i'm slipping in
366 posts
Don't grab my hand, I'm not your friend I'm waiting for my life to end Give me the gun, pass me the pen Tonight's the night, our lives will end [triggering themes very present on this blog] [indie oc written by gabe (24 he/him). rebooted 5.11.23]
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
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i hope that our few remaining friends//give up on trying to save us//i hope we come up with a fail-safe plot//to piss off the dumb few that forgave us
indie selective ocs imagined by gabe & asher
nsfw & mature themes
10+ years experience.
micheal j. fletcher//ashton b. quincy
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
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DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
send me 🎶 and i'll arrange a playlist of 3-5 songs for our muses' relationship!
if you can't see the emoji, send "music notes"!
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
how long ago did you create your oc? how did the idea come to you?
how would you describe your oc's core aesthetic?
if your oc had a theme song, what would it be?
what inspires you when writing your oc?
does your oc have a faceclaim? if so, why did you choose them? if they don't have a faceclaim, why not?
does your oc have any particular ties to certain fandoms? how do they fit into the dynamics of these fandoms and their existing characters?
what are some of your favorite ships with your oc?
what do you think makes your oc unique?
what qualities do you and your oc have in common?
what makes you and your oc different?
does your oc have any quirks or habits?
in your opinion, what's the hardest thing to do when creating an oc?
in your opinion, what's the easiest thing to do when creating an oc?
are there any canon characters that inspired your oc?
are there any canon characters you wish would interact with your oc?
what's your opinion on ocs in general?
do you have any hot takes about ocs?
what colors do you associate with your oc?
what do you think your oc smells like?
are there any important npcs in your oc's life? what are they like?
how would other characters describe your oc?
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
"If you'll stay, I'll make us coffee."
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"ashton, come on. i told you this is a one time thing." micheal doesn't move from the bed still, but they both know where this is going. micheal only came by because linda found his stash again, he needed a distraction. he'd go home after this, talk it out with linda, try not to get kicked out again. "i got shit to do anyway. i mean..." hell, he missed ashton. actually missed him. and maybe an extra day or two for linda to calm down wouldn't hurt too bad. "i'll stay for an hour. and only if you make good coffee this time."
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
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indie oc penned by gabe! 18+, triggering themes. 10+ years roleplay experience. bringing micheal back after 4 years of radio silence. 
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
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indie sam drake. semi canon divergent. 18+. penned by gabe.
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
PROMPTS FOR THE MORNING AFTER *  adjust as necessary, nsfw implied
this... isn't my bed.
i'll make us breakfast.
wait, how long have you been here?
did you stay the night?
you're so beautiful like this.
did i give you that hickey?
don't get up. stay right here.
kiss me again.
nice bedhead.
are you... wearing anything?
this was a bad idea.
i've wanted to do that forever.
did you enjoy it?
i did a number on your back. sorry about that.
is this your shirt?
maybe you should go.
i had a great time.
if you stay, i'll make us coffee.
i shouldn't have stayed over.
come back here. please?
i've never been like that with anyone before.
there's a bra on the ceiling fan.
did we... actually...?
we could do it again, if you want.
you made me feel... incredible.
was it... okay?
you look beautiful in my bed.
what do you remember?
was i too loud?
you can borrow my shirt.
i guess this makes us more than friends.
this can't be happening.
i could spend the day just like this, right here with you.
is that a hickey?
this was just for fun. it doesn't mean we're together.
this wasn't supposed to happen.
should we talk about it?
what time is it? i'm late for work.
how long have you been awake?
i remember... everything.
we should do that again sometime.
i think we cuddled.
that was the best night of my life.
what parts do you remember?
why don't you stay for breakfast?
was it good for you?
the sex was great.
how do you like your eggs?
are we still friends?
sorry, i've got morning breath.
i'd really like to keep seeing you.
i'm glad i invited you in.
finally... fucking finally.
please don't leave the bed.
don't make fun of me if i walk funny.
this doesn't mean anything.
my friends are never going to believe this.
i don't even know who i was last night.
no one's ever taken care of me like that.
let me help you clean up.
maybe we should forget this even happened.
i'm just going to... leave.
you said some wild things last night.
you're wearing my shirt.
maybe we could make this a regular thing.
am i blushing? i'm blushing, aren't i.
where did i put my glasses?
your clothes are in the living room.
i need a shower.
your hair's a mess.
you make a great pillow.
i thought we agreed this would ruin our relationship.
did i do something wrong?
we were pretty loud.
do you want me to leave?
i asked you to stay the night.
i bet your neighbors hate us.
stay like this.
well, that's one way to bounce back.
what about round two?
don't let go of me.
why don't you join me in the shower?
we can't keep doing this.
we're fucked, aren't we.
how long have i been asleep?
i tried to keep feelings out of this. i really did.
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brckencrcwn · 2 years ago
i’m bringing mikey back babey
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
The worst thing is that                                       they aren’t even nightmares                                                                                           they’re memories.
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
* phone call prompts
[ 📞 ] ‘ say something.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s good to hear your voice. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you still there? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re lying. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ wait, don’t hang up. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i need your help. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you crying? ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i love you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m scared. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i worry about you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ where are you? are you okay? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ don’t beat yourself up about it. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ hang on, i’m coming to get you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you in trouble? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ something happened. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s me. can we talk? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’ll stay on the phone until you fall asleep. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m glad you called. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m sorry about earlier. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ tell me you’re not planning on doing anything stupid. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you have to promise. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i have to go now. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ stop disappearing. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m always here for you. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re important. don’t forget that. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i had a nightmare. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ leave me alone. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i trust you.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i hate you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ it wasn’t your fault. ’
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
       @brckencrcwn. / starters based on current song                    NEON GRAVESTONES/21 PILOTS
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——— it was a time of mourning. ambrose stood at the back of the room as a man spoke softy, kind words of the dead – of how happy, of how kind, of how loving and joyous. the crowd wept over the loss, his mother held a bear and cried into it deeply, his brother spoke of his favoured moments and that his brother was one of the happiest man he’d ever met.
     ❝ ignorance. ❞
he hummed the words lowly, glancing down at his fingertips where he’d danced them along wide gashes from wrist to elbow. happiness was a fallacy that more and more each day he fell further from. his fingers idly grazed his own arm, wondering what he must have felt. 
noticing someone had decidedly overheard him, ambrose lowered his gaze with a soft apology. 
    ❝ apologies. ❞
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death was a strange subject for him. when he was younger, he saw it often-- his mother’s “friends” weren’t exactly the best people, caught up in the wrong things. it always shook him to his core, always left him sleepless for nights. and then he was the one behind a gun, and everything changed-- for a long time, he felt numb to it. but here he was, in a funeral home for the first time since kyle, and he wasn’t even numb. he was indifferent.  the words catch micheal’s attention, turning to look for the source. he should take offense to it, even if he didn’t truly know the deceased. one of his foster mother’s friends, and though he’d been with the fletchers for years now, the extended family and friends were hardly a part of his life. he should be angry, hurt, something. but he isn’t, shaking the thoughts from his head as he moves closer, not wanting to interrupt as he replies.  “i hardly knew him. no apology necessary,” he promises, looking down with an almost guilty smile. “i’m only here to support my family, anyway.” 
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
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She watches, not fully— her attention lies elsewhere but still, she’ll throw quick glances your way debating on whether you were WORTH the time.     The wind seeps through the weaving of her jacket,        a cold breeze forcing her to pull it closer around her; a thin barrier that offered no comfort.         Heavy boots bring themselves closer to you now only a foot or two away,     eyeing you even more.  “Yeahh… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
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he often had no idea what he was doing at night when he would walk through town alone. if he was out, especially at night, he wasn’t... sober. he’s been stumbling for a moment before sopping by a street lamp, digging through his pockets for a lighter and placing a cigarette between his lips. the voice catches him off guard-- what time is it? surely it’s late, and she doesn’t sound nearly as intoxicated as anyone who should be out at this time. “yeah? what’re you, a cop?” he snorts, leaning a little more heavily against the lamppost as he lights the cigarette. 
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
HI im like a week late but i’ve been sick and overwhelmed w work so bad it’s followed me into my personal life BUT im getting to replies today!!! for real this time 
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
*makes a jerking off motion every time someone with authority talks*
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
i work in like 45 minutes, BUT after work i think i’m gonna focus on rewriting the bio. micheal’s gonna have the same base story, but i’m gonna age him up a bit. When i started w micheal i was 14 and a lot of his story was comfortable for me then, but now that i’m 21 it’s different. I last actively wrote him when i was 18 i think, and briefly when i was 19, so him being 18 was relatively comfortable. i’m not as comfortable w it anymore, but i want to work his story around that a little bit and make it less weird for me i think. again, nothings gonna change TOO much, but he’s gonna be older for my (and probably others’) comfort! 
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brckencrcwn · 5 years ago
* mini starter call
send a word for a starter. feel free to combine prompts.
‘ dial ’ for a phone call starter
‘ beep ’ for a texting starter
‘ silence ’ for a nonverbal starter
‘ sun ’ for a good morning starter
‘ moon ’ for a goodnight starter
‘ care ’ for a sick starter
‘ hurt ’ for an injured starter
‘ zzz ’ for a tired starter
‘ recovery ’ for a hospital starter
‘ heart ’ for a caring starter
‘ onion ’ for an angsty starter
‘ trouble ’ for a worrisome starter 
‘ boo ’ for a scared starter
‘ lull ’ for a comforting starter 
‘ balloon ’ for a happy starter
‘ rawr ’ for a silly starter
‘ grump ’ for a bad mood starter
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