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Sandy got out, but ended up in a derelict ship! It had uhh, monster? Oh, they're called fog beast. Apparently outside the ship is all space fog and demons! Sandy can't be taken out by such weak monsters, she robust!
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Sandy bought a bit ship! For uhh, organ harvesting! And a crew too! Was gonna go talk to them, but fell into another portal! Same universe, she think, but she fell and bounced off a big bomb. She tried the door, but it was locked! Let out! Let out! Let out!
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Miss sandy with that rain nonsense.
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Sandy got the chance to visit her home universe! All her friends were there waiting to greet her on the station! It was really nice. :>
(I spent so long making those skrunkles for the people on my space station 13/14 server.)
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Oh, napoleon, we really in it now.
Sandy stuck with the guy, napoleon was his name, for a bunch of fights, but then, he lost one, and so we went back, and they sent him to retirement island prison! Sandy didn't want him to feel lonely, so she spent a few years hanging out on the island. Luckily cats have 9 lives, and sandy so many more than that.
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Oh no, sandy got off at the wrong train stop.
*starts blastin*
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Sandy decided that that last world was a bit too icky. And her face hurts. So she went somewhere else! Upon arrival, she was given a sword, a horse, and a cute hat! They said we were gonna go meet On a field or something. Anyway, sandy stuck next to this short guy, and he's really good at planning a fight! Sandy got promoted to uhh... something! She doesn't speak french.
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Ack! Sandy caught! Oh no! Quick! Uhhh, sword!
Ouchies :<
Sandy safe, but unhappy
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We found a train station, and here sandy has to say goodbye to new friends, sadly. But they're gonna go start a traveling food truck together, but sandy is banned from cooking, so it's goodbye for now! With a sad farewell, she hops on the train to new adventures!
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Hmm, this doesn't look right. Sandy and friends have wandered into a battle it seems. Luckily no one's attacking sandy and crew, too busy fighting each other. Sandy tried to ask a marine guy why they fighting, he ran screaming. It okay though, well find our way out!
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We got lost... But we found a dog! It was mean at first, but gift of rat was enough to make it friendly! It likes head pats. As we were leaving it followed! New friend! Sandy named him Squiggles. Cmon Vort, Maurice, Squiggles. We're close! Sandy can feel it! A good feeling about this!
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Another new friend! They said their name is uhh, vort... uhh, Vort! Sandy asked if they wanna come with on the quest for the exit, and they said yeah!
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Welp. That went badly, good news! Sandy has a pet now! She's named him Maruice! He likes hugs.
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Uh oh! Time to go! Experiment a failure! Get out of there sandy! It gonna blow!
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Sandy got invited to try science! They asked if sandy knew trandimensional theory, and sandy said she'd been all over the dimensions! Anyway, time to experiment!
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Sandy arrived somewhere new! And these cool looking people said they were going on an adventure! They let sandy join them too! Wait. Why is she in the front? Frontline damage dealer? Wha? What is that!?!
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Sandy met a snake! He taught sandy about engravings and camo. Said sandy had bad camo, but no one's seen her yet!
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