. All you have to do is shake my hand."
"I shake your hand and I become a pawn for one of your lords, is that right?" Henry eyes him skeptically, but the offer was tempting. After all-
"You know apotheosis is already upon us. Might as well rig the show while there still is one."
Henry stares at the stretched out hand, his own twitching at his side. It was true. He's seen it. Several Its, actually. So many outcomes. So many branching realities. Lost when he woke up. But coming back to the surface the longer he stayed here.
"I..." He reached for his hand, eyes finding bright, apple green. He saw a promise. A promise for power. For the ability to set the pieces wherever he wished and watch them fall. For everything he could ever wish for and... more? More.
Henry wanted so much more than what he'd been given. What he worked for.
And just as he was about to lay his palm down he was yanked back. Something had pulled on his lifeline, sending him stumbling back.
"Henry!" The general shouted behind him, and just as he looked back, to give the stranger one more look, he was gone. "Henry what were you thinking?!"
"No..." Henry had to be dragged back through the portal, kicking and screaming. "No-let me go! Let me-" and then the crying began. He couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. When he finally stopped resisting McNamara let him sink to the floor, in front of the deactivated portal. And the promises it held.
"You should have let me go." His voice cracked, slumping foward. Black strands of hair fell in his face, obscuring his vision. Not that the tears weren't already doing that. "You should have-" he hiccupped.
A hush fell over the room. An odd tingling sensation ran over him. Similar to walking out into the heat after spending hours in a cold theater. His hair, strand by strand. From root to tip. Began to turn a silvery white.
Needless to say P.E.I.P didn't let him go for a long while after that. They interrogated him. Poked and prodded. Took samples of his hair. Something told Henry he needed them to think he was just slightly unhinged. Just a bit. Just enough to get them to believe he wasn't a threat.
And when they did let him go, they called it 'retirement' and gave him a new identity. And a job as a professor. Just to be safe. So no one would ask questions. He wasn't particularly happy about it. And stormed out of the facility in a huff. During a big storm.
McNamara was right on his heels. "This is just a precaution, Henry-"
"A precaution?! Putting foam on sharp corners in a precaution-this is just-u g h!" Henry threw his hands up, already soaked to the bone. White hair sticking to his face. Damn he needed a haircut. "This is wrong and you know it!"
"You entered the portal without permission-do you know what could have happened if I didn't come back?!" He had to shout just to be heard over the sound of pouring rain.
"This place was like home to me, you know that-and I make one mistake and that's it?! Poof! How fair is that?!"
"I'm trying to convince them to let you back on, I just need you to lay low-"
"Lay low?!" He laughed bitterly, pushing his hair out of his eyes. You couldn't even tell the difference between the rain and his tears. "I'm Henry 'Hidgens' now! What the fuck kind of name is that? And sixty-three?! R e a l l y?! I don't even look that old! Who's going to believe that?!"
He spread his arms out in a wide arc, "You're all going to regret not having me here, just you wait and see. You're going to come crawling to ol' Henry Hidgens, Biology professor at Hatchetfield Community College for help one day and you know what he's going to say? Fuck y-"
Thunder shook the area, lightning lighting up the sky in a crooked arc. And then, in the blink of an eye, Henry was struck.
That's what he got for ranting in the middle of a storm.
Anyways, when he was given the okay to return home he spent months crafting his new life. Hey, if he was going to be given a new identity he might as well have fun with itm and he still had to heal from that lightning strike.
He bore a scar that branched like veins all down across his body. Staring from the left side of his neck, and down to his right ankle. He liked to play up the 'unhinged and questionable professor' bit a lot. And loved to pepper in the very real fact that he'd been struck by lightning.
Hell of a thing to brag about.
It had been nearly half a year now since then. He's settled into his new life nicely. Becoming Hatchetfield's known hermit of a whacky professor.
Lately he'd been having a feeling he was being watched. And sometimes, sometimes, he'd see him. The man he now knew as Wilbur Cross. The agent P.E.I.P had lost. They never told him what actually happened though.
He had just come in from his garden one day when he felt it. That familiar presence.
Henry set his basket of apples down. His aunt and uncle had owned this house before, and planted a nice garden-which had been neglected after their passing, but Henry was tending it now. They had a few apple trees as well. Henry planned on making a pie.
That presence was still there. Bearing over him. He didn't know if he was just being paranoid or hopeful or what. Regardless-he went behind his bar, took up his shotgun, and returned shortly after.
And when he did he froze. Because there he was, sitting on the counter. Eating one of the apples. At first the shock was enough to make his jump and aim right at him-not that it bothered this man to have a gun trained on him.
"Wilbur..." Henry didn't know what he felt exactly when he saw him, but suffice to say he was overwhelmed. He lowered his shotgun.
"Hey there, Dove. Ya miss me-"
"I accept."
"Whoa now-at least let me do the pitch!"
"You already did that, remember? And I accept, on one condition."
Wilbur's brow cocked, "Who said you could make conditions?"
"I did. It's an easy thing, really." He came closer, just as Wilbur hopped down from the counter. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey, sliding it over to himself. "Every promise you make to me, you have to keep. And, we seal the deal with a drink."
"You trying to butter me up with booze and apples?"
"The apples are a coincidence."
"A n d you're making demands of me? On top of pulling a g u n on me?.... You know, I think this might be the start of a great partnership. Pass me a shot glass-" he saw Henry pop the lid off the bottle and take a drink with hardly a grimace. His heart would have skipped. If it still beat. "... damn, Dove."
"So, we got a deal or what?"
"First of all, my line." Wilbur grabs the bottle from him, fingers lingering a few seconds too long. "Second, you bet your sweet ass."
They drank together. And thus started their partnership.
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Promptober-2021: Putting on Hairs: How to Make Hot Chocolate?
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Rating: G Words: 669 Prompt: Hot Choco AU: Theater, Monster, Cryptid Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs Time Frame: ???
Author’s Note: 2nd entry for Oct 31st’s prompt. Reminder, Maki is a salamander with control over flame
Summary: NicoMaki find their dressing room filled with gifts from patrons
“<Bravo, my dear Nishikino.>” Nico said in English using a horribly fake baritone as the two approached their shared dressing room from opposite directions. “<A marvelous performance. Simply marvelous.>” She bowed as they met at the door.
Maki rolled her eyes but granted her girlfriend the gift of a chuckle. “Nico-chan’s performance was lovely as well.”
“Of course!” Nico switched back to her normal voice as she opened the door for them. “The No. 1 Actress in the Universe is always lovely. But Maki-chan knows she prefers to be called cute.”
“Kasumi is in her own dressing room.” Probably soaking up compliments from Shizuku. Maki added silently. “You don’t have to compete here.”
“I’m not competing.” Nico groused. “I’m stating a fact. Nico’s performance was cuter.”
Maki chuckled again and let Nico have that one as they moved to their vanities, both of which were covered in flowers and gifts from patrons. Maki ignored most on her side as she sought one in particular. She picked it up, confirmed the sender and opened it.
Nico, however, flitted through her collection, reading each note attached, often aloud and with commentary.
“Ooo… Maki-chan, look at these!” Nico presented a box filled with several, decadent, chocolate covered strawberries. “Want o… Are you eating… a tomato?”
“They’re from my parents.” Maki confirmed before taking another bite.
“Your parents give you tomatoes? Not fancy chocolates or other rare candies or…?”
“They know what I like.” Maki shrugged. “Want one?”
“Hrm…” Nico considered before leaning in.
“Nico-chan?” Maki startled as the other woman took a bite of the one in her hand.
“Well, I have to admit, that’s pretty good.” Nico said after swallowing. “But I think these are still better.” She held out a strawberry.
Maki accepted. “They’re all right.” She said, returning to her tomato.
“Huh, Maki-chan really is obsessed.” Nico observed. “Do the other patrons give you tomatoes as well?”
“I doubt it.”
“Well, let’s have a look.”
With that, Nico began doing the same to Maki’s collection as she had done to her own.
“Oh, here are some chocolates.” Nico said pulling out a box.
Maki’s eyes narrowed as she noticed the brand. “Who are they from?”
Nico caught the change in tone and raised an eyebrow toward her girlfriend. “The card simply lists it as being from a Saito… Say, isn’t she that annoying reporter who… Eh?”
Maki snatched the box out of Nico’s hand. She then turned, held the package at arm’s length and ignited it. In a flash of flame, the gift was gone.
“Well… uhm… that’s certainly one way to make hot chocolate?” Nico ventured. “Are you alright, Maki-chan?”
“I’m fine.” Maki stated.
“Yeah, I’m not buying that.” Nico moved closer. “What’s wrong?”
Maki sighed. “I’ll… tell you later. I don’t want to ruin the mood after such a great show.” She stepped past Nico and grabbed another package. “Here, this one is from the Ishikawas.” She turned back. “They’re friends of the family and always send chocolates.”
Nico let out a low whistle when she noticed the brand, an expensive one not normally available in stores in Japan, so it was likely shipped from overseas. She knew the Nishikinos were rich, so it stood to reason they would have rich friends as well. Still… “You sure you want to share these with Nico?”
Maki laughed. “Why wouldn’t I want to share something like this with my girlfriend?”
That was a fair point and Nico suddenly felt silly for having asked. “Thanks, Maki-chan.”
Nico had just popped the treat into her mouth when a knock came at the door.
“Come in.” Maki responded since Nico’s mouth was full.
“Water delivery!” Yuu announced, opening the door and presenting a pitcher. “Oh wow, you two got a ton of flowers!” She grinned as she pulled a cart in behind her. “Make sense though, you were amazing tonight. Now, let’s get those into vases. Which ones do you want?”
Nico and Maki smiled at each other before making their selections.
Author’s Note Continued: I first mentioned Saito in the prompt for Liminal, an Umi focused chapter titled Void. I’m not entirely sure what all I want to do with her just yet, but I figure she may end up being an occasional thorn in everyone’s side. And as this chapter likely takes place after Void, it would seem Saito didn’t take Umi’s advice. I’ll have to think more about her character as I continue to explore this AU.
Also, this chapter concludes my run of official and bonus entries for the original 31 prompts of the Promptober-2021 event on the Idol Fanfic Heaven Discord server. There are six Backup prompts that I could have used had I not been able to think of anything for any given prompt throughout the event, but I did not need them. However, they still sparked ideas, so I intend to write more despite the event have concluded.
Also also, I had some ideas for additional entries for the original prompts, but was unable to complete them during their assigned day. I may finish those up and post them as even more bonus chapters here and over on AO3.
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Movie star Au: Jaune Wick
Jaune got woken up as his dog Daisy barked an climbed over him in bed and ran out the bedroom doorway and down the hall. Seeing that she obviouslywas upset about something, Jaune tossed his comforter off him and went to follow her. He walked into his living room only to see two silhouettes of people before something smashed into the back of his head and knocked him down to the floor.
A series of cuts flashed over the screen of Jaune getting beaten by the three silhouettes. The brutal montage ended with one final scene of Daisy running away from a figure before yelping in pain before the screen went black.
The screen fades into Jaune kneeling in front of a tree outside his house, putting a small box in an equally grave and burying it. Then, Jaune voice starts up as a narrator. “I lost everything. That dog was a final gift from my dying wife.”
Another voice followed. The well known voice of Ozma Ozpin. “Jaunathon… you got out once. You dip so much as a pinkie back into this pond you may find something reaching out to pull you back in.”
Jaune looked straight into his old colleagues eyes “It’s personal.”
The scene jumped to a well groomed Shay D. Mann on the floor holding his jaw in pain. The camera swings to Arthur Watts pouring himself a drink as he spoke. “It’s not what you did son.” 
A cut was made to show a scene of Jaune’s back as he was showing, showing it was covered in several tattoos.
“It’s who you did it too.”
Shay looked at Arthur in disbelief. “That nobody?!”
Another cut was made to show Jaune again, this time smashing away at a concrete floor with a sledgehammer, yelling in effort and rage. He finished and cleared the smashed rocks off of a large crate. 
Arthur shook his head at his son’s ignorance. “That nobody...”
Jaune opened the crate and the camera over Jaune’s shoulder showed that it had several custom handguns on one side and then dozens of neatly packed gold coins on the other.
“...is Jaune Wick.”
A flash of scenes went by of Jaune fighting with his newly retrieved guns and hand to hand with men in his home as the soundtrack kicked into high gear. It was obvious that he was the one winning.
Watts’ voice spoke up again as scenes of Jaune’s rampage continued. “Task a crew.”
“How many?”
“As many as you have.”
Action scenes kept playing briefly. All showing Jaune firing some kind of gun or in a fight.
“People keep asking me if I’m back.” The scene cut away again to Jaune striding forward with a gun raised and shooting away almost at a rhythm, his eyes showing nothing except determination and focus as he killed two more men in a club. The scene went back to Jaune tied to a chair surrounded by men,  and then the camera went in for a close up so only Jaune’s face was in frame. “Yeah. I’m thinking I’m back!”
Finally the action ended with a roughed Jaune with his suit now being bloodstained and torn standing at a front desk. On the other side of the desk was Marrow Amin in crisp, fancy suit of his own. Jaune awkwardly looked down at his ruined suit and then back up to Marrow to ask him, “How goods your laundry.”
Marrow looked at Jaune like the answer was obvious before saying, “No ones that good.”
Jaune nodded lightly, showing he probably already knew that would be the answer. “I thought not...”
October 24
The screen finally faded to black once and for all after the trailer’s title card. Applause and cheers filled the talk show room. Lisa Lavender was clapping along with them and smiling. “And there you have it! "Jaune Wick” staring Jaune Arc, Arthur Watts, Marrow Amin, and so many more stars is hitting the theaters this weekend. Jaune, Arthur, thank you so much for joining me here tonight just few days before this premiers.”
Jaune, still sporting the long hair he had in the trailer, spoke first. “Thanks for having me. I’m really excited to see how this one does.” 
Arthur followed with nod of his head. “It’s been a pleasure.”
The audience started clapping and cheering again as Lisa’s outro music played and the talk show ended.
There you have it! Sorry for the insanely long wait on this one Nate. Hopefully I made up for it with this different format for a Movie Star AU ask. I wanted to give a movie as great as the first “John Wick” movie a lot more love since I loved it so much the first time I saw it! There were too many good scenes to choose from that I couldn’t decide, so I just based this ask of the official trailer.
I hope you all enjoyed!
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