#habby birtdoy
dbphantom · 2 years
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it’s my birtdoy but i have a present for YOU
it’s ffxv H2O au as images found on tumblr... 4! [3]
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ravetillyoucry · 6 months
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(this my borrower @a-littol-guy)
OMG YAY!! My ask notifications just haven’t been working But thank you for the birthday treat ❤️
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egglands-worst · 3 years
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Lupik this is the best thing i have ever seen oh my goodness
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melesor · 5 years
hey I survived another year! 🎉🎂
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chowtrolls · 2 years
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habby early birtdoy !!!!!! @cherrytrolls
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fauvester · 3 years
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habby birtdoy @doodlehistory the real BNCA we need
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rukafais · 3 years
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roboraindrop · 3 years
HABBY BIRTDOY RAIN!!! I know we haven't talked much recently but I hope you (and Dick!!) have a lovely day!!! <3
Aaaaaa Sci I've missed you so much!! I hope you're doing well! 💕 Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!! I hope your day is lovely too!!
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amicicidalgambler · 4 years
habby birtdoy to ME
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bsdlovinghours · 4 years
Habby birtdoy
Thank you so very much!
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transpeterafterdark · 5 years
Habby Birtdoi!
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hazardsoflove · 5 years
habby birtdoy!
thank u!!! :’)
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ladybugastronaut · 6 years
Habby Birtdoy, Jordan!!
@not-so-innocent-bi-sander was borthed today a million years ago and so i wrote this for her because i lov her (:
whats a tag list? i aint ever heard of her lmao
Tonight was game night. That meant pizza, popcorn, and plenty of video games.
Virgil and Roman had been dating steadily for several years, now. It was a tradition, now, that they would set aside all plans every Sunday and spend the entire day dedicated to them. Just them.
They supposed it wasn’t officially a day to play video games, but it often led there one way or another. Roman Sander’s living room always ended up filled with the sounds of competitive jabs and hearty, victorious laughter. While cuddling was sweet, and watching movies wasn’t unpleasant, nothing solidified their bond more than Roman breaking Virgil’s winning streak after having his ass handed to him in Mario Kart for the fourth time in a row.
“Ha ha! Take that, Jolly Green Giant!” Roman cheered, standing up from the couch after narrowly dodging the blue shell that hit his boyfriend and secured his victory. He tossed the controller to the couch and strutted off to the kitchen with his empty glass and bare plate. “I am victorious!” He shouted over his shoulder, earning nothing more than an amused eye roll from his competitor.
“Nice job, shrimp. Glad to see you raised your win percentage from 0 to 20,” Virgil chuckled, hauling himself up from the cushions and following Roman with his own plate in hand. He swooped in and pressed a kiss to his cheek as he grabbed another slice of pizza, smirking at the dramatic frustration he’d instigated. He knew what would make this better though. “Wanna play Splatoon?” He glanced over his shoulder as he cracked open the Faygo and poured himself another glass.
Roman’s eyes lit up as he spun around, something mischievous glinting in them. “Oh, yes! Yes yes yes, I’ll go set up the other TV.” He rushed away, food left behind as he scurried to grab the tiny monitor in the corner of the room and hook it up next to the sofa. Virgil might have been the best at Mario Kart, but Roman absolutely dominated Splatoon. At least, this is what Virgil assumed was the reason he’d gotten so excited.
When he came back to the living room, he was confronted with half of the furniture shifted, making it so that the main television was facing one arm of the couch, while the little one was on the other side facing the other. This way, their backs would be to each other while they played. This wasn’t… what they usually did…? Frowning in confusion, he set his food down on the coffee table and moved to help Roman drag the larger monitor the rest of the way.
“Uh… whatcha doin…?”
“Oh, I want to try a game mode with you!” Roman began to explain, huffing as he pulled away and let his *much* larger boyfriend deal with the rest of the heavy lifting (though they both knew he was no better suited for it than the other). “I saw people playing hide and seek, where one person inks around the map and hides somewhere and then the other person has to go find and splat them. I figured we could try it?”
Virgil shrugged, grunting as he finally got the television in place, the cord precariously taut. One of them was going to trip over that. And it was going to be him. “I guess so.”
Roman clapped his hands excitedly, jumping onto the couch and starting up the console for the smaller screen. “Okay okay, I’m gonna set it up, just go ahead and wait for me in the friend’s lounge.” He grinned brightly as he rushed through the menus as fast as he could manage, sitting with his legs pulled together crisscross-applesauce style. “I’m gonna hide first, okay?”
Virgil shrugged again, taking his seat on the other cushion. “Sure.” He had to admit, this wasn’t going to be a great position to sit in. He was tall and his back was prone to aching. He hoped Roman didn’t mind if he leaned back against him, because he was definitely going to.
 Not much later, the pair were seated in a lobby, Roman picking the map with the largest flat area to ink. “… Shouldn’t we pick one with more hiding spots?” Virgil asked over his shoulder.
“Nah, this one’s perfect.”
“If you say so…”
Roman shifted excitedly as they entered the stage, leaning forward eagerly and ready to race the clock. “Alright, turn your camera around, wait 60 seconds, and then start looking.”
They were silent for a while in concentration, but fifteen seconds into the round, Roman began to monologue. “You know, Virge… I’m so happy you’re in my life,” he laughed gently, nudging the man behind him with his shoulder as he carefully inked the ground. “The day you walked into that bar and saved me, ha! I’d never be the same. I couldn’t imagine a world without you, Bean pole.” Virgil raised an eyebrow, feeling the temptation to turn over his shoulder and ask where this came from, but he let him continue. “You’re the most important thing in the universe, to me. You make me happier than I could have ever been alone…” He paused for a moment as he inked a particular patch on the ground. “I don’t think I could ever let you go. And as the great Beyoncé says…” One last splash of ink and he set his controller down. “… If you like it, you should put a ring on it.”
Virgil’s heart skipped a beat.
Smiling gently, Roman pulled a small box from his pocket. “Look at the map.”
Virgil felt tears rising in his eyes as he pressed x, shaking hands dropping the controller to his lap as he read the words Roman had painted for him.
“Will you marry me?”
He looked to his left and saw his tiny robust pebble on one knee, eyes glistening as he held out the engagement band to his boyfriend. “So… will you?”
Virgil couldn’t find the right words. Nothing, absolutely nothing would be able to express just how much he was in love with this man. He choked out a sob and nodded, immediately scooting off the couch and wrapping his now-fiancé in the tightest hug he’d ever given him.
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egglands-worst · 3 years
Happy Birthday dude!!! Here’s your government assigned Birthday Gaster:
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HE!! A skeleton!! :D oh i am incredibly delighted, thank you so much :DDDDD
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challahbread · 2 years
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pastrytown · 3 years
Habby Birtdoy to the birthday boy!
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