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baxterwitch-blog · 6 years ago
puckishfool replied to your post: like, I know her first attempt at necromancy...
Ambrose scolding at a distance.
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serpenthalf-moved-blog · 6 years ago
“I want the K”
kiss memes       /       012       /       almost kiss
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visiting the home of sabrina spellman was not an uncommon occurrence for him, although for being the very best of friends, he’d hardly seen an inch of the estate beyond the walls of her bedroom.      from stealing comic books at cerberus and acting them out, to disclosing their deepest darkest secrets or the from-afar surface level crushes they’d fantasize from math class, any afternoon spent was a good one.      it was of his upmost gratitude, seeing as being home was jughead’s least favorite place to be. 
it was an easy-going autumn evening when the duo had planned a sleepover, with ‘brina supplying a copious amount of junky snacks and smoothies.      hours had passed by, filled with laughter and endless entertainment; until, however, she’d succumbed to sleep whilst the jones son suffered within his own insomnia ━━ and there’s only so much you can do on a cellphone before curiosity kills the cat.      sock clad feet maneuvered cautiously in an effort to avoid creaky floorboards, desiring only to satisfy boredom.      he’d made it successfully out of the doorway and a few feet into the hall before slamming into a stranger, however ━ and sending the both of them into a toppling, sleepy mess on the floor.      jughead’s blood poured cold in his veins, the wind wiped clear from his lungs.       his face was mere inches from that of the boy below him, presumably the cousin sabrina had mentioned in passing. 
any leftover logical reasoning was used to keep his voice as a whisper.      ❝       fuck, i’m sorry, i didn’t ━ i couldn’t find your bathroom anywhere?     ❞       he could feel the heat rising into beet-red cheeks and all that jughead could hope was that the nightlight in the hall was too dim for his features to be noticeable. 
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slinkycatsnake-blog · 6 years ago
He’d flirt with a potato if it looked at him right.
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xnecromantia · 5 years ago
         It was the fall that killed him, they said. As he watched the paramedics wheel the body of his younger brother away from the cliff side, Mylo suspected otherwise. He knew the truth and it infuriated him. However, one very naive partner later and a report signed, his sibling was ruled as an accidental death. They were too inexperienced to realise that the wounds inflicted upon his body were made by wytch-hunters, and not by the jagged rocks below. Would the truth make any difference, however? It was another of his kind eradicated, after all. Another victory in their eyes. Mylo refused to step aside and do nothing; he needed to speak with his brother and find out what exactly happened -- but most importantly, who was responsible. It was how, a few days later, the necromancer found himself breaking into Spellman Mortuary.
          “Frater...” The one word was full of heartbreak at the sight of his sibling. Still, lifeless; he was simply another body to prepare for the loved ones he left behind. Out of those who survived the events of Shademarsh, he was the only one to forgive humans. He even formed a relationship with one of them, and that was the saddest part. In the end, it was his kindness that killed him. He became blind to the danger, believing that his history with wytch-hunters was over. But the past would always resurface, and now he was lying in the middle of a morgue. “What did they do to you, Ellis? You, of all people, had no right to be treated like this.” 
          “But here I am,” he continued, standing next to his brother and brushing his fringe away, the forehead underneath freezing to the touch. Dry eyes stared up at him, a face once full of joy now a shrunken mess; they did everything they could to make his last moments truly miserable. “Your brother, Mortis. I need you to come back to me -- reach through the darkness and follow my voice.” Placing his palms on either side of Ellis’ head, the necromancer reverted to his mother tongue as he repeated an incantation; he could feel a sliver of energy being returned, trying to pull him forward. And then he heard it. His name. “There you are! I can hear you, loud and clear. Will you wake up for me? Please, Ellis, I need to know who did this--”
           Mylo suddenly turned his head in the direction of the staircase, murky-grey eyes settling on the form standing there. In his surprise, the connection was severed and he could no longer speak to Ellis. A protective arm was thrown over his brother’s body as the necromancer stared at the other male, silently challenging him to try anything. Overhead, the light flickered as Mylo attempted to calm down, a whirlwind of emotions clouding his ability to compose himself. But he was frustrated. It had been a very tiring week, and he wanted to finally give his brother closure by tracking down the wytch-hunter and -- and what? An eye for an eye? A justifiable response, surely!
           “Don’t take him away from me,” it was meant to be a collected request, but it sounded more like a threat. 
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townwxtch-a · 6 years ago
“You have blood on your face.”
Injury Meme || ACCEPTING || @puckishfool
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The young witch staggered a moment, her energy seemed drained after a simple spell. One that she had done in the past and had no problem. The witch’s green hues looked down at her hands seeing them shake. No this was wrong, something was wrong with her. Her mind tried to remember all the spells she had done recently and who she had been with.  
Ambrose’s words caused her fingers to the red liquid on her face. Quickly reaching for something to wipe it away. Bonnie attempted to keep herself calm, but she wasn’t sure she could. “This doesn’t make any sense.” Feeling more she brought the cloth back to her face, “I-I… I haven’t been this week after a spell since I long before I even signed the book.”
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devilhour · 6 years ago
❝ What happens when you lose your heart’s desire? ❞
@puckishfool     //     meme
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❝  OH  ,  AMBROSE  ,  I'M  SO  SORRY  .  ❞
sabrina  is  instantly  sympathetic  .  she  knows  loss  far  ,  far  too  well  for  such  a  young  heart  .  it  aches  for  him  .  she's  been  there  ,  too  .  she  rises  from  her  seat  ,  extending  her  arms  ,  &  after  a  moment's  hesitation  she  hugs  her  cousin  .  it  sounded  like  he  needed  it  .
❝       did  you  &  luke  break  up  ?  what  happened  ?       ❞
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wouldnthurtafly · 6 years ago
 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯  puckishfool  | starter.
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His hands were unsteady as they tried to fix the buckles of his satchel. It was his nerves, they were running high and poor Norman had no control over himself. Slowly he was losing grip on the sound of her voice and the way that she smelled. He had to do something, anything to right the wrong of it all.
The idea had come to him as he tore through the books organized on his shelves in frustration and panic. One of his older occult ones had fallen onto the floor, pages fluttering free of the binding with the violence of his outburst. RESURRECTION was the word that struck him like a slap to the cheek.
                          ❝ Wake up, you lazy boy! ❞
As the voice broke through his chaotic mind his body flinched outwardly, and then Norman realized that he was lost in his thoughts while standing on the stairs of the Spellman funeral home. Someone had opened the door and he quickly moved out of the way to let them pass and avoid physical contact.
            ❛ I’m sorry, pardon me. ❜
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vivensmortua · 6 years ago
‘ do you remember anything? ’
| @puckishfool​ | The Road Sentence Starters ( accepting )
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                 Karmichael lifted his head to look at the other, pursing his lips and pausing in contemplation. Remember anything… he remembered so much. Too much. It was all there inside his head, scenes flashing as the synapses in his brain fired in rapid succession. Did he remember the man who had just died. Yes. And well. He let out a breath slowly, parting his lips to let the air pass, and scratched his nails against the tops of his nice black pants.
“Uh, yeah,” Kar finally said, swallowing and pushing through. “Yeah, I do. Uh… but did… did you have something specific in mind? I mean, what do you want to know?”
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slinkycatsnake-blog · 6 years ago
❛ and now if you’ll excuse me, i should like to finish my book, alone. ❜
There was never a time in his life that Felix took rejection well. No, Ambrose had not been stern about telling him that he wanted time alone, but the notion that he was unwanted sunk in further than the other might have meant it. With a clear dulling of his typically bright features, the boy turned to head towards the door as quietly as he could.
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“I’m sorry to have bothered you, Sir.” His voice was gentle as to not disturb too much with the apology given. Hands were tucked into his hoodie to keep from fidgeting, only being freed from the pocket to open and shut the door carefully.
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psychediummoved · 6 years ago
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“i think with magick it’s not about the witch bending the rules.    or whatever GENDER SPECIFIC PRONOUNS ya’ll still use-- i know a witch who casts spells as intended by the powers that be and sometimes i just wiggle my way in real quick.   finish whatever needs to be done.     I DON’T REALLY HAVE RULES.  maybe just the standard one for one trade, like in witch hell.”  he rambles on, eager to learn how to deal with the satanic vibes around here. “ya’ll can’t even talk to PEOPLE.” 
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socialpariah · 6 years ago
❛ 2 words: Naughty List. You know why Jughead Jones ❜
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❝ THAT’S PROBABLY FAIR, actually ❞
TAGGED : @fairriverdale​ TAGGING : @swcctserpent​ && @mademiistakes​ && @lodgs​ && @archieekins​ && @tenebrismusa​ ( fp ) && @redjackettm​ && @pinkxperfectionisms​ && @perfectiontm​ && @ofcatears && @topazedserpent && @puckishfool
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slinkycatsnake-blog · 6 years ago
“it’s not dangerous. i’ll be fine.”
There was something about being in his animal shape that made Felix bolder than usual. Without as much worry as he would have in his human form, the little creature hopped up and down, his long body hunched up as he chattered loudly at the stubborn warlock. In an act of magnificent defiance, he extended forward and latched onto one of the rings that Ambrose was wearing. With a determined tug the familiar pulled him back towards the shelf he was perched on to gain notice.
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It was not his place to try and stop the other from doing something, but there was a substantial concern that weighed down his now tiny heart with dread. Over the short time they had spent together, Felix had gotten far too attached to the warlock. He was stupid for opening himself up for further heartache, but it was in his nature, and he could not fathom fighting something so innately a part of him. So he put his energy into this fight.
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slinkycatsnake-blog · 6 years ago
“Get some sleep, okay?”
It had been a long day and Felix had done his best to meet the tasks set out for him at the academy. Things were far different here than in the mortal world, which was both a good thing and a bad one. As much as he craved to be a part of the world that he was born to be emersed in, the young boy had not spent as much time in it as he should have. With Ambrose helping him to navigate things it was a little easier for him to take.
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Curling into the sheets his body shivered slightly, he was used to having fur while he slept. Something told him that he would not feel safe enough to remain in that form here within these walls. With the older warlock looking over him Felix felt safer. He wanted to ask him to stay but instead, he just curled in tighter and tried to imagine what it would be like if there were two bodies in the bed instead of one. “You too, Sir. When you do.”
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