nitebit · 2 years
@sacrillege​ asked: ❛ I called you a hundred times. You gotta pick up your phone! ❜
Bunny rolls over to the sound of her phone, eyes adjusting to the bright light of her screen. She hates this: the morning after, facing all of her regrettable decisions from the night before. It’s a miracle she even made it home in one piece. She ignores the new crack on her screen as she types out a quick text. 
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( text: lenore 🎱 )  i was out why’d you blow me up?
( text: lenore 🎱 )  just meet me at the diner in like 15 i need coffee 
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sacrillege · 2 years
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Why does tragedy exist ? because  you’re  full  of  rage.  why  are  you  full  of  rage ?  because  you  are  full  of  grief.
SACRILLEGE - an independent horror original character leashed by skunk / est 2013 / mature themes 21+ only
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nitebitarchive · 3 years
sacrillege asked: [Hug]  + comfort starters: accepting! 
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“ 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐇𝐔𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄 … ”  disappearing on someone with major abandonment issues and then showing up on their doorstep out of the blue? now that’s just cruel. and yet, bunny lets herself be pulled into the embrace. let’s herself not be angry for a second and relax into lenore’s warmth. 
a muffled,  “ i missed you. ” is whispered into the other’s neck right before she pulls away. their eyes lock and for a split second, bunny’s vulnerability can be seen.  “ ——don’t ever do that to me again. ”
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hackeds · 4 years
@sacrillege​   c: 
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“ all i’m saying is you ask me for cigarettes all the time. like — 90 percent of the time . ”   he inhales sharply , blowing the smoke out in the other direction . he has a smile on his face, he likes to tease her , alright ?   “ i  mean , don’t get me wrong . i don’t give a fuck , use me up , but i’m just sayin’ . ”
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peachcut · 4 years
continued @sacrillege​
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                   and  they  were  doing  so  well!  nothing  good  ever  lasts,  she  thinks.    ❛  please!  st-...op!  ❜  arms  thrash  and  legs  kick,  breath  heavy  and  laboured  as  she  tried  her  hardest  to  resist  but  the  hound  was  just  too  strong.  fingers  claw  at  the  hound,  trying  unsuccessfully  to  loosen  her  grip.  ❛    i  can't  g-go  back  there  lenore.  please.    ❜
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nitebit-archive · 4 years
@sacrillege​ 🥰 🥰 🥰
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“  i  met  your  brother.  he’s  a  dick.  ”
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upheeval · 4 years
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❛      listen   mate,   ten   minutes   alright?      ❜      hands   HASTILY   put   his   phone  away   once   he’d   ended   the   call,   turning   to   face   the   other,   head   poking   out   his   car   window.      ❛      my   bad.   what   was   it   you   asked   for?   three   gram?      ❜    worn   and   aching   digits   reach   back   into   his   pockets,   pulling   out   an   assortment   of   baggies   with   various   substances   in   each,   brows   furrowing   until   he   found   the   one   in   question.      ❛      do   y’want   to   hop   in   the   car?   less   obvious   ‘nd   all   that.      ❜          @sacrillege​     /     sc.
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trturre · 4 years
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 ----- @sacrillege​​
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   ❛      i've   just   had   mad   de   ja   vu.      ❜      the   girl   scratches   at   her   head,   puzzled   completion   as   she   STARES   at   the   other.      ❛   this   whole   day   feels   like   some   groundhog   day   type   shit.   just   me?   ❜   probably,   josie.   
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adruidsaidwhat · 3 years
part 11
1. Fire is a true gift. Ya know why? If you're on fire, ninjas can't catch you.
2. It's the Amogus Man!
3. Skinny Woodstock Jesus is back!
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nitebitarchive · 3 years
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Send me a __ and I’ll describe an original NPC or unclaimed character who:
@sacrillege​ said:   ∞   will always be remembered
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meet nick winters.                       the youngest test subject at the facility.  an eleven year old boy whom bunny grew very attached to.  all of the rooms they were kept in were next to each other making it easy for them to talk amongst each other.  he was very scared and very lonely.  he was taken from outside of his house and brought to the facility in hopes that a younger human would take to the experimentation better than an older one.  it didn’t.  his body couldn’t take the trauma and the experiments and he died alone in his cell.  bunny’s biggest regret is not being able to save him,  like she promised him she would. 
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undeathly · 4 years
moon   shon   upon   ENGRAVED   EPITAPHS   ,   sorrowful   words   for   sorrowful   souls   .   yet   molly   found   an   unnerving   peace   along   with   it   as   she   read   the   words   inscribed   .   perhaps   hope   ,   even   .   were   there   others   like   her?   others   who   walked   around   with   formaldehyde   blood   and   sewed   together   limbs?   a   thought   she'd   seldom   speak   on   ;   she   felt   it   was   almost   laughable   that   there'd   be   another   tragic   soul   with   those   same   circumstances   .   
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wildflowers   carefully   lay   upon   the   granite   as   a   cold   hand   arranges   them   to   her   liking   ,   spare   hand   tending   to   long   red   tresses   obscuring   her   vision   ,   tucking   them   behind   her   ear   before   seeing   someone   in   the   corner   of   icy   blues   .      ❛      i   thought   i   was   THE   ONLY   ONE   in   this   area   who   crept   around   graveyards   at   3am   .      ❜     @sacrillege​   /   sc.
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peachcut · 4 years
@sacrillege​ liked for a starter!
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              ❛ hey...  ❜   she’s baring a sheepish grin, head popping around the door like a small child up past their bedtime. there was still a part of her that treads on eggshells around lenore, but she can’t help but come back to her.   ❛ can i st---ay? just for a l-..little while. you won’t kn-...know i’m here. ❜ 
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lumenari · 4 years
❛ the only good thing is that i’m getting used to suffering. ❜  /  @sacrillege
   she raised one perfectly shaped brow. she wasn’t sure if one ever really got used to suffering. there are things in her head that have been there for a million years, and she’s not certain if it were any easier today than it was on the first day. they were lies one told themselves to try and make it easier. lucifer was an expert at that herself.
   ❛ is that a good thing? ❜  she mused, looking from lenore to her own painted nailed, inspecting for chips.  ❛ or do you just tell yourself that? ❜
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fuckingcircles · 4 years
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@sacrillege​ said    “ almost dead yesterday , maybe dead tomorrow , but alive , gloriously alive , today . ”
       “ i don’t know if i’d call it fucking glorious . . .” words trail off as he lingers behind her. they’ve been on the run for weeks now and it was starting to catch up to the pair. sure. they were both supernatural beings, but even they had their limits. aching bones and black eyes did nothing but accentuate the exhaustion that was sinking into hayden’s very existence. it wasn’t anything new though it had been an arguably long time since the last long-term ‘disappearance’ he’s had to make. “ but i guess though are realistic enough expectations. ” he stopped in his tracks. “ do you know what a demon dog is? ”
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unpossession · 4 years
@sacrillege​ requested a starter.
There  is  no  good  day  to  use  public  transport.     But Willow hates Saturdays. Weekend shoppers bring out some violent, feral side of her anxiety that makes her want to both attack and hide. She’s just about made it off the packed out train, needling her way through the crowds of people before she finally has to break away from the flock of people on their way to ruin a sales assistant’s day and take a breath at the side of the road.                  [ crowds suck. she’s been clutching her handbag so tight that her fingers feel numb and her legs are shaking, heart pounding from the way that creep sitting opposite her was looking at her legs while she waited for the next stop ] 
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Willow just has to remind herself to take a few deep breaths, and so decides to take her phone out and check (for the 50th time) that she isn’t going to be late for work today. It’s here, already at the end of her journey, that she realises it’s actually Sunday.             She doesn’t work on Sundays.
       “I hate it here.”     She’s talking to herself, mostly, but anyone else within earshot is more than welcome to confirm that they hate it just as much as her.
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undoctrine · 3 years
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@sacrillege​   sent    →       " wait a minute, you're blaming me?! "
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HER  WORDS  ONLY  EARN  A  HUFF.          Somewhere between amusement and disbelief as he raises his hand to his mouth, wiping away blood with the pad of his thumb. Despite the pain that radiates through his jaw, he feels alive. He leans away from her, spitting out the blood that has pooled in his mouth out onto the ground. A few more minutes, and that will stop. His eyes draw around their surroundings; unconscious bodies fallen across the ground, one beginning to stir to her left.       Ben only takes a step past her, the bottom of boot coming out to strike the stranger square in the nose.            “Yeah, yeah, I am. I --- I’m not the one who started a, like, full blown bar brawl. That --- that was you, dude.”         Despite the gruffness of his tone, he still turns to her with a hint of a smile on his face.
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