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lipstickandbubblegum-blog · 4 years ago
2021: Fresh Start, Phase One.
2021: Fresh Start, Phase One.
“The Best is Yet to Come.”Whether you’re in good times and think to yourself, “Life can’t possibly get any better: remember this. Whether you’re in bad times and wonder if it will ever be good again: remember this. A quick Google brings up a lot of sources for this quote. I was under the impression it was a biblical one, however, it doesn’t really matter. The original name for this post was ”…
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dokbiohacker · 4 years ago
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Start reprogramming your brain, your thought’s flow Riprogramma il cervello, riprogramma il flusso dei tuoi pensieri #choomba Affrontare #problemi è quotidianità. E’ il come li affronti che fa la differenza! Noi #biohacker riprogrammiamo il flusso dei pensieri, riscriviamo il codice per affrontare i problemi inevitabili nel miglior modo possibile. Il problema non è il problema, è il tuo atteggiamento verso il problema! Questa semplice riga di codice dal pirata J.Sparrow ti pone al centro e ti indica la via che il flusso dei pensieri deve avere. Se un problema ha una soluzione, è sulla soluzione che devi concentrarti. Se non ha soluzioni, non è un problema, è un dato di fatto e devi imparare a conviverci al meglio delle tue possibilità. Riprogrammatevi amici #biohacker , la rivoluzione biotecno olistica parte da qui! Star your own Biotech Holistic Revolution . . . #gohack #biohack #loveyourself #hackyourself #biohackeritalia #benessere #wellness #lifestyle #lifecoach #revolution #rinnovamento #dokbiohacker #biotechholisticrevolution #sudo #brain (presso Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/COPenbqAlpV/?igshid=m209re5q4892
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mrjavitos117 · 5 years ago
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Aquí y ahora. Se consciente. Lucha por lo que crees. Hasta la muerte. Hasta el final de todas tus herramientas, experiencias, energias, recursos, leyes, religión y normas. Como si fuese tu destino. Tú lo has creado. Todo tu tiempo está en ello. Toda tu vida. Todo tu ego. Make a choice, make a difference. #reflexion #mindfullness #future #lifestyle #habits #health #power #feelings #meditation #hackyourself #fuckitiwinthistime #webrand (en MyWorld) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WfVwoIvpd/?igshid=vmum35s40gmr
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isaacschweitzer · 6 years ago
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I have caught myself on alot of these, I struggle with it everyday. Keep pushing forward! Progress, not perfection!😉 #livewellbewell #livewelleatwell #assessment #selfassessment #youreawesome #mentoryourself #growthmindset🌱 #hackyourbrain #hackyourself (at Hermitage, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBK6bnFr3B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xj3uyxoci3tv
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ramizasblog · 4 years ago
Как стимулировать выработку                                 гормона роста 
Голод и физические упражнения стимулируют выработку гормона роста
ЛОНДОН, 30 января. Голодание стимулирует производство гормона роста, считают британские исследователи.
��ак сообщает Kedem.ru, интенсивные физические упражнения в сочетании с периодическим голоданием (12-24 часа) дают гораздо больший эффект, чем при регулярном питании. Физические нагрузки и недостаток пищи – это те условия, в которых тело человека эволюционировало на протяжении многих тысяч лет.
Их воспроизведение в современной жизни положительно скажется на нашей физической форме: вырабатывается больше гормона роста (ускоряется метаболизм, рост мышц и процесс обновления клеток), снижается вредное воздействие на организм внешних стрессов.  
Ученые установили, что гормон роста вырабатывается в ответ на накопление в мышцах молочной кислоты, что происходит при длительных нагрузках и усиливается при ограничениях в питании.  
Соматотропин (гормон роста и сжигания жира) — еще один немаловажный гормон, 70% которого вырабатывается именно во время сна, пик его выработки происходит в те же интервалы, что и у мелатонина: приблизительно с полуночи до 2–3 часов. Именно он помогает эффективно сжигать жир и худеть во сне.
           *Физические упражнения и тренировки*
Абсолютно точно доказанно, что регулярные тренировку увеличивают естественный синтез гормона роста. Так что ходите вы на пробежку с утра или 2–3 раза в неделю в зал, это положительно скажется на вашей выработке гормона роста.
          ✧Контрастный душ✧
Придавая организм стрессу мы включаем защитную реакцию, чем укрепляем иммунитет и увеличиваем устойчивость к холоду. Но также после контрастного душа происходит усиленная выработка гормона роста. Так что начать уже можно прямо сегодня, постепенно увеличивая время под холодной водой. Например для начала подойдёт 20 секунд горячего душа на 5 секунд холодного(новичкам можно включать даже не полностью ледяную) и дальше уже увеличивать нагрузку.
Чтобы повысить выработку гормона роста надо употреблять достаточно нежирной белковой пищи(творог, куриное мясо и т.п.), продуктов богатых омега 3 жирными кислотами, таких как рыба или авокадо. Ещё на выработке положительно сказывается отказ от сахара и сладких продуктов, к слову это благотворно повлияет на вашу фигуру.
Питание Сайтhttps://medium.com/@hackyourself/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D1%83%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BA%D1%83-%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0-b62d2fc20dac
Влияние солнца https://www.emcclinic.ru/newspapers/6/solnce-drug-ili-vrag 
https://ru.siberianhealth.com/ru/blogs/zdorove/7-prichin-chashche-byvat-na-solntse-pochemu-eto-polezno/ 7 ПРИЧИН ЧАЩЕ БЫВАТЬ НА СОЛНЦЕ: ПОЧЕМУ ЭТО ПОЛЕЗНО?
Источник: PRO Wellness блог
Читайте подробнее на: https://ru.siberianhealth.com/ru/blogs/zdorove/7-prichin-chashche-byvat-na-solntse-pochemu-eto-polezno/#:~:text=%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BA%D1%83%20%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B0%2C%20%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82,%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8F%2C%20%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B4%D0%B0%20%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B5%20%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%81%D1%8F.
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bwellbhappy · 7 years ago
Freedom, for me, has a number of meanings. One is free access to performance, due to desire, intellectual understanding, conditioning, and healthy tissue. Super happy that all my efforts to manage pain and fascial adhesions are paying off. Thanks to my team: Kiko, Ashley S, Lisa R, Teresa, Ashley Black, Dr. Matt, Shaun T, Dave Asprey, Mark Sisson, Weston A. Price foundation, & husband. #teamyogidoc #hackyourself #painfree #fasciablaster #elevated #hotmixyoga @insanity #GSG #freedomisringing (at Hot Mix Yoga)
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gerrysancheztribe · 4 years ago
@timeisyourgun @timeisthetiger @timeforchangee @timeformetolive @inspire-the-next @inspireyourdreams @inspireyourselfbyinspireothers @inspireyourlives @hackyourself-blog @hackyourwellness @hackyourheartout-blog @hackyourownbrain @anxietyproblem @anxiousindie @anxietydisorderconfessions @anxietyismycuppatea @anxietydisorderprobs @lifeismymiracle @lifeisstrange-theories @moneypowerglory @youthcub @youthfawn @youngforevergirls @relax @chill-4-life @chillanimebeats @chill @humansofnewyork @humanitys-greatest-soldier @gsodree @gerrysanchezphotography @potencialidades @potencialencontrado @humanoscomo-tu @realityofhealthy @truth @truth-has-a-liberal-bias
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avantgardesavage · 6 years ago
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Practice makes perfect. Even when it is imaginary. Visualizing yourself competing or delivering a great speech, seem like wishful thinking advice. They seem to be something out of The Law of Attraction: ‘if you want it hard enough, the universe will give it to you’. Science so far points quite clearly in the direction that the universe does not exist to provide you with anything. Rather the universe does not care one way or another about you. Yet visualizing is scientifically improves performance. Alex Honnold used it to climb 1 km+ sheer vertical wall in Free Solo where the slightest mistake was death. It is used by world class athletes, like Michael Phelps, almost all top actors, presenters, musicians, comedians, great performers. I have used it to become a better moderator, presenter, coach, athlete. It can improve virtually anything that entails performing under pressure. Your brain cannot really tell the difference between imagination and reality. Neuroscience now sees the brain’s reality is just an imagination that keep being supported by outside information. You can use this to train your mind effectively, for example to overcome fear like in one of the previous BetterLife techniques. To improve performance, you can rehearse said performance in your mind. It has the effect of a less intense trail-run. It’s like being able to repeat it without the associated costs. You effectively entrench the patterns of neuron activation for the actions involved in said activity. Through enough and in-depth visualization, one can even instill the millions of actions necessary for something like climbing the biggest cliff wall in the world. The trick is to do it many times and in detail. It is to see every step, every action with your mind’s eye. Then when you have to perform, even if it is one shot, it will be like you already it hundreds of times. Visualize a thousand times to perform perfect the first time. #avantgardesavage #changeguide #visualization #self #betterme #betterlife #personalgrowth #hackyourself #selfhacked #selfhelped #stronger #better #faster #improvemyself #entrepreneur #performer #performance #topperformers #selftrain #betterme #gogetter #self — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2O8ctQX
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chiseld · 8 years ago
ughhhhh I am so tirrrrrrrred
long story short, the nine-to-five has been really wearing me down lately, I’m working more overtime than ever before and every other thing in my life is falling by the wayside. I’ve also been doing a bunch of things for other people outside of work so my personal life is all but non-existent.
That said, I’ve still been getting in a little programming almost every day! This week I was cat-sitting for my friend S who started learning to code at the same time as me, and when she came over tonight to pick up her kitty and take him home she was telling me about a meetup this coming Tuesday organized by “Women Who Code” and centered around the topic of “Closing the Gender Gap”. She’s going to go, and I think I might come along. It’s awesome to have a coding buddy :)
Tonight I returned to the “Practical JavaScript” course because for once my internet was functional enough to watch short videos (I can never predict when it’s suddenly going to behave again... UGH I can’t wait for Google Fiber!), and it was amazing how much deeper my understanding is of the earlier lessons after spending some time jumping around between other resources.
“Theory of Learning” time: many people suggest that when self-teaching, you should pick a single resource and stick to it until you’ve completed it. If that works for you, great. For me personally, though, it’s always been much more effective to have multiple resources at hand and jump around between them, pushing a little ways forward into new territory in one, then switching to another and covering that same territory over again, perhaps introducing one or two new concepts along the way, then doing it again from a third angle and a new resource... in that way I really solidify my knowledge and build a firm and flexible foundation for moving forward.
It feels good to be constantly discovering more and more about how my own brain works... #HackYourSelf
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luisfelipemr · 7 years ago
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Art x Ten Ten . . . . . . . . . #TenTen #1010 @1010zzz #Graffiti #GraffitiArt #Art #Arte #ContemporaryArt #ArteContemporaneo #PopArt #ArtePop #Instagood #Instagraffiti #GraffitiArt #GraffitiArtist #SreetArt #3DArt #Muralista #UrbanArt #germanart #germanartist #hamburgart #hamburgartist #polandartist #germany #poland #SprayEveryday #HackYourself #10101010101010101010 (at Miami, Florida)
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travelerboy69 · 8 years ago
In this video you can find a lot of fashion and hairstyle life hacks, best life hacks for 2016 to category hairstyle. You must know it, this video is HD. Enjoy it.
For the trip guide information, you can click this link: http://bit.ly/trip-guide-free
Like our fanspage: https://www.facebook.com/travelerboy69/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/travelerboy69/ See our beutiful Instagram: https://instagram.com/travelerboy69
Thanks to all visitor :)
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nichtdersoziologe · 8 years ago
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fuialiserfelizenaovolto · 9 years ago
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Por que não sonhar com prazo, passo-a-passo e cronograma de ações? Se já faz isso pelo sonhos dos outros porque não fazer o mesmo com a pessoa mais importante do mundo: VOCÊ. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Até quando você se sente capaz de ter um trabalho mais ou menos, um corpo mais ou menos, um parceiro(a) mais ou menos, uma casa mais ou menos, um caso mais ou menos? Até quando você vai se contentar em viver uma vida mais ou menos? ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Eu falo aos meus coachees que querer o melhor e dar a si o melhor, ao contrário do que diz o senso comum, não é egoísmo. É amor próprio. Quanto melhor nos tratarmos melhores seremos para o mundo à nossa volta. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️���️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Você sabe o que quer? Do que precisa para fazer desse ano o ano mais incrível da sua vida? Tire um tempo pra você. Para sentir. Para pensar. Para pensar. Para condicionar sua mente e o seu corpo para trabalhar em harmonia. Em 2016 esteja consigo. Planeje-se e prepare-se para ter a vida que sempre sonhou. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ #fuialiviveromelhoranodavida #transformadoresderealidade #autoconhecimento #desenvolvimentopessoal #coaching #lifecoach #selfdevelopment #crieoquevoceama #suamelhorversao #hackyourself #lulobo #fuiali #fuialiserfelizenaovolto #vamosjuntos 🙌🏽🏍 (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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nervousfiller-blog · 9 years ago
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jactec · 9 years ago
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#Repost @fuialiserfelizenaovolto with @repostapp. ・・・ Desde muito cedo aprendemos a firmar nossas percepções e ações naquilo que esperam de nós e não naquilo que tem significado. No afã de agradar, desenvolvemos a SUPERFICIALIDADE. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Quando apoiamos nossas ações em percepções superficiais. Deixamos de perceber a verdade dos sentimentos que se encontram escondidos sob o véu das aparências. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 O hábito da superficialidade é confortante e tranquilizador pois ele nos distrai de nossas deficiências. De fingimento em fingimento vamos mantendo a pose, damos a entender que somos pessoas ocupadas e bem sucedidas e que está tudo sob controle. Será mesmo!? 😏🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Na superfície, nossos sentimentos e potencialidades permanecem soterrados por debaixo dos jogos de interesse e de manipulações sutis; abafados pelo peso do descontentamento e da incapacidade de experimentar bem estar. Não raro, até mesmo quando sentimos alegria e prazer eles vêm acompanhados de culpa ou ansiedade. Qual a graça de se viver assim?! 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Mas nós só vivemos vidas superficiais se ESCOLHERMOS ignorar 🙈nossa verdadeira natureza✨ e calar 😷os nossos corações 💖. Quando somos autênticos e honestos conosco👤 e com os outros 👥, a luz 💡da verdade traz clareza🔦🔍 para nossas percepções e ações. Nós conseguimos ir além. Essa clareza traz firmeza 🙏e nos faz mais fortes 💪, mesmo quando o resto do mundo parece desabar. 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 #avidaehcurta #paraserrasa #aprofundese #verdadessinceras #meinteressam #escolhaserfeliz #sodependedevc #hackyourself #sejaautentico #honestidade #sejavoce #fuialiserfelizenaovolto 🚲 #vemcomigo
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bodyofyours · 11 years ago
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Thanks for the selfies Shawn #roommate #didntseethiscomingdidyou #hackyourself #cute
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