My OCs Own My Ass
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valhallanrose · 2 years ago
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~Commissions are open!~
Such beauty it could be if you distributed this post - or even had desire to aquire something for yourself!<ззз
Below I have described in detail almost all the information that I could imagine as neccessary, yet please do not hesitate to write for any reason in a private message or ask - it will be my absolute pleasure to tell or show you more, and I am always glad to have new delightful acquaintances!<зз
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I do portraits in three formats - bust, waist-length and full-length, and with three different stages of completion - line art, flat color and full shadow work. They can be completely different in style, and you should pay close attention to the difference in the execution of these formats - the busts are always more detailed in the character's features, the atmosphere is more consistent in waist-length paintings, and full-length drawings are well suited to demonstrate clothing design or depict a scene. On average, I complete the first stage of work (sketching) in two days, and the second in three, but in case of various circumstances I may leave myself from a week to week and a half - depending on the complexity and its cost, and the duration of the work can vary greatly yet I always try to be transparent and tactful about all possible deadlines and reasons for such.
I adore to experiment with styles and learn new tones of this craft - as each meeting is a start of something beautiful, and I desire to create art that is complex and multifaced, but to an important extend I should say that I do not feel comfortable to copy or imitate other's styles of execution and sensuality, and a lot of expressions and detailing in my work are sudden - art is an journey and yet I would love to share this journey with you;зз
There is a path of my prices:
- Bust of one character up to the chest.
Sketch: $ 45
Flat color: $ 50
Shadows & Color Treatment: $ 55
- Portrait of one or more characters up to the waist.
Sketch: $ 60
Flat color: $ 65
Shadows & Color Treatment: $ 70
For background + 5 $ as base cost, prices over are determined by detailing. For each new character + 10 $ - Character (or several) in full growth.
Sketch: $ 75
Flat color: $ 80
Shadows & Color Treatment: $ 85
For background + 10 $ as base cost, prices over are determined by detailing. For each new character + 15 $ Cost of more complex and expressive pieces and backgrounds are increased by tips, which I express as an deeply loyal and tactful system - it is absolutely voluntary and happens only at the end of the project, so you have ability to define their cost to your feelings and abilities and nothing over that<зз Oh!! And you havve read almost everything! Thank you so much! And also tere, under the cut, I describe the whole process of work and how we pay. This is quite useful information for other questions that you may have if you desire to purchase my work, therefore I may advise you to take a look at it too;з
How do we work on an order?
Please feel free to contact me via Tumblr for any questions you may acquire! ~
After I discuss the content of the painting with the client and receive additional materials from them (a photo of the person I am drawing, or references that are close to what is expected of me), I start creating the first sketch.
In accordance with the request, I make a sketch of the future painting, which will contain all its important elements and an approximate color scheme (if any) that I will use. At this stage, you can freely make your amendments, and when the content suits you, I will ask you for an advance payment of half the cost of the work without additional prices of background or detailing.
After that, work on the portrait will begin. Its duration varies on several factors - to a greater extent on the volume and complexity of the work itself, as well as on my own workload with other orders.
After completing the portrait, I will send you its version in low quality- after you familiarize yourself with it (there is also possible some edits - of tones and color, elements of shading, character features and small details), and after you pay the rest of the amount, you shall receive the final result of our artwork! ~
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valhallanrose · 2 years ago
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She strides in the fall of the forests The one, who is knight of gold and of emerald Sylvane made a rug for her feet out of it's slips The maple fire - are her torches Among birch belltowers Song of glory wind flows The forest opened it's banners - There goes dame of the midlands
Her eyes are flames of verdure In darkest hair - pearls of fog, Maple gold are her crown, Her lips - are open wound Light of the sun dances on chestplate She is more bitter than wine, warmer than all of kisses Sunlight burns her lips over and over again - The Knight laughs, Sylvane conjures
She strides in the fall of the forests In her eyes - vernals of verdures Gold of the maple - are her crown Rubies of rowan in her thenars
Crown of my warmth and adore is for the tones and beauty of the most glorious @darkestphoenix<ззз
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valhallanrose · 2 years ago
As They Covered The Sun With Swords They Had Bloodied, I Found Your Eyes Like A Worship Song of Old (Part 2)
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A Tamnana centric spin-off to @ilyamatic​’s pirate au. Tamryn & the Olenevs belong to @valhallanrose​.
You can find Part 1 here.
Series Summary: 16k words. Set during the first decades of the XVIII century, Aelius Anatole, or Inti Ankuwilla, as history might or might not remember him, meets a certain Tamryn Olenev when his family relocates from Poland to Venice. In meeting each other and falling for each other, the two of them will discover a kingdom of their own, where they can figure out what it is to exist despite all odds telling you not to.
Part 2: 6k words. After sharing a furtive kiss on a deserted alleyway in Venice, Anatole’s job catches up to them. With the promise of returning, Anatole sets off to the Caribbean and upon his return, he decides to face Tamryn’s parents before confessing his feelings to him. Meanwhile, Tamryn frets, prays and finds a strange form on solidarity in Milenko.
Content warnings: Minors DNI. This is a piece of historical fiction set in the early XVIII century, during the golden age of piracy. As such it may contain depictions, allusions and episodes of racism towards black and indigenous peoples, anti-semitism, islamophobia, and LGBTQ people, as well as legitimate aspects of colonial violence.
Footnotes can be found at the end of the piece if applicable. Check part 1 for the main references and background research used for this piece.
Late at night, Tamryn had been going over the same detail of his project over, and over again.
“Alright honey, I think it’s time for you to go to bed,” Evalina said.
Tamryn kept going over his project.
His mother called his name again: “Tamryn.”
Only when she gently shook his shoulder, he realised she was talking to him.
Tamryn grew more and more distracted as days passed. Half agony, half hope, altogether dreading Anatole might regret what he did. He knew he had held his hand, he could still hear him promising he would come back but that wasn’t enough to calm his fears, especially when the fear of him changing his mind about him hid a fear much, much worse: that Anatole might not come back.
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valhallanrose · 2 years ago
As They Covered The Sun With Swords They Had Bloodied, I Found Your Eyes Like A Worship Song of Old
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A Tamnana centric spin-off to @ilyamatic​‘s pirate au.
Set during the first decades of the XVIII century, Aelius Anatole, or Inti Ankuwilla, as history might or might not remember him, meets a certain Tamryn Olenev as his family relocates from Poland to Venice. In meeting each other and falling for each other, the two of them will discover a kingdom of their own, where they can figure out what it is to exist despite all odds telling you not to.
Tamryn & the Olenevs belong to @valhallanrose​. This piece is for you too.
This work is one complete piece of 16k words, but for easier reading I will be dividing it in parts. You can also find footnotes at the end.
Author’s notes, important references and content warnings: Just like Abby’s series this is set in the historical XVIII century, that means this work contains depictions, implications and allegories to racism towards black and indigenous peoples, anti-semitism, islamophobia, and LGBTQ people.
Despite none of these are the central focus of the work, this does include allusions to legitimate aspects of colonial violence in what we now know as Latin America. Reader discretion is advised. This piece also contains mild lemon content, so minors DNI.
However, like everything else I write about Anatole and his family, it is a testament that solidarity can be built, and our lives can be full of joy despite all odds.
While this work has footnotes where it’s needed, the following resources are some of the material used for it: Saphi.Quechua, Diksionaryo de Ladino a Espanyol, A Rainbow Thread: An Anthology of Queer Jewish Texts from the First Century to 1969, (Article, behind a paywall) Medieval Hebrew Poets ‘Come Out of Closet’ in New Anthology, Life is with People: The Culture of the Shtetl, Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina (*).
If you find any typos or inaccuracies, or have other sources you want to throw my way, please do so. I welcome them in DMs.
The Olenevs arrived from Kraków with few personal belongings, yet they carried all the books they could with them, as if Evalina’s chemistry or Galen’s studies of the human body were as important as food and clothes themselves.
Anatole understood.
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
have some shitty chaotic pride flags ^^
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
Tarot-inspired Prompts
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艸 Major Arcana - Significant moments in your character’s history
・ω・ Court Cards - Significant people in your character’s lifestory
★ Pentacles - The material world and everything tangible within
ー☆* Wands - The spark of life; creation, passion, the emergence of something new
◥█̆̈◤ Cups - Emotions, feelings, secrets, past, future
━━╋⊂ Swords - The sharpness of mind, mental states, thoughts, opinions
Major Arcana:
0. The Fool - when you first created your character, what did you originally envision for them?
I. The Magician - have you followed through on your original vision for your character? Are they as they were when you first began?
II. The High Priestess - has your character ever ignored their conscience?
III. The Empress - what is the most important thing your character has ever made?
IV. The Emperor - has your character ever broken the law?
V. The Hierophant - what is the most important lesson your character has learned or still needs to learn?
VI. The Lovers - have your character’s heart and mind ever been at odds with one another?
VII. The Chariot - what is the most important message your character has responded to and/or ignored?
VIII. Strength - is there a moment your character has ever had to fight for something or someone?
IX. The Hermit - has your character ever isolated themselves knowingly?
X. Wheel of Fortune - has your character ever endured abject misfortune? Have they ever experienced euphoric bliss?
XI. Justice - has your character ever knowingly wronged someone?
XII. The Hanged Man - what is the most signficant thing your character has had to sacrifice?
XIII. Death - what kind of transformation(s) has your character gone through? If multiple, which is the most significant?
XIV. Temperance - when, if ever, has your character had to compromise?
XV. The Devil - has your character ever been addicted to a certain behavior or substance?
XVI. The Tower - what is the most traumatic thing your character has had to endure?
XVII. The Star - how did your character develop from their past trauma?
XVIII. The Moon - what is the most significant secret your character has discovered?
XIX. The Sun - what was the most significant “truth” your character has had to reveal?
XX. Judgment - what moment in your character’s life history matured them the most? Their “coming of age” so to speak.
XXI. The World - what is the greatest achievement your character has accomplished?
Court Cards
Page of Pentacles - the most reliable and practical youth your character knows.
Knight of Pentacles - the most stubborn adult your character knows.
Queen of Pentacles - the most organized/chill woman your character knows.
King of Pentacles - the most business oriented man your character knows.
Page of Wands - the most adventurous and eager youth your character knows.
Knight of Wands - the adult with the shortest attention span your character knows.
Queen of Wands - the sexiest woman your character knows.
King of Wands - the most romantic man your character knows.
Page of Cups - the most creative and sensitive youth your character knows.
Knight of Cups - the adult most pre-occupied with finding love your character knows.
Queen of Cups - the most deceitful woman your character knows.
King of Cups - the most mature man your character knows.
Page of Swords - the most thoughtful/intellectual youth your character knows.
Knight of Swords - the most impatient adult your character knows.
Queen of Swords - the most independent woman your character knows.
King of Swords - the most analytical man your character knows.
★ Ace of Pentacles - how has your character grown since their conception?
★ Two of Pentacles - has your character ever ‘dropped the ball’ on something important?
★ Three of Pentacles - does your character work well in teams?
★ Four of Pentacles - is your character financially stable?
★ Five of Pentacles - has your character ever endured poverty?
★ Six of Pentacles - does your character accept help from others?
★ Seven of Pentacles - what tests your character’s patience more than anything?
★ Eight of Pentacles - does your character have a craft that they work on?
★ Nine of Pentacles - is your character luxurious or ascetic?
★ Ten of Pentacles - in what aspect of your character’s life are they the most rich? Emotionally, physically, spiritually?
ー☆* Ace of Wands - from where do you derive inspiration for your character?
ー☆* Two of Wands - has your character ever had to make a tough decision between two choices?
ー☆* Three of Wands - do you have any long-term plans for your character?
ー☆* Four of Wands - what was the most recent celebration your character took part in?
ー☆* Five of Wands - what was the most recent conflict your character was involved in?
ー☆* Six of Wands - is your character considered a role model for anyone they know?
ー☆* Seven of Wands - has your character ever had to make a stand for something they believe in?
ー☆* Eight of Wands - how quickly has your character ever resolved an issue?
ー☆* Nine of Wands - what was the most recent instance of your character keeping their guard up?
ー☆* Ten of Wands - what is the heaviest burden your character has had to shoulder?
◥█̆̈◤ Ace of Cups - has your character made any new friends lately? New love interests?
◥█̆̈◤ Two of Cups - what was the most recent instance of someone showing your character a lot of emotional support?
◥█̆̈◤ Three of Cups - when was the last time your character partied with their friends?
◥█̆̈◤ Four of Cups - how indecisive is your character?
◥█̆̈◤ Five of Cups - when did your character experience the most significant feeling of loss in their life history?
◥█̆̈◤ Six of Cups - describe your character’s childhood in as little or great detail as you prefer.
◥█̆̈◤ Seven of Cups - how does your character view dreams?
◥█̆̈◤ Eight of Cups - has your character ever had to cut their losses and move on from a bad situation?
◥█̆̈◤ Nine of Cups - when was the last time your character felt on top of the world?
◥█̆̈◤ Ten of Cups - what family memories does your character hold dear?
━━╋⊂ Ace of Swords - what is the most recent problem your character has had to solve?
━━╋⊂ Two of Swords - has there ever been a time your character has ignored their emotions in favor of logic?
━━╋⊂ Three of Swords - what was the worst betrayal of trust your character has ever experienced?
━━╋⊂ Four of Swords - has your character ever taken a vacation?
━━╋⊂ Five of Swords - what is the harshest thing your character has ever said?
━━╋⊂ Six of Swords - how does your character deal with pain? Emotional, physical and/or mental pain.
━━╋⊂ Seven of Swords - what is the worst instance of your character being manipulative?
━━╋⊂ Eight of Swords - who is your character’s harshest critic?
━━╋⊂ Nine of Swords - what is the worst nightmare your character has ever endured?
━━╋⊂ Ten of Swords - was there a time your character has ever hit “rock bottom”?
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
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It all seems like it might have been a dream.
That’s what you tell yourself, when you recall the last Midsummer Masquerade - that it was a fever dream, brought on by the haze of high summer, the heat of those long, lazy nights that somehow still manage to quicken the blood. And yet, you know it wasn’t simply a dream, and as spring slips on its finery, as the days lengthen and lend urgency to the steadily-shortening twilight hours, you wonder: will we dream again?
And then, the invitation arrives.
Welcome, one and all, to the Vesuvia Midsummer Masquerade.
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
and somehow, i am a little gayer every time i look at this. this is magic, i tell you
In all seriousness, Kris, you were an absolute delight to work with and I am going to be forever grateful for you taking this one on, because, well, look at it. They’re so hot. Listen, I owe you my life and for anyone out there looking for an artist to commission, I HIGHLY recommend you go to Kris. You won’t regret it. 
Thank you again!!
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Temperance and Ambrose as commissioned by @valhallanrose (Ambrose is @into-the-daniverse)
I would also like to shout out my friend Oli who helped me out with the colours on this one!
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
Zelda Mannerism Alphabet
Prompts can be found here
I think I’ve done a few of these before in asks, but I have the energy to write these days and none of the ideas, so I’m going to slowly flesh these out for each of my crew because I like that they make me think and develop them in little ways. Also, references I can come back to! 
It’s entirely selfish and I’m making excuses but on we go lmao
A. Accent: What accent does your character have? Are there any words or phrases they use more often than other people? How good is your character at imitating other accents and sounds?
Zelda has a little bit of a Nevivic (Russian) accent, though granted Vesuvia is as multicultural as it is, it’s never really presented an issue. 
Sometimes she’ll use colloquialisms she would have grown up with, which don’t always translate well, but she likes her versions better - her favorites are “I write like a chicken with its foot” and “I feel like a sleepy fly”. She’ll also go for the Yiddish term for something if the equivalent doesn’t have the punch she wants in the moment; like kvetching over complaining, mishegas over silliness, schmuck or putz over jerk (a favorite to mutter under her breath when she deals with a rude client). 
She’s not great at imitating accents and sounds that fall outside the Slavic language sphere (learning Venterran was a struggle for her), but she can manage it with time. 
B. Bold: Does your character mock other people nonverbally? Have they ever gotten in trouble for making a sarcastic facial expression?
Zelda has, in a way, trained herself not to do it in front of people due to her job, so she’s never been caught - but she’ll take a chance she’s got her back turned to roll her eyes when people are nitpicking how her shop is decorated, or saying anything that’s rude/entitled while she’s trying to help them.
She doesn’t stand for outright abuse in her shop, but she’ll put up with some attitude due to a (sometimes unfortunate) wealth of patience and a lot of concern for the health of others. It’s good story fuel, though, when she sees her friends. 
C. Confidence: What mannerisms does your character have when they’re confident?
The ones you’ll see most often is the change in her posture (standing tall, shoulders back and down) and that she walks with a very clear sense of purpose. Wardrobe wise she displays her confidence in loud, vibrant colors and patterns - they’re eye catching, and she won’t mind the attention, because she knows she looks good. 
D. Dance: How does your character dance? Are they good at it, or bad at it? Do they dance confidently, even if they’re bad at it, or do they get embarrassed?
She’s....fine. Fine is a good way to put it, lmao. She’s not atrocious but she doesn’t dance often, and honestly, she rarely dances unless she’s with someone - she doesn’t like dancing alone. Nor is she really winning competitions with her ability, but she’d dance to have a good time above all else, anyway. 
E. Entice: If your character were to flirt with someone else, how would they go about it? Are they generally perceived as charming, or not-so-charming?
She does a lot of your ‘contact flirting’ - a hand touching your forearm or back, a light touch to the face when there’s a reason for it (ex. moving hair), etc. She’ll also twirl the end a piece of her hair around her finger, or play with her own dangling earring, and she can never quite hide the happy little smile she wears at being in your company. I don’t know if I’d say she’s charming, but she’s certainly confident when she does flirt. 
F. Filler: Does your character commonly use “buffer words,” such as “uh” or “like,” or are they more concise in their speech?
Zelda tends to use more of the ‘like’ buffer without realizing it, but especially when she’s excited about something. She’s also a sort of long-winded story teller, where she talks about three other adjacent stories before finally getting to her original story, and she can fit a lot in one breath if you let her when she’s on a tangent. But pointing it out makes her incredibly self-conscious, and then you hear more of the buffers, the like/um/uh trifecta while she tries to pull it together and tamper her excitement.
G. Grow: Has your character picked up any mannerisms from other characters? Do they tend to imitate other people without realizing it?
Not that she consciously realizes, but when she and Tamryn are in the same space, you can see it in their physical behaviors. Most noticeably is that they sit the same way in a chair - legs crossed at the ankle, leaning on their right elbow if the chair has arms; standing with their weight on their left hip and arms crossed over their chest or hands on their hips. She also picks up turns of phrase from friends if she’s around them enough, so she has a somewhat eclectic vocabulary depending on who she spends the most time around.
H. Hair: If applicable, how often does your character touch their hair? Do they toy with their hair absently? Do they twirl their hair when they’re nervous, or to flirt?
I touched on it a bit with E(ntice), but she will twirl the ends of her hair when flirting, or pull it forward over her shoulders. When she’s nervous she tends to leave her hair alone, and when she’s working you’ll see her take a moment to stop and braid or put up her hair if she hasn’t already - the humidity and heat makes it pretty frizzy once she gets the fires going. 
I. Impression: What do other characters first think of your character, based on their body language and way of speaking? Is this first impression usually accurate?
It’s usually pretty easy to pick up she’s Nevivic, for one, and her usually brightly-colored attire I think indicates someone cheery and warm, which would be a correct assumption. If you meet her at work she’s a mix of warm and serious, because she knows what she’s doing and wants to reassure you she does, but doesn’t want to seem incredibly full of herself. 
J. Judge: Is your character quick to judge other characters on their mannerisms, or do they prefer to get to know someone before judging?
Zelda usually likes to sit back and wait - very much in the mindset of “people will show their asses on their own” if you give them time - but she’s usually quick to note body language 
K. Kick: Is your character quick to physically fight or intimidate other people? Are they good, bad, or somewhere in-between at fighting?
Absolutely awful at fighting, she’s never been one for physical contact like that. Nor is she one for physical intimidation, though if you push her buttons too much - knowing she is an incredibly patient person - she will not hesitate to verbally rip you a new one. 
Though, as a child, she did bite someone for picking on her brother. 
L. Location: Does your character use any regional slang? Are any mannerisms more common in their home location than in other places?
Definitely a few that overlap with both her Russian- and Polish-coded background, so let’s go:
Upon introduction, she defaults to a firm handshake, and always holds eye contact. She was taught that looking away is rude and shows indifference, so she’s never shy on that front.
She gestures with her whole hand, never pointing with one finger, to indicate something
If invited over to a friend’s home, she’s rarely without some sort of gift. Typically it’s baked goods (cookies are always in her rotation) or wine, if being invited for an occasion. If invited for dinner, she always offers to bring a dish of something to share. 
With the consent of the friend in question, Zelda enjoys a modified cheek-kiss greeting - traditionally it would be one kiss to the left cheek, right cheek, then left again, but she will instead touch her cheek to yours. It was a habit she modified after working during the plague era and hasn’t changed since for her own comfort. 
This is a no-shoe household (socks are fine) and she will offer you slippers if you don’t want to be without foot covering in her home. She also brings her own when she’s invited to someone else’s home out of preparedness (though she doesn’t when she visits, say, Tamryn’s apartment, because they keep a pair at each other’s homes). 
M. Muse: Does your character talk when they’re alone, or to inanimate objects?
She does scold things - like when something burns, breaks, or jabs her (typically embroidery needles) she’ll swear at it and then tell it it’s rude. Or if something isn’t working/turning on, she’ll talk to it as if trying to coax it to happen...and then inevitably ask Tamryn to fix it when it fails. 
N. Necklace: Does your character have mannerisms based on the things they wear, such as pushing up their glasses or checking their watch?
Zelda often wears a Magen David necklace - a gift from Tamryn - and sometimes when she’s thinking or talking she'll slide the pendant along the chain with one hand. She also tends to keep her reading glasses tucked into the collar of her shirt when she’s working, but sometimes if she’s thinking she’ll put the end of the arm between her teeth (not chewing it) like some sort of...idk, idle animation. 
O. Odd: Does your character tend to make unusual facial expressions, or have unusual speech patterns? Do they do anything that other characters make fun of?
Not particularly, her speech patterns are fine, but if you know her you know she really cannot hold a poker face. Her nose twitches or scrunches up, and it’s a dead giveaway in any situation. 
P. Polite: Are mannerisms often used to show respect where your character lives? If so, how would your character convey respect to someone else? Likewise, does your character generally have good or bad table manners? Why is this so?
A lot of the mannerisms from where she comes from (again, Polish/Russian background) are also pretty standard in terms of conveying respect. Eye contact, she’s helpful where she can be and courteous, but she’ll also go the extra mile to do things for the people she respects. 
She’s got good table manners, but not any sort of ‘formal table training’ with absurd numbers of forks and spoons. That might take a little guidance, but who wouldn’t look at that with a little trepidation?
Q. Quartet: Does your character like to sing? Do they hum as they do everyday tasks?
She likes to sing, which she’s decent at, but she hums a lot. Some of her recipes, medical or mundane, involve timed cooking processes. If she can’t find her timer a chicken shaped one, of course she can hum a particular tune of the same length in its place. She also just enjoys filling the silence, and can often be found humming while she does her embroidery or cleans on a sunny day. 
R. Relax: What mannerisms does your character have when they’re relaxed?
Slouched in her seat, borderline manspreading if I’m honest; head resting in her hand, weight pushed onto one hip or leaning against something; honestly if she’s relaxed enough you’re not unlikely to find her dozing in the midday sun. 
S. Secret: Is your character good at communicating using nonverbal mannerisms? Do they have any “secret gestures” with other characters? If so, what?
She’s alright at communicating using nonverbal cues, she’s definitely better at communicating discomfort quietly over more pleasant emotions, because she likes to express all of those pleasant feelings as openly as she can. 
In terms of “secret gestures”, she has a few with Tamryn: a squeeze to his arm to confirm that she’s still next to him in a crowd, her head against his shoulder in a reminder that he’s not alone, finding each other’s hands or arms and tapping their fingers to indiciate they want to leave an area or situation. A lot of it, though, comes from 
T. Temperature: Is your character prone to being too hot or too cold? If so, does it show in their mannerisms?
She’s typically more prone to overheating, so you’ll see her shedding layers a lot, but her preferred ways to cool down involve a cold cloth to the back of the neck or a hand fanning at her face/neck/chest. She wears sunhats, and will often take them off to use the brim for better fanning momentum. Zelda will also kiss you on the spot if you hand her one of those pretty lace hand fans. 
U. Untrue: Is there something your character always does when they’re lying? Have any other characters realized this?
Zelda’s not usually the sort to lie, but her voice goes up in pitch a little when she does, usually because she just wants to end the conversation and move on. A lot of times it’s because she’s not in a good emotional place and doesn’t want to talk about it yet, so she’ll tell you she’s fine when in reality she’s trying to find the words to explain that she may not have in the moment. 
V. Vision: Does your character have expressive eyes? Would other characters read their eyes as happy, sad, or something else?
Very expressive eyes, you can always clearly pick out what’s genuine and what’s forced with her - it won’t reach her eyes if it isn’t how she really feels. Her favorite use of her eyes though is puppy eyes when she wants something, she can really dial it up to eleven and test you there.  
W. Wiggle: How often does your character fidget? In what ways do they fidget?
She fidgets a lot with her clothes. Tugging on sleeves, straightening her collar, tying and untying any on and so forth. She’ll also drum her fingers on her thighs or on countertops, though she tries to avoid it if her nails are a little longer, as she herself finds the sound grating on occasion.
X. X-Ray: Is your character good at reading other people’s mannerisms?
Better in the sense that she can pick up ‘pain points’ in someone’s body language, like what hurts while they’re moving around, but she’s pretty good at picking up emotions on mannerisms. She’ll notice if you touch your nose when you lie, or how a genuine smile looks as opposed to the one you give when you want to pretend you’re not struggling. 
Y. Yesterday: Does your character have any unique mannerisms or slang words because of the time period they live in?
I’m ignoring this one a little because I don’t write for time periods, really, but I do think she would love sprinkling in a few pieces of 70s and 80s slang. Her favorites are ‘groovy’, ‘far out’, ‘bitchin’, and ‘stellar’ when she’s excited about something, and no, she’s not taking criticism on this matter. 
Z. Zest: How much does your character use movement to express their feelings? Do they jump up and down with excitement, or do they keep it to a slight smile?
She’s all big smiles and grabbing onto people - hugs, hand on the arm, grabbing your hands, anything like that so long as you don’t have an issue with it. She thinks excitement should be shared and man, can hers be contagious.
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
hey so while we’re here talking about nix hydra’s racism, i want to swing back around and talk about the antisemitism in the game, because racism and antisemitism are siblings that root from the same tree. now… i have a love/hate relationship with the devoraks being jewish. i would like to preface this with, the devoraks are important to me as slavic jews because it’s given me an outlet to explore my own roots and my own judaism through them, as a jew with russian roots that i have been isolated from due to expectations for assimilation as well as antisemitism. still, their representation is not perfect, and i would like to remind everyone, that whether you agree with it or not, julian devorak is an antisemitic caricature.
let’s begin. historically, jews have been portrayed in history with having red hair to depict their sinister sides. for example, shylock, a very famous antisemitic caricature written for shakespeare’s merchant of venice, is very commonly played by someone wearing a red wig. the devs of the arcana famously based julian on jeff goldblum, a very well-known jewish man. especially after saying that it was intentional coding to make the devoraks jewish, so why are they the only people in the game with red hair (barring nazali, whose entire color scheme is red)?
continuing with julian’s physical characteristics, he has largely been depicted and described as having sleepy eyes. while this in and of itself isn’t a slur, this has been a white supremacist dog whistle for decades and has been used to other us, as is stated in the article i linked.
moving on to julian’s personality, he is infamously described as “slippery and sneaky” by almost every character in the game. in fact, portia is also described as sneaky. this is a characteristic put on both of them. this is a more well-known antisemitic trope, as far as i know, but the “sneaky” jew is an age-old stereotype that traces back to our history as bankers, and has been used against us for thousands of years, up to today. with all this in mind, it makes me question the decision to give julian a big hooked nose. 
and now i’d like to discuss julian’s position in the game. jewish characters historically have been painted and described as the villains, as terrifying disfigured monsters (hello julian’s reversed ending). additionally, the decision to code this man as a jew and then cast him as the murderer (albeit false) was a Choice. 
perhaps the only part of his role in the game that was well-done (to an extent) was the decision to make him a doctor. his lack of medical license as well as his apprenticeship under nazali directly mirrors the role of jewish doctors in medieval times. however, it’s always left a bad taste in my mouth regarding his fixation on blood, and focusing very heavily on blood in his medical practice. perhaps this in particular is very nit-picky, but jews in history have been depicted as very bloodthirsty on multiple occasions (for those of you who don’t understand why vampire!julian is antisemitic, this is it!). you must be very careful when dealing with jewish characters and blood, lest it fall into dangerous territories of blood libel. here is some more information regarding jewish doctors throughout history.
my final thoughts on the matter are: separately, all of these things wouldn’t ping my radar, and i would like to give the benefit of the doubt. however, knowingly putting them all together into a single man who they stated that they intentionally coded jewish tells me that it’s very very likely that they knew what they were doing. i implore you, please do not give this company your money. they continue time and time again to push racist and antisemitic tropes and narratives in their games without a care as to how dangerous this seemingly innocuous practice is. 
to add: the only people i am willing to discuss this matter with are other jews in the fandom. please don’t weigh in if you are not jewish, but feel free to share this.
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
Sometimes you have got to step back and say this media (or media's fandom) is not for me, it handles topics in a way that upsets me, and I will stop consuming it, will stop debating it, will stop immersing myself in a thing that promotes my misery
I do not say this flippantly
When the majority of your interactions with a piece of media are ones in which you suffer, you deserve to be able to put it down and step away and find something else
You will not argue it better, and your suffering is not a badge of honor
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
The Garden in Bloom
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The masterlist for any and all flavors of OC interactions regarding Zelda. Quick key that will apply to all fics regardless of pairing:
🍋 - mature content. 18+ only, minors DNI.
💕- romantic relationship
✨- friendship
Mannerism Alphabet
NSFW Headcanons 🍋
ft. @arcanecadenza’s Dante 💕
A Kiss For Losing a Bet (by arcanecadenza)
What You Say Before You Speak
A Little Desperation in Everything I Do (by arcanecadenza) 🍋
Pandora’s Box 🍋
Chemistry 🍋
Firelight (by arcanecadenza) 🍋
Kiss Prompt #34 (by arcanecadenza)
ft. @ilyamatic’s Andrico 💕
Call Me (WIP)
ft. @sunrisenfool’s Amparo 💕
From Amparo (by sunrisenfool)
From Zelda
ft. @sunrisenfool’s Anatole ✨
From Nana (by sunrisenfool)
From Zelda
From Nana (by sunrisenfool)
Header from Oleanders (1888) by Van Gogh
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
Under a Golden Sun
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The masterlist for any and all flavors of OC interactions regarding Tamryn. Quick key that will apply to all fics regardless of pairing:
🍋 - mature content. 18+ only, minors DNI.
💕- romantic relationship
✨- friendship
Mannerism Alphabet
NSFW Headcanons 🍋
ft. asras3rdeye’s Ozy 💕
A Valentine’s Bake-Off
ft. into-the-daniverse’s Leon and/or Jamil 💕
“I want to make you feel good” and [palm] 🍋
Movement 🍋 (by into-the-daniverse)
Exist for Love - When I Take Your Hand (by into-the-daniverse)
ft. sunrisenfool’s Anatole 💕
Of Birthdays and Broken Music Boxes (by sunrisenfool)
Tell Me About the Flight of the Birds (by sunrisenfool)
Private Diversions 🍋(by sunrisenfool)
Lover of the Light
Firefly 🍋 (by sunrisenfool)
Header from The Sun (1909) by Edvard Munch
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
Fèi Yuèqín
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34, cis woman, she/her pronouns. Yuè was born in Xiaoshan, and despite all her travels, it will always be her heart’s home. They’ve been on the seas since they were born, and it looks like that’s not going to change any time soon. 
Yuèqín has become a career pirate, but rather than having a ship or crew of her own, can often be found hopping between crews based on where she needs to go or simply where the whim takes her. You’re most likely to find her in port cities and towns, unless the search for information on her father happens to turn up a good lead inland.
Full Bio | Yuèqín’s condensed backstory and full information.
I Follow the Tide |  The masterlist for Yuèqín’s canon story. (WIP)
Under the Same Moon | All fics relating to the adventure that is the sandbox I share with my mutuals. (WIP)
Yuèqín’s Tag | Everything any anything filed under her name. 
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
Pas de Deux
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Pas de Deux; a ballet term, translating to “a step for two”. Fitting, I think, for a former dancer’s venture into the sandbox that is my mutuals and their OCs. 
🍋 - mature content. 18+ only, minors DNI.
💕- romantic relationship
✨- friendship
ft. into-the-daniverse’s Alec 💕
Kiss Prompt #16
She Keeps Me Warm
Infinite Love 🍋 (by into-the-daniverse)
Masterlist cover from ‘Two Dancers Entering the Stage’ by Degas.
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
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To celebrate I'll be doing a little giveaway with 3 prizes!! Thank you all for the amazing support!!
🌼 First place:
One full body, full color illustration of two characters
🌼 Second place:
One full body sketch of two characters
🌼 Third place:
50% OFF on either sketch or full color illustration
To enter the giveaway simply like or reblog this post! You can also comment 💗
The winners will be picked randomly and announced on March 23rd at 8PM ( GMT +1 )
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valhallanrose · 3 years ago
apologies in advance to the dashes of my mutuals, i’m doing a character overhaul and there will be several posts made in the next week or so (ideally) to reflect that. 
in the meantime, if any of my links break and you feel like it, please let me know - i’m going to take a few down to make sure i got all the old stuff before i start posting the new. 
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